Log file created at: Fri Jan 24 21:24:11 2025 ks0stm.list last updated: 2019-02-11 20:43:26 -0500 Route updated 2020-12-28: KS US83 Route updated 2020-12-28: KS US160 Route updated 2024-06-23: KS US166 Route updated 2024-06-23: KS US400 Route updated 2023-09-17: KS KS14 Unknown region/highway combo in line: KS KS46 WalAve US56 Route updated 2023-09-17: KS KS96 Route updated 2020-12-28: KS KS144 Unknown region/highway combo in line: KS KS175 KS4 MarLim Unknown region/highway combo in line: OK I-40BLWea I-40_W I-40_E Note: deprecated route name NorSpurTpk -> canonical name OK4 in line: OK NorSpurTpk US62/277 I-44 Route updated 2021-11-05: OK OK4 Note: deprecated route name JohnKilTpk -> canonical name I-344 in line: OK JohnKilTpk 15thSt I-35/44 Route updated 2024-12-10: OK I-344 Route updated 2024-12-28: OK US62 Route updated 2023-10-16: OK US270 Route updated 2019-07-07: OK OK9 Route updated 2024-01-29: OK OK33 Route updated 2024-01-29: OK OK66 Route updated 2021-10-01: MO I-49 Route updated 2024-04-08: MO I-435 Route updated 2023-11-10: NE US30 Equivalent waypoint labels mark zero distance traveled in line: NE NE44 US30 I-80 Route updated 2017-05-01: NE NE44 Route updated 2024-03-19: CO I-25 Route updated 2024-07-14: CO US160 Waypoint label TXLP499_S not found in line: TX US77 TXLp499_S TX48 Route updated 2023-03-11: TX US77 Route updated 2023-10-18: TX US83 Route updated 2024-01-24: TX US281 Route updated 2024-04-10: TN US78 Route updated 2024-12-27: GA US84 Route updated 2021-11-22: IL I-74 Route updated 2023-10-12: AR I-49 Note: deprecated route name I-555FutJon -> canonical name I-555 in line: AR I-555FutJon 45 1 Route updated 2022-05-16: AR I-555 Waypoint label I-40(277A) not found in line: AR US63 AR/MO I-40(277A) Route updated 2021-05-07: AR US63 Route updated 2024-06-25: AR US412 Route updated 2022-04-16: SD US18 Route updated 2022-04-16: SD US385 Note: deprecated route name I-22FutTup -> canonical name I-22 in line: MS I-22FutTup Fut269 MS/AL Note: deprecated route name I-22FutJas -> canonical name I-22 in line: AL I-22FutJas MS/AL 93 Processed 252 good lines marking 5221 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 11797.42 of 1271338.13 mi (0.93%) Overall in active+preview systems: 11797.42 of 1946220.49 mi (0.61%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AL: 309.43 of 10944.54 mi (2.83%), 309.43 of 10944.54 mi (2.83%) AR: 294.88 of 15853.31 mi (1.86%), 294.88 of 15853.31 mi (1.86%) CA: 223.96 of 15453.77 mi (1.45%), 223.96 of 16176.01 mi (1.38%) CO: 379.42 of 9080.36 mi (4.18%), 379.42 of 9080.36 mi (4.18%) FL: 480.53 of 12219.81 mi (3.93%), 480.53 of 12219.81 mi (3.93%) GA: 57.20 of 17817.22 mi (0.32%), 57.20 of 17822.73 mi (0.32%) IL: 224.99 of 13698.72 mi (1.64%), 224.99 of 13932.57 mi (1.61%) IN: 34.21 of 11205.20 mi (0.31%), 34.21 of 11205.20 mi (0.31%) KS: 4227.30 of 10677.69 mi (39.59%), 4227.30 of 10683.78 mi (39.57%) MO: 633.84 of 13387.59 mi (4.73%), 633.84 of 13611.18 mi (4.66%) MS: 119.67 of 3633.19 mi (3.29%), 119.67 of 11152.15 mi (1.07%) NE: 1003.86 of 10070.24 mi (9.97%), 1003.86 of 10071.55 mi (9.97%) NV: 13.20 of 5113.56 mi (0.26%), 13.20 of 5113.56 mi (0.26%) OK: 2988.24 of 12927.71 mi (23.12%), 2988.24 of 13067.88 mi (22.87%) SD: 134.33 of 7882.66 mi (1.70%), 134.33 of 7882.66 mi (1.70%) TN: 144.64 of 13913.47 mi (1.04%), 144.64 of 13913.47 mi (1.04%) TX: 343.83 of 32680.04 mi (1.05%), 343.83 of 32691.86 mi (1.05%) WA: 183.90 of 7073.43 mi (2.60%), 183.90 of 7149.06 mi (2.57%) System usai (active) overall: 4059.96 of 49437.58 mi (8.21%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 196.79 of 1013.04 mi (19.43%) AR: 272.60 of 771.09 mi (35.35%) AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%) CA: 215.46 of 2485.21 mi (8.67%) CO: 203.37 of 958.31 mi (21.22%) CT: 0.00 of 346.20 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 39.35 mi (0.00%) FL: 244.44 of 1518.93 mi (16.09%) GA: 3.96 of 1260.54 mi (0.31%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%) IL: 224.99 of 2200.01 mi (10.23%) IN: 34.21 of 1325.22 mi (2.58%) KS: 875.93 of 884.78 mi (99.00%) KY: 0.00 of 1007.79 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 951.30 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 564.32 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 500.55 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 1248.46 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%) MO: 365.30 of 1398.85 mi (26.11%) MS: 107.45 of 841.67 mi (12.77%) MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 1440.99 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%) NE: 178.75 of 488.57 mi (36.59%) NH: 0.00 of 224.25 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 430.10 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 1013.33 mi (0.00%) NV: 13.20 of 642.06 mi (2.06%) NY: 0.00 of 1772.90 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 1581.53 mi (0.00%) OK: 700.50 of 993.31 mi (70.52%) OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 1872.36 mi (0.00%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 70.57 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%) TN: 137.10 of 1206.66 mi (11.36%) TX: 102.04 of 3526.85 mi (2.89%) UT: 0.00 of 944.15 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 1117.00 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%) WA: 183.90 of 767.80 mi (23.95%) WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 538.79 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-4: 18.86 of 134.31 mi (14.04%) (FL I-4 only) I-5: 159.63 of 1397.09 mi (11.43%) CA I-5: 6.07 of 805.75 mi (0.75%) WA I-5: 153.56 of 278.90 mi (55.06%) I-10: 88.77 of 2495.88 mi (3.56%) FL I-10: 88.77 of 366.76 mi (24.20%) I-22: 201.87 of 204.53 mi (98.70%) MS I-22: 107.45 of 107.45 mi (100.00%) AL I-22: 94.42 of 97.08 mi (97.26%) I-24: 130.41 of 320.32 mi (40.71%) TN I-24: 111.93 of 168.65 mi (66.36%) GA I-24: 3.96 of 3.96 mi (100.00%) TN I-24Cha: 14.53 of 14.53 mi (100.00%) I-25: 4.48 of 1076.46 mi (0.42%) CO I-25: 4.48 of 302.67 mi (1.48%) I-29: 22.17 of 763.22 mi (2.90%) MO I-29: 22.17 of 130.07 mi (17.04%) I-30: 18.54 of 371.89 mi (4.99%) AR I-30: 18.54 of 144.97 mi (12.79%) I-35 (N. Texas - S. Minnesota): 524.87 of 944.38 mi (55.58%) TX I-35Gai: 37.24 of 37.24 mi (100.00%) OK I-35: 240.48 of 240.48 mi (100.00%) KS I-35: 238.42 of 238.42 mi (100.00%) MO I-35: 8.72 of 116.36 mi (7.50%) I-35W (Texas): 35.05 of 86.69 mi (40.43%) (TX I-35W only) I-40: 327.39 of 2578.10 mi (12.70%) TX I-40: 14.38 of 179.36 mi (8.02%) OK I-40: 174.14 of 334.84 mi (52.01%) AR I-40: 138.87 of 287.32 mi (48.33%) I-44: 251.29 of 647.37 mi (38.82%) TX I-44: 15.36 of 15.36 mi (100.00%) OK I-44: 231.10 of 334.68 mi (69.05%) MO I-44: 4.83 of 297.32 mi (1.62%) I-49 (N. Arkansas - Missouri): 78.81 of 271.93 mi (28.98%) AR I-49: 51.88 of 85.34 mi (60.79%) MO I-49: 26.93 of 186.59 mi (14.43%) I-55: 113.22 of 960.09 mi (11.79%) TN I-55: 6.50 of 12.37 mi (52.51%) AR I-55: 7.45 of 73.76 mi (10.10%) IL I-55: 99.27 of 298.49 mi (33.26%) I-57: 2.18 of 385.50 mi (0.57%) IL I-57: 2.18 of 363.24 mi (0.60%) I-64: 2.76 of 973.37 mi (0.28%) IL I-64: 2.76 of 131.99 mi (2.09%) I-65: 93.26 of 898.33 mi (10.38%) AL I-65: 93.26 of 371.31 mi (25.12%) I-70: 902.28 of 2192.00 mi (41.16%) CO I-70: 198.89 of 450.57 mi (44.14%) KS I-70: 430.12 of 430.12 mi (100.00%) MO I-70: 254.04 of 254.04 mi (100.00%) IL I-70: 19.23 of 161.63 mi (11.90%) I-72: 85.00 of 185.43 mi (45.84%) IL I-72: 85.00 of 183.55 mi (46.31%) I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 75.88 of 420.64 mi (18.04%) IL I-74: 41.67 of 222.49 mi (18.73%) IN I-74: 34.21 of 173.36 mi (19.73%) I-75: 109.44 of 1807.41 mi (6.06%) FL I-75: 109.44 of 479.41 mi (22.83%) I-80: 396.05 of 2936.67 mi (13.49%) CA I-80: 204.11 of 204.11 mi (100.00%) NV I-80: 13.20 of 415.94 mi (3.17%) NE I-80: 178.75 of 462.14 mi (38.68%) I-85: 9.11 of 676.82 mi (1.35%) AL I-85: 9.11 of 81.10 mi (11.24%) I-95: 25.20 of 1916.43 mi (1.31%) FL I-95: 25.20 of 388.66 mi (6.48%) I-135: 97.35 of 97.35 mi (100.00%) (KS I-135 only) I-235 (Oklahoma): 5.15 of 5.15 mi (100.00%) (OK I-235 only) I-235 (Kansas): 16.05 of 16.05 mi (100.00%) (KS I-235 only) I-240 (Oklahoma): 16.58 of 16.58 mi (100.00%) (OK I-240 only) I-240 (Tennessee): 4.15 of 20.35 mi (20.41%) (TN I-240 only) I-244: 13.59 of 15.93 mi (85.34%) (OK I-244 only) I-305: 5.28 of 5.28 mi (100.00%) (CA I-305 only) I-335 (Kansas): 50.94 of 50.94 mi (100.00%) (KS I-335 only) I-344: 25.81 of 30.65 mi (84.21%) (OK I-344 only) I-405 (Washington): 30.33 of 30.33 mi (100.00%) (WA I-405 only) I-430: 6.56 of 12.79 mi (51.28%) (AR I-430 only) I-435: 84.17 of 84.17 mi (100.00%) KS I-435: 28.15 of 28.15 mi (100.00%) MO I-435: 56.02 of 56.02 mi (100.00%) I-470 (Kansas): 13.22 of 13.22 mi (100.00%) (KS I-470 only) I-555: 44.46 of 49.22 mi (90.34%) (AR I-555 only) I-580 (California): 4.36 of 80.12 mi (5.44%) (CA I-580 only) I-595 (Florida): 2.17 of 13.78 mi (15.75%) (FL I-595 only) I-630: 7.68 of 7.68 mi (100.00%) (AR I-630 only) I-670 (Kansas - Missouri): 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%) KS I-670: 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%) MO I-670: 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%) System usai connected routes traveled: 42 of 363 (11.6%), clinched: 11 of 363 (3.0%). System usaib (active) overall: 28.56 of 1553.32 mi (1.84%) System usaib by region: AZ: 0.00 of 75.35 mi (0.00%) CA: 13.78 of 121.60 mi (11.33%) CO: 0.00 of 100.35 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 24.23 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 176.21 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 141.64 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 74.22 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 56.89 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 37.87 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 62.36 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 8.54 mi (0.00%) OK: 14.78 of 42.06 mi (35.15%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 47.63 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 44.73 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 92.40 mi (0.00%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-40BL (Elk City, OK): 9.23 of 9.23 mi (100.00%) (OK I-40BLElk only) I-40BL (Clinton, OK): 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) (OK I-40BLCli only) I-40BL (El Reno, OK): 0.71 of 7.97 mi (8.88%) (OK I-40BLElR only) I-80BL (Sacramento, CA): 13.78 of 13.78 mi (100.00%) (CA I-80BLSac only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 4 of 277 (1.4%), clinched: 3 of 277 (1.1%). System usasf (active) overall: 50.06 of 1234.41 mi (4.06%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 50.06 of 322.91 mi (15.50%) GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 355.08 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 56.95 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 8.13 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): FLTpk (Florida's Turnpike): 50.06 of 314.31 mi (15.93%) (FL FLTpk only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 1 of 66 (1.5%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%). System usaus (active) overall: 6389.41 of 137859.42 mi (4.63%) System usaus by region: AL: 209.06 of 3485.97 mi (6.00%) AR: 87.80 of 3726.95 mi (2.36%) AZ: 0.00 of 1878.70 mi (0.00%) CA: 4.19 of 1730.27 mi (0.24%) CO: 318.58 of 4019.95 mi (7.93%) CT: 0.00 of 508.42 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 211.17 mi (0.00%) FL: 188.05 of 3999.71 mi (4.70%) GA: 53.25 of 4922.21 mi (1.08%) IA: 0.00 of 3710.44 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%) IL: 61.17 of 3410.39 mi (1.79%) IN: 0.00 of 2903.05 mi (0.00%) KS: 2480.06 of 5413.85 mi (45.81%) KY: 0.00 of 3314.41 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 2323.34 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 602.37 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 774.49 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 1176.03 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 3612.02 mi (0.00%) MO: 370.83 of 4007.77 mi (9.25%) MS: 119.67 of 2596.46 mi (4.61%) MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 5099.45 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%) NE: 606.92 of 3539.33 mi (17.15%) NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 805.51 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 3676.63 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 1653.66 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 3918.56 mi (0.00%) OK: 1406.44 of 4765.43 mi (29.51%) OR: 0.00 of 2596.23 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 3424.65 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 108.88 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 3309.45 mi (0.00%) SD: 129.09 of 2612.33 mi (4.94%) TN: 33.92 of 3646.69 mi (0.93%) TX: 300.52 of 12783.70 mi (2.35%) UT: 0.00 of 1618.38 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 4090.30 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%) WA: 19.86 of 1764.00 mi (1.13%) WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 1793.12 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 159.20 of 2385.46 mi (6.67%) FL US1: 159.20 of 553.55 mi (28.76%) US6: 63.12 of 3217.30 mi (1.96%) CO US6: 6.64 of 472.01 mi (1.41%) NE US6: 56.48 of 378.52 mi (14.92%) US12: 19.86 of 2474.68 mi (0.80%) WA US12: 19.86 of 427.31 mi (4.65%) US16: 4.98 of 479.30 mi (1.04%) SD US16: 4.98 of 65.96 mi (7.55%) US18: 80.67 of 1052.07 mi (7.67%) SD US18: 80.67 of 450.28 mi (17.92%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 147.02 of 2364.58 mi (6.22%) NE US20: 147.02 of 435.91 mi (33.73%) US24: 278.55 of 1560.48 mi (17.85%) CO US24: 54.18 of 322.80 mi (16.78%) KS US24: 212.45 of 440.10 mi (48.27%) MO US24: 11.93 of 221.72 mi (5.38%) US27: 44.00 of 1367.08 mi (3.22%) FL US27: 20.36 of 504.38 mi (4.04%) GA US27: 21.88 of 357.47 mi (6.12%) TN US27: 1.77 of 143.66 mi (1.23%) US30: 43.02 of 3105.69 mi (1.39%) NE US30: 43.02 of 457.62 mi (9.40%) US34: 33.89 of 1130.00 mi (3.00%) NE US34: 33.89 of 393.58 mi (8.61%) US36: 106.81 of 1415.39 mi (7.55%) CO US36: 37.33 of 231.47 mi (16.13%) KS US36: 33.30 of 396.44 mi (8.40%) IL US36: 36.18 of 217.94 mi (16.60%) US40: 589.63 of 2312.95 mi (25.49%) CO US40: 72.34 of 484.91 mi (14.92%) KS US40: 323.78 of 439.12 mi (73.73%) MO US40: 176.38 of 259.06 mi (68.09%) IL US40: 17.13 of 162.13 mi (10.57%) US49 (N. Mississippi - Arkansas): 2.92 of 225.24 mi (1.30%) AR US49: 2.92 of 183.42 mi (1.59%) US50: 358.02 of 3006.31 mi (11.91%) CA US50: 4.19 of 105.26 mi (3.98%) CO US50: 19.51 of 459.68 mi (4.24%) KS US50: 330.37 of 454.15 mi (72.74%) MO US50: 3.96 of 262.56 mi (1.51%) US51: 7.86 of 1287.67 mi (0.61%) IL US51: 7.86 of 416.20 mi (1.89%) US54: 87.44 of 1216.43 mi (7.19%) OK US54: 1.34 of 57.13 mi (2.34%) KS US54: 86.10 of 385.44 mi (22.34%) US56: 269.86 of 649.79 mi (41.53%) OK US56: 7.90 of 72.39 mi (10.91%) KS US56: 261.96 of 478.57 mi (54.74%) US59: 41.16 of 1932.34 mi (2.13%) OK US59: 8.52 of 216.63 mi (3.93%) KS US59: 32.64 of 212.40 mi (15.37%) US60: 131.41 of 2656.47 mi (4.95%) TX US60: 9.80 of 227.07 mi (4.31%) OK US60: 39.29 of 356.52 mi (11.02%) MO US60: 82.32 of 343.14 mi (23.99%) US61: 8.10 of 1415.70 mi (0.57%) TN US61: 0.65 of 12.15 mi (5.32%) AR US61: 7.45 of 76.89 mi (9.69%) US62: 186.98 of 2243.92 mi (8.33%) OK US62: 177.67 of 405.56 mi (43.81%) AR US62: 9.31 of 326.41 mi (2.85%) US63: 59.74 of 1237.37 mi (4.83%) MO US63: 59.74 of 339.03 mi (17.62%) US64: 181.83 of 2325.68 mi (7.82%) OK US64: 149.76 of 596.74 mi (25.10%) AR US64: 7.45 of 287.26 mi (2.59%) TN US64: 24.62 of 398.97 mi (6.17%) US65: 31.23 of 969.72 mi (3.22%) AR US65: 22.56 of 309.22 mi (7.29%) MO US65: 8.68 of 316.75 mi (2.74%) US67: 15.77 of 1556.33 mi (1.01%) AR US67: 15.77 of 328.70 mi (4.80%) US69: 5.89 of 1144.97 mi (0.51%) KS US69: 5.89 of 166.26 mi (3.54%) US70: 84.04 of 2382.04 mi (3.53%) TX US70: 23.89 of 257.85 mi (9.26%) OK US70: 37.60 of 295.34 mi (12.73%) AR US70: 21.90 of 287.91 mi (7.61%) TN US70: 0.65 of 479.61 mi (0.13%) US71: 60.50 of 1527.48 mi (3.96%) AR US71: 11.40 of 265.45 mi (4.30%) MO US71: 49.10 of 321.83 mi (15.26%) US75: 14.92 of 1252.81 mi (1.19%) OK US75: 1.04 of 251.86 mi (0.41%) KS US75: 13.88 of 231.25 mi (6.00%) US77: 350.41 of 1327.08 mi (26.40%) TX US77: 33.32 of 613.17 mi (5.43%) OK US77: 154.05 of 270.94 mi (56.86%) KS US77: 163.04 of 244.19 mi (66.77%) US78: 226.83 of 851.13 mi (26.65%) AR US78: 13.02 of 144.97 mi (8.98%) TN US78: 8.18 of 16.15 mi (50.67%) MS US78: 119.67 of 119.67 mi (100.00%) AL US78: 85.95 of 194.91 mi (44.10%) US79: 8.10 of 877.29 mi (0.92%) AR US79: 7.45 of 274.32 mi (2.72%) TN US79: 0.65 of 211.75 mi (0.31%) US80: 2.52 of 1037.29 mi (0.24%) AL US80: 2.52 of 221.30 mi (1.14%) US81: 366.23 of 1241.36 mi (29.50%) OK US81: 110.66 of 232.45 mi (47.61%) KS US81: 195.93 of 234.39 mi (83.59%) NE US81: 59.63 of 219.89 mi (27.12%) US82: 34.68 of 1616.14 mi (2.15%) TX US82: 17.49 of 573.29 mi (3.05%) AL US82: 17.19 of 244.43 mi (7.03%) US83: 555.68 of 1909.64 mi (29.10%) TX US83: 103.96 of 905.15 mi (11.49%) OK US83: 36.62 of 36.62 mi (100.00%) KS US83: 198.91 of 231.38 mi (85.96%) NE US83: 216.18 of 225.86 mi (95.72%) US84: 54.58 of 1926.60 mi (2.83%) AL US84: 20.01 of 238.28 mi (8.40%) GA US84: 34.57 of 262.61 mi (13.16%) US85: 6.64 of 1492.80 mi (0.44%) CO US85: 6.64 of 314.11 mi (2.11%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 4.48 of 1539.39 mi (0.29%) CO US87: 4.48 of 304.16 mi (1.47%) US90: 8.49 of 1643.42 mi (0.52%) FL US90: 8.49 of 411.69 mi (2.06%) US160: 279.58 of 1469.80 mi (19.02%) CO US160: 48.12 of 494.78 mi (9.73%) KS US160: 229.65 of 496.72 mi (46.23%) MO US160: 1.80 of 316.05 mi (0.57%) US166: 26.99 of 165.72 mi (16.29%) KS US166: 26.99 of 165.16 mi (16.34%) US169: 16.56 of 976.45 mi (1.70%) KS US169: 15.50 of 174.17 mi (8.90%) MO US169: 1.06 of 128.16 mi (0.83%) US177: 83.86 of 236.64 mi (35.44%) OK US177: 80.27 of 233.04 mi (34.44%) KS US177: 3.59 of 3.59 mi (100.00%) US183: 323.46 of 1263.43 mi (25.60%) TX US183: 15.76 of 496.56 mi (3.17%) OK US183: 162.42 of 221.95 mi (73.18%) KS US183: 145.27 of 238.96 mi (60.79%) US231: 92.62 of 924.82 mi (10.02%) AL US231: 92.62 of 334.51 mi (27.69%) US270: 263.98 of 646.42 mi (40.84%) KS US270: 3.15 of 3.15 mi (100.00%) OK US270: 260.83 of 482.40 mi (54.07%) US277: 104.21 of 636.99 mi (16.36%) TX US277: 16.15 of 512.84 mi (3.15%) OK US277: 88.06 of 124.14 mi (70.93%) US281: 385.97 of 1893.56 mi (20.38%) TX US281: 49.59 of 653.56 mi (7.59%) OK US281: 113.76 of 257.94 mi (44.10%) KS US281: 147.74 of 249.19 mi (59.29%) NE US281: 74.87 of 226.78 mi (33.02%) US283: 112.71 of 734.35 mi (15.35%) OK US283: 3.94 of 204.36 mi (1.93%) KS US283: 108.78 of 221.27 mi (49.16%) US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 276.38 of 1621.52 mi (17.04%) TX US287: 104.98 of 764.49 mi (13.73%) OK US287: 17.90 of 41.43 mi (43.20%) CO US287: 153.50 of 392.55 mi (39.10%) US377: 1.30 of 603.59 mi (0.22%) TX US377: 1.30 of 461.68 mi (0.28%) US385: 234.00 of 1214.14 mi (19.27%) OK US385: 18.84 of 36.58 mi (51.52%) CO US385: 125.99 of 324.44 mi (38.83%) NE US385: 19.02 of 183.27 mi (10.38%) SD US385: 70.14 of 117.72 mi (59.58%) US400: 343.31 of 487.45 mi (70.43%) KS US400: 343.31 of 471.95 mi (72.74%) US412: 433.79 of 1127.01 mi (38.49%) OK US412: 411.51 of 509.80 mi (80.72%) AR US412: 22.28 of 287.24 mi (7.76%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 55 of 226 (24.3%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%). System usausb (active) overall: 30.76 of 7545.09 mi (0.41%) System usausb by region: AL: 0.00 of 98.33 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%) KS: 20.45 of 70.61 mi (28.97%) KY: 0.00 of 240.87 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 86.41 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 235.08 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 128.27 mi (0.00%) OK: 7.70 of 151.65 mi (5.08%) OR: 0.00 of 60.73 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 289.53 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 313.32 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 92.86 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 378.25 mi (0.00%) TX: 2.61 of 901.28 mi (0.29%) UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 17.20 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%) WI: 0.00 of 103.11 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US50Bus (Garden City, KS): 5.34 of 5.34 mi (100.00%) (KS US50BusGar only) US60Bus (Ponca City, OK): 1.62 of 5.65 mi (28.67%) (OK US60BusPon only) US81Bus (McPherson, KS): 7.57 of 7.57 mi (100.00%) (KS US81BusMcP only) US83Bus (Garden City, KS): 5.94 of 5.94 mi (100.00%) (KS US83BusGar only) US183Byp (Hays, KS): 4.97 of 4.97 mi (100.00%) (KS US183BypHay only) US281Spr (Geary, OK): 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%) (OK US281SprGea only) US287Bus (Fort Worth, TX): 0.67 of 36.24 mi (1.84%) (TX US287BusFtW only) US287Bus (Vernon, TX): 0.11 of 5.19 mi (2.18%) (TX US287BusVer only) US380Trk (Denton, TX): 1.83 of 7.98 mi (22.91%) (TX US380TrkDen only) US412Trk (Guymon, OK): 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%) (OK US412TrkGuy only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 10 of 1089 (0.9%), clinched: 6 of 1089 (0.6%). System usaal (active) overall: 15.58 of 7002.84 mi (0.22%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL10: 11.53 of 231.35 mi (4.99%) (AL AL10 only) AL14: 2.35 of 220.71 mi (1.07%) (AL AL14 only) AL27: 1.00 of 76.86 mi (1.30%) (AL AL27 only) AL123: 0.69 of 45.57 mi (1.52%) (AL AL123 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 4 of 231 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 231 (0.0%). System usaar (active) overall: 10.48 of 11915.80 mi (0.09%) System usaar by region: AR: 10.48 of 11910.28 mi (0.09%) OK: 0.00 of 5.48 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) System usaar by route (traveled routes only): AR14: 4.06 of 243.65 mi (1.67%) (AR AR14 only) AR16: 2.85 of 245.97 mi (1.16%) (AR AR16 only) AR59: 2.11 of 94.57 mi (2.23%) (AR AR59 only) AR77: 1.46 of 72.36 mi (2.02%) (AR AR77 only) System usaar connected routes traveled: 4 of 796 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 796 (0.0%). System usaca (active) overall: 16.65 of 10936.59 mi (0.15%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA12: 3.80 of 139.70 mi (2.72%) (CA CA12 only) CA49: 0.28 of 291.40 mi (0.09%) (CA CA49 only) CA89 (Lake Tahoe): 2.44 of 221.19 mi (1.10%) (CA CA89 only) CA99: 5.38 of 432.03 mi (1.25%) (CA CA99 only) CA113: 4.76 of 66.22 mi (7.19%) (CA CA113 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 5 of 269 (1.9%), clinched: 0 of 269 (0.0%). System usaco (active) overall: 0.81 of 4588.35 mi (0.02%) System usaco by route (traveled routes only): CO96: 0.81 of 207.05 mi (0.39%) (CO CO96 only) System usaco connected routes traveled: 1 of 144 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 144 (0.0%). System usaga (active) overall: 53.25 of 16594.74 mi (0.32%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA1: 21.88 of 357.47 mi (6.12%) (GA GA1 only) GA38: 34.57 of 262.61 mi (13.16%) (GA GA38 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 2 of 505 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 505 (0.0%). System usail (active) overall: 1.17 of 9011.71 mi (0.01%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL3: 1.17 of 189.26 mi (0.62%) (IL IL3 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 1 of 159 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 159 (0.0%). System usaks (active) overall: 1649.42 of 5414.46 mi (30.46%) System usaks by route (traveled routes only): KS2: 24.68 of 62.68 mi (39.38%) (KS KS2 only) KS4: 254.41 of 372.67 mi (68.27%) (KS KS4 only) KS5: 3.01 of 23.87 mi (12.62%) (KS KS5 only) KS9: 90.60 of 321.80 mi (28.16%) (KS KS9 only) KS10: 36.46 of 36.46 mi (100.00%) (KS KS10 only) KS14: 148.15 of 219.78 mi (67.41%) (KS KS14 only) KS14Trk (Ellsworth): 2.85 of 2.85 mi (100.00%) (KS KS14TrkEll only) KS15: 147.49 of 261.68 mi (56.36%) (KS KS15 only) KS18: 66.54 of 208.02 mi (31.99%) (KS KS18 only) KS23: 8.10 of 202.89 mi (3.99%) (KS KS23 only) KS27: 29.53 of 230.14 mi (12.83%) (KS KS27 only) KS31: 2.07 of 136.40 mi (1.52%) (KS KS31 only) KS34: 29.63 of 29.63 mi (100.00%) (KS KS34 only) KS42: 17.89 of 81.07 mi (22.07%) (KS KS42 only) KS44: 0.52 of 25.08 mi (2.06%) (KS KS44 only) KS49: 35.86 of 35.86 mi (100.00%) (KS KS49 only) KS61: 39.06 of 84.22 mi (46.38%) (KS KS61 only) KS96: 301.18 of 301.18 mi (100.00%) (KS KS96 only) KS99: 1.06 of 237.61 mi (0.45%) (KS KS99 only) KS104: 2.31 of 2.31 mi (100.00%) (KS KS104 only) KS113: 5.64 of 5.64 mi (100.00%) (KS KS113 only) KS140: 33.70 of 33.70 mi (100.00%) (KS KS140 only) KS141: 13.70 of 13.70 mi (100.00%) (KS KS141 only) KS143: 4.73 of 4.73 mi (100.00%) (KS KS143 only) KS144: 16.98 of 16.98 mi (100.00%) (KS KS144 only) KS148: 10.25 of 87.82 mi (11.67%) (KS KS148 only) KS153: 3.32 of 3.32 mi (100.00%) (KS KS153 only) KS153Spr (McPherson): 0.84 of 0.84 mi (100.00%) (KS KS153SprMcP only) KS156: 178.97 of 178.97 mi (100.00%) (KS KS156 only) KS177: 103.91 of 103.91 mi (100.00%) (KS KS177 only) KS179: 11.78 of 11.78 mi (100.00%) (KS KS179 only) KS181: 44.54 of 71.56 mi (62.24%) (KS KS181 only) KS232: 17.32 of 17.32 mi (100.00%) (KS KS232 only) KS254: 27.64 of 27.64 mi (100.00%) (KS KS254 only) System usaks connected routes traveled: 34 of 183 (18.6%), clinched: 18 of 183 (9.8%). System usamo (active) overall: 139.64 of 8785.50 mi (1.59%) System usamo by route (traveled routes only): MO2: 1.36 of 70.40 mi (1.93%) (MO MO2 only) MO5: 1.28 of 352.80 mi (0.36%) (MO MO5 only) MO7: 42.17 of 185.32 mi (22.75%) (MO MO7 only) MO13: 87.89 of 292.67 mi (30.03%) (MO MO13 only) MO17: 3.05 of 180.95 mi (1.69%) (MO MO17 only) MO45: 6.95 of 37.30 mi (18.63%) (MO MO45 only) MO52: 9.65 of 177.24 mi (5.44%) (MO MO52 only) MO142: 0.61 of 120.24 mi (0.51%) (MO MO142 only) MO215: 0.91 of 49.39 mi (1.84%) (MO MO215 only) System usamo connected routes traveled: 9 of 221 (4.1%), clinched: 0 of 221 (0.0%). System usane (active) overall: 267.71 of 5928.10 mi (4.52%) System usane by route (traveled routes only): NE2 ((Main)): 98.70 of 373.57 mi (26.42%) (NE NE2 only) NE2Bus (Grand Island): 0.27 of 6.28 mi (4.23%) (NE NE2BusGra only) NE4: 4.74 of 208.70 mi (2.27%) (NE NE4 only) NE10: 4.32 of 103.52 mi (4.17%) (NE NE10 only) NE14: 14.27 of 206.68 mi (6.91%) (NE NE14 only) NE23: 13.94 of 161.56 mi (8.63%) (NE NE23 only) NE27 (Gordon): 68.93 of 68.93 mi (100.00%) (NE NE27 only) NE61: 1.77 of 235.09 mi (0.75%) (NE NE61 only) NE74: 26.91 of 99.27 mi (27.11%) (NE NE74 only) NE87: 32.54 of 77.86 mi (41.79%) (NE NE87 only) NE92: 4.09 of 494.37 mi (0.83%) (NE NE92 only) System usane connected routes traveled: 11 of 102 (10.8%), clinched: 1 of 102 (1.0%). System usaok (active) overall: 1568.48 of 8481.89 mi (18.49%) System usaok by route (traveled routes only): OK3 ((Main)): 352.94 of 389.94 mi (90.51%) (OK OK3 only) OK3Trk (Guymon): 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%) (OK OK3TrkGuy only) OK3W: 32.55 of 51.12 mi (63.68%) (OK OK3W only) OK4 (Yukon): 26.75 of 40.26 mi (66.44%) (OK OK4 only) OK6: 8.95 of 114.83 mi (7.80%) (OK OK6 only) OK8: 39.18 of 180.29 mi (21.73%) (OK OK8 only) OK9: 194.82 of 349.50 mi (55.74%) (OK OK9 only) OK9Bus (Hobart): 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (OK OK9BusHob only) OK11: 63.03 of 207.03 mi (30.45%) (OK OK11 only) OK15 (Garber): 9.69 of 63.71 mi (15.21%) (OK OK15 only) OK19: 82.89 of 174.26 mi (47.56%) (OK OK19 only) OK24: 21.55 of 21.55 mi (100.00%) (OK OK24 only) OK29: 59.13 of 59.13 mi (100.00%) (OK OK29 only) OK30: 15.45 of 85.84 mi (18.00%) (OK OK30 only) OK33: 82.11 of 240.03 mi (34.21%) (OK OK33 only) OK34: 7.79 of 190.80 mi (4.08%) (OK OK34 only) OK37 (Moore): 65.71 of 65.71 mi (100.00%) (OK OK37 only) OK39: 20.97 of 69.32 mi (30.25%) (OK OK39 only) OK44: 34.31 of 59.49 mi (57.67%) (OK OK44 only) OK45: 0.77 of 65.40 mi (1.17%) (OK OK45 only) OK47: 5.11 of 95.82 mi (5.33%) (OK OK47 only) OK49 (Fort Sill): 7.21 of 7.21 mi (100.00%) (OK OK49For only) OK50: 38.28 of 38.28 mi (100.00%) (OK OK50 only) OK50A: 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%) (OK OK50A only) OK51: 47.30 of 335.39 mi (14.10%) (OK OK51 only) OK53: 19.74 of 87.34 mi (22.60%) (OK OK53 only) OK54 (Weatherford): 23.83 of 86.77 mi (27.47%) (OK OK54 only) OK55: 0.15 of 40.60 mi (0.37%) (OK OK55 only) OK58 (Medicine Park): 1.87 of 73.58 mi (2.54%) (OK OK58Med only) OK58 (Fairview): 25.89 of 107.19 mi (24.16%) (OK OK58 only) OK59: 39.45 of 92.93 mi (42.45%) (OK OK59 only) OK66: 26.99 of 194.93 mi (13.85%) (OK OK66 only) OK74 (Purcell): 26.61 of 52.37 mi (50.81%) (OK OK74Pur only) OK74 (Oklahoma City): 92.77 of 92.77 mi (100.00%) (OK OK74 only) OK74B: 10.17 of 10.17 mi (100.00%) (OK OK74B only) OK74F: 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) (OK OK74F only) OK76: 15.09 of 111.64 mi (13.51%) (OK OK76 only) OK77H: 9.12 of 9.12 mi (100.00%) (OK OK77H only) OK95: 5.10 of 42.68 mi (11.95%) (OK OK95 only) OK102: 37.71 of 52.89 mi (71.29%) (OK OK102 only) OK115 (Cache): 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (OK OK115Cac only) OK115 (Mountain View): 1.19 of 46.68 mi (2.54%) (OK OK115 only) OK130: 3.06 of 3.06 mi (100.00%) (OK OK130 only) OK132: 46.13 of 65.52 mi (70.40%) (OK OK132 only) OK136: 5.65 of 35.54 mi (15.89%) (OK OK136 only) OK136Trk (Guymon): 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%) (OK OK136TrkGuy only) OK145: 2.87 of 2.87 mi (100.00%) (OK OK145 only) OK152: 79.24 of 151.06 mi (52.46%) (OK OK152 only) OK270: 0.14 of 14.54 mi (0.98%) (OK OK270 only) System usaok connected routes traveled: 49 of 230 (21.3%), clinched: 16 of 230 (7.0%). System usasd (active) overall: 48.02 of 5089.05 mi (0.94%) System usasd by route (traveled routes only): SD79: 30.95 of 243.16 mi (12.73%) (SD SD79 only) SD89: 11.83 of 33.22 mi (35.62%) (SD SD89 only) SD391: 3.41 of 3.41 mi (100.00%) (SD SD391 only) SD407: 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%) (SD SD407 only) System usasd connected routes traveled: 4 of 89 (4.5%), clinched: 2 of 89 (2.2%). System usatx (active) overall: 1.85 of 15302.04 mi (0.01%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX79: 1.85 of 101.45 mi (1.82%) (TX TX79 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 1 of 320 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 320 (0.0%). System usawa (active) overall: 0.89 of 4660.89 mi (0.02%) System usawa by route (traveled routes only): WA900: 0.89 of 15.58 mi (5.69%) (WA WA900 only) System usawa connected routes traveled: 1 of 198 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 198 (0.0%). System usams (preview) overall: 9.96 of 7829.93 mi (0.13%) System usams by route (traveled routes only): MS9: 3.70 of 115.97 mi (3.19%) (MS MS9 only) MS25: 3.81 of 265.77 mi (1.43%) (MS MS25 only) MS30: 2.44 of 91.16 mi (2.68%) (MS MS30 only) System usams connected routes traveled: 3 of 350 (0.9%), clinched: 0 of 350 (0.0%). System usaush (preview) overall: 77.89 of 3462.97 mi (2.25%) System usaush by region: AZ: 0.00 of 398.24 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 938.33 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%) IL: 5.55 of 384.11 mi (1.45%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 422.63 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 5.38 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 88.02 mi (0.00%) NE: 19.95 of 21.25 mi (93.86%) NM: 0.00 of 366.50 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 33.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 52.39 of 410.84 mi (12.75%) OR: 0.00 of 46.73 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US20His (Rushville, NE): 19.95 of 19.95 mi (100.00%) (NE US20HisRus only) US66His (Elk City, OK): 9.23 of 9.23 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisElk only) US66His (Clinton, OK): 3.11 of 9.63 mi (32.29%) (OK US66HisCli only) US66His (St Louis, MO): 22.48 of 921.79 mi (2.44%) OK US66HisOkl: 16.92 of 298.83 mi (5.66%) IL US66HisChi: 5.55 of 288.70 mi (1.92%) US66His ((West) Clinton, OK): 1.73 of 1.73 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisWCl only) US66His ((South) Clinton, OK): 0.56 of 0.99 mi (56.90%) (OK US66HisSCl only) US66His (Geary, OK): 20.82 of 25.79 mi (80.74%) (OK US66HisGea only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 7 of 123 (5.7%), clinched: 3 of 123 (2.4%). Traveled 18 of 374 (4.8%), Clinched 0 of 374 (0.0%) active systems Traveled 2 of 204 (1.0%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-08-19 | (USA) Kansas | US 183 Bypass (Hays) | ks.us183byphay | Truncated north end from I-70 Exit 159 (US 183) to I-70 Exit 157. 2015-09-06 | (USA) Missouri | MO 13 | mo.mo013 | Relocated from US 50 and Maguire Street in Warrensburg, northeast to bypass from US 50/MO 13 interchange to near Routes V/OO 2015-10-02 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 70 | ok.us070 | Removed from Main St, 1st Ave, and Mulberry St, and relocated onto the southern Durant bypass. 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2016-06-16 | (USA) Florida | I-10 | fl.i010 | Relocated exit 355 0.8 miles to the west to a new interchange with Hammond Boulvard, and relabeled former interchange (now closed) at Greeland Avenue as *355A 2016-07-09 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 64 | ok.us064 | Removed from Stone City Park Dr between E0130 Rd and US 183, and relocated onto E0130 Rd and US183 between Stone City Park Dr and Broad St 2016-07-09 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 183 | ok.us183 | Waypoint US64_W moved from a point slightly north of Broad St to E0130 Rd 2016-11-14 | (USA) Kansas | KS 10 | ks.ks010 | Removed from US 59 and 23rd Street and relocated onto the South Lawrence Trafficway between its US 59 and 23rd Street interchanges 2017-04-24 | (USA) Alabama | I-22 | al.i022 | New Route 2017-04-24 | (USA) Mississippi | I-22 | ms.i022 | New Route 2017-04-25 | (USA) Kansas | US 40 | ks.us040 | Removed from 6th Street and relocated onto KS 10 and US 59. 2017-05-01 | (USA) Nebraska | NE 44 | ne.ne044 | North end truncated from US 30 to I-80. 2017-07-01 | (USA) Florida | I-595 | fl.i595 | Relabeled all exit numbers between I-75 & I-95 (exit 10), due to a renumbering of all exits after Express lanes were added to I-595. 2017-08-05 | (USA) Florida | US 1 | fl.us001 | Removed from Brickell Avenue in Miami, and relocated onto FL 970 and southern 2 miles of I-95 between the intersection of FL 970/Brickell Avenue (BriAve) and the interchange of I-95/Brickell Ave. 2018-04-13 | (USA) Alabama | US 84 | al.us084 | Relocated onto Elba bypass 2019-07-07 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 9 | ok.ok009 | Waypoint US270_E moved from OK 3E West to Harvey Rd. 2020-12-28 | (USA) Kansas | KS 144 | ks.ks144 | West end removed from a demolished section of 130 Rd and relocated onto a parallel roadway to the immediate south between US 83/160 and a closed intersection labeled *OldKS144. This change occurred sometime between 2015 & 2017. 2020-12-28 | (USA) Kansas | US 83 | ks.us083 | In Haskell County, removed from a mostly-demolished section of Fourth Guide Meridian West or MM Rd and relocated onto a parallel undivided highway to the immediate east between closed intersections labeled *OldUS83_A and *OldUS83_C. This change occurred sometime between 2015 & 2017. 2020-12-28 | (USA) Kansas | US 160 | ks.us160 | Relocated southward from a demolished section of 130 Rd to a parallel roadway and eastward from a partially demolished section of Fourth Guide Meridian West or MM Rd to a parallel undivided highway between closed intersections labeled *OldUS160 and *OldUS83. This change occurred sometime between 2015 & 2017. 2021-05-07 | (USA) Arkansas | US 63 | ar.us063 | Removed from I-40, I-55 and I-555 and relocated onto US 49 between I-40 Exit 216 and I-555 Exit 45. 2021-10-01 | (USA) Missouri | I-49 | mo.i049 | Extended southward from Exit 5 to the Arkansas state line. 2021-11-05 | (USA) Oklahoma | Norman Spur Turnpike | ok.ok004 | Deleted route. Now an extension of OK 4. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | I-74 | il.i074 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2022-04-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 18 | sd.us018 | Removed from University Avenue and Jensen Highway in Hot Springs and rerouted onto US 18 Truck around south side of Hot Springs 2022-04-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 385 | sd.us385 | Moved point US18_W to former US18Trk. Original US18_W renamed UniAve. 2022-05-16 | (USA) Arkansas | I-555 | ar.i555 | Extended northward from Exit 45 to Exit 49. 2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | US 77 | tx.us077 | Waypoint label I-35E(428C) moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled I-35E(428B)) to Commerce St. 2023-09-17 | (USA) Kansas | KS 14 | ks.ks014 | Removed from Nickerson Blvd, Nickerson St, 82nd Ave and Broadway Ave, and relocated northeastward onto a super-2 bypass of Nickerson and Sterling between waypoints *OldKS14_S & *OldKS14_N. 2023-09-17 | (USA) Kansas | KS 96 | ks.ks096 | Removed from Broadway Ave, 82nd Ave, Nickerson St and Nickerson Blvd, and relocated northeastward onto a super-2 bypass of Sterling and Nickerson between waypoints *OldKS96_W & *OldKS96_E. 2023-10-12 | (USA) Arkansas | I-49 | ar.i049 | Northernmost 4 exits renumbered downward by 2 miles. Exit 102 moved from the northern AR 72 junction (now exit 100) to CR 34. 2023-10-16 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 270 | ok.us270 | Removed from Chickasaw Ave in Wister and relocated onto a 2-lane southwestern bypass and bridge crossing Caston Creek about 0.3 mi to the south. 2023-10-18 | (USA) Texas | US 83 | tx.us083 | Removed from US 83 Business between its north end and its ToUS83 point, and an unnumbered direct connector east of that point to the La Joya Bypass, and relocated onto the La Joya Bypass. 2023-11-10 | (USA) Nebraska | US 30 | ne.us030 | Removed from the Lincoln Highway and relocated onto a divided 4-lane expressway 1.5-2 miles north between waypoints *OldUS30_Nor and *OldUS30_Fre. 2024-01-24 | (USA) Texas | US 281 | tx.us281 | Removed from US 281 Business (Premont) and relocated eastward onto a 4-lane divided bypass. 2024-01-29 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 33 | ok.ok033 | East end truncated from US 75 Alt and OK 97 to OK 117. 2024-01-29 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 66 | ok.ok066 | Removed from Dewey Ave and relocated onto OK 117 & OK 117A (Mission St) between waypoints DewAve_W & DewAve_E. 2024-03-19 | (USA) Colorado | I-25 | co.i025 | Exit 14A marked as closed. Exit 104 split into "104A" and "104" to properly reflect the on-the-ground configuration. 2024-04-08 | (USA) Missouri | I-435 | mo.i435 | Corrected exit for East 63rd Street from 66A->66B and corrected MO 350 exit from 66B->66A 2024-04-10 | (USA) Tennessee | US 78 | tn.us078 | Removed from Dr Martin Luther King Dr west of Somerville St and relocated onto Crump Blvd and extended along US 61/64/70/79 and I-55 to Arkansas state line 2024-06-23 | (USA) Kansas | US 166 | ks.us166 | Removed from Bagdad Rd and relocated southward onto a 4-lane freeway between the US 400 split and KS 26. 2024-06-23 | (USA) Kansas | US 400 | ks.us400 | Removed from Bagdad Rd and relocated southward onto a 4-lane freeway between the US 166 split and KS 26. 2024-06-25 | (USA) Arkansas | US 412 | ar.us412 | removed from US 412 Business (Walnut Ridge) and relocated onto US 63 & US 67. 2024-07-14 | (USA) Colorado | US 160 | co.us160 | Junction with US 550 relocated to new Farmington Hill bypass south of Durango. Original junction with US 550 marked as "*OldUS550_S". 2024-12-10 | (USA) Oklahoma | I-344 | ok.i344 | Route added. 2024-12-27 | (USA) Georgia | US 84 | ga.us084 | Relocated eastern intersection with US 84 Bus (Bainbridge). 2024-12-28 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 62 | ok.us062 | Waypoint OK10_S moved to Georgetown Rd from a closed intersection (now labeled *OldOK10) 0.3 mi east.