Log file created at: 2021-10-31 22:42:06.465302 RMA58.list last updated: 2020-12-04 21:55:06 -0500 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): CA CA1 LinWay Waypoint label 399A not found in line: CA CA128 CA29_S 399A Route updated 2021-02-09: CO US6 Route updated 2021-03-10: FL US92 Route updated 2021-03-28: GA US19 Route updated 2021-03-28: GA US41 Waypoint labels GA70 and GA154 not found in line: GA US129 GA70 GA154 Route updated 2021-03-28: GA GA3 Waypoint labels US29 and US27ALT_S not found in line: GA GA40 US29 US27Alt_S Route updated 2021-02-28: GA GA141 Route updated 2021-07-22: IA US61 Waypoint label I-80(141) not found in line: IA US65 I-80(142) I-80(141) Route updated 2021-05-20: IL US40 Route updated 2021-07-28: IN I-65 Route updated 2021-07-28: IN I-90 Route updated 2020-12-24: IN US31 Route updated 2020-12-24: KY US127 Route updated 2021-03-11: MA I-84 Route updated 2021-01-12: MA I-90 Route updated 2021-06-02: MA I-93 Route updated 2021-05-13: MA I-95 Waypoint label 35C not found in line: MA I-495 25 35C Route updated 2021-06-28: MA I-495 Route updated 2021-09-10: MA US5 Route updated 2021-05-21: MD US219 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): MD US13BusPocUS13_S US13_N Route updated 2021-03-14: MD MD79 Route updated 2021-04-11: MT I-90 Route updated 2020-12-27: MT US2 Route updated 2021-04-11: MT US212 Route updated 2021-04-11: MT US310 Unknown region/highway combo in line: MT US87BypWGr WireMillRd I-15BL_N Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: MT MT200 MT/ND MT/ND Route updated 2021-02-09: NC US15 Route updated 2021-03-20: NC US21 Route updated 2020-12-19: NC US64 Route updated 2021-08-30: NC US76 Route updated 2021-03-20: NC US311 Waypoint label US52(109) not found in line: NC US311 US52(109) US52(110B) Route updated 2021-02-05: NC US501 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): ND ND1 ND27 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): ND ND27 ND18 ND1 ND46 Route updated 2021-06-05: NE US30 Route updated 2021-07-15: NM US54 Waypoint label GEYNY13/392RD not found in line: NY NY50 I-87 GeyNY13/392Rd Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: NY NY129 NY9A NY9A Unknown region/highway combo in line: NY NY219 US9W US44/55 Route updated 2021-10-20: PA US322 Waypoint labels US30_W and US422BUS not found in line: PA US422 US30_W US422Bus Waypoint label EVERD not found in line: PA US522 EveRd I-70(168) Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): PA PA291 IslAve_N Route updated 2021-08-07: TN US411 Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: UT UT71 I-80 I-80 Note: deprecated route name ArcSceDr -> canonical name MainParkRd in line: UT ArcSceDr US191 DevGarCam Unknown region/highway combo in line: VA US211_W US340_N US211Bus Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): VA VA126 US13BusVA179 Waypoint label US14/151 not found in line: WI US18 I-39/90 US14/151 Route updated 2021-06-08: WI US18 Route updated 2021-07-05: WI US51 Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: WY US20BusDou US20_W US20_W Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): AB AB5 AkaPkwy AB6_S AB3 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): AB AB6 USA/CAN Route updated 2021-05-23: DEU-RP A64 Waypoint labels A69 and M6(42) not found in line: ENG A6 A69 M6(42) Waypoint label B1003 not found in line: ENG A15 B1003 A1 Route updated 2020-12-19: ENG A15 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): ENG A40 B4047 Waypoint labels A1M and A691 not found in line: ENG A181 A1M A691 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): ENG A619 A6191_W Route updated 2020-12-11: ENG A1307 Route updated 2021-06-08: FRA-OCC N100 Processed 1548 good lines marking 26181 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 40181.22 of 1158048.48 mi (3.47%) Overall in active+preview systems: 41031.06 of 1567775.85 mi (2.62%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AB: 272.26 of 9221.57 mi (2.95%), 272.26 of 18469.71 mi (1.47%) AL: 274.42 of 4474.64 mi (6.13%), 274.42 of 10943.31 mi (2.51%) AUT: 271.32 of 7225.88 mi (3.75%), 271.32 of 7226.12 mi (3.75%) AZ: 335.06 of 6377.69 mi (5.25%), 335.06 of 6482.60 mi (5.17%) BC: 251.47 of 7672.82 mi (3.28%), 251.47 of 7683.54 mi (3.27%) BEL: 70.58 of 8635.43 mi (0.82%), 70.58 of 8635.43 mi (0.82%) CA: 609.96 of 4796.85 mi (12.72%), 1356.58 of 16186.60 mi (8.38%) CHE: 143.77 of 4035.18 mi (3.56%), 143.77 of 4036.13 mi (3.56%) CO: 1547.40 of 9083.46 mi (17.04%), 1547.40 of 9083.46 mi (17.04%) CT: 273.58 of 3384.50 mi (8.08%), 273.58 of 3384.50 mi (8.08%) DC: 43.39 of 51.27 mi (84.63%), 43.39 of 51.27 mi (84.63%) DE: 306.03 of 1102.44 mi (27.76%), 306.03 of 1102.44 mi (27.76%) DEU-BW: 82.34 of 8968.15 mi (0.92%), 82.34 of 9016.60 mi (0.91%) DEU-BY: 266.11 of 13850.73 mi (1.92%), 334.27 of 13936.10 mi (2.40%) DEU-RP: 175.53 of 6358.80 mi (2.76%), 175.53 of 6358.80 mi (2.76%) ENG: 690.58 of 32768.35 mi (2.11%), 690.58 of 32819.76 mi (2.10%) FL: 1186.60 of 12190.14 mi (9.73%), 1186.60 of 12190.14 mi (9.73%) FRA-ARA: 144.28 of 1726.42 mi (8.36%), 144.28 of 28588.20 mi (0.50%) FRA-BFC: 176.10 of 1051.72 mi (16.74%), 176.10 of 19229.28 mi (0.92%) FRA-CVL: 11.89 of 850.08 mi (1.40%), 11.89 of 851.28 mi (1.40%) FRA-GES: 15.39 of 1481.97 mi (1.04%), 15.39 of 22680.99 mi (0.07%) FRA-HDF: 143.64 of 5202.94 mi (2.76%), 143.64 of 16126.45 mi (0.89%) FRA-IDF: 93.83 of 6293.37 mi (1.49%), 93.83 of 6295.41 mi (1.49%) FRA-OCC: 8.14 of 1445.88 mi (0.56%), 8.14 of 18713.68 mi (0.04%) FRA-PAC: 167.36 of 766.91 mi (21.82%), 167.36 of 8669.64 mi (1.93%) GA: 1823.55 of 17801.17 mi (10.24%), 1823.55 of 17806.68 mi (10.24%) GRC: 29.28 of 5958.04 mi (0.49%), 29.28 of 5958.04 mi (0.49%) IA: 463.50 of 9044.98 mi (5.12%), 463.50 of 9168.68 mi (5.06%) ID: 464.97 of 4878.55 mi (9.53%), 464.97 of 4878.55 mi (9.53%) IL: 800.55 of 13696.57 mi (5.84%), 800.55 of 13927.25 mi (5.75%) IN: 591.88 of 11261.95 mi (5.26%), 591.88 of 11261.95 mi (5.26%) ITA: 100.06 of 6355.70 mi (1.57%), 100.06 of 18889.83 mi (0.53%) KS: 460.66 of 10675.64 mi (4.32%), 460.66 of 10681.73 mi (4.31%) KY: 194.65 of 26248.48 mi (0.74%), 194.65 of 26248.48 mi (0.74%) LA: 45.87 of 16425.29 mi (0.28%), 45.87 of 16425.29 mi (0.28%) MA: 318.52 of 4326.99 mi (7.36%), 318.52 of 4330.47 mi (7.36%) MD: 3143.64 of 5202.26 mi (60.43%), 3143.64 of 5202.26 mi (60.43%) ME: 350.29 of 6364.13 mi (5.50%), 350.29 of 6364.13 mi (5.50%) MI: 735.64 of 9537.54 mi (7.71%), 735.64 of 9537.54 mi (7.71%) MN: 257.97 of 11810.70 mi (2.18%), 257.97 of 11810.70 mi (2.18%) MO: 477.69 of 13390.64 mi (3.57%), 479.70 of 13598.78 mi (3.53%) MS: 78.17 of 3634.96 mi (2.15%), 78.17 of 3634.96 mi (2.15%) MT: 1906.73 of 11301.63 mi (16.87%), 1906.73 of 11301.63 mi (16.87%) NC: 1453.35 of 15249.52 mi (9.53%), 1453.35 of 15249.52 mi (9.53%) ND: 471.05 of 7495.16 mi (6.28%), 471.05 of 7495.16 mi (6.28%) NE: 486.46 of 10083.17 mi (4.82%), 486.46 of 10084.48 mi (4.82%) NH: 68.34 of 3293.92 mi (2.07%), 68.34 of 3293.92 mi (2.07%) NJ: 933.51 of 2814.58 mi (33.17%), 933.51 of 2814.58 mi (33.17%) NM: 524.33 of 11234.14 mi (4.67%), 524.33 of 11337.56 mi (4.62%) NV: 132.27 of 5159.29 mi (2.56%), 132.27 of 5159.29 mi (2.56%) NY: 1539.49 of 15925.57 mi (9.67%), 1541.94 of 16020.15 mi (9.63%) OH: 690.05 of 19406.54 mi (3.56%), 690.05 of 19407.26 mi (3.56%) OK: 354.36 of 12906.92 mi (2.75%), 354.36 of 13009.38 mi (2.72%) OR: 923.88 of 7533.85 mi (12.26%), 954.49 of 7564.58 mi (12.62%) PA: 2411.31 of 17680.39 mi (13.64%), 2411.31 of 17680.39 mi (13.64%) RI: 43.15 of 832.89 mi (5.18%), 43.15 of 832.89 mi (5.18%) SC: 975.28 of 10279.75 mi (9.49%), 975.28 of 10279.75 mi (9.49%) SCT: 584.40 of 10852.78 mi (5.38%), 584.40 of 10941.44 mi (5.34%) SD: 680.55 of 7875.32 mi (8.64%), 680.55 of 7875.32 mi (8.64%) TN: 443.56 of 13895.07 mi (3.19%), 443.56 of 13895.07 mi (3.19%) TX: 182.42 of 32613.41 mi (0.56%), 182.42 of 32623.74 mi (0.56%) UT: 844.65 of 6028.45 mi (14.01%), 844.65 of 6028.45 mi (14.01%) VA: 3082.96 of 10439.09 mi (29.53%), 3082.96 of 10439.09 mi (29.53%) VT: 104.13 of 2866.10 mi (3.63%), 104.13 of 2866.10 mi (3.63%) WA: 317.99 of 7072.20 mi (4.50%), 317.99 of 7147.83 mi (4.45%) WI: 301.60 of 11758.37 mi (2.57%), 301.60 of 11758.37 mi (2.57%) WV: 720.26 of 5696.76 mi (12.64%), 720.26 of 5696.76 mi (12.64%) WY: 2107.20 of 6810.83 mi (30.94%), 2107.20 of 6810.83 mi (30.94%) System auta (active) overall: 5.81 of 1082.68 mi (0.54%) System auta by route (traveled routes only): A1 (West Autobahn): 5.81 of 181.83 mi (3.20%) (AUT A1 only) System auta connected routes traveled: 1 of 28 (3.6%), clinched: 0 of 28 (0.0%). System auts (active) overall: 38.70 of 314.64 mi (12.30%) System auts by route (traveled routes only): S16 (Arlberg Schnellstraße): 38.70 of 38.70 mi (100.00%) (AUT S16 only) System auts connected routes traveled: 1 of 15 (6.7%), clinched: 1 of 15 (6.7%). System autb (active) overall: 226.80 of 5830.53 mi (3.89%) System autb by route (traveled routes only): B107 (Großglockner Straße): 21.87 of 22.47 mi (97.37%) (AUT B107 only) B107a (Großglockner Straße Abzweigung Lienz): 1.07 of 1.07 mi (100.00%) (AUT B107a only) B108 (Felbertauern Straße): 16.87 of 16.87 mi (100.00%) (AUT B108 only) B150 (Salzburger Straße): 3.94 of 8.12 mi (48.59%) (AUT B150 only) B159 (Salzachtal Straße): 27.66 of 27.66 mi (100.00%) (AUT B159 only) B161 (Pass Thurn Straße): 20.35 of 20.35 mi (100.00%) (AUT B161 only) B164 (Hochkönig Straße): 0.34 of 43.45 mi (0.77%) (AUT B164 only) B170 (Brixentalstraße): 14.77 of 14.77 mi (100.00%) (AUT B170 only) B171 (Tiroler Straße): 92.30 of 101.42 mi (91.01%) (AUT B171 only) B178 (Loferer Straße): 3.37 of 40.40 mi (8.35%) (AUT B178 only) B311 (Pinzgauer Straße): 24.25 of 54.00 mi (44.92%) (AUT B311 only) System autb connected routes traveled: 11 of 278 (4.0%), clinched: 5 of 278 (1.8%). System bela (active) overall: 49.15 of 1027.39 mi (4.78%) System bela by route (traveled routes only): A8 ('La Hennuyère'): 47.87 of 47.87 mi (100.00%) (BEL A8 only) A201: 1.28 of 3.11 mi (41.14%) (BEL A201 only) System bela connected routes traveled: 2 of 28 (7.1%), clinched: 1 of 28 (3.6%). System belr (active) overall: 21.43 of 305.88 mi (7.00%) System belr by route (traveled routes only): R0: 21.43 of 47.08 mi (45.51%) (BEL R0 only) System belr connected routes traveled: 1 of 46 (2.2%), clinched: 0 of 46 (0.0%). System cantch (active) overall: 163.22 of 8208.21 mi (1.99%) System cantch by region: AB: 119.44 of 732.51 mi (16.31%) BC: 43.78 of 1339.22 mi (3.27%) MB: 0.00 of 524.84 mi (0.00%) NB: 0.00 of 357.93 mi (0.00%) NL: 0.00 of 562.62 mi (0.00%) NS: 0.00 of 270.59 mi (0.00%) ON: 0.00 of 2702.05 mi (0.00%) PE: 0.00 of 78.79 mi (0.00%) QC: 0.00 of 787.11 mi (0.00%) SK: 0.00 of 852.55 mi (0.00%) System cantch by route (traveled routes only): TCH ((Main)): 163.22 of 3880.48 mi (4.21%) BC TCHMai: 43.78 of 539.76 mi (8.11%) AB TCHMai: 119.44 of 335.35 mi (35.62%) System cantch connected routes traveled: 1 of 19 (5.3%), clinched: 0 of 19 (0.0%). System canab (active) overall: 272.26 of 9224.86 mi (2.95%) System canab by region: AB: 272.26 of 9219.57 mi (2.95%) SK: 0.00 of 5.28 mi (0.00%) System canab by route (traveled routes only): AB1: 119.44 of 335.35 mi (35.62%) (AB AB1 only) AB2: 99.21 of 801.92 mi (12.37%) (AB AB2 only) AB2A (Calgary): 1.36 of 28.05 mi (4.85%) (AB AB2ACal only) AB3: 53.61 of 202.98 mi (26.41%) (AB AB3 only) AB93: 17.44 of 164.77 mi (10.58%) (AB AB93 only) System canab connected routes traveled: 5 of 97 (5.2%), clinched: 0 of 97 (0.0%). System canbc (active) overall: 251.47 of 7558.95 mi (3.33%) System canbc by region: BC: 251.47 of 7551.33 mi (3.33%) YT: 0.00 of 7.63 mi (0.00%) System canbc by route (traveled routes only): BC1: 43.78 of 539.76 mi (8.11%) (BC BC1 only) BC3: 34.40 of 511.46 mi (6.73%) (BC BC3 only) BC93: 142.20 of 200.34 mi (70.98%) (BC BC93 only) BC95: 150.01 of 205.02 mi (73.17%) (BC BC95 only) System canbc connected routes traveled: 4 of 76 (5.3%), clinched: 0 of 76 (0.0%). System chea (active) overall: 0.73 of 1134.79 mi (0.06%) System chea by route (traveled routes only): A8 (Leissigen): 0.73 of 2.05 mi (35.45%) (CHE A8Lei only) System chea connected routes traveled: 1 of 39 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 39 (0.0%). System cheh (active) overall: 143.77 of 2469.13 mi (5.82%) System cheh by region: CHE: 143.77 of 2463.52 mi (5.84%) LIE: 0.00 of 5.61 mi (0.00%) System cheh by route (traveled routes only): H4 (Zürich): 19.54 of 81.39 mi (24.01%) (CHE H4 only) H6: 24.24 of 139.90 mi (17.33%) (CHE H6 only) H9: 47.70 of 140.00 mi (34.07%) (CHE H9 only) H11: 76.54 of 107.25 mi (71.36%) (CHE H11 only) System cheh connected routes traveled: 4 of 38 (10.5%), clinched: 0 of 38 (0.0%). System chegts (active) overall: 66.22 of 1099.48 mi (6.02%) System chegts by region: CHE: 66.22 of 1087.65 mi (6.09%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 2.72 mi (0.00%) LIE: 0.00 of 9.10 mi (0.00%) System chegts by route (traveled routes only): GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Main)): 66.22 of 886.59 mi (7.47%) CHE GTS: 66.22 of 676.61 mi (9.79%) System chegts connected routes traveled: 1 of 7 (14.3%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System deua (active) overall: 215.00 of 8221.45 mi (2.62%) System deua by region: DEU-BB: 0.00 of 506.72 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 45.14 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 82.34 of 661.89 mi (12.44%) DEU-BY: 70.69 of 1589.92 mi (4.45%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 41.53 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 619.18 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 46.62 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 0.00 of 362.02 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 906.02 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 1408.07 mi (0.00%) DEU-RP: 61.98 of 544.29 mi (11.39%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 342.78 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 146.85 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 0.00 of 358.44 mi (0.00%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 317.68 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 324.30 mi (0.00%) System deua by route (traveled routes only): A6: 83.37 of 301.47 mi (27.66%) DEU-BW A6: 78.22 of 91.67 mi (85.32%) DEU-BY A6: 5.16 of 125.35 mi (4.11%) A7: 13.17 of 601.16 mi (2.19%) DEU-BY A7: 13.17 of 105.22 mi (12.52%) A8 (Rosenheim): 52.36 of 78.78 mi (66.46%) (DEU-BY A8 only) A61 (Koblenz): 55.82 of 175.36 mi (31.83%) DEU-RP A61: 51.70 of 128.84 mi (40.13%) DEU-BW A61: 4.12 of 4.12 mi (100.00%) A64: 10.28 of 11.41 mi (90.07%) (DEU-RP A64 only) System deua connected routes traveled: 5 of 153 (3.3%), clinched: 0 of 153 (0.0%). System deub (active) overall: 246.46 of 22953.50 mi (1.07%) System deub by region: AUT: 0.00 of 0.89 mi (0.00%) BEL: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 0.46 mi (0.00%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 1680.93 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 98.89 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 2503.80 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 132.91 of 3674.86 mi (3.62%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 20.50 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 1799.63 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 74.65 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 0.00 of 1197.27 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 2861.71 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 2685.98 mi (0.00%) DEU-RP: 113.56 of 1693.08 mi (6.71%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 944.61 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 184.59 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 0.00 of 1374.06 mi (0.00%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 1256.20 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 899.67 mi (0.00%) System deub by route (traveled routes only): B2 (Augsburg): 4.33 of 128.39 mi (3.37%) (DEU-BY B2 only) B2 (Weilheim): 14.06 of 59.58 mi (23.60%) (DEU-BY B2Wei only) B9 (Koblenz): 39.86 of 78.27 mi (50.93%) DEU-RP B9Kob: 39.86 of 70.62 mi (56.45%) B11 (Wolfratshausen): 19.59 of 49.42 mi (39.65%) (DEU-BY B11 only) B13 (Bad Tölz): 1.06 of 25.19 mi (4.19%) (DEU-BY B13Tol only) B16 (Donauwörth): 0.58 of 177.29 mi (0.33%) (DEU-BY B16 only) B17: 14.61 of 68.74 mi (21.25%) (DEU-BY B17 only) B23: 25.35 of 35.28 mi (71.86%) (DEU-BY B23 only) B25: 30.93 of 47.71 mi (64.83%) (DEU-BY B25 only) B29: 1.13 of 61.46 mi (1.84%) DEU-BY B29: 1.13 of 1.77 mi (63.75%) B41 (Idar-Oberstein): 3.85 of 71.24 mi (5.40%) DEU-RP B41: 3.85 of 48.80 mi (7.89%) B48: 9.51 of 72.35 mi (13.15%) (DEU-RP B48 only) B49 (Koblenz): 0.29 of 79.61 mi (0.37%) (DEU-RP B49 only) B50 (Hahn (Hunsrück)): 4.93 of 45.57 mi (10.81%) (DEU-RP B50 only) B53: 60.33 of 64.66 mi (93.32%) (DEU-RP B53 only) B300: 1.06 of 103.81 mi (1.03%) (DEU-BY B300 only) B421 (Zell (Mosel)): 4.00 of 53.45 mi (7.48%) (DEU-RP B421 only) B466: 0.06 of 104.28 mi (0.05%) DEU-BY B466: 0.06 of 49.70 mi (0.11%) B472: 26.62 of 75.38 mi (35.32%) (DEU-BY B472 only) System deub connected routes traveled: 19 of 729 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 729 (0.0%). System deubyst (active) overall: 68.20 of 8802.70 mi (0.77%) System deubyst by route (traveled routes only): St2014: 4.13 of 22.96 mi (18.00%) (DEU-BY St2014 only) St2035 (Pöttmes): 0.58 of 25.97 mi (2.23%) (DEU-BY St2035Pot only) St2045 (Schrobenhausen): 0.32 of 45.57 mi (0.71%) (DEU-BY St2045 only) St2047: 7.27 of 76.10 mi (9.56%) (DEU-BY St2047 only) St2051: 1.17 of 18.01 mi (6.47%) (DEU-BY St2051 only) St2052: 7.13 of 28.90 mi (24.67%) (DEU-BY St2052 only) St2054: 1.02 of 99.13 mi (1.02%) (DEU-BY St2054 only) St2055: 0.51 of 75.65 mi (0.68%) (DEU-BY St2055 only) St2059: 5.63 of 12.68 mi (44.39%) (DEU-BY St2059 only) St2072: 1.40 of 49.41 mi (2.84%) (DEU-BY St2072 only) St2212: 5.04 of 17.35 mi (29.03%) (DEU-BY St2212 only) St2215: 8.21 of 9.86 mi (83.28%) (DEU-BY St2215 only) St2218: 1.60 of 33.23 mi (4.81%) (DEU-BY St2218 only) St2220: 0.37 of 84.68 mi (0.43%) (DEU-BY St2220 only) St2222: 0.99 of 45.36 mi (2.18%) (DEU-BY St2222 only) St2247: 4.07 of 11.07 mi (36.80%) (DEU-BY St2247 only) St2249: 0.88 of 23.54 mi (3.73%) (DEU-BY St2249 only) St2379: 1.21 of 5.11 mi (23.78%) (DEU-BY St2379 only) St2381: 14.54 of 18.50 mi (78.59%) (DEU-BY St2381 only) St2384: 0.23 of 24.63 mi (0.93%) (DEU-BY St2384 only) St2419: 2.59 of 42.11 mi (6.15%) (DEU-BY St2419 only) System deubyst connected routes traveled: 21 of 595 (3.5%), clinched: 0 of 595 (0.0%). System deurpl (active) overall: 1.31 of 4182.30 mi (0.03%) System deurpl by route (traveled routes only): L158: 0.39 of 6.35 mi (6.16%) (DEU-RP L158 only) L187: 0.30 of 6.98 mi (4.32%) (DEU-RP L187 only) L242: 0.62 of 20.81 mi (2.96%) (DEU-RP L242 only) System deurpl connected routes traveled: 3 of 551 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 551 (0.0%). System eure (active) overall: 1645.77 of 107899.52 mi (1.53%) System eure by region: ALB: 0.00 of 190.87 mi (0.00%) ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%) AUT: 47.89 of 1441.94 mi (3.32%) AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%) BEL: 69.30 of 1147.52 mi (6.04%) BGR: 0.00 of 1556.03 mi (0.00%) BIH: 0.00 of 579.58 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.17 of 891.82 mi (0.02%) CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%) CZE: 0.00 of 1626.29 mi (0.00%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 525.00 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.35 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 82.34 of 780.66 mi (10.55%) DEU-BY: 84.75 of 1411.20 mi (6.01%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 28.28 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 482.83 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 30.31 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 0.00 of 367.55 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 656.21 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 794.16 mi (0.00%) DEU-RP: 61.98 of 467.43 mi (13.26%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 216.64 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.83 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 0.00 of 286.41 mi (0.00%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 183.65 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.07 mi (0.00%) DNK: 0.00 of 582.57 mi (0.00%) ENG: 295.07 of 1577.27 mi (18.71%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 858.03 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.45 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 384.47 mi (0.00%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 330.05 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 223.95 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 174.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.41 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.55 mi (0.00%) EST: 0.00 of 622.63 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2714.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 32.07 of 1038.63 mi (3.09%) FRA-BFC: 153.49 of 686.77 mi (22.35%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 434.37 mi (0.00%) FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 11.89 of 568.25 mi (2.09%) FRA-GES: 15.39 of 1042.74 mi (1.48%) FRA-HDF: 143.64 of 801.36 mi (17.93%) FRA-IDF: 92.48 of 260.82 mi (35.46%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1405.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.52 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.79 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 167.36 of 395.40 mi (42.33%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.00 mi (0.00%) GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%) GRC: 0.00 of 2368.95 mi (0.00%) HRV: 0.00 of 1043.87 mi (0.00%) HUN: 0.00 of 1532.97 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 499.40 mi (0.00%) ITA: 100.06 of 5373.54 mi (1.86%) KAZ: 0.00 of 8356.37 mi (0.00%) KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.52 mi (0.00%) LTU: 0.00 of 976.84 mi (0.00%) LUX: 0.00 of 126.81 mi (0.00%) LVA: 0.00 of 778.94 mi (0.00%) MDA: 0.00 of 483.62 mi (0.00%) MKD: 0.00 of 316.92 mi (0.00%) MNE: 0.00 of 335.06 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 148.03 mi (0.00%) NLD: 0.00 of 1022.31 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 3878.24 mi (0.00%) POL: 0.00 of 3393.30 mi (0.00%) PRT: 0.00 of 1383.50 mi (0.00%) RKS: 0.00 of 156.45 mi (0.00%) ROU: 0.00 of 3743.44 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 12090.55 mi (0.00%) SCT: 287.91 of 461.05 mi (62.45%) SRB: 0.00 of 1145.20 mi (0.00%) SVK: 0.00 of 941.29 mi (0.00%) SVN: 0.00 of 366.02 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 4142.01 mi (0.00%) TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%) TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%) TUR: 0.00 of 5692.84 mi (0.00%) UKR: 0.00 of 4814.87 mi (0.00%) UZB: 0.00 of 2393.49 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%) System eure by route (traveled routes only): E5 (Great Britain): 151.24 of 455.76 mi (33.18%) SCT E5: 58.46 of 107.98 mi (54.14%) ENG E5: 92.77 of 347.78 mi (26.68%) E5 (Glasgow, SCT (loop)): 9.82 of 11.34 mi (86.63%) (SCT E5Gla only) E5 (France - Spain): 24.94 of 1377.72 mi (1.81%) FRA-IDF E5: 24.94 of 86.79 mi (28.73%) E11: 32.07 of 337.87 mi (9.49%) FRA-ARA E11: 32.07 of 141.29 mi (22.70%) E15 (Great Britain): 392.99 of 637.77 mi (61.62%) SCT E15: 190.70 of 214.24 mi (89.01%) ENG E15: 202.29 of 423.52 mi (47.76%) E15 (France - Spain): 197.97 of 1596.56 mi (12.40%) FRA-HDF E15: 87.87 of 159.20 mi (55.19%) FRA-IDF E15: 11.31 of 82.65 mi (13.69%) FRA-BFC E15: 98.79 of 186.47 mi (52.98%) E16 (Scotland): 42.75 of 42.75 mi (100.00%) (SCT E16 only) E17: 24.43 of 410.98 mi (5.94%) FRA-HDF E17: 24.43 of 125.36 mi (19.48%) E18 (Great Britain): 6.81 of 161.67 mi (4.21%) SCT E18: 0.44 of 99.00 mi (0.44%) ENG E18: 6.37 of 62.67 mi (10.17%) E19: 106.34 of 327.94 mi (32.43%) BEL E19: 20.31 of 113.33 mi (17.92%) FRA-HDF E19: 66.59 of 114.89 mi (57.96%) FRA-IDF E19: 19.44 of 19.44 mi (100.00%) E23: 0.17 of 247.61 mi (0.07%) CHE E23: 0.17 of 25.74 mi (0.65%) E24: 15.04 of 149.35 mi (10.07%) (ENG E24 only) E31 (Netherlands - Germany): 55.82 of 318.34 mi (17.53%) DEU-RP E31: 51.70 of 128.84 mi (40.13%) DEU-BW E31: 4.12 of 4.12 mi (100.00%) E40: 9.78 of 5404.62 mi (0.18%) BEL E40: 9.78 of 177.18 mi (5.52%) E42: 14.55 of 380.54 mi (3.82%) FRA-HDF E42: 7.68 of 55.28 mi (13.90%) BEL E42: 6.87 of 166.61 mi (4.12%) E43: 13.17 of 319.76 mi (4.12%) DEU-BY E43: 13.17 of 67.90 mi (19.40%) E44: 10.28 of 485.18 mi (2.12%) DEU-RP E44: 10.28 of 104.05 mi (9.88%) E45 (Denmark - Italy): 9.43 of 1821.64 mi (0.52%) DEU-BY E45: 9.43 of 273.41 mi (3.45%) E50: 208.51 of 3109.72 mi (6.71%) FRA-CVL E50: 11.89 of 53.14 mi (22.37%) FRA-IDF E50: 73.04 of 80.88 mi (90.31%) FRA-HDF E50: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%) FRA-GES E50Pas: 4.19 of 4.19 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF E50VAA: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%) FRA-GES E50: 11.20 of 167.24 mi (6.70%) DEU-BW E50: 78.22 of 91.67 mi (85.32%) DEU-BY E50: 5.16 of 125.35 mi (4.11%) E52: 54.05 of 317.18 mi (17.04%) DEU-BY E52: 52.36 of 166.13 mi (31.51%) AUT E52: 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%) E54: 2.01 of 528.36 mi (0.38%) FRA-BFC E54: 2.01 of 77.13 mi (2.60%) E55 (Germany - Italy): 4.13 of 1428.77 mi (0.29%) AUT E55: 4.13 of 248.45 mi (1.66%) E60 (France - Hungary): 237.67 of 1586.85 mi (14.98%) FRA-BFC E60: 150.22 of 245.03 mi (61.31%) AUT E60Inn: 38.70 of 168.48 mi (22.97%) DEU-BY E60: 42.93 of 58.71 mi (73.12%) AUT E60: 5.81 of 238.28 mi (2.44%) E74: 14.11 of 133.78 mi (10.55%) FRA-PAC E74Nic: 14.11 of 14.11 mi (100.00%) E80 (Portugal - Italy): 244.44 of 1725.02 mi (14.17%) FRA-PAC E80: 144.39 of 177.17 mi (81.50%) ITA E80: 100.06 of 537.63 mi (18.61%) E429: 47.87 of 47.87 mi (100.00%) (BEL E429 only) E533: 14.06 of 86.71 mi (16.21%) DEU-BY E533: 14.06 of 66.98 mi (20.99%) E641: 3.37 of 55.90 mi (6.03%) AUT E641: 3.37 of 40.40 mi (8.35%) E714: 30.78 of 72.22 mi (42.62%) (FRA-PAC E714 only) System eure connected routes traveled: 29 of 342 (8.5%), clinched: 2 of 342 (0.6%). System eursf (active) overall: 2.87 of 2226.29 mi (0.13%) System eursf by region: BIH: 0.00 of 64.73 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 428.03 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 41.68 mi (0.00%) CZE: 0.00 of 41.33 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 8.32 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 25.64 mi (0.00%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 3.63 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 1.48 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 8.61 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 16.39 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 3.75 mi (0.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 3.34 mi (0.00%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 110.69 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 1.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 132.08 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 29.75 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 7.53 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 38.71 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 14.76 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 4.75 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 3.75 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 2.87 of 28.81 mi (9.96%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 8.96 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 7.95 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 1.90 mi (0.00%) GRC: 0.00 of 10.62 mi (0.00%) ITA: 0.00 of 97.59 mi (0.00%) NLD: 0.00 of 12.88 mi (0.00%) PRT: 0.00 of 26.22 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 1017.31 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 21.90 mi (0.00%) System eursf by route (traveled routes only): AntChiMaz (Antenne de Chilly-Mazarin): 1.52 of 4.10 mi (37.07%) (FRA-IDF AntChiMaz only) BP (Boulevard Péripherique, Paris): 1.35 of 21.74 mi (6.20%) (FRA-IDF BP only) System eursf connected routes traveled: 2 of 159 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 159 (0.0%). System fraa (active) overall: 638.94 of 7226.52 mi (8.84%) System fraa by region: FRA-ARA: 32.07 of 1034.53 mi (3.10%) FRA-BFC: 176.10 of 560.94 mi (31.39%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 30.63 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 11.89 of 614.84 mi (1.93%) FRA-GES: 15.39 of 806.13 mi (1.91%) FRA-HDF: 143.64 of 733.77 mi (19.58%) FRA-IDF: 92.48 of 376.46 mi (24.57%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 909.22 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 454.54 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 771.48 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 167.36 of 466.92 mi (35.84%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 467.06 mi (0.00%) System fraa by route (traveled routes only): A1: 130.58 of 133.11 mi (98.10%) FRA-IDF A1: 19.44 of 19.44 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF A1: 111.14 of 112.76 mi (98.56%) A4: 81.83 of 299.55 mi (27.32%) FRA-IDF A4: 41.62 of 41.62 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF A4: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%) FRA-GES A4Pas: 4.19 of 4.19 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF A4VAA: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%) FRA-GES A4: 11.20 of 227.88 mi (4.92%) A6: 98.79 of 273.22 mi (36.16%) FRA-BFC A6: 98.79 of 186.47 mi (52.98%) A7: 30.78 of 190.71 mi (16.14%) FRA-PAC A7: 30.78 of 87.47 mi (35.19%) A8: 136.58 of 136.93 mi (99.74%) (FRA-PAC A8 only) A10: 24.94 of 350.09 mi (7.12%) FRA-IDF A10: 24.94 of 31.86 mi (78.26%) A11: 18.37 of 201.89 mi (9.10%) FRA-IDF A11: 6.48 of 6.48 mi (100.00%) FRA-CVL A11: 11.89 of 53.14 mi (22.37%) A22 (Villenueve-d'Ascq): 1.15 of 1.15 mi (100.00%) (FRA-HDF A22Vil only) A27: 6.53 of 6.53 mi (100.00%) (FRA-HDF A27 only) A36: 54.70 of 147.36 mi (37.12%) FRA-BFC A36: 54.70 of 121.96 mi (44.85%) A38: 22.61 of 22.61 mi (100.00%) (FRA-BFC A38 only) A75: 32.07 of 206.23 mi (15.55%) FRA-ARA A75: 32.07 of 69.96 mi (45.84%) A86: 2.08 of 46.95 mi (4.43%) (FRA-IDF A86 only) A104: 2.20 of 19.12 mi (11.49%) (FRA-IDF A104 only) System fraa connected routes traveled: 14 of 144 (9.7%), clinched: 3 of 144 (2.1%). System fran (active) overall: 120.35 of 5471.86 mi (2.20%) System fran by region: FRA-ARA: 112.21 of 639.19 mi (17.55%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 477.97 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 625.91 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 219.47 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 559.17 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 352.50 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 301.20 mi (0.00%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 786.86 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 348.77 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 8.14 of 662.73 mi (1.23%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 234.15 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 263.94 mi (0.00%) System fran by route (traveled routes only): N88 (Le Puy-en-Velay): 21.38 of 117.12 mi (18.26%) FRA-ARA N88: 21.38 of 71.35 mi (29.97%) N100: 8.14 of 8.55 mi (95.22%) (FRA-OCC N100 only) N102 (Le Puy-en-Velay): 39.93 of 46.32 mi (86.21%) (FRA-ARA N102 only) N102 (Aubenas): 50.89 of 52.98 mi (96.05%) (FRA-ARA N102Aub only) System fran connected routes traveled: 4 of 202 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 202 (0.0%). System fraidfd91 (active) overall: 1.07 of 800.17 mi (0.13%) System fraidfd91 by route (traveled routes only): N20-91 ((Main)): 1.07 of 36.78 mi (2.92%) (FRA-IDF N20-91 only) System fraidfd91 connected routes traveled: 1 of 163 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 163 (0.0%). System gbnm (active) overall: 267.86 of 1936.24 mi (13.83%) System gbnm by region: ENG: 183.83 of 1641.69 mi (11.20%) SCT: 84.03 of 213.89 mi (39.29%) WLS: 0.00 of 80.66 mi (0.00%) System gbnm by route (traveled routes only): M5: 69.58 of 163.31 mi (42.61%) (ENG M5 only) M6: 92.56 of 233.27 mi (39.68%) (ENG M6 only) M8: 52.64 of 56.03 mi (93.94%) (SCT M8 only) M61: 21.69 of 21.69 mi (100.00%) (ENG M61 only) M90 (Inverkeithing - Perth Motorway): 30.38 of 31.73 mi (95.73%) (SCT M90 only) M898: 1.02 of 1.02 mi (100.00%) (SCT M898 only) System gbnm connected routes traveled: 6 of 55 (10.9%), clinched: 2 of 55 (3.6%). System gbnam (active) overall: 147.52 of 228.28 mi (64.62%) System gbnam by region: ENG: 98.95 of 176.42 mi (56.09%) SCT: 48.57 of 49.87 mi (97.40%) WLS: 0.00 of 1.99 mi (0.00%) System gbnam by route (traveled routes only): A1M (Alconbury - Peterborough Motorway): 12.56 of 12.56 mi (100.00%) (ENG A1MPet only) A1M (Doncaster Bypass): 15.25 of 15.25 mi (100.00%) (ENG A1MDon only) A1M (Darrington - Birtley Motorway): 69.68 of 93.86 mi (74.24%) (ENG A1M only) A57M: 1.23 of 1.23 mi (100.00%) (ENG A57M only) A74M: 48.79 of 48.79 mi (100.00%) SCT A74M: 48.57 of 48.57 mi (100.00%) ENG A74M: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%) System gbnam connected routes traveled: 5 of 23 (21.7%), clinched: 4 of 23 (17.4%). System gbna (active) overall: 838.86 of 28149.92 mi (2.98%) System gbna by region: ENG: 384.92 of 19418.13 mi (1.98%) SCT: 453.94 of 6217.11 mi (7.30%) WLS: 0.00 of 2514.68 mi (0.00%) System gbna by route (traveled routes only): A1 (Newark): 73.42 of 73.42 mi (100.00%) (ENG A1 only) A1 (Edinburgh): 73.47 of 128.67 mi (57.10%) ENG A1New: 20.08 of 75.28 mi (26.68%) SCT A1: 53.39 of 53.39 mi (100.00%) A6 (Derby): 14.72 of 162.22 mi (9.07%) (ENG A6 only) A7: 2.28 of 89.55 mi (2.55%) ENG A7: 2.28 of 11.34 mi (20.13%) A8 (Glasgow): 0.90 of 35.98 mi (2.50%) (SCT A8 only) A9: 107.57 of 266.11 mi (40.42%) (SCT A9 only) A10: 11.39 of 98.55 mi (11.56%) (ENG A10 only) A14: 15.04 of 130.74 mi (11.50%) (ENG A14 only) A19: 0.52 of 123.61 mi (0.42%) (ENG A19 only) A30: 1.15 of 279.13 mi (0.41%) (ENG A30 only) A44: 5.54 of 149.94 mi (3.70%) ENG A44: 5.54 of 95.71 mi (5.79%) A57 (Sheffield): 19.83 of 81.61 mi (24.30%) (ENG A57 only) A60: 0.23 of 58.08 mi (0.40%) (ENG A60 only) A61 ((Main)): 7.18 of 108.09 mi (6.65%) (ENG A61 only) A64: 23.79 of 65.55 mi (36.30%) (ENG A64 only) A68: 62.90 of 126.12 mi (49.87%) ENG A68: 12.97 of 76.18 mi (17.02%) SCT A68: 49.93 of 49.93 mi (100.00%) A72: 1.71 of 61.55 mi (2.77%) (SCT A72 only) A82: 164.52 of 164.81 mi (99.82%) (SCT A82 only) A85: 5.13 of 112.97 mi (4.54%) (SCT A85 only) A90 (Edinburgh): 9.29 of 9.29 mi (100.00%) (SCT A90Edi only) A91: 2.14 of 53.23 mi (4.03%) (SCT A91 only) A93: 0.57 of 106.51 mi (0.54%) (SCT A93 only) A142: 4.00 of 25.17 mi (15.87%) (ENG A142 only) A170: 11.91 of 42.49 mi (28.03%) (ENG A170 only) A198: 21.35 of 21.35 mi (100.00%) (SCT A198 only) A329: 3.69 of 48.71 mi (7.57%) (ENG A329 only) A379 (Exeter): 22.99 of 32.02 mi (71.80%) (ENG A379 only) A380: 3.04 of 17.18 mi (17.73%) (ENG A380 only) A381: 1.02 of 32.98 mi (3.10%) (ENG A381 only) A382: 17.41 of 18.28 mi (95.28%) (ENG A382 only) A383: 0.14 of 6.47 mi (2.20%) (ENG A383 only) A420 (Oxford): 0.64 of 30.09 mi (2.13%) (ENG A420 only) A423 (Oxford): 0.74 of 1.22 mi (60.41%) (ENG A423Oxf only) A605: 1.04 of 35.79 mi (2.89%) (ENG A605 only) A614: 6.84 of 94.67 mi (7.22%) (ENG A614 only) A616: 0.37 of 66.21 mi (0.56%) (ENG A616 only) A619: 8.58 of 25.62 mi (33.51%) (ENG A619 only) A623: 13.61 of 13.61 mi (100.00%) (ENG A623 only) A632: 1.30 of 21.79 mi (5.96%) (ENG A632 only) A696: 29.32 of 29.32 mi (100.00%) (ENG A696 only) A698: 0.95 of 42.61 mi (2.24%) SCT A698: 0.95 of 29.56 mi (3.22%) A702: 39.14 of 82.08 mi (47.68%) (SCT A702 only) A814: 0.97 of 39.10 mi (2.48%) (SCT A814 only) A898: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%) (SCT A898 only) A902: 0.62 of 6.81 mi (9.02%) (SCT A902 only) A912: 4.43 of 21.23 mi (20.86%) (SCT A912 only) A989: 0.86 of 1.72 mi (50.01%) (SCT A989 only) A1036: 6.33 of 6.33 mi (100.00%) (ENG A1036 only) A1123: 1.29 of 23.69 mi (5.46%) (ENG A1123 only) A1134: 1.14 of 9.49 mi (12.02%) (ENG A1134 only) A1237: 0.17 of 9.96 mi (1.70%) (ENG A1237 only) A1303: 0.07 of 15.13 mi (0.46%) (ENG A1303 only) A1307 (Cambridge): 3.23 of 35.07 mi (9.21%) (ENG A1307 only) A1421: 2.30 of 2.30 mi (100.00%) (ENG A1421 only) A3015: 0.60 of 5.07 mi (11.77%) (ENG A3015 only) A3022: 2.66 of 10.77 mi (24.71%) (ENG A3022 only) A4074: 22.13 of 22.13 mi (100.00%) (ENG A4074 only) A4095: 8.22 of 31.18 mi (26.36%) (ENG A4095 only) A4130: 0.71 of 28.96 mi (2.47%) (ENG A4130 only) A4144: 4.95 of 4.95 mi (100.00%) (ENG A4144 only) A6075: 17.94 of 19.11 mi (93.87%) (ENG A6075 only) A6191: 1.01 of 4.92 mi (20.60%) (ENG A6191 only) System gbna connected routes traveled: 62 of 1919 (3.2%), clinched: 10 of 1919 (0.5%). System gbnb (active) overall: 31.77 of 18041.38 mi (0.18%) System gbnb by region: ENG: 27.43 of 11852.19 mi (0.23%) SCT: 4.34 of 4411.76 mi (0.10%) WLS: 0.00 of 1777.43 mi (0.00%) System gbnb by route (traveled routes only): B851: 1.48 of 18.45 mi (8.00%) (SCT B851 only) B970: 0.90 of 27.71 mi (3.26%) (SCT B970 only) B1049: 10.67 of 10.67 mi (100.00%) (ENG B1049 only) B1164: 0.27 of 8.31 mi (3.24%) (ENG B1164 only) B1248 ((Main)): 1.35 of 26.51 mi (5.10%) (ENG B1248 only) B1257: 8.29 of 35.74 mi (23.21%) (ENG B1257 only) B1345: 0.09 of 3.52 mi (2.49%) (SCT B1345 only) B1448: 0.16 of 3.73 mi (4.33%) (ENG B1448 only) B4009: 2.91 of 45.34 mi (6.42%) (ENG B4009 only) B4047: 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%) (ENG B4047 only) B6049: 0.02 of 8.91 mi (0.26%) (ENG B6049 only) B6342: 0.03 of 22.60 mi (0.14%) (ENG B6342 only) B6362: 0.75 of 6.66 mi (11.25%) (SCT B6362 only) B6367: 0.08 of 6.84 mi (1.13%) (SCT B6367 only) B6368: 0.31 of 16.36 mi (1.92%) (SCT B6368 only) B6371: 0.40 of 10.06 mi (3.97%) (SCT B6371 only) B6400: 0.05 of 14.75 mi (0.36%) (SCT B6400 only) B7016: 0.28 of 18.32 mi (1.52%) (SCT B7016 only) System gbnb connected routes traveled: 18 of 3362 (0.5%), clinched: 2 of 3362 (0.1%). System sctntr (active) overall: 14.75 of 1285.93 mi (1.15%) System sctntr by region: ENG: 0.00 of 9.06 mi (0.00%) SCT: 14.75 of 1276.88 mi (1.15%) System sctntr by route (traveled routes only): ArgCoaTR (Argyll Coastal Tourist Route): 2.71 of 129.38 mi (2.10%) (SCT ArgCoaTR only) ClyVlyTR (Clyde Valley Tourist Route): 10.43 of 35.72 mi (29.21%) (SCT ClyVlyTR only) MorFirTR (Moray Firth Tourist Route): 1.21 of 78.24 mi (1.55%) (SCT MorFirTR only) NC500 (North Coast 500): 0.39 of 479.24 mi (0.08%) (SCT NC500 only) System sctntr connected routes traveled: 4 of 13 (30.8%), clinched: 0 of 13 (0.0%). System grceo (active) overall: 29.28 of 4448.76 mi (0.66%) System grceo by route (traveled routes only): EO97: 29.28 of 43.05 mi (68.01%) (GRC EO97 only) System grceo connected routes traveled: 1 of 108 (0.9%), clinched: 0 of 108 (0.0%). System itaa (active) overall: 100.06 of 4590.74 mi (2.18%) System itaa by route (traveled routes only): A12 (Autostrada Azzurra (Genoa)): 100.06 of 130.98 mi (76.39%) (ITA A12 only) System itaa connected routes traveled: 1 of 106 (0.9%), clinched: 0 of 106 (0.0%). System usai (active) overall: 16677.36 of 49152.58 mi (33.93%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 232.11 of 1013.28 mi (22.91%) AR: 0.00 of 766.30 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 1181.74 mi (0.00%) CA: 177.17 of 2484.57 mi (7.13%) CO: 680.63 of 957.90 mi (71.05%) CT: 220.86 of 346.26 mi (63.79%) DC: 11.84 of 11.84 mi (100.00%) DE: 39.41 of 39.41 mi (100.00%) FL: 443.31 of 1518.78 mi (29.19%) GA: 1117.21 of 1260.52 mi (88.63%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 425.73 of 797.40 mi (53.39%) ID: 93.90 of 618.24 mi (15.19%) IL: 793.06 of 2199.52 mi (36.06%) IN: 589.03 of 1296.56 mi (45.43%) KS: 443.34 of 884.78 mi (50.11%) KY: 192.97 of 951.73 mi (20.28%) LA: 38.86 of 951.28 mi (4.08%) MA: 114.55 of 564.32 mi (20.30%) MD: 498.15 of 500.26 mi (99.58%) ME: 56.79 of 371.31 mi (15.30%) MI: 303.93 of 1248.41 mi (24.35%) MN: 257.88 of 923.06 mi (27.94%) MO: 457.24 of 1391.35 mi (32.86%) MS: 78.17 of 843.38 mi (9.27%) MT: 582.69 of 1196.78 mi (48.69%) NC: 650.75 of 1362.54 mi (47.76%) ND: 274.90 of 578.67 mi (47.51%) NE: 333.56 of 488.55 mi (68.27%) NH: 41.16 of 224.25 mi (18.35%) NJ: 385.68 of 430.09 mi (89.68%) NM: 268.78 of 1013.25 mi (26.53%) NV: 37.85 of 625.20 mi (6.05%) NY: 546.89 of 1741.71 mi (31.40%) OH: 553.40 of 1579.13 mi (35.04%) OK: 337.05 of 943.79 mi (35.71%) OR: 92.03 of 735.77 mi (12.51%) PA: 1242.87 of 1871.71 mi (66.40%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 40.38 of 70.57 mi (57.22%) SC: 482.09 of 863.84 mi (55.81%) SD: 488.51 of 687.03 mi (71.10%) TN: 253.97 of 1206.50 mi (21.05%) TX: 180.42 of 3521.54 mi (5.12%) UT: 194.54 of 943.61 mi (20.62%) VA: 967.19 of 1116.60 mi (86.62%) VT: 104.13 of 319.55 mi (32.59%) WA: 131.45 of 767.75 mi (17.12%) WI: 285.76 of 882.97 mi (32.36%) WV: 365.76 of 538.18 mi (67.96%) WY: 569.40 of 923.32 mi (61.67%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-4: 3.21 of 134.33 mi (2.39%) (FL I-4 only) I-5: 138.46 of 1397.08 mi (9.91%) OR I-5: 22.25 of 312.44 mi (7.12%) WA I-5: 116.22 of 278.88 mi (41.67%) I-10: 152.58 of 2495.85 mi (6.11%) LA I-10: 38.86 of 278.87 mi (13.93%) MS I-10: 78.17 of 78.17 mi (100.00%) AL I-10: 35.55 of 67.17 mi (52.92%) I-11: 2.26 of 22.61 mi (9.99%) (NV I-11 only) I-15: 415.65 of 1450.94 mi (28.65%) CA I-15: 91.37 of 291.49 mi (31.35%) NV I-15: 35.59 of 125.97 mi (28.25%) UT I-15: 88.61 of 406.81 mi (21.78%) ID I-15: 93.90 of 199.08 mi (47.17%) MT I-15: 106.19 of 398.46 mi (26.65%) I-16: 168.22 of 168.22 mi (100.00%) (GA I-16 only) I-20: 323.77 of 1559.31 mi (20.76%) GA I-20: 180.22 of 204.40 mi (88.17%) SC I-20: 143.55 of 143.55 mi (100.00%) I-25: 522.78 of 1076.37 mi (48.57%) NM I-25: 52.02 of 468.07 mi (11.11%) CO I-25: 249.91 of 302.67 mi (82.57%) WY I-25: 220.85 of 305.64 mi (72.26%) I-26 (C. North Carolina - South Carolina): 117.80 of 267.38 mi (44.06%) NC I-26: 43.24 of 43.24 mi (100.00%) SC I-26: 74.56 of 224.14 mi (33.27%) I-27: 1.06 of 126.28 mi (0.84%) (TX I-27 only) I-29: 218.09 of 761.63 mi (28.63%) IA I-29: 104.20 of 154.43 mi (67.47%) SD I-29: 85.12 of 256.17 mi (33.23%) ND I-29: 28.76 of 220.96 mi (13.02%) I-35 (N. Texas - S. Minnesota): 27.11 of 944.38 mi (2.87%) OK I-35: 11.49 of 240.48 mi (4.78%) MO I-35: 1.07 of 116.36 mi (0.92%) IA I-35: 14.54 of 222.48 mi (6.54%) I-35E (Minnesota): 0.85 of 39.68 mi (2.14%) (MN I-35E only) I-35W (Minnesota): 1.95 of 42.00 mi (4.64%) (MN I-35W only) I-39: 91.47 of 326.78 mi (27.99%) IL I-39: 17.70 of 142.48 mi (12.42%) WI I-39: 73.77 of 184.29 mi (40.03%) I-40: 722.64 of 2577.40 mi (28.04%) NM I-40: 216.76 of 378.03 mi (57.34%) TX I-40: 179.36 of 179.36 mi (100.00%) OK I-40: 155.00 of 334.84 mi (46.29%) TN I-40: 72.48 of 457.61 mi (15.84%) NC I-40: 99.04 of 420.39 mi (23.56%) I-44: 367.98 of 642.36 mi (57.29%) OK I-44: 160.98 of 334.68 mi (48.10%) MO I-44: 206.99 of 292.31 mi (70.81%) I-55: 28.25 of 960.07 mi (2.94%) MO I-55: 1.77 of 212.62 mi (0.83%) IL I-55: 26.48 of 298.49 mi (8.87%) I-57: 11.09 of 385.57 mi (2.88%) IL I-57: 11.09 of 363.31 mi (3.05%) I-64: 782.98 of 973.13 mi (80.46%) MO I-64: 0.41 of 41.08 mi (0.99%) IL I-64: 131.99 of 131.99 mi (100.00%) IN I-64: 124.19 of 124.19 mi (100.00%) KY I-64: 192.97 of 192.97 mi (100.00%) WV I-64: 94.34 of 181.93 mi (51.85%) VA I-64: 239.08 of 300.96 mi (79.44%) I-65: 117.65 of 897.96 mi (13.10%) AL I-65: 115.48 of 371.31 mi (31.10%) IN I-65: 2.17 of 265.09 mi (0.82%) I-66: 76.81 of 76.81 mi (100.00%) VA I-66: 75.50 of 75.50 mi (100.00%) DC I-66: 1.31 of 1.31 mi (100.00%) I-68: 110.87 of 110.87 mi (100.00%) WV I-68: 31.38 of 31.38 mi (100.00%) MD I-68: 79.49 of 79.49 mi (100.00%) I-69 (C. Indiana - Michigan): 40.52 of 364.16 mi (11.13%) IN I-69: 1.93 of 159.96 mi (1.20%) MI I-69: 38.59 of 204.20 mi (18.90%) I-70: 1929.86 of 2189.84 mi (88.13%) UT I-70: 17.59 of 232.08 mi (7.58%) CO I-70: 424.69 of 450.24 mi (94.32%) KS I-70: 430.12 of 430.12 mi (100.00%) MO I-70: 234.75 of 252.25 mi (93.06%) IL I-70: 159.21 of 161.63 mi (98.50%) IN I-70: 158.23 of 158.23 mi (100.00%) OH I-70: 227.93 of 227.93 mi (100.00%) WV I-70: 14.12 of 14.12 mi (100.00%) PA I-70: 169.50 of 169.50 mi (100.00%) MD I-70: 93.73 of 93.73 mi (100.00%) I-71: 3.03 of 347.62 mi (0.87%) OH I-71: 3.03 of 250.82 mi (1.21%) I-73: 5.55 of 100.79 mi (5.50%) (NC I-73 only) I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 322.48 of 420.62 mi (76.67%) IA I-74: 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%) IL I-74: 222.52 of 222.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-74: 94.49 of 173.34 mi (54.51%) I-74 (Mount Airy, NC): 4.92 of 16.89 mi (29.11%) (NC I-74 only) I-75: 910.93 of 1807.28 mi (50.40%) FL I-75: 200.60 of 479.31 mi (41.85%) GA I-75: 360.67 of 360.67 mi (100.00%) TN I-75: 115.67 of 160.14 mi (72.23%) KY I-75: 6.92 of 194.10 mi (3.56%) OH I-75: 3.68 of 213.59 mi (1.72%) MI I-75: 223.39 of 399.46 mi (55.92%) I-76 (Ohio - New Jersey): 344.11 of 439.64 mi (78.27%) OH I-76: 22.76 of 83.00 mi (27.42%) PA I-76: 318.46 of 353.76 mi (90.02%) NJ I-76: 2.88 of 2.88 mi (100.00%) I-77: 307.71 of 612.91 mi (50.20%) SC I-77: 92.28 of 92.28 mi (100.00%) NC I-77: 94.98 of 106.65 mi (89.06%) VA I-77: 66.66 of 66.66 mi (100.00%) WV I-77: 46.95 of 183.58 mi (25.58%) OH I-77: 6.83 of 163.73 mi (4.17%) I-78: 146.99 of 146.99 mi (100.00%) PA I-78: 78.22 of 78.22 mi (100.00%) NJ I-78: 68.00 of 68.00 mi (100.00%) NY I-78: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) I-79: 290.72 of 340.20 mi (85.45%) WV I-79: 156.83 of 156.83 mi (100.00%) PA I-79: 133.89 of 183.37 mi (73.01%) I-80: 1553.97 of 2936.64 mi (52.92%) CA I-80: 28.51 of 204.11 mi (13.97%) UT I-80: 82.06 of 198.88 mi (41.26%) WY I-80: 148.23 of 406.35 mi (36.48%) NE I-80: 333.56 of 462.18 mi (72.17%) IA I-80: 302.03 of 311.12 mi (97.08%) IL I-80: 165.52 of 165.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-80: 153.33 of 153.33 mi (100.00%) OH I-80: 221.52 of 239.78 mi (92.38%) PA I-80: 51.79 of 311.91 mi (16.60%) NJ I-80: 67.42 of 67.52 mi (99.84%) I-81: 726.10 of 858.96 mi (84.53%) TN I-81: 76.34 of 76.34 mi (100.00%) VA I-81: 325.47 of 325.84 mi (99.89%) WV I-81: 26.15 of 26.15 mi (100.00%) MD I-81: 11.87 of 11.87 mi (100.00%) PA I-81: 233.87 of 233.87 mi (100.00%) NY I-81: 52.38 of 184.87 mi (28.34%) I-83: 84.96 of 84.96 mi (100.00%) MD I-83: 34.35 of 34.35 mi (100.00%) PA I-83: 50.60 of 50.60 mi (100.00%) I-84 (Oregon - Utah): 102.61 of 778.72 mi (13.18%) OR I-84: 62.71 of 378.73 mi (16.56%) UT I-84: 39.91 of 120.39 mi (33.15%) I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 231.90 of 231.90 mi (100.00%) PA I-84: 54.22 of 54.22 mi (100.00%) NY I-84: 71.55 of 71.55 mi (100.00%) CT I-84: 98.06 of 98.06 mi (100.00%) MA I-84: 8.07 of 8.07 mi (100.00%) I-85: 676.04 of 676.79 mi (99.89%) AL I-85: 81.08 of 81.08 mi (100.00%) GA I-85: 181.73 of 181.73 mi (100.00%) SC I-85: 107.86 of 107.86 mi (100.00%) NC I-85: 236.02 of 236.78 mi (99.68%) VA I-85: 69.34 of 69.34 mi (100.00%) I-87 (New York): 213.92 of 335.42 mi (63.78%) (NY I-87 only) I-88 (New York): 5.51 of 117.57 mi (4.68%) (NY I-88 only) I-90: 1521.27 of 3111.45 mi (48.89%) MT I-90: 268.01 of 552.69 mi (48.49%) WY I-90: 200.33 of 210.21 mi (95.30%) SD I-90: 401.92 of 418.18 mi (96.11%) WI I-90: 137.74 of 189.67 mi (72.62%) IL I-90: 99.12 of 109.53 mi (90.50%) IN I-90: 157.88 of 157.88 mi (100.00%) OH I-90: 146.75 of 246.97 mi (59.42%) NY I-90: 52.42 of 390.23 mi (13.43%) MA I-90: 57.10 of 138.37 mi (41.27%) I-91: 102.59 of 290.43 mi (35.32%) CT I-91: 9.65 of 58.12 mi (16.60%) VT I-91: 92.94 of 177.30 mi (52.42%) I-93: 44.87 of 189.34 mi (23.70%) MA I-93: 2.81 of 46.22 mi (6.09%) NH I-93: 30.87 of 131.94 mi (23.40%) VT I-93: 11.18 of 11.18 mi (100.00%) I-94: 1020.50 of 1625.38 mi (62.78%) MT I-94: 214.61 of 251.75 mi (85.25%) ND I-94: 246.14 of 356.62 mi (69.02%) MN I-94: 254.57 of 262.62 mi (96.94%) WI I-94: 239.72 of 352.54 mi (68.00%) IL I-94: 11.46 of 77.98 mi (14.69%) IN I-94: 19.03 of 46.03 mi (41.34%) MI I-94: 34.98 of 277.85 mi (12.59%) I-95: 1234.54 of 1916.29 mi (64.42%) FL I-95: 217.85 of 388.66 mi (56.05%) GA I-95: 107.50 of 114.18 mi (94.15%) SC I-95: 57.83 of 201.90 mi (28.64%) NC I-95: 184.00 of 184.06 mi (99.97%) VA I-95: 179.41 of 179.41 mi (100.00%) DC I-95: 0.07 of 0.07 mi (100.00%) MD I-95: 108.90 of 108.90 mi (100.00%) DE I-95: 23.28 of 23.28 mi (100.00%) PA I-95: 44.13 of 44.13 mi (100.00%) NJ I-95: 78.63 of 78.63 mi (100.00%) NY I-95: 23.53 of 23.53 mi (100.00%) CT I-95: 111.75 of 111.75 mi (100.00%) RI I-95: 36.53 of 43.60 mi (83.78%) MA I-95: 6.37 of 90.55 mi (7.03%) NH I-95: 10.29 of 16.42 mi (62.66%) ME I-95: 44.48 of 307.22 mi (14.48%) I-95 (Secaucus, NJ): 10.24 of 10.24 mi (100.00%) (NJ I-95Sec only) I-96: 0.97 of 194.40 mi (0.50%) (MI I-96 only) I-97: 17.45 of 17.45 mi (100.00%) (MD I-97 only) I-99 (Pennsylvania): 74.71 of 85.94 mi (86.93%) (PA I-99 only) I-115: 1.28 of 1.28 mi (100.00%) (MT I-115 only) I-180 (Pennsylvania): 0.73 of 28.77 mi (2.54%) (PA I-180 only) I-185 (Georgia): 49.16 of 49.16 mi (100.00%) (GA I-185 only) I-190 (South Dakota): 1.47 of 1.47 mi (100.00%) (SD I-190 only) I-194 (Michigan): 3.30 of 3.30 mi (100.00%) (MI I-194 only) I-195 (Florida): 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%) (FL I-195 only) I-195 (Maryland): 4.05 of 4.05 mi (100.00%) (MD I-195 only) I-195 (New Jersey): 34.23 of 34.23 mi (100.00%) (NJ I-195 only) I-195 (Rhode Island - Massachusetts): 44.05 of 44.05 mi (100.00%) RI I-195: 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%) MA I-195: 40.20 of 40.20 mi (100.00%) I-205 (Oregon - Washington): 11.45 of 37.06 mi (30.88%) OR I-205: 7.08 of 26.44 mi (26.78%) WA I-205: 4.37 of 10.63 mi (41.09%) I-215 (Utah): 6.28 of 28.72 mi (21.87%) (UT I-215 only) I-235 (Iowa): 14.03 of 14.03 mi (100.00%) (IA I-235 only) I-240 (North Carolina): 8.67 of 9.19 mi (94.34%) (NC I-240 only) I-244: 15.93 of 15.93 mi (100.00%) (OK I-244 only) I-264 (Virginia): 12.76 of 24.93 mi (51.16%) (VA I-264 only) I-270 (Colorado): 6.04 of 6.04 mi (100.00%) (CO I-270 only) I-270 (Missouri - Illinois): 27.83 of 50.65 mi (54.95%) MO I-270: 13.13 of 35.95 mi (36.53%) IL I-270: 14.70 of 14.70 mi (100.00%) I-270 (Ohio): 34.24 of 55.29 mi (61.92%) (OH I-270 only) I-270 (Maryland): 32.91 of 32.91 mi (100.00%) (MD I-270 only) I-270Spr (Ashleigh, MD): 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%) (MD I-270SprAsh only) I-271: 4.01 of 40.20 mi (9.98%) (OH I-271 only) I-275 (Florida): 15.94 of 60.10 mi (26.52%) (FL I-275 only) I-276: 29.75 of 29.75 mi (100.00%) (PA I-276 only) I-278: 34.74 of 35.88 mi (96.82%) NJ I-278: 0.89 of 2.03 mi (43.81%) NY I-278: 33.85 of 33.85 mi (100.00%) I-279: 12.93 of 12.93 mi (100.00%) (PA I-279 only) I-280 (California): 43.99 of 57.01 mi (77.15%) (CA I-280 only) I-280 (Iowa - Illinois): 9.41 of 27.30 mi (34.46%) IL I-280: 9.41 of 17.64 mi (53.32%) I-280 (Ohio): 4.13 of 12.61 mi (32.75%) (OH I-280 only) I-280 (New Jersey): 6.45 of 17.26 mi (37.34%) (NJ I-280 only) I-283: 3.04 of 3.04 mi (100.00%) (PA I-283 only) I-285 (Georgia): 33.39 of 63.44 mi (52.64%) (GA I-285 only) I-285 (North Carolina): 4.03 of 23.01 mi (17.52%) (NC I-285 only) I-287: 97.69 of 97.69 mi (100.00%) NJ I-287: 67.49 of 67.49 mi (100.00%) NY I-287: 30.20 of 30.20 mi (100.00%) I-294: 5.26 of 52.75 mi (9.98%) (IL I-294 only) I-295 (Virginia): 14.53 of 52.32 mi (27.78%) (VA I-295 only) I-295 (Maryland - District of Columbia): 5.91 of 5.91 mi (100.00%) MD I-295: 0.79 of 0.79 mi (100.00%) DC I-295: 5.12 of 5.12 mi (100.00%) I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 57.93 of 92.84 mi (62.40%) DE I-295: 4.92 of 4.92 mi (100.00%) NJ I-295: 48.12 of 77.33 mi (62.23%) PA I-295: 4.89 of 10.59 mi (46.17%) I-295 (New York): 7.59 of 9.29 mi (81.70%) (NY I-295 only) I-295 (Maine): 7.35 of 52.73 mi (13.95%) (ME I-295 only) I-296: 2.70 of 3.15 mi (85.63%) (MI I-296 only) I-315: 0.85 of 0.85 mi (100.00%) (MT I-315 only) I-370: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) (MD I-370 only) I-376: 6.23 of 84.50 mi (7.38%) (PA I-376 only) I-380 (Pennsylvania): 28.04 of 28.04 mi (100.00%) (PA I-380 only) I-395 (Florida): 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) (FL I-395 only) I-395 (Virginia - District of Columbia): 13.25 of 13.25 mi (100.00%) VA I-395: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) DC I-395: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%) I-395 (Baltimore, MD): 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%) (MD I-395 only) I-395 (Washington Village, MD): 0.52 of 0.52 mi (100.00%) (MD I-395Was only) I-395 (Maine): 4.96 of 4.96 mi (100.00%) (ME I-395 only) I-405 (Washington): 10.86 of 30.30 mi (35.85%) (WA I-405 only) I-465: 53.18 of 53.18 mi (100.00%) (IN I-465 only) I-470 (Kansas): 13.22 of 13.22 mi (100.00%) (KS I-470 only) I-470 (Ohio - West Virginia): 10.34 of 10.34 mi (100.00%) OH I-470: 6.46 of 6.46 mi (100.00%) WV I-470: 3.88 of 3.88 mi (100.00%) I-475 (Georgia): 15.91 of 15.91 mi (100.00%) (GA I-475 only) I-476: 37.69 of 132.08 mi (28.54%) (PA I-476 only) I-478: 2.08 of 2.08 mi (100.00%) (NY I-478 only) I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 22.91 of 42.50 mi (53.91%) (OH I-480 only) I-485: 9.86 of 65.68 mi (15.02%) (NC I-485 only) I-495 (Washington, DC): 63.48 of 63.48 mi (100.00%) VA I-495: 22.14 of 22.14 mi (100.00%) DC I-495: 0.07 of 0.07 mi (100.00%) MD I-495: 41.27 of 41.27 mi (100.00%) I-495 (Delaware): 11.21 of 11.21 mi (100.00%) (DE I-495 only) I-495 (New York): 12.83 of 71.43 mi (17.96%) (NY I-495 only) I-516: 1.45 of 6.53 mi (22.15%) (GA I-516 only) I-520: 13.03 of 23.40 mi (55.68%) GA I-520: 7.02 of 15.60 mi (45.01%) SC I-520: 6.01 of 7.80 mi (77.04%) I-564: 3.18 of 3.18 mi (100.00%) (VA I-564 only) I-579: 1.35 of 1.35 mi (100.00%) (PA I-579 only) I-580 (California): 17.66 of 80.12 mi (22.04%) (CA I-580 only) I-587: 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%) (NY I-587 only) I-595 (Maryland): 19.65 of 19.65 mi (100.00%) (MD I-595 only) I-640: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%) (TN I-640 only) I-670 (Kansas - Missouri): 1.96 of 3.65 mi (53.65%) MO I-670: 1.96 of 1.96 mi (100.00%) I-676: 3.97 of 7.10 mi (55.86%) PA I-676: 2.64 of 2.64 mi (100.00%) NJ I-676: 1.33 of 4.47 mi (29.83%) I-678: 14.63 of 14.63 mi (100.00%) (NY I-678 only) I-684: 27.99 of 28.27 mi (99.01%) NY I-684Pur: 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%) CT I-684: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) NY I-684: 21.81 of 22.09 mi (98.73%) I-694: 8.20 of 30.87 mi (26.57%) (MN I-694 only) I-695 (District of Columbia): 1.82 of 1.82 mi (100.00%) (DC I-695 only) I-695 (Maryland): 51.84 of 51.84 mi (100.00%) (MD I-695 only) I-785 (North Carolina): 2.24 of 7.33 mi (30.48%) (NC I-785 only) I-787: 8.55 of 10.44 mi (81.87%) (NY I-787 only) I-795 (Maryland): 9.04 of 9.04 mi (100.00%) (MD I-795 only) I-890: 9.11 of 9.11 mi (100.00%) (NY I-890 only) I-895 (Maryland): 14.42 of 14.42 mi (100.00%) (MD I-895 only) I-895Spr (Ferndale, MD): 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%) (MD I-895SprFer only) I-895Spr (Furnace Branch, MD): 0.24 of 2.35 mi (10.21%) (MD I-895SprFur only) I-985: 20.20 of 24.09 mi (83.86%) (GA I-985 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 135 of 358 (37.7%), clinched: 53 of 358 (14.8%). System usaib (active) overall: 84.61 of 1573.63 mi (5.38%) System usaib by region: AZ: 0.00 of 75.26 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 121.59 mi (0.00%) CO: 5.36 of 104.58 mi (5.12%) GA: 0.00 of 31.42 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 64.12 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 1.95 of 176.81 mi (1.10%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 2.02 of 145.18 mi (1.39%) MT: 9.42 of 74.09 mi (12.71%) NC: 36.24 of 56.89 mi (63.70%) ND: 8.22 of 37.87 mi (21.71%) NM: 0.00 of 62.36 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 36.30 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 8.59 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 42.06 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 52.72 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 204.66 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 44.59 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 21.41 of 92.40 mi (23.17%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-15BL (Butte, MT): 1.28 of 5.02 mi (25.54%) (MT I-15BLBut only) I-15BL (Great Falls, MT): 2.34 of 5.43 mi (43.22%) (MT I-15BLGre only) I-25BL (Walsenburg, CO): 2.60 of 3.83 mi (67.92%) (CO I-25BLWal only) I-25BL (Douglas, WY): 1.61 of 5.02 mi (32.15%) (WY I-25BLDou only) I-25BL (Buffalo, WY): 3.33 of 3.33 mi (100.00%) (WY I-25BLBuf only) I-44BL (Joplin, MO): 2.02 of 11.84 mi (17.08%) (MO I-44BLJop only) I-70BL (Limon, CO): 2.76 of 4.04 mi (68.16%) (CO I-70BLLim only) I-80BL (Evanston, WY): 2.10 of 3.19 mi (65.80%) (WY I-80BLEva only) I-80BL (Rawlins, WY): 2.26 of 3.89 mi (58.01%) (WY I-80BLRaw only) I-85BL (Lexington, NC): 30.37 of 30.37 mi (100.00%) (NC I-85BLLex only) I-85BL (Greensboro, NC): 5.86 of 11.22 mi (52.24%) (NC I-85BLGre only) I-90BL (Missoula, MT): 4.56 of 4.78 mi (95.32%) (MT I-90BLMis only) I-90BL (Butte, MT): 1.28 of 5.02 mi (25.54%) (MT I-90BLBut only) I-90BL (Billings, MT): 1.23 of 6.30 mi (19.55%) (MT I-90BLBil only) I-90BL (Sheridan, WY): 5.44 of 5.44 mi (100.00%) (WY I-90BLShe only) I-90BL (Buffalo, WY): 3.80 of 3.80 mi (100.00%) (WY I-90BLBuf only) I-90BL (Gillette, WY): 3.12 of 3.32 mi (94.09%) (WY I-90BLGil only) I-90BL (Moorcroft, WY): 1.38 of 1.62 mi (85.11%) (WY I-90BLMoo only) I-94BL (Fargo, ND): 8.22 of 11.97 mi (68.70%) ND I-94BLFar: 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) I-94BL (Marshall, MI): 1.95 of 5.52 mi (35.32%) (MI I-94BLMar only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 20 of 282 (7.1%), clinched: 4 of 282 (1.4%). System usaif (active) overall: 147.27 of 693.46 mi (21.24%) System usaif by region: AR: 0.00 of 5.98 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 24.26 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 8.69 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) IN: 20.56 of 26.67 mi (77.12%) KY: 0.00 of 25.97 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 66.44 mi (0.00%) NC: 44.33 of 169.21 mi (26.20%) NY: 75.06 of 161.13 mi (46.59%) PA: 0.00 of 83.00 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 48.20 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 61.92 mi (0.00%) VA: 7.31 of 7.31 mi (100.00%) System usaif by route (traveled routes only): I-26Fut (Asheville, NC): 0.32 of 18.28 mi (1.75%) (NC I-26FutAsh only) I-69Fut (Indianapolis, IN): 20.56 of 20.56 mi (100.00%) (IN I-69FutInd only) I-73Fut (Madison, NC): 18.29 of 18.29 mi (100.00%) (NC I-73FutMad only) I-86Fut (Binghamton, NY): 5.02 of 44.77 mi (11.21%) NY I-86FutBin: 5.02 of 43.91 mi (11.42%) I-86Fut (Monticello, NY): 70.04 of 99.35 mi (70.50%) (NY I-86FutMon only) I-785Fut (Reidville, NC): 30.80 of 30.80 mi (100.00%) NC I-785FutRei: 23.49 of 23.49 mi (100.00%) VA I-785FutDan: 7.31 of 7.31 mi (100.00%) I-840Fut (East Greensboro, NC): 2.24 of 7.33 mi (30.48%) (NC I-840FutEGr only) System usaif connected routes traveled: 7 of 33 (21.2%), clinched: 3 of 33 (9.1%). System usasf (active) overall: 874.36 of 1689.73 mi (51.75%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 4.34 of 4.34 mi (100.00%) CA: 0.00 of 11.59 mi (0.00%) CO: 11.07 of 65.63 mi (16.86%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 264.25 of 322.90 mi (81.83%) GA: 0.00 of 23.41 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%) MD: 1.16 of 1.16 mi (100.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.96 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 8.45 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 312.49 of 355.08 mi (88.01%) NV: 0.00 of 39.05 mi (0.00%) NY: 278.47 of 462.41 mi (60.22%) OH: 0.00 of 22.30 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 73.00 mi (0.00%) PA: 1.27 of 6.28 mi (20.18%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.94 mi (0.00%) WA: 1.31 of 4.58 mi (28.72%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): AirExpy (Airport Expressway): 1.31 of 1.31 mi (100.00%) (WA AirExpy only) AtlCityExpy (Atlantic City Expressway): 44.68 of 44.68 mi (100.00%) (NJ AtlCityExpy only) BeltPkwy (Belt Parkway): 21.45 of 24.59 mi (87.23%) (NY BeltPkwy only) BerCon (New York Thruway Berkshire Connector): 24.20 of 24.20 mi (100.00%) (NY BerCon only) BetRossBri (Betsy Ross Bridge): 1.27 of 1.27 mi (100.00%) (PA BetRossBri only) BroRivPkwy (Bronx River Parkway): 8.47 of 18.95 mi (44.69%) (NY BroRivPkwy only) CabJohnPkwy (Cabin John Parkway): 1.16 of 1.16 mi (100.00%) (MD CabJohnPkwy only) CroCouPkwy (Cross County Parkway): 3.46 of 4.49 mi (77.12%) (NY CroCouPkwy only) CroIslPkwy (Cross Island Parkway): 10.68 of 10.68 mi (100.00%) (NY CroIslPkwy only) FLTpk (Florida's Turnpike): 264.25 of 314.30 mi (84.07%) (FL FLTpk only) FDRooDr (Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive): 8.28 of 9.70 mi (85.32%) (NY FDRooDr only) GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 135.45 of 175.93 mi (76.99%) NJ GarStaPkwy: 133.05 of 173.53 mi (76.67%) NY GarStaPkwy: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%) GraCenPkwy (Grand Central Parkway): 12.97 of 14.51 mi (89.36%) (NY GraCenPkwy only) HarRivDr (Harlem River Drive): 2.94 of 4.27 mi (68.87%) (NY HarRivDr only) HenHudPkwy (Henry Hudson Parkway): 11.77 of 11.77 mi (100.00%) (NY HenHudPkwy only) HutRivPkwy (Hutchinson River Parkway): 4.36 of 18.72 mi (23.27%) (NY HutRivPkwy only) NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 123.59 of 123.59 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJTpk only) PalIntPkwy (Palisades Interstate Parkway): 37.28 of 37.28 mi (100.00%) NJ PalIntPkwy: 11.19 of 11.19 mi (100.00%) NY PalIntPkwy: 26.09 of 26.09 mi (100.00%) PenaBlvd (Pena Boulevard): 11.07 of 11.07 mi (100.00%) (CO PenaBlvd only) SawMillPkwy (Saw Mill River Parkway): 28.92 of 28.92 mi (100.00%) (NY SawMillPkwy only) SkyHarBlvd (Sky Harbor Boulevard): 4.34 of 4.34 mi (100.00%) (AZ SkyHarBlvd only) SprBroPkwy (Sprain Brook Parkway): 12.29 of 12.29 mi (100.00%) (NY SprBroPkwy only) TacStaPkwy (Taconic State Parkway): 100.20 of 103.63 mi (96.68%) (NY TacStaPkwy only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 23 of 87 (26.4%), clinched: 13 of 87 (14.9%). System usaus (active) overall: 15559.49 of 137726.42 mi (11.30%) System usaus by region: AL: 69.44 of 3491.02 mi (1.99%) AR: 0.00 of 3608.57 mi (0.00%) AZ: 135.33 of 1880.94 mi (7.19%) CA: 341.20 of 1730.13 mi (19.72%) CO: 1309.01 of 4015.36 mi (32.60%) CT: 59.94 of 507.91 mi (11.80%) DC: 22.09 of 22.09 mi (100.00%) DE: 125.65 of 211.20 mi (59.49%) FL: 302.51 of 3999.73 mi (7.56%) GA: 551.75 of 4922.31 mi (11.21%) IA: 149.51 of 3710.23 mi (4.03%) ID: 249.25 of 2090.85 mi (11.92%) IL: 75.75 of 3409.83 mi (2.22%) IN: 82.18 of 2903.43 mi (2.83%) KS: 376.64 of 5413.94 mi (6.96%) KY: 4.33 of 3313.31 mi (0.13%) LA: 7.01 of 2320.65 mi (0.30%) MA: 207.71 of 602.39 mi (34.48%) MD: 740.69 of 774.32 mi (95.66%) ME: 293.84 of 1176.07 mi (24.98%) MI: 482.59 of 2325.60 mi (20.75%) MN: 254.66 of 3613.83 mi (7.05%) MO: 225.53 of 4004.71 mi (5.63%) MS: 0.00 of 2596.53 mi (0.00%) MT: 1380.19 of 3317.02 mi (41.61%) NC: 722.86 of 5076.20 mi (14.24%) ND: 175.81 of 1785.36 mi (9.85%) NE: 161.53 of 3541.47 mi (4.56%) NH: 34.05 of 542.91 mi (6.27%) NJ: 124.43 of 805.49 mi (15.45%) NM: 299.20 of 3676.75 mi (8.14%) NV: 11.57 of 1851.15 mi (0.63%) NY: 406.16 of 1654.65 mi (24.55%) OH: 156.51 of 3914.10 mi (4.00%) OK: 69.34 of 4765.18 mi (1.46%) OR: 627.70 of 2597.59 mi (24.16%) PA: 831.04 of 3429.36 mi (24.23%) RI: 5.79 of 108.88 mi (5.31%) SC: 512.04 of 3310.53 mi (15.47%) SD: 232.15 of 2611.23 mi (8.89%) TN: 189.19 of 3646.85 mi (5.19%) TX: 11.36 of 12781.16 mi (0.09%) UT: 229.90 of 1616.75 mi (14.22%) VA: 1578.68 of 4089.76 mi (38.60%) VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%) WA: 43.53 of 1764.33 mi (2.47%) WI: 23.62 of 2897.45 mi (0.82%) WV: 246.30 of 1793.39 mi (13.73%) WY: 1419.93 of 2909.95 mi (48.80%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 616.47 of 2384.93 mi (25.85%) FL US1: 224.41 of 553.53 mi (40.54%) GA US1: 9.18 of 226.54 mi (4.05%) SC US1: 15.15 of 171.70 mi (8.82%) VA US1: 8.37 of 199.26 mi (4.20%) DC US1: 7.20 of 7.20 mi (100.00%) MD US1: 73.96 of 81.24 mi (91.04%) PA US1: 46.56 of 81.97 mi (56.80%) NJ US1: 12.22 of 66.88 mi (18.27%) NY US1: 3.19 of 21.44 mi (14.88%) CT US1: 3.22 of 115.76 mi (2.79%) RI US1: 2.55 of 57.12 mi (4.47%) MA US1: 18.09 of 85.34 mi (21.19%) NH US1: 14.69 of 16.69 mi (88.02%) ME US1: 177.66 of 524.85 mi (33.85%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 244.17 of 2126.52 mi (11.48%) MT US2: 156.43 of 669.03 mi (23.38%) MI US2: 87.74 of 197.38 mi (44.45%) US2 (New York - Maine): 124.35 of 454.34 mi (27.37%) NH US2: 8.91 of 35.44 mi (25.13%) ME US2: 115.44 of 272.08 mi (42.43%) US3: 18.70 of 272.87 mi (6.85%) MA US3: 11.83 of 35.25 mi (33.57%) NH US3: 6.87 of 237.62 mi (2.89%) US4: 1.96 of 249.40 mi (0.79%) NY US4: 1.96 of 79.28 mi (2.47%) US5: 6.63 of 295.79 mi (2.24%) MA US5: 6.63 of 53.31 mi (12.44%) US6: 661.16 of 3217.98 mi (20.55%) UT US6: 17.59 of 376.02 mi (4.68%) CO US6: 179.32 of 470.27 mi (38.13%) IA US6: 142.46 of 326.55 mi (43.63%) IL US6: 6.27 of 179.07 mi (3.50%) IN US6: 15.27 of 150.83 mi (10.13%) OH US6: 109.73 of 250.36 mi (43.83%) PA US6: 17.05 of 402.89 mi (4.23%) NY US6: 26.91 of 75.89 mi (35.46%) CT US6: 25.50 of 114.03 mi (22.36%) RI US6: 3.23 of 26.61 mi (12.14%) MA US6: 117.83 of 117.83 mi (100.00%) US7: 4.85 of 304.44 mi (1.59%) CT US7: 4.49 of 76.14 mi (5.90%) MA US7: 0.35 of 53.36 mi (0.66%) US9 (Delaware): 17.92 of 30.11 mi (59.50%) (DE US9 only) US9 (New Jersey - New York): 162.45 of 488.58 mi (33.25%) NJ US9: 20.66 of 166.93 mi (12.38%) NY US9: 141.78 of 321.65 mi (44.08%) US9W: 126.85 of 140.03 mi (90.58%) NJ US9W: 3.88 of 10.99 mi (35.29%) NY US9W: 122.97 of 129.05 mi (95.29%) US10 (North Dakota - Wisconsin): 10.96 of 578.95 mi (1.89%) ND US10: 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) MN US10: 2.74 of 277.83 mi (0.99%) US10 (Michigan): 57.54 of 141.20 mi (40.75%) (MI US10 only) US11 (Louisiana - Tennessee): 6.38 of 607.54 mi (1.05%) TN US11: 6.38 of 126.13 mi (5.05%) US11 (Virginia - New York): 287.81 of 945.68 mi (30.43%) VA US11: 165.78 of 335.65 mi (49.39%) WV US11: 26.34 of 26.34 mi (100.00%) MD US11: 12.67 of 12.67 mi (100.00%) PA US11: 79.25 of 249.74 mi (31.73%) NY US11: 3.77 of 321.27 mi (1.17%) US11E: 3.71 of 121.24 mi (3.06%) TN US11E: 3.71 of 120.67 mi (3.07%) US12: 247.06 of 2474.54 mi (9.98%) WA US12: 43.53 of 427.65 mi (10.18%) MT US12: 171.91 of 597.81 mi (28.76%) MN US12: 19.73 of 195.37 mi (10.10%) WI US12: 11.89 of 341.32 mi (3.48%) US13: 204.18 of 530.31 mi (38.50%) NC US13: 6.73 of 190.02 mi (3.54%) VA US13: 111.78 of 143.16 mi (78.08%) MD US13: 42.53 of 42.53 mi (100.00%) DE US13: 41.01 of 105.18 mi (38.99%) PA US13: 2.13 of 49.42 mi (4.32%) US14: 461.48 of 1394.66 mi (33.09%) WY US14: 348.07 of 395.22 mi (88.07%) SD US14: 113.41 of 442.86 mi (25.61%) US15: 255.92 of 795.35 mi (32.18%) NC US15: 12.22 of 159.32 mi (7.67%) VA US15: 72.74 of 230.35 mi (31.58%) MD US15: 38.01 of 38.01 mi (100.00%) PA US15: 132.95 of 195.98 mi (67.84%) US16: 479.30 of 479.30 mi (100.00%) WY US16: 413.34 of 413.34 mi (100.00%) SD US16: 65.96 of 65.96 mi (100.00%) US17: 501.81 of 1216.22 mi (41.26%) FL US17: 3.58 of 323.44 mi (1.11%) GA US17: 14.18 of 125.52 mi (11.30%) SC US17: 224.19 of 224.19 mi (100.00%) NC US17: 104.91 of 286.69 mi (36.59%) VA US17: 154.94 of 256.37 mi (60.44%) US18: 9.23 of 1052.11 mi (0.88%) SD US18: 3.08 of 450.32 mi (0.68%) WI US18: 6.15 of 187.14 mi (3.29%) US19 (Florida - North Carolina): 163.62 of 753.92 mi (21.70%) GA US19: 99.83 of 348.02 mi (28.69%) NC US19: 63.79 of 138.41 mi (46.09%) US19 (Tennessee - Pennsylvania): 42.06 of 533.55 mi (7.88%) TN US19: 3.71 of 11.88 mi (31.21%) WV US19: 32.54 of 241.01 mi (13.50%) PA US19: 5.82 of 193.05 mi (3.01%) US19E: 32.84 of 72.96 mi (45.02%) NC US19E: 2.39 of 42.51 mi (5.63%) TN US19E: 30.45 of 30.45 mi (100.00%) US20 (Oregon - Montana): 88.84 of 864.92 mi (10.27%) OR US20: 2.69 of 448.89 mi (0.60%) ID US20: 78.58 of 406.40 mi (19.34%) MT US20: 7.58 of 9.63 mi (78.65%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 252.89 of 2364.00 mi (10.70%) WY US20: 181.21 of 434.86 mi (41.67%) IN US20: 2.60 of 157.01 mi (1.66%) OH US20: 20.56 of 262.46 mi (7.84%) NY US20: 7.98 of 374.05 mi (2.13%) MA US20: 40.54 of 149.61 mi (27.10%) US21: 21.62 of 391.60 mi (5.52%) SC US21: 7.61 of 235.74 mi (3.23%) NC US21: 14.01 of 122.42 mi (11.45%) US22: 128.87 of 650.96 mi (19.80%) PA US22: 108.86 of 341.08 mi (31.92%) NJ US22: 20.01 of 60.55 mi (33.05%) US23: 236.63 of 1410.17 mi (16.78%) GA US23: 107.31 of 394.30 mi (27.21%) NC US23: 77.54 of 104.36 mi (74.30%) MI US23: 51.79 of 366.34 mi (14.14%) US24: 218.64 of 1559.64 mi (14.02%) CO US24: 128.01 of 322.35 mi (39.71%) KS US24: 63.30 of 440.10 mi (14.38%) MO US24: 8.49 of 221.67 mi (3.83%) OH US24: 18.84 of 83.43 mi (22.58%) US25 (Georgia - Tennessee): 75.04 of 425.28 mi (17.65%) GA US25: 10.60 of 193.33 mi (5.49%) SC US25: 30.30 of 140.40 mi (21.58%) NC US25: 34.14 of 72.25 mi (47.25%) US25W: 9.13 of 142.35 mi (6.41%) TN US25W: 9.13 of 108.34 mi (8.42%) US26: 719.77 of 1503.85 mi (47.86%) OR US26: 111.71 of 469.50 mi (23.79%) ID US26: 102.49 of 404.83 mi (25.32%) WY US26: 352.66 of 476.62 mi (73.99%) NE US26: 152.90 of 152.90 mi (100.00%) US27: 47.66 of 1366.51 mi (3.49%) GA US27: 47.66 of 357.47 mi (13.33%) US29: 493.12 of 1044.49 mi (47.21%) AL US29: 13.35 of 228.15 mi (5.85%) GA US29: 71.12 of 209.79 mi (33.90%) SC US29: 7.92 of 109.78 mi (7.21%) NC US29: 117.19 of 168.96 mi (69.36%) VA US29: 248.93 of 248.93 mi (100.00%) DC US29: 8.59 of 8.59 mi (100.00%) MD US29: 26.03 of 26.03 mi (100.00%) US30: 399.30 of 3105.36 mi (12.86%) OR US30: 74.86 of 480.44 mi (15.58%) ID US30: 19.74 of 418.69 mi (4.71%) WY US30: 92.36 of 458.74 mi (20.13%) NE US30: 2.03 of 458.15 mi (0.44%) PA US30: 198.17 of 331.65 mi (59.75%) NJ US30: 12.14 of 59.01 mi (20.57%) US31 (Alabama - Tennessee): 41.56 of 482.40 mi (8.62%) AL US31: 41.56 of 387.73 mi (10.72%) US31 (Kentucky - Michigan): 72.63 of 630.68 mi (11.52%) IN US31: 24.74 of 271.45 mi (9.11%) MI US31: 47.89 of 358.36 mi (13.36%) US33: 25.09 of 683.60 mi (3.67%) VA US33: 25.09 of 132.59 mi (18.92%) US34: 56.83 of 1129.77 mi (5.03%) CO US34: 56.83 of 253.04 mi (22.46%) US35: 9.00 of 417.17 mi (2.16%) OH US35: 1.78 of 174.77 mi (1.02%) IN US35: 7.22 of 206.24 mi (3.50%) US36: 130.37 of 1415.56 mi (9.21%) CO US36: 105.67 of 231.47 mi (45.65%) IN US36: 24.70 of 165.17 mi (14.95%) US40: 992.52 of 2311.09 mi (42.95%) UT US40: 3.90 of 175.11 mi (2.23%) CO US40: 97.17 of 484.42 mi (20.06%) KS US40: 322.39 of 439.12 mi (73.42%) MO US40: 193.67 of 257.49 mi (75.22%) IL US40: 24.61 of 162.13 mi (15.18%) IN US40: 30.66 of 161.75 mi (18.96%) OH US40: 18.69 of 229.26 mi (8.15%) WV US40: 0.49 of 15.43 mi (3.16%) PA US40: 66.04 of 82.13 mi (80.41%) MD US40: 221.43 of 221.43 mi (100.00%) DE US40: 11.54 of 17.53 mi (65.81%) NJ US40: 1.94 of 65.29 mi (2.96%) US41: 109.72 of 2038.65 mi (5.38%) FL US41: 52.88 of 492.50 mi (10.74%) GA US41: 47.84 of 389.73 mi (12.27%) IN US41: 1.52 of 283.05 mi (0.54%) IL US41: 7.49 of 64.30 mi (11.64%) US44: 96.24 of 232.73 mi (41.35%) NY US44: 63.93 of 63.93 mi (100.00%) CT US44: 31.38 of 104.19 mi (30.12%) RI US44: 0.93 of 26.17 mi (3.56%) US46: 38.93 of 73.91 mi (52.68%) (NJ US46 only) US50: 586.59 of 3005.46 mi (19.52%) CA US50: 59.11 of 105.19 mi (56.19%) NV US50: 9.32 of 408.77 mi (2.28%) UT US50: 17.59 of 337.94 mi (5.20%) CO US50: 202.43 of 459.55 mi (44.05%) MO US50: 30.52 of 262.25 mi (11.64%) IL US50: 11.55 of 163.09 mi (7.08%) MD US50Red: 6.86 of 8.85 mi (77.49%) WV US50Rom: 64.40 of 64.51 mi (99.84%) VA US50: 35.62 of 86.38 mi (41.23%) DC US50: 7.83 of 7.83 mi (100.00%) MD US50: 141.37 of 141.37 mi (100.00%) US51: 29.64 of 1287.55 mi (2.30%) IL US51: 25.83 of 416.20 mi (6.21%) WI US51: 3.81 of 319.43 mi (1.19%) US52: 337.50 of 2081.15 mi (16.22%) ND US52: 9.84 of 365.83 mi (2.69%) MN US52: 238.16 of 378.27 mi (62.96%) IN US52: 22.49 of 199.75 mi (11.26%) WV US52Ken: 5.25 of 71.24 mi (7.37%) WV US52: 0.66 of 100.45 mi (0.65%) VA US52: 44.90 of 78.60 mi (57.12%) NC US52: 16.21 of 150.65 mi (10.76%) US54: 59.32 of 1215.93 mi (4.88%) NM US54: 59.32 of 361.87 mi (16.39%) US58: 213.04 of 501.36 mi (42.49%) VA US58: 213.04 of 500.67 mi (42.55%) US59: 21.19 of 1932.35 mi (1.10%) OK US59: 10.20 of 216.63 mi (4.71%) MN US59: 10.99 of 432.84 mi (2.54%) US60: 142.00 of 2655.79 mi (5.35%) TX US60: 2.10 of 227.07 mi (0.93%) WV US60: 47.52 of 170.95 mi (27.80%) VA US60: 92.38 of 299.06 mi (30.89%) US61: 8.31 of 1415.77 mi (0.59%) LA US61: 1.28 of 123.41 mi (1.03%) IA US61: 5.63 of 194.42 mi (2.89%) MN US61: 1.41 of 165.61 mi (0.85%) US62: 3.46 of 2244.22 mi (0.15%) OK US62: 3.46 of 405.52 mi (0.85%) US64: 85.75 of 2325.77 mi (3.69%) AZ US64: 4.20 of 4.20 mi (100.00%) NM US64: 64.38 of 436.62 mi (14.74%) OK US64: 0.95 of 596.72 mi (0.16%) TN US64: 4.18 of 398.97 mi (1.05%) NC US64: 12.04 of 601.99 mi (2.00%) US65: 1.43 of 969.72 mi (0.15%) IA US65: 1.43 of 225.78 mi (0.63%) US69: 11.54 of 1144.94 mi (1.01%) OK US69: 10.20 of 263.96 mi (3.86%) KS US69: 1.34 of 166.26 mi (0.81%) US70: 113.24 of 2379.52 mi (4.76%) TN US70: 3.04 of 479.61 mi (0.63%) NC US70: 110.19 of 481.01 mi (22.91%) US71: 0.64 of 1527.46 mi (0.04%) MO US71: 0.64 of 321.83 mi (0.20%) US74: 115.01 of 513.28 mi (22.41%) TN US74: 19.13 of 61.39 mi (31.16%) NC US74: 95.88 of 451.89 mi (21.22%) US75: 10.71 of 1252.81 mi (0.85%) OK US75: 2.43 of 251.85 mi (0.97%) KS US75: 8.19 of 231.25 mi (3.54%) MN US75: 0.09 of 419.54 mi (0.02%) US76: 55.28 of 533.82 mi (10.35%) GA US76: 41.01 of 146.53 mi (27.99%) NC US76: 14.27 of 81.17 mi (17.58%) US77: 8.63 of 1321.44 mi (0.65%) NE US77: 8.63 of 192.96 mi (4.47%) US78: 195.73 of 704.75 mi (27.77%) GA US78: 71.42 of 233.36 mi (30.61%) SC US78: 124.30 of 142.10 mi (87.48%) US80: 33.33 of 1037.27 mi (3.21%) AL US80: 10.79 of 221.28 mi (4.88%) GA US80: 22.54 of 298.37 mi (7.55%) US81: 28.76 of 1241.05 mi (2.32%) ND US81: 28.76 of 235.33 mi (12.22%) US82: 2.99 of 1616.14 mi (0.18%) AL US82: 2.99 of 244.43 mi (1.22%) US83: 45.02 of 1908.84 mi (2.36%) KS US83: 1.02 of 231.38 mi (0.44%) SD US83: 20.51 of 243.84 mi (8.41%) ND US83: 23.49 of 266.79 mi (8.80%) US84: 37.24 of 1926.45 mi (1.93%) NM US84: 37.24 of 359.94 mi (10.35%) US85: 311.96 of 1492.46 mi (20.90%) NM US85: 52.02 of 488.44 mi (10.65%) CO US85: 145.14 of 313.86 mi (46.25%) WY US85: 10.41 of 258.89 mi (4.02%) SD US85: 16.91 of 152.82 mi (11.06%) ND US85: 87.47 of 258.39 mi (33.85%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 464.01 of 1541.59 mi (30.10%) TX US87: 2.09 of 813.22 mi (0.26%) CO US87: 253.57 of 304.16 mi (83.37%) WY US87: 208.35 of 323.29 mi (64.45%) US87 (north Wyoming - Montana): 100.16 of 488.91 mi (20.49%) WY US87She: 17.52 of 42.71 mi (41.02%) MT US87: 82.65 of 446.20 mi (18.52%) US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 252.71 of 834.95 mi (30.27%) AZ US89: 25.92 of 139.12 mi (18.63%) UT US89: 69.14 of 497.60 mi (13.90%) ID US89: 2.87 of 43.45 mi (6.62%) WY US89: 154.77 of 154.77 mi (100.00%) US89 (Montana): 393.67 of 399.92 mi (98.44%) (MT US89 only) US90: 5.74 of 1643.33 mi (0.35%) LA US90: 5.74 of 299.75 mi (1.91%) US91: 31.21 of 171.59 mi (18.19%) ID US91: 31.21 of 126.62 mi (24.65%) US92: 3.58 of 185.93 mi (1.93%) (FL US92 only) US93: 430.43 of 1356.51 mi (31.73%) NV US93: 2.26 of 532.06 mi (0.42%) ID US93: 145.98 of 337.70 mi (43.23%) MT US93: 282.19 of 285.06 mi (98.99%) US95: 2.26 of 1575.40 mi (0.14%) NV US95: 2.26 of 676.18 mi (0.33%) US97: 119.70 of 667.09 mi (17.94%) OR US97: 119.70 of 292.84 mi (40.88%) US98: 0.75 of 941.76 mi (0.08%) AL US98: 0.75 of 81.43 mi (0.92%) US101: 335.78 of 1506.14 mi (22.29%) CA US101: 58.94 of 802.51 mi (7.34%) OR US101: 276.84 of 343.94 mi (80.49%) US113: 75.33 of 75.33 mi (100.00%) MD US113: 37.22 of 37.22 mi (100.00%) DE US113: 38.11 of 38.11 mi (100.00%) US119: 19.54 of 525.96 mi (3.71%) WV US119: 8.48 of 262.33 mi (3.23%) PA US119: 11.06 of 130.49 mi (8.47%) US127: 5.58 of 751.78 mi (0.74%) KY US127: 1.68 of 204.70 mi (0.82%) MI US127: 3.90 of 216.99 mi (1.80%) US129: 50.21 of 574.06 mi (8.75%) GA US129: 20.57 of 376.68 mi (5.46%) NC US129: 0.58 of 59.56 mi (0.97%) TN US129: 29.06 of 48.60 mi (59.79%) US130: 11.87 of 84.53 mi (14.05%) (NJ US130 only) US131: 237.63 of 273.09 mi (87.02%) MI US131: 237.63 of 272.42 mi (87.23%) US150: 6.95 of 563.62 mi (1.23%) IN US150: 4.30 of 175.79 mi (2.45%) KY US150: 2.66 of 121.33 mi (2.19%) US151: 7.92 of 328.94 mi (2.41%) WI US151: 7.92 of 220.56 mi (3.59%) US158: 103.30 of 349.90 mi (29.52%) (NC US158 only) US160: 358.66 of 1469.49 mi (24.41%) AZ US160: 105.21 of 161.39 mi (65.19%) CO US160: 253.45 of 494.56 mi (51.25%) US169: 8.48 of 976.45 mi (0.87%) KS US169: 2.17 of 174.17 mi (1.24%) MO US169: 1.06 of 128.16 mi (0.83%) IA US169: 5.26 of 238.42 mi (2.21%) US178: 33.91 of 237.26 mi (14.29%) SC US178: 33.91 of 231.46 mi (14.65%) US189: 70.63 of 312.85 mi (22.58%) UT US189: 53.81 of 96.37 mi (55.84%) WY US189: 16.82 of 216.48 mi (7.77%) US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 161.26 of 1213.11 mi (13.29%) AZ US191: 2.30 of 521.37 mi (0.44%) UT US191: 89.36 of 402.96 mi (22.18%) WY US191: 69.60 of 288.77 mi (24.10%) US191 (Montana): 67.02 of 441.35 mi (15.18%) MT US191WYe: 8.76 of 14.86 mi (58.92%) MT US191: 58.26 of 420.48 mi (13.85%) US192: 2.43 of 75.97 mi (3.20%) (FL US192 only) US199: 76.29 of 76.29 mi (100.00%) CA US199: 33.42 of 33.42 mi (100.00%) OR US199: 42.88 of 42.88 mi (100.00%) US201: 0.24 of 156.39 mi (0.15%) (ME US201 only) US202: 51.15 of 621.82 mi (8.23%) DE US202: 5.73 of 12.57 mi (45.58%) NJ US202: 13.67 of 79.74 mi (17.15%) NY US202: 14.42 of 54.00 mi (26.70%) CT US202: 3.89 of 74.09 mi (5.26%) MA US202: 12.69 of 78.06 mi (16.26%) ME US202: 0.73 of 170.39 mi (0.43%) US206: 2.47 of 130.11 mi (1.90%) NJ US206: 2.47 of 129.70 mi (1.91%) US209: 98.98 of 209.38 mi (47.28%) PA US209: 54.52 of 149.24 mi (36.53%) NY US209: 44.47 of 60.13 mi (73.95%) US211: 55.21 of 55.21 mi (100.00%) (VA US211 only) US212: 184.11 of 952.83 mi (19.32%) MT US212Coo: 8.20 of 8.20 mi (100.00%) WY US212: 29.60 of 29.60 mi (100.00%) MT US212: 146.32 of 314.40 mi (46.54%) US219: 43.62 of 502.86 mi (8.67%) MD US219: 41.77 of 47.41 mi (88.11%) PA US219: 1.84 of 198.35 mi (0.93%) US220: 208.70 of 670.41 mi (31.13%) NC US220: 41.98 of 123.54 mi (33.98%) VA US220: 31.45 of 181.42 mi (17.34%) WV US220: 34.41 of 90.67 mi (37.95%) MD US220: 23.01 of 26.71 mi (86.15%) PA US220: 77.85 of 248.07 mi (31.38%) US221: 102.60 of 723.35 mi (14.18%) SC US221: 23.66 of 124.90 mi (18.94%) NC US221: 5.43 of 144.34 mi (3.76%) VA US221: 73.52 of 149.05 mi (49.32%) US222: 28.59 of 94.64 mi (30.20%) PA US222: 28.59 of 91.06 mi (31.39%) US250: 23.09 of 493.10 mi (4.68%) WV US250: 1.04 of 175.58 mi (0.59%) VA US250: 22.05 of 158.65 mi (13.90%) US258: 2.69 of 226.79 mi (1.18%) NC US258: 2.69 of 158.93 mi (1.69%) US270: 38.43 of 646.12 mi (5.95%) OK US270: 38.43 of 482.10 mi (7.97%) US276: 2.85 of 97.35 mi (2.93%) SC US276: 0.50 of 40.59 mi (1.24%) NC US276: 2.35 of 56.76 mi (4.14%) US278: 74.03 of 1080.29 mi (6.85%) GA US278: 33.73 of 234.59 mi (14.38%) SC US278: 40.30 of 147.10 mi (27.40%) US280: 9.35 of 391.92 mi (2.39%) AL US280: 3.50 of 143.13 mi (2.44%) GA US280: 5.85 of 248.78 mi (2.35%) US281: 18.03 of 1893.37 mi (0.95%) ND US281: 18.03 of 275.09 mi (6.55%) US285: 107.68 of 847.52 mi (12.71%) NM US285: 16.57 of 412.55 mi (4.02%) CO US285: 91.12 of 262.76 mi (34.68%) US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 387.36 of 1621.00 mi (23.90%) TX US287: 9.33 of 764.49 mi (1.22%) CO US287: 75.09 of 392.04 mi (19.15%) WY US287: 302.94 of 423.04 mi (71.61%) US287 (Montana): 217.41 of 282.43 mi (76.98%) (MT US287 only) US301: 158.52 of 1110.43 mi (14.28%) FL US301: 2.54 of 273.95 mi (0.93%) NC US301: 13.71 of 194.88 mi (7.04%) VA US301: 18.84 of 144.22 mi (13.06%) MD US301: 112.10 of 123.54 mi (90.74%) DE US301: 11.34 of 11.34 mi (100.00%) US302: 3.58 of 165.64 mi (2.16%) NH US302: 3.58 of 77.05 mi (4.65%) US310: 16.19 of 104.24 mi (15.53%) WY US310: 3.18 of 48.04 mi (6.62%) MT US310: 13.01 of 56.20 mi (23.15%) US311: 2.95 of 64.35 mi (4.59%) NC US311: 2.95 of 56.91 mi (5.18%) US321: 42.93 of 510.23 mi (8.41%) NC US321: 0.21 of 102.74 mi (0.21%) TN US321: 42.72 of 189.04 mi (22.60%) US322: 53.78 of 488.70 mi (11.00%) PA US322: 51.62 of 362.24 mi (14.25%) NJ US322: 2.16 of 63.38 mi (3.41%) US340: 142.63 of 154.69 mi (92.21%) VA US340: 109.01 of 121.07 mi (90.04%) WV US340: 16.03 of 16.03 mi (100.00%) VA US340Lou: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) MD US340: 17.02 of 17.02 mi (100.00%) US341: 7.49 of 227.46 mi (3.29%) (GA US341 only) US360: 33.29 of 224.59 mi (14.82%) (VA US360 only) US378: 40.54 of 233.18 mi (17.38%) SC US378: 40.54 of 209.89 mi (19.31%) US385: 38.58 of 1214.14 mi (3.18%) NE US385: 1.01 of 183.27 mi (0.55%) SD US385: 37.57 of 117.72 mi (31.91%) US395: 189.73 of 1306.14 mi (14.53%) CA US395: 189.73 of 356.62 mi (53.20%) US400: 1.79 of 487.68 mi (0.37%) KS US400: 1.79 of 472.18 mi (0.38%) US411: 46.52 of 311.44 mi (14.94%) GA US411: 3.31 of 99.53 mi (3.33%) TN US411: 43.21 of 123.03 mi (35.12%) US412: 15.50 of 1124.08 mi (1.38%) OK US412: 15.50 of 509.77 mi (3.04%) US421: 34.04 of 932.93 mi (3.65%) NC US421: 12.13 of 329.87 mi (3.68%) IN US421: 21.91 of 257.41 mi (8.51%) US422 (E. Pennsylvania): 1.91 of 82.99 mi (2.30%) (PA US422Rea only) US441: 168.71 of 936.69 mi (18.01%) FL US441: 19.22 of 441.20 mi (4.36%) GA US441: 59.84 of 354.98 mi (16.86%) NC US441: 61.66 of 61.66 mi (100.00%) TN US441: 27.99 of 78.85 mi (35.50%) US460: 136.55 of 629.10 mi (21.71%) VA US460: 136.55 of 325.99 mi (41.89%) US491: 0.86 of 196.28 mi (0.44%) NM US491: 0.86 of 109.03 mi (0.78%) US501: 67.28 of 352.84 mi (19.07%) NC US501: 2.57 of 169.74 mi (1.51%) VA US501: 64.71 of 108.41 mi (59.69%) US522: 198.41 of 307.08 mi (64.61%) VA US522: 113.27 of 157.62 mi (71.86%) WV US522: 19.07 of 19.25 mi (99.05%) MD US522: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) PA US522: 63.86 of 128.00 mi (49.89%) US550: 121.36 of 298.36 mi (40.68%) NM US550: 88.08 of 175.54 mi (50.18%) CO US550: 33.28 of 122.82 mi (27.09%) US601: 16.68 of 316.86 mi (5.26%) NC US601: 16.68 of 133.51 mi (12.49%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 146 of 224 (65.2%), clinched: 4 of 224 (1.8%). System usausb (active) overall: 699.76 of 7698.02 mi (9.09%) System usausb by region: AL: 0.00 of 101.62 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 270.05 mi (0.00%) AZ: 87.08 of 118.28 mi (73.62%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 6.02 of 53.52 mi (11.24%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 2.79 of 4.04 mi (69.07%) DE: 3.15 of 30.05 mi (10.48%) FL: 1.32 of 223.84 mi (0.59%) GA: 32.37 of 408.49 mi (7.92%) IA: 0.84 of 168.56 mi (0.50%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 100.15 mi (0.00%) KS: 5.82 of 65.36 mi (8.91%) KY: 0.00 of 240.71 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 89.08 mi (0.00%) MD: 95.38 of 118.19 mi (80.70%) ME: 5.49 of 208.88 mi (2.63%) MI: 0.00 of 141.95 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 21.24 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 239.96 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 16.67 of 23.09 mi (72.22%) NC: 102.25 of 1027.45 mi (9.95%) ND: 4.83 of 67.28 mi (7.18%) NE: 0.00 of 26.67 mi (0.00%) NH: 3.53 of 10.66 mi (33.16%) NJ: 2.44 of 9.92 mi (24.62%) NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%) NV: 9.04 of 374.89 mi (2.41%) NY: 16.01 of 117.00 mi (13.68%) OH: 0.00 of 128.53 mi (0.00%) OK: 7.11 of 162.12 mi (4.39%) OR: 5.49 of 57.10 mi (9.62%) PA: 41.58 of 294.90 mi (14.10%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 313.40 mi (0.00%) SD: 43.44 of 94.66 mi (45.89%) TN: 0.00 of 375.43 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 878.58 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%) VA: 91.67 of 517.75 mi (17.70%) VT: 3.77 of 16.62 mi (22.68%) WA: 0.00 of 53.91 mi (0.00%) WI: 0.00 of 103.00 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 9.26 mi (0.00%) WY: 111.66 of 147.38 mi (75.76%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US1Bus (St. Augustine, FL): 1.32 of 3.20 mi (41.23%) (FL US1BusStA only) US1Bus (Fredericksburg, VA): 1.73 of 5.51 mi (31.41%) (VA US1BusFre only) US1Alt (Washington, DC): 2.79 of 6.13 mi (45.51%) DC US1AltWas: 2.79 of 4.04 mi (69.07%) US1Alt (Baltimore, MD): 3.11 of 3.74 mi (83.16%) (MD US1AltBal only) US1Bus (Bel Air, MD): 0.54 of 6.79 mi (7.88%) (MD US1BusBel only) US1Trk (Jersey City, NJ): 2.44 of 4.42 mi (55.18%) (NJ US1TrkJer only) US2Trk ((South) St. Johnsbury, VT): 3.77 of 6.66 mi (56.60%) (VT US2TrkSSJ only) US6Alt (Garrison, NY): 10.57 of 10.57 mi (100.00%) (NY US6AltGar only) US6Trk (Fort Montgomery, NY): 5.44 of 12.31 mi (44.23%) (NY US6TrkFor only) US9Trk (Georgetown, DE): 1.58 of 6.12 mi (25.82%) (DE US9TrkGeo only) US9Trk (Jersey City, NJ): 2.44 of 4.42 mi (55.18%) (NJ US9TrkJer only) US11Alt (Roanoke, VA): 5.41 of 8.43 mi (64.17%) (VA US11AltRoa only) US12Bus (Missoula, MT): 0.95 of 0.95 mi (100.00%) (MT US12BusMis only) US13Bus (Eastville, VA): 2.72 of 2.72 mi (100.00%) (VA US13BusEas only) US13Bus (Exmore, VA): 1.52 of 2.10 mi (72.45%) (VA US13BusExm only) US13Bus (Onley, VA): 2.89 of 5.76 mi (50.25%) (VA US13BusOnl only) US13Bus (Salisbury, MD): 7.71 of 7.71 mi (100.00%) (MD US13BusSal only) US13Bus (Bridgeville, DE): 1.57 of 2.52 mi (62.34%) (DE US13BusBri only) US14Alt (Powell, WY): 96.92 of 96.92 mi (100.00%) (WY US14AltPow only) US14Bus (Sheridan, WY): 5.44 of 5.44 mi (100.00%) (WY US14BusShe only) US15Bus (Culpeper, VA): 5.84 of 5.84 mi (100.00%) (VA US15BusCul only) US15Bus (Warrenton, VA): 2.30 of 3.73 mi (61.77%) (VA US15BusWar only) US15Bus (Leesburg, VA): 2.83 of 2.83 mi (100.00%) (VA US15BusLee only) US15Bus (Emmitsburg, MD): 2.35 of 2.35 mi (100.00%) (MD US15BusEmm only) US15Bus (Gettysburg, PA): 9.29 of 14.29 mi (64.99%) (PA US15BusGet only) US16Alt (Custer, SD): 30.59 of 30.59 mi (100.00%) (SD US16AltCus only) US16Trk (Rapid City, SD): 12.85 of 12.85 mi (100.00%) (SD US16TrkRap only) US17Bus (Fredericksburg, VA): 3.92 of 9.57 mi (40.96%) (VA US17BusFre only) US17Bus (Warrenton, VA): 1.62 of 4.16 mi (38.93%) (VA US17BusWar only) US17Bus (Marshall, VA): 1.70 of 1.70 mi (100.00%) (VA US17BusMar only) US19Bus (Asheville, NC): 0.81 of 2.22 mi (36.55%) (NC US19BusAsh only) US19Trk (Waynesville, NC): 28.64 of 38.03 mi (75.31%) (NC US19TrkWay only) US19Trk (Pittsburgh, PA): 6.47 of 19.16 mi (33.77%) (PA US19TrkPit only) US20Bus (Douglas, WY): 1.61 of 5.02 mi (32.15%) (WY US20BusDou only) US23Bus (Asheville, NC): 0.81 of 2.22 mi (36.55%) (NC US23BusAsh only) US24Bus (Manitou Springs, CO): 3.58 of 3.58 mi (100.00%) (CO US24BusMSp only) US26Bus (Douglas, WY): 1.61 of 5.02 mi (32.15%) (WY US26BusDou only) US29Bus (Winder, GA): 17.66 of 17.66 mi (100.00%) (GA US29BusWin only) US29Bus (Danville, VA): 13.68 of 13.68 mi (100.00%) (VA US29BusDan only) US29Bus (Lynchburg, VA): 18.41 of 21.82 mi (84.37%) (VA US29BusLyn only) US29Bus (Lovingston, VA): 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%) (VA US29BusLov only) US29Bus (Charlottesville, VA): 3.32 of 3.32 mi (100.00%) (VA US29BusChr only) US29Bus (Culpeper, VA): 4.33 of 5.85 mi (74.03%) (VA US29BusCul only) US29Bus (Warrenton, VA): 1.43 of 4.59 mi (31.24%) (VA US29BusWar only) US30Bus (Rawlins, WY): 2.26 of 3.89 mi (58.01%) (WY US30BusRaw only) US33Bus (Elkton, VA): 0.10 of 1.76 mi (5.72%) (VA US33BusElk only) US34Bus (Estes Park, CO): 0.38 of 1.64 mi (23.15%) (CO US34BusEst only) US40Bus (Brownsville, PA): 2.67 of 2.67 mi (100.00%) (PA US40BusBro only) US40Bus (Uniontown, PA): 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%) (PA US40BusUni only) US40Alt (Cumberland, MD): 26.15 of 31.18 mi (83.86%) (MD US40AltCum only) US40Alt (Hagerstown, MD): 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%) (MD US40AltHag only) US40Sce (Piney Grove, MD): 15.71 of 15.77 mi (99.62%) (MD US40ScePin only) US40Trk (Baltimore, MD): 6.09 of 8.65 mi (70.42%) (MD US40TrkBal only) US50Bus (Pueblo, CO): 2.06 of 18.28 mi (11.26%) (CO US50BusPue only) US50Bus (Salisbury, MD): 6.69 of 6.69 mi (100.00%) (MD US50BusSal only) US52Byp (Jamestown, ND): 1.87 of 5.36 mi (34.97%) (ND US52BypJam only) US52Bus (Mount Airy, NC): 5.20 of 5.20 mi (100.00%) (NC US52BusMou only) US58Bus (Meadows of Dan, VA): 0.95 of 1.89 mi (50.17%) (VA US58BusMea only) US58Bus (Danville, VA): 3.55 of 10.93 mi (32.49%) (VA US58BusDan only) US60Alt (Norfolk, VA): 0.64 of 1.55 mi (41.55%) (VA US60AltNor only) US64Trk (Henderson, NC): 77.87 of 78.86 mi (98.74%) (NC US64TrkHen only) US69Alt (Baxter Springs, KS): 12.94 of 20.36 mi (63.55%) OK US69AltBax: 7.11 of 7.11 mi (100.00%) KS US69AltBax: 5.82 of 13.24 mi (43.97%) US74Alt (Asheville, NC): 10.20 of 53.89 mi (18.92%) (NC US74AltAsh only) US75Bus (Sioux City, IA): 0.84 of 10.41 mi (8.05%) (IA US75BusSio only) US78Bus (Athens, GA): 9.10 of 10.37 mi (87.76%) (GA US78BusAth only) US81Bus (Fargo, ND): 2.96 of 10.81 mi (27.35%) (ND US81BusFar only) US87Bus (Douglas, WY): 1.61 of 5.02 mi (32.15%) (WY US87BusDou only) US87Bus (Buffalo, WY): 3.33 of 3.33 mi (100.00%) (WY US87BusBuf only) US87Bus (Sheridan, WY): 5.15 of 5.15 mi (100.00%) (WY US87BusShe only) US87Byp (Great Falls, MT): 1.78 of 5.03 mi (35.34%) (MT US87BypGre only) US89Alt (Fredonia, AZ): 87.08 of 90.07 mi (96.68%) AZ US89AltFre: 87.08 of 87.08 mi (100.00%) US93Bus (Boulder City, NV): 9.04 of 9.04 mi (100.00%) (NV US93BusBou only) US93Alt (Kalispell, MT): 7.70 of 7.70 mi (100.00%) (MT US93AltKal only) US93Bus (Missoula, MT): 6.25 of 6.25 mi (100.00%) (MT US93BusMis only) US97Bus (Bend, OR): 5.49 of 5.70 mi (96.44%) (OR US97BusBen only) US113Bus (Snow Hill, MD): 4.01 of 4.01 mi (100.00%) (MD US113BusSno only) US129Alt (Macon, GA): 5.61 of 49.07 mi (11.43%) (GA US129AltMac only) US189Bus (Evanston, WY): 2.10 of 3.19 mi (65.80%) (WY US189BusEva only) US201Alt (Skowhegan, ME): 5.49 of 26.16 mi (21.00%) (ME US201AltSko only) US202Alt (Garrison, NY): 10.57 of 10.57 mi (100.00%) (NY US202AltGar only) US211Bus (Luray, VA): 4.08 of 4.08 mi (100.00%) (VA US211BusLur only) US211Bus (Washington, VA): 1.50 of 1.50 mi (100.00%) (VA US211BusWas only) US211Bus (Warrenton, VA): 1.07 of 1.80 mi (59.42%) (VA US211BusWar only) US220Alt (Roanoke, VA): 5.11 of 10.11 mi (50.51%) (VA US220AltRoa only) US220Trk (Winchester, MD): 0.54 of 3.22 mi (16.85%) (MD US220TrkWin only) US220Bus (Bedford, PA): 7.26 of 11.57 mi (62.80%) (PA US220BusBed only) US221Bus (Bedford, VA): 0.28 of 2.68 mi (10.59%) (VA US221BusBed only) US222Bus (Reading, PA): 7.76 of 12.07 mi (64.31%) (PA US222BusRea only) US250Trk (Staunton, VA): 2.39 of 6.86 mi (34.88%) (VA US250TrkSta only) US281Byp (Jamestown, ND): 1.87 of 5.36 mi (34.97%) (ND US281BypJam only) US302Trk (Littleton, NH): 3.53 of 3.53 mi (100.00%) (NH US302TrkLit only) US322Bus (State College, PA): 4.68 of 8.91 mi (52.60%) (PA US322BusSta only) US340Trk (Waynesboro, VA): 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%) (VA US340TrkWay only) US422Bus (Reading, PA): 0.32 of 7.42 mi (4.29%) (PA US422BusRea only) US441Bus (Cherokee, NC): 1.04 of 1.87 mi (55.60%) (NC US441BusChe only) US460Alt (Norfolk, VA): 4.37 of 9.41 mi (46.43%) (VA US460AltNor only) US460Bus (Bedford, VA): 0.10 of 2.54 mi (4.09%) (VA US460BusBed only) US522Bus (Washington, VA): 1.50 of 1.50 mi (100.00%) (VA US522BusWas only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 98 of 1095 (8.9%), clinched: 34 of 1095 (3.1%). System usanp (active) overall: 1360.69 of 2955.35 mi (46.04%) System usanp by region: AK: 0.00 of 186.33 mi (0.00%) AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 132.80 mi (0.00%) CA: 91.59 of 376.86 mi (24.30%) CO: 48.13 of 98.52 mi (48.85%) DC: 10.55 of 12.92 mi (81.63%) FL: 38.52 of 39.39 mi (97.79%) GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%) HI: 0.00 of 30.21 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%) MD: 27.09 of 36.95 mi (73.31%) ME: 4.59 of 27.16 mi (16.90%) MS: 0.00 of 313.85 mi (0.00%) MT: 67.77 of 67.77 mi (100.00%) NC: 227.33 of 236.12 mi (96.27%) ND: 28.17 of 37.06 mi (76.00%) NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%) NJ: 13.68 of 24.90 mi (54.96%) NM: 0.00 of 25.30 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 14.57 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%) OR: 33.54 of 46.65 mi (71.90%) PA: 10.12 of 10.12 mi (100.00%) SC: 1.21 of 5.27 mi (22.89%) SD: 34.97 of 34.97 mi (100.00%) TN: 27.80 of 176.98 mi (15.71%) TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%) UT: 79.66 of 138.44 mi (57.54%) VA: 309.95 of 341.74 mi (90.70%) WA: 43.53 of 77.64 mi (56.07%) WY: 262.48 of 268.35 mi (97.81%) System usanp by route (traveled routes only): ParkLpRd (Park Loop Road, Acadia NP): 4.59 of 16.18 mi (28.38%) (ME ParkLpRd only) MainParkRd (Main Park Rd, Arches NP): 16.65 of 16.65 mi (100.00%) (UT MainParkRd only) BadLpRd (Badlands Loop Road, Badlands NP): 34.97 of 34.97 mi (100.00%) (SD BadLpRd only) BalWasPkwy (Baltimore-Washington Parkway): 18.78 of 18.78 mi (100.00%) (MD BalWasPkwy only) SouRimDr (South Rim Drive, Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP): 6.56 of 6.56 mi (100.00%) (CO SouRimDr only) BlueRidPkwy (Blue Ridge Parkway): 418.86 of 419.30 mi (99.90%) NC BlueRidPkwy: 221.78 of 222.22 mi (99.80%) VA BlueRidPkwy: 197.08 of 197.08 mi (100.00%) BryCynSceDr (Bryce Canyon NP Scenic Drive): 15.78 of 15.78 mi (100.00%) (UT BryCynSceDr only) IslSkySceDr (Island In The Sky Scenic Drive, Canyonlands NP): 18.24 of 18.24 mi (100.00%) (UT IslSkySceDr only) NeeSceDr (The Needles Scenic Drive, Canyonlands NP): 20.95 of 20.95 mi (100.00%) (UT NeeSceDr only) ClaBarPkwy (Clara Barton Parkway): 6.91 of 6.91 mi (100.00%) MD ClaBarPkwy: 6.37 of 6.37 mi (100.00%) DC ClaBarPkwy: 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%) ColPkwy (Colonial Parkway, Colonial NHP): 2.78 of 22.05 mi (12.59%) (VA ColPkwy only) RimRockDr (Rim Rock Drive, Colorado NM): 19.76 of 19.76 mi (100.00%) (CO RimRockDr only) CraCrkRd (Crater Creek Road, Crater Lake NP): 3.78 of 3.78 mi (100.00%) (OR CraCrkRd only) CraLakeHwy (Crater Lake Highway, Crater Lake NP): 9.18 of 9.18 mi (100.00%) (OR CraLakeHwy only) CraLakeRimDr (Rim Drive, Crater Lake NP): 20.59 of 28.07 mi (73.34%) (OR CraLakeRimDr only) BadRd (Badwater Road, Death Valley NP): 16.54 of 54.10 mi (30.58%) (CA BadRd only) OldMineRd (Old Mine Road, Delaware Gap NRA): 13.68 of 14.45 mi (94.70%) (NJ OldMineRd only) RivRd (River Road, Delaware Gap NRA): 10.12 of 10.12 mi (100.00%) (PA RivRd only) DevTowRd (Devil's Tower Road, Devil's Tower NM): 2.68 of 2.68 mi (100.00%) (WY DevTowRd only) MainParkRd (Main Park Road, Everglades NP): 38.52 of 39.39 mi (97.79%) (FL MainParkRd only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Mount Vernon)): 4.14 of 8.05 mi (51.44%) (VA GWMemPkwyMtV only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Rosslyn)): 14.80 of 14.96 mi (98.93%) VA GWMemPkwyCry: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%) DC GWMemPkwy: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) VA GWMemPkwy: 8.89 of 9.05 mi (98.23%) GoiSunRd (Going-to-the-Sun Rd, Glacier NP): 48.08 of 48.08 mi (100.00%) (MT GoiSunRd only) TwoMedRd (Two Medicine Road, Glacier NP): 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%) (MT TwoMedRd only) MooWilRd (Moose-Wilson Road, Grand Teton NP): 6.65 of 6.65 mi (100.00%) (WY MooWilRd only) TetParkRd (Teton Park Road, Grand Teton NP): 20.33 of 20.33 mi (100.00%) (WY TetParkRd only) ParkRd (Park Road, Great Sand Dunes NP): 4.51 of 4.51 mi (100.00%) (CO ParkRd only) CadCoveLpRd (Cades Cove Loop Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 9.20 of 9.20 mi (100.00%) (TN CadCoveLpRd only) CliDomeRd (Clingmans Dome Access Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 6.26 of 6.26 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRdNew: 0.13 of 0.13 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRdLuf: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRd: 0.34 of 0.34 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRd: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRdCol: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRdCli: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) FooPkwy (Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mtns NP (Main)): 12.96 of 29.19 mi (44.39%) (TN FooPkwy only) FooPkwy (Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mtns NP (Cosby)): 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%) (TN FooPkwyCos only) RocMemPkwy (John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway): 6.39 of 6.39 mi (100.00%) (WY RocMemPkwy only) GenHwy (Generals Highway, Kings Canyon and Sequoia NPs): 33.18 of 33.18 mi (100.00%) (CA GenHwy only) KinCanRd (Kings Canyon Road, Kings Canyon NP (Grant Grove)): 3.97 of 3.97 mi (100.00%) (CA KinCanRd only) KinCanRd (Kings Canyon Road, Kings Canyon NP (Cedar Grove)): 6.87 of 6.87 mi (100.00%) (CA KinCanRdCed only) ParkRd (Park Road, Kings Mountain NMP): 1.21 of 5.27 mi (22.89%) (SC ParkRd only) BatRd (Battlefield Road, Little Bighorn Battlefield NM): 5.35 of 5.35 mi (100.00%) (MT BatRd only) MesaVerRd (Mesa Verde Road, Mesa Verde NP): 17.30 of 17.30 mi (100.00%) (CO MesaVerRd only) SteCynRd (Stevens Canyon Road, Mount Rainer NP): 29.29 of 29.29 mi (100.00%) (WA SteCynRd only) SunParkRd (Sunrise Park Road, Mount Rainer NP): 14.25 of 14.25 mi (100.00%) (WA SunParkRd only) BriViewDr (Bridge View Drive, Natural Bridges NM): 8.03 of 8.03 mi (100.00%) (UT BriViewDr only) BeaDr (Beach Drive, Rock Creek Park): 6.64 of 6.64 mi (100.00%) DC BeaDr: 5.60 of 5.60 mi (100.00%) MD BeaDr: 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%) RockCrkPkwy (Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, Rock Creek Park): 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (DC RockCrkPkwy only) SkyDr (Skyline Drive, Shenandoah NP): 91.91 of 92.28 mi (99.61%) (VA SkyDr only) SpoRunPkwy (Spout Run Parkway): 0.66 of 0.66 mi (100.00%) (VA SpoRunPkwy only) SuiPkwy (Suitland Parkway): 0.90 of 8.81 mi (10.20%) MD SuiPkwy: 0.90 of 6.44 mi (13.97%) EastRivRd (East River Road, Theodore Roosevelt NP (S Unit)): 5.54 of 5.54 mi (100.00%) (ND EastRivRd only) SceDr (Scenic Drive, Theodore Roosevelt NP (N Unit)): 11.70 of 11.70 mi (100.00%) (ND SceDr only) SceLpDr (Scenic Loop Drive, Theodore Roosevelt NP (S Unit)): 10.92 of 19.81 mi (55.12%) (ND SceLpDr only) EEntRd (East Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 24.15 of 24.15 mi (100.00%) (WY EEntRd only) GraLpRd (Grand Loop Road, Yellowstone NP): 131.02 of 131.02 mi (100.00%) (WY GraLpRd only) NorCynRd (Norris Canyon Road, Yellowstone NP): 11.36 of 11.36 mi (100.00%) (WY NorCynRd only) NEntRd (North Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%) WY NEntRd: 1.89 of 1.89 mi (100.00%) MT NEntRd: 2.87 of 2.87 mi (100.00%) NEEntRd (Northeast Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 28.07 of 28.07 mi (100.00%) WY NEEntRd: 25.80 of 25.80 mi (100.00%) MT NEEntRd: 2.27 of 2.27 mi (100.00%) SEntRd (South Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%) (WY SEntRd only) WEntRd (West Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 13.37 of 13.37 mi (100.00%) MT WEntRd: 2.18 of 2.18 mi (100.00%) WY WEntRd: 11.20 of 11.20 mi (100.00%) ElPorRd (El Portal Road, Yosemite NP): 8.14 of 19.36 mi (42.07%) (CA ElPorRd only) WawRd (Wawona Road, Yosemite NP): 22.89 of 22.94 mi (99.78%) (CA WawRd only) System usanp connected routes traveled: 58 of 134 (43.3%), clinched: 42 of 134 (31.3%). System usaaz (active) overall: 108.31 of 3362.47 mi (3.22%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ67: 41.30 of 41.30 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ67 only) AZ98: 67.02 of 67.02 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ98 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 2 of 73 (2.7%), clinched: 2 of 73 (2.7%). System usaco (active) overall: 10.22 of 4636.14 mi (0.22%) System usaco by route (traveled routes only): CO9: 3.00 of 134.64 mi (2.23%) (CO CO9 only) CO17: 1.01 of 116.77 mi (0.87%) (CO CO17 only) CO71: 1.03 of 237.11 mi (0.43%) (CO CO71 only) CO74: 0.34 of 15.53 mi (2.18%) (CO CO74 only) CO88: 2.24 of 21.69 mi (10.33%) (CO CO88 only) CO115: 1.26 of 46.19 mi (2.72%) (CO CO115 only) CO119: 1.35 of 56.64 mi (2.38%) (CO CO119 only) System usaco connected routes traveled: 7 of 141 (5.0%), clinched: 0 of 141 (0.0%). System usact (active) overall: 26.87 of 2601.58 mi (1.03%) System usact by route (traveled routes only): CT8: 0.39 of 66.50 mi (0.59%) (CT CT8 only) CT20: 12.63 of 30.42 mi (41.52%) (CT CT20 only) CT41: 1.67 of 17.31 mi (9.65%) (CT CT41 only) CT72: 1.08 of 19.74 mi (5.45%) (CT CT72 only) CT179: 0.07 of 16.15 mi (0.41%) (CT CT179 only) CT181: 0.62 of 7.75 mi (8.02%) (CT CT181 only) CT183: 2.01 of 19.00 mi (10.56%) (CT CT183 only) CT189: 0.24 of 20.09 mi (1.18%) (CT CT189 only) CT219: 6.25 of 14.07 mi (44.40%) (CT CT219 only) CT272: 0.36 of 17.58 mi (2.04%) (CT CT272 only) CT318: 2.87 of 2.87 mi (100.00%) (CT CT318 only) System usact connected routes traveled: 11 of 210 (5.2%), clinched: 1 of 210 (0.5%). System usade (active) overall: 176.42 of 874.86 mi (20.17%) System usade by route (traveled routes only): DE1: 103.47 of 103.81 mi (99.67%) (DE DE1 only) DE1Bus (Milford): 0.39 of 3.68 mi (10.71%) (DE DE1BusMil only) DE1A: 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%) (DE DE1A only) DE1B: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%) (DE DE1B only) DE1D: 0.15 of 3.47 mi (4.44%) (DE DE1D only) DE6: 0.29 of 17.41 mi (1.69%) (DE DE6 only) DE7: 0.73 of 16.77 mi (4.34%) (DE DE7 only) DE10: 13.15 of 16.08 mi (81.79%) (DE DE10 only) DE15: 1.22 of 57.10 mi (2.14%) (DE DE15 only) DE18: 10.39 of 19.51 mi (53.25%) (DE DE18 only) DE20: 3.18 of 38.53 mi (8.25%) (DE DE20 only) DE23: 0.15 of 14.90 mi (1.04%) (DE DE23 only) DE71: 8.57 of 22.33 mi (38.37%) (DE DE71 only) DE72: 0.24 of 17.52 mi (1.36%) (DE DE72 only) DE299: 2.24 of 9.15 mi (24.48%) (DE DE299 only) DE404: 35.47 of 35.47 mi (100.00%) (DE DE404 only) DE404Bus (Bridgeville): 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%) (DE DE404BusBri only) DE404Trk (Georgetown): 2.78 of 7.32 mi (37.97%) (DE DE404TrkGeo only) DE896: 4.14 of 21.24 mi (19.49%) (DE DE896 only) System usade connected routes traveled: 19 of 62 (30.6%), clinched: 4 of 62 (6.5%). System usaga (active) overall: 748.25 of 16582.24 mi (4.51%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA1: 47.66 of 357.47 mi (13.33%) (GA GA1 only) GA2: 41.01 of 159.97 mi (25.64%) (GA GA2 only) GA3: 40.67 of 356.06 mi (11.42%) (GA GA3 only) GA3Con (Atlanta): 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%) (GA GA3ConAtl only) GA4: 4.07 of 226.04 mi (1.80%) (GA GA4 only) GA5: 6.79 of 155.48 mi (4.37%) (GA GA5 only) GA6: 2.94 of 71.85 mi (4.09%) (GA GA6 only) GA7: 7.17 of 217.54 mi (3.30%) (GA GA7 only) GA8: 68.27 of 182.66 mi (37.38%) (GA GA8 only) GA9: 36.51 of 82.71 mi (44.14%) (GA GA9 only) GA10: 70.54 of 171.75 mi (41.07%) (GA GA10 only) GA11: 21.45 of 375.34 mi (5.72%) (GA GA11 only) GA12: 14.34 of 120.36 mi (11.92%) (GA GA12 only) GA13: 49.58 of 49.58 mi (100.00%) (GA GA13 only) GA14: 9.75 of 87.78 mi (11.11%) (GA GA14 only) GA15: 59.84 of 347.09 mi (17.24%) (GA GA15 only) GA17: 7.30 of 293.13 mi (2.49%) (GA GA17 only) GA18: 0.32 of 146.07 mi (0.22%) (GA GA18 only) GA19: 2.93 of 152.49 mi (1.92%) (GA GA19 only) GA20: 16.50 of 164.77 mi (10.02%) (GA GA20 only) GA21: 1.45 of 85.01 mi (1.70%) (GA GA21 only) GA25: 11.11 of 130.33 mi (8.52%) (GA GA25 only) GA25Con (Brunswick): 1.13 of 1.13 mi (100.00%) (GA GA25ConBru only) GA26: 20.23 of 274.19 mi (7.38%) (GA GA26 only) GA27: 7.49 of 266.61 mi (2.81%) (GA GA27 only) GA42: 10.80 of 114.11 mi (9.46%) (GA GA42 only) GA49: 0.06 of 122.45 mi (0.05%) (GA GA49 only) GA52: 1.02 of 113.22 mi (0.91%) (GA GA52 only) GA53: 4.66 of 167.60 mi (2.78%) (GA GA53 only) GA60: 12.09 of 83.13 mi (14.55%) (GA GA60 only) GA70: 2.48 of 41.42 mi (5.99%) (GA GA70 only) GA75: 3.09 of 31.92 mi (9.67%) (GA GA75 only) GA81: 0.39 of 68.82 mi (0.57%) (GA GA81 only) GA87: 5.36 of 107.99 mi (4.96%) (GA GA87 only) GA92: 1.48 of 101.61 mi (1.45%) (GA GA92 only) GA105: 1.94 of 22.45 mi (8.64%) (GA GA105 only) GA116: 0.14 of 30.15 mi (0.46%) (GA GA116 only) GA120: 29.49 of 88.27 mi (33.41%) (GA GA120 only) GA120Alt (Marietta): 1.76 of 3.81 mi (46.24%) (GA GA120AltMar only) GA121: 4.00 of 241.37 mi (1.66%) (GA GA121 only) GA124: 3.46 of 50.26 mi (6.89%) (GA GA124 only) GA139: 11.81 of 27.37 mi (43.16%) (GA GA139 only) GA140: 3.47 of 77.45 mi (4.47%) (GA GA140 only) GA141: 11.55 of 34.02 mi (33.93%) (GA GA141 only) GA154: 8.38 of 56.18 mi (14.92%) (GA GA154 only) GA155: 14.81 of 56.83 mi (26.07%) (GA GA155 only) GA164: 0.50 of 6.76 mi (7.39%) (GA GA164 only) GA166: 6.47 of 62.71 mi (10.32%) (GA GA166 only) GA180: 2.00 of 23.35 mi (8.57%) (GA GA180 only) GA190: 10.76 of 15.57 mi (69.14%) (GA GA190 only) GA236: 14.62 of 14.62 mi (100.00%) (GA GA236 only) GA237: 3.22 of 3.22 mi (100.00%) (GA GA237 only) GA280: 14.03 of 18.24 mi (76.92%) (GA GA280 only) GA315: 0.11 of 29.53 mi (0.39%) (GA GA315 only) GA316: 31.30 of 40.22 mi (77.82%) (GA GA316 only) GA365: 8.54 of 45.57 mi (18.73%) (GA GA365 only) GA400: 51.38 of 53.65 mi (95.76%) (GA GA400 only) GA404Spr (Savannah): 2.77 of 2.77 mi (100.00%) (GA GA404SprSav only) GA410: 6.99 of 6.99 mi (100.00%) (GA GA410 only) GA515: 11.82 of 75.83 mi (15.58%) (GA GA515 only) GA520: 11.36 of 262.45 mi (4.33%) (GA GA520 only) GA540: 23.80 of 216.32 mi (11.00%) (GA GA540 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 62 of 502 (12.4%), clinched: 7 of 502 (1.4%). System usaia (active) overall: 9.17 of 5149.02 mi (0.18%) System usaia by route (traveled routes only): IA12: 3.64 of 46.98 mi (7.75%) (IA IA12 only) IA28: 1.34 of 21.65 mi (6.20%) (IA IA28 only) IA38: 4.19 of 99.74 mi (4.20%) (IA IA38 only) System usaia connected routes traveled: 3 of 90 (3.3%), clinched: 0 of 90 (0.0%). System usaid (active) overall: 153.04 of 2399.54 mi (6.38%) System usaid by route (traveled routes only): ID33: 23.99 of 141.12 mi (17.00%) (ID ID33 only) ID61: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) (ID ID61 only) ID75: 128.25 of 166.18 mi (77.18%) (ID ID75 only) System usaid connected routes traveled: 3 of 69 (4.3%), clinched: 1 of 69 (1.4%). System usail (active) overall: 42.08 of 9010.73 mi (0.47%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL3: 1.17 of 189.26 mi (0.62%) (IL IL3 only) IL29: 1.84 of 173.80 mi (1.06%) (IL IL29 only) IL110: 39.07 of 329.15 mi (11.87%) (IL IL110 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 3 of 157 (1.9%), clinched: 0 of 157 (0.0%). System usain (active) overall: 28.90 of 7536.04 mi (0.38%) System usain by route (traveled routes only): IN37 (Bloomington): 20.56 of 215.15 mi (9.56%) (IN IN37 only) IN62: 3.83 of 219.29 mi (1.75%) (IN IN62 only) IN67: 20.24 of 219.53 mi (9.22%) (IN IN67 only) IN249: 0.25 of 2.12 mi (11.64%) (IN IN249 only) System usain connected routes traveled: 4 of 223 (1.8%), clinched: 0 of 223 (0.0%). System usaks (active) overall: 24.17 of 5412.33 mi (0.45%) System usaks by route (traveled routes only): KS4: 13.25 of 372.67 mi (3.56%) (KS KS4 only) KS14: 2.97 of 223.11 mi (1.33%) (KS KS14 only) KS18: 7.95 of 208.02 mi (3.82%) (KS KS18 only) System usaks connected routes traveled: 3 of 182 (1.6%), clinched: 0 of 182 (0.0%). System usame (active) overall: 103.01 of 5002.87 mi (2.06%) System usame by region: ME: 103.01 of 4996.53 mi (2.06%) NH: 0.00 of 6.35 mi (0.00%) System usame by route (traveled routes only): ME3: 38.80 of 119.29 mi (32.53%) (ME ME3 only) ME4: 7.76 of 166.12 mi (4.67%) (ME ME4 only) ME5: 13.24 of 115.85 mi (11.43%) (ME ME5 only) ME8: 0.40 of 51.56 mi (0.78%) (ME ME8 only) ME9: 7.60 of 286.68 mi (2.65%) (ME ME9 only) ME9A (Kennebunk): 0.43 of 11.09 mi (3.89%) (ME ME9AKen only) ME15: 6.23 of 177.84 mi (3.50%) (ME ME15 only) ME17: 16.78 of 127.97 mi (13.11%) (ME ME17 only) ME23: 0.50 of 68.76 mi (0.73%) (ME ME23 only) ME24: 2.00 of 43.97 mi (4.55%) (ME ME24 only) ME26: 6.06 of 95.19 mi (6.37%) (ME ME26 only) ME27: 11.23 of 151.25 mi (7.43%) (ME ME27 only) ME35: 0.05 of 90.07 mi (0.05%) (ME ME35 only) ME43: 0.14 of 102.00 mi (0.14%) (ME ME43 only) ME111: 0.07 of 14.11 mi (0.46%) (ME ME111 only) ME127: 0.29 of 24.97 mi (1.15%) (ME ME127 only) ME131: 1.77 of 57.96 mi (3.05%) (ME ME131 only) ME134: 0.21 of 12.41 mi (1.69%) (ME ME134 only) System usame connected routes traveled: 18 of 190 (9.5%), clinched: 0 of 190 (0.0%). System usamd (active) overall: 1927.52 of 3921.96 mi (49.15%) System usamd by route (traveled routes only): MD2: 79.66 of 79.66 mi (100.00%) (MD MD2 only) MD3: 9.03 of 9.03 mi (100.00%) (MD MD3 only) MD4: 53.85 of 64.74 mi (83.17%) (MD MD4 only) MD5: 25.33 of 74.20 mi (34.14%) (MD MD5 only) MD6: 15.96 of 46.04 mi (34.67%) (MD MD6 only) MD7 (Havre de Grace): 2.62 of 2.62 mi (100.00%) (MD MD7Hav only) MD7 (Perryville): 3.60 of 3.60 mi (100.00%) (MD MD7Per only) MD8: 7.37 of 8.35 mi (88.26%) (MD MD8 only) MD12: 30.20 of 30.20 mi (100.00%) (MD MD12 only) MD16: 22.26 of 50.80 mi (43.81%) (MD MD16 only) MD17: 28.65 of 28.65 mi (100.00%) (MD MD17 only) MD18: 20.17 of 20.17 mi (100.00%) (MD MD18 only) MD19: 1.02 of 8.54 mi (11.97%) (MD MD19 only) MD20: 12.29 of 13.66 mi (89.92%) (MD MD20 only) MD21: 2.30 of 2.30 mi (100.00%) (MD MD21 only) MD24: 1.56 of 24.70 mi (6.30%) (MD MD24 only) MD25: 9.15 of 26.63 mi (34.37%) (MD MD25 only) MD26: 44.25 of 44.25 mi (100.00%) (MD MD26 only) MD27: 39.23 of 39.23 mi (100.00%) (MD MD27 only) MD28: 36.70 of 36.70 mi (100.00%) (MD MD28 only) MD30: 6.55 of 18.81 mi (34.84%) (MD MD30 only) MD31: 16.46 of 16.46 mi (100.00%) (MD MD31 only) MD32: 50.63 of 50.63 mi (100.00%) (MD MD32 only) MD33: 23.29 of 23.29 mi (100.00%) (MD MD33 only) MD34: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%) (MD MD34 only) MD36: 2.42 of 28.32 mi (8.55%) (MD MD36 only) MD45: 13.59 of 30.15 mi (45.07%) (MD MD45 only) MD49: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (MD MD49 only) MD51: 5.55 of 24.88 mi (22.31%) (MD MD51 only) MD54 (Mardela Springs): 3.18 of 3.18 mi (100.00%) (MD MD54 only) MD56: 7.58 of 7.58 mi (100.00%) (MD MD56 only) MD58: 3.59 of 3.59 mi (100.00%) (MD MD58 only) MD60: 7.24 of 7.24 mi (100.00%) (MD MD60 only) MD62: 3.82 of 3.82 mi (100.00%) (MD MD62 only) MD63: 11.59 of 16.82 mi (68.91%) (MD MD63 only) MD64: 13.40 of 13.40 mi (100.00%) (MD MD64 only) MD65: 11.75 of 11.75 mi (100.00%) (MD MD65 only) MD66: 12.77 of 12.77 mi (100.00%) (MD MD66 only) MD67: 12.28 of 12.28 mi (100.00%) (MD MD67 only) MD68: 18.42 of 18.42 mi (100.00%) (MD MD68 only) MD70: 2.31 of 2.31 mi (100.00%) (MD MD70 only) MD75: 27.84 of 27.84 mi (100.00%) (MD MD75 only) MD76: 1.77 of 5.62 mi (31.44%) (MD MD76 only) MD77: 20.10 of 20.10 mi (100.00%) (MD MD77 only) MD79: 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%) (MD MD79 only) MD80: 14.55 of 14.55 mi (100.00%) (MD MD80 only) MD84: 5.32 of 5.32 mi (100.00%) (MD MD84 only) MD85: 10.73 of 10.73 mi (100.00%) (MD MD85 only) MD90: 11.47 of 11.47 mi (100.00%) (MD MD90 only) MD91: 3.21 of 7.73 mi (41.55%) (MD MD91 only) MD94: 0.82 of 6.24 mi (13.14%) (MD MD94 only) MD97: 54.50 of 54.50 mi (100.00%) (MD MD97 only) MD99: 7.39 of 7.39 mi (100.00%) (MD MD99 only) MD100: 16.50 of 21.75 mi (75.89%) (MD MD100 only) MD107: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) (MD MD107 only) MD108: 16.42 of 33.75 mi (48.65%) (MD MD108 only) MD109: 11.63 of 11.63 mi (100.00%) (MD MD109 only) MD112: 2.74 of 2.74 mi (100.00%) (MD MD112 only) MD115: 5.73 of 5.73 mi (100.00%) (MD MD115 only) MD117: 8.51 of 12.58 mi (67.66%) (MD MD117 only) MD118: 6.96 of 6.96 mi (100.00%) (MD MD118 only) MD119: 7.17 of 7.17 mi (100.00%) (MD MD119 only) MD121: 4.34 of 4.34 mi (100.00%) (MD MD121 only) MD122: 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%) (MD MD122 only) MD124: 5.75 of 16.60 mi (34.65%) (MD MD124 only) MD129: 2.98 of 15.07 mi (19.79%) (MD MD129 only) MD135: 1.45 of 28.35 mi (5.13%) (MD MD135 only) MD139: 7.59 of 7.59 mi (100.00%) (MD MD139 only) MD140: 49.86 of 49.86 mi (100.00%) (MD MD140 only) MD144 (Flintstone): 16.81 of 17.27 mi (97.34%) (MD MD144Fli only) MD144 (Hancock): 4.39 of 5.47 mi (80.20%) (MD MD144Han only) MD144 (Hagerstown): 1.47 of 1.47 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144Hag only) MD144 (Frederick): 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144Fre only) MD144 (New Market): 1.36 of 1.36 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144New only) MD144 (Cooksville): 17.30 of 17.30 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144 only) MD144 (Baltimore): 8.42 of 8.42 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144Bal only) MD150: 2.94 of 12.82 mi (22.91%) (MD MD150 only) MD151: 7.39 of 10.80 mi (68.44%) (MD MD151 only) MD157: 2.70 of 5.06 mi (53.29%) (MD MD157 only) MD158: 2.16 of 2.30 mi (93.88%) (MD MD158 only) MD168: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%) (MD MD168 only) MD170: 12.98 of 12.98 mi (100.00%) (MD MD170 only) MD175: 16.33 of 16.33 mi (100.00%) (MD MD175 only) MD176: 4.99 of 5.68 mi (87.84%) (MD MD176 only) MD177: 1.19 of 10.82 mi (10.96%) (MD MD177 only) MD179: 3.04 of 3.04 mi (100.00%) (MD MD179 only) MD180: 14.85 of 14.85 mi (100.00%) (MD MD180 only) MD185: 8.23 of 8.23 mi (100.00%) (MD MD185 only) MD187: 5.42 of 5.42 mi (100.00%) (MD MD187 only) MD188: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%) (MD MD188 only) MD189: 4.83 of 4.83 mi (100.00%) (MD MD189 only) MD190: 15.61 of 15.61 mi (100.00%) (MD MD190 only) MD191: 6.95 of 6.95 mi (100.00%) (MD MD191 only) MD193: 17.42 of 25.65 mi (67.92%) (MD MD193 only) MD194: 23.81 of 23.81 mi (100.00%) (MD MD194 only) MD195: 0.08 of 1.86 mi (4.14%) (MD MD195 only) MD197: 12.55 of 14.11 mi (88.94%) (MD MD197 only) MD200: 15.83 of 17.29 mi (91.53%) (MD MD200 only) MD201: 7.17 of 9.20 mi (77.99%) (MD MD201 only) MD202: 13.86 of 13.86 mi (100.00%) (MD MD202 only) MD210: 9.90 of 21.15 mi (46.80%) (MD MD210 only) MD212: 9.05 of 12.62 mi (71.70%) (MD MD212 only) MD213: 48.24 of 67.23 mi (71.75%) (MD MD213 only) MD214: 0.58 of 24.84 mi (2.32%) (MD MD214 only) MD231: 12.51 of 16.06 mi (77.89%) (MD MD231 only) MD235: 17.64 of 30.76 mi (57.35%) (MD MD235 only) MD237: 2.97 of 2.97 mi (100.00%) (MD MD237 only) MD246: 1.00 of 3.38 mi (29.52%) (MD MD246 only) MD253: 1.22 of 1.22 mi (100.00%) (MD MD253 only) MD255: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%) (MD MD255 only) MD260: 8.69 of 8.69 mi (100.00%) (MD MD260 only) MD261: 12.36 of 12.36 mi (100.00%) (MD MD261 only) MD263: 3.90 of 5.88 mi (66.33%) (MD MD263 only) MD279: 1.71 of 4.94 mi (34.54%) (MD MD279 only) MD286: 1.97 of 1.97 mi (100.00%) (MD MD286 only) MD289: 5.43 of 8.42 mi (64.54%) (MD MD289 only) MD295: 13.61 of 13.61 mi (100.00%) (MD MD295 only) MD300: 3.93 of 13.48 mi (29.14%) (MD MD300 only) MD304: 2.47 of 14.84 mi (16.63%) (MD MD304 only) MD309: 9.82 of 18.41 mi (53.32%) (MD MD309 only) MD312: 0.90 of 11.41 mi (7.87%) (MD MD312 only) MD313: 29.21 of 75.03 mi (38.93%) (MD MD313 only) MD315: 1.20 of 3.04 mi (39.45%) (MD MD315 only) MD318: 8.16 of 11.27 mi (72.42%) (MD MD318 only) MD322: 5.06 of 5.06 mi (100.00%) (MD MD322 only) MD328: 15.26 of 15.26 mi (100.00%) (MD MD328 only) MD329: 3.21 of 3.21 mi (100.00%) (MD MD329 only) MD331: 14.98 of 29.24 mi (51.23%) (MD MD331 only) MD333: 9.81 of 9.81 mi (100.00%) (MD MD333 only) MD334: 0.62 of 0.62 mi (100.00%) (MD MD334 only) MD335: 15.98 of 15.98 mi (100.00%) (MD MD335 only) MD337: 1.89 of 3.45 mi (54.69%) (MD MD337 only) MD341: 1.27 of 1.27 mi (100.00%) (MD MD341 only) MD346: 23.48 of 23.48 mi (100.00%) (MD MD346 only) MD348: 0.76 of 1.32 mi (57.50%) (MD MD348 only) MD355: 36.75 of 36.92 mi (99.53%) (MD MD355 only) MD358: 1.11 of 1.11 mi (100.00%) (MD MD358 only) MD365: 6.20 of 6.20 mi (100.00%) (MD MD365 only) MD370: 1.57 of 1.57 mi (100.00%) (MD MD370 only) MD372: 1.49 of 2.77 mi (53.95%) (MD MD372 only) MD374: 2.70 of 9.95 mi (27.17%) (MD MD374 only) MD376: 4.51 of 4.52 mi (99.74%) (MD MD376 only) MD377: 0.78 of 0.78 mi (100.00%) (MD MD377 only) MD383: 5.28 of 5.28 mi (100.00%) (MD MD383 only) MD384: 0.52 of 0.52 mi (100.00%) (MD MD384 only) MD387: 0.98 of 1.66 mi (58.89%) (MD MD387 only) MD390: 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%) (MD MD390 only) MD393: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%) (MD MD393 only) MD396: 2.23 of 2.23 mi (100.00%) (MD MD396 only) MD404: 24.64 of 24.64 mi (100.00%) (MD MD404 only) MD404Bus (Denton): 2.25 of 2.25 mi (100.00%) (MD MD404BusDen only) MD410: 11.13 of 13.67 mi (81.45%) (MD MD410 only) MD413: 14.78 of 14.78 mi (100.00%) (MD MD413 only) MD418: 4.54 of 4.54 mi (100.00%) (MD MD418 only) MD423: 2.62 of 2.62 mi (100.00%) (MD MD423 only) MD424: 8.21 of 8.21 mi (100.00%) (MD MD424 only) MD435: 0.30 of 1.07 mi (28.04%) (MD MD435 only) MD436: 1.18 of 1.18 mi (100.00%) (MD MD436 only) MD445: 11.71 of 11.71 mi (100.00%) (MD MD445 only) MD450: 25.09 of 29.59 mi (84.81%) (MD MD450 only) MD456: 1.20 of 1.20 mi (100.00%) (MD MD456 only) MD464: 7.89 of 7.89 mi (100.00%) (MD MD464 only) MD478: 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%) (MD MD478 only) MD480: 9.15 of 9.15 mi (100.00%) (MD MD480 only) MD482: 5.21 of 5.21 mi (100.00%) (MD MD482 only) MD491: 6.66 of 6.66 mi (100.00%) (MD MD491 only) MD496: 7.23 of 7.23 mi (100.00%) (MD MD496 only) MD497: 2.56 of 2.56 mi (100.00%) (MD MD497 only) MD514: 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) (MD MD514 only) MD528: 9.08 of 9.08 mi (100.00%) (MD MD528 only) MD542: 6.32 of 6.32 mi (100.00%) (MD MD542 only) MD550: 23.75 of 23.75 mi (100.00%) (MD MD550 only) MD552: 0.11 of 2.20 mi (4.96%) (MD MD552 only) MD560: 9.05 of 9.05 mi (100.00%) (MD MD560 only) MD564: 6.24 of 6.24 mi (100.00%) (MD MD564 only) MD565 (Trappe): 5.18 of 5.18 mi (100.00%) (MD MD565 only) MD565 (Easton): 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%) (MD MD565Eas only) MD579: 7.40 of 7.40 mi (100.00%) (MD MD579 only) MD586: 5.81 of 5.81 mi (100.00%) (MD MD586 only) MD611: 8.47 of 8.47 mi (100.00%) (MD MD611 only) MD614: 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%) (MD MD614 only) MD619: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) (MD MD619 only) MD632: 6.52 of 6.52 mi (100.00%) (MD MD632 only) MD639: 1.46 of 2.80 mi (52.08%) (MD MD639 only) MD648 (Browns Woods): 0.85 of 2.01 mi (42.42%) (MD MD648Bro only) MD648 (Severna Park): 4.18 of 4.18 mi (100.00%) (MD MD648Sev only) MD648 (Glen Burnie): 15.73 of 15.73 mi (100.00%) (MD MD648 only) MD650: 25.54 of 25.54 mi (100.00%) (MD MD650 only) MD656: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%) (MD MD656 only) MD658: 0.81 of 0.81 mi (100.00%) (MD MD658 only) MD662 (Longwoods): 6.03 of 8.22 mi (73.40%) (MD MD662 only) MD662 (Wye Mill): 4.40 of 4.40 mi (100.00%) (MD MD662Wye only) MD665: 2.15 of 2.15 mi (100.00%) (MD MD665 only) MD667: 0.73 of 17.31 mi (4.21%) (MD MD667 only) MD673: 0.50 of 0.50 mi (100.00%) (MD MD673 only) MD675 (Princess Anne): 3.16 of 3.16 mi (100.00%) (MD MD675 only) MD704: 6.56 of 6.56 mi (100.00%) (MD MD704 only) MD707 (Taylorville): 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) (MD MD707 only) MD707 (West Ocean City): 0.78 of 0.78 mi (100.00%) (MD MD707Wes only) MD717: 0.28 of 0.28 mi (100.00%) (MD MD717 only) MD725: 1.78 of 1.78 mi (100.00%) (MD MD725 only) MD760: 0.23 of 4.60 mi (5.00%) (MD MD760 only) MD765 (Appeal): 6.29 of 6.93 mi (90.78%) (MD MD765 only) MD765 (Prince Frederick): 2.07 of 2.07 mi (100.00%) (MD MD765Pri only) MD806 (Catoctin Furnace): 3.20 of 3.20 mi (100.00%) (MD MD806 only) MD806 (Thurmont): 1.34 of 1.34 mi (100.00%) (MD MD806Thu only) MD808: 2.31 of 2.31 mi (100.00%) (MD MD808 only) MD818: 1.41 of 2.55 mi (55.37%) (MD MD818 only) MD832: 7.66 of 7.66 mi (100.00%) (MD MD832 only) MD835: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%) (MD MD835 only) MD911: 0.21 of 0.21 mi (100.00%) (MD MD911 only) MD924: 1.85 of 7.27 mi (25.38%) (MD MD924 only) MD940: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%) (MD MD940 only) MD953: 3.38 of 3.38 mi (100.00%) (MD MD953 only) System usamd connected routes traveled: 214 of 473 (45.2%), clinched: 141 of 473 (29.8%). System usama (active) overall: 22.82 of 3315.64 mi (0.69%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA1A (Salem): 2.19 of 45.81 mi (4.79%) (MA MA1ASal only) MA3: 1.72 of 55.83 mi (3.08%) (MA MA3 only) MA8: 4.73 of 64.24 mi (7.36%) (MA MA8 only) MA10: 0.26 of 60.06 mi (0.44%) (MA MA10 only) MA21: 1.02 of 13.52 mi (7.55%) (MA MA21 only) MA24: 0.82 of 41.32 mi (1.98%) (MA MA24 only) MA28: 4.59 of 149.43 mi (3.07%) (MA MA28 only) MA102: 0.35 of 12.16 mi (2.89%) (MA MA102 only) MA114A (Seekonk): 0.11 of 3.04 mi (3.63%) (MA MA114ASee only) MA128: 6.37 of 57.67 mi (11.04%) (MA MA128 only) MA138: 0.66 of 44.00 mi (1.50%) (MA MA138 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 11 of 151 (7.3%), clinched: 0 of 151 (0.0%). System usami (active) overall: 72.47 of 6061.00 mi (1.20%) System usami by route (traveled routes only): MI20: 7.60 of 135.20 mi (5.62%) (MI MI20 only) MI32: 0.57 of 100.33 mi (0.57%) (MI MI32 only) MI37: 8.93 of 223.69 mi (3.99%) (MI MI37 only) MI43: 10.86 of 145.63 mi (7.45%) (MI MI43 only) MI46: 15.43 of 203.06 mi (7.60%) (MI MI46 only) MI55: 4.17 of 153.20 mi (2.72%) (MI MI55 only) MI66: 18.98 of 273.61 mi (6.94%) (MI MI66 only) MI72: 9.97 of 158.00 mi (6.31%) (MI MI72 only) System usami connected routes traveled: 8 of 145 (5.5%), clinched: 0 of 145 (0.0%). System usamn (active) overall: 25.16 of 7896.72 mi (0.32%) System usamn by region: MN: 25.16 of 7896.23 mi (0.32%) WI: 0.00 of 0.49 mi (0.00%) System usamn by route (traveled routes only): MN27: 13.86 of 250.01 mi (5.55%) (MN MN27 only) MN55: 2.91 of 223.12 mi (1.31%) (MN MN55 only) MN95: 4.62 of 127.05 mi (3.63%) (MN MN95 only) MN210: 3.77 of 228.84 mi (1.65%) (MN MN210 only) System usamn connected routes traveled: 4 of 154 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 154 (0.0%). System usamo (active) overall: 2.02 of 8787.16 mi (0.02%) System usamo by route (traveled routes only): MO66: 2.02 of 14.53 mi (13.92%) (MO MO66 only) System usamo connected routes traveled: 1 of 220 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 220 (0.0%). System usamt (active) overall: 263.45 of 2981.20 mi (8.84%) System usamt by region: ID: 0.00 of 0.89 mi (0.00%) MT: 263.45 of 2980.31 mi (8.84%) System usamt by route (traveled routes only): MT2: 29.19 of 61.42 mi (47.52%) (MT MT2 only) MT3: 25.94 of 224.06 mi (11.58%) (MT MT3 only) MT16: 52.26 of 154.29 mi (33.87%) (MT MT16 only) MT17: 12.93 of 12.93 mi (100.00%) (MT MT17 only) MT41: 23.03 of 51.20 mi (44.97%) (MT MT41 only) MT48: 6.94 of 6.94 mi (100.00%) (MT MT48 only) MT49: 10.11 of 10.11 mi (100.00%) (MT MT49 only) MT200: 89.26 of 708.93 mi (12.59%) (MT MT200 only) MT287: 42.37 of 42.37 mi (100.00%) (MT MT287 only) System usamt connected routes traveled: 9 of 52 (17.3%), clinched: 4 of 52 (7.7%). System usamts (active) overall: 0.60 of 4321.60 mi (0.01%) System usamts by route (traveled routes only): SR548: 0.60 of 6.97 mi (8.58%) (MT SR548 only) System usamts connected routes traveled: 1 of 207 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 207 (0.0%). System usane (active) overall: 70.07 of 5929.95 mi (1.18%) System usane by route (traveled routes only): NE10: 4.32 of 103.52 mi (4.17%) (NE NE10 only) NE61: 5.91 of 235.09 mi (2.51%) (NE NE61 only) NE71: 3.44 of 171.88 mi (2.00%) (NE NE71 only) NE92: 59.84 of 494.37 mi (12.11%) (NE NE92 only) System usane connected routes traveled: 4 of 100 (4.0%), clinched: 0 of 100 (0.0%). System usanv (active) overall: 76.07 of 2599.76 mi (2.93%) System usanv by route (traveled routes only): NV160: 58.69 of 81.21 mi (72.28%) (NV NV160 only) NV172: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (NV NV172 only) NV582: 11.46 of 17.01 mi (67.39%) (NV NV582 only) NV593: 4.91 of 4.91 mi (100.00%) (NV NV593 only) System usanv connected routes traveled: 4 of 160 (2.5%), clinched: 2 of 160 (1.2%). System usanh (active) overall: 3.58 of 2699.82 mi (0.13%) System usanh by region: ME: 0.00 of 3.04 mi (0.00%) NH: 3.58 of 2696.78 mi (0.13%) System usanh by route (traveled routes only): NH10: 0.92 of 140.29 mi (0.65%) (NH NH10 only) NH18: 2.67 of 19.84 mi (13.43%) (NH NH18 only) NH116: 2.12 of 47.45 mi (4.47%) (NH NH116 only) System usanh connected routes traveled: 3 of 122 (2.5%), clinched: 0 of 122 (0.0%). System usanj (active) overall: 208.58 of 1323.22 mi (15.76%) System usanj by route (traveled routes only): NJ3: 3.46 of 10.98 mi (31.47%) (NJ NJ3 only) NJ17: 18.14 of 27.47 mi (66.03%) (NJ NJ17 only) NJ18: 4.07 of 42.38 mi (9.61%) (NJ NJ18 only) NJ19: 0.57 of 3.04 mi (18.75%) (NJ NJ19 only) NJ21: 8.94 of 13.95 mi (64.09%) (NJ NJ21 only) NJ23: 5.68 of 51.07 mi (11.12%) (NJ NJ23 only) NJ29: 3.30 of 34.56 mi (9.56%) (NJ NJ29 only) NJ35: 13.32 of 58.72 mi (22.69%) (NJ NJ35 only) NJ36: 24.65 of 24.65 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ36 only) NJ38: 9.71 of 19.49 mi (49.82%) (NJ NJ38 only) NJ49: 2.32 of 54.48 mi (4.26%) (NJ NJ49 only) NJ52: 2.74 of 2.74 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ52 only) NJ57: 21.16 of 21.16 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ57 only) NJ62: 0.29 of 0.29 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ62 only) NJ66: 1.22 of 3.76 mi (32.49%) (NJ NJ66 only) NJ70: 55.16 of 60.22 mi (91.59%) (NJ NJ70 only) NJ71: 4.35 of 16.94 mi (25.71%) (NJ NJ71 only) NJ90: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ90 only) NJ109: 3.01 of 3.01 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ109 only) NJ138: 3.41 of 3.41 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ138 only) NJ139: 2.60 of 2.60 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ139 only) NJ140: 0.42 of 0.91 mi (46.63%) (NJ NJ140 only) NJ173: 1.11 of 13.87 mi (8.02%) (NJ NJ173 only) NJ182: 0.99 of 0.99 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ182 only) NJ183: 2.04 of 2.04 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ183 only) NJ440 (Perth Amboy): 5.21 of 5.21 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ440 only) NJ440 (Jersey City): 4.28 of 8.02 mi (53.32%) (NJ NJ440Jer only) NJ495: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ495 only) System usanj connected routes traveled: 28 of 100 (28.0%), clinched: 12 of 100 (12.0%). System usanm (active) overall: 86.52 of 7136.65 mi (1.21%) System usanm by region: NM: 86.52 of 7136.40 mi (1.21%) TX: 0.00 of 0.25 mi (0.00%) System usanm by route (traveled routes only): NM4: 21.12 of 63.47 mi (33.27%) (NM NM4 only) NM14: 7.14 of 53.02 mi (13.47%) (NM NM14 only) NM126: 35.03 of 35.03 mi (100.00%) (NM NM126 only) NM501: 5.40 of 5.40 mi (100.00%) (NM NM501 only) NM502: 17.82 of 17.82 mi (100.00%) (NM NM502 only) System usanm connected routes traveled: 5 of 397 (1.3%), clinched: 3 of 397 (0.8%). System usany (active) overall: 439.35 of 12572.28 mi (3.49%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 439.35 of 12568.32 mi (3.50%) PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY7: 40.00 of 178.48 mi (22.41%) (NY NY7 only) NY9A: 26.24 of 46.39 mi (56.57%) (NY NY9A only) NY9D: 16.87 of 24.61 mi (68.54%) (NY NY9D only) NY9G: 25.81 of 42.71 mi (60.43%) (NY NY9G only) NY9N: 1.87 of 139.91 mi (1.34%) (NY NY9N only) NY13: 16.14 of 151.66 mi (10.64%) (NY NY13 only) NY17: 74.77 of 395.39 mi (18.91%) NY NY17Bin: 74.77 of 188.75 mi (39.61%) NY17M: 0.41 of 25.28 mi (1.64%) (NY NY17M only) NY22: 8.76 of 332.42 mi (2.64%) (NY NY22 only) NY23: 6.45 of 154.28 mi (4.18%) (NY NY23 only) NY23B: 3.95 of 6.61 mi (59.78%) (NY NY23B only) NY25A: 2.37 of 71.97 mi (3.30%) (NY NY25A only) NY28: 47.05 of 275.87 mi (17.06%) (NY NY28 only) NY29: 0.23 of 94.49 mi (0.24%) (NY NY29 only) NY30: 24.32 of 290.87 mi (8.36%) (NY NY30 only) NY32: 5.35 of 173.16 mi (3.09%) (NY NY32 only) NY34: 4.11 of 100.05 mi (4.11%) (NY NY34 only) NY38: 11.82 of 95.59 mi (12.37%) (NY NY38 only) NY41: 2.47 of 94.69 mi (2.61%) (NY NY41 only) NY42 (Monticello): 7.63 of 40.11 mi (19.02%) (NY NY42 only) NY50: 1.51 of 31.70 mi (4.78%) (NY NY50 only) NY52: 7.37 of 104.70 mi (7.03%) (NY NY52 only) NY52Bus (Beacon): 0.70 of 4.60 mi (15.21%) (NY NY52BusBea only) NY55: 41.56 of 117.19 mi (35.47%) (NY NY55 only) NY59: 6.49 of 13.85 mi (46.84%) (NY NY59 only) NY79: 12.24 of 92.10 mi (13.28%) (NY NY79 only) NY82: 1.03 of 59.33 mi (1.74%) (NY NY82 only) NY96: 2.46 of 126.05 mi (1.95%) (NY NY96 only) NY100: 1.88 of 33.16 mi (5.67%) (NY NY100 only) NY119: 5.36 of 6.05 mi (88.61%) (NY NY119 only) NY155: 3.48 of 16.69 mi (20.85%) (NY NY155 only) NY199: 6.18 of 30.28 mi (20.40%) (NY NY199 only) NY206: 14.01 of 73.53 mi (19.05%) (NY NY206 only) NY212: 1.16 of 20.90 mi (5.53%) (NY NY212 only) NY218: 9.92 of 9.92 mi (100.00%) (NY NY218 only) NY303: 1.42 of 10.94 mi (12.97%) (NY NY303 only) NY304: 2.03 of 10.40 mi (19.54%) (NY NY304 only) NY366: 1.28 of 9.30 mi (13.73%) (NY NY366 only) NY403: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) (NY NY403 only) NY440: 12.52 of 12.52 mi (100.00%) (NY NY440 only) NY443: 1.37 of 32.21 mi (4.26%) (NY NY443 only) NY747: 1.20 of 3.44 mi (34.75%) (NY NY747 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 42 of 484 (8.7%), clinched: 3 of 484 (0.6%). System usanc (active) overall: 47.57 of 8767.64 mi (0.54%) System usanc by route (traveled routes only): NC8: 0.84 of 92.98 mi (0.90%) (NC NC8 only) NC24: 3.18 of 281.03 mi (1.13%) (NC NC24 only) NC28: 2.99 of 69.54 mi (4.29%) (NC NC28 only) NC53: 3.18 of 127.24 mi (2.50%) (NC NC53 only) NC81: 1.09 of 4.03 mi (27.18%) (NC NC81 only) NC86Trk (Hillsborough): 4.67 of 8.35 mi (55.97%) (NC NC86TrkHil only) NC87: 3.33 of 238.70 mi (1.39%) (NC NC87 only) NC89: 1.62 of 58.29 mi (2.78%) (NC NC89 only) NC133: 1.90 of 46.01 mi (4.13%) (NC NC133 only) NC150: 12.01 of 182.07 mi (6.60%) (NC NC150 only) NC152: 0.63 of 25.49 mi (2.45%) (NC NC152 only) NC194: 4.84 of 78.64 mi (6.16%) (NC NC194 only) NC210: 8.77 of 192.44 mi (4.56%) (NC NC210 only) NC215: 0.40 of 37.32 mi (1.08%) (NC NC215 only) NC274: 0.46 of 36.87 mi (1.24%) (NC NC274 only) NC305: 0.85 of 45.03 mi (1.89%) (NC NC305 only) System usanc connected routes traveled: 16 of 268 (6.0%), clinched: 0 of 268 (0.0%). System usand (active) overall: 117.31 of 5603.43 mi (2.09%) System usand by route (traveled routes only): ND3: 8.00 of 250.22 mi (3.20%) (ND ND3 only) ND18: 2.05 of 245.84 mi (0.83%) (ND ND18 only) ND22Byp (Dickinson): 2.88 of 13.03 mi (22.07%) (ND ND22BypDic only) ND46: 30.38 of 121.92 mi (24.92%) (ND ND46 only) ND200: 74.00 of 417.59 mi (17.72%) (ND ND200 only) System usand connected routes traveled: 5 of 79 (6.3%), clinched: 0 of 79 (0.0%). System usaoh (active) overall: 38.40 of 14583.07 mi (0.26%) System usaoh by region: OH: 38.40 of 14582.77 mi (0.26%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH2: 7.85 of 229.25 mi (3.42%) (OH OH2 only) OH4: 6.34 of 209.48 mi (3.03%) (OH OH4 only) OH14: 11.96 of 82.19 mi (14.55%) (OH OH14 only) OH15Trk (Defiance): 2.98 of 6.49 mi (45.88%) (OH OH15TrkDef only) OH18Trk (Defiance): 2.98 of 5.02 mi (59.29%) (OH OH18TrkDef only) OH19: 0.93 of 88.02 mi (1.05%) (OH OH19 only) OH49: 3.23 of 156.39 mi (2.07%) (OH OH49 only) OH53: 4.08 of 93.83 mi (4.35%) (OH OH53 only) OH66Trk ((East) Defiance): 2.00 of 8.44 mi (23.70%) (OH OH66TrkEDe only) OH199: 0.94 of 62.01 mi (1.52%) (OH OH199 only) OH576: 1.02 of 20.96 mi (4.86%) (OH OH576 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 11 of 553 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 553 (0.0%). System usaok (active) overall: 19.80 of 8448.63 mi (0.23%) System usaok by route (traveled routes only): OK34: 8.59 of 190.80 mi (4.50%) (OK OK34 only) OK51: 0.95 of 335.37 mi (0.28%) (OK OK51 only) OK66: 10.26 of 194.05 mi (5.29%) (OK OK66 only) System usaok connected routes traveled: 3 of 228 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 228 (0.0%). System usaor (active) overall: 230.67 of 4584.09 mi (5.03%) System usaor by route (traveled routes only): OR6: 38.27 of 51.02 mi (75.02%) (OR OR6 only) OR35: 37.81 of 38.82 mi (97.39%) (OR OR35 only) OR46: 17.94 of 17.94 mi (100.00%) (OR OR46 only) OR47: 40.99 of 77.98 mi (52.57%) (OR OR47 only) OR62: 70.36 of 100.70 mi (69.87%) (OR OR62 only) OR99: 5.46 of 211.64 mi (2.58%) (OR OR99 only) OR138: 15.07 of 135.91 mi (11.08%) (OR OR138 only) OR173: 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%) (OR OR173 only) System usaor connected routes traveled: 8 of 138 (5.8%), clinched: 2 of 138 (1.4%). System usapa (active) overall: 542.55 of 12631.89 mi (4.30%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 542.55 of 12631.70 mi (4.30%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA3: 0.96 of 24.72 mi (3.87%) (PA PA3 only) PA16: 43.40 of 43.40 mi (100.00%) (PA PA16 only) PA18: 1.51 of 200.94 mi (0.75%) (PA PA18 only) PA26: 1.35 of 125.82 mi (1.07%) (PA PA26 only) PA31Trk (Manns Choice): 1.93 of 7.86 mi (24.53%) (PA PA31TrkMan only) PA32AltTrk (Morrisville): 1.08 of 1.25 mi (86.61%) (PA PA32AltTrkMor only) PA33: 24.13 of 27.78 mi (86.85%) (PA PA33 only) PA34: 4.00 of 61.87 mi (6.46%) (PA PA34 only) PA39: 7.90 of 17.77 mi (44.45%) (PA PA39 only) PA43: 32.31 of 55.30 mi (58.43%) (PA PA43 only) PA45: 26.43 of 86.63 mi (30.50%) (PA PA45 only) PA51: 41.27 of 88.21 mi (46.79%) (PA PA51 only) PA56: 33.86 of 106.83 mi (31.70%) (PA PA56 only) PA63: 1.37 of 37.79 mi (3.63%) (PA PA63 only) PA66: 6.17 of 136.77 mi (4.51%) (PA PA66 only) PA66Bus (Greensburg): 1.23 of 7.80 mi (15.80%) (PA PA66BusGre only) PA72: 3.49 of 37.67 mi (9.27%) (PA PA72 only) PA74: 0.66 of 96.35 mi (0.69%) (PA PA74 only) PA75: 1.91 of 71.34 mi (2.68%) (PA PA75 only) PA82AltTrk (East Fallowfield Township): 4.89 of 21.79 mi (22.43%) (PA PA82AltTrkEas only) PA86: 3.66 of 12.56 mi (29.12%) (PA PA86 only) PA88: 3.60 of 67.04 mi (5.37%) (PA PA88 only) PA93: 4.03 of 40.76 mi (9.90%) (PA PA93 only) PA94: 2.99 of 30.94 mi (9.66%) (PA PA94 only) PA97 (Littlestown): 9.43 of 9.43 mi (100.00%) (PA PA97Lit only) PA116: 39.72 of 39.72 mi (100.00%) (PA PA116 only) PA130: 3.61 of 47.21 mi (7.65%) (PA PA130 only) PA134: 7.44 of 7.44 mi (100.00%) (PA PA134 only) PA144Trk (Potters Mill): 11.84 of 18.13 mi (65.33%) (PA PA144TrkPot only) PA163: 2.44 of 2.44 mi (100.00%) (PA PA163 only) PA194: 9.95 of 31.92 mi (31.17%) (PA PA194 only) PA230: 10.46 of 28.51 mi (36.70%) (PA PA230 only) PA271: 4.86 of 46.25 mi (10.52%) (PA PA271 only) PA281: 0.24 of 45.19 mi (0.53%) (PA PA281 only) PA291: 10.61 of 14.14 mi (75.06%) (PA PA291 only) PA309: 23.48 of 134.83 mi (17.42%) (PA PA309 only) PA315: 2.76 of 8.17 mi (33.77%) (PA PA315 only) PA316: 16.59 of 16.59 mi (100.00%) (PA PA316 only) PA329Trk (Northampton): 2.99 of 12.05 mi (24.84%) (PA PA329TrkNor only) PA378: 9.55 of 9.55 mi (100.00%) (PA PA378 only) PA390Trk (Hawley): 4.00 of 10.93 mi (36.56%) (PA PA390TrkHaw only) PA402Trk (Hawley): 3.95 of 27.40 mi (14.43%) (PA PA402TrkHaw only) PA403: 0.28 of 62.08 mi (0.44%) (PA PA403 only) PA412: 1.57 of 17.65 mi (8.91%) (PA PA412 only) PA416: 11.44 of 17.50 mi (65.38%) (PA PA416 only) PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%) (PA PA420AltTrkPro only) PA423Trk (Pocono Pines): 5.19 of 9.20 mi (56.38%) (PA PA423TrkPoc only) PA443: 8.05 of 79.56 mi (10.12%) (PA PA443 only) PA519Trk (Houston): 10.06 of 21.32 mi (47.20%) (PA PA519TrkHou only) PA533: 5.72 of 21.91 mi (26.10%) (PA PA533 only) PA581: 7.49 of 7.49 mi (100.00%) (PA PA581 only) PA611: 28.70 of 109.34 mi (26.25%) (PA PA611 only) PA641: 0.14 of 58.00 mi (0.24%) (PA PA641 only) PA655: 1.45 of 81.90 mi (1.77%) (PA PA655 only) PA715Trk ((North) Tannersville): 0.44 of 1.90 mi (23.28%) (PA PA715TrkNTa only) PA715Trk ((South) Tannersville): 3.97 of 8.05 mi (49.39%) (PA PA715TrkSTa only) PA724: 0.67 of 30.30 mi (2.22%) (PA PA724 only) PA819: 2.01 of 45.11 mi (4.45%) (PA PA819 only) PA867Trk (Roaring Spring): 16.48 of 30.72 mi (53.65%) (PA PA867TrkRoa only) PA869: 1.45 of 31.59 mi (4.60%) (PA PA869 only) PA915: 1.35 of 21.28 mi (6.34%) (PA PA915 only) PA924: 0.81 of 21.79 mi (3.74%) (PA PA924 only) PA995: 0.67 of 19.46 mi (3.44%) (PA PA995 only) PA997: 17.09 of 48.96 mi (34.91%) (PA PA997 only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 64 of 521 (12.3%), clinched: 8 of 521 (1.5%). System usari (active) overall: 4.83 of 662.13 mi (0.73%) System usari by route (traveled routes only): RI1A (Providence): 2.27 of 14.59 mi (15.59%) (RI RI1APro only) RI138: 2.55 of 47.56 mi (5.37%) (RI RI138 only) System usari connected routes traveled: 2 of 66 (3.0%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%). System usasc (active) overall: 20.18 of 6155.90 mi (0.33%) System usasc by route (traveled routes only): SC4Trk (Windsor): 10.60 of 17.70 mi (59.90%) (SC SC4TrkWin only) SC6: 0.30 of 116.11 mi (0.26%) (SC SC6 only) SC9: 1.12 of 259.14 mi (0.43%) (SC SC9 only) SC23: 0.10 of 46.72 mi (0.22%) (SC SC23 only) SC27: 0.50 of 19.41 mi (2.56%) (SC SC27 only) SC39: 2.46 of 101.70 mi (2.42%) (SC SC39 only) SC72: 3.21 of 124.48 mi (2.58%) (SC SC72 only) SC121: 0.57 of 134.43 mi (0.42%) (SC SC121 only) SC170: 1.55 of 35.27 mi (4.38%) (SC SC170 only) SC391: 0.27 of 34.63 mi (0.79%) (SC SC391 only) SC414: 0.06 of 16.54 mi (0.36%) (SC SC414 only) System usasc connected routes traveled: 11 of 301 (3.7%), clinched: 0 of 301 (0.0%). System usasd (active) overall: 145.28 of 5082.16 mi (2.86%) System usasd by route (traveled routes only): SD34: 16.47 of 425.57 mi (3.87%) (SD SD34 only) SD37: 1.77 of 250.19 mi (0.71%) (SD SD37 only) SD44: 0.20 of 380.38 mi (0.05%) (SD SD44 only) SD45: 5.28 of 212.74 mi (2.48%) (SD SD45 only) SD50: 6.91 of 220.62 mi (3.13%) (SD SD50 only) SD63 ((Main)): 7.40 of 233.84 mi (3.16%) (SD SD63 only) SD73: 6.98 of 255.05 mi (2.74%) (SD SD73 only) SD79: 37.23 of 243.16 mi (15.31%) (SD SD79 only) SD87: 15.46 of 30.00 mi (51.54%) (SD SD87 only) SD89: 12.62 of 33.22 mi (37.98%) (SD SD89 only) SD240: 34.97 of 34.97 mi (100.00%) (SD SD240 only) System usasd connected routes traveled: 11 of 90 (12.2%), clinched: 1 of 90 (1.1%). System usatn (active) overall: 26.76 of 9129.14 mi (0.29%) System usatn by region: GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%) TN: 26.76 of 9129.13 mi (0.29%) System usatn by route (traveled routes only): TN32: 12.19 of 22.27 mi (54.74%) (TN TN32 only) TN33: 1.78 of 102.29 mi (1.74%) (TN TN33 only) TN67: 5.14 of 62.35 mi (8.24%) (TN TN67 only) TN72: 5.09 of 41.92 mi (12.13%) (TN TN72 only) TN91: 0.40 of 49.64 mi (0.80%) (TN TN91 only) TN92: 0.65 of 32.95 mi (1.96%) (TN TN92 only) TN317: 1.52 of 20.79 mi (7.33%) (TN TN317 only) System usatn connected routes traveled: 7 of 427 (1.6%), clinched: 0 of 427 (0.0%). System usatx (active) overall: 3.67 of 15239.36 mi (0.02%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX70: 3.67 of 333.56 mi (1.10%) (TX TX70 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 1 of 319 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 319 (0.0%). System usaut (active) overall: 419.93 of 3701.77 mi (11.34%) System usaut by route (traveled routes only): UT12: 123.39 of 123.39 mi (100.00%) (UT UT12 only) UT16: 29.24 of 29.24 mi (100.00%) (UT UT16 only) UT24: 47.13 of 162.41 mi (29.02%) (UT UT24 only) UT30: 9.82 of 215.90 mi (4.55%) (UT UT30 only) UT63: 2.68 of 2.68 mi (100.00%) (UT UT63 only) UT95: 122.07 of 122.07 mi (100.00%) (UT UT95 only) UT128: 40.21 of 43.11 mi (93.27%) (UT UT128 only) UT201: 14.52 of 17.51 mi (82.93%) (UT UT201 only) UT202: 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%) (UT UT202 only) UT224: 4.39 of 10.77 mi (40.75%) (UT UT224 only) UT248: 3.02 of 14.39 mi (20.97%) (UT UT248 only) UT313: 21.92 of 21.92 mi (100.00%) (UT UT313 only) System usaut connected routes traveled: 12 of 218 (5.5%), clinched: 6 of 218 (2.8%). System usava (active) overall: 389.40 of 4879.58 mi (7.98%) System usava by route (traveled routes only): VA2: 0.52 of 53.87 mi (0.97%) (VA VA2 only) VA3: 1.67 of 149.36 mi (1.12%) (VA VA3 only) VA5: 0.82 of 53.82 mi (1.53%) (VA VA5 only) VA6: 3.78 of 100.47 mi (3.77%) (VA VA6 only) VA7: 72.89 of 72.89 mi (100.00%) (VA VA7 only) VA7Bus (Berryville): 3.07 of 3.07 mi (100.00%) (VA VA7BusBer only) VA7Bus (Leesburg): 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%) (VA VA7BusLee only) VA7Bus (Purcellville): 9.28 of 9.35 mi (99.23%) (VA VA7BusPur only) VA8: 2.02 of 52.94 mi (3.82%) (VA VA8 only) VA9: 12.70 of 12.70 mi (100.00%) (VA VA9 only) VA14: 7.81 of 70.38 mi (11.09%) (VA VA14 only) VA16: 9.11 of 69.69 mi (13.07%) (VA VA16 only) VA20: 7.77 of 88.77 mi (8.76%) (VA VA20 only) VA24: 24.78 of 87.99 mi (28.16%) (VA VA24 only) VA27: 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%) (VA VA27 only) VA28: 22.06 of 45.07 mi (48.95%) (VA VA28 only) VA33: 17.68 of 73.06 mi (24.20%) (VA VA33 only) VA37: 9.12 of 9.44 mi (96.63%) (VA VA37 only) VA40: 1.74 of 225.22 mi (0.77%) (VA VA40 only) VA43: 0.28 of 36.17 mi (0.78%) (VA VA43 only) VA53: 1.04 of 17.42 mi (6.00%) (VA VA53 only) VA55: 12.18 of 64.00 mi (19.02%) (VA VA55 only) VA56: 4.60 of 56.09 mi (8.20%) (VA VA56 only) VA89Trk (Galax): 0.31 of 2.03 mi (15.33%) (VA VA89TrkGal only) VA91: 0.92 of 50.80 mi (1.81%) (VA VA91 only) VA100: 8.61 of 51.35 mi (16.77%) (VA VA100 only) VA110: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) (VA VA110 only) VA116: 2.55 of 19.74 mi (12.93%) (VA VA116 only) VA120: 5.21 of 8.76 mi (59.47%) (VA VA120 only) VA122: 3.50 of 52.64 mi (6.66%) (VA VA122 only) VA122Bus (Bedford): 0.28 of 2.57 mi (11.06%) (VA VA122BusBed only) VA123: 14.04 of 28.73 mi (48.86%) (VA VA123 only) VA128: 0.39 of 3.30 mi (11.80%) (VA VA128 only) VA134: 0.96 of 11.71 mi (8.21%) (VA VA134 only) VA164: 0.89 of 8.65 mi (10.34%) (VA VA164 only) VA165: 0.25 of 39.55 mi (0.62%) (VA VA165 only) VA166: 2.08 of 15.12 mi (13.77%) (VA VA166 only) VA175: 10.66 of 10.66 mi (100.00%) (VA VA175 only) VA176: 2.58 of 2.58 mi (100.00%) (VA VA176 only) VA179: 2.94 of 2.94 mi (100.00%) (VA VA179 only) VA180: 0.46 of 11.04 mi (4.21%) (VA VA180 only) VA184: 3.15 of 3.15 mi (100.00%) (VA VA184 only) VA191: 0.15 of 3.08 mi (4.93%) (VA VA191 only) VA193: 11.74 of 11.74 mi (100.00%) (VA VA193 only) VA208: 5.40 of 46.40 mi (11.63%) (VA VA208 only) VA230: 0.54 of 20.40 mi (2.64%) (VA VA230 only) VA231: 1.38 of 49.25 mi (2.80%) (VA VA231 only) VA233: 0.27 of 0.27 mi (100.00%) (VA VA233 only) VA234: 2.88 of 34.68 mi (8.30%) (VA VA234 only) VA236: 6.54 of 15.65 mi (41.80%) (VA VA236 only) VA237: 6.99 of 11.11 mi (62.91%) (VA VA237 only) VA254: 0.59 of 24.56 mi (2.39%) (VA VA254 only) VA267: 28.29 of 28.29 mi (100.00%) (VA VA267 only) VA286: 4.20 of 30.58 mi (13.73%) (VA VA286 only) VA287: 12.65 of 12.65 mi (100.00%) (VA VA287 only) VA293: 3.47 of 6.81 mi (51.00%) (VA VA293 only) VA316: 9.68 of 9.68 mi (100.00%) (VA VA316 only) VA337: 0.89 of 35.45 mi (2.50%) (VA VA337 only) VA360: 0.76 of 40.65 mi (1.86%) (VA VA360 only) VA400: 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%) (VA VA400 only) System usava connected routes traveled: 60 of 378 (15.9%), clinched: 16 of 378 (4.2%). System usawa (active) overall: 118.91 of 4660.89 mi (2.55%) System usawa by route (traveled routes only): WA14: 2.67 of 179.95 mi (1.49%) (WA WA14 only) WA123: 15.37 of 15.37 mi (100.00%) (WA WA123 only) WA410: 56.54 of 104.10 mi (54.31%) (WA WA410 only) WA432: 4.25 of 10.32 mi (41.16%) (WA WA432 only) WA433: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (WA WA433 only) WA500: 1.05 of 21.64 mi (4.85%) (WA WA500 only) WA503: 29.97 of 52.03 mi (57.61%) (WA WA503 only) WA503Spr (Cougar): 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) (WA WA503SprCou only) WA900: 0.89 of 15.58 mi (5.69%) (WA WA900 only) System usawa connected routes traveled: 9 of 198 (4.5%), clinched: 3 of 198 (1.5%). System usawv (active) overall: 177.94 of 3815.00 mi (4.66%) System usawv by region: MD: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 0.08 mi (0.00%) WV: 177.94 of 3814.88 mi (4.66%) System usawv by route (traveled routes only): WV9: 69.08 of 69.08 mi (100.00%) (WV WV9 only) WV16: 0.56 of 226.96 mi (0.25%) (WV WV16 only) WV20: 4.20 of 253.66 mi (1.66%) (WV WV20 only) WV28: 25.31 of 147.33 mi (17.18%) (WV WV28 only) WV29: 3.96 of 42.15 mi (9.40%) (WV WV29 only) WV41: 2.39 of 60.90 mi (3.93%) (WV WV41 only) WV42: 7.65 of 38.58 mi (19.83%) (WV WV42 only) WV45: 11.44 of 25.51 mi (44.84%) (WV WV45 only) WV51: 13.42 of 17.82 mi (75.29%) (WV WV51 only) WV61: 1.32 of 61.33 mi (2.15%) (WV WV61 only) WV93: 2.58 of 36.91 mi (6.98%) (WV WV93 only) WV115: 18.95 of 18.95 mi (100.00%) (WV WV115 only) WV214: 3.10 of 18.87 mi (16.41%) (WV WV214 only) WV230: 8.99 of 8.99 mi (100.00%) (WV WV230 only) WV480: 5.72 of 5.72 mi (100.00%) (WV WV480 only) WV601: 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%) (WV WV601 only) System usawv connected routes traveled: 16 of 134 (11.9%), clinched: 5 of 134 (3.7%). System usawi (active) overall: 3.13 of 8704.55 mi (0.04%) System usawi by route (traveled routes only): WI11: 2.57 of 163.43 mi (1.57%) (WI WI11 only) WI35: 0.56 of 413.00 mi (0.14%) (WI WI35 only) System usawi connected routes traveled: 2 of 171 (1.2%), clinched: 0 of 171 (0.0%). System usawy (active) overall: 324.10 of 3565.63 mi (9.09%) System usawy by region: CO: 0.00 of 1.01 mi (0.00%) WY: 324.10 of 3564.62 mi (9.09%) System usawy by route (traveled routes only): WY22: 16.45 of 16.45 mi (100.00%) (WY WY22 only) WY24: 44.79 of 44.79 mi (100.00%) (WY WY24 only) WY59: 8.94 of 175.70 mi (5.09%) (WY WY59 only) WY89 (Evanston): 11.93 of 12.35 mi (96.56%) (WY WY89Eva only) WY89 (Sage): 43.77 of 43.77 mi (100.00%) (WY WY89 only) WY110: 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%) (WY WY110 only) WY116: 0.31 of 61.49 mi (0.50%) (WY WY116 only) WY120: 2.60 of 121.80 mi (2.13%) (WY WY120 only) WY295: 0.07 of 29.96 mi (0.25%) (WY WY295 only) WY789: 194.71 of 409.14 mi (47.59%) (WY WY789 only) System usawy connected routes traveled: 10 of 171 (5.8%), clinched: 4 of 171 (2.3%). System canabs (preview) overall: 0.87 of 9359.79 mi (0.01%) System canabs by route (traveled routes only): AB533: 0.87 of 36.20 mi (2.40%) (AB AB533 only) System canabs connected routes traveled: 1 of 323 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 323 (0.0%). System eurtr (preview) overall: 295.74 of 7195.77 mi (4.11%) System eurtr by region: AUT: 0.00 of 0.97 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 215.11 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 245.38 of 490.98 mi (49.98%) ENG: 0.00 of 402.18 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2446.10 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.00 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.35 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 880.65 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 503.00 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 97.51 mi (0.00%) POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%) SCT: 50.36 of 1057.85 mi (4.76%) SWE: 0.00 of 226.44 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%) System eurtr by route (traveled routes only): DtAlpStr (Deutsche Alpenstraße (Füssen)): 74.89 of 288.94 mi (25.92%) DEU-BY DtAlpStr: 74.89 of 160.36 mi (46.70%) RomStr (Romantische Straße (main)): 189.21 of 268.26 mi (70.53%) DEU-BY RomStr: 189.21 of 196.61 mi (96.24%) CoaTrl ((East Lothian) Coastal Trail): 17.53 of 33.16 mi (52.85%) (SCT CoaTrl only) LochNessTrl (Loch Ness Trail): 32.83 of 64.49 mi (50.91%) (SCT LochNessTrl only) System eurtr connected routes traveled: 4 of 130 (3.1%), clinched: 0 of 130 (0.0%). System fraarad07 (preview) overall: 0.38 of 1826.77 mi (0.02%) System fraarad07 by route (traveled routes only): D26-07: 0.16 of 6.54 mi (2.39%) (FRA-ARA D26-07 only) D263-07: 0.22 of 12.13 mi (1.85%) (FRA-ARA D263-07 only) System fraarad07 connected routes traveled: 2 of 357 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 357 (0.0%). System fraarad43 (preview) overall: 7.07 of 1841.89 mi (0.38%) System fraarad43 by region: FRA-ARA: 7.07 of 1841.87 mi (0.38%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 0.02 mi (0.00%) System fraarad43 by route (traveled routes only): D4-43: 0.32 of 31.17 mi (1.02%) (FRA-ARA D4-43 only) D17-43: 0.39 of 14.23 mi (2.75%) (FRA-ARA D17-43 only) D21-43: 0.02 of 39.63 mi (0.06%) (FRA-ARA D21-43 only) D22-43: 0.32 of 28.40 mi (1.12%) (FRA-ARA D22-43 only) D40-43: 0.62 of 39.80 mi (1.56%) (FRA-ARA D40-43 only) D49-43 (Costaros): 0.16 of 10.97 mi (1.45%) (FRA-ARA D49-43 only) D56-43: 1.71 of 22.27 mi (7.67%) (FRA-ARA D56-43 only) D113-43: 0.23 of 3.03 mi (7.73%) (FRA-ARA D113-43 only) D284-43: 0.08 of 3.65 mi (2.26%) (FRA-ARA D284-43 only) D906-43: 3.76 of 37.76 mi (9.97%) (FRA-ARA D906-43 only) System fraarad43 connected routes traveled: 10 of 313 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 313 (0.0%). System usaal (preview) overall: 10.78 of 6977.40 mi (0.15%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL59: 10.78 of 94.39 mi (11.42%) (AL AL59 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 1 of 226 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%). System usaca (preview) overall: 785.99 of 10942.66 mi (7.18%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA1: 8.03 of 700.77 mi (1.15%) (CA CA1 only) CA12: 3.87 of 139.71 mi (2.77%) (CA CA12 only) CA17: 25.12 of 25.12 mi (100.00%) (CA CA17 only) CA29: 43.17 of 102.37 mi (42.17%) (CA CA29 only) CA35: 6.97 of 55.88 mi (12.48%) (CA CA35 only) CA41: 59.89 of 190.41 mi (31.45%) (CA CA41 only) CA49: 89.87 of 291.68 mi (30.81%) (CA CA49 only) CA58: 128.63 of 236.21 mi (54.46%) (CA CA58 only) CA63: 1.21 of 39.74 mi (3.04%) (CA CA63 only) CA75: 9.44 of 13.19 mi (71.53%) (CA CA75 only) CA88: 7.61 of 119.37 mi (6.37%) (CA CA88 only) CA89 (Lake Tahoe): 52.64 of 221.46 mi (23.77%) (CA CA89 only) CA99: 74.22 of 432.01 mi (17.18%) (CA CA99 only) CA108: 4.79 of 121.43 mi (3.94%) (CA CA108 only) CA108Bus (Sonora): 1.42 of 6.73 mi (21.05%) (CA CA108BusSon only) CA120 (Manteca): 35.41 of 90.88 mi (38.96%) (CA CA120 only) CA120 (Lee Vining): 4.79 of 60.90 mi (7.86%) (CA CA120Lee only) CA121: 1.73 of 33.39 mi (5.18%) (CA CA121 only) CA128: 12.20 of 135.17 mi (9.03%) (CA CA128 only) CA136: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) (CA CA136 only) CA168 (Bishop): 14.84 of 68.15 mi (21.77%) (CA CA168Bis only) CA180 (Fresno): 49.39 of 85.22 mi (57.95%) (CA CA180 only) CA180 (Cedar Grove): 22.56 of 22.56 mi (100.00%) (CA CA180Ced only) CA190 (Death Valley): 113.65 of 128.36 mi (88.54%) (CA CA190Dea only) CA198: 39.93 of 147.43 mi (27.09%) (CA CA198 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 25 of 268 (9.3%), clinched: 3 of 268 (1.1%). System usafl (active) overall: 147.96 of 6377.90 mi (2.32%) System usafl by route (traveled routes only): FLA1A (Fort Lauderdale): 6.52 of 75.92 mi (8.59%) (FL FLA1AFor only) FLA1A (Jacksonville): 98.82 of 98.82 mi (100.00%) (FL FLA1A only) FLA1A (Fernandina Beach): 38.33 of 50.48 mi (75.92%) (FL FLA1AFer only) FL10: 1.30 of 15.50 mi (8.38%) (FL FL10 only) FL24: 0.71 of 72.55 mi (0.99%) (FL FL24 only) FL46 (Sanford): 3.58 of 46.07 mi (7.77%) (FL FL46 only) FL200 (Fernandina Beach): 14.69 of 26.79 mi (54.82%) (FL FL200Fer only) System usafl connected routes traveled: 7 of 427 (1.6%), clinched: 1 of 427 (0.2%). System usanyp (preview) overall: 3.57 of 95.70 mi (3.73%) System usanyp by route (traveled routes only): KorWarPkwy (Korean War Veterans Parkway): 0.50 of 4.28 mi (11.70%) (NY KorWarPkwy only) MosPkwy (Mosholu Parkway): 2.45 of 2.45 mi (100.00%) (NY MosPkwy only) SevLakDr (Seven Lakes Drive): 0.62 of 16.52 mi (3.74%) (NY SevLakDr only) System usanyp connected routes traveled: 3 of 21 (14.3%), clinched: 1 of 21 (4.8%). System usaush (preview) overall: 78.88 of 3084.26 mi (2.56%) System usaush by region: AZ: 0.00 of 398.19 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 917.84 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%) IL: 2.95 of 383.99 mi (0.77%) KS: 2.47 of 12.90 mi (19.15%) MA: 3.72 of 7.20 mi (51.73%) MO: 23.67 of 417.59 mi (5.67%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 7.14 of 366.51 mi (1.95%) OH: 0.00 of 33.35 mi (0.00%) OK: 7.11 of 151.49 mi (4.70%) OR: 31.81 of 46.73 mi (68.08%) TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US6His (Provincetown, MA): 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%) (MA US6HisPro only) US30His (Columbia River, OR): 24.12 of 24.12 mi (100.00%) (OR US30HisCol only) US30His (Cascade Locks, OR): 7.69 of 7.69 mi (100.00%) (OR US30HisCas only) US66His (St Louis, MO): 32.17 of 639.56 mi (5.03%) OK US66HisMia: 7.11 of 21.13 mi (33.67%) KS US66HisGal: 2.47 of 12.90 mi (19.15%) MO US66HisStL: 19.64 of 316.96 mi (6.20%) IL US66HisChi: 2.95 of 288.57 mi (1.02%) US66His ((PRE-1937) Santa Fe, NM): 7.14 of 11.99 mi (59.57%) (NM US66HisSFe only) US66His ((1940-1975) Joplin): 2.02 of 4.05 mi (49.95%) (MO US66HisEJo only) US66His ((1926-1928) Springfield): 2.01 of 10.10 mi (19.90%) (MO US66HisESp only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 7 of 112 (6.2%), clinched: 3 of 112 (2.7%). Traveled 76 of 316 (24.1%), Clinched 0 of 316 (0.0%) active systems Traveled 8 of 137 (5.8%), Clinched 0 of 137 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-07-25 | (UK) Scotland | A702 | sct.a0702 | Route extended at north end from A700 to A90 2015-08-03 | (USA) Colorado | Pena Boulevard | co.penablvd | New Route 2015-08-03 | (USA) Indiana | US 35 | in.us035 | Relocated from Monticello Road and onto Hoosier Heartland Highway between MonRd_W and MonRd_E 2015-08-03 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 Business (Buffalo) | wy.us087busbuf | Route rerouted at north end off of East Hart Street between the eastern junction with US16 and I-25 and relocated onto North Main Street between the eastern junction with US16 and I-90 2015-08-11 | (USA) Georgia | I-16 | ga.i016 | Relabeled waypoint I-75 as 1 and previous waypoint 1 as 1A (US 23 & US 129, Spring Street) in Macon. 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | US 16 Truck (Rapid City) | sd.us016trkrap | Extended from north end at I-90 exit 61 west on I-90 to exit 57. 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | US 85 | sd.us085 | Removed from US 14A and Glendale Drive and relocated onto Main Street between Fairview Avenue and Glendale Drive. 2015-08-11 | (USA) Wyoming | US 310 | wy.us310 | Route truncated at east end from eastern junction with US14/16 to (formerly western) junction with US14/16 2015-08-17 | (USA) Maryland | MD 200 | md.md200 | Extended east end of route from I-95 to US1 2015-08-20 | (USA) Indiana | US 52 | in.us052 | Removed from Sagamore Parkway, Lafayette and relocated onto US231, Old US231 and Teal Road between western junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly southern junction with US231) and eastern junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly junction with IN25) 2015-09-28 | (USA) Nebraska | US 77 | ne.us077 | Removed from 1st St, Chestnut St, 12th St, and CR 16 and relocated onto the northwestern Wahoo bypass, between NE 92 West and NE 109 South. 2015-10-02 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 75 | ok.us075 | Moved waypoint US70 from Main Street in Durant (now labeled MainSt_Dur) to the Durant bypass. 2015-10-06 | (USA) North Dakota | ND 200 | nd.nd200 | Removed from US 85 Business and relocated onto the southwestern Watford City bypass. 2015-10-24 | (USA) New York | New York Thruway Berkshire Connector | ny.bercon | New Route 2015-10-27 | (USA) North Carolina | I-485 | nc.i485 | Extended between exits 23C (NC 115) and 30 (I-85), completing loop around Charlotte 2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | US 9 | ny.us009 | Truncated at north end from a cul-de-sac/turnaround about 1/3 mile north of the I-87 Exit 43 interchange, to the I-87 Exit 43 interchange 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 64 | nm.us064 | In Farmington, route moved from Main St. and Broadway St. (now US 64 Business), south to Murray Dr. 2015-12-10 | (USA) New York | Cross County Parkway | ny.crocoupkwy | Route added 2015-12-17 | (UK) England | A380 | eng.a0380 | Route removed from Torquay Road in Kingkerswell and relocated onto South Devon Link Road between A381_W and A3022 2015-12-17 | (UK) England | A3022 | eng.a3022 | Route extended at north end from Torquay Road (formerly A380) to new A380 (at South Devon Link Road) 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | Henry Hudson Parkway | ny.henhudpkwy | Extended at north end from Exit 24 to Bronx/Westchester county line. 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | I-278 | ny.i278 | Extended at east end from Exit 54 at the west end of the Bruckner Interchange, to I-95, I-295 and I-678 at the east end of the Bruckner Interchange. Relabeled waypoints 38 to 41, 39 to 42, 40 to 43, 41 to 44, 42 to 45, 43 to 46, 44 to 47, 45 to 48, 46 to 50, 47 to 51, and 48 to 52. 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | Saw Mill River Parkway | ny.sawmillpkwy | Route truncated at south end from Henry Hudson Parkway Exit 24 to Bronx/Westchester county line: segment transferred to Henry Hudson Parkway. 2016-01-05 | (USA) California | US 50 | ca.us050 | Many waypoints renamed for new exit numbers (labels in use kept) 2016-01-31 | (USA) Missouri | US 50 | mo.us050 | Removed from Loose Creek Highway and relocated onto new divided highway to the south between the western and eastern intersections with Loose Creek Highway. 2016-02-18 | (USA) North Carolina | US 421 | nc.us421 | Removed from Boone Trail & Horner Blvd through Sanford (now US421 Bus Sanford) between Exit 143 and US421BusSan_N 2016-03-09 | (UK) Scotland | A82 | sct.a0082 | Route removed from Glenfalloch Road and relocated onto Crianlarich bypass between Glenfalloch Road and eastern junction with A85 2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | I-93 | nh.i093 | Northbound roadway relocated approximately 0.2 mi westward immediately parallel to southbound roadway, between a point south of Exit 3 (labeled *OldI-93) and Exit 3. Southbound roadway unaffected 2016-04-24 | (USA) Maryland | MD 717 | md.md717 | Added route 2016-05-03 | (USA) New York | NY 22 | ny.ny022 | Truncated at north end from Canadian border to US 11 2016-05-15 | (USA) Virginia | I-95 | va.i095 | previous Exit 74B is actually 74C in the field and a new point for actual 74B was added 2016-06-20 | (USA) Iowa | US 6 | ia.us006 | Removed from Broadway Street and Kanesville Boulevard in Council Bluffs and rerouted onto I-29 and I-80 between I-480 and I-80 Exit 8. (Renamed I-29->I-29(53B)) 2016-07-09 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 64 | ok.us064 | Removed from Stone City Park Dr between E0130 Rd and US 183, and relocated onto E0130 Rd and US183 between Stone City Park Dr and Broad St 2016-07-28 | (USA) North Dakota | US 85 | nd.us085 | Relocated from US 2 to new western Williston bypass, between southern US 2 junction and new US 85 Bypass 2016-08-16 | (USA) Tennessee | US 11 | tn.us011 | Removed from Kingston Pike, Cumberland Avenue, US 441, and East 5th Avenue in Knoxville, and rerouted along Neyland Drive (former TN 158) and Hall of Fame Drive between the intersections of Kingston Pike/Neyland Drive and East 5th Avenue/Hall of Fame Drive 2016-08-16 | (USA) Tennessee | US 129 | tn.us129 | Relocated the 'US11/70' point from Kingston Pike (now KinPk) to the intersection with Neyland Drive (former TNs158) 2016-10-01 | (USA) Virginia | US 11 | va.us011 | Swapped the VA117_N and VA117_S waypoint labels 2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | I-90 | sd.i090 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.) 2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 14 | sd.us014 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.) 2016-11-16 | (USA) New Jersey | NJ 18 | nj.nj018 | Extended north from Buckingham Drive to I-287 2016-11-16 | (USA) New Jersey | NJ 19 | nj.nj019 | South end removed from the Garden State Parkway access ramps between The Broad Street ramps and the Garden State Parkway, and relocated onto Broad Street between the GSP ramps and Colfax Avenue 2016-11-18 | (USA) California | US 101 | ca.us101 | In Willits, relocated east from CA 20 and Main St. to new Willits Bypass, between exits 568 and 573 2016-12-05 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 (Cheyenne) | wy.us087 | Route truncated at north end from the Montana border to WY193, and then extended at north end to the washout. 2016-12-05 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 (Sheridan) | wy.us087she | New Route 2017-01-19 | (USA) New York | US 202 | ny.us202 | Removed from Division Street and Crompond Road, and relocated onto US 6 (Main Street) and Broad Street between Division Street and Crompond Road 2017-02-11 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 Business (Sheridan) | wy.us087busshe | Route truncated at south end from I-90 exit 25 to intersection of Coffeen Avenue and East Brundage Lane (called 'US87_S') 2017-04-14 | (UK) England | A57 | eng.a0057 | Route removed from Newland, Wigford Way and St Mary Street and relocated onto Brayford Way, Rope Walk, St Mark Street and Tentercroft Street between the B1273 and the A15 2017-04-23 | (UK) Scotland | M8 (Livingston) | sct.m008 | Route deleted 2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 1 | ri.us001 | Northbound direction removed from Post Road and relocated onto Greenwich Avenue and Veterans Memorial Drive between Centerville Road and US1 Business / RI 117 (Post Road). 2017-04-25 | (USA) Kansas | US 40 | ks.us040 | Removed from 6th Street and relocated onto KS 10 and US 59. 2017-05-17 | (USA) Arizona | Sky Harbor Boulevard | az.skyharblvd | New Route 2017-06-21 | (USA) Maryland | MD 707 | md.md707 | Truncated from the former west end approx 0.04 mi west of MD 452 to the new west end at MD 452. Truncated roadway has been demolished. 2017-06-22 | (USA) Minnesota | US 59 | mn.us059 | Route realigned near Worthington 2017-06-25 | (USA) West Virginia | US 19 | wv.us019 | Removed from the former, now demolished, Hood Street Bridge in Shinnston, and rerouted onto the replacement bridge to the north between Clement Street & Hood Avenue. 2017-08-05 | (USA) Florida | US 1 | fl.us001 | Removed from Brickell Avenue in Miami, and relocated onto FL 970 and southern 2 miles of I-95 between the intersection of FL 970/Brickell Avenue (BriAve) and the interchange of I-95/Brickell Ave. 2017-08-07 | (USA) Wyoming | US 20 Business (Douglas) | wy.us020busdou | New Route 2017-08-07 | (USA) Wyoming | US 26 Business (Douglas) | wy.us026busdou | New Route 2017-08-07 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 Business (Douglas) | wy.us087busdou | New Route 2017-08-30 | (UK) Scotland | A90 (Edinburgh) | sct.a0090edi | Route truncated at north end from M90 at Admiralty junction (now exit 1C) to M90 at Echline Junction (exit 1A) 2017-08-30 | (UK) Scotland | M90 | sct.m090 | Route extended at south end from exit 1C (formerly exit 1) to exit 1A 2017-09-04 | (USA) Nevada | US 50 | nv.us050 | rerouted onto I-580 from Stewart St and Fairview Lane between exit 38 and south end of interstate 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | US 30 | or.us030 | (late entry) Moved route from Huntington alignment onto I-84 in lieu of new business 30 route. 2017-11-03 | (USA) North Carolina | US 158 | nc.us158 | Rerouted to bypass Reidsville to the south and east via NC 87 and US 29 instead of US 29 Bus and NC 14, all points between US29Bus and US29 are changed 2017-11-22 | (USA) California | I-580 | ca.i580 | Waypoint 19B moved from I-980/CA 24 interchange in downtown Oakland west to added exit for CA 123, with old 19B renumbered 19C 2017-12-19 | (USA) Delaware | DE 299 | de.de299 | Removed from a demolished east-west section (approx. 0.1 mi) of Warwick Rd and US 301, and relocated onto a northerly extension of Warwick Rd, parallel to and west of the under-construction US 301 divided freeway, and Levels Rd between a waypoint labelled *OldDE299 and US 301. 2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 25W | tn.us025w | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly north of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411 2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 70 | tn.us070 | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly west of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411 2018-01-01 | (USA) North Carolina | I-785 | nc.i785 | Extended to US 29 2018-01-02 | (USA) Montana | US 93 Alternate (Kalispell) | mt.us093altkal | Route extended at north end from US2 to northern junction with US93 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 150 | ky.us150 | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N 2018-01-12 | (USA) Wyoming | US 189 Business (Evanston) | wy.us189buseva | New Route 2018-01-28 | (USA) Montana | I-115 | mt.i115 | Route extended at east end from exit 1 to Clark Street 2018-02-26 | (UK) England | A1(M) | eng.a0001m | Route extended at north end from exit 52 to exit 65 2018-02-28 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 12 | wi.us012 | Moved points for WI73_N and WI73_S to new offramps 2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line. 2018-06-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 70 | nc.us070 | Moved onto new bypass around Beaufort with Radio Island Rd and Live Oak St as the boundary points 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Bronx River Parkway | ny.brorivpkwy | North end truncated from NY 22 to Taconic State Parkway. 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive | ny.fdroodr | North end truncated from Exit 18 to Exit 17: segment transferred to Harlem River Drive. 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Grand Central Parkway | ny.gracenpkwy | West end extended from Exit 4 to Exit 45 of I-278. 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Harlem River Drive | ny.harrivdr | South end extended from Exit 18 to Exit 17. 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | I-11 | nv.i011 | Extended route south to Arizona border 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 93 | nv.us093 | Relocated from Boulder City Parkway to new I-11 freeway, between exits 2 and 15B 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 93 Business (Boulder City) | nv.us093busbou | New route 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 95 | nv.us095 | Relocated from Old US 95 and part of Boulder City Parkway, to I-11 freeway between exits 14 and 15B 2018-08-23 | (USA) Nevada | NV 172 | nv.nv172 | Truncated west end from I-11 exit 14 to I-11 exit 2 2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | US 20 | oh.us020 | OH269 point moved from Northwest St/Southwest St to Sandusky St 2018-09-14 | (USA) Georgia | US 1 | ga.us001 | Removed from Harrington St in Oak Park and relocated to new bypass on the south side of Oak Park, waypoint GA86_E renamed as ChiLn 2018-09-15 | (USA) North Carolina | I-73 | nc.i073 | Extended to future Rockingham Bypass 2018-09-24 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-276 | pa.i276 | Truncated at its east end to I-95(Exit 40) at newly opened interchange. 2018-09-24 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-295 | pa.i295 | Extended into PA onto the former routing of I-95 north of I-276 (PA Turnpike). 2018-09-26 | (USA) Pennsylvania | Betsy Ross Bridge | pa.betrossbri | Route added. (connects I-95 to NJ 90 at PA/NJ State Line) 2018-10-08 | (USA) New York | US 6 | ny.us006 | Waypoint NY118 moved from Miller Road (now labeled MilRd) to Tomahawk Street. 2018-10-09 | (USA) Missouri | US 24 | mo.us024 | Removed from Independence Avenue between I-70 exit 2H and I-435 exit 59 and rerouted onto I-70 and I-435 (this is from AASHTO mtg though field change is unknown) 2018-10-23 | (USA) Iowa | US 65 | ia.us065 | Relocated onto short stretch of IA 330 and new road between former IA 117/330 intersection and County Road F17 2018-11-04 | (USA) Washington | Airport Expressway | wa.airexpy | Route added 2018-11-20 | (UK) England | A6 | eng.a0006 | Route removed from London Road and Derby Road, Kegworth and relocated onto Kegworth Bypass and A453 between 'LonRd_N' and M1 junction 24 2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors. 2018-12-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 35 | or.or035 | Extended route north onto Hood River Bridge 2018-12-30 | (USA) Maine | Park Loop Road, Acadia NP | me.parklprd | Truncated: beginning of route removed from Sieur de Monts Road between ME 3 and Park Loop Road. 2019-01-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 295 | md.md295 | Truncated at south end from US50/MD201 to MD175 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 20 | mt.us020 | Route truncated at east end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 89 | mt.us089 | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 191 (West Yellowstone) | mt.us191wye | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 212 (Cooke City) | mt.us212coo | Route truncated at west end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 287 | mt.us287 | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Virginia | George Washington Parkway | va.gwmempkwy | Route deleted (replaced by usanp version) 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 212 (Yellowstone National Park) | wy.neentrd | Route deleted (replaced with Northeast Entrance Road) 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 14 | wy.us014 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 16 | wy.us016 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 20 | wy.us020 | Route truncated at west end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 89 | wy.us089 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 | wy.us191 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 287 | wy.us287 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-08 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 116 | pa.pa116 | Relocated in Hanover to follow posted routing along Frederick St. This breaks the concurrency with PA 194 as the route is now shown only following the routing of PA 194 NB (Frederick St). 2019-01-12 | (USA) Delaware | US 301 | de.us301 | Route completely realigned onto tolled freeway from MD/DE line to DE 1. It was removed from Middletown-Warwick Rd and concurrencies with DE 15, DE 299, DE 71, and DE 896 to its former northern terminus at US 40. 2019-03-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-476 | pa.i476 | Extended to US 6 WB/US 11 to match mile-marker signage. 2019-03-18 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 115 | wv.wv115 | Route extended at the Southern end at the interchange with US 340 to WV 9 near the WV-MD border. 2019-03-22 | (USA) Virginia | VA 37 | va.va037 | extended to new endpoint at SR 642 2019-04-13 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-376 | pa.i376 | Truncated Route to Exit 85 where it defaults onto US 22. 2019-04-22 | (USA) New York | I-587 | ny.i587 | West end truncated: removed from trumpet connection to I-87 mainline, with new terminus at trumpet's end at roundabout. 2019-04-27 | (USA) Virginia | I-564 | va.i564 | extended to actual VA 337 endpoint 2019-05-22 | (USA) Maryland | MD 639 | md.md639 | Added route 2019-05-28 | (USA) New Jersey | US 1 Truck (Jersey City) | nj.us001trkjer | North end removed from a demolished roadway parallel to and immediately north of Pulaski Skyway connecting NJ 7 directly to US 1&9 at Tonnelle Circle, and relocated onto a parallel elevated highway bypassing Tonnelle Circle to the north, between NJ 7 and Tonnelle Avenue (US 1&9). 2019-05-28 | (USA) New Jersey | US 9 Truck (Jersey City) | nj.us009trkjer | North end removed from a demolished roadway parallel to and immediately north of Pulaski Skyway connecting NJ 7 directly to US 1&9 at Tonnelle Circle, and relocated onto a parallel elevated highway bypassing Tonnelle Circle to the north, between NJ 7 and Tonnelle Avenue (US 1&9). 2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 6 | ma.us006 | Waypoint MA105 moved from Spring St to Front St. 2019-07-07 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 270 | ok.us270 | Removed from Boren Blvd and Broadway Ave and relocated onto OK 9 and Harvey Rd (former OK 270A) between OK3E West and Broadway Ave. 2019-07-17 | (USA) New Mexico | NM 501 | nm.nm501 | In Los Alamos, north end truncated from Ridgeway Dr. to Sandia Dr. 2019-08-18 | (USA) Maryland | MD 658 | md.md658 | Added route 2019-08-30 | (USA) Maine | US 2 | me.us002 | Waypoint label ME232 moved from Church Street to the 2015 Martin Memorial Bridge. 2019-09-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 56 | pa.pa056 | Realigned between *OldPA56_A and *OldPA56_B around Hiner Rd (HinRd) intersection slightly southeast of PA 259. Realigned between *OldPA56_C and *OldPA56_D north of US 22. 2019-10-01 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 51 | wv.wv051 | Removed from multiplex with US 11 & partially from Middleway Pike in Inwood, and relocated to the northeast onto a new 2-lane highway between the new roundabouts at Middleway Pike/Surveyor Drive (MidPike_W) & US 11. 2019-11-17 | (USA) North Carolina | US 17 | nc.us017 | rerouted onto newly constructed freeway connecting Pollocksville and New Bern bypasses with points between NC58_N and 136 being new location. Former US 17 segment is US 17 Business 2019-12-09 | (UK) England | A14 | eng.a0014 | Route removed from Thrapston Road and Cambridge Road and relocated onto Huntingdon bypass between junctions 21 and 24 2019-12-16 | (USA) Colorado | US 85 | co.us085 | Route relocated from I-25 between exits 49 and 52 to I-25 BL in Walsenburg 2019-12-16 | (USA) Colorado | US 87 | co.us087 | Route relocated from I-25 between exits 49 and 52 to I-25 BL in Walsenburg and from I-25 to US 85 in Colorado Springs 2019-12-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 129 | ga.us129 | Removed from Cleveland St and Blue Ridge St and relocated to Glen Gooch Bypass around Blairsville. 2019-12-30 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 93 | pa.pa093 | Relocated to correct route between Pine St and PA 487. 2020-01-12 | (USA) Virginia | US 501 | va.us501 | rerouted at the James River, new alignment is between closed points OldUS501S and N 2020-01-14 | (USA) California | US 395 | ca.us395 | In Kramer Junction, waypoint CA58 relocated about 0.3 mile north, from OldHwy58 to new CA 58 junction 2020-03-21 | (USA) Georgia | US 29 | ga.us029 | Removed from Crogan St and relocated to Lawrenceville Suwanee Road and University Parkway around Lawrenceville. 2020-03-21 | (USA) Georgia | US 341 | ga.us341 | Removed from Main St and Sam Nunn Blvd and relocated to North Perry Parkway around Perry. 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-195 | ri.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 2 moved from South Main St (US 44 West, now Exit 1C) to Broadway (former Exit 6). 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 6 | ri.us006 | Due to I-195 exit renumbering, waypoint I-195(2) moved from I-195 Exit 1C to Broadway. Alternate label I-195(1B) moved from I-195 Exit 1 to Taunton Ave (US 44). 2020-04-27 | (USA) Florida | US 17 | fl.us017 | Removed from Main Street in Zolfo Springs, and relocated onto a new 4-lane bypass to the east between the points of *OldUS17_S and *OldUS17_N. 2020-05-19 | (USA) Florida | US 441 | fl.us441 | Removed from North Marion Avenue in Lake City, and relocated onto US 90, US 41, & FL 100A, between the intersections of US 90/North Marion Avenue & CR 100A/North Marion Avenue. 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-87 | ny.i087 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-287 | ny.i287 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 29 | nc.us029 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-06-16 | (USA) Maryland | US 40 Alt (Hagerstown) | md.us040althag | Truncated at west end from US 40 to Potomac Street 2020-06-30 | (USA) Utah | UT 201 | ut.ut201 | Route truncated at east end from US89 to I-15 2020-07-06 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 18 | pa.pa018 | Realigned between *OldPA18 and I-376(39). (done in 2018). 2020-08-14 | (USA) Nevada | NV 593 | nv.nv593 | In Las Vegas, west end of route truncated from Dean Martin Drive to Maryland Parkway 2020-08-25 | (USA) Oregon | OR 62 | or.or062 | Rerouted route onto new roadway between Poplar Dr and Agate Rd 2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 87 | tx.us087 | Removed from I-20 and US 87 Business (Big Spring) and relocated onto William B. Crooker Memorial Highway between I-20 and the north end of US 87 Business (Big Spring). 2020-10-04 | (USA) New York | I-84 | ny.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 4 moved from NY 17 (now Exit 19) to Mountain Road (former Exit 2). 2020-10-11 | (USA) Arizona | US191 | az.us191 | Relocated off of former temporary alignment through Morenci Copper Mine and onto new alignment through the mine 2020-11-18 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-195 | ma.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers changed except for Exit 1. 2020-12-11 | (UK) England | A1307 | eng.a1307 | Route extended at north end from Pathfinder Link Road to Huntingdon Station 2020-12-19 | (UK) England | A15 | eng.a0015 | Route removed from Sleaford Road, London Road, Cross O'Cliff Hill, St Catherines, South Park Avenue, Canwick Road, Pelham Bridge, Melville Street, Magpie Street, Broadgate, Lindum Road, Wragby Road, and Bunkers Hill and relocated onto Lincoln Eastern Bypass between A607 and A158 2020-12-19 | (USA) North Carolina | US 64 | nc.us064 | Rerouted onto new Asheboro bypass - new route is between points 339-352 2020-12-24 | (USA) Indiana | US 31 | in.us031 | Waypoint 225 moved from US 6 (now 233) to correct location at US 30 2020-12-24 | (USA) Kentucky | US 127 | ky.us127 | KY 536 point relocated from Mt Zion Rd intersection (now labeled MtZionRd) to new point 0.1 mile south at new KY 536 alignmnent 2020-12-27 | (USA) Montana | US 2 | mt.us002 | Waypoint SR237 moved from Clinton Street to a new north-south road located 2.7 mi east. 2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95. 2021-02-05 | (USA) North Carolina | US 501 | nc.us501 | Rerouted onto new alignment in Aberdeen - new route is between points NC211_E and US 1_S and closed point remains at former US 1 tie-in 2021-02-09 | (USA) Colorado | US 6 | co.us006 | Route relocated in Sterling from 3rd St./4th St. one-way couplet to S. Division Ave. and Sterling S Curve 2021-02-09 | (USA) North Carolina | US 15 | nc.us015 | US158Bus_E and W labels were backwards 2021-02-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 141 | ga.ga141 | Route extended from GA9 to GA20 along Bethelview Rd. 2021-03-10 | (USA) Florida | US 92 | fl.us092 | Relocated FL559 label from Main Street (now MainSt) to the west about 1.9 miles to South Berkley Road (former CR 655) in Auburndale due to transfer agreement between FDOT & Polk County. 2021-03-11 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-84 | ma.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 20 (now Exit 6) to Mashapaug Rd. 2021-03-14 | (USA) Maryland | MD 79 | md.md079 | Truncated at north end from MD 180 to Little Catoctin Creek (Rosemont town limit) 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 21 | nc.us021 | HamRd near US 421 renamed PetRd with no alt name possible to accommodate another HamRd point needed in Charlotte area 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 311 | nc.us311 | Route truncated to new endpoint of US 52 Winston Salem 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 3 | ga.ga003 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 19 | ga.us019 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 41 | ga.us041 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | I-90 | mt.i090 | Exit 433 moved about 0.5 mi to the west due to completion of the West Laurel Interchange Project 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | US 212 | mt.us212 | Route moved south of Laurel from old alignment between points ClaRivRd_W and ClaRivRd_E to new alignment located to the west 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | US 310 | mt.us310 | Route moved south of Laurel from old alignment between points ClaRivRd_W and ClaRivRd_E to new alignment located to the west 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-20 | (USA) Illinois | US 40 | il.us040 | IL140 point (now GalSt_W) relocated to former location of IL140_W. 2021-05-21 | (USA) Maryland | US 219 | md.us219 | Relocated onto new bypass roadway north of I-68 exit 22 near Grantsville 2021-05-23 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | A64 | deurp.a064 | Route extended at east end from exit 4 to A602 (former B52) 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-06-05 | (USA) Nebraska | US 30 | ne.us030 | Removed from demolished 2-lane roadway, 5th St in Rogers, and more demolished 2-lane roadway, and relocated onto a parallel 4-lane divided expressway to the immediate north between points labeled *OldUS30_SchE & *OldUS30_Nor. 2021-06-08 | (France) Occitanie | N100 | fraocc.n100 | Route truncated at east end from Boulevard di Midi, Les Angles to D6580 (D6100-30 now) 2021-06-08 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 18 | wi.us018 | Moved off 17th Street and State/Wells streets one-way pairs onto Highland Avenue and WI 145 between 17th and 6th Streets in Milwaukee. 2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-07-05 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 51 | wi.us051 | Re-entered route with exit numbers between WI 29 and US 8. Re-entered exit numbers along I-39, treating I-39's exit numbers as US 51's. Removed from North Towne Road between WI 19 and Route V and relocated onto parallel freeway. Closed points CRDV_Dan and CRH_Lin. 2021-07-15 | (USA) New Mexico | US54 | nm.us054 | In Logan, slightly relocated to new bridge across the Canadian River, between waypoints *OldUS54_W and *OldUS54_E 2021-07-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 61 | ia.us061 | Relocated between Memorial Park Road and 180th Street onto alignment slightly west of previous route, with new points MemParkRd and 180thSt on either end 2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-65 | in.i065 | Added waypoint 262A at ramps to/from US12/20 2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-90 | in.i090 | Added waypoint 5A at ramp from US 41 to eastbound I-90 2021-08-07 | (USA) Tennessee | US 411 | tn.us411 | Removed from former alignment onto TN 92 and new partial bypass of Chestnut Hill between TN92_S and US411_S 2021-08-30 | (USA) North Carolina | US 76 | nc.us076 | extended east one waypoint to its actual endpoint 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 5 | ma.us005 | Waypoint I-91(23) moved from State Rd in Whately, now labeled I-91(32), to Mount Tom Rd in Northampton. I-91(21) relabeled to I-91(27). 2021-10-20 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 322 | pa.us322 | Slightly realigned between RicSt and relocated intersection with PA28_N in Brookville.