Log file created at: Thu Jan 23 21:22:42 2025 psiegel18.list last updated: 2025-01-13 00:34:02 -0800 Processed 389 good lines marking 5390 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 8201.50 of 1271340.89 mi (0.65%) Overall in active+preview systems: 8208.60 of 1946224.29 mi (0.42%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AZ: 278.95 of 6346.59 mi (4.40%), 278.95 of 6446.81 mi (4.33%) CA: 305.13 of 15453.77 mi (1.97%), 305.13 of 16176.01 mi (1.89%) GA: 52.97 of 17817.22 mi (0.30%), 52.97 of 17822.73 mi (0.30%) HI: 87.83 of 978.19 mi (8.98%), 87.83 of 978.19 mi (8.98%) IA: 63.41 of 9048.01 mi (0.70%), 63.41 of 9171.72 mi (0.69%) IL: 1311.04 of 13698.72 mi (9.57%), 1311.04 of 13932.57 mi (9.41%) IN: 597.92 of 11205.20 mi (5.34%), 597.92 of 11205.20 mi (5.34%) IRL: 759.45 of 11669.19 mi (6.51%), 766.54 of 11838.30 mi (6.48%) MA: 262.94 of 4326.44 mi (6.08%), 262.94 of 4329.91 mi (6.07%) MI: 281.07 of 9544.76 mi (2.94%), 281.07 of 9544.76 mi (2.94%) MN: 167.02 of 11798.60 mi (1.42%), 167.02 of 11798.60 mi (1.42%) NC: 7.51 of 15278.26 mi (0.05%), 7.51 of 15278.26 mi (0.05%) NIR: 235.60 of 3246.25 mi (7.26%), 235.60 of 3263.20 mi (7.22%) NJ: 290.42 of 2814.66 mi (10.32%), 290.42 of 2814.66 mi (10.32%) NY: 739.14 of 16012.57 mi (4.62%), 739.14 of 16012.57 mi (4.62%) OH: 942.82 of 19457.73 mi (4.85%), 942.82 of 19458.43 mi (4.85%) OR: 56.47 of 7483.10 mi (0.75%), 56.47 of 7513.83 mi (0.75%) PA: 562.15 of 17661.67 mi (3.18%), 562.15 of 17661.67 mi (3.18%) SC: 149.29 of 10283.45 mi (1.45%), 149.29 of 10283.45 mi (1.45%) TX: 55.72 of 32680.04 mi (0.17%), 55.72 of 32691.86 mi (0.17%) WI: 994.65 of 11736.55 mi (8.47%), 994.65 of 11736.55 mi (8.47%) System eure (active) overall: 324.32 of 108151.91 mi (0.30%) System eure by region: ALB: 0.00 of 191.08 mi (0.00%) ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%) AUT: 0.00 of 1441.83 mi (0.00%) AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%) BEL: 0.00 of 1147.91 mi (0.00%) BGR: 0.00 of 1556.64 mi (0.00%) BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 888.72 mi (0.00%) CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%) CZE: 0.00 of 1627.79 mi (0.00%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 525.10 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.36 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 780.57 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 1410.76 mi (0.00%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 28.28 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 482.75 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 30.31 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 0.00 of 367.27 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 656.38 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 794.22 mi (0.00%) DEU-RP: 0.00 of 467.50 mi (0.00%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 216.62 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.97 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 0.00 of 286.51 mi (0.00%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 183.69 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.16 mi (0.00%) DNK: 0.00 of 582.31 mi (0.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 1577.28 mi (0.00%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 384.47 mi (0.00%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 224.03 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 179.71 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%) EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2942.37 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1038.62 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 686.76 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%) FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 568.38 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1035.45 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 801.36 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 260.83 mi (0.00%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.85 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 395.40 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.01 mi (0.00%) GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%) GRC: 0.00 of 2362.33 mi (0.00%) HRV: 0.00 of 1054.79 mi (0.00%) HUN: 0.00 of 1532.12 mi (0.00%) IRL: 248.61 of 499.49 mi (49.77%) ITA: 0.00 of 5392.68 mi (0.00%) KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%) KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%) LTU: 0.00 of 977.13 mi (0.00%) LUX: 0.00 of 126.99 mi (0.00%) LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%) MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%) MKD: 0.00 of 317.03 mi (0.00%) MNE: 0.00 of 335.01 mi (0.00%) NIR: 75.71 of 147.66 mi (51.28%) NLD: 0.00 of 1015.76 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 3870.63 mi (0.00%) POL: 0.00 of 3369.01 mi (0.00%) PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%) RKS: 0.00 of 156.50 mi (0.00%) ROU: 0.00 of 3745.94 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 463.06 mi (0.00%) SRB: 0.00 of 1132.07 mi (0.00%) SVK: 0.00 of 945.23 mi (0.00%) SVN: 0.00 of 365.87 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 4139.89 mi (0.00%) TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%) TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%) TUR: 0.00 of 5716.12 mi (0.00%) UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%) UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%) System eure by route (traveled routes only): E1 (Ireland): 131.37 of 231.42 mi (56.77%) NIR E1: 64.02 of 66.12 mi (96.82%) IRL E1: 67.36 of 165.31 mi (40.75%) E16 (Ireland): 18.02 of 70.83 mi (25.45%) (NIR E16 only) E18 (Ireland): 31.88 of 50.56 mi (63.05%) (NIR E18 only) E20 (Ireland): 88.86 of 150.36 mi (59.10%) (IRL E20 only) E30 (Ireland): 14.47 of 118.67 mi (12.20%) (IRL E30 only) E201: 89.14 of 89.14 mi (100.00%) (IRL E201 only) System eure connected routes traveled: 6 of 339 (1.8%), clinched: 1 of 339 (0.3%). System nirm (active) overall: 31.72 of 68.55 mi (46.28%) System nirm by route (traveled routes only): M1 (Belfast - Dungannon Motorway): 8.35 of 37.94 mi (22.00%) (NIR M1 only) M2 (Belfast - Antrim Motorway): 16.59 of 16.59 mi (100.00%) (NIR M2 only) M2 (Ballymena Bypass): 4.58 of 4.58 mi (100.00%) (NIR M2Bal only) M3 (Cross-Harbour Motorway): 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) (NIR M3 only) M22 (Randelstown Bypass): 1.43 of 5.86 mi (24.44%) (NIR M22 only) System nirm connected routes traveled: 5 of 7 (71.4%), clinched: 3 of 7 (42.9%). System niram (active) overall: 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%) System niram by route (traveled routes only): A8M (Corr's Corner Link): 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%) (NIR A8M only) System niram connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System nira (active) overall: 144.44 of 1356.01 mi (10.65%) System nira by route (traveled routes only): A1: 32.43 of 41.88 mi (77.42%) (NIR A1 only) A2 (Newcastle): 5.07 of 59.78 mi (8.48%) (NIR A2New only) A2 (Belfast): 44.23 of 171.76 mi (25.75%) (NIR A2 only) A6: 0.18 of 70.80 mi (0.25%) (NIR A6 only) A8: 14.11 of 14.81 mi (95.26%) (NIR A8 only) A11: 0.88 of 1.95 mi (45.23%) (NIR A11 only) A12: 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%) (NIR A12 only) A24: 8.83 of 22.88 mi (38.57%) (NIR A24 only) A25: 1.42 of 53.27 mi (2.67%) (NIR A25 only) A26: 23.30 of 72.54 mi (32.12%) (NIR A26 only) A28: 0.56 of 35.05 mi (1.61%) (NIR A28 only) A49: 9.34 of 9.89 mi (94.41%) (NIR A49 only) A50: 1.70 of 29.46 mi (5.77%) (NIR A50 only) A501: 0.69 of 11.01 mi (6.26%) (NIR A501 only) A510: 0.19 of 1.88 mi (10.22%) (NIR A510 only) System nira connected routes traveled: 15 of 67 (22.4%), clinched: 1 of 67 (1.5%). System nirb (active) overall: 58.30 of 1748.92 mi (3.33%) System nirb by route (traveled routes only): B2 (Ballynahinch): 0.75 of 25.46 mi (2.95%) (NIR B2 only) B7: 0.15 of 39.34 mi (0.39%) (NIR B7 only) B8: 7.73 of 12.22 mi (63.28%) (NIR B8 only) B15: 9.17 of 22.09 mi (41.53%) (NIR B15 only) B16: 1.87 of 15.09 mi (12.41%) (NIR B16 only) B17: 0.27 of 15.85 mi (1.69%) (NIR B17 only) B27: 1.00 of 12.37 mi (8.05%) (NIR B27 only) B53 (Randalstown): 0.06 of 9.16 mi (0.67%) (NIR B53 only) B66: 4.84 of 28.72 mi (16.84%) (NIR B66 only) B67: 4.85 of 16.50 mi (29.39%) (NIR B67 only) B92: 4.21 of 4.21 mi (100.00%) (NIR B92 only) B113: 0.94 of 9.48 mi (9.88%) (NIR B113 only) B146: 4.57 of 4.57 mi (100.00%) (NIR B146 only) B147: 4.43 of 13.41 mi (33.06%) (NIR B147 only) B180: 11.41 of 11.41 mi (100.00%) (NIR B180 only) B180 (Newcastle (spur)): 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%) (NIR B180New only) System nirb connected routes traveled: 16 of 190 (8.4%), clinched: 4 of 190 (2.1%). System nirtr (active) overall: 69.68 of 402.91 mi (17.29%) System nirtr by route (traveled routes only): CauCR (Causeway Coastal Route): 54.23 of 120.50 mi (45.01%) (NIR CauCR only) GlenDunSR (Glendun Scenic Route): 0.14 of 6.73 mi (2.06%) (NIR GlenDunSR only) GlenSheSR (Glenshesk Scenic Route): 0.22 of 8.98 mi (2.41%) (NIR GlenSheSR only) TorrHeadSR (Torr Head Scenic Route): 2.11 of 11.81 mi (17.89%) (NIR TorrHeadSR only) MouCR (Mourne Coastal Route (Newcastle)): 3.97 of 58.68 mi (6.77%) (NIR MouCR only) HighMouSL (High Mournes Scenic Loop): 7.51 of 19.89 mi (37.77%) (NIR HighMouSL only) RooSL (Roosley Scenic Loop): 1.71 of 17.86 mi (9.57%) (NIR RooSL only) System nirtr connected routes traveled: 7 of 20 (35.0%), clinched: 0 of 20 (0.0%). System irlm (active) overall: 304.38 of 617.47 mi (49.29%) System irlm by route (traveled routes only): M1: 50.08 of 50.08 mi (100.00%) (IRL M1 only) M3: 9.10 of 31.64 mi (28.78%) (IRL M3 only) M6 (Kilbeggan): 35.22 of 36.09 mi (97.59%) (IRL M6 only) M6 (Ballinasloe): 44.43 of 44.43 mi (100.00%) (IRL M6Bal only) M7: 47.08 of 104.07 mi (45.24%) (IRL M7 only) M8: 89.14 of 89.14 mi (100.00%) (IRL M8 only) M18: 7.86 of 43.02 mi (18.27%) (IRL M18 only) M20: 5.90 of 5.90 mi (100.00%) (IRL M20 only) M50: 15.57 of 28.27 mi (55.06%) (IRL M50 only) System irlm connected routes traveled: 9 of 15 (60.0%), clinched: 4 of 15 (26.7%). System irln (active) overall: 325.08 of 2662.05 mi (12.21%) System irln by route (traveled routes only): N1 (Dublin): 0.74 of 0.74 mi (100.00%) (IRL N1Dub only) N1 (Jonesborough): 6.05 of 6.05 mi (100.00%) (IRL N1 only) N2 (Monaghan): 6.74 of 72.27 mi (9.33%) (IRL N2 only) N3 (Dublin): 3.32 of 3.32 mi (100.00%) (IRL N3Dub only) N6 (Athlone): 4.69 of 4.69 mi (100.00%) (IRL N6Ath only) N6 (Galway): 5.89 of 6.91 mi (85.36%) (IRL N6 only) N7: 12.88 of 12.88 mi (100.00%) (IRL N7 only) N8: 3.43 of 3.78 mi (90.59%) (IRL N8 only) N18: 13.32 of 13.32 mi (100.00%) (IRL N18 only) N20: 4.51 of 52.90 mi (8.52%) (IRL N20 only) N21: 53.24 of 53.24 mi (100.00%) (IRL N21 only) N22: 47.18 of 71.56 mi (65.93%) (IRL N22 only) N25: 10.73 of 114.68 mi (9.35%) (IRL N25 only) N27: 0.33 of 3.92 mi (8.29%) (IRL N27 only) N40: 9.24 of 9.24 mi (100.00%) (IRL N40 only) N51: 13.82 of 32.51 mi (42.52%) (IRL N51 only) N52: 16.23 of 131.37 mi (12.35%) (IRL N52 only) N67 (Kilrush): 36.07 of 84.96 mi (42.46%) (IRL N67 only) N70: 14.25 of 83.27 mi (17.12%) (IRL N70 only) N71: 4.15 of 110.25 mi (3.77%) (IRL N71 only) N72: 11.92 of 103.67 mi (11.50%) (IRL N72 only) N85: 16.56 of 19.39 mi (85.40%) (IRL N85 only) N86: 29.78 of 29.78 mi (100.00%) (IRL N86 only) System irln connected routes traveled: 23 of 77 (29.9%), clinched: 9 of 77 (11.7%). System irlr (active) overall: 141.28 of 8002.11 mi (1.77%) System irlr by route (traveled routes only): R104: 0.09 of 7.92 mi (1.19%) (IRL R104 only) R108: 1.19 of 32.22 mi (3.70%) (IRL R108 only) R110: 0.61 of 5.13 mi (11.95%) (IRL R110 only) R125: 1.75 of 29.22 mi (5.98%) (IRL R125 only) R132: 7.89 of 60.12 mi (13.13%) (IRL R132 only) R137: 0.77 of 5.39 mi (14.23%) (IRL R137 only) R147: 8.15 of 44.07 mi (18.50%) (IRL R147 only) R148: 6.35 of 43.21 mi (14.70%) (IRL R148 only) R154: 15.96 of 56.08 mi (28.46%) (IRL R154 only) R157: 0.14 of 7.02 mi (1.98%) (IRL R157 only) R160: 12.38 of 12.38 mi (100.00%) (IRL R160 only) R161: 9.30 of 25.07 mi (37.09%) (IRL R161 only) R169: 4.02 of 4.45 mi (90.28%) (IRL R169 only) R336: 0.42 of 50.28 mi (0.84%) (IRL R336 only) R352: 0.61 of 44.98 mi (1.36%) (IRL R352 only) R381: 1.30 of 4.61 mi (28.09%) (IRL R381 only) R446: 1.19 of 87.88 mi (1.36%) (IRL R446 only) R458: 0.51 of 39.68 mi (1.29%) (IRL R458 only) R459: 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%) (IRL R459 only) R460: 0.16 of 29.95 mi (0.55%) (IRL R460 only) R469: 3.62 of 10.42 mi (34.78%) (IRL R469 only) R478: 2.11 of 13.28 mi (15.92%) (IRL R478 only) R479: 1.17 of 3.81 mi (30.82%) (IRL R479 only) R523: 0.28 of 25.02 mi (1.12%) (IRL R523 only) R549: 4.60 of 8.78 mi (52.42%) (IRL R549 only) R559: 25.38 of 25.38 mi (100.00%) (IRL R559 only) R560: 19.68 of 19.68 mi (100.00%) (IRL R560 only) R561: 0.33 of 23.58 mi (1.40%) (IRL R561 only) R608 (Cork): 0.36 of 0.54 mi (67.79%) (IRL R608Cor only) R610: 0.09 of 10.41 mi (0.84%) (IRL R610 only) R610 (Cork): 0.33 of 0.81 mi (40.82%) (IRL R610Cor only) R617: 1.19 of 3.63 mi (32.73%) (IRL R617 only) R629: 0.41 of 10.72 mi (3.80%) (IRL R629 only) R641: 1.19 of 1.95 mi (60.79%) (IRL R641 only) R804: 1.62 of 1.62 mi (100.00%) (IRL R804 only) R805: 1.09 of 2.61 mi (41.76%) (IRL R805 only) R846: 1.41 of 2.01 mi (69.89%) (IRL R846 only) R847: 0.31 of 0.64 mi (48.24%) (IRL R847 only) R863: 0.29 of 0.69 mi (41.47%) (IRL R863 only) R866: 0.52 of 0.52 mi (100.00%) (IRL R866 only) R907: 1.04 of 1.94 mi (53.53%) (IRL R907 only) R933: 0.79 of 0.79 mi (100.00%) (IRL R933 only) System irlr connected routes traveled: 42 of 699 (6.0%), clinched: 7 of 699 (1.0%). System irlorb (active) overall: 3.68 of 26.35 mi (13.96%) System irlorb by route (traveled routes only): CorIO (Cork Inner Orbital (anti-clockwise)): 1.00 of 1.78 mi (56.31%) (IRL CorIOACW only) CorIO (Cork Inner Orbital (clockwise)): 2.60 of 3.19 mi (81.52%) (IRL CorIOCW only) DubIO (Dublin Inner Orbital (anti-clockwise)): 1.24 of 5.00 mi (24.81%) (IRL DubIOACW only) DubIO (Dublin Inner Orbital (clockwise)): 0.83 of 5.82 mi (14.31%) (IRL DubIOCW only) System irlorb connected routes traveled: 4 of 7 (57.1%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System irlwaw (active) overall: 89.61 of 1435.73 mi (6.24%) System irlwaw by route (traveled routes only): WAW (Wild Atlantic Way (Galway)): 19.85 of 740.93 mi (2.68%) (IRL WAW only) WAW (Wild Atlantic Way (Tralee)): 43.84 of 388.32 mi (11.29%) (IRL WAWTra only) WAW (Wild Atlantic Way (Doolin Pier branch)): 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%) (IRL WAWDlP only) WAW (Wild Atlantic Way (Slea Head Drive)): 24.78 of 31.22 mi (79.38%) (IRL WAWSle only) System irlwaw connected routes traveled: 4 of 103 (3.9%), clinched: 1 of 103 (1.0%). System usai (active) overall: 4457.49 of 49437.58 mi (9.02%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 0.00 of 1013.04 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%) AZ: 153.52 of 1181.98 mi (12.99%) CA: 85.98 of 2485.21 mi (3.46%) CO: 0.00 of 958.31 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 346.20 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 39.35 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 1518.93 mi (0.00%) GA: 52.97 of 1260.54 mi (4.20%) HI: 27.03 of 54.18 mi (49.88%) IA: 63.41 of 797.28 mi (7.95%) ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%) IL: 755.32 of 2200.01 mi (34.33%) IN: 470.15 of 1325.22 mi (35.48%) KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 1007.79 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 951.30 mi (0.00%) MA: 192.49 of 564.32 mi (34.11%) MD: 0.00 of 500.55 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%) MI: 281.07 of 1248.46 mi (22.51%) MN: 2.66 of 923.04 mi (0.29%) MO: 0.00 of 1398.85 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 841.67 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%) NC: 7.51 of 1440.99 mi (0.52%) ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 224.25 mi (0.00%) NJ: 86.16 of 430.10 mi (20.03%) NM: 0.00 of 1013.33 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%) NY: 423.07 of 1772.90 mi (23.86%) OH: 661.01 of 1581.53 mi (41.80%) OK: 0.00 of 993.31 mi (0.00%) OR: 28.81 of 735.76 mi (3.92%) PA: 558.19 of 1872.36 mi (29.81%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 70.57 mi (0.00%) SC: 146.78 of 863.16 mi (17.01%) SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 1206.66 mi (0.00%) TX: 32.43 of 3526.85 mi (0.92%) UT: 0.00 of 944.15 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 1117.00 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 767.80 mi (0.00%) WI: 428.93 of 883.37 mi (48.56%) WV: 0.00 of 538.79 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-H1: 15.26 of 27.13 mi (56.26%) (HI I-H1 only) I-H2: 7.80 of 7.80 mi (100.00%) (HI I-H2 only) I-H201: 3.96 of 3.96 mi (100.00%) (HI I-H201 only) I-5: 3.77 of 1397.09 mi (0.27%) OR I-5: 3.77 of 312.44 mi (1.21%) I-10: 153.52 of 2495.88 mi (6.15%) AZ I-10: 153.52 of 398.88 mi (38.49%) I-20: 66.70 of 1559.38 mi (4.28%) SC I-20: 66.70 of 143.55 mi (46.47%) I-35 (N. Minnesota): 2.66 of 133.76 mi (1.99%) (MN I-35 only) I-39: 127.27 of 327.14 mi (38.90%) IL I-39: 18.42 of 142.48 mi (12.93%) WI I-39: 108.85 of 184.66 mi (58.95%) I-41: 64.83 of 178.13 mi (36.39%) IL I-41: 1.05 of 1.05 mi (100.00%) WI I-41: 63.78 of 177.08 mi (36.02%) I-43: 45.91 of 193.11 mi (23.77%) (WI I-43 only) I-55: 182.21 of 960.09 mi (18.98%) IL I-55: 182.21 of 298.49 mi (61.04%) I-57: 119.13 of 385.50 mi (30.90%) IL I-57: 119.13 of 363.24 mi (32.80%) I-65: 151.09 of 898.33 mi (16.82%) IN I-65: 151.09 of 265.34 mi (56.94%) I-69 (Houston, TX): 32.43 of 76.34 mi (42.48%) (TX I-69 only) I-69 (Indiana - Michigan): 49.62 of 549.69 mi (9.03%) IN I-69: 12.69 of 345.49 mi (3.67%) MI I-69: 36.94 of 204.20 mi (18.09%) I-70: 263.24 of 2192.00 mi (12.01%) IN I-70: 74.34 of 158.23 mi (46.98%) OH I-70: 102.39 of 227.81 mi (44.95%) PA I-70: 86.51 of 169.61 mi (51.00%) I-71: 143.20 of 347.55 mi (41.20%) OH I-71: 143.20 of 250.74 mi (57.11%) I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 41.31 of 420.64 mi (9.82%) IL I-74: 41.31 of 222.49 mi (18.57%) I-75: 84.43 of 1807.41 mi (4.67%) GA I-75: 8.27 of 360.67 mi (2.29%) OH I-75: 55.46 of 213.65 mi (25.96%) MI I-75: 20.70 of 399.43 mi (5.18%) I-76 (Ohio - New Jersey): 371.40 of 439.68 mi (84.47%) OH I-76: 22.76 of 82.98 mi (27.43%) PA I-76: 346.77 of 353.81 mi (98.01%) NJ I-76: 1.87 of 2.88 mi (64.93%) I-77: 78.17 of 614.09 mi (12.73%) SC I-77: 76.43 of 92.28 mi (82.82%) NC I-77: 1.75 of 106.65 mi (1.64%) I-78: 9.91 of 146.92 mi (6.75%) NJ I-78: 9.15 of 68.00 mi (13.45%) NY I-78: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) I-80: 602.61 of 2936.67 mi (20.52%) CA I-80: 12.47 of 204.11 mi (6.11%) IA I-80: 63.41 of 310.96 mi (20.39%) IL I-80: 151.67 of 165.52 mi (91.63%) IN I-80: 153.33 of 153.33 mi (100.00%) OH I-80: 221.73 of 240.03 mi (92.38%) I-81: 54.42 of 859.13 mi (6.33%) PA I-81: 39.30 of 233.87 mi (16.81%) NY I-81: 15.11 of 185.04 mi (8.17%) I-85: 24.53 of 676.82 mi (3.62%) GA I-85: 24.53 of 181.74 mi (13.50%) I-86 (Binghamton, NY): 5.02 of 14.52 mi (34.56%) (NY I-86Bin only) I-87 (New York): 224.39 of 335.42 mi (66.90%) (NY I-87 only) I-88 (New York): 117.49 of 117.49 mi (100.00%) (NY I-88 only) I-90: 776.85 of 3112.09 mi (24.96%) WI I-90: 144.05 of 189.71 mi (75.93%) IL I-90: 109.61 of 109.61 mi (100.00%) IN I-90: 157.91 of 157.91 mi (100.00%) OH I-90: 177.86 of 247.10 mi (71.98%) NY I-90: 49.04 of 390.23 mi (12.57%) MA I-90: 138.37 of 138.37 mi (100.00%) I-93: 10.92 of 189.34 mi (5.77%) MA I-93: 10.92 of 46.22 mi (23.62%) I-94: 605.74 of 1625.88 mi (37.26%) WI I-94: 281.27 of 352.54 mi (79.78%) IL I-94: 78.52 of 78.52 mi (100.00%) IN I-94: 46.03 of 46.03 mi (100.00%) MI I-94: 199.91 of 277.83 mi (71.96%) I-95: 109.23 of 1916.43 mi (5.70%) SC I-95: 3.65 of 201.90 mi (1.81%) PA I-95: 37.41 of 44.15 mi (84.73%) NJ I-95: 68.17 of 78.63 mi (86.69%) I-96: 2.12 of 194.38 mi (1.09%) (MI I-96 only) I-190 (Illinois): 2.61 of 2.61 mi (100.00%) (IL I-190 only) I-205 (Oregon - Washington): 24.50 of 37.06 mi (66.11%) OR I-205: 24.50 of 26.43 mi (92.69%) I-270 (Ohio): 55.43 of 55.43 mi (100.00%) (OH I-270 only) I-271: 2.61 of 40.23 mi (6.49%) (OH I-271 only) I-275 (Michigan): 14.82 of 36.28 mi (40.85%) (MI I-275 only) I-278: 3.36 of 35.88 mi (9.36%) NY I-278: 3.36 of 33.84 mi (9.92%) I-280 (California): 57.01 of 57.01 mi (100.00%) (CA I-280 only) I-285 (Georgia): 28.44 of 63.44 mi (44.83%) (GA I-285 only) I-287: 0.96 of 97.69 mi (0.98%) NJ I-287: 0.54 of 67.49 mi (0.80%) NY I-287: 0.42 of 30.20 mi (1.40%) I-290 (Illinois): 15.55 of 30.09 mi (51.69%) (IL I-290 only) I-294: 52.75 of 52.75 mi (100.00%) (IL I-294 only) I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 1.97 of 92.84 mi (2.12%) NJ I-295: 1.97 of 77.33 mi (2.55%) I-355: 32.41 of 32.41 mi (100.00%) (IL I-355 only) I-380 (California): 1.90 of 1.90 mi (100.00%) (CA I-380 only) I-405 (Oregon): 0.54 of 3.85 mi (13.93%) (OR I-405 only) I-465: 19.11 of 53.20 mi (35.91%) (IN I-465 only) I-469: 11.41 of 31.09 mi (36.71%) (IN I-469 only) I-476: 132.08 of 132.08 mi (100.00%) (PA I-476 only) I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 16.42 of 42.48 mi (38.66%) (OH I-480 only) I-485: 5.76 of 65.68 mi (8.77%) (NC I-485 only) I-495 (New York): 2.93 of 71.43 mi (4.10%) (NY I-495 only) I-495 (Massachusetts): 43.20 of 121.08 mi (35.68%) (MA I-495 only) I-496: 8.70 of 11.98 mi (72.60%) (MI I-496 only) I-580 (California): 17.66 of 80.12 mi (22.04%) (CA I-580 only) I-670 (Ohio): 10.01 of 10.01 mi (100.00%) (OH I-670 only) I-676: 7.10 of 7.10 mi (100.00%) PA I-676: 2.64 of 2.64 mi (100.00%) NJ I-676: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) I-787: 10.44 of 10.44 mi (100.00%) (NY I-787 only) I-794: 3.56 of 3.56 mi (100.00%) (WI I-794 only) I-865: 4.01 of 4.01 mi (100.00%) (IN I-865 only) I-880 (California): 1.30 of 45.90 mi (2.82%) (CA I-880 only) I-894: 9.84 of 9.84 mi (100.00%) (WI I-894 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 64 of 363 (17.6%), clinched: 16 of 363 (4.4%). System usaib (active) overall: 2.39 of 1553.32 mi (0.15%) System usaib by region: AZ: 2.00 of 75.35 mi (2.65%) CA: 0.00 of 121.60 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 100.35 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 24.23 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 176.21 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 141.64 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 74.22 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 56.89 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 37.87 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 62.36 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.39 of 8.54 mi (4.58%) OK: 0.00 of 42.06 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 47.63 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 44.73 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 92.40 mi (0.00%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-10BL (Benson, AZ): 2.00 of 3.06 mi (65.23%) (AZ I-10BLBen only) I-75BL (Findlay, OH): 0.39 of 4.34 mi (9.00%) (OH I-75BLFin only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 2 of 277 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 277 (0.0%). System usasf (active) overall: 265.32 of 1234.41 mi (21.49%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 2.43 of 10.32 mi (23.54%) CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 322.91 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%) MA: 3.39 of 6.20 mi (54.65%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 233.00 of 355.08 mi (65.62%) NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%) NY: 24.20 of 56.95 mi (42.49%) OH: 2.30 of 24.61 mi (9.36%) OK: 0.00 of 8.13 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): AtlBriCon (Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector): 2.11 of 2.11 mi (100.00%) (NJ AtlBriCon only) AtlCityExpy (Atlantic City Expressway): 44.68 of 44.68 mi (100.00%) (NJ AtlCityExpy only) BerCon (New York Thruway Berkshire Connector): 24.20 of 24.20 mi (100.00%) (NY BerCon only) BerFwy (Berea Freeway): 2.30 of 2.30 mi (100.00%) (OH BerFwy only) GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 123.83 of 175.93 mi (70.39%) NJ GarStaPkwy: 123.83 of 173.53 mi (71.36%) NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 62.39 of 123.59 mi (50.48%) (NJ NJTpk only) SkyHarBlvd (Sky Harbor Boulevard): 2.43 of 4.38 mi (55.50%) (AZ SkyHarBlvd only) SolFieRd (Soldiers Field Road): 1.38 of 1.38 mi (100.00%) (MA SolFieRd only) StoDr (Storrow Drive): 2.00 of 2.00 mi (100.00%) (MA StoDr only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 9 of 66 (13.6%), clinched: 6 of 66 (9.1%). System usaus (active) overall: 1693.69 of 137859.42 mi (1.23%) System usaus by region: AL: 0.00 of 3485.97 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 3726.95 mi (0.00%) AZ: 1.88 of 1878.70 mi (0.10%) CA: 96.59 of 1730.27 mi (5.58%) CO: 0.00 of 4019.95 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 508.42 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 211.17 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 3999.71 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 4922.21 mi (0.00%) IA: 24.95 of 3710.44 mi (0.67%) ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%) IL: 237.16 of 3410.39 mi (6.95%) IN: 189.64 of 2903.05 mi (6.53%) KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 3314.41 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 2323.34 mi (0.00%) MA: 34.32 of 602.37 mi (5.70%) MD: 0.00 of 774.49 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 1176.03 mi (0.00%) MI: 9.58 of 2324.25 mi (0.41%) MN: 99.99 of 3612.02 mi (2.77%) MO: 0.00 of 4007.77 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 2596.46 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%) NC: 1.75 of 5099.45 mi (0.03%) ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 3539.33 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%) NJ: 15.08 of 805.51 mi (1.87%) NM: 0.00 of 3676.63 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%) NY: 202.87 of 1653.66 mi (12.27%) OH: 210.99 of 3918.56 mi (5.38%) OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%) OR: 11.88 of 2596.23 mi (0.46%) PA: 5.09 of 3424.65 mi (0.15%) RI: 0.00 of 108.88 mi (0.00%) SC: 3.32 of 3309.45 mi (0.10%) SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 3646.69 mi (0.00%) TX: 32.43 of 12783.70 mi (0.25%) UT: 0.00 of 1618.38 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 4090.30 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 1764.00 mi (0.00%) WI: 516.17 of 2895.07 mi (17.83%) WV: 0.00 of 1793.12 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 11.67 of 2385.46 mi (0.49%) PA US1: 0.75 of 81.97 mi (0.92%) MA US1: 10.92 of 85.34 mi (12.79%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 112.37 of 2126.60 mi (5.28%) MN US2: 96.95 of 267.06 mi (36.30%) WI US2: 15.42 of 105.37 mi (14.63%) US3: 1.55 of 272.87 mi (0.57%) MA US3: 1.55 of 35.25 mi (4.40%) US4: 38.40 of 249.40 mi (15.40%) NY US4: 38.40 of 79.28 mi (48.44%) US6: 36.79 of 3217.30 mi (1.14%) IA US6: 19.32 of 326.41 mi (5.92%) IL US6: 1.77 of 179.04 mi (0.99%) IN US6: 15.27 of 150.83 mi (10.13%) PA US6: 0.42 of 400.87 mi (0.11%) US9 (New Jersey - New York): 152.78 of 488.55 mi (31.27%) NJ US9: 5.65 of 166.93 mi (3.39%) NY US9: 147.13 of 321.61 mi (45.75%) US9W: 9.05 of 139.89 mi (6.47%) NY US9W: 9.05 of 128.91 mi (7.02%) US10 (North Dakota - Wisconsin): 3.95 of 579.50 mi (0.68%) WI US10: 3.95 of 293.45 mi (1.35%) US12: 162.78 of 2474.68 mi (6.58%) WI US12: 109.86 of 341.33 mi (32.18%) IL US12: 49.11 of 84.59 mi (58.05%) MI US12: 3.81 of 210.02 mi (1.82%) US14: 84.11 of 1393.95 mi (6.03%) WI US14: 40.52 of 199.39 mi (20.32%) IL US14: 43.59 of 68.78 mi (63.38%) US18: 42.16 of 1052.07 mi (4.01%) WI US18: 42.16 of 187.16 mi (22.53%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 55.55 of 2364.58 mi (2.35%) IL US20: 34.54 of 199.19 mi (17.34%) NY US20: 16.27 of 374.05 mi (4.35%) MA US20: 4.74 of 149.61 mi (3.17%) US21: 2.57 of 391.17 mi (0.66%) SC US21: 0.82 of 235.39 mi (0.35%) NC US21: 1.75 of 122.49 mi (1.43%) US23: 86.89 of 1410.94 mi (6.16%) OH US23: 86.89 of 237.52 mi (36.58%) US24: 15.71 of 1560.48 mi (1.01%) IN US24: 15.71 of 167.60 mi (9.37%) US26: 11.88 of 1503.85 mi (0.79%) OR US26: 11.88 of 469.50 mi (2.53%) US30: 196.66 of 3105.69 mi (6.33%) IN US30: 130.94 of 157.75 mi (83.00%) OH US30: 52.39 of 248.17 mi (21.11%) PA US30: 3.91 of 331.98 mi (1.18%) NJ US30: 9.42 of 59.01 mi (15.97%) US31 (Kentucky - Michigan): 15.02 of 629.39 mi (2.39%) IN US31: 13.17 of 271.52 mi (4.85%) MI US31: 1.85 of 356.99 mi (0.52%) US33: 48.36 of 682.71 mi (7.08%) OH US33: 47.75 of 236.00 mi (20.23%) IN US33: 0.61 of 107.87 mi (0.57%) US34: 5.75 of 1130.00 mi (0.51%) IL US34: 5.75 of 211.61 mi (2.72%) US35: 9.00 of 416.92 mi (2.16%) OH US35: 1.78 of 175.41 mi (1.02%) IN US35: 7.22 of 206.24 mi (3.50%) US36: 13.92 of 1415.39 mi (0.98%) IN US36: 2.35 of 165.24 mi (1.42%) OH US36: 11.57 of 209.06 mi (5.54%) US40: 2.78 of 2312.95 mi (0.12%) OH US40: 2.78 of 228.97 mi (1.22%) US41: 120.56 of 2038.51 mi (5.91%) IN US41: 1.52 of 283.05 mi (0.54%) IL US41: 55.26 of 64.32 mi (85.91%) WI US41: 63.78 of 228.24 mi (27.94%) US42: 1.49 of 349.57 mi (0.43%) OH US42: 1.49 of 246.21 mi (0.61%) US44: 17.11 of 232.73 mi (7.35%) MA US44: 17.11 of 38.44 mi (44.52%) US45 (N. Tennessee - Michigan): 33.19 of 841.45 mi (3.94%) IL US45: 27.65 of 429.67 mi (6.44%) WI US45: 5.53 of 304.03 mi (1.82%) US51: 92.95 of 1287.67 mi (7.22%) IL US51: 26.15 of 416.20 mi (6.28%) WI US51: 66.80 of 319.54 mi (20.91%) US52: 38.72 of 2080.99 mi (1.86%) IN US52: 36.21 of 199.75 mi (18.13%) SC US52: 2.50 of 161.99 mi (1.55%) US53: 151.99 of 407.25 mi (37.32%) WI US53: 151.99 of 240.27 mi (63.26%) US59: 32.43 of 1932.34 mi (1.68%) TX US59: 32.43 of 631.04 mi (5.14%) US60: 1.88 of 2656.47 mi (0.07%) AZ US60: 1.88 of 369.18 mi (0.51%) US61: 5.63 of 1415.70 mi (0.40%) IA US61: 5.63 of 194.41 mi (2.89%) US62: 8.84 of 2243.92 mi (0.39%) OH US62: 8.84 of 294.31 mi (3.00%) US63: 4.13 of 1237.37 mi (0.33%) WI US63: 4.13 of 184.07 mi (2.24%) US68: 2.66 of 548.36 mi (0.49%) OH US68: 2.66 of 179.14 mi (1.48%) US71: 3.05 of 1527.48 mi (0.20%) MN US71: 3.05 of 430.79 mi (0.71%) US101: 96.59 of 1506.03 mi (6.41%) CA US101: 96.59 of 802.40 mi (12.04%) US127: 3.93 of 751.59 mi (0.52%) MI US127: 3.93 of 216.99 mi (1.81%) US151: 76.65 of 326.08 mi (23.51%) WI US151: 76.65 of 217.53 mi (35.24%) US169: 0.44 of 976.45 mi (0.04%) MN US169: 0.44 of 360.78 mi (0.12%) US224: 6.87 of 290.48 mi (2.37%) OH US224: 6.87 of 240.43 mi (2.86%) US421: 17.02 of 933.19 mi (1.82%) IN US421: 17.02 of 257.43 mi (6.61%) US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 3.01 of 189.37 mi (1.59%) OH US422: 3.01 of 75.96 mi (3.96%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 44 of 226 (19.5%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%). System usausb (active) overall: 25.87 of 7545.09 mi (0.34%) System usausb by region: AL: 0.00 of 98.33 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%) KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 240.87 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 86.41 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 235.08 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%) OH: 1.60 of 128.27 mi (1.25%) OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.31 of 60.73 mi (0.51%) PA: 0.00 of 289.53 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 313.32 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 92.86 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 378.25 mi (0.00%) TX: 16.58 of 901.28 mi (1.84%) UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 17.20 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%) WI: 7.37 of 103.11 mi (7.15%) WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US12Bus (Sauk City, WI): 1.63 of 4.46 mi (36.49%) (WI US12BusSau only) US18Bus (Verona, WI): 2.94 of 2.94 mi (100.00%) (WI US18BusVer only) US20Trk (Perrysburg, OH): 1.60 of 4.13 mi (38.79%) (OH US20TrkPer only) US30Byp (Portland, OR): 0.31 of 18.65 mi (1.66%) (OR US30BypPor only) US53Bus (Superior, WI): 1.74 of 3.02 mi (57.46%) (WI US53BusSup only) US90Alt (Hallettsville, TX): 16.58 of 181.44 mi (9.14%) (TX US90AltHal only) US151Bus (Verona, WI): 2.94 of 2.94 mi (100.00%) (WI US151BusVer only) US151Bus (Waupun, WI): 1.07 of 5.46 mi (19.60%) (WI US151BusWau only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 8 of 1089 (0.7%), clinched: 2 of 1089 (0.2%). System usaaz (active) overall: 121.01 of 3370.21 mi (3.59%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ80: 49.47 of 120.68 mi (41.00%) (AZ AZ80 only) AZ90: 32.29 of 47.26 mi (68.33%) (AZ AZ90 only) AZ92: 26.70 of 34.43 mi (77.56%) (AZ AZ92 only) AZ143: 1.82 of 3.90 mi (46.66%) (AZ AZ143 only) AZ202: 4.64 of 77.99 mi (5.95%) (AZ AZ202 only) AZ587: 6.08 of 6.08 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ587 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 6 of 74 (8.1%), clinched: 1 of 74 (1.4%). System usaca (active) overall: 148.52 of 10936.59 mi (1.36%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA1: 82.03 of 701.14 mi (11.70%) (CA CA1 only) CA35: 12.95 of 55.76 mi (23.23%) (CA CA35 only) CA82: 9.88 of 42.32 mi (23.34%) (CA CA82 only) CA84 (Fremont): 1.85 of 56.42 mi (3.28%) (CA CA84 only) CA116: 41.82 of 52.89 mi (79.06%) (CA CA116 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 5 of 269 (1.9%), clinched: 0 of 269 (0.0%). System usahi (active) overall: 60.80 of 891.30 mi (6.82%) System usahi by route (traveled routes only): HI63: 7.22 of 8.09 mi (89.25%) (HI HI63 only) HI78: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%) (HI HI78 only) HI80: 1.95 of 1.95 mi (100.00%) (HI HI80 only) HI83: 39.39 of 42.23 mi (93.28%) (HI HI83 only) HI92: 2.69 of 8.97 mi (29.95%) (HI HI92 only) HI99: 8.97 of 23.44 mi (38.26%) (HI HI99 only) System usahi connected routes traveled: 6 of 66 (9.1%), clinched: 2 of 66 (3.0%). System usaia (active) overall: 4.19 of 5138.33 mi (0.08%) System usaia by route (traveled routes only): IA38: 4.19 of 99.74 mi (4.20%) (IA IA38 only) System usaia connected routes traveled: 1 of 90 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 90 (0.0%). System usail (active) overall: 389.97 of 9011.71 mi (4.33%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL19: 12.63 of 34.08 mi (37.04%) (IL IL19 only) IL21: 28.65 of 28.65 mi (100.00%) (IL IL21 only) IL22: 19.84 of 19.84 mi (100.00%) (IL IL22 only) IL23: 5.63 of 124.72 mi (4.52%) (IL IL23 only) IL25: 5.05 of 35.02 mi (14.43%) (IL IL25 only) IL29: 1.84 of 174.46 mi (1.05%) (IL IL29 only) IL31: 1.63 of 57.88 mi (2.82%) (IL IL31 only) IL43: 61.05 of 61.05 mi (100.00%) (IL IL43 only) IL53: 31.03 of 81.18 mi (38.22%) (IL IL53 only) IL58: 11.22 of 28.39 mi (39.52%) (IL IL58 only) IL59: 26.88 of 72.06 mi (37.30%) (IL IL59 only) IL60: 17.55 of 17.55 mi (100.00%) (IL IL60 only) IL64: 8.36 of 140.18 mi (5.97%) (IL IL64 only) IL64Trk (Elmhurst): 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) (IL IL64TrkElm only) IL68: 19.42 of 25.89 mi (75.03%) (IL IL68 only) IL72: 0.08 of 111.51 mi (0.07%) (IL IL72 only) IL83: 56.18 of 93.30 mi (60.21%) (IL IL83 only) IL110: 6.82 of 329.44 mi (2.07%) (IL IL110 only) IL120: 2.70 of 34.70 mi (7.79%) (IL IL120 only) IL131: 13.27 of 15.33 mi (86.54%) (IL IL131 only) IL134: 5.60 of 5.60 mi (100.00%) (IL IL134 only) IL137: 21.46 of 23.99 mi (89.44%) (IL IL137 only) IL173: 14.91 of 66.84 mi (22.30%) (IL IL173 only) IL176: 13.06 of 41.74 mi (31.28%) (IL IL176 only) IL178: 4.13 of 8.52 mi (48.53%) (IL IL178 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 25 of 159 (15.7%), clinched: 6 of 159 (3.8%). System usain (active) overall: 32.35 of 7497.71 mi (0.43%) System usain by route (traveled routes only): IN1: 11.41 of 205.08 mi (5.57%) (IN IN1 only) IN2: 1.12 of 81.29 mi (1.38%) (IN IN2 only) IN37 (Bloomington): 6.93 of 215.94 mi (3.21%) (IN IN37 only) IN49: 14.01 of 44.50 mi (31.47%) (IN IN49 only) IN67: 2.35 of 219.55 mi (1.07%) (IN IN67 only) System usain connected routes traveled: 5 of 224 (2.2%), clinched: 0 of 224 (0.0%). System usama (active) overall: 57.11 of 3315.53 mi (1.72%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA1A (Salem): 2.14 of 45.81 mi (4.66%) (MA MA1ASal only) MA2: 1.23 of 139.03 mi (0.88%) (MA MA2 only) MA2A (Cambridge): 0.41 of 79.64 mi (0.52%) (MA MA2ACam only) MA3: 41.20 of 55.83 mi (73.79%) (MA MA3 only) MA3A (Plymouth): 0.56 of 51.95 mi (1.08%) (MA MA3APly only) MA9: 5.01 of 132.72 mi (3.77%) (MA MA9 only) MA16: 5.38 of 58.58 mi (9.19%) (MA MA16 only) MA28: 0.80 of 149.80 mi (0.54%) (MA MA28 only) MA140: 0.82 of 105.21 mi (0.78%) (MA MA140 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 9 of 151 (6.0%), clinched: 0 of 151 (0.0%). System usamn (active) overall: 75.85 of 7899.49 mi (0.96%) System usamn by region: MN: 75.85 of 7899.01 mi (0.96%) WI: 0.00 of 0.49 mi (0.00%) System usamn by route (traveled routes only): MN1: 8.19 of 347.57 mi (2.36%) (MN MN1 only) MN6: 5.49 of 148.46 mi (3.70%) (MN MN6 only) MN46: 46.83 of 46.83 mi (100.00%) (MN MN46 only) MN72: 15.04 of 78.33 mi (19.20%) (MN MN72 only) MN73: 0.30 of 120.57 mi (0.25%) (MN MN73 only) System usamn connected routes traveled: 5 of 153 (3.3%), clinched: 1 of 153 (0.7%). System usanj (active) overall: 27.31 of 1323.27 mi (2.06%) System usanj by route (traveled routes only): NJ17: 13.77 of 27.47 mi (50.11%) (NJ NJ17 only) NJ42: 7.92 of 14.47 mi (54.72%) (NJ NJ42 only) NJ87: 0.51 of 1.63 mi (30.98%) (NJ NJ87 only) NJ139: 1.60 of 2.60 mi (61.64%) (NJ NJ139 only) NJ495: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ495 only) System usanj connected routes traveled: 5 of 99 (5.1%), clinched: 1 of 99 (1.0%). System usany (active) overall: 153.58 of 12565.50 mi (1.22%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 153.58 of 12561.54 mi (1.22%) PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY5: 11.58 of 372.76 mi (3.11%) (NY NY5 only) NY7: 13.93 of 178.45 mi (7.80%) (NY NY7 only) NY8: 3.46 of 203.21 mi (1.70%) (NY NY8 only) NY9H: 11.47 of 18.83 mi (60.92%) (NY NY9H only) NY9J: 22.22 of 22.22 mi (100.00%) (NY NY9J only) NY9N: 6.57 of 139.89 mi (4.69%) (NY NY9N only) NY17: 5.44 of 395.27 mi (1.38%) NY NY17Bin: 5.44 of 188.64 mi (2.88%) NY23B: 0.58 of 6.61 mi (8.82%) (NY NY23B only) NY28: 4.95 of 275.83 mi (1.79%) (NY NY28 only) NY29: 0.52 of 94.36 mi (0.55%) (NY NY29 only) NY32: 24.05 of 173.16 mi (13.89%) (NY NY32 only) NY50: 2.53 of 31.70 mi (7.98%) (NY NY50 only) NY66: 3.13 of 45.93 mi (6.82%) (NY NY66 only) NY67: 1.72 of 84.96 mi (2.03%) (NY NY67 only) NY73: 26.79 of 26.79 mi (100.00%) (NY NY73 only) NY85: 1.96 of 25.99 mi (7.53%) (NY NY85 only) NY86: 0.88 of 38.66 mi (2.29%) (NY NY86 only) NY146: 2.73 of 42.49 mi (6.43%) (NY NY146 only) NY149: 0.75 of 31.35 mi (2.40%) (NY NY149 only) NY155: 4.02 of 16.69 mi (24.09%) (NY NY155 only) NY197: 0.38 of 10.69 mi (3.58%) (NY NY197 only) NY254: 1.57 of 5.95 mi (26.42%) (NY NY254 only) NY443: 1.37 of 32.21 mi (4.26%) (NY NY443 only) NY495: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) (NY NY495 only) NY787: 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%) (NY NY787 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 25 of 484 (5.2%), clinched: 4 of 484 (0.8%). System usanyp (active) overall: 2.21 of 501.29 mi (0.44%) System usanyp by route (traveled routes only): GraCenPkwy (Grand Central Parkway): 2.21 of 14.51 mi (15.22%) (NY GraCenPkwy only) System usanyp connected routes traveled: 1 of 42 (2.4%), clinched: 0 of 42 (0.0%). System usaoh (active) overall: 135.60 of 14627.38 mi (0.93%) System usaoh by region: OH: 135.60 of 14627.07 mi (0.93%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH2: 18.78 of 229.26 mi (8.19%) (OH OH2 only) OH3: 6.47 of 257.04 mi (2.52%) (OH OH3 only) OH4: 8.67 of 209.44 mi (4.14%) (OH OH4 only) OH12Trk (Findlay): 3.33 of 7.15 mi (46.54%) (OH OH12TrkFin only) OH15: 23.96 of 102.94 mi (23.28%) (OH OH15 only) OH16: 1.10 of 71.04 mi (1.54%) (OH OH16 only) OH37: 6.84 of 174.23 mi (3.93%) (OH OH37 only) OH37Trk (Delaware): 0.85 of 3.83 mi (22.11%) (OH OH37TrkDel only) OH49: 3.60 of 155.92 mi (2.31%) (OH OH49 only) OH67: 1.57 of 85.62 mi (1.83%) (OH OH67 only) OH87: 4.97 of 60.99 mi (8.15%) (OH OH87 only) OH117: 26.68 of 59.82 mi (44.60%) (OH OH117 only) OH161: 13.53 of 57.96 mi (23.34%) (OH OH161 only) OH175: 1.00 of 15.92 mi (6.30%) (OH OH175 only) OH176: 2.94 of 18.91 mi (15.57%) (OH OH176 only) OH235: 1.91 of 135.50 mi (1.41%) (OH OH235 only) OH237: 1.66 of 13.79 mi (12.03%) (OH OH237 only) OH273: 0.85 of 19.71 mi (4.29%) (OH OH273 only) OH274: 0.72 of 53.73 mi (1.34%) (OH OH274 only) OH315: 11.74 of 22.12 mi (53.06%) (OH OH315 only) OH521: 1.34 of 13.79 mi (9.72%) (OH OH521 only) OH750: 1.69 of 8.99 mi (18.83%) (OH OH750 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 22 of 555 (4.0%), clinched: 0 of 555 (0.0%). System usaor (active) overall: 19.37 of 4539.29 mi (0.43%) System usaor by route (traveled routes only): OR10: 0.23 of 18.17 mi (1.27%) (OR OR10 only) OR99E: 6.00 of 110.55 mi (5.43%) (OR OR99E only) OR212: 0.11 of 11.74 mi (0.92%) (OR OR212 only) OR213: 3.14 of 57.67 mi (5.44%) (OR OR213 only) OR217: 7.62 of 7.62 mi (100.00%) (OR OR217 only) OR224: 2.27 of 46.80 mi (4.84%) (OR OR224 only) System usaor connected routes traveled: 6 of 137 (4.4%), clinched: 1 of 137 (0.7%). System usapa (active) overall: 9.71 of 12619.89 mi (0.08%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 9.71 of 12619.70 mi (0.08%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA291AltTrk (Philadelphia): 4.70 of 5.00 mi (94.07%) (PA PA291AltTrkPhi only) PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%) (PA PA420AltTrkPro only) PA611: 3.82 of 109.35 mi (3.49%) (PA PA611 only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 3 of 524 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 524 (0.0%). System usatx (active) overall: 4.52 of 15302.04 mi (0.03%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX6: 4.52 of 557.75 mi (0.81%) (TX TX6 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 1 of 320 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 320 (0.0%). System usatxl (active) overall: 2.19 of 1175.07 mi (0.19%) System usatxl by route (traveled routes only): TXLp8: 2.19 of 88.95 mi (2.46%) (TX TXLp8 only) System usatxl connected routes traveled: 1 of 200 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 200 (0.0%). System usawi (active) overall: 194.05 of 8704.80 mi (2.23%) System usawi by route (traveled routes only): WI11: 15.48 of 163.43 mi (9.47%) (WI WI11 only) WI13: 2.31 of 341.23 mi (0.68%) (WI WI13 only) WI16: 20.67 of 194.72 mi (10.62%) (WI WI16 only) WI19: 1.51 of 58.60 mi (2.58%) (WI WI19 only) WI20: 15.81 of 42.42 mi (37.27%) (WI WI20 only) WI22: 0.41 of 171.11 mi (0.24%) (WI WI22 only) WI23: 22.05 of 210.24 mi (10.49%) (WI WI23 only) WI26: 27.02 of 100.29 mi (26.94%) (WI WI26 only) WI26Bus (Milton): 0.33 of 4.78 mi (7.00%) (WI WI26BusMil only) WI30: 2.87 of 2.87 mi (100.00%) (WI WI30 only) WI33: 2.85 of 194.87 mi (1.46%) (WI WI33 only) WI59: 4.98 of 115.14 mi (4.32%) (WI WI59 only) WI60: 8.51 of 182.53 mi (4.66%) (WI WI60 only) WI67: 10.10 of 158.71 mi (6.36%) (WI WI67 only) WI78: 22.43 of 90.87 mi (24.69%) (WI WI78 only) WI82: 4.62 of 113.58 mi (4.07%) (WI WI82 only) WI83: 10.27 of 67.81 mi (15.15%) (WI WI83 only) WI89: 1.41 of 55.61 mi (2.53%) (WI WI89 only) WI113: 10.23 of 29.02 mi (35.24%) (WI WI113 only) WI113 (Baraboo): 7.11 of 11.87 mi (59.88%) (WI WI113Bar only) WI120: 1.22 of 21.27 mi (5.73%) (WI WI120 only) WI164: 3.00 of 43.77 mi (6.85%) (WI WI164 only) WI188: 2.79 of 11.67 mi (23.86%) (WI WI188 only) WI441: 3.95 of 10.43 mi (37.85%) (WI WI441 only) System usawi connected routes traveled: 24 of 174 (13.8%), clinched: 1 of 174 (0.6%). System eurtr (preview) overall: 84.39 of 5769.89 mi (1.46%) System eurtr by region: AUT: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 215.17 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 486.32 mi (0.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 322.48 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2446.10 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.04 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.37 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%) IRL: 84.39 of 880.65 mi (9.58%) NIR: 0.00 of 15.60 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 97.51 mi (0.00%) POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 203.70 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 226.37 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%) System eurtr by route (traveled routes only): ConPass (Connor Pass): 19.68 of 19.68 mi (100.00%) (IRL ConPass only) RingKer (Ring of Kerry): 16.07 of 100.07 mi (16.06%) (IRL RingKer only) SleaHeadDr (Slea Head Drive): 24.78 of 31.22 mi (79.38%) (IRL SleaHeadDr only) BoyVlyDr (Boyne Valley Drive): 23.85 of 109.61 mi (21.76%) (IRL BoyVlyDr only) System eurtr connected routes traveled: 4 of 94 (4.3%), clinched: 1 of 94 (1.1%). System gbrtrl (preview) overall: 9.16 of 1324.14 mi (0.69%) System gbrtrl by region: ENG: 0.00 of 115.29 mi (0.00%) NIR: 9.16 of 85.94 mi (10.65%) SCT: 0.00 of 1122.92 mi (0.00%) System gbrtrl by route (traveled routes only): StPatTR (St Patrick's Trail (Newry)): 9.16 of 62.65 mi (14.61%) (NIR StPatTR only) System gbrtrl connected routes traveled: 1 of 48 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%). System gbrrr (preview) overall: 0.74 of 492.27 mi (0.15%) System gbrrr by region: ENG: 0.00 of 459.27 mi (0.00%) JEY: 0.00 of 1.90 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.74 of 25.75 mi (2.86%) SCT: 0.00 of 5.36 mi (0.00%) System gbrrr by route (traveled routes only): BelIR (Belfast Inner Ring): 0.74 of 1.99 mi (37.00%) (NIR BelIR only) System gbrrr connected routes traveled: 1 of 60 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 60 (0.0%). System usaush (preview) overall: 63.21 of 3462.97 mi (1.83%) System usaush by region: AZ: 51.47 of 398.24 mi (12.92%) CA: 0.00 of 938.33 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%) IL: 11.74 of 384.11 mi (3.06%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 422.63 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 5.38 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 88.02 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 366.50 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 33.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 410.84 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 46.73 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US66His (St Louis, MO): 11.74 of 921.79 mi (1.27%) IL US66HisChi: 11.74 of 288.70 mi (4.07%) US80His (Douglas, AZ): 51.47 of 123.80 mi (41.58%) (AZ US80HisDou only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 2 of 123 (1.6%), clinched: 0 of 123 (0.0%). Traveled 33 of 374 (8.8%), Clinched 1 of 374 (0.3%) active systems Traveled 4 of 204 (2.0%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-07-25 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A8 | nir.a008 | Route relocated from Larne Road, Ballynure onto Ballynure Bypass, between A57 and Ballybricken Road 2015-07-25 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A28 | nir.a028 | Route extended at south end from A27 to A2 2015-08-29 | (USA) New York | NY 23B | ny.ny023b | Truncated route from western end of NY 23 concurrency with NY 9G to eastern end of concurrency 2015-09-06 | (USA) Illinois | I-41 | il.i041 | Added route 2015-09-06 | (USA) Illinois | IL 31 | il.il031 | Relocated in Algonquin from Main Street between Huntington Drive and Elmwood Court, west onto new bypass 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | I-41 | wi.i041 | Added route 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 41 | wi.us041 | Route relocated in Milwaukee area from WI 175 and I-94 to new I-41 2015-09-06 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 82 | wi.wi082 | Moved route in Mauston from Division St. and US 12 to Grayside and Union Sts. 2015-10-24 | (USA) New York | New York Thruway Berkshire Connector | ny.bercon | New Route 2015-10-27 | (USA) North Carolina | I-485 | nc.i485 | Extended between exits 23C (NC 115) and 30 (I-85), completing loop around Charlotte 2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | US 9 | ny.us009 | Truncated at north end from a cul-de-sac/turnaround about 1/3 mile north of the I-87 Exit 43 interchange, to the I-87 Exit 43 interchange 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | I-278 | ny.i278 | Extended at east end from Exit 54 at the west end of the Bruckner Interchange, to I-95, I-295 and I-678 at the east end of the Bruckner Interchange. Relabeled waypoints 38 to 41, 39 to 42, 40 to 43, 41 to 44, 42 to 45, 43 to 46, 44 to 47, 45 to 48, 46 to 50, 47 to 51, and 48 to 52. 2016-03-29 | (USA) Texas | US 59 | tx.us059 | Removed from Saunders St (US 59 Business) between I-35 Exit 2 and TX Loop 20, and relocated onto TX Loop 20 between Saunders St and the World Trade International Bridge 2016-06-26 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 16 | wi.wi016 | Removed from old route (now County Road L) south of Watertown and moved onto connector and WI 26 bypass from Business 16/26 intersection to County Road J 2016-06-26 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 60 | wi.wi060 | Removed one-mile duplex with WI 26 and moved onto new road to the east 2016-06-29 | (USA) Illinois | US 34 | il.us034 | Removed from County Road 1500N and IL 94 between 1400E and 1850E and relocated onto new four-lane south of Biggsville 2016-07-14 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 23 | wi.wi023 | Relocated north endpoint of WI 23 Business (Green Lake) to Thrasher Drive. Old endpoint is now *LawDr 2016-12-14 | Ireland | N52 | irl.n052 | Route extended at north end from N2 to M1 junction 18 2017-05-17 | (USA) Arizona | Sky Harbor Boulevard | az.skyharblvd | New Route 2017-09-27 | Ireland | M18 | irl.m018 | Route extended at north end from exit 16 to exit 18 2017-09-27 | Ireland | N67 | irl.n067 | Route extended at north end from N18 to N6 2017-09-27 | Ireland | R381 | irl.r381 | New Route 2017-09-27 | Ireland | R458 | irl.r458 | Route extended at north end from M18 exit 16 to N67 2017-11-22 | (USA) California | I-580 | ca.i580 | Waypoint 19B moved from I-980/CA 24 interchange in downtown Oakland west to added exit for CA 123, with old 19B renumbered 19C 2018-02-28 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 12 | wi.us012 | Moved points for WI73_N and WI73_S to new offramps 2018-03-17 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A510 | nir.a510 | New Route 2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line. 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Grand Central Parkway | ny.gracenpkwy | West end extended from Exit 4 to Exit 45 of I-278. 2018-07-21 | (USA) New York | NY 85 | ny.ny085 | West end extended from CR 351 to CR 353. 2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors. 2019-03-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-476 | pa.i476 | Extended to US 6 WB/US 11 to match mile-marker signage. 2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | Soldiers Field Rd | ma.solfierd | Added route. 2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | Storrow Drive | ma.stodr | Added route. 2019-07-18 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A1 | nir.a001 | Route extended at north end from A11 to A6/A510 junction 2019-07-18 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A11 | nir.a011 | Route extended at west end from A510 to A1, and at east end from eastern junction with A2 to A24/A510 junction 2019-07-18 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A24 | nir.a024 | Route truncated at north end from A2 junction to A11/A510 junction 2019-07-18 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A501 | nir.a501 | Route extended at east end from western junction with A11 to A2/A11 junction 2019-12-03 | Ireland | R446 | irl.r446 | Route removed from R942 and R380, and relocated onto Loughrea bypass between R942 and R349/R380 2019-12-18 | (USA) New Jersey | Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector | nj.atlbricon | Added route 2020-01-30 | Ireland | E30 | irl.e30 | Route removed from Waterford Road, Quay, and New Ross Ring Road and relocated onto New Ross Bypass between R723 and N30 2020-01-30 | Ireland | N25 | irl.n025 | Route removed from Waterford Road, Quay, and New Ross Ring Road and relocated onto New Ross Bypass between R723 and N30 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-87 | ny.i087 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-287 | ny.i287 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-06-25 | (USA) Illinois | IL 64 | il.il064 | Relocated IA/IL and IL84_N for new bridge 2020-10-11 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 202 | az.az202 | Route extended from 40th Street on the south side of Phoenix across new South Mountain Freeway to I-10 on the west side of Phoenix. 2020-12-18 | (USA) Arizona | I-10 | az.i010 | Relocated onto new alignment near Eloy. Former exits 211, 211B, and 212 replaced with new exit 211. 2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95. 2021-03-27 | (USA) Illinois | IL 23 | il.il023 | Removed from part of Dekalb Avenue, Elm Street, and Main Street and relocated onto Center Cross Street and IL 64/State Street in Sycamore 2021-05-17 | (USA) Illinois | I-294 | il.i294 | Updated labels for the interchanges of I-57 (was 8, now 7) & IL 83 (was 9, now 8) due to a recent renumbering. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 3 | ma.ma003 | Waypoint 18(93) moved from Massachusetts Ave Connector (now labeled 15(93)) to the northern I-93 split. 2021-06-08 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 18 | wi.us018 | Moved off 17th Street and State/Wells streets one-way pairs onto Highland Avenue and WI 145 between 17th and 6th Streets in Milwaukee. 2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-07-05 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 45 | wi.us045 | Re-entered route with exit numbers along I-41, I-894, US 10, WI 29. Re-entered all waypoint locations along I-894. 2021-07-05 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 51 | wi.us051 | Re-entered route with exit numbers between WI 29 and US 8. Re-entered exit numbers along I-39, treating I-39's exit numbers as US 51's. Removed from North Towne Road between WI 19 and Route V and relocated onto parallel freeway. Closed points CRDV_Dan and CRH_Lin. 2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-90 | in.i090 | Added waypoint 5A at ramp from US 41 to eastbound I-90 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-18 | (USA) Arizona | US 60 | az.us060 | Relocated onto new 2021 Pinto Creek Bridge west of Globe, slightly north of previous 1949 bridge now removed. 2021-11-11 | (USA) Illinois | I-90 | il.i090 | Relabelled exits in Chicago along the I-94 Concurrency. 2021-11-21 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 28 | ma.ma028 | Extended at south end from MA 6A concurrent with MA 6A to US 6. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 6 | ia.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between Kimberly Road and Illinois state line. Route separates at *OldI-74. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | I-74 | il.i074 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | US 6 | il.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2021-12-03 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 143 | az.az143 | Route truncated at south end from Broadway Road to I-10 2022-01-01 | (USA) Texas | I-69 | tx.i069 | Extended southward from a closed intersection with TX Spur 529 to Exit 94. 2022-03-07 | (USA) Illinois | IL 29 | il.il029 | Removed from Springfield Road through Edinburg and relocated onto four-lane bypass on east side of Edinburg (between points OldIL29_S and OldIL29_N). 2022-03-07 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 83 | wi.wi083 | Truncated from WI 175 to WI 60. 2022-04-17 | (USA) New York | I-86 (Binghamton) | ny.i086bin | Extended westward from exit 75 concurrent with I-81 to exit 72A. 2022-05-04 | Ireland | N1 (Dublin) | irl.n001dub | Route added 2022-06-16 | (UK) Northern Ireland | A6 | nir.a006 | Route removed from Foreglen Road and relocated onto Dungiven bypass between B69 and Chapel Road, and removed from Glenshane Road and relocated onto dual-carriageway between eastern junction with Glenshane Road and B118 2022-07-13 | (USA) Illinois | I-94 | il.i094 | Relocated exit 59B from 69th Street to Marquette Road. 2022-07-14 | Ireland | R608 (Cork) | irl.r608cor | Route added 2022-08-10 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 10 | wi.us010 | Removed from 8th/10th Street pair, Madison Street, and Lakeview Drive in Manitowoc, and relocated onto Waldo Boulevard, Maritime Drive, 8th Street, and Quay Street in Manitowoc. Former point WI42_N relabeled 10thSt. Point WI42_N moved to intersection of Waldo Boulevard and Maritime Drive 2022-08-10 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 151 | wi.us151 | Truncated from US 10 in Manitowoc to I-43 exit 149 2022-08-11 | Ireland | N8 (Cork) | irl.n008 | Route merged into main route 2022-08-11 | Ireland | R132 (Dublin) | irl.r132 | Route merged into main route 2022-08-11 | Ireland | R148 (Dublin) | irl.r148 | Route merged into main route 2022-08-17 | (USA) Illinois | IL 19 | il.il019 | Relocated to current alignment between YorkRd and *OldIL19. 2022-08-30 | (USA) California | US 101 | ca.us101 | South end of route truncated from CA 60 to junction with I-5 (truncated segment is also I-5, between exits 134A and 134B). Old US 101 waypoint I-5/10 => new 1A (I-5/10 label in use preserved). Old 1A => new 1B, and old 1B => new 1C. 2022-09-08 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 113 | wi.wi113 | Split route at Merrimac Ferry. South segment now ends at point MerFry. North segment renamed WI113Bar. 2022-09-08 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 113 (Baraboo) | wi.wi113bar | Created route due to split at Merrimac Ferry. 2022-10-04 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 30 | pa.us030 | Realigned east of WV/PA and west of PA 168 between *OldUS30_A and *OldUS30_B. 2022-12-10 | Ireland | N22 | irl.n022 | Route removed from R584, R582 and R618 and relocated onto Macroom bypass between (moved) R584 junction and (moved) R618_W junction 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-71 | oh.i071 | Point label 1J (the exit to I-471) renamed 1A to match signage, point label 1A renamed 1A(75) 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | US 40 | oh.us040 | CR214 point moved from Banfield Rd (I-70 point 218A, I-470 point 1) to High Ridge Rd (I-70 point 220), Banfield Rd point renamed CR28B 2023-02-13 | (USA) Ohio | Berea Freeway | oh.berfwy | Route added 2023-02-17 | (USA) Illinois | IL 53 | il.il053 | Truncated south end from I-55 to OldUS66_E 2023-04-16 | (USA) Ohio | OH 315 | oh.oh315 | 1C waypoint moved to northbound US33 exit, and former 1C point at northbound I-670 (East)/southboundI-670 (West) exit renamed 1D 2023-06-03 | (USA) California | CA 1 | ca.ca001 | North of Bodega Bay, route relocated from eroding coastal bluffs, and onto new viaduct over Scotty Creek floodplain, between Calle del Sol and OldCA1Gle_N 2023-08-12 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 291 Alternate Truck (Philadelphia) | pa.pa291alttrkphi | Route added. 2024-01-02 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 6 | pa.us006 | Relocated PA660_E label due to realignment of PA 660. The former PA660_E label is now ChaRd. 2024-01-12 | (USA) New York | NY 17 (Binghamton) | ny.ny017bin | Waypoint labels 72 & 72B swapped. 2024-05-11 | (USA) Ohio | OH 117 | oh.oh117 | OH65_N point moved from Central Ave to midpoint of Union St/Central Ave pair 2024-07-09 | (USA) Illinois | US 12 | il.us012 | Removed from Lee Street between Elk Boulevard and Rand Road and relocated onto Elk Boulevard and South Des Plaines River Road in Des Plaines 2024-07-09 | (USA) Illinois | US 45 | il.us045 | Removed from Lee Street between Elk Boulevard and Rand Road and relocated onto Elk Boulevard and South Des Plaines River Road in Des Plaines 2024-07-27 | (USA) Indiana | I-65 | in.i065 | North end moved from I-90 (262) to US12/20, and point 262 moved to location of 262A 2024-07-27 | (USA) Ohio | US 23 | oh.us023 | Removed from Livingston Ave between High St and 3rd St/4thSt and onto Fulton St/Mound St pair, which involved moving US33_S point from Livingston intersection with 3rd/4th to Fulton/Mound intersection with 3rd/4th and moving HighSt_S point from Livingston intersection with High to Fulton/Mound intersection with High (old routing between Fulton/Mound and Livingston is still part of US 33) 2024-07-27 | (USA) Ohio | US 33 | oh.us033 | US23_S point moved from intersection of Livingston Ave and 3rd St/4th St pair (now labeled LivAve_W) to intersection of new US 23 routing on Fulton St/Mound St at 3rd/4th 2024-08-21 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-70 | pa.i070 | Small realignments between *OldI-70/76_A and *OldI-70/76_B and *OldI-70/76_C and *OldI-70/76_D as part of a reconstruction/widening between milemarkers 102 and 109. Both realignments are just west of 110(76). 2024-08-21 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-76 | pa.i076 | Small realignments between *OldI-70/76_A and *OldI-70/76_B and *OldI-70/76_C and *OldI-70/76_D as part of a reconstruction/widening between milemarkers 102 and 109. Both realignments are just west of 110.