Log file created at: Fri Jan 24 21:24:11 2025 jwood.list last updated: 2024-10-21 19:26:09 -0500 Note: deprecated route name AZ89ASed -> canonical name AZ89A in line: AZ AZ89ASed AZ179 I-40BL Route updated 2025-01-01: CA CA190Dea Route updated 2024-11-21: CA US395 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: KS SFTrl US77_S US56/77_S Route updated 2024-10-23: KY I-65 Route updated 2024-12-09: NH NH119 Route updated 2024-12-28: OK US62 Note: deprecated route name JohnKilTpk -> canonical name I-344 in line: OK JohnKilTpk I-40 I-35/44 Route updated 2024-12-10: OK I-344 Route updated 2024-12-28: OK OK10 Note: deprecated route name KicTpk -> canonical name I-335 in line: OK KicTpk 130 149 # Drove entire turnpike 1/11/21 Route updated 2024-12-10: OK I-335 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: ZWE TAH4 R9_S ZMB/ZWE # Bulawayo to Zim/Zam border - concurrent above Route updated 2024-11-11: CO CO340 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: KS SFTrl US400_E WyaEarpBlvd Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: KS SFTrl KS177_S CRL Processed 1365 good lines marking 18890 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 32895.19 of 1271338.13 mi (2.59%) Overall in active+preview systems: 33906.31 of 1946220.49 mi (1.74%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AL: 568.15 of 10944.54 mi (5.19%), 568.15 of 10944.54 mi (5.19%) AR: 1188.21 of 15853.31 mi (7.50%), 1188.21 of 15853.31 mi (7.50%) AZ: 1181.26 of 6346.59 mi (18.61%), 1181.26 of 6446.81 mi (18.32%) BWA: 40.51 of 2670.55 mi (1.52%), 40.51 of 2735.56 mi (1.48%) CA: 930.18 of 15453.77 mi (6.02%), 931.12 of 16176.01 mi (5.76%) CO: 2396.48 of 9080.36 mi (26.39%), 2396.48 of 9080.36 mi (26.39%) CT: 292.40 of 3385.17 mi (8.64%), 292.40 of 3385.17 mi (8.64%) DC: 8.96 of 47.64 mi (18.82%), 8.96 of 47.64 mi (18.82%) DE: 16.02 of 1088.24 mi (1.47%), 16.02 of 1088.24 mi (1.47%) FL: 569.03 of 12219.81 mi (4.66%), 569.03 of 12219.81 mi (4.66%) GA: 368.34 of 17817.22 mi (2.07%), 368.34 of 17822.73 mi (2.07%) IA: 355.37 of 9048.01 mi (3.93%), 355.37 of 9171.72 mi (3.87%) ID: 143.37 of 4878.53 mi (2.94%), 143.37 of 4878.53 mi (2.94%) IL: 165.52 of 13698.72 mi (1.21%), 165.52 of 13932.57 mi (1.19%) IN: 46.03 of 11205.20 mi (0.41%), 46.03 of 11205.20 mi (0.41%) KS: 1838.22 of 10677.69 mi (17.22%), 1838.22 of 10683.78 mi (17.21%) KY: 235.53 of 26303.51 mi (0.90%), 235.53 of 26303.51 mi (0.90%) LA: 378.73 of 16324.99 mi (2.32%), 378.73 of 16324.99 mi (2.32%) MA: 323.10 of 4326.44 mi (7.47%), 323.10 of 4329.91 mi (7.46%) MD: 94.18 of 5205.21 mi (1.81%), 94.18 of 5205.21 mi (1.81%) ME: 12.19 of 6362.92 mi (0.19%), 12.19 of 6362.92 mi (0.19%) MI: 663.07 of 9544.76 mi (6.95%), 663.07 of 9544.76 mi (6.95%) MN: 294.47 of 11798.60 mi (2.50%), 294.47 of 11798.60 mi (2.50%) MO: 648.99 of 13387.59 mi (4.85%), 648.99 of 13611.18 mi (4.77%) MS: 270.29 of 3633.19 mi (7.44%), 345.47 of 11152.15 mi (3.10%) MT: 401.90 of 11286.70 mi (3.56%), 401.90 of 11286.70 mi (3.56%) NAM: 242.42 of 2965.58 mi (8.17%), 242.42 of 3159.31 mi (7.67%) NC: 129.20 of 15278.26 mi (0.85%), 129.20 of 15278.26 mi (0.85%) ND: 67.46 of 7494.06 mi (0.90%), 67.46 of 7577.65 mi (0.89%) NE: 1030.00 of 10070.24 mi (10.23%), 1030.00 of 10071.55 mi (10.23%) NH: 191.86 of 3296.57 mi (5.82%), 191.86 of 3296.57 mi (5.82%) NJ: 92.73 of 2814.66 mi (3.29%), 92.73 of 2814.66 mi (3.29%) NM: 1934.72 of 11230.49 mi (17.23%), 1939.33 of 11333.90 mi (17.11%) NV: 294.83 of 5113.56 mi (5.77%), 294.83 of 5113.56 mi (5.77%) NY: 351.36 of 16012.57 mi (2.19%), 351.36 of 16012.57 mi (2.19%) OH: 326.64 of 19457.73 mi (1.68%), 326.64 of 19458.43 mi (1.68%) OK: 5115.13 of 12927.71 mi (39.57%), 5180.79 of 13067.88 mi (39.65%) ON: 291.35 of 7577.11 mi (3.85%), 291.35 of 10571.95 mi (2.76%) OR: 573.78 of 7483.10 mi (7.67%), 573.78 of 7513.83 mi (7.64%) PA: 91.99 of 17661.67 mi (0.52%), 91.99 of 17661.67 mi (0.52%) RI: 43.60 of 832.99 mi (5.23%), 43.60 of 832.99 mi (5.23%) SC: 107.86 of 10283.45 mi (1.05%), 107.86 of 10283.45 mi (1.05%) SD: 996.19 of 7882.66 mi (12.64%), 996.19 of 7882.66 mi (12.64%) TN: 395.76 of 13913.47 mi (2.84%), 395.76 of 13913.47 mi (2.84%) TX: 1971.12 of 32680.04 mi (6.03%), 1971.12 of 32691.86 mi (6.03%) UT: 1038.49 of 6029.13 mi (17.22%), 1038.49 of 6029.13 mi (17.22%) VA: 315.13 of 10442.92 mi (3.02%), 315.13 of 10442.92 mi (3.02%) VT: 150.82 of 2866.64 mi (5.26%), 150.82 of 2866.64 mi (5.26%) WA: 526.85 of 7073.43 mi (7.45%), 526.85 of 7149.06 mi (7.37%) WI: 105.37 of 11736.55 mi (0.90%), 105.37 of 11736.55 mi (0.90%) WV: 102.78 of 5717.24 mi (1.80%), 102.78 of 5717.24 mi (1.80%) WY: 1925.17 of 6806.53 mi (28.28%), 1925.17 of 6806.53 mi (28.28%) ZMB: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 864.73 of 4217.94 mi (20.50%) ZWE: 1052.05 of 3076.75 mi (34.19%), 1052.05 of 3076.75 mi (34.19%) System bwaa (active) overall: 40.51 of 2670.55 mi (1.52%) System bwaa by route (traveled routes only): A33: 40.51 of 228.91 mi (17.70%) (BWA A33 only) System bwaa connected routes traveled: 1 of 15 (6.7%), clinched: 0 of 15 (0.0%). System canonf (active) overall: 288.60 of 1242.78 mi (23.22%) System canonf by route (traveled routes only): ON401: 208.64 of 521.26 mi (40.03%) (ON ON401 only) ON407: 21.31 of 94.46 mi (22.56%) (ON ON407 only) ONQEW (Queen Elizabeth Way): 58.66 of 87.57 mi (66.98%) (ON ONQEW only) System canonf connected routes traveled: 3 of 17 (17.6%), clinched: 0 of 17 (0.0%). System canon (active) overall: 2.75 of 6293.62 mi (0.04%) System canon by route (traveled routes only): ON137: 2.75 of 2.75 mi (100.00%) (ON ON137 only) System canon connected routes traveled: 1 of 82 (1.2%), clinched: 1 of 82 (1.2%). System namb (active) overall: 242.42 of 2914.40 mi (8.32%) System namb by route (traveled routes only): B8 ((main)): 242.42 of 587.60 mi (41.26%) (NAM B8 only) System namb connected routes traveled: 1 of 13 (7.7%), clinched: 0 of 13 (0.0%). System usai (active) overall: 12075.63 of 49437.58 mi (24.43%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 327.34 of 1013.04 mi (32.31%) AR: 410.52 of 771.09 mi (53.24%) AZ: 622.56 of 1181.98 mi (52.67%) CA: 71.53 of 2485.21 mi (2.88%) CO: 590.07 of 958.31 mi (61.57%) CT: 180.43 of 346.20 mi (52.12%) DC: 3.72 of 11.84 mi (31.45%) DE: 15.28 of 39.35 mi (38.82%) FL: 445.93 of 1518.93 mi (29.36%) GA: 214.00 of 1260.54 mi (16.98%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 354.89 of 797.28 mi (44.51%) ID: 72.54 of 618.24 mi (11.73%) IL: 165.52 of 2200.01 mi (7.52%) IN: 46.03 of 1325.22 mi (3.47%) KS: 658.73 of 884.78 mi (74.45%) KY: 235.53 of 1007.79 mi (23.37%) LA: 298.02 of 951.30 mi (31.33%) MA: 149.63 of 564.32 mi (26.52%) MD: 21.13 of 500.55 mi (4.22%) ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%) MI: 209.40 of 1248.46 mi (16.77%) MN: 8.88 of 923.04 mi (0.96%) MO: 564.27 of 1398.85 mi (40.34%) MS: 129.90 of 841.67 mi (15.43%) MT: 302.57 of 1197.10 mi (25.28%) NC: 129.20 of 1440.99 mi (8.97%) ND: 67.46 of 578.68 mi (11.66%) NE: 163.02 of 488.57 mi (33.37%) NH: 69.36 of 224.25 mi (30.93%) NJ: 56.79 of 430.10 mi (13.20%) NM: 596.69 of 1013.33 mi (58.88%) NV: 146.14 of 642.06 mi (22.76%) NY: 165.81 of 1772.90 mi (9.35%) OH: 325.10 of 1581.53 mi (20.56%) OK: 987.56 of 993.31 mi (99.42%) OR: 134.11 of 735.76 mi (18.23%) PA: 91.99 of 1872.36 mi (4.91%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 43.60 of 70.57 mi (61.78%) SC: 107.86 of 863.16 mi (12.50%) SD: 400.97 of 688.58 mi (58.23%) TN: 348.71 of 1206.66 mi (28.90%) TX: 801.82 of 3526.85 mi (22.73%) UT: 201.68 of 944.15 mi (21.36%) VA: 313.13 of 1117.00 mi (28.03%) VT: 122.75 of 319.55 mi (38.41%) WA: 233.62 of 767.80 mi (30.43%) WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%) WV: 102.78 of 538.79 mi (19.08%) WY: 367.03 of 923.35 mi (39.75%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-5: 198.56 of 1397.09 mi (14.21%) CA I-5: 2.11 of 805.75 mi (0.26%) OR I-5: 134.11 of 312.44 mi (42.92%) WA I-5: 62.35 of 278.90 mi (22.35%) I-10: 784.55 of 2495.88 mi (31.43%) AZ I-10: 246.58 of 398.88 mi (61.82%) NM I-10: 141.39 of 167.15 mi (84.59%) LA I-10: 14.55 of 278.87 mi (5.22%) MS I-10: 32.47 of 78.17 mi (41.53%) AL I-10: 49.72 of 67.10 mi (74.10%) FL I-10: 299.85 of 366.76 mi (81.76%) I-11: 53.93 of 53.93 mi (100.00%) (NV I-11 only) I-12: 87.02 of 87.02 mi (100.00%) (LA I-12 only) I-15: 245.35 of 1451.17 mi (16.91%) NV I-15: 90.41 of 126.00 mi (71.75%) AZ I-15: 29.32 of 29.32 mi (100.00%) UT I-15: 117.37 of 406.82 mi (28.85%) MT I-15: 8.25 of 398.46 mi (2.07%) I-17: 33.34 of 145.55 mi (22.90%) (AZ I-17 only) I-20: 190.25 of 1559.38 mi (12.20%) TX I-20: 176.67 of 645.56 mi (27.37%) LA I-20: 12.05 of 192.44 mi (6.26%) AL I-20: 1.53 of 216.99 mi (0.70%) I-22: 156.02 of 204.53 mi (76.28%) MS I-22: 58.94 of 107.45 mi (54.85%) AL I-22: 97.08 of 97.08 mi (100.00%) I-24: 2.32 of 320.32 mi (0.72%) TN I-24: 2.32 of 168.65 mi (1.38%) I-25: 572.10 of 1076.46 mi (53.15%) NM I-25: 77.26 of 468.15 mi (16.50%) CO I-25: 302.67 of 302.67 mi (100.00%) WY I-25: 192.16 of 305.64 mi (62.87%) I-26 (Tennessee - W. North Carolina): 15.19 of 67.01 mi (22.68%) TN I-26: 15.19 of 54.03 mi (28.12%) I-27: 13.87 of 126.28 mi (10.99%) (TX I-27 only) I-29: 301.02 of 763.22 mi (39.44%) MO I-29: 97.48 of 130.07 mi (74.94%) IA I-29: 62.60 of 154.49 mi (40.52%) SD I-29: 76.38 of 257.71 mi (29.64%) ND I-29: 64.56 of 220.96 mi (29.22%) I-30: 34.72 of 371.89 mi (9.34%) AR I-30: 34.72 of 144.97 mi (23.95%) I-35 (S. Texas): 218.90 of 377.89 mi (57.93%) (TX I-35 only) I-35 (N. Texas - S. Minnesota): 531.97 of 944.38 mi (56.33%) TX I-35Gai: 37.24 of 37.24 mi (100.00%) OK I-35: 240.48 of 240.48 mi (100.00%) KS I-35: 238.42 of 238.42 mi (100.00%) MO I-35: 1.28 of 116.36 mi (1.10%) IA I-35: 14.54 of 222.48 mi (6.54%) I-35 (N. Minnesota): 2.66 of 133.76 mi (1.99%) (MN I-35 only) I-35E (Texas): 43.88 of 98.47 mi (44.56%) (TX I-35E only) I-35W (Texas): 86.69 of 86.69 mi (100.00%) (TX I-35W only) I-40: 1720.27 of 2578.10 mi (66.73%) AZ I-40: 313.33 of 362.89 mi (86.34%) NM I-40: 378.04 of 378.04 mi (100.00%) TX I-40: 179.36 of 179.36 mi (100.00%) OK I-40: 334.84 of 334.84 mi (100.00%) AR I-40: 287.32 of 287.32 mi (100.00%) TN I-40: 227.39 of 457.61 mi (49.69%) I-44: 630.55 of 647.37 mi (97.40%) TX I-44: 15.36 of 15.36 mi (100.00%) OK I-44: 334.68 of 334.68 mi (100.00%) MO I-44: 280.51 of 297.32 mi (94.34%) I-49 (S. Louisiana): 184.40 of 209.83 mi (87.88%) (LA I-49 only) I-49 (N. Arkansas - Missouri): 205.00 of 271.93 mi (75.39%) AR I-49: 66.05 of 85.34 mi (77.40%) MO I-49: 138.95 of 186.59 mi (74.47%) I-55: 27.26 of 960.09 mi (2.84%) MS I-55: 18.54 of 295.77 mi (6.27%) TN I-55: 5.87 of 12.37 mi (47.49%) AR I-55: 2.85 of 73.76 mi (3.86%) I-59: 1.53 of 449.82 mi (0.34%) AL I-59: 1.53 of 243.93 mi (0.63%) I-64: 151.47 of 973.37 mi (15.56%) KY I-64: 0.75 of 192.97 mi (0.39%) WV I-64: 63.73 of 182.08 mi (35.00%) VA I-64: 86.98 of 301.05 mi (28.89%) I-65: 279.82 of 898.33 mi (31.15%) AL I-65: 104.51 of 371.31 mi (28.15%) TN I-65: 37.34 of 123.12 mi (30.33%) KY I-65: 137.98 of 138.56 mi (99.58%) I-66: 52.48 of 76.81 mi (68.32%) VA I-66: 52.48 of 75.50 mi (69.50%) I-69 (Mississippi): 9.47 of 22.63 mi (41.85%) (MS I-69 only) I-70: 632.44 of 2192.00 mi (28.85%) UT I-70: 83.79 of 232.08 mi (36.10%) CO I-70: 281.37 of 450.57 mi (62.45%) KS I-70: 265.39 of 430.12 mi (61.70%) OH I-70: 1.90 of 227.81 mi (0.83%) I-71: 347.55 of 347.55 mi (100.00%) KY I-71: 96.80 of 96.80 mi (100.00%) OH I-71: 250.74 of 250.74 mi (100.00%) I-74 (Mount Airy, NC): 4.92 of 16.89 mi (29.11%) (NC I-74 only) I-75: 301.01 of 1807.41 mi (16.65%) FL I-75: 146.08 of 479.41 mi (30.47%) GA I-75: 40.03 of 360.67 mi (11.10%) KY I-75: 19.30 of 194.10 mi (9.94%) OH I-75: 0.37 of 213.65 mi (0.17%) MI I-75: 95.22 of 399.43 mi (23.84%) I-77: 192.74 of 614.09 mi (31.39%) NC I-77: 86.76 of 106.65 mi (81.35%) VA I-77: 66.93 of 66.93 mi (100.00%) WV I-77: 39.05 of 184.02 mi (21.22%) I-78: 28.12 of 146.92 mi (19.14%) NJ I-78: 28.12 of 68.00 mi (41.35%) I-80: 701.49 of 2936.67 mi (23.89%) CA I-80: 8.11 of 204.11 mi (3.97%) UT I-80: 0.52 of 198.87 mi (0.26%) WY I-80: 77.73 of 406.35 mi (19.13%) NE I-80: 145.36 of 462.14 mi (31.45%) IA I-80: 288.46 of 310.96 mi (92.76%) IL I-80: 165.52 of 165.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-80: 15.79 of 153.33 mi (10.30%) I-81: 207.42 of 859.13 mi (24.14%) TN I-81: 57.42 of 76.34 mi (75.22%) VA I-81: 118.80 of 325.84 mi (36.46%) NY I-81: 31.20 of 185.04 mi (16.86%) I-84 (Oregon - Utah): 21.94 of 778.72 mi (2.82%) UT I-84: 21.94 of 120.39 mi (18.22%) I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 24.54 of 231.88 mi (10.58%) CT I-84: 24.54 of 98.08 mi (25.02%) I-85: 365.94 of 676.82 mi (54.07%) AL I-85: 74.51 of 81.10 mi (91.88%) GA I-85: 153.08 of 181.74 mi (84.23%) SC I-85: 107.86 of 107.86 mi (100.00%) NC I-85: 30.49 of 236.78 mi (12.87%) I-87 (New York): 45.53 of 335.42 mi (13.57%) (NY I-87 only) I-89: 183.34 of 190.23 mi (96.38%) NH I-89: 60.59 of 60.59 mi (100.00%) VT I-89: 122.75 of 129.64 mi (94.68%) I-90: 1160.13 of 3112.09 mi (37.28%) WA I-90: 171.27 of 299.30 mi (57.22%) ID I-90: 72.54 of 72.54 mi (100.00%) MT I-90: 302.57 of 553.01 mi (54.71%) WY I-90: 97.14 of 210.24 mi (46.20%) SD I-90: 324.59 of 418.20 mi (77.62%) OH I-90: 74.36 of 247.10 mi (30.09%) PA I-90: 47.04 of 47.04 mi (100.00%) NY I-90: 70.62 of 390.23 mi (18.10%) I-91: 29.59 of 290.43 mi (10.19%) CT I-91: 22.17 of 58.12 mi (38.15%) MA I-91: 7.42 of 55.00 mi (13.48%) I-93: 8.40 of 189.34 mi (4.43%) MA I-93: 5.05 of 46.22 mi (10.93%) NH I-93: 3.35 of 131.94 mi (2.54%) I-94: 92.65 of 1625.88 mi (5.70%) ND I-94: 2.90 of 356.63 mi (0.81%) MN I-94: 6.22 of 262.58 mi (2.37%) IL I-94: 3.00 of 78.52 mi (3.82%) IN I-94: 46.03 of 46.03 mi (100.00%) MI I-94: 34.50 of 277.83 mi (12.42%) I-95: 341.68 of 1916.43 mi (17.83%) VA I-95: 17.68 of 179.39 mi (9.86%) DE I-95: 15.28 of 23.22 mi (65.78%) PA I-95: 44.15 of 44.15 mi (100.00%) NJ I-95: 16.95 of 78.63 mi (21.56%) NY I-95: 0.76 of 23.53 mi (3.22%) CT I-95: 111.75 of 111.75 mi (100.00%) RI I-95: 43.60 of 43.60 mi (100.00%) MA I-95: 90.55 of 90.55 mi (100.00%) NH I-95: 0.95 of 16.42 mi (5.82%) I-110 (Mississippi): 4.18 of 4.18 mi (100.00%) (MS I-110 only) I-135: 97.35 of 97.35 mi (100.00%) (KS I-135 only) I-190 (New York): 6.87 of 28.40 mi (24.20%) (NY I-190 only) I-195 (Maryland): 1.48 of 4.05 mi (36.63%) (MD I-195 only) I-196: 76.98 of 80.86 mi (95.20%) (MI I-196 only) I-205 (California): 13.41 of 13.41 mi (100.00%) (CA I-205 only) I-215 (Nevada): 1.80 of 11.34 mi (15.91%) (NV I-215 only) I-229 (Missouri): 14.77 of 14.77 mi (100.00%) (MO I-229 only) I-235 (Oklahoma): 5.15 of 5.15 mi (100.00%) (OK I-235 only) I-240 (Oklahoma): 16.58 of 16.58 mi (100.00%) (OK I-240 only) I-240 (Tennessee): 5.49 of 20.35 mi (27.00%) (TN I-240 only) I-244: 15.93 of 15.93 mi (100.00%) (OK I-244 only) I-269: 15.77 of 45.77 mi (34.46%) MS I-269: 15.77 of 26.47 mi (59.59%) I-270 (Colorado): 6.04 of 6.04 mi (100.00%) (CO I-270 only) I-280 (California): 1.63 of 57.01 mi (2.86%) (CA I-280 only) I-285 (Georgia): 20.88 of 63.44 mi (32.92%) (GA I-285 only) I-287: 24.14 of 97.69 mi (24.71%) NJ I-287: 3.61 of 67.49 mi (5.35%) NY I-287: 20.53 of 30.20 mi (67.98%) I-291 (Connecticut): 5.88 of 5.88 mi (100.00%) (CT I-291 only) I-291 (Massachusetts): 5.22 of 5.22 mi (100.00%) (MA I-291 only) I-294: 5.26 of 52.75 mi (9.98%) (IL I-294 only) I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 7.16 of 92.84 mi (7.71%) NJ I-295: 7.16 of 77.33 mi (9.26%) I-296: 2.70 of 3.18 mi (84.72%) (MI I-296 only) I-335 (Oklahoma): 18.88 of 18.88 mi (100.00%) (OK I-335 only) I-335 (Kansas): 50.94 of 50.94 mi (100.00%) (KS I-335 only) I-344: 24.89 of 30.65 mi (81.21%) (OK I-344 only) I-384: 7.68 of 7.68 mi (100.00%) (CT I-384 only) I-393: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) (NH I-393 only) I-395 (Virginia - District of Columbia): 11.64 of 13.25 mi (87.84%) VA I-395: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) DC I-395: 1.91 of 3.52 mi (54.22%) I-395 (Connecticut - Massachusetts): 8.40 of 66.92 mi (12.56%) CT I-395: 8.40 of 54.90 mi (15.30%) I-410: 3.56 of 53.39 mi (6.66%) (TX I-410 only) I-430: 12.79 of 12.79 mi (100.00%) (AR I-430 only) I-435: 40.67 of 84.17 mi (48.32%) MO I-435: 40.67 of 56.02 mi (72.61%) I-444: 2.48 of 2.48 mi (100.00%) (OK I-444 only) I-470 (Kansas): 6.63 of 13.22 mi (50.18%) (KS I-470 only) I-470 (Missouri): 0.80 of 16.92 mi (4.74%) (MO I-470 only) I-480 (Nebraska - Iowa): 4.99 of 4.99 mi (100.00%) NE I-480: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) IA I-480: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%) I-485: 11.96 of 65.68 mi (18.21%) (NC I-485 only) I-495 (Massachusetts): 41.39 of 121.08 mi (34.18%) (MA I-495 only) I-540 (Arkansas): 1.95 of 14.06 mi (13.89%) (AR I-540 only) I-580 (California): 46.28 of 80.12 mi (57.76%) (CA I-580 only) I-595 (Maryland): 19.65 of 19.65 mi (100.00%) (MD I-595 only) I-630: 7.68 of 7.68 mi (100.00%) (AR I-630 only) I-635 (Texas): 28.22 of 37.47 mi (75.32%) (TX I-635 only) I-676: 1.75 of 7.10 mi (24.68%) PA I-676: 0.80 of 2.64 mi (30.35%) NJ I-676: 0.95 of 4.47 mi (21.34%) I-680 (Nebraska - Iowa): 16.50 of 16.50 mi (100.00%) NE I-680: 13.40 of 13.40 mi (100.00%) IA I-680: 3.10 of 3.10 mi (100.00%) I-695 (District of Columbia): 1.82 of 1.82 mi (100.00%) (DC I-695 only) I-820: 1.62 of 35.26 mi (4.60%) (TX I-820 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 94 of 363 (25.9%), clinched: 25 of 363 (6.9%). System usaib (active) overall: 79.49 of 1553.32 mi (5.12%) System usaib by region: AZ: 2.53 of 75.35 mi (3.36%) CA: 0.00 of 121.60 mi (0.00%) CO: 16.95 of 100.35 mi (16.89%) GA: 0.00 of 24.23 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 176.21 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 6.94 of 141.64 mi (4.90%) MT: 0.00 of 74.22 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 56.89 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 37.87 mi (0.00%) NM: 3.25 of 62.36 mi (5.21%) NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 8.54 mi (0.00%) OK: 25.92 of 42.06 mi (61.61%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%) SD: 5.54 of 47.63 mi (11.62%) TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%) UT: 4.42 of 44.73 mi (9.88%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 13.94 of 92.40 mi (15.09%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-25BL (Raton, NM): 1.44 of 3.85 mi (37.34%) (NM I-25BLRat only) I-25BL (Walsenburg, CO): 3.83 of 3.83 mi (100.00%) (CO I-25BLWal only) I-25BL (Wheatland, WY): 0.12 of 2.96 mi (4.15%) (WY I-25BLWhe only) I-25BL (Glenrock, WY): 4.88 of 7.00 mi (69.66%) (WY I-25BLGle only) I-25BL (Casper, WY): 0.49 of 2.21 mi (22.17%) (WY I-25BLCas only) I-25BL (Buffalo, WY): 0.43 of 3.33 mi (12.79%) (WY I-25BLBuf only) I-40BL (Seligman, AZ): 2.53 of 3.81 mi (66.48%) (AZ I-40BLSel only) I-40BL (Santa Rosa, NM): 1.81 of 4.03 mi (44.95%) (NM I-40BLSan only) I-40BL (Erick, OK): 6.50 of 7.86 mi (82.71%) (OK I-40BLEri only) I-40BL (Elk City, OK): 9.23 of 9.23 mi (100.00%) (OK I-40BLElk only) I-40BL (El Reno, OK): 6.71 of 7.97 mi (84.13%) (OK I-40BLElR only) I-40BL (Henryetta, OK): 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (OK I-40BLHen only) I-49BL (Joplin, MO): 6.94 of 22.68 mi (30.60%) (MO I-49BLJop only) I-70BL (Green River, UT): 4.42 of 4.42 mi (100.00%) (UT I-70BLGre only) I-70BL (Grand Junction, CO): 13.12 of 13.12 mi (100.00%) (CO I-70BLGra only) I-80BL (Green River, WY): 0.75 of 2.55 mi (29.38%) (WY I-80BLGre only) I-80BL (Rawlins, WY): 0.75 of 3.89 mi (19.24%) (WY I-80BLRaw only) I-80BL (Laramie, WY): 3.20 of 6.45 mi (49.65%) (WY I-80BLLar only) I-90BL (Buffalo, WY): 2.16 of 3.80 mi (56.98%) (WY I-90BLBuf only) I-90BL (Moorcroft, WY): 1.17 of 1.62 mi (72.10%) (WY I-90BLMoo only) I-90BL (Spearfish, SD): 2.72 of 4.90 mi (55.59%) (SD I-90BLSpe only) I-90BL (Sturgis, SD): 2.69 of 2.69 mi (100.00%) (SD I-90BLStu only) I-90BL (Wall, SD): 0.12 of 1.24 mi (9.90%) (SD I-90BLWal only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 23 of 277 (8.3%), clinched: 6 of 277 (2.2%). System usaif (active) overall: 37.72 of 585.68 mi (6.44%) System usaif by region: AR: 0.00 of 5.98 mi (0.00%) AZ: 24.26 of 24.26 mi (100.00%) CA: 0.00 of 8.67 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 6.10 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 4.24 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 66.44 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 157.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 124.93 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 81.79 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 23.60 mi (0.00%) TN: 13.46 of 69.79 mi (19.28%) VA: 0.00 of 7.31 mi (0.00%) System usaif by route (traveled routes only): I-11Fut (Kingman, AZ): 22.96 of 22.96 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-11FutKin only) I-11Fut (Hoover Dam): 1.30 of 1.30 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-11FutHoo only) I-69Fut (Memphis, TN): 13.46 of 15.58 mi (86.35%) (TN I-69FutMem only) System usaif connected routes traveled: 3 of 29 (10.3%), clinched: 2 of 29 (6.9%). System usasf (active) overall: 123.48 of 1234.41 mi (10.00%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 41.30 of 322.91 mi (12.79%) GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%) NH: 6.88 of 39.78 mi (17.28%) NJ: 27.68 of 355.08 mi (7.79%) NV: 34.39 of 38.98 mi (88.23%) NY: 7.96 of 56.95 mi (13.98%) OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 5.28 of 8.13 mi (64.93%) PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): CR215 (Bruce Woodbury Beltway): 34.39 of 38.98 mi (88.23%) (NV CR215 only) EveTpk (Everett Turnpike): 6.88 of 38.39 mi (17.91%) (NH EveTpk only) FLTpk (Florida's Turnpike): 41.30 of 314.31 mi (13.14%) (FL FLTpk only) GilExpy (Gilcrease Expressway): 5.28 of 8.13 mi (64.93%) (OK GilExpy only) NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 16.95 of 123.59 mi (13.72%) (NJ NJTpk only) PalIntPkwy (Palisades Interstate Parkway): 18.68 of 37.28 mi (50.12%) NJ PalIntPkwy: 10.72 of 11.19 mi (95.84%) NY PalIntPkwy: 7.96 of 26.09 mi (30.52%) System usasf connected routes traveled: 6 of 66 (9.1%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%). System usaus (active) overall: 13983.22 of 137859.42 mi (10.14%) System usaus by region: AL: 264.37 of 3485.97 mi (7.58%) AR: 586.51 of 3726.95 mi (15.74%) AZ: 477.73 of 1878.70 mi (25.43%) CA: 366.06 of 1730.27 mi (21.16%) CO: 1538.48 of 4019.95 mi (38.27%) CT: 29.72 of 508.42 mi (5.85%) DC: 1.53 of 22.09 mi (6.90%) DE: 6.47 of 211.17 mi (3.06%) FL: 46.33 of 3999.71 mi (1.16%) GA: 75.09 of 4922.21 mi (1.53%) IA: 116.83 of 3710.44 mi (3.15%) ID: 32.39 of 2090.85 mi (1.55%) IL: 1.77 of 3410.39 mi (0.05%) IN: 15.27 of 2903.05 mi (0.53%) KS: 1168.59 of 5413.85 mi (21.59%) KY: 0.00 of 3314.41 mi (0.00%) LA: 73.13 of 2323.34 mi (3.15%) MA: 48.04 of 602.37 mi (7.97%) MD: 86.13 of 774.49 mi (11.12%) ME: 7.19 of 1176.03 mi (0.61%) MI: 285.82 of 2324.25 mi (12.30%) MN: 242.98 of 3612.02 mi (6.73%) MO: 226.50 of 4007.77 mi (5.65%) MS: 199.33 of 2596.46 mi (7.68%) MT: 159.53 of 3317.05 mi (4.81%) NC: 16.55 of 5099.45 mi (0.32%) ND: 67.46 of 1785.36 mi (3.78%) NE: 403.02 of 3539.33 mi (11.39%) NH: 67.20 of 542.91 mi (12.38%) NJ: 26.17 of 805.51 mi (3.25%) NM: 1165.26 of 3676.63 mi (31.69%) NV: 177.07 of 1851.50 mi (9.56%) NY: 6.86 of 1653.66 mi (0.42%) OH: 0.51 of 3918.56 mi (0.01%) OK: 2073.37 of 4765.43 mi (43.51%) OR: 386.81 of 2596.23 mi (14.90%) PA: 1.78 of 3424.65 mi (0.05%) RI: 1.90 of 108.88 mi (1.75%) SC: 7.92 of 3309.45 mi (0.24%) SD: 444.09 of 2612.33 mi (17.00%) TN: 50.09 of 3646.69 mi (1.37%) TX: 1023.13 of 12783.70 mi (8.00%) UT: 492.23 of 1618.38 mi (30.41%) VA: 58.66 of 4090.30 mi (1.43%) VT: 5.90 of 593.97 mi (0.99%) WA: 184.46 of 1764.00 mi (10.46%) WI: 105.37 of 2895.07 mi (3.64%) WV: 4.25 of 1793.12 mi (0.24%) WY: 1157.37 of 2902.08 mi (39.88%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 20.92 of 2385.46 mi (0.88%) VA US1: 0.71 of 199.25 mi (0.35%) DC US1: 1.53 of 7.20 mi (21.18%) CT US1: 3.79 of 116.22 mi (3.26%) RI US1: 0.95 of 57.12 mi (1.66%) MA US1: 2.63 of 85.34 mi (3.08%) NH US1: 4.14 of 16.69 mi (24.80%) ME US1: 7.19 of 524.86 mi (1.37%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 385.94 of 2126.60 mi (18.15%) WA US2: 70.83 of 325.04 mi (21.79%) MN US2: 148.82 of 267.06 mi (55.72%) WI US2: 105.37 of 105.37 mi (100.00%) MI US2Iro: 12.39 of 110.06 mi (11.25%) MI US2: 48.54 of 197.38 mi (24.59%) US2 (New York - Maine): 6.69 of 454.34 mi (1.47%) NY US2: 0.88 of 0.88 mi (100.00%) VT US2: 5.81 of 145.94 mi (3.98%) US3: 11.74 of 272.87 mi (4.30%) MA US3: 6.36 of 35.25 mi (18.05%) NH US3: 5.37 of 237.62 mi (2.26%) US4: 43.98 of 249.40 mi (17.63%) NH US4: 43.98 of 106.38 mi (41.34%) US5: 2.39 of 295.79 mi (0.81%) MA US5: 2.39 of 53.31 mi (4.48%) US6: 466.28 of 3217.30 mi (14.49%) UT US6: 200.71 of 376.02 mi (53.38%) CO US6: 76.30 of 472.01 mi (16.17%) NE US6: 48.19 of 378.52 mi (12.73%) IA US6: 97.14 of 326.41 mi (29.76%) IL US6: 1.77 of 179.04 mi (0.99%) IN US6: 15.27 of 150.83 mi (10.13%) CT US6: 25.94 of 114.03 mi (22.75%) RI US6: 0.95 of 26.61 mi (3.59%) US7: 0.09 of 304.48 mi (0.03%) VT US7: 0.09 of 174.94 mi (0.05%) US9W: 0.57 of 139.89 mi (0.41%) NJ US9W: 0.57 of 10.99 mi (5.22%) US10 (North Dakota - Wisconsin): 39.10 of 579.50 mi (6.75%) MN US10: 39.10 of 277.83 mi (14.08%) US11 (Virginia - New York): 13.62 of 945.55 mi (1.44%) VA US11: 7.64 of 335.76 mi (2.27%) NY US11: 5.98 of 321.14 mi (1.86%) US12: 88.96 of 2474.68 mi (3.59%) WA US12: 21.06 of 427.31 mi (4.93%) MT US12: 67.90 of 597.81 mi (11.36%) US14: 160.96 of 1393.95 mi (11.55%) WY US14: 72.81 of 395.22 mi (18.42%) SD US14: 88.15 of 442.86 mi (19.90%) US16: 179.17 of 479.30 mi (37.38%) WY US16: 126.43 of 413.34 mi (30.59%) SD US16: 52.74 of 65.96 mi (79.96%) US17: 4.96 of 1215.92 mi (0.41%) VA US17: 4.96 of 256.38 mi (1.93%) US18: 3.00 of 1052.07 mi (0.28%) SD US18: 3.00 of 450.28 mi (0.67%) US19 (Florida - North Carolina): 7.19 of 753.81 mi (0.95%) GA US19: 7.19 of 348.02 mi (2.07%) US19W: 3.57 of 60.04 mi (5.95%) TN US19W: 3.57 of 39.87 mi (8.96%) US20 (Oregon - Montana): 0.28 of 864.90 mi (0.03%) MT US20: 0.28 of 9.63 mi (2.87%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 239.81 of 2364.58 mi (10.14%) WY US20: 229.99 of 434.86 mi (52.89%) NE US20: 5.94 of 435.91 mi (1.36%) MA US20: 3.88 of 149.61 mi (2.59%) US21: 9.82 of 391.17 mi (2.51%) NC US21: 9.82 of 122.49 mi (8.02%) US23: 15.19 of 1410.94 mi (1.08%) TN US23: 15.19 of 56.92 mi (26.69%) US24: 159.87 of 1560.48 mi (10.24%) CO US24: 97.87 of 322.80 mi (30.32%) KS US24: 58.60 of 440.10 mi (13.31%) MO US24: 3.40 of 221.72 mi (1.54%) US26: 365.81 of 1503.85 mi (24.32%) WY US26: 365.17 of 476.62 mi (76.62%) NE US26: 0.64 of 152.90 mi (0.42%) US27: 20.10 of 1367.08 mi (1.47%) FL US27: 1.75 of 504.38 mi (0.35%) GA US27: 18.35 of 357.47 mi (5.13%) US29: 67.60 of 1044.59 mi (6.47%) FL US29: 37.66 of 44.26 mi (85.08%) AL US29: 15.29 of 228.16 mi (6.70%) SC US29: 7.92 of 109.75 mi (7.21%) NC US29: 6.73 of 169.06 mi (3.98%) US30: 92.70 of 3105.69 mi (2.98%) ID US30: 0.31 of 418.69 mi (0.08%) WY US30: 78.98 of 458.74 mi (17.22%) NE US30: 11.66 of 457.62 mi (2.55%) PA US30: 0.80 of 331.98 mi (0.24%) NJ US30: 0.95 of 59.01 mi (1.62%) US31 (Alabama - Tennessee): 4.52 of 482.40 mi (0.94%) AL US31: 4.52 of 387.73 mi (1.16%) US31 (Kentucky - Michigan): 47.06 of 629.39 mi (7.48%) MI US31: 47.06 of 356.99 mi (13.18%) US34: 73.74 of 1130.00 mi (6.53%) CO US34: 49.80 of 253.25 mi (19.66%) NE US34: 23.94 of 393.58 mi (6.08%) US36: 99.44 of 1415.39 mi (7.03%) CO US36: 90.96 of 231.47 mi (39.30%) KS US36: 8.09 of 396.44 mi (2.04%) MO US36: 0.39 of 195.25 mi (0.20%) US40: 353.60 of 2312.95 mi (15.29%) UT US40: 30.74 of 175.11 mi (17.55%) CO US40: 134.80 of 484.91 mi (27.80%) KS US40: 188.06 of 439.12 mi (42.83%) US41: 68.21 of 2038.51 mi (3.35%) GA US41: 7.17 of 389.54 mi (1.84%) IN US41: 1.52 of 283.05 mi (0.54%) MI US41: 59.51 of 280.99 mi (21.18%) US44: 0.94 of 232.73 mi (0.41%) CT US44: 0.94 of 104.19 mi (0.91%) US45 (Alabama - S. Tennessee): 3.41 of 402.97 mi (0.85%) MS US45: 1.44 of 281.50 mi (0.51%) TN US45: 1.97 of 61.70 mi (3.19%) US45W: 4.22 of 63.31 mi (6.67%) (TN US45W only) US49 (N. Mississippi - Arkansas): 64.09 of 225.24 mi (28.45%) MS US49Cla: 9.23 of 41.81 mi (22.08%) AR US49: 54.85 of 183.42 mi (29.91%) US50: 851.87 of 3006.31 mi (28.34%) UT US50: 83.79 of 337.94 mi (24.79%) CO US50: 424.74 of 459.68 mi (92.40%) KS US50: 266.01 of 454.15 mi (58.57%) MO US50: 30.28 of 262.56 mi (11.53%) OH US50: 0.51 of 203.10 mi (0.25%) MD US50: 46.55 of 141.40 mi (32.92%) US52: 17.63 of 2080.99 mi (0.85%) ND US52: 2.90 of 365.84 mi (0.79%) MN US52: 6.22 of 378.24 mi (1.64%) WV US52: 0.66 of 100.46 mi (0.65%) VA US52: 7.85 of 78.60 mi (9.99%) US53: 11.55 of 407.25 mi (2.84%) WI US53: 11.55 of 240.27 mi (4.81%) US54: 147.10 of 1216.43 mi (12.09%) TX US54ElP: 15.63 of 20.10 mi (77.75%) NM US54: 127.45 of 361.87 mi (35.22%) OK US54: 0.39 of 57.13 mi (0.68%) KS US54: 3.63 of 385.44 mi (0.94%) US56: 117.36 of 649.79 mi (18.06%) NM US56: 11.77 of 95.53 mi (12.32%) OK US56: 40.23 of 72.39 mi (55.58%) KS US56: 65.36 of 478.57 mi (13.66%) US59: 54.37 of 1932.34 mi (2.81%) TX US59: 13.33 of 631.04 mi (2.11%) AR US59: 5.69 of 111.97 mi (5.08%) OK US59: 22.57 of 216.63 mi (10.42%) KS US59: 5.52 of 212.40 mi (2.60%) MO US59: 6.99 of 108.05 mi (6.47%) MN US59: 0.28 of 432.84 mi (0.06%) US60: 203.50 of 2656.47 mi (7.66%) AZ US60: 23.03 of 369.18 mi (6.24%) TX US60: 16.23 of 227.07 mi (7.15%) OK US60: 117.06 of 356.52 mi (32.84%) WV US60: 3.59 of 171.21 mi (2.10%) VA US60: 43.58 of 299.06 mi (14.57%) US61: 17.58 of 1415.70 mi (1.24%) LA US61: 9.10 of 123.41 mi (7.37%) AR US61: 2.85 of 76.89 mi (3.71%) IA US61: 5.63 of 194.41 mi (2.89%) US62: 403.69 of 2243.92 mi (17.99%) OK US62: 292.80 of 405.56 mi (72.20%) AR US62: 110.89 of 326.41 mi (33.97%) US63: 22.88 of 1237.37 mi (1.85%) AR US63: 22.88 of 340.79 mi (6.71%) US64: 768.72 of 2325.68 mi (33.05%) AZ US64: 4.20 of 4.20 mi (100.00%) NM US64: 436.62 of 436.62 mi (100.00%) OK US64: 325.04 of 596.74 mi (54.47%) AR US64: 2.85 of 287.26 mi (0.99%) US65: 155.95 of 969.72 mi (16.08%) AR US65: 138.48 of 309.22 mi (44.78%) MO US65: 16.04 of 316.75 mi (5.06%) IA US65: 1.43 of 225.78 mi (0.63%) US67: 28.33 of 1556.33 mi (1.82%) TX US67: 7.96 of 762.22 mi (1.04%) AR US67: 20.37 of 328.70 mi (6.20%) US69: 91.51 of 1144.97 mi (7.99%) OK US69: 83.74 of 263.97 mi (31.72%) KS US69: 7.77 of 166.26 mi (4.67%) US70: 301.98 of 2382.04 mi (12.68%) NM US70: 180.59 of 455.60 mi (39.64%) OK US70: 89.91 of 295.34 mi (30.44%) AR US70: 31.48 of 287.91 mi (10.93%) US71: 325.58 of 1527.48 mi (21.31%) AR US71: 105.59 of 265.45 mi (39.78%) MO US71: 171.44 of 321.83 mi (53.27%) MN US71: 48.56 of 430.79 mi (11.27%) US75: 463.96 of 1252.81 mi (37.03%) OK US75: 136.18 of 251.86 mi (54.07%) KS US75: 231.25 of 231.25 mi (100.00%) NE US75: 96.53 of 189.73 mi (50.88%) US77: 453.56 of 1327.08 mi (34.18%) TX US77: 111.21 of 613.17 mi (18.14%) OK US77: 93.76 of 270.94 mi (34.61%) KS US77: 173.08 of 244.19 mi (70.88%) NE US77: 75.51 of 198.53 mi (38.03%) US78: 149.87 of 851.13 mi (17.61%) AR US78: 2.85 of 144.97 mi (1.97%) MS US78: 58.94 of 119.67 mi (49.25%) AL US78: 85.95 of 194.91 mi (44.10%) GA US78: 2.14 of 233.36 mi (0.92%) US79: 20.80 of 877.29 mi (2.37%) TX US79: 2.34 of 276.68 mi (0.85%) AR US79: 18.46 of 274.32 mi (6.73%) US80: 33.12 of 1037.29 mi (3.19%) TX US80: 12.72 of 161.82 mi (7.86%) AL US80: 20.40 of 221.30 mi (9.22%) US81: 516.80 of 1241.36 mi (41.63%) OK US81: 100.80 of 232.45 mi (43.36%) KS US81: 177.25 of 234.39 mi (75.62%) NE US81: 59.63 of 219.89 mi (27.12%) SD US81: 114.56 of 236.87 mi (48.36%) ND US81: 64.56 of 235.33 mi (27.43%) US82: 84.78 of 1616.14 mi (5.25%) TX US82: 53.87 of 573.29 mi (9.40%) AL US82: 5.58 of 244.43 mi (2.28%) GA US82: 25.33 of 234.10 mi (10.82%) US83: 167.12 of 1909.64 mi (8.75%) TX US83: 23.20 of 905.15 mi (2.56%) KS US83: 5.18 of 231.38 mi (2.24%) NE US83: 73.92 of 225.86 mi (32.73%) SD US83: 64.82 of 243.84 mi (26.58%) US84: 235.33 of 1926.60 mi (12.21%) CO US84: 27.45 of 27.45 mi (100.00%) NM US84: 205.36 of 359.98 mi (57.05%) TX US84: 2.51 of 663.33 mi (0.38%) US85: 361.36 of 1492.80 mi (24.21%) NM US85: 77.26 of 488.51 mi (15.82%) CO US85: 195.74 of 314.11 mi (62.32%) WY US85: 68.46 of 258.89 mi (26.44%) SD US85: 19.89 of 152.82 mi (13.02%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 718.59 of 1539.39 mi (46.68%) TX US87: 137.33 of 813.22 mi (16.89%) NM US87: 83.61 of 100.96 mi (82.82%) CO US87: 304.16 of 304.16 mi (100.00%) WY US87: 193.49 of 321.05 mi (60.27%) US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 375.95 of 836.66 mi (44.94%) AZ US89: 106.78 of 139.20 mi (76.71%) UT US89: 109.10 of 499.23 mi (21.85%) ID US89: 22.92 of 43.45 mi (52.76%) WY US89: 137.15 of 154.77 mi (88.61%) US90: 76.89 of 1643.42 mi (4.68%) MS US90: 72.84 of 80.80 mi (90.14%) AL US90: 4.05 of 79.04 mi (5.13%) US91: 49.00 of 172.35 mi (28.43%) UT US91: 39.53 of 45.74 mi (86.43%) ID US91: 9.46 of 126.62 mi (7.47%) US93: 265.97 of 1356.54 mi (19.61%) AZ US93: 201.70 of 201.70 mi (100.00%) NV US93: 58.86 of 532.06 mi (11.06%) MT US93: 5.42 of 285.09 mi (1.90%) US95: 141.85 of 1575.74 mi (9.00%) NV US95: 141.85 of 676.52 mi (20.97%) US97: 4.78 of 667.09 mi (0.72%) WA US97: 4.78 of 319.71 mi (1.50%) US101: 640.10 of 1506.03 mi (42.50%) CA US101: 208.37 of 802.40 mi (25.97%) OR US101: 343.94 of 343.94 mi (100.00%) WA US101: 87.79 of 359.69 mi (24.41%) US127: 18.79 of 751.59 mi (2.50%) MI US127: 18.79 of 216.99 mi (8.66%) US131: 95.37 of 273.09 mi (34.92%) MI US131: 95.37 of 272.42 mi (35.01%) US141: 4.16 of 176.02 mi (2.36%) MI US141: 4.16 of 49.95 mi (8.33%) US160: 269.38 of 1469.80 mi (18.33%) AZ US160: 5.48 of 161.39 mi (3.39%) NM US160: 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%) CO US160: 259.39 of 494.78 mi (52.42%) KS US160: 3.65 of 496.72 mi (0.74%) US166: 5.39 of 165.72 mi (3.25%) KS US166: 4.83 of 165.16 mi (2.93%) MO US166: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) US167: 12.91 of 508.71 mi (2.54%) LA US167: 8.31 of 244.50 mi (3.40%) AR US167: 4.60 of 264.21 mi (1.74%) US169: 66.72 of 976.45 mi (6.83%) OK US169: 51.55 of 74.91 mi (68.81%) KS US169: 14.73 of 174.17 mi (8.46%) MN US169: 0.44 of 360.78 mi (0.12%) US177: 116.91 of 236.64 mi (49.41%) OK US177: 116.91 of 233.04 mi (50.17%) US180: 175.49 of 1117.14 mi (15.71%) AZ US180: 109.16 of 284.82 mi (38.33%) NM US180: 57.62 of 242.15 mi (23.80%) TX US180: 8.71 of 329.25 mi (2.64%) US183: 113.46 of 1263.43 mi (8.98%) TX US183: 20.59 of 496.56 mi (4.15%) OK US183: 78.64 of 221.95 mi (35.43%) KS US183: 13.72 of 238.96 mi (5.74%) NE US183: 0.50 of 229.92 mi (0.22%) US189: 13.33 of 312.85 mi (4.26%) WY US189: 13.33 of 216.48 mi (6.16%) US190: 128.79 of 876.87 mi (14.69%) TX US190: 66.38 of 592.83 mi (11.20%) LA US190: 62.40 of 284.04 mi (21.97%) US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 354.42 of 1210.45 mi (29.28%) AZ US191: 27.38 of 518.72 mi (5.28%) UT US191: 229.56 of 402.96 mi (56.97%) WY US191: 97.48 of 288.77 mi (33.76%) US191 (Montana): 81.37 of 441.35 mi (18.44%) MT US191WYe: 14.86 of 14.86 mi (100.00%) WY US191Yel: 6.00 of 6.00 mi (100.00%) MT US191: 60.51 of 420.48 mi (14.39%) US192: 6.92 of 75.92 mi (9.11%) (FL US192 only) US199: 76.29 of 76.29 mi (100.00%) CA US199: 33.42 of 33.42 mi (100.00%) OR US199: 42.88 of 42.88 mi (100.00%) US202: 74.91 of 621.78 mi (12.05%) DE US202: 5.73 of 12.57 mi (45.58%) NJ US202: 1.47 of 79.74 mi (1.84%) MA US202: 32.78 of 78.06 mi (41.99%) NH US202: 34.93 of 93.99 mi (37.16%) US206: 24.64 of 130.11 mi (18.94%) NJ US206: 24.64 of 129.70 mi (19.00%) US212: 79.13 of 952.83 mi (8.30%) MT US212Coo: 8.20 of 8.20 mi (100.00%) WY US212: 8.78 of 29.60 mi (29.67%) MT US212: 2.64 of 314.40 mi (0.84%) WY US212Col: 20.46 of 20.46 mi (100.00%) SD US212: 39.05 of 416.83 mi (9.37%) US220: 11.01 of 669.60 mi (1.64%) VA US220: 11.01 of 181.03 mi (6.08%) US231: 21.26 of 924.82 mi (2.30%) AL US231: 21.26 of 334.51 mi (6.36%) US259: 65.03 of 254.51 mi (25.55%) TX US259: 8.64 of 157.26 mi (5.50%) OK US259: 56.38 of 97.25 mi (57.98%) US266: 43.66 of 43.66 mi (100.00%) (OK US266 only) US270: 385.16 of 646.42 mi (59.58%) OK US270: 293.18 of 482.40 mi (60.78%) AR US270: 91.98 of 160.87 mi (57.18%) US271: 119.05 of 297.02 mi (40.08%) TX US271: 65.04 of 136.77 mi (47.55%) OK US271: 53.33 of 157.00 mi (33.97%) AR US271: 0.68 of 3.25 mi (20.92%) US275: 42.04 of 269.25 mi (15.61%) NE US275: 29.40 of 193.65 mi (15.18%) IA US275: 12.63 of 59.90 mi (21.09%) US277: 233.70 of 636.99 mi (36.69%) TX US277: 163.88 of 512.84 mi (31.96%) OK US277: 69.82 of 124.14 mi (56.24%) US278: 56.88 of 1080.17 mi (5.27%) MS US278: 56.88 of 241.49 mi (23.56%) US280: 178.15 of 391.91 mi (45.46%) AL US280: 143.13 of 143.13 mi (100.00%) GA US280: 35.01 of 248.78 mi (14.07%) US281: 516.20 of 1893.56 mi (27.26%) TX US281: 353.00 of 653.56 mi (54.01%) OK US281: 153.75 of 257.94 mi (59.61%) NE US281: 9.45 of 226.78 mi (4.17%) US283: 66.02 of 734.35 mi (8.99%) TX US283: 51.40 of 249.89 mi (20.57%) OK US283: 14.62 of 204.36 mi (7.16%) US285: 174.59 of 847.59 mi (20.60%) NM US285: 106.14 of 412.60 mi (25.73%) CO US285: 68.45 of 262.78 mi (26.05%) US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 457.18 of 1621.52 mi (28.19%) TX US287: 77.41 of 764.49 mi (10.13%) CO US287: 80.06 of 392.55 mi (20.39%) WY US287: 299.71 of 423.05 mi (70.84%) US287 (Montana): 8.76 of 282.43 mi (3.10%) (MT US287 only) US290: 13.69 of 276.37 mi (4.95%) (TX US290 only) US301: 73.70 of 1110.17 mi (6.64%) MD US301: 72.96 of 123.63 mi (59.01%) DE US301: 0.74 of 11.34 mi (6.55%) US319: 1.81 of 317.00 mi (0.57%) GA US319: 1.81 of 219.24 mi (0.83%) US321: 15.68 of 509.84 mi (3.07%) TN US321: 15.68 of 188.60 mi (8.31%) US322: 0.98 of 487.79 mi (0.20%) PA US322: 0.98 of 361.51 mi (0.27%) US377: 13.06 of 603.59 mi (2.16%) TX US377: 1.30 of 461.68 mi (0.28%) OK US377: 11.75 of 141.91 mi (8.28%) US380: 2.50 of 680.84 mi (0.37%) TX US380: 2.50 of 437.11 mi (0.57%) US385: 112.01 of 1214.14 mi (9.23%) TX US385: 15.52 of 552.13 mi (2.81%) OK US385: 3.38 of 36.58 mi (9.24%) CO US385: 17.57 of 324.44 mi (5.42%) SD US385: 75.55 of 117.72 mi (64.17%) US395: 127.82 of 1306.33 mi (9.78%) CA US395: 124.27 of 356.96 mi (34.81%) WA US395: 3.55 of 277.13 mi (1.28%) US400: 161.66 of 487.45 mi (33.17%) CO US400: 14.94 of 14.94 mi (100.00%) KS US400: 146.16 of 471.95 mi (30.97%) MO US400: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) US412: 524.62 of 1127.01 mi (46.55%) NM US412: 11.77 of 95.53 mi (12.32%) OK US412: 401.86 of 509.80 mi (78.83%) AR US412: 103.15 of 287.24 mi (35.91%) TN US412: 7.85 of 183.26 mi (4.28%) US431: 25.57 of 560.46 mi (4.56%) AL US431: 25.57 of 343.69 mi (7.44%) US441: 13.14 of 936.53 mi (1.40%) TN US441: 13.14 of 78.85 mi (16.67%) US491: 20.72 of 196.28 mi (10.56%) NM US491: 0.86 of 109.03 mi (0.78%) CO US491: 19.87 of 69.85 mi (28.44%) US550: 260.27 of 299.85 mi (86.80%) NM US550: 152.73 of 175.54 mi (87.01%) CO US550: 107.54 of 124.31 mi (86.51%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 120 of 226 (53.1%), clinched: 2 of 226 (0.9%). System usausb (active) overall: 262.34 of 7545.09 mi (3.48%) System usausb by region: AL: 0.00 of 98.33 mi (0.00%) AR: 14.25 of 263.95 mi (5.40%) AZ: 87.08 of 88.25 mi (98.67%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 3.45 of 49.90 mi (6.91%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%) KS: 4.13 of 70.61 mi (5.86%) KY: 3.08 of 240.87 mi (1.28%) LA: 0.00 of 86.41 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%) ME: 5.01 of 208.88 mi (2.40%) MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.52 of 235.08 mi (0.22%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.15 of 28.91 mi (0.53%) NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 128.27 mi (0.00%) OK: 56.15 of 151.65 mi (37.03%) OR: 0.00 of 60.73 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 289.53 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 313.32 mi (0.00%) SD: 69.56 of 92.86 mi (74.91%) TN: 4.96 of 378.25 mi (1.31%) TX: 4.79 of 901.28 mi (0.53%) UT: 2.99 of 6.72 mi (44.54%) VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 17.20 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%) WI: 1.74 of 103.11 mi (1.69%) WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%) WY: 4.49 of 147.38 mi (3.05%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US1Alt (York, ME): 5.01 of 6.73 mi (74.39%) (ME US1AltYor only) US14Alt (Powell, WY): 0.44 of 96.92 mi (0.45%) (WY US14AltPow only) US14Alt (Deadwood, SD): 26.11 of 38.87 mi (67.18%) (SD US14AltDea only) US16Alt (Custer, SD): 30.59 of 30.59 mi (100.00%) (SD US16AltCus only) US16Trk (Rapid City, SD): 12.85 of 12.85 mi (100.00%) (SD US16TrkRap only) US24Bus (Manitou Springs, CO): 1.01 of 2.23 mi (45.36%) (CO US24BusMSp only) US30Bus (Green River, WY): 0.75 of 2.55 mi (29.38%) (WY US30BusGre only) US30Bus (Rawlins, WY): 0.75 of 3.89 mi (19.24%) (WY US30BusRaw only) US34Bus (Estes Park, CO): 0.38 of 1.64 mi (23.15%) (CO US34BusEst only) US45Byp (Jackson, TN): 4.96 of 9.83 mi (50.49%) (TN US45BypJac only) US50Bus (Pueblo, CO): 2.06 of 18.28 mi (11.26%) (CO US50BusPue only) US53Bus (Superior, WI): 1.74 of 3.02 mi (57.46%) (WI US53BusSup only) US54Bus (Alamogordo, NM): 0.15 of 5.50 mi (2.77%) (NM US54BusAla only) US60Bus (Ponca City, OK): 4.03 of 5.65 mi (71.33%) (OK US60BusPon only) US62Bus (Henryetta, OK): 2.92 of 2.92 mi (100.00%) (OK US62BusHen only) US62Bus (Muskogee, OK): 3.69 of 3.69 mi (100.00%) (OK US62BusMus only) US62Trk (Elizabethtown, KY): 3.08 of 4.60 mi (66.96%) (KY US62TrkEli only) US64Bus (Muskogee, OK): 4.82 of 4.82 mi (100.00%) (OK US64BusMus only) US65Bus (Branson, MO): 0.52 of 3.97 mi (13.13%) (MO US65BusBra only) US69Bus (Eufaula, OK): 2.52 of 3.40 mi (74.06%) (OK US69BusEuf only) US69Bus (Checotah, OK): 3.95 of 3.95 mi (100.00%) (OK US69BusChe only) US70Bus (Hot Springs, AR): 1.87 of 9.44 mi (19.85%) (AR US70BusHot only) US71Bus (Fort Smith, AR): 5.84 of 19.69 mi (29.64%) (AR US71BusFor only) US71Bus (Springdale, AR): 0.40 of 21.86 mi (1.81%) (AR US71BusSpr only) US75Alt (Sapulpa, OK): 19.77 of 23.46 mi (84.28%) (OK US75AltSap only) US75Bus (Henryetta, OK): 2.92 of 2.92 mi (100.00%) (OK US75BusHen only) US77Bus (Waco, TX): 1.32 of 9.31 mi (14.15%) (TX US77BusWac only) US85Trk (Lead, SD): 3.66 of 3.66 mi (100.00%) (SD US85TrkLea only) US87Bus (Wheatland, WY): 0.12 of 2.96 mi (4.15%) (WY US87BusWhe only) US87Bus (Casper, WY): 0.49 of 2.21 mi (22.17%) (WY US87BusCas only) US87Bus (Buffalo, WY): 0.43 of 3.33 mi (12.79%) (WY US87BusBuf only) US89Alt (Fredonia, AZ): 90.07 of 90.07 mi (100.00%) AZ US89AltFre: 87.08 of 87.08 mi (100.00%) UT US89AltKan: 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%) US166Bus (Sedan, KS): 4.13 of 7.30 mi (56.62%) (KS US166BusSed only) US169Alt (Nowata, OK): 1.94 of 2.81 mi (69.01%) (OK US169AltNow only) US270Bus (Hot Springs, AR): 8.02 of 8.47 mi (94.69%) (AR US270BusHot only) US281Bus (Lawton, OK): 5.30 of 5.30 mi (100.00%) (OK US281BusLaw only) US281Spr (Geary, OK): 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%) (OK US281SprGea only) US287Bus (Fort Worth, TX): 1.64 of 36.24 mi (4.53%) (TX US287BusFtW only) US287Byp (Rawlins, WY): 1.52 of 1.52 mi (100.00%) (WY US287BypRaw only) US380Trk (Denton, TX): 1.83 of 7.98 mi (22.91%) (TX US380TrkDen only) US412Alt (Locust Grove, OK): 4.94 of 33.18 mi (14.90%) (OK US412AltLoc only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 41 of 1089 (3.8%), clinched: 12 of 1089 (1.1%). System usanp (active) overall: 391.41 of 2889.68 mi (13.55%) System usanp by region: AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%) AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.82 of 90.67 mi (0.91%) CA: 85.30 of 376.85 mi (22.63%) CO: 48.13 of 98.72 mi (48.75%) DC: 0.00 of 9.28 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%) HI: 0.00 of 32.70 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 35.91 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 27.16 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 313.87 mi (0.00%) MT: 4.55 of 67.90 mi (6.69%) NC: 0.00 of 236.10 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%) NE: 5.06 of 6.44 mi (78.54%) NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 25.30 mi (0.00%) NV: 3.88 of 14.57 mi (26.62%) OK: 2.23 of 4.98 mi (44.68%) OR: 0.00 of 46.65 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 5.27 mi (0.00%) SD: 34.97 of 34.97 mi (100.00%) TN: 0.00 of 176.98 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%) UT: 34.90 of 116.02 mi (30.08%) VA: 2.00 of 341.66 mi (0.58%) WA: 0.00 of 77.64 mi (0.00%) WY: 169.60 of 269.23 mi (62.99%) System usanp by route (traveled routes only): MainParkRd (Main Park Rd, Arches NP): 16.65 of 16.65 mi (100.00%) (UT MainParkRd only) BadLpRd (Badlands Loop Road, Badlands NP): 34.97 of 34.97 mi (100.00%) (SD BadLpRd only) SouRimDr (South Rim Drive, Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP): 6.56 of 6.56 mi (100.00%) (CO SouRimDr only) IslSkySceDr (Island In The Sky Scenic Drive, Canyonlands NP): 18.24 of 18.24 mi (100.00%) (UT IslSkySceDr only) PerRd (Perimeter Road, Chickasaw NRA): 2.23 of 4.98 mi (44.68%) (OK PerRd only) RimRockDr (Rim Rock Drive, Colorado NM): 19.76 of 19.76 mi (100.00%) (CO RimRockDr only) DayPassRd (Daylight Pass Road, Death Valley NP): 16.62 of 16.62 mi (100.00%) CA DayPassRd: 12.74 of 12.74 mi (100.00%) NV DayPassRd: 3.88 of 3.88 mi (100.00%) ScoCasRd (Scotty's Castle Road, Death Valley NP): 0.60 of 40.08 mi (1.50%) (CA ScoCasRd only) DevTowRd (Devil's Tower Road, Devil's Tower NM): 2.68 of 2.68 mi (100.00%) (WY DevTowRd only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Rosslyn)): 2.00 of 14.96 mi (13.35%) VA GWMemPkwyCry: 2.00 of 4.50 mi (44.35%) TetParkRd (Teton Park Road, Grand Teton NP): 20.33 of 20.33 mi (100.00%) (WY TetParkRd only) ParkRd (Park Road, Great Sand Dunes NP): 4.51 of 4.51 mi (100.00%) (CO ParkRd only) RocMemPkwy (John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway): 6.39 of 6.39 mi (100.00%) (WY RocMemPkwy only) MesaVerRd (Mesa Verde Road, Mesa Verde NP): 17.30 of 17.30 mi (100.00%) (CO MesaVerRd only) PetForRd (Petrified Forest Road, Petrified Forest NP): 0.82 of 27.59 mi (2.98%) (AZ PetForRd only) OldOreTrl (Old Oregon Trail, Scotts Bluff NM): 5.06 of 5.06 mi (100.00%) (NE OldOreTrl only) GraLoopRd (Grand Loop Road, Yellowstone NP): 82.28 of 131.88 mi (62.39%) (WY GraLoopRd only) NEEntRd (Northeast Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 28.07 of 28.07 mi (100.00%) WY NEEntRd: 25.80 of 25.80 mi (100.00%) MT NEEntRd: 2.27 of 2.27 mi (100.00%) SEntRd (South Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%) (WY SEntRd only) WEntRd (West Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 13.38 of 13.38 mi (100.00%) MT WEntRd: 2.27 of 2.27 mi (100.00%) WY WEntRd: 11.10 of 11.10 mi (100.00%) BigOakRd (Big Oak Flat Road, Yosemite NP): 15.91 of 15.91 mi (100.00%) (CA BigOakRd only) ElPorRd (El Portal Road, Yosemite NP): 13.05 of 19.36 mi (67.39%) (CA ElPorRd only) TioPassRd (Tioga Pass Road, Yosemite NP): 43.00 of 43.00 mi (100.00%) (CA TioPassRd only) System usanp connected routes traveled: 23 of 133 (17.3%), clinched: 17 of 133 (12.8%). System usaal (active) overall: 105.44 of 7002.84 mi (1.51%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL10Trk (Greenville): 2.41 of 5.20 mi (46.34%) (AL AL10TrkGre only) AL21: 8.63 of 283.11 mi (3.05%) (AL AL21 only) AL22: 1.73 of 168.26 mi (1.03%) (AL AL22 only) AL49: 1.18 of 80.97 mi (1.45%) (AL AL49 only) AL50: 0.71 of 54.23 mi (1.30%) (AL AL50 only) AL76: 1.71 of 16.78 mi (10.20%) (AL AL76 only) AL113: 15.55 of 15.55 mi (100.00%) (AL AL113 only) AL147: 0.40 of 17.62 mi (2.28%) (AL AL147 only) AL180: 20.66 of 28.35 mi (72.88%) (AL AL180 only) AL182: 9.26 of 17.33 mi (53.45%) (AL AL182 only) AL188: 17.90 of 19.66 mi (91.03%) (AL AL188 only) AL193: 25.30 of 26.15 mi (96.75%) (AL AL193 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 12 of 231 (5.2%), clinched: 1 of 231 (0.4%). System usaaz (active) overall: 179.26 of 3370.21 mi (5.32%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ64: 108.06 of 108.06 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ64 only) AZ74: 30.52 of 30.52 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ74 only) AZ77: 6.01 of 252.59 mi (2.38%) (AZ AZ77 only) AZ89A: 27.92 of 80.65 mi (34.62%) (AZ AZ89A only) AZ99: 6.76 of 44.71 mi (15.11%) (AZ AZ99 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 5 of 74 (6.8%), clinched: 2 of 74 (2.7%). System usaar (active) overall: 383.71 of 11915.80 mi (3.22%) System usaar by region: AR: 383.71 of 11910.28 mi (3.22%) OK: 0.00 of 5.48 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) System usaar by route (traveled routes only): AR1 (Jonesboro): 9.18 of 194.78 mi (4.72%) (AR AR1 only) AR5 (Cabot): 5.33 of 139.56 mi (3.82%) (AR AR5 only) AR7: 0.20 of 297.15 mi (0.07%) (AR AR7 only) AR8: 0.79 of 258.06 mi (0.30%) (AR AR8 only) AR9 (Morrillton): 75.40 of 178.14 mi (42.32%) (AR AR9 only) AR12 (Gentry): 13.39 of 24.81 mi (53.96%) (AR AR12Gen only) AR12 (Rogers): 11.02 of 33.96 mi (32.46%) (AR AR12 only) AR14: 48.22 of 243.65 mi (19.79%) (AR AR14 only) AR16: 12.38 of 245.97 mi (5.03%) (AR AR16 only) AR17 (Brinkley): 8.44 of 116.10 mi (7.27%) (AR AR17 only) AR21: 32.06 of 93.05 mi (34.45%) (AR AR21 only) AR23: 10.70 of 126.42 mi (8.46%) (AR AR23 only) AR25: 2.56 of 129.34 mi (1.98%) (AR AR25 only) AR27: 11.10 of 226.02 mi (4.91%) (AR AR27 only) AR28 (Waldron): 10.94 of 85.90 mi (12.73%) (AR AR28 only) AR33: 2.13 of 100.05 mi (2.13%) (AR AR33 only) AR39: 9.48 of 26.64 mi (35.57%) (AR AR39 only) AR39S (Monroe): 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%) (AR AR39SMon only) AR43 (Ponca): 4.57 of 27.62 mi (16.54%) (AR AR43 only) AR45 (Fort Smith): 0.65 of 26.75 mi (2.42%) (AR AR45 only) AR45 (Fayetteville): 5.53 of 26.22 mi (21.11%) (AR AR45Fay only) AR59: 2.11 of 94.57 mi (2.23%) (AR AR59 only) AR66: 28.92 of 28.92 mi (100.00%) (AR AR66 only) AR74 (Huntsville): 29.70 of 79.07 mi (37.57%) (AR AR74 only) AR87 (Mountain View): 8.76 of 8.76 mi (100.00%) (AR AR87Mou only) AR88 (Mena): 19.03 of 60.43 mi (31.49%) (AR AR88 only) AR92: 4.44 of 60.91 mi (7.29%) (AR AR92 only) AR94: 0.45 of 22.96 mi (1.98%) (AR AR94 only) AR103 (Green Forest): 1.30 of 37.62 mi (3.45%) (AR AR103 only) AR123 (Clarksville): 8.13 of 67.62 mi (12.03%) (AR AR123 only) AR124 (Russellville): 6.36 of 86.09 mi (7.39%) (AR AR124 only) AR125 (Pyatt): 5.94 of 34.60 mi (17.18%) (AR AR125 only) AR206 (Bellefonte): 6.37 of 25.69 mi (24.78%) (AR AR206 only) AR221: 2.46 of 19.55 mi (12.59%) (AR AR221 only) AR227: 8.77 of 25.96 mi (33.79%) (AR AR227 only) AR235: 5.27 of 17.44 mi (30.25%) (AR AR235 only) AR241: 5.99 of 8.23 mi (72.75%) (AR AR241 only) AR252 (Huntington): 1.98 of 25.17 mi (7.87%) (AR AR252 only) AR255: 0.72 of 28.33 mi (2.53%) (AR AR255 only) AR263: 2.16 of 40.68 mi (5.30%) (AR AR263 only) AR264 (Lowell): 7.24 of 22.46 mi (32.25%) (AR AR264 only) AR272 (Waldron): 0.10 of 1.99 mi (5.15%) (AR AR272 only) AR285 (Wooster): 0.22 of 17.61 mi (1.27%) (AR AR285 only) AR287 (Morrillton): 6.51 of 19.83 mi (32.82%) (AR AR287 only) AR303 (Mayfield): 0.90 of 8.71 mi (10.39%) (AR AR303 only) AR316: 2.15 of 23.07 mi (9.31%) (AR AR316 only) AR374 (St Joe): 0.27 of 2.79 mi (9.55%) (AR AR374StJ only) System usaar connected routes traveled: 47 of 796 (5.9%), clinched: 3 of 796 (0.4%). System usaca (active) overall: 433.09 of 10936.59 mi (3.96%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA1: 194.76 of 701.14 mi (27.78%) (CA CA1 only) CA49: 8.21 of 291.40 mi (2.82%) (CA CA49 only) CA99: 0.87 of 432.03 mi (0.20%) (CA CA99 only) CA108: 24.71 of 121.37 mi (20.36%) (CA CA108 only) CA120 (Manteca): 92.17 of 92.17 mi (100.00%) (CA CA120 only) CA120 (Lee Vining): 16.01 of 60.90 mi (26.29%) (CA CA120Lee only) CA136: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) (CA CA136 only) CA168 (Bishop): 14.84 of 68.15 mi (21.77%) (CA CA168Bis only) CA190 (Death Valley): 66.86 of 132.33 mi (50.53%) (CA CA190Dea only) CA254: 30.62 of 30.62 mi (100.00%) (CA CA254 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 10 of 269 (3.7%), clinched: 3 of 269 (1.1%). System usaco (active) overall: 724.96 of 4588.35 mi (15.80%) System usaco by route (traveled routes only): CO3: 0.24 of 2.33 mi (10.20%) (CO CO3 only) CO7 (Estes Park): 18.20 of 30.57 mi (59.54%) (CO CO7 only) CO9: 3.23 of 134.64 mi (2.40%) (CO CO9 only) CO14: 1.26 of 231.17 mi (0.54%) (CO CO14 only) CO15 (Monte Vista): 10.67 of 12.68 mi (84.16%) (CO CO15 only) CO15 (Capulin): 4.42 of 10.59 mi (41.71%) (CO CO15Cap only) CO17 (Alamosa): 38.09 of 50.71 mi (75.12%) (CO CO17 only) CO41: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) (CO CO41 only) CO64: 19.34 of 72.28 mi (26.76%) (CO CO64 only) CO65: 55.32 of 55.32 mi (100.00%) (CO CO65 only) CO66: 14.56 of 23.18 mi (62.82%) (CO CO66 only) CO71: 1.99 of 237.11 mi (0.84%) (CO CO71 only) CO72: 20.89 of 48.30 mi (43.25%) (CO CO72 only) CO88: 2.24 of 21.69 mi (10.33%) (CO CO88 only) CO91: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%) (CO CO91 only) CO96: 10.73 of 207.05 mi (5.18%) (CO CO96 only) CO109: 0.99 of 64.81 mi (1.53%) (CO CO109 only) CO109Trk (La Junta): 0.19 of 0.19 mi (100.00%) (CO CO109TrkLaJ only) CO115: 1.26 of 46.19 mi (2.72%) (CO CO115 only) CO119: 29.60 of 56.64 mi (52.26%) (CO CO119 only) CO125: 73.82 of 73.82 mi (100.00%) (CO CO125 only) CO127: 8.97 of 8.97 mi (100.00%) (CO CO127 only) CO139: 69.55 of 69.55 mi (100.00%) (CO CO139 only) CO141: 93.79 of 153.85 mi (60.96%) (CO CO141 only) CO145: 112.94 of 112.94 mi (100.00%) (CO CO145 only) CO150: 16.26 of 16.26 mi (100.00%) (CO CO150 only) CO159: 34.07 of 34.07 mi (100.00%) (CO CO159 only) CO167: 1.71 of 4.77 mi (35.92%) (CO CO167 only) CO184: 0.87 of 25.93 mi (3.36%) (CO CO184 only) CO194: 20.00 of 20.00 mi (100.00%) (CO CO194 only) CO291: 8.88 of 8.88 mi (100.00%) (CO CO291 only) CO340: 2.95 of 12.74 mi (23.16%) (CO CO340 only) CO347: 4.36 of 4.36 mi (100.00%) (CO CO347 only) CO368: 6.12 of 12.57 mi (48.67%) (CO CO368 only) CO370: 4.06 of 14.42 mi (28.16%) (CO CO370 only) CO371: 6.19 of 6.19 mi (100.00%) (CO CO371 only) System usaco connected routes traveled: 36 of 144 (25.0%), clinched: 14 of 144 (9.7%). System usact (active) overall: 104.75 of 2601.83 mi (4.03%) System usact by route (traveled routes only): CT2: 28.21 of 57.45 mi (49.10%) (CT CT2 only) CT2A: 4.20 of 9.64 mi (43.51%) (CT CT2A only) CT3: 2.27 of 13.52 mi (16.80%) (CT CT3 only) CT9: 22.21 of 39.81 mi (55.79%) (CT CT9 only) CT11: 7.46 of 7.46 mi (100.00%) (CT CT11 only) CT17: 0.92 of 35.90 mi (2.56%) (CT CT17 only) CT20: 2.79 of 30.42 mi (9.17%) (CT CT20 only) CT27: 1.11 of 3.16 mi (35.10%) (CT CT27 only) CT32: 5.07 of 53.77 mi (9.42%) (CT CT32 only) CT72: 7.07 of 19.73 mi (35.86%) (CT CT72 only) CT75: 1.01 of 13.48 mi (7.50%) (CT CT75 only) CT82: 15.68 of 27.61 mi (56.79%) (CT CT82 only) CT83: 2.57 of 27.21 mi (9.44%) (CT CT83 only) CT94: 3.68 of 8.75 mi (42.08%) (CT CT94 only) CT154: 0.38 of 27.77 mi (1.37%) (CT CT154 only) CT229: 1.51 of 5.86 mi (25.77%) (CT CT229 only) CT305: 1.02 of 3.45 mi (29.47%) (CT CT305 only) System usact connected routes traveled: 17 of 210 (8.1%), clinched: 1 of 210 (0.5%). System usadc (active) overall: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) System usadc by route (traveled routes only): DC295: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) (DC DC295 only) System usadc connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System usafl (active) overall: 35.47 of 6407.38 mi (0.55%) System usafl by route (traveled routes only): FL173: 10.24 of 11.90 mi (86.06%) (FL FL173 only) FL292: 5.83 of 17.62 mi (33.10%) (FL FL292 only) FL297: 2.53 of 4.38 mi (57.79%) (FL FL297 only) FL429: 16.87 of 54.11 mi (31.18%) (FL FL429 only) System usafl connected routes traveled: 4 of 430 (0.9%), clinched: 0 of 430 (0.0%). System usaga (active) overall: 161.52 of 16594.74 mi (0.97%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA1: 18.35 of 357.47 mi (5.13%) (GA GA1 only) GA3: 7.19 of 355.86 mi (2.02%) (GA GA3 only) GA7: 7.17 of 217.54 mi (3.30%) (GA GA7 only) GA10: 5.45 of 171.75 mi (3.17%) (GA GA10 only) GA33: 1.81 of 81.92 mi (2.21%) (GA GA33 only) GA35: 1.81 of 93.23 mi (1.94%) (GA GA35 only) GA37: 20.44 of 154.78 mi (13.21%) (GA GA37 only) GA45: 1.83 of 87.56 mi (2.08%) (GA GA45 only) GA133: 40.56 of 83.49 mi (48.58%) (GA GA133 only) GA270: 0.31 of 12.75 mi (2.46%) (GA GA270 only) GA300: 2.41 of 108.27 mi (2.23%) (GA GA300 only) GA410: 2.14 of 6.99 mi (30.58%) (GA GA410 only) GA520: 87.83 of 262.45 mi (33.46%) (GA GA520 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 13 of 505 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 505 (0.0%). System usaia (active) overall: 4.67 of 5138.33 mi (0.09%) System usaia by route (traveled routes only): IA38: 4.19 of 99.74 mi (4.20%) (IA IA38 only) IA165: 0.48 of 0.48 mi (100.00%) (IA IA165 only) System usaia connected routes traveled: 2 of 90 (2.2%), clinched: 1 of 90 (1.1%). System usaid (active) overall: 39.47 of 2399.54 mi (1.64%) System usaid by route (traveled routes only): ID34: 5.45 of 104.12 mi (5.23%) (ID ID34 only) ID36: 39.47 of 72.03 mi (54.80%) (ID ID36 only) System usaid connected routes traveled: 2 of 69 (2.9%), clinched: 0 of 69 (0.0%). System usail (active) overall: 6.82 of 9011.71 mi (0.08%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL110: 6.82 of 329.44 mi (2.07%) (IL IL110 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 1 of 159 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 159 (0.0%). System usaks (active) overall: 538.67 of 5414.46 mi (9.95%) System usaks by route (traveled routes only): KS4: 7.76 of 372.67 mi (2.08%) (KS KS4 only) KS9: 20.34 of 321.80 mi (6.32%) (KS KS9 only) KS13: 14.83 of 14.83 mi (100.00%) (KS KS13 only) KS14: 2.97 of 219.78 mi (1.35%) (KS KS14 only) KS15: 181.65 of 261.68 mi (69.42%) (KS KS15 only) KS16: 8.55 of 116.36 mi (7.34%) (KS KS16 only) KS18: 28.74 of 208.02 mi (13.82%) (KS KS18 only) KS23: 0.79 of 202.89 mi (0.39%) (KS KS23 only) KS27: 0.54 of 230.14 mi (0.23%) (KS KS27 only) KS31: 11.33 of 136.40 mi (8.31%) (KS KS31 only) KS34: 29.63 of 29.63 mi (100.00%) (KS KS34 only) KS39: 0.92 of 65.58 mi (1.40%) (KS KS39 only) KS58: 0.96 of 47.03 mi (2.05%) (KS KS58 only) KS82: 6.45 of 21.41 mi (30.10%) (KS KS82 only) KS96: 1.24 of 301.18 mi (0.41%) (KS KS96 only) KS99: 153.82 of 237.61 mi (64.74%) (KS KS99 only) KS113: 5.64 of 5.64 mi (100.00%) (KS KS113 only) KS177: 83.83 of 103.91 mi (80.67%) (KS KS177 only) System usaks connected routes traveled: 18 of 183 (9.8%), clinched: 3 of 183 (1.6%). System usaky (active) overall: 0.30 of 21936.88 mi (0.00%) System usaky by region: KY: 0.30 of 21936.87 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi (0.00%) System usaky by route (traveled routes only): KY61: 0.30 of 144.74 mi (0.21%) (KY KY61 only) System usaky connected routes traveled: 1 of 2874 (0.0%), clinched: 0 of 2874 (0.0%). System usala (active) overall: 36.20 of 13308.58 mi (0.27%) System usala by route (traveled routes only): LA1: 14.97 of 434.21 mi (3.45%) (LA LA1 only) LA6: 3.48 of 54.06 mi (6.43%) (LA LA6 only) LA6Bus (Natchitoches): 1.12 of 3.53 mi (31.76%) (LA LA6BusNat only) LA8: 3.59 of 153.93 mi (2.33%) (LA LA8 only) LA28: 1.75 of 88.18 mi (1.99%) (LA LA28 only) LA76: 0.80 of 25.22 mi (3.17%) (LA LA76 only) LA103: 0.26 of 37.96 mi (0.68%) (LA LA103 only) LA415: 3.37 of 24.97 mi (13.49%) (LA LA415 only) LA3132: 7.66 of 10.33 mi (74.09%) (LA LA3132 only) System usala connected routes traveled: 9 of 1222 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 1222 (0.0%). System usamd (active) overall: 9.75 of 3925.60 mi (0.25%) System usamd by route (traveled routes only): MD2: 3.18 of 79.66 mi (4.00%) (MD MD2 only) MD201: 1.10 of 9.20 mi (11.97%) (MD MD201 only) MD295: 5.46 of 13.70 mi (39.87%) (MD MD295 only) System usamd connected routes traveled: 3 of 473 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 473 (0.0%). System usama (active) overall: 181.99 of 3315.53 mi (5.49%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA1A (Salem): 4.25 of 45.81 mi (9.29%) (MA MA1ASal only) MA2: 42.51 of 139.03 mi (30.57%) (MA MA2 only) MA12: 2.34 of 63.57 mi (3.67%) (MA MA12 only) MA21: 1.02 of 13.52 mi (7.55%) (MA MA21 only) MA31: 1.77 of 57.17 mi (3.09%) (MA MA31 only) MA40: 9.07 of 10.33 mi (87.83%) (MA MA40 only) MA56: 9.82 of 19.92 mi (49.28%) (MA MA56 only) MA68: 11.66 of 35.27 mi (33.07%) (MA MA68 only) MA101: 8.72 of 21.81 mi (39.99%) (MA MA101 only) MA110: 3.04 of 67.48 mi (4.51%) (MA MA110 only) MA111: 5.26 of 27.01 mi (19.46%) (MA MA111 only) MA113: 3.09 of 49.11 mi (6.29%) (MA MA113 only) MA119: 21.44 of 35.08 mi (61.12%) (MA MA119 only) MA122: 4.47 of 65.54 mi (6.82%) (MA MA122 only) MA122A (Worcester): 0.12 of 26.10 mi (0.47%) (MA MA122AWor only) MA128: 37.53 of 57.67 mi (65.07%) (MA MA128 only) MA140: 22.99 of 105.21 mi (21.85%) (MA MA140 only) MA225: 0.37 of 30.33 mi (1.22%) (MA MA225 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 18 of 151 (11.9%), clinched: 0 of 151 (0.0%). System usami (active) overall: 308.49 of 6076.53 mi (5.08%) System usami by route (traveled routes only): MI20: 7.60 of 135.20 mi (5.62%) (MI MI20 only) MI28: 232.82 of 293.28 mi (79.39%) (MI MI28 only) MI46: 15.43 of 203.07 mi (7.60%) (MI MI46 only) MI55: 37.84 of 153.20 mi (24.70%) (MI MI55 only) MI64: 4.16 of 64.17 mi (6.48%) (MI MI64 only) MI66: 5.13 of 273.61 mi (1.88%) (MI MI66 only) MI77: 0.36 of 43.27 mi (0.84%) (MI MI77 only) MI94: 9.56 of 88.05 mi (10.85%) (MI MI94 only) MI117: 14.80 of 14.80 mi (100.00%) (MI MI117 only) System usami connected routes traveled: 9 of 146 (6.2%), clinched: 1 of 146 (0.7%). System usamn (active) overall: 71.45 of 7899.49 mi (0.90%) System usamn by region: MN: 71.45 of 7899.01 mi (0.90%) WI: 0.00 of 0.49 mi (0.00%) System usamn by route (traveled routes only): MN6: 5.49 of 148.46 mi (3.70%) (MN MN6 only) MN34: 40.08 of 103.85 mi (38.59%) (MN MN34 only) MN73: 0.30 of 120.57 mi (0.25%) (MN MN73 only) MN197: 3.05 of 6.72 mi (45.42%) (MN MN197 only) MN200: 20.38 of 203.40 mi (10.02%) (MN MN200 only) MN336: 2.16 of 2.16 mi (100.00%) (MN MN336 only) System usamn connected routes traveled: 6 of 153 (3.9%), clinched: 1 of 153 (0.7%). System usamo (active) overall: 76.67 of 8785.50 mi (0.87%) System usamo by route (traveled routes only): MO2: 1.36 of 70.40 mi (1.93%) (MO MO2 only) MO7: 2.77 of 185.32 mi (1.49%) (MO MO7 only) MO37: 2.11 of 79.39 mi (2.65%) (MO MO37 only) MO37Bus (Cassville): 1.12 of 4.49 mi (25.00%) (MO MO37BusCas only) MO43: 2.64 of 99.15 mi (2.66%) (MO MO43 only) MO52: 1.35 of 177.24 mi (0.76%) (MO MO52 only) MO76: 16.46 of 203.33 mi (8.10%) (MO MO76 only) MO86: 14.05 of 108.69 mi (12.92%) (MO MO86 only) MO96: 1.65 of 52.88 mi (3.11%) (MO MO96 only) MO112: 16.59 of 16.59 mi (100.00%) (MO MO112 only) MO150: 13.76 of 25.81 mi (53.30%) (MO MO150 only) MO171: 6.94 of 26.14 mi (26.55%) (MO MO171 only) MO249: 5.67 of 5.67 mi (100.00%) (MO MO249 only) MO265: 0.57 of 65.46 mi (0.87%) (MO MO265 only) System usamo connected routes traveled: 14 of 221 (6.3%), clinched: 2 of 221 (0.9%). System usamt (active) overall: 20.72 of 2995.08 mi (0.69%) System usamt by region: ID: 0.00 of 0.89 mi (0.00%) MT: 20.72 of 2994.19 mi (0.69%) System usamt by route (traveled routes only): MT85: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%) (MT MT85 only) MT200: 13.86 of 709.14 mi (1.95%) (MT MT200 only) System usamt connected routes traveled: 2 of 55 (3.6%), clinched: 1 of 55 (1.8%). System usamts (active) overall: 1.70 of 4292.95 mi (0.04%) System usamts by route (traveled routes only): SR326: 1.70 of 1.70 mi (100.00%) (MT SR326 only) System usamts connected routes traveled: 1 of 206 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 206 (0.5%). System usane (active) overall: 520.14 of 5928.10 mi (8.77%) System usane by route (traveled routes only): NE2 ((Main)): 205.67 of 373.57 mi (55.06%) (NE NE2 only) NE2 (Lincoln): 2.47 of 48.93 mi (5.04%) (NE NE2Lin only) NE4: 11.31 of 208.70 mi (5.42%) (NE NE4 only) NE8: 6.45 of 150.56 mi (4.29%) (NE NE8 only) NE15: 61.71 of 214.28 mi (28.80%) (NE NE15 only) NE31: 25.64 of 36.61 mi (70.04%) (NE NE31 only) NE41: 3.55 of 105.27 mi (3.38%) (NE NE41 only) NE50: 73.12 of 93.22 mi (78.43%) (NE NE50 only) NE64 (Omaha): 16.86 of 32.25 mi (52.27%) (NE NE64 only) NE66 (Ashland): 9.90 of 35.07 mi (28.22%) (NE NE66 only) NE67: 1.02 of 66.94 mi (1.53%) (NE NE67 only) NE71: 114.67 of 171.88 mi (66.71%) (NE NE71 only) NE88: 19.88 of 59.99 mi (33.13%) (NE NE88 only) NE92: 43.27 of 494.37 mi (8.75%) (NE NE92 only) NE99: 13.35 of 13.35 mi (100.00%) (NE NE99 only) NE370: 4.27 of 16.13 mi (26.50%) (NE NE370 only) System usane connected routes traveled: 16 of 102 (15.7%), clinched: 1 of 102 (1.0%). System usanes (active) overall: 3.06 of 473.57 mi (0.65%) System usanes by route (traveled routes only): L28B: 3.06 of 3.06 mi (100.00%) (NE L28B only) System usanes connected routes traveled: 1 of 190 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 190 (0.5%). System usanv (active) overall: 9.04 of 2567.93 mi (0.35%) System usanv by route (traveled routes only): NV374: 9.04 of 9.04 mi (100.00%) (NV NV374 only) System usanv connected routes traveled: 1 of 158 (0.6%), clinched: 1 of 158 (0.6%). System usanh (active) overall: 100.89 of 2702.48 mi (3.73%) System usanh by region: ME: 0.00 of 3.04 mi (0.00%) NH: 100.89 of 2699.44 mi (3.74%) System usanh by route (traveled routes only): NH1A: 14.66 of 17.78 mi (82.47%) (NH NH1A only) NH9: 16.75 of 107.33 mi (15.61%) (NH NH9 only) NH10: 15.12 of 140.29 mi (10.78%) (NH NH10 only) NH11: 3.71 of 106.24 mi (3.50%) (NH NH11 only) NH16: 5.10 of 152.67 mi (3.34%) (NH NH16 only) NH31: 1.78 of 54.37 mi (3.28%) (NH NH31 only) NH101: 21.31 of 94.19 mi (22.63%) (NH NH101 only) NH101A: 7.69 of 13.87 mi (55.43%) (NH NH101A only) NH107: 2.31 of 67.32 mi (3.44%) (NH NH107 only) NH111: 4.64 of 49.70 mi (9.33%) (NH NH111 only) NH119: 6.90 of 38.93 mi (17.71%) (NH NH119 only) NH123: 0.80 of 61.48 mi (1.31%) (NH NH123 only) NH124: 2.24 of 27.94 mi (8.00%) (NH NH124 only) NH286: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%) (NH NH286 only) System usanh connected routes traveled: 14 of 127 (11.0%), clinched: 1 of 127 (0.8%). System usanm (active) overall: 442.89 of 7134.52 mi (6.21%) System usanm by region: NM: 442.89 of 7134.26 mi (6.21%) TX: 0.00 of 0.25 mi (0.00%) System usanm by route (traveled routes only): NM6: 1.91 of 36.25 mi (5.26%) (NM NM6 only) NM14: 1.71 of 53.02 mi (3.22%) (NM NM14 only) NM39: 67.99 of 94.18 mi (72.19%) (NM NM39 only) NM68: 45.09 of 45.09 mi (100.00%) (NM NM68 only) NM96: 47.36 of 47.36 mi (100.00%) (NM NM96 only) NM120: 57.14 of 116.91 mi (48.88%) (NM NM120 only) NM283: 11.53 of 12.39 mi (93.01%) (NM NM283 only) NM325: 8.74 of 16.17 mi (54.05%) (NM NM325 only) NM333: 5.06 of 27.95 mi (18.12%) (NM NM333 only) NM392: 16.17 of 16.17 mi (100.00%) (NM NM392 only) NM442: 20.95 of 20.95 mi (100.00%) (NM NM442 only) NM456: 57.81 of 57.81 mi (100.00%) (NM NM456 only) NM466: 1.42 of 3.70 mi (38.35%) (NM NM466 only) NM469: 12.57 of 43.99 mi (28.58%) (NM NM469 only) NM518: 45.71 of 69.76 mi (65.53%) (NM NM518 only) NM522: 41.27 of 41.27 mi (100.00%) (NM NM522 only) NM597: 0.45 of 0.45 mi (100.00%) (NM NM597 only) System usanm connected routes traveled: 17 of 396 (4.3%), clinched: 7 of 396 (1.8%). System usany (active) overall: 170.73 of 12565.50 mi (1.36%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 170.73 of 12561.54 mi (1.36%) PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY3: 120.93 of 244.64 mi (49.43%) (NY NY3 only) NY9N: 26.95 of 139.89 mi (19.26%) (NY NY9N only) NY12: 1.44 of 221.81 mi (0.65%) (NY NY12 only) NY30: 5.61 of 291.07 mi (1.93%) (NY NY30 only) NY73: 15.40 of 26.79 mi (57.49%) (NY NY73 only) NY86: 9.28 of 38.66 mi (24.02%) (NY NY86 only) NY126: 0.08 of 28.65 mi (0.26%) (NY NY126 only) NY812: 4.42 of 80.45 mi (5.49%) (NY NY812 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 8 of 484 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 484 (0.0%). System usaoh (active) overall: 12.74 of 14627.38 mi (0.09%) System usaoh by region: OH: 12.74 of 14627.07 mi (0.09%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH2: 12.74 of 229.26 mi (5.56%) (OH OH2 only) OH283: 3.25 of 29.65 mi (10.98%) (OH OH283 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 2 of 555 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 555 (0.0%). System usaok (active) overall: 2854.41 of 8481.89 mi (33.65%) System usaok by route (traveled routes only): OK1: 81.95 of 205.60 mi (39.86%) (OK OK1 only) OK2 (Antlers): 68.85 of 113.96 mi (60.41%) (OK OK2 only) OK3 ((Main)): 361.18 of 389.94 mi (92.63%) (OK OK3 only) OK3 (Ada): 64.76 of 176.40 mi (36.71%) (OK OK3Ada only) OK3Byp (Atoka): 0.61 of 1.99 mi (30.74%) (OK OK3BypAto only) OK3E: 19.03 of 59.08 mi (32.21%) (OK OK3E only) OK3W: 51.12 of 51.12 mi (100.00%) (OK OK3W only) OK4 (Yukon): 36.19 of 40.26 mi (89.91%) (OK OK4 only) OK5 (Waurika): 16.79 of 99.44 mi (16.88%) (OK OK5 only) OK5C: 8.67 of 8.67 mi (100.00%) (OK OK5C only) OK6: 8.95 of 114.83 mi (7.80%) (OK OK6 only) OK7: 110.70 of 152.14 mi (72.76%) (OK OK7 only) OK8: 50.30 of 180.29 mi (27.90%) (OK OK8 only) OK8A: 2.97 of 4.52 mi (65.58%) (OK OK8A only) OK9: 164.53 of 349.50 mi (47.08%) (OK OK9 only) OK9A (Konawa): 3.60 of 33.81 mi (10.64%) (OK OK9A only) OK10: 50.67 of 230.74 mi (21.96%) (OK OK10 only) OK10A: 1.80 of 5.52 mi (32.61%) (OK OK10A only) OK11: 108.54 of 207.03 mi (52.43%) (OK OK11 only) OK16: 77.38 of 100.18 mi (77.23%) (OK OK16 only) OK18: 18.86 of 134.96 mi (13.97%) (OK OK18 only) OK18A: 0.39 of 0.39 mi (100.00%) (OK OK18A only) OK19: 9.50 of 174.26 mi (5.45%) (OK OK19 only) OK20: 22.26 of 141.38 mi (15.74%) (OK OK20 only) OK27: 14.93 of 14.93 mi (100.00%) (OK OK27 only) OK29: 59.13 of 59.13 mi (100.00%) (OK OK29 only) OK29A: 0.48 of 0.48 mi (100.00%) (OK OK29A only) OK30: 39.76 of 85.84 mi (46.32%) (OK OK30 only) OK31: 24.03 of 133.17 mi (18.05%) (OK OK31 only) OK33: 135.13 of 240.03 mi (56.30%) (OK OK33 only) OK33Trk (Drumright): 2.28 of 2.28 mi (100.00%) (OK OK33TrkDru only) OK34: 17.86 of 190.80 mi (9.36%) (OK OK34 only) OK37 (Moore): 8.17 of 65.71 mi (12.43%) (OK OK37 only) OK38: 14.86 of 14.86 mi (100.00%) (OK OK38 only) OK44A: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%) (OK OK44A only) OK45: 26.50 of 65.40 mi (40.51%) (OK OK45 only) OK48: 21.38 of 160.27 mi (13.34%) (OK OK48 only) OK49 (Mountain Park): 5.84 of 5.84 mi (100.00%) (OK OK49 only) OK49 (Fort Sill): 7.21 of 7.21 mi (100.00%) (OK OK49For only) OK50A: 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%) (OK OK50A only) OK51: 183.69 of 335.39 mi (54.77%) (OK OK51 only) OK51B: 18.51 of 18.51 mi (100.00%) (OK OK51B only) OK52 (Okmulgee): 16.51 of 16.51 mi (100.00%) (OK OK52 only) OK53: 22.57 of 87.34 mi (25.84%) (OK OK53 only) OK54 (Weatherford): 7.55 of 86.77 mi (8.70%) (OK OK54 only) OK56: 10.85 of 85.94 mi (12.63%) (OK OK56 only) OK56Lp (Okmulgee): 3.68 of 3.68 mi (100.00%) (OK OK56LpOkm only) OK58 (Medicine Park): 25.92 of 73.58 mi (35.22%) (OK OK58Med only) OK58 (Fairview): 5.98 of 107.19 mi (5.58%) (OK OK58 only) OK59: 14.03 of 92.93 mi (15.10%) (OK OK59 only) OK63: 48.14 of 95.89 mi (50.21%) (OK OK63 only) OK66: 149.90 of 194.93 mi (76.90%) (OK OK66 only) OK66B: 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%) (OK OK66B only) OK67: 7.16 of 10.12 mi (70.71%) (OK OK67 only) OK71: 20.40 of 20.40 mi (100.00%) (OK OK71 only) OK72: 32.81 of 32.81 mi (100.00%) (OK OK72 only) OK74 (Purcell): 9.29 of 52.37 mi (17.73%) (OK OK74Pur only) OK74 (Oklahoma City): 49.63 of 92.77 mi (53.50%) (OK OK74 only) OK74F: 8.22 of 8.22 mi (100.00%) (OK OK74F only) OK76: 55.23 of 111.64 mi (49.47%) (OK OK76 only) OK77H: 5.12 of 9.12 mi (56.17%) (OK OK77H only) OK80: 11.16 of 18.03 mi (61.88%) (OK OK80 only) OK82 (Tahlequah): 55.36 of 96.75 mi (57.22%) (OK OK82 only) OK88: 11.63 of 25.87 mi (44.95%) (OK OK88 only) OK95: 5.10 of 42.68 mi (11.95%) (OK OK95 only) OK97: 3.82 of 19.71 mi (19.37%) (OK OK97 only) OK98: 12.82 of 19.76 mi (64.89%) (OK OK98 only) OK99: 77.94 of 243.31 mi (32.03%) (OK OK99 only) OK100: 28.95 of 53.39 mi (54.23%) (OK OK100 only) OK102: 23.17 of 52.89 mi (43.80%) (OK OK102 only) OK104: 7.17 of 7.17 mi (100.00%) (OK OK104 only) OK105: 29.45 of 29.45 mi (100.00%) (OK OK105 only) OK108: 1.03 of 24.53 mi (4.21%) (OK OK108 only) OK109: 4.30 of 53.49 mi (8.03%) (OK OK109 only) OK112: 2.30 of 24.39 mi (9.41%) (OK OK112 only) OK115 (Cache): 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (OK OK115Cac only) OK115 (Mountain View): 1.55 of 46.68 mi (3.33%) (OK OK115 only) OK116: 11.42 of 11.42 mi (100.00%) (OK OK116 only) OK117: 7.43 of 7.43 mi (100.00%) (OK OK117 only) OK117A: 0.75 of 0.75 mi (100.00%) (OK OK117A only) OK123: 1.83 of 22.89 mi (7.99%) (OK OK123 only) OK132: 9.15 of 65.52 mi (13.96%) (OK OK132 only) OK136: 5.65 of 35.54 mi (15.89%) (OK OK136 only) OK146: 13.09 of 13.09 mi (100.00%) (OK OK146 only) OK150: 8.46 of 8.46 mi (100.00%) (OK OK150 only) OK151: 2.29 of 2.29 mi (100.00%) (OK OK151 only) OK152: 6.54 of 151.06 mi (4.33%) (OK OK152 only) OK162: 1.36 of 1.36 mi (100.00%) (OK OK162 only) OK164: 12.71 of 12.71 mi (100.00%) (OK OK164 only) OK165: 8.38 of 8.38 mi (100.00%) (OK OK165 only) OK166: 0.66 of 0.66 mi (100.00%) (OK OK166 only) OK199: 0.70 of 39.90 mi (1.76%) (OK OK199 only) OK251A: 5.59 of 5.59 mi (100.00%) (OK OK251A only) OK259A: 8.77 of 8.77 mi (100.00%) (OK OK259A only) OK270: 14.54 of 14.54 mi (100.00%) (OK OK270 only) OK312: 7.55 of 7.55 mi (100.00%) (OK OK312 only) OK325: 38.50 of 38.50 mi (100.00%) (OK OK325 only) OK344: 5.46 of 5.46 mi (100.00%) (OK OK344 only) OK351: 36.84 of 56.43 mi (65.29%) (OK OK351 only) OK364: 33.32 of 33.32 mi (100.00%) (OK OK364 only) OK375: 106.27 of 106.27 mi (100.00%) (OK OK375 only) System usaok connected routes traveled: 101 of 230 (43.9%), clinched: 40 of 230 (17.4%). System usaor (active) overall: 130.53 of 4539.29 mi (2.88%) System usaor by route (traveled routes only): OR62: 1.15 of 100.70 mi (1.14%) (OR OR62 only) OR62Bus (Medford): 1.63 of 4.41 mi (37.07%) (OR OR62BusMed only) OR99: 65.09 of 211.64 mi (30.75%) (OR OR99 only) OR126: 44.72 of 203.72 mi (21.95%) (OR OR126 only) OR138: 12.59 of 135.91 mi (9.26%) (OR OR138 only) OR250: 5.35 of 5.35 mi (100.00%) (OR OR250 only) System usaor connected routes traveled: 6 of 137 (4.4%), clinched: 1 of 137 (0.7%). System usapa (active) overall: 5.90 of 12619.89 mi (0.05%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 5.90 of 12619.70 mi (0.05%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA291AltTrk (Philadelphia): 4.70 of 5.00 mi (94.07%) (PA PA291AltTrkPhi only) PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%) (PA PA420AltTrkPro only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 2 of 524 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 524 (0.0%). System usasd (active) overall: 359.77 of 5089.05 mi (7.07%) System usasd by route (traveled routes only): SD25 ((Main)): 62.18 of 188.92 mi (32.91%) (SD SD25 only) SD28: 3.06 of 108.81 mi (2.81%) (SD SD28 only) SD34: 43.15 of 425.60 mi (10.14%) (SD SD34 only) SD37: 1.77 of 250.19 mi (0.71%) (SD SD37 only) SD44: 77.54 of 380.59 mi (20.37%) (SD SD44 only) SD45: 5.28 of 212.74 mi (2.48%) (SD SD45 only) SD50: 6.93 of 221.05 mi (3.13%) (SD SD50 only) SD63 ((Main)): 7.40 of 233.84 mi (3.16%) (SD SD63 only) SD71: 34.15 of 34.15 mi (100.00%) (SD SD71 only) SD73: 6.98 of 255.05 mi (2.74%) (SD SD73 only) SD79: 38.42 of 243.16 mi (15.80%) (SD SD79 only) SD87: 26.06 of 30.00 mi (86.86%) (SD SD87 only) SD89: 12.62 of 33.22 mi (37.98%) (SD SD89 only) SD240: 34.97 of 34.97 mi (100.00%) (SD SD240 only) SD244: 1.33 of 9.79 mi (13.57%) (SD SD244 only) SD377: 2.20 of 2.20 mi (100.00%) (SD SD377 only) System usasd connected routes traveled: 16 of 89 (18.0%), clinched: 3 of 89 (3.4%). System usatn (active) overall: 22.75 of 9124.27 mi (0.25%) System usatn by region: GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%) TN: 22.75 of 9124.26 mi (0.25%) System usatn by route (traveled routes only): TN66 (Sevierville): 8.46 of 8.46 mi (100.00%) (TN TN66Sev only) TN67: 7.71 of 62.35 mi (12.37%) (TN TN67 only) TN75: 6.58 of 27.56 mi (23.87%) (TN TN75 only) TN91: 3.33 of 49.64 mi (6.70%) (TN TN91 only) TN338: 1.70 of 20.05 mi (8.47%) (TN TN338 only) System usatn connected routes traveled: 5 of 435 (1.1%), clinched: 1 of 435 (0.2%). System usatx (active) overall: 339.60 of 15302.04 mi (2.22%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX6: 87.52 of 557.75 mi (15.69%) (TX TX6 only) TX11: 7.71 of 156.83 mi (4.92%) (TX TX11 only) TX30: 48.63 of 55.03 mi (88.37%) (TX TX30 only) TX49: 50.29 of 71.22 mi (70.62%) (TX TX49 only) TX70: 3.67 of 333.56 mi (1.10%) (TX TX70 only) TX75: 0.45 of 135.66 mi (0.33%) (TX TX75 only) TX79: 71.50 of 101.45 mi (70.48%) (TX TX79 only) TX114: 23.24 of 396.46 mi (5.86%) (TX TX114 only) TX121: 1.46 of 99.47 mi (1.47%) (TX TX121 only) TX161 (Grand Prairie): 1.11 of 7.41 mi (15.02%) (TX TX161 only) TX199: 7.52 of 61.05 mi (12.32%) (TX TX199 only) TX203: 3.80 of 42.15 mi (9.00%) (TX TX203 only) TX207: 1.02 of 256.29 mi (0.40%) (TX TX207 only) TX351: 25.36 of 25.36 mi (100.00%) (TX TX351 only) TX360: 16.99 of 28.12 mi (60.42%) (TX TX360 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 15 of 320 (4.7%), clinched: 1 of 320 (0.3%). System usatxl (active) overall: 50.29 of 1175.07 mi (4.28%) System usatxl by route (traveled routes only): TXLp286: 4.43 of 15.48 mi (28.60%) (TX TXLp286 only) TXLp322: 6.81 of 6.81 mi (100.00%) (TX TXLp322 only) TXLp335: 31.87 of 42.03 mi (75.83%) (TX TXLp335 only) TXLp390: 4.99 of 10.76 mi (46.33%) (TX TXLp390 only) TXLp484: 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%) (TX TXLp484 only) System usatxl connected routes traveled: 5 of 200 (2.5%), clinched: 2 of 200 (1.0%). System usatxs (active) overall: 1.98 of 386.78 mi (0.51%) System usatxs by route (traveled routes only): TXSpr601: 1.98 of 7.28 mi (27.22%) (TX TXSpr601 only) System usatxs connected routes traveled: 1 of 214 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 214 (0.0%). System usaut (active) overall: 405.73 of 3722.71 mi (10.90%) System usaut by route (traveled routes only): UT9: 55.70 of 55.70 mi (100.00%) (UT UT9 only) UT12: 118.65 of 123.39 mi (96.15%) (UT UT12 only) UT19: 4.42 of 4.42 mi (100.00%) (UT UT19 only) UT24: 95.99 of 162.41 mi (59.11%) (UT UT24 only) UT43: 2.67 of 10.55 mi (25.31%) (UT UT43 only) UT44: 26.15 of 26.15 mi (100.00%) (UT UT44 only) UT128: 40.21 of 43.11 mi (93.27%) (UT UT128 only) UT162: 17.25 of 31.58 mi (54.64%) (UT UT162 only) UT186: 0.61 of 9.00 mi (6.83%) (UT UT186 only) UT252: 7.01 of 7.01 mi (100.00%) (UT UT252 only) UT262: 22.25 of 22.25 mi (100.00%) (UT UT262 only) UT268: 0.59 of 0.76 mi (77.22%) (UT UT268 only) UT313: 14.22 of 21.92 mi (64.87%) (UT UT313 only) System usaut connected routes traveled: 13 of 222 (5.9%), clinched: 5 of 222 (2.3%). System usava (active) overall: 6.52 of 4884.58 mi (0.13%) System usava by route (traveled routes only): VA55: 3.64 of 64.00 mi (5.69%) (VA VA55 only) VA234: 2.88 of 34.70 mi (8.29%) (VA VA234 only) System usava connected routes traveled: 2 of 377 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 377 (0.0%). System usavt (active) overall: 22.26 of 1987.72 mi (1.12%) System usavt by region: NH: 0.00 of 0.15 mi (0.00%) VT: 22.26 of 1987.57 mi (1.12%) System usavt by route (traveled routes only): VT78: 10.87 of 20.69 mi (52.54%) (VT VT78 only) VT100: 9.54 of 208.18 mi (4.58%) (VT VT100 only) VT108: 1.85 of 44.10 mi (4.20%) (VT VT108 only) System usavt connected routes traveled: 3 of 115 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 115 (0.0%). System usawa (active) overall: 120.69 of 4660.89 mi (2.59%) System usawa by route (traveled routes only): WA8: 20.56 of 20.56 mi (100.00%) (WA WA8 only) WA17: 21.45 of 137.81 mi (15.56%) (WA WA17 only) WA21: 1.21 of 105.92 mi (1.14%) (WA WA21 only) WA28: 10.91 of 136.44 mi (8.00%) (WA WA28 only) WA155: 27.80 of 79.05 mi (35.17%) (WA WA155 only) WA174: 19.16 of 40.71 mi (47.08%) (WA WA174 only) WA231: 2.92 of 74.22 mi (3.93%) (WA WA231 only) WA281Spr (Quincy): 1.52 of 1.66 mi (91.76%) (WA WA281SprQui only) WA283: 15.14 of 15.14 mi (100.00%) (WA WA283 only) System usawa connected routes traveled: 9 of 198 (4.5%), clinched: 2 of 198 (1.0%). System usawi (active) overall: 6.38 of 8704.80 mi (0.07%) System usawi by route (traveled routes only): WI13: 3.63 of 341.23 mi (1.06%) (WI WI13 only) WI13Alt (Ashland): 2.76 of 7.94 mi (34.73%) (WI WI13AltAsh only) System usawi connected routes traveled: 2 of 174 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 174 (0.0%). System usawy (active) overall: 716.10 of 3568.30 mi (20.07%) System usawy by region: CO: 0.00 of 1.01 mi (0.00%) WY: 716.10 of 3567.29 mi (20.07%) System usawy by route (traveled routes only): WY24: 44.79 of 44.79 mi (100.00%) (WY WY24 only) WY28: 66.55 of 94.90 mi (70.13%) (WY WY28 only) WY110: 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%) (WY WY110 only) WY112: 29.16 of 29.16 mi (100.00%) (WY WY112 only) WY120: 100.67 of 121.80 mi (82.65%) (WY WY120 only) WY130: 29.10 of 96.26 mi (30.23%) (WY WY130 only) WY131: 8.48 of 8.48 mi (100.00%) (WY WY131 only) WY151: 10.05 of 10.05 mi (100.00%) (WY WY151 only) WY230 (Riverside): 65.77 of 65.77 mi (100.00%) (WY WY230Riv only) WY230 (Woods Landing): 40.77 of 42.38 mi (96.20%) (WY WY230 only) WY239: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%) (WY WY239 only) WY296: 41.27 of 41.27 mi (100.00%) (WY WY296 only) WY530: 43.49 of 43.49 mi (100.00%) (WY WY530 only) WY585: 27.05 of 27.62 mi (97.93%) (WY WY585 only) WY789: 235.88 of 409.14 mi (57.65%) (WY WY789 only) System usawy connected routes traveled: 15 of 172 (8.7%), clinched: 9 of 172 (5.2%). System zwer (active) overall: 693.77 of 1971.66 mi (35.19%) System zwer by route (traveled routes only): R1: 2.95 of 364.51 mi (0.81%) (ZWE R1 only) R2: 0.59 of 342.67 mi (0.17%) (ZWE R2 only) R3: 214.45 of 214.45 mi (100.00%) (ZWE R3 only) R5: 162.28 of 167.42 mi (96.93%) (ZWE R5 only) R9: 314.10 of 470.78 mi (66.72%) (ZWE R9 only) System zwer connected routes traveled: 5 of 9 (55.6%), clinched: 1 of 9 (11.1%). System zwep (active) overall: 358.28 of 1105.08 mi (32.42%) System zwep by route (traveled routes only): P4: 183.88 of 183.88 mi (100.00%) (ZWE P4 only) P7: 130.82 of 130.82 mi (100.00%) (ZWE P7 only) P14: 43.58 of 43.58 mi (100.00%) (ZWE P14 only) System zwep connected routes traveled: 3 of 12 (25.0%), clinched: 3 of 12 (25.0%). System afrrtr (preview) overall: 2030.30 of 38375.30 mi (5.29%) System afrrtr by region: AGO: 0.00 of 5068.99 mi (0.00%) BWA: 40.51 of 1875.13 mi (2.16%) COD: 0.00 of 7725.61 mi (0.00%) LSO: 0.00 of 567.00 mi (0.00%) MOZ: 0.00 of 3520.04 mi (0.00%) MWI: 0.00 of 1111.67 mi (0.00%) NAM: 242.42 of 3002.64 mi (8.07%) RWA: 0.00 of 214.90 mi (0.00%) SWZ: 0.00 of 250.89 mi (0.00%) TZA: 0.00 of 4296.92 mi (0.00%) ZAF: 0.00 of 5543.76 mi (0.00%) ZMB: 826.14 of 2872.59 mi (28.76%) ZWE: 921.23 of 2325.16 mi (39.62%) System afrrtr by route (traveled routes only): RTR12: 282.93 of 748.87 mi (37.78%) NAM RTR12: 242.42 of 646.09 mi (37.52%) BWA RTR12: 40.51 of 102.77 mi (39.42%) RTR15: 347.41 of 2926.45 mi (11.87%) ZMB RTR15: 301.45 of 937.15 mi (32.17%) ZWE RTR15: 45.96 of 45.96 mi (100.00%) RTR20: 364.81 of 2239.33 mi (16.29%) ZMB RTR20: 364.81 of 896.11 mi (40.71%) RTR22: 251.87 of 262.63 mi (95.90%) ZMB RTR22: 37.42 of 48.19 mi (77.66%) ZWE RTR22: 214.45 of 214.45 mi (100.00%) RTR24: 270.49 of 270.49 mi (100.00%) (ZWE RTR24 only) RTR25: 2.95 of 3068.92 mi (0.10%) ZWE RTR25: 2.95 of 511.33 mi (0.58%) RTR30: 164.64 of 2195.81 mi (7.50%) NAM RTR30: 1.77 of 33.18 mi (5.33%) ZWE RTR30: 162.87 of 510.09 mi (31.93%) RTR303: 122.90 of 129.45 mi (94.94%) ZMB RTR303: 122.90 of 127.00 mi (96.77%) RTR311: 40.63 of 197.31 mi (20.59%) (ZWE RTR311 only) RTR323: 108.71 of 108.71 mi (100.00%) (ZWE RTR323 only) RTR324: 75.17 of 201.20 mi (37.36%) (ZWE RTR324 only) System afrrtr connected routes traveled: 11 of 86 (12.8%), clinched: 2 of 86 (2.3%). System usams (preview) overall: 151.65 of 7829.93 mi (1.94%) System usams by route (traveled routes only): MS4: 1.49 of 158.64 mi (0.94%) (MS MS4 only) MS6: 57.68 of 140.30 mi (41.12%) (MS MS6 only) MS7: 28.90 of 170.03 mi (17.00%) (MS MS7 only) MS9: 9.94 of 115.97 mi (8.57%) (MS MS9 only) MS25: 3.81 of 265.77 mi (1.43%) (MS MS25 only) MS304: 15.77 of 40.85 mi (38.62%) (MS MS304 only) MS315: 35.54 of 43.43 mi (81.82%) (MS MS315 only) MS336: 0.33 of 14.78 mi (2.25%) (MS MS336 only) System usams connected routes traveled: 8 of 350 (2.3%), clinched: 0 of 350 (0.0%). System usaush (preview) overall: 311.83 of 3462.97 mi (9.00%) System usaush by region: AZ: 0.60 of 398.24 mi (0.15%) CA: 0.94 of 938.33 mi (0.10%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 384.11 mi (0.00%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 18.84 of 422.63 mi (4.46%) MS: 0.00 of 5.38 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 88.02 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 59.33 of 366.50 mi (16.19%) OH: 0.00 of 33.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 231.10 of 410.84 mi (56.25%) OR: 0.00 of 46.73 mi (0.00%) TX: 1.02 of 52.03 mi (1.97%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US66His (Kingman, AZ): 0.60 of 156.08 mi (0.39%) (AZ US66HisKin only) US66His (Alburquerque, NM): 6.36 of 48.32 mi (13.16%) (NM US66HisAlb only) US66His (Santa Rosa, NM): 1.81 of 4.03 mi (44.95%) (NM US66HisSan only) US66His (Conway, TX): 1.02 of 8.58 mi (11.92%) (TX US66HisCon only) US66His (Sayre, OK): 6.50 of 26.29 mi (24.73%) (OK US66HisSay only) US66His (Elk City, OK): 9.23 of 9.23 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisElk only) US66His (St Louis, MO): 188.70 of 921.79 mi (20.47%) OK US66HisOkl: 169.85 of 298.83 mi (56.84%) MO US66HisStL: 18.84 of 321.36 mi (5.86%) US66His ((PRE-1937) Albuquerque, NM): 2.55 of 73.81 mi (3.45%) (NM US66HisAbq only) US66His ((PRE-1937) Santa Fe, NM): 6.44 of 11.99 mi (53.69%) (NM US66HisSFe only) US66His ((PRE-1937) Apache Springs, NM): 42.17 of 61.61 mi (68.44%) (NM US66HisApa only) US66His (Geary, OK): 22.52 of 25.79 mi (87.32%) (OK US66HisGea only) US66His ((1958 Alignment) Lake Overholser, OK): 3.79 of 3.79 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisLak only) US66His ((1933 Alignment) Crestwood, OK): 1.29 of 3.24 mi (39.71%) (OK US66HisCre only) US66His ((1947 Beltline) Belle Isle, OK): 5.90 of 5.90 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisBel only) US66His ((1936 Beltline) Helm Farm, OK): 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisHel only) US66His ((1931 Beltline) Britton, OK): 2.03 of 5.86 mi (34.66%) (OK US66HisBri only) US66His ((1926-1932) Tulsa): 8.84 of 8.84 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisNTu only) US101His (San Diego, CA): 0.94 of 45.87 mi (2.04%) (CA US101HisSan only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 18 of 123 (14.6%), clinched: 5 of 123 (4.1%). System zmbt (preview) overall: 703.23 of 1886.38 mi (37.28%) System zmbt by route (traveled routes only): T1: 266.47 of 266.47 mi (100.00%) (ZMB T1 only) T2: 72.40 of 718.86 mi (10.07%) (ZMB T2 only) T4: 364.36 of 364.36 mi (100.00%) (ZMB T4 only) System zmbt connected routes traveled: 3 of 6 (50.0%), clinched: 2 of 6 (33.3%). System zmbm (preview) overall: 161.50 of 2053.81 mi (7.86%) System zmbm by route (traveled routes only): M10: 122.90 of 314.31 mi (39.10%) (ZMB M10 only) M15: 38.59 of 38.59 mi (100.00%) (ZMB M15 only) System zmbm connected routes traveled: 2 of 15 (13.3%), clinched: 1 of 15 (6.7%). Traveled 56 of 374 (15.0%), Clinched 1 of 374 (0.3%) active systems Traveled 5 of 204 (2.5%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | SD 25 | sd.sd025 | Truncated south end from SD 42 to west junction SD 262. Point SD262_W is now SD262. 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | US 16 Truck (Rapid City) | sd.us016trkrap | Extended from north end at I-90 exit 61 west on I-90 to exit 57. 2015-08-11 | (USA) South Dakota | US 85 | sd.us085 | Removed from US 14A and Glendale Drive and relocated onto Main Street between Fairview Avenue and Glendale Drive. 2015-08-18 | (USA) Nebraska | NE 370 | ne.ne370 | Truncated between the old eastern end at the Iowa state line and the new end at US 75. 2015-08-18 | (USA) Nebraska | US 34 | ne.us034 | Removed from Chicago Avenue, 1st Avenue, 6th Street, Main Street, 3rd Street, and Livingston Road in Plattsmouth, and relocated onto US 75, Platteview Road, and the new Missouri River Bridge, between NE 66 and the Iowa state line. 2015-08-18 | (USA) Nebraska | US 75 | ne.us075 | Moved waypoint US34_E from NE 66 to Platteview Road. 2015-09-03 | (USA) Arkansas | US 62 | ar.us062 | Removed from US 62 Business and relocated onto the southeastern Prairie Grove bypass. 2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | US 190 | tx.us190 | Removed from US 190 Business and relocated onto the new southern bypass of Copperas Cove, between the western and eastern US 190 Business junctions. 2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | US 271 | tx.us271 | Removed from US 271 Business and TX 49, and relocated onto the new southwestern bypass of Mount Pleasant, between the southern US 271 Business junction and TX 49. 2015-09-10 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 351 | ok.ok351 | Added route. Renamed from Muskogee Turnpike. 2015-09-10 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 364 | ok.ok364 | Added route. Renamed from Creek Turnpike. 2015-10-02 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 69 | ok.us069 | Moved waypoint US70 from Main Street in Durant (now labeled MainSt_Dur) to the Durant bypass. 2015-10-02 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 70 | ok.us070 | Removed from Main St, 1st Ave, and Mulberry St, and relocated onto the southern Durant bypass. 2015-10-02 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 75 | ok.us075 | Moved waypoint US70 from Main Street in Durant (now labeled MainSt_Dur) to the Durant bypass. 2015-10-17 | (USA) Texas | TX 114 | tx.tx114 | Extended westward from I-35W to the New Mexico state line. 2015-10-27 | (USA) North Carolina | I-485 | nc.i485 | Extended between exits 23C (NC 115) and 30 (I-85), completing loop around Charlotte 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 64 | nm.us064 | In Farmington, route moved from Main St. and Broadway St. (now US 64 Business), south to Murray Dr. 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 70 | nm.us070 | In Lordsburg, route moved from I-10 between exits 22 and 24, and Main St. (NM 494), north to Motel Dr. (I-10BL) 2015-11-29 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 401 | on.on401 | Extended westward from the former ending interchange with ON 3 (Exit 5) along a newly built freeway to an interchange with Ojibway Parkway (Exit 1) 2015-12-16 | (USA) Connecticut | I-395 | ct.i395 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based, all numbers changed 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2016-01-04 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 6 | ok.ok006 | Removed from N 2020 Rd, E 1340 Rd and a closed two-lane roadway and relocated onto a divided four-lane diagonal between N 2020 Rd and the closed intersection with Old OK 6. 2016-01-04 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 283 | ok.us283 | Removed from a two-lane north-south roadway and E 1490 between a point (labeled OldUS283) near the Jackson/Greer county line and the OK 6 north split, and relocated onto a divided four-lane diagonal directly between these two points. 2016-01-31 | (USA) Missouri | US 50 | mo.us050 | Removed from Loose Creek Highway and relocated onto new divided highway to the south between the western and eastern intersections with Loose Creek Highway. 2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | I-93 | nh.i093 | Northbound roadway relocated approximately 0.2 mi westward immediately parallel to southbound roadway, between a point south of Exit 3 (labeled *OldI-93) and Exit 3. Southbound roadway unaffected 2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 111 | nh.nh111 | Removed from Enterprise Drive and relocated onto Indian Rock Road between Enterprise Drive and I-93 2016-03-29 | (USA) Texas | US 59 | tx.us059 | Removed from Saunders St (US 59 Business) between I-35 Exit 2 and TX Loop 20, and relocated onto TX Loop 20 between Saunders St and the World Trade International Bridge 2016-04-17 | (USA) Alabama | US 431 | al.us431 | Relocated onto the Anniston Eastern Bypass and a 3-mile leg of I-20 2016-05-15 | (USA) Virginia | I-95 | va.i095 | previous Exit 74B is actually 74C in the field and a new point for actual 74B was added 2016-06-16 | (USA) Florida | I-10 | fl.i010 | Relocated exit 355 0.8 miles to the west to a new interchange with Hammond Boulvard, and relabeled former interchange (now closed) at Greeland Avenue as *355A 2016-07-09 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 64 | ok.us064 | Removed from Stone City Park Dr between E0130 Rd and US 183, and relocated onto E0130 Rd and US183 between Stone City Park Dr and Broad St 2016-07-09 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 183 | ok.us183 | Waypoint US64_W moved from a point slightly north of Broad St to E0130 Rd 2016-07-30 | (USA) Alabama | US 82 | al.us082 | Removed from AL 25 and AL 382 and relocated onto the northeastern Centreville bypass between AL 25 North and CR 20 2016-08-12 | (USA) Arkansas | US 67 | ar.us067 | Removed from AR 226, AR 367 and US63, and relocated onto a divided freeway between AR 226 and US63 2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | I-90 | sd.i090 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.) 2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 14 | sd.us014 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.) 2016-11-17 | (USA) Texas | US 67 | tx.us067 | Removed from US 67 Business through Dublin and relocated onto the western Dublin bypass 2017-04-01 | (USA) Wyoming | US 287 Business (Rawlins) | wy.us287bypraw | Route renamed US287 Bypass (Rawlins) 2017-04-24 | (USA) Alabama | I-22 | al.i022 | New Route 2017-04-24 | (USA) Mississippi | I-22 | ms.i022 | New Route 2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 1 | ri.us001 | Northbound direction removed from Post Road and relocated onto Greenwich Avenue and Veterans Memorial Drive between Centerville Road and US1 Business / RI 117 (Post Road). 2017-04-25 | (USA) Kansas | US 40 | ks.us040 | Removed from 6th Street and relocated onto KS 10 and US 59. 2017-05-17 | (USA) Arizona | US 180 | az.us180 | Route truncated at north end from East Rim Drive to the boundary of Grand Canyon National Park 2017-06-07 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 2A | ct.ct002a | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based, all numbered exits changed 2017-06-22 | (USA) Minnesota | US 59 | mn.us059 | Route realigned near Worthington 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 99 | or.or099 | Restored route from I-5 onto Yoncalla-Drain routing. 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 126 | or.or126 | Moved route from Bus 97 to US 97 in Redmond. 2017-09-29 | (USA) Colorado | CO 9 | co.co009 | Route realigned south of Frisco between points *OldCO9_N and *OldCO9_S 2017-10-20 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 110 | ma.ma110 | Removed from East Haverhill St and Merrimac St, and relocated onto Jackson St, Swan St and East St between Haverhill St (labeled JacSt_S) and I-495 exit 46 2017-10-20 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 113 | ma.ma113 | Removed from Osgood St and Park St, and relocated onto Lowell, Hampshire, Charles and Pleasant Streets between Pelham St and Park St 2017-11-22 | (USA) California | I-580 | ca.i580 | Waypoint 19B moved from I-980/CA 24 interchange in downtown Oakland west to added exit for CA 123, with old 19B renumbered 19C 2017-12-02 | (USA) Arkansas | US 79 | ar.us079 | Waypoint AR57_S moved from Ruby St to a relocated railroad overpass approximately 0.09 mi northeast. 2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line. 2018-04-11 | (USA) Mississippi | US 278 | ms.us278 | Relocated onto Corridor V through southern Tupelo 2018-05-05 | (USA) Mississippi | I-269 | ms.i269 | Extended west to MS 305/Exit 9 2018-05-31 | (USA) Illinois | IL 110 | il.il110 | Extended along Macomb bypass from US 136 to US 67 2018-06-01 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 2 | ct.ct002 | Removed from Main St and relocated onto Chelsea Harbor Dr, Water St and CT 12 between CT 32/82 and Main St. 2018-07-25 | (USA) Utah | UT 252 | ut.ut252 | Route extended at north end from Airport Road to US 89 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 93 | nv.us093 | Relocated from Boulder City Parkway to new I-11 freeway, between exits 2 and 15B 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 95 | nv.us095 | Relocated from Old US 95 and part of Boulder City Parkway, to I-11 freeway between exits 14 and 15B 2018-09-16 | (USA) Wyoming | WY 130 | wy.wy130 | Route removed from Clark Street and relocated onto Snowy Range Road between Clark Street and I-80 Business Loop 2018-09-16 | (USA) Wyoming | WY 230 | wy.wy230 | Route removed from Clark Street and relocated onto Snowy Range Road between Clark Street and I-80 Business Loop 2018-10-08 | (USA) Utah | UT 186 | ut.ut186 | Route truncated at south end from I-215 to I-80 2018-10-09 | (USA) Missouri | US 24 | mo.us024 | Removed from Independence Avenue between I-70 exit 2H and I-435 exit 59 and rerouted onto I-70 and I-435 (this is from AASHTO mtg though field change is unknown) 2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors. 2019-01-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 295 | md.md295 | Truncated at south end from US50/MD201 to MD175 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 20 | mt.us020 | Route truncated at east end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 191 (West Yellowstone) | mt.us191wye | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 212 (Cooke City) | mt.us212coo | Route truncated at west end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 287 | mt.us287 | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 212 (Yellowstone National Park) | wy.neentrd | Route deleted (replaced with Northeast Entrance Road) 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 14 | wy.us014 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 16 | wy.us016 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 20 | wy.us020 | Route truncated at west end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 89 | wy.us089 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 287 | wy.us287 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-12 | (USA) Delaware | US 301 | de.us301 | Route completely realigned onto tolled freeway from MD/DE line to DE 1. It was removed from Middletown-Warwick Rd and concurrencies with DE 15, DE 299, DE 71, and DE 896 to its former northern terminus at US 40. 2019-07-07 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 3E | ok.ok003e | Removed from Boren Blvd and Broadway Ave and relocated onto OK 9 and US 377 between US 270 West and US 270 East. 2019-07-07 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 9 | ok.ok009 | Waypoint US270_E moved from OK 3E West to Harvey Rd. 2019-08-22 | (USA) Texas | TX 121 | tx.tx121 | Waypoint label TX5_S moved approx 0.2 mi northeastward from a closed intersection now labeled *OldTX5. 2019-10-13 | (USA) Utah | UT 268 | ut.ut268 | Route extended at west end from I-15 to 800W 2019-11-10 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 Business (Wheatland) | wy.us087buswhe | New Route 2019-12-03 | (USA) Iowa | I-680 | ia.i680 | Truncated to Exit 3 (south junction I-29) 2019-12-15 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 407 | on.on407 | Extended at eastern end from Exit 135 (ON 418) to the new interchange with ON 35/ON 115. 2020-02-16 | (USA) Missouri | Missouri 76 | mo.mo076 | Removed from main road through Branson, now known as 76 Country Boulevard, and rerouted onto MO 465 (replacing that route) and US 65 between a point just east of MO 265 and the US 65/65 Business interchange, Renamed already existing point MO248->MO248_W, Renamed former MO 465 exit at MO 248 MO248_E 2020-02-27 | (USA) Texas | US 82 | tx.us082 | Removed from US 277 Business (Dundee) and relocated onto a parallel southeastern four-lane divided bypass 2020-02-27 | (USA) Texas | US 277 | tx.us277 | Removed from US 277 Business (Dundee) and relocated onto a parallel southeastern four-lane divided bypass 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-87 | ny.i087 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-287 | ny.i287 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 29 | nc.us029 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-08-25 | (USA) Oregon | OR 62 | or.or062 | Rerouted route onto new roadway between Poplar Dr and Agate Rd 2020-08-25 | (USA) Oregon | OR 62 Business (Medford) | or.or062busmed | Added route 2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 87 | tx.us087 | Removed from I-20 and US 87 Business (Big Spring) and relocated onto William B. Crooker Memorial Highway between I-20 and the north end of US 87 Business (Big Spring). 2020-09-20 | (USA) Texas | TX 207 | tx.tx207 | Removed from demolished roadway and relocated eastward between points south and north of FM 146 2020-10-31 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 140 | ma.ma140 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 12 moved from MA 24 (now Exit 20) to County Rd (former Exit 9). 2020-12-18 | (USA) Arizona | I-10 | az.i010 | Relocated onto new alignment near Eloy. Former exits 211, 211B, and 212 replaced with new exit 211. 2020-12-28 | (USA) Kansas | US 83 | ks.us083 | In Haskell County, removed from a mostly-demolished section of Fourth Guide Meridian West or MM Rd and relocated onto a parallel undivided highway to the immediate east between closed intersections labeled *OldUS83_A and *OldUS83_C. This change occurred sometime between 2015 & 2017. 2020-12-28 | (USA) Kansas | US 160 | ks.us160 | Relocated southward from a demolished section of 130 Rd to a parallel roadway and eastward from a partially demolished section of Fourth Guide Meridian West or MM Rd to a parallel undivided highway between closed intersections labeled *OldUS160 and *OldUS83. This change occurred sometime between 2015 & 2017. 2021-02-09 | (USA) Colorado | US 6 | co.us006 | Route relocated in Sterling from 3rd St./4th St. one-way couplet to S. Division Ave. and Sterling S Curve 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 21 | nc.us021 | HamRd near US 421 renamed PetRd with no alt name possible to accommodate another HamRd point needed in Charlotte area 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 3 | ga.ga003 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 19 | ga.us019 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 41 | ga.us041 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | I-90 | mt.i090 | Exit 433 moved about 0.5 mi to the west due to completion of the West Laurel Interchange Project 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | US 212 | mt.us212 | Route moved south of Laurel from old alignment between points ClaRivRd_W and ClaRivRd_E to new alignment located to the west 2021-05-07 | (USA) Arkansas | US 63 | ar.us063 | Removed from I-40, I-55 and I-555 and relocated onto US 49 between I-40 Exit 216 and I-555 Exit 45. 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 128 | ma.ma128 | Relabeled exits on I-95 overlap from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-17 | (USA) Illinois | I-294 | il.i294 | Updated labels for the interchanges of I-57 (was 8, now 7) & IL 83 (was 9, now 8) due to a recent renumbering. 2021-05-20 | (USA) South Dakota | SD 50 | sd.sd050 | Rerouted from diagonal west of Wagner between Walnut Avenue and 392nd Avenue onto SD 46 and 392nd Avenue. Old point renamed WalAve. Added and closed *OldSD50. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-06-03 | (USA) New Mexico | NM 68 | nm.nm068 | Waypoint label NM74 moved from intersection with Po Pay Ave. (new label PoPayAve) north to intersection with Day School St. 2021-06-08 | (USA) Arkansas | AR 16 | ar.ar016 | Removed from AR 180 and Razorback Rd north of 15th St and relocated onto Fulbright Expy and Razorback Rd south of 15th St between I-49 Exit 62 and 15th St. 2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-07-15 | (USA) New Mexico | US54 | nm.us054 | In Logan, slightly relocated to new bridge across the Canadian River, between waypoints *OldUS54_W and *OldUS54_E 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-91 | ma.i091 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 5 | ma.us005 | Waypoint I-91(23) moved from State Rd in Whately, now labeled I-91(32), to Mount Tom Rd in Northampton. I-91(21) relabeled to I-91(27). 2021-09-18 | (USA) Arizona | US 60 | az.us060 | Relocated onto new 2021 Pinto Creek Bridge west of Globe, slightly north of previous 1949 bridge now removed. 2021-10-01 | (USA) Missouri | I-49 | mo.i049 | Extended southward from Exit 5 to the Arkansas state line. 2021-10-03 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 75 Alternate (Sapulpa) | ok.us075altsap | Renamed from US 75 Alternate (Tulsa), and truncated at north end from US 75 to OK 66. 2021-10-17 | (USA) Oklahoma | Indian Nation Turnpike | ok.ok375 | Deleted route. Renamed to OK 375. 2021-11-05 | (USA) Oklahoma | Norman Spur Turnpike | ok.ok004 | Deleted route. Now an extension of OK 4. 2021-11-20 | (USA) Texas | TX 11 | tx.tx011 | Removed from CR 4824 and relocated southward. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 6 | ia.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between Kimberly Road and Illinois state line. Route separates at *OldI-74. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | US 6 | il.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2021-11-27 | (USA) Colorado | CO 14 | co.co014 | Route extended from former east end at US 6 in Sterling to new east end at I-76 outside Sterling along US 6 due to signage changes from the Sterling S Curve project 2022-01-01 | (USA) Georgia | US 78 | ga.us078 | Relocated intersection with GA 92, removing concurrency with same. 2022-02-07 | (USA) Oklahoma | Stillwater Connection | ok.ok312 | Deleted route. Renamed to OK 312. 2022-02-21 | (USA) Texas | I-35 | tx.i035 | Extended southward from US 83 / TX 359 to Hidalgo St. 2022-03-27 | (USA) Tennessee | US 321 | tn.us321 | Moved to new bridge over the Tennessee River (constructed between 2016-2018) between US11 & TN444 2022-04-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 18 | sd.us018 | Removed from University Avenue and Jensen Highway in Hot Springs and rerouted onto US 18 Truck around south side of Hot Springs 2022-04-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 385 | sd.us385 | Moved point US18_W to former US18Trk. Original US18_W renamed UniAve. 2022-04-19 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 99 | az.az099 | Route truncated at south end from boundary of Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest to end of state maintenance which is roughly 16 miles south of Winslow 2022-05-15 | (USA) Arizona | US 191 | az.us191 | Route truncated at south end from Mexican border to AZ 80 2022-05-24 | (USA) Arkansas | US 70 | ar.us070 | Removed from I-30 between exits 129 & 141B and relocated onto I-430, former AR 5 on Stagecoach Rd & Colonel Glenn Rd, and former US 70 Business on Asher Ave, Roosevelt Rd, Broadway St, W Broadway St & E Broadway St. 2022-07-04 | (USA) North Carolina | I-85 | nc.i085 | Exits 174A and 174 labels needed to be swapped - alt labels not possible 2022-07-10 | (USA) Colorado | CO 109 Truck (La Junta) | co.co109trklaj | New Route 2022-07-13 | (USA) Illinois | I-94 | il.i094 | Relocated exit 59B from 69th Street to Marquette Road. 2022-08-04 | (USA) Wyoming | Grand Loop Road | wy.gralooprd | Route renamed to GraLoopRd from GraLpRd 2022-08-30 | (USA) California | US 101 | ca.us101 | South end of route truncated from CA 60 to junction with I-5 (truncated segment is also I-5, between exits 134A and 134B). Old US 101 waypoint I-5/10 => new 1A (I-5/10 label in use preserved). Old 1A => new 1B, and old 1B => new 1C. 2022-09-23 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 20 | ok.ok020 | Removed from 2-lane roadway (partially along the Limestone CDP boundary) and relocated southwestward onto the 4-lane Keetonville Bypass between S 4080 and River Bend Dr. 2022-10-15 | (USA) Maryland | US 301 | md.us301 | Removed from the original 1940 Gov. Harry W. Nice Bridge and relocated onto the replacement 2022 bridge across the Potomac River. 2022-11-07 | (USA) Florida | FL 429 | fl.fl429 | Extended eastward along a newly opened segment of the Wekiva Parkway between Exits 50 and 54 (I-4). 2022-11-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-95 | ri.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2022-11-17 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 344 | ok.ok344 | Extended northward from Exit 2 to US 64/412. 2022-11-27 | (USA) Michigan | US 31 | mi.us031 | Removed from Napier Ave and I-94 between Exit 24 and I-94 Exit 33 and onto new freeway alignment 2022-12-20 | (USA) Nebraska | NE 2 (Lincoln) | ne.ne002lin | West end removed from Van Dorn St, 10th St and Nebraska Pkwy, and relocated onto the Lincoln South Beltway between US 77 and a closed former intersection at 120th St. 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-71 | oh.i071 | Point label 1J (the exit to I-471) renamed 1A to match signage, point label 1A renamed 1A(75) 2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | I-35E | tx.i035e | Waypoint label 428C moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled 428B) to Commerce St. 2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | US 77 | tx.us077 | Waypoint label I-35E(428C) moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled I-35E(428B)) to Commerce St. 2023-03-12 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 9 | ct.ct009 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2023-06-03 | (USA) California | CA 1 | ca.ca001 | North of Bodega Bay, route relocated from eroding coastal bluffs, and onto new viaduct over Scotty Creek floodplain, between Calle del Sol and OldCA1Gle_N 2023-07-07 | (USA) Washington | US 12 | wa.us012 | Route re-aligned onto newly-opened Touchet bypass between waypoints *OldUS12_W and *OldUS12_E 2023-09-17 | (USA) Kansas | KS 14 | ks.ks014 | Removed from Nickerson Blvd, Nickerson St, 82nd Ave and Broadway Ave, and relocated northeastward onto a super-2 bypass of Nickerson and Sterling between waypoints *OldKS14_S & *OldKS14_N. 2023-09-18 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 ((North) Yellowstone National Park) | wy.us191yel | Renamed as US 191 (Yellowstone National Park, WY) 2023-09-21 | (USA) Arkansas | AR 17 (Brinkley) | ar.ar017 | South end truncated from Butler Lane to Morgan Loop Road. 2023-09-30 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 7 | ok.ok007 | Removed from Medcalf Rd and US 81 and relocated onto the Duncan Bypass. 2023-10-12 | (USA) Arkansas | I-49 | ar.i049 | Northernmost 4 exits renumbered downward by 2 miles. Exit 102 moved from the northern AR 72 junction (now exit 100) to CR 34. 2023-10-14 | (USA) Nebraska | NE 92 | ne.ne092 | Waypoint NE97_N moved about 0.15 mi west from a demolished roadway (now labeled *OldNE97) to a T intersection. 2023-10-16 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 270 | ok.us270 | Removed from Chickasaw Ave in Wister and relocated onto a 2-lane southwestern bypass and bridge crossing Caston Creek about 0.3 mi to the south. 2023-10-18 | (USA) Texas | US 83 | tx.us083 | Removed from US 83 Business between its north end and its ToUS83 point, and an unnumbered direct connector east of that point to the La Joya Bypass, and relocated onto the La Joya Bypass. 2023-11-10 | (USA) Nebraska | US 30 | ne.us030 | Removed from the Lincoln Highway and relocated onto a divided 4-lane expressway 1.5-2 miles north between waypoints *OldUS30_Nor and *OldUS30_Fre. 2023-11-10 | (USA) Nebraska | US 77 | ne.us077 | Removed from Broad Street and relocated onto the Fremont Southeast Beltway and US 275 between Broad Street and the western US 30 split. 2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | US 167 | la.us167 | Removed from Johnson St, Louisiana St, and Evangeline Thwy between LA3025_S and I-49(1A), and relocated onto LA 3025, LA 3184, and I-10 2023-11-29 | (USA) Colorado | CO 17 (Alamosa) | co.co017 | Route split due to lack of signage along US 285 and US 160. Existing CO 17 truncated to portion north of Alamosa. 2023-12-18 | (USA) Wyoming | I-25 | wy.i025 | "Exit 116" removed as there is no real evidence it existed, Exit 194 added. 2023-12-18 | (USA) Wyoming | I-90 | wy.i090 | "Exit 61" removed as there is no real evidence it existed. 2023-12-18 | (USA) Wyoming | US 87 | wy.us087 | I-25 "Exit 116" removed as there is no real evidence it existed, I-25 Exit 194 added. 2024-01-05 | (USA) Texas | I-20 | tx.i020 | Waypoint 138 moved from FM 715 (now labeled 137B) to TX 140/158. 2024-01-05 | (USA) Texas | TX Loop 335 | tx.lp0335 | Removed from a demolished curve & FM 2590 (Soncy Rd) and relocated onto Hollywood Rd & Helium Rd between waypoints *OldTXLp335 & FM2590_N. 2024-01-06 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 66B | ok.ok066b | From waypoint N3320, removed from a demolished west-southwesterly road and relocated due south to OK 66. 2024-01-06 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 136 | ok.ok136 | Removed from Road II, Mile 30 & Road EE and relocated onto a direct north-south road between the Texas state line and Road EE. 2024-01-24 | (USA) Texas | US 281 | tx.us281 | Removed from US 281 Business (Premont) and relocated eastward onto a 4-lane divided bypass. 2024-01-29 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 33 | ok.ok033 | East end truncated from US 75 Alt and OK 97 to OK 117. 2024-01-29 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 66 | ok.ok066 | Removed from Dewey Ave and relocated onto OK 117 & OK 117A (Mission St) between waypoints DewAve_W & DewAve_E. 2024-03-19 | (USA) Colorado | I-25 | co.i025 | Exit 14A marked as closed. Exit 104 split into "104A" and "104" to properly reflect the on-the-ground configuration. 2024-03-19 | (USA) Colorado | US 85 | co.us085 | I-25 Exit 14A marked as closed. I-25 Exit 104 split into "104A" and "104" to properly reflect the on-the-ground configuration. 2024-03-19 | (USA) Colorado | US 87 | co.us087 | I-25 Exit 14A marked as closed. I-25 Exit 104 split into "104A" and "104" to properly reflect the on-the-ground configuration. 2024-04-02 | (USA) Colorado | US 24 Business (Manitou Springs) | co.us024busmsp | Truncated to central US 24 junction (Exit 299) due to lack of signage in Colorado Springs proper. 2024-04-08 | (USA) Missouri | I-435 | mo.i435 | Corrected exit for East 63rd Street from 66A->66B and corrected MO 350 exit from 66B->66A 2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | I-80 | wy.i080 | Exit 101 added. 2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | US 30 | wy.us030 | I-80 Exit 101 added. 2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 | wy.us191 | I-80 Exit 101 added. 2024-05-30 | (USA) Nevada | I-11 | nv.i011 | North end extended over I-515 and US 95 to NV 157 2024-06-21 | (USA) Nebraska | US 275 | ne.us275 | Removed from Railroad Street and relocated onto the southwestern Scribner bypass between waypoints *OldUS275_W and *OldUS275_E. 2024-06-23 | (USA) Kansas | US 166 | ks.us166 | Removed from Bagdad Rd and relocated southward onto a 4-lane freeway between the US 400 split and KS 26. 2024-06-23 | (USA) Kansas | US 400 | ks.us400 | Removed from Bagdad Rd and relocated southward onto a 4-lane freeway between the US 166 split and KS 26. 2024-06-25 | (USA) Arkansas | US 412 | ar.us412 | removed from US 412 Business (Walnut Ridge) and relocated onto US 63 & US 67. 2024-07-14 | (USA) Colorado | US 160 | co.us160 | Junction with US 550 relocated to new Farmington Hill bypass south of Durango. Original junction with US 550 marked as "*OldUS550_S". 2024-07-14 | (USA) Colorado | US 550 | co.us550 | Relocated to new Farmington Hill bypass south of Durango. Original junction with US 160 marked as "*OldUS160_E", and split with old Farmington Hill marked "*OldUS550". 2024-08-20 | (USA) Michigan | US 2 | mi.us002 | Relocated to new alignment 350 ft north of old routing east of Epoufette between *OldUS2_W and *OldUS2_E (realignment occurred in 2020) 2024-09-27 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 111 | ma.ma111 | Removed from MA 225 & MA 119 and relocated onto Elm St. This is only a correction to Travel Mapping's data, and does not reflect an actual change in routing. 2024-10-23 | (USA) Kentucky | I-65 | ky.i065 | Exit 86 moved south approximately 0.2 mile to new KY 222 alignment 2024-11-11 | (USA) Colorado | CO 340 | co.co340 | Western terminus moved to Coulson Street intersection to properly match route configuration. Original point not marked as closed since the bridge has been there since at least 1973. 2024-11-21 | (USA) California | US 395 (Bishop) | ca.us395 | West of Death Valley, route relocated from old highway through Olancha and Cartago west to new divided highway, between OldUS395_S and Ash Creek Rd. 2024-12-09 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 119 | nh.nh119 | Removed from Anna Hunt Marsh Bridge, Hinsdale Island and Charles Dana Bridge, and relocated onto General John Stark Memorial Bridge between the Vermont state line and Georges Field Rd. 2024-12-10 | (USA) Oklahoma | I-335 | ok.i335 | Route added. 2024-12-10 | (USA) Oklahoma | I-344 | ok.i344 | Route added. 2024-12-28 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 10 | ok.ok010 | Sometime 2017-2019, removed from demolished roadway and relocated onto an easterly extension of Three Forks Rd, Georgetown Rd and US 62 between waypoints *OldOK10_S & *OldOK10_N. 2024-12-28 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 62 | ok.us062 | Waypoint OK10_S moved to Georgetown Rd from a closed intersection (now labeled *OldOK10) 0.3 mi east. 2025-01-01 | (USA) California | CA 190 (Death Valley) | ca.ca190dea | Route extended from OldUS395_N (old US395 waypoint) in Olancha, southwest to new US 395 alignment