Log file created at: Fri Jan 24 21:24:11 2025 neptun.list last updated: 2025-01-22 21:01:05 +0100 Processed 566 good lines marking 4729 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 7746.95 of 1271338.13 mi (0.61%) Overall in active+preview systems: 8044.92 of 1946220.49 mi (0.41%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AUT: 460.47 of 18774.46 mi (2.45%), 460.47 of 18774.46 mi (2.45%) BEL: 158.27 of 8826.91 mi (1.79%), 158.27 of 8826.91 mi (1.79%) CZE: 2748.14 of 12989.76 mi (21.16%), 2748.14 of 12989.76 mi (21.16%) DEU-BB: 21.70 of 5550.03 mi (0.39%), 21.70 of 5550.03 mi (0.39%) DEU-BW: 4.14 of 8996.24 mi (0.05%), 4.14 of 9042.32 mi (0.05%) DEU-BY: 662.34 of 13887.09 mi (4.77%), 662.34 of 13966.11 mi (4.74%) DEU-HE: 66.22 of 6617.66 mi (1.00%), 66.22 of 6617.66 mi (1.00%) DEU-MV: 164.10 of 3612.05 mi (4.54%), 164.10 of 3612.05 mi (4.54%) DEU-NI: 138.81 of 8768.75 mi (1.58%), 138.81 of 8768.75 mi (1.58%) DEU-NW: 128.23 of 11838.07 mi (1.08%), 128.23 of 11838.07 mi (1.08%) DEU-RP: 35.26 of 6350.24 mi (0.56%), 35.26 of 6350.24 mi (0.56%) DEU-SN: 144.97 of 4538.53 mi (3.19%), 144.97 of 4538.53 mi (3.19%) DEU-ST: 87.85 of 4000.27 mi (2.20%), 87.85 of 4000.27 mi (2.20%) ENG: 757.71 of 32812.72 mi (2.31%), 757.71 of 32940.63 mi (2.30%) ESP-CT: 123.91 of 2552.02 mi (4.86%), 123.91 of 2552.02 mi (4.86%) FRA-HDF: 35.32 of 12939.94 mi (0.27%), 35.32 of 16130.59 mi (0.22%) HRV: 147.84 of 10398.75 mi (1.42%), 147.84 of 10398.75 mi (1.42%) HUN: 12.33 of 5611.90 mi (0.22%), 12.33 of 5611.90 mi (0.22%) ITA: 720.81 of 6387.09 mi (11.29%), 1018.79 of 19109.83 mi (5.33%) NLD: 150.00 of 6701.35 mi (2.24%), 150.00 of 6701.35 mi (2.24%) POL: 366.17 of 29937.46 mi (1.22%), 366.17 of 29937.46 mi (1.22%) SCT: 571.17 of 10877.27 mi (5.25%), 571.17 of 11020.77 mi (5.18%) SVK: 4.07 of 4715.07 mi (0.09%), 4.07 of 4715.07 mi (0.09%) SVN: 37.12 of 3680.03 mi (1.01%), 37.12 of 3680.03 mi (1.01%) System auta (active) overall: 328.46 of 1084.23 mi (30.29%) System auta by route (traveled routes only): A1 (West Autobahn): 73.20 of 182.02 mi (40.21%) (AUT A1 only) A2 (Süd Autobahn): 115.09 of 228.23 mi (50.43%) (AUT A2 only) A5 (Nord Autobahn (Main)): 14.26 of 29.37 mi (48.56%) (AUT A5 only) A7 (Mühlkreis Autobahn): 16.67 of 16.67 mi (100.00%) (AUT A7 only) A9 (Pyhrn Autobahn): 25.70 of 143.18 mi (17.95%) (AUT A9 only) A12 (Inntal Autobahn): 52.94 of 90.26 mi (58.65%) (AUT A12 only) A13 (Brenner Autobahn): 21.04 of 21.04 mi (100.00%) (AUT A13 only) A13 (Brenner Autobahn Westspange Innsbruck): 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%) (AUT A13Inn only) A23 (Autobahn Südosttangente Wien): 9.01 of 10.34 mi (87.13%) (AUT A23 only) System auta connected routes traveled: 9 of 29 (31.0%), clinched: 3 of 29 (10.3%). System auts (active) overall: 23.27 of 324.06 mi (7.18%) System auts by route (traveled routes only): S1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße Nord): 5.20 of 13.92 mi (37.34%) (AUT S1Wie only) S2 (Wiener Nordrand Schnellstraße): 4.59 of 4.59 mi (100.00%) (AUT S2 only) S10 (Mühlviertler Schnellstraße): 13.49 of 13.49 mi (100.00%) (AUT S10 only) System auts connected routes traveled: 3 of 16 (18.8%), clinched: 2 of 16 (12.5%). System autb (active) overall: 93.35 of 5842.07 mi (1.60%) System autb by route (traveled routes only): B1 (Wiener Straße): 7.54 of 194.85 mi (3.87%) (AUT B1 only) B7 (Brünner Straße): 19.71 of 41.43 mi (47.57%) (AUT B7 only) B38 (Böhmerwald Straße): 2.17 of 105.57 mi (2.05%) (AUT B38 only) B40 (Mistelbacher Straße (Main)): 1.39 of 46.85 mi (2.96%) (AUT B40 only) B125 (Prager Straße): 2.93 of 23.30 mi (12.58%) (AUT B125 only) B145 (Salzkammergutstraße Straße): 12.73 of 60.40 mi (21.08%) (AUT B145 only) B151 (Attersee Straße): 1.26 of 25.11 mi (5.02%) (AUT B151 only) B152 (Seeleiten Straße): 5.92 of 14.85 mi (39.86%) (AUT B152 only) B154 (Mondsee Straße): 2.84 of 18.39 mi (15.45%) (AUT B154 only) B155 (Münchener Straße): 1.08 of 2.27 mi (47.75%) (AUT B155 only) B158 (Wolfgangsee Straße): 15.68 of 30.29 mi (51.78%) (AUT B158 only) B177 (Seefelder Straße): 12.06 of 12.06 mi (100.00%) (AUT B177 only) B212 (Bad Vöslauer Straße): 1.64 of 15.34 mi (10.66%) (AUT B212 only) B221 (Wiener Gürtel Straße): 0.58 of 8.00 mi (7.20%) (AUT B221 only) B227 (Donaukanal Straße): 0.29 of 5.26 mi (5.57%) (AUT B227 only) B310 (Mühlviertler Straße): 9.08 of 9.08 mi (100.00%) (AUT B310 only) System autb connected routes traveled: 16 of 286 (5.6%), clinched: 2 of 286 (0.7%). System autl3 (active) overall: 0.06 of 6162.30 mi (0.00%) System autl3 by route (traveled routes only): L3065-3: 0.06 of 1.80 mi (3.60%) (AUT L3065-3 only) System autl3 connected routes traveled: 1 of 2195 (0.0%), clinched: 0 of 2195 (0.0%). System autl4 (active) overall: 13.78 of 2473.02 mi (0.56%) System autl4 by route (traveled routes only): L543-4 (Kienbergwandstraße): 0.06 of 0.06 mi (100.00%) (AUT L543-4 only) L544-4 (Großalmstraße): 12.68 of 12.68 mi (100.00%) (AUT L544-4 only) L1297-4 (Langbathseestraße): 0.74 of 4.79 mi (15.46%) (AUT L1297-4 only) L1299-4 (Reindlmühlstraße): 0.30 of 2.45 mi (12.34%) (AUT L1299-4 only) System autl4 connected routes traveled: 4 of 544 (0.7%), clinched: 2 of 544 (0.4%). System autl5 (active) overall: 3.25 of 381.38 mi (0.85%) System autl5 by route (traveled routes only): L118-5 (Bergheimer Landesstraße): 0.38 of 2.62 mi (14.64%) (AUT L118-5 only) L119-5 (Eugendorfer Landesstraße): 0.34 of 0.34 mi (100.00%) (AUT L119-5 only) L217-5 (Kienbergwand Landesstraße): 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%) (AUT L217-5 only) System autl5 connected routes traveled: 3 of 94 (3.2%), clinched: 2 of 94 (2.1%). System bela (active) overall: 146.74 of 1027.92 mi (14.28%) System bela by route (traveled routes only): A2: 54.62 of 54.62 mi (100.00%) (BEL A2 only) A3: 7.74 of 84.58 mi (9.16%) (BEL A3 only) A10: 58.59 of 65.91 mi (88.89%) (BEL A10 only) A18: 25.79 of 25.79 mi (100.00%) (BEL A18 only) System bela connected routes traveled: 4 of 28 (14.3%), clinched: 2 of 28 (7.1%). System belr (active) overall: 11.53 of 307.23 mi (3.75%) System belr by route (traveled routes only): R0: 11.53 of 47.09 mi (24.48%) (BEL R0 only) System belr connected routes traveled: 1 of 48 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%). System czed (active) overall: 663.24 of 926.86 mi (71.56%) System czed by route (traveled routes only): D0 ((South) Praha): 21.62 of 21.62 mi (100.00%) (CZE D0 only) D0 ((East) Praha): 2.70 of 2.70 mi (100.00%) (CZE D0EPr only) D1 ((Main)): 139.43 of 166.18 mi (83.90%) (CZE D1 only) D1 (Ostrava): 9.05 of 58.70 mi (15.41%) (CZE D1Ost only) D3: 42.79 of 60.45 mi (70.78%) (CZE D3 only) D4: 47.08 of 47.08 mi (100.00%) (CZE D4 only) D5: 94.31 of 94.31 mi (100.00%) (CZE D5 only) D6 (Kladno): 19.77 of 30.14 mi (65.61%) (CZE D6 only) D6 (BoÅ¡ov): 2.20 of 5.09 mi (43.18%) (CZE D6Bos only) D7 (Slaný): 10.30 of 10.30 mi (100.00%) (CZE D7 only) D7 (Louny): 9.08 of 10.39 mi (87.39%) (CZE D7Lou only) D8: 57.82 of 57.82 mi (100.00%) (CZE D8 only) D10: 43.92 of 43.92 mi (100.00%) (CZE D10 only) D11: 70.96 of 70.96 mi (100.00%) (CZE D11 only) D35 (Opatovice nad Labem): 20.18 of 20.18 mi (100.00%) (CZE D35Opa only) D35 (Olomouc): 18.82 of 21.89 mi (85.96%) (CZE D35 only) D46: 23.78 of 23.78 mi (100.00%) (CZE D46 only) D48 (BÄ›lotÃn): 5.06 of 5.06 mi (100.00%) (CZE D48Bel only) D48 (Nový JiÄÃn): 3.01 of 5.40 mi (55.69%) (CZE D48Nov only) D48 (Frýdek-MÃstek): 10.85 of 28.56 mi (38.00%) (CZE D48 only) D52: 10.54 of 10.54 mi (100.00%) (CZE D52 only) System czed connected routes traveled: 21 of 29 (72.4%), clinched: 12 of 29 (41.4%). System czei (active) overall: 1054.75 of 3299.91 mi (31.96%) System czei by route (traveled routes only): I2: 29.24 of 53.90 mi (54.25%) (CZE I2 only) I3 (BeneÅ¡ov): 27.16 of 27.16 mi (100.00%) (CZE I3Ben only) I3 (Kaplice): 9.96 of 9.96 mi (100.00%) (CZE I3 only) I4 (Zbraslav): 5.33 of 5.33 mi (100.00%) (CZE I4Zbr only) I4 (Strakonice): 41.70 of 41.70 mi (100.00%) (CZE I4 only) I6 (Nové StraÅ¡ecÃ): 15.78 of 15.78 mi (100.00%) (CZE I6 only) I6 (Bochov): 19.41 of 23.49 mi (82.64%) (CZE I6Boc only) I7 (PÅ™ednà Kopanina): 1.59 of 1.59 mi (100.00%) (CZE I7Pre only) I7 (Slaný): 10.55 of 10.55 mi (100.00%) (CZE I7 only) I8 (Teplice): 1.57 of 21.05 mi (7.46%) (CZE I8 only) I8 (BÅ™ezinÄ›ves): 2.59 of 2.59 mi (100.00%) (CZE I8Bre only) I9: 55.62 of 64.00 mi (86.90%) (CZE I9 only) I10: 2.37 of 26.99 mi (8.79%) (CZE I10 only) I11: 7.85 of 169.08 mi (4.64%) (CZE I11 only) I13: 54.00 of 140.00 mi (38.57%) (CZE I13 only) I14 (Trutnov): 12.74 of 120.84 mi (10.55%) (CZE I14 only) I15: 21.39 of 44.57 mi (48.00%) (CZE I15 only) I16: 64.34 of 120.39 mi (53.44%) (CZE I16 only) I17: 3.50 of 35.09 mi (9.99%) (CZE I17 only) I18: 17.35 of 38.59 mi (44.96%) (CZE I18 only) I19: 14.95 of 163.19 mi (9.16%) (CZE I19 only) I20 ((Main)): 83.43 of 133.34 mi (62.57%) (CZE I20 only) I22: 47.04 of 69.19 mi (67.99%) (CZE I22 only) I23: 53.20 of 92.61 mi (57.45%) (CZE I23 only) I24: 1.18 of 30.87 mi (3.82%) (CZE I24 only) I25: 7.65 of 7.65 mi (100.00%) (CZE I25 only) I26: 37.27 of 47.70 mi (78.12%) (CZE I26 only) I27: 56.19 of 132.48 mi (42.41%) (CZE I27 only) I28: 9.02 of 9.02 mi (100.00%) (CZE I28 only) I30: 16.45 of 19.83 mi (82.95%) (CZE I30 only) I31: 1.11 of 3.96 mi (28.00%) (CZE I31 only) I32: 24.22 of 24.34 mi (99.51%) (CZE I32 only) I33: 0.49 of 14.72 mi (3.36%) (CZE I33 only) I34: 65.73 of 130.65 mi (50.31%) (CZE I34 only) I35 (Hradec Králové): 51.00 of 139.79 mi (36.48%) (CZE I35 only) I35 (ValaÅ¡ské MezirÃcÃ): 0.52 of 43.03 mi (1.20%) (CZE I35Val only) I37 (Trutnov): 14.50 of 14.50 mi (100.00%) (CZE I37Tru only) I37 (Pardubice): 6.38 of 76.00 mi (8.40%) (CZE I37 only) I38 ((Main)): 18.55 of 164.25 mi (11.30%) (CZE I38 only) I39: 50.31 of 50.31 mi (100.00%) (CZE I39 only) I42 ((Main)): 4.39 of 10.72 mi (40.97%) (CZE I42 only) I43: 41.00 of 74.67 mi (54.91%) (CZE I43 only) I48 (Nový JiÄÃn): 8.50 of 13.48 mi (63.04%) (CZE I48 only) I48 (Frýdek-MÃstek): 4.40 of 4.40 mi (100.00%) (CZE I48Fry only) I48 (ÄŒeský TěšÃn): 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%) (CZE I48Ces only) I50 ((Main)): 7.52 of 66.40 mi (11.32%) (CZE I50 only) I52 (Brno): 6.07 of 6.07 mi (100.00%) (CZE I52Brn only) I52 (Mikulov): 14.50 of 14.50 mi (100.00%) (CZE I52 only) I56 (Dolnà BeneÅ¡ov): 1.45 of 18.66 mi (7.77%) (CZE I56Dol only) I56 (Ostrava): 3.55 of 6.15 mi (57.80%) (CZE I56 only) I57: 9.49 of 103.82 mi (9.14%) (CZE I57 only) I58: 2.81 of 29.04 mi (9.69%) (CZE I58 only) I61: 2.12 of 7.90 mi (26.77%) (CZE I61 only) I62: 14.22 of 22.81 mi (62.32%) (CZE I62 only) I63: 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%) (CZE I63 only) I66: 2.83 of 4.91 mi (57.70%) (CZE I66 only) I67: 0.23 of 19.21 mi (1.22%) (CZE I67 only) System czei connected routes traveled: 57 of 92 (62.0%), clinched: 17 of 92 (18.5%). System czeii (active) overall: 1061.59 of 8890.96 mi (11.94%) System czeii by route (traveled routes only): II101: 9.07 of 90.60 mi (10.01%) (CZE II101 only) II102: 21.61 of 50.53 mi (42.77%) (CZE II102 only) II105: 16.06 of 74.76 mi (21.48%) (CZE II105 only) II106: 0.97 of 16.78 mi (5.78%) (CZE II106 only) II110: 5.89 of 16.21 mi (36.32%) (CZE II110 only) II112: 2.40 of 72.00 mi (3.33%) (CZE II112 only) II114: 11.44 of 42.02 mi (27.21%) (CZE II114 only) II116: 20.59 of 37.54 mi (54.86%) (CZE II116 only) II117: 2.60 of 44.13 mi (5.89%) (CZE II117 only) II118 (Kladno): 35.75 of 38.97 mi (91.74%) (CZE II118 only) II118 (PÅ™Ãbram): 20.38 of 37.18 mi (54.82%) (CZE II118Pri only) II119: 8.04 of 15.96 mi (50.38%) (CZE II119 only) II121 (Milevsko): 0.38 of 35.90 mi (1.07%) (CZE II121 only) II122: 10.82 of 52.21 mi (20.73%) (CZE II122 only) II126: 1.79 of 25.77 mi (6.94%) (CZE II126 only) II128: 5.52 of 49.20 mi (11.22%) (CZE II128 only) II139: 0.68 of 23.27 mi (2.94%) (CZE II139 only) II140: 0.05 of 13.19 mi (0.42%) (CZE II140 only) II141: 6.89 of 35.79 mi (19.26%) (CZE II141 only) II143: 25.00 of 26.76 mi (93.45%) (CZE II143 only) II144: 9.18 of 9.77 mi (94.00%) (CZE II144 only) II145: 42.03 of 52.93 mi (79.40%) (CZE II145 only) II149: 4.71 of 4.71 mi (100.00%) (CZE II149 only) II151: 0.09 of 35.18 mi (0.25%) (CZE II151 only) II156 (ÄŒeské BudÄ›jovice): 0.90 of 0.90 mi (100.00%) (CZE II156Ces only) II157 ((Main)): 2.14 of 33.72 mi (6.35%) (CZE II157 only) II159: 1.40 of 29.73 mi (4.70%) (CZE II159 only) II160: 14.12 of 14.12 mi (100.00%) (CZE II160 only) II162: 10.83 of 10.83 mi (100.00%) (CZE II162 only) II163: 23.83 of 23.83 mi (100.00%) (CZE II163 only) II164: 10.69 of 10.69 mi (100.00%) (CZE II164 only) II165: 10.19 of 10.19 mi (100.00%) (CZE II165 only) II166: 10.23 of 10.23 mi (100.00%) (CZE II166 only) II169: 18.85 of 28.70 mi (65.68%) (CZE II169 only) II171: 4.93 of 40.32 mi (12.23%) (CZE II171 only) II173: 9.79 of 18.18 mi (53.83%) (CZE II173 only) II174: 12.32 of 27.18 mi (45.35%) (CZE II174 only) II177: 6.57 of 13.15 mi (49.94%) (CZE II177 only) II178: 0.54 of 7.45 mi (7.25%) (CZE II178 only) II180: 4.48 of 46.76 mi (9.58%) (CZE II180 only) II183: 10.59 of 42.10 mi (25.16%) (CZE II183 only) II186: 6.28 of 21.03 mi (29.88%) (CZE II186 only) II187: 22.02 of 22.02 mi (100.00%) (CZE II187 only) II188: 2.15 of 10.91 mi (19.67%) (CZE II188 only) II190: 24.96 of 40.88 mi (61.05%) (CZE II190 only) II191 (Klatovy): 32.95 of 38.19 mi (86.28%) (CZE II191 only) II191 (Rožmitál pod TÅ™emÅ¡Ãnem): 8.08 of 9.63 mi (83.90%) (CZE II191Roz only) II193: 8.80 of 56.07 mi (15.69%) (CZE II193 only) II195: 1.29 of 25.81 mi (4.99%) (CZE II195 only) II201: 38.09 of 95.45 mi (39.90%) (CZE II201 only) II205: 5.32 of 25.83 mi (20.61%) (CZE II205 only) II207: 0.95 of 7.40 mi (12.82%) (CZE II207 only) II219: 4.63 of 17.25 mi (26.81%) (CZE II219 only) II221 (Ostrov): 4.42 of 14.91 mi (29.68%) (CZE II221Ost only) II227: 7.62 of 28.56 mi (26.68%) (CZE II227 only) II229: 21.22 of 34.77 mi (61.03%) (CZE II229 only) II230: 9.76 of 72.68 mi (13.43%) (CZE II230 only) II233: 6.36 of 33.34 mi (19.09%) (CZE II233 only) II235: 10.12 of 10.12 mi (100.00%) (CZE II235 only) II236: 10.79 of 29.52 mi (36.55%) (CZE II236 only) II237: 9.89 of 39.17 mi (25.26%) (CZE II237 only) II238: 2.00 of 3.72 mi (53.86%) (CZE II238 only) II240: 16.14 of 49.11 mi (32.86%) (CZE II240 only) II241: 3.21 of 3.21 mi (100.00%) (CZE II241 only) II242: 2.45 of 2.45 mi (100.00%) (CZE II242 only) II243: 2.44 of 2.94 mi (83.16%) (CZE II243 only) II245: 0.57 of 13.22 mi (4.27%) (CZE II245 only) II246: 2.87 of 34.17 mi (8.40%) (CZE II246 only) II248: 1.15 of 8.28 mi (13.91%) (CZE II248 only) II253: 1.57 of 10.93 mi (14.39%) (CZE II253 only) II260: 0.91 of 21.61 mi (4.21%) (CZE II260 only) II261: 3.53 of 47.19 mi (7.48%) (CZE II261 only) II262: 1.10 of 22.42 mi (4.90%) (CZE II262 only) II263: 14.72 of 33.19 mi (44.35%) (CZE II263 only) II264: 3.35 of 7.00 mi (47.94%) (CZE II264 only) II268: 11.69 of 35.91 mi (32.57%) (CZE II268 only) II270: 14.67 of 26.42 mi (55.54%) (CZE II270 only) II273: 2.13 of 18.78 mi (11.33%) (CZE II273 only) II276: 2.05 of 12.77 mi (16.09%) (CZE II276 only) II279: 0.21 of 27.00 mi (0.79%) (CZE II279 only) II280: 9.09 of 30.98 mi (29.32%) (CZE II280 only) II284: 0.27 of 26.96 mi (1.02%) (CZE II284 only) II286: 11.08 of 29.26 mi (37.85%) (CZE II286 only) II293: 6.41 of 6.41 mi (100.00%) (CZE II293 only) II294: 1.36 of 7.47 mi (18.20%) (CZE II294 only) II296: 7.20 of 8.60 mi (83.72%) (CZE II296 only) II299: 6.33 of 28.26 mi (22.41%) (CZE II299 only) II300 (Žacléř): 8.41 of 8.41 mi (100.00%) (CZE II300Zac only) II300 (Dvůr Králové nad Labem): 10.25 of 13.58 mi (75.49%) (CZE II300 only) II305: 0.16 of 22.87 mi (0.69%) (CZE II305 only) II322 (KolÃn): 3.65 of 13.84 mi (26.38%) (CZE II322 only) II324: 11.88 of 49.70 mi (23.90%) (CZE II324 only) II325: 2.73 of 25.39 mi (10.73%) (CZE II325 only) II326: 8.13 of 9.58 mi (84.90%) (CZE II326 only) II327: 0.15 of 33.63 mi (0.46%) (CZE II327 only) II328: 3.60 of 24.36 mi (14.76%) (CZE II328 only) II329: 1.69 of 20.65 mi (8.17%) (CZE II329 only) II330: 2.88 of 21.76 mi (13.24%) (CZE II330 only) II331: 3.04 of 33.31 mi (9.12%) (CZE II331 only) II347: 1.13 of 26.69 mi (4.24%) (CZE II347 only) II351: 0.74 of 50.47 mi (1.46%) (CZE II351 only) II357: 0.58 of 39.88 mi (1.45%) (CZE II357 only) II358: 4.95 of 35.02 mi (14.13%) (CZE II358 only) II360: 1.24 of 86.26 mi (1.44%) (CZE II360 only) II366: 3.36 of 47.56 mi (7.07%) (CZE II366 only) II367: 2.42 of 25.83 mi (9.36%) (CZE II367 only) II377: 4.12 of 36.61 mi (11.26%) (CZE II377 only) II379: 10.19 of 42.23 mi (24.14%) (CZE II379 only) II385: 0.52 of 29.38 mi (1.77%) (CZE II385 only) II389: 1.66 of 13.66 mi (12.17%) (CZE II389 only) II390 (Osová BÃtýška): 4.02 of 17.25 mi (23.33%) (CZE II390 only) II395: 0.11 of 27.12 mi (0.39%) (CZE II395 only) II402: 11.05 of 15.46 mi (71.50%) (CZE II402 only) II403: 1.91 of 19.96 mi (9.57%) (CZE II403 only) II405: 6.73 of 17.30 mi (38.88%) (CZE II405 only) II406: 8.35 of 31.69 mi (26.35%) (CZE II406 only) II409: 0.55 of 73.53 mi (0.74%) (CZE II409 only) II434: 5.53 of 23.29 mi (23.73%) (CZE II434 only) II468: 1.17 of 8.31 mi (14.05%) (CZE II468 only) II470: 1.52 of 10.72 mi (14.17%) (CZE II470 only) II473: 0.62 of 12.58 mi (4.92%) (CZE II473 only) II477: 0.80 of 18.41 mi (4.37%) (CZE II477 only) II479: 6.66 of 13.15 mi (50.63%) (CZE II479 only) II480: 4.88 of 6.13 mi (79.56%) (CZE II480 only) II483: 3.79 of 17.40 mi (21.80%) (CZE II483 only) II486: 8.51 of 10.87 mi (78.29%) (CZE II486 only) II502: 1.22 of 3.14 mi (38.90%) (CZE II502 only) II528: 3.28 of 10.32 mi (31.78%) (CZE II528 only) II599: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) (CZE II599 only) II602 ((Main)): 1.06 of 70.77 mi (1.50%) (CZE II602 only) II603 (Kamenice): 2.76 of 13.94 mi (19.77%) (CZE II603Kam only) II603 (Tábor): 1.03 of 45.17 mi (2.28%) (CZE II603 only) II603 (VeleÅ¡Ãn): 8.31 of 8.31 mi (100.00%) (CZE II603Ves only) II604: 19.94 of 26.63 mi (74.87%) (CZE II604 only) II605 (Beroun): 15.57 of 43.18 mi (36.05%) (CZE II605 only) II606 (Hostivice): 3.86 of 3.86 mi (100.00%) (CZE II606Hos only) II606 (Stochov): 9.42 of 20.99 mi (44.87%) (CZE II606 only) II606 (Libkovice): 4.86 of 4.86 mi (100.00%) (CZE II606Lib only) II608 (Kralupy nad Vltavou): 21.84 of 31.58 mi (69.15%) (CZE II608 only) II611: 42.84 of 70.15 mi (61.07%) (CZE II611 only) II613: 3.10 of 3.23 mi (96.07%) (CZE II613 only) II634: 4.28 of 5.51 mi (77.71%) (CZE II634 only) II640: 1.58 of 1.58 mi (100.00%) (CZE II640 only) II647: 8.37 of 36.46 mi (22.96%) (CZE II647 only) II648: 8.58 of 21.23 mi (40.41%) (CZE II648 only) System czeii connected routes traveled: 145 of 463 (31.3%), clinched: 19 of 463 (4.1%). System deua (active) overall: 1224.10 of 8261.35 mi (14.82%) System deua by region: DEU-BB: 21.70 of 506.73 mi (4.28%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 45.16 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 4.14 of 663.07 mi (0.62%) DEU-BY: 561.36 of 1590.25 mi (35.30%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 41.53 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 66.22 of 636.36 mi (10.41%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 46.62 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 80.45 of 361.61 mi (22.25%) DEU-NI: 138.81 of 911.99 mi (15.22%) DEU-NW: 128.23 of 1408.89 mi (9.10%) DEU-RP: 35.26 of 544.33 mi (6.48%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 342.75 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 147.06 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 100.09 of 363.60 mi (27.53%) DEU-ST: 87.85 of 327.02 mi (26.86%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 324.39 mi (0.00%) System deua by route (traveled routes only): A2: 127.74 of 296.98 mi (43.01%) DEU-NW A2: 8.58 of 118.61 mi (7.23%) DEU-NI A2: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%) DEU-ST A2: 21.66 of 53.23 mi (40.69%) A3: 259.51 of 478.70 mi (54.21%) DEU-NW A3: 11.24 of 113.93 mi (9.87%) DEU-RP A3: 35.26 of 35.26 mi (100.00%) DEU-HE A3: 66.22 of 66.22 mi (100.00%) DEU-BY A3Asc: 33.28 of 33.28 mi (100.00%) DEU-BW A3: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%) DEU-BY A3: 109.38 of 225.88 mi (48.42%) A4 (Köln): 49.27 of 95.05 mi (51.83%) (DEU-NW A4 only) A4 (Dresden): 10.63 of 268.90 mi (3.95%) DEU-SN A4: 10.63 of 131.50 mi (8.08%) A6: 66.36 of 301.52 mi (22.01%) DEU-BY A6: 66.36 of 125.35 mi (52.94%) A8 (Rosenheim): 78.34 of 78.78 mi (99.44%) (DEU-BY A8 only) A9: 29.91 of 331.02 mi (9.03%) DEU-BY A9: 29.91 of 178.38 mi (16.77%) A11: 18.32 of 69.49 mi (26.36%) DEU-MV A11: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%) DEU-BB A11: 6.17 of 57.34 mi (10.76%) A14 (Leipzig): 127.92 of 130.22 mi (98.23%) DEU-ST A14: 65.56 of 67.86 mi (96.60%) DEU-SN A14Rab: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%) DEU-ST A14Gro: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%) DEU-SN A14: 61.12 of 61.12 mi (100.00%) A17: 27.73 of 27.73 mi (100.00%) (DEU-SN A17 only) A20: 83.83 of 215.42 mi (38.91%) DEU-MV A20: 58.53 of 165.77 mi (35.31%) DEU-BB A20Uck: 1.84 of 1.84 mi (100.00%) DEU-MV A20Pas: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%) DEU-BB A20: 13.69 of 13.69 mi (100.00%) A30: 84.37 of 84.37 mi (100.00%) DEU-NI A30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) DEU-NW A30: 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%) DEU-NI A30: 23.46 of 23.46 mi (100.00%) DEU-NW A30Oey: 19.46 of 19.46 mi (100.00%) A59 (Bonn): 9.35 of 15.74 mi (59.42%) (DEU-NW A59Bon only) A92: 83.12 of 84.28 mi (98.63%) (DEU-BY A92 only) A93 (Regensburg): 79.93 of 150.77 mi (53.01%) (DEU-BY A93 only) A93 (Oberaudorf): 15.78 of 15.78 mi (100.00%) (DEU-BY A93Obe only) A95: 42.75 of 42.75 mi (100.00%) (DEU-BY A95 only) A99 (München): 22.52 of 33.66 mi (66.90%) (DEU-BY A99 only) A544: 0.56 of 3.37 mi (16.53%) (DEU-NW A544 only) A559: 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW A559 only) A560: 4.53 of 8.23 mi (55.05%) (DEU-NW A560 only) System deua connected routes traveled: 21 of 152 (13.8%), clinched: 5 of 152 (3.3%). System deub (active) overall: 175.00 of 22943.02 mi (0.76%) System deub by region: AUT: 0.00 of 0.88 mi (0.00%) BEL: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 0.46 mi (0.00%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 1682.58 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 99.18 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 2537.84 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 79.33 of 3645.52 mi (2.18%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 20.47 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 1794.43 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 73.05 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 65.37 of 1198.02 mi (5.46%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 2853.49 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 1.27 of 2693.14 mi (0.05%) DEU-RP: 0.00 of 1699.55 mi (0.00%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 946.92 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 187.32 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 29.03 of 1369.35 mi (2.12%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 1238.62 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 900.47 mi (0.00%) System deub by route (traveled routes only): B2 (Weilheim): 24.02 of 60.84 mi (39.48%) (DEU-BY B2Wei only) B2R: 12.23 of 17.44 mi (70.15%) (DEU-BY B2R only) B11 (Regen): 3.72 of 37.12 mi (10.02%) (DEU-BY B11Reg only) B12 (Freyung): 29.60 of 34.26 mi (86.38%) (DEU-BY B12Fre only) B20: 1.80 of 152.91 mi (1.18%) (DEU-BY B20 only) B21 ((Main)): 0.19 of 13.31 mi (1.40%) (DEU-BY B21 only) B21 (Schwarzbach): 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) (DEU-BY B21Sch only) B23: 3.75 of 35.28 mi (10.64%) (DEU-BY B23 only) B23 (Oberau): 0.81 of 0.81 mi (100.00%) (DEU-BY B23Obe only) B56: 1.27 of 102.93 mi (1.24%) (DEU-NW B56 only) B85: 2.10 of 300.58 mi (0.70%) DEU-BY B85: 2.10 of 210.70 mi (0.99%) B95: 12.74 of 37.97 mi (33.57%) (DEU-SN B95 only) B96 (Stralsund): 43.66 of 47.49 mi (91.95%) (DEU-MV B96 only) B96b: 2.16 of 2.16 mi (100.00%) (DEU-MV B96b only) B101 ((Main)): 2.38 of 182.29 mi (1.30%) DEU-SN B101: 2.38 of 93.97 mi (2.53%) B105 (Rostock): 4.69 of 100.78 mi (4.65%) (DEU-MV B105 only) B170: 3.96 of 30.73 mi (12.90%) (DEU-SN B170 only) B171: 8.39 of 39.00 mi (21.50%) (DEU-SN B171 only) B173 (Chemnitz): 1.55 of 79.26 mi (1.96%) (DEU-SN B173 only) B196: 16.55 of 16.55 mi (100.00%) (DEU-MV B196 only) B197: 3.00 of 24.61 mi (12.18%) (DEU-MV B197 only) B299: 1.96 of 208.16 mi (0.94%) (DEU-BY B299 only) B301: 1.96 of 41.74 mi (4.69%) (DEU-BY B301 only) System deub connected routes traveled: 23 of 732 (3.1%), clinched: 4 of 732 (0.5%). System deubyst (active) overall: 31.56 of 8867.24 mi (0.36%) System deubyst by route (traveled routes only): St2127: 4.34 of 36.34 mi (11.95%) (DEU-BY St2127 only) St2130: 9.06 of 32.60 mi (27.78%) (DEU-BY St2130 only) St2131: 1.99 of 11.56 mi (17.18%) (DEU-BY St2131 only) St2132 (Hauzenberg): 0.23 of 20.42 mi (1.15%) (DEU-BY St2132Hau only) St2137: 2.68 of 5.70 mi (46.98%) (DEU-BY St2137 only) St2146: 2.24 of 57.77 mi (3.88%) (DEU-BY St2146 only) St2154 ((Main)): 0.61 of 78.80 mi (0.78%) (DEU-BY St2154 only) St2350: 1.09 of 30.58 mi (3.57%) (DEU-BY St2350 only) St2622: 9.31 of 9.31 mi (100.00%) (DEU-BY St2622 only) St2630: 3.11 of 18.21 mi (17.07%) (DEU-BY St2630 only) System deubyst connected routes traveled: 10 of 607 (1.6%), clinched: 1 of 607 (0.2%). System deumvl (active) overall: 18.91 of 2102.79 mi (0.90%) System deumvl by route (traveled routes only): L29: 10.17 of 33.04 mi (30.77%) (DEU-MV L29 only) L30 (Breege): 3.65 of 20.78 mi (17.54%) (DEU-MV L30Bre only) L292: 5.09 of 5.09 mi (100.00%) (DEU-MV L292 only) System deumvl connected routes traveled: 3 of 123 (2.4%), clinched: 1 of 123 (0.8%). System deusns (active) overall: 19.18 of 2851.45 mi (0.67%) System deusns by route (traveled routes only): S36 ((Main)): 5.61 of 54.76 mi (10.25%) (DEU-SN S36 only) S177 ((Main)): 0.52 of 46.76 mi (1.12%) (DEU-SN S177 only) S214: 1.44 of 9.86 mi (14.62%) (DEU-SN S214 only) S218: 1.75 of 11.21 mi (15.61%) (DEU-SN S218 only) S221: 5.18 of 5.18 mi (100.00%) (DEU-SN S221 only) S262: 3.21 of 9.41 mi (34.13%) (DEU-SN S262 only) S265: 1.29 of 9.88 mi (13.04%) (DEU-SN S265 only) S271 ((Main)): 0.18 of 12.84 mi (1.36%) (DEU-SN S271 only) System deusns connected routes traveled: 8 of 313 (2.6%), clinched: 1 of 313 (0.3%). System eure (active) overall: 4316.67 of 108151.91 mi (3.99%) System eure by region: ALB: 0.00 of 191.08 mi (0.00%) ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%) AUT: 378.13 of 1441.83 mi (26.23%) AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%) BEL: 158.27 of 1147.91 mi (13.79%) BGR: 0.00 of 1556.64 mi (0.00%) BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 888.72 mi (0.00%) CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%) CZE: 1063.95 of 1627.79 mi (65.36%) DEU-BB: 6.17 of 525.10 mi (1.17%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.36 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 4.14 of 780.57 mi (0.53%) DEU-BY: 499.07 of 1410.76 mi (35.38%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 28.28 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 66.22 of 482.75 mi (13.72%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 30.31 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 103.35 of 367.27 mi (28.14%) DEU-NI: 138.81 of 656.38 mi (21.15%) DEU-NW: 112.16 of 794.22 mi (14.12%) DEU-RP: 35.26 of 467.50 mi (7.54%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 216.62 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.97 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 39.60 of 286.51 mi (13.82%) DEU-ST: 87.85 of 183.69 mi (47.82%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.16 mi (0.00%) DNK: 0.00 of 582.31 mi (0.00%) ENG: 221.52 of 1577.28 mi (14.04%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 3.96 of 384.47 mi (1.03%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 224.03 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 179.71 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%) EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2942.37 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1038.62 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 686.76 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%) FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 568.38 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1035.45 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 31.56 of 801.36 mi (3.94%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 260.83 mi (0.00%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.85 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 395.40 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.01 mi (0.00%) GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%) GRC: 0.00 of 2362.33 mi (0.00%) HRV: 123.84 of 1054.79 mi (11.74%) HUN: 0.00 of 1532.12 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 499.49 mi (0.00%) ITA: 656.73 of 5392.68 mi (12.18%) KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%) KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%) LTU: 0.00 of 977.13 mi (0.00%) LUX: 0.00 of 126.99 mi (0.00%) LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%) MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%) MKD: 0.00 of 317.03 mi (0.00%) MNE: 0.00 of 335.01 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 147.66 mi (0.00%) NLD: 123.00 of 1015.76 mi (12.11%) NOR: 0.00 of 3870.63 mi (0.00%) POL: 234.97 of 3369.01 mi (6.97%) PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%) RKS: 0.00 of 156.50 mi (0.00%) ROU: 0.00 of 3745.94 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%) SCT: 191.01 of 463.06 mi (41.25%) SRB: 0.00 of 1132.07 mi (0.00%) SVK: 0.00 of 945.23 mi (0.00%) SVN: 37.12 of 365.87 mi (10.15%) SWE: 0.00 of 4139.89 mi (0.00%) TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%) TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%) TUR: 0.00 of 5716.12 mi (0.00%) UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%) UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%) System eure by route (traveled routes only): E5 (Glasgow, SCT (loop)): 4.20 of 11.34 mi (37.00%) (SCT E5Gla only) E15 (Great Britain): 278.09 of 637.73 mi (43.61%) SCT E15: 155.87 of 214.24 mi (72.76%) ENG E15: 122.21 of 423.50 mi (28.86%) E16 (Scotland): 39.13 of 42.74 mi (91.56%) (SCT E16 only) E19: 11.00 of 327.64 mi (3.36%) NLD E19: 2.39 of 79.04 mi (3.03%) BEL E19: 8.61 of 113.36 mi (7.59%) E22 (Netherlands - Germany): 45.01 of 506.10 mi (8.89%) DEU-MV E22: 45.01 of 153.21 mi (29.38%) E28 (Germany - Poland): 25.19 of 307.88 mi (8.18%) DEU-BB E28: 6.17 of 57.34 mi (10.76%) DEU-MV E28: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%) POL E28: 6.87 of 238.38 mi (2.88%) E30 (Great Britain): 99.31 of 356.10 mi (27.89%) ENG E30: 99.31 of 223.02 mi (44.53%) E30 (Netherlands - Russia): 286.71 of 3360.51 mi (8.53%) NLD E30: 74.59 of 140.24 mi (53.19%) DEU-NI E30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) DEU-NW E30Rhe: 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%) DEU-NI E30Osn: 23.46 of 23.46 mi (100.00%) DEU-NW E30: 28.03 of 28.03 mi (100.00%) DEU-NI E30: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%) DEU-ST E30: 21.66 of 53.23 mi (40.69%) E35: 170.26 of 1049.09 mi (16.23%) NLD E35: 4.00 of 82.72 mi (4.83%) DEU-NW E35: 11.24 of 113.93 mi (9.87%) DEU-RP E35: 35.26 of 35.26 mi (100.00%) DEU-HE E35: 40.01 of 72.82 mi (54.95%) ITA E35: 79.74 of 402.04 mi (19.83%) E40: 188.26 of 5405.94 mi (3.48%) FRA-HDF E40: 31.56 of 35.68 mi (88.47%) BEL E40: 103.65 of 177.19 mi (58.49%) DEU-NW E40: 42.41 of 111.67 mi (37.98%) DEU-SN E40: 10.63 of 131.50 mi (8.08%) E41: 46.02 of 468.95 mi (9.81%) DEU-HE E41Sel: 0.06 of 1.84 mi (3.38%) DEU-BY E41: 33.28 of 33.28 mi (100.00%) DEU-BW E41Wer: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%) DEU-BY E41Wur: 8.55 of 11.20 mi (76.30%) E42: 26.14 of 380.51 mi (6.87%) DEU-HE E42: 26.14 of 36.88 mi (70.87%) E43: 14.00 of 318.02 mi (4.40%) DEU-BY E43: 14.00 of 67.50 mi (20.74%) E44: 15.88 of 485.44 mi (3.27%) DEU-RP E44: 11.02 of 104.14 mi (10.58%) DEU-HE E44: 4.86 of 39.43 mi (12.32%) E45 (Denmark - Italy): 519.19 of 1821.34 mi (28.51%) DEU-BY E45: 153.32 of 273.18 mi (56.13%) AUT E45: 67.63 of 67.63 mi (100.00%) ITA E45: 298.24 of 892.54 mi (33.41%) E48: 59.15 of 217.29 mi (27.22%) CZE E48: 59.15 of 105.50 mi (56.07%) E49: 166.34 of 464.43 mi (35.82%) DEU-ST E49: 65.56 of 65.56 mi (100.00%) DEU-SN E49Rab: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%) DEU-ST E49Gro: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%) DEU-SN E49Sch: 0.63 of 3.42 mi (18.35%) CZE E49: 98.92 of 195.54 mi (50.59%) E50: 303.72 of 3110.72 mi (9.76%) DEU-BY E50: 66.36 of 125.35 mi (52.94%) CZE E50: 237.36 of 296.24 mi (80.12%) E52: 94.46 of 317.19 mi (29.78%) DEU-BY E52: 94.46 of 166.13 mi (56.86%) E53: 122.91 of 171.54 mi (71.65%) CZE E53: 36.07 of 50.15 mi (71.93%) DEU-BY E53: 86.84 of 121.39 mi (71.54%) E54: 0.94 of 528.49 mi (0.18%) DEU-BY E54: 0.94 of 84.06 mi (1.11%) E55 (Germany - Italy): 336.95 of 1427.84 mi (23.60%) DEU-SN E55: 27.73 of 53.23 mi (52.10%) CZE E55: 170.25 of 187.92 mi (90.60%) AUT E55: 112.43 of 248.63 mi (45.22%) ITA E55: 26.53 of 678.03 mi (3.91%) E56: 23.21 of 187.02 mi (12.41%) DEU-BY E56: 23.21 of 139.71 mi (16.61%) E57: 41.77 of 231.61 mi (18.03%) AUT E57: 25.70 of 143.18 mi (17.95%) SVN E57: 16.06 of 88.43 mi (18.17%) E59: 222.32 of 328.42 mi (67.69%) AUT E59: 147.47 of 194.80 mi (75.70%) SVN E59: 37.12 of 37.12 mi (100.00%) HRV E59: 37.73 of 37.73 mi (100.00%) E60 (France - Hungary): 184.40 of 1584.89 mi (11.63%) AUT E60Inn: 52.94 of 168.65 mi (31.39%) DEU-BY E60: 58.27 of 58.71 mi (99.25%) AUT E60: 73.20 of 238.44 mi (30.70%) E65 (Poland - Greece): 468.97 of 2202.22 mi (21.30%) POL E65: 207.16 of 314.45 mi (65.88%) CZE E65: 178.98 of 241.79 mi (74.03%) HRV E65: 82.82 of 457.09 mi (18.12%) E66: 30.94 of 495.20 mi (6.25%) AUT E66: 30.94 of 235.08 mi (13.16%) E67: 71.45 of 1017.64 mi (7.02%) CZE E67: 71.45 of 85.68 mi (83.40%) E70 (Spain - Bulgaria): 3.29 of 2431.07 mi (0.14%) HRV E70: 3.29 of 193.00 mi (1.70%) E71: 42.70 of 637.31 mi (6.70%) HRV E71: 42.70 of 316.62 mi (13.49%) E75 (Poland - Greece): 28.04 of 1602.32 mi (1.75%) POL E75: 20.94 of 390.30 mi (5.36%) CZE E75: 7.10 of 27.01 mi (26.28%) E80 (Portugal - Italy): 273.35 of 1725.90 mi (15.84%) ITA E80: 273.35 of 537.64 mi (50.84%) E90 (Portugal - Spain): 3.96 of 773.89 mi (0.51%) ESP-CT E90: 3.96 of 115.43 mi (3.43%) E231: 25.10 of 25.10 mi (100.00%) (NLD E231 only) E251: 89.04 of 168.59 mi (52.81%) DEU-MV E251: 89.04 of 121.76 mi (73.13%) E314: 78.40 of 78.40 mi (100.00%) BEL E314: 54.62 of 54.62 mi (100.00%) NLD E314: 16.92 of 16.92 mi (100.00%) DEU-NW E314: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%) E442: 166.58 of 369.27 mi (45.11%) CZE E442: 166.58 of 342.38 mi (48.65%) E461: 108.36 of 126.55 mi (85.63%) CZE E461: 78.91 of 78.91 mi (100.00%) AUT E461: 29.45 of 47.64 mi (61.82%) E462: 119.12 of 206.49 mi (57.69%) CZE E462: 98.18 of 120.51 mi (81.47%) POL E462: 20.94 of 85.98 mi (24.35%) E533: 84.64 of 86.49 mi (97.86%) DEU-BY E533: 65.68 of 67.53 mi (97.26%) AUT E533: 18.96 of 18.96 mi (100.00%) E551: 63.47 of 63.47 mi (100.00%) (CZE E551 only) E641: 2.38 of 55.93 mi (4.25%) DEU-BY E641: 0.19 of 13.31 mi (1.40%) AUT E641Sal: 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%) System eure connected routes traveled: 43 of 339 (12.7%), clinched: 3 of 339 (0.9%). System eursf (active) overall: 88.92 of 2256.26 mi (3.94%) System eursf by region: ALB: 0.00 of 15.84 mi (0.00%) BIH: 0.00 of 66.64 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 428.03 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 40.10 mi (0.00%) CZE: 44.70 of 45.64 mi (97.94%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 8.32 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 27.15 mi (0.00%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 3.64 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 8.23 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 14.44 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 3.75 mi (0.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 3.34 mi (0.00%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 116.17 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 1.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 126.05 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 29.75 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 7.53 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 38.18 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 14.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 4.75 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 3.75 of 3.75 mi (100.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 28.81 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 2.08 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 7.95 mi (0.00%) GRC: 0.00 of 10.62 mi (0.00%) ITA: 40.47 of 99.74 mi (40.57%) NLD: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) PRT: 0.00 of 26.22 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 1030.95 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 27.60 mi (0.00%) System eursf by route (traveled routes only): 5KvePra (5. kvÄ›tna, Praha): 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%) (CZE 5KvePra only) BrnSka (BrnÄ›nská, Praha): 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%) (CZE BrnSka only) ChuRad (Chuchelská radiála, Praha): 4.03 of 4.03 mi (100.00%) (CZE ChuRad only) KbelSka (Kbelská, Praha): 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) (CZE KbelSka only) MO (MÄ›stský Okruh, Praha): 15.02 of 15.02 mi (100.00%) (CZE MO only) ProRad (Prosecká radiála, Praha): 6.25 of 6.25 mi (100.00%) (CZE ProRad only) RadRad (Radlická radiála, Praha): 2.98 of 2.98 mi (100.00%) (CZE RadRad only) RocEst (Rocade Est du Calais): 3.75 of 3.75 mi (100.00%) (FRA-HDF RocEst only) SGCFirLiv (S.G.C. Firenze-Pisa-Livorno (Livorno)): 40.47 of 50.14 mi (80.72%) (ITA SGCFirLiv only) SpoSka (SpoÅ™ilovská, Praha): 1.00 of 1.00 mi (100.00%) (CZE SpoSka only) SteRad (Å tÄ›rboholská radiála, Praha): 2.81 of 2.81 mi (100.00%) (CZE SteRad only) VysRad (VysoÄanská radiála, Praha): 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%) (CZE VysRad only) System eursf connected routes traveled: 12 of 162 (7.4%), clinched: 11 of 162 (6.8%). System espa (active) overall: 57.06 of 8293.97 mi (0.69%) System espa by region: ESP-AN: 0.00 of 1156.57 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 521.07 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 269.99 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 152.74 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 1505.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 988.28 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 57.06 of 569.79 mi (10.01%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 437.49 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 731.99 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 277.20 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 430.54 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 250.09 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 246.06 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 109.30 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 647.41 mi (0.00%) System espa by route (traveled routes only): A2 (Lleida): 54.40 of 112.73 mi (48.26%) ESP-CT A2: 54.40 of 105.42 mi (51.60%) B20: 1.41 of 17.91 mi (7.86%) (ESP-CT B20 only) B22: 1.25 of 1.25 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT B22 only) System espa connected routes traveled: 3 of 238 (1.3%), clinched: 1 of 238 (0.4%). System espn (active) overall: 21.44 of 9843.41 mi (0.22%) System espn by region: ESP-AN: 0.00 of 1067.69 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 1044.17 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 271.91 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 227.25 mi (0.00%) ESP-CE: 0.00 of 12.16 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 2221.67 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 1375.48 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 21.44 of 730.51 mi (2.94%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 684.60 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 881.61 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 166.60 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 65.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-ML: 0.00 of 7.93 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 163.75 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 191.43 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 162.68 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 568.52 mi (0.00%) System espn by route (traveled routes only): NIIa (Igualada): 0.51 of 11.03 mi (4.64%) (ESP-CT NIIa only) N260 (Puigcerda): 20.93 of 241.28 mi (8.68%) ESP-CT N260: 20.93 of 169.55 mi (12.35%) System espn connected routes traveled: 2 of 342 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 342 (0.0%). System espct (active) overall: 47.32 of 1288.98 mi (3.67%) System espct by route (traveled routes only): C13: 8.35 of 90.75 mi (9.20%) (ESP-CT C13 only) C14: 34.91 of 104.43 mi (33.42%) (ESP-CT C14 only) C26 (Balaguer): 10.80 of 104.82 mi (10.31%) (ESP-CT C26 only) C31 (el Prat de Llobregat): 1.39 of 22.40 mi (6.19%) (ESP-CT C31Pra only) C32 (Vilanova i la Geltru): 1.41 of 35.88 mi (3.92%) (ESP-CT C32 only) C32B: 1.27 of 1.27 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT C32B only) System espct connected routes traveled: 6 of 50 (12.0%), clinched: 1 of 50 (2.0%). System fraa (active) overall: 31.56 of 7281.49 mi (0.43%) System fraa by region: FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1088.80 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 560.94 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 30.78 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 614.95 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 805.15 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 31.56 of 733.80 mi (4.30%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 377.13 mi (0.00%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 909.80 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 454.53 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 771.54 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 466.92 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 467.15 mi (0.00%) System fraa by route (traveled routes only): A16 (Amiens): 31.56 of 194.39 mi (16.24%) FRA-HDF A16: 31.56 of 184.59 mi (17.10%) System fraa connected routes traveled: 1 of 146 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 146 (0.0%). System gbnm (active) overall: 444.31 of 1936.18 mi (22.95%) System gbnm by region: ENG: 321.33 of 1641.64 mi (19.57%) SCT: 122.98 of 213.88 mi (57.50%) WLS: 0.00 of 80.66 mi (0.00%) System gbnm by route (traveled routes only): M2: 12.44 of 25.33 mi (49.11%) (ENG M2 only) M3: 32.58 of 58.58 mi (55.61%) (ENG M3 only) M4 (London - South Wales Motorway): 99.31 of 189.93 mi (52.28%) ENG M4: 99.31 of 116.41 mi (85.30%) M5: 62.68 of 163.31 mi (38.38%) (ENG M5 only) M8: 39.13 of 56.02 mi (69.85%) (SCT M8 only) M9: 29.83 of 32.33 mi (92.25%) (SCT M9 only) M11: 21.69 of 48.95 mi (44.30%) (ENG M11 only) M20: 40.15 of 50.54 mi (79.44%) (ENG M20 only) M25 (London Orbital): 42.82 of 113.03 mi (37.88%) (ENG M25 only) M26: 9.67 of 9.67 mi (100.00%) (ENG M26 only) M80: 20.79 of 20.79 mi (100.00%) (SCT M80 only) M90 (Inverkeithing - Perth Motorway): 30.38 of 31.73 mi (95.73%) (SCT M90 only) M90 (Broxburn Spur): 2.85 of 2.85 mi (100.00%) (SCT M90Per only) M876: 1.41 of 7.53 mi (18.65%) (SCT M876 only) System gbnm connected routes traveled: 14 of 55 (25.5%), clinched: 3 of 55 (5.5%). System gbnam (active) overall: 0.99 of 227.36 mi (0.44%) System gbnam by region: ENG: 0.99 of 175.51 mi (0.56%) SCT: 0.00 of 49.87 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 1.99 mi (0.00%) System gbnam by route (traveled routes only): A167M: 0.99 of 0.99 mi (100.00%) (ENG A167M only) System gbnam connected routes traveled: 1 of 22 (4.5%), clinched: 1 of 22 (4.5%). System gbna (active) overall: 871.59 of 28171.18 mi (3.09%) System gbna by region: ENG: 423.29 of 19434.91 mi (2.18%) SCT: 448.30 of 6217.41 mi (7.21%) WLS: 0.00 of 2518.86 mi (0.00%) System gbna by route (traveled routes only): A1 (Edinburgh): 108.36 of 128.67 mi (84.22%) ENG A1New: 59.60 of 75.28 mi (79.18%) SCT A1: 48.76 of 53.39 mi (91.33%) A2: 20.39 of 72.50 mi (28.13%) (ENG A2 only) A3: 1.99 of 76.43 mi (2.60%) (ENG A3 only) A8 (Edinburgh): 3.55 of 7.50 mi (47.32%) (SCT A8Edi only) A9: 57.70 of 266.10 mi (21.68%) (SCT A9 only) A10: 0.83 of 98.55 mi (0.84%) (ENG A10 only) A11 (London): 2.85 of 2.85 mi (100.00%) (ENG A11Lon only) A12: 5.72 of 119.73 mi (4.77%) (ENG A12 only) A19: 8.38 of 123.61 mi (6.78%) (ENG A19 only) A20: 12.11 of 72.79 mi (16.64%) (ENG A20 only) A28: 0.55 of 57.01 mi (0.96%) (ENG A28 only) A30: 6.15 of 279.19 mi (2.20%) (ENG A30 only) A33: 4.97 of 51.74 mi (9.60%) (ENG A33 only) A37: 2.17 of 58.88 mi (3.69%) (ENG A37 only) A39: 56.54 of 194.43 mi (29.08%) (ENG A39 only) A68: 62.90 of 126.11 mi (49.88%) ENG A68: 12.97 of 76.18 mi (17.02%) SCT A68: 49.93 of 49.93 mi (100.00%) A82: 81.33 of 164.82 mi (49.34%) (SCT A82 only) A84: 27.82 of 28.51 mi (97.59%) (SCT A84 only) A85: 20.85 of 112.97 mi (18.45%) (SCT A85 only) A86: 27.50 of 38.92 mi (70.65%) (SCT A86 only) A87: 80.87 of 96.39 mi (83.90%) (SCT A87 only) A90 (Edinburgh): 5.76 of 9.29 mi (62.00%) (SCT A90Edi only) A91: 2.14 of 53.23 mi (4.03%) (SCT A91 only) A104: 0.11 of 13.24 mi (0.81%) (ENG A104 only) A109: 1.91 of 5.78 mi (33.03%) (ENG A109 only) A120: 2.06 of 62.98 mi (3.26%) (ENG A120 only) A167 (Darlington): 0.48 of 61.69 mi (0.77%) (ENG A167 only) A167 (Nuns Moor): 3.09 of 3.09 mi (100.00%) (ENG A167Nun only) A187: 0.54 of 6.25 mi (8.64%) (ENG A187 only) A191: 0.54 of 12.95 mi (4.19%) (ENG A191 only) A199: 3.29 of 26.18 mi (12.56%) (SCT A199 only) A201: 0.27 of 3.40 mi (8.01%) (ENG A201 only) A205: 0.92 of 19.98 mi (4.62%) (ENG A205 only) A206: 0.08 of 15.38 mi (0.52%) (ENG A206 only) A219: 0.08 of 9.54 mi (0.89%) (ENG A219 only) A249: 5.80 of 18.02 mi (32.21%) (ENG A249 only) A256: 0.84 of 21.45 mi (3.91%) (ENG A256 only) A257: 0.15 of 11.09 mi (1.37%) (ENG A257 only) A290: 0.22 of 5.45 mi (4.12%) (ENG A290 only) A303: 84.81 of 94.42 mi (89.82%) (ENG A303 only) A343: 0.78 of 26.96 mi (2.90%) (ENG A343 only) A358: 8.59 of 41.85 mi (20.52%) (ENG A358 only) A360: 0.93 of 23.70 mi (3.91%) (ENG A360 only) A361 (Barnstaple): 44.79 of 48.19 mi (92.95%) (ENG A361Bar only) A377: 36.47 of 39.10 mi (93.27%) (ENG A377 only) A386: 0.46 of 57.12 mi (0.81%) (ENG A386 only) A396: 1.20 of 40.01 mi (3.01%) (ENG A396 only) A406: 2.15 of 25.63 mi (8.39%) (ENG A406 only) A503: 3.64 of 8.45 mi (43.04%) (ENG A503 only) A696: 29.32 of 29.32 mi (100.00%) (ENG A696 only) A698: 0.95 of 42.61 mi (2.24%) SCT A698: 0.95 of 29.56 mi (3.22%) A720: 11.89 of 13.01 mi (91.41%) (SCT A720 only) A830: 14.68 of 39.15 mi (37.49%) (SCT A830 only) A855: 0.33 of 31.82 mi (1.03%) (SCT A855 only) A889: 7.88 of 7.88 mi (100.00%) (SCT A889 only) A901: 0.65 of 2.43 mi (26.72%) (SCT A901 only) A902: 6.81 of 6.81 mi (100.00%) (SCT A902 only) A904: 0.68 of 17.10 mi (3.96%) (SCT A904 only) A1003: 1.53 of 2.60 mi (58.92%) (ENG A1003 only) A1080: 0.77 of 1.18 mi (65.16%) (ENG A1080 only) A1211: 0.35 of 1.04 mi (33.87%) (ENG A1211 only) A1400: 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%) (ENG A1400 only) A2050: 3.76 of 4.47 mi (84.08%) (ENG A2050 only) A3036: 0.74 of 4.48 mi (16.43%) (ENG A3036 only) A3072: 4.92 of 51.90 mi (9.48%) (ENG A3072 only) A3125: 0.61 of 2.16 mi (28.10%) (ENG A3125 only) A3209: 0.95 of 0.95 mi (100.00%) (ENG A3209 only) A6095: 1.23 of 4.47 mi (27.57%) (SCT A6095 only) System gbna connected routes traveled: 68 of 1939 (3.5%), clinched: 7 of 1939 (0.4%). System gbnb (active) overall: 26.14 of 18095.43 mi (0.14%) System gbnb by region: ENG: 22.37 of 11886.45 mi (0.19%) SCT: 3.77 of 4432.02 mi (0.09%) WLS: 0.00 of 1776.97 mi (0.00%) System gbnb by route (traveled routes only): B2248: 0.29 of 0.77 mi (37.78%) (ENG B2248 only) B3083: 0.22 of 4.40 mi (5.03%) (ENG B3083 only) B3227: 1.66 of 54.19 mi (3.05%) (ENG B3227 only) B3231: 4.54 of 4.54 mi (100.00%) (ENG B3231 only) B3236: 2.41 of 2.41 mi (100.00%) (ENG B3236 only) B3237: 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%) (ENG B3237 only) B3263: 8.35 of 12.05 mi (69.23%) (ENG B3263 only) B3343: 3.55 of 3.55 mi (100.00%) (ENG B3343 only) B6342: 0.03 of 22.60 mi (0.14%) (ENG B6342 only) B6347: 0.29 of 6.51 mi (4.43%) (ENG B6347 only) B6362: 0.75 of 6.66 mi (11.25%) (SCT B6362 only) B6367: 0.08 of 6.84 mi (1.13%) (SCT B6367 only) B6368: 0.31 of 16.36 mi (1.92%) (SCT B6368 only) B6400: 0.05 of 14.75 mi (0.36%) (SCT B6400 only) B6415: 2.58 of 5.39 mi (47.81%) (SCT B6415 only) System gbnb connected routes traveled: 15 of 3375 (0.4%), clinched: 4 of 3375 (0.1%). System sctntr (active) overall: 3.39 of 1293.53 mi (0.26%) System sctntr by region: ENG: 0.00 of 9.06 mi (0.00%) SCT: 3.39 of 1284.47 mi (0.26%) System sctntr by route (traveled routes only): ArgCoaTR (Argyll Coastal Tourist Route): 2.71 of 129.38 mi (2.10%) (SCT ArgCoaTR only) ForVlyTR (Forth Valley Tourist Route): 0.68 of 27.85 mi (2.43%) (SCT ForVlyTR only) System sctntr connected routes traveled: 2 of 15 (13.3%), clinched: 0 of 15 (0.0%). System hrva (active) overall: 123.84 of 833.58 mi (14.86%) System hrva by route (traveled routes only): A1: 42.70 of 299.58 mi (14.25%) (HRV A1 only) A2: 37.73 of 37.73 mi (100.00%) (HRV A2 only) A3: 3.29 of 193.00 mi (1.70%) (HRV A3 only) A6: 37.16 of 47.88 mi (77.61%) (HRV A6 only) A7: 2.97 of 27.34 mi (10.85%) (HRV A7 only) System hrva connected routes traveled: 5 of 11 (45.5%), clinched: 1 of 11 (9.1%). System hrvd (active) overall: 28.72 of 4300.84 mi (0.67%) System hrvd by route (traveled routes only): D1: 8.23 of 259.11 mi (3.18%) (HRV D1 only) D102: 16.81 of 27.75 mi (60.57%) (HRV D102 only) D501: 3.68 of 10.68 mi (34.49%) (HRV D501 only) System hrvd connected routes traveled: 3 of 209 (1.4%), clinched: 0 of 209 (0.0%). System hrvz (active) overall: 3.51 of 5292.59 mi (0.07%) System hrvz by region: HRV: 3.51 of 5292.25 mi (0.07%) SVN: 0.00 of 0.35 mi (0.00%) System hrvz by route (traveled routes only): Z5106: 2.26 of 2.26 mi (100.00%) (HRV Z5106 only) Z5131: 1.25 of 1.89 mi (66.29%) (HRV Z5131 only) System hrvz connected routes traveled: 2 of 1082 (0.2%), clinched: 1 of 1082 (0.1%). System hunf (active) overall: 12.33 of 4431.60 mi (0.28%) System hunf by route (traveled routes only): F10: 11.31 of 43.71 mi (25.88%) (HUN F10 only) F111: 1.02 of 4.74 mi (21.42%) (HUN F111 only) System hunf connected routes traveled: 2 of 139 (1.4%), clinched: 0 of 139 (0.0%). System itaa (active) overall: 469.52 of 4626.24 mi (10.15%) System itaa by route (traveled routes only): A1 (Autostrada del Sole): 60.01 of 476.64 mi (12.59%) (ITA A1 only) A1Var (Variante di Valico): 23.24 of 23.24 mi (100.00%) (ITA A1VarVal only) A12 (Autostrada Azzurra (Genoa)): 19.99 of 130.06 mi (15.37%) (ITA A12 only) A12 (Autostrada Azzurra (Civitavecchia)): 32.18 of 49.64 mi (64.83%) (ITA A12Civ only) A14 (Autostrada Adriatica): 8.59 of 464.13 mi (1.85%) (ITA A14 only) A22 (Autostrada del Brennero): 195.76 of 195.76 mi (100.00%) (ITA A22 only) A24 (Autostrada dei Parchi): 49.03 of 101.98 mi (48.08%) (ITA A24 only) A25 (Autostrada dei Parchi): 70.64 of 70.64 mi (100.00%) (ITA A25 only) RA6 (Raccordo Autostradale Bettolle-Perugia): 13.59 of 36.00 mi (37.73%) (ITA RA6 only) System itaa connected routes traveled: 9 of 106 (8.5%), clinched: 3 of 106 (2.8%). System nlda (active) overall: 141.93 of 1553.57 mi (9.14%) System nlda by route (traveled routes only): A1: 99.69 of 99.69 mi (100.00%) (NLD A1 only) A4 (Rotterdam): 2.39 of 43.71 mi (5.48%) (NLD A4 only) A5: 4.09 of 10.56 mi (38.79%) (NLD A5 only) A9: 10.29 of 35.45 mi (29.02%) (NLD A9 only) A10: 7.26 of 20.12 mi (36.10%) (NLD A10 only) A22: 1.28 of 4.41 mi (29.06%) (NLD A22 only) A35: 2.68 of 18.33 mi (14.64%) (NLD A35 only) A76: 16.92 of 16.92 mi (100.00%) (NLD A76 only) System nlda connected routes traveled: 8 of 50 (16.0%), clinched: 2 of 50 (4.0%). System nldp (active) overall: 1.25 of 4341.49 mi (0.03%) System nldp by region: BEL: 0.00 of 0.52 mi (0.00%) NLD: 1.25 of 4340.97 mi (0.03%) System nldp by route (traveled routes only): N348: 1.25 of 45.30 mi (2.76%) (NLD N348 only) System nldp connected routes traveled: 1 of 533 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 533 (0.0%). System nldrw (active) overall: 9.91 of 298.43 mi (3.32%) System nldrw by region: CUW: 0.00 of 9.44 mi (0.00%) NLD: 9.91 of 288.99 mi (3.43%) System nldrw by route (traveled routes only): CenRingAms (Centrumring Amsterdam): 2.65 of 7.70 mi (34.35%) (NLD CenRingAms only) RingAms (Ring Amsterdam): 7.26 of 20.12 mi (36.10%) (NLD RingAms only) System nldrw connected routes traveled: 2 of 31 (6.5%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%). System nlds (active) overall: 8.07 of 239.25 mi (3.37%) System nlds by route (traveled routes only): S100 (Centrumring Amsterdam): 2.65 of 7.70 mi (34.35%) (NLD S100Ams only) S102 (Amsterdam): 3.65 of 8.03 mi (45.47%) (NLD S102Ams only) S103 (Amsterdam): 0.77 of 5.43 mi (14.21%) (NLD S103Ams only) S114 (Amsterdam): 1.77 of 5.78 mi (30.60%) (NLD S114Ams only) System nlds connected routes traveled: 4 of 70 (5.7%), clinched: 0 of 70 (0.0%). System pola (active) overall: 6.87 of 1184.25 mi (0.58%) System pola by route (traveled routes only): A6: 6.87 of 18.26 mi (37.61%) (POL A6 only) System pola connected routes traveled: 1 of 7 (14.3%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System pols (active) overall: 226.11 of 2137.00 mi (10.58%) System pols by route (traveled routes only): S1 (Bielsko-Biala): 1.74 of 20.90 mi (8.33%) (POL S1Bie only) S3: 204.16 of 272.55 mi (74.91%) (POL S3 only) S52 (Skoczow): 20.21 of 20.21 mi (100.00%) (POL S52 only) System pols connected routes traveled: 3 of 48 (6.2%), clinched: 1 of 48 (2.1%). System poldw (active) overall: 60.51 of 18078.34 mi (0.33%) System poldw by route (traveled routes only): DW123: 10.73 of 10.73 mi (100.00%) (POL DW123 only) DW130: 1.78 of 20.77 mi (8.54%) (POL DW130 only) DW133: 4.64 of 23.37 mi (19.85%) (POL DW133 only) DW135: 1.96 of 12.85 mi (15.26%) (POL DW135 only) DW160: 16.53 of 81.19 mi (20.36%) (POL DW160 only) DW174: 3.04 of 32.76 mi (9.28%) (POL DW174 only) DW176: 3.17 of 4.04 mi (78.39%) (POL DW176 only) DW333: 6.66 of 56.39 mi (11.81%) (POL DW333 only) DW367: 1.88 of 33.99 mi (5.53%) (POL DW367 only) DW382: 4.69 of 104.97 mi (4.46%) (POL DW382 only) DW933: 4.70 of 61.89 mi (7.60%) (POL DW933 only) DW949: 0.73 of 12.92 mi (5.62%) (POL DW949 only) System poldw connected routes traveled: 12 of 859 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 859 (0.1%). System poldk (active) overall: 95.27 of 8954.78 mi (1.06%) System poldk by route (traveled routes only): DK3 (Jelenia Gora): 3.00 of 39.58 mi (7.58%) (POL DK3Jel only) DK5: 20.84 of 73.18 mi (28.47%) (POL DK5 only) DK22: 36.90 of 250.79 mi (14.71%) (POL DK22 only) DK24: 20.64 of 47.63 mi (43.34%) (POL DK24 only) DK26: 4.78 of 32.81 mi (14.57%) (POL DK26 only) DK32: 11.38 of 112.54 mi (10.11%) (POL DK32 only) DK52 (Cieszyn): 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%) (POL DK52Cie only) System poldk connected routes traveled: 7 of 134 (5.2%), clinched: 1 of 134 (0.7%). System svki (active) overall: 1.80 of 2062.83 mi (0.09%) System svki by route (traveled routes only): I63: 1.80 of 91.18 mi (1.97%) (SVK I63 only) System svki connected routes traveled: 1 of 56 (1.8%), clinched: 0 of 56 (0.0%). System svkii (active) overall: 2.27 of 2183.99 mi (0.10%) System svkii by route (traveled routes only): II572: 2.27 of 31.11 mi (7.29%) (SVK II572 only) System svkii connected routes traveled: 1 of 98 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 98 (0.0%). System svna (active) overall: 37.12 of 338.18 mi (10.98%) System svna by route (traveled routes only): A1: 16.06 of 152.15 mi (10.56%) (SVN A1 only) A4: 21.06 of 21.06 mi (100.00%) (SVN A4 only) System svna connected routes traveled: 2 of 5 (40.0%), clinched: 1 of 5 (20.0%). System svng (active) overall: 2.81 of 472.95 mi (0.59%) System svng by route (traveled routes only): G2: 2.81 of 36.39 mi (7.72%) (SVN G2 only) System svng connected routes traveled: 1 of 22 (4.5%), clinched: 0 of 22 (0.0%). System eurtr (preview) overall: 62.90 of 5769.89 mi (1.09%) System eurtr by region: AUT: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 215.17 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 14.17 of 486.32 mi (2.91%) ENG: 48.73 of 322.48 mi (15.11%) FIN: 0.00 of 2446.10 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.04 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.37 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 880.65 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 15.60 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 97.51 mi (0.00%) POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 203.70 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 226.37 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%) System eurtr by route (traveled routes only): DtAlpStr (Deutsche Alpenstraße (Füssen)): 14.17 of 289.09 mi (4.90%) DEU-BY DtAlpStr: 14.17 of 160.44 mi (8.83%) AtlHwy (Atlantic Highway): 13.03 of 41.47 mi (31.42%) (ENG AtlHwy only) TawValTR (Taw Valley Tourist Route): 35.70 of 35.70 mi (100.00%) (ENG TawValTR only) System eurtr connected routes traveled: 3 of 94 (3.2%), clinched: 1 of 94 (1.1%). System gbrtrl (preview) overall: 11.27 of 1324.14 mi (0.85%) System gbrtrl by region: ENG: 0.00 of 115.29 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 85.94 mi (0.00%) SCT: 11.27 of 1122.92 mi (1.00%) System gbrtrl by route (traveled routes only): CoaTrl ((East Lothian) Coastal Trail): 0.46 of 33.16 mi (1.37%) (SCT CoaTrl only) HilTrl ((East Lothian) Hillfoots Trail): 0.09 of 24.78 mi (0.37%) (SCT HilTrl only) SalTrl ((East Lothian) Saltire Trail): 0.09 of 24.98 mi (0.37%) (SCT SalTrl only) LochNessTrl (Loch Ness Trail): 0.09 of 64.49 mi (0.14%) (SCT LochNessTrl only) TroTrl (Trossachs Trail): 10.63 of 36.33 mi (29.26%) (SCT TroTrl only) System gbrtrl connected routes traveled: 5 of 48 (10.4%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%). System gbrrr (preview) overall: 46.00 of 492.27 mi (9.34%) System gbrrr by region: ENG: 46.00 of 459.27 mi (10.02%) JEY: 0.00 of 1.90 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 25.75 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 5.36 mi (0.00%) System gbrrr by route (traveled routes only): LonRR (London Orbital): 42.82 of 118.40 mi (36.16%) (ENG LonOrb only) LonNCir (London North Circular): 2.15 of 27.84 mi (7.72%) (ENG LonNCir only) LonRR (London Ring Road): 0.11 of 12.29 mi (0.88%) (ENG LonRR only) LonSCir (London South Circular): 0.92 of 20.10 mi (4.59%) (ENG LonSCir only) System gbrrr connected routes traveled: 4 of 60 (6.7%), clinched: 0 of 60 (0.0%). System itass (preview) overall: 511.17 of 14354.84 mi (3.56%) System itass by route (traveled routes only): SS1 (Civitavecchia): 18.58 of 42.92 mi (43.28%) (ITA SS1Civ only) SS1 (Livorno): 113.90 of 191.20 mi (59.57%) (ITA SS1 only) SS3 (Foligno): 1.62 of 142.92 mi (1.13%) (ITA SS3 only) SS3Bis (Peruga): 94.81 of 154.27 mi (61.46%) (ITA SS3BisPer only) SS16 (Rovigo): 2.14 of 43.81 mi (4.88%) (ITA SS16Rov only) SS16 (Ravenna): 104.12 of 224.42 mi (46.39%) (ITA SS16 only) SS45Bis (Lago di Garda): 21.72 of 64.25 mi (33.80%) (ITA SS45BisGar only) SS67 (Ravenna): 0.79 of 24.28 mi (3.24%) (ITA SS67Rav only) SS75: 14.99 of 15.72 mi (95.38%) (ITA SS75 only) SS77 (Foligno): 21.77 of 21.77 mi (100.00%) (ITA SS77Fol only) SS77 (Civitanova Marche): 35.68 of 35.68 mi (100.00%) (ITA SS77 only) SS77Var (Polverina): 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%) (ITA SS77VarPol only) SS240: 14.43 of 30.15 mi (47.86%) (ITA SS240 only) SS240Dir (Arco): 2.73 of 3.21 mi (85.06%) (ITA SS240DirArc only) SS240Var (Mori): 2.56 of 3.01 mi (85.12%) (ITA SS240VarMor only) SS249: 4.11 of 6.44 mi (63.73%) (ITA SS249 only) SS398: 4.21 of 25.08 mi (16.77%) (ITA SS398 only) SS434: 35.03 of 50.13 mi (69.89%) (ITA SS434 only) SS723: 2.33 of 4.75 mi (49.06%) (ITA SS723 only) SS723Dir (Ferrara): 1.08 of 1.08 mi (100.00%) (ITA SS723DirFer only) SS728: 12.35 of 12.35 mi (100.00%) (ITA SS728 only) System itass connected routes traveled: 21 of 628 (3.3%), clinched: 5 of 628 (0.8%). Traveled 44 of 374 (11.8%), Clinched 0 of 374 (0.0%) active systems Traveled 4 of 204 (2.0%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-07-28 | Czechia | MÄ›stský Okruh | cze.mo | New Route 2015-07-28 | Croatia | A2 | hrv.a002 | Route extended at north end from exit 1 to Slovenian border 2015-07-28 | Croatia | A7 | hrv.a007 | Route extended at south end from exit 12 to D8 2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A4 | deunw.a004 | Route relocated from old route (now demolished) to new route via between exits 7 and 9 2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A30 | deunw.a030 | Route extended at east end from exit 31 to exit 32 2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A59 (Bonn) | deunw.a059bon | Exit 42 relabeled as exit 43, exit 41a relabeled exit 42 2015-09-16 | Austria | A13 (Innsbruck) | aut.a013inn | New Route 2015-12-06 | Italy | A1 Var (Variente di Valico) | ita.a001varval | New Route 2015-12-18 | Netherlands | A4 | nld.a004 | Route extended from exit 14 to A15 2015-12-21 | Austria | S10 | aut.s010 | Route extended at south end from B310 south of Friestadt to the A7 2016-01-01 | Czechia | R1 ((South) Praha | cze.d000 | Route renamed D0 ((South) Praha) 2016-01-01 | Czechia | R1 ((East) Praha | cze.d000epr | Route renamed D0 ((East) Praha) 2016-01-01 | Czechia | R10 | cze.d010 | Route truncated east end from I10/I35 junction to exit 71 and renamed D10 2016-01-01 | Czechia | R35 (Olomouc) | cze.d035 | Route renamed D35 (Olomouc) 2016-01-01 | Czechia | R46 | cze.d046 | Route renamed D46 2016-03-09 | (UK) Scotland | A82 | sct.a0082 | Route removed from Glenfalloch Road and relocated onto Crianlarich bypass between Glenfalloch Road and eastern junction with A85 2016-07-31 | Poland | S1 (Bielsko-Biala) | pol.s001bie | New Route 2016-07-31 | Poland | S1 (Skoczów) | pol.s052 | Route renumbered S52 2016-09-02 | Czechia | 5. kvÄ›tna, Praha | cze.5kvepra | New Route 2016-09-02 | Czechia | Chuchelská radiála, Praha | cze.churad | New Route 2016-09-02 | Czechia | Kbelská, Praha | cze.kbelska | New Route 2016-09-02 | Czechia | Prosecká radiála, Praha | cze.prorad | New Route 2016-09-02 | Czechia | Radlická radiála, Praha | cze.radrad | New Route 2016-09-02 | Czechia | VysoÄanská radiála, Praha | cze.vysrad | New Route 2016-09-03 | Czechia | SpoÅ™ilovská, Praha | cze.sposka | New Route 2016-09-03 | Czechia | Å tÄ›rboholská radiála, Praha | cze.sterad | New Route 2016-12-21 | Czechia | D8 | cze.d008 | Route extended at north end from exit 52 2017-04-10 | Netherlands | A9 | nld.a009 | Route removed from through Badhoevedorp and onto Badhoevedorp Bypass between A4 and A5 2017-04-23 | (UK) Scotland | M8 (Livingston) | sct.m008 | Route deleted 2017-08-30 | (UK) Scotland | A90 (Edinburgh) | sct.a0090edi | Route truncated at north end from M90 at Admiralty junction (now exit 1C) to M90 at Echline Junction (exit 1A) 2017-08-30 | (UK) Scotland | M90 | sct.m090 | Route extended at south end from exit 1C (formerly exit 1) to exit 1A 2017-09-16 | (UK) England | A361 (Barnstaple) | eng.a0361bar | New Route 2017-12-16 | Austria | A5 | aut.a005 | Route extended at north end from exit 23 to exit 47 2018-11-01 | Slovenia | A4 | svn.a004 | Route extended at south end from exit 7 to Croatian border 2018-11-10 | Austria | B177 | aut.b177 | Route relocated from through Scharnitz and onto bypass 2018-11-22 | Czechia | I22 | cze.i022 | Route relocated from through Strakonice and onto northwest bypass 2018-12-09 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A30 (Löhne) | deunw.a030oey | Truncated at east end from exit 32 to 31 and merged into A30 (Bad Oeynhausen) 2018-12-16 | Czechia | I14 | cze.i014 | Route relocated from through KrÄÃn to through Nové MÄ›sto nad Metujà from Vrchoviny (III28521) to Spy 2019-05-01 | (Spain) Catalonia | C13 | espct.c013 | Route truncated at north end from LL11 to exit 5 and extended at north end from exit 5 to C28 2019-05-01 | (Spain) Catalonia | C14 | espct.c014 | Route extended at south end from T11 exit 10 to C31B, and route extended at north end from exit 20 to N260 2019-05-01 | (Spain) Catalonia | C31 (el Prat de Llobregat) | espct.c031pra | Route extended at west end from exit 187 to C32 exit 31, route extended at east end from RamMar to N340 2019-06-08 | Italy | R.A. Bettolle-Perugia | ita.ra006 | Route renamed RA6 2019-06-24 | Czechia | II603 (Tábor) | cze.ii603 | Route extended at south end from BoÅ¡ilec to ÄŒeské BudÄ›jovice 2019-12-02 | (UK) England | A1211 | eng.a1211 | Route truncated at south end from A100 to A11/A1210 2019-12-09 | (UK) England | E15 | eng.e15 | Route removed from A1307 and relocated onto A1 and A14 between A1 junction 14 and A14 junction 24 2019-12-18 | Czechia | I48 (Nový JiÄÃn) | cze.i048 | Route truncated at east end from exit 38 to II482 2019-12-30 | Poland | DK5 (Wroclaw) | pol.dk005 | Route removed from Ulica Wysokogorska, Ulica Polna and Ulica Rycerska and relocated onto Bolkow bypass between DW323 and southern junction with DK3 2020-05-21 | (Germany) Bavaria | B20 | deuby.b020 | Route reloacted from Marktler Straße, Berchtesgadener Straße and Tittmoninger Straße and onto Burgkirchener Straße and former St2107 from north of Burghausen to Hochöster (St2357 south of Burghausen now) 2020-06-10 | Poland | A6 | pol.a006 | Route extended at east end from exit 24 to DW142 2020-10-24 | Croatia | A1 | hrv.a001 | Route truncated at south end from transition to A10 to exit 31, PloÄe interchange (A10 now) and reextened to Karamatići toll station (former D425) 2020-11-07 | Czechia | II602 | cze.ii602 | Route relocated from through Nové Domky and Velký Beranov, and onto new bypass 2021-09-02 | Czechia | D6 (BoÅ¡ov) | cze.d006bos | Route extended at east end from west of Lubenec to east of Lubenec via motorway bypass 2021-09-02 | Czechia | II606 (Libkovice) | cze.ii606lib | Route extended at east end from west of Lubenec to east of Lubenec through Lubenec (former I6) 2021-09-10 | Czechia | II246 | cze.ii246 | Route relocated from through Roudnice nad Labem and onto bypass from II240 to III24049 east of Roudnice nad Labem 2021-09-29 | Slovakia | I63 | svk.i063 | Point 'I64_S' relabelled 'I64A', with 'I64_S' used for new point to the west 2021-11-10 | Poland | DK3 (Polkowice) | pol.dw333 | Route removed (now DW333) 2021-12-16 | Czechia | I7 (Louny) | cze.i007 | New Route, segment of former I7 (Slaný) from D7 west of Postoloprty to new D7 section west of ToužetÃn 2021-12-17 | Czechia | D11 | cze.d011 | Route extended at east end from exit 90 (I11) to exit 113 north of Jaroměř 2021-12-20 | Czechia | I37 (Pardubice) | cze.i037 | Route relocated from through Slatiňany and onto new bypass from I17 to II324 2021-12-20 | Czechia | II324 | cze.ii324 | Route extended at south end from I17 in Chrudim to I37 south of Slatiňany (partially former I37) 2021-12-23 | (UK) England | A120 | eng.a0120 | Route removed from Standon Road, Stortford Road and Hadham Road and relocated onto Little Hadham bypass between eastern junction with Standon Road and western junction with Hadham Road 2022-10-15 | Czechia | I3 (BeneÅ¡ov) | cze.i003ben | Route relocated from through Olbramovice and onto new bypass from north of Olbramovice to south of Olbramovice 2022-10-15 | Czechia | I9 | cze.i009 | Route relocated in MÄ›lnÃk from through the built-up area and onto new bypass from (new) junction with I16 (west) and ŘÃpská 2022-10-15 | Czechia | I16 | cze.i016 | Route relocated in MÄ›lnÃk from ÄŒeskolipská, BezruÄova, Na Malém SpoÅ™ilovÄ› and ŘÃpská, and onto former I9 to the north and new bypass on concurrency with I9 2022-12-22 | Czechia | D35 (Opatovice nad Labem) | cze.d035opa | Route extended at east end from exit 144 to I17 east of Ostrov 2022-12-24 | Czechia | D48 (Frýdek-MÃstek) | cze.d048 | Route extended at west end from exit 52 east of Frýdek-MÃstek to II462 at Rybà 2022-12-24 | Czechia | I48 (Frýdek-MÃstek) | cze.i048fry | Route extended at east end from II477 to D48's exit 52 2023-01-02 | Czechia | BrnÄ›nská, Praha | cze.brnska | New Route (former D1) 2023-01-02 | Czechia | D1 | cze.d001 | Route truncated at west end from exit 1 (SpoÅ™ilovem) to exit 6 (Průhonicemi) 2023-02-05 | Croatia | D102 | hrv.d102 | Route truncated at south end from BaÅ¡ka harbor to Jurandvor 2023-07-02 | Czechia | II143 | cze.ii143 | Route extended at east end from I3 to future D3 2023-09-13 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Weilheim) | deuby.b002wei | Route relocated from through (now closed) Olympiastraße tunnel section, and onto Michael-Fischer-Straße and A95 at Eschenlohe 2023-11-23 | Czechia | D7 (Slaný) | cze.d007 | Route truncated at east end from D0 to exit 2 (I7 now) 2023-11-23 | Czechia | I6 (Bochov) | cze.i006boc | Route extended at west end from I13 to exit 131 (former D6) 2023-11-23 | Czechia | I7 (PÅ™ednà Kopanina) | cze.i007pre | New Route (former D7) 2023-11-27 | Czechia | D52 | cze.d052 | Route truncated at south end from II381 to exit 26 (I52 now) 2023-11-27 | Czechia | I52 (Brno) | cze.i052brn | Route extended at south end from 7 to exit 10 (former D52) 2023-11-30 | Czechia | II186 | cze.ii186 | Route truncated at Klatovy from I22 to I27, and reextended onto I27 and northern bypass to II185 2023-12-03 | Czechia | I15 | cze.i015 | Route relocated from through KravaÅ™e and onto bypass from II263 to SezÃmky 2023-12-03 | Czechia | I19 | cze.i019 | Route relocated from through RouÅ¡tany and onto bypass from west of RouÅ¡tany to III03422 2023-12-03 | Czechia | I62 | cze.i062 | Route relocated in DÄ›ÄÃn from Ústecká, and onto Práce between Ústecká-Práce junction and III25852 2023-12-03 | Czechia | II263 | cze.ii263 | Route extended at south end from KravaÅ™e to I15 2023-12-07 | Czechia | II379 | cze.ii379 | Route truncated at west end from II602 to Rasovna north of Velká BÃteÅ¡, and reextended to I37 2023-12-07 | Czechia | II613 | cze.ii613 | Route relocated in Ústà nad Labem from direct ramp north of Most Dr. E. BeneÅ¡e, and onto PÅ™edmostà and concurrency with I30 2023-12-08 | Czechia | I57 | cze.i057 | Route relocated from through Krnov and onto bypass betweeen Albrechtická and Opavská 2023-12-08 | Czechia | II647 | cze.ii647 | Route extended at west end from I57 east of Fulnek to II441 south of Odry (former I47) 2023-12-09 | Czechia | I56 (Ostrava) | cze.i056 | Route truncated at north end from I46 in Opava to D1 in Ostrava 2023-12-09 | Czechia | I56 (Dolnà BeneÅ¡ov) | cze.i056dol | New Route (mostly former I56 but extended to II470 in Ostrava) 2023-12-09 | Czechia | I67 | cze.i067 | Route relocated from through Karviná and onto bypass between I59 and tÅ™. 17. listopadu 2023-12-09 | Czechia | II611 | cze.ii611 | Route extended at east end from I32 east of PodÄ›brady to I37 north of Jaroměř 2023-12-10 | Czechia | II101 | cze.ii101 | Route relocated from through Jesenice and onto southern bypass between Zbraslavská and ŘÃÄanská 2023-12-10 | Czechia | II106 | cze.ii106 | Route extended at east end from I3 to II112 in BeneÅ¡ov 2023-12-10 | Czechia | II245 | cze.ii245 | Route relocated in ÄŒeský Brod from ŽitomÃÅ™ská and onto Komenského and Žižkova between Komenského and Suvorovova 2023-12-11 | Czechia | II128 | cze.ii128 | Route relocated from through Lukavec and onto eastern bypass 2023-12-13 | Czechia | II144 | cze.ii144 | Route relocated from through Vlachovo BÅ™ezà and onto eastern bypass between Pražská and Husova 2023-12-16 | Czechia | I38 (Main) | cze.i038 | Route relocated from through HavlÃÄkův Brod, and onto eastern bypass between Pražská and Jihlavská 2023-12-16 | Czechia | II195 | cze.ii195 | Route relocated from through Poběžovice and onto eastern bypass between Mariánská and Slovanská 2023-12-16 | Czechia | II367 | cze.ii367 | Route truncated at west end from Blahoslavova to Újezd in ProstÄ›jov (II150 now) 2023-12-17 | Czechia | D7 (Louny) | cze.d007lou | Route extended at east end from exit 45 to east of Panenský Týnec 2023-12-17 | Czechia | II230 | cze.ii230 | Route relocated from Stodská, and onto Plzeňská and new alignment south-east of StÅ™Ãbro 2023-12-17 | Czechia | II286 | cze.ii286 | Route relocated from JiÄÃnská and RevoluÄnà through JiÄÃn, and onto eastern bypass from north of Valdice 2023-12-18 | Czechia | II322 (KolÃn) | cze.ii322 | Route relocated from through Kojice and onto northern bypass from north of Kojice to east of Kojice 2023-12-19 | Czechia | I43 | cze.i043 | Route relocated from through LaÄnov, Svitavy and Lány, and onto eastern bypass from I35 at Opatovec to III36625 at Hradec nad Svitavou 2023-12-20 | Czechia | II331 | cze.ii331 | Route relocated from through Stará Boleslav and onto northern bypass between MÄ›lnická south of Borek and D10 2023-12-21 | Czechia | D48 (BÄ›lotÃn) | cze.d048bel | Route extended at east end from exit 3 to exit 8 2023-12-21 | Czechia | II385 | cze.ii385 | Route relocated from through ÄŒebÃn and onto southern bypass from east of ÄŒebÃn to III38526 2023-12-24 | Czechia | II603 (Kamenice) | cze.ii603kam | Route extended at north end from Vestecká spojka to Praha city boundary 2023-12-24 | Czechia | II605 (Beroun) | cze.ii605 | Route clarified in the center of Rokycany (via TÅ™ebÃzského and Soukenická) 2023-12-24 | Czechia | II608 (Kralupy nad Vltavou) | cze.ii608 | Route extended at south end from Zdiby to Praha city boundary 2023-12-25 | Austria | L543-4 | aut.l05434 | Route truncated at west end from B154 to Seeache (L217-5 now) 2023-12-25 | Czechia | II606 (Hostivice) | cze.ii606hos | Route truncated at east end from Karlovarská to Praha city boundary 2024-02-11 | Czechia | I11 | cze.i011 | Route relocated from through Bludov (II368 now) and onto new bypass between ChromeÄ and PostÅ™elmov, and further onto concurrency with I44 2024-02-24 | (Germany) Saxony | S36 (Main) | deusn.s036 | Route relocated in Freital from Wilsdruffer Straße and Dresdner Straße, and onto Carl-Thieme-Straße and Hüttenstraße 2024-03-02 | (Germany) Bavaria | B12 (Freyung) | deuby.b012fre | Route relocated from northern Danube bank (B85 or St2125 now) to southern Danube bank between Franz-Josef-Strauß-Brücke and Schanzlbrücke in Passau 2024-03-03 | (Germany) Bavaria | B23 (Oberau) | deuby.b023obe | New Route (former B2) 2024-04-01 | (Germany) Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania | B196 | deumv.b196 | Route truncated at east end from Poststraße to Feldstraße in Göhren 2024-06-23 | Italy | A12 | ita.a012 | Route truncated at south end from SS68 to SS1 at San Pietro In Palazzi 2024-07-31 | Poland | S3 | pol.s003 | Route extended at south end from exit 54 to exit 57 2024-08-27 | Czechia | D6 (Kladno) | cze.d006 | Route extended at west end from KruÅ¡ovice to NesuchynÄ› 2024-08-27 | Czechia | I6 (Nové StraÅ¡ecÃ) | cze.i006 | Route truncated at east end from KruÅ¡ovice to NesuchynÄ› (II606 now) 2024-08-27 | Czechia | II606 (Stochov) | cze.ii606 | Route extended at west end from KruÅ¡ovice to NesuchynÄ› (former I6) 2024-09-09 | Czechia | I33 | cze.i033 | Route truncated at west end from D11's exit 108 to II307 (through Jaroměř), and reextended to D11's exit 113 (Jaroměř northern bypass) 2024-09-09 | Czechia | I37 (Trutnov) | cze.i037tru | Route truncated at south end from old I33 in Jaroměř to new I33 Jaroměř northern bypass 2024-09-11 | (UK) England | A12 | eng.a0012 | Route truncated at north end from old northern junction with A47 in the town centre to new southern junction with A47 and route extended over Gull Wing Bridge and former A1117 to new northern junction with A47 2024-10-09 | Czechia | I42 (Rokytova) | cze.i042 | New route 2024-12-03 | Czechia | I27 | cze.i027 | Route relocated from through Klatovy, and onto eastern bypass from south of Å tÄ›pánovice to north of Malá VÃska 2024-12-17 | Czechia | D4 | cze.d004 | Route extended at south end from exit 54 to exit 85 2024-12-17 | Czechia | I4 (MilÃn) | cze.ii604 | Route mostly merged into II604 2024-12-21 | Czechia | D3 | cze.d003 | Route extended at south end from exit 130 to exit 159 2024-12-22 | Czechia | I3 (Kaplice) | cze.i003 | Route truncated at north end from D3's exit 130 to II157 (I34, I20, I39 and II603 now) 2024-12-22 | Czechia | I20 (Main) | cze.i020 | Route extended at south end from I39 (former I3) to JÃrovcova (I34) 2024-12-22 | Czechia | I34 | cze.i034 | Route truncated at west end from Pražská tÅ™. (II603) to JÃrovcova (section is I20 now) 2024-12-22 | Czechia | I39 | cze.i039 | Route extended at east end from Kamenný Újezd (II603) to I20 in ÄŒeské BudÄ›jovice, replacing the former I3 2024-12-22 | Czechia | II603 (VeleÅ¡Ãn) | cze.ii603ves | New Route (former I3) 2024-12-31 | Czechia | I58 | cze.i058 | Route relocated from through MoÅ¡nov and onto western bypass between III48018 and south of MoÅ¡nov