Log file created at: Fri Jan 24 21:24:11 2025
cougar1989.list last updated: 2024-06-30 22:22:16 -0400
Route updated 2024-12-09: DEU-HE A44Hes
Route updated 2024-12-22: DEU-BW B27
Route updated 2024-12-22: DEU-BW B39
Route updated 2024-09-13: DEU-BW B500Bad
Route updated 2024-10-09: DEU-BY B300
Route updated 2024-09-13: DEU-HE B7
Route updated 2024-12-22: DEU-HH B5
Unknown region/highway combo in line: DEU-BY St2053Ism B471 St2088
Route updated 2024-10-12: DEU-BW L86
Waypoint label B3 not found in line: DEU-BW L87a B3 L86
  Route updated 2024-10-12: DEU-BW L87a
Route updated 2024-12-22: DEU-BW L1100
Waypoint label K8173 not found in line: DEU-SN S235 B174 K8173
Waypoint label B169 not found in line: DEU-SN S298 B169 S296
  Route updated 2024-09-03: DEU-SN S298
Route updated 2024-09-03: DEU-SN S304
Route updated 2024-12-30: DEU-TH L1025
Waypoint label L1075_W not found in line: DEU-TH L1070 A9 L1075_W
  Route updated 2024-12-30: DEU-TH L1070
Unknown region/highway combo in line: DEU-TH L1079 B2 L1081
Route updated 2024-12-31: DEU-TH L1095
Route updated 2024-12-31: DEU-TH L2356
Route updated 2024-07-31: POL S3
Route updated 2024-12-31: POL DK94
Route updated 2024-12-21: CZE D3
Note: deprecated route name D7Pan -> canonical name D7Lou in line: CZE D7Pan I7_Pan I7_Bre
Route updated 2024-08-27: CZE E48
Waypoint label II156 not found in line: CZE I3 CZE/AUT II156
  Route updated 2024-12-22: CZE I3
Waypoint labels NAD_S and D3(130) not found in line: CZE I3 Nad_S D3(130)
  Route updated 2024-12-22: CZE I3
Route updated 2024-12-22: CZE I20
Route updated 2024-12-03: CZE I27
Waypoint label D11 not found in line: CZE II611 D11 II324_S
  Route updated 2023-12-09: CZE II611
Route updated 2025-01-10: FRA-BFC N57
Route updated 2025-01-10: HRV D3
Processed 1247 good lines marking 11477 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 18547.08 of 1271338.13 mi (1.46%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 18662.79 of 1946220.49 mi (0.96%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
AUT: 1474.12 of 18774.46 mi (7.85%), 1474.12 of 18774.46 mi (7.85%)
BEL: 585.54 of 8826.91 mi (6.63%), 585.54 of 8826.91 mi (6.63%)
CHE: 961.97 of 4043.25 mi (23.79%), 961.97 of 4043.25 mi (23.79%)
CZE: 1147.86 of 12989.76 mi (8.84%), 1147.86 of 12989.76 mi (8.84%)
DEU-BB: 558.22 of 5550.03 mi (10.06%), 558.22 of 5550.03 mi (10.06%)
DEU-BE: 64.68 of 146.07 mi (44.28%), 64.68 of 146.07 mi (44.28%)
DEU-BW: 751.83 of 8996.24 mi (8.36%), 751.83 of 9042.32 mi (8.31%)
DEU-BY: 1965.61 of 13887.09 mi (14.15%), 1965.61 of 13966.11 mi (14.07%)
DEU-HB: 22.49 of 65.63 mi (34.27%), 22.49 of 65.63 mi (34.27%)
DEU-HE: 504.62 of 6617.66 mi (7.63%), 504.62 of 6617.66 mi (7.63%)
DEU-HH: 13.17 of 141.60 mi (9.30%), 13.17 of 141.60 mi (9.30%)
DEU-MV: 82.23 of 3612.05 mi (2.28%), 82.23 of 3612.05 mi (2.28%)
DEU-NI: 462.70 of 8768.75 mi (5.28%), 462.70 of 8768.75 mi (5.28%)
DEU-NW: 671.64 of 11838.07 mi (5.67%), 671.64 of 11838.07 mi (5.67%)
DEU-RP: 590.73 of 6350.24 mi (9.30%), 590.73 of 6350.24 mi (9.30%)
DEU-SH: 90.86 of 3509.51 mi (2.59%), 90.86 of 3509.51 mi (2.59%)
DEU-SL: 117.40 of 845.30 mi (13.89%), 117.40 of 845.30 mi (13.89%)
DEU-SN: 1274.31 of 4538.53 mi (28.08%), 1274.31 of 4538.53 mi (28.08%)
DEU-ST: 306.24 of 4000.27 mi (7.66%), 306.24 of 4000.27 mi (7.66%)
DEU-TH: 879.74 of 3601.10 mi (24.43%), 879.74 of 3601.10 mi (24.43%)
DNK: 274.22 of 8055.01 mi (3.40%), 274.22 of 8055.01 mi (3.40%)
ENG: 159.32 of 32812.72 mi (0.49%), 159.32 of 32940.63 mi (0.48%)
ESP-CT: 25.52 of 2552.02 mi (1.00%), 25.52 of 2552.02 mi (1.00%)
FRA-ARA: 435.65 of 1729.77 mi (25.19%), 440.69 of 28589.34 mi (1.54%)
FRA-BFC: 69.21 of 1357.05 mi (5.10%), 69.75 of 19237.08 mi (0.36%)
FRA-CVL: 53.17 of 844.90 mi (6.29%), 53.17 of 17483.64 mi (0.30%)
FRA-GES: 759.58 of 5029.14 mi (15.10%), 817.93 of 22674.92 mi (3.61%)
FRA-HDF: 331.39 of 12939.94 mi (2.56%), 331.39 of 16130.59 mi (2.05%)
FRA-IDF: 117.96 of 6301.40 mi (1.87%), 117.96 of 6304.03 mi (1.87%)
FRA-OCC: 289.90 of 1715.63 mi (16.90%), 289.90 of 28965.20 mi (1.00%)
FRA-PAC: 177.17 of 1924.05 mi (9.21%), 177.17 of 8671.38 mi (2.04%)
FRA-PDL: 35.47 of 920.02 mi (3.86%), 45.97 of 13772.13 mi (0.33%)
HRV: 143.75 of 10398.75 mi (1.38%), 143.75 of 10398.75 mi (1.38%)
HUN: 280.43 of 5611.90 mi (5.00%), 280.43 of 5611.90 mi (5.00%)
ITA: 1413.87 of 6387.09 mi (22.14%), 1455.15 of 19109.83 mi (7.61%)
LIE: 8.23 of 13.78 mi (59.74%), 8.23 of 13.78 mi (59.74%)
LUX: 111.30 of 602.64 mi (18.47%), 111.30 of 602.64 mi (18.47%)
NLD: 226.28 of 6701.35 mi (3.38%), 226.28 of 6701.35 mi (3.38%)
POL: 448.87 of 29937.46 mi (1.50%), 448.87 of 29937.46 mi (1.50%)
SVK: 52.93 of 4715.07 mi (1.12%), 52.93 of 4715.07 mi (1.12%)
SVN: 415.78 of 3680.03 mi (11.30%), 415.78 of 3680.03 mi (11.30%)
SWE: 191.12 of 16327.71 mi (1.17%), 191.12 of 16327.71 mi (1.17%)
System auta (active) overall: 1054.80 of 1084.23 mi (97.29%)
System auta by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (West Autobahn): 182.02 of 182.02 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A1 only)
A2 (Süd Autobahn): 225.82 of 228.23 mi (98.94%)
 (AUT A2 only)
A2 (Süd Autobahn Zubringer Graz): 2.02 of 2.02 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A2Gra only)
A2 (Süd Autobahn Zubringer Klagenfurt): 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A2Kla only)
A3 (Südost Autobahn): 18.56 of 20.86 mi (88.98%)
 (AUT A3 only)
A4 (Ost Autobahn): 41.50 of 41.50 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A4 only)
A5 (Nord Autobahn (Main)): 29.37 of 29.37 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A5 only)
A6 (Nordost Autobahn): 13.72 of 13.72 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A6 only)
A7 (Mühlkreis Autobahn): 16.67 of 16.67 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A7 only)
A8 (Innkreis Autobahn): 47.31 of 47.31 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A8 only)
A9 (Pyhrn Autobahn): 143.18 of 143.18 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A9 only)
A10 (Tauern Autobahn): 112.93 of 112.93 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A10 only)
A11 (Karawanken Autobahn): 12.99 of 12.99 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A11 only)
A12 (Inntal Autobahn): 90.26 of 90.26 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A12 only)
A12 (Inntal Autobahn Zubringer Reschenpass): 4.59 of 4.59 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A12Lan only)
A13 (Brenner Autobahn): 21.04 of 21.04 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A13 only)
A13 (Brenner Autobahn Westspange Innsbruck): 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A13Inn only)
A14 (Rheintal/Walgau Autobahn): 38.36 of 38.36 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A14 only)
A14 (Rheintal/Walgau Autobahn Zubringer Bregenz): 1.17 of 1.17 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A14Bre only)
A21 (Wiener Außenring Autobahn): 23.39 of 23.39 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A21 only)
A22 (Donauufer Autobahn): 14.31 of 19.17 mi (74.62%)
 (AUT A22 only)
A22 (Donauufer Autobahn Zubringer Nordbrücke): 0.64 of 2.04 mi (31.44%)
 (AUT A22Wie only)
A23 (Autobahn Südosttangente Wien): 1.13 of 10.34 mi (10.93%)
 (AUT A23 only)
A25 (Welser Autobahn): 12.02 of 12.02 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A25 only)
System auta connected routes traveled: 24 of 29 (82.8%), clinched: 19 of 29 (65.5%).
System auts (active) overall: 146.61 of 324.06 mi (45.24%)
System auts by route (traveled routes only):
S1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße Süd): 9.96 of 9.96 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S1 only)
S1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße Nord): 8.73 of 13.92 mi (62.66%)
 (AUT S1Wie only)
S5 (Stockerauer Schnellstraße): 22.27 of 27.99 mi (79.57%)
 (AUT S5 only)
S6 (Semmering Schnellstraße): 12.87 of 64.30 mi (20.01%)
 (AUT S6 only)
S10 (Mühlviertler Schnellstraße): 13.49 of 13.49 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S10 only)
S16 (Arlberg Schnellstraße): 38.70 of 38.70 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S16 only)
S31 (Burgenland Schnellstraße): 1.93 of 31.57 mi (6.12%)
 (AUT S31 only)
S33 (Kremser Schnellstraße): 16.96 of 16.96 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S33 only)
S35 (Brucker Schnellstraße): 21.71 of 21.71 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S35 only)
System auts connected routes traveled: 9 of 16 (56.2%), clinched: 5 of 16 (31.2%).
System autb (active) overall: 254.69 of 5842.07 mi (4.36%)
System autb by route (traveled routes only):
B1 (Wiener Straße): 7.22 of 194.85 mi (3.71%)
 (AUT B1 only)
B3 (Donau Straße Linz): 16.13 of 77.09 mi (20.92%)
 (AUT B3 only)
B3a (Melker Straße): 2.29 of 2.29 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B3a only)
B7 (Brünner Straße): 5.87 of 41.43 mi (14.17%)
 (AUT B7 only)
B8 (Angerner Straße): 1.16 of 24.55 mi (4.72%)
 (AUT B8 only)
B14 (Klosterneuburger Straße (Main)): 5.87 of 30.85 mi (19.01%)
 (AUT B14 only)
B14a (Brigittenauer Brücke): 0.56 of 0.76 mi (74.13%)
 (AUT B14a only)
B16 (Ödenburger Straße): 1.23 of 33.22 mi (3.70%)
 (AUT B16 only)
B20 (Mariazeller Straße): 1.71 of 73.60 mi (2.32%)
 (AUT B20 only)
B33 (Aggsteiner Straße): 21.87 of 21.87 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B33 only)
B37a (Kremser Straße): 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B37a only)
B50 (Burgenland Straße): 13.31 of 100.86 mi (13.20%)
 (AUT B50 only)
B52 (Ruster Straße): 4.61 of 11.51 mi (40.08%)
 (AUT B52 only)
B67 (Grazer Straße): 3.92 of 40.84 mi (9.60%)
 (AUT B67 only)
B67a (Grazer Ring Straße): 0.60 of 11.06 mi (5.40%)
 (AUT B67a only)
B67b (Kalvariengürtel Straße): 0.93 of 0.93 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B67b only)
B67c (Waltendorfer Straße Gries): 0.90 of 0.90 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B67c only)
B70c (Packer Straße Abzweigung Klagenfurt): 2.00 of 3.00 mi (66.73%)
 (AUT B70c only)
B70d (Harbacher Straße): 1.88 of 5.84 mi (32.17%)
 (AUT B70d only)
B83 (Kärtner Straße): 3.33 of 39.72 mi (8.39%)
 (AUT B83 only)
B84 (Faakersee Straße): 0.61 of 7.62 mi (7.97%)
 (AUT B84 only)
B85 (Rosental Straße): 1.49 of 41.41 mi (3.60%)
 (AUT B85 only)
B86 (Villacher Straße): 3.53 of 3.53 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B86 only)
B91 (Loiblpass Straße): 15.11 of 15.30 mi (98.76%)
 (AUT B91 only)
B100 (Drautal Straße): 1.88 of 85.44 mi (2.20%)
 (AUT B100 only)
B116 (Leobener Straße): 3.97 of 22.84 mi (17.40%)
 (AUT B116 only)
B123 (Mautausener Straße): 2.27 of 12.64 mi (17.95%)
 (AUT B123 only)
B123a (St. Valentiner Straße): 0.27 of 4.07 mi (6.67%)
 (AUT B123a only)
B126 (Leonfeldener Straße): 1.89 of 19.47 mi (9.71%)
 (AUT B126 only)
B137 (Innviertler Straße): 0.39 of 39.20 mi (1.00%)
 (AUT B137 only)
B141 (Rieder Straße (Main)): 6.73 of 28.87 mi (23.31%)
 (AUT B141 only)
B149 (Subener Straße): 4.08 of 4.56 mi (89.48%)
 (AUT B149 only)
B150 (Salzburger Straße): 2.03 of 8.10 mi (25.05%)
 (AUT B150 only)
B158 (Wolfgangsee Straße): 1.90 of 30.29 mi (6.28%)
 (AUT B158 only)
B159 (Salzachtal Straße): 0.67 of 27.67 mi (2.43%)
 (AUT B159 only)
B160 (Berchtesgadener Straße): 1.92 of 1.92 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B160 only)
B171 (Tiroler Straße): 3.86 of 101.71 mi (3.79%)
 (AUT B171 only)
B173 (Eibergstraße): 0.39 of 6.10 mi (6.42%)
 (AUT B173 only)
B173AST (Eibergstraße AST Kufstein): 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B173AST only)
B175 (Wildbichler Straße): 3.65 of 8.70 mi (41.93%)
 (AUT B175 only)
B179 (Fernpassstraße): 29.10 of 29.10 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B179 only)
B180 (Reschenstraße): 15.13 of 22.73 mi (66.55%)
 (AUT B180 only)
B184 (Engadiner Straße): 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B184 only)
B187 (Ehrwalder Straße): 6.98 of 6.98 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B187 only)
B189 (Mieminger Straße): 7.14 of 20.23 mi (35.32%)
 (AUT B189 only)
L190 (Vorarlberger Straße): 5.35 of 39.15 mi (13.67%)
 (AUT L190 only)
L191a (Liechtensteiner Straße): 1.99 of 1.99 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L191a only)
B197 (Arlbergstraße): 6.44 of 6.44 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B197 only)
L197 (Arlbergstraße): 4.78 of 4.78 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L197 only)
L200 (Bregenzerwaldstraße): 0.56 of 35.83 mi (1.56%)
 (AUT L200 only)
L202 (Schweizer Straße): 0.48 of 6.23 mi (7.69%)
 (AUT L202 only)
L203 (Rheinstraße): 0.99 of 10.23 mi (9.68%)
 (AUT L203 only)
L204 (Lustenauer Straße): 5.25 of 5.25 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L204 only)
B212 (Bad Vöslauer Straße): 1.64 of 15.34 mi (10.66%)
 (AUT B212 only)
B227 (Donaukanal Straße): 2.81 of 5.26 mi (53.33%)
 (AUT B227 only)
B310 (Mühlviertler Straße): 9.08 of 9.08 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B310 only)
System autb connected routes traveled: 56 of 286 (19.6%), clinched: 16 of 286 (5.6%).
System autl3 (active) overall: 1.45 of 6162.30 mi (0.02%)
System autl3 by route (traveled routes only):
L114-3: 1.45 of 9.83 mi (14.72%)
 (AUT L114-3 only)
System autl3 connected routes traveled: 1 of 2195 (0.0%), clinched: 0 of 2195 (0.0%).
System autl4 (active) overall: 2.35 of 2473.02 mi (0.10%)
System autl4 by route (traveled routes only):
L569-4 (Pleschinger Straße): 2.35 of 9.91 mi (23.70%)
 (AUT L569-4 only)
System autl4 connected routes traveled: 1 of 544 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 544 (0.0%).
System autl5 (active) overall: 6.28 of 381.38 mi (1.65%)
System autl5 by route (traveled routes only):
L105-5 (Halleiner Landesstraße): 0.17 of 8.64 mi (2.01%)
 (AUT L105-5 only)
L107-5 (Wiestal Landesstraße): 0.32 of 11.44 mi (2.83%)
 (AUT L107-5 only)
L108-5 (Gaisberg Landesstraße): 4.88 of 4.88 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L108-5 only)
L256-5 (Dürrnberg Landesstraße): 0.90 of 3.04 mi (29.64%)
 (AUT L256-5 only)
System autl5 connected routes traveled: 4 of 94 (4.3%), clinched: 1 of 94 (1.1%).
System autl6 (active) overall: 9.88 of 1873.46 mi (0.53%)
System autl6 by route (traveled routes only):
L329-6 (Rinneggerstraße): 8.13 of 8.13 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L329-6 only)
L330-6 (Neustifterstraße): 1.75 of 1.75 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L330-6 only)
System autl6 connected routes traveled: 2 of 414 (0.5%), clinched: 2 of 414 (0.5%).
System autl7 (active) overall: 4.73 of 692.51 mi (0.68%)
System autl7 by route (traveled routes only):
L348-7 (Spisser Straße): 4.73 of 4.73 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L348-7 only)
System autl7 connected routes traveled: 1 of 192 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 192 (0.5%).
System bela (active) overall: 525.94 of 1027.92 mi (51.17%)
System bela by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 17.64 of 49.83 mi (35.40%)
 (BEL A1 only)
A3: 31.75 of 84.58 mi (37.54%)
 (BEL A3 only)
A4: 87.08 of 117.88 mi (73.87%)
 (BEL A4 only)
A7: 23.67 of 38.18 mi (62.01%)
 (BEL A7 only)
A8: 6.87 of 47.83 mi (14.36%)
 (BEL A8 only)
A12: 2.55 of 39.63 mi (6.44%)
 (BEL A12 only)
A13: 67.09 of 70.30 mi (95.43%)
 (BEL A13 only)
A14: 63.25 of 63.25 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A14 only)
A15: 64.48 of 64.48 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A15 only)
A16: 21.35 of 21.35 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A16 only)
A21: 30.01 of 30.01 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A21 only)
A25: 5.71 of 9.70 mi (58.81%)
 (BEL A25 only)
A26: 62.11 of 62.11 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A26 only)
A27: 37.32 of 37.83 mi (98.66%)
 (BEL A27 only)
A602: 7.60 of 7.60 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A602 only)
System bela connected routes traveled: 15 of 28 (53.6%), clinched: 6 of 28 (21.4%).
System belb (active) overall: 0.59 of 9.23 mi (6.35%)
System belb by route (traveled routes only):
B501: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL B501 only)
System belb connected routes traveled: 1 of 9 (11.1%), clinched: 1 of 9 (11.1%).
System belr (active) overall: 6.69 of 307.23 mi (2.18%)
System belr by route (traveled routes only):
R1: 5.84 of 10.45 mi (55.86%)
 (BEL R1 only)
R11: 0.85 of 8.11 mi (10.47%)
 (BEL R11 only)
System belr connected routes traveled: 2 of 48 (4.2%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%).
System beln (active) overall: 54.87 of 7507.32 mi (0.73%)
System beln by route (traveled routes only):
N12: 0.65 of 38.81 mi (1.68%)
 (BEL N12 only)
N40 (Libramont-Chevigny): 3.39 of 57.17 mi (5.93%)
 (BEL N40 only)
N62: 19.60 of 47.04 mi (41.67%)
 (BEL N62 only)
N68: 4.69 of 49.38 mi (9.50%)
 (BEL N68 only)
N81: 1.73 of 7.30 mi (23.69%)
 (BEL N81 only)
N87: 1.77 of 21.03 mi (8.43%)
 (BEL N87 only)
N89: 18.45 of 61.05 mi (30.22%)
 (BEL N89 only)
N115: 4.91 of 17.64 mi (27.85%)
 (BEL N115 only)
N117: 0.57 of 13.42 mi (4.26%)
 (BEL N117 only)
N120: 0.75 of 3.75 mi (20.02%)
 (BEL N120 only)
System beln connected routes traveled: 10 of 1043 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 1043 (0.0%).
System chea (active) overall: 868.66 of 1135.17 mi (76.52%)
System chea by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 242.64 of 242.64 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A1 only)
A1r: 3.73 of 4.12 mi (90.52%)
 (CHE A1r only)
A2: 177.56 of 177.56 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A2 only)
A3: 112.03 of 112.03 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A3 only)
A4 (Zürich): 46.47 of 78.52 mi (59.18%)
 (CHE A4 only)
A5 (Neuchâtel): 25.80 of 34.72 mi (74.31%)
 (CHE A5 only)
A5 (Solothurn): 15.84 of 18.78 mi (84.36%)
 (CHE A5Sol only)
A6: 4.07 of 45.51 mi (8.95%)
 (CHE A6 only)
A9 (Lausanne): 84.43 of 93.26 mi (90.54%)
 (CHE A9 only)
A9 (Turtmann): 4.27 of 4.27 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A9Tur only)
A9 (Brig): 4.72 of 9.39 mi (50.27%)
 (CHE A9Bri only)
A12: 47.86 of 47.86 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A12 only)
A13 ((Main)): 113.53 of 113.53 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A13 only)
A16: 51.82 of 51.82 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A16 only)
A20 (Neuchâtel): 2.47 of 20.36 mi (12.13%)
 (CHE A20 only)
System chea connected routes traveled: 15 of 40 (37.5%), clinched: 7 of 40 (17.5%).
System cheh (active) overall: 95.76 of 2465.69 mi (3.88%)
System cheh by region:
  CHE: 90.14 of 2460.07 mi (3.66%)
  LIE: 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%)
System cheh by route (traveled routes only):
H1: 0.39 of 202.11 mi (0.19%)
 (CHE H1 only)
H3: 2.39 of 183.79 mi (1.30%)
 (CHE H3 only)
H4 (Zürich): 0.15 of 81.08 mi (0.19%)
 (CHE H4 only)
H5: 8.86 of 127.28 mi (6.96%)
 (CHE H5 only)
H6: 1.65 of 140.51 mi (1.17%)
 (CHE H6 only)
H9: 38.58 of 140.05 mi (27.55%)
 (CHE H9 only)
H10: 3.76 of 105.63 mi (3.56%)
 (CHE H10 only)
H13: 0.51 of 203.48 mi (0.25%)
 (CHE H13 only)
H15: 0.67 of 51.38 mi (1.31%)
 (CHE H15 only)
H16: 5.73 of 60.97 mi (9.41%)
  CHE H16: 0.11 of 55.35 mi (0.20%)
  LIE H16: 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%)

H21 ((Main)): 24.08 of 51.60 mi (46.67%)
 (CHE H21 only)
H21 (Martigny): 1.40 of 1.40 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE H21Mar only)
H24: 8.94 of 25.70 mi (34.76%)
 (CHE H24 only)
H27: 3.69 of 52.13 mi (7.08%)
 (CHE H27 only)
H28: 0.51 of 64.57 mi (0.79%)
 (CHE H28 only)
System cheh connected routes traveled: 15 of 37 (40.5%), clinched: 1 of 37 (2.7%).
System chegts (active) overall: 72.73 of 1094.09 mi (6.65%)
System chegts by region:
  CHE: 69.15 of 1082.23 mi (6.39%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 2.72 mi (0.00%)
  LIE: 3.59 of 9.13 mi (39.28%)
System chegts by route (traveled routes only):
GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Main)): 69.08 of 881.45 mi (7.84%)
  CHE GTSZur: 30.29 of 200.17 mi (15.13%)
  LIE GTS: 3.59 of 9.13 mi (39.28%)
  CHE GTS: 35.21 of 672.15 mi (5.24%)

GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Basel)): 0.65 of 84.34 mi (0.77%)
  CHE GTSBas: 0.65 of 21.28 mi (3.05%)

GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (St. Johann)): 1.82 of 1.82 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE GTSJoh only)
GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Genève)): 1.09 of 31.33 mi (3.47%)
 (CHE GTSGen only)
GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Lugano)): 0.10 of 61.28 mi (0.16%)
 (CHE GTSLug only)
System chegts connected routes traveled: 5 of 7 (71.4%), clinched: 1 of 7 (14.3%).
System czed (active) overall: 657.36 of 926.86 mi (70.92%)
System czed by route (traveled routes only):
D0 ((South) Praha): 21.62 of 21.62 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D0 only)
D0 ((East) Praha): 1.42 of 2.70 mi (52.73%)
 (CZE D0EPr only)
D1 ((Main)): 139.43 of 166.18 mi (83.90%)
 (CZE D1 only)
D1 (Ostrava): 49.75 of 58.70 mi (84.75%)
 (CZE D1Ost only)
D2: 38.18 of 38.18 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D2 only)
D3: 42.79 of 60.45 mi (70.78%)
 (CZE D3 only)
D5: 94.31 of 94.31 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D5 only)
D6 (Karlovy Vary): 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D6Kar only)
D7 (Slaný): 10.30 of 10.30 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D7 only)
D7 (Louny): 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D7Lou only)
D7 (Chomutov): 13.86 of 13.86 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D7Cho only)
D8: 57.82 of 57.82 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D8 only)
D10: 43.92 of 43.92 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D10 only)
D11: 56.84 of 70.96 mi (80.11%)
 (CZE D11 only)
D35 (Olomouc): 18.82 of 21.89 mi (85.96%)
 (CZE D35 only)
D46: 23.78 of 23.78 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D46 only)
D52: 10.54 of 10.54 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D52 only)
System czed connected routes traveled: 17 of 29 (58.6%), clinched: 11 of 29 (37.9%).
System czei (active) overall: 364.26 of 3299.91 mi (11.04%)
System czei by route (traveled routes only):
I3 (Benešov): 27.16 of 27.16 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I3Ben only)
I6 (Bochov): 7.09 of 23.49 mi (30.17%)
 (CZE I6Boc only)
I6 (Cheb): 5.41 of 5.41 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I6Che only)
I7 (Přední Kopanina): 1.59 of 1.59 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7Pre only)
I7 (Slaný): 10.55 of 10.55 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7 only)
I7 (Postoloprty): 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7Pos only)
I7 (Chomutov): 12.45 of 12.45 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7Cho only)
I8 (Teplice): 3.10 of 21.05 mi (14.75%)
 (CZE I8 only)
I8 (Březiněves): 2.59 of 2.59 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I8Bre only)
I9: 3.23 of 64.00 mi (5.05%)
 (CZE I9 only)
I13: 98.52 of 140.00 mi (70.37%)
 (CZE I13 only)
I15: 0.46 of 44.57 mi (1.02%)
 (CZE I15 only)
I16: 2.76 of 120.39 mi (2.29%)
 (CZE I16 only)
I19: 2.01 of 163.19 mi (1.23%)
 (CZE I19 only)
I20 ((Main)): 50.65 of 133.34 mi (37.99%)
 (CZE I20 only)
I20 (Plzeň): 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I20Plz only)
I21: 41.22 of 41.22 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I21 only)
I23: 4.93 of 92.61 mi (5.32%)
 (CZE I23 only)
I25: 0.20 of 7.65 mi (2.65%)
 (CZE I25 only)
I26: 9.10 of 47.70 mi (19.08%)
 (CZE I26 only)
I27: 25.46 of 132.48 mi (19.22%)
 (CZE I27 only)
I30: 1.46 of 19.83 mi (7.37%)
 (CZE I30 only)
I35 (Hradec Králové): 25.76 of 139.79 mi (18.42%)
 (CZE I35 only)
I38 ((Main)): 3.93 of 164.25 mi (2.39%)
 (CZE I38 only)
I50 ((Main)): 4.34 of 66.40 mi (6.53%)
 (CZE I50 only)
I52 (Brno): 4.35 of 6.07 mi (71.64%)
 (CZE I52Brn only)
I52 (Mikulov): 14.50 of 14.50 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I52 only)
I63: 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I63 only)
I64: 10.12 of 10.12 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I64 only)
System czei connected routes traveled: 29 of 92 (31.5%), clinched: 12 of 92 (13.0%).
System czeii (active) overall: 141.29 of 8890.96 mi (1.59%)
System czeii by route (traveled routes only):
II156 (České Budějovice): 0.90 of 0.90 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II156Ces only)
II180: 2.78 of 46.76 mi (5.94%)
 (CZE II180 only)
II193: 0.35 of 56.07 mi (0.63%)
 (CZE II193 only)
II201: 3.06 of 95.45 mi (3.21%)
 (CZE II201 only)
II208: 3.79 of 16.73 mi (22.65%)
 (CZE II208 only)
II209: 7.71 of 14.92 mi (51.69%)
 (CZE II209 only)
II210: 27.69 of 50.47 mi (54.85%)
 (CZE II210 only)
II212: 2.68 of 27.65 mi (9.68%)
 (CZE II212 only)
II213: 2.23 of 12.83 mi (17.35%)
 (CZE II213 only)
II214: 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II214 only)
II215: 3.68 of 3.68 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II215 only)
II217: 10.18 of 10.18 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II217 only)
II218: 7.55 of 7.55 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II218 only)
II219: 1.27 of 17.25 mi (7.36%)
 (CZE II219 only)
II223: 7.25 of 17.00 mi (42.68%)
 (CZE II223 only)
II224: 7.12 of 35.83 mi (19.88%)
 (CZE II224 only)
II230: 6.52 of 72.68 mi (8.97%)
 (CZE II230 only)
II231: 1.43 of 17.19 mi (8.34%)
 (CZE II231 only)
II233: 0.70 of 33.34 mi (2.11%)
 (CZE II233 only)
II237: 1.16 of 39.17 mi (2.96%)
 (CZE II237 only)
II240: 3.25 of 49.11 mi (6.61%)
 (CZE II240 only)
II256: 1.90 of 6.98 mi (27.25%)
 (CZE II256 only)
II261: 8.15 of 47.19 mi (17.26%)
 (CZE II261 only)
II262: 2.73 of 22.42 mi (12.19%)
 (CZE II262 only)
II263: 3.07 of 33.19 mi (9.25%)
 (CZE II263 only)
II271: 7.43 of 7.43 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II271 only)
II324: 0.52 of 49.70 mi (1.05%)
 (CZE II324 only)
II605 (Beroun): 0.12 of 43.18 mi (0.29%)
 (CZE II605 only)
II605 (Stříbro): 3.89 of 41.15 mi (9.44%)
 (CZE II605Str only)
II606 (Cheb): 7.52 of 7.52 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II606Che only)
II611: 0.37 of 70.15 mi (0.52%)
 (CZE II611 only)
II613: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II613 only)
System czeii connected routes traveled: 32 of 463 (6.9%), clinched: 8 of 463 (1.7%).
System deua (active) overall: 5353.20 of 8261.35 mi (64.80%)
System deua by region:
  DEU-BB: 412.19 of 506.73 mi (81.34%)
  DEU-BE: 26.87 of 45.16 mi (59.49%)
  DEU-BW: 622.41 of 663.07 mi (93.87%)
  DEU-BY: 1348.43 of 1590.25 mi (84.79%)
  DEU-HB: 14.38 of 41.53 mi (34.62%)
  DEU-HE: 378.56 of 636.36 mi (59.49%)
  DEU-HH: 10.43 of 46.62 mi (22.37%)
  DEU-MV: 81.03 of 361.61 mi (22.41%)
  DEU-NI: 399.96 of 911.99 mi (43.86%)
  DEU-NW: 579.32 of 1408.89 mi (41.12%)
  DEU-RP: 444.65 of 544.33 mi (81.69%)
  DEU-SH: 90.86 of 342.75 mi (26.51%)
  DEU-SL: 113.07 of 147.06 mi (76.89%)
  DEU-SN: 327.34 of 363.60 mi (90.03%)
  DEU-ST: 215.36 of 327.02 mi (65.86%)
  DEU-TH: 288.34 of 324.39 mi (88.89%)
System deua by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Bremen): 218.94 of 380.79 mi (57.49%)
  DEU-HH A1: 4.62 of 11.73 mi (39.37%)
  DEU-NI A1Buc: 59.11 of 59.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A1: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1Dre: 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A1Ars: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1: 69.16 of 69.16 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A1Wer: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1Osn: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A1: 77.24 of 158.36 mi (48.77%)

A1 (Trier): 56.27 of 85.68 mi (65.67%)
  DEU-RP A1: 48.23 of 55.30 mi (87.22%)
  DEU-SL A1: 8.03 of 30.38 mi (26.44%)

A2: 144.71 of 296.98 mi (48.73%)
  DEU-NW A2: 25.54 of 118.61 mi (21.54%)
  DEU-NI A2: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A2: 21.66 of 53.23 mi (40.69%)

A3: 353.69 of 478.70 mi (73.89%)
  DEU-NW A3: 38.60 of 113.93 mi (33.88%)
  DEU-RP A3: 35.26 of 35.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A3: 66.22 of 66.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A3Asc: 33.28 of 33.28 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A3: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A3: 176.20 of 225.88 mi (78.01%)

A4 (Köln): 90.85 of 95.05 mi (95.58%)
 (DEU-NW A4 only)
A4 (Dresden): 268.90 of 268.90 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A4: 23.07 of 23.07 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A4Ger: 4.38 of 4.38 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A4Her: 5.05 of 5.05 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A4: 104.90 of 104.90 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A4: 131.50 of 131.50 mi (100.00%)

A5: 228.04 of 275.89 mi (82.66%)
  DEU-HE A5: 78.93 of 111.13 mi (71.03%)
  DEU-BW A5: 149.11 of 164.76 mi (90.50%)

A5AST (Neuenburg): 0.29 of 0.29 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW A5AST only)
A6: 301.52 of 301.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL A6: 23.84 of 23.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A6: 51.65 of 51.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A6Man: 4.60 of 4.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A6: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A6: 91.67 of 91.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A6: 125.35 of 125.35 mi (100.00%)

A7: 440.50 of 600.55 mi (73.35%)
  DEU-SH A7: 90.86 of 90.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH A7: 4.24 of 18.08 mi (23.48%)
  DEU-NI A7: 38.45 of 164.11 mi (23.43%)
  DEU-HE A7Wit: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A7Han: 11.41 of 11.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A7: 60.50 of 79.61 mi (75.99%)
  DEU-BY A7: 104.71 of 104.71 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7: 48.86 of 48.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Neu: 25.33 of 25.33 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7Det: 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Fel: 0.68 of 0.68 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7Unt: 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Hei: 0.71 of 0.71 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7Ege: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Kem: 46.46 of 46.46 mi (100.00%)

A8 (Saarbrücken): 50.92 of 68.40 mi (74.43%)
  DEU-SL A8: 50.92 of 56.48 mi (90.15%)

A8 (Stuttgart): 162.77 of 166.86 mi (97.55%)
  DEU-BW A8: 92.14 of 92.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A8Neu: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A8Lan: 2.42 of 2.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A8Aug: 63.92 of 68.00 mi (94.00%)

A8 (Rosenheim): 78.78 of 78.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A8 only)
A9: 331.02 of 331.02 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A9: 28.06 of 28.06 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9: 37.99 of 37.99 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Dob: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Loh: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9: 7.48 of 7.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Rub: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Weh: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Mas: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Kle: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Gun: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Alt: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Wei: 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A9: 47.58 of 47.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A9: 178.38 of 178.38 mi (100.00%)

A10: 105.42 of 122.76 mi (85.87%)
  DEU-BB A10: 105.42 of 119.43 mi (88.26%)

A11: 69.49 of 69.49 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-MV A11: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A11: 57.34 of 57.34 mi (100.00%)

A12: 36.60 of 36.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB A12 only)
A13: 94.64 of 94.64 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A13: 78.11 of 78.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A13: 16.53 of 16.53 mi (100.00%)

A14 (Leipzig): 91.66 of 130.22 mi (70.39%)
  DEU-ST A14: 65.56 of 67.86 mi (96.60%)
  DEU-SN A14Rab: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A14Gro: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A14: 24.87 of 61.12 mi (40.69%)

A15: 40.27 of 40.27 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB A15 only)
A17: 27.73 of 27.73 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN A17 only)
A19: 77.11 of 77.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-MV A19: 68.87 of 68.87 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A19: 8.23 of 8.23 mi (100.00%)

A24: 40.20 of 149.09 mi (26.96%)
  DEU-BB A24: 40.20 of 63.15 mi (63.65%)

A27: 45.12 of 101.86 mi (44.29%)
  DEU-HB A27: 7.85 of 14.31 mi (54.87%)
  DEU-NI A27Oyt: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A27Mah: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A27: 35.66 of 35.66 mi (100.00%)

A28: 2.22 of 60.30 mi (3.68%)
 (DEU-NI A28 only)
A30: 84.37 of 84.37 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A30: 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A30: 23.46 of 23.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A30Oey: 19.46 of 19.46 mi (100.00%)

A33: 28.81 of 64.34 mi (44.78%)
  DEU-NW A33: 28.81 of 47.82 mi (60.25%)

A36: 22.45 of 75.40 mi (29.77%)
  DEU-NI A36: 22.45 of 23.74 mi (94.57%)

A37 (Hannover): 3.15 of 5.67 mi (55.54%)
 (DEU-NI A37 only)
A38: 136.49 of 136.49 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A38: 2.93 of 2.93 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A38: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A38Fri: 4.35 of 4.35 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A38: 46.78 of 46.78 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A38: 63.24 of 63.24 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A38: 18.39 of 18.39 mi (100.00%)

A39 (Braunschweig): 0.85 of 42.32 mi (2.01%)
 (DEU-NI A39 only)
A40: 25.77 of 57.73 mi (44.64%)
 (DEU-NW A40 only)
A42: 35.81 of 35.97 mi (99.57%)
 (DEU-NW A42 only)
A43: 26.22 of 56.76 mi (46.19%)
 (DEU-NW A43 only)
A44 (Aachen): 6.93 of 35.11 mi (19.74%)
 (DEU-NW A44Aac only)
A44 (Kassel): 94.17 of 94.17 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A44: 61.45 of 61.45 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A44Die: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A44War: 3.02 of 3.02 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A44: 23.90 of 23.90 mi (100.00%)

A44 (Hessisch Lichtenau): 13.98 of 21.19 mi (65.98%)
 (DEU-HE A44Hes only)
A45: 48.23 of 158.72 mi (30.39%)
  DEU-NW A45: 24.07 of 75.82 mi (31.74%)
  DEU-HE A45: 24.16 of 73.61 mi (32.83%)

A48: 36.06 of 48.19 mi (74.84%)
 (DEU-RP A48 only)
A49: 3.79 of 34.72 mi (10.92%)
 (DEU-HE A49 only)
A52 (Marl): 11.66 of 11.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NW A52Mar only)
A57: 4.22 of 72.91 mi (5.78%)
 (DEU-NW A57 only)
A59 (Duisburg): 2.73 of 14.44 mi (18.94%)
 (DEU-NW A59 only)
A60 (Wittlich): 41.53 of 41.53 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP A60 only)
A60 (Mainz): 28.03 of 28.03 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A60Mai: 21.20 of 21.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A60: 6.83 of 6.83 mi (100.00%)

A61 (Mönchengladbach): 23.32 of 23.32 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NW A61Mon only)
A61 (Koblenz): 175.42 of 175.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A61: 42.41 of 42.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A61: 128.84 of 128.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A61: 4.17 of 4.17 mi (100.00%)

A62: 31.71 of 49.12 mi (64.55%)
  DEU-SL A62: 7.51 of 7.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A62Ell: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL A62Noh: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A62Wei: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL A62Fre: 3.06 of 3.06 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A62: 15.30 of 32.71 mi (46.77%)

A63: 43.87 of 43.87 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP A63 only)
A64: 11.42 of 11.42 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP A64 only)
A65: 3.65 of 36.50 mi (10.01%)
 (DEU-RP A65 only)
A66 (Wiesbaden): 2.99 of 24.62 mi (12.16%)
 (DEU-HE A66Wie only)
A66 (Hanau): 35.53 of 55.58 mi (63.92%)
 (DEU-HE A66 only)
A67: 3.91 of 36.37 mi (10.76%)
 (DEU-HE A67 only)
A70: 74.50 of 74.50 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A70 only)
A71: 88.44 of 136.50 mi (64.79%)
  DEU-TH A71: 63.62 of 99.68 mi (63.83%)
  DEU-BY A71: 24.81 of 34.19 mi (72.58%)

A72: 104.76 of 104.76 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A72: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A72: 94.98 of 94.98 mi (100.00%)

A73 (Bamberg): 71.41 of 96.22 mi (74.21%)
  DEU-TH A73: 21.08 of 21.08 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A73: 50.33 of 75.14 mi (66.98%)

A73 (Nürnberg): 7.99 of 7.99 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A73Nur only)
A81: 176.10 of 176.10 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A81: 2.65 of 2.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A81: 173.44 of 173.44 mi (100.00%)

A92: 10.43 of 84.28 mi (12.37%)
 (DEU-BY A92 only)
A93 (Regensburg): 150.77 of 150.77 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A93 only)
A93 (Oberaudorf): 15.78 of 15.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A93Obe only)
A94 (Mühldorf): 0.61 of 60.62 mi (1.01%)
 (DEU-BY A94 only)
A95: 42.75 of 42.75 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A95 only)
A96: 107.14 of 107.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A96Lin: 4.81 of 4.81 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A96: 30.15 of 30.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A96: 72.18 of 72.18 mi (100.00%)

A98 (Lörrach): 10.00 of 11.40 mi (87.78%)
 (DEU-BW A98 only)
A99 (München): 33.66 of 33.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A99 only)
A99 (Eschenried): 2.41 of 2.41 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A99Esc only)
A100: 12.56 of 12.74 mi (98.54%)
 (DEU-BE A100 only)
A113: 11.91 of 11.91 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE A113: 5.73 of 5.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A113: 6.18 of 6.18 mi (100.00%)

A115: 17.32 of 17.32 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE A115: 7.40 of 7.40 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A115: 9.92 of 9.92 mi (100.00%)

A117: 3.04 of 3.04 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE A117: 1.18 of 1.18 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A117: 1.85 of 1.85 mi (100.00%)

A255: 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HH A255 only)
A369: 2.62 of 2.62 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NI A369 only)
A391: 6.53 of 7.69 mi (84.89%)
 (DEU-NI A391 only)
A480 (Aßlar): 1.55 of 2.57 mi (60.12%)
 (DEU-HE A480Ass only)
A480 (Gießen): 8.95 of 8.95 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE A480 only)
A485: 6.73 of 11.51 mi (58.42%)
 (DEU-HE A485 only)
A544: 0.56 of 3.37 mi (16.53%)
 (DEU-NW A544 only)
A562: 1.61 of 2.26 mi (71.29%)
 (DEU-NW A562 only)
A565: 10.34 of 15.82 mi (65.40%)
  DEU-NW A565: 10.34 of 15.77 mi (65.61%)

A602: 2.51 of 6.07 mi (41.36%)
 (DEU-RP A602 only)
A620: 19.01 of 19.01 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SL A620 only)
A656: 5.81 of 7.39 mi (78.57%)
 (DEU-BW A656 only)
A831: 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW A831 only)
A861: 2.70 of 2.70 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW A861 only)
A995: 6.87 of 6.87 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A995 only)
System deua connected routes traveled: 88 of 152 (57.9%), clinched: 41 of 152 (27.0%).
System deub (active) overall: 1986.17 of 22943.02 mi (8.66%)
System deub by region:
  AUT: 0.00 of 0.88 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 0.00 of 0.46 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BB: 92.61 of 1682.58 mi (5.50%)
  DEU-BE: 37.81 of 99.18 mi (38.12%)
  DEU-BW: 112.64 of 2537.84 mi (4.44%)
  DEU-BY: 409.32 of 3645.52 mi (11.23%)
  DEU-HB: 7.28 of 20.47 mi (35.58%)
  DEU-HE: 105.09 of 1794.43 mi (5.86%)
  DEU-HH: 5.17 of 73.05 mi (7.08%)
  DEU-MV: 6.45 of 1198.02 mi (0.54%)
  DEU-NI: 51.77 of 2853.49 mi (1.81%)
  DEU-NW: 82.43 of 2693.14 mi (3.06%)
  DEU-RP: 137.93 of 1699.55 mi (8.12%)
  DEU-SH: 0.00 of 946.92 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SL: 3.90 of 187.32 mi (2.08%)
  DEU-SN: 529.31 of 1369.35 mi (38.65%)
  DEU-ST: 76.34 of 1238.62 mi (6.16%)
  DEU-TH: 328.13 of 900.47 mi (36.44%)
System deub by route (traveled routes only):
B1 (Dortmund): 6.68 of 7.55 mi (88.52%)
 (DEU-NW B1Dor only)
B1 (Hameln): 2.00 of 118.68 mi (1.68%)
  DEU-NW B1: 2.00 of 52.63 mi (3.79%)

B1 (Magdeburg): 1.88 of 134.76 mi (1.39%)
  DEU-BB B1Pot: 0.99 of 39.78 mi (2.48%)
  DEU-BE B1Zeh: 0.89 of 10.44 mi (8.55%)

B1 (Berlin): 15.38 of 60.26 mi (25.52%)
  DEU-BE B1: 10.03 of 14.21 mi (70.59%)
  DEU-BB B1: 5.35 of 46.05 mi (11.62%)

B2 (Leipzig): 61.28 of 161.38 mi (37.97%)
  DEU-BE B2: 8.91 of 21.18 mi (42.08%)
  DEU-SN B2: 29.71 of 44.12 mi (67.35%)
  DEU-ST B2Zei: 15.84 of 15.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B2: 6.81 of 6.81 mi (100.00%)

B2 (Porstendorf): 3.54 of 3.54 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B2Por only)
B2 (Schleiz): 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B2Sch only)
B2 (Hof): 9.92 of 9.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B2Gef: 3.05 of 3.05 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY B2Hof: 6.87 of 6.87 mi (100.00%)

B2 (Bayreuth): 4.15 of 49.69 mi (8.35%)
 (DEU-BY B2Bay only)
B2 (Augsburg): 6.34 of 128.44 mi (4.94%)
 (DEU-BY B2 only)
B2 (Weilheim): 8.06 of 60.84 mi (13.25%)
 (DEU-BY B2Wei only)
B2R: 17.44 of 17.44 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B2R only)
B3 (Göttingen): 15.90 of 108.40 mi (14.67%)
  DEU-NI B3: 15.90 of 94.83 mi (16.77%)

B3 (Karlsruhe): 10.82 of 202.27 mi (5.35%)
  DEU-BW B3: 10.82 of 175.87 mi (6.15%)

B4 (Hamburg): 3.70 of 31.40 mi (11.78%)
  DEU-HH B4: 3.70 of 11.82 mi (31.30%)

B4 (Nordhausen): 43.98 of 76.20 mi (57.71%)
  DEU-NI B4Har: 23.57 of 23.57 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B4: 20.41 of 52.62 mi (38.78%)

B4 (Coburg): 1.06 of 35.35 mi (2.99%)
  DEU-BY B4: 1.06 of 33.61 mi (3.14%)

B4 (Erlangen): 1.39 of 9.50 mi (14.64%)
 (DEU-BY B4Erl only)
B5 (Hamburg): 2.44 of 17.54 mi (13.90%)
 (DEU-HH B5 only)
B5 (Berlin): 29.82 of 149.66 mi (19.93%)
  DEU-BB B5: 6.54 of 82.23 mi (7.96%)
  DEU-BE B5: 17.93 of 22.51 mi (79.64%)
  DEU-BB B5Mun: 5.35 of 44.92 mi (11.91%)

B6 (Hannover): 7.12 of 131.59 mi (5.41%)
  DEU-HB B6: 3.82 of 7.36 mi (51.86%)
  DEU-NI B6: 3.30 of 124.23 mi (2.66%)

B6 (Leipzig): 15.66 of 110.77 mi (14.14%)
  DEU-ST B6Hal: 1.43 of 11.98 mi (11.92%)
  DEU-SN B6: 14.23 of 98.79 mi (14.41%)

B6 (Löbau): 10.90 of 28.42 mi (38.35%)
 (DEU-SN B6Lob only)
B7 (Kassel): 6.90 of 67.79 mi (10.17%)
  DEU-HE B7: 6.90 of 28.43 mi (24.26%)

B7 (Creuzburg): 4.51 of 21.00 mi (21.46%)
  DEU-HE B7Rin: 4.51 of 12.95 mi (34.78%)

B7 (Gotha): 10.06 of 10.06 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B7Got only)
B7 (Weimar): 22.70 of 45.05 mi (50.39%)
 (DEU-TH B7 only)
B7 (Altenburg): 17.14 of 33.61 mi (51.00%)
  DEU-TH B7Alt: 17.14 of 19.57 mi (87.58%)

B8 (Würzburg): 10.44 of 64.74 mi (16.13%)
 (DEU-BY B8Wur only)
B8 (Neumarkt): 9.17 of 12.53 mi (73.17%)
 (DEU-BY B8Neu only)
B9 (Ludwigshafen): 36.40 of 84.57 mi (43.04%)
 (DEU-RP B9 only)
B10 (Stuttgart): 18.35 of 116.00 mi (15.82%)
  DEU-RP B10Wor: 1.38 of 1.38 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW B10: 16.22 of 108.48 mi (14.96%)
  DEU-BY B10: 0.74 of 6.14 mi (12.08%)

B13 (Ingolstadt): 1.10 of 150.69 mi (0.73%)
 (DEU-BY B13 only)
B13 (München-Giesing): 0.75 of 0.75 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B13Gie only)
B14 (Backnang): 8.35 of 53.37 mi (15.65%)
 (DEU-BW B14 only)
B14 (Lauf an der Pegnitz): 3.18 of 52.02 mi (6.12%)
 (DEU-BY B14 only)
B15 (Hof): 12.26 of 12.26 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B15Hof only)
B15 (Tirschenreuth): 7.04 of 20.93 mi (33.64%)
 (DEU-BY B15Tir only)
B16 (Nittenau): 1.96 of 24.72 mi (7.94%)
 (DEU-BY B16Nit only)
B17: 21.98 of 68.73 mi (31.98%)
 (DEU-BY B17 only)
B19 (Eisenach): 4.90 of 41.31 mi (11.87%)
 (DEU-TH B19 only)
B19 (Schwäbisch Hall): 7.86 of 127.61 mi (6.16%)
  DEU-BY B19Wur: 7.86 of 33.47 mi (23.47%)

B21 ((Main)): 0.19 of 13.31 mi (1.40%)
 (DEU-BY B21 only)
B21 (Schwarzbach): 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B21Sch only)
B22 (Weiden): 14.22 of 110.75 mi (12.84%)
 (DEU-BY B22 only)
B23: 12.98 of 35.28 mi (36.79%)
 (DEU-BY B23 only)
B27 (Braunlage): 4.41 of 59.38 mi (7.43%)
  DEU-NI B27: 4.41 of 40.62 mi (10.87%)

B27 (Bebra): 10.94 of 77.25 mi (14.17%)
 (DEU-HE B27 only)
B27 (Würzburg): 9.76 of 35.72 mi (27.32%)
 (DEU-BY B27 only)
B27 (Stuttgart): 10.44 of 180.42 mi (5.78%)
 (DEU-BW B27 only)
B28 ((Main)): 15.34 of 131.51 mi (11.67%)
  DEU-BW B28: 8.21 of 124.38 mi (6.60%)
  DEU-BY B28: 7.13 of 7.13 mi (100.00%)

B31 (Freiburg): 7.01 of 60.01 mi (11.69%)
 (DEU-BW B31 only)
B31a: 3.46 of 7.44 mi (46.56%)
 (DEU-BW B31a only)
B32 (Bad Saulgau): 12.29 of 88.91 mi (13.83%)
  DEU-BW B32: 12.29 of 79.83 mi (15.40%)

B34 (Singen): 1.21 of 21.32 mi (5.68%)
 (DEU-BW B34 only)
B35: 0.33 of 37.04 mi (0.89%)
  DEU-BW B35: 0.33 of 35.53 mi (0.93%)

B37 (Kaiserslautern): 1.38 of 25.96 mi (5.31%)
 (DEU-RP B37 only)
B37 (Heidelberg): 2.39 of 34.83 mi (6.85%)
  DEU-BW B37Hei: 2.39 of 9.65 mi (24.75%)

B39 (Speyer): 1.92 of 34.83 mi (5.52%)
  DEU-RP B39: 0.38 of 26.88 mi (1.41%)
  DEU-BW B39Hoc: 1.55 of 7.95 mi (19.42%)

B39 (Heilbronn): 10.61 of 51.42 mi (20.64%)
 (DEU-BW B39 only)
B42 (Koblenz): 3.56 of 90.12 mi (3.96%)
  DEU-NW B42: 3.56 of 7.46 mi (47.75%)

B45: 9.16 of 89.89 mi (10.19%)
  DEU-BW B45: 9.16 of 12.39 mi (73.91%)

B47 (Monsheim): 8.23 of 26.02 mi (31.62%)
 (DEU-RP B47 only)
B47 (Dreisen): 0.50 of 0.50 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B47Dre only)
B49 (Gießen): 37.01 of 68.30 mi (54.18%)
 (DEU-HE B49 only)
B50 (Hahn (Hunsrück)): 45.25 of 45.25 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B50 only)
B50n: 11.73 of 11.73 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B50n only)
B53: 4.52 of 64.65 mi (7.00%)
 (DEU-RP B53 only)
B54 (Münster): 33.82 of 112.30 mi (30.12%)
 (DEU-NW B54 only)
B54 (Limburg): 3.02 of 92.75 mi (3.26%)
  DEU-HE B54Lim: 3.02 of 13.81 mi (21.88%)

B54 (Dortmund): 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NW B54Dor only)
B57 (Erkelenz): 1.52 of 48.44 mi (3.15%)
 (DEU-NW B57 only)
B62 (Kirchhain): 4.70 of 147.26 mi (3.19%)
  DEU-HE B62: 4.70 of 81.20 mi (5.79%)

B62 (Friedewald): 1.07 of 1.07 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE B62Fri only)
B64: 2.94 of 125.25 mi (2.35%)
  DEU-NW B64: 2.94 of 89.48 mi (3.28%)

B65 ((Main)): 3.30 of 100.43 mi (3.29%)
  DEU-NI B65: 3.30 of 66.66 mi (4.96%)

B75 (Bremen): 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI B75Del: 2.01 of 2.01 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB B75: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%)

B75 (Hamburg): 1.18 of 12.69 mi (9.31%)
 (DEU-HH B75 only)
B80 (Hannoversch Münden): 0.20 of 47.36 mi (0.41%)
  DEU-NI B80: 0.20 of 10.11 mi (1.93%)

B80 (Halle (Saale)): 3.36 of 18.65 mi (18.02%)
 (DEU-ST B80 only)
B82 ((Main)): 1.65 of 47.68 mi (3.47%)
 (DEU-NI B82 only)
B84: 13.26 of 72.30 mi (18.33%)
  DEU-HE B84: 7.84 of 10.47 mi (74.92%)
  DEU-TH B84: 5.41 of 61.83 mi (8.76%)

B85: 30.61 of 300.58 mi (10.18%)
  DEU-TH B85: 7.78 of 86.13 mi (9.03%)
  DEU-BY B85: 22.83 of 210.70 mi (10.84%)

B87 (Weißenfels): 6.12 of 39.79 mi (15.39%)
  DEU-TH B87: 3.20 of 15.01 mi (21.31%)
  DEU-ST B87: 2.93 of 24.78 mi (11.81%)

B87 (Torgau): 2.01 of 142.69 mi (1.41%)
  DEU-SN B87: 2.01 of 51.38 mi (3.92%)

B88: 31.07 of 106.75 mi (29.11%)
  DEU-TH B88: 24.35 of 100.03 mi (24.34%)
  DEU-ST B88: 6.72 of 6.72 mi (100.00%)

B90 (Bad Lobenstein): 10.40 of 26.85 mi (38.73%)
 (DEU-TH B90 only)
B91: 0.42 of 30.70 mi (1.37%)
 (DEU-ST B91 only)
B92 (Gera): 62.76 of 62.76 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B92: 24.79 of 24.79 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B92Els: 2.28 of 2.28 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B92Hoh: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B92Cun: 1.58 of 1.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B92Sch: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B92: 33.22 of 33.22 mi (100.00%)

B93 (Altenburg): 45.70 of 45.70 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B93Bor: 5.67 of 5.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B93: 17.90 of 17.90 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B93: 22.14 of 22.14 mi (100.00%)

B94: 33.48 of 33.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B94: 23.06 of 23.06 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B94: 10.42 of 10.42 mi (100.00%)

B95: 37.97 of 37.97 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B95 only)
B96 (Neustrelitz): 1.31 of 66.50 mi (1.97%)
  DEU-BB B96Ora: 1.31 of 40.72 mi (3.22%)

B96 (Berlin): 14.88 of 176.22 mi (8.44%)
  DEU-BE B96: 4.82 of 19.43 mi (24.80%)
  DEU-BB B96: 9.64 of 87.20 mi (11.05%)
  DEU-SN B96: 0.42 of 64.15 mi (0.66%)

B96a (Berlin): 9.61 of 32.75 mi (29.34%)
  DEU-BE B96a: 9.61 of 21.45 mi (44.81%)

B100: 8.19 of 43.84 mi (18.68%)
 (DEU-ST B100 only)
B101 ((Main)): 60.28 of 182.29 mi (33.07%)
  DEU-BE B101: 0.83 of 3.14 mi (26.46%)
  DEU-BB B101: 7.73 of 44.52 mi (17.37%)
  DEU-BB B101Lie: 8.37 of 39.70 mi (21.07%)
  DEU-SN B101: 43.35 of 93.97 mi (46.13%)

B105 (Rostock): 3.74 of 100.78 mi (3.71%)
 (DEU-MV B105 only)
B107 (Eilenburg): 18.11 of 88.12 mi (20.56%)
  DEU-ST B107Gra: 9.62 of 22.12 mi (43.52%)
  DEU-SN B107: 8.49 of 66.00 mi (12.86%)

B112: 4.93 of 74.43 mi (6.63%)
 (DEU-BB B112 only)
B156: 27.41 of 68.00 mi (40.32%)
  DEU-SN B156: 27.41 of 37.69 mi (72.74%)

B169 (Schneeberg): 31.34 of 39.50 mi (79.33%)
 (DEU-SN B169Sch only)
B169 (Döbeln): 76.97 of 112.98 mi (68.12%)
  DEU-SN B169: 41.57 of 58.48 mi (71.09%)
  DEU-BB B169: 35.39 of 54.50 mi (64.94%)

B171: 8.70 of 39.00 mi (22.29%)
 (DEU-SN B171 only)
B172a: 2.78 of 2.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B172a only)
B173 (Kronach): 38.36 of 52.48 mi (73.10%)
 (DEU-BY B173 only)
B173 (Plauen): 8.72 of 8.72 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B173Pla only)
B173 (Chemnitz): 48.97 of 79.26 mi (61.79%)
 (DEU-SN B173 only)
B174: 27.65 of 27.65 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B174 only)
B175 (Zwickau): 41.36 of 51.73 mi (79.95%)
  DEU-TH B175: 19.58 of 19.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B175Zwi: 21.77 of 32.14 mi (67.73%)

B176 (Sömmerda): 11.22 of 70.16 mi (15.99%)
  DEU-TH B176: 11.22 of 40.58 mi (27.65%)

B176 (Borna): 6.90 of 36.76 mi (18.77%)
 (DEU-SN B176 only)
B178 (Löbau): 15.99 of 15.99 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B178 only)
B178 (Zittau): 6.64 of 6.64 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B178Zit only)
B180: 53.08 of 162.80 mi (32.61%)
  DEU-ST B180: 24.02 of 92.87 mi (25.86%)
  DEU-TH B180: 13.08 of 19.72 mi (66.34%)
  DEU-SN B180: 15.98 of 49.62 mi (32.22%)

B181: 5.13 of 14.31 mi (35.84%)
  DEU-ST B181: 0.17 of 9.35 mi (1.85%)
  DEU-SN B181: 4.95 of 4.95 mi (100.00%)

B182: 6.64 of 48.22 mi (13.78%)
  DEU-BB B182: 0.99 of 1.00 mi (98.32%)
  DEU-SN B182Rie: 5.66 of 10.05 mi (56.29%)

B183: 13.01 of 73.77 mi (17.64%)
  DEU-ST B183: 11.15 of 30.82 mi (36.19%)
  DEU-BB B183: 1.86 of 11.65 mi (15.97%)

B184: 1.12 of 68.86 mi (1.62%)
  DEU-ST B184: 1.12 of 55.08 mi (2.03%)

B186: 12.75 of 17.54 mi (72.68%)
 (DEU-SN B186 only)
B192: 2.71 of 91.50 mi (2.96%)
 (DEU-MV B192 only)
B221: 1.35 of 35.31 mi (3.83%)
 (DEU-NW B221 only)
B224 (Essen): 2.68 of 19.29 mi (13.91%)
 (DEU-NW B224 only)
B236: 1.31 of 113.48 mi (1.15%)
  DEU-NW B236: 1.31 of 102.14 mi (1.28%)

B242: 7.33 of 70.71 mi (10.37%)
  DEU-NI B242: 7.33 of 30.56 mi (23.98%)

B247 (Mühlhausen): 53.02 of 76.83 mi (69.00%)
  DEU-TH B247: 53.02 of 59.66 mi (88.86%)

B249: 23.51 of 42.76 mi (54.99%)
  DEU-HE B249: 11.50 of 11.50 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B249: 12.01 of 31.26 mi (38.43%)

B252 (Brakel): 25.96 of 36.51 mi (71.09%)
 (DEU-NW B252 only)
B257 (Adenau): 6.22 of 30.78 mi (20.22%)
 (DEU-RP B257Ade only)
B258 (Monschau): 2.83 of 75.12 mi (3.77%)
  DEU-RP B258: 2.83 of 24.79 mi (11.41%)

B262 (Mayen): 7.56 of 7.56 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B262 only)
B268: 3.90 of 46.10 mi (8.46%)
  DEU-SL B268: 3.90 of 31.52 mi (12.37%)

B269 (Birkenfeld): 7.94 of 27.86 mi (28.52%)
 (DEU-RP B269 only)
B273 (Oranienburg): 13.96 of 15.76 mi (88.61%)
 (DEU-BB B273 only)
B277 ((Main)): 0.95 of 24.30 mi (3.91%)
 (DEU-HE B277 only)
B278: 2.61 of 26.94 mi (9.68%)
  DEU-TH B278: 2.61 of 6.25 mi (41.70%)

B279: 18.20 of 73.80 mi (24.67%)
  DEU-BY B279: 18.20 of 58.80 mi (30.96%)

B281 ((Main)): 25.44 of 59.17 mi (42.99%)
 (DEU-TH B281 only)
B281 (Eisfeld): 0.62 of 0.62 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B281Eis only)
B282: 14.62 of 14.62 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B282: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B282: 10.32 of 10.32 mi (100.00%)

B283: 24.95 of 35.19 mi (70.90%)
 (DEU-SN B283 only)
B286 (Bad Kissingen): 1.47 of 25.25 mi (5.81%)
 (DEU-BY B286Kis only)
B289 (Kulmbach): 14.58 of 45.05 mi (32.36%)
 (DEU-BY B289 only)
B291: 0.31 of 8.44 mi (3.71%)
 (DEU-BW B291 only)
B292: 11.01 of 64.88 mi (16.97%)
 (DEU-BW B292 only)
B297: 1.36 of 37.31 mi (3.66%)
 (DEU-BW B297 only)
B299: 15.85 of 208.16 mi (7.61%)
 (DEU-BY B299 only)
B300: 31.43 of 103.81 mi (30.27%)
 (DEU-BY B300 only)
B303 (Kronach): 62.18 of 111.30 mi (55.87%)
 (DEU-BY B303 only)
B303 (Schneckenlohe): 5.34 of 5.34 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B303Slo only)
B304 (Karlsfeld): 4.24 of 6.96 mi (60.99%)
 (DEU-BY B304Kar only)
B305: 6.66 of 58.69 mi (11.35%)
 (DEU-BY B305 only)
B319: 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B319 only)
B378: 0.22 of 3.30 mi (6.51%)
 (DEU-BW B378 only)
B388 (Vilsbiburg): 1.79 of 86.93 mi (2.06%)
 (DEU-BY B388 only)
B400: 10.81 of 10.81 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE B400 only)
B410: 2.67 of 56.23 mi (4.74%)
 (DEU-RP B410 only)
B412 (Kempenich): 13.78 of 13.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B412 only)
B429: 2.81 of 2.81 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE B429 only)
B451: 0.26 of 13.11 mi (1.95%)
 (DEU-HE B451 only)
B457: 6.84 of 39.53 mi (17.31%)
 (DEU-HE B457 only)
B458: 0.91 of 17.05 mi (5.37%)
 (DEU-HE B458 only)
B468: 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B468 only)
B471 ((Main)): 9.21 of 48.73 mi (18.89%)
 (DEU-BY B471 only)
B480: 1.46 of 55.23 mi (2.65%)
 (DEU-NW B480 only)
B496: 4.74 of 4.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NI B496 only)
B500 (Baden-Baden): 9.63 of 34.43 mi (27.98%)
 (DEU-BW B500Bad only)
B505: 13.99 of 13.99 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B505 only)
B512: 0.72 of 3.80 mi (18.90%)
 (DEU-BY B512 only)
B533: 11.69 of 30.76 mi (38.00%)
 (DEU-BY B533 only)
System deub connected routes traveled: 170 of 732 (23.2%), clinched: 34 of 732 (4.6%).
System deubbl (active) overall: 55.12 of 3410.19 mi (1.62%)
System deubbl by route (traveled routes only):
L21: 0.16 of 25.32 mi (0.64%)
 (DEU-BB L21 only)
L40: 9.72 of 39.58 mi (24.57%)
 (DEU-BB L40 only)
L49 (Cottbus): 9.60 of 47.87 mi (20.05%)
 (DEU-BB L49 only)
L50: 3.54 of 38.26 mi (9.26%)
 (DEU-BB L50 only)
L52: 4.41 of 36.26 mi (12.17%)
 (DEU-BB L52 only)
L54: 5.98 of 10.80 mi (55.33%)
 (DEU-BB L54 only)
L64: 5.66 of 6.44 mi (87.91%)
 (DEU-BB L64 only)
L66 (Mühlberg/Elbe): 0.19 of 0.19 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB L66Muh only)
L66 ((Main)): 1.76 of 9.68 mi (18.18%)
 (DEU-BB L66 only)
L67 ((Main)): 7.23 of 11.54 mi (62.65%)
 (DEU-BB L67 only)
L77: 1.61 of 14.51 mi (11.12%)
 (DEU-BB L77 only)
L339 (Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten): 0.24 of 3.21 mi (7.42%)
 (DEU-BB L339Dah only)
L531: 0.62 of 6.56 mi (9.50%)
 (DEU-BB L531 only)
L591: 0.39 of 5.53 mi (7.14%)
 (DEU-BB L591 only)
L631: 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB L631 only)
L651: 2.39 of 2.39 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB L651 only)
L653: 0.78 of 8.79 mi (8.90%)
 (DEU-BB L653 only)
L661: 0.03 of 6.74 mi (0.41%)
 (DEU-BB L661 only)
System deubbl connected routes traveled: 18 of 325 (5.5%), clinched: 3 of 325 (0.9%).
System deubwl (active) overall: 25.67 of 5869.70 mi (0.44%)
System deubwl by region:
  DEU-BW: 25.67 of 5869.00 mi (0.44%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 0.70 mi (0.00%)
System deubwl by route (traveled routes only):
L86: 8.46 of 8.55 mi (98.94%)
 (DEU-BW L86 only)
L86a: 0.13 of 12.31 mi (1.05%)
 (DEU-BW L86a only)
L87: 1.78 of 19.43 mi (9.16%)
 (DEU-BW L87 only)
L120: 2.98 of 2.98 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW L120 only)
L134: 4.38 of 34.39 mi (12.73%)
 (DEU-BW L134 only)
L137: 0.18 of 3.86 mi (4.54%)
 (DEU-BW L137 only)
L722: 2.36 of 4.22 mi (55.79%)
 (DEU-BW L722 only)
L723: 3.74 of 8.26 mi (45.24%)
 (DEU-BW L723 only)
L1014: 0.17 of 2.36 mi (7.06%)
 (DEU-BW L1014 only)
L1100 (Marbach): 1.37 of 35.73 mi (3.84%)
 (DEU-BW L1100 only)
L1193 ((Main)): 0.19 of 5.85 mi (3.26%)
 (DEU-BW L1193 only)
L2310 ((Main)): 0.28 of 22.46 mi (1.24%)
 (DEU-BW L2310 only)
System deubwl connected routes traveled: 12 of 684 (1.8%), clinched: 1 of 684 (0.1%).
System deubyst (active) overall: 237.58 of 8867.24 mi (2.68%)
System deubyst by route (traveled routes only):
St2027 (Zusmarshausen): 1.21 of 68.23 mi (1.77%)
 (DEU-BY St2027 only)
St2036 (Augsburg): 0.28 of 2.18 mi (12.80%)
 (DEU-BY St2036Aug only)
St2063: 0.47 of 48.07 mi (0.99%)
 (DEU-BY St2063 only)
St2068: 4.19 of 22.21 mi (18.86%)
 (DEU-BY St2068 only)
St2069: 1.49 of 21.49 mi (6.92%)
 (DEU-BY St2069 only)
St2088: 2.47 of 3.55 mi (69.60%)
 (DEU-BY St2088 only)
St2110: 6.37 of 40.96 mi (15.56%)
 (DEU-BY St2110 only)
St2125: 1.03 of 81.65 mi (1.26%)
 (DEU-BY St2125 only)
St2134: 2.43 of 23.65 mi (10.29%)
 (DEU-BY St2134 only)
St2154 ((Main)): 12.34 of 78.80 mi (15.66%)
 (DEU-BY St2154 only)
St2154 (Waidhaus): 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2154Wai only)
St2158: 0.15 of 14.02 mi (1.10%)
 (DEU-BY St2158 only)
St2163 (Goldkronach): 5.63 of 5.63 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2163Gol only)
St2167: 0.24 of 17.98 mi (1.33%)
 (DEU-BY St2167 only)
St2172: 1.41 of 20.56 mi (6.85%)
 (DEU-BY St2172 only)
St2175: 0.24 of 17.56 mi (1.37%)
 (DEU-BY St2175 only)
St2176: 18.86 of 27.19 mi (69.38%)
 (DEU-BY St2176 only)
St2177: 12.65 of 48.79 mi (25.92%)
 (DEU-BY St2177 only)
St2178: 2.15 of 15.85 mi (13.57%)
 (DEU-BY St2178 only)
St2179: 10.32 of 10.32 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2179 only)
St2180: 19.01 of 23.19 mi (81.97%)
 (DEU-BY St2180 only)
St2181 ((Main)): 0.95 of 57.29 mi (1.66%)
 (DEU-BY St2181 only)
St2192 (Hof): 10.88 of 17.93 mi (60.69%)
 (DEU-BY St2192 only)
St2194: 5.39 of 17.63 mi (30.56%)
 (DEU-BY St2194 only)
St2195: 27.15 of 28.46 mi (95.40%)
 (DEU-BY St2195 only)
St2196: 0.02 of 4.10 mi (0.46%)
 (DEU-BY St2196 only)
St2198: 7.45 of 28.02 mi (26.58%)
 (DEU-BY St2198 only)
St2200 (Wilhelmsthal): 2.65 of 12.92 mi (20.54%)
 (DEU-BY St2200 only)
St2200 (Küps): 3.16 of 3.16 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2200Kup only)
St2204: 1.26 of 24.98 mi (5.04%)
 (DEU-BY St2204 only)
St2207: 8.74 of 9.71 mi (90.05%)
 (DEU-BY St2207 only)
St2239: 1.63 of 24.92 mi (6.56%)
 (DEU-BY St2239 only)
St2240: 1.42 of 70.75 mi (2.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2240 only)
St2241: 2.14 of 21.36 mi (10.04%)
 (DEU-BY St2241 only)
St2245: 1.50 of 39.83 mi (3.76%)
 (DEU-BY St2245 only)
St2288: 4.59 of 23.54 mi (19.50%)
 (DEU-BY St2288 only)
St2289 (Bad Brückenau): 9.02 of 19.10 mi (47.23%)
 (DEU-BY St2289 only)
St2298: 1.33 of 5.17 mi (25.67%)
 (DEU-BY St2298 only)
St2300: 0.25 of 14.86 mi (1.71%)
 (DEU-BY St2300 only)
St2312 (Waldbüttelbrunn): 4.22 of 4.22 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2312Wal only)
St2344: 3.00 of 5.84 mi (51.31%)
 (DEU-BY St2344 only)
St2395: 7.96 of 16.16 mi (49.25%)
 (DEU-BY St2395 only)
St2399: 6.49 of 15.74 mi (41.25%)
 (DEU-BY St2399 only)
St2436: 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2436 only)
St2445: 0.58 of 27.32 mi (2.12%)
 (DEU-BY St2445 only)
St2452: 0.93 of 3.43 mi (26.99%)
 (DEU-BY St2452 only)
St2453: 2.57 of 2.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2453 only)
St2454: 1.39 of 6.00 mi (23.24%)
 (DEU-BY St2454 only)
St2461: 9.98 of 10.73 mi (93.01%)
 (DEU-BY St2461 only)
St2618: 0.46 of 3.95 mi (11.71%)
 (DEU-BY St2618 only)
St2665: 7.91 of 25.87 mi (30.57%)
 (DEU-BY St2665 only)
St2692: 0.60 of 3.11 mi (19.33%)
 (DEU-BY St2692 only)
St2693: 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2693 only)
St2960: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2960 only)
System deubyst connected routes traveled: 54 of 607 (8.9%), clinched: 9 of 607 (1.5%).
System deuhel (active) overall: 31.72 of 4273.53 mi (0.74%)
System deuhel by route (traveled routes only):
L3004: 0.21 of 18.16 mi (1.15%)
 (DEU-HE L3004 only)
L3020: 3.79 of 38.25 mi (9.90%)
 (DEU-HE L3020 only)
L3170: 1.31 of 12.41 mi (10.54%)
 (DEU-HE L3170 only)
L3171: 1.10 of 16.57 mi (6.66%)
 (DEU-HE L3171 only)
L3172: 3.29 of 11.75 mi (28.03%)
 (DEU-HE L3172 only)
L3173: 2.99 of 9.24 mi (32.33%)
 (DEU-HE L3173 only)
L3174: 0.10 of 18.26 mi (0.57%)
 (DEU-HE L3174 only)
L3193: 0.23 of 26.04 mi (0.88%)
 (DEU-HE L3193 only)
L3221: 2.72 of 7.51 mi (36.22%)
 (DEU-HE L3221 only)
L3225 (Großalmerode): 1.33 of 5.26 mi (25.35%)
 (DEU-HE L3225Gro only)
L3241: 9.76 of 9.76 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE L3241 only)
L3271: 0.83 of 14.11 mi (5.85%)
 (DEU-HE L3271 only)
L3299: 0.15 of 3.03 mi (5.09%)
 (DEU-HE L3299 only)
L3316: 0.70 of 3.63 mi (19.20%)
 (DEU-HE L3316 only)
L3333: 0.24 of 8.95 mi (2.71%)
 (DEU-HE L3333 only)
L3400: 3.66 of 3.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE L3400 only)
System deuhel connected routes traveled: 16 of 568 (2.8%), clinched: 2 of 568 (0.4%).
System deuhhr (active) overall: 2.17 of 32.34 mi (6.71%)
System deuhhr by region:
  DEU-HH: 2.17 of 32.19 mi (6.74%)
  DEU-SH: 0.00 of 0.15 mi (0.00%)
System deuhhr by route (traveled routes only):
Ring3: 2.17 of 15.82 mi (13.73%)
  DEU-HH Ring3: 2.17 of 10.49 mi (20.69%)

System deuhhr connected routes traveled: 1 of 3 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%).
System deunil (active) overall: 12.80 of 5037.72 mi (0.25%)
System deunil by route (traveled routes only):
L290: 8.60 of 34.14 mi (25.19%)
 (DEU-NI L290 only)
L559: 3.01 of 13.22 mi (22.81%)
 (DEU-NI L559 only)
L564 (Dramfeld): 1.02 of 12.06 mi (8.44%)
 (DEU-NI L564 only)
L602: 0.16 of 5.31 mi (3.11%)
 (DEU-NI L602 only)
System deunil connected routes traveled: 4 of 499 (0.8%), clinched: 0 of 499 (0.0%).
System deunwl (active) overall: 13.26 of 7878.64 mi (0.17%)
System deunwl by region:
  BEL: 0.00 of 0.26 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NW: 13.26 of 7878.39 mi (0.17%)
System deunwl by route (traveled routes only):
L83: 0.41 of 11.12 mi (3.71%)
 (DEU-NW L83 only)
L331: 3.77 of 11.42 mi (32.99%)
 (DEU-NW L331 only)
L712n: 5.19 of 6.34 mi (81.88%)
 (DEU-NW L712n only)
L751: 0.19 of 41.14 mi (0.45%)
 (DEU-NW L751 only)
L755 ((Main)): 0.91 of 39.47 mi (2.31%)
 (DEU-NW L755 only)
L756: 3.11 of 40.45 mi (7.69%)
 (DEU-NW L756 only)
L953: 0.09 of 14.75 mi (0.64%)
 (DEU-NW L953 only)
System deunwl connected routes traveled: 7 of 959 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 959 (0.0%).
System deurpl (active) overall: 16.58 of 4167.29 mi (0.40%)
System deurpl by route (traveled routes only):
L10: 0.87 of 66.45 mi (1.31%)
 (DEU-RP L10 only)
L53: 0.50 of 8.72 mi (5.69%)
 (DEU-RP L53 only)
L93: 0.52 of 3.98 mi (13.07%)
 (DEU-RP L93 only)
L94: 1.36 of 3.20 mi (42.33%)
 (DEU-RP L94 only)
L113: 0.20 of 20.66 mi (0.96%)
 (DEU-RP L113 only)
L394: 1.50 of 12.38 mi (12.08%)
 (DEU-RP L394 only)
L395: 7.84 of 49.96 mi (15.70%)
 (DEU-RP L395 only)
L397: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP L397 only)
L540: 0.36 of 27.93 mi (1.29%)
 (DEU-RP L540 only)
System deurpl connected routes traveled: 9 of 554 (1.6%), clinched: 1 of 554 (0.2%).
System deusll (active) overall: 0.85 of 514.83 mi (0.16%)
System deusll by route (traveled routes only):
L136: 0.07 of 10.24 mi (0.65%)
 (DEU-SL L136 only)
L139: 0.43 of 10.46 mi (4.12%)
 (DEU-SL L139 only)
L141 ((Main)): 0.35 of 21.08 mi (1.66%)
 (DEU-SL L141 only)
System deusll connected routes traveled: 3 of 80 (3.8%), clinched: 0 of 80 (0.0%).
System deusns (active) overall: 433.37 of 2851.45 mi (15.20%)
System deusns by route (traveled routes only):
S12: 1.63 of 6.66 mi (24.51%)
 (DEU-SN S12 only)
S21: 0.11 of 0.11 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S21 only)
S28: 0.42 of 7.67 mi (5.42%)
 (DEU-SN S28 only)
S30: 3.77 of 20.12 mi (18.74%)
 (DEU-SN S30 only)
S31: 6.84 of 19.80 mi (34.52%)
 (DEU-SN S31 only)
S32 (Waldheim): 0.75 of 13.92 mi (5.39%)
 (DEU-SN S32Wal only)
S38: 1.35 of 36.64 mi (3.69%)
 (DEU-SN S38 only)
S45: 2.89 of 9.20 mi (31.42%)
 (DEU-SN S45 only)
S55: 7.09 of 7.09 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S55 only)
S71: 4.57 of 4.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S71 only)
S73: 0.18 of 3.05 mi (5.98%)
 (DEU-SN S73 only)
S85 ((Main)): 10.64 of 10.64 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S85 only)
S88: 1.28 of 22.99 mi (5.58%)
 (DEU-SN S88 only)
S89: 3.65 of 3.65 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S89 only)
S95: 7.70 of 35.10 mi (21.95%)
 (DEU-SN S95 only)
S109: 9.63 of 15.32 mi (62.85%)
 (DEU-SN S109 only)
S110: 0.03 of 14.75 mi (0.20%)
 (DEU-SN S110 only)
S111: 2.46 of 40.17 mi (6.13%)
 (DEU-SN S111 only)
S112: 3.65 of 8.10 mi (45.14%)
 (DEU-SN S112 only)
S126: 4.08 of 13.72 mi (29.76%)
 (DEU-SN S126 only)
S127: 1.19 of 32.10 mi (3.69%)
 (DEU-SN S127 only)
S128: 2.20 of 19.05 mi (11.54%)
 (DEU-SN S128 only)
S157: 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S157 only)
S167: 6.92 of 9.71 mi (71.28%)
 (DEU-SN S167 only)
S177 ((Main)): 6.80 of 46.76 mi (14.53%)
 (DEU-SN S177 only)
S200: 7.38 of 15.22 mi (48.46%)
 (DEU-SN S200 only)
S201: 0.41 of 17.50 mi (2.36%)
 (DEU-SN S201 only)
S207: 13.47 of 23.41 mi (57.54%)
 (DEU-SN S207 only)
S211: 0.09 of 11.10 mi (0.77%)
 (DEU-SN S211 only)
S215: 0.34 of 6.48 mi (5.22%)
 (DEU-SN S215 only)
S218: 3.33 of 11.21 mi (29.72%)
 (DEU-SN S218 only)
S221: 0.72 of 5.18 mi (13.91%)
 (DEU-SN S221 only)
S222: 8.10 of 17.19 mi (47.13%)
 (DEU-SN S222 only)
S228: 2.40 of 10.09 mi (23.79%)
 (DEU-SN S228 only)
S241: 0.19 of 14.29 mi (1.34%)
 (DEU-SN S241 only)
S242: 16.34 of 43.62 mi (37.46%)
 (DEU-SN S242 only)
S243: 4.78 of 4.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S243 only)
S244: 4.60 of 6.81 mi (67.51%)
 (DEU-SN S244 only)
S245 ((Main)): 0.82 of 11.42 mi (7.21%)
 (DEU-SN S245 only)
S246: 4.28 of 12.86 mi (33.28%)
 (DEU-SN S246 only)
S249 ((Main)): 0.22 of 6.88 mi (3.14%)
 (DEU-SN S249 only)
S252: 0.11 of 10.45 mi (1.05%)
 (DEU-SN S252 only)
S255: 8.91 of 20.70 mi (43.05%)
 (DEU-SN S255 only)
S256: 0.42 of 8.09 mi (5.18%)
 (DEU-SN S256 only)
S257: 0.16 of 4.85 mi (3.23%)
 (DEU-SN S257 only)
S258: 24.21 of 24.21 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S258 only)
S260: 8.24 of 8.24 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S260 only)
S261: 0.23 of 5.10 mi (4.47%)
 (DEU-SN S261 only)
S262: 0.12 of 9.41 mi (1.28%)
 (DEU-SN S262 only)
S265: 0.95 of 9.88 mi (9.60%)
 (DEU-SN S265 only)
S266: 0.27 of 9.46 mi (2.84%)
 (DEU-SN S266 only)
S267: 0.27 of 7.97 mi (3.35%)
 (DEU-SN S267 only)
S270: 1.26 of 6.76 mi (18.65%)
 (DEU-SN S270 only)
S271 ((Main)): 12.84 of 12.84 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S271 only)
S271 (Fichtelberg): 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S271Fic only)
S272: 9.04 of 15.06 mi (60.05%)
 (DEU-SN S272 only)
S274: 0.32 of 13.58 mi (2.39%)
 (DEU-SN S274 only)
S276: 6.71 of 6.71 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S276 only)
S277 ((Main)): 4.58 of 17.77 mi (25.77%)
 (DEU-SN S277 only)
S278: 2.28 of 8.95 mi (25.48%)
 (DEU-SN S278 only)
S282 (Kirchberg): 14.71 of 14.71 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S282 only)
S282a: 2.90 of 2.90 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S282a only)
S283: 14.79 of 17.02 mi (86.93%)
 (DEU-SN S283 only)
S286: 8.54 of 8.54 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S286 only)
S288: 2.16 of 6.25 mi (34.66%)
 (DEU-SN S288 only)
S289: 20.74 of 22.65 mi (91.58%)
 (DEU-SN S289 only)
S290: 4.03 of 10.17 mi (39.58%)
 (DEU-SN S290 only)
S291: 5.36 of 5.36 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S291 only)
S293: 15.47 of 15.47 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S293 only)
S293a: 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S293a only)
S295: 8.79 of 8.79 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S295 only)
S296: 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S296 only)
S297: 11.49 of 19.76 mi (58.12%)
 (DEU-SN S297 only)
S298: 2.51 of 11.15 mi (22.51%)
 (DEU-SN S298 only)
S299: 12.19 of 12.19 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S299 only)
S300: 5.23 of 5.23 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S300 only)
S301: 12.26 of 12.26 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S301 only)
S302: 0.59 of 14.96 mi (3.96%)
 (DEU-SN S302 only)
S303: 1.19 of 10.59 mi (11.19%)
 (DEU-SN S303 only)
S304: 5.75 of 11.09 mi (51.81%)
 (DEU-SN S304 only)
S304a: 0.05 of 0.05 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S304a only)
S305: 3.49 of 3.49 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S305 only)
S307: 7.48 of 7.48 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S307 only)
S308: 4.29 of 4.29 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S308 only)
S309: 8.01 of 8.01 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S309 only)
S310: 3.27 of 5.84 mi (55.98%)
 (DEU-SN S310 only)
S311: 4.63 of 9.72 mi (47.68%)
 (DEU-SN S311 only)
S314: 0.10 of 4.88 mi (2.00%)
 (DEU-SN S314 only)
S316: 5.86 of 5.86 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S316 only)
S317: 3.42 of 3.42 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S317 only)
S318: 0.04 of 5.22 mi (0.86%)
 (DEU-SN S318 only)
S319: 7.57 of 7.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S319 only)
System deusns connected routes traveled: 92 of 313 (29.4%), clinched: 31 of 313 (9.9%).
System deustl (active) overall: 14.54 of 2477.07 mi (0.59%)
System deustl by route (traveled routes only):
L139: 1.94 of 1.94 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-ST L139 only)
L163: 5.32 of 20.82 mi (25.53%)
 (DEU-ST L163 only)
L198: 1.36 of 4.62 mi (29.38%)
 (DEU-ST L198 only)
L202: 0.21 of 0.21 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-ST L202 only)
L219: 0.46 of 15.13 mi (3.03%)
 (DEU-ST L219 only)
L222: 1.76 of 4.55 mi (38.79%)
 (DEU-ST L222 only)
L223 ((Main)): 3.50 of 13.57 mi (25.77%)
 (DEU-ST L223 only)
System deustl connected routes traveled: 7 of 244 (2.9%), clinched: 2 of 244 (0.8%).
System deuthl (active) overall: 286.21 of 2412.07 mi (11.87%)
System deuthl by route (traveled routes only):
L1005: 12.68 of 16.44 mi (77.13%)
 (DEU-TH L1005 only)
L1016: 27.83 of 36.56 mi (76.11%)
 (DEU-TH L1016 only)
L1021 (Hötzelsroda): 2.74 of 2.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1021Hot only)
L1024: 5.73 of 13.06 mi (43.88%)
 (DEU-TH L1024 only)
L1025 (Waltershausen): 0.30 of 3.46 mi (8.73%)
 (DEU-TH L1025 only)
L1026: 1.62 of 53.30 mi (3.03%)
 (DEU-TH L1026 only)
L1027: 14.02 of 57.49 mi (24.39%)
 (DEU-TH L1027 only)
L1031: 1.07 of 8.23 mi (13.02%)
 (DEU-TH L1031 only)
L1032: 0.32 of 25.53 mi (1.25%)
 (DEU-TH L1032 only)
L1042: 5.17 of 10.77 mi (47.98%)
 (DEU-TH L1042 only)
L1048: 7.35 of 7.52 mi (97.82%)
 (DEU-TH L1048 only)
L1050: 3.97 of 7.74 mi (51.29%)
 (DEU-TH L1050 only)
L1051 (Sömmerda): 1.26 of 7.36 mi (17.17%)
 (DEU-TH L1051 only)
L1052 (Klettbach): 1.67 of 10.57 mi (15.77%)
 (DEU-TH L1052 only)
L1053: 2.94 of 2.94 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1053 only)
L1054: 5.42 of 19.78 mi (27.41%)
 (DEU-TH L1054 only)
L1056: 1.38 of 3.72 mi (37.17%)
 (DEU-TH L1056 only)
L1070 (Hermsdorf): 1.64 of 14.98 mi (10.96%)
 (DEU-TH L1070 only)
L1070 (Gera): 1.78 of 7.19 mi (24.79%)
 (DEU-TH L1070Ger only)
L1073: 12.05 of 18.56 mi (64.92%)
 (DEU-TH L1073 only)
L1075: 0.76 of 19.85 mi (3.84%)
 (DEU-TH L1075 only)
L1076 ((Main)): 6.11 of 14.56 mi (41.99%)
 (DEU-TH L1076 only)
L1076 (Quirla): 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1076Qui only)
L1077: 5.36 of 24.61 mi (21.79%)
 (DEU-TH L1077 only)
L1078: 1.45 of 4.67 mi (31.11%)
 (DEU-TH L1078 only)
L1081 ((Main)): 2.68 of 9.11 mi (29.36%)
 (DEU-TH L1081 only)
L1081 (Ronneburg): 2.23 of 2.23 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1081Ron only)
L1081 (Rückersdorf): 7.57 of 7.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1081Ruc only)
L1083: 8.00 of 8.00 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1083 only)
L1084: 2.85 of 2.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1084 only)
L1085: 7.40 of 8.62 mi (85.82%)
 (DEU-TH L1085 only)
L1086: 4.60 of 4.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1086 only)
L1087: 8.13 of 11.86 mi (68.55%)
 (DEU-TH L1087 only)
L1095: 8.08 of 20.36 mi (39.67%)
 (DEU-TH L1095 only)
L1112: 0.06 of 33.03 mi (0.19%)
 (DEU-TH L1112 only)
L1124: 0.88 of 22.09 mi (3.99%)
 (DEU-TH L1124 only)
L1140 (Suhl): 2.85 of 21.22 mi (13.45%)
 (DEU-TH L1140 only)
L1142: 1.64 of 4.10 mi (39.97%)
 (DEU-TH L1142 only)
L1295: 0.58 of 0.58 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1295 only)
L1296: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1296 only)
L1361: 6.52 of 21.24 mi (30.70%)
 (DEU-TH L1361 only)
L1362 (Ronneburg): 2.20 of 3.26 mi (67.72%)
 (DEU-TH L1362Ron only)
L1362 (Altenburg): 10.62 of 10.62 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1362 only)
L2103: 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2103 only)
L2104: 2.00 of 10.35 mi (19.31%)
 (DEU-TH L2104 only)
L2308: 6.17 of 7.62 mi (80.96%)
 (DEU-TH L2308 only)
L2309 (Bucha): 0.95 of 4.12 mi (23.01%)
 (DEU-TH L2309Buc only)
L2326: 0.20 of 0.20 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2326 only)
L2332: 2.86 of 2.86 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2332 only)
L2337 (Seelingstädt): 1.66 of 1.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2337 only)
L2337 (Teichwolframsdorf): 0.96 of 0.96 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2337Tei only)
L2342: 5.08 of 7.53 mi (67.42%)
 (DEU-TH L2342 only)
L2344: 3.74 of 3.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2344 only)
L2356: 5.40 of 5.40 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2356 only)
L2372: 4.23 of 6.73 mi (62.94%)
 (DEU-TH L2372 only)
L3002: 22.75 of 35.85 mi (63.45%)
 (DEU-TH L3002 only)
L3004: 8.97 of 47.52 mi (18.87%)
 (DEU-TH L3004 only)
L3007 (Eisenberg): 4.07 of 11.57 mi (35.21%)
 (DEU-TH L3007Eis only)
L3080 (Nordhausen): 3.06 of 41.24 mi (7.42%)
 (DEU-TH L3080 only)
L3087: 13.44 of 23.55 mi (57.06%)
 (DEU-TH L3087 only)
L3247: 0.65 of 26.00 mi (2.48%)
 (DEU-TH L3247 only)
System deuthl connected routes traveled: 61 of 349 (17.5%), clinched: 18 of 349 (5.2%).
System dnkmot (active) overall: 252.44 of 803.18 mi (31.43%)
System dnkmot by route (traveled routes only):
AmaMot (Amagermotorvejen): 5.36 of 6.37 mi (84.19%)
 (DNK AmaMot only)
FynMot (Fynske Motorvej): 62.58 of 62.58 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK FynMot only)
KogBugMot (Køge Bugt Motorvejen): 16.94 of 16.94 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK KogBugMot only)
OreMot (Øresundsmotorvejen): 11.85 of 11.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OreMot only)
OstMot (Østjyske Motorvej): 2.28 of 60.24 mi (3.78%)
 (DNK OstMot only)
SonJysMot (Sønderjyske Motorvej): 56.51 of 61.11 mi (92.47%)
 (DNK SonJysMot only)
SydMot (Sydmotorvejen): 48.34 of 75.28 mi (64.21%)
 (DNK SydMot only)
TauMot (Taulovmotorvejen): 5.22 of 5.22 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK TauMot only)
VestMot (Vestmotorvejen): 43.37 of 43.37 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK VestMot only)
System dnkmot connected routes traveled: 9 of 31 (29.0%), clinched: 5 of 31 (16.1%).
System dnkpr (active) overall: 0.55 of 2004.64 mi (0.03%)
System dnkpr by route (traveled routes only):
PR8 (Sonderborg): 0.55 of 48.59 mi (1.13%)
 (DNK PR8 only)
System dnkpr connected routes traveled: 1 of 47 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 47 (0.0%).
System eure (active) overall: 12960.47 of 108151.91 mi (11.98%)
System eure by region:
  ALB: 0.00 of 191.08 mi (0.00%)
  ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%)
  AUT: 1108.84 of 1441.83 mi (76.90%)
  AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 558.05 of 1147.91 mi (48.61%)
  BGR: 0.00 of 1556.64 mi (0.00%)
  BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%)
  BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 804.67 of 888.72 mi (90.54%)
  CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%)
  CZE: 810.76 of 1627.79 mi (49.81%)
  DEU-BB: 411.65 of 525.10 mi (78.39%)
  DEU-BE: 24.12 of 35.36 mi (68.22%)
  DEU-BW: 622.40 of 780.57 mi (79.74%)
  DEU-BY: 1143.71 of 1410.76 mi (81.07%)
  DEU-HB: 14.38 of 28.28 mi (50.84%)
  DEU-HE: 347.76 of 482.75 mi (72.04%)
  DEU-HH: 8.86 of 30.31 mi (29.24%)
  DEU-MV: 82.23 of 367.27 mi (22.39%)
  DEU-NI: 357.09 of 656.38 mi (54.40%)
  DEU-NW: 413.84 of 794.22 mi (52.11%)
  DEU-RP: 422.14 of 467.50 mi (90.30%)
  DEU-SH: 90.86 of 216.62 mi (41.95%)
  DEU-SL: 73.70 of 99.97 mi (73.72%)
  DEU-SN: 286.51 of 286.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST: 152.12 of 183.69 mi (82.81%)
  DEU-TH: 161.16 of 161.16 mi (100.00%)
  DNK: 274.22 of 582.31 mi (47.09%)
  ENG: 48.52 of 1577.28 mi (3.08%)
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 18.01 of 384.47 mi (4.69%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 224.03 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 179.71 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%)
  EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 0.00 of 2942.37 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 415.64 of 1038.62 mi (40.02%)
  FRA-BFC: 61.68 of 686.76 mi (8.98%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 53.17 of 568.38 mi (9.35%)
  FRA-GES: 570.35 of 1035.45 mi (55.08%)
  FRA-HDF: 315.21 of 801.36 mi (39.33%)
  FRA-IDF: 63.43 of 260.83 mi (24.32%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 289.90 of 756.85 mi (38.30%)
  FRA-PAC: 177.17 of 395.40 mi (44.81%)
  FRA-PDL: 35.47 of 484.01 mi (7.33%)
  GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%)
  GRC: 0.00 of 2362.33 mi (0.00%)
  HRV: 109.84 of 1054.79 mi (10.41%)
  HUN: 257.30 of 1532.12 mi (16.79%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 499.49 mi (0.00%)
  ITA: 1251.66 of 5392.68 mi (23.21%)
  KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%)
  KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%)
  LTU: 0.00 of 977.13 mi (0.00%)
  LUX: 97.51 of 126.99 mi (76.78%)
  LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%)
  MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%)
  MKD: 0.00 of 317.03 mi (0.00%)
  MNE: 0.00 of 335.01 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 147.66 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 187.78 of 1015.76 mi (18.49%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 3870.63 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 274.11 of 3369.01 mi (8.14%)
  PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%)
  RKS: 0.00 of 156.50 mi (0.00%)
  ROU: 0.00 of 3745.94 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 463.06 mi (0.00%)
  SRB: 0.00 of 1132.07 mi (0.00%)
  SVK: 51.97 of 945.23 mi (5.50%)
  SVN: 333.36 of 365.87 mi (91.11%)
  SWE: 179.32 of 4139.89 mi (4.33%)
  TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%)
  TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%)
  TUR: 0.00 of 5716.12 mi (0.00%)
  UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%)
  UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%)
System eure by route (traveled routes only):
E4: 4.84 of 990.71 mi (0.49%)
  SWE E4: 4.84 of 990.10 mi (0.49%)

E5 (Great Britain): 5.63 of 455.77 mi (1.23%)
  ENG E5: 5.63 of 347.78 mi (1.62%)

E5 (France - Spain): 15.18 of 1380.56 mi (1.10%)
  FRA-IDF E5: 15.18 of 86.79 mi (17.49%)

E6 (C. Norway - Sweden): 170.18 of 1191.70 mi (14.28%)
  SWE E6: 170.18 of 300.59 mi (56.62%)

E11: 208.55 of 337.89 mi (61.72%)
  FRA-ARA E11: 72.21 of 141.30 mi (51.11%)
  FRA-OCC E11: 136.33 of 136.33 mi (100.00%)

E15 (Great Britain): 37.75 of 637.73 mi (5.92%)
  ENG E15: 37.75 of 423.50 mi (8.91%)

E15 (France - Spain): 273.67 of 1596.37 mi (17.14%)
  FRA-HDF E15: 93.02 of 159.20 mi (58.43%)
  FRA-IDF E15LCS: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E15Pla: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E15: 10.44 of 82.65 mi (12.64%)
  FRA-ARA E15: 10.21 of 150.05 mi (6.81%)
  FRA-OCC E15: 141.08 of 170.55 mi (82.72%)
  ESP-CT E15: 18.01 of 213.79 mi (8.43%)

E17: 116.95 of 410.88 mi (28.46%)
  BEL E17: 63.25 of 63.25 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E17: 31.95 of 125.36 mi (25.49%)
  FRA-GES E17: 21.75 of 170.71 mi (12.74%)

E19: 170.43 of 327.64 mi (52.02%)
  NLD E19: 2.88 of 79.04 mi (3.65%)
  BEL E19: 41.31 of 113.36 mi (36.44%)
  FRA-HDF E19: 114.89 of 114.89 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E19LCS: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E19Pla: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E19: 10.44 of 19.44 mi (53.71%)

E20 (Denmark - Sweden): 330.59 of 680.19 mi (48.60%)
  DNK E20: 152.14 of 196.53 mi (77.41%)
  SWE E20: 178.45 of 483.66 mi (36.90%)

E21: 88.86 of 331.27 mi (26.82%)
  FRA-GES E21: 40.09 of 142.35 mi (28.16%)
  FRA-ARA E21: 48.77 of 85.29 mi (57.18%)

E22 (Netherlands - Germany): 76.76 of 506.10 mi (15.17%)
  DEU-NI E22: 7.29 of 80.70 mi (9.03%)
  DEU-HB E22Ars: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E22Dre: 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB E22: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E22Buc: 59.11 of 59.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH E22: 4.62 of 11.73 mi (39.37%)

E22 (Sweden): 9.52 of 347.90 mi (2.74%)
 (SWE E22 only)
E23: 133.36 of 247.60 mi (53.86%)
  FRA-GES E23: 108.06 of 108.06 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-BFC E23: 11.78 of 113.78 mi (10.36%)
  CHE E23: 13.52 of 25.76 mi (52.48%)

E25 (Netherlands - Italy): 729.91 of 899.79 mi (81.12%)
  NLD E25: 15.13 of 161.94 mi (9.34%)
  BEL E25: 110.58 of 110.58 mi (100.00%)
  LUX E25: 20.27 of 20.27 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E25: 207.07 of 207.07 mi (100.00%)
  CHE E25: 163.44 of 163.44 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-ARA E25: 60.19 of 60.19 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E25: 153.24 of 176.31 mi (86.92%)

E26: 50.71 of 169.28 mi (29.96%)
  DEU-BB E26: 48.25 of 77.19 mi (62.52%)
  DEU-BE E26: 2.46 of 10.37 mi (23.72%)

E27: 194.79 of 214.77 mi (90.70%)
  FRA-BFC E27: 12.00 of 12.41 mi (96.66%)
  CHE E27: 161.96 of 181.52 mi (89.22%)
  ITA E27: 20.84 of 20.84 mi (100.00%)

E28 (Germany - Poland): 82.90 of 307.88 mi (26.93%)
  DEU-BB E28: 57.34 of 57.34 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-MV E28: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%)
  POL E28: 13.40 of 238.38 mi (5.62%)

E29: 79.53 of 179.12 mi (44.40%)
  DEU-RP E29: 11.95 of 45.20 mi (26.45%)
  LUX E29: 25.75 of 43.33 mi (59.43%)
  DEU-SL E29: 41.83 of 43.49 mi (96.17%)

E30 (Great Britain): 5.14 of 356.10 mi (1.44%)
  ENG E30: 5.14 of 223.02 mi (2.31%)

E30 (Netherlands - Russia): 405.24 of 3360.51 mi (12.06%)
  NLD E30: 92.29 of 140.24 mi (65.81%)
  DEU-NI E30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E30Rhe: 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E30Osn: 23.46 of 23.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E30: 28.03 of 28.03 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E30: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E30: 21.66 of 53.23 mi (40.69%)
  DEU-BB E30: 78.73 of 106.36 mi (74.02%)
  POL E30: 22.11 of 418.39 mi (5.28%)

E31 (Netherlands - Germany): 162.57 of 317.91 mi (51.14%)
  DEU-NW E31: 29.56 of 104.18 mi (28.38%)
  DEU-RP E31: 128.84 of 128.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E31: 4.17 of 4.17 mi (100.00%)

E34: 124.23 of 288.26 mi (43.10%)
  BEL E34: 42.03 of 96.38 mi (43.60%)
  NLD E34: 35.59 of 47.37 mi (75.15%)
  DEU-NW E34: 46.61 of 144.52 mi (32.25%)

E35: 547.36 of 1049.09 mi (52.17%)
  NLD E35: 0.98 of 82.72 mi (1.18%)
  DEU-NW E35: 38.60 of 113.93 mi (33.88%)
  DEU-RP E35: 35.26 of 35.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E35: 43.93 of 72.82 mi (60.32%)
  DEU-BW E35: 149.11 of 164.76 mi (90.50%)
  CHE E35: 177.56 of 177.56 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E35: 101.92 of 402.04 mi (25.35%)

E36: 123.45 of 147.35 mi (83.78%)
  DEU-BE E36: 14.26 of 14.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB E36: 85.69 of 85.69 mi (100.00%)
  POL E36: 23.49 of 47.39 mi (49.57%)

E37: 134.79 of 183.37 mi (73.51%)
  DEU-NI E37: 64.09 of 64.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E37Wer: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E37Osn: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E37: 67.64 of 116.22 mi (58.20%)

E40: 702.93 of 5405.94 mi (13.00%)
  FRA-HDF E40: 24.35 of 35.68 mi (68.24%)
  BEL E40: 31.75 of 177.19 mi (17.92%)
  DEU-NW E40: 111.67 of 111.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E40: 103.26 of 106.64 mi (96.84%)
  DEU-TH E40Ger: 4.38 of 4.38 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E40Her: 5.05 of 5.05 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH E40: 104.90 of 104.90 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E40: 131.50 of 131.50 mi (100.00%)
  POL E40: 186.07 of 419.43 mi (44.36%)

E41: 318.71 of 468.95 mi (67.96%)
  DEU-NW E41: 24.07 of 75.82 mi (31.74%)
  DEU-HE E41: 24.16 of 73.61 mi (32.83%)
  DEU-HE E41Sel: 0.06 of 1.84 mi (3.38%)
  DEU-BY E41: 33.28 of 33.28 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E41Wer: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E41Wur: 11.20 of 11.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E41: 174.65 of 174.65 mi (100.00%)
  CHE E41: 47.14 of 86.91 mi (54.25%)

E42: 380.51 of 380.51 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E42: 55.28 of 55.28 mi (100.00%)
  BEL E42: 166.59 of 166.59 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP E42: 121.76 of 121.76 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E42: 36.88 of 36.88 mi (100.00%)

E43: 311.53 of 318.02 mi (97.96%)
  DEU-BY E43: 67.50 of 67.50 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43: 48.86 of 48.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Neu: 25.33 of 25.33 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Det: 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Fel: 0.68 of 0.68 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Unt: 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Hei: 0.71 of 0.71 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Ege: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Mem: 6.37 of 6.37 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Leu: 30.15 of 30.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Lin: 4.81 of 4.81 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E43: 6.77 of 12.52 mi (54.06%)
  CHE E43: 113.53 of 114.27 mi (99.35%)

E44: 172.45 of 485.44 mi (35.52%)
  FRA-GES E44: 15.00 of 94.69 mi (15.84%)
  LUX E44: 26.01 of 37.91 mi (68.60%)
  DEU-RP E44: 92.02 of 104.14 mi (88.36%)
  DEU-HE E44: 39.43 of 39.43 mi (100.00%)

E45 (Denmark - Italy): 821.76 of 1821.34 mi (45.12%)
  DNK E45: 56.51 of 221.00 mi (25.57%)
  DEU-SH E45: 90.86 of 90.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH E45: 4.24 of 18.08 mi (23.48%)
  DEU-NI E45: 38.45 of 164.11 mi (23.43%)
  DEU-HE E45Wit: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E45Han: 11.41 of 11.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E45: 60.50 of 79.61 mi (75.99%)
  DEU-BY E45: 273.18 of 273.18 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E45: 67.63 of 67.63 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E45: 217.51 of 892.54 mi (24.37%)

E46 ((Main)): 156.14 of 471.73 mi (33.10%)
  FRA-HDF E46: 41.88 of 99.76 mi (41.98%)
  FRA-GES E46: 95.82 of 96.92 mi (98.86%)
  BEL E46: 18.45 of 79.15 mi (23.31%)

E47 (Denmark): 65.28 of 126.18 mi (51.73%)
 (DNK E47 only)
E48: 149.88 of 217.29 mi (68.98%)
  DEU-BY E48: 111.78 of 111.78 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E48: 38.10 of 105.50 mi (36.11%)

E49: 276.26 of 464.43 mi (59.48%)
  DEU-ST E49: 65.56 of 65.56 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Rab: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Gro: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Sch: 3.42 of 3.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Rub: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Weh: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Mas: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Kle: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Gun: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Alt: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Wei: 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH E49: 41.97 of 41.97 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49: 40.49 of 40.49 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E49: 80.60 of 195.54 mi (41.22%)
  AUT E49: 14.31 of 87.54 mi (16.34%)

E50: 872.97 of 3110.72 mi (28.06%)
  FRA-PDL E50: 31.71 of 92.55 mi (34.26%)
  FRA-CVL E50: 53.17 of 53.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E50: 51.93 of 80.88 mi (64.20%)
  FRA-HDF E50Mon: 0.47 of 0.47 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E50Dhu: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E50: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E50Pas: 4.19 of 4.19 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E50VAA: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E50: 167.24 of 167.24 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL E50: 23.84 of 23.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP E50: 51.65 of 51.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E50Man: 4.60 of 4.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E50: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E50: 91.67 of 91.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E50: 125.35 of 125.35 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E50: 237.36 of 296.24 mi (80.12%)

E51: 257.26 of 257.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE E51: 7.40 of 7.40 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB E51: 45.45 of 45.45 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51: 37.99 of 37.99 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Dob: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Loh: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51: 7.48 of 7.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Rub: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Weh: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Mas: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Kle: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Gun: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Alt: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Wei: 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH E51: 47.58 of 47.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E51: 79.83 of 79.83 mi (100.00%)

E52: 317.19 of 317.19 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E52: 3.44 of 3.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E52: 139.22 of 139.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E52Neu: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E52Lan: 2.42 of 2.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E52: 166.13 of 166.13 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E52: 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%)

E53: 13.60 of 171.54 mi (7.93%)
  CZE E53: 3.17 of 50.15 mi (6.33%)
  DEU-BY E53: 10.43 of 121.39 mi (8.59%)

E54: 214.90 of 528.49 mi (40.66%)
  FRA-BFC E54: 33.74 of 77.13 mi (43.75%)
  FRA-GES E54Mul: 25.41 of 25.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E54: 24.20 of 63.35 mi (38.20%)
  CHE E54: 6.22 of 16.10 mi (38.64%)
  DEU-BW E54Sin: 8.57 of 54.56 mi (15.71%)
  DEU-BY E54Lin: 2.54 of 7.11 mi (35.78%)
  DEU-BW E54Leu: 30.15 of 30.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E54: 84.06 of 84.06 mi (100.00%)

E55 (Denmark): 87.06 of 120.36 mi (72.33%)
 (DNK E55 only)
E55 (Germany - Italy): 850.41 of 1427.84 mi (59.56%)
  DEU-MV E55: 70.08 of 70.08 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB E55: 189.96 of 189.96 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E55: 53.23 of 53.23 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E55: 152.37 of 187.92 mi (81.08%)
  AUT E55: 248.63 of 248.63 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E55: 136.14 of 678.03 mi (20.08%)

E55 (Berlin (loop), DEU): 41.99 of 59.34 mi (70.77%)
  DEU-BB E55Ora: 8.06 of 19.74 mi (40.82%)
  DEU-BB E55Neu: 33.94 of 36.27 mi (93.56%)

E56: 137.34 of 187.02 mi (73.44%)
  DEU-BY E56: 90.03 of 139.71 mi (64.44%)
  AUT E56: 47.31 of 47.31 mi (100.00%)

E57: 231.61 of 231.61 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E57: 143.18 of 143.18 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E57: 88.43 of 88.43 mi (100.00%)

E58: 39.31 of 1491.15 mi (2.64%)
  AUT E58: 37.94 of 37.94 mi (100.00%)
  SVK E58: 1.37 of 312.35 mi (0.44%)

E59: 228.67 of 328.42 mi (69.63%)
  AUT E59: 153.82 of 194.80 mi (78.96%)
  SVN E59: 37.12 of 37.12 mi (100.00%)
  HRV E59: 37.73 of 37.73 mi (100.00%)

E60 (France - Hungary): 731.25 of 1584.89 mi (46.14%)
  FRA-BFC E60: 18.08 of 245.03 mi (7.38%)
  FRA-GES E60: 35.81 of 35.81 mi (100.00%)
  CHE E60: 118.84 of 119.58 mi (99.38%)
  AUT E60Inn: 162.90 of 168.65 mi (96.59%)
  DEU-BY E60: 58.71 of 58.71 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E60: 238.44 of 238.44 mi (100.00%)
  HUN E60: 98.47 of 262.82 mi (37.47%)

E61: 109.79 of 153.32 mi (71.61%)
  AUT E61: 12.99 of 12.99 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E61: 92.79 of 92.79 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E61: 4.00 of 9.59 mi (41.71%)

E62: 298.60 of 786.04 mi (37.99%)
  FRA-ARA E62Bou: 48.77 of 85.66 mi (56.94%)
  CHE E62: 157.93 of 159.81 mi (98.83%)
  ITA E62: 91.90 of 170.21 mi (53.99%)

E64: 141.94 of 148.97 mi (95.29%)
 (ITA E64 only)
E65 (Sweden): 0.88 of 35.44 mi (2.47%)
 (SWE E65 only)
E65 (Poland - Greece): 381.28 of 2202.22 mi (17.31%)
  POL E65: 35.57 of 314.45 mi (11.31%)
  CZE E65: 207.35 of 241.79 mi (85.76%)
  SVK E65: 50.60 of 50.60 mi (100.00%)
  HUN E65: 27.99 of 158.31 mi (17.68%)
  HRV E65: 59.77 of 457.09 mi (13.08%)

E66: 158.46 of 495.20 mi (32.00%)
  AUT E66: 155.56 of 235.08 mi (66.17%)
  HUN E66: 2.90 of 220.12 mi (1.32%)

E67: 56.84 of 1017.64 mi (5.59%)
  CZE E67: 56.84 of 85.68 mi (66.34%)

E70 (Spain - Bulgaria): 668.40 of 2431.07 mi (27.49%)
  FRA-ARA E70: 177.81 of 297.27 mi (59.82%)
  ITA E70: 360.49 of 417.88 mi (86.27%)
  SVN E70: 117.75 of 117.75 mi (100.00%)
  HRV E70: 12.34 of 193.00 mi (6.39%)

E71: 196.63 of 637.31 mi (30.85%)
  HUN E71: 136.86 of 308.73 mi (44.33%)
  HRV E71: 59.77 of 316.62 mi (18.88%)

E74: 17.93 of 133.78 mi (13.40%)
  FRA-PAC E74Nic: 14.11 of 14.11 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E74Ven: 3.82 of 12.32 mi (31.01%)

E75 (Poland - Greece): 108.97 of 1602.32 mi (6.80%)
  SVK E75: 5.71 of 155.66 mi (3.67%)
  HUN E75: 103.26 of 218.76 mi (47.20%)

E80 (Portugal - Italy): 365.06 of 1725.90 mi (21.15%)
  FRA-OCC E80: 99.40 of 287.53 mi (34.57%)
  FRA-PAC E80: 177.17 of 177.17 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E80: 88.49 of 537.64 mi (16.46%)

E234: 45.12 of 101.86 mi (44.29%)
  DEU-HB E234: 7.85 of 14.31 mi (54.87%)
  DEU-NI E234Oyt: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB E234Mah: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E234: 35.66 of 35.66 mi (100.00%)

E251: 1.31 of 168.59 mi (0.78%)
  DEU-BB E251: 1.31 of 46.83 mi (2.80%)

E311: 34.65 of 40.57 mi (85.42%)
 (NLD E311 only)
E312: 4.21 of 94.25 mi (4.46%)
 (NLD E312 only)
E313: 67.09 of 70.15 mi (95.64%)
 (BEL E313 only)
E314: 12.01 of 78.40 mi (15.31%)
  NLD E314: 5.15 of 16.92 mi (30.43%)
  DEU-NW E314: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%)

E331: 92.20 of 92.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E331: 59.48 of 59.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E331Die: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E331War: 3.02 of 3.02 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E331: 23.90 of 23.90 mi (100.00%)

E411: 88.94 of 158.75 mi (56.02%)
  BEL E411: 82.80 of 121.03 mi (68.41%)
  FRA-GES E411: 6.13 of 37.71 mi (16.26%)

E420 ((Main)): 50.27 of 121.22 mi (41.47%)
  FRA-GES E420: 50.27 of 72.34 mi (69.49%)

E421: 65.34 of 87.75 mi (74.46%)
  BEL E421: 23.85 of 46.26 mi (51.55%)
  LUX E421: 41.50 of 41.50 mi (100.00%)

E422: 25.26 of 49.87 mi (50.66%)
  DEU-RP E422: 17.23 of 17.23 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL E422: 8.03 of 32.64 mi (24.61%)

E429: 6.87 of 47.83 mi (14.36%)
 (BEL E429 only)
E441: 66.07 of 66.07 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E441: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E441: 56.30 of 56.30 mi (100.00%)

E442: 123.35 of 369.27 mi (33.40%)
  CZE E442: 123.35 of 342.38 mi (36.03%)

E451: 42.31 of 78.07 mi (54.20%)
 (DEU-HE E451 only)
E461: 64.44 of 126.55 mi (50.92%)
  CZE E461: 32.01 of 78.91 mi (40.56%)
  AUT E461: 32.44 of 47.64 mi (68.09%)

E462: 73.99 of 206.49 mi (35.83%)
  CZE E462: 73.99 of 120.51 mi (61.40%)

E502: 3.76 of 53.68 mi (7.01%)
  FRA-PDL E502: 3.76 of 34.06 mi (11.05%)

E532: 43.67 of 43.67 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY E532 only)
E533: 56.62 of 86.49 mi (65.46%)
  DEU-BY E533: 49.72 of 67.53 mi (73.63%)
  AUT E533: 6.90 of 18.96 mi (36.39%)

E552: 43.55 of 129.27 mi (33.69%)
  AUT E552: 43.55 of 65.87 mi (66.11%)

E611: 25.08 of 33.13 mi (75.69%)
 (FRA-ARA E611 only)
E641: 2.38 of 55.93 mi (4.25%)
  DEU-BY E641: 0.19 of 13.31 mi (1.40%)
  AUT E641Sal: 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%)

E652: 28.74 of 28.74 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E652: 18.35 of 18.35 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E652: 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%)

E653: 61.90 of 61.90 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E653: 48.84 of 48.84 mi (100.00%)
  HUN E653: 13.06 of 13.06 mi (100.00%)

E712: 50.80 of 260.29 mi (19.52%)
  FRA-ARA E712: 50.80 of 140.36 mi (36.20%)

E714: 7.81 of 72.22 mi (10.81%)
 (FRA-PAC E714 only)
E751 ((Main)): 11.85 of 97.01 mi (12.22%)
  ITA E751: 9.52 of 9.52 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E751: 2.33 of 16.57 mi (14.06%)

System eure connected routes traveled: 89 of 339 (26.3%), clinched: 9 of 339 (2.7%).
System eursf (active) overall: 73.12 of 2256.26 mi (3.24%)
System eursf by region:
  ALB: 0.00 of 15.84 mi (0.00%)
  BIH: 0.00 of 66.64 mi (0.00%)
  BLR: 0.00 of 428.03 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 8.37 of 40.10 mi (20.87%)
  CZE: 19.62 of 45.64 mi (42.98%)
  DEU-BE: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 7.85 of 8.32 mi (94.28%)
  DEU-BY: 6.35 of 27.15 mi (23.37%)
  DEU-HB: 0.83 of 3.64 mi (22.87%)
  DEU-NI: 0.00 of 8.23 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NW: 2.54 of 14.44 mi (17.57%)
  DEU-TH: 1.75 of 3.75 mi (46.68%)
  ENG: 0.00 of 3.34 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 116.17 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 1.46 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 126.05 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 29.75 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-BFC: 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 38.18 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 14.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 4.75 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 3.75 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 28.81 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 2.08 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 7.95 mi (0.00%)
  GRC: 0.00 of 10.62 mi (0.00%)
  ITA: 8.95 of 99.74 mi (8.97%)
  NLD: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%)
  PRT: 0.00 of 26.22 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 1030.95 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 9.35 of 27.60 mi (33.87%)
System eursf by route (traveled routes only):
AutZubHem (Autobahnzubringer Bremen-Hemelingen): 0.83 of 2.06 mi (40.46%)
 (DEU-HB AutZubHem only)
BrnSka (Brněnská, Praha): 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE BrnSka only)
K35 (Hannoversche Straße Erfurt): 1.75 of 3.75 mi (46.68%)
 (DEU-TH K35 only)
HisLed (Hisingsleden, Göteborg): 2.06 of 5.49 mi (37.54%)
 (SWE HisLed only)
KbelSka (Kbelská, Praha): 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE KbelSka only)
MalStr (Mallinckrodtstraße Dortmund): 2.54 of 3.10 mi (81.90%)
 (DEU-NW MalStrDor only)
MaxPlaStr (Max-Planck-Straße Regensburg): 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY MaxPlaStr only)
OdeRing (Odessa-Ring Regensburg): 1.63 of 2.25 mi (72.43%)
 (DEU-BY OdeRing only)
OscLed (Oscarsleden, Göteborg): 0.31 of 1.70 mi (18.26%)
 (SWE OscLed only)
ProRad (Prosecká radiála, Praha): 6.25 of 6.25 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE ProRad only)
RadRad (Radlická radiála, Praha): 2.98 of 2.98 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE RadRad only)
D64 (Route de Luxeuil, Lure): 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-BFC D64 only)
SodLedGot (Söderleden, Göteborg): 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE SodLedGot only)
SpoSka (Spořilovská, Praha): 1.00 of 1.00 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE SpoSka only)
SudTan (Südwesttangente Fürth - Nürnberg): 3.83 of 8.48 mi (45.18%)
 (DEU-BY SudTanFur only)
SudTan (Südtangente Karlsruhe): 7.85 of 8.32 mi (94.28%)
 (DEU-BW SudTanKar only)
TanMod (Tangenziale di Modena): 8.95 of 12.30 mi (72.75%)
 (ITA TanMod only)
VasLedGot (Västerleden, Göteborg): 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE VasLedGot only)
VysRad (Vysočanská radiála, Praha): 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE VysRad only)
ZubHar (Zubringer Hardturm, Zurich): 3.38 of 3.38 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubHar only)
ZubLet (Zubringer Letten, Zurich): 2.71 of 2.71 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubLet only)
ZubRhe (Zubringer Rheinfelden): 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubRhe only)
ZubWie (Zubringer Wiedikon, Zurich): 1.74 of 1.74 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubWie only)
System eursf connected routes traveled: 23 of 162 (14.2%), clinched: 14 of 162 (8.6%).
System espa (active) overall: 18.01 of 8293.97 mi (0.22%)
System espa by region:
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 1156.57 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 521.07 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 269.99 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 152.74 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 1505.46 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 988.28 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 18.01 of 569.79 mi (3.16%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 437.49 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 731.99 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 277.20 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 430.54 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 250.09 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 246.06 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 109.30 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 647.41 mi (0.00%)
System espa by route (traveled routes only):
AP7 (Barcelona): 18.01 of 297.47 mi (6.06%)
  ESP-CT AP7: 18.01 of 213.79 mi (8.43%)

System espa connected routes traveled: 1 of 238 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 238 (0.0%).
System espn (active) overall: 7.28 of 9843.41 mi (0.07%)
System espn by region:
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 1067.69 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 1044.17 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 271.91 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 227.25 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CE: 0.00 of 12.16 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 2221.67 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 1375.48 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 7.28 of 730.51 mi (1.00%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 684.60 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 881.61 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 166.60 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 65.46 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-ML: 0.00 of 7.93 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 163.75 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 191.43 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 162.68 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 568.52 mi (0.00%)
System espn by route (traveled routes only):
NII (Figueres): 7.28 of 43.31 mi (16.82%)
 (ESP-CT NIIFig only)
System espn connected routes traveled: 1 of 342 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 342 (0.0%).
System espct (active) overall: 0.22 of 1288.98 mi (0.02%)
System espct by route (traveled routes only):
C26 (Figueres): 0.22 of 4.47 mi (4.99%)
 (ESP-CT C26Fig only)
System espct connected routes traveled: 1 of 50 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 50 (0.0%).
System fraa (active) overall: 1816.73 of 7281.49 mi (24.95%)
System fraa by region:
  FRA-ARA: 407.79 of 1088.80 mi (37.45%)
  FRA-BFC: 18.08 of 560.94 mi (3.22%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 30.78 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 53.17 of 614.95 mi (8.65%)
  FRA-GES: 501.65 of 805.15 mi (62.31%)
  FRA-HDF: 268.53 of 733.80 mi (36.59%)
  FRA-IDF: 80.35 of 377.13 mi (21.31%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 909.80 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 454.53 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 289.90 of 771.54 mi (37.57%)
  FRA-PAC: 161.78 of 466.92 mi (34.65%)
  FRA-PDL: 35.47 of 467.15 mi (7.59%)
System fraa by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 124.11 of 133.11 mi (93.24%)
  FRA-IDF A1: 10.44 of 19.44 mi (53.71%)
  FRA-HDF A1Pla: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF A1LCS: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF A1: 112.76 of 112.76 mi (100.00%)

A2: 48.30 of 48.30 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A2 only)
A4: 284.61 of 295.97 mi (96.16%)
  FRA-IDF A4: 30.26 of 41.62 mi (72.71%)
  FRA-HDF A4Mon: 0.47 of 0.47 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF A4Dhu: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF A4: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES A4Pas: 4.19 of 4.19 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF A4VAA: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES A4: 224.30 of 224.30 mi (100.00%)

A6: 4.25 of 273.22 mi (1.56%)
  FRA-ARA A6: 4.25 of 25.90 mi (16.41%)

A7: 7.81 of 190.71 mi (4.09%)
  FRA-PAC A7: 7.81 of 87.47 mi (8.92%)

A8: 136.93 of 136.93 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC A8 only)
A9: 141.08 of 174.95 mi (80.64%)
  FRA-OCC A9: 141.08 of 170.55 mi (82.72%)

A10: 15.18 of 350.29 mi (4.33%)
  FRA-IDF A10: 15.18 of 31.86 mi (47.64%)

A11: 91.36 of 202.12 mi (45.20%)
  FRA-IDF A11: 6.48 of 6.48 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-CVL A11: 53.17 of 53.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-PDL A11: 31.71 of 142.47 mi (22.26%)

A16 (Amiens): 24.35 of 194.39 mi (12.52%)
  FRA-HDF A16: 24.35 of 184.59 mi (13.19%)

A22 (Villenueve-d'Ascq): 1.15 of 1.15 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A22Vil only)
A22 (Tourcoing): 7.53 of 9.79 mi (76.86%)
 (FRA-HDF A22 only)
A23: 2.83 of 25.91 mi (10.91%)
 (FRA-HDF A23 only)
A25: 39.38 of 39.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A25 only)
A26: 21.75 of 247.55 mi (8.79%)
  FRA-GES A26: 21.75 of 93.67 mi (23.22%)

A27: 6.53 of 6.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A27 only)
A28 (Le Mans): 9.30 of 168.14 mi (5.53%)
  FRA-PDL A28: 9.30 of 68.89 mi (13.49%)

A31: 62.52 of 216.35 mi (28.90%)
  FRA-GES A31: 62.52 of 164.78 mi (37.94%)

A33: 16.37 of 16.37 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A33 only)
A34 (Sedan): 32.12 of 32.12 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A34 only)
A34 (Reims): 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A34Rei only)
A34 (Cormontreuil): 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A34Cor only)
A35 (Strasburg): 32.11 of 32.11 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A35 only)
A35 (Sélestat): 26.00 of 26.00 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A35Sel only)
A35 (Colmar): 41.38 of 41.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A35Col only)
A36: 43.49 of 147.36 mi (29.51%)
  FRA-BFC A36: 18.08 of 121.96 mi (14.83%)
  FRA-GES A36: 25.41 of 25.41 mi (100.00%)

A40: 89.64 of 127.73 mi (70.18%)
  FRA-ARA A40: 89.64 of 126.17 mi (71.05%)

A41 (Annecy): 44.53 of 44.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A41 only)
A42: 25.08 of 33.13 mi (75.69%)
 (FRA-ARA A42 only)
A43 (Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne): 60.26 of 60.26 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A43 only)
A46 (Rillieux-la-Pape): 10.21 of 15.60 mi (65.48%)
 (FRA-ARA A46 only)
A54 (Nimes): 14.37 of 14.37 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-OCC A54: 12.49 of 12.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-PAC A54Arl: 1.89 of 1.89 mi (100.00%)

A54 (Salon-de-Provence): 15.16 of 15.16 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC A54 only)
A71: 2.26 of 181.46 mi (1.24%)
  FRA-ARA A71: 2.26 of 71.34 mi (3.16%)

A75: 206.29 of 206.29 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-ARA A75: 69.96 of 69.96 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-OCC A75: 136.33 of 136.33 mi (100.00%)

A89: 84.37 of 314.54 mi (26.82%)
  FRA-ARA A89: 84.37 of 143.93 mi (58.62%)

A104: 19.12 of 19.12 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-IDF A104 only)
A314: 0.84 of 1.66 mi (50.47%)
 (FRA-GES A314 only)
A315: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A315 only)
A320: 8.49 of 8.49 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A320 only)
A330: 3.46 of 6.44 mi (53.76%)
 (FRA-GES A330 only)
A344: 5.12 of 6.23 mi (82.19%)
 (FRA-GES A344 only)
A355: 14.85 of 14.85 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A355 only)
A432: 6.64 of 20.42 mi (32.51%)
 (FRA-ARA A432 only)
A466: 2.38 of 2.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A466 only)
A710: 0.95 of 0.95 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A710 only)
A711: 7.27 of 7.27 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A711 only)
System fraa connected routes traveled: 47 of 146 (32.2%), clinched: 24 of 146 (16.4%).
System fran (active) overall: 342.85 of 5307.56 mi (6.46%)
System fran by region:
  FRA-ARA: 27.85 of 587.27 mi (4.74%)
  FRA-BFC: 43.59 of 477.52 mi (9.13%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 627.34 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 214.05 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 163.48 of 511.53 mi (31.96%)
  FRA-HDF: 52.61 of 352.50 mi (14.92%)
  FRA-IDF: 39.93 of 237.60 mi (16.80%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 787.19 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 347.34 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 664.61 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 15.39 of 234.15 mi (6.57%)
  FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 266.46 mi (0.00%)
System fran by route (traveled routes only):
N2: 5.45 of 135.24 mi (4.03%)
  FRA-IDF N2: 2.83 of 13.57 mi (20.84%)
  FRA-HDF N2: 2.62 of 121.67 mi (2.15%)

N19 (Vesoul): 31.81 of 99.52 mi (31.96%)
  FRA-BFC N19: 31.81 of 74.78 mi (42.54%)

N31: 57.85 of 147.45 mi (39.24%)
  FRA-HDF N31: 41.88 of 99.76 mi (41.98%)
  FRA-GES N31: 15.98 of 15.98 mi (100.00%)

N43 (Sedan): 4.03 of 4.73 mi (85.29%)
 (FRA-GES N43Sed only)
N51 (Rethel): 22.93 of 22.93 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N51 only)
N57: 69.96 of 168.97 mi (41.40%)
  FRA-GES N57: 58.17 of 58.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-BFC N57: 11.78 of 110.80 mi (10.64%)

N58: 6.88 of 6.88 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N58 only)
N59: 34.74 of 34.74 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N59 only)
N104 (Evry): 37.10 of 38.29 mi (96.89%)
 (FRA-IDF N104 only)
N113 (Arles): 12.58 of 12.58 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC N113 only)
N159: 9.33 of 9.33 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N159 only)
N201: 5.36 of 5.36 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA N201 only)
N205: 17.11 of 17.11 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA N205 only)
N225: 6.59 of 6.59 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF N225 only)
N244: 0.94 of 1.18 mi (79.12%)
 (FRA-GES N244 only)
N333: 7.64 of 12.20 mi (62.67%)
 (FRA-GES N333 only)
N356: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF N356 only)
N431: 2.17 of 8.95 mi (24.22%)
 (FRA-GES N431 only)
N543: 5.38 of 5.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA N543 only)
N572: 2.81 of 2.81 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC N572 only)
NVS (Voie Sacrée): 0.67 of 29.16 mi (2.29%)
 (FRA-GES NVS only)
System fran connected routes traveled: 21 of 203 (10.3%), clinched: 11 of 203 (5.4%).
System frabfcd90 (active) overall: 0.59 of 306.58 mi (0.19%)
System frabfcd90 by region:
  FRA-BFC: 0.59 of 306.38 mi (0.19%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 0.20 mi (0.00%)
System frabfcd90 by route (traveled routes only):
D19-90 (Grandvillars): 0.59 of 12.82 mi (4.63%)
 (FRA-BFC D19-90 only)
System frabfcd90 connected routes traveled: 1 of 75 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 75 (0.0%).
System fragesd6ae (active) overall: 73.20 of 3475.91 mi (2.11%)
System fragesd6ae by region:
  CHE: 0.00 of 0.94 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 73.20 of 3474.97 mi (2.11%)
System fragesd6ae by route (traveled routes only):
D5-6AE: 1.08 of 15.68 mi (6.89%)
 (FRA-GES D5-6AE only)
D6-6AE: 0.40 of 13.13 mi (3.06%)
 (FRA-GES D6-6AE only)
D62-6AE: 0.29 of 3.61 mi (7.92%)
 (FRA-GES D62-6AE only)
D83-6AE: 7.33 of 63.63 mi (11.53%)
 (FRA-GES D83-6AE only)
D130-6AE: 9.27 of 9.27 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D130-6AE only)
D214-6AE: 0.48 of 17.85 mi (2.72%)
 (FRA-GES D214-6AE only)
D424-6AE: 5.84 of 32.79 mi (17.82%)
 (FRA-GES D424-6AE only)
D426-6AE: 2.73 of 29.22 mi (9.35%)
 (FRA-GES D426-6AE only)
D468-6AE (Drusenheim): 2.94 of 21.34 mi (13.79%)
 (FRA-GES D468-6AEDru only)
D481-6AE: 0.17 of 8.10 mi (2.08%)
 (FRA-GES D481-6AE only)
D504-6AE: 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D504-6AE only)
D854-6AE: 5.53 of 5.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D854-6AE only)
D1004-6AE: 16.54 of 21.50 mi (76.96%)
 (FRA-GES D1004-6AE only)
D1059-6AE: 10.41 of 12.05 mi (86.42%)
 (FRA-GES D1059-6AE only)
D1063-6AE: 1.01 of 15.78 mi (6.40%)
 (FRA-GES D1063-6AE only)
D1363-6AE: 0.29 of 0.29 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D1363-6AE only)
D1404-6AE: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D1404-6AE only)
D1420-6AE: 4.83 of 26.49 mi (18.24%)
 (FRA-GES D1420-6AE only)
D1422-6AE: 0.32 of 13.72 mi (2.31%)
 (FRA-GES D1422-6AE only)
System fragesd6ae connected routes traveled: 19 of 779 (2.4%), clinched: 5 of 779 (0.6%).
System fragesm6ae (active) overall: 17.82 of 158.64 mi (11.23%)
System fragesm6ae by route (traveled routes only):
M35-6AE: 13.32 of 13.32 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES M35-6AE only)
M351-6AE: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES M351-6AE only)
System fragesm6ae connected routes traveled: 2 of 52 (3.8%), clinched: 2 of 52 (3.8%).
System frahdfd59 (active) overall: 0.15 of 2571.23 mi (0.01%)
System frahdfd59 by route (traveled routes only):
D70-59: 0.15 of 10.04 mi (1.45%)
 (FRA-HDF D70-59 only)
System frahdfd59 connected routes traveled: 1 of 476 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 476 (0.0%).
System frahdfm59 (active) overall: 1.56 of 462.80 mi (0.34%)
System frahdfm59 by route (traveled routes only):
M652-59: 1.56 of 9.16 mi (17.04%)
 (FRA-HDF M652-59 only)
System frahdfm59 connected routes traveled: 1 of 139 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 139 (0.0%).
System frahdfd60 (active) overall: 7.43 of 2440.36 mi (0.30%)
System frahdfd60 by region:
  FRA-HDF: 7.43 of 2439.03 mi (0.30%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 1.33 mi (0.00%)
System frahdfd60 by route (traveled routes only):
D81-60: 4.96 of 11.79 mi (42.07%)
 (FRA-HDF D81-60 only)
D130-60: 0.09 of 27.92 mi (0.33%)
 (FRA-HDF D130-60 only)
D335-60: 0.79 of 22.99 mi (3.43%)
 (FRA-HDF D335-60 only)
D546-60: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF D546-60 only)
D547-60: 0.04 of 10.72 mi (0.39%)
 (FRA-HDF D547-60 only)
System frahdfd60 connected routes traveled: 5 of 361 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 361 (0.3%).
System frahdfd62 (active) overall: 0.17 of 3601.91 mi (0.00%)
System frahdfd62 by route (traveled routes only):
D304-62: 0.17 of 6.53 mi (2.65%)
 (FRA-HDF D304-62 only)
System frahdfd62 connected routes traveled: 1 of 686 (0.1%), clinched: 0 of 686 (0.0%).
System fraidfd77 (active) overall: 0.88 of 2713.96 mi (0.03%)
System fraidfd77 by region:
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 1.02 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.72 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.88 of 2710.35 mi (0.03%)
System fraidfd77 by route (traveled routes only):
D934-77: 0.88 of 42.71 mi (2.07%)
  FRA-IDF D934-77: 0.88 of 42.16 mi (2.09%)

System fraidfd77 connected routes traveled: 1 of 469 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 469 (0.0%).
System fraidfd93 (active) overall: 0.51 of 213.06 mi (0.24%)
System fraidfd93 by route (traveled routes only):
D40-93 (Villepinte): 0.51 of 7.70 mi (6.66%)
 (FRA-IDF D40-93Vil only)
System fraidfd93 connected routes traveled: 1 of 96 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 96 (0.0%).
System gbnm (active) overall: 141.53 of 1936.18 mi (7.31%)
System gbnm by region:
  ENG: 141.53 of 1641.64 mi (8.62%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 213.88 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 80.66 mi (0.00%)
System gbnm by route (traveled routes only):
M20: 37.75 of 50.54 mi (74.69%)
 (ENG M20 only)
M25 (London Orbital): 47.96 of 113.03 mi (42.43%)
 (ENG M25 only)
M26: 9.67 of 9.67 mi (100.00%)
 (ENG M26 only)
M40: 46.16 of 87.93 mi (52.49%)
 (ENG M40 only)
System gbnm connected routes traveled: 4 of 55 (7.3%), clinched: 1 of 55 (1.8%).
System gbna (active) overall: 20.30 of 28171.18 mi (0.07%)
System gbna by region:
  ENG: 20.30 of 19434.91 mi (0.10%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 6217.41 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 2518.86 mi (0.00%)
System gbna by route (traveled routes only):
A20: 3.52 of 72.79 mi (4.83%)
 (ENG A20 only)
A28: 1.70 of 57.01 mi (2.98%)
 (ENG A28 only)
A43: 13.10 of 66.00 mi (19.85%)
 (ENG A43 only)
A251: 0.43 of 11.79 mi (3.65%)
 (ENG A251 only)
A422: 0.75 of 80.82 mi (0.92%)
 (ENG A422 only)
A2042: 0.50 of 4.46 mi (11.10%)
 (ENG A2042 only)
A2070: 1.98 of 12.86 mi (15.41%)
 (ENG A2070 only)
System gbna connected routes traveled: 7 of 1939 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 1939 (0.0%).
System hrva (active) overall: 109.84 of 833.58 mi (13.18%)
System hrva by route (traveled routes only):
A2: 37.73 of 37.73 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV A2 only)
A3: 12.34 of 193.00 mi (6.39%)
 (HRV A3 only)
A4: 59.77 of 59.77 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV A4 only)
System hrva connected routes traveled: 3 of 11 (27.3%), clinched: 2 of 11 (18.2%).
System hrvd (active) overall: 38.62 of 4300.84 mi (0.90%)
System hrvd by route (traveled routes only):
D1: 8.55 of 259.11 mi (3.30%)
 (HRV D1 only)
D2: 4.94 of 216.66 mi (2.28%)
 (HRV D2 only)
D3: 4.01 of 180.13 mi (2.23%)
 (HRV D3 only)
D35: 15.73 of 27.16 mi (57.92%)
 (HRV D35 only)
D74: 3.82 of 12.14 mi (31.47%)
 (HRV D74 only)
D528: 1.89 of 1.89 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV D528 only)
System hrvd connected routes traveled: 6 of 209 (2.9%), clinched: 1 of 209 (0.5%).
System hrvz (active) overall: 7.20 of 5292.59 mi (0.14%)
System hrvz by region:
  HRV: 7.20 of 5292.25 mi (0.14%)
  SVN: 0.00 of 0.35 mi (0.00%)
System hrvz by route (traveled routes only):
Z2258: 7.20 of 7.20 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV Z2258 only)
System hrvz connected routes traveled: 1 of 1082 (0.1%), clinched: 1 of 1082 (0.1%).
System hunm (active) overall: 266.06 of 1180.30 mi (22.54%)
System hunm by route (traveled routes only):
M1: 105.36 of 105.36 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M1 only)
M7: 143.51 of 143.51 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M7 only)
M15: 8.92 of 8.92 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M15 only)
M70: 13.06 of 13.06 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M70 only)
System hunm connected routes traveled: 4 of 26 (15.4%), clinched: 4 of 26 (15.4%).
System hunf (active) overall: 14.37 of 4431.60 mi (0.32%)
System hunf by route (traveled routes only):
F1: 5.67 of 110.08 mi (5.15%)
 (HUN F1 only)
F7: 7.25 of 149.65 mi (4.84%)
 (HUN F7 only)
F61: 0.59 of 122.41 mi (0.48%)
 (HUN F61 only)
F86: 0.87 of 118.69 mi (0.73%)
 (HUN F86 only)
System hunf connected routes traveled: 4 of 139 (2.9%), clinched: 0 of 139 (0.0%).
System itaa (active) overall: 1352.58 of 4626.24 mi (29.24%)
System itaa by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Autostrada del Sole): 74.84 of 476.64 mi (15.70%)
 (ITA A1 only)
A4 (Autostrada Serenissima): 329.52 of 329.52 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A4 only)
A4A5 (Diramazione Ivrea-Santhià): 14.82 of 14.82 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A4A5 only)
A4A26 (Diramazione Stroppiana-Santhià): 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A4A26 only)
A5 (Autostrada della Valle d'Aosta): 65.22 of 87.39 mi (74.63%)
 (ITA A5 only)
A7 (Autostrada dei Giovi): 5.37 of 81.27 mi (6.60%)
 (ITA A7 only)
A7A26 (Diramazione Predosa-Bettole): 10.72 of 10.72 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A7A26 only)
A8 (Autostrada dei Laghi): 21.07 of 27.98 mi (75.31%)
 (ITA A8 only)
A8A26 (Diramazione Gallarate-Gattico): 13.98 of 13.98 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A8A26 only)
A9 (Autostrada dei Laghi): 19.61 of 19.61 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A9 only)
A10 (Autostrada dei Fiori): 88.49 of 96.02 mi (92.16%)
 (ITA A10 only)
A13 (Autostrada Bologna-Padova): 73.81 of 73.81 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A13 only)
A14 (Autostrada Adriatica): 9.02 of 464.13 mi (1.94%)
 (ITA A14 only)
A21 (Autostrada dei Vini): 108.59 of 149.62 mi (72.58%)
 (ITA A21 only)
A22 (Autostrada del Brennero): 195.76 of 195.76 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A22 only)
A23 (Autostrada Alpe-Adria): 73.85 of 73.85 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A23 only)
A26 (Autostrada dei Trafori): 108.58 of 121.97 mi (89.03%)
 (ITA A26 only)
A32 (Autostrada del Frejus): 44.44 of 44.44 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A32 only)
A34 (Autostrada Villesse - Goriza): 10.99 of 10.99 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A34 only)
A50 (Tangenziale Ovest di Milano): 4.21 of 19.54 mi (21.53%)
 (ITA A50 only)
A52 (Tangenziale Nord di Milano): 1.22 of 15.37 mi (7.96%)
 (ITA A52 only)
A55 (Tangenziale di Torino): 3.22 of 26.50 mi (12.14%)
 (ITA A55 only)
A55 (Tangenziale di Torino (Rivoli)): 2.25 of 2.25 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A55Riv only)
A57 (Tangenziale di Mestre): 16.18 of 16.18 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A57 only)
AutSisRab (Autostrada Sistiana-Rabuiese): 2.13 of 2.13 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA AutSisRab only)
RA1 (Tangenziale di Bologna): 4.79 of 11.77 mi (40.67%)
 (ITA RA1 only)
RA1 (Tangenziale di Bologna (Borgo Panigale)): 2.33 of 2.33 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA RA1Bol only)
RA13 (Raccordo Autostradale Trieste): 12.52 of 12.52 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA RA13 only)
RA14 (Diramazione per Fernetti): 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA RA14 only)
T1 (Traforo del Monte Bianco): 3.10 of 3.10 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA T1 only)
T2 (Traforo du Gran San Bernardo): 6.92 of 6.92 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA T2 only)
T4 (Traforo del Frejus): 4.32 of 4.32 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA T4 only)
System itaa connected routes traveled: 32 of 106 (30.2%), clinched: 20 of 106 (18.9%).
System luxa (active) overall: 83.38 of 93.07 mi (89.58%)
System luxa by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Tréierer Autobunn): 22.82 of 22.82 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX A1 only)
A3 (Diddelenger Autobunn): 7.56 of 8.30 mi (91.08%)
 (LUX A3 only)
A4 (Escher Autobunn): 6.35 of 9.91 mi (64.10%)
 (LUX A4 only)
A6 (Areler Autobunn): 12.71 of 12.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX A6 only)
A7 (Nordstrooss): 15.24 of 15.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX A7 only)
A13 (Saar-Autobunn): 18.69 of 25.53 mi (73.21%)
 (LUX A13 only)
System luxa connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 3 of 6 (50.0%).
System luxb (active) overall: 4.61 of 7.28 mi (63.33%)
System luxb by route (traveled routes only):
B7: 4.61 of 4.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX B7 only)
System luxb connected routes traveled: 1 of 4 (25.0%), clinched: 1 of 4 (25.0%).
System luxn (active) overall: 23.31 of 501.65 mi (4.65%)
System luxn by route (traveled routes only):
N7: 21.12 of 46.91 mi (45.03%)
 (LUX N7 only)
N10: 0.79 of 66.00 mi (1.20%)
 (LUX N10 only)
N12: 0.02 of 51.18 mi (0.04%)
 (LUX N12 only)
N27A: 0.51 of 1.93 mi (26.22%)
 (LUX N27A only)
N51: 0.87 of 3.90 mi (22.36%)
 (LUX N51 only)
System luxn connected routes traveled: 5 of 87 (5.7%), clinched: 0 of 87 (0.0%).
System nlda (active) overall: 202.53 of 1553.57 mi (13.04%)
System nlda by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 74.59 of 99.69 mi (74.82%)
 (NLD A1 only)
A2: 15.13 of 136.10 mi (11.11%)
 (NLD A2 only)
A12: 0.98 of 87.01 mi (1.12%)
 (NLD A12 only)
A16: 2.88 of 35.43 mi (8.14%)
 (NLD A16 only)
A27: 41.52 of 71.35 mi (58.19%)
 (NLD A27 only)
A28: 14.06 of 117.37 mi (11.98%)
 (NLD A28 only)
A35: 2.68 of 18.33 mi (14.64%)
 (NLD A35 only)
A58: 4.21 of 94.25 mi (4.46%)
 (NLD A58 only)
A67: 35.59 of 47.37 mi (75.15%)
 (NLD A67 only)
A73: 1.31 of 64.65 mi (2.03%)
 (NLD A73 only)
A74: 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD A74 only)
A76: 5.15 of 16.92 mi (30.43%)
 (NLD A76 only)
A79: 10.37 of 10.77 mi (96.21%)
 (NLD A79 only)
A270: 2.17 of 2.17 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD A270 only)
System nlda connected routes traveled: 14 of 50 (28.0%), clinched: 2 of 50 (4.0%).
System nldr (active) overall: 1.59 of 480.91 mi (0.33%)
System nldr by route (traveled routes only):
N35 (Enschede): 1.59 of 3.21 mi (49.64%)
 (NLD N35Ens only)
System nldr connected routes traveled: 1 of 31 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%).
System nldp (active) overall: 23.41 of 4341.49 mi (0.54%)
System nldp by region:
  BEL: 0.00 of 0.52 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 23.41 of 4340.97 mi (0.54%)
System nldp by route (traveled routes only):
N270 (Eindhoven): 1.85 of 1.85 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N270Ein only)
N270 (Helmond): 2.44 of 24.92 mi (9.80%)
 (NLD N270 only)
N271: 4.22 of 37.34 mi (11.30%)
 (NLD N271 only)
N278: 1.72 of 18.51 mi (9.30%)
 (NLD N278 only)
N348: 1.25 of 45.30 mi (2.76%)
 (NLD N348 only)
N408: 1.91 of 1.91 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N408 only)
N556: 1.96 of 9.74 mi (20.14%)
 (NLD N556 only)
N612: 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N612 only)
N733: 4.54 of 4.83 mi (94.13%)
 (NLD N733 only)
System nldp connected routes traveled: 9 of 533 (1.7%), clinched: 3 of 533 (0.6%).
System nldrw (active) overall: 3.64 of 298.43 mi (1.22%)
System nldrw by region:
  CUW: 0.00 of 9.44 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 3.64 of 288.99 mi (1.26%)
System nldrw by route (traveled routes only):
RingUtr (Ring Utrecht): 3.64 of 18.40 mi (19.79%)
 (NLD RingUtr only)
System nldrw connected routes traveled: 1 of 31 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%).
System pola (active) overall: 277.41 of 1184.25 mi (23.43%)
System pola by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 34.17 of 355.04 mi (9.62%)
 (POL A1 only)
A2 (Łódź): 20.28 of 285.43 mi (7.11%)
 (POL A2 only)
A4: 186.07 of 419.14 mi (44.39%)
 (POL A4 only)
A6: 13.40 of 18.26 mi (73.39%)
 (POL A6 only)
A18: 23.49 of 47.39 mi (49.57%)
 (POL A18 only)
System pola connected routes traveled: 5 of 7 (71.4%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%).
System pols (active) overall: 35.57 of 2137.00 mi (1.66%)
System pols by route (traveled routes only):
S3: 35.57 of 272.55 mi (13.05%)
 (POL S3 only)
System pols connected routes traveled: 1 of 48 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%).
System poldw (active) overall: 92.94 of 18078.34 mi (0.51%)
System poldw by route (traveled routes only):
DW287: 13.29 of 28.87 mi (46.02%)
 (POL DW287 only)
DW289: 16.99 of 28.88 mi (58.83%)
 (POL DW289 only)
DW296: 31.06 of 53.06 mi (58.55%)
 (POL DW296 only)
DW297: 2.73 of 66.77 mi (4.08%)
 (POL DW297 only)
DW320: 5.18 of 18.99 mi (27.28%)
 (POL DW320 only)
DW332: 2.31 of 2.31 mi (100.00%)
 (POL DW332 only)
DW333: 2.93 of 56.39 mi (5.20%)
 (POL DW333 only)
DW350: 0.15 of 44.41 mi (0.34%)
 (POL DW350 only)
DW355: 3.67 of 4.82 mi (76.13%)
 (POL DW355 only)
DW357: 5.06 of 30.23 mi (16.75%)
 (POL DW357 only)
DW382: 9.71 of 104.97 mi (9.25%)
 (POL DW382 only)
System poldw connected routes traveled: 11 of 859 (1.3%), clinched: 1 of 859 (0.1%).
System poldk (active) overall: 84.68 of 8954.78 mi (0.95%)
System poldk by route (traveled routes only):
DK2 (Swiecko): 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%)
 (POL DK2Swi only)
DK5: 17.42 of 73.18 mi (23.81%)
 (POL DK5 only)
DK10 (Szczecin): 0.94 of 18.29 mi (5.15%)
 (POL DK10Szc only)
DK12 (Radom): 23.95 of 370.61 mi (6.46%)
 (POL DK12 only)
DK27: 1.55 of 39.31 mi (3.95%)
 (POL DK27 only)
DK29: 3.06 of 36.18 mi (8.47%)
 (POL DK29 only)
DK30: 8.40 of 40.27 mi (20.86%)
 (POL DK30 only)
DK78: 2.30 of 145.35 mi (1.58%)
 (POL DK78 only)
DK88: 20.17 of 31.71 mi (63.60%)
 (POL DK88 only)
DK94 (Katowice): 8.91 of 257.66 mi (3.46%)
 (POL DK94 only)
System poldk connected routes traveled: 10 of 134 (7.5%), clinched: 1 of 134 (0.7%).
System svkd (active) overall: 52.93 of 337.20 mi (15.70%)
System svkd by route (traveled routes only):
D1 (Bratislava): 0.96 of 124.41 mi (0.77%)
 (SVK D1 only)
D2: 50.60 of 50.60 mi (100.00%)
 (SVK D2 only)
D4 (Bratislava): 1.37 of 18.02 mi (7.59%)
 (SVK D4 only)
System svkd connected routes traveled: 3 of 8 (37.5%), clinched: 1 of 8 (12.5%).
System svki (active) overall: 2.87 of 2062.83 mi (0.14%)
System svki by route (traveled routes only):
I2: 2.87 of 64.75 mi (4.43%)
 (SVK I2 only)
System svki connected routes traveled: 1 of 56 (1.8%), clinched: 0 of 56 (0.0%).
System svna (active) overall: 338.18 of 338.18 mi (100.00%)
System svna by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 152.15 of 152.15 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A1 only)
A2: 114.09 of 114.09 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A2 only)
A3: 7.58 of 7.58 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A3 only)
A4: 21.06 of 21.06 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A4 only)
A5: 48.84 of 48.84 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A5 only)
System svna connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 5 of 5 (100.0%).
System svnh (active) overall: 34.65 of 41.86 mi (82.77%)
System svnh by route (traveled routes only):
H3: 6.37 of 6.37 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN H3 only)
H4: 25.95 of 25.95 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN H4 only)
H5: 2.33 of 4.81 mi (48.42%)
 (SVN H5 only)
System svnh connected routes traveled: 3 of 5 (60.0%), clinched: 2 of 5 (40.0%).
System svng (active) overall: 25.26 of 472.95 mi (5.34%)
System svng by route (traveled routes only):
G1: 2.31 of 42.53 mi (5.43%)
 (SVN G1 only)
G2: 2.81 of 36.39 mi (7.72%)
 (SVN G2 only)
G5: 1.81 of 42.38 mi (4.27%)
 (SVN G5 only)
G101: 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN G101 only)
G102: 2.04 of 56.01 mi (3.63%)
 (SVN G102 only)
G103: 1.60 of 23.56 mi (6.79%)
 (SVN G103 only)
G104: 4.31 of 18.49 mi (23.33%)
 (SVN G104 only)
System svng connected routes traveled: 7 of 22 (31.8%), clinched: 1 of 22 (4.5%).
System svnr (active) overall: 20.49 of 2834.48 mi (0.72%)
System svnr by route (traveled routes only):
R409: 0.54 of 61.80 mi (0.87%)
 (SVN R409 only)
R413: 0.33 of 10.36 mi (3.16%)
 (SVN R413 only)
R430 ((Main)): 7.94 of 38.93 mi (20.40%)
 (SVN R430 only)
R450: 0.93 of 2.98 mi (31.16%)
 (SVN R450 only)
R639: 4.94 of 11.56 mi (42.69%)
 (SVN R639 only)
R929: 5.82 of 18.61 mi (31.28%)
 (SVN R929 only)
System svnr connected routes traveled: 6 of 291 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 291 (0.0%).
System swemot (active) overall: 179.32 of 1376.72 mi (13.03%)
System swemot by route (traveled routes only):
KunBacLed (Kunsbackaleden, Göteborg): 11.52 of 16.43 mi (70.10%)
 (SWE KunBacLed only)
VastKustVag (Västkustvägen): 148.29 of 150.10 mi (98.79%)
 (SWE VastKustVag only)
YRingVag (Malmö Yttre Ringvägen): 18.64 of 18.64 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE YRingVag only)
YstVag (Ystadvägen, Malmö): 0.88 of 8.99 mi (9.74%)
 (SWE YstVag only)
System swemot connected routes traveled: 4 of 63 (6.3%), clinched: 1 of 63 (1.6%).
System swel (active) overall: 2.45 of 6755.96 mi (0.04%)
System swel by route (traveled routes only):
L155 (Torslanda): 2.45 of 7.14 mi (34.37%)
 (SWE L155 only)
System swel connected routes traveled: 1 of 212 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 212 (0.0%).
System eurtr (preview) overall: 8.30 of 5769.89 mi (0.14%)
System eurtr by region:
  AUT: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.59 of 215.17 mi (0.27%)
  DEU-BY: 7.71 of 486.32 mi (1.59%)
  ENG: 0.00 of 322.48 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 0.00 of 2446.10 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.04 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.37 mi (0.00%)
  IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 880.65 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 15.60 mi (0.00%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 97.51 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 203.70 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 0.00 of 226.37 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%)
System eurtr by route (traveled routes only):
BBMR (Bertha Benz Momorial Route): 0.31 of 117.59 mi (0.26%)
 (DEU-BW BBMR only)
DtAlpStr (Deutsche Alpenstraße (Füssen)): 3.06 of 289.09 mi (1.06%)
  DEU-BY DtAlpStr: 3.06 of 160.44 mi (1.90%)

RomStr (Romantische Straße): 4.94 of 265.81 mi (1.86%)
  DEU-BY RomStrWur: 2.75 of 14.44 mi (19.07%)
  DEU-BW RomStr: 0.28 of 45.60 mi (0.61%)
  DEU-BY RomStr: 1.90 of 194.13 mi (0.98%)

System eurtr connected routes traveled: 3 of 94 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 94 (0.0%).
System fraaram63 (preview) overall: 5.04 of 112.38 mi (4.48%)
System fraaram63 by route (traveled routes only):
M69-63: 3.52 of 4.38 mi (80.40%)
 (FRA-ARA M69-63 only)
M2009-63: 1.52 of 7.64 mi (19.92%)
 (FRA-ARA M2009-63 only)
System fraaram63 connected routes traveled: 2 of 49 (4.1%), clinched: 0 of 49 (0.0%).
System fraarad73 (preview) overall: 2.21 of 1542.25 mi (0.14%)
System fraarad73 by route (traveled routes only):
D1006-73: 2.21 of 112.29 mi (1.96%)
 (FRA-ARA D1006-73 only)
System fraarad73 connected routes traveled: 1 of 367 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 367 (0.0%).
System frabfcd25 (preview) overall: 0.54 of 2079.43 mi (0.03%)
System frabfcd25 by route (traveled routes only):
D437-25: 0.54 of 85.69 mi (0.63%)
 (FRA-BFC D437-25 only)
System frabfcd25 connected routes traveled: 1 of 483 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 483 (0.0%).
System frabfcd70 (preview) overall: 9.10 of 1941.80 mi (0.47%)
System frabfcd70 by region:
  FRA-BFC: 9.10 of 1940.15 mi (0.47%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.65 mi (0.00%)
System frabfcd70 by route (traveled routes only):
D64-70 (Lure): 7.53 of 13.56 mi (55.54%)
 (FRA-BFC D64-70 only)
D486-70: 1.57 of 32.15 mi (4.87%)
 (FRA-BFC D486-70 only)
System frabfcd70 connected routes traveled: 2 of 401 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 401 (0.0%).
System fragesd08 (preview) overall: 1.29 of 1921.89 mi (0.07%)
System fragesd08 by region:
  FRA-GES: 1.29 of 1921.45 mi (0.07%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.45 mi (0.00%)
System fragesd08 by route (traveled routes only):
D951-08: 1.29 of 23.96 mi (5.37%)
 (FRA-GES D951-08 only)
System fragesd08 connected routes traveled: 1 of 276 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 276 (0.0%).
System fragesd51 (preview) overall: 0.34 of 2509.50 mi (0.01%)
System fragesd51 by region:
  FRA-GES: 0.34 of 2508.51 mi (0.01%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.45 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 0.54 mi (0.00%)
System fragesd51 by route (traveled routes only):
D967-51: 0.34 of 3.41 mi (9.96%)
 (FRA-GES D967-51 only)
System fragesd51 connected routes traveled: 1 of 397 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 397 (0.0%).
System fragesd54 (preview) overall: 2.81 of 1886.50 mi (0.15%)
System fragesd54 by route (traveled routes only):
D590-54: 2.81 of 20.10 mi (13.97%)
 (FRA-GES D590-54 only)
System fragesd54 connected routes traveled: 1 of 450 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 450 (0.0%).
System fragesd55 (preview) overall: 23.33 of 2065.57 mi (1.13%)
System fragesd55 by route (traveled routes only):
D24-55: 4.33 of 12.19 mi (35.54%)
 (FRA-GES D24-55 only)
D24A-55: 2.69 of 2.69 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D24A-55 only)
D34A-55: 0.43 of 0.43 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D34A-55 only)
D112-55: 2.62 of 11.09 mi (23.61%)
 (FRA-GES D112-55 only)
D163-55: 1.40 of 14.76 mi (9.48%)
 (FRA-GES D163-55 only)
D330-55: 0.64 of 2.79 mi (22.81%)
 (FRA-GES D330-55 only)
D603-55: 3.49 of 41.62 mi (8.38%)
 (FRA-GES D603-55 only)
D630-55: 0.68 of 0.89 mi (76.99%)
 (FRA-GES D630-55 only)
D903-55: 3.45 of 20.68 mi (16.69%)
 (FRA-GES D903-55 only)
D908-55: 1.51 of 36.07 mi (4.20%)
 (FRA-GES D908-55 only)
D913-55: 2.13 of 6.72 mi (31.70%)
 (FRA-GES D913-55 only)
System fragesd55 connected routes traveled: 11 of 352 (3.1%), clinched: 2 of 352 (0.6%).
System fragesd57 (preview) overall: 22.18 of 2457.67 mi (0.90%)
System fragesd57 by route (traveled routes only):
D1-57: 1.92 of 30.85 mi (6.22%)
 (FRA-GES D1-57 only)
D2-57: 10.02 of 22.41 mi (44.74%)
 (FRA-GES D2-57 only)
D8-57: 0.02 of 12.31 mi (0.20%)
 (FRA-GES D8-57 only)
D14-57: 1.20 of 9.33 mi (12.88%)
 (FRA-GES D14-57 only)
D52-57: 0.84 of 18.07 mi (4.63%)
 (FRA-GES D52-57 only)
D55-57: 0.96 of 28.97 mi (3.31%)
 (FRA-GES D55-57 only)
D56-57: 3.23 of 20.88 mi (15.45%)
 (FRA-GES D56-57 only)
D60-57: 0.28 of 19.71 mi (1.41%)
 (FRA-GES D60-57 only)
D654-57: 1.41 of 14.56 mi (9.66%)
 (FRA-GES D654-57 only)
D657-57: 0.36 of 9.57 mi (3.71%)
 (FRA-GES D657-57 only)
D918-57: 3.41 of 23.10 mi (14.78%)
 (FRA-GES D918-57 only)
D955-57: 0.24 of 57.62 mi (0.41%)
 (FRA-GES D955-57 only)
D999-57: 0.39 of 41.52 mi (0.94%)
 (FRA-GES D999-57 only)
System fragesd57 connected routes traveled: 13 of 585 (2.2%), clinched: 0 of 585 (0.0%).
System fragesd88 (preview) overall: 14.89 of 1863.24 mi (0.80%)
System fragesd88 by region:
  FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 8.97 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 14.89 of 1854.27 mi (0.80%)
System fragesd88 by route (traveled routes only):
D32-88: 1.09 of 42.49 mi (2.57%)
 (FRA-GES D32-88 only)
D49-88: 5.54 of 16.34 mi (33.94%)
 (FRA-GES D49-88 only)
D157-88: 0.95 of 44.14 mi (2.16%)
 (FRA-GES D157-88 only)
D424-88: 8.45 of 16.17 mi (52.24%)
 (FRA-GES D424-88 only)
System fragesd88 connected routes traveled: 4 of 351 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 351 (0.0%).
System frahdfd02 (preview) overall: 2.15 of 3250.74 mi (0.07%)
System frahdfd02 by region:
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.74 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 2.15 of 3248.84 mi (0.07%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 0.17 mi (0.00%)
System frahdfd02 by route (traveled routes only):
D1-02: 2.15 of 77.06 mi (2.79%)
 (FRA-HDF D1-02 only)
System frahdfd02 connected routes traveled: 1 of 640 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 640 (0.0%).
System fraoccd34 (preview) overall: 3.08 of 2509.87 mi (0.12%)
System fraoccd34 by route (traveled routes only):
D609-34 (Paulhan): 3.08 of 26.27 mi (11.72%)
 (FRA-OCC D609-34 only)
System fraoccd34 connected routes traveled: 1 of 816 (0.1%), clinched: 0 of 816 (0.0%).
System frapdld72 (preview) overall: 10.50 of 2542.68 mi (0.41%)
System frapdld72 by region:
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 1.71 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 0.33 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PDL: 10.50 of 2540.64 mi (0.41%)
System frapdld72 by route (traveled routes only):
D139-72: 0.15 of 5.80 mi (2.65%)
 (FRA-PDL D139-72 only)
D323-72: 7.42 of 62.84 mi (11.81%)
 (FRA-PDL D323-72 only)
D338-72 (Beaumont-sur-Sarthe): 2.93 of 29.81 mi (9.82%)
 (FRA-PDL D338-72 only)
System frapdld72 connected routes traveled: 3 of 414 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 414 (0.0%).
System gbrrr (preview) overall: 47.96 of 492.27 mi (9.74%)
System gbrrr by region:
  ENG: 47.96 of 459.27 mi (10.44%)
  JEY: 0.00 of 1.90 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 25.75 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 5.36 mi (0.00%)
System gbrrr by route (traveled routes only):
LonRR (London Orbital): 47.96 of 118.40 mi (40.51%)
 (ENG LonOrb only)
System gbrrr connected routes traveled: 1 of 60 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 60 (0.0%).
System itass (preview) overall: 94.14 of 14354.84 mi (0.66%)
System itass by route (traveled routes only):
SS9 (Castelfranco Emilia): 17.32 of 17.32 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS9Cas only)
SS12 (Modena): 4.30 of 97.61 mi (4.40%)
 (ITA SS12Mod only)
SS12 (Trento): 12.34 of 126.62 mi (9.74%)
 (ITA SS12 only)
SS27 (Saint Bernard): 6.71 of 12.25 mi (54.72%)
 (ITA SS27 only)
SS27 (Variney): 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS27Var only)
SS27Var (Gignod): 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS27VarGig only)
SS33: 30.47 of 82.67 mi (36.86%)
 (ITA SS33 only)
SS36: 4.26 of 80.80 mi (5.27%)
 (ITA SS36 only)
SS43: 0.44 of 17.22 mi (2.58%)
 (ITA SS43 only)
SS58: 0.12 of 0.12 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS58 only)
SS202: 4.11 of 8.52 mi (48.21%)
 (ITA SS202 only)
SS724: 11.57 of 11.57 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS724 only)
System itass connected routes traveled: 12 of 628 (1.9%), clinched: 5 of 628 (0.8%).

Traveled 77 of 374 (20.6%), Clinched 1 of 374 (0.3%) active systems
Traveled 16 of 204 (7.8%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-07-24 | Slovenia | H5 | svn.h005 | Route truncated at south end from Piranska Ulica to G11
2015-07-28 | Croatia | A2 | hrv.a002 | Route extended at north end from exit 1 to Slovenian border
2015-08-25 | Italy | A55 | ita.a055 | Route truncated at west end from junction with SS25 to junction with Rivoli spur of the A55
2015-08-25 | Italy | A55 (Rivoli) | ita.a055riv | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | Autostrade Sistiana-Rabuiese | ita.autsisrab | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | E751 | ita.e751 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 | ita.ra001 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 (Borgo Panigale) | ita.ra001bor | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 | ita.ra013 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 | ita.ra014 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | T1 | ita.t001 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | T2 | ita.t002 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | T4 | ita.t004 | New Route
2015-09-09 | Switzerland | Zubringer Hardturm, Zurich | che.zubhar | New Route
2015-09-09 | Switzerland | Zubringer Letten, Zurich | che.zublet | New Route
2015-09-09 | Switzerland | Zubringer Wiedikon, Zurich | che.zubwie | New Route
2015-09-10 | (Germany) Hesse | A480 (Aßlar) | deuhe.a480ass | Route extended at east end from exit 2 to L3053
2015-09-10 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A562 | deunw.a562 | Route re-entered
2015-09-15 | Switzerland | Zubringer Rheinfelden | che.zubrhe | New Route
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | A5AST | deubw.a005ast | New Route
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Hesse | A66 | deuhe.a066 | Route extended at eastern end from exit 51 to exit 55, including Eichenzell section
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A4 | deunw.a004 | Route relocated from old route (now demolished) to new route via between exits 7 and 9
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A30 | deunw.a030 | Route extended at east end from exit 31 to exit 32
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A43 | deunw.a043 | Route truncated at north end from B51 to exit 2
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A44 (Soest) | deunw.a044 | Route extended at west end from exit 52 to exit 51
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Thuringia | A4 | deuth.a004 | Route relocated from old route (now demolished) to new route via Jagdbergtunnel between exits 51 and 53
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Thuringia | A71 | deuth.a071 | Route extended at north end from exit 5 to exit 1, including Heldrungen section
2015-09-16 | Austria | A12 (Landecker Tunnel) | aut.a012lan | New Route
2015-09-16 | Austria | A13 (Innsbruck) | aut.a013inn | New Route
2015-09-16 | Austria | A14 (Bregenz) | aut.a014bre | New Route
2015-09-16 | Austria | S35 | aut.s035 | Route extended at north end from exit 0 to B116
2015-09-24 | Luxembourg | A7 | lux.a007 | Route extended at south end from exit 2 to A1
2015-09-24 | Luxembourg | E421 | lux.e421 | Route removed from N7 and N11 and onto A7 between A7 exits 1 and 2
2015-12-21 | Austria | S10 | aut.s010 | Route extended at south end from B310 south of Friestadt to the A7
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R1 ((South) Praha | cze.d000 | Route renamed D0 ((South) Praha)
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R1 ((East) Praha | cze.d000epr | Route renamed D0 ((East) Praha)
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R10 | cze.d010 | Route truncated east end from I10/I35 junction to exit 71 and renamed D10
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R35 (Olomouc) | cze.d035 | Route renamed D35 (Olomouc)
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R46 | cze.d046 | Route renamed D46
2016-01-12 | Belgium | A13 | bel.a013 | Route extended at west end from exit 17 to R10
2016-07-21 | Poland | A4 | pol.a004 | Route extended at east end from exit 581 to DK94
2016-08-08 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | Südtangente Karlsruhe | deubw.sudtankar | New Route
2016-08-08 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | Mallinckrodtstraße Dortmund | deunw.malstrdor | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Kbelská, Praha | cze.kbelska | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Prosecká radiála, Praha | cze.prorad | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Radlická radiála, Praha | cze.radrad | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Vysočanská radiála, Praha | cze.vysrad | New Route
2016-09-03 | Czechia | Spořilovská, Praha | cze.sposka | New Route
2016-09-04 | (Germany) Bremen | Autobahnzubringer Bremen-Hemelingen | deuhb.autzubhem | New Route
2016-09-21 | (Germany) Thuringia | Hannoversche Straße Erfurt | deuth.k035 | New Route
2016-11-07 | Switzerland | A13 | che.a013 | Route relocated onto Roveredo bypass, between exits 37 and 39
2016-11-26 | Switzerland | A9 (Turtmann) | che.a009tur | New route
2016-12-21 | Czechia | D8 | cze.d008 | Route extended at north end from exit 52
2016-12-21 | Sweden | Oscarsleden, Göteborg | swe.oscled | New Route
2016-12-21 | Sweden | Söderleden, Göteborg | swe.sodledgot | New Route
2016-12-21 | Sweden | Västerleden, Göteborg | swe.vasledgot | New Route
2017-01-28 | Netherlands | A2 | nld.a002 | North end moved from President Kennedylaan to Joan Muyskenweg, truncated segment is 'S110Ams' now
2017-04-03 | Switzerland | A16 | che.a016 | Route extended at the southern end from exit 15 to exit 16
2017-07-26 | Austria | A2 (Klagenfurt) | aut.a002kla | Truncated at east end from B91 to B70c, segment is dedicated B70c now
2017-10-29 | Switzerland | A5 (Solothurn) | che.a005sol | Route extended at west end from exit 27 to exit 25
2017-12-16 | Austria | A5 | aut.a005 | Route extended at north end from exit 23 to exit 47
2018-02-10 | (Germany) Bavaria | Max-Planck-Straße Regensburg | deuby.maxplastr | New Route
2018-02-10 | (Germany) Bavaria | Odessa-Ring Regensburg | deuby.odering | New Route
2018-06-30 | Belgium | A8 | bel.a008 | Route extended at east end from exit 22 to R0
2018-06-30 | Switzerland | H27 | che.h027 | Route begins at H3 junction north of Silvaplana now
2018-06-30 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A44 (Aachen) | deunw.a044aac | Route extended at north end from exit 10 to exit 13
2018-08-14 | Italy | E25 | ita.e25 | Route removed from A10 Polcevera Viaduct and relocated onto surface roads from Genoa Aeroporto to Genoa Port
2018-09-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A61 (Koblenz) | deunw.a061 | Route decommissioned from exit 15a to exit 16
2018-09-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A61 (Mönchengladbach) | deunw.a061mon | New Route
2018-10-20 | (Germany) Brandenburg | B96 | deubb.b096 | Route removed from through Finsterwalde and onto bypass between L60 Kirchhainer Straße and K6227 Turmstraße
2018-11-01 | Slovenia | A4 | svn.a004 | Route extended at south end from exit 7 to Croatian border
2018-12-09 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A30 (Löhne) | deunw.a030oey | Truncated at east end from exit 32 to 31 and merged into A30 (Bad Oeynhausen)
2018-12-09 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | E30 | deunw.e30 | Relocated from B61 through Bad Oeynhausen and onto new A30 bypass
2018-12-16 | (Germany) Brandenburg | B101 | deubb.b101 | Route removed from through Thyrow and onto bypass between interchange north of Thyrow and L70 interchange Trebbin-North
2018-12-21 | (Germany) Saxony | B96 | deusn.b096 | Route relocated from through Zeißig (Bautzener Straße, Südstraße) and onto eastern bypass of Hoyerswerda
2018-12-31 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | A36 | deuni.a036 | New Route (former A395/B6)
2018-12-31 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | A369 | deuni.a369 | New Route (former B6)
2019-03-16 | (Germany) Saxony | S38 | deusn.s038 | Route relocated from through Liebertwolkwitz and onto bypass (former S242/S43)
2019-04-06 | (Germany) Hesse | B27 | deuhe.b027 | Route removed from through Marzhausen (now L3238) and onto road to A38 exit Friedland
2019-04-06 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | L564 | deuni.l564 | Route extended at north end from L568 (former B27) to L569
2019-04-06 | (Germany) Saxony-Anhalt | B180 | deust.b180 | Route truncated at north end from B246 Wanzleben to B81 Egeln
2019-07-10 | (Germany) Thuringia | B19 (Eisenach) | deuth.b019 | Route relocated from through Witzelroda and onto new bypass
2019-08-14 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Bayreuth) | deuby.b002bay | Route extended at north end from A9 exit 41 to roundabout with St2181 and St2460
2019-08-14 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2181 (Main) | deuby.st2181 | Route extended at west end from St2163 to B2
2019-08-24 | (Germany) Saxony-Anhalt | B100 | deust.b100 | Route relocated from through Eutzsch and onto new bypass west of junction with B2
2019-09-05 | France | A6 | fraara.a006 | Route truncated at south end from A7 to exit 33
2019-10-17 | Croatia | D2 | hrv.d002 | Route relocated from through Virovitica and onto western and southern (urban) bypass from D5 (North) to Ulica Stjepana Radica/Vinkovacka junction
2019-10-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | B279 | deuby.b279 | Route relocated from through Wegfurt and onto bypass
2019-10-18 | (Germany) Hamburg | B75 | deuhh.b075 | Route removed from through Wilhelmsburg and onto bypass from exit 6 to exit Kornweide
2019-11-18 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A33 | deunw.a033 | Route extended at north end from exit 16 to border with Lower Saxony
2019-12-25 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | B47 (Monsheim) | deurp.b047 | Route extended at east end from K17 to L395/L456 at Worms
2019-12-29 | (France) Grand-Est | Voie Sacrée | frages.nvs | Route extended at south end from N135 to D935
2020-01-03 | (Germany) Saxony-Anhalt | B91 | deust.b091 | Route removed from through Theißen and onto new bypass from north of Theißen to B2
2020-01-03 | Slovenia | H2 | svn.r430 | Route deleted (R430 now)
2020-03-29 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B3 | deubw.b003 | Route removed from Stefan-Meier-Straße and onto Habsburger Straße and Friedringring in Freiburg
2020-04-20 | Poland | DK12 | pol.dk012 | Route truncated at east end from DW738 to DW874
2020-05-01 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Augsburg) | deuby.b002 | Route relocated from through Wernsbach and onto new bypass from north of RH7 to south of RH7
2020-06-06 | (Germany) Thuringia | B7 (Gotha) | deuth.b007got | Route relocated from through Tüttleben and onto new bypass from west of Tüttleben to east of Tüttleben
2020-06-10 | Poland | A6 | pol.a006 | Route extended at east end from exit 24 to DW142
2020-06-25 | Czechia | I21 | cze.i021 | Route relocated from through Bezděkov and onto bypass from III2002 north of Bezděkov to south of  Bezděkov
2020-08-06 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | B50n | deurp.b050n | New Route
2020-08-07 | Italy | A10 | ita.a010 | Route extended at east end from Genova Aeroporto to A7
2020-09-12 | (Germany) Saxony | S319 | deusn.s319 | Route extended at north end from S310 to A72
2020-11-21 | (Germany) Bavaria | B299 | deuby.b299 | Route truncated at south end from Wasserburger Straße to roundabout north of Altenmarkt
2020-11-21 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | B3 (Göttingen) | deuni.b003 | Route relocated from through Hemmingen and onto new bypass from B3A north of Westerfeld to B3A south of Arnum
2020-11-29 | Poland | DK10 (Szczecin) | pol.dk010szc | Route truncated at east end from Ulica Szczecinska (S10 exit 5) to the new end of the S10 near Plonia-Smierdnica-Jerzierzyce
2021-01-10 | (France) Grand-Est | N4 (Wolfisheim) | frages.d10046ae | Route deleted (D1004-6AE now)
2021-01-10 | (France) Grand-Est | N59 (Selestat) | frages.d10596ae | Route deleted (D1059-6AE now)
2021-01-10 | (France) Grand-Est | N363 | frages.d13636ae | Route deleted (D1363-6AE now)
2021-01-11 | (France) Grand-Est | N83 | frages.d00836ae | Route deleted (D83-6AE now)
2021-01-29 | Slovakia | D1 (Bratislava) | svk.d001 | Route extended at east end from exit 187 to exit 199
2021-01-30 | (Germany) Thuringia | B87 (Kranichfeld | deuth.l3087 | Route deleted (L3087 now)
2021-04-03 | Switzerland | A4 (Zürich) | che.a004 | Route truncated at north end from the German border at Bargen to exit 3 at Schaffhausen (Autostrasse Bargen - Schweizerbild now) and reextended to exit 1 at Thayngen (former A4 Thayngen)
2021-04-05 | (Germany) Hesse | B7 (Ringgau) | deuhe.b007rin | Route truncated at west end from A44 exit 78 to exit 79 (partially L3238, L3249 and L3334 now)
2021-04-16 | Poland | DW320 | pol.dw320 | Route added (formerly DW323)
2021-04-16 | Poland | DW382 | pol.dw382 | Route extended at west end from DW374 to DW297 (new route formerly DW374 and DW363)
2021-04-18 | Switzerland | A1r | che.a001r | New Route
2021-05-23 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | A64 | deurp.a064 | Route extended at east end from exit 4 to A602 (former B52)
2021-07-03 | Czechia | E49 | cze.e49 | Route relocated in Plzeň-Severní Předměstí from Gerská and Karlovarská, and onto Studentská and Lidická
2021-07-03 | Czechia | I20 (Plzeň) | cze.i020plz | New route
2021-08-22 | (Germany) Bavaria | B289 (Kulmbach) | deuby.b289 | Route relocated from through Münchberg and onto bypass from Kulmbacher Straße to Eiben
2021-09-18 | Switzerland | Grand Tour of Switzerland (Main) | che.gts | Route removed in Interlaken from Marktgasse, Spielmatte, Untere Gasse and Hauptstrasse, and onto Bahnhofstrasse between Bahnhof (station) and Hauptstrasse
2021-09-26 | (Germany) Saxony | S288 | deusn.s288 | Route relocated from through Waldsachsen and Meerane, and onto southern bypass
2021-10-26 | (France) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | N19 | frabfc.n019 | Route relocated from through Port-sur-Saône and onto new bypass from west of D56 to D434 at Charmoille
2021-10-30 | (Germany) Saxony | B94 | deusn.b094 | Route truncated at east end from B169 Rodewisch-Lindenstraße to B169 bypass just north of Rodewisch
2021-10-30 | (Germany) Saxony | B169 (Auerbach) | deusn.b169sch | Route merged into main route
2021-11-10 | Poland | A2 | pol.a002 | Route truncated at west end from German border to exit 1
2021-11-10 | Poland | DK2 (Swiecko) | pol.dk002swi | Route added
2021-11-10 | Poland | DK3 (Polkowice) | pol.dw333 | Route removed (now DW333)
2021-11-13 | Slovakia | D4 (Bratislava) | svk.d004 | Route extended at east end from exit 25 to exit 30
2021-11-20 | (Germany) Bavaria | B303 (Kronach) | deuby.b303 | Route relocated from through Stadtsteinach and onto bypass from Kronacher Straße to Ziegelhütte
2021-11-21 | (Germany) Saxony | B93 (Borna) | deusn.b093bor | Route truncated at north end from Kesselshain to A72 Borna-North (B176 now)
2021-11-21 | (Germany) Saxony | S242 | deusn.s242 | Route extended at north end from B176 Flößberg to S38 Güldengossa
2021-12-16 | Czechia | I7 (Louny) | cze.i007 | New Route, segment of former I7 (Slaný) from D7 west of Postoloprty to new D7 section west of Toužetín
2021-12-17 | Czechia | D11 | cze.d011 | Route extended at east end from exit 90 (I11) to exit 113 north of Jaroměř
2021-12-20 | Czechia | II324 | cze.ii324 | Route extended at south end from I17 in Chrudim to I37 south of Slatiňany (partially former I37)
2021-12-20 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | A98 (Lörrach) | deubw.a098 | Route extended at east end from exit 7 to 8
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A4 (Metz) | frages.a004 | Route truncated at east end from exit 51 to exit 48 (M35-6ae now)
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A35 (Strasbourg) | frages.a035 | Route truncated at south end from exit 18 to exit 48 (M35-6ae and A35 (Sélestat) now)
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A35 (Sélestat) | frages.a035sel | New route (former part of A35 (Strasbourg))
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A355 | frages.a355 | New route
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A351 | frages.m03516ae | Route deleted (M351-6AE now)
2022-01-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | B480 | deunw.b480 | Route relocated from through Bad Wünnenberg and onto new bypass from L549 to L956
2022-01-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | L751 | deunw.l751 | Route truncated at south end from Bad Wünnenberg (B480) to Haaren (L636)
2022-02-06 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2176 (Pechofen) | deuby.st2176 | Merged into main route
2022-02-15 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2240 | deuby.st2240 | Route relocated in Erlangen from Münchener Straße and Henkestraße, and onto A73 and Werner-von-Siemens-Straße from A73 exit 31 to junction Henkestraße/Werner-von-Siemens-Straße
2022-04-01 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B10 | deubw.b028 | Route reloacted in Stuttgart from Pragstraße and Neckartalstraße and through Rosenstein tunnel between Löwentorstraße and B14
2022-07-01 | Italy | A52 Tangenziale Nord di Milano | ita.a052 | Route extended at west end from SP35 to A50
2022-07-03 | (Germany) Hesse | A49 | deuhe.a049 | Route extended at south end from exit 17 to 18
2022-07-12 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | B54 (Steinfurt) | deunw.b054 | Route merged into main route
2022-07-24 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1081 (Pölzig) | deuth.l1081 | Route truncated at south end from Chursdorf (B175) to L1362 north of Ronneburg, and reextended to A4 exit 59
2022-07-24 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1081 (Ronneburg) | deuth.l1081ron | Route extended at west end from Neuholland to L1362 in Ronneburg (formerly part of main route)
2022-07-24 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1081 (Rückersdorf) | deuth.l1081ruc | New route (formerly part of main route)
2022-08-24 | Austria | B123 | aut.b123 | Route relocated from through Pyburg and Windpassing and onto new bypass
2022-08-24 | Austria | B123a | aut.b123a | Route extended at north end from Mauthausnerstraße (former B123) to junction with new B123 north of Pyburg
2022-10-15 | Switzerland | A9 (Brig) | che.a009bri | Route extended at west end from exit 33a to Pomona (western half of Visp bypass, westbound only)
2022-10-15 | Czechia | I3 (Benešov) | cze.i003ben | Route relocated from through Olbramovice and onto new bypass from north of Olbramovice to south of Olbramovice
2022-10-29 | (Germany) Hesse | L3225 (Großalmerode) | deuhe.l3225gro | Route extended at south end from A44's exit 76 to L3228 in Fürstenhagen
2022-11-06 | (Germany) Thuringia | B88 | deuth.b088 | Route relocated from through Zeutsch and onto new bypass between K12 and L2391
2022-11-14 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2172 | deuby.st2172 | Route relocated from through Plößberg and onto new bypass from St2172 to TIR2
2022-11-24 | Poland | A1 | pol.a001 | Route extended at south end from exit 27 to Czechia border
2022-12-08 | (Germany) Thuringia | B247 | deuth.b247 | Route relocated from through Kallmerode and onto new bypass from L1032 to south of Kallmerode
2023-01-02 | Czechia | Brněnská, Praha | cze.brnska | New Route (former D1)
2023-01-02 | Czechia | D1 | cze.d001 | Route truncated at west end from exit 1 (Spořilovem) to exit 6 (Průhonicemi)
2023-02-08 | Poland | DW357 | pol.dw357 | Route truncated at west end from German border to DW355
2023-03-02 | Czechia | II215 | cze.ii215 | New route (former II605)
2023-03-10 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | B50 (Hahn (Hunsrück)) | deurp.b050 | Route relocated in Bernkastel-Kues from Schanzstraße and Burgbergtunnel, and onto Römerstraße and Burgstraße
2023-03-14 | Luxembourg | N12 | lux.n012 | Route relocated from Grand Rue and Avenue du 31 août 1942, and onto Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte and Rue Michel Thilges in Wiltz
2023-03-26 | Netherlands | N270 | nld.n270 | Route relocated from through Wanssum and onto northern bypass
2023-04-14 | Austria | B14 | aut.b014 | Route relocated from Zinnergasse (B14b now) and Alberner Hafenzufahrtsstraße, and onto Margetinstraße, Jedletzstraße (former B228) and 11. Haidequerstraße in Vienna-Simmering
2023-04-14 | Austria | B14a | aut.b014a | Route extended at east end from A22 to Donauturmstraße
2023-04-16 | Austria | B50 | aut.b050 | Route extended at north end from A6 exit Kittsee to Berg (former B50a)
2023-04-16 | Austria | B67 | aut.b067 | Route relocated from through Feldkirchen, Lebern, Abtissendorf and Wagnitz, and onto western bypass from Triester Straße north of Feldkirchen to L312 north of Kalsdorf
2023-04-23 | Austria | B197 | aut.b197 | Route truncated at west end from S16 to Vorarlberg/Tyrol border (L197 now)
2023-04-23 | Austria | L197 | aut.l197 | New Route (former B197)
2023-05-21 | (Germany) Saxony | S246 | deusn.s246 | Route relocated from through Oelsnitz and onto bypass between S255 and S256
2023-05-30 | Luxembourg | A4 | lux.a004 | Route truncated at west end from N31 to west of Jonction Lankelz, and reextended to B40
2023-07-02 | Sweden | E20 | swe.e20 | Route relocated north of Vårgårda onto new alignment between Trafikplats Fagrabo (exit 95.3) to Heden
2023-07-23 | (Germany) Saxony | A72 | deusn.a072 | Route extended at north end from former junction with B95 north of Rötha to A38 (exit 30), alignment of former B95
2023-09-13 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Weilheim) | deuby.b002wei | Route relocated from through (now closed) Olympiastraße tunnel section, and onto Michael-Fischer-Straße and A95 at Eschenlohe
2023-10-14 | Poland | A18 | pol.a018 | Route extended from exit 6 to the German border
2023-10-29 | Slovenia | G104 | svn.g104 | Route relocated from through Mengeš and onto bypass from Slovenska cesta to Gorenjska cesta
2023-11-04 | Slovenia | R413 | svn.r413 | Route relocated from through Vodice and onto southern bypass from A2 to east of Vodice
2023-11-04 | Slovenia | R639 | svn.r639 | Route truncated at north end from Grad to Ulica Franca Barleta
2023-11-23 | Czechia | D6 (Karlovy Vary) | cze.d006kar | Route truncated at east end from I13 to exit 131 (I6 now)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | D7 (Slaný) | cze.d007 | Route truncated at east end from D0 to exit 2 (I7 now)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | D7 (Chomutov) | cze.d007cho | Route truncated at west end from exit 82 to exit 78 (I7 now)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | I6 (Bochov) | cze.i006boc | Route extended at west end from I13 to exit 131 (former D6)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | I7 (Chomutov) | cze.i007cho | Route extended at east end from exit 82 to exit 78 (former D7)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | I7 (Přední Kopanina) | cze.i007pre | New Route (former D7)
2023-11-27 | Czechia | D52 | cze.d052 | Route truncated at south end from II381 to exit 26 (I52 now)
2023-11-27 | Czechia | I52 (Brno) | cze.i052brn | Route extended at south end from 7 to exit 10 (former D52)
2023-12-03 | Czechia | E442 | cze.e442 | Route relocated in Děčín from Ústecká, and onto Práce between Ústecká-Práce junction and III25852
2023-12-03 | Czechia | I15 | cze.i015 | Route relocated from through Kravaře and onto bypass from II263 to Sezímky
2023-12-03 | Czechia | II263 | cze.ii263 | Route extended at south end from Kravaře to I15
2023-12-07 | Czechia | II613 | cze.ii613 | Route relocated in Ústí nad Labem from direct ramp north of Most Dr. E. Beneše, and onto Předmostí and concurrency with I30
2023-12-09 | Czechia | II611 | cze.ii611 | Route extended at east end from I32 east of Poděbrady to I37 north of Jaroměř
2023-12-13 | (Germany) Hamburg | B4 | deuhh.b004 | Route extended at south end from B75 to A255
2023-12-17 | Czechia | D7 (Louny) | cze.d007lou | Route extended at east end from exit 45 to east of Panenský Týnec
2023-12-17 | Czechia | I7 (Postoloprty) | cze.i007pos | Route truncated at east end from temporary end of D7 west of Toužetín to temporary end of D7 east of Březno (D7 or II607 now)
2023-12-24 | (Germany) Bavaria | B173 | deuby.b173 | Route truncated at east end from the Saxonian border to A93 (St2452 now)
2023-12-24 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2452 | deuby.st2452 | Route extended at north end from A93 to the Saxonian border (former B173)
2023-12-24 | (Germany) Saxony | S95 | deusn.s095 | Route relocated from through Leppersdorf (S95a now), and onto western bypass (former S177n)
2023-12-24 | Sweden | Hisingsleden, Göteborg | swe.hisled | Route extended at north end from L155 to O565
2023-12-26 | Belgium | A26 | bel.a026 | Route truncated at north end from exit 38 to exit 39
2023-12-26 | Belgium | A602 | bel.a602 | Route extended at south end from exit 38 to exit 39
2023-12-31 | Switzerland | H16 | che.h016 | Route relocated from through Bazenheid and onto bypass between Rickenbach (H430.1) and Brägg
2024-01-01 | Switzerland | H1 | che.h001 | Route relocated from Bünzstraße and Kirchenrain, and onto Zentralstraße in Wohlen
2024-01-01 | Switzerland | H3 | che.h003 | Route relocated from Rheinstraße and onto Rauricastrasse in Pratteln from east of Salinenstraße to Rheinstraße in Rhygarten
2024-01-01 | Switzerland | H4 | che.h004 | Route relocated in Horw from Kontonsstraße and onto Ringstraße and Hergiswilerstrasse
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | A73 (Bamberg) | deuby.a073 | Route truncated at south end from B4R to exit 39 (Frankenschnellweg now)
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | A73 (Nürnberg) | deuby.a073nur | Route truncated at north end from Frankenschnellweg to exit 43 (Südwesttangente Fürth - Nürnberg now)
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | A94 (Mühldorf) | deuby.a094 | Route truncated at west end from Vogelweideplatz to exit 1 (B12 now)
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | Südwesttangente Fürth - Nürnberg | deuby.sudtanfur | Route extended at east end from Frankenschnellweg to A73's exit 43 (former A73)
2024-03-02 | (Germany) Bavaria | B85 | deuby.b085 | Route extended at south end from St2125 to Schanzlbrücke in Passau (former B12)
2024-03-02 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2125 | deuby.st2125 | Route extended at east end from Franz-Josef-Strauß-Brücke in Passau to the Austrian border
2024-04-20 | Sweden | E65 | swe.e65 | East end relocated from Rønne to Świnoujście ferry terminal
2024-05-26 | (Germany) Hesse | B457 | deuhe.b457 | Route extended at north end from A485 to transition to city street
2024-07-31 | Poland | S3 | pol.s003 | Route extended at south end from exit 54 to exit 57
2024-08-27 | Czechia | E48 | cze.e48 | Route relocated from through Krupá and onto new bypass between Krušovice and Nesuchyně
2024-09-03 | (Germany) Saxony | S298 | deusn.s298 | Route truncated from Plauensche Straße in Falkenstein to K7827 in Reumtengrün
2024-09-03 | (Germany) Saxony | S304 | deusn.s304 | Route extended from Plauensche Straße in Falkenstein to B169 (former S298 up to K7815)
2024-09-13 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B500 (Baden-Baden) | deubw.b500bad | Route relocated from Hauptstraße and Eckbergstraße, and onto Haupstraße and Maximilianstraße between Geroldsauer Straße and Eckbergstraße in Baden-Baden-Lichtental
2024-09-13 | (Germany) Hesse | B7 (Kassel) | deuhe.b007 | Route relocated from through Calden and onto new bypass from Airport to Holländische Straße east of Calden
2024-10-09 | (Germany) Bavaria | B300 | deuby.b300 | Route relocated from through Weichenried and onto new bypass
2024-10-12 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | L86 | deubw.l0086 | Route extended at west end from Hauptstraße to B3 in Achern (former L87a)
2024-10-12 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | L87a | deubw.l0087a | Route truncated at south end from Hauptstraße to L86 west of B3 in Achern (L86 now)
2024-12-03 | Czechia | I27 | cze.i027 | Route relocated from through Klatovy, and onto eastern bypass from south of Štěpánovice to north of Malá Víska
2024-12-09 | (Germany) Hesse | A44 (Hessisch Lichtenau) | deuhe.a044hes | Route extended at east end from exit 79 to exit 82
2024-12-21 | Czechia | D3 | cze.d003 | Route extended at south end from exit 130 to exit 159
2024-12-22 | Czechia | I3 (Kaplice) | cze.i003 | Route truncated at north end from D3's exit 130 to II157 (I34, I20, I39 and II603 now)
2024-12-22 | Czechia | I20 (Main) | cze.i020 | Route extended at south end from I39 (former I3) to Jírovcova (I34)
2024-12-22 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B27 (Stuttgart) | deubw.b027 | Route relocated in Heilbronn from Weinsberger Str., Oststr., Südstr., Sontheimer Str., Kolpingstr., Horkheimer Str., Lutzstr. and Lauffener Str., and onto Mannheimer Str., Fügerstr., Neckartalstr. (western route instead of eastern route now)
2024-12-22 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B39 (Heilbronn) | deubw.b039 | Route relocated in Heilbronn from Fügerstr., Mannheimer Str. and Weinsberger Str., and onto Neckartalstr., Karlsruher Str., Weststr., Südstr. and Oststr. (southern route instead of northern route now)
2024-12-22 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | L1100 (Marbach) | deubw.l1100 | Route extended at north end from Sontheimer Straße to B39 (former B27)
2024-12-22 | (Germany) Hamburg | B5 | deuhh.b005 | Route truncated at east end from the Schleswig-Holstein border to B207 in Bergedorf
2024-12-30 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1025 (Waltershausen) | deuth.l1025 | Route truncated at east end from Schönau to Schnepfenthal
2024-12-30 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1070 | deuth.l1070 | L1075 waypoint merged into A9 waypoint
2024-12-31 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1095 | deuth.l1095 | Route through Saalburg clarified
2024-12-31 | (Germany) Thuringia | L2356 | deuth.l2356 | Route through Saalburg clarified
2024-12-31 | Poland | DK94 | pol.dk094 | Route truncated at east end from S52 (exit R18) to S52 (exit R17)
2025-01-10 | (France) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | N57 | frabfc.n057 | Route relocated from through Cayenne and onto new bypass between exit 50 and 51
2025-01-10 | Croatia | D3 | hrv.d003 | Route relocated from through Novi Marof (Z2269 now), and onto eastern bypass between D24 and Z2109