Travel Mapping

Tracking Cumulative Travels

Travel Mapping Highway Data Datacheck Errors

Quick links: [Errors in Active Systems] [Errors in Preview Systems] [Errors in In-Dev Systems] [Manual]

See also the [Log of Unmatched FPs from datacheckfps.csv]. Cleaning these up are low priority tasks for the project. Some of these are likely fixable from the information in the [Log of Near-Match FPs from datacheckfps.csv].

Errors in Active Systems (not FPs)

These errors should be corrected, or reported as false positives by adding the entry from the last column to the datacheck FP list as soon as possible. Ideally, this list should always be empty.

RouteWaypointsErrorInfoFP Entry to Submit

Errors in Preview Systems (not FPs)

These errors should be corrected, or reported as false positives by adding the entry from the last column to the datacheck FP list during the final review process to promote a highway system from 'preview' to 'active'. A highway system should have no entries here before activation. Errors shown in red potentially effect travelers and should be fixed as soon as possible, while others can wait until final preparation for system activation.

RouteWaypointsErrorInfoFP Entry to Submit
chncq.g85ShiRdDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnsn.g85han@S211_MinThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngd.g0421GD/HNDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhb.g0421@G42This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngs.g3011G215DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngs.g3011tua@G215This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngs.g3011tuaG215DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngs.g3011@G215This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngs.g75G212_NDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngs.g75lan@S14_EThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngs.g75lanS14_EDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngs.g75@G212_NThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngx.g78G75DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngx.g78bai@G80This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngx.g78baiG80DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngx.g78@G75This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngz.g76GX/GZDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhn.g76@HN/GXThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chngz.g78GZ/YNDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnyn.g78quj@G324_ZhaEThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhb.g0421G42DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngd.g0421@GD/HNThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhb.g4213S207DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnsn.g4213@HB/SNThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhb.g59G209DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnsx.g59@G20This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhe.g07S10DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnnm.g07@SX/NMThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhl.g10G301_HarDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhl.g10daq@G202/G301This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhl.g10daqG202/G301DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhl.g10@G301_HarThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnhn.g76HN/GXDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngz.g76@GX/GZThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnnm.g07SX/NMDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhe.g07@S10This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnnm.g16G303DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnnm.g16xil@S105This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnnm.g16xilS105DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnnm.g16@G303This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnnm.g59NM/SXDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnsx.g59@S50This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnsn.g4213HB/SNDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhb.g4213@S207This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnsn.g85BaoRingExpyDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnsn.g85han@G7011This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnsn.g85hanG7011DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnsn.g85@BaoRingExpyThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnsn.g85hanS211_MinDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchncq.g85@ShiRdThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnsx.g59G20DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnhb.g59@G209This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnsx.g59S50DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnnm.g59@NM/SXThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnyn.g78G326DISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnyn.g78quj@ZiwuRdThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnyn.g78qujG324_ZhaEDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchngz.g78@GZ/YNThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
chnyn.g78qujZiwuRdDISCONNECTED_ROUTEchnyn.g78@G326This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
hnd.ca07CA5DISCONNECTED_ROUTEslv.ca07@MOR14This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
slv.ca07MOR14DISCONNECTED_ROUTEhnd.ca07@CA5This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.

Errors in In-Development Systems (not FPs)

These errors should be corrected, or reported as false positives by adding the entry from the last column to the datacheck FP list before the highway system is promoted from 'devel' to 'preview'. Note: less severe errors, such as distance and angle errors can be left until final preparation for promotion to 'active'.

RouteWaypointsErrorInfoFP Entry to Submit
ar.tttrlAR37DISCONNECTED_ROUTEmo.tttrl@AR/MOThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indgj.nh048vadMA/GJDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindmh.nh048@MH/GJThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indhr.nh334ambHR/PBDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindup.nh334@NH34This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indkl.nh066ParKolRdDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindtn.nh066@TN/KLThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indmh.nh044amaMH/MPDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindtg.nh044@TG/MHThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indmh.nh048MH/GJDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindgj.nh048vad@MA/GJThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indmh.nh052MH/MPDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindrj.nh052@MP/RJThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indor.nh049OR/JHDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindwb.nh049@JH/WBThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indrj.nh052MP/RJDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindmh.nh052@MH/MPThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indtg.nh044TG/MHDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindmh.nh044ama@MH/MPThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indtn.nh066TN/KLDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindkl.nh066@ParKolRdThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indup.nh334NH34DISCONNECTED_ROUTEindhr.nh334amb@HR/PBThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
indwb.nh049JH/WBDISCONNECTED_ROUTEindor.nh049@OR/JHThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
mo.tttrlAR/MODISCONNECTED_ROUTEar.tttrl@AR37This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
ut.petrlI-84DISCONNECTED_ROUTEwy.petrl@UT/WYThis is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.
wy.petrlUT/WYDISCONNECTED_ROUTEut.petrl@I-84This is always a true error and cannot be marked false positive.