Travel Mapping

Tracking Cumulative Travels

Travel Mapping Highway Data Updates

Quick links: [Highway System Status Changes][Updates to Highway Data in Active Systems].

Highway System Status Changes [Show Entries]

DateCountry/RegionSystem CodeSystem DescriptionNew Status
2024-08-29(USA) New YorkusanypNew York Parkwaysactive
2024-08-28(Australia) TasmaniaaustascTasmania C Roadsactive
2024-08-25ThailandtharrThailand Rural Roads (incomplete)preview
2024-08-04Austriaautl38Lower Austria Landesstraßen L 8000spreview
2024-07-24ThailandthasfThailand Select Freewayspreview
2024-07-21ChinachngdGuangdong Provincal Expresswayspreview
2024-07-16Austriaautl37Lower Austria Landesstraßen L 7000spreview
2024-07-15ThailandthamThailand Motorwayspreview
2024-07-15ThailandthaexatExpressway Authority of Thailandpreview
2024-07-15ThailandthatpThailand Thangluang Phaendin (incomplete)preview

Updates to Highway Data in Active Systems [Show Entries]

DateRegionRouteFile RootDescription
2024-10-02(USA) MontanaSR 482mt.sr482Route truncated to Hammer Cutoff Rd. at the south end per signage.
2024-10-02(USA) North CarolinaI-42nc.i042Added route - addition to US 70 in Garner area
2024-10-02(USA) North CarolinaI-42 Goldsboronc.i042golAdded route - addition to US 70 Byp Goldsboro
2024-10-02(USA) North CarolinaNC 295nc.nc295route extended both directions to be from exits 1 to 7
2024-10-02(USA) North CarolinaNC 540nc.nc540route extended as new freeway to I-40
2024-10-02(USA) VirginiaUS 58va.us058rerouted onto new alignment west of Damascus - new routing is between OldJSHwy and SR 711
2024-10-01PolandDK53pol.dk053Route extended at south end from DW760 (formerly DW61) to DK60/61
2024-10-01PolandDK61pol.dk061Route truncated at north end from DK53 to DK53/60 (old route now DK53)
2024-10-01PolandDK61pol.dk061Route extended at north end from DK53/60 to S8 exit 80
2024-10-01PolandDK61 (Łomża)(NONE)Route deleted
2024-10-01PolandDK63pol.dk063Route removed off former DK61/DK63 and relocated onto S61 between S61 exits 5 and 8
2024-10-01PolandDW760 (Łomża)pol.dw760lomRoute added
2024-10-01PolandE67pol.e67Route removed off former DK61/DK63 and relocated onto S61 between S61 exits 5 and 8
2024-10-01PolandS61pol.s061Route extended at south end from exit 8 to exit 1
2024-10-01PolandS61 (Łomża)pol.s061Route deleted (merged into main route)
2024-09-30(UK) EnglandA41 (London)eng.a0041lonRoute removed from Akeman Street and relocated on road alongside HS2 and bridge over HS2 between HS2 Works Compound and Waddesdon Hill
2024-09-30IndonesiaT9 (Java)idn.t009Route extended at west end from exit 16 to exit 22
2024-09-27(USA) MassachusettsMA 111ma.ma111Removed from MA 225 & MA 119 and relocated onto Elm St. This is only a correction to Travel Mapping's data, and does not reflect an actual change in routing.
2024-09-25(France) CorsicaD72fracor.d072Route added
2024-09-25(USA) ConnecticutCT 25ct.ct025Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.