Log file created at: Fri Jan 24 21:24:11 2025
cenlaroads.list last updated: 2024-12-14 22:57:30 -0500
Processed 1047 good lines marking 8057 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 15716.32 of 1271338.13 mi (1.24%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 15727.42 of 1946220.49 mi (0.81%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
AL: 727.86 of 10944.54 mi (6.65%), 727.86 of 10944.54 mi (6.65%)
AR: 488.00 of 15853.31 mi (3.08%), 488.00 of 15853.31 mi (3.08%)
FL: 426.06 of 12219.81 mi (3.49%), 426.06 of 12219.81 mi (3.49%)
GA: 161.09 of 17817.22 mi (0.90%), 161.09 of 17822.73 mi (0.90%)
KY: 551.60 of 26303.51 mi (2.10%), 551.60 of 26303.51 mi (2.10%)
LA: 9113.20 of 16324.99 mi (55.82%), 9113.20 of 16324.99 mi (55.82%)
MS: 323.69 of 3633.19 mi (8.91%), 334.79 of 11152.15 mi (3.00%)
NM: 223.97 of 11230.49 mi (1.99%), 223.97 of 11333.90 mi (1.98%)
TN: 539.12 of 13913.47 mi (3.87%), 539.12 of 13913.47 mi (3.87%)
TX: 2964.72 of 32680.04 mi (9.07%), 2964.72 of 32691.86 mi (9.07%)
UT: 197.01 of 6029.13 mi (3.27%), 197.01 of 6029.13 mi (3.27%)
System usai (active) overall: 4881.28 of 49437.58 mi (9.87%)
System usai by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 682.34 of 1013.04 mi (67.36%)
  AR: 305.64 of 771.09 mi (39.64%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 2485.21 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 958.31 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 346.20 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 39.35 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 418.50 of 1518.93 mi (27.55%)
  GA: 139.26 of 1260.54 mi (11.05%)
  HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 2200.01 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 1325.22 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 354.00 of 1007.79 mi (35.13%)
  LA: 816.79 of 951.30 mi (85.86%)
  MA: 0.00 of 564.32 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 500.55 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 1248.46 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 1398.85 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 252.71 of 841.67 mi (30.02%)
  MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1440.99 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 224.25 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 430.10 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 223.97 of 1013.33 mi (22.10%)
  NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 1772.90 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 1581.53 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 993.31 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 1872.36 mi (0.00%)
  PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 0.00 of 70.57 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 521.37 of 1206.66 mi (43.21%)
  TX: 969.68 of 3526.85 mi (27.49%)
  UT: 197.01 of 944.15 mi (20.87%)
  VA: 0.00 of 1117.00 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 767.80 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 538.79 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%)
System usai by route (traveled routes only):
I-10: 1246.93 of 2495.88 mi (49.96%)
  TX I-10: 456.03 of 893.01 mi (51.07%)
  LA I-10: 278.87 of 278.87 mi (100.00%)
  MS I-10: 78.17 of 78.17 mi (100.00%)
  AL I-10: 67.10 of 67.10 mi (100.00%)
  FL I-10: 366.76 of 366.76 mi (100.00%)

I-12: 87.02 of 87.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA I-12 only)
I-15: 197.01 of 1451.17 mi (13.58%)
  UT I-15: 197.01 of 406.82 mi (48.43%)

I-16: 8.91 of 168.22 mi (5.30%)
 (GA I-16 only)
I-20: 349.21 of 1559.38 mi (22.39%)
  TX I-20: 0.93 of 645.56 mi (0.14%)
  LA I-20: 192.44 of 192.44 mi (100.00%)
  MS I-20: 24.19 of 156.43 mi (15.46%)
  AL I-20: 131.65 of 216.99 mi (60.67%)

I-24: 22.74 of 320.32 mi (7.10%)
  TN I-24: 5.45 of 168.65 mi (3.23%)
  GA I-24: 2.76 of 3.96 mi (69.74%)
  TN I-24Cha: 14.53 of 14.53 mi (100.00%)

I-30: 148.45 of 371.89 mi (39.92%)
  TX I-30: 3.47 of 226.92 mi (1.53%)
  AR I-30: 144.97 of 144.97 mi (100.00%)

I-35 (S. Texas): 8.09 of 377.89 mi (2.14%)
 (TX I-35 only)
I-35E (Texas): 4.50 of 98.47 mi (4.57%)
 (TX I-35E only)
I-37: 13.26 of 145.68 mi (9.10%)
 (TX I-37 only)
I-40: 666.13 of 2578.10 mi (25.84%)
  NM I-40: 223.97 of 378.04 mi (59.24%)
  TX I-40: 72.55 of 179.36 mi (40.45%)
  AR I-40: 133.36 of 287.32 mi (46.42%)
  TN I-40: 236.25 of 457.61 mi (51.63%)

I-45: 290.32 of 290.32 mi (100.00%)
 (TX I-45 only)
I-49 (S. Louisiana): 206.13 of 209.83 mi (98.24%)
 (LA I-49 only)
I-49 (N. Louisiana - S. Arkansas): 7.30 of 78.76 mi (9.27%)
  AR I-49Tex: 7.30 of 42.07 mi (17.36%)

I-55: 4.85 of 960.09 mi (0.51%)
  LA I-55: 2.00 of 67.08 mi (2.98%)
  AR I-55: 2.85 of 73.76 mi (3.86%)

I-59: 449.82 of 449.82 mi (100.00%)
  LA I-59: 11.69 of 11.69 mi (100.00%)
  MS I-59: 174.07 of 174.07 mi (100.00%)
  AL I-59: 243.93 of 243.93 mi (100.00%)
  GA I-59: 20.13 of 20.13 mi (100.00%)

I-64: 78.33 of 973.37 mi (8.05%)
  KY I-64: 78.33 of 192.97 mi (40.59%)

I-65: 632.41 of 898.33 mi (70.40%)
  AL I-65: 371.31 of 371.31 mi (100.00%)
  TN I-65: 123.12 of 123.12 mi (100.00%)
  KY I-65: 137.98 of 138.56 mi (99.58%)

I-69 (Houston, TX): 76.34 of 76.34 mi (100.00%)
 (TX I-69 only)
I-71: 14.79 of 347.55 mi (4.26%)
  KY I-71: 14.79 of 96.80 mi (15.28%)

I-75: 282.72 of 1807.41 mi (15.64%)
  FL I-75: 4.78 of 479.41 mi (1.00%)
  TN I-75: 158.76 of 160.14 mi (99.14%)
  KY I-75: 119.19 of 194.10 mi (61.40%)

I-95: 135.95 of 1916.43 mi (7.09%)
  FL I-95: 32.48 of 388.66 mi (8.36%)
  GA I-95: 103.47 of 114.19 mi (90.62%)

I-110 (Louisiana): 8.62 of 8.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA I-110 only)
I-210 (Louisiana): 12.25 of 12.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA I-210 only)
I-220 (Louisiana): 17.77 of 17.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA I-220 only)
I-264 (Kentucky): 1.26 of 22.96 mi (5.50%)
 (KY I-264 only)
I-265 (Kentucky): 9.38 of 24.78 mi (37.85%)
 (KY I-265 only)
I-295 (Florida): 14.48 of 61.55 mi (23.53%)
 (FL I-295 only)
I-345: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%)
 (TX I-345 only)
I-369: 4.08 of 4.08 mi (100.00%)
 (TX I-369 only)
I-440 (Arkansas): 9.90 of 9.90 mi (100.00%)
 (AR I-440 only)
I-440 (Tennessee): 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%)
 (TN I-440 only)
I-516: 3.99 of 6.53 mi (61.07%)
 (GA I-516 only)
I-530: 10.11 of 46.82 mi (21.60%)
 (AR I-530 only)
I-610 (Texas): 38.73 of 38.73 mi (100.00%)
 (TX I-610 only)
I-640: 3.51 of 10.56 mi (33.25%)
 (TN I-640 only)
System usai connected routes traveled: 36 of 363 (9.9%), clinched: 12 of 363 (3.3%).
System usaif (active) overall: 55.00 of 585.68 mi (9.39%)
System usaif by region:
  AR: 0.00 of 5.98 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 24.26 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 8.67 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 6.10 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 4.24 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 52.91 of 66.44 mi (79.63%)
  NC: 0.00 of 157.88 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 124.93 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 81.79 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 23.60 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 2.09 of 69.79 mi (2.99%)
  VA: 0.00 of 7.31 mi (0.00%)
System usaif by route (traveled routes only):
I-49Fut (Morgan City, LA): 28.54 of 42.07 mi (67.84%)
 (LA I-49FutMor only)
I-49Fut (Franklin, LA): 19.54 of 19.54 mi (100.00%)
 (LA I-49FutFra only)
I-49Fut (New Iberia, LA): 4.83 of 4.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA I-49FutNIb only)
I-69Fut (Memphis, TN): 2.09 of 15.58 mi (13.41%)
 (TN I-69FutMem only)
System usaif connected routes traveled: 4 of 29 (13.8%), clinched: 2 of 29 (6.9%).
System usasf (active) overall: 51.15 of 1234.41 mi (4.14%)
System usasf by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 322.91 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 16.32 of 29.07 mi (56.14%)
  IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 355.08 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 56.95 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 8.13 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 34.83 of 175.25 mi (19.88%)
  WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%)
System usasf by route (traveled routes only):
FBPTollRd (Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road): 9.18 of 9.18 mi (100.00%)
 (TX FBPTollRd only)
FBTollRd (Fort Bend Toll Road): 2.01 of 2.01 mi (100.00%)
 (TX FBTollRd only)
HarTollRd (Hardy Toll Road): 21.88 of 21.88 mi (100.00%)
 (TX HarTollRd only)
HarTruPkwy (Harry S Truman Parkway): 10.43 of 10.43 mi (100.00%)
 (GA HarTruPkwy only)
VetPkwy (Veterans Parkway): 5.89 of 5.89 mi (100.00%)
 (GA VetPkwy only)
WesTlwy (Westpark Tollway): 1.77 of 22.06 mi (8.03%)
 (TX WesTlwy only)
System usasf connected routes traveled: 6 of 66 (9.1%), clinched: 5 of 66 (7.6%).
System usaus (active) overall: 3385.58 of 137859.42 mi (2.46%)
System usaus by region:
  AL: 50.34 of 3485.97 mi (1.44%)
  AR: 258.76 of 3726.95 mi (6.94%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1878.70 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 1730.27 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 4019.95 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 508.42 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 211.17 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 2.38 of 3999.71 mi (0.06%)
  GA: 4.11 of 4922.21 mi (0.08%)
  IA: 0.00 of 3710.44 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 3410.39 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 2903.05 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 27.47 of 3314.41 mi (0.83%)
  LA: 1506.16 of 2323.34 mi (64.83%)
  MA: 0.00 of 602.37 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 774.49 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 1176.03 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 3612.02 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 4007.77 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 87.02 of 2596.46 mi (3.35%)
  MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 5099.45 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 3539.33 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 805.51 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 78.15 of 3676.63 mi (2.13%)
  NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 1653.66 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 3918.56 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 2596.23 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 3424.65 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 0.00 of 108.88 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 3309.45 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 47.75 of 3646.69 mi (1.31%)
  TX: 1313.22 of 12783.70 mi (10.27%)
  UT: 10.21 of 1618.38 mi (0.63%)
  VA: 0.00 of 4090.30 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 1764.00 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 1793.12 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%)
System usaus by route (traveled routes only):
US11 (Louisiana - Tennessee): 33.89 of 607.57 mi (5.58%)
  LA US11: 10.45 of 31.11 mi (33.59%)
  MS US11: 4.78 of 173.72 mi (2.75%)
  AL US11: 14.47 of 253.88 mi (5.70%)
  TN US11: 4.18 of 126.13 mi (3.32%)

US17: 5.44 of 1215.92 mi (0.45%)
  FL US17: 2.38 of 323.27 mi (0.74%)
  GA US17: 3.06 of 125.52 mi (2.44%)

US25 (Kentucky): 15.43 of 175.13 mi (8.81%)
 (KY US25 only)
US25W: 5.86 of 142.35 mi (4.12%)
  TN US25W: 5.86 of 108.34 mi (5.41%)

US27: 4.14 of 1367.08 mi (0.30%)
  TN US27: 1.77 of 143.66 mi (1.23%)
  KY US27: 2.37 of 201.87 mi (1.18%)

US31 (Alabama - Tennessee): 19.48 of 482.40 mi (4.04%)
  AL US31: 17.98 of 387.73 mi (4.64%)
  TN US31: 1.50 of 94.67 mi (1.58%)

US31E: 1.18 of 189.41 mi (0.62%)
  KY US31E: 1.18 of 139.03 mi (0.85%)

US31W: 0.68 of 184.62 mi (0.37%)
  KY US31W: 0.68 of 148.47 mi (0.46%)

US50: 10.21 of 3006.31 mi (0.34%)
  UT US50: 10.21 of 337.94 mi (3.02%)

US54: 59.32 of 1216.43 mi (4.88%)
  NM US54: 59.32 of 361.87 mi (16.39%)

US59: 433.80 of 1932.34 mi (22.45%)
  TX US59: 433.80 of 631.04 mi (68.74%)

US60: 1.86 of 2656.47 mi (0.07%)
  KY US60: 1.86 of 487.44 mi (0.38%)

US61: 88.66 of 1415.70 mi (6.26%)
  LA US61: 43.96 of 123.41 mi (35.62%)
  MS US61: 41.85 of 327.00 mi (12.80%)
  AR US61: 2.85 of 76.89 mi (3.71%)

US62: 1.17 of 2243.92 mi (0.05%)
  KY US62: 1.17 of 386.59 mi (0.30%)

US63: 74.57 of 1237.37 mi (6.03%)
  LA US63: 35.59 of 35.59 mi (100.00%)
  AR US63: 38.98 of 340.79 mi (11.44%)

US64: 7.03 of 2325.68 mi (0.30%)
  AR US64: 2.85 of 287.26 mi (0.99%)
  TN US64: 4.18 of 398.97 mi (1.05%)

US65: 14.54 of 969.72 mi (1.50%)
  LA US65: 0.20 of 102.32 mi (0.20%)
  AR US65: 14.34 of 309.22 mi (4.64%)

US67: 30.33 of 1556.33 mi (1.95%)
  AR US67: 30.33 of 328.70 mi (9.23%)

US68: 0.24 of 548.36 mi (0.04%)
  KY US68: 0.24 of 369.22 mi (0.07%)

US69: 47.38 of 1144.97 mi (4.14%)
  TX US69: 47.38 of 349.82 mi (13.54%)

US70: 23.96 of 2382.04 mi (1.01%)
  AR US70: 18.54 of 287.91 mi (6.44%)
  TN US70: 5.41 of 479.61 mi (1.13%)

US70S: 3.85 of 112.28 mi (3.43%)
 (TN US70S only)
US71: 173.30 of 1527.48 mi (11.35%)
  LA US71: 172.61 of 232.96 mi (74.10%)
  TX US71: 0.69 of 8.00 mi (8.59%)

US74: 19.13 of 513.36 mi (3.73%)
  TN US74: 19.13 of 61.39 mi (31.16%)

US75: 1.39 of 1252.81 mi (0.11%)
  TX US75: 1.39 of 79.79 mi (1.74%)

US77: 79.11 of 1327.08 mi (5.96%)
  TX US77: 79.11 of 613.17 mi (12.90%)

US78: 2.85 of 851.13 mi (0.33%)
  AR US78: 2.85 of 144.97 mi (1.97%)

US79: 135.07 of 877.29 mi (15.40%)
  TX US79: 26.73 of 276.68 mi (9.66%)
  LA US79: 70.43 of 87.76 mi (80.25%)
  AR US79: 37.91 of 274.32 mi (13.82%)

US80: 105.17 of 1037.29 mi (10.14%)
  TX US80: 0.70 of 161.82 mi (0.43%)
  LA US80: 94.31 of 198.92 mi (47.41%)
  MS US80: 6.67 of 156.88 mi (4.25%)
  AL US80: 1.14 of 221.30 mi (0.51%)
  GA US80: 2.36 of 298.37 mi (0.79%)

US82: 43.13 of 1616.14 mi (2.67%)
  TX US82: 0.56 of 573.29 mi (0.10%)
  AR US82: 31.38 of 191.97 mi (16.35%)
  AL US82: 11.19 of 244.43 mi (4.58%)

US83: 6.28 of 1909.64 mi (0.33%)
  TX US83: 6.28 of 905.15 mi (0.69%)

US84: 163.58 of 1926.60 mi (8.49%)
  NM US84: 20.67 of 359.98 mi (5.74%)
  TX US84: 25.18 of 663.33 mi (3.80%)
  LA US84: 112.64 of 182.24 mi (61.81%)
  MS US84: 5.09 of 192.72 mi (2.64%)

US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 34.01 of 1539.39 mi (2.21%)
  TX US87: 34.01 of 813.22 mi (4.18%)

US90: 442.75 of 1643.42 mi (26.94%)
  TX US90: 201.95 of 772.09 mi (26.16%)
  LA US90: 208.93 of 299.79 mi (69.69%)
  MS US90: 26.30 of 80.80 mi (32.55%)
  AL US90: 5.57 of 79.04 mi (7.04%)

US96: 167.04 of 167.04 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US96 only)
US98: 6.45 of 941.83 mi (0.68%)
  MS US98: 6.45 of 179.61 mi (3.59%)

US150: 0.97 of 563.73 mi (0.17%)
  KY US150: 0.97 of 121.33 mi (0.80%)

US165: 179.22 of 405.78 mi (44.17%)
  LA US165: 179.22 of 230.47 mi (77.76%)

US167: 382.54 of 508.71 mi (75.20%)
  LA US167: 244.50 of 244.50 mi (100.00%)
  AR US167: 138.04 of 264.21 mi (52.25%)

US171: 104.34 of 178.10 mi (58.59%)
 (LA US171 only)
US190: 361.64 of 876.87 mi (41.24%)
  TX US190: 136.09 of 592.83 mi (22.96%)
  LA US190: 225.55 of 284.04 mi (79.41%)

US231: 0.42 of 924.82 mi (0.05%)
  KY US231: 0.42 of 114.04 mi (0.37%)

US259: 17.35 of 254.51 mi (6.82%)
  TX US259: 17.35 of 157.26 mi (11.03%)

US270: 1.70 of 646.42 mi (0.26%)
  AR US270: 1.70 of 160.87 mi (1.06%)

US277: 6.58 of 636.99 mi (1.03%)
  TX US277: 6.58 of 512.84 mi (1.28%)

US278: 3.89 of 1080.17 mi (0.36%)
  AR US278: 3.89 of 257.26 mi (1.51%)

US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 51.97 of 1621.52 mi (3.21%)
  TX US287: 51.97 of 764.49 mi (6.80%)

US290: 159.29 of 276.37 mi (57.64%)
 (TX US290 only)
US371: 84.56 of 205.07 mi (41.23%)
  LA US371: 84.56 of 84.56 mi (100.00%)

US412: 7.85 of 1127.01 mi (0.70%)
  TN US412: 7.85 of 183.26 mi (4.28%)

US421: 10.43 of 933.19 mi (1.12%)
  KY US421: 10.43 of 241.37 mi (4.32%)

US425: 76.92 of 216.01 mi (35.61%)
  MS US425: 2.83 of 2.83 mi (100.00%)
  LA US425: 74.09 of 121.59 mi (60.93%)

US431: 2.63 of 560.46 mi (0.47%)
  TN US431: 2.63 of 131.75 mi (2.00%)

System usaus connected routes traveled: 53 of 226 (23.5%), clinched: 1 of 226 (0.4%).
System usausb (active) overall: 159.49 of 7545.09 mi (2.11%)
System usausb by region:
  AL: 0.00 of 98.33 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 11.10 of 240.87 mi (4.61%)
  LA: 56.92 of 86.41 mi (65.87%)
  MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 235.08 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 128.27 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 60.73 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 289.53 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 313.32 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 92.86 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.87 of 378.25 mi (0.23%)
  TX: 90.60 of 901.28 mi (10.05%)
  UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 17.20 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 103.11 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%)
System usausb by route (traveled routes only):
US25Bus (Richmond, KY): 3.64 of 3.64 mi (100.00%)
 (KY US25BusRic only)
US41Alt (Nashville, TN): 0.87 of 175.05 mi (0.49%)
  TN US41AltNas: 0.87 of 158.80 mi (0.54%)

US51Bus (Hammond, LA): 1.28 of 8.75 mi (14.66%)
 (LA US51BusHam only)
US59Bus (Splendora, TX): 1.58 of 1.58 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US59BusSpl only)
US59Bus (Livingston, TX): 3.86 of 3.86 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US59BusLiv only)
US59Bus (Lufkin, TX): 4.82 of 4.82 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US59BusLuf only)
US59Bus (Carthage, TX): 3.65 of 3.65 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US59BusCar only)
US61Bus (Baton Rouge, LA): 10.94 of 10.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US61BusBat only)
US62Trk (Elizabethtown, KY): 3.08 of 4.60 mi (66.96%)
 (KY US62TrkEli only)
US68Trk (Glasgow, KY): 2.53 of 5.57 mi (45.37%)
 (KY US68TrkGla only)
US69Bus (Lufkin, TX): 1.25 of 5.02 mi (24.94%)
 (TX US69BusLuf only)
US79Bus (Carthage, TX): 2.22 of 3.01 mi (73.79%)
 (TX US79BusCar only)
US79Trk (Minden, LA): 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US79TrkMin only)
US79Trk (Homer, LA): 5.20 of 5.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US79TrkHom only)
US80Trk (Minden, LA): 0.48 of 0.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US80TrkMin only)
US80Trk (Gibsland, LA): 0.16 of 0.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US80TrkGib only)
US80Trk (Arcadia, LA): 0.29 of 0.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US80TrkArc only)
US84Bus (Mansfield, LA): 0.68 of 0.68 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US84BusMan only)
US90Alt (Hallettsville, TX): 32.34 of 181.44 mi (17.82%)
 (TX US90AltHal only)
US90Bus (Sheldon, TX): 14.43 of 14.43 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US90BusShe only)
US90Bus (Orange, TX): 7.26 of 7.26 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US90BusOra only)
US90Bus (Lake Charles, LA): 3.31 of 3.31 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US90BusLak only)
US90Bus (Morgan City, LA): 8.12 of 8.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US90BusMor only)
US150Trk (Louisville, KY): 1.86 of 3.75 mi (49.48%)
 (KY US150TrkLou only)
US165Bus (Alexandria, LA): 6.34 of 6.34 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US165BusAle only)
US165Bus (Monroe, LA): 1.21 of 9.49 mi (12.78%)
 (LA US165BusMon only)
US167Bus (Alexandria, LA): 5.05 of 5.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US167BusAle only)
US171Bus (Zwolle, LA): 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US171BusZwo only)
US190Bus (Baton Rouge, LA): 10.94 of 10.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US190BusBat only)
US190Bus (Covington, LA): 2.94 of 2.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US190BusCov only)
US190Bus (Slidell, LA): 3.99 of 3.99 mi (100.00%)
 (LA US190BusSli only)
US287Bus (Ennis, TX): 1.88 of 6.60 mi (28.46%)
 (TX US287BusEnn only)
US290Bus (Hempstead, TX): 17.25 of 17.25 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US290BusHem only)
US290Bus (Cypress, TX): 1.32 of 1.32 mi (100.00%)
 (TX US290BusCyp only)
US421Bus (Richmond, KY): 3.64 of 3.64 mi (100.00%)
 (KY US421BusRic only)
System usausb connected routes traveled: 35 of 1089 (3.2%), clinched: 25 of 1089 (2.3%).
System usaal (active) overall: 59.74 of 7002.84 mi (0.85%)
System usaal by route (traveled routes only):
AL5: 11.40 of 200.04 mi (5.70%)
 (AL AL5 only)
AL10: 1.69 of 231.35 mi (0.73%)
 (AL AL10 only)
AL10Trk (Greenville): 5.20 of 5.20 mi (100.00%)
 (AL AL10TrkGre only)
AL14: 2.35 of 220.71 mi (1.07%)
 (AL AL14 only)
AL25: 0.82 of 169.37 mi (0.49%)
 (AL AL25 only)
AL53 (Huntsville): 2.81 of 28.81 mi (9.76%)
 (AL AL53 only)
AL59: 29.88 of 94.39 mi (31.65%)
 (AL AL59 only)
AL69: 4.15 of 280.46 mi (1.48%)
 (AL AL69 only)
AL185: 1.60 of 22.79 mi (7.02%)
 (AL AL185 only)
AL185Trk (Greenville): 2.63 of 8.11 mi (32.35%)
 (AL AL185TrkGre only)
AL245: 2.63 of 2.63 mi (100.00%)
 (AL AL245 only)
System usaal connected routes traveled: 11 of 231 (4.8%), clinched: 2 of 231 (0.9%).
System usaar (active) overall: 16.96 of 11915.80 mi (0.14%)
System usaar by region:
  AR: 16.96 of 11910.28 mi (0.14%)
  OK: 0.00 of 5.48 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%)
System usaar by route (traveled routes only):
AR7: 8.98 of 297.15 mi (3.02%)
 (AR AR7 only)
AR29: 1.09 of 84.88 mi (1.28%)
 (AR AR29 only)
AR32 (Oakhaven): 4.00 of 4.00 mi (100.00%)
 (AR AR32Oak only)
AR35 (Benton): 1.52 of 89.08 mi (1.71%)
 (AR AR35 only)
AR151 (Texarkana): 1.37 of 1.37 mi (100.00%)
 (AR AR151 only)
System usaar connected routes traveled: 5 of 796 (0.6%), clinched: 2 of 796 (0.3%).
System usafl (active) overall: 9.94 of 6407.38 mi (0.16%)
System usafl by route (traveled routes only):
FL77: 3.22 of 63.95 mi (5.03%)
 (FL FL77 only)
FL228 (Jacksonville): 2.38 of 25.88 mi (9.20%)
 (FL FL228 only)
FL273: 4.34 of 14.60 mi (29.70%)
 (FL FL273 only)
System usafl connected routes traveled: 3 of 430 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 430 (0.0%).
System usaga (active) overall: 9.50 of 16594.74 mi (0.06%)
System usaga by route (traveled routes only):
GA21: 4.71 of 85.01 mi (5.54%)
 (GA GA21 only)
GA25: 1.30 of 130.33 mi (1.00%)
 (GA GA25 only)
GA26: 2.36 of 274.19 mi (0.86%)
 (GA GA26 only)
GA204: 3.74 of 32.63 mi (11.45%)
 (GA GA204 only)
System usaga connected routes traveled: 4 of 505 (0.8%), clinched: 0 of 505 (0.0%).
System usaky (active) overall: 90.28 of 21936.88 mi (0.41%)
System usaky by region:
  KY: 90.28 of 21936.87 mi (0.41%)
  TN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi (0.00%)
System usaky by route (traveled routes only):
KY21: 16.98 of 16.98 mi (100.00%)
 (KY KY21 only)
KY52: 0.76 of 159.93 mi (0.47%)
 (KY KY52 only)
KY61: 0.30 of 144.74 mi (0.21%)
 (KY KY61 only)
KY80: 10.90 of 475.59 mi (2.29%)
 (KY KY80 only)
KY461: 18.18 of 18.18 mi (100.00%)
 (KY KY461 only)
KY595: 0.54 of 23.88 mi (2.25%)
 (KY KY595 only)
KY841: 9.38 of 39.36 mi (23.83%)
 (KY KY841 only)
KY864: 4.03 of 15.83 mi (25.46%)
 (KY KY864 only)
KY884: 2.96 of 9.46 mi (31.30%)
 (KY KY884 only)
KY914: 0.56 of 13.25 mi (4.26%)
 (KY KY914 only)
KY956: 4.92 of 4.92 mi (100.00%)
 (KY KY956 only)
KY1016: 4.20 of 4.20 mi (100.00%)
 (KY KY1016 only)
KY1020: 0.70 of 18.13 mi (3.85%)
 (KY KY1020 only)
KY1617: 0.72 of 10.65 mi (6.72%)
 (KY KY1617 only)
KY1973: 6.27 of 33.99 mi (18.44%)
 (KY KY1973 only)
KY1983: 1.74 of 5.15 mi (33.74%)
 (KY KY1983 only)
KY2872: 4.14 of 6.43 mi (64.35%)
 (KY KY2872 only)
KY2874: 0.97 of 0.97 mi (100.00%)
 (KY KY2874 only)
KY2881: 2.76 of 4.30 mi (64.36%)
 (KY KY2881 only)
System usaky connected routes traveled: 19 of 2874 (0.7%), clinched: 5 of 2874 (0.2%).
System usakyp (active) overall: 100.16 of 450.67 mi (22.23%)
System usakyp by route (traveled routes only):
CumPkwy (Cumberland Parkway): 89.26 of 89.26 mi (100.00%)
 (KY CumPkwy only)
HalRogPkwy (Hal Rogers Parkway): 10.90 of 91.62 mi (11.90%)
 (KY HalRogPkwy only)
System usakyp connected routes traveled: 2 of 6 (33.3%), clinched: 1 of 6 (16.7%).
System usala (active) overall: 7009.60 of 13308.58 mi (52.67%)
System usala by route (traveled routes only):
LA1: 160.40 of 434.21 mi (36.94%)
 (LA LA1 only)
LA1Bus (Natchitoches): 4.80 of 4.80 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1BusNat only)
LA1Bus (New Roads): 4.30 of 4.88 mi (88.16%)
 (LA LA1BusNew only)
LA2: 35.37 of 190.02 mi (18.62%)
 (LA LA2 only)
LA2Alt (Haynesville): 8.89 of 42.56 mi (20.90%)
 (LA LA2AltHay only)
LA2Spr (Sarepta): 0.13 of 0.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA2SprSar only)
LA3: 13.03 of 36.06 mi (36.13%)
 (LA LA3 only)
LA4: 9.04 of 162.91 mi (5.55%)
 (LA LA4 only)
LA5: 28.46 of 28.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA5 only)
LA6: 54.06 of 54.06 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA6 only)
LA6Bus (Natchitoches): 3.53 of 3.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA6BusNat only)
LA8: 153.93 of 153.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA8 only)
LA8Spr (Zimmerman): 0.12 of 0.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA8SprZim only)
LA9: 99.29 of 99.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA9 only)
LA9Trk (Homer): 5.20 of 6.92 mi (75.20%)
 (LA LA9TrkHom only)
LA10 (Bogalusa): 33.29 of 142.19 mi (23.41%)
 (LA LA10 only)
LA10 (Ville Platte): 38.90 of 112.97 mi (34.43%)
 (LA LA10Vil only)
LA10Bus (New Roads): 3.28 of 3.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA10BusNew only)
LA10Spr (Greensburg): 1.32 of 1.32 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA10SprGre only)
LA12: 35.03 of 35.03 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA12 only)
LA13: 64.95 of 64.95 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA13 only)
LA13Trk (Crowley): 2.45 of 2.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA13TrkCro only)
LA14: 100.72 of 100.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA14 only)
LA14Bus (Abbeville): 3.49 of 3.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA14BusAbb only)
LA14Bus (Erath): 2.45 of 2.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA14BusEra only)
LA15: 193.56 of 193.56 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA15 only)
LA16: 5.42 of 109.25 mi (4.96%)
 (LA LA16 only)
LA19: 34.35 of 34.35 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA19 only)
LA20: 1.12 of 36.11 mi (3.09%)
 (LA LA20 only)
LA21: 1.20 of 52.00 mi (2.31%)
 (LA LA21 only)
LA22: 2.59 of 70.10 mi (3.69%)
 (LA LA22 only)
LA24: 6.26 of 35.49 mi (17.64%)
 (LA LA24 only)
LA26: 4.16 of 76.76 mi (5.42%)
 (LA LA26 only)
LA27 (Sulphur): 94.13 of 94.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA27 only)
LA27 (Cameron): 37.74 of 37.74 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA27Cam only)
LA28: 88.18 of 88.18 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA28 only)
LA28Bus (Alexandria): 2.66 of 2.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA28BusAle only)
LA29: 9.84 of 53.22 mi (18.48%)
 (LA LA29 only)
LA30 (Baton Rouge): 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA30Bat only)
LA30 (Gonzales): 25.76 of 25.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA30 only)
LA31: 38.25 of 53.99 mi (70.86%)
 (LA LA31 only)
LA33: 43.96 of 43.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA33 only)
LA34: 85.08 of 85.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA34 only)
LA35: 1.71 of 51.27 mi (3.33%)
 (LA LA35 only)
LA37: 42.43 of 42.43 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA37 only)
LA38: 0.58 of 48.38 mi (1.21%)
 (LA LA38 only)
LA42: 35.91 of 35.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA42 only)
LA43: 44.28 of 44.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA43 only)
LA44: 1.40 of 49.62 mi (2.81%)
 (LA LA44 only)
LA57: 0.11 of 24.66 mi (0.44%)
 (LA LA57 only)
LA63: 6.59 of 52.68 mi (12.50%)
 (LA LA63 only)
LA64: 14.65 of 14.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA64 only)
LA64-1: 2.00 of 2.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA64-1 only)
LA67: 44.37 of 44.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA67 only)
LA72: 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA72 only)
LA73: 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA73 only)
LA73 (Baton Rouge): 3.02 of 3.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA73Bat only)
LA74: 10.59 of 10.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA74 only)
LA75 (St Gabriel): 8.97 of 23.12 mi (38.80%)
 (LA LA75 only)
LA75 (Plaquemine): 1.92 of 22.63 mi (8.48%)
 (LA LA75Pla only)
LA76: 25.22 of 25.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA76 only)
LA77: 46.73 of 46.73 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA77 only)
LA78: 7.32 of 7.32 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA78 only)
LA81: 8.46 of 8.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA81 only)
LA82 (Abbeville): 107.24 of 107.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA82 only)
LA82 (Holly Beach): 35.30 of 35.30 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA82Hol only)
LA82Trk (Abbeville): 6.63 of 6.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA82TrkAbb only)
LA87: 0.55 of 41.59 mi (1.33%)
 (LA LA87 only)
LA87Spr (New Iberia): 0.42 of 0.42 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA87SprNew only)
LA89: 12.78 of 12.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA89 only)
LA89-1: 3.01 of 3.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA89-1 only)
LA91: 26.04 of 48.94 mi (53.21%)
 (LA LA91 only)
LA92: 2.52 of 40.38 mi (6.25%)
 (LA LA92 only)
LA92-1: 0.51 of 10.80 mi (4.72%)
 (LA LA92-1 only)
LA93: 23.05 of 23.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA93 only)
LA93-1: 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA93-1 only)
LA94: 8.02 of 8.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA94 only)
LA95: 14.74 of 41.95 mi (35.14%)
 (LA LA95 only)
LA95Spr (Eunice): 0.62 of 0.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA95SprEun only)
LA96: 0.11 of 18.64 mi (0.60%)
 (LA LA96 only)
LA97: 21.40 of 21.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA97 only)
LA98: 47.03 of 47.03 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA98 only)
LA99: 32.71 of 32.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA99 only)
LA100: 14.83 of 14.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA100 only)
LA101: 17.66 of 17.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA101 only)
LA102: 36.05 of 36.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA102 only)
LA103: 7.33 of 37.96 mi (19.31%)
 (LA LA103 only)
LA104: 0.91 of 39.84 mi (2.29%)
 (LA LA104 only)
LA105: 37.65 of 37.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA105 only)
LA106: 24.10 of 24.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA106 only)
LA107: 63.85 of 63.85 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA107 only)
LA108: 24.87 of 24.87 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA108 only)
LA109: 40.33 of 40.33 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA109 only)
LA110: 25.07 of 25.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA110 only)
LA111: 45.43 of 45.43 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA111 only)
LA112: 80.40 of 80.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA112 only)
LA113: 54.63 of 54.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA113 only)
LA114: 20.14 of 20.14 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA114 only)
LA115: 58.45 of 58.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA115 only)
LA116: 8.29 of 8.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA116 only)
LA117: 41.01 of 41.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA117 only)
LA118: 25.85 of 25.85 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA118 only)
LA119: 3.01 of 27.45 mi (10.98%)
 (LA LA119 only)
LA120 (Provencal): 1.04 of 10.90 mi (9.49%)
 (LA LA120Pro only)
LA120 (Zwolle): 0.04 of 24.75 mi (0.17%)
 (LA LA120 only)
LA121: 46.72 of 46.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA121 only)
LA122: 25.52 of 25.52 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA122 only)
LA123: 14.88 of 14.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA123 only)
LA124: 7.61 of 89.90 mi (8.46%)
 (LA LA124 only)
LA125: 2.45 of 12.09 mi (20.27%)
 (LA LA125 only)
LA126: 94.33 of 94.33 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA126 only)
LA127: 53.23 of 53.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA127 only)
LA128: 0.58 of 41.81 mi (1.39%)
 (LA LA128 only)
LA131: 1.52 of 6.76 mi (22.48%)
 (LA LA131 only)
LA132: 0.74 of 32.37 mi (2.30%)
 (LA LA132 only)
LA135: 0.68 of 33.77 mi (2.01%)
 (LA LA135 only)
LA141 (Carville): 2.58 of 2.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA141 only)
LA141 (St Gabriel): 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA141StG only)
LA143: 39.85 of 39.85 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA143 only)
LA144: 9.59 of 9.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA144 only)
LA145: 17.74 of 17.74 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA145 only)
LA146: 55.57 of 55.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA146 only)
LA147: 39.69 of 39.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA147 only)
LA148 (Vernon): 7.05 of 7.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA148Ver only)
LA148 (Eros): 8.25 of 8.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA148 only)
LA149: 2.51 of 2.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA149 only)
LA150: 8.63 of 8.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA150 only)
LA151: 54.37 of 54.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA151 only)
LA152: 10.21 of 10.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA152 only)
LA153: 22.04 of 22.04 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA153 only)
LA154: 51.88 of 51.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA154 only)
LA155: 59.50 of 59.50 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA155 only)
LA156: 26.42 of 26.42 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA156 only)
LA157 (Haughton): 8.88 of 77.46 mi (11.47%)
 (LA LA157 only)
LA158: 6.20 of 6.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA158 only)
LA159: 31.43 of 31.43 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA159 only)
LA160: 0.39 of 33.85 mi (1.15%)
 (LA LA160 only)
LA161: 4.23 of 4.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA161 only)
LA162: 8.95 of 8.95 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA162 only)
LA163: 9.21 of 9.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA163 only)
LA164: 12.94 of 12.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA164 only)
LA169: 46.23 of 46.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA169 only)
LA172: 8.40 of 8.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA172 only)
LA173: 19.01 of 19.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA173 only)
LA174: 2.37 of 31.01 mi (7.65%)
 (LA LA174 only)
LA175: 62.64 of 62.64 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA175 only)
LA176: 4.79 of 4.79 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA176 only)
LA177: 2.95 of 16.04 mi (18.38%)
 (LA LA177 only)
LA178: 9.92 of 9.92 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA178 only)
LA181: 4.22 of 4.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA181 only)
LA182: 39.12 of 173.45 mi (22.55%)
 (LA LA182 only)
LA184: 3.10 of 3.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA184 only)
LA191: 73.01 of 73.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA191 only)
LA311: 10.14 of 13.83 mi (73.34%)
 (LA LA311 only)
LA312: 0.38 of 1.32 mi (29.08%)
 (LA LA312 only)
LA322: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA322 only)
LA327: 15.29 of 15.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA327 only)
LA327Spr (Baton Rouge): 2.23 of 2.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA327SprBat only)
LA328: 7.76 of 7.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA328 only)
LA330: 1.56 of 16.29 mi (9.56%)
 (LA LA330 only)
LA331: 5.61 of 5.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA331 only)
LA332: 3.58 of 3.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA332 only)
LA333: 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA333 only)
LA335: 0.20 of 17.80 mi (1.15%)
 (LA LA335 only)
LA336-1: 0.33 of 0.33 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA336-1 only)
LA338: 7.37 of 7.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA338 only)
LA339: 3.64 of 13.89 mi (26.23%)
 (LA LA339 only)
LA341: 4.01 of 4.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA341 only)
LA342: 1.02 of 12.43 mi (8.24%)
 (LA LA342 only)
LA343: 5.06 of 29.54 mi (17.13%)
 (LA LA343 only)
LA346: 1.56 of 10.93 mi (14.31%)
 (LA LA346 only)
LA347: 4.72 of 40.50 mi (11.65%)
 (LA LA347 only)
LA348: 6.57 of 6.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA348 only)
LA350: 0.40 of 0.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA350 only)
LA352: 2.71 of 25.11 mi (10.77%)
 (LA LA352 only)
LA355: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA355 only)
LA356: 5.01 of 5.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA356 only)
LA357: 9.47 of 9.47 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA357 only)
LA358: 3.95 of 14.78 mi (26.73%)
 (LA LA358 only)
LA359: 8.53 of 8.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA359 only)
LA360: 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA360 only)
LA361: 19.12 of 19.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA361 only)
LA362: 4.63 of 4.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA362 only)
LA365: 20.90 of 20.90 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA365 only)
LA366: 0.74 of 0.74 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA366 only)
LA367: 1.81 of 16.86 mi (10.75%)
 (LA LA367 only)
LA368: 11.91 of 11.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA368 only)
LA370: 1.55 of 23.08 mi (6.73%)
 (LA LA370 only)
LA372: 9.08 of 9.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA372 only)
LA374: 9.65 of 9.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA374 only)
LA376: 19.13 of 19.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA376 only)
LA376Spr (Reddell): 0.51 of 0.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA376SprRed only)
LA377: 14.04 of 14.04 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA377 only)
LA378: 8.10 of 8.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA378 only)
LA378Spr (Sam Houston Jones State Park): 0.91 of 0.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA378SprSam only)
LA379: 8.08 of 8.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA379 only)
LA380: 9.90 of 9.90 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA380 only)
LA382: 9.62 of 9.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA382 only)
LA383: 25.77 of 25.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA383 only)
LA384: 33.80 of 33.80 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA384 only)
LA385: 15.20 of 15.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA385 only)
LA386: 4.49 of 4.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA386 only)
LA389: 38.22 of 38.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA389 only)
LA390: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA390 only)
LA392: 20.96 of 20.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA392 only)
LA394: 15.63 of 15.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA394 only)
LA395: 19.79 of 19.79 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA395 only)
LA397: 19.84 of 19.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA397 only)
LA398: 0.21 of 10.62 mi (1.98%)
 (LA LA398 only)
LA399: 15.17 of 15.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA399 only)
LA408: 12.47 of 12.47 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA408 only)
LA409: 11.23 of 11.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA409 only)
LA410: 7.72 of 7.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA410 only)
LA411: 11.10 of 11.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA411 only)
LA412: 9.66 of 9.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA412 only)
LA413: 23.74 of 23.74 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA413 only)
LA414: 10.48 of 10.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA414 only)
LA415: 24.97 of 24.97 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA415 only)
LA415Spr (Lobdell): 0.32 of 0.32 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA415SprLob only)
LA416: 7.21 of 7.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA416 only)
LA417 (Legonier): 21.11 of 21.11 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA417 only)
LA417 (Red Cross): 2.15 of 2.15 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA417Red only)
LA418: 20.76 of 20.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA418 only)
LA419: 7.28 of 7.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA419 only)
LA420: 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA420 only)
LA422: 11.91 of 11.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA422 only)
LA423: 2.47 of 2.47 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA423 only)
LA426: 3.20 of 3.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA426 only)
LA427 (Prairieville): 2.35 of 2.35 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA427Pra only)
LA427 (Baton Rouge): 1.68 of 1.68 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA427 only)
LA429: 9.51 of 9.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA429 only)
LA431: 9.70 of 9.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA431 only)
LA432: 8.53 of 8.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA432 only)
LA433: 14.84 of 14.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA433 only)
LA434: 0.34 of 10.36 mi (3.24%)
 (LA LA434 only)
LA441: 43.59 of 43.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA441 only)
LA442: 1.39 of 22.94 mi (6.05%)
 (LA LA442 only)
LA444: 14.51 of 14.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA444 only)
LA447: 19.92 of 19.92 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA447 only)
LA448: 8.62 of 8.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA448 only)
LA449: 23.38 of 23.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA449 only)
LA452: 0.08 of 12.65 mi (0.62%)
 (LA LA452 only)
LA453: 3.10 of 3.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA453 only)
LA454: 13.38 of 13.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA454 only)
LA456: 7.12 of 7.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA456 only)
LA457: 19.40 of 19.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA457 only)
LA458: 5.38 of 5.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA458 only)
LA461: 4.69 of 4.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA461 only)
LA462: 9.32 of 9.32 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA462 only)
LA463: 17.22 of 17.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA463 only)
LA464: 19.51 of 19.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA464 only)
LA465: 30.17 of 30.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA465 only)
LA467: 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA467 only)
LA468: 5.64 of 5.64 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA468 only)
LA469: 2.07 of 2.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA469 only)
LA470: 3.99 of 3.99 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA470 only)
LA471: 17.70 of 17.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA471 only)
LA472: 20.08 of 20.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA472 only)
LA473: 8.17 of 8.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA473 only)
LA475: 0.65 of 0.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA475 only)
LA476: 4.58 of 4.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA476 only)
LA477: 7.63 of 7.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA477 only)
LA479: 7.20 of 7.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA479 only)
LA480: 24.00 of 24.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA480 only)
LA482: 7.09 of 7.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA482 only)
LA483: 16.17 of 16.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA483 only)
LA486: 6.83 of 6.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA486 only)
LA487: 9.82 of 9.82 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA487 only)
LA488: 16.79 of 16.79 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA488 only)
LA489: 8.34 of 8.34 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA489 only)
LA490: 13.58 of 13.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA490 only)
LA492: 5.59 of 5.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA492 only)
LA494: 14.65 of 14.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA494 only)
LA496: 10.66 of 10.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA496 only)
LA497: 8.09 of 8.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA497 only)
LA498: 4.88 of 4.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA498 only)
LA499: 30.63 of 30.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA499 only)
LA500: 24.40 of 24.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA500 only)
LA501: 29.21 of 29.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA501 only)
LA502: 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA502 only)
LA504: 4.10 of 4.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA504 only)
LA505: 24.69 of 24.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA505 only)
LA506: 2.97 of 17.87 mi (16.61%)
 (LA LA506 only)
LA507: 59.53 of 59.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA507 only)
LA508: 6.78 of 6.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA508 only)
LA513: 14.43 of 14.43 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA513 only)
LA514: 11.89 of 11.89 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA514 only)
LA515: 11.31 of 11.31 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA515 only)
LA516: 19.61 of 19.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA516 only)
LA517: 5.90 of 5.90 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA517 only)
LA518: 29.02 of 29.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA518 only)
LA519: 8.62 of 8.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA519 only)
LA520: 15.76 of 15.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA520 only)
LA521: 10.45 of 10.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA521 only)
LA522: 3.80 of 3.80 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA522 only)
LA523: 5.78 of 5.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA523 only)
LA524: 9.65 of 9.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA524 only)
LA525: 9.96 of 9.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA525 only)
LA527: 13.38 of 13.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA527 only)
LA528: 11.21 of 11.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA528 only)
LA531: 14.15 of 14.15 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA531 only)
LA532: 5.20 of 5.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA532 only)
LA533: 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA533 only)
LA534: 19.74 of 19.74 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA534 only)
LA534Spr (Blackburn): 2.28 of 2.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA534SprBla only)
LA538: 0.34 of 23.29 mi (1.47%)
 (LA LA538 only)
LA540: 7.94 of 7.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA540 only)
LA542: 7.95 of 7.95 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA542 only)
LA544: 15.48 of 15.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA544 only)
LA545: 17.13 of 17.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA545 only)
LA546: 10.47 of 10.47 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA546 only)
LA548: 7.78 of 7.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA548 only)
LA549: 15.11 of 15.11 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA549 only)
LA550: 18.05 of 18.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA550 only)
LA551: 9.34 of 9.34 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA551 only)
LA552: 11.82 of 11.82 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA552 only)
LA556: 7.75 of 7.75 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA556 only)
LA558: 6.04 of 6.04 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA558 only)
LA562: 0.29 of 26.11 mi (1.11%)
 (LA LA562 only)
LA563: 13.83 of 13.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA563 only)
LA567: 3.01 of 3.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA567 only)
LA568: 3.31 of 32.45 mi (10.20%)
 (LA LA568 only)
LA584: 0.13 of 8.19 mi (1.55%)
 (LA LA584 only)
LA612: 3.40 of 3.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA612 only)
LA614: 5.66 of 5.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA614 only)
LA615: 10.20 of 10.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA615 only)
LA616: 6.01 of 6.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA616 only)
LA617: 3.38 of 3.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA617 only)
LA620: 7.00 of 7.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA620 only)
LA621: 6.94 of 6.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA621 only)
LA623: 4.51 of 4.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA623 only)
LA662: 11.12 of 11.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA662 only)
LA663: 1.88 of 1.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA663 only)
LA678: 4.18 of 4.18 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA678 only)
LA682: 2.02 of 2.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA682 only)
LA685: 0.76 of 0.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA685 only)
LA686: 7.86 of 7.86 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA686 only)
LA690: 2.61 of 2.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA690 only)
LA694: 3.40 of 3.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA694 only)
LA695: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA695 only)
LA711: 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA711 only)
LA712: 2.05 of 2.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA712 only)
LA713: 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA713 only)
LA714: 2.11 of 2.11 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA714 only)
LA717: 11.22 of 11.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA717 only)
LA723: 8.40 of 8.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA723 only)
LA724: 10.53 of 10.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA724 only)
LA725: 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA725 only)
LA726: 0.95 of 0.95 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA726 only)
LA728-2: 0.36 of 0.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA728-2 only)
LA728-3: 0.28 of 0.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA728-3 only)
LA729: 0.71 of 0.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA729 only)
LA737: 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA737 only)
LA740: 0.42 of 0.42 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA740 only)
LA741: 6.67 of 6.67 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA741 only)
LA742: 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA742 only)
LA743: 6.89 of 6.89 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA743 only)
LA744: 0.88 of 0.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA744 only)
LA745: 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA745 only)
LA746: 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA746 only)
LA749: 4.07 of 4.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA749 only)
LA754: 7.09 of 7.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA754 only)
LA755: 4.66 of 4.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA755 only)
LA755Spr (Eunice): 0.96 of 0.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA755SprEun only)
LA757: 7.64 of 7.64 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA757 only)
LA758: 4.52 of 4.52 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA758 only)
LA758Spr (Chataignier): 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA758SprCha only)
LA759: 0.50 of 0.50 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA759 only)
LA760-1: 1.23 of 1.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA760-1 only)
LA760-2: 0.84 of 0.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA760-2 only)
LA763: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA763 only)
LA764: 3.70 of 3.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA764 only)
LA765: 2.10 of 2.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA765 only)
LA767: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA767 only)
LA770: 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA770 only)
LA772: 2.56 of 10.34 mi (24.78%)
 (LA LA772 only)
LA773: 3.12 of 3.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA773 only)
LA774: 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA774 only)
LA776: 3.70 of 3.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA776 only)
LA777: 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA777 only)
LA778: 3.08 of 3.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA778 only)
LA782-2: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA782-2 only)
LA783: 16.24 of 16.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA783 only)
LA784: 5.98 of 5.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA784 only)
LA786: 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA786 only)
LA787: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA787 only)
LA788: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA788 only)
LA789: 8.19 of 8.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA789 only)
LA790: 3.36 of 3.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA790 only)
LA792: 15.53 of 15.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA792 only)
LA793: 5.16 of 5.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA793 only)
LA794: 6.54 of 6.54 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA794 only)
LA795: 4.44 of 4.44 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA795 only)
LA796: 2.64 of 2.64 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA796 only)
LA797: 3.71 of 3.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA797 only)
LA798-1: 0.24 of 0.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA798-1 only)
LA798-2: 1.66 of 1.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA798-2 only)
LA798-3: 0.24 of 0.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA798-3 only)
LA799: 0.16 of 0.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA799 only)
LA802: 3.75 of 3.75 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA802 only)
LA803-1: 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA803-1 only)
LA805: 0.48 of 0.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA805 only)
LA806: 2.84 of 2.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA806 only)
LA807: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA807 only)
LA808: 7.57 of 7.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA808 only)
LA810: 7.69 of 7.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA810 only)
LA811: 9.09 of 9.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA811 only)
LA813-3: 2.16 of 2.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA813-3 only)
LA815: 3.70 of 3.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA815 only)
LA818: 8.16 of 8.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA818 only)
LA820: 6.67 of 6.67 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA820 only)
LA821: 7.98 of 7.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA821 only)
LA822: 20.88 of 20.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA822 only)
LA823: 2.37 of 2.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA823 only)
LA826: 2.07 of 2.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA826 only)
LA827: 5.54 of 5.54 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA827 only)
LA828: 8.63 of 8.63 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA828 only)
LA837: 4.32 of 4.32 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA837 only)
LA840-1: 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA840-1 only)
LA849: 1.00 of 12.42 mi (8.09%)
 (LA LA849 only)
LA850: 7.81 of 7.81 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA850 only)
LA856: 4.13 of 4.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA856 only)
LA865 ((South) Winnsboro): 3.91 of 3.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA865 only)
LA866: 1.00 of 1.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA866 only)
LA867: 1.04 of 3.47 mi (29.99%)
 (LA LA867 only)
LA868: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA868 only)
LA900: 4.27 of 4.27 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA900 only)
LA903: 1.45 of 1.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA903 only)
LA913: 8.13 of 8.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA913 only)
LA914: 1.70 of 1.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA914 only)
LA915: 2.57 of 2.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA915 only)
LA916: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA916 only)
LA921: 12.52 of 12.52 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA921 only)
LA922: 1.97 of 1.97 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA922 only)
LA923: 10.29 of 10.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA923 only)
LA928: 5.27 of 5.27 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA928 only)
LA931: 5.32 of 5.32 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA931 only)
LA933: 4.24 of 4.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA933 only)
LA934: 5.64 of 5.64 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA934 only)
LA935: 7.48 of 7.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA935 only)
LA936: 3.55 of 3.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA936 only)
LA937: 1.77 of 1.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA937 only)
LA938: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA938 only)
LA939: 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA939 only)
LA940: 1.02 of 1.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA940 only)
LA941: 4.27 of 4.27 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA941 only)
LA946: 5.19 of 5.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA946 only)
LA948: 0.37 of 0.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA948 only)
LA954: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA954 only)
LA955: 17.69 of 17.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA955 only)
LA958: 3.56 of 3.56 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA958 only)
LA959: 9.72 of 9.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA959 only)
LA960: 5.00 of 5.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA960 only)
LA961: 2.44 of 2.44 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA961 only)
LA963: 5.28 of 5.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA963 only)
LA964: 19.03 of 19.03 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA964 only)
LA965: 0.16 of 9.33 mi (1.68%)
 (LA LA965 only)
LA970: 9.34 of 9.34 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA970 only)
LA971: 3.71 of 3.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA971 only)
LA972: 2.30 of 2.30 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA972 only)
LA973: 1.08 of 1.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA973 only)
LA976: 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA976 only)
LA977: 4.46 of 4.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA977 only)
LA978: 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA978 only)
LA979: 2.48 of 2.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA979 only)
LA981: 7.98 of 7.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA981 only)
LA982: 2.69 of 2.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA982 only)
LA983: 9.17 of 9.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA983 only)
LA984: 6.54 of 6.54 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA984 only)
LA985: 1.23 of 1.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA985 only)
LA986: 9.28 of 9.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA986 only)
LA987-1: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA987-1 only)
LA987-3: 2.96 of 2.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA987-3 only)
LA987-4: 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA987-4 only)
LA987-5: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA987-5 only)
LA987-6: 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA987-6 only)
LA988: 10.83 of 10.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA988 only)
LA989-1: 5.13 of 5.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA989-1 only)
LA989-2: 2.00 of 2.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA989-2 only)
LA990: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA990 only)
LA991: 5.70 of 5.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA991 only)
LA992-3: 2.72 of 2.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA992-3 only)
LA1017: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1017 only)
LA1018-1: 0.10 of 0.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1018-1 only)
LA1018-2: 0.06 of 0.06 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1018-2 only)
LA1019: 12.29 of 12.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1019 only)
LA1020: 1.78 of 1.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1020 only)
LA1022: 1.79 of 1.79 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1022 only)
LA1023: 3.92 of 3.92 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1023 only)
LA1024: 13.68 of 13.68 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1024 only)
LA1025: 5.91 of 5.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1025 only)
LA1026: 10.00 of 10.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1026 only)
LA1027: 0.75 of 0.75 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1027 only)
LA1028: 1.71 of 1.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1028 only)
LA1029: 1.55 of 1.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1029 only)
LA1030: 0.39 of 0.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1030 only)
LA1031: 1.20 of 1.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1031 only)
LA1032: 10.18 of 10.18 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1032 only)
LA1033: 1.36 of 1.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1033 only)
LA1034: 1.49 of 1.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1034 only)
LA1035-1: 0.37 of 0.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1035-1 only)
LA1035-2: 0.36 of 0.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1035-2 only)
LA1035-3: 0.07 of 0.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1035-3 only)
LA1035-4: 0.58 of 0.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1035-4 only)
LA1036: 16.15 of 16.15 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1036 only)
LA1037: 8.39 of 8.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1037 only)
LA1038: 0.90 of 0.90 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1038 only)
LA1041: 5.35 of 5.35 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1041 only)
LA1042: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1042 only)
LA1043: 7.28 of 7.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1043 only)
LA1044: 5.57 of 5.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1044 only)
LA1045: 7.22 of 7.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1045 only)
LA1046: 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1046 only)
LA1047: 4.70 of 4.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1047 only)
LA1048: 4.98 of 4.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1048 only)
LA1091: 4.97 of 4.97 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1091 only)
LA1093-1: 0.82 of 0.82 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1093-1 only)
LA1093-3: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1093-3 only)
LA1096: 3.69 of 3.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1096 only)
LA1098: 0.75 of 2.80 mi (26.67%)
 (LA LA1098 only)
LA1099: 0.78 of 0.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1099 only)
LA1104: 1.11 of 1.11 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1104 only)
LA1108: 2.57 of 2.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1108 only)
LA1109: 3.09 of 3.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1109 only)
LA1110: 2.60 of 2.60 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1110 only)
LA1111: 5.91 of 5.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1111 only)
LA1111Spr (Crowley): 0.36 of 0.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1111SprCro only)
LA1113: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1113 only)
LA1113Spr (Roberts Cove): 0.35 of 0.35 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1113SprRob only)
LA1115: 8.80 of 8.80 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1115 only)
LA1121: 1.49 of 1.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1121 only)
LA1123: 5.37 of 5.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1123 only)
LA1124: 3.96 of 3.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1124 only)
LA1126: 12.39 of 12.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1126 only)
LA1130: 1.52 of 1.52 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1130 only)
LA1131: 2.72 of 2.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1131 only)
LA1133: 4.08 of 4.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1133 only)
LA1138-1: 0.42 of 0.42 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1138-1 only)
LA1138-2: 3.93 of 3.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1138-2 only)
LA1138-3: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1138-3 only)
LA1142: 0.87 of 0.87 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1142 only)
LA1143: 6.93 of 6.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1143 only)
LA1144: 5.97 of 5.97 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1144 only)
LA1145: 1.42 of 1.42 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1145 only)
LA1146: 7.40 of 7.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1146 only)
LA1147: 9.00 of 9.00 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1147 only)
LA1148: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1148 only)
LA1151: 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1151 only)
LA1152: 1.49 of 1.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1152 only)
LA1153: 5.56 of 5.56 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1153 only)
LA1156: 3.18 of 3.18 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1156 only)
LA1157-1: 2.07 of 2.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1157-1 only)
LA1157-2: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1157-2 only)
LA1158: 1.62 of 1.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1158 only)
LA1159: 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1159 only)
LA1160: 2.86 of 2.86 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1160 only)
LA1162: 1.61 of 1.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1162 only)
LA1163: 4.98 of 4.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1163 only)
LA1164: 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1164 only)
LA1172: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1172 only)
LA1174: 0.19 of 0.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1174 only)
LA1175: 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1175 only)
LA1176: 8.19 of 8.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1176 only)
LA1177: 2.88 of 2.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1177 only)
LA1178: 7.15 of 7.15 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1178 only)
LA1179: 6.40 of 6.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1179 only)
LA1180: 4.07 of 4.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1180 only)
LA1181: 5.49 of 5.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1181 only)
LA1182: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1182 only)
LA1183: 6.18 of 6.18 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1183 only)
LA1184: 3.12 of 3.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1184 only)
LA1185: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1185 only)
LA1186: 1.27 of 1.27 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1186 only)
LA1187: 4.85 of 4.85 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1187 only)
LA1188: 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1188 only)
LA1189: 0.65 of 0.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1189 only)
LA1190: 1.55 of 1.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1190 only)
LA1191: 1.67 of 1.67 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1191 only)
LA1192: 8.01 of 8.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1192 only)
LA1193: 2.10 of 2.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1193 only)
LA1194: 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1194 only)
LA1194Spr (Fifth Ward): 0.17 of 0.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1194SprFif only)
LA1195: 1.48 of 1.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1195 only)
LA1196: 7.46 of 7.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1196 only)
LA1198: 1.03 of 1.03 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1198 only)
LA1199: 6.85 of 6.85 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1199 only)
LA1200: 9.71 of 9.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1200 only)
LA1201: 0.15 of 0.15 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1201 only)
LA1203: 4.99 of 4.99 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1203 only)
LA1204: 3.95 of 3.95 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1204 only)
LA1205: 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1205 only)
LA1206: 7.27 of 7.27 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1206 only)
LA1207: 6.81 of 6.81 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1207 only)
LA1208-1: 5.05 of 5.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1208-1 only)
LA1208-2: 0.45 of 0.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1208-2 only)
LA1208-3: 3.65 of 3.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1208-3 only)
LA1211: 4.67 of 4.67 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1211 only)
LA1213: 0.40 of 0.40 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1213 only)
LA1215: 3.78 of 3.78 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1215 only)
LA1217: 5.26 of 5.26 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1217 only)
LA1218: 2.75 of 2.75 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1218 only)
LA1220: 2.83 of 2.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1220 only)
LA1223: 1.06 of 1.06 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1223 only)
LA1224: 2.02 of 2.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1224 only)
LA1225: 4.21 of 4.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1225 only)
LA1226: 8.58 of 8.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1226 only)
LA1227: 0.61 of 0.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1227 only)
LA1228: 10.24 of 10.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1228 only)
LA1229: 1.98 of 1.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1229 only)
LA1230: 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1230 only)
LA1231-1: 1.96 of 1.96 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1231-1 only)
LA1231-2: 4.06 of 4.06 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1231-2 only)
LA1232: 6.90 of 6.90 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1232 only)
LA1233: 9.49 of 9.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1233 only)
LA1234: 3.36 of 3.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1234 only)
LA1235: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1235 only)
LA1236: 4.53 of 4.53 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1236 only)
LA1237: 1.10 of 1.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1237 only)
LA1238: 2.65 of 2.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1238 only)
LA1239-1: 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1239-1 only)
LA1239-2: 0.30 of 0.30 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1239-2 only)
LA1240: 7.36 of 7.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1240 only)
LA1241: 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1241 only)
LA1242: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1242 only)
LA1243: 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1243 only)
LA1246: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1246 only)
LA1250: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1250 only)
LA1250Spr (Pineville): 0.07 of 0.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1250SprPin only)
LA1252: 5.55 of 5.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1252 only)
LA1254: 0.45 of 0.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1254 only)
LA1255: 0.13 of 0.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1255 only)
LA1256: 2.27 of 2.27 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1256 only)
LA1258: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1258 only)
LA1259: 0.58 of 0.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1259 only)
LA1262: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1262 only)
LA1265: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1265 only)
LA1266: 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA1266 only)
LA3000: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3000 only)
LA3000Spr (Ramah): 0.24 of 0.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3000SprRam only)
LA3002: 2.56 of 2.56 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3002 only)
LA3003: 1.58 of 1.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3003 only)
LA3005: 3.39 of 3.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3005 only)
LA3006: 2.58 of 2.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3006 only)
LA3007: 3.60 of 3.60 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3007 only)
LA3012: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3012 only)
LA3014: 0.58 of 0.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3014 only)
LA3015: 18.42 of 18.42 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3015 only)
LA3020: 3.13 of 3.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3020 only)
LA3025: 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3025 only)
LA3025Spr (Lafayette): 0.51 of 0.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3025SprLaf only)
LA3032: 2.38 of 2.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3032 only)
LA3033: 0.49 of 7.05 mi (7.02%)
 (LA LA3033 only)
LA3034: 3.50 of 3.50 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3034 only)
LA3036: 1.16 of 1.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3036 only)
LA3038: 0.72 of 0.72 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3038 only)
LA3039: 5.69 of 5.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3039 only)
LA3040: 1.10 of 5.99 mi (18.38%)
 (LA LA3040 only)
LA3041: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3041 only)
LA3045: 0.38 of 0.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3045 only)
LA3049: 1.14 of 22.91 mi (4.97%)
 (LA LA3049 only)
LA3050: 1.62 of 1.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3050 only)
LA3054: 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3054 only)
LA3055: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3055 only)
LA3056: 3.98 of 3.98 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3056 only)
LA3059: 11.21 of 11.21 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3059 only)
LA3061: 5.37 of 5.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3061 only)
LA3062: 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3062 only)
LA3063: 4.64 of 4.64 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3063 only)
LA3064: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3064 only)
LA3066: 6.61 of 9.69 mi (68.19%)
 (LA LA3066 only)
LA3066Spr (Indian Village): 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3066SprInd only)
LA3068: 5.17 of 5.17 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3068 only)
LA3069: 0.38 of 0.38 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3069 only)
LA3070: 6.89 of 6.89 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3070 only)
LA3072: 3.10 of 3.10 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3072 only)
LA3073: 9.47 of 9.47 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3073 only)
LA3074: 2.75 of 2.75 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3074 only)
LA3081: 1.45 of 1.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3081 only)
LA3081Spr (Pearl River): 0.35 of 0.35 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3081SprPea only)
LA3086: 7.25 of 7.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3086 only)
LA3091: 2.57 of 2.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3091 only)
LA3092: 6.58 of 6.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3092 only)
LA3094: 3.89 of 3.89 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3094 only)
LA3096: 2.24 of 2.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3096 only)
LA3098: 3.93 of 3.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3098 only)
LA3099: 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3099 only)
LA3100: 1.02 of 1.02 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3100 only)
LA3100Spr (Pineville): 0.65 of 0.65 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3100SprPin only)
LA3101: 3.58 of 3.58 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3101 only)
LA3104: 1.03 of 1.03 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3104 only)
LA3105: 6.19 of 6.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3105 only)
LA3112: 2.13 of 2.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3112 only)
LA3115: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3115 only)
LA3116: 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3116 only)
LA3118: 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3118 only)
LA3121: 5.76 of 5.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3121 only)
LA3123: 1.92 of 1.92 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3123 only)
LA3128: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3128 only)
LA3130: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3130 only)
LA3132: 10.33 of 10.33 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3132 only)
LA3136: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3136 only)
LA3140: 0.84 of 0.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3140 only)
LA3143: 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3143 only)
LA3144: 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3144 only)
LA3148: 3.29 of 3.29 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3148 only)
LA3149: 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3149 only)
LA3163: 2.54 of 2.54 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3163 only)
LA3166: 1.73 of 1.73 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3166 only)
LA3169 ((West) Colfax): 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3169Col only)
LA3169 ((East) Colfax): 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3169 only)
LA3170: 5.59 of 5.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3170 only)
LA3173: 1.28 of 1.28 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3173 only)
LA3174: 0.94 of 0.94 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3174 only)
LA3177: 5.45 of 5.45 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3177 only)
LA3178: 0.23 of 0.23 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3178 only)
LA3180: 2.13 of 2.13 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3180 only)
LA3184: 2.26 of 2.26 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3184 only)
LA3186: 2.08 of 2.08 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3186 only)
LA3187: 8.75 of 8.75 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3187 only)
LA3191: 3.16 of 3.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3191 only)
LA3194: 3.60 of 3.60 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3194 only)
LA3201: 1.59 of 1.59 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3201 only)
LA3205: 0.88 of 0.88 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3205 only)
LA3206: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3206 only)
LA3210: 1.70 of 1.70 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3210 only)
LA3211: 1.77 of 1.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3211 only)
LA3215: 0.48 of 0.48 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3215 only)
LA3225: 4.43 of 4.43 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3225 only)
LA3226: 7.51 of 7.51 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3226 only)
LA3227: 2.20 of 2.20 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3227 only)
LA3229: 4.16 of 4.16 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3229 only)
LA3232: 0.84 of 0.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3232 only)
LA3233: 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3233 only)
LA3237: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3237 only)
LA3246: 3.84 of 3.84 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3246 only)
LA3248: 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3248 only)
LA3249: 0.35 of 0.35 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3249 only)
LA3250: 0.50 of 0.50 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3250 only)
LA3251: 3.76 of 3.76 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3251 only)
LA3253: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3253 only)
LA3254: 0.50 of 0.50 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3254 only)
LA3255: 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3255 only)
LA3256: 3.07 of 3.07 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3256 only)
LA3258: 3.66 of 3.66 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3258 only)
LA3259: 0.97 of 0.97 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3259 only)
LA3264: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3264 only)
LA3265: 2.57 of 2.57 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3265 only)
LA3267: 3.86 of 3.86 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3267 only)
LA3276: 4.46 of 4.46 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3276 only)
LA3277: 10.37 of 10.37 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3277 only)
LA3278: 1.91 of 1.91 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3278 only)
LA3279: 2.01 of 2.01 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3279 only)
LA3281: 0.44 of 0.44 mi (100.00%)
 (LA LA3281 only)
System usala connected routes traveled: 753 of 1222 (61.6%), clinched: 676 of 1222 (55.3%).
System usatn (active) overall: 13.38 of 9124.27 mi (0.15%)
System usatn by region:
  GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 13.38 of 9124.26 mi (0.15%)
System usatn by route (traveled routes only):
TN7 (Ardmore): 2.43 of 2.43 mi (100.00%)
 (TN TN7Ard only)
TN63: 6.40 of 98.99 mi (6.46%)
 (TN TN63 only)
TN249: 3.02 of 28.96 mi (10.44%)
 (TN TN249 only)
TN317: 1.52 of 20.79 mi (7.33%)
 (TN TN317 only)
System usatn connected routes traveled: 4 of 435 (0.9%), clinched: 1 of 435 (0.2%).
System usatx (active) overall: 708.96 of 15302.04 mi (4.63%)
System usatx by route (traveled routes only):
TX6: 104.70 of 557.75 mi (18.77%)
 (TX TX6 only)
TX6Bus (Navasota): 5.93 of 5.93 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX6BusNav only)
TX6Bus (College Station): 12.28 of 12.28 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX6BusCol only)
TX7: 0.69 of 216.46 mi (0.32%)
 (TX TX7 only)
TX12: 19.84 of 19.84 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX12 only)
TX21: 22.93 of 313.53 mi (7.31%)
 (TX TX21 only)
TX36: 43.33 of 397.92 mi (10.89%)
 (TX TX36 only)
TX40: 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX40 only)
TX43: 1.76 of 85.81 mi (2.05%)
 (TX TX43 only)
TX47: 6.82 of 6.82 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX47 only)
TX62: 4.62 of 29.68 mi (15.57%)
 (TX TX62 only)
TX63: 33.34 of 64.91 mi (51.37%)
 (TX TX63 only)
TX71: 88.98 of 274.70 mi (32.39%)
 (TX TX71 only)
TX73: 47.21 of 47.21 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX73 only)
TX77: 0.42 of 47.12 mi (0.90%)
 (TX TX77 only)
TX82: 12.26 of 12.26 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX82 only)
TX87 (Port Arthur): 10.54 of 204.36 mi (5.16%)
 (TX TX87 only)
TX93: 6.49 of 6.49 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX93 only)
TX95: 12.15 of 135.84 mi (8.94%)
 (TX TX95 only)
TX99: 4.98 of 124.26 mi (4.01%)
 (TX TX99 only)
TX103: 50.06 of 66.55 mi (75.22%)
 (TX TX103 only)
TX105: 16.28 of 153.33 mi (10.62%)
 (TX TX105 only)
TX105Bus (Cleveland): 0.55 of 4.90 mi (11.33%)
 (TX TX105BusCle only)
TX114: 4.67 of 396.46 mi (1.18%)
 (TX TX114 only)
TX124: 1.89 of 42.62 mi (4.43%)
 (TX TX124 only)
TX130: 32.45 of 140.78 mi (23.05%)
 (TX TX130 only)
TX146: 27.70 of 114.96 mi (24.10%)
 (TX TX146 only)
TX146Bus (La Porte): 3.31 of 3.31 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX146BusLaP only)
TX146Bus (Baytown): 5.30 of 5.30 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX146BusBay only)
TX147: 0.75 of 48.01 mi (1.57%)
 (TX TX147 only)
TX149: 2.38 of 38.87 mi (6.12%)
 (TX TX149 only)
TX159: 1.17 of 58.41 mi (2.00%)
 (TX TX159 only)
TX183: 2.73 of 43.30 mi (6.32%)
 (TX TX183 only)
TX225: 7.05 of 15.81 mi (44.61%)
 (TX TX225 only)
TX242: 21.50 of 21.50 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX242 only)
TX249: 50.42 of 50.42 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX249 only)
TX249Bus (Tomball): 2.37 of 2.37 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX249BusTom only)
TX288: 33.71 of 62.28 mi (54.12%)
 (TX TX288 only)
TX308: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX308 only)
TX315: 26.28 of 26.28 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TX315 only)
TX356: 1.06 of 5.86 mi (18.18%)
 (TX TX356 only)
TX358: 10.21 of 17.07 mi (59.79%)
 (TX TX358 only)
System usatx connected routes traveled: 42 of 320 (13.1%), clinched: 15 of 320 (4.7%).
System usatxl (active) overall: 168.95 of 1175.07 mi (14.38%)
System usatxl by route (traveled routes only):
TXLp8: 88.95 of 88.95 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp8 only)
TXLp12: 2.65 of 48.02 mi (5.52%)
 (TX TXLp12 only)
TXLp14: 2.14 of 2.14 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp14 only)
TXLp116: 3.39 of 3.39 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp116 only)
TXLp151: 3.57 of 3.57 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp151 only)
TXLp157: 1.45 of 1.45 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp157 only)
TXLp168: 0.07 of 0.07 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp168 only)
TXLp177: 0.52 of 0.52 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp177 only)
TXLp207: 0.68 of 0.68 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp207 only)
TXLp210: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp210 only)
TXLp224: 7.82 of 19.00 mi (41.15%)
 (TX TXLp224 only)
TXLp236: 1.35 of 1.35 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp236 only)
TXLp287: 5.70 of 14.45 mi (39.42%)
 (TX TXLp287 only)
TXLp336: 2.05 of 17.16 mi (11.94%)
 (TX TXLp336 only)
TXLp393: 1.50 of 1.50 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp393 only)
TXLp424: 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp424 only)
TXLp467: 3.90 of 5.33 mi (73.08%)
 (TX TXLp467 only)
TXLp494: 9.68 of 9.68 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp494 only)
TXLp573: 3.42 of 3.42 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXLp573 only)
TXLp1604: 25.90 of 94.88 mi (27.30%)
 (TX TXLp1604 only)
System usatxl connected routes traveled: 20 of 200 (10.0%), clinched: 14 of 200 (7.0%).
System usatxs (active) overall: 34.04 of 386.78 mi (8.80%)
System usatxs by route (traveled routes only):
TXSpr5: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr5 only)
TXSpr10: 9.16 of 9.16 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr10 only)
TXSpr91: 0.93 of 0.93 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr91 only)
TXSpr135: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr135 only)
TXSpr156: 0.65 of 0.65 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr156 only)
TXSpr231: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr231 only)
TXSpr261: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr261 only)
TXSpr272: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr272 only)
TXSpr366: 1.45 of 2.31 mi (62.69%)
 (TX TXSpr366 only)
TXSpr380: 5.92 of 5.92 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr380 only)
TXSpr470: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr470 only)
TXSpr501: 1.52 of 1.52 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr501 only)
TXSpr515: 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr515 only)
TXSpr527: 0.99 of 0.99 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr527 only)
TXSpr529: 2.92 of 2.92 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr529 only)
TXSpr572: 1.33 of 1.33 mi (100.00%)
 (TX TXSpr572 only)
System usatxs connected routes traveled: 16 of 214 (7.5%), clinched: 15 of 214 (7.0%).
System usatxre (active) overall: 56.48 of 79.07 mi (71.44%)
System usatxre by route (traveled routes only):
RE255: 56.48 of 56.48 mi (100.00%)
 (TX RE255 only)
System usatxre connected routes traveled: 1 of 10 (10.0%), clinched: 1 of 10 (10.0%).
System usams (preview) overall: 20.86 of 7829.93 mi (0.27%)
System usams by route (traveled routes only):
MS15 ((Main)): 1.46 of 297.14 mi (0.49%)
 (MS MS15 only)
MS19: 4.12 of 119.19 mi (3.45%)
 (MS MS19 only)
MS42: 2.21 of 115.82 mi (1.90%)
 (MS MS42 only)
MS43 (Picayune): 7.36 of 82.79 mi (8.89%)
 (MS MS43Pic only)
MS568: 3.27 of 16.82 mi (19.43%)
 (MS MS568 only)
MS571: 1.58 of 1.58 mi (100.00%)
 (MS MS571 only)
MS584: 0.88 of 25.35 mi (3.47%)
 (MS MS584 only)
MS603: 5.38 of 24.89 mi (21.61%)
 (MS MS603 only)
System usams connected routes traveled: 8 of 350 (2.3%), clinched: 1 of 350 (0.3%).

Traveled 17 of 374 (4.5%), Clinched 0 of 374 (0.0%) active systems
Traveled 1 of 204 (0.5%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-08-11 | (USA) Georgia | I-16 | ga.i016 | Relabeled waypoint I-75 as 1 and previous waypoint 1 as 1A (US 23 & US 129, Spring Street) in Macon.
2015-08-18 | (USA) Georgia | Harry S Truman Parkway | ga.hartrupkwy | Extended westward from the interchange with GA 204 Spur (Whitfield Avenue) in Savannah to a new intersection with GA 204 (Abercorn Street).
2015-09-03 | (USA) Arkansas | I-49 (Texarkana) | ar.i049tex | Added route, renamed from AR549
2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | Fort Bend Toll Road | tx.fbtollrd | Added route.
2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | I-30 | tx.i030 | Removed from a demolished freeway and relocated onto a new parallel freeway to the immediate southeast in Fort Worth, between points labeled *OldI-30_W and *OldI-30_E.
2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | US 190 | tx.us190 | Removed from US 190 Business and relocated onto the new southern bypass of Copperas Cove, between the western and eastern US 190 Business junctions.
2015-10-10 | (USA) Louisiana | US 371 | la.us371 | Removed from LA 177 and US84 and relocated onto a new two-lane east-west roadway between the LA 177 north split and the US 84 / LA 1 junction
2015-10-17 | (USA) Texas | TXLp 12 | tx.lp0012 | North end extended eastward from TXSpr 348 to I-35E Exit 436. South end extended eastward, northward, and westward from TXSpr408 to I-35E Exit 436.
2015-10-17 | (USA) Texas | TXLp 1604 | tx.lp1604 | West end extended southward, eastward, and northward from US 90 to the point of beginning at I-10 Exit 587.
2015-10-17 | (USA) Texas | TX 114 | tx.tx114 | Extended westward from I-35W to the New Mexico state line.
2016-01-02 | (USA) Kentucky | US 231 | ky.us231 | Removed from Lagoon Lane, KY 603 and KY144 and relocated onto a four-lane divided bypass to the southeast, between KY 54 and a point (labeled *OldUS231) slightly north of the KY 2830 overpass
2016-03-29 | (USA) Texas | US 59 | tx.us059 | Removed from Saunders St (US 59 Business) between I-35 Exit 2 and TX Loop 20, and relocated onto TX Loop 20 between Saunders St and the World Trade International Bridge
2016-06-16 | (USA) Florida | I-10 | fl.i010 | Relocated exit 355 0.8 miles to the west to a new interchange with Hammond Boulvard, and relabeled former interchange (now closed) at Greeland Avenue as *355A
2016-07-30 | (USA) Alabama | US 82 | al.us082 | Removed from AL 25 and AL 382 and relocated onto the northeastern Centreville bypass between AL 25 North and CR 20
2017-01-06 | (USA) Tennessee | US 70S | tn.us070s | Removed from old 2-lane alignment (now McMinnville Hwy and Nashville Hwy) and relocated onto new 4-lane alignment to the north between BilWestRd and AirRd
2017-12-02 | (USA) Arkansas | US 79 | ar.us079 | Waypoint AR57_S moved from Ruby St to a relocated railroad overpass approximately 0.09 mi northeast.
2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 70 | tn.us070 | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly west of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411
2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 150 | ky.us150 | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N
2018-06-24 | (USA) Louisiana | US 79 Truck (Homer) | la.us079trkhom | Route added
2018-12-16 | (USA) Kentucky | US 60 | ky.us060 | Removed from High St/Maxwell St one-way pair and Broadway and relocated onto KY 922 and US 25/421 between KY922_S & US25/27
2019-07-31 | (USA) Kentucky | US 27 | ky.us027 | Removed from route through Cynthiana (now US 27 Business) and onto bypass concurrent with US 62
2020-02-27 | (USA) Texas | US 82 | tx.us082 | Removed from US 277 Business (Dundee) and relocated onto a parallel southeastern four-lane divided bypass
2020-02-27 | (USA) Texas | US 277 | tx.us277 | Removed from US 277 Business (Dundee) and relocated onto a parallel southeastern four-lane divided bypass
2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 90 | tx.us090 | Removed from College, Pearl, Park, and Willow Streets, and relocated onto I-10 between exits 851 and 855.
2020-09-28 | (USA) Kentucky | I-66 Fut (Bowling Green) | ky.cumpkwy | Route deleted (former route followed Cumberland Pkwy)
2020-10-20 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 21 | ky.ky0021 | Extended at west end along former KY 52 to relocated KY52 waypoint north of Paint Lick
2020-11-17 | (USA) Kentucky | US 421 | ky.us421 | Realigned junction with KY 499 into single point
2021-02-28 | (USA) Georgia | GA 204 | ga.ga204 | Route truncated to GA21.
2021-09-15 | (USA) Texas | TX 105 | tx.tx105 | Relocated southeastward onto new bridges over Coles Creek, Brazos River & Navasota River between FM 1155 and CR 423.
2021-10-03 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 1265 | la.la1265 | Route added
2022-01-15 | (USA) Texas | Westpark Tollway | tx.westlwy | West end truncated from FM 1463 to FM 723. Route was erroneously extended on TM one point too far on 2017-12-12.
2022-02-10 | (USA) Texas | US 290 Business (Cypress) | tx.us290buscyp | Route added.
2022-02-21 | (USA) Texas | I-35 | tx.i035 | Extended southward from US 83 / TX 359 to Hidalgo St.
2022-03-27 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 427 (Prairieville) | la.la0427pra | Route truncated at north end from LA 3426 to the Ascension/East Baton Rouge parish line
2022-03-27 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 1259 | la.la1259 | Route added
2022-03-28 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 426 | la.la0426 | Truncated at east end from US 190 to Sherwood Forest Blvd
2022-05-23 | (USA) Texas | TX 99 | tx.tx099 | Extended clockwise from TX 146 Business, within the median of TX 146 Business to TX 146.
2022-06-26 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 30 | la.la0030 | Truncated at north end to Burbank Rd (former LA 42)
2022-06-26 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 30 (Baton Rouge) | la.la0030bat | Route added, comprising now-separate segment of LA 30 from of Louisiana State University campus north to I-10
2022-06-26 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 3064 | la.la3064 | Extended at south end to Burbank Dr
2022-06-30 | (USA) Texas | US 69 | tx.us069 | Relocated eastward onto limited-access highway between TX63 and a point north of Zavalla labeled *OldUS69.
2022-11-03 | (USA) Texas | TX 249 | tx.tx249 | Extended northward from FM 1774 north of Todd Mission to TX 105.
2022-12-17 | (USA) Kentucky | US 68 | ky.us068 | Removed from Canton Rd and relocated onto new parallel expressway between CanRd_W and CanRd_E
2022-12-26 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 80 | ky.ky0080 | Realigned between *OldKY80_W and *OldKY80_E at new KY 461 interchange, including relocation of KY461 point approximately 0.3 mi west (OldKY80_E is at former location of KY461 point)
2022-12-26 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 461 | ky.ky0461 | Realigned at south end south of *OldKY461 and moved HalRogPkwy (KY80) point approximately 0.3 mi west to location of new interchange with Hal Rogers Pkwy/KY 80
2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | I-35E | tx.i035e | Waypoint label 428C moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled 428B) to Commerce St.
2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | US 77 | tx.us077 | Waypoint label I-35E(428C) moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled I-35E(428B)) to Commerce St.
2023-08-29 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 331 | la.la0331 | Truncated at south end from former LA 688 to LA 330
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 64 | la.la0064 | Truncated at north end from LA 964 to LA 67
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 73 | la.la0073 | Split into LA 73 and LA 73 (Baton Rouge), with LA 73 truncated at north end to LA 426
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 73 (Baton Rouge) | la.la0073bat | Route added for Government Street segment of LA 73, which was split off when segment between LA 426 and GovSt_E was removed from the system
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 339 | la.la0339 | Truncated at north end from LA 182 to LA 3073
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 427 | la.la0427 | Truncated at south end from LA 3064 to Stanford Ave
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 685 | la.la0685 | Truncated at south end from Aldes Rd to bridge south of Erath
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 724 | la.la0724 | Truncated at south end from US 167 to just west of Broussard Rd
2023-10-21 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 990 | la.la0990 | Truncated at west end from Ed Lejeune St to LA 1
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 89-1 | la.la00891 | Truncated at south end from Iberia St to Rousseau Rd
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 93 | la.la0093 | Truncated at south end from LA 342 to US90, with part of former route becoming LA 93-1
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 93-1 | la.la00931 | Route added along part of former LA 93
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 182 | la.la0182 | Removed from LA 89-1, Pinhook Rd, and University Ave between LA89-1 and I-10(101), and relocated onto US 90, Evangeline Thwy, and I-10
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 1160 | la.la1160 | Extended at east end from LA13 to LA104/3149
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 3184 | la.la3184 | Extended at north end approximately 0.1 mile from I-10 to end of state maintenance
2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | US 167 | la.us167 | Removed from Johnson St, Louisiana St, and Evangeline Thwy between LA3025_S and I-49(1A), and relocated onto LA 3025, LA 3184, and I-10
2023-12-06 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 956 | ky.ky0956 | Route extended at east end from US 25 to KY 21
2024-01-05 | (USA) Texas | I-20 | tx.i020 | Waypoint 138 moved from FM 715 (now labeled 137B) to TX 140/158.
2024-01-05 | (USA) Texas | TX Loop 207 | tx.lp0207 | South end truncated from TX 146 to FM 565.
2024-01-07 | (USA) Texas | Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road | tx.fbptollrd | Extended southward from Sienna Parkway to Sienna Ranch Road.
2024-01-15 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 5 | la.la0005 | Truncated at east end from railroad to LA 175
2024-01-15 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 107 | la.la0107 | Removed from Cocoville Rd and relocated onto parallel segment of LA 1 between CocRd_N and LA1
2024-04-10 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 42 | la.la0042 | Truncated at west end from LA 327 Spur to Perkins Rd (N)
2024-05-11 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 157 (Haughton) | la.la0157 | Truncated at south end from US71 to barricaded bridge 1/2 mile north of US71 (segment south of the former bridge is now LA 157 (McDade))
2024-06-23 | (USA) Texas | TX 146 | tx.tx146 | Removed from Bayfront Blvd and relocated onto a high-level bridge to the immediate west between waypoints BayBlvd & NASA1.
2024-08-31 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 813-3 | la.la08133 | Truncated at west end from US 167 to Hodge city limits
2024-08-31 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 828 | la.la0828 | Truncated at west end from LA 33 to Farmerville city limits
2024-09-07 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 3169 ((East) Colfax) | la.la3169 | Truncated at west end from LA 8 to barricaded bridge 1/4 mile east of LA 8 (segment west of the former bridge is now LA 3169 ((West) Colfax))
2024-09-07 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 3169 ((West) Colfax) | la.la3169col | Route added (was part of LA 3169 ((East) Colfax) before bridge was closed)
2024-10-23 | (USA) Kentucky | I-65 | ky.i065 | Exit 86 moved south approximately 0.2 mile to new KY 222 alignment
2024-12-09 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 2872 | ky.ky2872 | Extended at west end from KY 2881 to KY 52