Log file created at: 2021-08-31 23:34:19.233195 hoopitypoop.list last updated: 2016-11-15 23:02:48 -0700 Route updated 2021-05-07: AR US63 Route updated 2020-12-18: AZ I-10 Route updated 2017-05-17: AZ US180 Route updated 2020-12-18: AZ AZ87 Waypoint label 241 not found in line: CA CA58 172 241 Waypoint label 1-10(144) not found in line: CA CA111 CA78_E 1-10(144) Route updated 2021-02-09: CO US138 Route updated 2017-08-05: FL US1 Route updated 2021-03-10: FL US92 Route updated 2018-09-14: GA US1 Waypoint label JAMRD not found in line: GA US23 JAMRD GA165_S Route updated 2021-03-28: GA US41 Waypoint label 29 not found in line: IA I-680 NE/IA 29 Route updated 2019-12-03: IA I-680 Route updated 2020-08-25: IA US20 Route updated 2021-07-22: IA US30 Route updated 2020-08-19: IA US52 Route updated 2021-07-22: IA US61 Route updated 2018-10-23: IA US65 Route updated 2018-11-03: IA US169BusFor Route updated 2021-01-05: IA IA1 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): IA IA2 US61/61BUS IA/IL (REMOVED) Waypoint label US61/151 not found in line: IA IA3 SD/IA US61/151 Route updated 2020-08-19: IA IA3 Route updated 2020-03-02: IA IA17 Route updated 2021-05-17: IL I-294 Route updated 2019-06-23: IL I-55BLSpr Route updated 2021-05-20: IL US40 Route updated 2021-06-02: IL US45 Route updated 2020-06-25: IL US52 Route updated 2016-12-21: IL US67 Route updated 2020-02-16: IL IL3 Route updated 2019-10-01: IL IL4 Route updated 2020-01-28: IL IL9 Route updated 2021-03-27: IL IL23 Route updated 2020-01-28: IL IL29 Route updated 2020-03-02: IL IL33 Route updated 2018-09-10: IL IL50 Route updated 2020-06-25: IL IL64 Route updated 2018-05-31: IL IL110 Route updated 2017-10-03: IL IL115 Route updated 2021-07-28: IN I-65 Route updated 2018-09-23: IN I-69Whe Route updated 2021-07-28: IN I-90 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): IN I-164 0 21 (REMOVED) Route updated 2017-07-26: IN US24 Route updated 2020-12-24: IN US31 Route updated 2018-07-06: IN US33 Route updated 2019-01-01: IN US50 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): IN US30BUSCOL US30_W US30_E (REMOVED) Route updated 2021-03-25: IN US31BusSou Route updated 2018-08-04: IN IN15 Waypoint label US30 not found in line: IN IN130 US6 US30 Route updated 2017-07-30: IN IN130 Route updated 2019-11-15: IN IN312 Route updated 2020-12-24: IN IN912 Note: deprecated route name IN912HAM -> canonical name IN912 in line: IN IN912HAM I-90 RILRD Route updated 2021-03-25: IN IN933 Route updated 2018-09-08: KY I-69 Note: deprecated route name I-66FUTBOW -> canonical name CumPkwy in line: KY I-66FUTBOW I-24 WESTKYPKWY_E Waypoint labels I-24 and WESTKYPKWY_E not found in line: KY I-66FUTBOW I-24 WESTKYPKWY_E Route updated 2020-09-28: KY CumPkwy Note: deprecated route name I-66FUTBOW -> canonical name CumPkwy in line: KY I-66FUTBOW 20(65) 43(65) Waypoint labels 20(65) and 43(65) not found in line: KY I-66FUTBOW 20(65) 43(65) Waypoint label 52 not found in line: KY I-69FUT TN/KY 52 Route updated 2018-09-09: KY I-69Fut Route updated 2020-11-29: KY I-275 Route updated 2019-07-31: KY US27 Route updated 2017-01-06: KY US41 Route updated 2020-12-24: KY US42 Route updated 2018-12-16: KY US60 Route updated 2021-03-15: KY US68 Route updated 2020-11-29: KY US119 Route updated 2020-12-24: KY US127 Route updated 2018-01-12: KY US150 Route updated 2020-11-17: KY US421 Route updated 2020-12-10: KY US460 Route updated 2018-12-16: KY US641 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): KY US68BUSMAY KY11 KY8 (REMOVED) Route updated 2020-12-31: KY ComMtnPkwy Waypoint label US62 not found in line: KY PURPKWY TN/KY US62 Route updated 2018-09-08: KY PurPkwy Waypoint label I-471 not found in line: KY KY8 I-471 US62BUS Route updated 2018-12-20: KY KY8 Route updated 2017-12-20: KY KY11 Route updated 2021-03-15: KY KY32 Route updated 2021-03-15: KY KY36 Route updated 2020-11-29: KY KY80 Route updated 2018-10-06: MD MD222 Note: deprecated route name I-94BLKAL -> canonical name I-94BSKal in line: MI I-94BLKAL I-94_W I-94_E Route updated 2019-06-15: MI I-94BSKal Route updated 2017-11-23: MI I-94BLBat Route updated 2019-06-15: MI I-196BSGra Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): MI I-375BSDET I-375 MI3 (REMOVED) Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): MI US127BUSLAN I-96BL I-69 (REMOVED) Unknown region/highway combo in line: MI US131BUSGRA US131_S US131_N Route updated 2019-06-15: MI US131BusKal Route updated 2016-11-24: MI MI37 Route updated 2019-06-15: MI MI43 Route updated 2017-11-25: MI MI104 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): MI MI143 MICAVE MI43 (REMOVED) Route updated 2020-06-29: MN I-90 Route updated 2017-06-22: MN US14 Route updated 2018-10-09: MO US24 Route updated 2019-11-16: MO US61 Unknown region/highway combo in line: MO US36BUSHAN US36_W US36_E Waypoint label US45/6 not found in line: MS US278 US45/6 MS145NET_N Route updated 2018-04-11: MS US278 Route updated 2020-12-27: MT US2 Route updated 2019-01-06: MT US20 Route updated 2018-09-15: NC I-73 Route updated 2018-09-15: NC I-74Hig Waypoint labels 55T and 65 not found in line: NC I-74 55T 65 Waypoint labels 24(220) and US220A_S not found in line: NC I-74 24(220) US220A_S Unknown region/highway combo in line: NC I-40BLWIN 6A I-40_E Route updated 2020-05-23: NC US29 Route updated 2020-12-19: NC US64 Waypoint label US220BUS not found in line: NC US64 US220BUS NC22_N Route updated 2018-06-23: NC US70 Route updated 2020-05-23: NC US74 Waypoint label US52_N not found in line: NC US311 I-73 US52_N Route updated 2021-03-20: NC US311 Route updated 2021-02-05: NC US501 Route updated 2021-03-20: NC NC27 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): NC NC100TRKGIB NC100_W NC100_E (REMOVED) Route updated 2020-11-13: NC NC150 Route updated 2020-05-23: NC NC226 Unknown region/highway combo in line: NE I-80BLPIN WY/NE I-80_E Route updated 2021-06-05: NE US30 Route updated 2020-05-20: NY I-287 Route updated 2018-10-11: NY NY36 Unknown region/highway combo in line: OH I-75BLTRO I-75_S I-75_N Route updated 2018-09-09: OH US20 Waypoint label US33_N not found in line: OH US50 US33_N OH/WV Route updated 2020-12-24: OH OH32 Route updated 2021-07-28: OH OH109 Route updated 2021-08-28: OH OH113 Route updated 2021-08-28: OH OH162 Route updated 2018-09-09: OH OH269 Unknown region/highway combo in line: OH OH15ALTDEF OH15_W OH15_E Unknown region/highway combo in line: OH OH18ALTDEF OH18_W OH18_E Unknown region/highway combo in line: OH OH66ALTDEF OH66_N OH66_S Route updated 2020-09-28: OH OH66TrkDef Route updated 2021-04-04: ON ON17 Route updated 2018-12-03: PA I-95 Route updated 2019-04-13: PA I-376 Route updated 2019-03-11: PA I-476 Route updated 2018-11-25: PA US219 Route updated 2020-10-09: PA US322 Route updated 2019-11-09: PA US422Rea Route updated 2020-07-06: PA PA18 Route updated 2019-10-22: PA PA31 Route updated 2018-06-25: PA PA53 Route updated 2019-09-11: PA PA56 Route updated 2018-12-25: PA PA61 Route updated 2018-12-25: PA PA147 Route updated 2020-04-11: PA PA231 Route updated 2019-09-11: PA PA259 Route updated 2020-10-10: PA PA441 Waypoint label PA230/441TRK not found in line: PA PA441 PA743 PA230/441TRK Route updated 2020-09-28: PA PA915 Unknown region/highway combo in line: PA PAUS20HISNOR MOORD I-90 Unknown region/highway combo in line: SD I-29BLBRO I-29_S I-29_N(REMOVED) Waypoint label OLDSD79_S not found in line: SD I-90BLRAP WESTBLVD OLDSD79_S Route updated 2021-05-20: SD SD50 Note: deprecated route name I-24_E -> canonical name I-24Cha in line: TN I-24_E GA/TN 185 Route updated 2017-12-20: TN US25W Route updated 2019-06-23: TN US64BypCle Route updated 2019-08-22: TX TX121 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): WI US10 WI34_S CRT_WOO (REMOVED) Route updated 2018-02-28: WI US12 Route updated 2021-06-08: WI US18 Waypoint label MADST not found in line: WI US18 MADST I-94 Route updated 2021-07-05: WI US45 Route updated 2021-07-05: WI US51 Route updated 2017-11-14: WI WI32 Route updated 2020-08-25: WI WI42 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): WI WI341 WI59 I-94 (REMOVED) Route updated 2017-06-25: WV US19 Waypoint label TJLBRG not found in line: WV US60 TJLBRG US19 Unknown region/highway combo in line: WV WV219 WV63_W I-64 Unknown region/highway combo in line: WV WV60 US19_BECN US60_W Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US14 Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US16 Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: WY US20 MT/WY US89/191/287 Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US20 Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: WY US89 US14/16 US20/191/287 Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US89 Unknown region/highway combo in line: WY US20HISLUS I-25BL US85_S Processed 1442 good lines marking 31857 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 61313.83 of 1149430.91 mi (5.33%) Overall in active+preview systems: 61499.92 of 1561600.43 mi (3.94%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AL: 32.83 of 4474.64 mi (0.73%), 32.83 of 10943.31 mi (0.30%) AR: 179.24 of 15890.69 mi (1.13%), 179.24 of 15890.69 mi (1.13%) AZ: 801.19 of 6373.79 mi (12.57%), 801.19 of 6478.70 mi (12.37%) CA: 759.49 of 4796.85 mi (15.83%), 822.56 of 16185.20 mi (5.08%) CO: 414.53 of 9081.92 mi (4.56%), 414.53 of 9081.92 mi (4.56%) CT: 105.62 of 3384.50 mi (3.12%), 105.62 of 3384.50 mi (3.12%) DE: 91.04 of 1102.45 mi (8.26%), 91.04 of 1102.45 mi (8.26%) ENG: 90.00 of 32767.14 mi (0.27%), 90.00 of 32818.55 mi (0.27%) FL: 505.57 of 12192.67 mi (4.15%), 505.57 of 12192.67 mi (4.15%) GA: 1852.25 of 17801.17 mi (10.41%), 1852.25 of 17806.68 mi (10.40%) IA: 1944.97 of 9044.98 mi (21.50%), 1944.97 of 9168.68 mi (21.21%) ID: 659.30 of 4913.07 mi (13.42%), 659.30 of 4913.07 mi (13.42%) IL: 6901.59 of 13695.84 mi (50.39%), 7024.61 of 13926.52 mi (50.44%) IN: 6536.58 of 11261.95 mi (58.04%), 6536.58 of 11261.95 mi (58.04%) KS: 769.49 of 10675.64 mi (7.21%), 769.49 of 10681.73 mi (7.20%) KY: 2406.57 of 26244.68 mi (9.17%), 2406.57 of 26244.68 mi (9.17%) LA: 30.39 of 16423.87 mi (0.19%), 30.39 of 16423.87 mi (0.19%) MA: 63.41 of 4327.25 mi (1.47%), 63.41 of 4330.72 mi (1.46%) MD: 317.41 of 5202.33 mi (6.10%), 317.41 of 5202.33 mi (6.10%) MI: 5476.94 of 9537.54 mi (57.43%), 5476.94 of 9537.54 mi (57.43%) MN: 1457.89 of 11810.70 mi (12.34%), 1457.89 of 11810.70 mi (12.34%) MO: 1564.68 of 13387.32 mi (11.69%), 1564.68 of 13595.46 mi (11.51%) MS: 17.13 of 3634.24 mi (0.47%), 17.13 of 3634.24 mi (0.47%) MT: 610.42 of 11301.63 mi (5.40%), 610.42 of 11301.63 mi (5.40%) NC: 2122.05 of 15266.14 mi (13.90%), 2122.05 of 15266.14 mi (13.90%) ND: 660.67 of 7495.16 mi (8.81%), 660.67 of 7495.16 mi (8.81%) NE: 2154.99 of 10088.31 mi (21.36%), 2154.99 of 10089.62 mi (21.36%) NJ: 82.44 of 2814.56 mi (2.93%), 82.44 of 2814.56 mi (2.93%) NM: 562.75 of 11234.14 mi (5.01%), 562.75 of 11337.56 mi (4.96%) NV: 415.93 of 5159.29 mi (8.06%), 415.93 of 5159.29 mi (8.06%) NY: 406.28 of 15929.28 mi (2.55%), 406.28 of 16023.86 mi (2.54%) OH: 5751.82 of 19406.34 mi (29.64%), 5751.82 of 19407.05 mi (29.64%) OK: 222.08 of 12908.63 mi (1.72%), 222.08 of 13011.06 mi (1.71%) ON: 133.31 of 7532.57 mi (1.77%), 133.31 of 7569.22 mi (1.76%) OR: 229.33 of 7533.85 mi (3.04%), 229.33 of 7564.58 mi (3.03%) PA: 2803.87 of 17655.56 mi (15.88%), 2803.87 of 17655.56 mi (15.88%) SC: 1740.94 of 10279.75 mi (16.94%), 1740.94 of 10279.75 mi (16.94%) SD: 1418.87 of 7876.23 mi (18.01%), 1418.87 of 7876.23 mi (18.01%) TN: 984.09 of 13895.06 mi (7.08%), 984.09 of 13895.06 mi (7.08%) TX: 2053.86 of 32599.28 mi (6.30%), 2053.86 of 32609.61 mi (6.30%) UT: 276.44 of 6024.58 mi (4.59%), 276.44 of 6024.58 mi (4.59%) VA: 643.49 of 10439.62 mi (6.16%), 643.49 of 10439.62 mi (6.16%) VT: 7.48 of 2866.10 mi (0.26%), 7.48 of 2866.10 mi (0.26%) WA: 158.07 of 7072.20 mi (2.24%), 158.07 of 7147.83 mi (2.21%) WI: 2242.52 of 11758.37 mi (19.07%), 2242.52 of 11758.37 mi (19.07%) WV: 1068.36 of 5696.76 mi (18.75%), 1068.36 of 5696.76 mi (18.75%) WY: 1585.70 of 6810.83 mi (23.28%), 1585.70 of 6810.83 mi (23.28%) System cantch (active) overall: 132.26 of 8208.22 mi (1.61%) System cantch by region: AB: 0.00 of 732.51 mi (0.00%) BC: 0.00 of 1339.22 mi (0.00%) MB: 0.00 of 524.84 mi (0.00%) NB: 0.00 of 357.93 mi (0.00%) NL: 0.00 of 562.62 mi (0.00%) NS: 0.00 of 270.59 mi (0.00%) ON: 132.26 of 2702.05 mi (4.89%) PE: 0.00 of 78.79 mi (0.00%) QC: 0.00 of 787.12 mi (0.00%) SK: 0.00 of 852.55 mi (0.00%) System cantch by route (traveled routes only): TCH ((Main)): 12.84 of 3880.49 mi (0.33%) ON TCHLak: 12.84 of 1030.22 mi (1.25%) TCH (Voyageur): 119.43 of 294.71 mi (40.53%) (ON TCHVoy only) System cantch connected routes traveled: 2 of 19 (10.5%), clinched: 0 of 19 (0.0%). System canon (active) overall: 133.31 of 6294.43 mi (2.12%) System canon by route (traveled routes only): ON3 (Windsor): 0.85 of 31.41 mi (2.71%) (ON ON3Win only) ON11: 25.14 of 1118.06 mi (2.25%) (ON ON11 only) ON17: 12.84 of 1208.59 mi (1.06%) (ON ON17 only) ON71: 119.63 of 119.63 mi (100.00%) (ON ON71 only) System canon connected routes traveled: 4 of 82 (4.9%), clinched: 1 of 82 (1.2%). System eure (active) overall: 45.81 of 107910.54 mi (0.04%) System eure by region: ALB: 0.00 of 190.87 mi (0.00%) ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%) AUT: 0.00 of 1441.94 mi (0.00%) AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%) BEL: 0.00 of 1147.52 mi (0.00%) BGR: 0.00 of 1556.03 mi (0.00%) BIH: 0.00 of 582.01 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 891.86 mi (0.00%) CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%) CZE: 0.00 of 1626.02 mi (0.00%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 525.00 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.35 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 780.66 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 1411.20 mi (0.00%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 28.28 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 482.83 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 30.31 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 0.00 of 367.55 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 656.21 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 794.16 mi (0.00%) DEU-RP: 0.00 of 467.43 mi (0.00%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 216.64 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.83 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 0.00 of 286.41 mi (0.00%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 183.65 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.07 mi (0.00%) DNK: 0.00 of 582.57 mi (0.00%) ENG: 45.81 of 1577.27 mi (2.90%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 858.03 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.45 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 384.47 mi (0.00%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 330.05 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 223.95 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 174.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.41 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.55 mi (0.00%) EST: 0.00 of 622.63 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2714.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1038.63 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 686.23 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 434.37 mi (0.00%) FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 568.25 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1042.74 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 801.36 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 260.82 mi (0.00%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1405.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.52 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.79 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 395.40 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.00 mi (0.00%) GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%) GRC: 0.00 of 2368.95 mi (0.00%) HRV: 0.00 of 1049.21 mi (0.00%) HUN: 0.00 of 1532.94 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 499.40 mi (0.00%) ITA: 0.00 of 5373.54 mi (0.00%) KAZ: 0.00 of 8356.37 mi (0.00%) KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.52 mi (0.00%) LTU: 0.00 of 976.84 mi (0.00%) LUX: 0.00 of 126.81 mi (0.00%) LVA: 0.00 of 778.94 mi (0.00%) MDA: 0.00 of 483.62 mi (0.00%) MKD: 0.00 of 316.92 mi (0.00%) MNE: 0.00 of 335.06 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 148.03 mi (0.00%) NLD: 0.00 of 1022.31 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 3878.24 mi (0.00%) POL: 0.00 of 3395.48 mi (0.00%) PRT: 0.00 of 1383.50 mi (0.00%) RKS: 0.00 of 156.45 mi (0.00%) ROU: 0.00 of 3743.44 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 12090.55 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 461.05 mi (0.00%) SRB: 0.00 of 1145.20 mi (0.00%) SVK: 0.00 of 943.16 mi (0.00%) SVN: 0.00 of 366.02 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 4142.01 mi (0.00%) TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%) TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%) TUR: 0.00 of 5692.84 mi (0.00%) UKR: 0.00 of 4814.87 mi (0.00%) UZB: 0.00 of 2393.49 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%) System eure by route (traveled routes only): E13: 33.18 of 159.89 mi (20.75%) (ENG E13 only) E20 (Great Britain): 7.49 of 137.13 mi (5.46%) (ENG E20 only) E22 (Great Britain): 7.49 of 227.23 mi (3.29%) ENG E22: 7.49 of 148.15 mi (5.05%) E30 (Great Britain): 5.14 of 356.09 mi (1.44%) ENG E30: 5.14 of 223.01 mi (2.31%) System eure connected routes traveled: 4 of 342 (1.2%), clinched: 0 of 342 (0.0%). System gbnm (active) overall: 86.52 of 1936.24 mi (4.47%) System gbnm by region: ENG: 86.52 of 1641.69 mi (5.27%) SCT: 0.00 of 213.89 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 80.66 mi (0.00%) System gbnm by route (traveled routes only): M1: 33.18 of 192.99 mi (17.19%) (ENG M1 only) M25 (London Orbital): 14.45 of 113.03 mi (12.79%) (ENG M25 only) M60: 34.85 of 34.85 mi (100.00%) (ENG M60 only) M62: 7.49 of 106.52 mi (7.03%) (ENG M62 only) M602: 4.04 of 4.04 mi (100.00%) (ENG M602 only) System gbnm connected routes traveled: 5 of 55 (9.1%), clinched: 2 of 55 (3.6%). System gbna (active) overall: 17.31 of 28148.76 mi (0.06%) System gbna by region: ENG: 17.31 of 19416.97 mi (0.09%) SCT: 0.00 of 6217.11 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 2514.68 mi (0.00%) System gbna by route (traveled routes only): A30: 2.36 of 279.13 mi (0.85%) (ENG A30 only) A46 (Leicester): 3.04 of 160.82 mi (1.89%) (ENG A46 only) A50 (Derby): 10.79 of 59.72 mi (18.06%) (ENG A50 only) A1134: 1.12 of 9.49 mi (11.85%) (ENG A1134 only) A1303: 1.12 of 15.13 mi (7.43%) (ENG A1303 only) System gbna connected routes traveled: 5 of 1919 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 1919 (0.0%). System usai (active) overall: 21349.74 of 49128.44 mi (43.46%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 0.00 of 1013.28 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 752.62 mi (0.00%) AZ: 622.11 of 1181.74 mi (52.64%) CA: 753.06 of 2484.57 mi (30.31%) CO: 200.20 of 957.03 mi (20.92%) CT: 105.62 of 346.26 mi (30.50%) DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 39.41 mi (0.00%) FL: 238.78 of 1518.78 mi (15.72%) GA: 1052.28 of 1260.52 mi (83.48%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 507.07 of 797.40 mi (63.59%) ID: 491.11 of 618.24 mi (79.44%) IL: 2132.36 of 2199.51 mi (96.95%) IN: 1196.15 of 1296.56 mi (92.26%) KS: 211.19 of 884.78 mi (23.87%) KY: 684.55 of 951.73 mi (71.93%) LA: 12.05 of 951.25 mi (1.27%) MA: 55.04 of 564.34 mi (9.75%) MD: 181.25 of 500.26 mi (36.23%) ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%) MI: 1201.38 of 1248.41 mi (96.23%) MN: 452.81 of 923.06 mi (49.06%) MO: 738.27 of 1385.37 mi (53.29%) MS: 0.00 of 843.44 mi (0.00%) MT: 78.06 of 1196.78 mi (6.52%) NC: 833.43 of 1362.54 mi (61.17%) ND: 155.11 of 578.67 mi (26.80%) NE: 485.28 of 488.55 mi (99.33%) NH: 0.00 of 224.25 mi (0.00%) NJ: 70.38 of 430.09 mi (16.36%) NM: 198.74 of 1013.25 mi (19.61%) NV: 415.93 of 625.20 mi (66.53%) NY: 114.19 of 1741.42 mi (6.56%) OH: 1402.65 of 1579.13 mi (88.82%) OK: 32.02 of 943.71 mi (3.39%) OR: 209.90 of 735.77 mi (28.53%) PA: 1184.90 of 1868.44 mi (63.42%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 70.57 mi (0.00%) SC: 653.70 of 863.84 mi (75.67%) SD: 538.92 of 687.03 mi (78.44%) TN: 750.97 of 1206.49 mi (62.24%) TX: 875.50 of 3521.55 mi (24.86%) UT: 276.44 of 943.61 mi (29.30%) VA: 270.99 of 1116.60 mi (24.27%) VT: 7.48 of 319.55 mi (2.34%) WA: 60.55 of 767.75 mi (7.89%) WI: 647.67 of 882.97 mi (73.35%) WV: 406.53 of 538.18 mi (75.54%) WY: 845.11 of 923.32 mi (91.53%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-4: 21.56 of 134.33 mi (16.05%) (FL I-4 only) I-5: 418.69 of 1397.08 mi (29.97%) CA I-5: 418.69 of 805.75 mi (51.96%) I-8: 194.32 of 353.29 mi (55.00%) CA I-8: 13.35 of 172.32 mi (7.74%) AZ I-8: 180.97 of 180.97 mi (100.00%) I-10: 591.00 of 2495.85 mi (23.68%) CA I-10: 83.95 of 245.92 mi (34.14%) AZ I-10: 195.74 of 398.87 mi (49.07%) NM I-10: 144.23 of 167.15 mi (86.29%) TX I-10: 167.08 of 893.01 mi (18.71%) I-15: 335.27 of 1450.94 mi (23.11%) CA I-15: 42.31 of 291.49 mi (14.52%) UT I-15: 93.88 of 406.81 mi (23.08%) ID I-15: 199.08 of 199.08 mi (100.00%) I-16: 168.22 of 168.22 mi (100.00%) (GA I-16 only) I-20: 947.68 of 1559.32 mi (60.78%) TX I-20: 645.50 of 645.50 mi (100.00%) LA I-20: 12.05 of 192.44 mi (6.26%) GA I-20: 146.58 of 204.40 mi (71.71%) SC I-20: 143.55 of 143.55 mi (100.00%) I-24: 320.32 of 320.32 mi (100.00%) IL I-24: 38.64 of 38.64 mi (100.00%) KY I-24: 94.54 of 94.54 mi (100.00%) TN I-24: 168.65 of 168.65 mi (100.00%) GA I-24: 3.96 of 3.96 mi (100.00%) TN I-24Cha: 14.53 of 14.53 mi (100.00%) I-25: 505.84 of 1076.37 mi (46.99%) CO I-25: 200.20 of 302.67 mi (66.14%) WY I-25: 305.64 of 305.64 mi (100.00%) I-26 (Tennessee - W. North Carolina): 62.82 of 62.82 mi (100.00%) TN I-26: 53.95 of 53.95 mi (100.00%) NC I-26Fau: 8.86 of 8.86 mi (100.00%) I-26 (C. North Carolina - South Carolina): 267.38 of 267.38 mi (100.00%) NC I-26: 43.24 of 43.24 mi (100.00%) SC I-26: 224.14 of 224.14 mi (100.00%) I-27: 13.87 of 126.28 mi (10.99%) (TX I-27 only) I-29: 264.78 of 761.63 mi (34.77%) MO I-29: 130.07 of 130.07 mi (100.00%) IA I-29: 26.66 of 154.43 mi (17.26%) SD I-29: 108.06 of 256.17 mi (42.18%) I-35 (N. Texas - S. Minnesota): 84.63 of 944.38 mi (8.96%) MO I-35: 4.83 of 116.36 mi (4.15%) IA I-35: 79.80 of 222.48 mi (35.87%) I-35 (N. Minnesota): 53.80 of 133.76 mi (40.22%) (MN I-35 only) I-35E (Minnesota): 1.78 of 39.68 mi (4.48%) (MN I-35E only) I-39: 222.53 of 326.78 mi (68.10%) IL I-39: 142.48 of 142.48 mi (100.00%) WI I-39: 80.05 of 184.29 mi (43.44%) I-40: 895.03 of 2577.39 mi (34.73%) CA I-40: 72.18 of 157.03 mi (45.97%) AZ I-40: 245.40 of 362.85 mi (67.63%) NM I-40: 54.51 of 378.03 mi (14.42%) TX I-40: 8.30 of 179.36 mi (4.63%) TN I-40: 226.30 of 457.60 mi (49.45%) NC I-40: 288.34 of 420.39 mi (68.59%) I-41: 178.11 of 178.11 mi (100.00%) IL I-41: 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%) WI I-41: 177.06 of 177.06 mi (100.00%) I-43: 129.34 of 193.09 mi (66.98%) (WI I-43 only) I-44: 308.99 of 642.28 mi (48.11%) OK I-44: 32.02 of 334.60 mi (9.57%) MO I-44: 276.97 of 292.31 mi (94.75%) I-49 (Missouri): 6.74 of 180.60 mi (3.73%) (MO I-49 only) I-55: 503.04 of 960.07 mi (52.40%) MO I-55: 204.56 of 212.62 mi (96.21%) IL I-55: 298.49 of 298.49 mi (100.00%) I-57: 365.14 of 385.57 mi (94.70%) MO I-57: 22.26 of 22.26 mi (100.00%) IL I-57: 342.88 of 363.31 mi (94.37%) I-64: 579.19 of 973.13 mi (59.52%) MO I-64: 15.05 of 41.08 mi (36.64%) IL I-64: 85.28 of 131.99 mi (64.61%) IN I-64: 124.19 of 124.19 mi (100.00%) KY I-64: 118.52 of 192.97 mi (61.42%) WV I-64: 132.26 of 181.93 mi (72.70%) VA I-64: 103.89 of 300.96 mi (34.52%) I-65: 445.42 of 897.96 mi (49.60%) TN I-65: 41.80 of 123.03 mi (33.98%) KY I-65: 138.53 of 138.53 mi (100.00%) IN I-65: 265.09 of 265.09 mi (100.00%) I-68: 110.87 of 110.87 mi (100.00%) WV I-68: 31.38 of 31.38 mi (100.00%) MD I-68: 79.49 of 79.49 mi (100.00%) I-69 (Kentucky): 55.63 of 129.04 mi (43.11%) (KY I-69 only) I-69 (S. Indiana): 35.27 of 135.68 mi (25.99%) (IN I-69Whe only) I-69 (C. Indiana - Michigan): 364.16 of 364.16 mi (100.00%) IN I-69: 159.96 of 159.96 mi (100.00%) MI I-69: 204.20 of 204.20 mi (100.00%) I-70: 961.63 of 2188.09 mi (43.95%) KS I-70: 175.23 of 430.12 mi (40.74%) MO I-70: 29.97 of 252.25 mi (11.88%) IL I-70: 161.63 of 161.63 mi (100.00%) IN I-70: 158.23 of 158.23 mi (100.00%) OH I-70: 227.93 of 227.93 mi (100.00%) WV I-70: 14.12 of 14.12 mi (100.00%) PA I-70: 168.61 of 168.61 mi (100.00%) MD I-70: 25.90 of 93.73 mi (27.63%) I-71: 199.08 of 347.62 mi (57.27%) KY I-71: 96.80 of 96.80 mi (100.00%) OH I-71: 102.28 of 250.82 mi (40.78%) I-72: 185.42 of 185.42 mi (100.00%) MO I-72: 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%) IL I-72: 183.54 of 183.54 mi (100.00%) I-73: 81.35 of 100.79 mi (80.71%) (NC I-73 only) I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 420.62 of 420.62 mi (100.00%) IA I-74: 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%) IL I-74: 222.52 of 222.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-74: 173.34 of 173.34 mi (100.00%) OH I-74: 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%) I-74 (Mount Airy, NC): 16.89 of 16.89 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74 only) I-74 (High Point, NC): 58.17 of 89.33 mi (65.11%) (NC I-74Hig only) I-74 (Pembroke, NC): 15.58 of 19.43 mi (80.19%) (NC I-74Pem only) I-75: 1377.87 of 1807.28 mi (76.24%) FL I-75: 110.71 of 479.31 mi (23.10%) GA I-75: 344.43 of 360.67 mi (95.50%) TN I-75: 160.14 of 160.14 mi (100.00%) KY I-75: 194.10 of 194.10 mi (100.00%) OH I-75: 213.59 of 213.59 mi (100.00%) MI I-75: 354.88 of 399.46 mi (88.84%) I-76 (Colorado - Nebraska): 2.54 of 189.28 mi (1.34%) NE I-76: 2.54 of 2.54 mi (100.00%) I-76 (Ohio - New Jersey): 354.89 of 437.76 mi (81.07%) OH I-76: 83.00 of 83.00 mi (100.00%) PA I-76: 271.90 of 351.88 mi (77.27%) I-77: 520.63 of 612.91 mi (84.94%) NC I-77: 106.65 of 106.65 mi (100.00%) VA I-77: 66.66 of 66.66 mi (100.00%) WV I-77: 183.58 of 183.58 mi (100.00%) OH I-77: 163.73 of 163.73 mi (100.00%) I-78: 108.96 of 146.99 mi (74.13%) PA I-78: 78.22 of 78.22 mi (100.00%) NJ I-78: 30.74 of 68.00 mi (45.20%) I-79: 222.63 of 339.89 mi (65.50%) WV I-79: 101.01 of 156.83 mi (64.41%) PA I-79: 121.62 of 183.05 mi (66.44%) I-80: 2530.16 of 2936.64 mi (86.16%) CA I-80: 124.16 of 204.11 mi (60.83%) NV I-80: 415.93 of 415.93 mi (100.00%) UT I-80: 150.97 of 198.88 mi (75.91%) WY I-80: 328.14 of 406.35 mi (80.75%) NE I-80: 462.18 of 462.18 mi (100.00%) IA I-80: 311.12 of 311.12 mi (100.00%) IL I-80: 165.52 of 165.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-80: 153.33 of 153.33 mi (100.00%) OH I-80: 239.78 of 239.78 mi (100.00%) PA I-80: 160.40 of 311.91 mi (51.43%) NJ I-80: 18.62 of 67.52 mi (27.57%) I-81: 282.39 of 858.72 mi (32.88%) TN I-81: 76.34 of 76.34 mi (100.00%) VA I-81: 9.48 of 325.84 mi (2.91%) MD I-81: 8.35 of 11.87 mi (70.33%) PA I-81: 188.21 of 233.64 mi (80.56%) I-82: 10.81 of 143.11 mi (7.55%) OR I-82: 10.81 of 10.81 mi (100.00%) I-83: 75.36 of 84.96 mi (88.71%) MD I-83: 24.76 of 34.35 mi (72.07%) PA I-83: 50.60 of 50.60 mi (100.00%) I-84 (Oregon - Utah): 495.60 of 778.72 mi (63.64%) OR I-84: 199.10 of 378.73 mi (52.57%) ID I-84: 225.01 of 279.60 mi (80.48%) UT I-84: 71.49 of 120.39 mi (59.38%) I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 3.87 of 231.90 mi (1.67%) PA I-84: 3.87 of 54.22 mi (7.15%) I-85: 575.68 of 676.79 mi (85.06%) GA I-85: 161.70 of 181.73 mi (88.98%) SC I-85: 107.86 of 107.86 mi (100.00%) NC I-85: 236.78 of 236.78 mi (100.00%) VA I-85: 69.34 of 69.34 mi (100.00%) I-86 (Idaho): 63.60 of 63.60 mi (100.00%) (ID I-86 only) I-86 (Pennsylvania - New York): 67.55 of 213.14 mi (31.69%) NY I-86: 67.55 of 205.55 mi (32.86%) I-87 (New York): 12.30 of 335.42 mi (3.67%) (NY I-87 only) I-88 (Illinois): 142.02 of 142.02 mi (100.00%) (IL I-88 only) I-90: 1718.26 of 3111.44 mi (55.22%) WA I-90: 59.94 of 299.30 mi (20.03%) WY I-90: 210.21 of 210.21 mi (100.00%) SD I-90: 418.18 of 418.18 mi (100.00%) MN I-90: 278.83 of 278.83 mi (100.00%) WI I-90: 189.67 of 189.67 mi (100.00%) IL I-90: 109.53 of 109.53 mi (100.00%) IN I-90: 157.88 of 157.88 mi (100.00%) OH I-90: 246.97 of 246.97 mi (100.00%) PA I-90: 47.04 of 47.04 mi (100.00%) I-91: 120.65 of 290.46 mi (41.54%) CT I-91: 58.12 of 58.12 mi (100.00%) MA I-91: 55.04 of 55.04 mi (100.00%) VT I-91: 7.48 of 177.30 mi (4.22%) I-94: 961.86 of 1625.38 mi (59.18%) MT I-94: 78.06 of 251.75 mi (31.01%) ND I-94: 154.02 of 356.62 mi (43.19%) MN I-94: 42.68 of 262.62 mi (16.25%) WI I-94: 285.23 of 352.54 mi (80.91%) IL I-94: 77.98 of 77.98 mi (100.00%) IN I-94: 46.03 of 46.03 mi (100.00%) MI I-94: 277.85 of 277.85 mi (100.00%) I-95: 290.79 of 1916.29 mi (15.17%) FL I-95: 44.09 of 388.66 mi (11.34%) GA I-95: 36.75 of 114.18 mi (32.18%) SC I-95: 87.19 of 201.90 mi (43.18%) VA I-95: 27.31 of 179.41 mi (15.22%) MD I-95: 3.07 of 108.90 mi (2.82%) PA I-95: 44.13 of 44.13 mi (100.00%) NY I-95: 0.76 of 23.53 mi (3.22%) CT I-95: 47.50 of 111.75 mi (42.51%) I-96: 191.95 of 194.40 mi (98.74%) (MI I-96 only) I-99 (Pennsylvania): 71.64 of 85.94 mi (83.36%) (PA I-99 only) I-110 (Texas): 0.50 of 1.13 mi (44.42%) (TX I-110 only) I-126: 3.50 of 3.82 mi (91.82%) (SC I-126 only) I-129: 3.17 of 3.17 mi (100.00%) NE I-129: 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%) IA I-129: 0.28 of 0.28 mi (100.00%) I-135: 35.96 of 97.35 mi (36.94%) (KS I-135 only) I-155 (Missouri - Tennessee): 26.67 of 26.67 mi (100.00%) MO I-155: 10.55 of 10.55 mi (100.00%) TN I-155: 16.12 of 16.12 mi (100.00%) I-155 (Illinois): 32.25 of 32.25 mi (100.00%) (IL I-155 only) I-170: 10.94 of 10.94 mi (100.00%) (MO I-170 only) I-172: 19.18 of 19.18 mi (100.00%) (IL I-172 only) I-175: 1.25 of 1.25 mi (100.00%) (FL I-175 only) I-180 (Wyoming): 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%) (WY I-180 only) I-180 (Illinois): 13.44 of 13.44 mi (100.00%) (IL I-180 only) I-182: 0.61 of 14.50 mi (4.21%) (WA I-182 only) I-184: 3.42 of 3.42 mi (100.00%) (ID I-184 only) I-185 (Georgia): 49.16 of 49.16 mi (100.00%) (GA I-185 only) I-185 (South Carolina): 17.70 of 17.70 mi (100.00%) (SC I-185 only) I-190 (South Dakota): 1.47 of 1.47 mi (100.00%) (SD I-190 only) I-190 (Illinois): 2.61 of 2.61 mi (100.00%) (IL I-190 only) I-190 (New York): 22.75 of 28.39 mi (80.11%) (NY I-190 only) I-194 (North Dakota): 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) (ND I-194 only) I-194 (Michigan): 3.30 of 3.30 mi (100.00%) (MI I-194 only) I-196: 80.85 of 80.85 mi (100.00%) (MI I-196 only) I-229 (Missouri): 1.83 of 14.77 mi (12.41%) (MO I-229 only) I-229 (South Dakota): 11.21 of 11.21 mi (100.00%) (SD I-229 only) I-235 (Iowa): 14.03 of 14.03 mi (100.00%) (IA I-235 only) I-240 (North Carolina): 9.19 of 9.19 mi (100.00%) (NC I-240 only) I-255: 27.27 of 31.06 mi (87.82%) IL I-255: 27.27 of 27.27 mi (100.00%) I-265 (Indiana): 6.72 of 6.72 mi (100.00%) (IN I-265 only) I-270 (Missouri - Illinois): 50.65 of 50.65 mi (100.00%) MO I-270: 35.95 of 35.95 mi (100.00%) IL I-270: 14.70 of 14.70 mi (100.00%) I-270 (Ohio): 55.29 of 55.29 mi (100.00%) (OH I-270 only) I-271: 40.20 of 40.20 mi (100.00%) (OH I-271 only) I-275 (Florida): 60.10 of 60.10 mi (100.00%) (FL I-275 only) I-275 (Tennessee): 2.82 of 2.82 mi (100.00%) (TN I-275 only) I-275 (Cincinnati, OH): 83.40 of 83.40 mi (100.00%) KY I-275: 24.52 of 24.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-275: 3.22 of 3.22 mi (100.00%) OH I-275: 55.66 of 55.66 mi (100.00%) I-275 (Michigan): 36.28 of 36.28 mi (100.00%) (MI I-275 only) I-277 (North Carolina): 4.52 of 4.52 mi (100.00%) (NC I-277 only) I-277 (Ohio): 3.56 of 3.56 mi (100.00%) (OH I-277 only) I-279: 12.93 of 12.93 mi (100.00%) (PA I-279 only) I-280 (Iowa - Illinois): 27.30 of 27.30 mi (100.00%) IA I-280: 9.65 of 9.65 mi (100.00%) IL I-280: 17.64 of 17.64 mi (100.00%) I-280 (Ohio): 12.61 of 12.61 mi (100.00%) (OH I-280 only) I-285 (Georgia): 63.44 of 63.44 mi (100.00%) (GA I-285 only) I-285 (North Carolina): 4.03 of 23.01 mi (17.52%) (NC I-285 only) I-287: 44.16 of 97.69 mi (45.21%) NJ I-287: 21.02 of 67.49 mi (31.15%) NY I-287: 23.14 of 30.20 mi (76.63%) I-290 (Illinois): 30.09 of 30.09 mi (100.00%) (IL I-290 only) I-294: 52.75 of 52.75 mi (100.00%) (IL I-294 only) I-296: 3.15 of 3.15 mi (100.00%) (MI I-296 only) I-355: 32.41 of 32.41 mi (100.00%) (IL I-355 only) I-375 (Florida): 1.06 of 1.06 mi (100.00%) (FL I-375 only) I-375 (Michigan): 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%) (MI I-375 only) I-376: 24.23 of 84.20 mi (28.78%) (PA I-376 only) I-380 (Iowa): 73.87 of 73.87 mi (100.00%) (IA I-380 only) I-380 (Pennsylvania): 14.86 of 28.04 mi (53.01%) (PA I-380 only) I-385: 42.17 of 42.17 mi (100.00%) (SC I-385 only) I-394: 8.74 of 9.80 mi (89.20%) (MN I-394 only) I-435: 3.45 of 83.49 mi (4.13%) MO I-435: 3.45 of 55.35 mi (6.23%) I-440 (Tennessee): 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%) (TN I-440 only) I-465: 53.18 of 53.18 mi (100.00%) (IN I-465 only) I-469: 31.09 of 31.09 mi (100.00%) (IN I-469 only) I-470 (Ohio - West Virginia): 10.34 of 10.34 mi (100.00%) OH I-470: 6.46 of 6.46 mi (100.00%) WV I-470: 3.88 of 3.88 mi (100.00%) I-471: 5.41 of 5.41 mi (100.00%) KY I-471: 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) OH I-471: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%) I-474: 14.00 of 14.00 mi (100.00%) (IL I-474 only) I-475 (Georgia): 15.91 of 15.91 mi (100.00%) (GA I-475 only) I-475 (Ohio): 20.16 of 20.16 mi (100.00%) (OH I-475 only) I-475 (Michigan): 16.46 of 16.46 mi (100.00%) (MI I-475 only) I-476: 16.11 of 132.08 mi (12.19%) (PA I-476 only) I-480 (Nebraska - Iowa): 5.01 of 5.01 mi (100.00%) NE I-480: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) IA I-480: 0.74 of 0.74 mi (100.00%) I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 42.50 of 42.50 mi (100.00%) (OH I-480 only) I-485: 59.78 of 65.68 mi (91.02%) (NC I-485 only) I-490 (Ohio): 1.54 of 2.26 mi (68.39%) (OH I-490 only) I-494: 43.44 of 43.44 mi (100.00%) (MN I-494 only) I-496: 11.98 of 11.98 mi (100.00%) (MI I-496 only) I-520: 23.40 of 23.40 mi (100.00%) GA I-520: 15.60 of 15.60 mi (100.00%) SC I-520: 7.80 of 7.80 mi (100.00%) I-526: 19.80 of 19.80 mi (100.00%) (SC I-526 only) I-535: 2.77 of 2.77 mi (100.00%) WI I-535: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) MN I-535: 1.57 of 1.57 mi (100.00%) I-575: 30.71 of 30.71 mi (100.00%) (GA I-575 only) I-579: 1.35 of 1.35 mi (100.00%) (PA I-579 only) I-581: 6.47 of 6.47 mi (100.00%) (VA I-581 only) I-635 (Texas): 30.71 of 37.47 mi (81.95%) (TX I-635 only) I-640: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%) (TN I-640 only) I-670 (Ohio): 9.83 of 9.83 mi (100.00%) (OH I-670 only) I-675 (Michigan): 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%) (MI I-675 only) I-676: 2.64 of 7.10 mi (37.09%) PA I-676: 2.64 of 2.64 mi (100.00%) I-680 (Nebraska - Iowa): 13.40 of 16.50 mi (81.22%) NE I-680: 13.40 of 13.40 mi (100.00%) I-680 (Ohio): 16.53 of 16.53 mi (100.00%) (OH I-680 only) I-694: 30.87 of 30.87 mi (100.00%) (MN I-694 only) I-695 (Maryland): 30.08 of 51.84 mi (58.01%) (MD I-695 only) I-696: 28.71 of 28.71 mi (100.00%) (MI I-696 only) I-794: 3.56 of 3.56 mi (100.00%) (WI I-794 only) I-820: 9.54 of 35.26 mi (27.05%) (TX I-820 only) I-865: 4.01 of 4.01 mi (100.00%) (IN I-865 only) I-894: 9.84 of 9.84 mi (100.00%) (WI I-894 only) I-895 (Maryland): 11.15 of 14.42 mi (77.35%) (MD I-895 only) I-985: 24.09 of 24.09 mi (100.00%) (GA I-985 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 153 of 359 (42.6%), clinched: 82 of 359 (22.8%). System usaib (active) overall: 317.54 of 1573.24 mi (20.18%) System usaib by region: AZ: 8.07 of 75.26 mi (10.73%) CA: 0.00 of 121.59 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 103.30 mi (0.00%) GA: 7.61 of 31.42 mi (24.22%) IA: 3.77 of 10.40 mi (36.26%) ID: 0.66 of 64.12 mi (1.04%) IL: 40.89 of 40.89 mi (100.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 122.87 of 176.81 mi (69.49%) MN: 3.75 of 29.30 mi (12.79%) MO: 0.80 of 145.18 mi (0.55%) MT: 0.98 of 74.09 mi (1.32%) NC: 41.60 of 56.89 mi (73.12%) ND: 15.33 of 37.87 mi (40.47%) NM: 11.71 of 62.36 mi (18.78%) NV: 0.00 of 36.30 mi (0.00%) OH: 4.66 of 8.59 mi (54.19%) OK: 0.00 of 42.06 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 9.96 of 11.56 mi (86.15%) SD: 14.08 of 53.63 mi (26.26%) TX: 11.12 of 204.65 mi (5.43%) UT: 0.00 of 44.59 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 19.68 of 92.40 mi (21.30%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-15BL (McCammon, ID): 0.66 of 4.24 mi (15.67%) (ID I-15BLMcC only) I-15BL (Shelby, MT): 0.98 of 2.71 mi (36.14%) (MT I-15BLShe only) I-20BS (Florence, SC): 2.10 of 2.10 mi (100.00%) (SC I-20BSFlo only) I-25BL (Belen, NM): 4.19 of 6.39 mi (65.54%) (NM I-25BLBel only) I-25BL (Cheyenne, WY): 1.12 of 7.91 mi (14.16%) (WY I-25BLChe only) I-29BS (Sioux Falls, SD): 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%) (SD I-29BSSio only) I-29BS (Brookings, SD): 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) (SD I-29BSBro only) I-35BL (Cameron, MO): 0.80 of 3.25 mi (24.76%) (MO I-35BLCam only) I-35BL (Ames, IA): 2.58 of 7.29 mi (35.41%) (IA I-35BLAme only) I-35BL (Clear Lake, IA): 1.19 of 3.12 mi (38.24%) (IA I-35BLCle only) I-40BL (Flagstaff, AZ): 4.78 of 9.13 mi (52.35%) (AZ I-40BLFla only) I-40BL (Winslow, AZ): 3.29 of 3.59 mi (91.69%) (AZ I-40BLWin only) I-40BL (Gallup, NM): 5.05 of 9.42 mi (53.59%) (NM I-40BLGal only) I-40BL (Grants, NM): 2.48 of 6.63 mi (37.33%) (NM I-40BLGra only) I-40BL (Amarillo, TX): 11.12 of 24.69 mi (45.04%) (TX I-40BLAma only) I-55BL (Springfield, IL): 13.57 of 13.57 mi (100.00%) (IL I-55BLSpr only) I-55BL (Lincoln, IL): 8.26 of 8.26 mi (100.00%) (IL I-55BLLin only) I-55BL (Bloomington, IL): 9.35 of 9.35 mi (100.00%) (IL I-55BLBlo only) I-69BL (Coldwater, MI): 5.07 of 5.07 mi (100.00%) (MI I-69BLCol only) I-69BL (Charlotte, MI): 4.61 of 4.61 mi (100.00%) (MI I-69BLCha only) I-69BL (Lansing, MI): 14.57 of 14.57 mi (100.00%) (MI I-69BLLan only) I-69BL (Port Huron, MI): 5.94 of 5.94 mi (100.00%) (MI I-69BLPor only) I-72BL (Jacksonville, IL): 9.71 of 9.71 mi (100.00%) (IL I-72BLJac only) I-75BL (Tifton, GA): 2.54 of 5.39 mi (47.20%) (GA I-75BLTif only) I-75BL (Cordele, GA): 5.07 of 7.19 mi (70.47%) (GA I-75BLCor only) I-75BL (Sidney, OH): 4.22 of 4.22 mi (100.00%) (OH I-75BLSid only) I-75BL (Findlay, OH): 0.43 of 4.37 mi (9.94%) (OH I-75BLFin only) I-75BS (Bay City, MI): 3.12 of 3.12 mi (100.00%) (MI I-75BSBay only) I-75BL (Grayling, MI): 1.66 of 6.02 mi (27.65%) (MI I-75BLGra only) I-80BL (Laramie, WY): 5.17 of 6.44 mi (80.19%) (WY I-80BLLar only) I-80BL (Cheyenne, WY): 5.76 of 7.04 mi (81.92%) (WY I-80BLChe only) I-80BL (Pine Bluffs, WY): 1.62 of 1.62 mi (100.00%) (WY I-80BLPin only) I-85BL (Spartanburg, SC): 7.85 of 7.85 mi (100.00%) (SC I-85BLSpa only) I-85BL (Lexington, NC): 30.37 of 30.37 mi (100.00%) (NC I-85BLLex only) I-85BL (Greensboro, NC): 11.22 of 11.22 mi (100.00%) (NC I-85BLGre only) I-90BL (Gillette, WY): 1.38 of 3.32 mi (41.52%) (WY I-90BLGil only) I-90BL (Moorcroft, WY): 1.17 of 1.62 mi (72.10%) (WY I-90BLMoo only) I-90BL (Sundance, WY): 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%) (WY I-90BLSun only) I-90BS (Sioux Falls, SD): 5.14 of 5.14 mi (100.00%) (SD I-90BSSio only) I-94BL (Bismarck, ND): 7.11 of 17.21 mi (41.29%) (ND I-94BLBis only) I-94BL (Fargo, ND): 11.97 of 11.97 mi (100.00%) ND I-94BLFar: 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) MN I-94BLFar: 3.75 of 3.75 mi (100.00%) I-94BL (Benton Harbor, MI): 10.74 of 10.74 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BLBen only) I-94BS (Kalamazoo, MI): 2.65 of 2.65 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BSKal only) I-94BL (Battle Creek, MI): 14.10 of 14.10 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BLBat only) I-94BL (Marshall, MI): 5.52 of 5.52 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BLMar only) I-94BL (Albion, MI): 4.12 of 4.12 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BLAlb only) I-94BL (Jackson, MI): 10.61 of 10.61 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BLJac only) I-94BL (Ann Arbor, MI): 2.06 of 8.70 mi (23.65%) (MI I-94BLAnn only) I-94BL (Port Huron, MI): 9.00 of 9.00 mi (100.00%) (MI I-94BLPor only) I-96BL (Lansing, MI): 13.51 of 13.51 mi (100.00%) (MI I-96BLLan only) I-96BL (Howell, MI): 0.93 of 7.95 mi (11.76%) (MI I-96BLHow only) I-196BL (South Haven, MI): 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%) (MI I-196BLSou only) I-196BL (Holland, MI): 11.22 of 11.22 mi (100.00%) (MI I-196BLHol only) I-196BS (Grand Rapids, MI): 2.74 of 2.74 mi (100.00%) (MI I-196BSGra only) I-229BL (Sioux Falls, SD): 4.40 of 4.40 mi (100.00%) (SD I-229BLSio only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 55 of 283 (19.4%), clinched: 32 of 283 (11.3%). System usaif (active) overall: 197.17 of 704.79 mi (27.98%) System usaif by region: AR: 0.00 of 17.18 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 24.26 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 8.69 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) IN: 20.56 of 26.67 mi (77.12%) KY: 0.00 of 25.97 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 66.44 mi (0.00%) NC: 107.20 of 169.07 mi (63.41%) NY: 0.00 of 161.39 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 83.00 mi (0.00%) SC: 32.82 of 48.20 mi (68.08%) TN: 29.27 of 61.92 mi (47.27%) VA: 7.31 of 7.31 mi (100.00%) System usaif by route (traveled routes only): I-26Fut (Asheville, NC): 18.28 of 18.28 mi (100.00%) (NC I-26FutAsh only) I-69Fut (Trimble, TN): 21.46 of 21.46 mi (100.00%) (TN I-69FutTri only) I-69Fut (Union City, TN): 7.81 of 29.49 mi (26.48%) TN I-69FutUni: 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%) I-69Fut (Indianapolis, IN): 20.56 of 20.56 mi (100.00%) (IN I-69FutInd only) I-73Fut (Myrtle Beach, SC): 20.89 of 20.89 mi (100.00%) (SC I-73FutMyr only) I-73Fut (Madison, NC): 18.29 of 18.29 mi (100.00%) (NC I-73FutMad only) I-73Fut (Rockingham, NC): 7.74 of 7.74 mi (100.00%) (NC I-73FutRoc only) I-74Fut (Myrtle Beach, SC): 11.92 of 24.61 mi (48.46%) (SC I-74FutMyr only) I-74Fut (Pilot Mountain, NC): 22.62 of 22.62 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutPil only) I-74Fut (Rockingham, NC): 10.71 of 10.71 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutRoc only) I-74Fut (Laurinburg, NC): 13.81 of 13.81 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutLau only) I-785Fut (Reidville, NC): 30.80 of 30.80 mi (100.00%) NC I-785FutRei: 23.49 of 23.49 mi (100.00%) VA I-785FutDan: 7.31 of 7.31 mi (100.00%) System usaif connected routes traveled: 12 of 34 (35.3%), clinched: 10 of 34 (29.4%). System usasf (active) overall: 19.56 of 1794.20 mi (1.09%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 4.34 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 11.59 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.63 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 322.90 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 23.41 mi (0.00%) IN: 5.11 of 11.00 mi (46.43%) LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.96 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 8.45 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 12.05 of 355.08 mi (3.39%) NV: 0.00 of 39.05 mi (0.00%) NY: 2.40 of 462.41 mi (0.52%) OH: 0.00 of 22.30 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 179.27 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 6.28 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.94 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 14.45 of 175.92 mi (8.22%) NJ GarStaPkwy: 12.05 of 173.52 mi (6.95%) NY GarStaPkwy: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%) KeyPkwy (Keystone Parkway): 5.11 of 5.50 mi (92.80%) (IN KeyPkwy only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 2 of 87 (2.3%), clinched: 0 of 87 (0.0%). System usaus (active) overall: 28282.61 of 137760.58 mi (20.53%) System usaus by region: AL: 32.83 of 3491.02 mi (0.94%) AR: 179.24 of 3608.45 mi (4.97%) AZ: 185.17 of 1879.63 mi (9.85%) CA: 18.03 of 1730.13 mi (1.04%) CO: 403.46 of 4014.24 mi (10.05%) CT: 0.00 of 507.91 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%) DE: 83.46 of 211.20 mi (39.52%) FL: 266.28 of 4000.88 mi (6.66%) GA: 820.03 of 4922.31 mi (16.66%) IA: 1258.93 of 3710.23 mi (33.93%) ID: 426.98 of 2125.37 mi (20.09%) IL: 2527.32 of 3409.83 mi (74.12%) IN: 2757.49 of 2903.43 mi (94.97%) KS: 555.27 of 5413.94 mi (10.26%) KY: 1208.01 of 3313.31 mi (36.46%) LA: 18.34 of 2320.65 mi (0.79%) MA: 0.95 of 602.47 mi (0.16%) MD: 169.85 of 774.39 mi (21.93%) ME: 0.00 of 1176.07 mi (0.00%) MI: 1332.89 of 2325.60 mi (57.31%) MN: 681.03 of 3613.83 mi (18.84%) MO: 798.79 of 4004.70 mi (19.95%) MS: 17.13 of 2598.63 mi (0.66%) MT: 532.35 of 3317.02 mi (16.05%) NC: 1136.86 of 5076.15 mi (22.40%) ND: 588.54 of 1785.36 mi (32.96%) NE: 1180.03 of 3541.47 mi (33.32%) NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%) NJ: 14.66 of 805.49 mi (1.82%) NM: 336.02 of 3676.75 mi (9.14%) NV: 95.05 of 1851.15 mi (5.13%) NY: 140.19 of 1654.81 mi (8.47%) OH: 2229.47 of 3914.09 mi (56.96%) OK: 194.23 of 4765.18 mi (4.08%) OR: 187.60 of 2597.59 mi (7.22%) PA: 1194.96 of 3428.09 mi (34.86%) RI: 0.00 of 108.88 mi (0.00%) SC: 838.24 of 3310.53 mi (25.32%) SD: 858.48 of 2611.23 mi (32.88%) TN: 357.31 of 3646.85 mi (9.80%) TX: 1140.61 of 12781.04 mi (8.92%) UT: 35.65 of 1616.75 mi (2.21%) VA: 394.72 of 4089.82 mi (9.65%) VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%) WA: 158.07 of 1764.33 mi (8.96%) WI: 1167.56 of 2897.45 mi (40.30%) WV: 533.64 of 1793.39 mi (29.76%) WY: 1226.90 of 2909.95 mi (42.16%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 116.34 of 2384.93 mi (4.88%) FL US1: 66.38 of 553.53 mi (11.99%) GA US1: 45.54 of 226.54 mi (20.10%) SC US1: 3.67 of 171.70 mi (2.14%) PA US1: 0.75 of 81.97 mi (0.92%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 901.83 of 2126.51 mi (42.41%) WA US2: 2.52 of 325.04 mi (0.77%) MT US2: 477.48 of 669.03 mi (71.37%) ND US2: 148.07 of 359.03 mi (41.24%) MN US2: 52.98 of 267.06 mi (19.84%) WI US2: 105.41 of 105.41 mi (100.00%) MI US2Iro: 12.37 of 110.04 mi (11.24%) MI US2: 103.00 of 197.38 mi (52.18%) US5: 0.55 of 295.74 mi (0.19%) MA US5: 0.55 of 53.27 mi (1.04%) US6: 936.36 of 3217.10 mi (29.11%) CO US6: 4.48 of 469.44 mi (0.95%) NE US6: 149.70 of 378.53 mi (39.55%) IA US6: 169.32 of 326.55 mi (51.85%) IL US6: 179.07 of 179.07 mi (100.00%) IN US6: 150.83 of 150.83 mi (100.00%) OH US6: 250.36 of 250.36 mi (100.00%) PA US6: 32.61 of 402.84 mi (8.09%) US10 (North Dakota - Wisconsin): 93.51 of 578.95 mi (16.15%) ND US10: 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) MN US10: 24.34 of 277.83 mi (8.76%) WI US10: 60.95 of 292.90 mi (20.81%) US10 (Michigan): 104.03 of 141.20 mi (73.67%) (MI US10 only) US11 (Louisiana - Tennessee): 31.92 of 608.28 mi (5.25%) TN US11: 31.92 of 126.13 mi (25.31%) US11 (Virginia - New York): 108.27 of 945.87 mi (11.45%) VA US11: 7.71 of 335.80 mi (2.30%) PA US11: 100.56 of 249.74 mi (40.26%) US11E: 0.99 of 121.24 mi (0.82%) TN US11E: 0.42 of 120.67 mi (0.35%) VA US11E: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%) US11W: 3.93 of 111.25 mi (3.54%) TN US11W: 2.78 of 110.07 mi (2.52%) VA US11W: 1.16 of 1.17 mi (98.51%) US12: 1102.83 of 2474.54 mi (44.57%) WA US12: 17.53 of 427.65 mi (4.10%) MT US12: 25.01 of 597.81 mi (4.18%) ND US12: 88.30 of 88.30 mi (100.00%) SD US12: 275.17 of 319.95 mi (86.00%) MN US12: 195.37 of 195.37 mi (100.00%) WI US12: 183.46 of 341.32 mi (53.75%) IL US12: 84.48 of 84.48 mi (100.00%) IN US12: 46.76 of 46.76 mi (100.00%) MI US12: 186.75 of 210.02 mi (88.92%) US13: 219.44 of 530.31 mi (41.38%) VA US13: 93.45 of 143.16 mi (65.28%) MD US13: 42.53 of 42.53 mi (100.00%) DE US13: 83.46 of 105.18 mi (79.35%) US14: 1028.60 of 1394.66 mi (73.75%) WY US14: 288.29 of 395.22 mi (72.94%) SD US14: 442.86 of 442.86 mi (100.00%) MN US14: 29.29 of 288.43 mi (10.16%) WI US14: 199.38 of 199.38 mi (100.00%) IL US14: 68.77 of 68.77 mi (100.00%) US15: 68.19 of 795.35 mi (8.57%) SC US15: 2.08 of 159.10 mi (1.31%) NC US15: 12.22 of 159.32 mi (7.67%) PA US15: 53.88 of 195.98 mi (27.49%) US16: 183.55 of 479.30 mi (38.30%) WY US16: 182.08 of 413.34 mi (44.05%) SD US16: 1.47 of 65.96 mi (2.23%) US17: 89.08 of 1216.22 mi (7.32%) FL US17: 1.35 of 323.44 mi (0.42%) GA US17: 1.75 of 125.52 mi (1.40%) SC US17: 85.98 of 224.19 mi (38.35%) US18: 122.58 of 1052.11 mi (11.65%) WY US18: 30.45 of 99.68 mi (30.54%) SD US18: 7.08 of 450.32 mi (1.57%) IA US18: 8.08 of 314.96 mi (2.57%) WI US18: 76.97 of 187.14 mi (41.13%) US19 (Florida - North Carolina): 39.88 of 753.87 mi (5.29%) FL US19: 12.96 of 267.50 mi (4.85%) GA US19: 2.39 of 348.02 mi (0.69%) NC US19: 24.53 of 138.36 mi (17.73%) US19 (Tennessee - Pennsylvania): 100.49 of 533.49 mi (18.84%) TN US19: 0.16 of 11.88 mi (1.36%) VA US19: 0.57 of 87.61 mi (0.65%) WV US19: 94.02 of 241.01 mi (39.01%) PA US19: 5.74 of 192.99 mi (2.97%) US19W: 23.27 of 59.96 mi (38.80%) TN US19W: 23.27 of 39.87 mi (58.35%) US20 (Oregon - Montana): 153.22 of 864.92 mi (17.71%) ID US20: 143.58 of 406.40 mi (35.33%) MT US20: 9.63 of 9.63 mi (100.00%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 1045.80 of 2363.89 mi (44.24%) WY US20: 194.55 of 434.86 mi (44.74%) NE US20: 39.30 of 435.91 mi (9.02%) IA US20: 123.20 of 305.04 mi (40.39%) IL US20: 193.73 of 199.19 mi (97.26%) IN US20: 157.01 of 157.01 mi (100.00%) OH US20: 219.02 of 262.46 mi (83.45%) PA US20: 45.86 of 45.86 mi (100.00%) NY US20: 72.73 of 374.05 mi (19.44%) MA US20: 0.40 of 149.50 mi (0.27%) US21: 41.97 of 391.60 mi (10.72%) SC US21: 16.29 of 235.74 mi (6.91%) NC US21: 25.68 of 122.42 mi (20.98%) US22: 289.47 of 650.78 mi (44.48%) OH US22: 2.85 of 243.31 mi (1.17%) PA US22: 271.96 of 340.90 mi (79.78%) NJ US22: 14.66 of 60.55 mi (24.22%) US23: 839.96 of 1410.17 mi (59.56%) FL US23: 29.99 of 38.36 mi (78.19%) GA US23: 152.22 of 394.30 mi (38.60%) NC US23: 40.21 of 104.36 mi (38.53%) TN US23: 56.85 of 56.85 mi (100.00%) VA US23: 59.34 of 59.34 mi (100.00%) KY US23: 153.56 of 153.56 mi (100.00%) OH US23: 218.93 of 237.06 mi (92.35%) MI US23: 128.86 of 366.34 mi (35.18%) US24: 546.36 of 1559.64 mi (35.03%) CO US24: 2.18 of 322.36 mi (0.67%) KS US24: 16.47 of 440.10 mi (3.74%) MO US24: 129.98 of 221.67 mi (58.63%) IL US24: 123.76 of 245.37 mi (50.44%) IN US24: 167.61 of 167.61 mi (100.00%) OH US24: 83.43 of 83.43 mi (100.00%) MI US24: 22.95 of 79.10 mi (29.01%) US25 (Georgia - Tennessee): 175.25 of 425.28 mi (41.21%) GA US25: 72.76 of 193.33 mi (37.63%) SC US25: 79.08 of 140.40 mi (56.32%) NC US25: 23.42 of 72.25 mi (32.41%) US25 (Kentucky): 175.17 of 175.17 mi (100.00%) (KY US25 only) US25E: 108.49 of 108.49 mi (100.00%) TN US25E: 61.99 of 61.99 mi (100.00%) KY US25E: 46.50 of 46.50 mi (100.00%) US25W: 36.66 of 142.35 mi (25.75%) TN US25W: 17.99 of 108.34 mi (16.60%) KY US25W: 18.67 of 34.02 mi (54.88%) US26: 369.12 of 1503.85 mi (24.54%) ID US26: 113.68 of 404.83 mi (28.08%) WY US26: 128.87 of 476.62 mi (27.04%) NE US26: 126.57 of 152.90 mi (82.78%) US27: 246.60 of 1366.51 mi (18.05%) FL US27: 11.87 of 504.34 mi (2.35%) GA US27: 5.39 of 357.47 mi (1.51%) TN US27: 1.77 of 143.66 mi (1.23%) KY US27: 80.16 of 201.87 mi (39.71%) OH US27: 28.24 of 39.98 mi (70.62%) IN US27: 119.18 of 119.18 mi (100.00%) US29: 288.58 of 1044.49 mi (27.63%) SC US29: 71.00 of 109.78 mi (64.67%) NC US29: 168.96 of 168.96 mi (100.00%) VA US29: 48.62 of 248.93 mi (19.53%) US30: 2451.62 of 3105.06 mi (78.96%) OR US30: 165.05 of 480.44 mi (34.35%) ID US30: 288.80 of 418.69 mi (68.98%) WY US30: 458.74 of 458.74 mi (100.00%) NE US30: 458.15 of 458.15 mi (100.00%) IA US30: 335.47 of 335.47 mi (100.00%) IL US30: 154.26 of 154.26 mi (100.00%) IN US30: 157.60 of 157.60 mi (100.00%) OH US30: 247.98 of 247.98 mi (100.00%) WV US30: 3.38 of 3.38 mi (100.00%) PA US30: 182.20 of 331.35 mi (54.99%) US31 (Kentucky - Michigan): 518.12 of 630.68 mi (82.15%) KY US31: 0.87 of 0.87 mi (100.00%) IN US31: 271.45 of 271.45 mi (100.00%) MI US31: 245.80 of 358.36 mi (68.59%) US31E: 36.51 of 189.41 mi (19.27%) KY US31E: 36.51 of 139.03 mi (26.26%) US31W: 0.71 of 184.60 mi (0.38%) KY US31W: 0.71 of 148.45 mi (0.48%) US33: 346.19 of 683.60 mi (50.64%) WV US33: 20.93 of 207.52 mi (10.09%) OH US33: 217.52 of 235.76 mi (92.26%) IN US33: 107.74 of 107.74 mi (100.00%) US34: 597.77 of 1129.76 mi (52.91%) NE US34: 122.52 of 393.58 mi (31.13%) IA US34: 263.67 of 271.56 mi (97.09%) IL US34: 211.59 of 211.59 mi (100.00%) US35: 398.28 of 417.17 mi (95.47%) WV US35: 36.16 of 36.16 mi (100.00%) OH US35: 155.88 of 174.77 mi (89.19%) IN US35: 206.24 of 206.24 mi (100.00%) US36: 626.76 of 1415.50 mi (44.28%) MO US36: 195.01 of 195.26 mi (99.87%) IL US36: 185.72 of 217.93 mi (85.22%) IN US36: 165.17 of 165.17 mi (100.00%) OH US36: 80.87 of 209.30 mi (38.64%) US40: 608.13 of 2310.72 mi (26.32%) KS US40: 133.34 of 439.12 mi (30.36%) MO US40: 15.05 of 257.49 mi (5.85%) IL US40: 162.13 of 162.13 mi (100.00%) IN US40: 161.75 of 161.75 mi (100.00%) OH US40: 29.93 of 229.26 mi (13.06%) WV US40: 0.82 of 15.43 mi (5.31%) PA US40: 1.46 of 82.13 mi (1.77%) MD US40: 103.65 of 221.43 mi (46.81%) US41: 960.15 of 2038.65 mi (47.10%) GA US41: 127.59 of 389.73 mi (32.74%) TN US41: 12.69 of 195.04 mi (6.51%) KY US41: 104.83 of 104.83 mi (100.00%) IN US41: 283.05 of 283.05 mi (100.00%) IL US41: 64.30 of 64.30 mi (100.00%) WI US41: 228.22 of 228.22 mi (100.00%) MI US41: 139.47 of 280.99 mi (49.64%) US42: 20.32 of 349.85 mi (5.81%) KY US42: 11.79 of 103.37 mi (11.40%) OH US42: 8.53 of 246.48 mi (3.46%) US43: 6.57 of 413.14 mi (1.59%) AL US43: 6.57 of 354.29 mi (1.86%) US45 (N. Tennessee - Michigan): 373.69 of 841.13 mi (44.43%) IL US45: 260.09 of 429.36 mi (60.58%) WI US45: 113.60 of 304.02 mi (37.37%) US45W: 7.55 of 63.31 mi (11.93%) (TN US45W only) US48: 6.73 of 153.32 mi (4.39%) WV US48: 6.73 of 139.31 mi (4.83%) US49 (N. Mississippi - Arkansas): 50.15 of 225.24 mi (22.26%) AR US49: 50.15 of 183.42 mi (27.34%) US50: 505.21 of 3005.46 mi (16.81%) CO US50: 150.05 of 459.55 mi (32.65%) KS US50: 101.51 of 454.15 mi (22.35%) MO US50: 30.52 of 262.25 mi (11.64%) IL US50: 163.09 of 163.09 mi (100.00%) IN US50: 48.25 of 172.27 mi (28.01%) OH US50: 7.11 of 203.23 mi (3.50%) WV US50: 1.54 of 130.08 mi (1.19%) MD US50: 3.12 of 141.37 mi (2.21%) US51: 437.44 of 1288.18 mi (33.96%) TN US51: 43.14 of 136.90 mi (31.51%) IL US51: 390.14 of 416.20 mi (93.74%) WI US51: 4.16 of 319.43 mi (1.30%) US52: 1377.30 of 2081.15 mi (66.18%) ND US52: 283.18 of 365.83 mi (77.41%) MN US52: 43.51 of 378.27 mi (11.50%) IA US52: 95.12 of 173.55 mi (54.81%) IL US52: 217.70 of 217.70 mi (100.00%) IN US52: 199.75 of 199.75 mi (100.00%) OH US52: 72.44 of 181.29 mi (39.96%) WV US52Ken: 71.24 of 71.24 mi (100.00%) KY US52Tug: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) WV US52Goo: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) KY US52: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%) WV US52: 100.45 of 100.45 mi (100.00%) VA US52: 17.17 of 78.60 mi (21.84%) NC US52: 131.67 of 150.65 mi (87.40%) SC US52: 143.32 of 162.07 mi (88.43%) US53: 331.86 of 407.26 mi (81.49%) WI US53: 164.87 of 240.27 mi (68.62%) MN US53: 166.99 of 166.99 mi (100.00%) US54: 205.11 of 1215.93 mi (16.87%) TX US54ElP: 1.00 of 20.11 mi (4.98%) NM US54: 4.60 of 361.87 mi (1.27%) TX US54: 51.82 of 93.78 mi (55.25%) OK US54: 57.13 of 57.13 mi (100.00%) KS US54: 66.72 of 385.44 mi (17.31%) IL US54: 23.85 of 23.85 mi (100.00%) US56: 148.63 of 649.79 mi (22.87%) KS US56: 148.63 of 478.57 mi (31.06%) US58: 61.00 of 501.36 mi (12.17%) VA US58: 61.00 of 500.67 mi (12.18%) US59: 113.79 of 1932.35 mi (5.89%) TX US59: 67.47 of 631.04 mi (10.69%) OK US59: 0.86 of 216.63 mi (0.40%) MO US59: 24.01 of 108.05 mi (22.22%) IA US59: 10.38 of 219.43 mi (4.73%) MN US59: 11.07 of 432.84 mi (2.56%) US60: 700.33 of 2654.49 mi (26.38%) NM US60: 216.65 of 401.83 mi (53.92%) TX US60: 227.07 of 227.07 mi (100.00%) OK US60: 49.57 of 356.52 mi (13.90%) MO US60: 167.92 of 343.14 mi (48.94%) IL US60: 0.71 of 1.02 mi (69.97%) KY US60: 22.44 of 487.18 mi (4.61%) WV US60: 15.97 of 170.95 mi (9.34%) US61: 431.01 of 1417.05 mi (30.42%) AR US61: 49.05 of 76.89 mi (63.79%) MO US61: 106.11 of 396.14 mi (26.79%) IA US61: 77.81 of 194.42 mi (40.02%) WI US61: 61.15 of 120.10 mi (50.91%) MN US61: 136.89 of 165.61 mi (82.66%) US62: 111.70 of 2244.22 mi (4.98%) AR US62: 28.62 of 326.41 mi (8.77%) MO US62: 27.79 of 87.68 mi (31.70%) IL US62: 0.71 of 1.02 mi (69.97%) KY US62: 17.09 of 386.40 mi (4.42%) OH US62: 37.03 of 293.96 mi (12.60%) PA US62: 0.46 of 118.84 mi (0.38%) US63: 189.02 of 1237.34 mi (15.28%) AR US63: 72.42 of 340.76 mi (21.25%) MO US63: 59.74 of 339.04 mi (17.62%) IA US63: 32.28 of 241.08 mi (13.39%) MN US63: 20.45 of 96.80 mi (21.13%) WI US63: 4.13 of 184.07 mi (2.24%) US64: 211.40 of 2325.77 mi (9.09%) OK US64: 53.51 of 596.72 mi (8.97%) TN US64: 91.40 of 398.97 mi (22.91%) NC US64: 66.49 of 601.99 mi (11.04%) US65: 36.07 of 969.72 mi (3.72%) MO US65: 19.08 of 316.75 mi (6.02%) IA US65: 16.99 of 225.78 mi (7.52%) US67: 102.59 of 1556.17 mi (6.59%) IL US67: 60.79 of 211.85 mi (28.70%) IA US67: 41.80 of 55.14 mi (75.80%) US68: 264.27 of 547.42 mi (48.28%) KY US68: 85.96 of 369.10 mi (23.29%) OH US68: 178.31 of 178.31 mi (100.00%) US69: 23.79 of 1144.94 mi (2.08%) OK US69: 21.92 of 263.96 mi (8.30%) KS US69: 1.34 of 166.26 mi (0.81%) IA US69: 0.53 of 231.12 mi (0.23%) US70: 331.93 of 2379.43 mi (13.95%) NM US70: 121.02 of 455.58 mi (26.56%) TX US70: 32.79 of 257.85 mi (12.72%) TN US70: 2.67 of 479.61 mi (0.56%) NC US70: 175.45 of 481.01 mi (36.48%) US71: 73.61 of 1527.43 mi (4.82%) MO US71: 69.22 of 321.83 mi (21.51%) IA US71: 3.06 of 235.41 mi (1.30%) MN US71: 1.34 of 430.79 mi (0.31%) US72: 4.16 of 321.65 mi (1.29%) TN US72Cha: 4.16 of 34.49 mi (12.06%) US74: 279.31 of 513.28 mi (54.42%) TN US74: 59.85 of 61.39 mi (97.50%) NC US74: 219.46 of 451.89 mi (48.56%) US75: 84.36 of 1252.81 mi (6.73%) KS US75: 2.56 of 231.25 mi (1.11%) NE US75: 22.14 of 189.74 mi (11.67%) IA US75: 16.67 of 80.65 mi (20.68%) MN US75: 42.99 of 419.54 mi (10.25%) US76: 296.29 of 533.82 mi (55.50%) TN US76: 9.22 of 9.22 mi (100.00%) GA US76: 146.53 of 146.53 mi (100.00%) SC US76: 140.54 of 296.90 mi (47.34%) US77: 42.77 of 1321.33 mi (3.24%) NE US77: 42.77 of 192.96 mi (22.17%) US79: 14.00 of 877.29 mi (1.60%) LA US79: 14.00 of 87.76 mi (15.96%) US80: 210.09 of 1037.70 mi (20.25%) TX US80: 158.65 of 161.82 mi (98.04%) LA US80: 18.34 of 198.92 mi (9.22%) AL US80: 3.43 of 221.28 mi (1.55%) GA US80: 29.67 of 298.37 mi (9.94%) US81: 274.42 of 1241.05 mi (22.11%) TX US81: 48.27 of 82.43 mi (58.56%) KS US81: 116.33 of 234.39 mi (49.63%) NE US81: 107.35 of 219.89 mi (48.82%) SD US81: 2.48 of 236.56 mi (1.05%) US82: 86.84 of 1614.94 mi (5.38%) TX US82: 12.24 of 573.28 mi (2.13%) GA US82: 74.61 of 234.10 mi (31.87%) US83: 59.74 of 1908.84 mi (3.13%) TX US83: 9.80 of 904.34 mi (1.08%) KS US83: 3.61 of 231.38 mi (1.56%) NE US83: 4.03 of 225.86 mi (1.78%) SD US83: 42.31 of 243.84 mi (17.35%) US84: 375.33 of 1927.66 mi (19.47%) NM US84: 70.84 of 359.94 mi (19.68%) TX US84: 221.02 of 663.33 mi (33.32%) GA US84: 83.47 of 262.53 mi (31.80%) US85: 301.74 of 1492.46 mi (20.22%) TX US85: 4.93 of 20.07 mi (24.55%) CO US85: 77.48 of 313.86 mi (24.69%) WY US85: 16.62 of 258.89 mi (6.42%) SD US85: 119.22 of 152.82 mi (78.01%) ND US85: 83.49 of 258.39 mi (32.31%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 512.30 of 1541.59 mi (33.23%) TX US87: 32.29 of 813.22 mi (3.97%) CO US87: 188.07 of 304.16 mi (61.83%) WY US87: 291.94 of 323.29 mi (90.30%) US87 (north Wyoming - Montana): 27.12 of 488.91 mi (5.55%) WY US87She: 27.12 of 42.71 mi (63.50%) US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 6.40 of 834.95 mi (0.77%) UT US89: 6.08 of 497.60 mi (1.22%) ID US89: 0.31 of 43.45 mi (0.72%) US89 (Montana): 3.79 of 399.92 mi (0.95%) (MT US89 only) US90: 1.42 of 1643.26 mi (0.09%) FL US90: 1.42 of 411.69 mi (0.35%) US91: 31.21 of 171.59 mi (18.19%) ID US91: 31.21 of 126.62 mi (24.65%) US92: 6.64 of 185.93 mi (3.57%) (FL US92 only) US93: 20.23 of 1356.51 mi (1.49%) MT US93: 20.23 of 285.06 mi (7.10%) US95: 112.61 of 1575.39 mi (7.15%) CA US95: 17.56 of 131.23 mi (13.38%) NV US95: 95.05 of 676.18 mi (14.06%) US98: 9.50 of 939.22 mi (1.01%) FL US98: 9.50 of 680.72 mi (1.40%) US101: 0.47 of 1506.14 mi (0.03%) CA US101: 0.47 of 802.51 mi (0.06%) US119: 137.93 of 525.96 mi (26.22%) KY US119: 105.88 of 130.42 mi (81.19%) WV US119WWi: 0.97 of 0.97 mi (100.00%) KY US119Goo: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%) WV US119Goo: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) KY US119Tug: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) WV US119: 16.65 of 262.33 mi (6.35%) PA US119: 12.67 of 130.49 mi (9.71%) US123: 34.46 of 74.00 mi (46.56%) GA US123: 6.05 of 16.55 mi (36.54%) SC US123: 28.41 of 57.45 mi (49.45%) US127: 301.40 of 751.78 mi (40.09%) KY US127: 24.06 of 204.70 mi (11.75%) OH US127: 159.56 of 196.34 mi (81.27%) MI US127: 117.78 of 216.99 mi (54.28%) US129: 10.58 of 574.06 mi (1.84%) GA US129: 5.08 of 376.68 mi (1.35%) NC US129: 5.50 of 59.56 mi (9.23%) US131: 273.09 of 273.09 mi (100.00%) IN US131: 0.66 of 0.66 mi (100.00%) MI US131: 272.42 of 272.42 mi (100.00%) US136: 96.81 of 808.56 mi (11.97%) MO US136: 2.43 of 259.11 mi (0.94%) IA US136: 0.57 of 3.85 mi (14.69%) IL US136: 19.29 of 227.52 mi (8.48%) IN US136: 74.53 of 74.53 mi (100.00%) US138: 71.91 of 71.91 mi (100.00%) CO US138: 60.32 of 60.32 mi (100.00%) NE US138: 11.58 of 11.58 mi (100.00%) US141: 20.75 of 176.02 mi (11.79%) WI US141: 16.59 of 103.81 mi (15.98%) MI US141: 4.16 of 49.95 mi (8.33%) US150: 389.97 of 563.62 mi (69.19%) IL US150: 92.85 of 266.49 mi (34.84%) IN US150: 175.79 of 175.79 mi (100.00%) KY US150: 121.33 of 121.33 mi (100.00%) US151: 158.64 of 328.94 mi (48.23%) IA US151: 16.94 of 108.39 mi (15.63%) WI US151: 141.70 of 220.56 mi (64.25%) US158: 12.35 of 349.90 mi (3.53%) (NC US158 only) US159: 9.91 of 85.45 mi (11.59%) NE US159: 9.91 of 14.10 mi (70.26%) US160: 16.30 of 1469.49 mi (1.11%) KS US160: 14.50 of 496.62 mi (2.92%) MO US160: 1.80 of 316.05 mi (0.57%) US166: 0.56 of 165.86 mi (0.34%) MO US166: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) US169: 42.61 of 976.45 mi (4.36%) KS US169: 2.17 of 174.17 mi (1.24%) IA US169: 10.34 of 238.42 mi (4.34%) MN US169: 30.10 of 360.78 mi (8.34%) US176: 14.12 of 237.16 mi (5.96%) SC US176: 14.12 of 219.44 mi (6.44%) US178: 8.20 of 237.26 mi (3.46%) SC US178: 8.20 of 231.46 mi (3.54%) US180: 222.15 of 1116.96 mi (19.89%) AZ US180: 157.79 of 284.63 mi (55.44%) NM US180: 60.47 of 242.15 mi (24.97%) TX US180ElP: 1.22 of 149.45 mi (0.82%) TX US180: 2.67 of 329.25 mi (0.81%) US183: 19.75 of 1263.30 mi (1.56%) TX US183: 9.04 of 496.52 mi (1.82%) OK US183: 2.14 of 221.95 mi (0.97%) KS US183: 8.07 of 238.87 mi (3.38%) NE US183: 0.50 of 229.92 mi (0.22%) US189: 50.37 of 312.85 mi (16.10%) UT US189: 29.57 of 96.37 mi (30.69%) WY US189: 20.80 of 216.48 mi (9.61%) US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 33.10 of 1213.11 mi (2.73%) AZ US191: 27.38 of 521.37 mi (5.25%) WY US191: 5.72 of 288.77 mi (1.98%) US191 (Montana): 0.48 of 441.35 mi (0.11%) MT US191WYe: 0.28 of 14.86 mi (1.86%) MT US191: 0.20 of 420.48 mi (0.05%) US202: 11.24 of 622.05 mi (1.81%) PA US202: 11.24 of 58.97 mi (19.06%) US218: 123.42 of 324.23 mi (38.07%) IA US218: 120.55 of 276.68 mi (43.57%) MN US218: 2.87 of 47.55 mi (6.04%) US219: 284.52 of 502.86 mi (56.58%) WV US219: 20.49 of 188.01 mi (10.90%) MD US219: 8.21 of 47.41 mi (17.32%) PA US219: 188.37 of 198.35 mi (94.97%) NY US219: 67.45 of 67.45 mi (100.00%) US220: 269.15 of 670.40 mi (40.15%) NC US220: 105.10 of 123.54 mi (85.07%) VA US220: 68.28 of 181.34 mi (37.65%) WV US220: 0.33 of 90.67 mi (0.36%) MD US220: 23.08 of 26.78 mi (86.19%) PA US220: 72.36 of 248.07 mi (29.17%) US221: 144.60 of 721.20 mi (20.05%) SC US221: 81.40 of 124.90 mi (65.17%) NC US221: 63.20 of 144.34 mi (43.79%) US222: 8.92 of 94.64 mi (9.42%) MD US222: 3.59 of 3.59 mi (100.00%) PA US222: 5.33 of 91.06 mi (5.85%) US223: 47.75 of 47.75 mi (100.00%) OH US223: 0.78 of 0.78 mi (100.00%) MI US223: 46.97 of 46.97 mi (100.00%) US224: 169.33 of 290.19 mi (58.35%) IN US224: 39.88 of 39.88 mi (100.00%) OH US224: 129.45 of 240.15 mi (53.90%) US231: 263.93 of 924.82 mi (28.54%) IN US231: 263.93 of 285.86 mi (92.33%) US250: 386.55 of 493.10 mi (78.39%) OH US250: 158.87 of 158.87 mi (100.00%) WV US250: 175.58 of 175.58 mi (100.00%) VA US250: 52.10 of 158.65 mi (32.84%) US259: 7.33 of 254.51 mi (2.88%) TX US259: 7.33 of 157.26 mi (4.66%) US270: 2.14 of 646.12 mi (0.33%) OK US270: 2.14 of 482.10 mi (0.44%) US275: 63.96 of 269.03 mi (23.78%) NE US275: 46.98 of 193.46 mi (24.28%) IA US275: 16.99 of 59.87 mi (28.37%) US276: 17.97 of 97.35 mi (18.46%) SC US276: 17.97 of 40.59 mi (44.28%) US278: 70.12 of 1080.82 mi (6.49%) MS US278: 17.13 of 242.02 mi (7.08%) AL US278: 20.00 of 199.85 mi (10.01%) GA US278: 14.34 of 234.59 mi (6.11%) SC US278: 18.64 of 147.10 mi (12.67%) US280: 65.02 of 391.92 mi (16.59%) AL US280: 3.80 of 143.13 mi (2.65%) GA US280: 61.22 of 248.78 mi (24.61%) US281: 98.19 of 1893.37 mi (5.19%) OK US281: 18.81 of 257.94 mi (7.29%) NE US281: 26.89 of 226.78 mi (11.86%) SD US281: 6.64 of 231.01 mi (2.87%) ND US281: 45.86 of 275.09 mi (16.67%) US283: 37.47 of 734.35 mi (5.10%) OK US283: 9.79 of 204.36 mi (4.79%) KS US283: 25.26 of 221.27 mi (11.41%) NE US283: 2.42 of 58.84 mi (4.12%) US285: 18.13 of 847.52 mi (2.14%) NM US285: 18.13 of 412.55 mi (4.39%) US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 423.33 of 1620.91 mi (26.12%) TX US287: 301.20 of 764.48 mi (39.40%) CO US287: 7.72 of 391.95 mi (1.97%) WY US287: 114.41 of 423.04 mi (27.05%) US287 (Montana): 0.28 of 282.43 mi (0.10%) (MT US287 only) US301: 512.31 of 1110.43 mi (46.14%) FL US301: 197.06 of 273.95 mi (71.93%) GA US301: 172.58 of 172.58 mi (100.00%) SC US301: 56.21 of 189.92 mi (29.60%) NC US301: 86.46 of 194.88 mi (44.37%) US311: 9.67 of 64.35 mi (15.03%) NC US311: 9.67 of 56.91 mi (16.99%) US319: 2.90 of 317.00 mi (0.92%) GA US319: 2.90 of 219.24 mi (1.32%) US321: 109.26 of 510.23 mi (21.41%) SC US321: 102.92 of 218.45 mi (47.11%) NC US321: 6.35 of 102.74 mi (6.18%) US322: 259.36 of 488.69 mi (53.07%) OH US322: 0.56 of 63.09 mi (0.89%) PA US322: 258.79 of 362.22 mi (71.45%) US380: 0.11 of 681.11 mi (0.02%) TX US380: 0.11 of 437.11 mi (0.03%) US385: 244.94 of 1214.14 mi (20.17%) TX US385: 96.79 of 552.13 mi (17.53%) CO US385: 25.20 of 324.44 mi (7.77%) NE US385: 118.94 of 183.27 mi (64.90%) SD US385: 4.00 of 117.72 mi (3.40%) US395: 157.94 of 1306.14 mi (12.09%) OR US395: 22.86 of 380.96 mi (6.00%) WA US395: 135.08 of 277.12 mi (48.74%) US400: 86.11 of 487.68 mi (17.66%) CO US400: 14.94 of 14.94 mi (100.00%) KS US400: 70.61 of 472.18 mi (14.95%) MO US400: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) US401: 16.63 of 252.50 mi (6.59%) SC US401: 16.63 of 78.20 mi (21.26%) US411: 6.74 of 311.44 mi (2.16%) GA US411: 6.74 of 99.53 mi (6.77%) US412: 93.10 of 1124.08 mi (8.28%) OK US412: 32.26 of 509.77 mi (6.33%) AR US412: 34.17 of 284.33 mi (12.02%) MO US412: 10.55 of 51.18 mi (20.61%) TN US412: 16.12 of 183.26 mi (8.80%) US421: 727.95 of 932.93 mi (78.03%) NC US421: 124.89 of 329.87 mi (37.86%) TN US421: 39.19 of 39.19 mi (100.00%) VA US421: 65.14 of 65.14 mi (100.00%) KY US421: 241.33 of 241.33 mi (100.00%) IN US421: 257.41 of 257.41 mi (100.00%) US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 127.57 of 188.93 mi (67.52%) OH US422: 39.95 of 75.98 mi (52.58%) PA US422: 87.62 of 112.96 mi (77.57%) US422 (E. Pennsylvania): 40.63 of 82.99 mi (48.95%) (PA US422Rea only) US431: 2.87 of 560.46 mi (0.51%) AL US431: 2.87 of 343.69 mi (0.83%) US441: 66.67 of 936.69 mi (7.12%) FL US441: 22.18 of 441.20 mi (5.03%) GA US441: 32.17 of 354.98 mi (9.06%) NC US441: 12.31 of 61.66 mi (19.97%) US460: 192.36 of 629.10 mi (30.58%) KY US460: 159.61 of 202.55 mi (78.80%) WV US460: 26.43 of 26.43 mi (100.00%) VA US460: 6.33 of 325.99 mi (1.94%) US501: 100.54 of 352.84 mi (28.49%) SC US501: 74.68 of 74.68 mi (100.00%) NC US501: 25.85 of 169.74 mi (15.23%) US522: 35.35 of 307.08 mi (11.51%) WV US522: 5.00 of 19.25 mi (25.97%) MD US522: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) PA US522: 28.13 of 128.00 mi (21.98%) US601: 22.93 of 316.86 mi (7.24%) NC US601: 22.93 of 133.51 mi (17.17%) US641: 10.82 of 166.19 mi (6.51%) KY US641: 10.82 of 69.53 mi (15.57%) US701: 1.05 of 173.07 mi (0.60%) SC US701: 1.05 of 62.31 mi (1.68%) US730: 25.49 of 41.86 mi (60.89%) OR US730: 19.42 of 35.79 mi (54.27%) WA US730: 6.06 of 6.06 mi (100.00%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 158 of 224 (70.5%), clinched: 5 of 224 (2.2%). System usausb (active) overall: 642.29 of 7714.34 mi (8.33%) System usausb by region: AL: 0.00 of 101.62 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 270.05 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 118.28 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 53.55 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 30.05 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 228.07 mi (0.00%) GA: 25.11 of 408.49 mi (6.15%) IA: 37.47 of 168.56 mi (22.23%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 3.87 of 61.60 mi (6.28%) IN: 92.75 of 100.15 mi (92.61%) KS: 2.59 of 65.36 mi (3.97%) KY: 24.05 of 240.71 mi (9.99%) LA: 0.00 of 89.08 mi (0.00%) MD: 4.10 of 118.19 mi (3.47%) ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%) MI: 72.57 of 141.95 mi (51.13%) MN: 0.00 of 21.24 mi (0.00%) MO: 8.22 of 239.96 mi (3.42%) MS: 0.00 of 66.24 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 102.65 of 1027.45 mi (9.99%) ND: 4.37 of 67.28 mi (6.50%) NE: 17.64 of 26.67 mi (66.16%) NH: 0.00 of 10.66 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 9.90 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%) NV: 93.61 of 374.89 mi (24.97%) NY: 0.00 of 117.00 mi (0.00%) OH: 67.06 of 128.53 mi (52.18%) OK: 0.94 of 172.70 mi (0.55%) OR: 0.00 of 57.10 mi (0.00%) PA: 15.02 of 294.53 mi (5.10%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 11.37 of 313.40 mi (3.63%) SD: 10.01 of 94.66 mi (10.57%) TN: 5.21 of 375.43 mi (1.39%) TX: 20.53 of 878.58 mi (2.34%) UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%) VA: 11.39 of 517.75 mi (2.20%) VT: 0.00 of 16.62 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 53.91 mi (0.00%) WI: 6.39 of 103.00 mi (6.20%) WV: 4.25 of 9.26 mi (45.85%) WY: 1.12 of 147.38 mi (0.76%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US1Bus (Waycross, GA): 9.74 of 9.74 mi (100.00%) (GA US1BusWay only) US2Trk (Superior, WI): 0.35 of 3.19 mi (10.99%) (WI US2TrkSup only) US2Bus (Ironwood, MI): 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%) (MI US2BusIro only) US6Bus (Hastings, NE): 3.91 of 4.86 mi (80.35%) (NE US6BusHas only) US6Bus (Highland, IN): 12.23 of 12.23 mi (100.00%) (IN US6BusHig only) US6Bus (Napoleon, OH): 2.01 of 6.19 mi (32.55%) (OH US6BusNap only) US10Bus (Midland, MI): 4.28 of 7.07 mi (60.56%) (MI US10BusMid only) US11Bus (Staunton, VA): 0.76 of 3.19 mi (23.80%) (VA US11BusSta only) US11Trk (Bristol, VA): 0.50 of 2.16 mi (23.03%) (VA US11TrkBri only) US12Bus (Ypsilanti, MI): 0.80 of 5.56 mi (14.47%) (MI US12BusYps only) US14Byp (Brookings, SD): 5.15 of 5.15 mi (100.00%) (SD US14BypBro only) US16Trk (Rapid City, SD): 4.16 of 12.85 mi (32.36%) (SD US16TrkRap only) US17Alt (Summerville, SC): 3.51 of 124.27 mi (2.83%) (SC US17AltSum only) US18Trk (Hot Springs, SD): 0.70 of 1.83 mi (38.00%) (SD US18TrkHot only) US18Bus (McGregor, IA): 1.96 of 4.19 mi (46.73%) (IA US18BusMcG only) US19Bus (Asheville, NC): 0.81 of 2.22 mi (36.55%) (NC US19BusAsh only) US19Trk (Bristol, VA): 0.50 of 2.16 mi (23.03%) (VA US19TrkBri only) US19Trk (Pittsburgh, PA): 6.47 of 19.16 mi (33.77%) (PA US19TrkPit only) US20Bus (Fort Dodge, IA): 13.15 of 13.15 mi (100.00%) (IA US20BusFor only) US20Bus (South Bend, IN): 24.77 of 24.77 mi (100.00%) (IN US20BusSou only) US20Alt (Maumee, OH): 52.96 of 52.96 mi (100.00%) (OH US20AltMau only) US20Trk (Perrysburg, OH): 4.13 of 4.13 mi (100.00%) (OH US20TrkPer only) US23Bus (Waycross, GA): 9.74 of 9.74 mi (100.00%) (GA US23BusWay only) US23Bus (Asheville, NC): 0.81 of 2.22 mi (36.55%) (NC US23BusAsh only) US23Bus (Ashland, KY): 2.02 of 2.02 mi (100.00%) (KY US23BusAsh only) US23Spr (Ashland, KY): 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%) (KY US23SprAsh only) US23Trk (Portsmouth, OH): 3.49 of 3.49 mi (100.00%) KY US23TrkPor: 1.43 of 1.43 mi (100.00%) OH US23TrkPor: 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%) US23Bus (Ann Arbor, MI): 1.37 of 7.00 mi (19.65%) (MI US23BusAnn only) US24Bus (Peru, IN): 30.34 of 30.34 mi (100.00%) (IN US24BusPer only) US24Bus (Wabash, IN): 4.16 of 4.16 mi (100.00%) (IN US24BusWab only) US25Bus (Greenwood, SC): 4.79 of 4.79 mi (100.00%) (SC US25BusGre only) US25Bus (Hendersonville, NC): 1.49 of 12.00 mi (12.41%) (NC US25BusHen only) US25Bus (Dry Ridge, KY): 2.20 of 2.20 mi (100.00%) (KY US25BusDry only) US29Bus (Winder, GA): 15.37 of 17.66 mi (87.03%) (GA US29BusWin only) US29Bus (Reidsville, NC): 7.57 of 18.64 mi (40.58%) (NC US29BusRei only) US30Bus (Fremont, NE): 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) (NE US30BusFre only) US30Bus (Marshalltown, IA): 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%) (IA US30BusMar only) US30Bus (Toledo, IA): 4.52 of 4.52 mi (100.00%) (IA US30BusTol only) US30BusTrk (Downingtown, PA): 1.78 of 3.55 mi (50.10%) (PA US30BusTrkDow only) US31Bus (Peru, IN): 10.84 of 10.84 mi (100.00%) (IN US31BusPer only) US31Bus (South Bend, IN): 11.94 of 11.94 mi (100.00%) (IN US31BusSou only) US31Bus (Muskegon, MI): 9.70 of 9.70 mi (100.00%) (MI US31BusMus only) US31Bus (Montague, MI): 4.71 of 4.71 mi (100.00%) (MI US31BusMon only) US31Bus (Hart, MI): 2.17 of 2.17 mi (100.00%) (MI US31BusHar only) US31Bus (Pentwater, MI): 6.91 of 6.91 mi (100.00%) (MI US31BusPen only) US31Bus (Ludington, MI): 3.18 of 3.18 mi (100.00%) (MI US31BusLud only) US31ETrk (Bardstown, KY): 4.31 of 7.63 mi (56.46%) (KY US31ETrkBar only) US31WTrk (Elizabethtown, KY): 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%) (KY US31WTrkEli only) US35Bus (Xenia, OH): 5.41 of 5.41 mi (100.00%) (OH US35BusXen only) US36Bus (Brookfield, MO): 0.94 of 2.69 mi (35.17%) (MO US36BusBro only) US36Bus (Monroe City, MO): 1.51 of 2.40 mi (63.18%) (MO US36BusMon only) US40Alt (Cumberland, MD): 2.17 of 31.18 mi (6.95%) (MD US40AltCum only) US40Sce (Piney Grove, MD): 1.93 of 15.77 mi (12.22%) (MD US40ScePin only) US41Alt (Dixon, KY): 1.52 of 50.37 mi (3.01%) (KY US41AltDix only) US50Bus (Belpre, OH): 0.16 of 6.00 mi (2.71%) (OH US50BusBel only) US50Trk (Cincinnati, OH): 0.32 of 8.58 mi (3.71%) (OH US50TrkCin only) US51Bus (Bloomington, IL): 3.87 of 8.89 mi (43.53%) (IL US51BusBlo only) US52Byp (Jamestown, ND): 1.87 of 5.36 mi (34.97%) (ND US52BypJam only) US52Trk (Williamson, WV): 0.34 of 0.34 mi (100.00%) (WV US52TrkWil only) US52Trk (Bluefield, WV): 3.91 of 3.91 mi (100.00%) (WV US52TrkBlu only) US52Bus (Mount Airy, NC): 1.62 of 5.20 mi (31.09%) (NC US52BusMou only) US52Trk (Florence, SC): 1.29 of 4.88 mi (26.48%) (SC US52TrkFlo only) US53Bus (Superior, WI): 1.74 of 3.02 mi (57.46%) (WI US53BusSup only) US54Bus (Louisiana, MO): 0.40 of 3.43 mi (11.79%) (MO US54BusLou only) US58Alt (Abingdon, VA): 10.13 of 84.54 mi (11.99%) (VA US58AltAbi only) US60Bus (Dexter, MO): 1.34 of 4.02 mi (33.41%) (MO US60BusDex only) US61Bus (Fort Madison, IA): 9.10 of 9.10 mi (100.00%) (IA US61BusFtM only) US61Bus (Muscatine, IA): 1.30 of 5.71 mi (22.74%) (IA US61BusMus only) US62Trk (Elizabethtown, KY): 3.86 of 4.59 mi (84.06%) (KY US62TrkEli only) US63Bus (Ottumwa, IA): 1.41 of 6.95 mi (20.33%) (IA US63BusOtt only) US64Byp (Cleveland, TN): 5.21 of 6.75 mi (77.23%) (TN US64BypCle only) US64Trk (Henderson, NC): 36.84 of 78.86 mi (46.72%) (NC US64TrkHen only) US65Bus (Ozark, MO): 4.01 of 4.01 mi (100.00%) (MO US65BusOza only) US68Bus (Paris, KY): 2.77 of 2.77 mi (100.00%) (KY US68BusPar only) US70Bus (Smithfield, NC): 12.01 of 23.89 mi (50.26%) (NC US70BusSmi only) US74Alt (Asheville, NC): 4.39 of 53.89 mi (8.15%) (NC US74AltAsh only) US74Bus (Forest City, NC): 5.13 of 21.32 mi (24.06%) (NC US74BusFor only) US74Bus (Rockingham, NC): 14.02 of 14.02 mi (100.00%) (NC US74BusRoc only) US81Bus (McPherson, KS): 2.59 of 7.57 mi (34.22%) (KS US81BusMcP only) US83Byp (Minot, ND): 2.50 of 7.96 mi (31.39%) (ND US83BypMin only) US84Bus (Snyder, TX): 10.14 of 10.14 mi (100.00%) (TX US84BusSny only) US87Bus (Cheyenne, WY): 1.12 of 7.91 mi (14.16%) (WY US87BusChe only) US93Alt (Wendover, NV): 58.60 of 118.62 mi (49.40%) (NV US93AltWen only) US95Alt (Yerington, NV): 35.02 of 106.96 mi (32.74%) (NV US95AltYer only) US119Spr (Williamson, WV): 0.05 of 0.05 mi (100.00%) (KY US119SprWil only) US127Byp (Danville, KY): 5.13 of 5.13 mi (100.00%) (KY US127BypDan only) US127Bus (Jackson, MI): 6.30 of 6.30 mi (100.00%) (MI US127BusJac only) US127Bus (Saint Louis, MI): 2.77 of 4.61 mi (60.10%) (MI US127BusStL only) US127Bus (Mount Pleasant, MI): 1.03 of 5.66 mi (18.23%) (MI US127BusMou only) US131Bus (Constantine, MI): 3.93 of 3.93 mi (100.00%) (MI US131BusCon only) US131Bus (Three Rivers, MI): 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (MI US131BusThr only) US131Bus (Kalamazoo, MI): 4.44 of 4.44 mi (100.00%) (MI US131BusKal only) US131Bus (Big Rapids, MI): 7.54 of 7.54 mi (100.00%) (MI US131BusBig only) US131Bus (Cadillac, MI): 5.39 of 5.39 mi (100.00%) (MI US131BusCad only) US150Byp (Danville, KY): 3.12 of 5.41 mi (57.74%) (KY US150BypDan only) US151Bus (Cedar Rapids, IA): 0.40 of 12.85 mi (3.15%) (IA US151BusCed only) US151Bus (Mineral Point, WI): 2.37 of 3.47 mi (68.31%) (WI US151BusMin only) US151Bus (Sun Prairie, WI): 1.93 of 2.91 mi (66.06%) (WI US151BusSun only) US169Bus (Fort Dodge, IA): 1.64 of 3.27 mi (50.19%) (IA US169BusFor only) US178Bus (Greenwood, SC): 4.79 of 4.79 mi (100.00%) (SC US178BusGre only) US220Bus (Asheboro, NC): 7.81 of 20.29 mi (38.48%) (NC US220BusAsh only) US220Alt (Milesburg, PA): 2.75 of 22.23 mi (12.37%) (PA US220AltMil only) US220Bus (Altoona, PA): 1.58 of 37.97 mi (4.17%) (PA US220BusAlt only) US221Trk (Laurens, SC): 1.77 of 5.36 mi (33.07%) (SC US221TrkLau only) US221Bus (Marion, NC): 1.74 of 4.85 mi (35.92%) (NC US221BusMar only) US223Bus (Adrian, MI): 3.75 of 3.75 mi (100.00%) (MI US223BusAdr only) US264Alt (Wilson, NC): 1.61 of 64.56 mi (2.50%) (NC US264AltWil only) US275Bus (Fremont, NE): 9.63 of 9.63 mi (100.00%) (NE US275BusFre only) US281Byp (Jamestown, ND): 1.87 of 5.36 mi (34.97%) (ND US281BypJam only) US287Bus (Fort Worth, TX): 10.39 of 36.24 mi (28.66%) (TX US287BusFtW only) US301Bus (Rocky Mount, NC): 7.60 of 7.60 mi (100.00%) (NC US301BusRoc only) US322Trk (Downingtown, PA): 4.71 of 15.07 mi (31.27%) (PA US322TrkDow only) US412Trk (Guymon, OK): 0.94 of 1.80 mi (52.47%) (OK US412TrkGuy only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 113 of 1096 (10.3%), clinched: 47 of 1096 (4.3%). System usaaz (active) overall: 137.65 of 3359.15 mi (4.10%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ64: 56.96 of 108.07 mi (52.71%) (AZ AZ64 only) AZ66: 62.39 of 62.39 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ66 only) AZ77: 6.01 of 251.80 mi (2.39%) (AZ AZ77 only) AZ87: 3.58 of 286.67 mi (1.25%) (AZ AZ87 only) AZ99: 8.71 of 60.65 mi (14.36%) (AZ AZ99 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 5 of 73 (6.8%), clinched: 1 of 73 (1.4%). System usaar (active) overall: 57.82 of 11964.92 mi (0.48%) System usaar by region: AR: 57.82 of 11964.88 mi (0.48%) TX: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) System usaar by route (traveled routes only): AR1 (Jonesboro): 52.20 of 194.78 mi (26.80%) (AR AR1 only) AR90: 3.59 of 89.00 mi (4.03%) (AR AR90 only) AR117: 1.14 of 21.87 mi (5.22%) (AR AR117 only) AR119 (Marie): 1.17 of 10.82 mi (10.81%) (AR AR119Mar only) AR139 (Piggott): 1.74 of 44.10 mi (3.95%) (AR AR139 only) AR150: 0.10 of 14.27 mi (0.67%) (AR AR150 only) AR175: 3.02 of 24.23 mi (12.47%) (AR AR175 only) AR228 (Sedgwick): 0.19 of 15.72 mi (1.21%) (AR AR228 only) AR351 ((North) Jonesboro): 0.46 of 14.15 mi (3.22%) (AR AR351 only) AR358: 0.53 of 13.86 mi (3.84%) (AR AR358 only) System usaar connected routes traveled: 10 of 802 (1.2%), clinched: 0 of 802 (0.0%). System usaco (active) overall: 14.97 of 4636.23 mi (0.32%) System usaco by route (traveled routes only): CO71: 1.99 of 237.11 mi (0.84%) (CO CO71 only) CO88: 2.24 of 21.69 mi (10.33%) (CO CO88 only) CO96: 10.73 of 207.05 mi (5.18%) (CO CO96 only) System usaco connected routes traveled: 3 of 141 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 141 (0.0%). System usade (active) overall: 13.77 of 874.87 mi (1.57%) System usade by route (traveled routes only): DE6: 0.29 of 17.41 mi (1.69%) (DE DE6 only) DE14Trk (Harrington): 2.04 of 3.97 mi (51.42%) (DE DE14TrkHar only) DE15: 0.16 of 57.10 mi (0.28%) (DE DE15 only) DE20: 0.87 of 38.53 mi (2.25%) (DE DE20 only) DE72: 7.82 of 17.52 mi (44.63%) (DE DE72 only) DE404: 2.59 of 35.47 mi (7.29%) (DE DE404 only) System usade connected routes traveled: 6 of 62 (9.7%), clinched: 0 of 62 (0.0%). System usaga (active) overall: 871.18 of 16582.24 mi (5.25%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA1: 5.39 of 357.47 mi (1.51%) (GA GA1 only) GA2: 91.87 of 159.97 mi (57.43%) (GA GA2 only) GA3: 25.78 of 356.06 mi (7.24%) (GA GA3 only) GA4: 45.54 of 226.04 mi (20.15%) (GA GA4 only) GA4Bus (Waycross): 9.74 of 9.74 mi (100.00%) (GA GA4BusWay only) GA5: 48.43 of 155.48 mi (31.15%) (GA GA5 only) GA7: 101.81 of 217.54 mi (46.80%) (GA GA7 only) GA8: 15.37 of 182.66 mi (8.41%) (GA GA8 only) GA11: 3.49 of 375.34 mi (0.93%) (GA GA11 only) GA12: 14.34 of 120.36 mi (11.92%) (GA GA12 only) GA15: 49.65 of 347.09 mi (14.30%) (GA GA15 only) GA16: 1.18 of 178.01 mi (0.66%) (GA GA16 only) GA17: 13.35 of 293.13 mi (4.55%) (GA GA17 only) GA19: 0.36 of 152.49 mi (0.24%) (GA GA19 only) GA20: 2.00 of 164.77 mi (1.22%) (GA GA20 only) GA21: 2.11 of 85.01 mi (2.49%) (GA GA21 only) GA22: 29.67 of 222.83 mi (13.31%) (GA GA22 only) GA23: 88.32 of 242.74 mi (36.39%) (GA GA23 only) GA24: 0.67 of 221.97 mi (0.30%) (GA GA24 only) GA30: 55.37 of 231.37 mi (23.93%) (GA GA30 only) GA31: 1.48 of 169.41 mi (0.87%) (GA GA31 only) GA32: 3.06 of 190.63 mi (1.61%) (GA GA32 only) GA35: 1.43 of 93.23 mi (1.53%) (GA GA35 only) GA36: 0.28 of 93.95 mi (0.30%) (GA GA36 only) GA38: 83.47 of 262.53 mi (31.80%) (GA GA38 only) GA41: 0.81 of 133.95 mi (0.60%) (GA GA41 only) GA42: 20.58 of 114.11 mi (18.04%) (GA GA42 only) GA49: 0.36 of 122.45 mi (0.30%) (GA GA49 only) GA52: 9.70 of 113.22 mi (8.56%) (GA GA52 only) GA53: 2.37 of 167.60 mi (1.41%) (GA GA53 only) GA57: 21.28 of 178.68 mi (11.91%) (GA GA57 only) GA61: 6.74 of 106.98 mi (6.30%) (GA GA61 only) GA64: 0.10 of 45.23 mi (0.22%) (GA GA64 only) GA67: 1.10 of 60.21 mi (1.83%) (GA GA67 only) GA73: 76.49 of 79.34 mi (96.41%) (GA GA73 only) GA73Lp (Sylvania): 3.05 of 3.05 mi (100.00%) (GA GA73LpSyl only) GA75: 3.09 of 31.92 mi (9.67%) (GA GA75 only) GA87: 34.64 of 107.99 mi (32.08%) (GA GA87 only) GA90: 11.55 of 154.24 mi (7.49%) (GA GA90 only) GA121: 14.24 of 241.37 mi (5.90%) (GA GA121 only) GA122: 0.93 of 99.20 mi (0.94%) (GA GA122 only) GA125: 0.93 of 73.01 mi (1.28%) (GA GA125 only) GA135: 0.74 of 130.80 mi (0.57%) (GA GA135 only) GA140: 0.41 of 77.45 mi (0.53%) (GA GA140 only) GA151: 0.83 of 31.78 mi (2.61%) (GA GA151 only) GA165: 8.51 of 37.78 mi (22.54%) (GA GA165 only) GA196: 7.01 of 39.43 mi (17.78%) (GA GA196 only) GA201: 2.70 of 20.96 mi (12.86%) (GA GA201 only) GA215: 5.17 of 38.78 mi (13.33%) (GA GA215 only) GA282: 19.06 of 19.06 mi (100.00%) (GA GA282 only) GA365: 6.05 of 45.57 mi (13.27%) (GA GA365 only) GA515: 49.77 of 75.83 mi (65.64%) (GA GA515 only) GA520: 80.46 of 262.45 mi (30.66%) (GA GA520 only) GA540: 47.10 of 216.32 mi (21.77%) (GA GA540 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 54 of 502 (10.8%), clinched: 3 of 502 (0.6%). System usaia (active) overall: 600.92 of 5149.02 mi (11.67%) System usaia by route (traveled routes only): IA1: 3.65 of 120.55 mi (3.02%) (IA IA1 only) IA4: 0.78 of 148.90 mi (0.53%) (IA IA4 only) IA9: 0.18 of 299.29 mi (0.06%) (IA IA9 only) IA14: 3.46 of 191.05 mi (1.81%) (IA IA14 only) IA17: 5.68 of 104.50 mi (5.44%) (IA IA17 only) IA21: 5.46 of 98.63 mi (5.54%) (IA IA21 only) IA22: 55.64 of 98.56 mi (56.45%) (IA IA22 only) IA25: 10.66 of 105.05 mi (10.15%) (IA IA25 only) IA26: 11.28 of 11.28 mi (100.00%) (IA IA26 only) IA27: 148.30 of 285.74 mi (51.90%) (IA IA27 only) IA37: 4.41 of 39.97 mi (11.03%) (IA IA37 only) IA38: 6.52 of 99.74 mi (6.54%) (IA IA38 only) IA39: 5.92 of 24.84 mi (23.81%) (IA IA39 only) IA44: 11.68 of 105.46 mi (11.07%) (IA IA44 only) IA58: 1.11 of 11.86 mi (9.35%) (IA IA58 only) IA64: 4.20 of 63.55 mi (6.60%) (IA IA64 only) IA70: 2.94 of 24.06 mi (12.22%) (IA IA70 only) IA76: 8.49 of 48.08 mi (17.66%) (IA IA76 only) IA92: 5.27 of 282.97 mi (1.86%) (IA IA92 only) IA136: 11.31 of 97.62 mi (11.59%) (IA IA136 only) IA141: 94.89 of 156.22 mi (60.74%) (IA IA141 only) IA144: 16.68 of 34.72 mi (48.04%) (IA IA144 only) IA163: 161.51 of 166.94 mi (96.75%) (IA IA163 only) IA175: 8.43 of 223.77 mi (3.77%) (IA IA175 only) IA191: 22.51 of 22.51 mi (100.00%) (IA IA191 only) IA330: 5.64 of 48.60 mi (11.59%) (IA IA330 only) System usaia connected routes traveled: 26 of 90 (28.9%), clinched: 2 of 90 (2.2%). System usaid (active) overall: 26.91 of 2399.54 mi (1.12%) System usaid by route (traveled routes only): ID25: 7.15 of 58.45 mi (12.24%) (ID ID25 only) ID34: 7.17 of 104.12 mi (6.88%) (ID ID34 only) ID55: 12.59 of 145.87 mi (8.63%) (ID ID55 only) System usaid connected routes traveled: 3 of 69 (4.3%), clinched: 0 of 69 (0.0%). System usail (active) overall: 3091.96 of 9010.94 mi (34.31%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL1: 177.14 of 328.72 mi (53.89%) (IL IL1 only) IL2: 26.64 of 70.50 mi (37.79%) (IL IL2 only) IL3: 101.01 of 189.46 mi (53.32%) (IL IL3 only) IL4: 15.12 of 171.94 mi (8.79%) (IL IL4 only) IL5: 3.99 of 15.74 mi (25.34%) (IL IL5 only) IL6: 9.99 of 9.99 mi (100.00%) (IL IL6 only) IL7: 4.79 of 28.50 mi (16.80%) (IL IL7 only) IL8: 0.49 of 44.03 mi (1.11%) (IL IL8 only) IL9: 20.93 of 221.26 mi (9.46%) (IL IL9 only) IL10: 1.07 of 92.71 mi (1.16%) (IL IL10 only) IL14: 0.87 of 76.84 mi (1.13%) (IL IL14 only) IL15: 2.87 of 146.01 mi (1.96%) (IL IL15 only) IL16: 32.09 of 175.42 mi (18.29%) (IL IL16 only) IL17: 165.12 of 212.21 mi (77.81%) (IL IL17 only) IL18: 9.55 of 38.46 mi (24.84%) (IL IL18 only) IL19: 4.48 of 34.01 mi (13.19%) (IL IL19 only) IL21: 7.32 of 28.65 mi (25.55%) (IL IL21 only) IL23: 124.72 of 124.72 mi (100.00%) (IL IL23 only) IL26: 99.46 of 140.22 mi (70.93%) (IL IL26 only) IL29: 74.78 of 173.80 mi (43.03%) (IL IL29 only) IL31: 33.21 of 57.90 mi (57.35%) (IL IL31 only) IL32: 2.87 of 70.12 mi (4.09%) (IL IL32 only) IL33: 19.73 of 97.50 mi (20.24%) (IL IL33 only) IL35: 2.04 of 2.04 mi (100.00%) (IL IL35 only) IL37: 110.60 of 156.50 mi (70.67%) (IL IL37 only) IL38: 89.78 of 89.78 mi (100.00%) (IL IL38 only) IL40: 71.55 of 113.49 mi (63.05%) (IL IL40 only) IL41: 38.03 of 38.03 mi (100.00%) (IL IL41 only) IL43: 11.23 of 61.05 mi (18.39%) (IL IL43 only) IL47: 30.59 of 172.17 mi (17.77%) (IL IL47 only) IL48: 55.47 of 86.40 mi (64.20%) (IL IL48 only) IL49: 143.04 of 143.04 mi (100.00%) (IL IL49 only) IL50: 50.78 of 66.22 mi (76.69%) (IL IL50 only) IL53: 73.12 of 81.39 mi (89.84%) (IL IL53 only) IL54: 110.37 of 110.37 mi (100.00%) (IL IL54 only) IL56: 31.66 of 32.81 mi (96.49%) (IL IL56 only) IL59: 38.61 of 72.06 mi (53.58%) (IL IL59 only) IL64: 140.08 of 140.08 mi (100.00%) (IL IL64 only) IL64Trk (Elmhurst): 4.26 of 9.73 mi (43.83%) (IL IL64TrkElm only) IL71: 16.39 of 68.22 mi (24.03%) (IL IL71 only) IL72: 92.08 of 111.30 mi (82.73%) (IL IL72 only) IL73: 29.79 of 29.79 mi (100.00%) (IL IL73 only) IL78: 11.72 of 217.03 mi (5.40%) (IL IL78 only) IL82: 0.62 of 28.80 mi (2.16%) (IL IL82 only) IL83: 61.14 of 93.30 mi (65.53%) (IL IL83 only) IL84: 91.94 of 93.91 mi (97.90%) (IL IL84 only) IL89: 28.29 of 56.06 mi (50.46%) (IL IL89 only) IL90: 16.01 of 16.01 mi (100.00%) (IL IL90 only) IL91: 10.30 of 41.21 mi (25.00%) (IL IL91 only) IL92: 15.54 of 102.17 mi (15.21%) (IL IL92 only) IL94: 10.31 of 131.45 mi (7.84%) (IL IL94 only) IL96: 20.01 of 142.76 mi (14.02%) (IL IL96 only) IL97: 27.05 of 101.06 mi (26.77%) (IL IL97 only) IL102: 18.53 of 18.53 mi (100.00%) (IL IL102 only) IL104: 3.98 of 127.31 mi (3.13%) (IL IL104 only) IL105: 33.57 of 37.53 mi (89.46%) (IL IL105 only) IL106: 22.92 of 66.63 mi (34.41%) (IL IL106 only) IL110: 240.16 of 329.15 mi (72.96%) (IL IL110 only) IL111: 2.45 of 82.88 mi (2.95%) (IL IL111 only) IL113: 34.35 of 34.35 mi (100.00%) (IL IL113 only) IL114: 7.26 of 7.26 mi (100.00%) (IL IL114 only) IL115: 64.73 of 64.73 mi (100.00%) (IL IL115 only) IL116: 96.55 of 177.51 mi (54.39%) (IL IL116 only) IL117: 11.42 of 34.35 mi (33.26%) (IL IL117 only) IL119: 7.84 of 7.84 mi (100.00%) (IL IL119 only) IL121: 16.44 of 110.43 mi (14.89%) (IL IL121 only) IL122: 3.29 of 31.83 mi (10.33%) (IL IL122 only) IL123: 2.50 of 34.26 mi (7.29%) (IL IL123 only) IL126: 16.28 of 16.28 mi (100.00%) (IL IL126 only) IL127: 4.62 of 168.40 mi (2.74%) (IL IL127 only) IL128: 4.18 of 56.79 mi (7.37%) (IL IL128 only) IL129: 4.00 of 4.00 mi (100.00%) (IL IL129 only) IL130: 0.87 of 138.34 mi (0.63%) (IL IL130 only) IL131: 15.33 of 15.33 mi (100.00%) (IL IL131 only) IL136: 3.27 of 3.27 mi (100.00%) (IL IL136 only) IL137: 22.52 of 23.99 mi (93.87%) (IL IL137 only) IL143: 3.62 of 48.21 mi (7.51%) (IL IL143 only) IL146: 15.64 of 93.36 mi (16.75%) (IL IL146 only) IL148: 16.42 of 55.71 mi (29.47%) (IL IL148 only) IL154: 0.70 of 63.92 mi (1.10%) (IL IL154 only) IL158: 0.74 of 25.94 mi (2.84%) (IL IL158 only) IL160: 0.51 of 46.58 mi (1.09%) (IL IL160 only) IL164: 3.66 of 36.30 mi (10.07%) (IL IL164 only) IL170: 2.05 of 25.55 mi (8.04%) (IL IL170 only) IL171: 39.08 of 39.08 mi (100.00%) (IL IL171 only) IL173: 0.52 of 66.84 mi (0.77%) (IL IL173 only) IL176: 24.58 of 41.74 mi (58.88%) (IL IL176 only) IL185: 6.80 of 50.30 mi (13.51%) (IL IL185 only) IL250: 12.79 of 33.57 mi (38.08%) (IL IL250 only) IL251: 65.95 of 136.83 mi (48.20%) (IL IL251 only) IL267: 8.30 of 55.51 mi (14.94%) (IL IL267 only) IL351: 0.17 of 8.66 mi (1.91%) (IL IL351 only) IL394: 14.48 of 14.48 mi (100.00%) (IL IL394 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 93 of 157 (59.2%), clinched: 21 of 157 (13.4%). System usain (active) overall: 3047.65 of 7536.04 mi (40.44%) System usain by route (traveled routes only): IN1: 185.22 of 205.08 mi (90.32%) (IN IN1 only) IN2: 81.18 of 81.18 mi (100.00%) (IN IN2 only) IN3 (Muncie): 139.84 of 180.91 mi (77.30%) (IN IN3 only) IN3 (Kendallville): 45.06 of 45.06 mi (100.00%) (IN IN3Ken only) IN3Bus (Muncie): 8.02 of 8.02 mi (100.00%) (IN IN3BusMun only) IN4 (La Porte): 26.70 of 26.70 mi (100.00%) (IN IN4 only) IN4 (Goshen): 5.60 of 5.60 mi (100.00%) (IN IN4Gos only) IN4 (Ashley): 6.08 of 6.08 mi (100.00%) (IN IN4Ash only) IN5: 97.01 of 97.01 mi (100.00%) (IN IN5 only) IN7: 25.48 of 40.60 mi (62.77%) (IN IN7 only) IN8 (Knox): 43.70 of 43.70 mi (100.00%) (IN IN8 only) IN8 (Auburn): 34.93 of 34.93 mi (100.00%) (IN IN8Aub only) IN9: 137.51 of 191.51 mi (71.80%) (IN IN9 only) IN9Trk (Shelbyville): 2.77 of 6.02 mi (46.07%) (IN IN9TrkShe only) IN10: 85.24 of 85.24 mi (100.00%) (IN IN10 only) IN13: 122.55 of 139.39 mi (87.92%) (IN IN13 only) IN14: 108.26 of 125.14 mi (86.52%) (IN IN14 only) IN15: 95.98 of 95.98 mi (100.00%) (IN IN15 only) IN15Trk (Wabash): 0.40 of 0.40 mi (100.00%) (IN IN15TrkWab only) IN16: 64.58 of 106.98 mi (60.36%) (IN IN16 only) IN17: 51.03 of 51.03 mi (100.00%) (IN IN17 only) IN18: 62.31 of 142.28 mi (43.79%) (IN IN18 only) IN19: 147.30 of 147.30 mi (100.00%) (IN IN19 only) IN22 (Burlington): 11.63 of 11.63 mi (100.00%) (IN IN22Bur only) IN22 (Upland): 33.61 of 33.61 mi (100.00%) (IN IN22 only) IN23: 50.68 of 50.68 mi (100.00%) (IN IN23 only) IN25 (Westpoint): 13.09 of 31.06 mi (42.13%) (IN IN25Wes only) IN25 (Logansport): 86.25 of 86.25 mi (100.00%) (IN IN25 only) IN26 (West Lafayette): 0.80 of 32.71 mi (2.45%) (IN IN26WLa only) IN26 (Kokomo): 40.33 of 112.13 mi (35.97%) (IN IN26 only) IN28: 104.20 of 154.76 mi (67.33%) (IN IN28 only) IN28Trk (Albany): 0.90 of 1.25 mi (71.89%) (IN IN28TrkAlb only) IN29: 31.79 of 31.79 mi (100.00%) (IN IN29 only) IN32: 49.07 of 158.12 mi (31.03%) (IN IN32 only) IN37 (Bloomington): 114.29 of 215.15 mi (53.12%) (IN IN37 only) IN38 (Lafayette): 11.29 of 16.63 mi (67.88%) (IN IN38Laf only) IN38 (Noblesville): 30.75 of 95.68 mi (32.13%) (IN IN38 only) IN39 (Delphi): 80.21 of 181.10 mi (44.29%) (IN IN39 only) IN43 (Brookstown): 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) (IN IN43 only) IN44 (Shelbyville): 1.22 of 67.94 mi (1.80%) (IN IN44 only) IN46: 8.08 of 155.29 mi (5.20%) (IN IN46 only) IN47: 1.94 of 64.50 mi (3.01%) (IN IN47 only) IN49: 44.50 of 44.50 mi (100.00%) (IN IN49 only) IN51: 5.73 of 9.66 mi (59.32%) (IN IN51 only) IN53: 1.25 of 14.43 mi (8.66%) (IN IN53 only) IN54: 4.08 of 54.20 mi (7.53%) (IN IN54 only) IN55: 66.71 of 111.25 mi (59.96%) (IN IN55 only) IN56: 15.94 of 189.02 mi (8.43%) (IN IN56 only) IN57: 5.54 of 83.29 mi (6.66%) (IN IN57 only) IN58: 4.59 of 117.66 mi (3.90%) (IN IN58 only) IN62: 11.64 of 219.29 mi (5.31%) (IN IN62 only) IN63 (Fairview Park): 63.56 of 63.56 mi (100.00%) (IN IN63 only) IN66: 1.60 of 148.93 mi (1.07%) (IN IN66 only) IN67: 132.78 of 219.53 mi (60.48%) (IN IN67 only) IN67Bus (Muncie): 9.39 of 9.39 mi (100.00%) (IN IN67BusMun only) IN75 (Flora): 4.37 of 23.03 mi (18.98%) (IN IN75Flo only) IN101 (Brookville): 0.18 of 16.57 mi (1.11%) (IN IN101Bro only) IN101 (Woodburn): 19.34 of 45.47 mi (42.53%) (IN IN101 only) IN103: 0.12 of 14.30 mi (0.83%) (IN IN103 only) IN104: 9.55 of 9.55 mi (100.00%) (IN IN104 only) IN105: 32.39 of 32.39 mi (100.00%) (IN IN105 only) IN106: 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%) (IN IN106 only) IN109 (Columbia City): 11.73 of 11.73 mi (100.00%) (IN IN109Col only) IN110 (De Motte): 2.54 of 2.54 mi (100.00%) (IN IN110DeM only) IN110 (Walnut): 16.70 of 16.70 mi (100.00%) (IN IN110 only) IN114 (North Manchester): 36.72 of 36.72 mi (100.00%) (IN IN114NMa only) IN115: 3.44 of 3.44 mi (100.00%) (IN IN115 only) IN116: 14.47 of 31.90 mi (45.37%) (IN IN116 only) IN117: 3.94 of 3.94 mi (100.00%) (IN IN117 only) IN119 (Winamac): 13.49 of 18.17 mi (74.27%) (IN IN119 only) IN119 (Goshen): 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%) (IN IN119Gos only) IN120: 60.31 of 60.31 mi (100.00%) (IN IN120 only) IN124: 16.54 of 70.24 mi (23.54%) (IN IN124 only) IN127: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%) (IN IN127 only) IN129: 0.48 of 46.56 mi (1.03%) (IN IN129 only) IN130: 1.02 of 7.91 mi (12.88%) (IN IN130 only) IN149: 8.90 of 8.90 mi (100.00%) (IN IN149 only) IN152: 2.53 of 2.53 mi (100.00%) (IN IN152 only) IN157: 0.04 of 24.74 mi (0.15%) (IN IN157 only) IN205: 32.32 of 32.32 mi (100.00%) (IN IN205 only) IN212: 3.34 of 3.34 mi (100.00%) (IN IN212 only) IN218 (Deer Creek): 41.00 of 41.00 mi (100.00%) (IN IN218Dee only) IN218 (Warren): 16.27 of 50.67 mi (32.12%) (IN IN218 only) IN225: 3.71 of 3.71 mi (100.00%) (IN IN225 only) IN227: 2.69 of 38.01 mi (7.08%) (IN IN227 only) IN232: 2.01 of 2.01 mi (100.00%) (IN IN232 only) IN236 (Roachdale): 0.50 of 40.82 mi (1.23%) (IN IN236 only) IN240: 8.54 of 10.23 mi (83.44%) (IN IN240 only) IN249: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%) (IN IN249 only) IN252 (Edinburgh): 3.77 of 39.99 mi (9.42%) (IN IN252 only) IN263: 10.18 of 12.98 mi (78.38%) (IN IN263 only) IN312: 3.08 of 3.08 mi (100.00%) (IN IN312 only) IN327: 29.79 of 31.85 mi (93.55%) (IN IN327 only) IN331: 44.03 of 44.03 mi (100.00%) (IN IN331 only) IN332: 7.57 of 7.57 mi (100.00%) (IN IN332 only) IN341: 0.61 of 22.70 mi (2.71%) (IN IN341 only) IN352: 0.52 of 20.19 mi (2.56%) (IN IN352 only) IN427: 0.84 of 15.64 mi (5.37%) (IN IN427 only) IN520: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) (IN IN520 only) IN524: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%) (IN IN524 only) IN912: 9.71 of 11.37 mi (85.37%) (IN IN912 only) IN930: 12.93 of 12.93 mi (100.00%) (IN IN930 only) IN931 (Kokomo): 11.08 of 11.08 mi (100.00%) (IN IN931 only) IN931 (Lakeville): 9.88 of 9.88 mi (100.00%) (IN IN931Lak only) IN933: 16.99 of 16.99 mi (100.00%) (IN IN933 only) System usain connected routes traveled: 105 of 223 (47.1%), clinched: 52 of 223 (23.3%). System usaks (active) overall: 252.86 of 5412.33 mi (4.67%) System usaks by route (traveled routes only): KS4: 17.43 of 372.67 mi (4.68%) (KS KS4 only) KS14Trk (Ellsworth): 2.33 of 2.85 mi (81.57%) (KS KS14TrkEll only) KS18: 7.95 of 208.02 mi (3.82%) (KS KS18 only) KS23: 6.10 of 202.89 mi (3.01%) (KS KS23 only) KS27: 0.54 of 230.14 mi (0.23%) (KS KS27 only) KS96: 33.16 of 304.50 mi (10.89%) (KS KS96 only) KS140: 33.17 of 33.70 mi (98.44%) (KS KS140 only) KS156: 166.27 of 178.97 mi (92.90%) (KS KS156 only) System usaks connected routes traveled: 8 of 182 (4.4%), clinched: 0 of 182 (0.0%). System usaky (active) overall: 450.85 of 21877.84 mi (2.06%) System usaky by region: KY: 450.85 of 21877.84 mi (2.06%) TN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi (0.00%) System usaky by route (traveled routes only): KY3: 2.10 of 70.02 mi (2.99%) (KY KY3 only) KY4: 19.47 of 19.47 mi (100.00%) (KY KY4 only) KY7: 19.99 of 182.48 mi (10.96%) (KY KY7 only) KY8 (Vanceburg): 0.98 of 35.07 mi (2.81%) (KY KY8Van only) KY8S (South Portsmouth): 0.44 of 0.44 mi (100.00%) (KY KY8SSPo only) KY10: 0.31 of 112.47 mi (0.27%) (KY KY10 only) KY11: 22.27 of 175.00 mi (12.73%) (KY KY11 only) KY14: 3.27 of 19.48 mi (16.79%) (KY KY14 only) KY16: 1.77 of 34.71 mi (5.09%) (KY KY16 only) KY21: 1.12 of 16.98 mi (6.61%) (KY KY21 only) KY22: 6.92 of 105.33 mi (6.57%) (KY KY22 only) KY22Bus (Dry Ridge): 1.99 of 2.33 mi (85.51%) (KY KY22BusDry only) KY26: 13.91 of 13.91 mi (100.00%) (KY KY26 only) KY29: 11.06 of 11.06 mi (100.00%) (KY KY29 only) KY30: 1.07 of 93.62 mi (1.14%) (KY KY30 only) KY32: 17.28 of 160.40 mi (10.77%) (KY KY32 only) KY33: 18.48 of 33.07 mi (55.88%) (KY KY33 only) KY34: 1.19 of 21.33 mi (5.57%) (KY KY34 only) KY36: 5.25 of 140.03 mi (3.75%) (KY KY36 only) KY52: 11.65 of 159.86 mi (7.29%) (KY KY52 only) KY55: 8.43 of 147.55 mi (5.71%) (KY KY55 only) KY56: 0.22 of 65.40 mi (0.34%) (KY KY56 only) KY57: 9.26 of 84.38 mi (10.97%) (KY KY57 only) KY61: 0.30 of 144.74 mi (0.21%) (KY KY61 only) KY66: 0.75 of 49.10 mi (1.53%) (KY KY66 only) KY67: 13.90 of 13.90 mi (100.00%) (KY KY67 only) KY70 (Madisonville): 0.79 of 137.75 mi (0.57%) (KY KY70 only) KY72 (Harlan): 0.17 of 8.39 mi (1.99%) (KY KY72 only) KY74Trk (Middlesboro): 1.07 of 4.85 mi (22.08%) (KY KY74TrkMid only) KY80: 136.44 of 475.61 mi (28.69%) (KY KY80 only) KY89: 0.55 of 67.70 mi (0.81%) (KY KY89 only) KY90 (Glasgow): 14.39 of 131.46 mi (10.95%) (KY KY90 only) KY92 (Monticello): 4.16 of 89.79 mi (4.63%) (KY KY92 only) KY93 (Eddyville): 0.71 of 22.63 mi (3.13%) (KY KY93 only) KY104: 0.06 of 13.76 mi (0.44%) (KY KY104 only) KY107: 0.28 of 57.07 mi (0.49%) (KY KY107 only) KY109: 2.47 of 88.47 mi (2.79%) (KY KY109 only) KY136 (Henderson): 2.44 of 36.72 mi (6.64%) (KY KY136 only) KY146: 25.31 of 32.78 mi (77.22%) (KY KY146 only) KY152: 0.70 of 48.23 mi (1.44%) (KY KY152 only) KY153: 2.90 of 8.18 mi (35.48%) (KY KY153 only) KY157: 2.34 of 9.36 mi (24.95%) (KY KY157 only) KY165: 3.29 of 28.16 mi (11.68%) (KY KY165 only) KY170: 5.73 of 11.95 mi (47.95%) (KY KY170 only) KY177: 16.07 of 28.26 mi (56.87%) (KY KY177 only) KY213: 0.16 of 25.45 mi (0.65%) (KY KY213 only) KY221: 0.80 of 40.31 mi (1.99%) (KY KY221 only) KY312: 0.21 of 10.71 mi (1.93%) (KY KY312 only) KY324: 1.63 of 10.53 mi (15.50%) (KY KY324 only) KY330: 7.04 of 35.27 mi (19.97%) (KY KY330 only) KY362: 0.07 of 14.75 mi (0.47%) (KY KY362 only) KY371: 0.09 of 6.61 mi (1.40%) (KY KY371 only) KY388: 12.50 of 12.50 mi (100.00%) (KY KY388 only) KY393: 0.23 of 11.13 mi (2.11%) (KY KY393 only) KY425: 0.78 of 5.53 mi (14.14%) (KY KY425 only) KY451: 0.20 of 17.35 mi (1.16%) (KY KY451 only) KY467: 1.15 of 45.28 mi (2.54%) (KY KY467 only) KY491: 0.90 of 15.82 mi (5.70%) (KY KY491 only) KY536: 0.47 of 28.10 mi (1.68%) (KY KY536 only) KY574: 3.16 of 13.31 mi (23.77%) (KY KY574 only) KY577: 0.79 of 24.21 mi (3.25%) (KY KY577 only) KY605: 0.87 of 12.03 mi (7.26%) (KY KY605 only) KY620: 0.24 of 18.60 mi (1.32%) (KY KY620 only) KY646: 0.07 of 15.69 mi (0.45%) (KY KY646 only) KY713: 1.01 of 31.32 mi (3.21%) (KY KY713 only) KY810: 0.08 of 7.43 mi (1.06%) (KY KY810 only) KY840: 0.09 of 5.43 mi (1.59%) (KY KY840 only) KY922: 0.49 of 20.95 mi (2.33%) (KY KY922 only) KY987: 0.15 of 34.51 mi (0.43%) (KY KY987 only) KY1054: 0.88 of 17.97 mi (4.87%) (KY KY1054 only) KY1072: 0.15 of 4.78 mi (3.20%) (KY KY1072 only) KY1081: 1.26 of 18.80 mi (6.68%) (KY KY1081 only) KY1100: 0.38 of 5.62 mi (6.77%) (KY KY1100 only) KY1223: 0.14 of 8.91 mi (1.54%) (KY KY1223 only) KY1273: 0.90 of 7.91 mi (11.36%) (KY KY1273 only) KY1426: 0.76 of 32.49 mi (2.34%) (KY KY1426 only) KY1448: 0.09 of 7.15 mi (1.20%) (KY KY1448 only) KY1455: 0.73 of 4.84 mi (15.15%) (KY KY1455 only) KY1470: 0.46 of 13.32 mi (3.43%) (KY KY1470 only) KY1606: 0.32 of 8.69 mi (3.64%) (KY KY1606 only) KY1629: 0.21 of 4.35 mi (4.82%) (KY KY1629 only) KY1642: 0.52 of 6.60 mi (7.84%) (KY KY1642 only) KY1822: 0.55 of 11.47 mi (4.79%) (KY KY1822 only) KY1930: 5.82 of 5.82 mi (100.00%) (KY KY1930 only) KY1973: 2.11 of 33.99 mi (6.20%) (KY KY1973 only) KY1980: 0.37 of 7.72 mi (4.82%) (KY KY1980 only) KY2417: 0.15 of 1.68 mi (8.69%) (KY KY2417 only) KY2565: 0.47 of 4.00 mi (11.68%) (KY KY2565 only) KY2750: 0.32 of 4.21 mi (7.53%) (KY KY2750 only) KY3041: 5.64 of 5.64 mi (100.00%) (KY KY3041 only) KY3085: 1.29 of 5.42 mi (23.79%) (KY KY3085 only) KY3364: 0.64 of 9.72 mi (6.62%) (KY KY3364 only) KY3376: 0.48 of 12.39 mi (3.83%) (KY KY3376 only) System usaky connected routes traveled: 93 of 2865 (3.2%), clinched: 8 of 2865 (0.3%). System usakyp (active) overall: 278.60 of 507.23 mi (54.93%) System usakyp by route (traveled routes only): ComMtnPkwy (Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway): 74.65 of 74.65 mi (100.00%) (KY ComMtnPkwy only) BluPkwy (Bluegrass Parkway): 71.96 of 71.96 mi (100.00%) (KY BluPkwy only) HalRogPkwy (Hal Rogers Parkway): 32.10 of 91.56 mi (35.06%) (KY HalRogPkwy only) WesKYPkwy (Western Kentucky Parkway): 99.88 of 99.88 mi (100.00%) (KY WesKYPkwy only) System usakyp connected routes traveled: 4 of 8 (50.0%), clinched: 3 of 8 (37.5%). System usala (active) overall: 0.53 of 13395.07 mi (0.00%) System usala by route (traveled routes only): LA169: 0.53 of 46.23 mi (1.15%) (LA LA169 only) System usala connected routes traveled: 1 of 1235 (0.1%), clinched: 0 of 1235 (0.0%). System usamd (active) overall: 39.47 of 3921.96 mi (1.01%) System usamd by route (traveled routes only): MD35: 2.29 of 2.29 mi (100.00%) (MD MD35 only) MD36: 1.98 of 28.32 mi (6.99%) (MD MD36 only) MD51: 24.88 of 24.88 mi (100.00%) (MD MD51 only) MD222: 10.32 of 10.99 mi (93.91%) (MD MD222 only) System usamd connected routes traveled: 4 of 473 (0.8%), clinched: 2 of 473 (0.4%). System usama (active) overall: 11.16 of 3316.17 mi (0.34%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA2: 2.79 of 139.71 mi (2.00%) (MA MA2 only) MA10: 4.44 of 60.08 mi (7.40%) (MA MA10 only) MA142: 3.93 of 3.93 mi (100.00%) (MA MA142 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 3 of 151 (2.0%), clinched: 1 of 151 (0.7%). System usami (active) overall: 3118.58 of 6061.00 mi (51.45%) System usami by route (traveled routes only): MI6: 19.26 of 19.26 mi (100.00%) (MI MI6 only) MI11: 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%) (MI MI11 only) MI14: 21.77 of 21.77 mi (100.00%) (MI MI14 only) MI15: 12.17 of 70.87 mi (17.17%) (MI MI15 only) MI17: 4.72 of 6.44 mi (73.24%) (MI MI17 only) MI19: 5.07 of 86.36 mi (5.87%) (MI MI19 only) MI20: 135.20 of 135.20 mi (100.00%) (MI MI20 only) MI21: 101.31 of 101.31 mi (100.00%) (MI MI21 only) MI25: 156.90 of 156.90 mi (100.00%) (MI MI25 only) MI28: 259.95 of 293.28 mi (88.64%) (MI MI28 only) MI28Bus (Ishpeming): 4.90 of 4.90 mi (100.00%) (MI MI28BusIsh only) MI29: 42.19 of 42.19 mi (100.00%) (MI MI29 only) MI32: 0.57 of 100.33 mi (0.57%) (MI MI32 only) MI34: 29.42 of 29.42 mi (100.00%) (MI MI34 only) MI35: 67.09 of 128.15 mi (52.35%) (MI MI35 only) MI36: 21.28 of 44.02 mi (48.34%) (MI MI36 only) MI37: 205.76 of 223.69 mi (91.98%) (MI MI37 only) MI40: 75.53 of 75.53 mi (100.00%) (MI MI40 only) MI43: 145.63 of 145.63 mi (100.00%) (MI MI43 only) MI44: 33.80 of 33.80 mi (100.00%) (MI MI44 only) MI44Con (Grand Rapids): 4.13 of 4.13 mi (100.00%) (MI MI44ConGra only) MI45: 24.72 of 24.72 mi (100.00%) (MI MI45 only) MI46: 203.06 of 203.06 mi (100.00%) (MI MI46 only) MI49: 25.99 of 25.99 mi (100.00%) (MI MI49 only) MI50: 142.22 of 142.22 mi (100.00%) (MI MI50 only) MI51: 40.90 of 40.90 mi (100.00%) (MI MI51 only) MI52: 75.07 of 129.02 mi (58.19%) (MI MI52 only) MI53: 0.40 of 123.09 mi (0.33%) (MI MI53 only) MI54: 7.47 of 27.47 mi (27.21%) (MI MI54 only) MI55: 71.51 of 153.20 mi (46.67%) (MI MI55 only) MI57: 107.16 of 107.16 mi (100.00%) (MI MI57 only) MI59: 61.03 of 61.03 mi (100.00%) (MI MI59 only) MI60: 105.80 of 105.80 mi (100.00%) (MI MI60 only) MI60Bus (Niles): 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%) (MI MI60BusNil only) MI62: 28.53 of 28.53 mi (100.00%) (MI MI62 only) MI63: 16.35 of 16.35 mi (100.00%) (MI MI63 only) MI64: 4.16 of 64.17 mi (6.48%) (MI MI64 only) MI66: 210.05 of 273.61 mi (76.77%) (MI MI66 only) MI72: 52.75 of 158.00 mi (33.39%) (MI MI72 only) MI77: 0.36 of 43.27 mi (0.84%) (MI MI77 only) MI78: 10.59 of 10.59 mi (100.00%) (MI MI78 only) MI79: 25.25 of 25.25 mi (100.00%) (MI MI79 only) MI82: 31.84 of 31.84 mi (100.00%) (MI MI82 only) MI86: 34.60 of 34.60 mi (100.00%) (MI MI86 only) MI89: 61.79 of 61.79 mi (100.00%) (MI MI89 only) MI91: 24.85 of 24.85 mi (100.00%) (MI MI91 only) MI93: 1.41 of 11.04 mi (12.76%) (MI MI93 only) MI94: 9.56 of 88.05 mi (10.85%) (MI MI94 only) MI96: 33.86 of 33.86 mi (100.00%) (MI MI96 only) MI99: 87.36 of 87.36 mi (100.00%) (MI MI99 only) MI100: 12.99 of 12.99 mi (100.00%) (MI MI100 only) MI103: 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (MI MI103 only) MI104: 7.06 of 7.36 mi (95.94%) (MI MI104 only) MI106: 27.74 of 27.74 mi (100.00%) (MI MI106 only) MI115: 50.11 of 97.77 mi (51.25%) (MI MI115 only) MI117: 14.80 of 14.80 mi (100.00%) (MI MI117 only) MI120: 28.19 of 28.19 mi (100.00%) (MI MI120 only) MI121: 13.11 of 13.11 mi (100.00%) (MI MI121 only) MI124: 7.76 of 7.76 mi (100.00%) (MI MI124 only) MI125: 19.87 of 19.87 mi (100.00%) (MI MI125 only) MI139: 26.66 of 26.66 mi (100.00%) (MI MI139 only) MI140: 38.00 of 38.00 mi (100.00%) (MI MI140 only) MI152: 7.84 of 7.84 mi (100.00%) (MI MI152 only) MI156: 10.86 of 10.86 mi (100.00%) (MI MI156 only) MI179: 16.98 of 16.98 mi (100.00%) (MI MI179 only) MI188: 4.98 of 4.98 mi (100.00%) (MI MI188 only) MI199: 4.01 of 4.01 mi (100.00%) (MI MI199 only) MI216: 9.49 of 9.49 mi (100.00%) (MI MI216 only) MI217: 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%) (MI MI217 only) MI222: 10.32 of 10.32 mi (100.00%) (MI MI222 only) MI227: 6.83 of 6.83 mi (100.00%) (MI MI227 only) MI231: 7.43 of 7.43 mi (100.00%) (MI MI231 only) MI239: 1.15 of 1.15 mi (100.00%) (MI MI239 only) MI294: 1.50 of 1.50 mi (100.00%) (MI MI294 only) MI311: 13.88 of 13.88 mi (100.00%) (MI MI311 only) System usami connected routes traveled: 75 of 145 (51.7%), clinched: 55 of 145 (37.9%). System usamn (active) overall: 468.05 of 7896.72 mi (5.93%) System usamn by region: MN: 468.05 of 7896.23 mi (5.93%) WI: 0.00 of 0.49 mi (0.00%) System usamn by route (traveled routes only): MN1: 7.11 of 347.57 mi (2.05%) (MN MN1 only) MN4: 8.35 of 169.42 mi (4.93%) (MN MN4 only) MN5: 11.09 of 77.04 mi (14.40%) (MN MN5 only) MN7: 0.12 of 196.20 mi (0.06%) (MN MN7 only) MN9: 18.91 of 229.38 mi (8.25%) (MN MN9 only) MN11: 0.07 of 211.53 mi (0.03%) (MN MN11 only) MN16: 83.59 of 86.02 mi (97.17%) (MN MN16 only) MN22: 2.03 of 168.69 mi (1.20%) (MN MN22 only) MN23: 7.37 of 342.77 mi (2.15%) MN MN23: 7.37 of 333.08 mi (2.21%) MN24: 9.74 of 47.77 mi (20.38%) (MN MN24 only) MN25: 2.10 of 157.51 mi (1.34%) (MN MN25 only) MN26: 20.89 of 20.89 mi (100.00%) (MN MN26 only) MN29: 0.34 of 128.18 mi (0.26%) (MN MN29 only) MN37: 4.50 of 27.83 mi (16.17%) (MN MN37 only) MN43: 3.53 of 44.63 mi (7.91%) (MN MN43 only) MN55: 188.04 of 223.12 mi (84.28%) (MN MN55 only) MN65 ((Main)): 48.41 of 273.34 mi (17.71%) (MN MN65 only) MN70: 1.82 of 28.22 mi (6.45%) (MN MN70 only) MN73: 19.03 of 120.57 mi (15.79%) (MN MN73 only) MN76: 0.89 of 36.39 mi (2.45%) (MN MN76 only) MN95: 4.62 of 127.05 mi (3.63%) (MN MN95 only) MN107: 17.77 of 17.77 mi (100.00%) (MN MN107 only) MN114: 0.68 of 19.94 mi (3.42%) (MN MN114 only) MN194: 5.99 of 17.44 mi (34.37%) (MN MN194 only) MN210: 22.46 of 228.84 mi (9.81%) (MN MN210 only) System usamn connected routes traveled: 25 of 154 (16.2%), clinched: 2 of 154 (1.3%). System usamo (active) overall: 403.35 of 8786.01 mi (4.59%) System usamo by route (traveled routes only): MO3: 3.50 of 73.74 mi (4.74%) (MO MO3 only) MO5: 19.07 of 352.80 mi (5.41%) (MO MO5 only) MO10: 31.67 of 47.49 mi (66.69%) (MO MO10 only) MO11: 1.93 of 100.91 mi (1.92%) (MO MO11 only) MO14: 30.71 of 115.52 mi (26.59%) (MO MO14 only) MO17: 3.05 of 180.95 mi (1.69%) (MO MO17 only) MO25: 18.78 of 91.99 mi (20.42%) (MO MO25 only) MO31: 4.25 of 27.38 mi (15.50%) (MO MO31 only) MO33: 2.45 of 50.25 mi (4.87%) (MO MO33 only) MO43: 2.64 of 99.14 mi (2.66%) (MO MO43 only) MO51: 2.01 of 120.41 mi (1.67%) (MO MO51 only) MO53: 0.52 of 34.81 mi (1.48%) (MO MO53 only) MO74: 1.86 of 10.29 mi (18.08%) (MO MO74 only) MO77: 5.25 of 71.65 mi (7.32%) (MO MO77 only) MO79: 54.79 of 86.85 mi (63.08%) (MO MO79 only) MO110 (Hannibal): 160.08 of 202.22 mi (79.16%) (MO MO110Han only) MO125: 13.51 of 79.88 mi (16.91%) (MO MO125 only) MO129: 5.82 of 113.58 mi (5.13%) (MO MO129 only) MO139: 6.91 of 109.35 mi (6.32%) (MO MO139 only) MO142: 0.61 of 120.21 mi (0.51%) (MO MO142 only) MO151: 0.13 of 68.77 mi (0.19%) (MO MO151 only) MO162: 1.72 of 30.13 mi (5.70%) (MO MO162 only) MO164: 1.99 of 39.13 mi (5.10%) (MO MO164 only) MO168: 9.84 of 42.22 mi (23.30%) (MO MO168 only) MO210: 33.43 of 33.43 mi (100.00%) (MO MO210 only) MO265: 3.89 of 65.46 mi (5.95%) (MO MO265 only) MO273: 3.67 of 23.92 mi (15.35%) (MO MO273 only) MO413: 1.59 of 48.47 mi (3.28%) (MO MO413 only) MO752: 2.97 of 2.97 mi (100.00%) (MO MO752 only) MO759: 1.60 of 2.00 mi (79.87%) (MO MO759 only) System usamo connected routes traveled: 30 of 220 (13.6%), clinched: 2 of 220 (0.9%). System usamt (active) overall: 0.07 of 2981.20 mi (0.00%) System usamt by region: ID: 0.00 of 0.89 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.07 of 2980.31 mi (0.00%) System usamt by route (traveled routes only): MT16: 0.07 of 154.29 mi (0.05%) (MT MT16 only) System usamt connected routes traveled: 1 of 52 (1.9%), clinched: 0 of 52 (0.0%). System usane (active) overall: 629.37 of 5935.09 mi (10.60%) System usane by route (traveled routes only): NE2 ((Main)): 373.58 of 373.58 mi (100.00%) (NE NE2 only) NE2Bus (Grand Island): 0.27 of 6.28 mi (4.23%) (NE NE2BusGra only) NE4: 1.03 of 208.70 mi (0.49%) (NE NE4 only) NE10: 4.32 of 103.52 mi (4.17%) (NE NE10 only) NE14: 3.02 of 206.68 mi (1.46%) (NE NE14 only) NE15: 2.66 of 214.28 mi (1.24%) (NE NE15 only) NE21: 13.71 of 74.32 mi (18.44%) (NE NE21 only) NE27 (Oshkosh): 2.04 of 27.43 mi (7.42%) (NE NE27Osh only) NE31: 11.83 of 36.61 mi (32.31%) (NE NE31 only) NE36: 0.18 of 24.04 mi (0.75%) (NE NE36 only) NE51: 24.88 of 37.03 mi (67.18%) (NE NE51 only) NE61: 75.34 of 235.09 mi (32.05%) (NE NE61 only) NE64 (Omaha): 3.95 of 32.25 mi (12.26%) (NE NE64 only) NE71: 63.92 of 171.88 mi (37.19%) (NE NE71 only) NE92: 163.44 of 494.37 mi (33.06%) (NE NE92 only) System usane connected routes traveled: 15 of 101 (14.9%), clinched: 1 of 101 (1.0%). System usanes (active) overall: 0.22 of 475.37 mi (0.05%) System usanes by route (traveled routes only): S1C: 0.22 of 1.17 mi (18.50%) (NE S1C only) System usanes connected routes traveled: 1 of 191 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 191 (0.0%). System usanj (active) overall: 1.11 of 1323.22 mi (0.08%) System usanj by route (traveled routes only): NJ173: 1.11 of 13.87 mi (8.02%) (NJ NJ173 only) System usanj connected routes traveled: 1 of 100 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 100 (0.0%). System usanm (active) overall: 143.18 of 7136.65 mi (2.01%) System usanm by region: NM: 143.18 of 7136.40 mi (2.01%) TX: 0.00 of 0.25 mi (0.00%) System usanm by route (traveled routes only): NM6: 25.21 of 36.25 mi (69.56%) (NM NM6 only) NM47: 19.53 of 47.78 mi (40.87%) (NM NM47 only) NM117: 5.43 of 62.47 mi (8.69%) (NM NM117 only) NM118: 37.11 of 37.11 mi (100.00%) (NM NM118 only) NM122: 31.78 of 39.02 mi (81.45%) (NM NM122 only) NM309: 2.43 of 2.43 mi (100.00%) (NM NM309 only) NM478: 21.69 of 24.61 mi (88.12%) (NM NM478 only) System usanm connected routes traveled: 7 of 397 (1.8%), clinched: 2 of 397 (0.5%). System usany (active) overall: 232.75 of 12575.87 mi (1.85%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 232.75 of 12571.90 mi (1.85%) PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY5: 12.38 of 372.69 mi (3.32%) (NY NY5 only) NY17: 67.55 of 395.37 mi (17.08%) NY NY17: 67.55 of 205.55 mi (32.86%) NY17C: 40.04 of 40.04 mi (100.00%) (NY NY17C only) NY18: 1.55 of 87.54 mi (1.77%) (NY NY18 only) NY18F: 3.31 of 9.67 mi (34.23%) (NY NY18F only) NY19: 5.04 of 108.15 mi (4.66%) (NY NY19 only) NY19A: 9.76 of 18.70 mi (52.21%) (NY NY19A only) NY21: 2.51 of 99.56 mi (2.52%) (NY NY21 only) NY26: 1.16 of 203.14 mi (0.57%) (NY NY26 only) NY33: 40.28 of 69.96 mi (57.57%) (NY NY33 only) NY33A: 3.14 of 17.18 mi (18.28%) (NY NY33A only) NY36: 11.35 of 95.34 mi (11.91%) (NY NY36 only) NY39: 0.22 of 99.42 mi (0.23%) (NY NY39 only) NY63: 0.28 of 82.71 mi (0.34%) (NY NY63 only) NY70: 18.05 of 18.05 mi (100.00%) (NY NY70 only) NY75: 2.24 of 21.40 mi (10.48%) (NY NY75 only) NY93: 2.17 of 43.37 mi (5.00%) (NY NY93 only) NY96: 0.11 of 126.05 mi (0.09%) (NY NY96 only) NY98: 0.09 of 98.34 mi (0.09%) (NY NY98 only) NY238: 9.37 of 15.06 mi (62.19%) (NY NY238 only) NY242: 1.00 of 31.65 mi (3.14%) (NY NY242 only) NY324: 4.13 of 21.91 mi (18.82%) (NY NY324 only) NY417: 0.70 of 103.37 mi (0.68%) (NY NY417 only) NY436: 5.43 of 23.69 mi (22.93%) (NY NY436 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 24 of 484 (5.0%), clinched: 2 of 484 (0.4%). System usanc (active) overall: 472.64 of 8767.60 mi (5.39%) System usanc by route (traveled routes only): NC7Trk (Belmont): 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%) (NC NC7TrkBel only) NC8: 11.13 of 92.98 mi (11.97%) (NC NC8 only) NC14: 7.30 of 17.45 mi (41.82%) (NC NC14 only) NC16: 6.81 of 141.28 mi (4.82%) (NC NC16 only) NC22: 14.63 of 58.97 mi (24.81%) (NC NC22 only) NC27: 12.04 of 197.18 mi (6.11%) (NC NC27 only) NC33: 0.15 of 109.49 mi (0.14%) (NC NC33 only) NC39: 1.23 of 78.07 mi (1.58%) (NC NC39 only) NC42: 1.33 of 221.68 mi (0.60%) (NC NC42 only) NC49: 7.85 of 177.08 mi (4.43%) (NC NC49 only) NC58: 0.50 of 175.27 mi (0.29%) (NC NC58 only) NC61: 12.35 of 19.52 mi (63.25%) (NC NC61 only) NC62: 83.64 of 83.64 mi (100.00%) (NC NC62 only) NC73: 38.38 of 117.89 mi (32.56%) (NC NC73 only) NC73Trk (Concord): 2.31 of 12.50 mi (18.50%) (NC NC73TrkCon only) NC86: 0.17 of 53.13 mi (0.32%) (NC NC86 only) NC86Trk (Hillsborough): 4.67 of 8.35 mi (55.97%) (NC NC86TrkHil only) NC87: 15.00 of 238.72 mi (6.28%) (NC NC87 only) NC89: 30.64 of 58.29 mi (52.57%) (NC NC89 only) NC96: 0.28 of 106.15 mi (0.27%) (NC NC96 only) NC100: 9.46 of 11.96 mi (79.05%) (NC NC100 only) NC109: 2.75 of 102.55 mi (2.68%) (NC NC109 only) NC119: 42.02 of 42.02 mi (100.00%) (NC NC119 only) NC125: 3.68 of 65.53 mi (5.61%) (NC NC125 only) NC130: 7.53 of 101.71 mi (7.40%) (NC NC130 only) NC150: 25.81 of 182.07 mi (14.18%) (NC NC150 only) NC152: 0.63 of 25.49 mi (2.45%) (NC NC152 only) NC182: 22.38 of 22.38 mi (100.00%) (NC NC182 only) NC186: 0.19 of 23.63 mi (0.80%) (NC NC186 only) NC191: 19.84 of 21.40 mi (92.75%) (NC NC191 only) NC194: 6.59 of 78.64 mi (8.37%) (NC NC194 only) NC200: 2.19 of 50.08 mi (4.37%) (NC NC200 only) NC216: 1.30 of 15.63 mi (8.34%) (NC NC216 only) NC225: 8.01 of 10.46 mi (76.61%) (NC NC225 only) NC226: 39.93 of 95.43 mi (41.84%) (NC NC226 only) NC274: 2.17 of 36.87 mi (5.89%) (NC NC274 only) NC280: 1.10 of 17.95 mi (6.11%) (NC NC280 only) NC481: 3.12 of 21.16 mi (14.76%) (NC NC481 only) NC561: 0.40 of 99.35 mi (0.40%) (NC NC561 only) NC610: 2.08 of 2.08 mi (100.00%) (NC NC610 only) NC704: 15.35 of 37.62 mi (40.82%) (NC NC704 only) NC742: 1.41 of 35.52 mi (3.98%) (NC NC742 only) NC770: 24.62 of 31.85 mi (77.31%) (NC NC770 only) NC801: 1.49 of 53.49 mi (2.79%) (NC NC801 only) NC903: 3.68 of 200.04 mi (1.84%) (NC NC903 only) System usanc connected routes traveled: 45 of 268 (16.8%), clinched: 5 of 268 (1.9%). System usand (active) overall: 75.00 of 5603.43 mi (1.34%) System usand by route (traveled routes only): ND1: 5.59 of 234.69 mi (2.38%) (ND ND1 only) ND3: 10.00 of 250.22 mi (4.00%) (ND ND3 only) ND8 (Hettinger): 9.47 of 132.68 mi (7.14%) (ND ND8 only) ND13: 1.35 of 207.93 mi (0.65%) (ND ND13 only) ND14: 10.60 of 177.57 mi (5.97%) (ND ND14 only) ND22: 4.30 of 157.22 mi (2.74%) (ND ND22 only) ND49: 3.17 of 105.70 mi (3.00%) (ND ND49 only) ND200: 24.43 of 417.59 mi (5.85%) (ND ND200 only) ND1804: 5.61 of 324.38 mi (1.73%) (ND ND1804 only) ND1806 (Mandan): 0.47 of 52.81 mi (0.89%) (ND ND1806 only) System usand connected routes traveled: 10 of 79 (12.7%), clinched: 0 of 79 (0.0%). System usaoh (active) overall: 2521.78 of 14582.80 mi (17.29%) System usaoh by region: OH: 2521.78 of 14582.49 mi (17.29%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH2: 222.76 of 229.25 mi (97.17%) (OH OH2 only) OH3: 3.34 of 257.08 mi (1.30%) (OH OH3 only) OH4: 65.24 of 209.48 mi (31.15%) (OH OH4 only) OH5: 14.17 of 50.97 mi (27.80%) (OH OH5 only) OH7: 77.31 of 337.42 mi (22.91%) (OH OH7 only) OH9: 2.41 of 88.28 mi (2.73%) (OH OH9 only) OH10: 6.38 of 23.67 mi (26.97%) (OH OH10 only) OH11: 33.11 of 100.36 mi (32.99%) (OH OH11 only) OH12: 12.90 of 61.37 mi (21.02%) (OH OH12 only) OH12Trk (Findlay): 3.33 of 7.23 mi (46.02%) (OH OH12TrkFin only) OH13: 24.63 of 165.09 mi (14.92%) (OH OH13 only) OH14: 24.08 of 82.19 mi (29.30%) (OH OH14 only) OH15: 61.85 of 103.11 mi (59.99%) (OH OH15 only) OH15Trk (Defiance): 6.49 of 6.49 mi (100.00%) (OH OH15TrkDef only) OH16: 3.31 of 70.85 mi (4.67%) (OH OH16 only) OH18: 135.76 of 200.02 mi (67.87%) (OH OH18 only) OH18Trk (Defiance): 5.02 of 5.02 mi (100.00%) (OH OH18TrkDef only) OH18Bus (North Baltimore): 1.90 of 1.90 mi (100.00%) (OH OH18BusNor only) OH19: 34.21 of 88.02 mi (38.86%) (OH OH19 only) OH21: 10.13 of 60.32 mi (16.80%) (OH OH21 only) OH25: 34.50 of 34.50 mi (100.00%) (OH OH25 only) OH29: 81.82 of 104.22 mi (78.51%) (OH OH29 only) OH29Alt (Sidney): 0.13 of 0.44 mi (30.26%) (OH OH29AltSid only) OH31: 32.43 of 32.65 mi (99.33%) (OH OH31 only) OH31Trk (Kenton): 1.28 of 1.99 mi (64.21%) (OH OH31TrkKen only) OH32: 72.12 of 182.70 mi (39.48%) (OH OH32 only) OH34: 30.55 of 32.48 mi (94.06%) (OH OH34 only) OH37: 7.80 of 174.50 mi (4.47%) (OH OH37 only) OH38: 1.72 of 48.51 mi (3.55%) (OH OH38 only) OH39: 6.26 of 151.62 mi (4.13%) (OH OH39 only) OH43: 1.52 of 122.10 mi (1.25%) (OH OH43 only) OH44: 4.75 of 81.99 mi (5.79%) (OH OH44 only) OH45: 6.31 of 96.83 mi (6.52%) (OH OH45 only) OH47: 22.20 of 106.02 mi (20.94%) (OH OH47 only) OH49: 152.75 of 156.39 mi (97.67%) (OH OH49 only) OH51: 9.55 of 31.27 mi (30.55%) (OH OH51 only) OH53: 33.09 of 93.83 mi (35.27%) (OH OH53 only) OH54: 0.81 of 24.05 mi (3.36%) (OH OH54 only) OH57: 0.93 of 62.17 mi (1.50%) (OH OH57 only) OH59: 8.49 of 22.53 mi (37.71%) (OH OH59 only) OH60: 9.39 of 188.96 mi (4.97%) (OH OH60 only) OH61: 2.70 of 91.88 mi (2.94%) (OH OH61 only) OH64: 0.75 of 36.51 mi (2.04%) (OH OH64 only) OH65: 61.66 of 116.83 mi (52.78%) (OH OH65 only) OH66: 57.02 of 120.87 mi (47.18%) (OH OH66 only) OH66Trk ((East) Defiance): 5.52 of 8.44 mi (65.32%) (OH OH66TrkEDe only) OH66Trk ((West) Defiance): 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%) (OH OH66TrkDef only) OH67: 20.55 of 85.90 mi (23.92%) (OH OH67 only) OH67Trk (Kenton): 0.39 of 0.56 mi (69.63%) (OH OH67TrkKen only) OH73: 32.92 of 134.30 mi (24.51%) (OH OH73 only) OH78: 26.20 of 98.60 mi (26.58%) (OH OH78 only) OH79: 0.12 of 44.79 mi (0.27%) (OH OH79 only) OH81: 41.54 of 71.78 mi (57.87%) (OH OH81 only) OH82: 11.23 of 89.37 mi (12.57%) (OH OH82 only) OH83: 46.01 of 153.90 mi (29.89%) (OH OH83 only) OH93: 1.47 of 227.95 mi (0.65%) (OH OH93 only) OH95: 48.76 of 89.30 mi (54.60%) (OH OH95 only) OH96: 8.14 of 36.49 mi (22.32%) (OH OH96 only) OH98: 0.20 of 47.16 mi (0.43%) (OH OH98 only) OH99: 0.86 of 23.00 mi (3.74%) (OH OH99 only) OH100: 1.57 of 39.52 mi (3.98%) (OH OH100 only) OH100Trk ((South)Tiffin): 2.79 of 5.18 mi (53.80%) (OH OH100TrkSTi only) OH101: 3.70 of 37.51 mi (9.87%) (OH OH101 only) OH103: 8.34 of 77.87 mi (10.71%) (OH OH103 only) OH104: 22.80 of 95.55 mi (23.87%) (OH OH104 only) OH105: 1.01 of 28.22 mi (3.58%) (OH OH105 only) OH107: 11.26 of 11.26 mi (100.00%) (OH OH107 only) OH108: 12.11 of 50.30 mi (24.07%) (OH OH108 only) OH109: 23.99 of 54.12 mi (44.33%) (OH OH109 only) OH110: 10.81 of 10.81 mi (100.00%) (OH OH110 only) OH111: 23.86 of 31.94 mi (74.69%) (OH OH111 only) OH111Trk (Defiance): 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) (OH OH111TrkDef only) OH113: 3.62 of 59.08 mi (6.13%) (OH OH113 only) OH114: 33.55 of 33.55 mi (100.00%) (OH OH114 only) OH115: 14.67 of 22.00 mi (66.66%) (OH OH115 only) OH116: 31.45 of 31.45 mi (100.00%) (OH OH116 only) OH117: 17.94 of 60.12 mi (29.85%) (OH OH117 only) OH118: 56.44 of 56.44 mi (100.00%) (OH OH118 only) OH119: 1.03 of 42.68 mi (2.41%) (OH OH119 only) OH120: 35.02 of 38.45 mi (91.06%) (OH OH120 only) OH121: 11.34 of 35.89 mi (31.60%) (OH OH121 only) OH122: 0.27 of 43.65 mi (0.61%) (OH OH122 only) OH125: 2.39 of 84.59 mi (2.83%) (OH OH125 only) OH126: 5.18 of 40.45 mi (12.81%) (OH OH126 only) OH128: 0.38 of 23.67 mi (1.59%) (OH OH128 only) OH129: 0.28 of 25.73 mi (1.10%) (OH OH129 only) OH134: 1.53 of 41.60 mi (3.68%) (OH OH134 only) OH146: 7.99 of 63.24 mi (12.64%) (OH OH146 only) OH147: 0.10 of 55.24 mi (0.17%) (OH OH147 only) OH154: 0.55 of 16.00 mi (3.44%) (OH OH154 only) OH161: 9.26 of 57.65 mi (16.06%) (OH OH161 only) OH162: 29.84 of 84.45 mi (35.34%) (OH OH162 only) OH163: 27.09 of 46.77 mi (57.93%) (OH OH163 only) OH164: 1.73 of 61.71 mi (2.81%) (OH OH164 only) OH172: 1.94 of 46.73 mi (4.15%) (OH OH172 only) OH172Trk (East Canton): 0.23 of 0.38 mi (59.81%) (OH OH172TrkECa only) OH173: 6.71 of 21.30 mi (31.51%) (OH OH173 only) OH183: 13.51 of 43.81 mi (30.85%) (OH OH183 only) OH184: 9.91 of 9.91 mi (100.00%) (OH OH184 only) OH185: 0.56 of 21.87 mi (2.56%) (OH OH185 only) OH191: 11.04 of 11.04 mi (100.00%) (OH OH191 only) OH197: 0.27 of 25.64 mi (1.06%) (OH OH197 only) OH199: 62.01 of 62.01 mi (100.00%) (OH OH199 only) OH206: 0.58 of 14.89 mi (3.86%) (OH OH206 only) OH209: 15.69 of 15.69 mi (100.00%) (OH OH209 only) OH220Trk (Wavery): 1.03 of 2.14 mi (48.08%) (OH OH220TrkWav only) OH229: 0.19 of 51.66 mi (0.36%) (OH OH229 only) OH231Trk (Tiffin): 2.10 of 3.58 mi (58.66%) (OH OH231TrkTif only) OH235: 9.01 of 135.84 mi (6.63%) (OH OH235 only) OH241: 0.09 of 50.88 mi (0.18%) (OH OH241 only) OH249: 14.73 of 14.73 mi (100.00%) (OH OH249 only) OH264: 2.23 of 16.26 mi (13.74%) (OH OH264 only) OH265: 13.69 of 18.10 mi (75.62%) (OH OH265 only) OH269: 23.26 of 28.35 mi (82.02%) (OH OH269 only) OH274: 0.86 of 53.75 mi (1.59%) (OH OH274 only) OH281: 46.34 of 51.45 mi (90.06%) (OH OH281 only) OH283: 3.25 of 29.91 mi (10.88%) (OH OH283 only) OH289: 8.41 of 10.38 mi (81.04%) (OH OH289 only) OH295: 5.82 of 24.12 mi (24.11%) (OH OH295 only) OH301: 2.90 of 45.90 mi (6.33%) (OH OH301 only) OH303: 0.43 of 76.87 mi (0.56%) (OH OH303 only) OH309: 77.98 of 104.19 mi (74.85%) (OH OH309 only) OH315: 21.98 of 21.98 mi (100.00%) (OH OH315 only) OH316: 0.29 of 14.27 mi (2.00%) (OH OH316 only) OH335: 0.35 of 41.00 mi (0.86%) (OH OH335 only) OH340: 0.29 of 13.07 mi (2.25%) (OH OH340 only) OH344: 10.21 of 10.21 mi (100.00%) (OH OH344 only) OH348: 0.15 of 31.19 mi (0.48%) (OH OH348 only) OH380: 0.38 of 18.27 mi (2.07%) (OH OH380 only) OH420: 2.27 of 2.27 mi (100.00%) (OH OH420 only) OH421: 3.49 of 3.49 mi (100.00%) (OH OH421 only) OH423: 11.61 of 17.02 mi (68.20%) (OH OH423 only) OH500: 2.40 of 13.29 mi (18.09%) (OH OH500 only) OH502: 0.28 of 9.90 mi (2.81%) (OH OH502 only) OH511: 0.19 of 50.70 mi (0.37%) (OH OH511 only) OH513: 13.64 of 25.72 mi (53.01%) (OH OH513 only) OH536: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%) (OH OH536 only) OH547Trk (Monroeville): 0.64 of 1.12 mi (57.61%) (OH OH547TrkMon only) OH559: 0.28 of 16.92 mi (1.64%) (OH OH559 only) OH571: 0.97 of 51.19 mi (1.90%) (OH OH571 only) OH576: 20.96 of 20.96 mi (100.00%) (OH OH576 only) OH579: 10.91 of 10.91 mi (100.00%) (OH OH579 only) OH582: 0.75 of 20.47 mi (3.68%) (OH OH582 only) OH587: 12.78 of 12.78 mi (100.00%) (OH OH587 only) OH598: 0.13 of 23.96 mi (0.55%) (OH OH598 only) OH603: 14.67 of 33.92 mi (43.24%) (OH OH603 only) OH613: 77.09 of 77.09 mi (100.00%) (OH OH613 only) OH618: 0.79 of 6.63 mi (11.91%) (OH OH618 only) OH619: 0.70 of 29.34 mi (2.40%) (OH OH619 only) OH634: 7.42 of 18.36 mi (40.38%) (OH OH634 only) OH637: 1.48 of 23.64 mi (6.24%) (OH OH637 only) OH694: 12.23 of 12.23 mi (100.00%) (OH OH694 only) OH697: 0.14 of 7.70 mi (1.84%) (OH OH697 only) OH703: 3.58 of 15.04 mi (23.79%) (OH OH703 only) OH707: 12.35 of 19.80 mi (62.35%) (OH OH707 only) OH726: 9.48 of 14.30 mi (66.26%) (OH OH726 only) OH736: 8.50 of 8.50 mi (100.00%) (OH OH736 only) OH739: 0.63 of 35.51 mi (1.78%) (OH OH739 only) OH795: 12.30 of 12.30 mi (100.00%) (OH OH795 only) OH800: 9.00 of 106.67 mi (8.44%) (OH OH800 only) OH821: 5.75 of 46.92 mi (12.25%) (OH OH821 only) OH852: 0.61 of 0.83 mi (74.05%) (OH OH852 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 162 of 553 (29.3%), clinched: 28 of 553 (5.1%). System usaok (active) overall: 31.46 of 8342.12 mi (0.38%) System usaok by route (traveled routes only): OK3 ((Main)): 2.54 of 389.94 mi (0.65%) (OK OK3 only) OK3Trk (Guymon): 0.94 of 1.80 mi (52.47%) (OK OK3TrkGuy only) OK10: 0.45 of 230.16 mi (0.20%) (OK OK10 only) OK15 (Woodward): 0.81 of 47.84 mi (1.70%) (OK OK15Woo only) OK18: 2.04 of 134.96 mi (1.51%) (OK OK18 only) OK45: 12.18 of 65.40 mi (18.62%) (OK OK45 only) OK50: 1.34 of 38.28 mi (3.50%) (OK OK50 only) OK51: 6.84 of 335.37 mi (2.04%) (OK OK51 only) OK66: 4.17 of 194.05 mi (2.15%) (OK OK66 only) OK125: 0.15 of 25.11 mi (0.59%) (OK OK125 only) OK136: 0.39 of 36.78 mi (1.06%) (OK OK136 only) OK136Trk (Guymon): 0.94 of 1.80 mi (52.47%) (OK OK136TrkGuy only) System usaok connected routes traveled: 12 of 227 (5.3%), clinched: 0 of 227 (0.0%). System usapa (active) overall: 725.01 of 12614.13 mi (5.75%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 725.01 of 12613.94 mi (5.75%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA8: 0.46 of 149.07 mi (0.31%) (PA PA8 only) PA18: 22.90 of 200.94 mi (11.40%) (PA PA18 only) PA21: 1.44 of 48.62 mi (2.96%) (PA PA21 only) PA23: 0.63 of 80.68 mi (0.79%) (PA PA23 only) PA26: 4.34 of 125.82 mi (3.45%) (PA PA26 only) PA28: 5.98 of 97.15 mi (6.16%) (PA PA28 only) PA28Trk (Brookville): 2.79 of 3.30 mi (84.55%) (PA PA28TrkBro only) PA31: 3.45 of 74.50 mi (4.63%) (PA PA31 only) PA31Trk (Manns Choice): 4.77 of 7.86 mi (60.63%) (PA PA31TrkMan only) PA34: 3.26 of 61.69 mi (5.28%) (PA PA34 only) PA35: 0.52 of 71.30 mi (0.72%) (PA PA35 only) PA36: 17.13 of 150.81 mi (11.36%) (PA PA36 only) PA43: 1.90 of 55.30 mi (3.44%) (PA PA43 only) PA45Trk (Spruce Creek): 7.53 of 17.60 mi (42.81%) (PA PA45TrkSpr only) PA51: 26.27 of 88.20 mi (29.78%) (PA PA51 only) PA53: 15.82 of 80.64 mi (19.61%) (PA PA53 only) PA54: 20.48 of 80.61 mi (25.41%) (PA PA54 only) PA56: 32.82 of 106.71 mi (30.76%) (PA PA56 only) PA61: 4.20 of 80.83 mi (5.19%) (PA PA61 only) PA65: 28.84 of 51.43 mi (56.07%) (PA PA65 only) PA66: 5.98 of 136.77 mi (4.37%) (PA PA66 only) PA75: 11.64 of 71.34 mi (16.32%) (PA PA75 only) PA88: 29.83 of 67.04 mi (44.49%) (PA PA88 only) PA92Trk (Nicholson): 4.66 of 10.54 mi (44.22%) (PA PA92TrkNic only) PA96: 22.37 of 41.47 mi (53.95%) (PA PA96 only) PA103: 29.74 of 29.74 mi (100.00%) (PA PA103 only) PA136: 3.89 of 43.63 mi (8.91%) (PA PA136 only) PA144Trk (Potters Mill): 11.84 of 18.13 mi (65.33%) (PA PA144TrkPot only) PA147: 43.27 of 57.28 mi (75.54%) (PA PA147 only) PA153: 6.20 of 48.06 mi (12.91%) (PA PA153 only) PA160Trk (Wilmore): 10.49 of 10.92 mi (96.10%) (PA PA160TrkWil only) PA164: 3.19 of 35.46 mi (9.00%) (PA PA164 only) PA188: 5.52 of 9.26 mi (59.58%) (PA PA188 only) PA208: 0.22 of 74.80 mi (0.30%) (PA PA208 only) PA217: 6.54 of 21.03 mi (31.10%) (PA PA217 only) PA225: 48.00 of 48.00 mi (100.00%) (PA PA225 only) PA230: 8.92 of 28.51 mi (31.27%) (PA PA230 only) PA231: 1.87 of 25.48 mi (7.36%) (PA PA231 only) PA259: 4.70 of 31.42 mi (14.96%) (PA PA259 only) PA271: 0.42 of 46.29 mi (0.91%) (PA PA271 only) PA272: 7.62 of 54.96 mi (13.86%) (PA PA272 only) PA274: 43.39 of 43.39 mi (100.00%) (PA PA274 only) PA283: 29.14 of 29.14 mi (100.00%) (PA PA283 only) PA285: 0.55 of 27.36 mi (2.02%) (PA PA285 only) PA286Trk (Indiana): 2.39 of 6.62 mi (36.08%) (PA PA286TrkInd only) PA307: 3.21 of 30.83 mi (10.40%) (PA PA307 only) PA309: 11.34 of 134.83 mi (8.41%) (PA PA309 only) PA325: 0.73 of 30.42 mi (2.41%) (PA PA325 only) PA333: 27.56 of 30.58 mi (90.10%) (PA PA333 only) PA340AltTrk (Wagontown): 6.18 of 9.34 mi (66.19%) (PA PA340AltTrkWag only) PA341Trk (Deodate): 4.90 of 8.95 mi (54.78%) (PA PA341TrkDeo only) PA346: 1.66 of 33.64 mi (4.92%) (PA PA346 only) PA372: 0.25 of 34.73 mi (0.71%) (PA PA372 only) PA403: 31.09 of 62.08 mi (50.08%) (PA PA403 only) PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%) (PA PA420AltTrkPro only) PA441: 6.77 of 32.25 mi (20.99%) (PA PA441 only) PA453: 9.16 of 42.90 mi (21.35%) (PA PA453 only) PA519Trk (Houston): 9.84 of 21.10 mi (46.66%) (PA PA519TrkHou only) PA588: 0.14 of 14.62 mi (0.98%) (PA PA588 only) PA655: 1.45 of 81.87 mi (1.77%) (PA PA655 only) PA711: 7.04 of 54.09 mi (13.01%) (PA PA711 only) PA764: 5.95 of 12.86 mi (46.26%) (PA PA764 only) PA770: 0.64 of 12.06 mi (5.29%) (PA PA770 only) PA770Trk (Timbuck): 7.84 of 12.45 mi (62.95%) (PA PA770TrkTim only) PA837: 40.44 of 40.44 mi (100.00%) (PA PA837 only) PA850: 2.00 of 43.65 mi (4.58%) (PA PA850 only) PA867Trk (Roaring Spring): 18.71 of 30.72 mi (60.90%) (PA PA867TrkRoa only) PA901: 7.50 of 25.82 mi (29.06%) (PA PA901 only) PA906: 8.13 of 10.62 mi (76.55%) (PA PA906 only) PA915: 3.72 of 21.28 mi (17.47%) (PA PA915 only) PA948: 3.79 of 37.98 mi (9.98%) (PA PA948 only) PA949: 0.34 of 42.60 mi (0.80%) (PA PA949 only) PA970: 1.53 of 5.19 mi (29.43%) (PA PA970 only) PA981: 1.19 of 48.40 mi (2.46%) (PA PA981 only) PA982Trk (Derry): 4.50 of 12.06 mi (37.33%) (PA PA982TrkDer only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 75 of 521 (14.4%), clinched: 5 of 521 (1.0%). System usasc (active) overall: 330.02 of 6155.90 mi (5.36%) System usasc by route (traveled routes only): SC3: 0.26 of 96.08 mi (0.27%) (SC SC3 only) SC6: 0.07 of 116.11 mi (0.06%) (SC SC6 only) SC6Trk (Moncks Corner): 0.83 of 2.28 mi (36.36%) (SC SC6TrkMon only) SC9: 2.23 of 259.14 mi (0.86%) (SC SC9 only) SC9Trk (Cheraw): 3.22 of 5.96 mi (54.05%) (SC SC9TrkChe only) SC10: 22.45 of 22.45 mi (100.00%) (SC SC10 only) SC14: 38.51 of 58.32 mi (66.03%) (SC SC14 only) SC14Trk (Greer): 2.06 of 4.49 mi (45.79%) (SC SC14TrkGre only) SC20Trk (Abbeville): 1.92 of 6.12 mi (31.33%) (SC SC20TrkAbb only) SC22: 28.62 of 28.62 mi (100.00%) (SC SC22 only) SC28: 20.08 of 127.23 mi (15.79%) (SC SC28 only) SC31: 11.92 of 28.33 mi (42.08%) (SC SC31 only) SC34: 0.94 of 185.22 mi (0.51%) (SC SC34 only) SC34Trk (Darlington): 2.32 of 13.53 mi (17.16%) (SC SC34TrkDar only) SC56: 4.41 of 63.39 mi (6.96%) (SC SC56 only) SC57: 0.96 of 26.08 mi (3.67%) (SC SC57 only) SC70: 0.68 of 29.69 mi (2.27%) (SC SC70 only) SC71Trk (Abbeville): 1.92 of 4.76 mi (40.31%) (SC SC71TrkAbb only) SC72: 86.51 of 124.48 mi (69.50%) (SC SC72 only) SC80: 1.34 of 5.31 mi (25.35%) (SC SC80 only) SC92: 1.39 of 15.82 mi (8.80%) (SC SC92 only) SC101: 7.91 of 55.66 mi (14.21%) (SC SC101 only) SC119: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%) (SC SC119 only) SC121: 10.49 of 134.43 mi (7.80%) (SC SC121 only) SC146: 21.07 of 33.16 mi (63.55%) (SC SC146 only) SC252Trk (Ware Shoals): 3.51 of 5.62 mi (62.55%) (SC SC252TrkWar only) SC253: 0.16 of 19.02 mi (0.82%) (SC SC253 only) SC261: 2.56 of 117.07 mi (2.19%) (SC SC261 only) SC290: 6.67 of 30.40 mi (21.94%) (SC SC290 only) SC290Trk (Greer): 5.74 of 5.74 mi (100.00%) (SC SC290TrkGre only) SC291: 10.96 of 10.96 mi (100.00%) (SC SC291 only) SC296: 4.87 of 21.61 mi (22.52%) (SC SC296 only) SC327: 1.68 of 22.90 mi (7.33%) (SC SC327 only) SC332: 0.30 of 17.70 mi (1.71%) (SC SC332 only) SC414: 0.06 of 16.54 mi (0.36%) (SC SC414 only) SC417: 21.31 of 21.31 mi (100.00%) (SC SC417 only) SC418: 24.04 of 24.04 mi (100.00%) (SC SC418 only) SC527: 0.62 of 66.43 mi (0.94%) (SC SC527 only) SC576: 3.12 of 3.12 mi (100.00%) (SC SC576 only) System usasc connected routes traveled: 39 of 301 (13.0%), clinched: 8 of 301 (2.7%). System usasd (active) overall: 334.98 of 5082.16 mi (6.59%) System usasd by route (traveled routes only): SD13: 7.31 of 23.66 mi (30.90%) (SD SD13 only) SD20 ((Main)): 26.18 of 402.29 mi (6.51%) (SD SD20 only) SD34: 46.13 of 425.57 mi (10.84%) (SD SD34 only) SD37: 1.77 of 250.19 mi (0.71%) (SD SD37 only) SD37Trk (Huron): 2.07 of 10.30 mi (20.13%) (SD SD37TrkHur only) SD40: 0.22 of 35.62 mi (0.61%) (SD SD40 only) SD42 (Sioux Falls): 4.43 of 77.37 mi (5.72%) (SD SD42 only) SD45: 11.21 of 212.74 mi (5.27%) (SD SD45 only) SD47: 7.10 of 248.00 mi (2.86%) (SD SD47 only) SD50: 16.57 of 220.62 mi (7.51%) (SD SD50 only) SD63 ((Main)): 29.37 of 233.84 mi (12.56%) (SD SD63 only) SD65: 0.55 of 69.23 mi (0.79%) (SD SD65 only) SD71: 34.15 of 34.15 mi (100.00%) (SD SD71 only) SD73: 17.78 of 255.05 mi (6.97%) (SD SD73 only) SD79: 79.84 of 243.16 mi (32.84%) (SD SD79 only) SD115: 7.63 of 40.90 mi (18.65%) (SD SD115 only) SD130: 7.12 of 7.12 mi (100.00%) (SD SD130 only) SD324: 8.63 of 8.63 mi (100.00%) (SD SD324 only) SD471: 22.07 of 22.07 mi (100.00%) (SD SD471 only) SD1804 (Mobridge): 3.95 of 62.65 mi (6.31%) (SD SD1804 only) SD1806 (Fort Pierre): 0.90 of 78.21 mi (1.15%) (SD SD1806FtP only) SD1806 (Wakpala): 5.04 of 26.05 mi (19.34%) (SD SD1806 only) System usasd connected routes traveled: 22 of 90 (24.4%), clinched: 4 of 90 (4.4%). System usatn (active) overall: 64.34 of 9129.14 mi (0.70%) System usatn by region: GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%) TN: 64.34 of 9129.13 mi (0.70%) System usatn by route (traveled routes only): TN17: 3.41 of 12.40 mi (27.49%) (TN TN17 only) TN21: 0.44 of 40.03 mi (1.11%) (TN TN21 only) TN22: 4.33 of 172.53 mi (2.51%) (TN TN22 only) TN33: 5.73 of 102.29 mi (5.60%) (TN TN33 only) TN44: 4.42 of 20.75 mi (21.32%) (TN TN44 only) TN56 (McMinnville): 6.72 of 131.66 mi (5.10%) (TN TN56 only) TN60: 1.70 of 40.42 mi (4.22%) (TN TN60 only) TN63: 6.64 of 98.99 mi (6.71%) (TN TN63 only) TN67: 10.08 of 62.35 mi (16.17%) (TN TN67 only) TN91: 8.13 of 49.64 mi (16.39%) (TN TN91 only) TN113: 4.36 of 31.97 mi (13.64%) (TN TN113 only) TN153: 4.73 of 12.84 mi (36.88%) (TN TN153 only) TN299: 1.90 of 17.17 mi (11.10%) (TN TN299 only) TN317: 1.73 of 20.79 mi (8.30%) (TN TN317 only) System usatn connected routes traveled: 14 of 427 (3.3%), clinched: 0 of 427 (0.0%). System usatx (active) overall: 123.68 of 15225.35 mi (0.81%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX6: 0.27 of 557.72 mi (0.05%) (TX TX6 only) TX14: 60.93 of 60.93 mi (100.00%) (TX TX14 only) TX20: 11.44 of 78.87 mi (14.50%) (TX TX20 only) TX26: 1.50 of 18.27 mi (8.19%) (TX TX26 only) TX43: 0.23 of 85.81 mi (0.27%) (TX TX43 only) TX70: 4.35 of 333.56 mi (1.30%) (TX TX70 only) TX77: 0.42 of 47.12 mi (0.90%) (TX TX77 only) TX108: 3.05 of 36.37 mi (8.38%) (TX TX108 only) TX114: 4.10 of 396.46 mi (1.03%) (TX TX114 only) TX121: 15.83 of 99.47 mi (15.92%) (TX TX121 only) TX152: 7.81 of 128.93 mi (6.05%) (TX TX152 only) TX155: 0.86 of 124.31 mi (0.69%) (TX TX155 only) TX158: 6.56 of 182.82 mi (3.59%) (TX TX158 only) TX183: 5.02 of 43.30 mi (11.59%) (TX TX183 only) TX208: 4.68 of 155.77 mi (3.00%) (TX TX208 only) TX214: 0.97 of 199.87 mi (0.49%) (TX TX214 only) TX349: 9.56 of 232.29 mi (4.12%) (TX TX349 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 17 of 318 (5.3%), clinched: 1 of 318 (0.3%). System usatxl (active) overall: 7.22 of 1171.48 mi (0.62%) System usatxl by route (traveled routes only): TXLp285: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) (TX TXLp285 only) TXLp375: 2.96 of 54.71 mi (5.42%) (TX TXLp375 only) System usatxl connected routes traveled: 2 of 204 (1.0%), clinched: 1 of 204 (0.5%). System usatxs (active) overall: 3.37 of 384.73 mi (0.88%) System usatxs by route (traveled routes only): TXSpr133: 3.37 of 3.37 mi (100.00%) (TX TXSpr133 only) System usatxs connected routes traveled: 1 of 212 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 212 (0.5%). System usaut (active) overall: 5.79 of 3701.77 mi (0.16%) System usaut by route (traveled routes only): UT30: 5.79 of 215.90 mi (2.68%) (UT UT30 only) System usaut connected routes traveled: 1 of 218 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 218 (0.0%). System usava (active) overall: 3.16 of 4879.61 mi (0.06%) System usava by route (traveled routes only): VA42 (Harrisonburg): 0.47 of 116.02 mi (0.41%) (VA VA42Har only) VA57: 0.90 of 86.45 mi (1.04%) (VA VA57 only) VA166: 1.32 of 15.12 mi (8.75%) (VA VA166 only) VA180: 0.46 of 11.04 mi (4.21%) (VA VA180 only) System usava connected routes traveled: 4 of 378 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 378 (0.0%). System usawv (active) overall: 298.91 of 3815.00 mi (7.84%) System usawv by region: MD: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 0.08 mi (0.00%) WV: 298.91 of 3814.88 mi (7.84%) System usawv by route (traveled routes only): WV2: 47.22 of 228.69 mi (20.65%) (WV WV2 only) WV3: 20.44 of 169.57 mi (12.06%) (WV WV3 only) WV7: 6.84 of 100.51 mi (6.81%) (WV WV7 only) WV12: 14.70 of 46.90 mi (31.35%) (WV WV12 only) WV16: 10.55 of 226.96 mi (4.65%) (WV WV16 only) WV20: 51.17 of 253.66 mi (20.17%) (WV WV20 only) WV28: 2.29 of 147.33 mi (1.55%) (WV WV28 only) WV37: 1.13 of 38.47 mi (2.95%) (WV WV37 only) WV41: 5.33 of 60.90 mi (8.75%) (WV WV41 only) WV55: 17.64 of 215.97 mi (8.17%) (WV WV55 only) WV61: 59.83 of 61.33 mi (97.56%) (WV WV61 only) WV63: 11.03 of 20.66 mi (53.37%) (WV WV63 only) WV65: 3.42 of 21.82 mi (15.69%) (WV WV65 only) WV68: 0.45 of 36.20 mi (1.24%) (WV WV68 only) WV75: 1.71 of 11.78 mi (14.50%) (WV WV75 only) WV80: 15.37 of 36.90 mi (41.66%) (WV WV80 only) WV92: 48.70 of 156.98 mi (31.02%) (WV WV92 only) WV131: 6.57 of 10.42 mi (63.07%) (WV WV131 only) WV218: 0.27 of 22.07 mi (1.21%) (WV WV218 only) WV598: 0.27 of 2.90 mi (9.39%) (WV WV598 only) WV817: 14.18 of 42.88 mi (33.08%) (WV WV817 only) System usawv connected routes traveled: 21 of 134 (15.7%), clinched: 0 of 134 (0.0%). System usawi (active) overall: 847.91 of 8704.55 mi (9.74%) System usawi by route (traveled routes only): WI11: 82.89 of 163.43 mi (50.72%) (WI WI11 only) WI13: 3.63 of 341.23 mi (1.06%) (WI WI13 only) WI16: 142.31 of 194.72 mi (73.09%) (WI WI16 only) WI16Bus (Watertown): 2.16 of 3.87 mi (55.89%) (WI WI16BusWat only) WI19: 29.65 of 58.60 mi (50.60%) (WI WI19 only) WI20: 1.01 of 42.42 mi (2.39%) (WI WI20 only) WI21: 0.51 of 122.66 mi (0.42%) (WI WI21 only) WI22: 2.97 of 171.11 mi (1.74%) (WI WI22 only) WI23: 67.12 of 209.75 mi (32.00%) (WI WI23 only) WI25: 1.28 of 87.36 mi (1.46%) (WI WI25 only) WI26: 9.43 of 100.29 mi (9.41%) (WI WI26 only) WI26Bus (Fort Atkinson): 0.38 of 5.49 mi (6.84%) (WI WI26BusFor only) WI27: 10.51 of 293.76 mi (3.58%) (WI WI27 only) WI28: 0.63 of 60.00 mi (1.05%) (WI WI28 only) WI31: 13.64 of 23.09 mi (59.07%) (WI WI31 only) WI32: 43.38 of 327.26 mi (13.25%) (WI WI32 only) WI33: 2.85 of 194.87 mi (1.46%) (WI WI33 only) WI35: 206.61 of 413.00 mi (50.03%) (WI WI35 only) WI36: 8.35 of 38.28 mi (21.83%) (WI WI36 only) WI39: 11.93 of 40.96 mi (29.14%) (WI WI39 only) WI42: 3.33 of 137.78 mi (2.42%) (WI WI42 only) WI49: 14.02 of 127.02 mi (11.04%) (WI WI49 only) WI50: 7.08 of 44.44 mi (15.93%) (WI WI50 only) WI54: 13.46 of 242.42 mi (5.55%) (WI WI54 only) WI56: 48.93 of 48.93 mi (100.00%) (WI WI56 only) WI57: 12.63 of 192.58 mi (6.56%) (WI WI57 only) WI59: 5.23 of 113.81 mi (4.60%) (WI WI59 only) WI60: 35.97 of 182.54 mi (19.70%) (WI WI60 only) WI66: 3.57 of 34.65 mi (10.30%) (WI WI66 only) WI67: 24.91 of 158.71 mi (15.70%) (WI WI67 only) WI73: 0.18 of 267.35 mi (0.07%) (WI WI73 only) WI78: 3.25 of 90.87 mi (3.58%) (WI WI78 only) WI80: 40.37 of 174.04 mi (23.19%) (WI WI80 only) WI81: 0.99 of 121.46 mi (0.81%) (WI WI81 only) WI82: 9.54 of 113.58 mi (8.40%) (WI WI82 only) WI83: 2.83 of 73.42 mi (3.86%) (WI WI83 only) WI89: 10.18 of 55.61 mi (18.30%) (WI WI89 only) WI100: 9.91 of 40.13 mi (24.70%) (WI WI100 only) WI110: 4.64 of 36.48 mi (12.72%) (WI WI110 only) WI120: 1.22 of 21.27 mi (5.73%) (WI WI120 only) WI130: 0.69 of 29.44 mi (2.33%) (WI WI130 only) WI131: 0.63 of 72.86 mi (0.87%) (WI WI131 only) WI133: 24.15 of 90.23 mi (26.76%) (WI WI133 only) WI158: 6.73 of 6.73 mi (100.00%) (WI WI158 only) WI162: 1.37 of 43.97 mi (3.12%) (WI WI162 only) WI164: 3.00 of 43.35 mi (6.92%) (WI WI164 only) WI167: 3.13 of 24.72 mi (12.65%) (WI WI167 only) WI441: 3.95 of 10.43 mi (37.85%) (WI WI441 only) WI794: 5.19 of 5.19 mi (100.00%) (WI WI794 only) System usawi connected routes traveled: 49 of 171 (28.7%), clinched: 3 of 171 (1.8%). System usawy (active) overall: 203.61 of 3565.63 mi (5.71%) System usawy by region: CO: 0.00 of 1.01 mi (0.00%) WY: 203.61 of 3564.62 mi (5.71%) System usawy by route (traveled routes only): WY51: 25.68 of 25.68 mi (100.00%) (WY WY51 only) WY59: 115.57 of 175.70 mi (65.78%) (WY WY59 only) WY89 (Sage): 29.92 of 43.77 mi (68.37%) (WY WY89 only) WY116: 0.31 of 61.49 mi (0.50%) (WY WY116 only) WY120: 2.16 of 121.80 mi (1.77%) (WY WY120 only) WY789: 29.97 of 409.14 mi (7.32%) (WY WY789 only) System usawy connected routes traveled: 6 of 171 (3.5%), clinched: 1 of 171 (0.6%). System usaal (preview) overall: 6.57 of 6977.40 mi (0.09%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL118: 6.57 of 37.88 mi (17.35%) (AL AL118 only) AL171: 6.57 of 73.29 mi (8.97%) (AL AL171 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 2 of 226 (0.9%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%). System usaca (preview) overall: 86.09 of 10941.27 mi (0.79%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA4: 0.83 of 182.57 mi (0.46%) (CA CA4 only) CA14: 1.36 of 118.74 mi (1.15%) (CA CA14 only) CA18: 3.01 of 108.30 mi (2.78%) (CA CA18 only) CA33: 12.26 of 321.82 mi (3.81%) (CA CA33 only) CA49: 0.28 of 291.68 mi (0.09%) (CA CA49 only) CA58: 26.14 of 236.21 mi (11.07%) (CA CA58 only) CA58Bus (Mojave): 8.68 of 8.68 mi (100.00%) (CA CA58BusMoj only) CA78: 28.25 of 213.39 mi (13.24%) (CA CA78 only) CA89 (Lake Tahoe): 2.44 of 221.46 mi (1.10%) (CA CA89 only) CA99: 4.22 of 432.01 mi (0.98%) (CA CA99 only) CA111 (Calexico): 2.51 of 85.78 mi (2.92%) (CA CA111 only) CA115: 2.41 of 36.98 mi (6.53%) (CA CA115 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 12 of 267 (4.5%), clinched: 1 of 267 (0.4%). System usafl (active) overall: 17.37 of 6377.90 mi (0.27%) System usafl by route (traveled routes only): FL2 (Okefenokee Swamp): 15.88 of 15.88 mi (100.00%) (FL FL2Oke only) FL228 (Jacksonville): 1.49 of 25.88 mi (5.75%) (FL FL228 only) System usafl connected routes traveled: 2 of 427 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 427 (0.2%). System usaush (preview) overall: 461.10 of 3084.23 mi (14.95%) System usaush by region: AZ: 72.00 of 398.19 mi (18.08%) CA: 8.77 of 917.84 mi (0.95%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 2.58 of 143.72 mi (1.80%) IL: 220.29 of 383.99 mi (57.37%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 19.64 of 417.59 mi (4.70%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 99.43 of 366.51 mi (27.13%) OH: 20.00 of 33.35 mi (59.98%) OK: 6.19 of 151.46 mi (4.09%) OR: 0.00 of 46.73 mi (0.00%) TX: 12.19 of 52.03 mi (23.43%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US6His (Iowa City, IA): 2.58 of 12.25 mi (21.10%) (IA US6HisIow only) US6His (Chardon, OH): 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) (OH US6HisCha only) US20His (Norwalk, OH): 2.14 of 4.51 mi (47.47%) (OH US20HisNor only) US20His (Painesville, OH): 13.61 of 24.59 mi (55.35%) (OH US20HisPai only) US66His (Barstow, CA): 8.77 of 190.97 mi (4.59%) (CA US66HisBar only) US66His (Kingman, AZ): 62.39 of 156.08 mi (39.98%) (AZ US66HisKin only) US66His (Flagstaff, AZ): 4.08 of 12.98 mi (31.45%) (AZ US66HisFla only) US66His (Winslow, AZ): 5.53 of 5.53 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisWin only) US66His (Gallup, NM): 37.11 of 37.59 mi (98.71%) NM US66HisGal: 37.11 of 37.11 mi (100.00%) US66His (Grants, NM): 37.11 of 72.28 mi (51.35%) (NM US66HisGra only) US66His (Amarillo, TX): 12.19 of 27.22 mi (44.79%) (TX US66HisAma only) US66His (Vinita, OK): 6.19 of 6.19 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisVin only) US66His (St Louis, MO): 228.44 of 639.56 mi (35.72%) MO US66HisStL: 19.64 of 316.96 mi (6.20%) IL US66HisChi: 208.80 of 288.57 mi (72.36%) US66His ((PRE-1937) Albuquerque, NM): 25.21 of 73.82 mi (34.16%) (NM US66HisAbq only) US66His ((1926-1930) Carlinville, IL): 8.02 of 71.59 mi (11.20%) (IL US66HisCar only) US66His ((1930-1940) Lincoln, IL): 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisLin only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 16 of 112 (14.3%), clinched: 4 of 112 (3.6%). Traveled 52 of 314 (16.6%), Clinched 0 of 314 (0.0%) active systems Traveled 3 of 135 (2.2%), Clinched 0 of 135 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-08-03 | (USA) Indiana | US 35 | in.us035 | Relocated from Monticello Road and onto Hoosier Heartland Highway between MonRd_W and MonRd_E 2015-08-11 | (USA) Georgia | I-16 | ga.i016 | Relabeled waypoint I-75 as 1 and previous waypoint 1 as 1A (US 23 & US 129, Spring Street) in Macon. 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | I-29 Business Spur (Brookings) | sd.i029bsbro | Created route from business loop file. Renamed BL I-29 points US14_W->MainAve and I-29_N->I-29. 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | US 85 | sd.us085 | Removed from US 14A and Glendale Drive and relocated onto Main Street between Fairview Avenue and Glendale Drive. 2015-08-17 | (USA) Iowa | US 34 | ia.us034 | Removed from road extending westward from I-29 exit 32 into Nebraska and moved onto new expressway extending west from I-29 exit 35 to Nebraska state line 2015-08-17 | (USA) Iowa | US 69 | ia.us069 | Renamed point IA152->CRR35 2015-08-18 | (USA) Nebraska | US 34 | ne.us034 | Removed from Chicago Avenue, 1st Avenue, 6th Street, Main Street, 3rd Street, and Livingston Road in Plattsmouth, and relocated onto US 75, Platteview Road, and the new Missouri River Bridge, between NE 66 and the Iowa state line. 2015-08-18 | (USA) Nebraska | US 75 | ne.us075 | Moved waypoint US34_E from NE 66 to Platteview Road. 2015-08-20 | (USA) Indiana | US 52 | in.us052 | Removed from Sagamore Parkway, Lafayette and relocated onto US231, Old US231 and Teal Road between western junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly southern junction with US231) and eastern junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly junction with IN25) 2015-08-21 | (USA) Indiana | Keystone Parkway | in.keypkwy | Route added 2015-09-03 | (USA) Arkansas | US 62 | ar.us062 | Removed from US 62 Business and relocated onto the southeastern Prairie Grove bypass. 2015-09-06 | (USA) Illinois | IL 8 | il.il008 | Relocated in Peoria from Main Street, University Street, and MacArthur Highway, to Western Avenue and IL 116 2015-09-06 | (USA) Illinois | IL 31 | il.il031 | Relocated in Algonquin from Main Street between Huntington Drive and Elmwood Court, west onto new bypass 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 41 | wi.us041 | Route relocated in Milwaukee area from WI 175 and I-94 to new I-41 2015-09-28 | (USA) Nebraska | US 77 | ne.us077 | Removed from 1st St, Chestnut St, 12th St, and CR 16 and relocated onto the northwestern Wahoo bypass, between NE 92 West and NE 109 South. 2015-10-27 | (USA) North Carolina | I-485 | nc.i485 | Extended between exits 23C (NC 115) and 30 (I-85), completing loop around Charlotte 2015-10-30 | (Canada) Ontario | ON3 (Windsor) | on.on003win | Route truncated between the old western end at the intersection Riverside Drive/Huron Church Road to the Ambassador Bridge 2015-11-08 | (USA) Nebraska | NE 92 | ne.ne092 | Removed from a beeline connection between CR 20 and US 26, and relocated onto a grade separated overpass of the BNSF Railway and US 26 2015-12-06 | (USA) Ohio | OH 38 | oh.oh038 | Route removed from North St, Market St and Lewis St in Washington Court House and Midland Ave, Bloomingburg between US22/62_E and Midland Ave, and relocated onto Main St, Bloomingburg (formerly OH238) 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2016-01-04 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 283 | ok.us283 | Removed from a two-lane north-south roadway and E 1490 between a point (labeled OldUS283) near the Jackson/Greer county line and the OK 6 north split, and relocated onto a divided four-lane diagonal directly between these two points. 2016-01-07 | (USA) Ohio | OH 61 | oh.oh061 | Removed from Seltzer Street and relocated onto Thoman Street and Main Street between a closed intersection with Seltzer Street and OH 181. 2016-01-07 | (USA) Ohio | OH 83 | oh.oh083 | Removed from Center Road and Main Street and Avon, and relocated onto Chester Road and Avon Belden Road. 2016-01-07 | (USA) Ohio | OH 707 | oh.oh707 | Removed from Mercer Road between US 33 and US 127, and relocated onto US 33 & US 127. 2016-01-12 | (USA) Ohio | I-275 | oh.i275 | New waypoint 31 for Ronald Reagan Hwy, relabeled waypoint 31 to 31A 2016-01-21 | (USA) Michigan | I-696 | mi.i696 | Extended at west end from waypoint 1A to I-96. 2016-01-23 | (USA) Michigan | MI 231 | mi.mi231 | Route added 2016-02-18 | (USA) North Carolina | US 421 | nc.us421 | Removed from Boone Trail & Horner Blvd through Sanford (now US421 Bus Sanford) between Exit 143 and US421BusSan_N 2016-03-01 | (USA) Tennessee | US 64 | tn.us064 | Removed from old two-lane to the west of Lawrenceburg (now Old Waynesboro Highway), and moved onto a new 4-lane alignment between the intersections with TN Secondary 240 and Old Waynesboro Highway (OldWayHwy_W) 2016-03-29 | (USA) Texas | US 59 | tx.us059 | Removed from Saunders St (US 59 Business) between I-35 Exit 2 and TX Loop 20, and relocated onto TX Loop 20 between Saunders St and the World Trade International Bridge 2016-05-15 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 87 | nc.nc087 | Moved onto the future I-295 freeway between Bragg Blvd and NC 210 then follows NC 210 2016-05-15 | (USA) Virginia | I-95 | va.i095 | previous Exit 74B is actually 74C in the field and a new point for actual 74B was added 2016-05-26 | (USA) Texas | US 287 Business (Fort Worth) | tx.us287busftw | South end removed from Main Street south of Mouser Way to US 287, and relocated onto FM 157 north of Mouser Way to US 287 2016-06-20 | (USA) Iowa | US 6 | ia.us006 | Removed from Broadway Street and Kanesville Boulevard in Council Bluffs and rerouted onto I-29 and I-80 between I-480 and I-80 Exit 8. (Renamed I-29->I-29(53B)) 2016-06-26 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 16 | wi.wi016 | Removed from old route (now County Road L) south of Watertown and moved onto connector and WI 26 bypass from Business 16/26 intersection to County Road J 2016-06-29 | (USA) Illinois | US 34 | il.us034 | Removed from County Road 1500N and IL 94 between 1400E and 1850E and relocated onto new four-lane south of Biggsville 2016-07-09 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 64 | ok.us064 | Removed from Stone City Park Dr between E0130 Rd and US 183, and relocated onto E0130 Rd and US183 between Stone City Park Dr and Broad St 2016-07-14 | (USA) Illinois | IL 116 | il.il116 | Corrected route on Old US 66 in Pontiac between Reynolds Street and Ladd Street. Relocated point IL23 2016-07-14 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 23 | wi.wi023 | Relocated north endpoint of WI 23 Business (Green Lake) to Thrasher Drive. Old endpoint is now *LawDr 2016-07-28 | (USA) North Dakota | US 85 | nd.us085 | Relocated from US 2 to new western Williston bypass, between southern US 2 junction and new US 85 Bypass 2016-08-16 | (USA) Tennessee | US 11 | tn.us011 | Removed from Kingston Pike, Cumberland Avenue, US 441, and East 5th Avenue in Knoxville, and rerouted along Neyland Drive (former TN 158) and Hall of Fame Drive between the intersections of Kingston Pike/Neyland Drive and East 5th Avenue/Hall of Fame Drive 2016-09-18 | (USA) Michigan | US 41 | mi.us041 | Extended north from FortWilSP to ManRd_N 2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | I-90 | sd.i090 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.) 2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 14 | sd.us014 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.) 2016-11-24 | (USA) Michigan | MI 37 | mi.mi037 | Moved from Martin Luther King Jr Dr and Dickman Rd onto Columbia Ave, Helmer Rd, and Dickman Rd between Martin Luther King Jr Dr and western Dickman Rd/Helmer Rd intersection in Battle Creek 2016-12-21 | (USA) Illinois | US 67 | il.us067 | Relocated intersection with IL3 and IL 111 eastward to Alton Square Mall Drive, removing IL3/111 label, new intersection OldIL3/111 2017-01-06 | (USA) Kentucky | US 41 | ky.us041 | Removed from old route in Henderson (now KY 2084) between Pennyrile Pkwy Exit 78 and KY 425 and onto KY 425 and Pennyrile Pkwy between Exits 76 and 78 2017-05-17 | (USA) Arizona | US180 | az.us180 | Route truncated at north end from East Rim Drive to the boundary of Grand Canyon National Park 2017-06-22 | (USA) Minnesota | US 14 | mn.us014 | Route relocated onto Nicollet Bypass 2017-06-25 | (USA) West Virginia | US 19 | wv.us019 | Removed from the former, now demolished, Hood Street Bridge in Shinnston, and rerouted onto the replacement bridge to the north between Clement Street & Hood Avenue. 2017-07-26 | (USA) Indiana | US 24 | in.us024 | Relocated around Fort Wayne between I-69 exit 302 and I-469 exit 21 from the southern I-69/469 loop to the northern I-69/469 loop 2017-07-30 | (USA) Indiana | IN 130 | in.in130 | Truncated at east end from US 30 to IN 149 2017-08-05 | (USA) Florida | US 1 | fl.us001 | Removed from Brickell Avenue in Miami, and relocated onto FL 970 and southern 2 miles of I-95 between the intersection of FL 970/Brickell Avenue (BriAve) and the interchange of I-95/Brickell Ave. 2017-10-03 | (USA) Illinois | IL 115 | il.il115 | Moved north end from Jeffrey Street at Schuyler Ave (US 45/52) to McMullin Drive at Water Street (also US 45/52) 2017-11-14 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 32 | wi.wi032 | Removed from Main Street between Hamilton and Goold streets, and from Goold Street between Main Street and Douglas Avenue, and relocated onto Hamilton Street between Main Street and Douglas Avenue and Douglas Avenue northwest to Goold Street. Renamed point DouAve->GooSt 2017-11-23 | (USA) Michigan | I-94 BL (Battle Creek) | mi.i094blbat | Removed from Wheatfield Pkwy and relocated onto MI 96 and MI 311 at eastern end 2017-11-25 | (USA) Michigan | MI 104 | mi.mi104 | Extended at western end from US 31 (now labeled US31_S) via Pine St & 3rd St to US31_N 2017-12-20 | (USA) Kentucky | KY11 | ky.ky0011 | Realigned west intersection with KY30 between OldKY11_S & OldKY11_N 2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 25W | tn.us025w | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly north of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 150 | ky.us150 | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N 2018-02-28 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 12 | wi.us012 | Moved points for WI73_N and WI73_S to new offramps 2018-04-11 | (USA) Mississippi | US 278 | ms.us278 | Relocated onto Corridor V through southern Tupelo 2018-05-31 | (USA) Illinois | IL 110 | il.il110 | Extended along Macomb bypass from US 136 to US 67 2018-06-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 70 | nc.us070 | Moved onto new bypass around Beaufort with Radio Island Rd and Live Oak St as the boundary points 2018-06-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 53 | pa.pa053 | Removed from Maple St and PA 350 and relocated onto Front St and Presqueisle St between East Maple St and PA 350/504. 2018-07-06 | (USA) Indiana | US 33 | in.us033 | Relocated in Goshen from Madison St and Main St onto the new Lincolnway East downtown bypass between Madison St & Main St 2018-08-04 | (USA) Indiana | IN 15 | in.in015 | Relocated in Goshen from Main St and Pike St onto Madison St and 3rd St between Madison St & US 33 2018-09-08 | (USA) Kentucky | I-69 | ky.i069 | Extended at south end to Exit 21 along former route of Purchase Pkwy 2018-09-08 | (USA) Kentucky | Purchase Pkwy | ky.purpkwy | Truncated at north end to Exit 21 2018-09-09 | (USA) Kentucky | I-69 Future (Mayfield, KY) | ky.i069fut | Truncated at north end to Exit 21 2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | OH 269 | oh.oh269 | Removed from Castalia St, Northwest St, and Southwest St and relocated onto Sandusky St between Southwest St and Robert Ave 2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | US 20 | oh.us020 | OH269 point moved from Northwest St/Southwest St to Sandusky St 2018-09-10 | (USA) Illinois | IL 50 | il.il050 | Moved IL83_N to 127th Street (old point now CalSagRd) 2018-09-14 | (USA) Georgia | US 1 | ga.us001 | Removed from Harrington St in Oak Park and relocated to new bypass on the south side of Oak Park, waypoint GA86_E renamed as ChiLn 2018-09-15 | (USA) North Carolina | I-73 | nc.i073 | Extended to future Rockingham Bypass 2018-09-15 | (USA) North Carolina | I-74 High Point | nc.i074hig | Extended to future Rockingham Bypass 2018-09-23 | (USA) Indiana | I-69 Wheatonville | in.i069whe | Extended at north end from exit 114 to exit 134 2018-10-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 222 | md.md222 | Truncated at north end from US222 to US 1 2018-10-09 | (USA) Missouri | US 24 | mo.us024 | Removed from Independence Avenue between I-70 exit 2H and I-435 exit 59 and rerouted onto I-70 and I-435 (this is from AASHTO mtg though field change is unknown) 2018-10-11 | (USA) New York | NY 36 | ny.ny036 | North end truncated from Brockport-Spencerport Road to NY 31/531. Truncated segment is now part of relocated NY 31. 2018-10-23 | (USA) Iowa | US 65 | ia.us065 | Relocated onto short stretch of IA 330 and new road between former IA 117/330 intersection and County Road F17 2018-11-03 | (USA) Iowa | US 169 Business (Fort Dodge) | ia.us169busfor | Removed from 2nd Avenue South between 5th Street and 8th Street and moved onto 1st Avenue South and block of 8th Street 2018-11-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 219 | pa.us219 | Rerouted onto new freeway between Meyersdale (at north end of US 219 Business(Meyersdale)) and Somerset (at Berlin Plank Rd). 2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors. 2018-12-16 | (USA) Kentucky | US 60 | ky.us060 | Removed from High St/Maxwell St one-way pair and Broadway and relocated onto KY 922 and US 25/421 between KY922_S & US25/27 2018-12-16 | (USA) Kentucky | US 641 | ky.us641 | Removed from KY 70 & KY 91 and relocated onto new alignment between KY70/91_N & KY91 2018-12-20 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 8 | ky.ky0008 | Moved KY9 waypoint to former CheWay waypoint 2018-12-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 61 | pa.pa061 | Fixed route in Mount Carmel to follow 5th St, Market St, East Ave, West Ave, and Poplar St. 2018-12-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 147 | pa.pa147 | Fixed PA61_N and PA61_S labels as they were backwards. 2019-01-01 | (USA) Indiana | US 50 | in.us050 | Relocated in North Vernon from Walnut St & Buckeye St onto the former routing of IN 750 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 20 | mt.us020 | Route truncated at east end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 14 | wy.us014 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 16 | wy.us016 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 20 | wy.us020 | Route truncated at west end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 89 | wy.us089 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-03-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-476 | pa.i476 | Extended to US 6 WB/US 11 to match mile-marker signage. 2019-04-13 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-376 | pa.i376 | Truncated Route to Exit 85 where it defaults onto US 22. 2019-06-15 | (USA) Michigan | I-94 BS (Kalamazoo) | mi.i094bskal | Truncated former Business Loop at west end to MI 96 2019-06-15 | (USA) Michigan | I-196 BS (Grand Rapids) | mi.i196bsgra | Truncated at east end to Clyde Park Ave 2019-06-15 | (USA) Michigan | MI 43 | mi.mi043 | Removed from route through Kalamazoo and onto US 131 and MI 89 between US 131 Exit 38 and the MI 89 junction north of Richland 2019-06-15 | (USA) Michigan | US 131 Business (Kalamazoo) | mi.us131buskal | Truncated at south end to Dunkley St 2019-06-23 | (USA) Illinois | BL I-55 (Springfield) | il.i055blspr | Relocated from one-way pair on Spruce/Myrtle streets and then 9th Street between Myrtle and Cook streets and relocated onto one-way pair of 5th/6th streets and Lawrence Avenue/Cook Street between same points 2019-06-23 | (USA) Tennessee | US 64 Bypass (Cleveland) | tn.us064bypcle | Route extended at west end to I-75 2019-07-31 | (USA) Kentucky | US 27 | ky.us027 | Removed from route through Cynthiana (now US 27 Business) and onto bypass concurrent with US 62 2019-08-22 | (USA) Texas | TX 121 | tx.tx121 | Waypoint label TX5_S moved approx 0.2 mi northeastward from a closed intersection now labeled *OldTX5. 2019-09-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 56 | pa.pa056 | Realigned between *OldPA56_A and *OldPA56_B around Hiner Rd (HinRd) intersection slightly southeast of PA 259. Realigned between *OldPA56_C and *OldPA56_D north of US 22. 2019-09-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 259 | pa.pa259 | Realigned between *FouRd in Bolivar and Front St (FroSt) in Robinson to follow Conemaugh River Bridge built between 2004 and 2008. 2019-10-01 | (USA) Illinois | IL 4 | il.il004 | Removed from Easton Avenue and part of Macoupin Street in Gillespie and moved on to Jersey and Pine streets between the Macoupin/Pine and Jersey/Easton intersections 2019-10-22 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 31 | pa.pa031 | Realigned at connector road to I-70/I-76 at the Donegal Interchange (between *OldPA31_A and *OldPA31_B). 2019-11-09 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 422 (Reading) | pa.us422rea | Realigned at Stowe Interchange (GroRd) between *OldUS422_A and *OldUS422_B. 2019-11-15 | (USA) Indiana | IN 312 | in.in312 | Truncated at west end from Illinois state line to White Oak Ave (Hammond/East Chicago border) 2019-11-16 | (USA) Missouri | US 61 | mo.us061 | Removed from route paralleling Messmer Street from the south side of Kelso to Route M and placed on new road heading east to I-55, then I-55 north to Exit 89 2019-12-03 | (USA) Iowa | I-680 | ia.i680 | Truncated to Exit 3 (south junction I-29) 2020-01-28 | (USA) Illinois | IL 9 | il.il009 | Removed from Court St between IL 29 and Veterans Drive in Pekin and relocated onto Veterans Drive and IL 29, Relocated point IL29_S from 2nd/3rd Street to intersection of IL 29 and Veterans Drive 2020-01-28 | (USA) Illinois | IL 29 | il.il029 | Relocated point IL9_E to intersection with Veterans Drive south of Pekin, Renamed old point IL9_E->AnnSt 2020-02-16 | (USA) Illinois | IL 3 | il.il003 | Removed from State Street/IL 150 between Stacy Street and Holmes Street and relocated onto Stacy Street and Stanwick Street 2020-03-02 | (USA) Iowa | IA 17 | ia.ia017 | Split tiny duplex with IA 210 into IA210_W and _E 2020-03-02 | (USA) Illinois | IL 33 | il.il033 | Moved US40_W from 4th Street to Banker St in Effingham 2020-04-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 231 | pa.pa231 | Realigned between PA221 and PA331_E. 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-287 | ny.i287 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 226 | nc.nc226 | Rerouted to correct endpoint at US 29 in Grover 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 29 | nc.us029 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 74 | nc.us074 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-06-25 | (USA) Illinois | IL 64 | il.il064 | Relocated IA/IL and IL84_N for new bridge 2020-06-25 | (USA) Illinois | US 52 | il.us052 | Relocated IA/IL and IL84_N for new bridge 2020-06-29 | (USA) Minnesota | I-90 | mn.i090 | Exit numbers revised from MN 76 to the WI Line 2020-07-06 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 18 | pa.pa018 | Realigned between *OldPA18 and I-376(39). (done in 2018). 2020-08-19 | (USA) Iowa | IA 3 | ia.ia003 | Route removed from (mostly) Central Avenue in Dubuque northwest of US 61/151 and truncated to the now-decommissioned IA 32 2020-08-19 | (USA) Iowa | US 52 | ia.us052 | Route removed from IA 3, Central Avenue in Dubuque, and part of US 61 between Luxemburg and south US 61/151 junction and rerouted onto IA 136, US 20, and new Southwest Arterial 2020-08-25 | (USA) Iowa | US 20 | ia.us020 | Relocated point CRX49 to align with recent interchange in Dyersville 2020-08-25 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 42 | wi.wi042 | Moved point WI310 from 12th Street to 16th Street in Two Rivers, retained old point as 12thSt 2020-09-28 | (USA) Kentucky | I-66 Fut (Bowling Green) | ky.cumpkwy | Route deleted (former route followed Cumberland Pkwy) 2020-09-28 | (USA) Ohio | OH 66 Truck ((West) Defiance) | oh.oh066trkdef | Route renamed from OH 66 Truck (Defiance) 2020-09-28 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 915 | pa.pa915 | Realigned between Palmer St (PalSt) and PA 26. 2020-10-09 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 322 | pa.us322 | Realigned between RedMillRd and *OldUS322_B onto new four lane freeway at Potters Mills Gap. 2020-10-10 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 441 | pa.pa441 | Realigned to use former route of PA 441 Truck (Middletown) between Union St (UniSt_S) and PA230_E. 2020-11-13 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 150 | nc.nc150 | rerouted around Kernersville using US 421 and new roadway, points between US421(222) and MainSt_W are the new routing 2020-11-17 | (USA) Kentucky | US 421 | ky.us421 | Realigned junction with KY 499 into single point 2020-11-29 | (USA) Kentucky | I-275 | ky.i275 | Changed former Exit 8 (KY 237) to Exit 6 and added new Exit 8 at Graves Rd 2020-11-29 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 80 | ky.ky0080 | Extended at west end along new southern bypass of Mayfield, former Bypass US 45, and I-69 and incorporating former KY 80 (Columbus) 2020-11-29 | (USA) Kentucky | US 119 | ky.us119 | Removed from former route (now KY 3619) and relocated onto parallel bypass between KY3619_S and KY3619_N (relocation occurred in late 2017) 2020-12-10 | (USA) Kentucky | US 460 | ky.us460 | KY1415_W & KY1888 points merged into KY1415/1888 at new common junction 2020-12-18 | (USA) Arizona | AZ87 | az.az087 | Route extended south from Frontier Street (former AZ 84) near Eloy, through new interchange with I-10, to Phillips Road. 2020-12-18 | (USA) Arizona | I-10 | az.i010 | Relocated onto new alignment near Eloy. Former exits 211, 211B, and 212 replaced with new exit 211. 2020-12-19 | (USA) North Carolina | US 64 | nc.us064 | Rerouted onto new Asheboro bypass - new route is between points 339-352 2020-12-24 | (USA) Indiana | IN 912 | in.in912 | Extended at west end via rebuilt bridge and former IN 912 (Hammond) to I-90 2020-12-24 | (USA) Indiana | US 31 | in.us031 | Waypoint 225 moved from US 6 (now 233) to correct location at US 30 2020-12-24 | (USA) Kentucky | US 42 | ky.us042 | KY 536 point relocated from Mt Zion Rd intersection (now labeled MtZionRd) to new point 0.1 mile south at new KY 536 alignmnent 2020-12-24 | (USA) Kentucky | US 127 | ky.us127 | KY 536 point relocated from Mt Zion Rd intersection (now labeled MtZionRd) to new point 0.1 mile south at new KY 536 alignmnent 2020-12-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 32 | oh.oh032 | OH220 point moved from old location (now GerRd) to new location approximately 1.5 miles to the west 2020-12-27 | (USA) Montana | US 2 | mt.us002 | Waypoint SR237 moved from Clinton Street to a new north-south road located 2.7 mi east. 2020-12-31 | (USA) Kentucky | Bert T Combs Mountain Parkway | ky.commtnpkwy | 57 point relocated from *OldExit57 to new location 0.15 miles west at relocated KY 205 junction 2021-01-05 | (USA) Iowa | IA 1 | ia.ia001 | Split one-block multiplex with US 34 2021-02-05 | (USA) North Carolina | US 501 | nc.us501 | Rerouted onto new alignment in Aberdeen - new route is between points NC211_E and US 1_S and closed point remains at former US 1 tie-in 2021-02-09 | (USA) Colorado | US 138 | co.us138 | Route relocated from 3rd St./4th St. one-way couplet to two-way 3rd St. in Sterling 2021-03-10 | (USA) Florida | US 92 | fl.us092 | Relocated FL559 label from Main Street (now MainSt) to the west about 1.9 miles to South Berkley Road (former CR 655) in Auburndale due to transfer agreement between FDOT & Polk County. 2021-03-15 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 32 | ky.ky0032 | Concurrency with US 68 eliminated with relocation of US 68, and alignment adjusted slightly between *OldKY32_CarW and *OldKY32_CarE 2021-03-15 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 36 | ky.ky0036 | Concurrency with US 68 eliminated with relocation of US 68, and alignment adjusted slightly between *OldUS68_W and *OldKY36 2021-03-15 | (USA) Kentucky | US 68 | ky.us068 | Relocated to new alignment between US68BusMil_E and KY1455_S, and waypoint KY1244_S repositioned near east end of bypassed segment 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 27 | nc.nc027 | Route moved onto I-277 in downtown Charlotte - new routing is between US 29 and US74(243) points 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 311 | nc.us311 | Route truncated to new endpoint of US 52 Winston Salem 2021-03-25 | (USA) Indiana | IN 933 | in.in933 | Removed from Main St/Michigan St one-way pair and onto Main St between IN23_S and MarSt 2021-03-25 | (USA) Indiana | US 31 Business (South Bend) | in.us031bussou | Removed from Main St/Michigan St one-way pair and onto Michigan St between US31_S and IN23/933, Sample St between IN23/933 and IN23_S, and Main St between IN23_S and MarSt 2021-03-27 | (USA) Illinois | IL 23 | il.il023 | Removed from part of Dekalb Avenue, Elm Street, and Main Street and relocated onto Center Cross Street and IL 64/State Street in Sycamore 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 41 | ga.us041 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-04-04 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 17 | on.on017 | Rerouted onto a brand new alignment to the west of Ignace which bypassed a big curve and straighend the highway between the points of *OldON17_IgnW (km 259) & *OldON17_IgnE (km 262). This reroute happend sometime after October 2018. 2021-05-07 | (USA) Arkansas | US 63 | ar.us063 | Removed from I-40, I-55 and I-555 and relocated onto US 49 between I-40 Exit 216 and I-555 Exit 45. 2021-05-17 | (USA) Illinois | I-294 | il.i294 | Updated labels for the interchanges of I-57 (was 8, now 7) & IL 83 (was 9, now 8) due to a recent renumbering. 2021-05-20 | (USA) Illinois | US 40 | il.us040 | IL140 point (now GalSt_W) relocated to former location of IL140_W. 2021-05-20 | (USA) South Dakota | SD 50 | sd.sd050 | Rerouted from diagonal west of Wagner between Walnut Avenue and 392nd Avenue onto SD 46 and 392nd Avenue. Old point renamed WalAve. Added and closed *OldSD50. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Illinois | US 45 | il.us045 | Moved off Old Mill Creek Road in Milburn and moved onto bypass to west. Endpoints of bypass are OldMCRd_S and *OldMCRd_N. 2021-06-05 | (USA) Nebraska | US 30 | ne.us030 | Removed from demolished 2-lane roadway, 5th St in Rogers, and more demolished 2-lane roadway, and relocated onto a parallel 4-lane divided expressway to the immediate north between points labeled *OldUS30_SchE & *OldUS30_Nor. 2021-06-08 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 18 | wi.us018 | Moved off 17th Street and State/Wells streets one-way pairs onto Highland Avenue and WI 145 between 17th and 6th Streets in Milwaukee. 2021-07-05 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 45 | wi.us045 | Re-entered route with exit numbers along I-41, I-894, US 10, WI 29. Re-entered all waypoint locations along I-894. 2021-07-05 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 51 | wi.us051 | Re-entered route with exit numbers between WI 29 and US 8. Re-entered exit numbers along I-39, treating I-39's exit numbers as US 51's. Removed from North Towne Road between WI 19 and Route V and relocated onto parallel freeway. Closed points CRDV_Dan and CRH_Lin. 2021-07-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 30 | ia.us030 | Relocated onto all-new four-lane slightly north of previous road between Tama and IA 21 2021-07-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 61 | ia.us061 | Relocated between Memorial Park Road and 180th Street onto alignment slightly west of previous route, with new points MemParkRd and 180thSt on either end 2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-65 | in.i065 | Added waypoint 262A at ramps to/from US12/20 2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-90 | in.i090 | Added waypoint 5A at ramp from US 41 to eastbound I-90 2021-07-28 | (USA) Ohio | OH 109 | oh.oh109 | Removed from demolished old bridge and relocated onto new bridge over Maumee River between OH110_E and AntWayTrl 2021-08-28 | (USA) Ohio | OH 113 | oh.oh113 | Point label at west end corrected to NWSt (Northwest St) from OH 269, and truncated at east end from US 6 to US 6 Alt/OH 254 2021-08-28 | (USA) Ohio | OH 162 | oh.oh162 | Truncated at east end from OH 261 to OH 18 in Akron