Log file created at: Fri Jan 24 21:24:11 2025 herdintheupstate.list last updated: 2024-12-22 21:42:52 -0500 Note: deprecated route name "IN I-69Whe" -> canonical name "IN I-69" in line: IN I-69Whe 62 IN I-69Whe 153 Note: deprecated route name "IN I-69Whe" -> canonical name "IN I-69" in line: IN I-69Whe 62 IN I-69Whe 153 Note: deprecated route name I-69FutInd -> canonical name I-69 in line: IN I-69FutInd 4(465) 37(465) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: WV NatRd OH/WV CR35 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd US19_N I-79 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd NewSalRd US119/43_N Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd PA281_N US40_AddW Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd US40_AddE PA/MD Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy I-376 PA48 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US119/819_S WesMall Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US30_WesE US30_DenW Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US30_DenE PA981_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US30_LatE PA259 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB I-75 I-471 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB I-275 OH775_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB CR107 OH833_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB US50_W OH32_E Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB OH60_N OH43 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB US30_W US30_E Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRdStC I-70(202) I-70(204) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRdStC US250/7 OH/WV Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRd HighSt I-71 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwyAll OH65/81 OH65 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwyAda OH65_D CenAve Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwy IN/OH US30_Con Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LSCT HemSt LakeSupShoRd Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LSCT MI221 USA/CAN Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LMCT I-75(343) I-75(344) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LMCT US41_N MI/WI Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: WI LMCTGre MI/WI US41(216) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: WI LMCTGre US41(212) US41(200) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: WI LMCTGre I-43(187) I-43(185) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LHCT CAN/USA I-75(338) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LECT OH/MI I-75(28) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd PA/MD US40_Key Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD495 US219Bus Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD53 US40Alt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd I-68(46) US522 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd I-70(3) I-70(5) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd I-70(5A) I-70(9) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd US40_Fre US15_N Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IL LMCT LawAve MarDr_W Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN ORSB 5thSt_S US231 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN ORSB HarAve_W SprSt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN NatRd HarSt I-65/70 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN LCTrl 5thSt_S US231 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN LCTrl HarAve_W SprSt Route updated 2024-12-27: GA US129 Route updated 2024-12-27: GA US84 Note: deprecated route name AZ89ASed -> canonical name AZ89A in line: AZ AZ89ASed JerPerRd I-40BL Route updated 2024-12-27: GA GA38 Route updated 2024-12-27: GA GA96 Route updated 2024-12-27: GA GA247 Waypoint label LASBLVD_S not found in line: IL IL64 LasBlvd_S US41 Route updated 2020-06-25: IL IL64 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 7): IN IN37 US150_E I-69/465IN IN67 IN39_S AmePkwy Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 8): WV WV10AltBar WV10 US60 WV WV10 CR701/99 HanRockRd_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd PA/MD US40_Key Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD495 US219Bus Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD53 US40Alt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd I-68(47) ToI-68(77) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd I-70(5A) I-70(9) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd US11 US40_Hag Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD66 EastSt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD808 MD27_N Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD27_S LakDr Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MD NatRd MD295 MD2 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN NatRd LynDr I-65/70 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRd OH315 US23/62 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRd CouHomeRd OH513 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd US19_N I-79 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd NewSalRd US119/43_N Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA NatRd PA281_S PA/MD Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: WV NatRd OH/WV CR35 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IL LMCT BelAve 67thSt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN ORSB 5thSt_S US231 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN ORSB HarAve_W SprSt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN LinHwy ColBlvd LinHwy_E Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN LinHwy IN930_NHE IN/OH Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN LCTrl 5thSt_S US231 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: IN LCTrl HarAve_W SprSt Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LSCT US41_N LakeSupShoRd Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LSCT MI221 USA/CAN Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LMCT I-75(336) I-75(344) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LMCT US41_N MI/WI Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LHCT CAN/USA I-75(338) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: MI LECT OH/MI I-75(28) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB I-75 3rdSt_Cin Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB US52_Wit OH775_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB *MarSt OH833_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB US50_W OH32_E Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB VirSt OH550 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB OH60_N UniBlvd Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH ORSB US30_W US30_E Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRdStC I-70(202) I-70(204) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH NatRdStC US250/7 OH/WV Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwyAll OH65/81 OH65 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwyAda OH65_D CenAve Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwy IN/OH US30_Con Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwy OH118_S US127 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LinHwy I-77 BroAve Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LECT OH11 LakeAve_S Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LECT US20_Pai OH44 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LECT I-90(179) US6Alt_W Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LECT OH2(143) OH2(125) Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: OH LECT OH2/358 OH/MI Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy I-376 PA148 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US119/819_S WesMall Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US30_WesE US30_DenW Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US30_DenE US30_LatW Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy US30_LatE PA259 Ignoring line matching highway in system in development: PA LinHwy SemRidRd PA116_E Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 8): MD US40 CooLn MD295 MD US15 13 MD/PA Processed 2773 good lines marking 28601 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 37865.11 of 1271338.13 mi (2.98%) Overall in active+preview systems: 38019.43 of 1946220.49 mi (1.95%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AL: 764.83 of 10944.54 mi (6.99%), 764.83 of 10944.54 mi (6.99%) AZ: 837.59 of 6346.59 mi (13.20%), 881.40 of 6446.81 mi (13.67%) CA: 42.47 of 15453.77 mi (0.27%), 42.47 of 16176.01 mi (0.26%) CT: 113.94 of 3385.17 mi (3.37%), 113.94 of 3385.17 mi (3.37%) DC: 25.13 of 47.64 mi (52.76%), 25.13 of 47.64 mi (52.76%) DE: 54.07 of 1088.24 mi (4.97%), 54.07 of 1088.24 mi (4.97%) FL: 3161.62 of 12219.81 mi (25.87%), 3161.62 of 12219.81 mi (25.87%) GA: 4241.25 of 17817.22 mi (23.80%), 4241.25 of 17822.73 mi (23.80%) IL: 222.41 of 13698.72 mi (1.62%), 223.54 of 13932.57 mi (1.60%) IN: 1033.45 of 11205.20 mi (9.22%), 1033.45 of 11205.20 mi (9.22%) KY: 1066.86 of 26303.51 mi (4.06%), 1066.86 of 26303.51 mi (4.06%) LA: 115.38 of 16324.99 mi (0.71%), 115.38 of 16324.99 mi (0.71%) MA: 430.41 of 4326.44 mi (9.95%), 430.41 of 4329.91 mi (9.94%) MD: 810.04 of 5205.21 mi (15.56%), 810.04 of 5205.21 mi (15.56%) ME: 73.00 of 6362.92 mi (1.15%), 73.00 of 6362.92 mi (1.15%) MEX-QROO: 80.96 of 96.02 mi (84.32%), 154.69 of 634.38 mi (24.38%) MEX-YUC: 66.05 of 97.44 mi (67.79%), 98.20 of 934.19 mi (10.51%) MI: 651.63 of 9544.76 mi (6.83%), 651.63 of 9544.76 mi (6.83%) MS: 265.99 of 3633.19 mi (7.32%), 265.99 of 11152.15 mi (2.39%) NC: 5080.36 of 15278.26 mi (33.25%), 5080.36 of 15278.26 mi (33.25%) NH: 31.97 of 3296.57 mi (0.97%), 31.97 of 3296.57 mi (0.97%) NJ: 302.54 of 2814.66 mi (10.75%), 302.54 of 2814.66 mi (10.75%) NM: 255.90 of 11230.49 mi (2.28%), 259.41 of 11333.90 mi (2.29%) NV: 86.52 of 5113.56 mi (1.69%), 86.52 of 5113.56 mi (1.69%) NY: 81.18 of 16012.57 mi (0.51%), 81.18 of 16012.57 mi (0.51%) OH: 2437.16 of 19457.73 mi (12.53%), 2437.16 of 19458.43 mi (12.52%) PA: 943.06 of 17661.67 mi (5.34%), 943.06 of 17661.67 mi (5.34%) RI: 108.25 of 832.99 mi (13.00%), 108.25 of 832.99 mi (13.00%) SC: 6165.53 of 10283.45 mi (59.96%), 6165.53 of 10283.45 mi (59.96%) TN: 1691.63 of 13913.47 mi (12.16%), 1691.63 of 13913.47 mi (12.16%) TX: 870.56 of 32680.04 mi (2.66%), 870.56 of 32691.86 mi (2.66%) UT: 19.15 of 6029.13 mi (0.32%), 19.15 of 6029.13 mi (0.32%) VA: 2246.00 of 10442.92 mi (21.51%), 2246.00 of 10442.92 mi (21.51%) WI: 302.10 of 11736.55 mi (2.57%), 302.10 of 11736.55 mi (2.57%) WV: 3186.12 of 5717.24 mi (55.73%), 3186.12 of 5717.24 mi (55.73%) System mexd (active) overall: 147.01 of 6105.49 mi (2.41%) System mexd by region: MEX-BC: 0.00 of 160.06 mi (0.00%) MEX-BCS: 0.00 of 36.45 mi (0.00%) MEX-CAM: 0.00 of 24.24 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIH: 0.00 of 277.25 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIS: 0.00 of 156.94 mi (0.00%) MEX-COAH: 0.00 of 190.86 mi (0.00%) MEX-COL: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%) MEX-DF: 0.00 of 29.08 mi (0.00%) MEX-DGO: 0.00 of 318.74 mi (0.00%) MEX-EMEX: 0.00 of 309.11 mi (0.00%) MEX-GRO: 0.00 of 238.64 mi (0.00%) MEX-GTO: 0.00 of 219.62 mi (0.00%) MEX-HGO: 0.00 of 98.10 mi (0.00%) MEX-JAL: 0.00 of 422.58 mi (0.00%) MEX-MICH: 0.00 of 378.86 mi (0.00%) MEX-MOR: 0.00 of 134.96 mi (0.00%) MEX-NAY: 0.00 of 270.82 mi (0.00%) MEX-NL: 0.00 of 202.46 mi (0.00%) MEX-OAX: 0.00 of 272.64 mi (0.00%) MEX-PUE: 0.00 of 347.90 mi (0.00%) MEX-QRO: 0.00 of 108.73 mi (0.00%) MEX-QROO: 80.96 of 96.02 mi (84.32%) MEX-SIN: 0.00 of 299.78 mi (0.00%) MEX-SLP: 0.00 of 131.45 mi (0.00%) MEX-SON: 0.00 of 399.55 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAB: 0.00 of 61.91 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAM: 0.00 of 63.79 mi (0.00%) MEX-TLAX: 0.00 of 66.71 mi (0.00%) MEX-VER: 0.00 of 591.56 mi (0.00%) MEX-YUC: 66.05 of 97.44 mi (67.79%) MEX-ZAC: 0.00 of 60.26 mi (0.00%) System mexd by route (traveled routes only): MEX180D (Yucatán - Quintana Roo): 120.91 of 152.30 mi (79.39%) MEX-YUC MEX180D: 66.05 of 97.44 mi (67.79%) MEX-QROO MEX180D: 54.86 of 54.86 mi (100.00%) MEX305D: 26.10 of 32.22 mi (81.00%) (MEX-QROO MEX305D only) System mexd connected routes traveled: 2 of 117 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 117 (0.0%). System usai (active) overall: 12184.19 of 49437.58 mi (24.65%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 539.04 of 1013.04 mi (53.21%) AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%) AZ: 73.15 of 1181.98 mi (6.19%) CA: 12.63 of 2485.21 mi (0.51%) CO: 0.00 of 958.31 mi (0.00%) CT: 111.75 of 346.20 mi (32.28%) DC: 11.44 of 11.84 mi (96.63%) DE: 28.74 of 39.35 mi (73.02%) FL: 1270.88 of 1518.93 mi (83.67%) GA: 1078.18 of 1260.54 mi (85.53%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%) IL: 167.79 of 2200.01 mi (7.63%) IN: 544.03 of 1325.22 mi (41.05%) KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%) KY: 564.79 of 1007.79 mi (56.04%) LA: 82.31 of 951.30 mi (8.65%) MA: 271.43 of 564.32 mi (48.10%) MD: 407.04 of 500.55 mi (81.32%) ME: 38.36 of 371.31 mi (10.33%) MI: 386.68 of 1248.46 mi (30.97%) MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 1398.85 mi (0.00%) MS: 256.43 of 841.67 mi (30.47%) MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%) NC: 938.22 of 1440.99 mi (65.11%) ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%) NH: 18.20 of 224.25 mi (8.12%) NJ: 110.10 of 430.10 mi (25.60%) NM: 114.41 of 1013.33 mi (11.29%) NV: 77.12 of 642.06 mi (12.01%) NY: 55.30 of 1772.90 mi (3.12%) OH: 980.69 of 1581.53 mi (62.01%) OK: 0.00 of 993.31 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%) PA: 399.10 of 1872.36 mi (21.32%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 46.13 of 70.57 mi (65.37%) SC: 803.58 of 863.16 mi (93.10%) SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%) TN: 650.86 of 1206.66 mi (53.94%) TX: 408.22 of 3526.85 mi (11.57%) UT: 0.00 of 944.15 mi (0.00%) VA: 1037.58 of 1117.00 mi (92.89%) VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 767.80 mi (0.00%) WI: 161.22 of 883.37 mi (18.25%) WV: 538.79 of 538.79 mi (100.00%) WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-4: 134.31 of 134.31 mi (100.00%) (FL I-4 only) I-10: 581.65 of 2495.88 mi (23.30%) TX I-10: 250.86 of 893.01 mi (28.09%) LA I-10: 46.12 of 278.87 mi (16.54%) MS I-10: 78.17 of 78.17 mi (100.00%) AL I-10: 67.10 of 67.10 mi (100.00%) FL I-10: 139.40 of 366.76 mi (38.01%) I-11: 49.69 of 53.93 mi (92.14%) (NV I-11 only) I-12: 23.02 of 87.02 mi (26.46%) (LA I-12 only) I-15: 16.09 of 1451.17 mi (1.11%) NV I-15: 16.09 of 126.00 mi (12.77%) I-16: 9.94 of 168.22 mi (5.91%) (GA I-16 only) I-17: 11.87 of 145.55 mi (8.15%) (AZ I-17 only) I-20: 588.67 of 1559.38 mi (37.75%) MS I-20: 23.73 of 156.43 mi (15.17%) AL I-20: 216.99 of 216.99 mi (100.00%) GA I-20: 204.40 of 204.40 mi (100.00%) SC I-20: 143.55 of 143.55 mi (100.00%) I-24: 15.30 of 320.32 mi (4.78%) TN I-24: 8.27 of 168.65 mi (4.90%) TN I-24Cha: 7.03 of 14.53 mi (48.41%) I-25: 20.45 of 1076.46 mi (1.90%) NM I-25: 20.45 of 468.15 mi (4.37%) I-26 (Tennessee - W. North Carolina): 67.01 of 67.01 mi (100.00%) TN I-26: 54.03 of 54.03 mi (100.00%) NC I-26Fau: 12.98 of 12.98 mi (100.00%) I-26 (C. North Carolina - South Carolina): 267.59 of 267.59 mi (100.00%) NC I-26: 43.24 of 43.24 mi (100.00%) SC I-26: 224.35 of 224.35 mi (100.00%) I-35 (S. Texas): 82.90 of 377.89 mi (21.94%) (TX I-35 only) I-37: 2.33 of 145.68 mi (1.60%) (TX I-37 only) I-40: 760.72 of 2578.10 mi (29.51%) AZ I-40: 61.29 of 362.89 mi (16.89%) NM I-40: 93.95 of 378.04 mi (24.85%) TN I-40: 259.62 of 457.61 mi (56.73%) NC I-40: 345.86 of 421.00 mi (82.15%) I-41: 142.17 of 178.13 mi (79.82%) IL I-41: 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%) WI I-41: 141.12 of 177.08 mi (79.70%) I-43: 10.68 of 193.11 mi (5.53%) (WI I-43 only) I-45: 42.69 of 290.32 mi (14.70%) (TX I-45 only) I-55: 15.56 of 960.09 mi (1.62%) IL I-55: 15.56 of 298.49 mi (5.21%) I-59: 317.41 of 449.82 mi (70.56%) LA I-59: 11.69 of 11.69 mi (100.00%) MS I-59: 174.07 of 174.07 mi (100.00%) AL I-59: 131.65 of 243.93 mi (53.97%) I-64: 734.41 of 973.37 mi (75.45%) IN I-64: 60.81 of 124.19 mi (48.96%) KY I-64: 192.97 of 192.97 mi (100.00%) WV I-64: 182.08 of 182.08 mi (100.00%) VA I-64: 298.55 of 301.05 mi (99.17%) I-65: 501.13 of 898.33 mi (55.78%) AL I-65: 173.85 of 371.31 mi (46.82%) TN I-65: 63.46 of 123.12 mi (51.54%) KY I-65: 40.49 of 138.56 mi (29.22%) IN I-65: 223.33 of 265.34 mi (84.17%) I-66: 76.81 of 76.81 mi (100.00%) VA I-66: 75.50 of 75.50 mi (100.00%) DC I-66: 1.31 of 1.31 mi (100.00%) I-68: 110.87 of 110.87 mi (100.00%) WV I-68: 31.38 of 31.38 mi (100.00%) MD I-68: 79.49 of 79.49 mi (100.00%) I-69 (Houston, TX): 2.24 of 76.34 mi (2.93%) (TX I-69 only) I-69 (Indiana - Michigan): 113.08 of 549.69 mi (20.57%) IN I-69: 113.08 of 345.49 mi (32.73%) I-70: 267.25 of 2192.00 mi (12.19%) IN I-70: 20.50 of 158.23 mi (12.96%) OH I-70: 114.86 of 227.81 mi (50.42%) WV I-70: 14.12 of 14.12 mi (100.00%) PA I-70: 24.61 of 169.61 mi (14.51%) MD I-70: 93.16 of 93.79 mi (99.32%) I-71: 235.56 of 347.55 mi (67.78%) KY I-71: 28.58 of 96.80 mi (29.52%) OH I-71: 206.98 of 250.74 mi (82.55%) I-73: 32.04 of 100.79 mi (31.79%) (NC I-73 only) I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 118.54 of 420.64 mi (28.18%) IN I-74: 99.25 of 173.36 mi (57.25%) OH I-74: 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%) I-74 (Mount Airy, NC): 16.89 of 16.89 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74 only) I-74 (High Point, NC): 4.68 of 89.33 mi (5.24%) (NC I-74Hig only) I-74 (Pembroke, NC): 19.43 of 19.43 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74Pem only) I-75: 1621.06 of 1807.41 mi (89.69%) FL I-75: 479.41 of 479.41 mi (100.00%) GA I-75: 360.67 of 360.67 mi (100.00%) TN I-75: 160.14 of 160.14 mi (100.00%) KY I-75: 194.10 of 194.10 mi (100.00%) OH I-75: 65.44 of 213.65 mi (30.63%) MI I-75: 361.29 of 399.43 mi (90.45%) I-76 (Ohio - New Jersey): 111.65 of 439.68 mi (25.39%) OH I-76: 82.98 of 82.98 mi (100.00%) PA I-76: 28.67 of 353.81 mi (8.10%) I-77: 604.50 of 614.09 mi (98.44%) SC I-77: 92.28 of 92.28 mi (100.00%) NC I-77: 106.65 of 106.65 mi (100.00%) VA I-77: 66.93 of 66.93 mi (100.00%) WV I-77: 184.02 of 184.02 mi (100.00%) OH I-77: 154.62 of 164.21 mi (94.16%) I-78: 108.89 of 146.92 mi (74.12%) PA I-78: 78.15 of 78.15 mi (100.00%) NJ I-78: 30.74 of 68.00 mi (45.20%) I-79: 235.02 of 340.40 mi (69.04%) WV I-79: 157.03 of 157.03 mi (100.00%) PA I-79: 77.98 of 183.37 mi (42.53%) I-80: 133.72 of 2936.67 mi (4.55%) CA I-80: 8.11 of 204.11 mi (3.97%) IL I-80: 8.26 of 165.52 mi (4.99%) IN I-80: 11.19 of 153.33 mi (7.30%) OH I-80: 106.16 of 240.03 mi (44.23%) I-81: 529.67 of 859.13 mi (61.65%) TN I-81: 76.34 of 76.34 mi (100.00%) VA I-81: 325.84 of 325.84 mi (100.00%) WV I-81: 26.15 of 26.15 mi (100.00%) MD I-81: 11.87 of 11.87 mi (100.00%) PA I-81: 89.46 of 233.87 mi (38.25%) I-83: 22.37 of 84.97 mi (26.33%) MD I-83: 11.17 of 34.37 mi (32.50%) PA I-83: 11.20 of 50.60 mi (22.14%) I-85: 676.82 of 676.82 mi (100.00%) AL I-85: 81.10 of 81.10 mi (100.00%) GA I-85: 181.74 of 181.74 mi (100.00%) SC I-85: 107.86 of 107.86 mi (100.00%) NC I-85: 236.78 of 236.78 mi (100.00%) VA I-85: 69.34 of 69.34 mi (100.00%) I-87 (North Carolina): 11.68 of 12.68 mi (92.06%) (NC I-87 only) I-88 (Illinois): 7.69 of 142.02 mi (5.41%) (IL I-88 only) I-90: 137.63 of 3112.09 mi (4.42%) IL I-90: 19.22 of 109.61 mi (17.54%) OH I-90: 108.24 of 247.10 mi (43.80%) MA I-90: 10.17 of 138.37 mi (7.35%) I-93: 48.00 of 189.34 mi (25.35%) MA I-93: 46.22 of 46.22 mi (100.00%) NH I-93: 1.78 of 131.94 mi (1.35%) I-94: 93.20 of 1625.88 mi (5.73%) WI I-94: 42.85 of 352.54 mi (12.15%) IL I-94: 39.16 of 78.52 mi (49.87%) IN I-94: 11.19 of 46.03 mi (24.31%) I-95: 1302.18 of 1916.43 mi (67.95%) FL I-95: 388.66 of 388.66 mi (100.00%) GA I-95: 114.19 of 114.19 mi (100.00%) SC I-95: 142.32 of 201.90 mi (70.49%) NC I-95: 13.94 of 184.09 mi (7.57%) VA I-95: 129.82 of 179.39 mi (72.37%) DC I-95: 0.08 of 0.08 mi (100.00%) MD I-95: 105.46 of 109.06 mi (96.71%) DE I-95: 12.61 of 23.22 mi (54.28%) PA I-95: 40.83 of 44.15 mi (92.49%) NJ I-95: 35.13 of 78.63 mi (44.68%) NY I-95: 23.53 of 23.53 mi (100.00%) CT I-95: 111.75 of 111.75 mi (100.00%) RI I-95: 43.60 of 43.60 mi (100.00%) MA I-95: 87.95 of 90.55 mi (97.12%) NH I-95: 16.42 of 16.42 mi (100.00%) ME I-95: 35.89 of 307.22 mi (11.68%) I-95 (Secaucus, NJ): 10.24 of 10.24 mi (100.00%) (NJ I-95Sec only) I-110 (Mississippi): 4.18 of 4.18 mi (100.00%) (MS I-110 only) I-110 (Florida): 6.35 of 6.35 mi (100.00%) (FL I-110 only) I-124: 1.97 of 1.97 mi (100.00%) (TN I-124 only) I-126: 3.82 of 3.82 mi (100.00%) (SC I-126 only) I-140 (Tennessee): 2.94 of 11.24 mi (26.16%) (TN I-140 only) I-140 (North Carolina): 11.63 of 19.42 mi (59.85%) (NC I-140 only) I-165 (Kentucky): 71.58 of 71.58 mi (100.00%) (KY I-165 only) I-175: 1.25 of 1.25 mi (100.00%) (FL I-175 only) I-185 (Georgia): 49.16 of 49.16 mi (100.00%) (GA I-185 only) I-185 (South Carolina): 17.70 of 17.70 mi (100.00%) (SC I-185 only) I-190 (Illinois): 2.61 of 2.61 mi (100.00%) (IL I-190 only) I-195 (Florida): 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%) (FL I-195 only) I-195 (Virginia): 3.36 of 3.36 mi (100.00%) (VA I-195 only) I-195 (Rhode Island - Massachusetts): 42.73 of 44.05 mi (97.00%) RI I-195: 2.53 of 3.85 mi (65.65%) MA I-195: 40.20 of 40.20 mi (100.00%) I-195 (Maine): 2.47 of 2.47 mi (100.00%) (ME I-195 only) I-215 (Nevada): 11.34 of 11.34 mi (100.00%) (NV I-215 only) I-240 (North Carolina): 9.19 of 9.19 mi (100.00%) (NC I-240 only) I-264 (Kentucky): 22.96 of 22.96 mi (100.00%) (KY I-264 only) I-264 (Virginia): 17.08 of 24.93 mi (68.52%) (VA I-264 only) I-265 (Kentucky): 24.78 of 24.78 mi (100.00%) (KY I-265 only) I-265 (Indiana): 6.72 of 6.72 mi (100.00%) (IN I-265 only) I-270 (Ohio): 43.19 of 55.43 mi (77.93%) (OH I-270 only) I-270 (Maryland): 32.91 of 32.91 mi (100.00%) (MD I-270 only) I-270Spr (Ashleigh, MD): 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%) (MD I-270SprAsh only) I-271: 30.09 of 40.23 mi (74.80%) (OH I-271 only) I-275 (Florida): 60.10 of 60.10 mi (100.00%) (FL I-275 only) I-275 (Tennessee): 2.82 of 2.82 mi (100.00%) (TN I-275 only) I-275 (Cincinnati, OH): 59.19 of 83.47 mi (70.92%) KY I-275: 10.72 of 24.52 mi (43.71%) OH I-275: 48.48 of 55.73 mi (86.98%) I-277 (North Carolina): 4.52 of 4.52 mi (100.00%) (NC I-277 only) I-277 (Ohio): 3.56 of 3.56 mi (100.00%) (OH I-277 only) I-278: 27.06 of 35.88 mi (75.40%) NJ I-278: 2.05 of 2.05 mi (100.00%) NY I-278: 25.01 of 33.84 mi (73.91%) I-279: 12.93 of 12.93 mi (100.00%) (PA I-279 only) I-280 (Ohio): 4.13 of 12.61 mi (32.74%) (OH I-280 only) I-285 (Georgia): 63.44 of 63.44 mi (100.00%) (GA I-285 only) I-285 (North Carolina): 23.01 of 23.01 mi (100.00%) (NC I-285 only) I-287: 21.24 of 97.69 mi (21.75%) NJ I-287: 21.24 of 67.49 mi (31.48%) I-290 (Illinois): 29.34 of 30.09 mi (97.50%) (IL I-290 only) I-290 (Massachusetts): 20.20 of 20.20 mi (100.00%) (MA I-290 only) I-294: 52.75 of 52.75 mi (100.00%) (IL I-294 only) I-295 (Florida): 40.86 of 61.55 mi (66.39%) (FL I-295 only) I-295 (Virginia): 42.82 of 52.32 mi (81.83%) (VA I-295 only) I-295 (Maryland - District of Columbia): 5.90 of 5.90 mi (100.00%) MD I-295: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) DC I-295: 5.12 of 5.12 mi (100.00%) I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 26.20 of 92.84 mi (28.23%) DE I-295: 4.92 of 4.92 mi (100.00%) NJ I-295: 10.69 of 77.33 mi (13.83%) PA I-295: 10.59 of 10.59 mi (100.00%) I-355: 11.97 of 32.41 mi (36.95%) (IL I-355 only) I-370: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) (MD I-370 only) I-375 (Florida): 1.06 of 1.06 mi (100.00%) (FL I-375 only) I-375 (Michigan): 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%) (MI I-375 only) I-376: 26.80 of 84.41 mi (31.75%) (PA I-376 only) I-385: 42.17 of 42.17 mi (100.00%) (SC I-385 only) I-395 (Florida): 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) (FL I-395 only) I-395 (Virginia - District of Columbia): 12.85 of 13.25 mi (96.99%) VA I-395: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) DC I-395: 3.12 of 3.52 mi (88.67%) I-395 (Baltimore, MD): 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%) (MD I-395 only) I-395 (Washington Village, MD): 0.52 of 0.52 mi (100.00%) (MD I-395Was only) I-395 (Connecticut - Massachusetts): 10.96 of 66.92 mi (16.37%) MA I-395: 10.96 of 12.01 mi (91.20%) I-410: 13.67 of 53.39 mi (25.60%) (TX I-410 only) I-440 (Tennessee): 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%) (TN I-440 only) I-440 (North Carolina): 15.57 of 16.58 mi (93.92%) (NC I-440 only) I-465: 53.20 of 53.20 mi (100.00%) (IN I-465 only) I-470 (Ohio - West Virginia): 10.74 of 10.74 mi (100.00%) OH I-470: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%) WV I-470: 3.88 of 3.88 mi (100.00%) I-471: 5.69 of 5.69 mi (100.00%) KY I-471: 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) OH I-471: 0.85 of 0.85 mi (100.00%) I-475 (Georgia): 15.91 of 15.91 mi (100.00%) (GA I-475 only) I-475 (Michigan): 16.46 of 16.46 mi (100.00%) (MI I-475 only) I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 22.85 of 42.48 mi (53.78%) (OH I-480 only) I-485: 65.68 of 65.68 mi (100.00%) (NC I-485 only) I-495 (Washington, DC): 59.88 of 63.47 mi (94.34%) VA I-495: 22.12 of 22.12 mi (100.00%) DC I-495: 0.08 of 0.08 mi (100.00%) MD I-495: 37.68 of 41.27 mi (91.30%) I-495 (Delaware): 11.21 of 11.21 mi (100.00%) (DE I-495 only) I-495 (New York): 2.93 of 71.43 mi (4.10%) (NY I-495 only) I-495 (Massachusetts): 55.73 of 121.08 mi (46.03%) (MA I-495 only) I-516: 6.53 of 6.53 mi (100.00%) (GA I-516 only) I-520: 23.40 of 23.40 mi (100.00%) GA I-520: 15.60 of 15.60 mi (100.00%) SC I-520: 7.80 of 7.80 mi (100.00%) I-526: 19.80 of 19.80 mi (100.00%) (SC I-526 only) I-540 (North Carolina): 4.28 of 25.67 mi (16.69%) (NC I-540 only) I-575: 30.71 of 30.71 mi (100.00%) (GA I-575 only) I-579: 1.35 of 1.35 mi (100.00%) (PA I-579 only) I-580 (California): 1.36 of 80.12 mi (1.69%) (CA I-580 only) I-581: 6.47 of 6.47 mi (100.00%) (VA I-581 only) I-585: 1.94 of 1.94 mi (100.00%) (SC I-585 only) I-595 (Florida): 13.78 of 13.78 mi (100.00%) (FL I-595 only) I-595 (Maryland): 19.65 of 19.65 mi (100.00%) (MD I-595 only) I-610 (Texas): 19.72 of 38.73 mi (50.91%) (TX I-610 only) I-640: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%) (TN I-640 only) I-664: 20.60 of 20.60 mi (100.00%) (VA I-664 only) I-675 (Georgia): 10.06 of 10.06 mi (100.00%) (GA I-675 only) I-675 (Michigan): 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%) (MI I-675 only) I-678: 3.83 of 14.67 mi (26.10%) (NY I-678 only) I-680 (California): 3.16 of 71.12 mi (4.44%) (CA I-680 only) I-695 (District of Columbia): 1.82 of 1.82 mi (100.00%) (DC I-695 only) I-695 (Maryland): 27.20 of 51.92 mi (52.38%) (MD I-695 only) I-794: 3.56 of 3.56 mi (100.00%) (WI I-794 only) I-795 (Maryland): 6.48 of 9.04 mi (71.72%) (MD I-795 only) I-840 (Tennessee): 23.92 of 77.75 mi (30.77%) (TN I-840 only) I-840 (North Carolina): 3.61 of 21.63 mi (16.68%) (NC I-840 only) I-885: 8.52 of 8.52 mi (100.00%) (NC I-885 only) I-910: 1.48 of 10.01 mi (14.84%) (LA I-910 only) I-985: 24.09 of 24.09 mi (100.00%) (GA I-985 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 144 of 363 (39.7%), clinched: 70 of 363 (19.3%). System usaib (active) overall: 55.95 of 1553.32 mi (3.60%) System usaib by region: AZ: 11.60 of 75.35 mi (15.39%) CA: 0.00 of 121.60 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 100.35 mi (0.00%) GA: 14.61 of 24.23 mi (60.32%) IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 176.21 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 141.64 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 74.22 mi (0.00%) NC: 15.25 of 56.89 mi (26.81%) ND: 0.00 of 37.87 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 62.36 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 8.54 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 42.06 mi (0.00%) PA: 2.93 of 11.90 mi (24.63%) SC: 11.56 of 11.56 mi (100.00%) SD: 0.00 of 47.63 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 44.73 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 92.40 mi (0.00%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-20BS (Florence, SC): 2.10 of 2.10 mi (100.00%) (SC I-20BSFlo only) I-40BL (Seligman, AZ): 1.15 of 3.81 mi (30.32%) (AZ I-40BLSel only) I-40BL (Ash Fork, AZ): 0.42 of 1.45 mi (29.32%) (AZ I-40BLAsh only) I-40BL (Flagstaff, AZ): 0.56 of 9.12 mi (6.13%) (AZ I-40BLFla only) I-40BL (Winslow, AZ): 2.87 of 3.59 mi (80.00%) (AZ I-40BLWin only) I-40BL (Joseph City, AZ): 2.53 of 2.53 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-40BLJos only) I-40BL (Holbrook, AZ): 4.06 of 4.89 mi (82.95%) (AZ I-40BLHol only) I-75BL (Valdosta, GA): 7.31 of 10.30 mi (71.02%) (GA I-75BLVal only) I-85BL (Spartanburg, SC): 7.85 of 7.85 mi (100.00%) (SC I-85BLSpa only) I-85BL (Lexington, NC): 4.03 of 30.37 mi (13.27%) (NC I-85BLLex only) I-85BL (Greensboro, NC): 11.22 of 11.22 mi (100.00%) (NC I-85BLGre only) I-95BL (Darien, GA): 7.30 of 8.54 mi (85.49%) (GA I-95BLDar only) I-376BL (Moon, PA): 2.93 of 6.43 mi (45.61%) (PA I-376BLMoo only) I-526BS (Mount Pleasant, SC): 1.60 of 1.60 mi (100.00%) (SC I-526BSMou only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 14 of 277 (5.1%), clinched: 5 of 277 (1.8%). System usaif (active) overall: 174.32 of 585.68 mi (29.76%) System usaif by region: AR: 0.00 of 5.98 mi (0.00%) AZ: 1.30 of 24.26 mi (5.36%) CA: 0.00 of 8.67 mi (0.00%) FL: 4.69 of 4.69 mi (100.00%) IN: 6.10 of 6.10 mi (100.00%) KY: 4.24 of 4.24 mi (100.00%) LA: 0.00 of 66.44 mi (0.00%) NC: 134.39 of 157.88 mi (85.12%) NY: 0.00 of 124.93 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 81.79 mi (0.00%) SC: 23.60 of 23.60 mi (100.00%) TN: 0.00 of 69.79 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 7.31 mi (0.00%) System usaif by route (traveled routes only): I-11Fut (Hoover Dam): 1.30 of 1.30 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-11FutHoo only) I-26Fut (Asheville, NC): 14.17 of 14.17 mi (100.00%) (NC I-26FutAsh only) I-73Fut (Madison, NC): 18.29 of 18.29 mi (100.00%) (NC I-73FutMad only) I-73Fut (Myrtle Beach, SC): 20.89 of 20.89 mi (100.00%) (SC I-73FutMyr only) I-73Fut (Rockingham, NC): 7.89 of 7.89 mi (100.00%) (NC I-73FutRoc only) I-74Fut (Pilot Mountain, NC): 22.73 of 22.73 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutPil only) I-74Fut (Rockingham, NC): 10.85 of 10.85 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutRoc only) I-74Fut (Laurinburg, NC): 13.81 of 13.81 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutLau only) I-74Fut (Whiteville, NC): 19.33 of 19.33 mi (100.00%) (NC I-74FutWhi only) I-87Fut (Rocky Mount, NC): 35.21 of 35.21 mi (100.00%) (NC I-87FutRoc only) I-265Fut (Louisville, KY): 10.34 of 10.34 mi (100.00%) KY I-265FutLou: 4.24 of 4.24 mi (100.00%) IN I-265FutLou: 6.10 of 6.10 mi (100.00%) I-526Fut (Charleston, SC): 2.70 of 2.70 mi (100.00%) (SC I-526FutCha only) I-795Fut (Jacksonville, FL): 4.69 of 4.69 mi (100.00%) (FL I-795FutJac only) System usaif connected routes traveled: 13 of 29 (44.8%), clinched: 13 of 29 (44.8%). System usasf (active) overall: 253.53 of 1234.41 mi (20.54%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 141.78 of 322.91 mi (43.91%) GA: 23.38 of 29.07 mi (80.43%) IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%) LA: 27.11 of 27.11 mi (100.00%) MA: 2.81 of 6.20 mi (45.35%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 2.76 of 13.32 mi (20.70%) ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 52.62 of 355.08 mi (14.82%) NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 56.95 mi (0.00%) OH: 2.41 of 24.61 mi (9.80%) OK: 0.00 of 8.13 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.67 of 8.85 mi (7.56%) TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): AtlBriCon (Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector): 1.39 of 2.11 mi (65.92%) (NJ AtlBriCon only) AtlCityExpy (Atlantic City Expressway): 7.29 of 44.68 mi (16.31%) (NJ AtlCityExpy only) DayAirRd (Dayton International Airport Access Road): 2.41 of 2.41 mi (100.00%) (OH DayAirRd only) FLTpk (Florida's Turnpike): 136.51 of 314.31 mi (43.43%) (FL FLTpk only) FLTpk (Florida's Turnpike (Miami Gardens)): 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (FL FLTpkMia only) GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 9.18 of 175.93 mi (5.22%) NJ GarStaPkwy: 9.18 of 173.53 mi (5.29%) HarTruPkwy (Harry S Truman Parkway): 10.43 of 10.43 mi (100.00%) (GA HarTruPkwy only) HartExpy (Hart Bridge Expressway): 1.80 of 5.13 mi (35.07%) (FL HartExpy only) JamWhiPkwy (James White Parkway): 0.67 of 3.12 mi (21.43%) (TN JamWhiPkwy only) LakePonCswy (Lake Pontchartrain Causeway): 27.11 of 27.11 mi (100.00%) (LA LakePonCswy only) LowCon (Lowell Connector): 2.81 of 2.81 mi (100.00%) (MA LowCon only) NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 34.76 of 123.59 mi (28.13%) (NJ NJTpk only) RalChaExpy (Raleigh Chapel Hill Expressway): 2.76 of 2.76 mi (100.00%) (NC RalChaExpy only) RonReaPkwy (Ronald Reagan Parkway): 7.06 of 7.06 mi (100.00%) (GA RonReaPkwy only) VetPkwy (Veterans Parkway): 5.89 of 5.89 mi (100.00%) (GA VetPkwy only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 15 of 66 (22.7%), clinched: 8 of 66 (12.1%). System usaus (active) overall: 13130.70 of 137859.42 mi (9.52%) System usaus by region: AL: 222.01 of 3485.97 mi (6.37%) AR: 0.00 of 3726.95 mi (0.00%) AZ: 449.19 of 1878.70 mi (23.91%) CA: 16.64 of 1730.27 mi (0.96%) CO: 0.00 of 4019.95 mi (0.00%) CT: 4.32 of 508.42 mi (0.85%) DC: 9.11 of 22.09 mi (41.23%) DE: 10.29 of 211.17 mi (4.87%) FL: 841.59 of 3999.71 mi (21.04%) GA: 1238.72 of 4922.21 mi (25.17%) IA: 0.00 of 3710.44 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%) IL: 25.33 of 3410.39 mi (0.74%) IN: 295.08 of 2903.05 mi (10.16%) KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%) KY: 299.54 of 3314.41 mi (9.04%) LA: 14.32 of 2323.34 mi (0.62%) MA: 45.13 of 602.37 mi (7.49%) MD: 258.27 of 774.49 mi (33.35%) ME: 7.28 of 1176.03 mi (0.62%) MI: 114.07 of 2324.25 mi (4.91%) MN: 0.00 of 3612.02 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 4007.77 mi (0.00%) MS: 25.15 of 2596.46 mi (0.97%) MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%) NC: 2341.76 of 5099.45 mi (45.92%) ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 3539.33 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%) NJ: 112.69 of 805.51 mi (13.99%) NM: 22.84 of 3676.63 mi (0.62%) NV: 50.43 of 1851.50 mi (2.72%) NY: 3.03 of 1653.66 mi (0.18%) OH: 764.11 of 3918.56 mi (19.50%) OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 2596.23 mi (0.00%) PA: 319.35 of 3424.65 mi (9.32%) RI: 5.78 of 108.88 mi (5.30%) SC: 2279.60 of 3309.45 mi (68.88%) SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%) TN: 643.01 of 3646.69 mi (17.63%) TX: 404.96 of 12783.70 mi (3.17%) UT: 19.15 of 1618.38 mi (1.18%) VA: 922.73 of 4090.30 mi (22.56%) VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 1764.00 mi (0.00%) WI: 158.02 of 2895.07 mi (5.46%) WV: 1207.21 of 1793.12 mi (67.32%) WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 487.93 of 2385.46 mi (20.45%) FL US1: 219.78 of 553.55 mi (39.70%) GA US1: 46.80 of 226.54 mi (20.66%) SC US1: 92.49 of 171.70 mi (53.87%) NC US1: 15.53 of 175.40 mi (8.85%) VA US1: 28.57 of 199.25 mi (14.34%) DC US1: 3.05 of 7.20 mi (42.35%) MD US1: 2.16 of 81.25 mi (2.65%) NJ US1: 40.44 of 66.91 mi (60.44%) NY US1: 2.74 of 21.46 mi (12.78%) CT US1: 4.32 of 116.22 mi (3.71%) RI US1: 1.66 of 57.12 mi (2.90%) MA US1: 23.11 of 85.34 mi (27.08%) ME US1: 7.28 of 524.86 mi (1.39%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 14.68 of 2126.60 mi (0.69%) MI US2: 14.68 of 197.38 mi (7.44%) US3: 14.30 of 272.87 mi (5.24%) MA US3: 14.30 of 35.25 mi (40.58%) US6: 42.14 of 3217.30 mi (1.31%) IL US6: 1.77 of 179.04 mi (0.99%) IN US6: 11.19 of 150.83 mi (7.42%) OH US6: 20.92 of 250.47 mi (8.35%) RI US6: 3.79 of 26.61 mi (14.25%) MA US6: 4.46 of 117.83 mi (3.78%) US9 (New Jersey - New York): 33.24 of 488.55 mi (6.80%) NJ US9: 32.41 of 166.93 mi (19.41%) NY US9: 0.83 of 321.61 mi (0.26%) US11 (Louisiana - Tennessee): 59.23 of 607.57 mi (9.75%) LA US11: 8.36 of 31.11 mi (26.87%) MS US11: 4.78 of 173.72 mi (2.75%) AL US11: 11.79 of 253.88 mi (4.64%) TN US11: 34.30 of 126.13 mi (27.19%) US11 (Virginia - New York): 34.48 of 945.55 mi (3.65%) VA US11: 33.86 of 335.76 mi (10.08%) WV US11: 0.63 of 26.34 mi (2.37%) US11E: 70.55 of 121.24 mi (58.19%) TN US11E: 70.48 of 120.67 mi (58.40%) VA US11E: 0.07 of 0.57 mi (12.42%) US11W: 30.31 of 111.25 mi (27.25%) TN US11W: 30.31 of 110.07 mi (27.54%) US12: 11.79 of 2474.68 mi (0.48%) MI US12: 11.79 of 210.02 mi (5.62%) US13: 35.68 of 530.26 mi (6.73%) NC US13: 24.06 of 190.02 mi (12.66%) VA US13: 8.80 of 143.16 mi (6.15%) DE US13: 2.82 of 105.17 mi (2.68%) US15: 136.58 of 795.08 mi (17.18%) SC US15: 23.62 of 159.17 mi (14.84%) NC US15: 62.94 of 159.40 mi (39.48%) VA US15: 17.54 of 230.30 mi (7.62%) MD US15: 12.73 of 38.01 mi (33.49%) PA US15: 19.76 of 195.59 mi (10.10%) US17: 519.57 of 1215.92 mi (42.73%) FL US17: 109.89 of 323.27 mi (33.99%) GA US17: 36.77 of 125.52 mi (29.30%) SC US17: 224.05 of 224.05 mi (100.00%) NC US17: 64.99 of 286.70 mi (22.67%) VA US17: 83.87 of 256.38 mi (32.71%) US19 (Florida - North Carolina): 258.15 of 753.81 mi (34.25%) FL US19: 23.25 of 267.43 mi (8.69%) GA US19: 96.54 of 348.02 mi (27.74%) NC US19: 138.37 of 138.37 mi (100.00%) US19 (Tennessee - Pennsylvania): 278.83 of 534.43 mi (52.17%) TN US19: 11.88 of 11.88 mi (100.00%) VA US19: 15.27 of 87.56 mi (17.44%) WV US19: 222.03 of 242.23 mi (91.66%) PA US19: 29.65 of 192.77 mi (15.38%) US19E: 34.82 of 73.20 mi (47.56%) NC US19E: 25.74 of 42.75 mi (60.20%) TN US19E: 9.08 of 30.45 mi (29.81%) US19W: 34.25 of 60.04 mi (57.05%) TN US19W: 34.25 of 39.87 mi (85.89%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 15.96 of 2364.58 mi (0.67%) IL US20: 1.02 of 199.19 mi (0.51%) OH US20: 13.57 of 263.05 mi (5.16%) MA US20: 1.37 of 149.61 mi (0.92%) US21: 327.43 of 391.17 mi (83.70%) SC US21: 188.95 of 235.39 mi (80.27%) NC US21: 105.18 of 122.49 mi (85.87%) VA US21: 33.30 of 33.30 mi (100.00%) US22: 115.41 of 650.66 mi (17.74%) OH US22: 1.46 of 243.51 mi (0.60%) WV US22: 1.60 of 5.95 mi (26.92%) PA US22: 95.31 of 340.65 mi (27.98%) NJ US22: 17.05 of 60.55 mi (28.16%) US23: 597.55 of 1410.94 mi (42.35%) FL US23: 0.89 of 38.36 mi (2.32%) GA US23: 104.21 of 394.30 mi (26.43%) NC US23: 91.96 of 104.20 mi (88.25%) TN US23: 56.92 of 56.92 mi (100.00%) VA US23: 59.73 of 59.73 mi (100.00%) KY US23: 135.45 of 153.56 mi (88.21%) OH US23: 89.72 of 237.52 mi (37.77%) MI US23: 58.67 of 366.34 mi (16.02%) US24: 7.22 of 1560.48 mi (0.46%) MI US24: 7.22 of 79.10 mi (9.13%) US25 (Georgia - Tennessee): 377.76 of 425.28 mi (88.83%) GA US25: 145.81 of 193.33 mi (75.42%) SC US25: 140.40 of 140.40 mi (100.00%) NC US25: 72.25 of 72.25 mi (100.00%) TN US25: 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%) US25 (Kentucky): 3.45 of 175.13 mi (1.97%) (KY US25 only) US25E: 95.68 of 108.55 mi (88.14%) TN US25E: 49.18 of 62.04 mi (79.26%) KY US25E: 46.50 of 46.50 mi (100.00%) US25W: 38.00 of 142.35 mi (26.69%) TN US25W: 36.18 of 108.34 mi (33.39%) KY US25W: 1.82 of 34.02 mi (5.35%) US27: 215.79 of 1367.08 mi (15.78%) FL US27: 68.55 of 504.38 mi (13.59%) GA US27: 90.41 of 357.47 mi (25.29%) TN US27: 43.89 of 143.66 mi (30.55%) KY US27: 10.52 of 201.87 mi (5.21%) OH US27: 2.43 of 40.52 mi (5.98%) US29: 363.60 of 1044.59 mi (34.81%) FL US29: 17.42 of 44.26 mi (39.35%) AL US29: 15.29 of 228.16 mi (6.70%) GA US29: 114.67 of 209.79 mi (54.66%) SC US29: 109.75 of 109.75 mi (100.00%) NC US29: 81.12 of 169.06 mi (47.98%) VA US29: 22.80 of 248.95 mi (9.16%) DC US29: 2.54 of 8.59 mi (29.63%) US30: 145.47 of 3105.69 mi (4.68%) IN US30: 10.97 of 157.75 mi (6.96%) OH US30: 38.75 of 248.17 mi (15.62%) WV US30: 0.48 of 3.38 mi (14.16%) PA US30: 86.27 of 331.98 mi (25.98%) NJ US30: 9.00 of 59.01 mi (15.25%) US31 (Alabama - Tennessee): 23.53 of 482.40 mi (4.88%) AL US31: 15.37 of 387.73 mi (3.96%) TN US31: 8.16 of 94.67 mi (8.62%) US31 (Kentucky - Michigan): 39.41 of 629.39 mi (6.26%) KY US31: 0.87 of 0.87 mi (100.00%) IN US31: 38.54 of 271.52 mi (14.19%) US31E: 6.34 of 189.41 mi (3.35%) TN US31E: 0.99 of 50.38 mi (1.97%) KY US31E: 5.34 of 139.03 mi (3.84%) US31W: 9.21 of 184.62 mi (4.99%) TN US31W: 0.27 of 36.15 mi (0.73%) KY US31W: 8.94 of 148.47 mi (6.02%) US33: 292.41 of 682.71 mi (42.83%) VA US33: 4.27 of 132.60 mi (3.22%) WV US33: 132.78 of 206.24 mi (64.38%) OH US33: 155.36 of 236.00 mi (65.83%) US34: 7.45 of 1130.00 mi (0.66%) IL US34: 7.45 of 211.61 mi (3.52%) US35: 140.27 of 416.92 mi (33.65%) WV US35: 0.47 of 35.27 mi (1.33%) OH US35: 139.81 of 175.41 mi (79.70%) US36: 30.23 of 1415.39 mi (2.14%) IN US36: 26.35 of 165.24 mi (15.95%) OH US36: 3.89 of 209.06 mi (1.86%) US40: 219.60 of 2312.95 mi (9.49%) IN US40: 19.35 of 161.80 mi (11.96%) OH US40: 22.74 of 228.97 mi (9.93%) WV US40: 12.22 of 15.46 mi (79.03%) PA US40: 14.65 of 82.11 mi (17.84%) MD US40: 120.96 of 221.48 mi (54.61%) DE US40: 3.78 of 17.53 mi (21.58%) NJ US40: 25.91 of 65.29 mi (39.68%) US41: 333.72 of 2038.51 mi (16.37%) FL US41: 74.33 of 492.51 mi (15.09%) GA US41: 42.08 of 389.54 mi (10.80%) TN US41: 6.29 of 195.04 mi (3.23%) IN US41: 1.52 of 283.05 mi (0.54%) IL US41: 15.08 of 64.32 mi (23.45%) WI US41: 158.02 of 228.24 mi (69.23%) MI US41: 36.39 of 280.99 mi (12.95%) US42: 3.20 of 349.57 mi (0.91%) KY US42: 0.63 of 103.37 mi (0.61%) OH US42: 2.57 of 246.21 mi (1.04%) US43: 4.03 of 413.13 mi (0.98%) AL US43: 4.03 of 354.28 mi (1.14%) US44: 3.14 of 232.73 mi (1.35%) RI US44: 1.25 of 26.17 mi (4.79%) MA US44: 1.88 of 38.44 mi (4.90%) US45 (N. Tennessee - Michigan): 24.26 of 841.45 mi (2.88%) WI US45: 24.26 of 304.03 mi (7.98%) US46: 1.23 of 73.91 mi (1.66%) (NJ US46 only) US48: 69.27 of 153.31 mi (45.18%) WV US48: 69.27 of 139.30 mi (49.72%) US50: 291.19 of 3006.31 mi (9.69%) IN US50: 31.72 of 172.33 mi (18.41%) OH US50: 45.51 of 203.10 mi (22.41%) WV US50: 128.11 of 130.51 mi (98.16%) VA US50: 36.16 of 86.38 mi (41.86%) DC US50: 5.04 of 7.83 mi (64.35%) MD US50: 44.64 of 141.40 mi (31.57%) US52: 617.03 of 2080.99 mi (29.65%) IN US52: 37.89 of 199.75 mi (18.97%) OH US52: 168.17 of 181.25 mi (92.78%) WV US52Ken: 28.45 of 71.24 mi (39.94%) KY US52Tug: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) WV US52Goo: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) KY US52: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%) WV US52: 76.94 of 100.46 mi (76.59%) VA US52: 78.60 of 78.60 mi (100.00%) NC US52: 85.53 of 150.66 mi (56.77%) SC US52: 139.67 of 161.99 mi (86.22%) US58: 44.07 of 500.80 mi (8.80%) VA US58: 44.07 of 500.12 mi (8.81%) US59: 2.24 of 1932.34 mi (0.12%) TX US59: 2.24 of 631.04 mi (0.35%) US60: 408.54 of 2656.47 mi (15.38%) KY US60: 70.39 of 487.44 mi (14.44%) WV US60: 171.21 of 171.21 mi (100.00%) VA US60: 166.94 of 299.06 mi (55.82%) US62: 14.61 of 2243.92 mi (0.65%) KY US62: 0.79 of 386.59 mi (0.20%) OH US62: 13.82 of 294.31 mi (4.70%) US64: 549.96 of 2325.68 mi (23.65%) TN US64: 48.21 of 398.97 mi (12.08%) NC US64: 501.74 of 601.88 mi (83.36%) US68: 11.05 of 548.36 mi (2.01%) KY US68: 1.44 of 369.22 mi (0.39%) OH US68: 9.61 of 179.14 mi (5.36%) US70: 304.56 of 2382.04 mi (12.79%) TN US70: 48.43 of 479.61 mi (10.10%) NC US70: 256.14 of 482.82 mi (53.05%) US70S: 0.71 of 112.28 mi (0.63%) (TN US70S only) US72: 2.71 of 321.42 mi (0.84%) TN US72Cha: 2.71 of 34.49 mi (7.86%) US74: 511.60 of 513.36 mi (99.66%) TN US74: 61.39 of 61.39 mi (100.00%) NC US74: 450.21 of 451.97 mi (99.61%) US76: 400.97 of 533.84 mi (75.11%) TN US76: 2.40 of 9.22 mi (26.02%) GA US76: 80.14 of 146.55 mi (54.68%) SC US76: 255.61 of 296.90 mi (86.09%) NC US76: 62.83 of 81.17 mi (77.41%) US78: 234.46 of 851.13 mi (27.55%) AL US78: 2.85 of 194.91 mi (1.46%) GA US78: 140.99 of 233.36 mi (60.42%) SC US78: 90.61 of 142.06 mi (63.79%) US80: 66.26 of 1037.29 mi (6.39%) MS US80: 6.21 of 156.88 mi (3.96%) AL US80: 14.24 of 221.30 mi (6.43%) GA US80: 45.81 of 298.37 mi (15.35%) US82: 9.09 of 1616.14 mi (0.56%) AL US82: 5.13 of 244.43 mi (2.10%) GA US82: 3.96 of 234.10 mi (1.69%) US84: 8.38 of 1926.60 mi (0.43%) MS US84: 2.26 of 192.72 mi (1.17%) AL US84: 3.44 of 238.28 mi (1.44%) GA US84: 2.69 of 262.61 mi (1.02%) US85: 20.45 of 1492.80 mi (1.37%) NM US85: 20.45 of 488.51 mi (4.19%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 93.65 of 1539.39 mi (6.08%) TX US87: 93.65 of 813.22 mi (11.52%) US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 15.84 of 836.66 mi (1.89%) AZ US89: 15.84 of 139.20 mi (11.38%) US90: 168.80 of 1643.42 mi (10.27%) TX US90: 124.29 of 772.09 mi (16.10%) LA US90: 0.56 of 299.79 mi (0.19%) MS US90: 9.56 of 80.80 mi (11.84%) AL US90: 7.79 of 79.04 mi (9.86%) FL US90: 26.60 of 411.69 mi (6.46%) US92: 25.49 of 185.96 mi (13.71%) (FL US92 only) US93: 108.68 of 1356.54 mi (8.01%) AZ US93: 70.85 of 201.70 mi (35.13%) NV US93: 37.83 of 532.06 mi (7.11%) US95: 36.23 of 1575.74 mi (2.30%) NV US95: 36.23 of 676.52 mi (5.36%) US98: 107.11 of 941.83 mi (11.37%) MS US98: 6.45 of 179.61 mi (3.59%) AL US98: 2.87 of 81.45 mi (3.53%) FL US98: 97.78 of 680.77 mi (14.36%) US101: 16.64 of 1506.03 mi (1.11%) CA US101: 16.64 of 802.40 mi (2.07%) US117: 27.82 of 114.75 mi (24.25%) (NC US117 only) US119: 287.90 of 525.95 mi (54.74%) KY US119: 55.43 of 130.42 mi (42.50%) WV US119WWi: 0.97 of 0.97 mi (100.00%) KY US119Goo: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%) WV US119Goo: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) KY US119Tug: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) WV US119: 192.32 of 262.33 mi (73.31%) PA US119: 37.39 of 130.45 mi (28.66%) US123: 73.91 of 73.91 mi (100.00%) GA US123: 16.55 of 16.55 mi (100.00%) SC US123: 57.36 of 57.36 mi (100.00%) US127: 28.13 of 751.59 mi (3.74%) TN US127: 3.31 of 133.78 mi (2.47%) KY US127: 0.78 of 204.53 mi (0.38%) OH US127: 24.04 of 196.30 mi (12.25%) US129: 293.26 of 574.07 mi (51.08%) GA US129: 199.10 of 376.68 mi (52.86%) NC US129: 49.20 of 59.56 mi (82.60%) TN US129: 44.96 of 48.60 mi (92.51%) US150: 94.98 of 563.73 mi (16.85%) IN US150: 88.93 of 175.79 mi (50.59%) KY US150: 6.04 of 121.33 mi (4.98%) US158: 25.73 of 349.76 mi (7.36%) (NC US158 only) US160: 91.61 of 1469.80 mi (6.23%) AZ US160: 91.61 of 161.39 mi (56.76%) US163: 26.43 of 64.22 mi (41.15%) AZ US163: 7.28 of 23.50 mi (30.98%) UT US163: 19.15 of 40.72 mi (47.02%) US176: 237.16 of 237.16 mi (100.00%) NC US176: 17.72 of 17.72 mi (100.00%) SC US176: 219.44 of 219.44 mi (100.00%) US178: 180.24 of 237.09 mi (76.02%) NC US178: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%) SC US178: 174.44 of 231.29 mi (75.42%) US180: 144.66 of 1117.14 mi (12.95%) AZ US180: 144.66 of 284.82 mi (50.79%) US190: 5.40 of 876.87 mi (0.62%) LA US190: 5.40 of 284.04 mi (1.90%) US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 118.95 of 1210.45 mi (9.83%) AZ US191: 118.95 of 518.72 mi (22.93%) US192: 8.22 of 75.92 mi (10.82%) (FL US192 only) US202: 1.18 of 621.78 mi (0.19%) DE US202: 1.18 of 12.57 mi (9.38%) US211: 14.12 of 55.21 mi (25.58%) (VA US211 only) US219: 263.00 of 502.83 mi (52.30%) WV US219: 186.65 of 188.06 mi (99.25%) MD US219: 35.44 of 47.40 mi (74.78%) PA US219: 40.90 of 198.62 mi (20.59%) US220: 141.19 of 669.60 mi (21.08%) NC US220: 48.74 of 123.54 mi (39.45%) VA US220: 87.74 of 181.03 mi (48.47%) MD US220: 4.70 of 26.71 mi (17.60%) US221: 333.77 of 723.59 mi (46.13%) GA US221: 36.27 of 262.30 mi (13.83%) SC US221: 124.90 of 124.90 mi (100.00%) NC US221: 141.10 of 144.59 mi (97.59%) VA US221: 31.50 of 149.04 mi (21.13%) US222: 12.42 of 94.64 mi (13.13%) PA US222: 12.42 of 91.06 mi (13.64%) US224: 25.61 of 290.48 mi (8.82%) OH US224: 25.61 of 240.43 mi (10.65%) US231: 151.22 of 924.82 mi (16.35%) FL US231: 67.89 of 67.89 mi (100.00%) AL US231: 13.59 of 334.51 mi (4.06%) KY US231: 2.54 of 114.04 mi (2.23%) IN US231: 67.20 of 285.86 mi (23.51%) US250: 133.41 of 494.15 mi (27.00%) OH US250: 18.09 of 159.94 mi (11.31%) WV US250: 100.29 of 175.65 mi (57.09%) VA US250: 15.03 of 158.55 mi (9.48%) US258: 4.45 of 226.79 mi (1.96%) NC US258: 4.45 of 158.93 mi (2.80%) US264: 17.33 of 220.29 mi (7.87%) (NC US264 only) US276: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%) SC US276: 40.95 of 40.95 mi (100.00%) NC US276: 56.56 of 56.56 mi (100.00%) US278: 167.50 of 1080.17 mi (15.51%) GA US278: 69.61 of 234.59 mi (29.67%) SC US278: 97.88 of 146.99 mi (66.59%) US280: 48.17 of 391.91 mi (12.29%) AL US280: 30.00 of 143.13 mi (20.96%) GA US280: 18.18 of 248.78 mi (7.31%) US281: 33.28 of 1893.56 mi (1.76%) TX US281: 33.28 of 653.56 mi (5.09%) US290: 162.94 of 276.37 mi (58.96%) (TX US290 only) US301: 302.25 of 1110.17 mi (27.23%) FL US301: 100.30 of 273.98 mi (36.61%) GA US301: 59.46 of 172.58 mi (34.45%) SC US301: 53.68 of 189.68 mi (28.30%) NC US301: 3.34 of 194.78 mi (1.72%) VA US301: 11.91 of 144.18 mi (8.26%) MD US301: 71.05 of 123.63 mi (57.47%) DE US301: 2.51 of 11.34 mi (22.14%) US311: 3.59 of 64.35 mi (5.57%) NC US311: 3.59 of 56.91 mi (6.30%) US321: 270.03 of 509.84 mi (52.96%) SC US321: 78.95 of 218.45 mi (36.14%) NC US321: 92.73 of 102.79 mi (90.22%) TN US321: 98.34 of 188.60 mi (52.14%) US322: 14.17 of 487.79 mi (2.91%) OH US322: 3.14 of 62.91 mi (5.00%) PA US322: 11.03 of 361.51 mi (3.05%) US331: 24.11 of 153.52 mi (15.71%) FL US331: 24.11 of 49.87 mi (48.35%) US340: 74.08 of 154.69 mi (47.89%) VA US340: 45.64 of 121.07 mi (37.70%) WV US340: 12.38 of 16.03 mi (77.22%) VA US340Lou: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) MD US340: 15.49 of 17.02 mi (90.99%) US341: 7.86 of 227.46 mi (3.45%) (GA US341 only) US360: 45.36 of 224.59 mi (20.20%) (VA US360 only) US378: 232.89 of 233.19 mi (99.87%) GA US378: 23.29 of 23.29 mi (100.00%) SC US378: 209.60 of 209.90 mi (99.86%) US401: 36.64 of 252.51 mi (14.51%) SC US401: 16.63 of 78.20 mi (21.26%) NC US401: 20.01 of 174.31 mi (11.48%) US411: 51.99 of 311.44 mi (16.69%) TN US411: 51.99 of 123.03 mi (42.26%) US421: 232.11 of 933.19 mi (24.87%) NC US421: 136.19 of 329.88 mi (41.29%) TN US421: 11.03 of 39.19 mi (28.14%) VA US421: 18.81 of 65.32 mi (28.80%) KY US421: 4.89 of 241.37 mi (2.03%) IN US421: 61.18 of 257.43 mi (23.77%) US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 3.53 of 189.37 mi (1.87%) OH US422: 3.53 of 75.96 mi (4.65%) US431: 147.77 of 560.46 mi (26.37%) AL US431: 131.99 of 343.69 mi (38.40%) TN US431: 15.79 of 131.75 mi (11.98%) US441: 273.39 of 936.53 mi (29.19%) FL US441: 14.05 of 441.21 mi (3.18%) GA US441: 153.13 of 354.98 mi (43.14%) NC US441: 49.25 of 61.50 mi (80.08%) TN US441: 56.96 of 78.85 mi (72.24%) US460: 203.27 of 629.00 mi (32.32%) KY US460: 40.98 of 202.55 mi (20.23%) VA US460Taz: 15.83 of 74.10 mi (21.36%) WV US460: 26.36 of 26.36 mi (100.00%) VA US460: 120.11 of 325.99 mi (36.84%) US501: 114.20 of 352.87 mi (32.36%) SC US501: 57.26 of 74.65 mi (76.70%) NC US501: 54.61 of 169.80 mi (32.16%) VA US501: 2.33 of 108.41 mi (2.15%) US521: 62.80 of 177.37 mi (35.41%) SC US521: 59.23 of 173.81 mi (34.08%) NC US521: 3.57 of 3.57 mi (100.00%) US522: 76.77 of 306.43 mi (25.05%) VA US522: 55.95 of 157.66 mi (35.48%) WV US522: 19.25 of 19.25 mi (100.00%) MD US522: 1.58 of 2.21 mi (71.32%) US550: 2.38 of 299.85 mi (0.79%) NM US550: 2.38 of 175.54 mi (1.36%) US601: 130.37 of 316.86 mi (41.14%) SC US601: 57.03 of 183.35 mi (31.10%) NC US601: 73.34 of 133.51 mi (54.93%) US701: 38.25 of 173.10 mi (22.09%) SC US701: 37.51 of 62.33 mi (60.18%) NC US701: 0.74 of 110.78 mi (0.66%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 124 of 226 (54.9%), clinched: 3 of 226 (1.3%). System usausb (active) overall: 930.06 of 7545.09 mi (12.33%) System usausb by region: AL: 6.45 of 98.33 mi (6.56%) AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%) FL: 40.05 of 223.76 mi (17.90%) GA: 109.50 of 408.49 mi (26.80%) IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%) IN: 2.49 of 100.19 mi (2.49%) KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%) KY: 13.30 of 240.87 mi (5.52%) LA: 1.48 of 86.41 mi (1.72%) MD: 40.99 of 118.62 mi (34.56%) ME: 6.73 of 208.88 mi (3.22%) MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 235.08 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 443.02 of 1000.88 mi (44.26%) ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%) OH: 12.02 of 128.27 mi (9.37%) OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 60.73 mi (0.00%) PA: 24.45 of 289.53 mi (8.44%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 142.81 of 313.32 mi (45.58%) SD: 0.00 of 92.86 mi (0.00%) TN: 19.58 of 378.25 mi (5.18%) TX: 6.32 of 901.28 mi (0.70%) UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%) VA: 49.52 of 518.31 mi (9.55%) VT: 0.00 of 17.20 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%) WI: 5.34 of 103.11 mi (5.17%) WV: 6.01 of 10.92 mi (55.03%) WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US1Bus (St. Augustine, FL): 2.73 of 3.20 mi (85.40%) (FL US1BusStA only) US1Alt (Jacksonville, FL): 1.80 of 7.28 mi (24.71%) (FL US1AltJac only) US1Bus (Louisville, GA): 1.62 of 2.78 mi (58.30%) (GA US1BusLou only) US1Trk (Aiken, SC): 8.52 of 8.52 mi (100.00%) (SC US1TrkAik only) US1Trk (Cheraw, SC): 0.39 of 3.28 mi (11.80%) (SC US1TrkChe only) US1Bus (Sanford, NC): 3.18 of 4.73 mi (67.37%) (NC US1BusSan only) US1Alt (York, ME): 6.73 of 6.73 mi (100.00%) (ME US1AltYor only) US11Bus (Lexington, VA): 0.90 of 2.07 mi (43.42%) (VA US11BusLex only) US11Trk (Bristol, VA): 0.25 of 2.16 mi (11.51%) (VA US11TrkBri only) US11EBus (Greeneville, TN): 2.07 of 4.63 mi (44.60%) (TN US11EBusGre only) US15Bus (Laurinburg, NC): 0.84 of 3.74 mi (22.47%) (NC US15BusLau only) US15Bus (Durham, NC): 3.04 of 5.82 mi (52.28%) (NC US15BusDur only) US15Bus (Farmville, VA): 4.03 of 6.50 mi (62.09%) (VA US15BusFar only) US15Bus (Warrenton, VA): 0.81 of 3.73 mi (21.73%) (VA US15BusWar only) US15Bus (Emmitsburg, MD): 1.25 of 2.35 mi (52.95%) (MD US15BusEmm only) US15Bus (Gettysburg, PA): 0.08 of 14.29 mi (0.59%) (PA US15BusGet only) US17Trk (Kissimmee, FL): 2.70 of 3.75 mi (71.92%) (FL US17TrkKis only) US17Alt (Summerville, SC): 28.19 of 124.27 mi (22.69%) (SC US17AltSum only) US17AltTrk (Summerville, SC): 5.45 of 8.32 mi (65.50%) (SC US17AltTrkSum only) US17Bus (Myrtle Beach, SC): 23.05 of 23.05 mi (100.00%) (SC US17BusMyr only) US17Bus (Wilmington, NC): 8.16 of 8.16 mi (100.00%) (NC US17BusWlm only) US17Bus (Maysville, NC): 3.79 of 3.79 mi (100.00%) (NC US17BusMay only) US17Bus (New Bern, NC): 0.47 of 12.62 mi (3.70%) (NC US17BusNew only) US17Bus (Fredericksburg, VA): 2.19 of 9.57 mi (22.90%) (VA US17BusFre only) US17Bus (Warrenton, VA): 4.16 of 4.16 mi (100.00%) (VA US17BusWar only) US19Alt (St. Petersburg, FL): 0.81 of 37.72 mi (2.16%) (FL US19AltStP only) US19Bus (Dahlonega, GA): 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) (GA US19BusDah only) US19Bus (Murphy, NC): 2.71 of 2.71 mi (100.00%) (NC US19BusMur only) US19Bus (Andrews, NC): 2.76 of 2.76 mi (100.00%) (NC US19BusAnd only) US19Bus (Asheville, NC): 2.22 of 2.22 mi (100.00%) (NC US19BusAsh only) US19Bus (Weaverville, NC): 2.06 of 5.33 mi (38.66%) (NC US19BusWea only) US19Con (Bryson City, NC): 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%) (NC US19ConBry only) US19Trk (Waynesville, NC): 38.03 of 38.03 mi (100.00%) (NC US19TrkWay only) US19Bus (Tazewell, VA): 5.68 of 7.56 mi (75.15%) (VA US19BusTaz only) US19Trk (Bristol, VA): 0.25 of 2.16 mi (11.51%) (VA US19TrkBri only) US19Trk (Pittsburgh, PA): 19.19 of 19.19 mi (100.00%) (PA US19TrkPit only) US21Bus (Beaufort, SC): 5.42 of 5.42 mi (100.00%) (SC US21BusBea only) US21Bus (Orangeburg, SC): 1.17 of 2.73 mi (42.87%) (SC US21BusOra only) US21Bus (Fort Mill, SC): 1.01 of 7.02 mi (14.33%) (SC US21BusFor only) US22Bus (Monroeville, PA): 2.31 of 4.38 mi (52.77%) (PA US22BusMon only) US23Alt (Mars Hill, NC): 7.55 of 7.71 mi (98.01%) (NC US23AltMar only) US23Bus (Sylva, NC): 3.83 of 3.83 mi (100.00%) (NC US23BusSyl only) US23Bus (Waynesville, NC): 3.72 of 5.52 mi (67.38%) (NC US23BusWay only) US23Bus (Asheville, NC): 2.22 of 2.22 mi (100.00%) (NC US23BusAsh only) US23Bus (Gate City, VA): 2.60 of 2.60 mi (100.00%) (VA US23BusGat only) US23Bus (Wise, VA): 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%) (VA US23BusWis only) US23Bus (Ashland, KY): 2.02 of 2.02 mi (100.00%) (KY US23BusAsh only) US23Spr (Ashland, KY): 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%) (KY US23SprAsh only) US23Trk (Portsmouth, OH): 1.45 of 3.49 mi (41.51%) OH US23TrkPor: 1.45 of 2.06 mi (70.20%) US25Bus (Augusta, GA): 4.45 of 4.45 mi (100.00%) GA US25BusAug: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%) SC US25BusAug: 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%) US25Byp (Waynesboro, GA): 1.08 of 5.65 mi (19.18%) (GA US25BypWay only) US25Bus (Greenwood, SC): 4.79 of 4.79 mi (100.00%) (SC US25BusGre only) US25Bus (Ware Shoals, SC): 4.12 of 4.12 mi (100.00%) (SC US25BusWar only) US25Trk (Edgefield, SC): 1.87 of 3.86 mi (48.47%) (SC US25TrkEdg only) US25Alt (Asheville, NC): 8.38 of 8.38 mi (100.00%) (NC US25AltAsh only) US25Bus (Hendersonville, NC): 12.00 of 12.00 mi (100.00%) (NC US25BusHen only) US25Bus (Marshall, NC): 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%) (NC US25BusMar only) US27Alt (Newnan, GA): 0.46 of 94.59 mi (0.48%) (GA US27AltNew only) US27Bus (Blakely, GA): 2.72 of 4.27 mi (63.54%) (GA US27BusBla only) US27Bus (Cuthbert, GA): 3.35 of 3.35 mi (100.00%) (GA US27BusCut only) US29Bus (Winder, GA): 17.66 of 17.66 mi (100.00%) (GA US29BusWin only) US29Bus (Anderson, SC): 6.51 of 6.51 mi (100.00%) (SC US29BusAnd only) US29Con (Williamston, SC): 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%) (SC US29ConWil only) US29Bus (Warrenton, VA): 3.41 of 4.59 mi (74.43%) (VA US29BusWar only) US30Bus (Van Wert, OH): 0.19 of 5.60 mi (3.35%) (OH US30BusVan only) US31Bus (Franklin, TN): 4.32 of 4.32 mi (100.00%) (TN US31BusFra only) US33Bus (Nelsonville, OH): 3.20 of 3.75 mi (85.55%) (OH US33BusNel only) US35Bus (Xenia, OH): 5.38 of 5.38 mi (100.00%) (OH US35BusXen only) US40Alt (Cumberland, MD): 9.26 of 31.18 mi (29.70%) (MD US40AltCum only) US40Alt (Hagerstown, MD): 12.97 of 22.83 mi (56.83%) (MD US40AltHag only) US40Sce (Piney Grove, MD): 15.77 of 15.77 mi (100.00%) (MD US40ScePin only) US41Bus (Fort Myers, FL): 6.58 of 6.58 mi (100.00%) (FL US41BusFor only) US41Bus (Venice, FL): 2.97 of 2.97 mi (100.00%) (FL US41BusVen only) US41Bus (Bradenton, FL): 6.01 of 6.01 mi (100.00%) (FL US41BusBra only) US41Bus (Tampa, FL): 2.50 of 17.16 mi (14.60%) (FL US41BusTam only) US41Bus (Valdosta, GA): 1.49 of 7.17 mi (20.78%) (GA US41BusVal only) US41Bus (Macon, GA): 5.42 of 7.96 mi (68.07%) (GA US41BusMac only) US41Alt (Nashville, TN): 1.17 of 175.05 mi (0.67%) TN US41AltNas: 1.17 of 158.80 mi (0.73%) US41Bus (Oconto, WI): 2.20 of 3.82 mi (57.62%) (WI US41BusOco only) US41Bus (Peshtigo, WI): 3.13 of 3.13 mi (100.00%) (WI US41BusPes only) US50Bus (Bedford, IN): 2.49 of 2.49 mi (100.00%) (IN US50BusBed only) US52Trk (Williamson, WV): 0.34 of 0.34 mi (100.00%) (WV US52TrkWil only) US52Trk (Bluefield, WV): 3.91 of 3.91 mi (100.00%) (WV US52TrkBlu only) US52Bus (Mount Airy, NC): 3.06 of 5.20 mi (58.77%) (NC US52BusMou only) US52Trk (Cheraw, SC): 0.71 of 3.61 mi (19.70%) (SC US52TrkChe only) US52Trk (Florence, SC): 0.92 of 4.88 mi (18.87%) (SC US52TrkFlo only) US58Alt (Abingdon, VA): 10.76 of 84.56 mi (12.73%) (VA US58AltAbi only) US58Bus (Gate City, VA): 2.60 of 2.60 mi (100.00%) (VA US58BusGat only) US58Bus (Hillsville, VA): 1.21 of 3.65 mi (33.17%) (VA US58BusHil only) US60Alt (Louisville, KY): 1.74 of 10.58 mi (16.44%) (KY US60AltLou only) US60Trk (Winchester, KY): 0.26 of 0.36 mi (72.54%) (KY US60TrkWin only) US60Bus (Clifton Forge, VA): 3.57 of 3.57 mi (100.00%) (VA US60BusCli only) US60Trk (Richmond, VA): 3.13 of 3.13 mi (100.00%) (VA US60TrkRic only) US64Byp (Cleveland, TN): 6.75 of 6.75 mi (100.00%) (TN US64BypCle only) US64Alt (Tarboro, NC): 0.71 of 46.10 mi (1.54%) (NC US64AltTar only) US64Bus (Hayesville, NC): 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%) (NC US64BusHay only) US64Bus (Morganton, NC): 2.71 of 2.71 mi (100.00%) (NC US64BusMor only) US64Bus (Asheboro, NC): 7.21 of 7.21 mi (100.00%) (NC US64BusAsh only) US64Bus (Pittsboro, NC): 3.36 of 6.17 mi (54.39%) (NC US64BusPit only) US64Byp (Manteo, NC): 5.97 of 5.97 mi (100.00%) (NC US64BypMan only) US64Trk (Henderson, NC): 78.80 of 78.80 mi (100.00%) (NC US64TrkHen only) US68Bus (Bowling Green, KY): 1.59 of 3.20 mi (49.52%) (KY US68BusBow only) US70Bus (Marshall, NC): 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%) (NC US70BusMar only) US70Bus (Morganton, NC): 3.64 of 3.64 mi (100.00%) (NC US70BusMor only) US70Bus (Hillsborough, NC): 0.89 of 4.76 mi (18.64%) (NC US70BusHil only) US70Bus (Durham, NC): 2.93 of 9.59 mi (30.57%) (NC US70BusDur only) US70Bus (Smithfield, NC): 12.01 of 23.89 mi (50.26%) (NC US70BusSmi only) US74Alt (Asheville, NC): 53.89 of 53.89 mi (100.00%) (NC US74AltAsh only) US74Alt (Pembroke, NC): 15.56 of 15.56 mi (100.00%) (NC US74AltPem only) US74Bus (Forest City, NC): 21.32 of 21.32 mi (100.00%) (NC US74BusFor only) US74Bus (Shelby, NC): 6.09 of 6.09 mi (100.00%) (NC US74BusShe only) US74Bus (Kings Mountain, NC): 5.34 of 5.34 mi (100.00%) (NC US74BusKin only) US74Byp (Monroe, NC): 17.93 of 17.93 mi (100.00%) (NC US74BypMon only) US74Bus (Rockingham, NC): 14.02 of 14.02 mi (100.00%) (NC US74BusRoc only) US74Bus (Laurinburg, NC): 9.58 of 12.55 mi (76.29%) (NC US74BusLau only) US74Bus (Whiteville, NC): 2.02 of 12.17 mi (16.57%) (NC US74BusWhi only) US76Bus (Laurens, SC): 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%) (SC US76BusLau only) US76Bus (Whiteville, NC): 0.27 of 10.43 mi (2.63%) (NC US76BusWhi only) US78Bus (Athens, GA): 10.37 of 10.37 mi (100.00%) (GA US78BusAth only) US78Bus (Washington, GA): 4.65 of 4.65 mi (100.00%) (GA US78BusWas only) US78Trk (Aiken, SC): 8.52 of 8.52 mi (100.00%) (SC US78TrkAik only) US84Bus (Dothan, AL): 0.45 of 4.44 mi (10.06%) (AL US84BusDot only) US87Bus (Boerne, TX): 4.44 of 4.44 mi (100.00%) (TX US87BusBoe only) US87Bus (Comfort, TX): 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%) (TX US87BusCom only) US90Bus (New Orleans, LA): 1.48 of 13.75 mi (10.80%) (LA US90BusNew only) US90Alt (Jacksonville, FL): 4.78 of 6.89 mi (69.29%) (FL US90AltJac only) US92Trk (Kissimmee, FL): 2.70 of 3.75 mi (71.92%) (FL US92TrkKis only) US98Trk (Mobile, AL): 1.37 of 8.88 mi (15.36%) (AL US98TrkMob only) US98Bus (Panama City, FL): 9.16 of 9.16 mi (100.00%) (FL US98BusPan only) US117Bus (Burgaw, NC): 1.98 of 1.98 mi (100.00%) (NC US117BusBur only) US119Spr (Williamson, WV): 0.05 of 0.05 mi (100.00%) (KY US119SprWil only) US123Con (Easley, SC): 0.64 of 0.64 mi (100.00%) (SC US123ConEas only) US129Alt (Macon, GA): 2.87 of 49.07 mi (5.84%) (GA US129AltMac only) US129Bus (Eatonton, GA): 3.69 of 3.69 mi (100.00%) (GA US129BusEat only) US129Bus (Watkinsville, GA): 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%) (GA US129BusWat only) US129Bus (Jefferson, GA): 7.12 of 7.12 mi (100.00%) (GA US129BusJef only) US129Bus (Gainesville, GA): 3.20 of 3.20 mi (100.00%) (GA US129BusGai only) US129Byp (Cleveland, GA): 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%) (GA US129BypCle only) US129Byp (Madison, GA): 4.25 of 4.25 mi (100.00%) (GA US129BypMad only) US150Trk (Louisville, KY): 2.63 of 3.75 mi (70.08%) (KY US150TrkLou only) US178Bus (Greenwood, SC): 4.79 of 4.79 mi (100.00%) (SC US178BusGre only) US178Bus (Orangeburg, SC): 2.72 of 4.15 mi (65.46%) (SC US178BusOra only) US219Bus (Grantsville, MD): 1.20 of 1.20 mi (100.00%) (MD US219BusGra only) US219Bus (Meyersdale, PA): 3.36 of 3.36 mi (100.00%) (PA US219BusMey only) US220Bus (Asheboro, NC): 0.16 of 20.29 mi (0.77%) (NC US220BusAsh only) US220Alt (Roanoke, VA): 5.00 of 10.11 mi (49.49%) (VA US220AltRoa only) US220Bus (Clifton Forge, VA): 1.81 of 3.25 mi (55.76%) (VA US220BusCli only) US220Trk (Winchester, MD): 0.54 of 3.22 mi (16.85%) (MD US220TrkWin only) US221Alt (Forest City, NC): 25.38 of 25.38 mi (100.00%) SC US221AltFor: 5.37 of 5.37 mi (100.00%) NC US221AltFor: 20.00 of 20.00 mi (100.00%) US221Trk (Laurens, SC): 5.36 of 5.36 mi (100.00%) (SC US221TrkLau only) US221Bus (Marion, NC): 4.85 of 4.85 mi (100.00%) (NC US221BusMar only) US221Bus (Jefferson, NC): 4.08 of 4.08 mi (100.00%) (NC US221BusJef only) US221Trk (Rutherfordton, NC): 7.86 of 7.86 mi (100.00%) (NC US221TrkRut only) US221Trk (Boone, NC): 16.48 of 16.48 mi (100.00%) (NC US221TrkBoo only) US231Bus (Dothan, AL): 3.37 of 5.29 mi (63.68%) (AL US231BusDot only) US231Bus (Bowling Green, KY): 3.81 of 5.16 mi (73.85%) (KY US231BusBow only) US231Trk (Morgantown, KY): 1.02 of 2.60 mi (39.22%) (KY US231TrkMor only) US250Bus (New Philadelphia, OH): 1.81 of 5.19 mi (34.78%) (OH US250BusNew only) US250Trk (Moundsville, WV): 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%) (WV US250TrkMou only) US250Trk (Phillipi, WV): 0.11 of 0.88 mi (12.13%) (WV US250TrkPhi only) US278Trk (Madison, GA): 5.65 of 5.65 mi (100.00%) (GA US278TrkMad only) US278Bus (Hilton Head, SC): 8.92 of 8.92 mi (100.00%) (SC US278BusHil only) US301Byp (Statesboro, GA): 2.35 of 6.92 mi (33.95%) (GA US301BypSta only) US321Bus (Winnsboro, SC): 4.37 of 4.37 mi (100.00%) (SC US321BusWin only) US321Bus (Chester, SC): 2.63 of 3.77 mi (69.84%) (SC US321BusChe only) US321Bus (York, SC): 2.50 of 2.50 mi (100.00%) (SC US321BusYor only) US321Bus (Conover, NC): 26.39 of 38.01 mi (69.43%) (NC US321BusCon only) US321Bus (Blowing Rock, NC): 1.79 of 1.79 mi (100.00%) (NC US321BusBlo only) US321Trk (Boone, NC): 2.02 of 3.90 mi (51.80%) (NC US321TrkBoo only) US321Bus (Greenville, TN): 2.43 of 2.43 mi (100.00%) (TN US321BusGre only) US401Bus (Laurinburg, NC): 2.33 of 4.38 mi (53.09%) (NC US401BusLau only) US401Bus (Raeford, NC): 0.07 of 4.65 mi (1.58%) (NC US401BusRae only) US411Trk (Maryville, TN): 1.01 of 2.82 mi (35.93%) (TN US411TrkMar only) US421Bus (Sanford, NC): 3.84 of 9.84 mi (39.01%) (NC US421BusSan only) US421Trk (Wilmington, NC): 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (NC US421TrkWlm only) US421Trk (Boone, NC): 2.78 of 4.66 mi (59.71%) (NC US421TrkBoo only) US421Bus (Gate City, VA): 2.60 of 2.60 mi (100.00%) (VA US421BusGat only) US431Bus (Dothan, AL): 4.64 of 4.64 mi (100.00%) (AL US431BusDot only) US431Bus (Franklin, TN): 2.20 of 3.93 mi (56.03%) (TN US431BusFra only) US441Bus (Milledgeville, GA): 4.76 of 7.11 mi (67.01%) (GA US441BusMil only) US441Bus (Eatonton, GA): 3.69 of 3.69 mi (100.00%) (GA US441BusEat only) US441Bus (Watkinsville, GA): 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%) (GA US441BusWat only) US441Bus (Commerce, GA): 4.17 of 4.17 mi (100.00%) (GA US441BusCom only) US441Bus (Clarkesville, GA): 15.18 of 15.18 mi (100.00%) (GA US441BusCla only) US441Byp (Madison, GA): 4.25 of 4.25 mi (100.00%) (GA US441BypMad only) US441Bus (Franklin, NC): 1.56 of 2.75 mi (56.68%) (NC US441BusFra only) US441Bus (Cherokee, NC): 1.87 of 1.87 mi (100.00%) (NC US441BusChe only) US460Bus (Tazewell, VA): 5.68 of 7.56 mi (75.15%) (VA US460BusTaz only) US460Bus (Pearisburg, VA): 0.72 of 3.10 mi (23.29%) (VA US460BusPea only) US460Bus (Farmville, VA): 6.79 of 6.79 mi (100.00%) (VA US460BusFar only) US501Bus (Conway, SC): 4.09 of 4.60 mi (88.99%) (SC US501BusCon only) US501Bus (Marion, SC): 0.41 of 6.85 mi (5.93%) (SC US501BusMar only) US501Bus (Laurinburg, NC): 0.84 of 3.80 mi (22.08%) (NC US501BusLau only) US501Bus (Durham, NC): 3.04 of 8.83 mi (34.45%) (NC US501BusDur only) US521Bus (Lancaster, SC): 0.27 of 3.94 mi (6.88%) (SC US521BusLan only) US601Trk (Orangeburg, SC): 3.29 of 5.15 mi (63.86%) (SC US601TrkOra only) US601Bus (Dobson, NC): 1.68 of 4.01 mi (41.86%) (NC US601BusDob only) US701Bus (Tabor City, NC): 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%) SC US701BusTab: 0.21 of 0.21 mi (100.00%) NC US701BusTab: 2.15 of 2.15 mi (100.00%) System usausb connected routes traveled: 198 of 1089 (18.2%), clinched: 101 of 1089 (9.3%). System usanp (active) overall: 324.65 of 2889.68 mi (11.23%) System usanp by region: AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%) AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%) AZ: 27.59 of 90.67 mi (30.42%) CA: 0.00 of 376.85 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 98.72 mi (0.00%) DC: 1.41 of 9.28 mi (15.19%) FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%) GA: 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%) HI: 0.00 of 32.70 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%) MD: 4.35 of 35.91 mi (12.12%) ME: 0.00 of 27.16 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 313.87 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 67.90 mi (0.00%) NC: 187.40 of 236.10 mi (79.37%) ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 25.30 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 14.57 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 46.65 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%) SC: 5.27 of 5.27 mi (100.00%) SD: 0.00 of 34.97 mi (0.00%) TN: 61.65 of 176.98 mi (34.84%) TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 116.02 mi (0.00%) VA: 32.21 of 341.66 mi (9.43%) WA: 0.00 of 77.64 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 269.23 mi (0.00%) System usanp by route (traveled routes only): BalWasPkwy (Baltimore-Washington Parkway): 4.35 of 18.77 mi (23.18%) (MD BalWasPkwy only) BlueRidPkwy (Blue Ridge Parkway): 181.86 of 419.20 mi (43.38%) NC BlueRidPkwy: 181.86 of 222.20 mi (81.84%) LafHwy (Layfayette Highway, Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP): 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%) (GA LafHwy only) ColPkwy (Colonial Parkway, Colonial NHP): 10.61 of 22.05 mi (48.10%) (VA ColPkwy only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Mount Vernon)): 8.05 of 8.05 mi (100.00%) (VA GWMemPkwyMtV only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Rosslyn)): 14.96 of 14.96 mi (100.00%) VA GWMemPkwyCry: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%) DC GWMemPkwy: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) VA GWMemPkwy: 9.05 of 9.05 mi (100.00%) CadCoveLpRd (Cades Cove Loop Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 9.20 of 9.20 mi (100.00%) (TN CadCoveLpRd only) CliDomeRd (Clingmans Dome Access Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 6.26 of 6.26 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRdNew: 0.13 of 0.13 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRdLuf: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRd: 0.34 of 0.34 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRd: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRdCol: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRdCli: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) FooPkwy (Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mtns NP (Main)): 29.19 of 29.19 mi (100.00%) (TN FooPkwy only) FooPkwy (Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mtns NP (Cosby)): 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%) (TN FooPkwyCos only) GatByp (Gatlinburg Bypass, Great Smoky Mountains NP): 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%) (TN GatByp only) LauCreRd (Laurel Creek Road, Great Smoky Mountains NP): 6.02 of 6.02 mi (100.00%) (TN LauCreRd only) LitRivGorRd (Little River Gorge Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 3.91 of 12.64 mi (30.95%) (TN LitRivGorRd only) TowEntRd (Townsend Entrance Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%) (TN TowEntRd only) ParkRd (Park Road, Kings Mountain NMP): 5.27 of 5.27 mi (100.00%) (SC ParkRd only) NatTraPkwy (Natchez Trace Parkway): 3.77 of 442.38 mi (0.85%) TN NatTraPkwy: 3.77 of 97.19 mi (3.88%) PetForRd (Petrified Forest Road, Petrified Forest NP): 27.59 of 27.59 mi (100.00%) (AZ PetForRd only) System usanp connected routes traveled: 17 of 133 (12.8%), clinched: 12 of 133 (9.0%). System usaal (active) overall: 67.75 of 7002.84 mi (0.97%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL5: 11.40 of 200.04 mi (5.70%) (AL AL5 only) AL10: 2.09 of 231.35 mi (0.90%) (AL AL10 only) AL10Trk (Greenville): 2.41 of 5.20 mi (46.34%) (AL AL10TrkGre only) AL21: 8.20 of 283.11 mi (2.89%) (AL AL21 only) AL27: 2.81 of 76.86 mi (3.65%) (AL AL27 only) AL52: 17.59 of 82.33 mi (21.37%) (AL AL52 only) AL52Trk (Dothan): 3.84 of 5.66 mi (67.77%) (AL AL52TrkDot only) AL69: 0.39 of 280.46 mi (0.14%) (AL AL69 only) AL113: 15.55 of 15.55 mi (100.00%) (AL AL113 only) AL134: 0.53 of 75.45 mi (0.71%) (AL AL134 only) AL210: 6.78 of 13.95 mi (48.64%) (AL AL210 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 11 of 231 (4.8%), clinched: 1 of 231 (0.4%). System usaaz (active) overall: 385.19 of 3370.21 mi (11.43%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ61: 48.58 of 77.56 mi (62.64%) (AZ AZ61 only) AZ64: 79.81 of 108.06 mi (73.86%) (AZ AZ64 only) AZ66: 67.08 of 67.08 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ66 only) AZ69: 14.99 of 33.23 mi (45.10%) (AZ AZ69 only) AZ77: 7.52 of 252.59 mi (2.98%) (AZ AZ77 only) AZ87: 3.58 of 286.67 mi (1.25%) (AZ AZ87 only) AZ89: 50.56 of 101.30 mi (49.91%) (AZ AZ89 only) AZ89A: 55.63 of 80.65 mi (68.98%) (AZ AZ89A only) AZ99: 1.23 of 44.71 mi (2.75%) (AZ AZ99 only) AZ169: 15.18 of 15.18 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ169 only) AZ179: 13.65 of 13.65 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ179 only) AZ260: 12.48 of 215.35 mi (5.80%) (AZ AZ260 only) AZ264: 5.92 of 153.70 mi (3.85%) (AZ AZ264 only) AZ564: 8.99 of 8.99 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ564 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 14 of 74 (18.9%), clinched: 4 of 74 (5.4%). System usaca (active) overall: 15.70 of 10936.59 mi (0.14%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA1: 2.50 of 701.14 mi (0.36%) (CA CA1 only) CA24: 13.20 of 13.20 mi (100.00%) (CA CA24 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 2 of 269 (0.7%), clinched: 1 of 269 (0.4%). System usact (active) overall: 1.09 of 2601.83 mi (0.04%) System usact by route (traveled routes only): CT193: 1.09 of 6.55 mi (16.70%) (CT CT193 only) System usact connected routes traveled: 1 of 210 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 210 (0.0%). System usadc (active) overall: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) System usadc by route (traveled routes only): DC295: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%) (DC DC295 only) System usadc connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System usade (active) overall: 22.82 of 860.10 mi (2.65%) System usade by route (traveled routes only): DE1: 17.45 of 104.41 mi (16.71%) (DE DE1 only) DE7: 0.73 of 16.77 mi (4.34%) (DE DE7 only) DE15: 1.22 of 57.10 mi (2.14%) (DE DE15 only) DE299: 5.38 of 9.15 mi (58.81%) (DE DE299 only) System usade connected routes traveled: 4 of 62 (6.5%), clinched: 0 of 62 (0.0%). System usafl (active) overall: 941.81 of 6407.38 mi (14.70%) System usafl by route (traveled routes only): FLA1A (Key West): 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%) (FL FLA1AKey only) FLA1A (Fort Lauderdale): 7.20 of 75.92 mi (9.49%) (FL FLA1AFor only) FLA1A (Vero Beach): 11.86 of 105.91 mi (11.20%) (FL FLA1AVer only) FLA1A (New Smyrna Beach): 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%) (FL FLA1ANSB only) FLA1A (Jacksonville): 97.56 of 98.82 mi (98.72%) (FL FLA1A only) FLA1A (Fernandina Beach): 38.38 of 50.48 mi (76.02%) (FL FLA1AFer only) FL2: 6.80 of 60.41 mi (11.25%) (FL FL2 only) FL3: 6.42 of 9.84 mi (65.17%) (FL FL3 only) FL4: 44.18 of 44.18 mi (100.00%) (FL FL4 only) FL5 (Jacksonville): 0.42 of 1.46 mi (28.74%) (FL FL5Jac only) FL9B (Jacksonville): 7.63 of 7.63 mi (100.00%) (FL FL9BJac only) FL10: 6.70 of 15.50 mi (43.21%) (FL FL10 only) FL13: 0.53 of 32.00 mi (1.66%) (FL FL13 only) FL16: 5.36 of 64.41 mi (8.31%) (FL FL16 only) FL20 (Blountstown): 34.05 of 138.47 mi (24.59%) (FL FL20 only) FL20 (Gainesville): 0.84 of 48.20 mi (1.74%) (FL FL20Gai only) FL24: 2.43 of 72.55 mi (3.35%) (FL FL24 only) FL26: 2.51 of 63.07 mi (3.97%) (FL FL26 only) FL29: 0.07 of 77.69 mi (0.09%) (FL FL29 only) FL30 (Panama City Beach (West)): 7.06 of 7.06 mi (100.00%) (FL FL30 only) FL30 (Panama City Beach (East)): 2.34 of 2.34 mi (100.00%) (FL FL30PCB only) FL40: 59.45 of 92.55 mi (64.24%) (FL FL40 only) FL44 (DeLand): 4.10 of 52.47 mi (7.82%) (FL FL44DeL only) FL50: 0.35 of 115.82 mi (0.31%) (FL FL50 only) FL60: 21.44 of 163.52 mi (13.11%) (FL FL60 only) FL64: 9.27 of 77.97 mi (11.89%) (FL FL64 only) FL70: 0.71 of 150.29 mi (0.47%) (FL FL70 only) FL71: 8.45 of 96.46 mi (8.76%) (FL FL71 only) FL73: 1.59 of 50.49 mi (3.15%) (FL FL73 only) FL77: 0.74 of 63.95 mi (1.16%) (FL FL77 only) FL78 (North Fort Myers): 5.33 of 19.28 mi (27.64%) (FL FL78NFM only) FL79: 44.78 of 61.49 mi (72.82%) (FL FL79 only) FL80 (Fort Myers): 0.17 of 0.17 mi (100.00%) (FL FL80For only) FL80: 77.59 of 125.30 mi (61.92%) (FL FL80 only) FL82: 0.71 of 30.50 mi (2.33%) (FL FL82 only) FL84 (Fort Lauderdale): 1.24 of 18.60 mi (6.69%) (FL FL84 only) FL85: 17.12 of 56.64 mi (30.23%) (FL FL85 only) FL89: 0.19 of 31.53 mi (0.60%) (FL FL89 only) FL97: 22.12 of 22.75 mi (97.26%) (FL FL97 only) FL102: 0.48 of 1.29 mi (37.11%) (FL FL102 only) FL105: 9.00 of 14.97 mi (60.15%) (FL FL105 only) FL109 (Jacksonville): 2.17 of 6.56 mi (33.07%) (FL FL109 only) FL113: 2.63 of 2.63 mi (100.00%) (FL FL113 only) FL115 (Jacksonville): 5.23 of 15.02 mi (34.82%) (FL FL115 only) FL116: 8.01 of 8.99 mi (89.09%) (FL FL116 only) FL121: 8.00 of 102.76 mi (7.79%) (FL FL121 only) FL152: 1.21 of 6.35 mi (19.01%) (FL FL152 only) FL173: 1.66 of 11.90 mi (13.94%) (FL FL173 only) FL196: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) (FL FL196 only) FL200 (Fernandina Beach): 14.69 of 26.79 mi (54.82%) (FL FL200Fer only) FL202: 7.81 of 13.20 mi (59.15%) (FL FL202 only) FL206: 6.11 of 14.76 mi (41.43%) (FL FL206 only) FL228 (Macclenny): 1.87 of 1.87 mi (100.00%) (FL FL228Mac only) FL228 (Jacksonville): 3.79 of 25.88 mi (14.65%) (FL FL228 only) FL230: 0.38 of 7.37 mi (5.21%) (FL FL230 only) FL273: 14.60 of 14.60 mi (100.00%) (FL FL273 only) FL276: 3.44 of 3.44 mi (100.00%) (FL FL276 only) FL277: 14.40 of 14.40 mi (100.00%) (FL FL277 only) FL292: 7.88 of 17.62 mi (44.73%) (FL FL292 only) FL293: 15.43 of 15.43 mi (100.00%) (FL FL293 only) FL295 (Pensacola): 6.64 of 8.10 mi (82.01%) (FL FL295 only) FL312: 2.62 of 3.64 mi (72.13%) (FL FL312 only) FL326: 11.27 of 11.27 mi (100.00%) (FL FL326 only) FL368: 5.40 of 5.40 mi (100.00%) (FL FL368 only) FL392A: 3.15 of 3.15 mi (100.00%) (FL FL392A only) FL401: 0.77 of 2.16 mi (35.63%) (FL FL401 only) FL405: 4.70 of 10.22 mi (46.04%) (FL FL405 only) FL407: 4.26 of 6.76 mi (63.00%) (FL FL407 only) FL417: 19.96 of 56.07 mi (35.59%) (FL FL417 only) FL435: 2.23 of 7.19 mi (31.05%) (FL FL435 only) FL436: 18.40 of 25.17 mi (73.10%) (FL FL436 only) FL528: 55.15 of 55.15 mi (100.00%) (FL FL528 only) FL536: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%) (FL FL536 only) FL582: 3.90 of 7.96 mi (49.04%) (FL FL582 only) FL589: 0.83 of 68.26 mi (1.21%) (FL FL589 only) FL594: 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%) (FL FL594 only) FL595: 0.30 of 2.62 mi (11.41%) (FL FL595 only) FL618: 7.16 of 16.72 mi (42.80%) (FL FL618 only) FL679: 2.81 of 4.81 mi (58.41%) (FL FL679 only) FL681: 3.38 of 3.38 mi (100.00%) (FL FL681 only) FL682: 3.75 of 3.75 mi (100.00%) (FL FL682 only) FL686: 1.14 of 11.12 mi (10.27%) (FL FL686 only) FL687: 6.98 of 9.51 mi (73.34%) (FL FL687 only) FL688: 4.85 of 13.41 mi (36.14%) (FL FL688 only) FL690: 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%) (FL FL690 only) FL699: 14.83 of 14.83 mi (100.00%) (FL FL699 only) FL739: 0.41 of 11.41 mi (3.61%) (FL FL739 only) FL758: 5.88 of 11.43 mi (51.44%) (FL FL758 only) FL776: 18.49 of 24.92 mi (74.17%) (FL FL776 only) FL780: 2.11 of 5.75 mi (36.70%) (FL FL780 only) FL789: 17.87 of 17.87 mi (100.00%) (FL FL789 only) FL820 (Pembroke Pines): 0.22 of 17.10 mi (1.28%) (FL FL820 only) FL820 (Hollywood): 1.62 of 1.62 mi (100.00%) (FL FL820Hol only) FL823: 3.62 of 20.61 mi (17.55%) (FL FL823 only) FL826: 17.86 of 30.30 mi (58.95%) (FL FL826 only) FL836: 3.58 of 14.30 mi (25.02%) (FL FL836 only) FL848: 2.96 of 6.87 mi (43.14%) (FL FL848 only) FL874: 6.89 of 6.89 mi (100.00%) (FL FL874 only) FL886: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%) (FL FL886 only) FL907: 1.41 of 5.47 mi (25.73%) (FL FL907 only) FL976: 4.31 of 8.50 mi (50.75%) (FL FL976 only) FL998: 0.79 of 0.79 mi (100.00%) (FL FL998 only) System usafl connected routes traveled: 102 of 430 (23.7%), clinched: 29 of 430 (6.7%). System usaga (active) overall: 3210.87 of 16594.74 mi (19.35%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA1: 90.41 of 357.47 mi (25.29%) (GA GA1 only) GA1Bus (Blakely): 2.72 of 4.27 mi (63.54%) (GA GA1BusBla only) GA1Bus (Cuthbert): 3.35 of 3.35 mi (100.00%) (GA GA1BusCut only) GA1Con (Lumpkin): 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%) (GA GA1ConLum only) GA2: 78.40 of 159.97 mi (49.01%) (GA GA2 only) GA3: 24.60 of 355.86 mi (6.91%) (GA GA3 only) GA3Con (Atlanta): 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%) (GA GA3ConAtl only) GA3Con (Marietta): 0.23 of 1.65 mi (14.20%) (GA GA3ConMar only) GA4: 43.91 of 226.04 mi (19.43%) (GA GA4 only) GA4Bus (Louisville): 1.62 of 2.78 mi (58.30%) (GA GA4BusLou only) GA5: 75.10 of 155.48 mi (48.30%) (GA GA5 only) GA6: 1.02 of 71.85 mi (1.42%) (GA GA6 only) GA7: 13.11 of 217.54 mi (6.03%) (GA GA7 only) GA7Bus (Valdosta): 1.49 of 7.17 mi (20.78%) (GA GA7BusVal only) GA7Alt (Valdosta): 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%) (GA GA7AltVal only) GA8: 110.34 of 182.66 mi (60.41%) (GA GA8 only) GA9: 50.99 of 82.71 mi (61.66%) (GA GA9 only) GA10: 130.77 of 171.75 mi (76.14%) (GA GA10 only) GA10Bus (Monroe): 3.78 of 3.78 mi (100.00%) (GA GA10BusMon only) GA10Lp (Athens): 18.95 of 18.95 mi (100.00%) (GA GA10LpAth only) GA10Bus (Washington): 4.65 of 4.65 mi (100.00%) (GA GA10BusWas only) GA11: 128.79 of 375.34 mi (34.31%) (GA GA11 only) GA11Byp (Cleveland): 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%) (GA GA11BypCle only) GA11Con (Jefferson): 3.11 of 3.11 mi (100.00%) (GA GA11ConJef only) GA11Bus (Jefferson): 5.35 of 5.35 mi (100.00%) (GA GA11BusJef only) GA11Bus (Gainesville): 3.13 of 3.13 mi (100.00%) (GA GA11BusGai only) GA12: 53.89 of 120.36 mi (44.77%) (GA GA12 only) GA12Trk (Madison): 5.65 of 5.65 mi (100.00%) (GA GA12TrkMad only) GA13: 27.77 of 49.58 mi (56.02%) (GA GA13 only) GA14: 4.95 of 87.78 mi (5.64%) (GA GA14 only) GA15: 112.49 of 347.09 mi (32.41%) (GA GA15 only) GA15Alt (Athens): 22.71 of 31.22 mi (72.75%) (GA GA15AltAth only) GA15Con (Cornelia): 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%) (GA GA15ConCor only) GA15Lp (Tallulah Falls): 1.17 of 1.17 mi (100.00%) (GA GA15LpTal only) GA16: 80.22 of 178.01 mi (45.07%) (GA GA16 only) GA17: 145.84 of 298.49 mi (48.86%) (GA GA17 only) GA17Byp (Millen): 0.65 of 1.54 mi (41.95%) (GA GA17BypMil only) GA17Bus (Washington): 1.83 of 2.76 mi (66.47%) (GA GA17BusWas only) GA17Bus (Royston): 2.18 of 2.18 mi (100.00%) (GA GA17BusRoy only) GA17Alt (Toccoa): 13.65 of 13.65 mi (100.00%) (GA GA17AltToc only) GA18: 2.03 of 146.07 mi (1.39%) (GA GA18 only) GA19: 5.75 of 152.49 mi (3.77%) (GA GA19 only) GA20: 53.03 of 164.77 mi (32.18%) (GA GA20 only) GA21: 17.97 of 85.01 mi (21.13%) (GA GA21 only) GA22: 62.73 of 222.83 mi (28.15%) (GA GA22 only) GA22Con (Columbus): 0.45 of 0.45 mi (100.00%) (GA GA22ConCol only) GA23: 62.12 of 242.74 mi (25.59%) (GA GA23 only) GA24: 91.55 of 221.97 mi (41.25%) (GA GA24 only) GA24Bus (Eatonton): 3.69 of 3.69 mi (100.00%) (GA GA24BusEat only) GA24Byp (Madison): 4.25 of 4.25 mi (100.00%) (GA GA24BypMad only) GA24Spr (Madison): 0.39 of 0.39 mi (100.00%) (GA GA24SprMad only) GA24Bus (Watkinsville): 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%) (GA GA24BusWat only) GA25: 34.90 of 130.33 mi (26.78%) (GA GA25 only) GA25Spr (Brunswick): 3.29 of 7.56 mi (43.55%) (GA GA25SprBru only) GA25Con (Brunswick): 1.13 of 1.13 mi (100.00%) (GA GA25ConBru only) GA25Con (Savannah): 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%) (GA GA25ConSav only) GA26: 33.00 of 274.19 mi (12.04%) (GA GA26 only) GA27: 7.86 of 266.61 mi (2.95%) (GA GA27 only) GA28: 17.67 of 17.67 mi (100.00%) (GA GA28 only) GA28 (Pine Mountain): 6.39 of 6.39 mi (100.00%) (GA GA28Pin only) GA29Bus (Milledgeville): 4.76 of 7.11 mi (67.01%) (GA GA29BusMil only) GA30: 3.88 of 231.37 mi (1.68%) (GA GA30 only) GA31: 1.37 of 169.41 mi (0.81%) (GA GA31 only) GA37: 0.99 of 154.78 mi (0.64%) (GA GA37 only) GA38: 2.69 of 262.61 mi (1.02%) (GA GA38 only) GA39: 1.92 of 117.59 mi (1.63%) (GA GA39 only) GA40: 20.24 of 30.81 mi (65.71%) (GA GA40 only) GA42: 1.65 of 114.11 mi (1.44%) (GA GA42 only) GA43: 25.54 of 25.54 mi (100.00%) (GA GA43 only) GA44: 65.92 of 93.88 mi (70.22%) (GA GA44 only) GA45: 1.47 of 87.56 mi (1.68%) (GA GA45 only) GA45Con (Colquitt): 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%) (GA GA45ConCol only) GA47: 45.16 of 85.13 mi (53.05%) (GA GA47 only) GA49: 9.91 of 122.45 mi (8.09%) (GA GA49 only) GA50: 2.52 of 46.10 mi (5.46%) (GA GA50 only) GA51: 52.81 of 61.23 mi (86.25%) (GA GA51 only) GA52: 43.82 of 113.22 mi (38.71%) (GA GA52 only) GA53: 76.39 of 166.34 mi (45.92%) (GA GA53 only) GA53Con (Gainesville): 3.63 of 3.63 mi (100.00%) (GA GA53ConGai only) GA54: 10.06 of 70.03 mi (14.37%) (GA GA54 only) GA57: 50.17 of 178.64 mi (28.09%) (GA GA57 only) GA59: 29.61 of 29.61 mi (100.00%) (GA GA59 only) GA60: 44.17 of 83.13 mi (53.13%) (GA GA60 only) GA60Bus (Dahlonega): 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) (GA GA60BusDah only) GA60Spr (Mineral Bluff): 7.61 of 7.61 mi (100.00%) (GA GA60SprMin only) GA62: 16.57 of 62.81 mi (26.39%) (GA GA62 only) GA63: 8.19 of 22.02 mi (37.20%) (GA GA63 only) GA67: 33.37 of 60.21 mi (55.43%) (GA GA67 only) GA67Byp (Statesboro): 2.35 of 7.31 mi (32.10%) (GA GA67BypSta only) GA72: 45.21 of 45.21 mi (100.00%) (GA GA72 only) GA73: 37.70 of 79.34 mi (47.51%) (GA GA73 only) GA74: 26.28 of 107.24 mi (24.50%) (GA GA74 only) GA75: 28.57 of 31.92 mi (89.52%) (GA GA75 only) GA75Alt (Cleveland): 10.42 of 10.42 mi (100.00%) (GA GA75AltCle only) GA75Con (Cleveland): 1.32 of 1.32 mi (100.00%) (GA GA75ConCle only) GA76: 0.61 of 62.92 mi (0.97%) (GA GA76 only) GA77: 78.46 of 101.48 mi (77.32%) (GA GA77 only) GA77Con (Elberton): 1.34 of 1.34 mi (100.00%) (GA GA77ConElb only) GA77Con (Lavonia): 5.12 of 5.12 mi (100.00%) (GA GA77ConLav only) GA77Spr (Hartwell): 6.93 of 6.93 mi (100.00%) (GA GA77SprHar only) GA79: 26.10 of 26.10 mi (100.00%) (GA GA79 only) GA80Alt (Warrenton): 1.10 of 2.01 mi (54.39%) (GA GA80AltWar only) GA81: 16.38 of 68.82 mi (23.81%) (GA GA81 only) GA82: 24.20 of 35.00 mi (69.14%) (GA GA82 only) GA83: 23.00 of 86.06 mi (26.72%) (GA GA83 only) GA85: 10.10 of 97.75 mi (10.34%) (GA GA85 only) GA87: 4.48 of 107.99 mi (4.15%) (GA GA87 only) GA88: 1.44 of 53.47 mi (2.69%) (GA GA88 only) GA91: 71.41 of 86.87 mi (82.20%) (GA GA91 only) GA92: 9.04 of 100.99 mi (8.95%) (GA GA92 only) GA96: 3.92 of 94.46 mi (4.15%) (GA GA96 only) GA98: 35.80 of 35.80 mi (100.00%) (GA GA98 only) GA99: 5.29 of 39.07 mi (13.53%) (GA GA99 only) GA102: 17.17 of 32.26 mi (53.22%) (GA GA102 only) GA104: 9.65 of 22.33 mi (43.21%) (GA GA104 only) GA105: 14.57 of 22.45 mi (64.88%) (GA GA105 only) GA106: 44.43 of 44.43 mi (100.00%) (GA GA106 only) GA115: 32.11 of 32.11 mi (100.00%) (GA GA115 only) GA120Alt (Marietta): 1.76 of 3.81 mi (46.24%) (GA GA120AltMar only) GA121: 92.79 of 241.37 mi (38.44%) (GA GA121 only) GA121Byp (Waynesboro): 1.08 of 5.65 mi (19.18%) (GA GA121BypWay only) GA124: 22.15 of 50.26 mi (44.07%) (GA GA124 only) GA129: 0.59 of 27.10 mi (2.17%) (GA GA129 only) GA133: 2.41 of 83.49 mi (2.89%) (GA GA133 only) GA136: 9.28 of 129.19 mi (7.19%) (GA GA136 only) GA140: 0.41 of 77.45 mi (0.53%) (GA GA140 only) GA141: 1.57 of 34.02 mi (4.63%) (GA GA141 only) GA141Con (Atlanta): 0.87 of 0.87 mi (100.00%) (GA GA141ConAtl only) GA145: 14.14 of 23.67 mi (59.72%) (GA GA145 only) GA150: 5.69 of 25.22 mi (22.58%) (GA GA150 only) GA151: 0.60 of 31.78 mi (1.90%) (GA GA151 only) GA154: 3.66 of 56.18 mi (6.51%) (GA GA154 only) GA155: 5.97 of 56.83 mi (10.51%) (GA GA155 only) GA157: 1.64 of 39.03 mi (4.21%) (GA GA157 only) GA164: 6.76 of 6.76 mi (100.00%) (GA GA164 only) GA171: 15.62 of 77.02 mi (20.28%) (GA GA171 only) GA172: 15.30 of 27.65 mi (55.35%) (GA GA172 only) GA174: 12.49 of 12.49 mi (100.00%) (GA GA174 only) GA180Spr (Brasstown Bald): 2.23 of 2.23 mi (100.00%) (GA GA180SprBra only) GA181: 2.87 of 2.87 mi (100.00%) (GA GA181 only) GA184: 18.61 of 18.61 mi (100.00%) (GA GA184 only) GA186: 11.12 of 11.12 mi (100.00%) (GA GA186 only) GA189: 0.80 of 15.37 mi (5.20%) (GA GA189 only) GA191: 6.58 of 6.58 mi (100.00%) (GA GA191 only) GA193: 2.52 of 26.59 mi (9.47%) (GA GA193 only) GA197: 9.00 of 26.07 mi (34.54%) (GA GA197 only) GA198: 14.01 of 14.01 mi (100.00%) (GA GA198 only) GA204: 7.75 of 32.63 mi (23.76%) (GA GA204 only) GA211: 32.78 of 32.78 mi (100.00%) (GA GA211 only) GA212: 1.29 of 72.01 mi (1.79%) (GA GA212 only) GA232: 1.63 of 14.69 mi (11.12%) (GA GA232 only) GA236: 6.77 of 14.62 mi (46.33%) (GA GA236 only) GA242: 0.67 of 25.23 mi (2.65%) (GA GA242 only) GA246: 1.95 of 1.95 mi (100.00%) (GA GA246 only) GA246 (Rabun County): 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%) (GA GA246Rab only) GA246 (Sky Valley): 1.03 of 1.03 mi (100.00%) (GA GA246Sky only) GA247: 17.68 of 43.54 mi (40.62%) (GA GA247 only) GA251: 13.34 of 13.34 mi (100.00%) (GA GA251 only) GA254: 10.38 of 10.38 mi (100.00%) (GA GA254 only) GA255: 14.05 of 19.15 mi (73.39%) (GA GA255 only) GA282: 0.05 of 19.06 mi (0.25%) (GA GA282 only) GA283: 15.27 of 15.27 mi (100.00%) (GA GA283 only) GA284: 16.68 of 16.68 mi (100.00%) (GA GA284 only) GA300: 39.53 of 108.27 mi (36.51%) (GA GA300 only) GA303: 2.54 of 9.13 mi (27.82%) (GA GA303 only) GA306: 11.14 of 12.65 mi (88.13%) (GA GA306 only) GA316: 40.22 of 40.22 mi (100.00%) (GA GA316 only) GA317: 2.17 of 2.17 mi (100.00%) (GA GA317 only) GA320: 1.01 of 9.78 mi (10.35%) (GA GA320 only) GA323: 13.64 of 13.64 mi (100.00%) (GA GA323 only) GA324: 2.31 of 9.29 mi (24.87%) (GA GA324 only) GA326: 16.04 of 16.04 mi (100.00%) (GA GA326 only) GA327: 9.41 of 9.41 mi (100.00%) (GA GA327 only) GA328: 9.23 of 9.23 mi (100.00%) (GA GA328 only) GA332: 14.73 of 23.13 mi (63.68%) (GA GA332 only) GA334: 0.98 of 12.32 mi (7.94%) (GA GA334 only) GA335: 8.20 of 8.20 mi (100.00%) (GA GA335 only) GA347: 9.40 of 11.74 mi (80.06%) (GA GA347 only) GA356: 2.78 of 10.50 mi (26.47%) (GA GA356 only) GA365: 45.57 of 45.57 mi (100.00%) (GA GA365 only) GA368: 10.43 of 10.43 mi (100.00%) (GA GA368 only) GA369: 19.50 of 35.11 mi (55.55%) (GA GA369 only) GA384: 7.44 of 15.06 mi (49.38%) (GA GA384 only) GA385: 11.47 of 11.47 mi (100.00%) (GA GA385 only) GA400: 53.65 of 53.65 mi (100.00%) (GA GA400 only) GA404Spr (Savannah): 2.77 of 2.77 mi (100.00%) (GA GA404SprSav only) GA410: 6.99 of 6.99 mi (100.00%) (GA GA410 only) GA515: 65.09 of 75.83 mi (85.83%) (GA GA515 only) GA520: 30.97 of 262.45 mi (11.80%) (GA GA520 only) GA540: 73.18 of 216.28 mi (33.84%) (GA GA540 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 190 of 505 (37.6%), clinched: 71 of 505 (14.1%). System usail (active) overall: 58.83 of 9011.71 mi (0.65%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL19: 4.00 of 34.08 mi (11.75%) (IL IL19 only) IL43: 5.60 of 61.05 mi (9.17%) (IL IL43 only) IL50: 2.26 of 66.31 mi (3.40%) (IL IL50 only) IL53: 13.87 of 81.18 mi (17.08%) (IL IL53 only) IL56: 7.30 of 32.81 mi (22.25%) (IL IL56 only) IL64Trk (Elmhurst): 1.02 of 9.73 mi (10.45%) (IL IL64TrkElm only) IL72: 2.60 of 111.51 mi (2.34%) (IL IL72 only) IL110: 21.58 of 329.44 mi (6.55%) (IL IL110 only) IL171: 0.60 of 39.08 mi (1.55%) (IL IL171 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 9 of 159 (5.7%), clinched: 0 of 159 (0.0%). System usain (active) overall: 400.86 of 7497.71 mi (5.35%) System usain by route (traveled routes only): IN1: 0.31 of 205.08 mi (0.15%) (IN IN1 only) IN3 (Muncie): 6.44 of 180.91 mi (3.56%) (IN IN3 only) IN9: 2.77 of 194.64 mi (1.42%) (IN IN9 only) IN37 (Bloomington): 83.40 of 215.94 mi (38.62%) (IN IN37 only) IN39 (Delphi): 6.36 of 181.19 mi (3.51%) (IN IN39 only) IN45: 6.42 of 53.46 mi (12.01%) (IN IN45 only) IN46: 65.97 of 155.29 mi (42.48%) (IN IN46 only) IN56: 26.06 of 195.53 mi (13.33%) (IN IN56 only) IN57: 16.00 of 83.29 mi (19.21%) (IN IN57 only) IN58: 16.74 of 117.66 mi (14.22%) (IN IN58 only) IN60: 52.88 of 62.05 mi (85.22%) (IN IN60 only) IN62: 27.50 of 219.30 mi (12.54%) (IN IN62 only) IN64: 28.21 of 107.01 mi (26.36%) (IN IN64 only) IN66: 1.23 of 148.93 mi (0.83%) (IN IN66 only) IN67: 25.28 of 219.55 mi (11.51%) (IN IN67 only) IN135: 7.74 of 140.32 mi (5.52%) (IN IN135 only) IN145: 26.85 of 43.54 mi (61.67%) (IN IN145 only) IN161: 5.34 of 49.68 mi (10.75%) (IN IN161 only) IN162: 15.61 of 27.44 mi (56.90%) (IN IN162 only) IN164: 2.69 of 17.95 mi (14.99%) (IN IN164 only) IN237 (English): 8.08 of 9.08 mi (88.98%) (IN IN237Eng only) IN245: 4.99 of 13.25 mi (37.68%) (IN IN245 only) IN265: 6.10 of 6.10 mi (100.00%) (IN IN265 only) IN358: 5.16 of 11.29 mi (45.73%) (IN IN358 only) IN446: 1.00 of 22.76 mi (4.37%) (IN IN446 only) IN545 (Dubois): 3.59 of 10.48 mi (34.29%) (IN IN545Dub only) IN930: 10.79 of 12.94 mi (83.40%) (IN IN930 only) System usain connected routes traveled: 27 of 224 (12.1%), clinched: 1 of 224 (0.4%). System usaky (active) overall: 262.47 of 21936.88 mi (1.20%) System usaky by region: KY: 262.47 of 21936.87 mi (1.20%) TN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi (0.00%) System usaky by route (traveled routes only): KY1: 1.05 of 44.76 mi (2.34%) (KY KY1 only) KY2: 4.45 of 34.25 mi (13.00%) (KY KY2 only) KY3: 0.87 of 70.02 mi (1.24%) (KY KY3 only) KY4: 16.04 of 19.47 mi (82.41%) (KY KY4 only) KY6: 0.45 of 14.51 mi (3.07%) (KY KY6 only) KY8 (Covington): 0.99 of 76.67 mi (1.29%) (KY KY8 only) KY9: 80.43 of 115.32 mi (69.74%) (KY KY9 only) KY10: 47.16 of 112.47 mi (41.93%) (KY KY10 only) KY11: 1.04 of 175.04 mi (0.59%) (KY KY11 only) KY36: 0.70 of 140.03 mi (0.50%) (KY KY36 only) KY53: 1.89 of 63.57 mi (2.97%) (KY KY53 only) KY61: 0.30 of 144.74 mi (0.21%) (KY KY61 only) KY74Trk (Middlesboro): 1.07 of 4.85 mi (22.07%) (KY KY74TrkMid only) KY79Trk (Morgantown): 1.02 of 2.60 mi (39.22%) (KY KY79TrkMor only) KY80: 26.86 of 475.59 mi (5.65%) (KY KY80 only) KY180: 2.48 of 2.48 mi (100.00%) (KY KY180 only) KY182: 2.51 of 18.59 mi (13.53%) (KY KY182 only) KY234: 0.85 of 19.50 mi (4.38%) (KY KY234 only) KY292: 0.78 of 40.24 mi (1.95%) (KY KY292 only) KY312: 0.21 of 10.71 mi (1.93%) (KY KY312 only) KY395: 1.77 of 26.45 mi (6.68%) (KY KY395 only) KY420: 1.11 of 5.07 mi (21.89%) (KY KY420 only) KY446: 0.84 of 0.84 mi (100.00%) (KY KY446 only) KY595: 2.17 of 23.88 mi (9.08%) (KY KY595 only) KY627: 15.09 of 30.00 mi (50.31%) (KY KY627 only) KY627Trk (Winchester): 2.04 of 4.86 mi (41.89%) (KY KY627TrkWin only) KY784: 0.30 of 32.39 mi (0.94%) (KY KY784 only) KY841: 39.36 of 39.36 mi (100.00%) (KY KY841 only) KY864: 0.73 of 15.83 mi (4.63%) (KY KY864 only) KY922: 2.19 of 20.95 mi (10.48%) (KY KY922 only) KY1020: 3.64 of 18.13 mi (20.08%) (KY KY1020 only) KY1100 (Prestonsburg): 0.38 of 5.31 mi (7.16%) (KY KY1100 only) KY1149: 0.96 of 12.98 mi (7.39%) (KY KY1149 only) KY1234: 0.55 of 7.33 mi (7.46%) (KY KY1234 only) KY1384: 0.73 of 6.79 mi (10.72%) (KY KY1384 only) KY1426: 3.17 of 32.49 mi (9.77%) (KY KY1426 only) KY1448: 0.22 of 7.15 mi (3.06%) (KY KY1448 only) KY1459: 3.29 of 3.29 mi (100.00%) (KY KY1459 only) KY1460: 1.75 of 7.30 mi (24.01%) (KY KY1460 only) KY1629: 0.21 of 4.35 mi (4.82%) (KY KY1629 only) KY1681: 0.38 of 21.41 mi (1.78%) (KY KY1681 only) KY1711: 1.81 of 1.81 mi (100.00%) (KY KY1711 only) KY1747: 2.50 of 17.99 mi (13.92%) (KY KY1747 only) KY1865: 0.96 of 6.25 mi (15.33%) (KY KY1865 only) KY2155: 2.98 of 3.37 mi (88.63%) (KY KY2155 only) KY2245: 0.26 of 0.26 mi (100.00%) (KY KY2245 only) KY2259: 0.58 of 0.83 mi (69.97%) (KY KY2259 only) KY2262: 1.31 of 1.31 mi (100.00%) (KY KY2262 only) KY2271: 0.33 of 0.33 mi (100.00%) (KY KY2271 only) KY2831: 0.54 of 3.09 mi (17.48%) (KY KY2831 only) KY3085: 1.29 of 5.42 mi (23.79%) (KY KY3085 only) KY3225: 1.40 of 1.40 mi (100.00%) (KY KY3225 only) KY3552: 0.95 of 1.45 mi (65.42%) (KY KY3552 only) KY6225: 0.42 of 0.42 mi (100.00%) (KY KY6225 only) System usaky connected routes traveled: 54 of 2874 (1.9%), clinched: 10 of 2874 (0.3%). System usame (active) overall: 23.42 of 5001.65 mi (0.47%) System usame by region: ME: 23.42 of 4995.31 mi (0.47%) NH: 0.00 of 6.35 mi (0.00%) System usame by route (traveled routes only): ME5: 3.19 of 115.85 mi (2.75%) (ME ME5 only) ME9: 20.23 of 286.68 mi (7.06%) (ME ME9 only) ME111: 0.12 of 14.11 mi (0.85%) (ME ME111 only) ME208: 5.42 of 7.07 mi (76.73%) (ME ME208 only) System usame connected routes traveled: 4 of 189 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 189 (0.0%). System usamd (active) overall: 226.93 of 3925.60 mi (5.78%) System usamd by route (traveled routes only): MD2: 3.44 of 79.66 mi (4.32%) (MD MD2 only) MD17: 19.65 of 28.65 mi (68.58%) (MD MD17 only) MD26: 32.54 of 44.25 mi (73.55%) (MD MD26 only) MD27: 8.90 of 39.25 mi (22.68%) (MD MD27 only) MD30: 1.16 of 18.81 mi (6.15%) (MD MD30 only) MD31: 13.66 of 16.46 mi (83.02%) (MD MD31 only) MD32: 13.22 of 50.63 mi (26.12%) (MD MD32 only) MD34: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%) (MD MD34 only) MD42: 7.19 of 14.20 mi (50.63%) (MD MD42 only) MD45: 7.42 of 30.15 mi (24.62%) (MD MD45 only) MD49: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (MD MD49 only) MD51: 2.79 of 24.88 mi (11.21%) (MD MD51 only) MD53: 0.62 of 3.30 mi (18.71%) (MD MD53 only) MD60: 0.74 of 7.24 mi (10.17%) (MD MD60 only) MD65: 2.08 of 11.75 mi (17.74%) (MD MD65 only) MD70: 0.84 of 2.31 mi (36.35%) (MD MD70 only) MD75: 15.38 of 28.12 mi (54.69%) (MD MD75 only) MD76: 3.85 of 5.62 mi (68.56%) (MD MD76 only) MD77: 10.06 of 20.10 mi (50.03%) (MD MD77 only) MD80: 0.13 of 14.55 mi (0.91%) (MD MD80 only) MD86: 3.94 of 3.94 mi (100.00%) (MD MD86 only) MD109: 0.52 of 11.63 mi (4.43%) (MD MD109 only) MD121: 0.28 of 4.47 mi (6.20%) (MD MD121 only) MD122: 2.10 of 2.95 mi (71.19%) (MD MD122 only) MD140: 0.71 of 49.86 mi (1.42%) (MD MD140 only) MD144 (Flintstone): 15.98 of 17.27 mi (92.56%) (MD MD144Fli only) MD144 (Hancock): 3.42 of 5.47 mi (62.49%) (MD MD144Han only) MD144 (Frederick): 0.85 of 5.48 mi (15.58%) (MD MD144Fre only) MD185: 2.68 of 8.23 mi (32.57%) (MD MD185 only) MD194: 0.55 of 23.81 mi (2.30%) (MD MD194 only) MD201: 0.48 of 9.20 mi (5.17%) (MD MD201 only) MD202: 2.18 of 13.86 mi (15.73%) (MD MD202 only) MD216: 2.08 of 8.58 mi (24.26%) (MD MD216 only) MD291: 1.53 of 18.56 mi (8.23%) (MD MD291 only) MD295: 0.52 of 13.70 mi (3.83%) (MD MD295 only) MD355: 13.39 of 36.93 mi (36.25%) (MD MD355 only) MD435: 0.77 of 1.07 mi (71.96%) (MD MD435 only) MD450: 4.00 of 29.80 mi (13.41%) (MD MD450 only) MD495: 0.30 of 22.19 mi (1.34%) (MD MD495 only) MD550: 15.45 of 23.75 mi (65.06%) (MD MD550 only) MD658: 0.81 of 0.81 mi (100.00%) (MD MD658 only) MD940: 0.64 of 1.46 mi (43.83%) (MD MD940 only) System usamd connected routes traveled: 42 of 473 (8.9%), clinched: 4 of 473 (0.8%). System usama (active) overall: 186.26 of 3315.53 mi (5.62%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA1A (Salem): 1.69 of 45.81 mi (3.70%) (MA MA1ASal only) MA2: 8.62 of 139.03 mi (6.20%) (MA MA2 only) MA2A (Cambridge): 4.27 of 79.64 mi (5.36%) (MA MA2ACam only) MA3: 55.46 of 55.83 mi (99.34%) (MA MA3 only) MA3A (Plymouth): 11.42 of 51.95 mi (21.99%) (MA MA3APly only) MA3A (Lowell): 0.52 of 22.33 mi (2.31%) (MA MA3ALow only) MA4: 1.06 of 18.19 mi (5.82%) (MA MA4 only) MA16: 6.05 of 58.58 mi (10.32%) (MA MA16 only) MA24: 2.77 of 41.32 mi (6.70%) (MA MA24 only) MA25: 9.60 of 9.60 mi (100.00%) (MA MA25 only) MA28: 2.73 of 149.80 mi (1.82%) (MA MA28 only) MA38: 0.42 of 26.14 mi (1.61%) (MA MA38 only) MA60: 0.31 of 13.85 mi (2.21%) (MA MA60 only) MA62: 6.64 of 78.73 mi (8.43%) (MA MA62 only) MA99: 0.78 of 6.68 mi (11.65%) (MA MA99 only) MA107: 0.29 of 11.63 mi (2.54%) (MA MA107 only) MA110: 4.13 of 67.48 mi (6.13%) (MA MA110 only) MA114: 5.08 of 22.52 mi (22.54%) (MA MA114 only) MA119: 4.27 of 35.08 mi (12.16%) (MA MA119 only) MA127: 1.39 of 25.30 mi (5.48%) (MA MA127 only) MA127A (Rockport): 0.12 of 5.33 mi (2.26%) (MA MA127ARoc only) MA128: 57.67 of 57.67 mi (100.00%) (MA MA128 only) MA133: 2.91 of 40.14 mi (7.26%) (MA MA133 only) MA193: 1.26 of 2.80 mi (45.00%) (MA MA193 only) MA213: 2.91 of 3.54 mi (82.00%) (MA MA213 only) MA225: 1.28 of 30.33 mi (4.21%) (MA MA225 only) MA286: 1.40 of 1.40 mi (100.00%) (MA MA286 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 27 of 151 (17.9%), clinched: 3 of 151 (2.0%). System usami (active) overall: 229.92 of 6076.53 mi (3.78%) System usami by route (traveled routes only): MI28: 67.25 of 293.28 mi (22.93%) (MI MI28 only) MI35: 60.59 of 128.15 mi (47.28%) (MI MI35 only) MI55: 11.97 of 153.20 mi (7.81%) (MI MI55 only) MI67: 12.26 of 12.26 mi (100.00%) (MI MI67 only) MI77: 0.36 of 43.27 mi (0.84%) (MI MI77 only) MI94: 25.11 of 88.05 mi (28.51%) (MI MI94 only) MI123: 51.72 of 96.72 mi (53.48%) (MI MI123 only) MI185: 8.02 of 8.02 mi (100.00%) (MI MI185 only) MI221: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%) (MI MI221 only) System usami connected routes traveled: 9 of 146 (6.2%), clinched: 3 of 146 (2.1%). System usanv (active) overall: 9.40 of 2567.93 mi (0.37%) System usanv by route (traveled routes only): NV146: 6.51 of 6.67 mi (97.47%) (NV NV146 only) NV172: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (NV NV172 only) NV564: 1.89 of 8.34 mi (22.64%) (NV NV564 only) System usanv connected routes traveled: 3 of 158 (1.9%), clinched: 1 of 158 (0.6%). System usanh (active) overall: 13.77 of 2702.48 mi (0.51%) System usanh by region: ME: 0.00 of 3.04 mi (0.00%) NH: 13.77 of 2699.44 mi (0.51%) System usanh by route (traveled routes only): NH1A: 9.06 of 17.78 mi (50.94%) (NH NH1A only) NH28: 2.31 of 84.79 mi (2.73%) (NH NH28 only) NH286: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%) (NH NH286 only) System usanh connected routes traveled: 3 of 127 (2.4%), clinched: 1 of 127 (0.8%). System usanj (active) overall: 91.25 of 1323.27 mi (6.90%) System usanj by route (traveled routes only): NJ18: 7.22 of 42.38 mi (17.02%) (NJ NJ18 only) NJ27: 2.34 of 38.83 mi (6.04%) (NJ NJ27 only) NJ35: 7.67 of 58.72 mi (13.06%) (NJ NJ35 only) NJ36: 13.07 of 24.65 mi (53.04%) (NJ NJ36 only) NJ45: 0.65 of 28.96 mi (2.26%) (NJ NJ45 only) NJ47: 18.50 of 75.55 mi (24.48%) (NJ NJ47 only) NJ55: 19.47 of 40.56 mi (48.02%) (NJ NJ55 only) NJ109: 3.01 of 3.01 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ109 only) NJ140: 0.11 of 0.91 mi (12.41%) (NJ NJ140 only) NJ147: 4.15 of 4.15 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ147 only) NJ172: 0.20 of 0.65 mi (31.06%) (NJ NJ172 only) NJ173: 1.11 of 13.87 mi (8.02%) (NJ NJ173 only) NJ347: 8.53 of 8.53 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ347 only) NJ440 (Perth Amboy): 5.21 of 5.21 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ440 only) System usanj connected routes traveled: 14 of 99 (14.1%), clinched: 4 of 99 (4.0%). System usanm (active) overall: 139.11 of 7134.52 mi (1.95%) System usanm by region: NM: 139.11 of 7134.26 mi (1.95%) TX: 0.00 of 0.25 mi (0.00%) System usanm by route (traveled routes only): NM14: 5.70 of 53.02 mi (10.74%) (NM NM14 only) NM45: 5.82 of 22.67 mi (25.69%) (NM NM45 only) NM53: 86.00 of 86.00 mi (100.00%) (NM NM53 only) NM122: 1.38 of 39.02 mi (3.52%) (NM NM122 only) NM165: 3.17 of 15.21 mi (20.84%) (NM NM165 only) NM313: 1.35 of 17.10 mi (7.88%) (NM NM313 only) NM423: 4.90 of 11.07 mi (44.29%) (NM NM423 only) NM448: 6.58 of 7.50 mi (87.75%) (NM NM448 only) NM473: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%) (NM NM473 only) NM528: 6.70 of 13.29 mi (50.44%) (NM NM528 only) NM536: 1.39 of 10.95 mi (12.73%) (NM NM536 only) NM556: 15.56 of 15.56 mi (100.00%) (NM NM556 only) System usanm connected routes traveled: 12 of 396 (3.0%), clinched: 3 of 396 (0.8%). System usany (active) overall: 10.28 of 12565.50 mi (0.08%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 10.28 of 12561.54 mi (0.08%) PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY440: 10.28 of 12.52 mi (82.17%) (NY NY440 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 1 of 484 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 484 (0.0%). System usanyp (active) overall: 17.14 of 501.29 mi (3.42%) System usanyp by route (traveled routes only): BeltPkwy (Belt Parkway): 16.64 of 24.59 mi (67.66%) (NY BeltPkwy only) KorWarPkwy (Korean War Veterans Parkway): 0.50 of 4.28 mi (11.70%) (NY KorWarPkwy only) System usanyp connected routes traveled: 2 of 42 (4.8%), clinched: 0 of 42 (0.0%). System usanc (active) overall: 1915.04 of 8773.11 mi (21.83%) System usanc by route (traveled routes only): NC3: 5.84 of 27.26 mi (21.44%) (NC NC3 only) NC5: 6.81 of 8.35 mi (81.54%) (NC NC5 only) NC7: 12.05 of 12.05 mi (100.00%) (NC NC7 only) NC7Trk (Belmont): 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%) (NC NC7TrkBel only) NC8: 26.69 of 92.98 mi (28.70%) (NC NC8 only) NC9: 42.05 of 42.05 mi (100.00%) (NC NC9 only) NC10: 17.67 of 47.45 mi (37.24%) (NC NC10 only) NC11: 2.48 of 194.37 mi (1.28%) (NC NC11 only) NC12: 69.13 of 96.29 mi (71.80%) (NC NC12 only) NC16: 59.94 of 140.38 mi (42.70%) (NC NC16 only) NC16Bus (Conover): 2.53 of 6.59 mi (38.45%) (NC NC16BusCon only) NC16Trk (Conover): 2.01 of 2.63 mi (76.42%) (NC NC16TrkCon only) NC18: 85.58 of 140.05 mi (61.11%) (NC NC18 only) NC18Trk (Morganton): 4.39 of 4.39 mi (100.00%) (NC NC18TrkMor only) NC18Trk (Shelby): 3.91 of 3.91 mi (100.00%) (NC NC18TrkShe only) NC22: 3.37 of 59.11 mi (5.70%) (NC NC22 only) NC24: 85.10 of 281.03 mi (30.28%) (NC NC24 only) NC24Bus (Troy): 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%) (NC NC24BusTro only) NC27: 74.29 of 197.18 mi (37.68%) (NC NC27 only) NC27Bus (Troy): 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%) (NC NC27BusTro only) NC27Trk (Lincolnton): 6.19 of 6.19 mi (100.00%) (NC NC27TrkLin only) NC28: 69.15 of 69.15 mi (100.00%) (NC NC28 only) NC32: 3.88 of 103.19 mi (3.76%) (NC NC32 only) NC41: 2.95 of 142.28 mi (2.07%) (NC NC41 only) NC42: 4.67 of 221.66 mi (2.10%) (NC NC42 only) NC43: 3.23 of 120.38 mi (2.68%) (NC NC43 only) NC45: 0.27 of 91.28 mi (0.29%) (NC NC45 only) NC49: 89.64 of 176.94 mi (50.66%) (NC NC49 only) NC50: 7.28 of 164.73 mi (4.42%) (NC NC50 only) NC51: 21.86 of 21.86 mi (100.00%) (NC NC51 only) NC53: 2.84 of 127.17 mi (2.23%) (NC NC53 only) NC54: 31.22 of 54.84 mi (56.92%) (NC NC54 only) NC55: 9.56 of 191.79 mi (4.98%) (NC NC55 only) NC58: 76.58 of 175.27 mi (43.69%) (NC NC58 only) NC60: 5.04 of 5.04 mi (100.00%) (NC NC60 only) NC63: 4.02 of 23.15 mi (17.38%) (NC NC63 only) NC65: 27.82 of 46.18 mi (60.24%) (NC NC65 only) NC66: 1.40 of 43.76 mi (3.19%) (NC NC66 only) NC67: 5.34 of 41.09 mi (12.99%) (NC NC67 only) NC68: 0.73 of 30.45 mi (2.39%) (NC NC68 only) NC69: 3.69 of 3.69 mi (100.00%) (NC NC69 only) NC73: 60.33 of 117.89 mi (51.18%) (NC NC73 only) NC73Trk (Concord): 2.50 of 12.49 mi (20.05%) (NC NC73TrkCon only) NC78: 4.64 of 4.64 mi (100.00%) (NC NC78 only) NC79: 0.65 of 8.72 mi (7.48%) (NC NC79 only) NC80: 22.71 of 30.69 mi (74.00%) (NC NC80 only) NC81: 4.10 of 4.10 mi (100.00%) (NC NC81 only) NC86: 6.44 of 53.14 mi (12.13%) (NC NC86 only) NC86Trk (Hillsborough): 6.70 of 8.35 mi (80.28%) (NC NC86TrkHil only) NC87: 51.15 of 238.70 mi (21.43%) (NC NC87 only) NC88: 13.85 of 34.79 mi (39.81%) (NC NC88 only) NC89: 9.31 of 58.29 mi (15.98%) (NC NC89 only) NC90: 23.06 of 66.90 mi (34.47%) (NC NC90 only) NC94: 11.63 of 73.53 mi (15.82%) (NC NC94 only) NC98: 0.75 of 43.86 mi (1.71%) (NC NC98 only) NC105: 17.25 of 17.25 mi (100.00%) (NC NC105 only) NC106: 9.26 of 9.26 mi (100.00%) (NC NC106 only) NC106 (Nantahala): 0.35 of 0.35 mi (100.00%) (NC NC106Nan only) NC106 (Chastain): 0.24 of 0.24 mi (100.00%) (NC NC106Cha only) NC107: 32.34 of 32.34 mi (100.00%) (NC NC107 only) NC108: 21.33 of 21.33 mi (100.00%) (NC NC108 only) NC109: 4.27 of 102.60 mi (4.16%) (NC NC109 only) NC109Bus (Troy): 0.77 of 1.51 mi (50.56%) (NC NC109BusTro only) NC111: 6.55 of 125.52 mi (5.22%) (NC NC111 only) NC115: 22.49 of 70.77 mi (31.77%) (NC NC115 only) NC116: 3.76 of 3.76 mi (100.00%) (NC NC116 only) NC120: 4.82 of 4.82 mi (100.00%) (NC NC120 only) NC122: 0.71 of 28.96 mi (2.45%) (NC NC122 only) NC127: 7.84 of 24.17 mi (32.43%) (NC NC127 only) NC128: 3.71 of 3.71 mi (100.00%) (NC NC128 only) NC130: 12.67 of 101.71 mi (12.46%) (NC NC130 only) NC132: 9.91 of 15.32 mi (64.70%) (NC NC132 only) NC133: 33.72 of 46.01 mi (73.30%) (NC NC133 only) NC134: 19.22 of 19.22 mi (100.00%) (NC NC134 only) NC143: 9.91 of 32.35 mi (30.63%) (NC NC143 only) NC143Bus (Robbinsville): 0.44 of 3.09 mi (14.13%) (NC NC143BusRob only) NC145: 13.84 of 13.84 mi (100.00%) (NC NC145 only) NC146: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (NC NC146 only) NC147: 7.68 of 7.68 mi (100.00%) (NC NC147 only) NC150: 61.48 of 182.11 mi (33.76%) (NC NC150 only) NC152: 2.88 of 25.49 mi (11.31%) (NC NC152 only) NC152Trk (Mooresville): 1.29 of 4.01 mi (32.29%) (NC NC152TrkMoo only) NC157: 2.66 of 28.61 mi (9.29%) (NC NC157 only) NC160: 14.45 of 14.45 mi (100.00%) (NC NC160 only) NC161: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%) (NC NC161 only) NC168: 18.51 of 18.51 mi (100.00%) (NC NC168 only) NC177: 3.48 of 16.30 mi (21.33%) (NC NC177 only) NC179: 1.09 of 16.40 mi (6.65%) (NC NC179 only) NC180: 11.78 of 11.78 mi (100.00%) (NC NC180 only) NC181: 33.56 of 33.56 mi (100.00%) (NC NC181 only) NC182: 22.38 of 22.38 mi (100.00%) (NC NC182 only) NC183: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%) (NC NC183 only) NC184: 7.60 of 7.60 mi (100.00%) (NC NC184 only) NC191: 21.40 of 21.40 mi (100.00%) (NC NC191 only) NC194: 32.13 of 77.51 mi (41.45%) (NC NC194 only) NC194Trk (Banner Elk): 14.12 of 14.12 mi (100.00%) (NC NC194TrkBan only) NC197: 0.68 of 48.86 mi (1.39%) (NC NC197 only) NC198: 4.31 of 4.31 mi (100.00%) (NC NC198 only) NC200: 2.19 of 50.08 mi (4.37%) (NC NC200 only) NC207: 0.99 of 13.09 mi (7.53%) (NC NC207 only) NC208: 7.03 of 7.03 mi (100.00%) (NC NC208 only) NC211: 62.81 of 159.60 mi (39.35%) (NC NC211 only) NC213: 13.58 of 13.87 mi (97.93%) (NC NC213 only) NC215: 14.97 of 36.98 mi (40.47%) (NC NC215 only) NC216: 15.63 of 15.63 mi (100.00%) (NC NC216 only) NC225: 10.46 of 10.46 mi (100.00%) (NC NC225 only) NC226: 81.39 of 95.43 mi (85.28%) (NC NC226 only) NC226Alt (Little Switzerland): 10.19 of 10.19 mi (100.00%) (NC NC226AltLSw only) NC251: 16.85 of 16.85 mi (100.00%) (NC NC251 only) NC268: 3.83 of 86.45 mi (4.43%) (NC NC268 only) NC273: 11.53 of 17.98 mi (64.16%) (NC NC273 only) NC274: 22.47 of 36.87 mi (60.94%) (NC NC274 only) NC275: 7.67 of 10.86 mi (70.59%) (NC NC275 only) NC279: 28.46 of 28.46 mi (100.00%) (NC NC279 only) NC280: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) (NC NC280 only) NC281: 30.60 of 30.60 mi (100.00%) (NC NC281 only) NC410: 16.45 of 39.82 mi (41.30%) (NC NC410 only) NC540: 1.16 of 33.62 mi (3.46%) (NC NC540 only) NC694: 5.58 of 5.58 mi (100.00%) (NC NC694 only) NC742: 1.84 of 35.52 mi (5.18%) (NC NC742 only) NC751Trk (Durham): 3.36 of 3.36 mi (100.00%) (NC NC751TrkDur only) NC885: 1.81 of 3.42 mi (52.86%) (NC NC885 only) NC904: 0.23 of 66.83 mi (0.34%) (NC NC904 only) NC906: 4.44 of 12.24 mi (36.26%) (NC NC906 only) System usanc connected routes traveled: 124 of 272 (45.6%), clinched: 48 of 272 (17.6%). System usaoh (active) overall: 911.43 of 14627.38 mi (6.23%) System usaoh by region: OH: 911.43 of 14627.07 mi (6.23%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH2: 126.01 of 229.26 mi (54.96%) (OH OH2 only) OH3: 4.62 of 257.04 mi (1.80%) (OH OH3 only) OH4: 4.50 of 209.44 mi (2.15%) (OH OH4 only) OH7: 187.06 of 337.10 mi (55.49%) (OH OH7 only) OH8: 15.66 of 38.50 mi (40.67%) (OH OH8 only) OH10: 1.79 of 29.02 mi (6.16%) (OH OH10 only) OH11: 88.77 of 100.34 mi (88.47%) (OH OH11 only) OH14: 13.91 of 82.42 mi (16.88%) (OH OH14 only) OH16: 7.29 of 71.04 mi (10.26%) (OH OH16 only) OH21: 11.04 of 60.29 mi (18.30%) (OH OH21 only) OH29: 8.80 of 103.98 mi (8.47%) (OH OH29 only) OH32: 183.07 of 183.07 mi (100.00%) (OH OH32 only) OH37: 8.25 of 174.23 mi (4.73%) (OH OH37 only) OH39: 8.16 of 152.40 mi (5.35%) (OH OH39 only) OH41: 4.39 of 154.49 mi (2.84%) (OH OH41 only) OH43: 18.06 of 121.61 mi (14.85%) (OH OH43 only) OH44: 0.89 of 81.61 mi (1.09%) (OH OH44 only) OH46: 10.27 of 77.51 mi (13.24%) (OH OH46 only) OH48: 21.44 of 83.81 mi (25.58%) (OH OH48 only) OH49: 3.04 of 155.92 mi (1.95%) (OH OH49 only) OH53: 6.24 of 93.44 mi (6.68%) (OH OH53 only) OH59: 4.80 of 22.56 mi (21.28%) (OH OH59 only) OH60: 35.52 of 189.53 mi (18.74%) (OH OH60 only) OH65: 2.28 of 116.63 mi (1.96%) (OH OH65 only) OH78: 2.00 of 100.52 mi (1.99%) (OH OH78 only) OH79: 8.23 of 44.98 mi (18.29%) (OH OH79 only) OH81: 1.20 of 71.66 mi (1.67%) (OH OH81 only) OH82: 1.67 of 89.00 mi (1.88%) (OH OH82 only) OH84: 35.01 of 60.26 mi (58.09%) (OH OH84 only) OH86: 0.85 of 22.10 mi (3.84%) (OH OH86 only) OH87: 0.93 of 60.99 mi (1.52%) (OH OH87 only) OH93: 0.41 of 230.40 mi (0.18%) (OH OH93 only) OH101: 2.28 of 37.39 mi (6.10%) (OH OH101 only) OH104: 13.09 of 95.30 mi (13.73%) (OH OH104 only) OH118: 0.19 of 56.08 mi (0.33%) (OH OH118 only) OH124: 35.79 of 164.16 mi (21.80%) (OH OH124 only) OH125: 1.36 of 84.71 mi (1.61%) (OH OH125 only) OH126: 0.62 of 40.47 mi (1.53%) (OH OH126 only) OH161: 25.58 of 57.96 mi (44.13%) (OH OH161 only) OH169: 0.30 of 6.90 mi (4.31%) (OH OH169 only) OH172: 1.67 of 46.70 mi (3.57%) (OH OH172 only) OH193: 2.19 of 58.90 mi (3.72%) (OH OH193 only) OH197: 0.27 of 25.57 mi (1.06%) (OH OH197 only) OH220Trk (Wavery): 1.03 of 2.14 mi (48.08%) (OH OH220TrkWav only) OH241: 6.56 of 50.71 mi (12.94%) (OH OH241 only) OH253: 0.32 of 0.39 mi (82.91%) (OH OH253 only) OH254: 1.13 of 16.46 mi (6.88%) (OH OH254 only) OH257: 3.23 of 26.48 mi (12.20%) (OH OH257 only) OH269: 3.54 of 28.49 mi (12.41%) (OH OH269 only) OH283: 6.12 of 29.65 mi (20.65%) (OH OH283 only) OH303: 0.21 of 76.78 mi (0.28%) (OH OH303 only) OH306: 1.27 of 27.88 mi (4.54%) (OH OH306 only) OH307: 4.84 of 23.21 mi (20.86%) (OH OH307 only) OH309: 11.83 of 104.14 mi (11.36%) (OH OH309 only) OH316: 0.29 of 14.22 mi (2.01%) (OH OH316 only) OH325: 0.43 of 23.76 mi (1.83%) (OH OH325 only) OH335: 2.48 of 41.55 mi (5.97%) (OH OH335 only) OH339: 0.18 of 33.85 mi (0.54%) (OH OH339 only) OH376: 0.27 of 24.16 mi (1.12%) (OH OH376 only) OH416: 0.72 of 14.68 mi (4.87%) (OH OH416 only) OH435: 2.17 of 3.97 mi (54.70%) (OH OH435 only) OH450: 0.65 of 1.04 mi (63.13%) (OH OH450 only) OH527: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%) (OH OH527 only) OH528: 0.14 of 30.95 mi (0.46%) (OH OH528 only) OH531: 1.30 of 23.37 mi (5.55%) (OH OH531 only) OH534: 3.27 of 69.88 mi (4.67%) (OH OH534 only) OH535: 1.51 of 4.85 mi (31.12%) (OH OH535 only) OH536: 0.71 of 11.81 mi (6.05%) (OH OH536 only) OH554: 2.29 of 19.86 mi (11.53%) (OH OH554 only) OH588: 4.80 of 11.73 mi (40.87%) (OH OH588 only) OH615: 2.85 of 6.97 mi (40.83%) (OH OH615 only) OH618: 6.74 of 6.74 mi (100.00%) (OH OH618 only) OH640: 0.99 of 3.40 mi (29.07%) (OH OH640 only) OH682: 0.53 of 7.68 mi (6.92%) (OH OH682 only) OH691: 0.28 of 9.75 mi (2.84%) (OH OH691 only) OH703: 1.27 of 15.05 mi (8.45%) (OH OH703 only) OH707: 1.83 of 19.80 mi (9.24%) (OH OH707 only) OH725: 1.10 of 48.54 mi (2.26%) (OH OH725 only) OH734: 0.77 of 16.74 mi (4.60%) (OH OH734 only) OH741: 0.90 of 27.20 mi (3.32%) (OH OH741 only) OH743: 0.38 of 6.85 mi (5.60%) (OH OH743 only) OH750: 0.92 of 8.99 mi (10.28%) (OH OH750 only) OH751: 0.31 of 15.45 mi (1.99%) (OH OH751 only) OH764: 2.00 of 4.20 mi (47.57%) (OH OH764 only) OH772: 2.04 of 45.17 mi (4.51%) (OH OH772 only) OH775: 3.85 of 34.10 mi (11.30%) (OH OH775 only) OH800: 1.07 of 108.03 mi (0.99%) (OH OH800 only) OH807: 0.40 of 0.40 mi (100.00%) (OH OH807 only) OH821: 7.71 of 47.61 mi (16.19%) (OH OH821 only) OH872: 0.39 of 0.39 mi (100.00%) (OH OH872 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 90 of 555 (16.2%), clinched: 5 of 555 (0.9%). System usapa (active) overall: 322.18 of 12619.89 mi (2.55%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 322.18 of 12619.70 mi (2.55%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA8: 0.38 of 148.88 mi (0.25%) (PA PA8 only) PA18: 0.47 of 201.02 mi (0.23%) (PA PA18 only) PA23: 1.22 of 80.68 mi (1.51%) (PA PA23 only) PA24: 0.51 of 28.40 mi (1.80%) (PA PA24 only) PA28: 6.37 of 97.09 mi (6.56%) (PA PA28 only) PA31: 2.27 of 74.63 mi (3.05%) (PA PA31 only) PA43: 13.26 of 55.30 mi (23.97%) (PA PA43 only) PA48: 7.69 of 18.27 mi (42.07%) (PA PA48 only) PA50: 26.79 of 31.73 mi (84.43%) (PA PA50 only) PA51: 30.48 of 88.21 mi (34.55%) (PA PA51 only) PA53: 0.78 of 80.64 mi (0.96%) (PA PA53 only) PA56: 1.84 of 106.54 mi (1.73%) (PA PA56 only) PA65: 19.11 of 51.43 mi (37.15%) (PA PA65 only) PA66Bus (Greensburg): 1.23 of 7.80 mi (15.80%) (PA PA66BusGre only) PA116: 2.64 of 39.72 mi (6.64%) (PA PA116 only) PA121: 3.24 of 3.93 mi (82.37%) (PA PA121 only) PA130: 1.59 of 47.44 mi (3.36%) (PA PA130 only) PA134: 0.50 of 7.44 mi (6.68%) (PA PA134 only) PA148: 6.45 of 6.45 mi (100.00%) (PA PA148 only) PA160Trk (Wilmore): 7.55 of 10.92 mi (69.18%) (PA PA160TrkWil only) PA216: 10.11 of 25.41 mi (39.80%) (PA PA216 only) PA221: 8.09 of 29.09 mi (27.82%) (PA PA221 only) PA228: 2.91 of 20.85 mi (13.97%) (PA PA228 only) PA231: 2.18 of 25.46 mi (8.55%) (PA PA231 only) PA234: 9.82 of 37.97 mi (25.85%) (PA PA234 only) PA272: 1.47 of 54.96 mi (2.67%) (PA PA272 only) PA281: 37.70 of 45.19 mi (83.43%) (PA PA281 only) PA291AltTrk (Philadelphia): 4.70 of 5.00 mi (94.07%) (PA PA291AltTrkPhi only) PA309: 6.64 of 134.83 mi (4.92%) (PA PA309 only) PA331: 7.07 of 13.98 mi (50.59%) (PA PA331 only) PA340: 7.46 of 30.17 mi (24.74%) (PA PA340 only) PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%) (PA PA420AltTrkPro only) PA462: 6.72 of 32.13 mi (20.92%) (PA PA462 only) PA462Trk (Columbia): 5.53 of 6.42 mi (86.19%) (PA PA462TrkCol only) PA501: 0.60 of 38.33 mi (1.57%) (PA PA501 only) PA516: 2.92 of 12.24 mi (23.89%) (PA PA516 only) PA519Trk (Houston): 21.09 of 21.32 mi (98.93%) (PA PA519TrkHou only) PA523: 0.32 of 7.32 mi (4.35%) (PA PA523 only) PA616: 0.70 of 14.42 mi (4.83%) (PA PA616 only) PA653: 2.74 of 25.67 mi (10.67%) (PA PA653 only) PA711Trk (Connellsville): 1.96 of 3.28 mi (59.64%) (PA PA711TrkCon only) PA741: 4.38 of 25.11 mi (17.46%) (PA PA741 only) PA772: 0.18 of 38.28 mi (0.47%) (PA PA772 only) PA819: 1.75 of 45.11 mi (3.88%) (PA PA819 only) PA837: 7.36 of 40.20 mi (18.30%) (PA PA837 only) PA844: 0.67 of 14.72 mi (4.58%) (PA PA844 only) PA857: 11.00 of 11.00 mi (100.00%) (PA PA857 only) PA896: 1.25 of 33.29 mi (3.74%) (PA PA896 only) PA897: 1.14 of 40.92 mi (2.78%) (PA PA897 only) PA980: 5.29 of 16.67 mi (31.76%) (PA PA980 only) PA981: 14.11 of 48.28 mi (29.23%) (PA PA981 only) PA982: 21.01 of 32.32 mi (65.03%) (PA PA982 only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 52 of 524 (9.9%), clinched: 2 of 524 (0.4%). System usari (active) overall: 63.04 of 662.23 mi (9.52%) System usari by route (traveled routes only): RI1A (Providence): 2.27 of 14.59 mi (15.59%) (RI RI1APro only) RI4: 9.63 of 9.63 mi (100.00%) (RI RI4 only) RI24: 7.52 of 7.52 mi (100.00%) (RI RI24 only) RI98: 0.08 of 5.93 mi (1.39%) (RI RI98 only) RI100: 3.08 of 8.61 mi (35.80%) (RI RI100 only) RI102: 4.34 of 44.27 mi (9.81%) (RI RI102 only) RI107: 3.45 of 3.58 mi (96.37%) (RI RI107 only) RI114: 3.29 of 45.81 mi (7.18%) (RI RI114 only) RI138: 12.42 of 47.56 mi (26.11%) (RI RI138 only) RI138A: 4.91 of 5.24 mi (93.72%) (RI RI138A only) RI146: 13.64 of 16.29 mi (83.75%) (RI RI146 only) RI214: 0.82 of 2.19 mi (37.21%) (RI RI214 only) RI238: 0.64 of 1.16 mi (54.94%) (RI RI238 only) System usari connected routes traveled: 13 of 66 (19.7%), clinched: 2 of 66 (3.0%). System usasc (active) overall: 3219.56 of 6160.62 mi (52.26%) System usasc by route (traveled routes only): SC2: 0.71 of 3.95 mi (18.02%) (SC SC2 only) SC3: 1.34 of 96.08 mi (1.39%) (SC SC3 only) SC3Bus (Springfield): 0.28 of 2.83 mi (9.95%) (SC SC3BusSpr only) SC4: 20.31 of 53.98 mi (37.63%) (SC SC4 only) SC4Trk (Windsor): 0.11 of 17.70 mi (0.64%) (SC SC4TrkWin only) SC5: 42.93 of 50.73 mi (84.63%) (SC SC5 only) SC5Bus (York): 4.23 of 4.23 mi (100.00%) (SC SC5BusYor only) SC5Con (Rock Hill): 1.00 of 1.00 mi (100.00%) (SC SC5ConRoc only) SC6: 34.39 of 116.11 mi (29.62%) (SC SC6 only) SC6Trk (Moncks Corner): 2.28 of 2.28 mi (100.00%) (SC SC6TrkMon only) SC7: 5.94 of 5.94 mi (100.00%) (SC SC7 only) SC8: 43.38 of 43.38 mi (100.00%) (SC SC8 only) SC9: 165.78 of 259.17 mi (63.97%) (SC SC9 only) SC9Bus (Chester): 2.93 of 2.93 mi (100.00%) (SC SC9BusChe only) SC9Bus (Lancaster): 5.33 of 5.33 mi (100.00%) (SC SC9BusLan only) SC9Bus (Loris): 12.27 of 13.77 mi (89.10%) (SC SC9BusLor only) SC9Trk (Cheraw): 3.54 of 5.96 mi (59.47%) (SC SC9TrkChe only) SC10: 22.45 of 22.45 mi (100.00%) (SC SC10 only) SC11: 118.22 of 118.22 mi (100.00%) (SC SC11 only) SC12: 5.09 of 28.61 mi (17.78%) (SC SC12 only) SC14: 58.32 of 58.32 mi (100.00%) (SC SC14 only) SC14Trk (Greer): 4.49 of 4.49 mi (100.00%) (SC SC14TrkGre only) SC16: 4.37 of 9.44 mi (46.28%) (SC SC16 only) SC18: 38.63 of 38.63 mi (100.00%) (SC SC18 only) SC18Trk (Union): 3.86 of 3.86 mi (100.00%) (SC SC18TrkUni only) SC19: 17.72 of 28.90 mi (61.32%) (SC SC19 only) SC19Trk (Aiken): 11.39 of 16.66 mi (68.38%) (SC SC19TrkAik only) SC20: 53.20 of 53.20 mi (100.00%) (SC SC20 only) SC20Trk (Abbeville): 6.12 of 6.12 mi (100.00%) (SC SC20TrkAbb only) SC20Con (Anderson County): 1.10 of 1.10 mi (100.00%) (SC SC20ConAnd only) SC22: 28.62 of 28.62 mi (100.00%) (SC SC22 only) SC23: 28.31 of 46.72 mi (60.58%) (SC SC23 only) SC23Trk (Edgefield): 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%) (SC SC23TrkEdg only) SC24: 29.80 of 29.80 mi (100.00%) (SC SC24 only) SC27: 1.64 of 19.41 mi (8.43%) (SC SC27 only) SC28: 127.23 of 127.23 mi (100.00%) (SC SC28 only) SC28 (Beech Island): 1.92 of 1.92 mi (100.00%) (SC SC28Bee only) SC28Bus (Anderson): 7.09 of 7.09 mi (100.00%) (SC SC28BusAnd only) SC28Bus (Pendleton): 3.80 of 3.80 mi (100.00%) (SC SC28BusPen only) SC28Trk (Anderson): 0.19 of 0.19 mi (100.00%) (SC SC28TrkAnd only) SC30: 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%) (SC SC30 only) SC31: 24.61 of 28.33 mi (86.84%) (SC SC31 only) SC33: 2.20 of 19.29 mi (11.43%) (SC SC33 only) SC34: 84.47 of 185.22 mi (45.61%) (SC SC34 only) SC34Trk (Darlington): 2.32 of 13.53 mi (17.16%) (SC SC34TrkDar only) SC34Trk (Ridgeway): 0.18 of 0.29 mi (61.95%) (SC SC34TrkRid only) SC38: 1.79 of 43.71 mi (4.09%) (SC SC38 only) SC39: 36.95 of 101.70 mi (36.33%) (SC SC39 only) SC41: 3.61 of 122.94 mi (2.94%) (SC SC41 only) SC41Alt (Marion): 0.34 of 23.25 mi (1.46%) (SC SC41AltMar only) SC46: 11.83 of 17.55 mi (67.38%) (SC SC46 only) SC47Trk (Elloree): 0.32 of 1.27 mi (24.79%) (SC SC47TrkEll only) SC48: 5.67 of 29.45 mi (19.25%) (SC SC48 only) SC49: 78.66 of 78.66 mi (100.00%) (SC SC49 only) SC49Trk (Union): 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%) (SC SC49TrkUni only) SC51: 3.35 of 69.56 mi (4.82%) (SC SC51 only) SC51 (Pineville NC): 0.97 of 0.97 mi (100.00%) (SC SC51Pin only) SC55: 20.81 of 20.81 mi (100.00%) (SC SC55 only) SC56: 63.39 of 63.39 mi (100.00%) (SC SC56 only) SC56Bus (Clinton): 3.16 of 3.16 mi (100.00%) (SC SC56BusCli only) SC59: 15.50 of 15.50 mi (100.00%) (SC SC59 only) SC60: 5.01 of 5.01 mi (100.00%) (SC SC60 only) SC61: 19.16 of 67.20 mi (28.52%) (SC SC61 only) SC63: 24.07 of 28.23 mi (85.26%) (SC SC63 only) SC64: 1.60 of 73.65 mi (2.17%) (SC SC64 only) SC64Bus (Walterboro): 1.21 of 2.70 mi (44.74%) (SC SC64BusWal only) SC65: 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) (SC SC65 only) SC66: 16.92 of 16.92 mi (100.00%) (SC SC66 only) SC67: 15.51 of 15.51 mi (100.00%) (SC SC67 only) SC68: 1.60 of 15.51 mi (10.32%) (SC SC68 only) SC70: 14.76 of 29.69 mi (49.70%) (SC SC70 only) SC71: 1.58 of 14.96 mi (10.58%) (SC SC71 only) SC71Trk (Abbeville): 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%) (SC SC71TrkAbb only) SC72: 124.48 of 124.48 mi (100.00%) (SC SC72 only) SC72Bus (Greenwood): 4.24 of 4.24 mi (100.00%) (SC SC72BusGre only) SC72Bus (Clinton): 3.30 of 3.30 mi (100.00%) (SC SC72BusCli only) SC75: 3.30 of 8.07 mi (40.92%) (SC SC75 only) SC75Trk (Van Wyck): 2.11 of 4.83 mi (43.60%) (SC SC75TrkVan only) SC80: 5.31 of 5.31 mi (100.00%) (SC SC80 only) SC81: 80.28 of 80.28 mi (100.00%) (SC SC81 only) SC86: 11.62 of 11.62 mi (100.00%) (SC SC86 only) SC88: 14.24 of 14.24 mi (100.00%) (SC SC88 only) SC90: 3.69 of 23.24 mi (15.89%) (SC SC90 only) SC92: 15.82 of 15.82 mi (100.00%) (SC SC92 only) SC93: 19.61 of 19.61 mi (100.00%) (SC SC93 only) SC97: 38.80 of 88.06 mi (44.06%) (SC SC97 only) SC99: 9.06 of 9.06 mi (100.00%) (SC SC99 only) SC101: 55.66 of 55.66 mi (100.00%) (SC SC101 only) SC105: 31.96 of 31.96 mi (100.00%) (SC SC105 only) SC107: 14.01 of 14.01 mi (100.00%) (SC SC107 only) SC109: 3.08 of 14.42 mi (21.34%) (SC SC109 only) SC110: 9.08 of 9.08 mi (100.00%) (SC SC110 only) SC114: 6.23 of 6.23 mi (100.00%) (SC SC114 only) SC118: 8.52 of 13.79 mi (61.81%) (SC SC118 only) SC121: 134.54 of 134.54 mi (100.00%) (SC SC121 only) SC122: 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%) (SC SC122 only) SC124: 5.56 of 5.56 mi (100.00%) (SC SC124 only) SC125: 0.87 of 56.57 mi (1.53%) (SC SC125 only) SC125Trk (North Augusta): 1.76 of 1.76 mi (100.00%) (SC SC125TrkNor only) SC127: 3.59 of 3.59 mi (100.00%) (SC SC127 only) SC128: 2.08 of 2.08 mi (100.00%) (SC SC128 only) SC129: 4.71 of 4.71 mi (100.00%) (SC SC129 only) SC130: 28.61 of 28.61 mi (100.00%) (SC SC130 only) SC133: 19.86 of 19.86 mi (100.00%) (SC SC133 only) SC135: 20.56 of 20.56 mi (100.00%) (SC SC135 only) SC137: 8.23 of 8.23 mi (100.00%) (SC SC137 only) SC145: 0.12 of 26.35 mi (0.46%) (SC SC145 only) SC146: 33.16 of 33.16 mi (100.00%) (SC SC146 only) SC150: 32.41 of 32.41 mi (100.00%) (SC SC150 only) SC150Trk (Pacolet Mills): 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%) (SC SC150TrkPac only) SC151: 35.60 of 52.49 mi (67.83%) (SC SC151 only) SC153: 9.41 of 9.41 mi (100.00%) (SC SC153 only) SC160: 11.01 of 11.01 mi (100.00%) (SC SC160 only) SC160Trk (Fort Mill): 6.98 of 6.98 mi (100.00%) (SC SC160TrkFor only) SC161: 28.78 of 28.78 mi (100.00%) (SC SC161 only) SC161Bus (York): 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%) (SC SC161BusYor only) SC162: 2.74 of 13.40 mi (20.46%) (SC SC162 only) SC165: 6.69 of 27.90 mi (23.99%) (SC SC165 only) SC170: 35.27 of 35.27 mi (100.00%) (SC SC170 only) SC171: 12.52 of 12.52 mi (100.00%) (SC SC171 only) SC174: 24.06 of 25.22 mi (95.42%) (SC SC174 only) SC179: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%) (SC SC179 only) SC181: 6.54 of 6.54 mi (100.00%) (SC SC181 only) SC182: 5.32 of 9.08 mi (58.58%) (SC SC182 only) SC183: 52.93 of 52.93 mi (100.00%) (SC SC183 only) SC184: 33.93 of 33.93 mi (100.00%) (SC SC184 only) SC185: 26.52 of 26.52 mi (100.00%) (SC SC185 only) SC186: 4.76 of 13.95 mi (34.09%) (SC SC186 only) SC187: 29.37 of 29.37 mi (100.00%) (SC SC187 only) SC188: 7.94 of 7.94 mi (100.00%) (SC SC188 only) SC191: 13.33 of 21.84 mi (61.02%) (SC SC191 only) SC193: 6.91 of 6.91 mi (100.00%) (SC SC193 only) SC194: 14.86 of 14.86 mi (100.00%) (SC SC194 only) SC198: 2.38 of 2.38 mi (100.00%) (SC SC198 only) SC200: 20.94 of 41.73 mi (50.19%) (SC SC200 only) SC201: 3.57 of 12.47 mi (28.62%) (SC SC201 only) SC202: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) (SC SC202 only) SC203: 7.79 of 7.79 mi (100.00%) (SC SC203 only) SC203Trk (Abbeville): 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%) (SC SC203TrkAbb only) SC210: 1.17 of 28.22 mi (4.15%) (SC SC210 only) SC211: 26.42 of 26.42 mi (100.00%) (SC SC211 only) SC213: 20.83 of 20.83 mi (100.00%) (SC SC213 only) SC215: 73.05 of 94.65 mi (77.18%) (SC SC215 only) SC216: 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%) (SC SC216 only) SC217: 0.02 of 15.42 mi (0.11%) (SC SC217 only) SC219: 8.95 of 8.95 mi (100.00%) (SC SC219 only) SC223: 6.60 of 6.60 mi (100.00%) (SC SC223 only) SC225: 5.75 of 5.75 mi (100.00%) (SC SC225 only) SC230: 0.44 of 20.60 mi (2.14%) (SC SC230 only) SC243: 8.35 of 8.35 mi (100.00%) (SC SC243 only) SC246: 28.40 of 28.40 mi (100.00%) (SC SC246 only) SC247: 10.45 of 10.45 mi (100.00%) (SC SC247 only) SC248: 6.21 of 6.21 mi (100.00%) (SC SC248 only) SC252: 34.95 of 34.95 mi (100.00%) (SC SC252 only) SC252Trk (Ware Shoals): 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%) (SC SC252TrkWar only) SC253: 19.02 of 19.02 mi (100.00%) (SC SC253 only) SC254: 8.19 of 8.19 mi (100.00%) (SC SC254 only) SC261: 24.61 of 117.07 mi (21.02%) (SC SC261 only) SC267: 23.00 of 23.00 mi (100.00%) (SC SC267 only) SC274: 17.56 of 17.56 mi (100.00%) (SC SC274 only) SC277: 7.79 of 7.79 mi (100.00%) (SC SC277 only) SC281: 3.22 of 3.22 mi (100.00%) (SC SC281 only) SC283: 17.68 of 17.68 mi (100.00%) (SC SC283 only) SC284: 1.89 of 19.35 mi (9.76%) (SC SC284 only) SC288: 14.82 of 14.82 mi (100.00%) (SC SC288 only) SC290: 30.40 of 30.40 mi (100.00%) (SC SC290 only) SC290Trk (Greer): 5.74 of 5.74 mi (100.00%) (SC SC290TrkGre only) SC291: 10.96 of 10.96 mi (100.00%) (SC SC291 only) SC292: 13.39 of 13.39 mi (100.00%) (SC SC292 only) SC295: 16.33 of 16.33 mi (100.00%) (SC SC295 only) SC296: 21.61 of 21.61 mi (100.00%) (SC SC296 only) SC302: 3.96 of 66.62 mi (5.94%) (SC SC302 only) SC315: 6.04 of 6.04 mi (100.00%) (SC SC315 only) SC322: 15.97 of 27.51 mi (58.06%) (SC SC322 only) SC327: 7.00 of 22.90 mi (30.57%) (SC SC327 only) SC329: 6.20 of 6.20 mi (100.00%) (SC SC329 only) SC336: 0.35 of 13.61 mi (2.54%) (SC SC336 only) SC341: 4.77 of 93.22 mi (5.11%) (SC SC341 only) SC357: 14.37 of 14.37 mi (100.00%) (SC SC357 only) SC358: 3.34 of 3.34 mi (100.00%) (SC SC358 only) SC363: 5.21 of 13.36 mi (38.98%) (SC SC363 only) SC391: 14.09 of 34.63 mi (40.68%) (SC SC391 only) SC395: 2.56 of 14.98 mi (17.11%) (SC SC395 only) SC412: 6.74 of 6.74 mi (100.00%) (SC SC412 only) SC413: 6.12 of 16.89 mi (36.23%) (SC SC413 only) SC414: 16.54 of 16.54 mi (100.00%) (SC SC414 only) SC417: 21.31 of 21.31 mi (100.00%) (SC SC417 only) SC418: 24.04 of 24.04 mi (100.00%) (SC SC418 only) SC420: 4.91 of 4.91 mi (100.00%) (SC SC420 only) SC430: 2.18 of 11.84 mi (18.45%) (SC SC430 only) SC453: 0.23 of 14.45 mi (1.62%) (SC SC453 only) SC453Trk (Holly Hill): 0.06 of 10.66 mi (0.61%) (SC SC453TrkHol only) SC460: 7.31 of 11.94 mi (61.20%) (SC SC460 only) SC461: 1.30 of 3.69 mi (35.24%) (SC SC461 only) SC462: 19.10 of 35.94 mi (53.13%) (SC SC462 only) SC517: 3.91 of 3.91 mi (100.00%) (SC SC517 only) SC527: 0.62 of 66.43 mi (0.94%) (SC SC527 only) SC544: 13.83 of 13.83 mi (100.00%) (SC SC544 only) SC557: 6.64 of 6.64 mi (100.00%) (SC SC557 only) SC576: 3.12 of 3.12 mi (100.00%) (SC SC576 only) SC642: 9.75 of 19.43 mi (50.15%) (SC SC642 only) SC700: 8.32 of 19.96 mi (41.70%) (SC SC700 only) SC702: 18.45 of 18.45 mi (100.00%) (SC SC702 only) SC703: 8.61 of 10.49 mi (82.07%) (SC SC703 only) SC707: 12.47 of 12.47 mi (100.00%) (SC SC707 only) SC773: 5.19 of 5.19 mi (100.00%) (SC SC773 only) SC781: 3.60 of 3.60 mi (100.00%) (SC SC781 only) SC823: 10.83 of 10.83 mi (100.00%) (SC SC823 only) SC901: 15.16 of 37.97 mi (39.93%) (SC SC901 only) SC903: 25.58 of 26.74 mi (95.65%) (SC SC903 only) SC905: 0.66 of 25.12 mi (2.61%) (SC SC905 only) SC909: 8.79 of 13.82 mi (63.62%) (SC SC909 only) SC917: 0.10 of 40.01 mi (0.26%) (SC SC917 only) System usasc connected routes traveled: 213 of 301 (70.8%), clinched: 130 of 301 (43.2%). System usatn (active) overall: 511.98 of 9124.27 mi (5.61%) System usatn by region: GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%) TN: 511.98 of 9124.26 mi (5.61%) System usatn by route (traveled routes only): TN8 (Chattanooga): 0.64 of 0.64 mi (100.00%) (TN TN8Cha only) TN17: 6.77 of 12.40 mi (54.62%) (TN TN17 only) TN30: 13.80 of 115.18 mi (11.98%) (TN TN30 only) TN31: 0.14 of 16.38 mi (0.86%) (TN TN31 only) TN32: 8.07 of 22.27 mi (36.22%) (TN TN32 only) TN33: 54.30 of 102.29 mi (53.09%) (TN TN33 only) TN35: 2.51 of 2.51 mi (100.00%) (TN TN35 only) TN36: 0.48 of 20.94 mi (2.27%) (TN TN36 only) TN46 (Dickson): 16.69 of 72.76 mi (22.93%) (TN TN46 only) TN56 (McMinnville): 6.72 of 131.66 mi (5.10%) (TN TN56 only) TN58 (Chattanooga): 4.33 of 4.33 mi (100.00%) (TN TN58Cha only) TN58 (Kingston): 3.76 of 81.52 mi (4.62%) (TN TN58 only) TN60: 1.70 of 40.42 mi (4.22%) (TN TN60 only) TN61: 40.81 of 67.79 mi (60.21%) (TN TN61 only) TN62: 31.20 of 87.95 mi (35.47%) (TN TN62 only) TN63: 29.34 of 98.99 mi (29.64%) (TN TN63 only) TN66 (Rogersville): 33.06 of 33.74 mi (97.99%) (TN TN66 only) TN66 (Sevierville): 8.46 of 8.46 mi (100.00%) (TN TN66Sev only) TN67: 19.02 of 62.35 mi (30.51%) (TN TN67 only) TN70: 21.59 of 62.51 mi (34.53%) (TN TN70 only) TN73 (Newport): 2.31 of 8.91 mi (25.97%) (TN TN73 only) TN73 (Townsend): 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%) (TN TN73Tow only) TN81: 14.25 of 24.62 mi (57.86%) (TN TN81 only) TN91: 4.85 of 49.64 mi (9.77%) (TN TN91 only) TN92: 11.03 of 32.95 mi (33.48%) (TN TN92 only) TN96: 17.63 of 124.13 mi (14.20%) (TN TN96 only) TN100: 12.71 of 156.71 mi (8.11%) (TN TN100 only) TN107 (Del Rio): 3.18 of 22.00 mi (14.44%) (TN TN107Del only) TN107 (Erwin): 8.22 of 40.10 mi (20.49%) (TN TN107 only) TN113: 2.51 of 31.97 mi (7.84%) (TN TN113 only) TN116: 2.77 of 38.90 mi (7.11%) (TN TN116 only) TN126: 0.18 of 24.48 mi (0.73%) (TN TN126 only) TN126Bus (Blountville): 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%) (TN TN126BusBlo only) TN131: 0.70 of 68.66 mi (1.03%) (TN TN131 only) TN137: 2.90 of 2.90 mi (100.00%) (TN TN137 only) TN144: 0.29 of 7.58 mi (3.86%) (TN TN144 only) TN148: 3.87 of 3.87 mi (100.00%) (TN TN148 only) TN153: 12.84 of 12.84 mi (100.00%) (TN TN153 only) TN155: 30.83 of 30.83 mi (100.00%) (TN TN155 only) TN158: 0.97 of 0.97 mi (100.00%) (TN TN158 only) TN162 (Knoxville): 5.74 of 5.74 mi (100.00%) (TN TN162 only) TN170: 0.11 of 36.83 mi (0.30%) (TN TN170 only) TN246: 1.44 of 21.29 mi (6.76%) (TN TN246 only) TN251: 0.38 of 15.35 mi (2.47%) (TN TN251 only) TN253: 0.71 of 7.23 mi (9.88%) (TN TN253 only) TN254: 2.69 of 17.10 mi (15.76%) (TN TN254 only) TN297: 15.74 of 61.25 mi (25.69%) (TN TN297 only) TN299: 1.90 of 17.17 mi (11.10%) (TN TN299 only) TN314: 4.78 of 6.08 mi (78.60%) (TN TN314 only) TN317: 8.50 of 20.79 mi (40.87%) (TN TN317 only) TN319: 21.66 of 21.66 mi (100.00%) (TN TN319 only) TN320: 7.03 of 7.03 mi (100.00%) (TN TN320 only) TN321: 4.53 of 7.18 mi (63.13%) (TN TN321 only) TN330: 0.42 of 9.02 mi (4.64%) (TN TN330 only) TN332: 7.31 of 14.35 mi (50.96%) (TN TN332 only) TN338: 1.70 of 20.05 mi (8.47%) (TN TN338 only) TN347: 0.95 of 30.30 mi (3.12%) (TN TN347 only) TN354: 6.15 of 7.36 mi (83.60%) (TN TN354 only) TN381: 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%) (TN TN381 only) TN386: 7.06 of 14.91 mi (47.33%) (TN TN386 only) TN394: 0.96 of 15.65 mi (6.11%) (TN TN394 only) TN397: 6.47 of 9.50 mi (68.12%) (TN TN397 only) TN400: 0.73 of 10.78 mi (6.78%) (TN TN400 only) TN418: 0.75 of 0.75 mi (100.00%) (TN TN418 only) TN448: 0.61 of 0.61 mi (100.00%) (TN TN448 only) TN449: 6.04 of 6.04 mi (100.00%) (TN TN449 only) System usatn connected routes traveled: 66 of 435 (15.2%), clinched: 18 of 435 (4.1%). System usatx (active) overall: 222.59 of 15302.04 mi (1.45%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX6: 31.90 of 557.75 mi (5.72%) (TX TX6 only) TX16: 5.65 of 567.00 mi (1.00%) (TX TX16 only) TX21: 55.86 of 313.53 mi (17.82%) (TX TX21 only) TX27: 7.89 of 39.30 mi (20.08%) (TX TX27 only) TX35: 2.16 of 220.65 mi (0.98%) (TX TX35 only) TX36: 2.45 of 397.92 mi (0.62%) (TX TX36 only) TX46: 8.89 of 70.75 mi (12.56%) (TX TX46 only) TX46Bus (New Braunfels): 1.05 of 4.38 mi (23.99%) (TX TX46BusNew only) TX71: 11.78 of 274.70 mi (4.29%) (TX TX71 only) TX80: 1.05 of 84.61 mi (1.24%) (TX TX80 only) TX87 (Galveston): 4.19 of 5.88 mi (71.36%) (TX TX87Gal only) TX95: 0.40 of 135.84 mi (0.30%) (TX TX95 only) TX130: 34.37 of 140.78 mi (24.41%) (TX TX130 only) TX142: 1.05 of 16.94 mi (6.20%) (TX TX142 only) TX173: 40.78 of 98.05 mi (41.59%) (TX TX173 only) TX225: 10.84 of 15.81 mi (68.57%) (TX TX225 only) TX275: 4.56 of 6.27 mi (72.79%) (TX TX275 only) TX304: 7.41 of 43.62 mi (16.98%) (TX TX304 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 18 of 320 (5.6%), clinched: 0 of 320 (0.0%). System usatxl (active) overall: 57.31 of 1175.07 mi (4.88%) System usatxl by route (traveled routes only): TXLp1: 5.21 of 25.73 mi (20.26%) (TX TXLp1 only) TXLp8: 8.76 of 88.95 mi (9.85%) (TX TXLp8 only) TXLp150: 0.81 of 3.05 mi (26.53%) (TX TXLp150 only) TXLp163: 1.39 of 1.78 mi (77.95%) (TX TXLp163 only) TXLp337: 5.23 of 8.07 mi (64.86%) (TX TXLp337 only) TXLp1604: 35.91 of 94.88 mi (37.85%) (TX TXLp1604 only) System usatxl connected routes traveled: 6 of 200 (3.0%), clinched: 0 of 200 (0.0%). System usava (active) overall: 432.28 of 4884.58 mi (8.85%) System usava by route (traveled routes only): VA2: 0.96 of 53.87 mi (1.78%) (VA VA2 only) VA5: 44.74 of 53.82 mi (83.13%) (VA VA5 only) VA6: 13.95 of 100.18 mi (13.93%) (VA VA6 only) VA7: 23.32 of 72.89 mi (31.99%) (VA VA7 only) VA10: 29.09 of 92.61 mi (31.41%) (VA VA10 only) VA16: 29.13 of 69.48 mi (41.93%) (VA VA16 only) VA20: 0.57 of 88.77 mi (0.64%) (VA VA20 only) VA24: 8.77 of 87.99 mi (9.97%) (VA VA24 only) VA27: 1.21 of 2.36 mi (51.48%) (VA VA27 only) VA28: 10.64 of 45.07 mi (23.60%) (VA VA28 only) VA30: 2.11 of 61.88 mi (3.41%) (VA VA30 only) VA31: 5.32 of 19.84 mi (26.80%) (VA VA31 only) VA31 (Jamestown): 4.23 of 4.23 mi (100.00%) (VA VA31Jam only) VA33: 23.38 of 72.87 mi (32.08%) (VA VA33 only) VA37: 9.12 of 9.44 mi (96.63%) (VA VA37 only) VA40: 0.64 of 225.11 mi (0.28%) (VA VA40 only) VA42: 5.00 of 58.97 mi (8.47%) (VA VA42 only) VA42 (Harrisonburg): 0.27 of 115.96 mi (0.24%) (VA VA42Har only) VA45: 0.43 of 38.85 mi (1.12%) (VA VA45 only) VA53: 1.57 of 17.42 mi (9.01%) (VA VA53 only) VA55: 7.06 of 64.00 mi (11.03%) (VA VA55 only) VA57: 0.90 of 86.56 mi (1.04%) (VA VA57 only) VA61: 0.32 of 44.50 mi (0.71%) (VA VA61 only) VA69: 0.27 of 3.27 mi (8.34%) (VA VA69 only) VA75: 0.74 of 10.03 mi (7.41%) (VA VA75 only) VA76: 12.92 of 12.92 mi (100.00%) (VA VA76 only) VA98: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%) (VA VA98 only) VA100: 29.37 of 51.35 mi (57.20%) (VA VA100 only) VA106: 3.34 of 29.78 mi (11.20%) (VA VA106 only) VA110: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%) (VA VA110 only) VA120: 1.24 of 8.76 mi (14.14%) (VA VA120 only) VA122: 1.66 of 52.75 mi (3.15%) (VA VA122 only) VA123: 0.87 of 28.69 mi (3.04%) (VA VA123 only) VA132: 1.10 of 3.97 mi (27.61%) (VA VA132 only) VA132Wye (Williamsburg): 0.35 of 0.35 mi (100.00%) (VA VA132WyeWil only) VA134: 0.96 of 11.71 mi (8.21%) (VA VA134 only) VA143: 0.96 of 36.00 mi (2.66%) (VA VA143 only) VA144: 0.27 of 13.87 mi (1.93%) (VA VA144 only) VA146: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%) (VA VA146 only) VA147: 12.78 of 12.78 mi (100.00%) (VA VA147 only) VA148: 0.81 of 0.81 mi (100.00%) (VA VA148 only) VA150: 14.63 of 14.63 mi (100.00%) (VA VA150 only) VA156: 11.44 of 56.06 mi (20.42%) (VA VA156 only) VA161: 3.94 of 13.85 mi (28.49%) (VA VA161 only) VA165: 1.03 of 39.54 mi (2.62%) (VA VA165 only) VA166: 1.32 of 15.11 mi (8.76%) (VA VA166 only) VA168: 14.03 of 31.28 mi (44.86%) (VA VA168 only) VA168Bus (Chesapeake): 1.71 of 14.57 mi (11.76%) (VA VA168BusChe only) VA171: 1.04 of 10.95 mi (9.49%) (VA VA171 only) VA195: 3.16 of 3.16 mi (100.00%) (VA VA195 only) VA199: 5.68 of 14.06 mi (40.38%) (VA VA199 only) VA234: 2.88 of 34.70 mi (8.29%) (VA VA234 only) VA235: 2.03 of 5.07 mi (40.03%) (VA VA235 only) VA236: 7.72 of 15.65 mi (49.30%) (VA VA236 only) VA237: 6.99 of 11.11 mi (62.91%) (VA VA237 only) VA241: 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%) (VA VA241 only) VA244: 4.02 of 8.01 mi (50.19%) (VA VA244 only) VA269: 0.27 of 6.63 mi (4.11%) (VA VA269 only) VA279: 5.50 of 5.50 mi (100.00%) (VA VA279 only) VA286: 17.39 of 30.58 mi (56.87%) (VA VA286 only) VA288: 16.13 of 32.89 mi (49.05%) (VA VA288 only) VA289: 3.57 of 3.57 mi (100.00%) (VA VA289 only) VA307: 9.42 of 9.42 mi (100.00%) (VA VA307 only) VA337: 1.63 of 35.45 mi (4.59%) (VA VA337 only) VA400: 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%) (VA VA400 only) VA402: 0.95 of 1.65 mi (57.51%) (VA VA402 only) VA598: 3.65 of 3.65 mi (100.00%) (VA VA598 only) VA895: 7.59 of 7.59 mi (100.00%) (VA VA895 only) System usava connected routes traveled: 68 of 377 (18.0%), clinched: 17 of 377 (4.5%). System usawv (active) overall: 1771.81 of 3820.10 mi (46.38%) System usawv by region: MD: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 0.08 mi (0.00%) WV: 1771.81 of 3819.98 mi (46.38%) System usawv by route (traveled routes only): WV2: 229.14 of 229.14 mi (100.00%) (WV WV2 only) WV2Alt (Moundsville): 2.84 of 2.84 mi (100.00%) (WV WV2AltMou only) WV3: 119.82 of 170.21 mi (70.39%) (WV WV3 only) WV4: 33.37 of 90.04 mi (37.06%) (WV WV4 only) WV5: 22.45 of 66.52 mi (33.75%) (WV WV5 only) WV7: 31.36 of 100.48 mi (31.21%) (WV WV7 only) WV9: 10.34 of 69.16 mi (14.94%) (WV WV9 only) WV10: 41.90 of 137.69 mi (30.43%) (WV WV10 only) WV10Alt (Barboursville): 2.44 of 2.44 mi (100.00%) (WV WV10AltBar only) WV12: 35.27 of 46.90 mi (75.20%) (WV WV12 only) WV14: 20.57 of 55.72 mi (36.92%) (WV WV14 only) WV16: 63.55 of 227.22 mi (27.97%) (WV WV16 only) WV17: 28.40 of 28.40 mi (100.00%) (WV WV17 only) WV18: 0.81 of 57.92 mi (1.39%) (WV WV18 only) WV20: 169.55 of 253.65 mi (66.85%) (WV WV20 only) WV23: 17.55 of 23.07 mi (76.06%) (WV WV23 only) WV24: 5.32 of 5.32 mi (100.00%) (WV WV24 only) WV25: 14.77 of 14.77 mi (100.00%) (WV WV25 only) WV26: 14.75 of 38.84 mi (37.97%) (WV WV26 only) WV27: 0.24 of 5.68 mi (4.25%) (WV WV27 only) WV28: 40.63 of 147.25 mi (27.59%) (WV WV28 only) WV28Alt (Ridgeley): 2.93 of 2.93 mi (100.00%) (WV WV28AltRid only) WV31: 21.62 of 33.03 mi (65.45%) (WV WV31 only) WV32: 21.07 of 21.07 mi (100.00%) (WV WV32 only) WV34: 33.11 of 46.82 mi (70.72%) (WV WV34 only) WV34Alt (Hurricane): 1.70 of 1.70 mi (100.00%) (WV WV34AltHur only) WV38: 21.46 of 21.46 mi (100.00%) (WV WV38 only) WV39: 41.53 of 98.41 mi (42.21%) (WV WV39 only) WV41: 45.71 of 61.25 mi (74.63%) (WV WV41 only) WV45: 9.54 of 25.51 mi (37.37%) (WV WV45 only) WV47: 2.83 of 56.74 mi (4.99%) (WV WV47 only) WV51: 1.20 of 17.82 mi (6.75%) (WV WV51 only) WV55: 100.61 of 215.60 mi (46.67%) (WV WV55 only) WV57: 11.58 of 11.58 mi (100.00%) (WV WV57 only) WV58: 5.92 of 5.92 mi (100.00%) (WV WV58 only) WV61: 61.34 of 61.34 mi (100.00%) (WV WV61 only) WV62: 82.65 of 93.91 mi (88.01%) (WV WV62 only) WV63: 15.00 of 20.64 mi (72.67%) (WV WV63 only) WV65: 13.96 of 22.16 mi (63.00%) (WV WV65 only) WV66: 14.42 of 14.42 mi (100.00%) (WV WV66 only) WV67: 3.40 of 8.94 mi (38.04%) (WV WV67 only) WV68: 36.20 of 36.20 mi (100.00%) (WV WV68 only) WV72: 5.98 of 50.08 mi (11.94%) (WV WV72 only) WV73: 2.66 of 2.66 mi (100.00%) (WV WV73 only) WV74: 1.19 of 34.80 mi (3.42%) (WV WV74 only) WV75: 11.78 of 11.78 mi (100.00%) (WV WV75 only) WV76: 14.54 of 14.54 mi (100.00%) (WV WV76 only) WV80: 26.56 of 36.90 mi (71.97%) (WV WV80 only) WV85: 2.50 of 43.06 mi (5.81%) (WV WV85 only) WV87: 12.20 of 12.20 mi (100.00%) (WV WV87 only) WV88: 16.21 of 30.51 mi (53.14%) (WV WV88 only) WV92: 70.97 of 156.77 mi (45.27%) (WV WV92 only) WV94: 9.80 of 9.80 mi (100.00%) (WV WV94 only) WV95: 6.52 of 6.52 mi (100.00%) (WV WV95 only) WV98: 5.51 of 5.51 mi (100.00%) (WV WV98 only) WV104: 0.08 of 3.63 mi (2.18%) (WV WV104 only) WV105: 4.52 of 4.52 mi (100.00%) (WV WV105 only) WV107: 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%) (WV WV107 only) WV114: 7.09 of 7.09 mi (100.00%) (WV WV114 only) WV115: 18.96 of 18.96 mi (100.00%) (WV WV115 only) WV129: 11.17 of 11.17 mi (100.00%) (WV WV129 only) WV131: 10.47 of 10.47 mi (100.00%) (WV WV131 only) WV152: 11.97 of 42.35 mi (28.26%) (WV WV152 only) WV193: 3.55 of 3.55 mi (100.00%) (WV WV193 only) WV214: 18.87 of 18.87 mi (100.00%) (WV WV214 only) WV230: 8.99 of 8.99 mi (100.00%) (WV WV230 only) WV270: 3.74 of 4.57 mi (81.99%) (WV WV270 only) WV273: 1.00 of 1.00 mi (100.00%) (WV WV273 only) WV279: 3.18 of 3.37 mi (94.34%) (WV WV279 only) WV307: 1.25 of 7.91 mi (15.82%) (WV WV307 only) WV310: 2.37 of 15.19 mi (15.62%) (WV WV310 only) WV331: 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%) (WV WV331 only) WV480: 5.72 of 5.72 mi (100.00%) (WV WV480 only) WV501: 2.75 of 2.75 mi (100.00%) (WV WV501 only) WV527: 2.82 of 2.82 mi (100.00%) (WV WV527 only) WV598: 2.90 of 2.90 mi (100.00%) (WV WV598 only) WV601: 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%) (WV WV601 only) WV612: 7.70 of 7.70 mi (100.00%) (WV WV612 only) WV618: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (WV WV618 only) WV622: 15.93 of 15.93 mi (100.00%) (WV WV622 only) WV705: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (WV WV705 only) WV817: 42.88 of 42.88 mi (100.00%) (WV WV817 only) WV892: 9.51 of 9.51 mi (100.00%) (WV WV892 only) System usawv connected routes traveled: 83 of 135 (61.5%), clinched: 44 of 135 (32.6%). System usawi (active) overall: 127.87 of 8704.80 mi (1.47%) System usawi by route (traveled routes only): WI22: 40.45 of 171.11 mi (23.64%) (WI WI22 only) WI29: 32.92 of 291.69 mi (11.29%) (WI WI29 only) WI29Bus (Shawano): 3.78 of 6.55 mi (57.77%) (WI WI29BusSha only) WI32: 12.34 of 327.45 mi (3.77%) (WI WI32 only) WI47: 41.52 of 189.39 mi (21.92%) (WI WI47 only) WI55: 18.67 of 174.40 mi (10.71%) (WI WI55 only) WI100: 5.09 of 40.14 mi (12.68%) (WI WI100 only) WI156: 0.51 of 28.75 mi (1.78%) (WI WI156 only) WI167: 3.13 of 24.72 mi (12.65%) (WI WI167 only) WI172: 8.89 of 11.53 mi (77.15%) (WI WI172 only) WI175: 0.92 of 59.86 mi (1.53%) (WI WI175 only) WI794: 2.09 of 5.19 mi (40.28%) (WI WI794 only) System usawi connected routes traveled: 12 of 174 (6.9%), clinched: 0 of 174 (0.0%). System mexf (preview) overall: 105.88 of 26741.21 mi (0.40%) System mexf by region: MEX-AGS: 0.00 of 260.14 mi (0.00%) MEX-BC: 0.00 of 1109.96 mi (0.00%) MEX-BCS: 0.00 of 732.57 mi (0.00%) MEX-CAM: 0.00 of 793.08 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIH: 0.00 of 1555.19 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIS: 0.00 of 1292.40 mi (0.00%) MEX-COAH: 0.00 of 1051.51 mi (0.00%) MEX-COL: 0.00 of 211.33 mi (0.00%) MEX-DF: 0.00 of 37.73 mi (0.00%) MEX-DGO: 0.00 of 1270.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-EMEX: 0.00 of 546.02 mi (0.00%) MEX-GRO: 0.00 of 1087.60 mi (0.00%) MEX-GTO: 0.00 of 722.90 mi (0.00%) MEX-HGO: 0.00 of 487.50 mi (0.00%) MEX-JAL: 0.00 of 1264.26 mi (0.00%) MEX-MICH: 0.00 of 1309.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-MOR: 0.00 of 191.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-NAY: 0.00 of 464.10 mi (0.00%) MEX-NL: 0.00 of 852.91 mi (0.00%) MEX-OAX: 0.00 of 1603.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-PUE: 0.00 of 657.87 mi (0.00%) MEX-QRO: 0.00 of 317.71 mi (0.00%) MEX-QROO: 73.73 of 538.36 mi (13.70%) MEX-SIN: 0.00 of 568.01 mi (0.00%) MEX-SLP: 0.00 of 1013.92 mi (0.00%) MEX-SON: 0.00 of 1346.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAB: 0.00 of 401.19 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAM: 0.00 of 1464.85 mi (0.00%) MEX-TLAX: 0.00 of 306.89 mi (0.00%) MEX-VER: 0.00 of 1562.27 mi (0.00%) MEX-YUC: 32.15 of 828.59 mi (3.88%) MEX-ZAC: 0.00 of 891.28 mi (0.00%) System mexf by route (traveled routes only): MEX180 (Poza Rica, VER - Puerto Juárez, QROO): 28.53 of 998.10 mi (2.86%) MEX-YUC MEX180: 28.53 of 191.35 mi (14.91%) MEX295: 3.62 of 159.12 mi (2.27%) MEX-YUC MEX295: 3.62 of 95.26 mi (3.80%) MEX307 (Reforma Agraria - Puerto Juárez, QROO): 72.26 of 228.22 mi (31.66%) (MEX-QROO MEX307 only) MEX307 (Ramal a Puerto Morelos, QROO): 1.47 of 1.47 mi (100.00%) (MEX-QROO MEX307Mor only) System mexf connected routes traveled: 4 of 446 (0.9%), clinched: 1 of 446 (0.2%). System usams (preview) overall: 9.76 of 7829.93 mi (0.12%) System usams by route (traveled routes only): MS15 ((Main)): 1.46 of 297.14 mi (0.49%) (MS MS15 only) MS19: 4.12 of 119.19 mi (3.45%) (MS MS19 only) MS42: 2.21 of 115.82 mi (1.90%) (MS MS42 only) MS43 (Picayune): 1.98 of 82.79 mi (2.39%) (MS MS43Pic only) System usams connected routes traveled: 4 of 350 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 350 (0.0%). System usaush (preview) overall: 160.03 of 3462.97 mi (4.62%) System usaush by region: AZ: 124.43 of 398.24 mi (31.24%) CA: 0.00 of 938.33 mi (0.00%) GA: 15.18 of 20.69 mi (73.39%) IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%) IL: 9.20 of 384.11 mi (2.39%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 422.63 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 5.38 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 88.02 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 7.32 of 366.50 mi (2.00%) OH: 3.90 of 33.61 mi (11.61%) OK: 0.00 of 410.84 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 46.73 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US20His (Painesville, OH): 3.90 of 24.85 mi (15.71%) (OH US20HisPai only) US66His (Kingman, AZ): 106.84 of 156.08 mi (68.45%) (AZ US66HisKin only) US66His (Ash Fork, AZ): 0.42 of 1.45 mi (29.32%) (AZ US66HisAsh only) US66His (Flagstaff, AZ): 0.56 of 12.97 mi (4.31%) (AZ US66HisFla only) US66His (Winslow, AZ): 4.81 of 5.53 mi (87.00%) (AZ US66HisWin only) US66His (Joseph City, AZ): 2.53 of 2.53 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisJos only) US66His (Holbrook, AZ): 4.06 of 4.89 mi (82.95%) (AZ US66HisHol only) US66His (Grants, NM): 1.38 of 72.28 mi (1.90%) (NM US66HisGra only) US66His (Alburquerque, NM): 3.29 of 48.32 mi (6.81%) (NM US66HisAlb only) US66His (St Louis, MO): 9.20 of 921.79 mi (1.00%) IL US66HisChi: 9.20 of 288.70 mi (3.19%) US66His ((PRE-1937) Albuquerque, NM): 2.65 of 73.81 mi (3.59%) (NM US66HisAbq only) US89AHis (Clarkdale, AZ): 5.21 of 5.21 mi (100.00%) (AZ US89AHisCla only) US441His (Clarksville, GA): 15.18 of 15.18 mi (100.00%) (GA US441HisCla only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 13 of 123 (10.6%), clinched: 3 of 123 (2.4%). Traveled 40 of 374 (10.7%), Clinched 1 of 374 (0.3%) active systems Traveled 3 of 204 (1.5%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-08-03 | (USA) Arizona | I-11 Future (Hoover Dam) | az.i011futhoo | New Route 2015-08-11 | (USA) Georgia | I-16 | ga.i016 | Relabeled waypoint I-75 as 1 and previous waypoint 1 as 1A (US 23 & US 129, Spring Street) in Macon. 2015-08-18 | (USA) Georgia | Harry S Truman Parkway | ga.hartrupkwy | Extended westward from the interchange with GA 204 Spur (Whitfield Avenue) in Savannah to a new intersection with GA 204 (Abercorn Street). 2015-08-18 | (USA) South Carolina | US 17 Alternate Truck (Summerville) | sc.us017alttrksum | Added route 2015-08-18 | (USA) South Carolina | US 21 Business (Beaufort) | sc.us021busbea | Extended westward from SC 281 (formerly US21_N) along Boundary Street (former US 21) to the new northern/western end at US 21/Parris Island Gateway (new US21_N). 2015-08-20 | (USA) Indiana | US 52 | in.us052 | Removed from Sagamore Parkway, Lafayette and relocated onto US231, Old US231 and Teal Road between western junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly southern junction with US231) and eastern junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly junction with IN25) 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | I-41 | wi.i041 | Added route 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 41 | wi.us041 | Route relocated in Milwaukee area from WI 175 and I-94 to new I-41 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 22 | wi.wi022 | Truncated in Oconto between US 41 and Business US 41 2015-09-29 | (USA) South Carolina | US 521 | sc.us521 | Removed from Broad Street (US 76 Business), Calhoun Street (US 401), Lafayette Drive (US 15), & Manning Road in Sumter SC, and relocated to the southwest onto Bultman Drive, Guignard Drive, & Guignard Parkway, between the intersections of Broad Street/Bultman Drive & Manning Road/Guignard Parkway. 2015-10-17 | (USA) Texas | TXLp 1604 | tx.lp1604 | West end extended southward, eastward, and northward from US 90 to the point of beginning at I-10 Exit 587. 2015-10-26 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 175 | wi.wi175 | Extended south along WI 394 from I-94 to WI 59 2015-10-27 | (USA) North Carolina | I-485 | nc.i485 | Extended between exits 23C (NC 115) and 30 (I-85), completing loop around Charlotte 2015-10-27 | (USA) Virginia | US 460 (Tazewell) | va.us460taz | In Grundy, moved from part of Riverside Dr. (now US 460 Business) east to new divided highway 2015-11-07 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 85 | wv.wv085 | Extended north from WV 17 up to US 119 2015-11-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 107 | ma.ma107 | Removed from Bridge Street between Sergeant James Ayube Memorial Drive and MA 1A, and relocated onto Sergeant James Ayube Memorial Drive between Bridge Street and MA 1A 2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | US 9 | ny.us009 | Truncated at north end from a cul-de-sac/turnaround about 1/3 mile north of the I-87 Exit 43 interchange, to the I-87 Exit 43 interchange 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | I-278 | ny.i278 | Extended at east end from Exit 54 at the west end of the Bruckner Interchange, to I-95, I-295 and I-678 at the east end of the Bruckner Interchange. Relabeled waypoints 38 to 41, 39 to 42, 40 to 43, 41 to 44, 42 to 45, 43 to 46, 44 to 47, 45 to 48, 46 to 50, 47 to 51, and 48 to 52. 2015-12-29 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 980 | pa.pa980 | Removed from a closed roadway parallel to the Montour Trail to the southwest, and relocated onto a direct beeline connection between the new four-way intersection at PA 50 and a closed intersection, labeled *OldPA980, about 160 feet south. 2016-01-02 | (USA) Kentucky | US 231 | ky.us231 | Removed from Lagoon Lane, KY 603 and KY144 and relocated onto a four-lane divided bypass to the southeast, between KY 54 and a point (labeled *OldUS231) slightly north of the KY 2830 overpass 2016-01-07 | (USA) Ohio | OH 707 | oh.oh707 | Removed from Mercer Road between US 33 and US 127, and relocated onto US 33 & US 127. 2016-01-08 | (USA) Tennessee | US 127 | tn.us127 | Extended at north end from the former state line with Kentucky (labeled OldUS127_Sta) westward along a new alignment paralleling the Kentucky state line for about 0.2 miles to the Kentucky new border crossing. 2016-01-12 | (USA) Ohio | I-275 | oh.i275 | New waypoint 31 for Ronald Reagan Hwy, relabeled waypoint 31 to 31A 2016-02-01 | (USA) Tennessee | US 27 | tn.us027 | Removed from old two-lane through Evensville (now Medlin Pike), and moved onto a new 4-lane alignment to the east between the intersections with Medlin Pike (MedPike_S & MedPike_N) 2016-02-17 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 906 | nc.nc906 | Route added 2016-02-18 | (USA) North Carolina | US 421 | nc.us421 | Removed from Boone Trail & Horner Blvd through Sanford (now US421 Bus Sanford) between Exit 143 and US421BusSan_N 2016-02-18 | (USA) North Carolina | US 421 Business (Sanford) | nc.us421bussan | New route 2016-03-01 | (USA) Tennessee | US 64 | tn.us064 | Removed from old two-lane to the west of Lawrenceburg (now Old Waynesboro Highway), and moved onto a new 4-lane alignment between the intersections with TN Secondary 240 and Old Waynesboro Highway (OldWayHwy_W) 2016-03-03 | (USA) Ohio | Dayton International Airport Access Road | oh.dayairrd | Route added 2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | I-93 | nh.i093 | Northbound roadway relocated approximately 0.2 mi westward immediately parallel to southbound roadway, between a point south of Exit 3 (labeled *OldI-93) and Exit 3. Southbound roadway unaffected 2016-03-29 | (USA) Texas | US 59 | tx.us059 | Removed from Saunders St (US 59 Business) between I-35 Exit 2 and TX Loop 20, and relocated onto TX Loop 20 between Saunders St and the World Trade International Bridge 2016-04-17 | (USA) Alabama | US 431 | al.us431 | Relocated onto the Anniston Eastern Bypass and a 3-mile leg of I-20 2016-05-15 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 87 | nc.nc087 | Moved onto the future I-295 freeway between Bragg Blvd and NC 210 then follows NC 210 2016-05-15 | (USA) Virginia | I-95 | va.i095 | previous Exit 74B is actually 74C in the field and a new point for actual 74B was added 2016-06-16 | (USA) Florida | I-10 | fl.i010 | Relocated exit 355 0.8 miles to the west to a new interchange with Hammond Boulvard, and relabeled former interchange (now closed) at Greeland Avenue as *355A 2016-06-16 | (USA) Florida | I-795 Future (Jacksonville) | fl.i795futjac | Extended at south end from the interchange with US 1 down to a new interchange with I-95 2016-06-27 | (USA) Georgia | US 19 Business (Dahlonega) | ga.us019busdah | Removed from South Chestatee Street and East Main Street between the intersections of South Chestatee Street/US 19/GA 9/GA 52/GA 60 and North Grove Street/East Main Street. Then rerouted along East Main Street between the intersections of North Grove Street/East Main Street and East Main Street/US 19/GA 9/GA 52/GA 60 2016-06-29 | (USA) Illinois | US 34 | il.us034 | Removed from County Road 1500N and IL 94 between 1400E and 1850E and relocated onto new four-lane south of Biggsville 2016-07-30 | (USA) Alabama | US 82 | al.us082 | Removed from AL 25 and AL 382 and relocated onto the northeastern Centreville bypass between AL 25 North and CR 20 2016-08-06 | (USA) North Carolina | US 401 | nc.us401 | Route moved to new bypass of Rolesville 2016-08-16 | (USA) Tennessee | US 11 | tn.us011 | Removed from Kingston Pike, Cumberland Avenue, US 441, and East 5th Avenue in Knoxville, and rerouted along Neyland Drive (former TN 158) and Hall of Fame Drive between the intersections of Kingston Pike/Neyland Drive and East 5th Avenue/Hall of Fame Drive 2016-08-16 | (USA) Tennessee | US 129 | tn.us129 | Relocated the 'US11/70' point from Kingston Pike (now KinPk) to the intersection with Neyland Drive (former TNs158) 2016-09-18 | (USA) Michigan | US 41 | mi.us041 | Extended north from FortWilSP to ManRd_N 2016-10-01 | (USA) Virginia | US 11 | va.us011 | Swapped the VA117_N and VA117_S waypoint labels 2016-11-12 | (USA) Tennessee | I-840 | tn.i840 | Route added 2016-11-16 | (USA) New Jersey | NJ 18 | nj.nj018 | Extended north from Buckingham Drive to I-287 2016-12-15 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 155 | tn.tn155 | Route extended to US70S on west end and to US31 on east end 2016-12-18 | (USA) Indiana | I-265 Fut (Louisville, KY) | in.i265futlou | Extended to Kentucky border at new Ohio River bridge 2016-12-18 | (USA) Indiana | IN 265 | in.in265 | Extended to Kentucky border at new Ohio River bridge 2016-12-18 | (USA) Kentucky | I-265 Fut (Louisville, KY) | ky.i265futlou | Extended to Indiana border at new Ohio River bridge 2016-12-18 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 841 | ky.ky0841 | Extended to Indiana border at new Ohio River bridge 2017-01-06 | (USA) Tennessee | US 70S | tn.us070s | Removed from old 2-lane alignment (now McMinnville Hwy and Nashville Hwy) and relocated onto new 4-lane alignment to the north between BilWestRd and AirRd 2017-04-02 | (USA) West Virginia | US 48 | wv.us048 | Extended westward from it's former temporary western end at the old WV 93 alignment in Tucker County along WV 32, US 219, and US 33 to it's permanent western end at an interchange with I-79. 2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 1 | ri.us001 | Northbound direction removed from Post Road and relocated onto Greenwich Avenue and Veterans Memorial Drive between Centerville Road and US1 Business / RI 117 (Post Road). 2017-05-17 | (USA) Arizona | US 180 | az.us180 | Route truncated at north end from East Rim Drive to the boundary of Grand Canyon National Park 2017-06-24 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 28 Truck (Anderson) | sc.sc028trkand | Route added 2017-06-25 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 279 | wv.wv279 | Extended westward from it's former western end at I-79 to County Route 707. 2017-07-01 | (USA) Florida | I-595 | fl.i595 | Relabeled all exit numbers between I-75 & I-95 (exit 10), due to a renumbering of all exits after Express lanes were added to I-595. 2017-08-05 | (USA) Florida | US 1 | fl.us001 | Removed from Brickell Avenue in Miami, and relocated onto FL 970 and southern 2 miles of I-95 between the intersection of FL 970/Brickell Avenue (BriAve) and the interchange of I-95/Brickell Ave. 2017-08-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 114 | ri.ri114 | Removed from Mill St and High St in Cumberland, and relocated onto Broad Street and Dexter St (RI 123) between Mill St and High St (waypoint RI123_E). 2017-10-11 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 12 | wv.wv012 | Corrected ending labels along multiplex with WV 3. Flipped both 'WV3_W' & 'WV3_E' so that they match the correct dirrection WV 3 leaves WV 12 on each side. 2017-10-19 | (USA) North Carolina | I-87 | nc.i087 | newly designated to replace I-495 2017-10-19 | (USA) North Carolina | I-87 Future (Rocky Mount) | nc.i087futroc | newly designated to replace I-495FutRoc 2017-10-19 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 143 Business | nc.nc143busrob | completely reworked - was shown erroneously on a completely different route 2017-10-20 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 110 | ma.ma110 | Removed from East Haverhill St and Merrimac St, and relocated onto Jackson St, Swan St and East St between Haverhill St (labeled JacSt_S) and I-495 exit 46 2017-11-03 | (USA) North Carolina | US 158 | nc.us158 | Rerouted to bypass Reidsville to the south and east via NC 87 and US 29 instead of US 29 Bus and NC 14, all points between US29Bus and US29 are changed 2017-11-03 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 10 | wv.wv010 | Removed from Hanging Rock Road (now CR 210/25) between Logan & Man, and relocated onto a new parallel 4-lane highway to the the south between Hanging Rock Road (HanRockRd_S) in Man, & Stratton Street (StrSt) in Logan. 2017-11-14 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 32 | wi.wi032 | Removed from Main Street between Hamilton and Goold streets, and from Goold Street between Main Street and Douglas Avenue, and relocated onto Hamilton Street between Main Street and Douglas Avenue and Douglas Avenue northwest to Goold Street. Renamed point DouAve->GooSt 2017-11-18 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 2259 | ky.ky2259 | Route added 2017-11-22 | (USA) California | I-580 | ca.i580 | Waypoint 19B moved from I-980/CA 24 interchange in downtown Oakland west to added exit for CA 123, with old 19B renumbered 19C 2017-12-19 | (USA) Delaware | DE 15 | de.de015 | Removed from a demolished roadway directly connecting waypoints *OldDE15_A and *OldDE15_B, and relocated onto a northwesterly relocation of Wyoming Mill Rd and Hazlettville Rd via an intersection with Westover Dr. Removed from a demolished roadway directly connecting *OldDE15_C and the entrance to Charles E. Price Memorial Park, and relocated eastward via a roundabout at St Annes Church Rd. Removed from a demolished roadway directly connecting waypoints *OldDE15_D and *OldDE15_E, and relocated onto a northwesterly relocation of Levels Rd and Middletown Warwick Rd (US 301). 2017-12-19 | (USA) Delaware | DE 299 | de.de299 | Removed from a demolished east-west section (approx. 0.1 mi) of Warwick Rd and US 301, and relocated onto a northerly extension of Warwick Rd, parallel to and west of the under-construction US 301 divided freeway, and Levels Rd between a waypoint labelled *OldDE299 and US 301. 2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 25W | tn.us025w | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly north of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411 2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 70 | tn.us070 | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly west of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 922 | ky.ky0922 | Extended at south end from US 60 to US 27/US 68 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 31E | ky.us031e | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 150 | ky.us150 | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N 2018-04-01 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 386 | tn.tn386 | Extended at east end from TN 109 to TN 174 2018-04-06 | (USA) Virginia | US 460 Business (Pearisburg) | va.us460buspea | routing on west end was incorrect - tie in to mainline US 460 was at wrong intersection making first 2 waypoints invalid 2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line. 2018-04-13 | (USA) Alabama | US 84 | al.us084 | Relocated onto Elba bypass 2018-05-31 | (USA) Illinois | IL 110 | il.il110 | Extended along Macomb bypass from US 136 to US 67 2018-06-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 53 | pa.pa053 | Removed from Maple St and PA 350 and relocated onto Front St and Presqueisle St between East Maple St and PA 350/504. 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 93 | nv.us093 | Relocated from Boulder City Parkway to new I-11 freeway, between exits 2 and 15B 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 95 | nv.us095 | Relocated from Old US 95 and part of Boulder City Parkway, to I-11 freeway between exits 14 and 15B 2018-08-23 | (USA) Nevada | NV 172 | nv.nv172 | Truncated west end from I-11 exit 14 to I-11 exit 2 2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | US 20 | oh.us020 | OH269 point moved from Northwest St/Southwest St to Sandusky St 2018-09-10 | (USA) Illinois | IL 50 | il.il050 | Moved IL83_N to 127th Street (old point now CalSagRd) 2018-09-14 | (USA) Georgia | US 1 | ga.us001 | Removed from Harrington St in Oak Park and relocated to new bypass on the south side of Oak Park, waypoint GA86_E renamed as ChiLn 2018-09-15 | (USA) North Carolina | I-73 | nc.i073 | Extended to future Rockingham Bypass 2018-09-15 | (USA) North Carolina | I-74 High Point | nc.i074hig | Extended to future Rockingham Bypass 2018-09-24 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-295 | pa.i295 | Extended into PA onto the former routing of I-95 north of I-276 (PA Turnpike). 2018-10-13 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 8 | pa.pa008 | Fixed PA380_W and PA380_E labels as they were backwards. 2018-10-27 | (USA) Indiana | IN 57 | in.in057 | Extended at north end along US 231 from IN 54 to IN 67 2018-11-15 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 741 | pa.pa741 | Truncated on its western end to Commerical Ave between PA 283 and PA 722. 2018-11-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 219 | pa.us219 | Rerouted onto new freeway between Meyersdale (at north end of US 219 Business(Meyersdale)) and Somerset (at Berlin Plank Rd). 2018-12-01 | (USA) North Carolina | I-285 | nc.i285 | Added route 2018-12-01 | (USA) North Carolina | US 74 Bypass (Monroe) | nc.us074bypmon | New Route 2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors. 2018-12-16 | (USA) Kentucky | US 60 | ky.us060 | Removed from High St/Maxwell St one-way pair and Broadway and relocated onto KY 922 and US 25/421 between KY922_S & US25/27 2018-12-20 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 9 | ky.ky0009 | Moved KY8 waypoint to roundabout, and removed from 12th St & Central Ave and relocated onto Lowell St and Chestnut Way between 12th St & KY 8 2019-01-01 | (USA) Indiana | US 50 | in.us050 | Relocated in North Vernon from Walnut St & Buckeye St onto the former routing of IN 750 2019-01-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 295 | md.md295 | Truncated at south end from US50/MD201 to MD175 2019-01-06 | (USA) Virginia | George Washington Parkway | va.gwmempkwy | Route deleted (replaced by usanp version) 2019-01-08 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 116 | pa.pa116 | Relocated in Hanover to follow posted routing along Frederick St. This breaks the concurrency with PA 194 as the route is now shown only following the routing of PA 194 NB (Frederick St). 2019-01-12 | (USA) Delaware | US 301 | de.us301 | Route completely realigned onto tolled freeway from MD/DE line to DE 1. It was removed from Middletown-Warwick Rd and concurrencies with DE 15, DE 299, DE 71, and DE 896 to its former northern terminus at US 40. 2019-02-03 | (USA) North Carolina | US 17 business (Wilmington) | nc.us017buswlm | truncated on both ends - replaced on both ends by mainline US 17 2019-02-03 | (USA) Virginia | VA 237 | va.va237 | east truncated to VA 120 2019-03-07 | (USA) Kentucky | I-165 | ky.i165 | Route added 2019-03-11 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 4 | ri.ri004 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 5 moved from Ten Rod Road (RI 2/102, now Exit 3) to South County Trail (RI 2, former Exit 6). 2019-03-13 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 98 | wv.wv098 | Removed from the former South Chestnut Street Bridge (demolished mid-2000's) in Clarksburg, and rerouted onto the replacement bridge to the south between US19 (US19_N) & Veterans Park (*OldWV98_E). 2019-03-18 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 115 | wv.wv115 | Route extended at the Southern end at the interchange with US 340 to WV 9 near the WV-MD border. 2019-03-22 | (USA) North Carolina | NC58 | nc.nc058 | Routed onto new bypass of Pollocksville. Note that this is new routing btw US17_N and LeesChaRd. The old route includes new US 17 route btw NC58_N and MainSt 2019-03-22 | (USA) North Carolina | US 17 Business (Maysville) | nc.us017busmay | New route 2019-03-22 | (USA) Virginia | VA 37 | va.va037 | extended to new endpoint at SR 642 2019-04-09 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 310 | wv.wv310 | Extended northward from US 250 across a new bridge to an intersection with US 19. 2019-04-13 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-376 | pa.i376 | Truncated Route to Exit 85 where it defaults onto US 22. 2019-04-21 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 817 | wv.wv817 | Extended northward from Lock Eleven Rd (CR17/5) to WV 2 in Henderson. 2019-05-20 | (USA) Florida | Hart Bridge Expressway | fl.hartexpy | Added route. 2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 6 | ma.us006 | Waypoint MA105 moved from Spring St to Front St. 2019-06-23 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 38 | ma.ma038 | Removed from Main St and relocated onto Washington St and Skilling Rd, between Mount Pleasant St and Lake St in Winchester. 2019-06-23 | (USA) Tennessee | US 64 Bypass (Cleveland) | tn.us064bypcle | Route extended at west end to I-75 2019-06-29 | (USA) North Carolina | I-140 | nc.i140 | truncated back to I-40 with east of I-40 becoming NC 140 2019-06-29 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 905 | sc.sc905 | extended to correct endpoint at US 378 2019-07-31 | (USA) Kentucky | US 27 | ky.us027 | Removed from route through Cynthiana (now US 27 Business) and onto bypass concurrent with US 62 2019-08-18 | (USA) Maryland | MD 658 | md.md658 | Added route 2019-08-24 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 24 | nc.nc024 | rerouted onto newly constructed bypass of Troy with points between NC109_N and NC24Bus/27Bus being new location. Former NC 24 segment is NC 24 Business 2019-08-24 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 24 Business | nc.nc024bustro | new designation replacing NC 24 through Troy 2019-08-24 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 27 Business | nc.nc027bustro | new designation replacing NC 27 through Troy 2019-09-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 56 | pa.pa056 | Realigned between *OldPA56_A and *OldPA56_B around Hiner Rd (HinRd) intersection slightly southeast of PA 259. Realigned between *OldPA56_C and *OldPA56_D north of US 22. 2019-10-01 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 51 | wv.wv051 | Removed from multiplex with US 11 & partially from Middleway Pike in Inwood, and relocated to the northeast onto a new 2-lane highway between the new roundabouts at Middleway Pike/Surveyor Drive (MidPike_W) & US 11. 2019-10-08 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 18 Truck (Morganton) | nc.nc018trkmor | Route added 2019-10-22 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 31 | pa.pa031 | Realigned at connector road to I-70/I-76 at the Donegal Interchange (between *OldPA31_A and *OldPA31_B). 2019-11-17 | (USA) North Carolina | US 17 | nc.us017 | rerouted onto newly constructed freeway connecting Pollocksville and New Bern bypasses with points between NC58_N and 136 being new location. Former US 17 segment is US 17 Business 2019-11-17 | (USA) North Carolina | US 17 Business (New Bern) | nc.us017busnew | extended south replacing mainline US 17 to Pollocksville 2019-12-11 | (USA) Tennessee | US 31W | tn.us031w | TN109 waypoint moved from old location at Ronnie McDowell Pkwy to new location approximately 0.4 miles to the south 2019-12-18 | (USA) New Jersey | Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector | nj.atlbricon | Added route 2020-01-05 | (USA) Tennessee | US 41 | tn.us041 | Removed from US 64/US 72 and Betsy Pack Dr in Jasper and relocated onto TN 28 and new alignment to the northeast of the city 2020-01-12 | (USA) Virginia | US 501 | va.us501 | rerouted at the James River, new alignment is between closed points OldUS501S and N 2020-01-14 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 156 | wi.wi156 | Extended east from previous intersection with WI29/32 along Old 29 Drive and CR Y to new interchange with WI 29/32 2020-03-21 | (USA) Georgia | US 29 | ga.us029 | Removed from Crogan St and relocated to Lawrenceville Suwanee Road and University Parkway around Lawrenceville. 2020-03-21 | (USA) Georgia | US 341 | ga.us341 | Removed from Main St and Sam Nunn Blvd and relocated to North Perry Parkway around Perry. 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 1A (Providence) | ri.ri001apro | Due to I-195 exit renumbering, waypoint I-195(2) moved from I-195 Exit 1C to Broadway. 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 6 | ri.us006 | Due to I-195 exit renumbering, waypoint I-195(2) moved from I-195 Exit 1C to Broadway. Alternate label I-195(1B) moved from I-195 Exit 1 to Taunton Ave (US 44). 2020-04-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 133 | ma.ma133 | Removed from MA 114 and MA 125 and relocated onto Peters St between MA 114 and MA 125. 2020-05-14 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 107 | tn.tn107 | Removed from Jonesborough Rd & Main Ave and relocated onto new Pat E Brown Memorial Bridge 2020-05-19 | (USA) Florida | US 441 | fl.us441 | Removed from North Marion Avenue in Lake City, and relocated onto US 90, US 41, & FL 100A, between the intersections of US 90/North Marion Avenue & CR 100A/North Marion Avenue. 2020-05-23 | (USA) Florida | US 98 | fl.us098 | Relocated 'US319_MedN' point to the northeast by 0.2 miles due to a reroute of US 319. Old location of the US 319 intersection is now 'OldCraHwy_S'. 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 106 (Chastain) | nc.nc106cha | Route added to account for dips in and out of Georgia 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 106 (Nantahala) | nc.nc106nan | Route added to account for dips in and out of Georgia 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 134 | nc.nc134 | Route extended to posted end of I-73/74 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 226 | nc.nc226 | Rerouted to correct endpoint at US 29 in Grover 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 29 | nc.us029 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 74 | nc.us074 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-06-16 | (USA) Maryland | US 40 Alt (Hagerstown) | md.us040althag | Truncated at west end from US 40 to Potomac Street 2020-06-25 | (USA) Illinois | IL 64 | il.il064 | Relocated IA/IL and IL84_N for new bridge 2020-07-01 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 62 | ma.ma062 | Removed from Brook St and MA 70 and relocated onto Sterling St between Brook St and MA70/110. 2020-07-25 | (USA) North Carolina | I-74 Future (Whiteville) | nc.i074futwhi | route extended both directions - west to NC 242 and east to Hallsboro Rd 2020-09-16 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 31 | sc.sc031 | extended south as new freeway to SC 707 (originally done 11-17-2019, reemphasizing due to issue that led to the extension not being shown) 2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 87 | tx.us087 | Removed from I-20 and US 87 Business (Big Spring) and relocated onto William B. Crooker Memorial Highway between I-20 and the north end of US 87 Business (Big Spring). 2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 90 | tx.us090 | Removed from College, Pearl, Park, and Willow Streets, and relocated onto I-10 between exits 851 and 855. 2020-09-28 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 6225 | ky.ky6225 | Route added 2020-10-04 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 24 | ri.ri024 | Removed from the 1956 Sakonnet River Bridge and relocated onto the 2012 Sakonnet River Bridge between exits 3 and 5. 2020-10-04 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 138 | ri.ri138 | Removed from the 1956 Sakonnet River Bridge and relocated onto the 2012 Sakonnet River Bridge between RI 24 exits 3 and 5. 2020-11-13 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 150 | nc.nc150 | rerouted around Kernersville using US 421 and new roadway, points between US421(222) and MainSt_W are the new routing 2020-11-17 | (USA) Kentucky | US 421 | ky.us421 | Realigned junction with KY 499 into single point 2020-11-18 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-195 | ma.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers changed except for Exit 1. 2020-11-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 25 | ma.ma025 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 6 / MA 28 (now Exit 10) to Maple Springs Rd (former Exit 2). 2020-11-29 | (USA) Kentucky | I-275 | ky.i275 | Changed former Exit 8 (KY 237) to Exit 6 and added new Exit 8 at Graves Rd 2020-11-29 | (USA) Kentucky | US 119 | ky.us119 | Removed from former route (now KY 3619) and relocated onto parallel bypass between KY3619_S and KY3619_N (relocation occurred in late 2017) 2020-12-18 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 87 | az.az087 | Route extended south from Frontier Street (former AZ 84) near Eloy, through new interchange with I-10, to Phillips Road. 2020-12-19 | (USA) North Carolina | US 64 | nc.us064 | Rerouted onto new Asheboro bypass - new route is between points 339-352 2020-12-19 | (USA) North Carolina | US 64 Business (Asheboro) | nc.us064busash | Route added 2020-12-24 | (USA) Indiana | US 31 | in.us031 | Waypoint 225 moved from US 6 (now 233) to correct location at US 30 2020-12-24 | (USA) Kentucky | US 42 | ky.us042 | KY 536 point relocated from Mt Zion Rd intersection (now labeled MtZionRd) to new point 0.1 mile south at new KY 536 alignmnent 2020-12-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 32 | oh.oh032 | OH220 point moved from old location (now GerRd) to new location approximately 1.5 miles to the west 2020-12-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 124 | oh.oh124 | OH220 point moved from old location (now GerRd) to new location approximately 1.5 miles to the west 2020-12-26 | (USA) Georgia | GA 22 | ga.ga022 | Route extended through Comer along former GA72 and GA98 to new intersection with GA72. 2020-12-26 | (USA) Georgia | GA 72 | ga.ga072 | Relocated along Colbert-Comer Rd. around Comer and Carlton from Sunset Ave and River Rd. 2020-12-26 | (USA) Georgia | GA 98 | ga.ga098 | East end truncated to new intersection with GA72. 2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95. 2021-01-19 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 24 | ma.ma024 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers above 7 changed. 2021-01-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 3A (Manchester, NH) | ma.ma003alow | Renamed MA 3A (Lowell). 2021-02-05 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 211 | nc.nc211 | Rerouted onto new alignment in Aberdeen - new route is between points US15/501_S and US 1_S and closed point remains at former US 1 tie-in 2021-02-05 | (USA) North Carolina | US 501 | nc.us501 | Rerouted onto new alignment in Aberdeen - new route is between points NC211_E and US 1_S and closed point remains at former US 1 tie-in 2021-02-05 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 150 Truck (Pacolet Mills) | sc.sc150trkpac | Route added 2021-02-05 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 153 | sc.sc153 | extended north as new roadway to Saluda Dam Rd 2021-02-09 | (USA) North Carolina | US 15 | nc.us015 | US158Bus_E and W labels were backwards 2021-02-27 | (USA) North Carolina | US 64 ALT (Tarboro) | nc.us064alttar | Route extended east to absorb US 64 ALT (Bethel) 2021-02-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 141 | ga.ga141 | Route extended from GA9 to GA20 along Bethelview Rd. 2021-02-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 204 | ga.ga204 | Route truncated to GA21. 2021-03-10 | (USA) Florida | US 92 | fl.us092 | Relocated FL559 label from Main Street (now MainSt) to the west about 1.9 miles to South Berkley Road (former CR 655) in Auburndale due to transfer agreement between FDOT & Polk County. 2021-03-15 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 36 | ky.ky0036 | Concurrency with US 68 eliminated with relocation of US 68, and alignment adjusted slightly between *OldUS68_W and *OldKY36 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 27 | nc.nc027 | Route moved onto I-277 in downtown Charlotte - new routing is between US 29 and US74(243) points 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 108 | nc.nc108 | Route extended to its longtime endpoint at US 221 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 213 | nc.nc213 | Route extended to its longtime endpoint just east of US 19-23 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 21 | nc.us021 | HamRd near US 421 renamed PetRd with no alt name possible to accommodate another HamRd point needed in Charlotte area 2021-03-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 311 | nc.us311 | Route truncated to new endpoint of US 52 Winston Salem 2021-03-25 | (USA) Louisiana | Lake Pontchartrain Causeway | la.lakeponcswy | Truncated at south end to EspAve and at north end to US190/22 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 3 | ga.ga003 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 19 | ga.us019 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-03-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 41 | ga.us041 | Relocated between OldDixRd_S and OldDixRd_N to new pavement to the east. 2021-04-20 | (USA) Florida | FL 618 | fl.fl618 | Extended on western end from the former end point at Exit 1A (US 92) to the west to just shy of the Gandy Bridge on US 92 along a brand new elevated expressway. 2021-05-02 | (USA) North Carolina | US 19 TRUCK (Waynesville) | nc.us019trkway | rerouted off US 441 via more US 74 to posted endpoint at US 19/74 junction - old route to Cherokee remains US 441 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 128 | ma.ma128 | Relabeled exits on I-95 overlap from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-17 | (USA) Illinois | I-294 | il.i294 | Updated labels for the interchanges of I-57 (was 8, now 7) & IL 83 (was 9, now 8) due to a recent renumbering. 2021-05-21 | (USA) Maryland | US 219 | md.us219 | Relocated onto new bypass roadway north of I-68 exit 22 near Grantsville 2021-05-21 | (USA) Maryland | US 219 Business (Grantsville) | md.us219busgra | Added route, this consists of former US 219 alignment now bypassed 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 3 | ma.ma003 | Waypoint 18(93) moved from Massachusetts Ave Connector (now labeled 15(93)) to the northern I-93 split. 2021-06-18 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 50 | nc.nc050 | rerouted onto new bridge to Topsail Island 12-18-2018 - new routing is between points NC210_E and AtkPoiRd 2021-06-18 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 29 | wi.wi029 | Removed from connector to I-41 and moved onto Shawano Avenue between Cardinal Lane and I-41 2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-07-05 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 45 | wi.us045 | Re-entered route with exit numbers along I-41, I-894, US 10, WI 29. Re-entered all waypoint locations along I-894. 2021-08-07 | (USA) Tennessee | US 411 | tn.us411 | Removed from former alignment and relocated onto TN 92 and new partial bypass of Chestnut Hill between TN92_S and US411_S 2021-08-28 | (USA) Ohio | OH 84 | oh.oh084 | Truncated at west end from US 20 to US 6 2021-08-30 | (USA) North Carolina | US 76 | nc.us076 | extended east one waypoint to its actual endpoint 2021-08-30 | (USA) North Carolina | US 441 Business - Cherokee | nc.us441busche | was shown erroneously on a completely different route only US19_E point north was correct - route has not changed since inception in 1987 2021-09-03 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-395 | ma.i395 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-15 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-290 | ma.i290 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All .list entries broken. 2021-09-26 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 160 | nc.nc160 | completely rerouted between the ByrDr and YorRd points around 2011 2021-10-20 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 28 | pa.pa028 | Slightly realigned between RicSt and relocated intersection with US322_E in Brookville. 2021-10-20 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 322 | pa.us322 | Slightly realigned between RicSt and relocated intersection with PA28_N in Brookville. 2021-11-11 | (USA) Illinois | I-90 | il.i090 | Relabelled exits in Chicago along the I-94 Concurrency. 2021-11-21 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 28 | ma.ma028 | Extended at south end from MA 6A concurrent with MA 6A to US 6. 2021-11-21 | (USA) Texas | TX 80 | tx.tx080 | West end truncated from RM 12 to TX Loop 82. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | US 6 | il.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Ohio | OH 10 | oh.oh010 | Extended at east end from US 422 (now US422_W waypoint) along US 422/OH 8/OH 14/OH 43/OH87, I-77, I-490, new construction, and E 105th St to US 322 2021-11-30 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 397 | tn.tn397 | Extended at north end from US 431/US 431 Business counterclockwise to TN 96 2021-12-15 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 627 Truck (Winchester) | ky.ky0627trkwin | Route added 2022-01-01 | (USA) Georgia | GA 53 | ga.ga053 | Relocated along Union Grove Rd south of Calhoun. 2022-01-01 | (USA) Georgia | GA 92 | ga.ga092 | Relocated between Fairburn Rd and Old Dallas Rd onto bypass around east side of Douglasville. 2022-01-01 | (USA) Georgia | US 78 | ga.us078 | Relocated intersection with GA 92, removing concurrency with same. 2022-01-01 | (USA) Texas | I-69 | tx.i069 | Extended southward from a closed intersection with TX Spur 529 to Exit 94. 2022-01-16 | (USA) Georgia | GA 17 | ga.ga017 | Shortened from GA 21 to its proper end at Sonny Dixon Interchange. 2022-01-16 | (USA) Indiana | IN 56 | in.in056 | Rerouted around Madison along IN 62 and US 421 between Clifty Hollow Rd and new intersection at 2nd St & Harrison St 2022-01-16 | (USA) Indiana | US 421 | in.us421 | IN56_E point relocated from Main St/Baltimore St intersection to new intersection at 2nd St & Harrison St 2022-02-21 | (USA) Texas | I-35 | tx.i035 | Extended southward from US 83 / TX 359 to Hidalgo St. 2022-03-05 | (USA) South Carolina | I-26 | sc.i026 | extended east one waypoint to its actual endpoint 2022-03-05 | (USA) South Carolina | I-585 | sc.i585 | truncated back to I-85 BL which is still its actual endpoint 2022-03-25 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 66 | az.az066 | Route extended east from first crossing of Coconino/Yavapai county line to third crossing of Coconino/Yavapai county line. 2022-03-27 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 126 Business (Blountville) | tn.tn126busblo | Route added 2022-03-27 | (USA) Tennessee | US 321 | tn.us321 | Moved to new bridge over the Tennessee River (constructed between 2016-2018) between US11 & TN444 2022-03-27 | (USA) Tennessee | US 411 Truck (Maryville) | tn.us411trkmar | Route added 2022-04-01 | (USA) Florida | FL 589 | fl.fl589 | Northern end truncated from US 98 (former exit 54) south to where new alignment for FL 589 extention started (*OldFL589), about 0.3 miles. Then extended northward 13 miles along a brand new freeway alignment to a new interchange with FL 44. 2022-04-19 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 99 | az.az099 | Route truncated at south end from boundary of Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest to end of state maintenance which is roughly 16 miles south of Winslow 2022-05-08 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 107 | ri.ri107 | Extended eastward from RI 102 to Victory Hwy. 2022-05-15 | (USA) Arizona | US 191 | az.us191 | Route truncated at south end from Mexican border to AZ 80 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | I-26 (Faust) | nc.i026fau | extended route to Exit 13 replacing some of I-26 Future 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | I-26 Future (Asheville) | nc.i026futash | truncated route to Exit 13 replaced by I-26 Faust 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | I-885 | nc.i885 | Added route 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 12 | nc.nc012 | rerouted onto new bridge, new routing is between OldNC12_S and OldNC12_N 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 147 | nc.nc147 | Truncated route, replaced by NC 885 and some of I-885 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 184 | nc.nc184 | Truncated route 0.6 miles to actual ending 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 885 | nc.nc885 | Added route, replaced part of NC 147 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | US 70 Bus Durham | nc.us070busdur | rerouted at east end to follow NC 98 instead of Miami Blvd 2022-06-26 | (USA) Indiana | IN 9 | in.in009 | Removed from Harrison St north of IN 44 in Shelbyville and relocated onto IN 44 and I-74 2022-06-26 | (USA) Kentucky | US 127 | ky.us127 | Removed from CR1596 and Sewellton Rd (now part of KY 2284) and relocated onto new alignment between *OldUS127 and StoLn 2022-07-04 | (USA) North Carolina | I-85 | nc.i085 | Exits 174A and 174 labels needed to be swapped - alt labels not possible 2022-07-04 | (USA) South Carolina | US 123 Con (Easley) | sc.us123coneas | Route added 2022-07-13 | (USA) Illinois | I-94 | il.i094 | Relocated exit 59B from 69th Street to Marquette Road. 2022-08-02 | (USA) Florida | FL 5 (Jacksonville) | fl.fl005jac | Extended northward along Main Street in Jacksonville to the northern half of the split US 1/US 90 interchange. 2022-08-17 | (USA) Illinois | IL 19 | il.il019 | Relocated to current alignment between YorkRd and *OldIL19. 2022-08-30 | (USA) California | US 101 | ca.us101 | South end of route truncated from CA 60 to junction with I-5 (truncated segment is also I-5, between exits 134A and 134B). Old US 101 waypoint I-5/10 => new 1A (I-5/10 label in use preserved). Old 1A => new 1B, and old 1B => new 1C. 2022-09-03 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 460 | sc.sc460 | extended Jan 2020 south back around to US 21 Bus 2022-10-04 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 30 | pa.us030 | Realigned east of WV/PA and west of PA 168 between *OldUS30_A and *OldUS30_B. 2022-10-15 | (USA) Maryland | US 301 | md.us301 | Removed from the original 1940 Gov. Harry W. Nice Bridge and relocated onto the replacement 2022 bridge across the Potomac River. 2022-10-15 | (USA) Virginia | US 301 | va.us301 | Removed from the original 1940 Gov. Harry W. Nice Bridge and relocated onto the replacement 2022 bridge across the Potomac River. 2022-11-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-95 | ri.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2022-11-13 | (USA) Indiana | IN 237 (English) | in.in237eng | Extended at south end from I-64 to IN 62/IN 66 2022-12-17 | (USA) Kentucky | US 68 | ky.us068 | Removed from Canton Rd and relocated onto new parallel expressway between CanRd_W and CanRd_E 2022-12-23 | (USA) Kentucky | US 23 | ky.us023 | KY244 waypoint moved to new location at location of former KY750_S point, with old KY244 point now named ToOH93 2022-12-26 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 80 | ky.ky0080 | Realigned between *OldKY80_W and *OldKY80_E at new KY 461 interchange, including relocation of KY461 point approximately 0.3 mi west (OldKY80_E is at former location of KY461 point) 2023-01-02 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 32 | nc.nc032 | labels changed for clarity - NC 45_N unable to be used as an alt label 2023-01-02 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 45 | nc.nc045 | labels changed for clarity - NC 32_N unable to be used as an alt label 2023-01-02 | (USA) North Carolina | US 264 | nc.us264 | rerouted off I-587 between exits 32-56 and replaces some of US 264 ALT (Wilson) 2023-01-07 | (USA) North Carolina | I-840 | nc.i840 | extended east as new freeway to US 29 and absorbs I-840Fut (E Greensboro) east to I-85 2023-01-17 | (USA) Ohio | OH 4 | oh.oh004 | Removed from Germantown St in Dayton between GetAve_S and GerSt and relocated onto Gettysburg Ave and US 35, which resulted in the US35_W label moving from what is now GerSt to US 35's Gettysburg Ave exit 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-71 | oh.i071 | Point label 1J (the exit to I-471) renamed 1A to match signage, point label 1A renamed 1A(75) 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-280 | oh.i280 | Point label 6 renamed 6A, point label 6A renamed 6B 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-471 | oh.i471 | Point label 7 changed to represent Liberty St exit, I-71 point added at end 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 29 | oh.oh029 | East end moved 1/4 mile west between OldOH29 and US40 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | US 40 | oh.us040 | CR214 point moved from Banfield Rd (I-70 point 218A, I-470 point 1) to High Ridge Rd (I-70 point 220), Banfield Rd point renamed CR28B 2023-02-13 | (USA) Ohio | OH 7 | oh.oh007 | OH26 point moved 0.1 mi south to reflect relocation that occurred in 2011, and old point location relabeled WesResRd 2023-02-17 | (USA) Illinois | IL 53 | il.il053 | Truncated south end from I-55 to OldUS66_E 2023-02-25 | (USA) Ohio | OH 41 | oh.oh041 | Truncated at south end from Ohio River to US 52 (US 62 includes the deleted segments) 2023-02-25 | (USA) Ohio | OH 118 | oh.oh118 | Truncated at south end from South Broadway/Martin St junction to the South Broadway/Main St roundabout 2023-02-27 | (USA) Ohio | OH 53 | oh.oh053 | Truncated at north end from ferry terminal to Water St 2023-02-28 | (USA) Delaware | DE 1 | de.de001 | Extended north from 166 (DE 58) along DE 7 to DE 4 (southern intersection of DE 4/DE 7 concurrency). 2023-03-03 | (USA) Ohio | OH 79 | oh.oh079 | Truncated at north end from OH 715 to US 36 (US 36 includes the deleted segment) 2023-03-17 | (USA) Kentucky | US 231 Truck (Morgantown) | ky.us231trkmor | Route added 2023-04-02 | (USA) Ohio | OH 104 | oh.oh104 | I-71 & 89 points moved to FraRd_W to reflect new routing east of I-71 interchange between *OldOH104 amd FraRd_W (OH 104 no longer intersects I-71) 2023-05-12 | (USA) Florida | FL 79 | fl.fl079 | Label 'FL388' has shifted to the north 1.3 miles due to recent reroute of FL 388. Old location at Connector Road is now 'CR388'. 2023-05-20 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 22 | nc.nc022 | placed on new alignment near airport - new routing is between points WarWooRd and RusCt 2023-05-20 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 28 | nc.nc028 | rerouted in 2010 from Harrison Ave to Depot St in Franklin - new routing is between points US441Bus_S and BryCityRd_S 2023-05-20 | (USA) North Carolina | US 441 Bus Franklin | nc.us441busfra | NC28_N waypoint was moved in 2010 and is now changed in TM to HarAve with alt name NC28_N not possible 2023-07-30 | (USA) West Virginia | US 250 Truck (Moundsville) | wv.us250trkmou | Added route. 2023-08-11 | (USA) Florida | FL 528 | fl.fl528 | Extended eastward to George King Blvd (Exit 54B) along FL A1A. 2023-09-10 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 228 | pa.pa228 | Realigned onto straightened alignment (ultimately will be four lanes) between *OldPA228_A and OldPA8. 2023-10-02 | (USA) North Carolina | US 70 | nc.us070 | rerouted between High Point and Greensboro - new routing is between US 29 and US29/220 points 2024-01-24 | (USA) Texas | US 281 | tx.us281 | Removed from US 281 Business (Premont) and relocated eastward onto a 4-lane divided bypass. 2024-01-30 | (USA) Florida | FL 105 | fl.fl105 | Removed from Zoo Parkway connector, and relocated north to the 4-lane Zoo Parkway alignment, betwen the intersections of 'ZooPkwy_W' & 'US17', and then extended westward over to I-95 exit 358. Please double check your entries, as the US17 label moved 0.2 miles to the north of it's old location due to the reroute. 2024-01-30 | (USA) Florida | US 17 | fl.us017 | Label 'FL105' has shifted to the north 0.2 miles due to recent reroute of FL 105. Old location is now called 'ZooPkwy'. 2024-02-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 93 | oh.oh093 | Extended at south end from US 52 to Kentucky state line 2024-02-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 253 | oh.oh253 | Extended at north end from US 52 to CR 1 2024-02-24 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 126 | tn.tn126 | Reverted change from July 2023 to reflect new signage, with TN93_S point moved to current south end 2024-02-24 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 131 | tn.tn131 | Realigned between *OldTN131_W and *OldTN131_E and moved onto short concurrency with US 25E, with US25E point split into US25E_S & US25E_N 2024-04-10 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 11 | ky.ky0011 | Removed from Old Maysville Rd and relocated to the east between OldMayRd_S and OldMayRd_N 2024-04-10 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 627 | ky.ky0627 | KY2878 point moved to new location approximately 800 ft east of former location (now marked *OldKY2878) 2024-04-10 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 1711 | ky.ky1711 | Extended at west end from Nick Ln to end of state maintenance 2024-04-10 | (USA) Kentucky | US 460 | ky.us460 | Realigned slightly to the south between relocated KY1050 and OldUS460_Jef 2024-04-27 | (USA) Florida | FL 690 | fl.fl690 | Added route. 2024-05-03 | (Mexico) Quintana Roo | MEX305D | mexqroo.mex305d | new route 2024-05-11 | (USA) Ohio | OH 65 | oh.oh065 | Removed from Central Ave (southbound only), North St (OH 81), and Elizabeth St in Lima, and relocated onto the Union St/Central Ave pair and Wayne St between CenAve_S and WaySt_W 2024-05-11 | (USA) Ohio | OH 309 | oh.oh309 | Removed from North St (OH 81) and Central Ave and relocated onto Jameson St and Elm St (OH 117) between OH81 and CenAve, OH117_W point moved from Central Ave to Jameson Ave, and OH65_N point moved from Elizabeth St to the Union St/Central Ave pair 2024-05-11 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 162 (Knoxville) | tn.tn162 | Route truncated at south end to north end of I-140, with segment south of I-140 becoming TN 162 (Alcoa) 2024-05-17 | (USA) North Carolina | I-40 | nc.i040 | east end extended by one waypoint to reflect actual end of the interstate 2024-05-17 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 16 Truck (Conover) | nc.nc016trkcon | new route added - been there at least 15 years 2024-05-17 | (USA) South Carolina | SC 121 | sc.sc121 | large wye intersection with SC 5 and US 21 reconfigured to a T junction - between closed SC5_S and CowRd is the new routing 2024-05-17 | (USA) South Carolina | US 21 | sc.us021 | large wye intersection with SC 5 and SC 121 reconfigured to a T junction - between closed SC5_N and CowRd is the new routing 2024-05-30 | (USA) Nevada | I-11 | nv.i011 | North end extended over I-515 and US 95 to NV 157 2024-07-21 | (USA) West Virginia | US 33 | wv.us033 | Removed from old 2-lane road (now only Ripley Road) between the old road alignment (*OldUS33_Spe) & MidForkRd to the west of Spencer, and relocated onto a brand new 2-lane bypass just to the north that now bypasses several curvy segments. 2024-07-27 | (USA) Indiana | I-65 | in.i065 | North end moved from I-90 (262) to US12/20, and point 262 moved to location of 262A 2024-07-27 | (USA) Ohio | US 23 | oh.us023 | Removed from Livingston Ave between High St and 3rd St/4thSt and onto Fulton St/Mound St pair, which involved moving US33_S point from Livingston intersection with 3rd/4th to Fulton/Mound intersection with 3rd/4th and moving HighSt_S point from Livingston intersection with High to Fulton/Mound intersection with High (old routing between Fulton/Mound and Livingston is still part of US 33) 2024-07-27 | (USA) Ohio | US 33 | oh.us033 | US23_S point moved from intersection of Livingston Ave and 3rd St/4th St pair (now labeled LivAve_W) to intersection of new US 23 routing on Fulton St/Mound St at 3rd/4th 2024-08-08 | (USA) Indiana | I-69 | in.i069 | Extended at south end from I-465 in northern Indianapolis to Evansville, following the former routes of I-69 Future (Indianapolis) and I-69 (Wheatonville) and new construction between *OldIN37 and I-465 Exit 4. Alternate labels "0" at waypoint 200 and "156" at waypoint 356 deleted due to duplication in former I-69 (Wheatonville) file. 2024-08-08 | (USA) Indiana | IN 37 | in.in037 | Removed from Harding St and relocated onto new I-69 segment between between *OldIN37 and I-465 Exit 4 2024-08-08 | (USA) West Virginia | US 35 | wv.us035 | Extended southward from interchange with I-64 to CR 33 (Teays Valley Rd). 2024-08-20 | (USA) Michigan | US 2 | mi.us002 | Relocated to new alignment 350 ft north of old routing east of Epoufette between *OldUS2_W and *OldUS2_E (realignment occurred in 2020) 2024-08-21 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-70 | pa.i070 | Small realignments between *OldI-70/76_A and *OldI-70/76_B and *OldI-70/76_C and *OldI-70/76_D as part of a reconstruction/widening between milemarkers 102 and 109. Both realignments are just west of 110(76). 2024-08-21 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-76 | pa.i076 | Small realignments between *OldI-70/76_A and *OldI-70/76_B and *OldI-70/76_C and *OldI-70/76_D as part of a reconstruction/widening between milemarkers 102 and 109. Both realignments are just west of 110. 2024-08-26 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 18 | pa.pa018 | Created brief concurrency with PA 168 at PA168_B and PA168_C. 2024-09-14 | (USA) West Virginia | US 19 | wv.us019 | Shifted the point 'WV41_BecN' 0.1 miles to the north to a new intersection, due to a reroute of WV 41 onto a new bridge in Beckley. Old location is now called 'OldWV41_N'. 2024-09-14 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 41 | wv.wv041 | Removed from old alignment of Stanaford Road in Beckley between intersections with US 19 & McCulloch Drive, and relocated slightly north onto a new bridge alignment between the old intersection with US 19 (OldWV41) & McCDr. This includes a small extension of the multiplex with US 19, thus requiring the point 'US19_BecN' to shift locations to the north by 0.1 miles, and the old intersection becoming 'OldWV41'. 2024-10-02 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 540 | nc.nc540 | route extended as new freeway to I-40 2024-10-02 | (USA) Virginia | US 58 | va.us058 | rerouted onto new alignment west of Damascus - new routing is between OldJSHwy and SR 711 2024-10-23 | (USA) Kentucky | I-65 | ky.i065 | Exit 86 moved south approximately 0.2 mile to new KY 222 alignment 2024-10-23 | (USA) Kentucky | US 31W | ky.us031w | Realigned slightly between *OldKY222 (former KY222 junction) and KY222_E 2024-12-27 | (USA) Georgia | GA 38 | ga.ga038 | Relocated eastern intersection with US 84 Bus (Bainbridge). 2024-12-27 | (USA) Georgia | GA 96 | ga.ga096 | Realigned in Bonaire between Old Perry Rd and Thompson Mill Rd. 2024-12-27 | (USA) Georgia | GA 247 | ga.ga247 | Moved GA 96 point due to GA 96 realignment. Old point is OldHwy96. 2024-12-27 | (USA) Georgia | US 84 | ga.us084 | Relocated eastern intersection with US 84 Bus (Bainbridge). 2024-12-27 | (USA) Georgia | US 129 | ga.us129 | Moved GA 96 point due to GA 96 realignment. Old point is OldHwy96.