Log file created at: Thu Jan 23 21:22:41 2025
finnedude.list last updated: 2020-10-20 18:04:10 +0200
Waypoint label O_NAEN not found in line: DNK MRSja RinGade_N O_NaeN #    Næstved
Route updated 2023-05-07: DNK SR211
Route updated 2023-05-09: DNK SR233
Note: deprecated route name ONae -> canonical name ONas in line: DNK ONae VorVej RinVej_W #  O   Næstved V                 +
Note: deprecated route name O2Nae -> canonical name O2Nas in line: DNK O2Nae PR54_E PR14 #     O2  Næstved NØ
Waypoint label O2 not found in line: DNK PR14 PR54/O2 O2 #       14  Næstved - Ringsted        +
  Route updated 2023-05-02: DNK PR14
Waypoint label O2 not found in line: DNK PR9 O2 MR_Vin #         9   Odense - TÃ¥singe
  Route updated 2023-04-28: DNK PR9
Route updated 2023-04-28: DNK SR301
Route updated 2023-05-06: DNK SR303
Route updated 2023-05-14: DNK SR311
Route updated 2023-05-14: DNK SR405
Route updated 2023-05-03: DNK SR429
Route updated 2023-05-14: DNK PR30
Route updated 2023-05-07: DNK SR176
Route updated 2023-05-07: DNK SR463
Route updated 2023-05-02: DNK SR487
Route updated 2023-07-02: SWE E20
Route updated 2020-12-11: SWE E22
Route updated 2023-02-26: SWE R44
Route updated 2023-03-19: NLD E25
Route updated 2023-03-19: NLD E30
Route updated 2023-04-01: NLD S101Rot
Route updated 2023-04-01: NLD S102Rot
Waypoint labels S116/S117 and BEESTR not found in line: NLD S115Ams S116/S117 BeeStr #    S115  Amsterdam
  Route updated 2023-04-02: NLD S115Ams
Note: deprecated route name KehaIII -> canonical name Kt50 in line: FIN KehaIII Kt51 44 #         Jorvas - Vanda
Route updated 2020-11-25: FIN Kt50
Waypoint label SR68 not found in line: ITA A12 A7 SR68 #             Genua - Livorno
  Route updated 2024-06-23: ITA A12
Waypoint label PR988_S not found in line: PR PR983 PR940 PR988_S #  Las Paylas            +
Waypoint label PR983_W not found in line: PR PR988 PR191 PR983_W #  El Yunque - Las Paylas
Route updated 2021-01-12: MA I-90
Route updated 2021-06-02: MA I-93
Route updated 2021-05-13: MA I-95
Route updated 2021-05-13: MA MA128
Route updated 2022-11-09: RI I-95
Route updated 2022-08-30: CA US101
Route updated 2023-06-03: CA CA1
Processed 329 good lines marking 4670 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 6007.43 of 1271340.89 mi (0.47%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 6036.44 of 1946224.29 mi (0.31%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
CA: 99.97 of 15453.77 mi (0.65%), 99.97 of 16176.01 mi (0.62%)
CT: 23.16 of 3385.17 mi (0.68%), 23.16 of 3385.17 mi (0.68%)
DEU-HB: 21.66 of 65.63 mi (33.00%), 21.66 of 65.63 mi (33.00%)
DEU-HH: 23.35 of 141.60 mi (16.49%), 23.35 of 141.60 mi (16.49%)
DEU-NI: 202.39 of 8768.75 mi (2.31%), 202.39 of 8768.75 mi (2.31%)
DEU-NW: 25.45 of 11838.07 mi (0.22%), 25.45 of 11838.07 mi (0.22%)
DEU-SH: 183.49 of 3509.51 mi (5.23%), 183.49 of 3509.51 mi (5.23%)
DNK: 3066.62 of 8055.01 mi (38.07%), 3066.62 of 8055.01 mi (38.07%)
FIN: 210.94 of 16873.64 mi (1.25%), 231.32 of 17252.82 mi (1.34%)
GRC: 78.91 of 6005.16 mi (1.31%), 78.91 of 6005.16 mi (1.31%)
ITA: 259.29 of 6387.09 mi (4.06%), 267.92 of 19109.83 mi (1.40%)
MA: 136.76 of 4326.44 mi (3.16%), 136.76 of 4329.91 mi (3.16%)
NLD: 361.63 of 6701.35 mi (5.40%), 361.63 of 6701.35 mi (5.40%)
NOR: 34.43 of 16563.32 mi (0.21%), 34.43 of 16563.32 mi (0.21%)
PR: 39.32 of 4181.18 mi (0.94%), 39.32 of 4181.18 mi (0.94%)
RI: 45.03 of 832.99 mi (5.41%), 45.03 of 832.99 mi (5.41%)
SWE: 1195.02 of 16327.71 mi (7.32%), 1195.02 of 16327.71 mi (7.32%)
System deua (active) overall: 310.77 of 8261.35 mi (3.76%)
System deua by region:
  DEU-BB: 0.00 of 506.73 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BE: 0.00 of 45.16 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.00 of 663.07 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 1590.25 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HB: 14.38 of 41.53 mi (34.62%)
  DEU-HE: 0.00 of 636.36 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HH: 17.93 of 46.62 mi (38.47%)
  DEU-MV: 0.00 of 361.61 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NI: 143.95 of 911.99 mi (15.78%)
  DEU-NW: 25.45 of 1408.89 mi (1.81%)
  DEU-RP: 0.00 of 544.33 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SH: 109.05 of 342.75 mi (31.82%)
  DEU-SL: 0.00 of 147.06 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SN: 0.00 of 363.60 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-ST: 0.00 of 327.02 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-TH: 0.00 of 324.39 mi (0.00%)
System deua by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Bremen): 126.79 of 380.79 mi (33.30%)
  DEU-NI A1Buc: 47.60 of 59.11 mi (80.53%)
  DEU-HB A1: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1Dre: 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A1Ars: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1: 69.16 of 69.16 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A1Wer: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1Osn: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A1: 1.22 of 158.36 mi (0.77%)

A7: 107.59 of 600.55 mi (17.92%)
  DEU-SH A7: 90.86 of 90.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH A7: 16.73 of 18.08 mi (92.55%)

A21: 18.19 of 33.64 mi (54.08%)
 (DEU-SH A21 only)
A27: 9.83 of 101.86 mi (9.65%)
  DEU-HB A27: 7.85 of 14.31 mi (54.87%)
  DEU-NI A27Oyt: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A27Mah: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A27: 0.37 of 35.66 mi (1.05%)

A28: 2.22 of 60.30 mi (3.68%)
 (DEU-NI A28 only)
A30: 40.44 of 84.37 mi (47.93%)
  DEU-NI A30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A30: 22.60 of 23.61 mi (95.71%)

A261: 5.70 of 5.70 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH A261: 1.20 of 1.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A261: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%)

System deua connected routes traveled: 7 of 152 (4.6%), clinched: 1 of 152 (0.7%).
System deub (active) overall: 132.51 of 22943.02 mi (0.58%)
System deub by region:
  AUT: 0.00 of 0.88 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 0.00 of 0.46 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BB: 0.00 of 1682.58 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BE: 0.00 of 99.18 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.00 of 2537.84 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 3645.52 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HB: 7.28 of 20.47 mi (35.58%)
  DEU-HE: 0.00 of 1794.43 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HH: 6.96 of 73.05 mi (9.53%)
  DEU-MV: 0.00 of 1198.02 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NI: 58.44 of 2853.49 mi (2.05%)
  DEU-NW: 0.00 of 2693.14 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-RP: 0.00 of 1699.55 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SH: 59.82 of 946.92 mi (6.32%)
  DEU-SL: 0.00 of 187.32 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SN: 0.00 of 1369.35 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-ST: 0.00 of 1238.62 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-TH: 0.00 of 900.47 mi (0.00%)
System deub by route (traveled routes only):
B4 (Hamburg): 1.55 of 31.40 mi (4.94%)
  DEU-HH B4: 1.55 of 11.82 mi (13.12%)

B6 (Hannover): 3.82 of 131.59 mi (2.90%)
  DEU-HB B6: 3.82 of 7.36 mi (51.86%)

B72: 9.09 of 82.44 mi (11.03%)
 (DEU-NI B72 only)
B75 (Bremen): 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI B75Del: 2.01 of 2.01 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB B75: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%)

B76: 17.60 of 77.66 mi (22.66%)
 (DEU-SH B76 only)
B199 (Flensburg): 5.40 of 55.27 mi (9.77%)
 (DEU-SH B199 only)
B200: 8.75 of 29.92 mi (29.25%)
 (DEU-SH B200 only)
B202 (Lütjenburg): 1.34 of 34.09 mi (3.93%)
 (DEU-SH B202Lut only)
B213 (Haselünne): 28.64 of 68.45 mi (41.85%)
 (DEU-NI B213 only)
B402: 20.03 of 35.44 mi (56.53%)
 (DEU-NI B402 only)
B404 (Kiel): 11.10 of 11.10 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SH B404Kie only)
B432: 20.08 of 48.56 mi (41.36%)
  DEU-HH B432: 0.82 of 0.93 mi (87.59%)
  DEU-SH B432Gla: 1.24 of 6.77 mi (18.31%)
  DEU-HH B432DuW: 0.19 of 0.19 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SH B432Tan: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH B432DuN: 0.62 of 0.62 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SH B432: 17.04 of 39.88 mi (42.74%)

B433: 3.91 of 6.62 mi (59.04%)
  DEU-HH B433Nie: 1.59 of 1.59 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SH B433: 0.12 of 0.12 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH B433: 2.20 of 4.92 mi (44.83%)

System deub connected routes traveled: 13 of 732 (1.8%), clinched: 2 of 732 (0.3%).
System deuhhr (active) overall: 4.65 of 32.34 mi (14.38%)
System deuhhr by region:
  DEU-HH: 4.58 of 32.19 mi (14.22%)
  DEU-SH: 0.07 of 0.15 mi (49.51%)
System deuhhr by route (traveled routes only):
Ring3: 4.65 of 15.82 mi (29.41%)
  DEU-HH Ring3: 4.58 of 10.49 mi (43.62%)
  DEU-SH Ring3: 0.07 of 0.15 mi (49.51%)

System deuhhr connected routes traveled: 1 of 3 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%).
System deushl (active) overall: 14.80 of 2224.07 mi (0.67%)
System deushl by route (traveled routes only):
L16: 1.70 of 1.70 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SH L16 only)
L17: 1.99 of 2.87 mi (69.31%)
 (DEU-SH L17 only)
L167: 0.18 of 12.84 mi (1.44%)
 (DEU-SH L167 only)
L265: 10.93 of 15.23 mi (71.77%)
 (DEU-SH L265 only)
System deushl connected routes traveled: 4 of 291 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 291 (0.3%).
System dnkmot (active) overall: 623.60 of 803.18 mi (77.64%)
System dnkmot by route (traveled routes only):
AmaMot (Amagermotorvejen): 6.37 of 6.37 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK AmaMot only)
ArhSMot (Ã…rhus Syd Motorvejen): 5.41 of 5.41 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK ArhSMot only)
DjuMot (Djurslandmotorvejen): 11.51 of 11.51 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK DjuMot only)
EsbMot (Esbjergmotorvejen): 39.92 of 41.17 mi (96.96%)
 (DNK EsbMot only)
FSundMot (Frederikssundmotorvejen): 6.06 of 6.06 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK FSundMot only)
FynMot (Fynske Motorvej): 62.58 of 62.58 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK FynMot only)
HelMot (Helsingørmotorvejen): 22.01 of 22.01 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK HelMot only)
HerMot (Herningmotorvejen): 18.20 of 46.75 mi (38.93%)
 (DNK HerMot only)
HilMot (Hillerødmotorvejen): 11.57 of 11.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK HilMot only)
HolMot (Holbækmotorvejen): 38.64 of 38.64 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK HolMot only)
KalMot (Kalundborgmotorvejen): 8.57 of 8.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK KalMot only)
KogBugMot (Køge Bugt Motorvejen): 16.94 of 16.94 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK KogBugMot only)
LynMot (Lyngbymotorvejen): 2.75 of 2.75 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK LynMot only)
MesMot (Messemotorvejen (Syd Herning)): 2.68 of 2.68 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK MesMot only)
MidMot (Midtjyske Motorvej): 41.17 of 43.29 mi (95.10%)
 (DNK MidMot only)
MotRing3 (Motorring 3): 11.52 of 11.52 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK MotRing3 only)
MotRing4 (Motorring 4): 9.03 of 9.03 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK MotRing4 only)
NorMot (Nordjyske Motorvej): 38.03 of 71.69 mi (53.05%)
 (DNK NorMot only)
OreMot (Øresundsmotorvejen): 11.85 of 11.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OreMot only)
OstMot (Østjyske Motorvej): 60.24 of 60.24 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OstMot only)
SonMot (Sønderborgmotorvejen): 15.64 of 15.64 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SonMot only)
SonJysMot (Sønderjyske Motorvej): 61.11 of 61.11 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SonJysMot only)
SydMot (Sydmotorvejen): 75.28 of 75.28 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SydMot only)
TauMot (Taulovmotorvejen): 5.22 of 5.22 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK TauMot only)
VestMot (Vestmotorvejen): 43.37 of 43.37 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK VestMot only)
System dnkmot connected routes traveled: 25 of 31 (80.6%), clinched: 21 of 31 (67.7%).
System dnkpr (active) overall: 883.90 of 2004.64 mi (44.09%)
System dnkpr by route (traveled routes only):
PR6: 49.01 of 49.70 mi (98.61%)
 (DNK PR6 only)
PR8 (Sonderborg): 23.54 of 48.59 mi (48.44%)
 (DNK PR8 only)
PR8 (Faaborg): 30.65 of 34.33 mi (89.28%)
 (DNK PR8Faa only)
PR9 (Odense): 13.16 of 38.06 mi (34.58%)
 (DNK PR9 only)
PR9 (Nykobing Falster): 37.85 of 38.95 mi (97.18%)
 (DNK PR9Nyk only)
PR11: 39.97 of 218.50 mi (18.29%)
 (DNK PR11 only)
PR12: 5.79 of 80.23 mi (7.21%)
 (DNK PR12 only)
PR13: 7.14 of 86.61 mi (8.24%)
 (DNK PR13 only)
PR14: 2.41 of 30.34 mi (7.93%)
 (DNK PR14 only)
PR15: 72.10 of 128.66 mi (56.03%)
 (DNK PR15 only)
PR16 (Copenhagen): 39.02 of 39.02 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR16Cop only)
PR16 (Viborg): 31.33 of 123.36 mi (25.39%)
 (DNK PR16 only)
PR17: 6.06 of 6.06 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR17 only)
PR18: 41.17 of 68.60 mi (60.02%)
 (DNK PR18 only)
PR19: 25.43 of 25.43 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR19 only)
PR21 (Copenhagen): 65.97 of 65.97 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR21 only)
PR21 (Randers): 4.44 of 35.16 mi (12.62%)
 (DNK PR21Ran only)
PR22: 4.44 of 67.18 mi (6.60%)
 (DNK PR22 only)
PR23 (Kalundborg): 27.59 of 29.09 mi (94.84%)
 (DNK PR23 only)
PR24: 55.74 of 55.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR24 only)
PR25: 39.07 of 44.82 mi (87.18%)
 (DNK PR25 only)
PR28: 72.25 of 114.94 mi (62.86%)
 (DNK PR28 only)
PR29: 35.83 of 60.71 mi (59.01%)
 (DNK PR29 only)
PR30: 19.02 of 60.03 mi (31.68%)
 (DNK PR30 only)
PR32: 25.55 of 25.55 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR32 only)
PR41: 17.90 of 17.90 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR41 only)
PR42: 3.64 of 8.70 mi (41.85%)
 (DNK PR42 only)
PR43: 16.18 of 16.18 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR43 only)
PR44: 15.29 of 15.29 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR44 only)
PR47: 13.70 of 13.70 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR47 only)
PR53: 27.92 of 29.24 mi (95.47%)
 (DNK PR53 only)
PR54: 9.87 of 11.81 mi (83.54%)
 (DNK PR54 only)
PR57: 19.91 of 19.91 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR57 only)
PR59: 12.98 of 12.98 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK PR59 only)
O2 (København): 15.54 of 15.54 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK O2Kob only)
O2 (Hillerod): 12.90 of 12.90 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK O2Hil only)
O3 (København): 9.70 of 11.85 mi (81.89%)
 (DNK O3Kob only)
O4 (København): 16.11 of 16.11 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK O4Kob only)
System dnkpr connected routes traveled: 38 of 47 (80.9%), clinched: 15 of 47 (31.9%).
System dnksr (active) overall: 1186.32 of 3879.12 mi (30.58%)
System dnksr by route (traveled routes only):
SR150: 23.14 of 48.19 mi (48.02%)
 (DNK SR150 only)
SR151: 21.76 of 53.52 mi (40.65%)
 (DNK SR151 only)
SR152: 23.23 of 23.23 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR152 only)
SR153: 0.69 of 37.63 mi (1.85%)
 (DNK SR153 only)
SR154: 4.25 of 16.60 mi (25.58%)
 (DNK SR154 only)
SR155: 8.71 of 34.96 mi (24.91%)
 (DNK SR155 only)
SR156: 14.98 of 14.98 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR156 only)
SR157: 0.96 of 19.42 mi (4.93%)
 (DNK SR157 only)
SR160: 3.44 of 16.90 mi (20.36%)
 (DNK SR160 only)
SR161: 38.23 of 38.23 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR161 only)
SR162: 2.66 of 22.63 mi (11.75%)
 (DNK SR162 only)
SR163: 22.39 of 22.39 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR163 only)
SR165: 15.43 of 20.37 mi (75.75%)
 (DNK SR165 only)
SR167: 12.04 of 27.37 mi (43.99%)
 (DNK SR167 only)
SR168: 21.70 of 21.70 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR168 only)
SR170: 64.79 of 108.05 mi (59.96%)
 (DNK SR170 only)
SR175: 24.82 of 48.06 mi (51.64%)
 (DNK SR175 only)
SR176: 27.46 of 39.41 mi (69.67%)
 (DNK SR176 only)
SR179: 24.80 of 36.46 mi (68.02%)
 (DNK SR179 only)
SR181 (Varde): 56.94 of 88.51 mi (64.34%)
 (DNK SR181 only)
SR191: 45.23 of 48.30 mi (93.65%)
 (DNK SR191 only)
SR195: 5.22 of 55.30 mi (9.44%)
 (DNK SR195 only)
SR201: 14.37 of 14.37 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR201 only)
SR205: 23.72 of 23.72 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR205 only)
SR207 (Frederikssund): 27.11 of 32.59 mi (83.18%)
 (DNK SR207 only)
SR207 (Lynæs): 1.17 of 1.17 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR207Lyn only)
SR209: 8.17 of 28.68 mi (28.47%)
 (DNK SR209 only)
SR211: 30.82 of 30.82 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR211 only)
SR213: 7.10 of 7.10 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR213 only)
SR215: 0.17 of 11.44 mi (1.52%)
 (DNK SR215 only)
SR219: 6.30 of 24.31 mi (25.93%)
 (DNK SR219 only)
SR221: 1.40 of 4.15 mi (33.88%)
 (DNK SR221 only)
SR225: 28.17 of 47.42 mi (59.41%)
 (DNK SR225 only)
SR227: 13.07 of 13.07 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR227 only)
SR231: 8.35 of 18.99 mi (43.98%)
 (DNK SR231 only)
SR233: 11.47 of 11.47 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR233 only)
SR235: 9.82 of 9.82 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR235 only)
SR237: 23.74 of 23.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR237 only)
SR239: 1.25 of 16.00 mi (7.81%)
 (DNK SR239 only)
SR243: 1.67 of 7.51 mi (22.26%)
 (DNK SR243 only)
SR251: 9.85 of 9.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR251 only)
SR255: 15.00 of 32.61 mi (45.99%)
 (DNK SR255 only)
SR259: 3.62 of 9.74 mi (37.19%)
 (DNK SR259 only)
SR261: 17.41 of 17.41 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR261 only)
SR265: 11.49 of 56.61 mi (20.29%)
 (DNK SR265 only)
SR267: 13.93 of 13.93 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR267 only)
SR275: 0.23 of 15.71 mi (1.46%)
 (DNK SR275 only)
SR287: 13.90 of 27.19 mi (51.12%)
 (DNK SR287 only)
SR297: 4.06 of 20.52 mi (19.79%)
 (DNK SR297 only)
SR301: 3.40 of 17.55 mi (19.40%)
 (DNK SR301 only)
SR303: 9.80 of 17.43 mi (56.19%)
 (DNK SR303 only)
SR305: 1.01 of 31.94 mi (3.15%)
 (DNK SR305 only)
SR307: 12.85 of 12.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR307 only)
SR311: 2.01 of 14.93 mi (13.44%)
 (DNK SR311 only)
SR313: 15.93 of 15.93 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR313 only)
SR315: 2.07 of 26.03 mi (7.94%)
 (DNK SR315 only)
SR317: 0.83 of 10.91 mi (7.63%)
 (DNK SR317 only)
SR323: 26.98 of 33.85 mi (79.70%)
 (DNK SR323 only)
SR327: 1.33 of 11.93 mi (11.18%)
 (DNK SR327 only)
SR329: 35.80 of 35.80 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR329 only)
SR335: 30.74 of 30.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR335 only)
SR401: 33.67 of 49.49 mi (68.03%)
 (DNK SR401 only)
SR403: 27.26 of 27.26 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR403 only)
SR405: 5.26 of 9.68 mi (54.32%)
 (DNK SR405 only)
SR411: 2.52 of 27.27 mi (9.25%)
 (DNK SR411 only)
SR417: 18.89 of 30.54 mi (61.84%)
 (DNK SR417 only)
SR419: 11.98 of 23.75 mi (50.47%)
 (DNK SR419 only)
SR425: 18.52 of 29.58 mi (62.61%)
 (DNK SR425 only)
SR429: 16.53 of 16.53 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR429 only)
SR431: 3.75 of 17.79 mi (21.09%)
 (DNK SR431 only)
SR435: 21.32 of 33.54 mi (63.55%)
 (DNK SR435 only)
SR437: 17.33 of 17.33 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR437 only)
SR443: 0.99 of 17.56 mi (5.66%)
 (DNK SR443 only)
SR445: 9.70 of 33.11 mi (29.31%)
 (DNK SR445 only)
SR447: 1.34 of 6.56 mi (20.42%)
 (DNK SR447 only)
SR449: 14.44 of 20.44 mi (70.63%)
 (DNK SR449 only)
SR455: 0.10 of 4.39 mi (2.37%)
 (DNK SR455 only)
SR461: 2.02 of 16.98 mi (11.88%)
 (DNK SR461 only)
SR463: 11.23 of 11.23 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR463 only)
SR465: 3.52 of 8.74 mi (40.28%)
 (DNK SR465 only)
SR467: 0.45 of 42.50 mi (1.06%)
 (DNK SR467 only)
SR469: 13.68 of 27.99 mi (48.90%)
 (DNK SR469 only)
SR473: 6.22 of 22.71 mi (27.38%)
 (DNK SR473 only)
SR475: 1.48 of 22.75 mi (6.51%)
 (DNK SR475 only)
SR481: 13.80 of 14.54 mi (94.97%)
 (DNK SR481 only)
SR487: 2.71 of 37.49 mi (7.24%)
 (DNK SR487 only)
SR501: 5.41 of 5.41 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK SR501 only)
SR547: 13.24 of 22.03 mi (60.08%)
 (DNK SR547 only)
SR563: 11.49 of 15.09 mi (76.13%)
 (DNK SR563 only)
SR569: 1.09 of 19.75 mi (5.50%)
 (DNK SR569 only)
SR587: 0.84 of 22.28 mi (3.78%)
 (DNK SR587 only)
O1 (Aarhus): 0.33 of 4.22 mi (7.91%)
 (DNK O1Aar only)
O1 (Billund): 1.08 of 3.12 mi (34.62%)
 (DNK O1Bil only)
O1 (Helsingør): 1.35 of 1.35 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK O1Hel only)
O1 (Odense): 3.71 of 4.40 mi (84.19%)
 (DNK O1Ode only)
O1 (Roskilde): 2.29 of 2.75 mi (83.50%)
 (DNK O1Ros only)
O1 (Vejle): 0.31 of 2.36 mi (13.14%)
 (DNK O1Vej only)
O2 (Helsingør): 1.10 of 2.79 mi (39.61%)
 (DNK O2Hel only)
O2 (Næstved): 2.29 of 14.93 mi (15.33%)
 (DNK O2Nas only)
O2 (Odense): 11.34 of 11.34 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK O2Ode only)
O2 (Roskilde): 4.58 of 4.58 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK O2Ros only)
O2 (Vejle): 0.96 of 3.72 mi (25.83%)
 (DNK O2Vej only)
O3 (Helsingør): 3.33 of 4.67 mi (71.24%)
 (DNK O3Hel only)
O3 (Odense): 2.29 of 4.84 mi (47.32%)
 (DNK O3Ode only)
O (Fredericia): 0.55 of 1.41 mi (38.59%)
 (DNK OFre only)
O (Haderslev): 2.29 of 2.29 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OHad only)
O (Herning): 1.61 of 1.61 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OHer only)
O (Kolding): 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OKol only)
O (Næstved): 0.89 of 1.86 mi (47.87%)
 (DNK ONas only)
O (Nykøbing Falster): 0.07 of 1.81 mi (4.10%)
 (DNK ONyk only)
System dnksr connected routes traveled: 110 of 209 (52.6%), clinched: 32 of 209 (15.3%).
System dnkmr (active) overall: 985.87 of 2513.96 mi (39.22%)
System dnkmr by route (traveled routes only):
MR (Margueritruten (Kolding)): 177.89 of 648.80 mi (27.42%)
 (DNK MR only)
MR (Margueritruten (Esbjerg)): 179.25 of 236.66 mi (75.74%)
 (DNK MREsb only)
MR (Margueritruten (Nykøbing)): 11.24 of 103.78 mi (10.83%)
 (DNK MRNyk only)
MR (Margueritruten (Odense)): 237.06 of 517.68 mi (45.79%)
 (DNK MROde only)
MR (Margueritruten (Sjælland)): 328.46 of 564.12 mi (58.23%)
 (DNK MRSja only)
MR (Margueritruten (Svendborg)): 51.98 of 74.09 mi (70.16%)
 (DNK MRSve only)
System dnkmr connected routes traveled: 6 of 11 (54.5%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%).
System eure (active) overall: 2271.38 of 108151.91 mi (2.10%)
System eure by region:
  ALB: 0.00 of 191.08 mi (0.00%)
  ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%)
  AUT: 0.00 of 1441.83 mi (0.00%)
  AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 0.00 of 1147.91 mi (0.00%)
  BGR: 0.00 of 1556.64 mi (0.00%)
  BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%)
  BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 0.00 of 888.72 mi (0.00%)
  CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%)
  CZE: 0.00 of 1627.79 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BB: 0.00 of 525.10 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.36 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.00 of 780.57 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 1410.76 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HB: 14.38 of 28.28 mi (50.84%)
  DEU-HE: 0.00 of 482.75 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HH: 16.73 of 30.31 mi (55.20%)
  DEU-MV: 0.00 of 367.27 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NI: 195.89 of 656.38 mi (29.84%)
  DEU-NW: 25.45 of 794.22 mi (3.20%)
  DEU-RP: 0.00 of 467.50 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SH: 90.86 of 216.62 mi (41.95%)
  DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.97 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SN: 0.00 of 286.51 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-ST: 0.00 of 183.69 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.16 mi (0.00%)
  DNK: 472.38 of 582.31 mi (81.12%)
  ENG: 0.00 of 1577.28 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 0.00 of 384.47 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 224.03 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 179.71 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%)
  EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 69.27 of 2942.37 mi (2.35%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1038.62 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 686.76 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 568.38 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1035.45 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 801.36 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 260.83 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.85 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 395.40 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.01 mi (0.00%)
  GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%)
  GRC: 7.21 of 2362.33 mi (0.31%)
  HRV: 0.00 of 1054.79 mi (0.00%)
  HUN: 0.00 of 1532.12 mi (0.00%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 499.49 mi (0.00%)
  ITA: 259.29 of 5392.68 mi (4.81%)
  KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%)
  KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%)
  LTU: 0.00 of 977.13 mi (0.00%)
  LUX: 0.00 of 126.99 mi (0.00%)
  LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%)
  MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%)
  MKD: 0.00 of 317.03 mi (0.00%)
  MNE: 0.00 of 335.01 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 147.66 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 299.73 of 1015.76 mi (29.51%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 3870.63 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 0.00 of 3369.01 mi (0.00%)
  PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%)
  RKS: 0.00 of 156.50 mi (0.00%)
  ROU: 0.00 of 3745.94 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 463.06 mi (0.00%)
  SRB: 0.00 of 1132.07 mi (0.00%)
  SVK: 0.00 of 945.23 mi (0.00%)
  SVN: 0.00 of 365.87 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 820.20 of 4139.89 mi (19.81%)
  TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%)
  TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%)
  TUR: 0.00 of 5716.12 mi (0.00%)
  UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%)
  UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%)
System eure by route (traveled routes only):
E4: 352.51 of 990.71 mi (35.58%)
  SWE E4: 352.51 of 990.10 mi (35.60%)

E6 (C. Norway - Sweden): 237.69 of 1191.70 mi (19.95%)
  SWE E6: 237.69 of 300.59 mi (79.08%)

E12 (Finland): 34.69 of 266.59 mi (13.01%)
 (FIN E12 only)
E18 (Norway - Sweden): 58.08 of 573.74 mi (10.12%)
  SWE E18: 58.08 of 319.55 mi (18.18%)

E18 (Finland - Russia): 34.58 of 358.19 mi (9.65%)
  FIN E18: 34.58 of 221.18 mi (15.63%)

E19: 45.37 of 327.64 mi (13.85%)
  NLD E19: 45.37 of 79.04 mi (57.39%)

E20 (Denmark - Sweden): 404.21 of 680.19 mi (59.43%)
  DNK E20: 194.91 of 196.53 mi (99.17%)
  SWE E20: 209.30 of 483.66 mi (43.27%)

E22 (Netherlands - Germany): 60.63 of 506.10 mi (11.98%)
  DEU-NI E22: 7.29 of 80.70 mi (9.03%)
  DEU-HB E22Ars: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E22Dre: 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB E22: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E22Buc: 47.60 of 59.11 mi (80.53%)

E22 (Sweden): 94.95 of 347.90 mi (27.29%)
 (SWE E22 only)
E25 (Netherlands - Italy): 31.69 of 899.79 mi (3.52%)
  NLD E25: 31.69 of 161.94 mi (19.57%)

E30 (Netherlands - Russia): 131.97 of 3360.51 mi (3.93%)
  NLD E30: 91.53 of 140.24 mi (65.27%)
  DEU-NI E30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E30Rhe: 22.60 of 23.61 mi (95.71%)

E31 (Netherlands - Germany): 53.20 of 317.91 mi (16.73%)
  NLD E31: 53.20 of 80.73 mi (65.90%)

E35: 15.27 of 1049.09 mi (1.46%)
  NLD E35: 15.27 of 82.72 mi (18.46%)

E37: 68.38 of 183.37 mi (37.29%)
  DEU-NI E37: 64.09 of 64.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E37Wer: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E37Osn: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E37: 1.22 of 116.22 mi (1.05%)

E45 (Norway - Sweden): 86.73 of 1220.45 mi (7.11%)
  SWE E45: 86.73 of 1051.06 mi (8.25%)

E45 (Denmark - Italy): 259.25 of 1821.34 mi (14.23%)
  DNK E45: 151.66 of 221.00 mi (68.62%)
  DEU-SH E45: 90.86 of 90.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH E45: 16.73 of 18.08 mi (92.55%)

E47 (Denmark): 125.52 of 126.18 mi (99.47%)
 (DNK E47 only)
E55 (Denmark): 120.36 of 120.36 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK E55 only)
E80 (Portugal - Italy): 258.23 of 1725.90 mi (14.96%)
  ITA E80: 258.23 of 537.64 mi (48.03%)

E94: 7.21 of 67.56 mi (10.67%)
 (GRC E94 only)
E232: 64.89 of 102.70 mi (63.19%)
 (NLD E232 only)
E233: 82.87 of 82.87 mi (100.00%)
  NLD E233: 26.44 of 26.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E233: 56.43 of 56.43 mi (100.00%)

E234: 9.83 of 101.86 mi (9.65%)
  DEU-HB E234: 7.85 of 14.31 mi (54.87%)
  DEU-NI E234Oyt: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB E234Mah: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E234: 0.37 of 35.66 mi (1.05%)

E840: 1.07 of 54.73 mi (1.95%)
 (ITA E840 only)
System eure connected routes traveled: 24 of 339 (7.1%), clinched: 2 of 339 (0.6%).
System finmt (active) overall: 62.80 of 596.19 mi (10.53%)
System finmt by route (traveled routes only):
LanVay (Länsiväylä): 3.64 of 17.57 mi (20.71%)
 (FIN LanVay only)
MooHelTam (Moottoritie Helsinki-Tampere): 34.69 of 100.77 mi (34.43%)
 (FIN MooHelTam only)
MooTurHel (Moottoritie Turku-Helsinki): 20.59 of 97.22 mi (21.17%)
 (FIN MooTurHel only)
TuuVay (Tuusulanväylä): 3.88 of 10.43 mi (37.19%)
 (FIN TuuVay only)
System finmt connected routes traveled: 4 of 20 (20.0%), clinched: 0 of 20 (0.0%).
System finvt (active) overall: 141.82 of 5400.94 mi (2.63%)
System finvt by route (traveled routes only):
Vt1: 20.59 of 102.38 mi (20.11%)
 (FIN Vt1 only)
Vt2: 20.61 of 141.17 mi (14.60%)
 (FIN Vt2 only)
Vt3: 34.69 of 262.63 mi (13.21%)
 (FIN Vt3 only)
Vt10: 12.72 of 104.65 mi (12.15%)
 (FIN Vt10 only)
Vt25: 57.11 of 103.97 mi (54.93%)
 (FIN Vt25 only)
System finvt connected routes traveled: 5 of 28 (17.9%), clinched: 0 of 28 (0.0%).
System finkt (active) overall: 58.80 of 3087.89 mi (1.90%)
System finkt by route (traveled routes only):
Kt45: 7.17 of 29.52 mi (24.30%)
 (FIN Kt45 only)
Kt50: 21.29 of 26.99 mi (78.86%)
 (FIN Kt50 only)
Kt51: 30.34 of 44.27 mi (68.53%)
 (FIN Kt51 only)
System finkt connected routes traveled: 3 of 43 (7.0%), clinched: 0 of 43 (0.0%).
System finst (active) overall: 10.32 of 8474.96 mi (0.12%)
System finst by route (traveled routes only):
St140: 1.74 of 87.09 mi (2.00%)
 (FIN St140 only)
St146: 2.42 of 8.23 mi (29.38%)
 (FIN St146 only)
St152: 4.55 of 4.66 mi (97.61%)
 (FIN St152 only)
St186: 1.61 of 41.58 mi (3.88%)
 (FIN St186 only)
System finst connected routes traveled: 4 of 359 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 359 (0.0%).
System fink (active) overall: 21.29 of 49.13 mi (43.33%)
System fink by route (traveled routes only):
Keha3 (Keha III / Ring III, Helsinki): 21.29 of 29.93 mi (71.12%)
 (FIN Keha3 only)
System fink connected routes traveled: 1 of 3 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%).
System grca (active) overall: 16.98 of 1504.60 mi (1.13%)
System grca by route (traveled routes only):
A6: 7.21 of 30.75 mi (23.43%)
 (GRC A6 only)
A62: 3.85 of 4.26 mi (90.41%)
 (GRC A62 only)
A64: 5.91 of 8.49 mi (69.70%)
 (GRC A64 only)
System grca connected routes traveled: 3 of 28 (10.7%), clinched: 0 of 28 (0.0%).
System grceo (active) overall: 61.94 of 4448.78 mi (1.39%)
System grceo by route (traveled routes only):
EO54: 1.91 of 16.46 mi (11.59%)
 (GRC EO54 only)
EO89: 21.34 of 32.50 mi (65.65%)
 (GRC EO89 only)
EO91: 38.69 of 39.28 mi (98.50%)
 (GRC EO91 only)
System grceo connected routes traveled: 3 of 108 (2.8%), clinched: 0 of 108 (0.0%).
System itaa (active) overall: 141.82 of 4626.24 mi (3.07%)
System itaa by route (traveled routes only):
A7 (Autostrada dei Giovi): 1.58 of 81.27 mi (1.94%)
 (ITA A7 only)
A10 (Autostrada dei Fiori): 1.29 of 96.02 mi (1.34%)
 (ITA A10 only)
A12 (Autostrada Azzurra (Genoa)): 130.06 of 130.06 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A12 only)
A12 (Autostrada Azzurra (Civitavecchia)): 8.89 of 49.64 mi (17.91%)
 (ITA A12Civ only)
System itaa connected routes traveled: 4 of 106 (3.8%), clinched: 1 of 106 (0.9%).
System nlda (active) overall: 344.28 of 1553.57 mi (22.16%)
System nlda by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 47.58 of 99.69 mi (47.73%)
 (NLD A1 only)
A4 (Rotterdam): 43.71 of 43.71 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD A4 only)
A10: 10.61 of 20.12 mi (52.75%)
 (NLD A10 only)
A12: 30.38 of 87.01 mi (34.92%)
 (NLD A12 only)
A13: 8.92 of 9.06 mi (98.46%)
 (NLD A13 only)
A15: 60.02 of 84.95 mi (70.65%)
 (NLD A15 only)
A16: 1.75 of 35.43 mi (4.94%)
 (NLD A16 only)
A20: 12.26 of 24.04 mi (50.99%)
 (NLD A20 only)
A27: 2.67 of 71.35 mi (3.74%)
 (NLD A27 only)
A28: 78.95 of 117.37 mi (67.27%)
 (NLD A28 only)
A35: 2.68 of 18.33 mi (14.64%)
 (NLD A35 only)
A37: 26.44 of 26.44 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD A37 only)
A50: 27.32 of 86.42 mi (31.62%)
 (NLD A50 only)
System nlda connected routes traveled: 13 of 50 (26.0%), clinched: 2 of 50 (4.0%).
System nldr (active) overall: 3.19 of 480.91 mi (0.66%)
System nldr by route (traveled routes only):
N14: 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N14 only)
System nldr connected routes traveled: 1 of 31 (3.2%), clinched: 1 of 31 (3.2%).
System nldp (active) overall: 1.25 of 4341.49 mi (0.03%)
System nldp by region:
  BEL: 0.00 of 0.52 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 1.25 of 4340.97 mi (0.03%)
System nldp by route (traveled routes only):
N348: 1.25 of 45.30 mi (2.76%)
 (NLD N348 only)
System nldp connected routes traveled: 1 of 533 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 533 (0.0%).
System nldrw (active) overall: 41.98 of 298.43 mi (14.07%)
System nldrw by region:
  CUW: 0.00 of 9.44 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 41.98 of 288.99 mi (14.53%)
System nldrw by route (traveled routes only):
CenRingDen (Centrumring Den Haag): 2.39 of 6.68 mi (35.74%)
 (NLD CenRingDen only)
CenRingRot (Centrumring Rotterdam): 1.05 of 4.53 mi (23.10%)
 (NLD CenRingRot only)
RingAms (Ring Amsterdam): 10.61 of 20.12 mi (52.75%)
 (NLD RingAms only)
RingDen (Ring Den Haag): 8.82 of 21.73 mi (40.60%)
 (NLD RingDen only)
RingRot (Ring Rotterdam): 13.11 of 25.56 mi (51.27%)
 (NLD RingRot only)
RingUtr (Ring Utrecht): 6.00 of 18.40 mi (32.63%)
 (NLD RingUtr only)
System nldrw connected routes traveled: 6 of 31 (19.4%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%).
System nlds (active) overall: 14.16 of 239.25 mi (5.92%)
System nlds by route (traveled routes only):
S116 (Amsterdam): 0.43 of 3.57 mi (12.12%)
 (NLD S116Ams only)
S100 (Centrumring Den Haag): 2.39 of 6.68 mi (35.74%)
 (NLD S100Den only)
S101 (Den Haag): 0.27 of 2.30 mi (11.66%)
 (NLD S101Den only)
S102 (Den Haag): 0.32 of 0.32 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD S102Den only)
S100 (Centrumring Rotterdam): 1.05 of 4.53 mi (23.10%)
 (NLD S100Rot only)
S101 (Rotterdam): 1.79 of 7.62 mi (23.51%)
 (NLD S101Rot only)
S102 (Rotterdam): 2.38 of 7.77 mi (30.65%)
 (NLD S102Rot only)
S103 (Rotterdam): 4.08 of 4.08 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD S103Rot only)
S113 (Rotterdam): 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD S113Rot only)
S118 (Rotterdam): 0.45 of 3.88 mi (11.54%)
 (NLD S118Rot only)
System nlds connected routes traveled: 10 of 70 (14.3%), clinched: 3 of 70 (4.3%).
System norfv (active) overall: 34.43 of 10600.50 mi (0.32%)
System norfv by route (traveled routes only):
Fv21: 9.11 of 88.89 mi (10.25%)
 (NOR Fv21 only)
Fv106: 5.57 of 5.57 mi (100.00%)
 (NOR Fv106 only)
Fv220 ((Main)): 19.75 of 42.60 mi (46.35%)
 (NOR Fv220 only)
System norfv connected routes traveled: 3 of 664 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 664 (0.2%).
System swemot (active) overall: 714.25 of 1376.72 mi (51.88%)
System swemot by route (traveled routes only):
AbyNorMot (Åby - Norrköping motorvägen): 0.72 of 2.35 mi (30.67%)
 (SWE AbyNorMot only)
AngLed (Ängelholmsleden, Helsingborg): 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE AngLed only)
AutoStr (Autostradan, Malmo): 7.54 of 7.54 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE AutoStr only)
BroKarMot (Bromölla - Karlshamn motorvägen): 19.31 of 19.31 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE BroKarMot only)
BulSunMot (Bulltofta - Sunnanå motorvägen, Malmö): 1.97 of 2.34 mi (83.99%)
 (SWE BulSunMot only)
EssLed (Essingeleden, Stockholm): 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE EssLed only)
GruMot (Grums motorvägen): 3.81 of 3.81 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE GruMot only)
HelKanMot (Helsingborg - Kanna motorvägen): 71.50 of 71.50 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE HelKanMot only)
IRingVag (Malmö Inre Ringvägen): 4.57 of 6.36 mi (71.80%)
 (SWE IRingVag only)
JonOdeMot (Jönköping - Ödeshög motorvägen): 40.68 of 40.68 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE JonOdeMot only)
KunLed (Kungälvsleden, Göteborg): 62.60 of 110.07 mi (56.87%)
 (SWE KunLed only)
KunBacLed (Kunsbackaleden, Göteborg): 16.43 of 16.43 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE KunBacLed only)
LjuJonMot (Ljungby - Jönköping motorvägen): 65.19 of 65.19 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE LjuJonMot only)
LundKriMot (Lund - Kristianstad motorvägen (Lund)): 17.91 of 17.91 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE LundKriMot only)
LundKriMot (Lund - Kristianstad motorvägen (Linderöd)): 27.34 of 27.34 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE LundKriMotLin only)
MalLed (Malmoleden, Helsingborg): 2.90 of 2.90 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE MalLed only)
NorLan (Norra Lanken, Stockholm): 3.40 of 4.02 mi (84.67%)
 (SWE NorLan only)
OdeSodMot (Ödeshög - Södertälle motorvägen): 140.28 of 140.28 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE OdeSodMot only)
SodVag (Södertaljevägen, Stockholm): 17.23 of 17.23 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE SodVag only)
TreVag (Trelleborgvägen, Malmö): 2.23 of 14.63 mi (15.26%)
 (SWE TreVag only)
TroLed (Trollhättanleden, Göteborg): 34.60 of 34.60 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE TroLed only)
UddMot (Uddevalla motorvägen): 0.87 of 4.35 mi (20.04%)
 (SWE UddMot only)
VastKustVag (Västkustvägen): 148.29 of 150.10 mi (98.79%)
 (SWE VastKustVag only)
YRingVag (Malmö Yttre Ringvägen): 18.64 of 18.64 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE YRingVag only)
System swemot connected routes traveled: 24 of 63 (38.1%), clinched: 16 of 63 (25.4%).
System swer (active) overall: 135.41 of 5752.91 mi (2.35%)
System swer by route (traveled routes only):
R11: 1.97 of 56.03 mi (3.51%)
 (SWE R11 only)
R15: 6.10 of 95.94 mi (6.36%)
 (SWE R15 only)
R19: 3.43 of 67.64 mi (5.07%)
 (SWE R19 only)
R25: 3.67 of 144.76 mi (2.54%)
 (SWE R25 only)
R27: 22.55 of 192.38 mi (11.72%)
 (SWE R27 only)
R29: 21.90 of 54.73 mi (40.01%)
 (SWE R29 only)
R40: 3.00 of 190.32 mi (1.58%)
 (SWE R40 only)
R41: 5.83 of 52.42 mi (11.12%)
 (SWE R41 only)
R42: 59.14 of 59.14 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE R42 only)
R44: 8.44 of 72.24 mi (11.68%)
 (SWE R44 only)
R47: 5.40 of 199.14 mi (2.71%)
 (SWE R47 only)
R53: 1.06 of 61.29 mi (1.73%)
 (SWE R53 only)
R55: 0.72 of 128.05 mi (0.56%)
 (SWE R55 only)
R56: 0.72 of 179.70 mi (0.40%)
 (SWE R56 only)
System swer connected routes traveled: 14 of 58 (24.1%), clinched: 1 of 58 (1.7%).
System swel (active) overall: 256.12 of 6755.96 mi (3.79%)
System swel by route (traveled routes only):
L120: 10.27 of 91.70 mi (11.20%)
 (SWE L120 only)
L153: 0.04 of 63.62 mi (0.06%)
 (SWE L153 only)
L154: 49.58 of 60.11 mi (82.47%)
 (SWE L154 only)
L156: 10.76 of 66.11 mi (16.28%)
 (SWE L156 only)
L160: 8.08 of 28.24 mi (28.61%)
 (SWE L160 only)
L162: 0.21 of 18.02 mi (1.17%)
 (SWE L162 only)
L164: 8.59 of 77.10 mi (11.14%)
 (SWE L164 only)
L165: 28.57 of 28.57 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE L165 only)
L166: 15.32 of 37.68 mi (40.65%)
 (SWE L166 only)
L168: 15.59 of 15.59 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE L168 only)
L172: 116.72 of 116.72 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE L172 only)
L175: 2.92 of 43.57 mi (6.71%)
 (SWE L175 only)
L177: 11.50 of 34.25 mi (33.58%)
 (SWE L177 only)
System swel connected routes traveled: 13 of 212 (6.1%), clinched: 3 of 212 (1.4%).
System usai (active) overall: 211.43 of 49437.58 mi (0.43%)
System usai by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 0.00 of 1013.04 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 44.24 of 2485.21 mi (1.78%)
  CO: 0.00 of 958.31 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 16.21 of 346.20 mi (4.68%)
  DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 39.35 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 1518.93 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 1260.54 mi (0.00%)
  HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 2200.01 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 1325.22 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 1007.79 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 951.30 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 86.96 of 564.32 mi (15.41%)
  MD: 0.00 of 500.55 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 1248.46 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 1398.85 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 841.67 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1440.99 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 224.25 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 430.10 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 1013.33 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 1772.90 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 1581.53 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 993.31 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 1872.36 mi (0.00%)
  PR: 18.99 of 264.18 mi (7.19%)
  RI: 45.03 of 70.57 mi (63.80%)
  SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 1206.66 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 3526.85 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 944.15 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 1117.00 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 767.80 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 538.79 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%)
System usai by route (traveled routes only):
I-PR3: 18.99 of 55.08 mi (34.48%)
 (PR I-PR3 only)
I-80: 4.36 of 2936.67 mi (0.15%)
  CA I-80: 4.36 of 204.11 mi (2.13%)

I-90: 3.51 of 3112.09 mi (0.11%)
  MA I-90: 3.51 of 138.37 mi (2.54%)

I-93: 19.28 of 189.34 mi (10.18%)
  MA I-93: 19.28 of 46.22 mi (41.72%)

I-95: 123.97 of 1916.43 mi (6.47%)
  CT I-95: 16.21 of 111.75 mi (14.51%)
  RI I-95: 43.60 of 43.60 mi (100.00%)
  MA I-95: 64.16 of 90.55 mi (70.85%)

I-195 (Rhode Island - Massachusetts): 1.42 of 44.05 mi (3.23%)
  RI I-195: 1.42 of 3.85 mi (36.99%)

I-280 (California): 3.15 of 57.01 mi (5.53%)
 (CA I-280 only)
I-580 (California): 16.06 of 80.12 mi (20.05%)
 (CA I-580 only)
I-880 (California): 25.02 of 45.90 mi (54.52%)
 (CA I-880 only)
System usai connected routes traveled: 9 of 363 (2.5%), clinched: 0 of 363 (0.0%).
System usaus (active) overall: 65.35 of 137859.42 mi (0.05%)
System usaus by region:
  AL: 0.00 of 3485.97 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 3726.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1878.70 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 38.32 of 1730.27 mi (2.21%)
  CO: 0.00 of 4019.95 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 1.34 of 508.42 mi (0.26%)
  DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 211.17 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 3999.71 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4922.21 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 3710.44 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 3410.39 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 2903.05 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 3314.41 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 2323.34 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 22.36 of 602.37 mi (3.71%)
  MD: 0.00 of 774.49 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 1176.03 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 3612.02 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 4007.77 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 2596.46 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 5099.45 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 3539.33 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 805.51 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 3676.63 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 1653.66 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 3918.56 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 2596.23 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 3424.65 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 3.33 of 108.88 mi (3.06%)
  SC: 0.00 of 3309.45 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 3646.69 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 12783.70 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 1618.38 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 4090.30 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 1764.00 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 1793.12 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%)
System usaus by route (traveled routes only):
US1: 22.94 of 2385.46 mi (0.96%)
  CT US1: 1.34 of 116.22 mi (1.16%)
  RI US1: 0.95 of 57.12 mi (1.66%)
  MA US1: 20.64 of 85.34 mi (24.19%)

US3: 1.71 of 272.87 mi (0.63%)
  MA US3: 1.71 of 35.25 mi (4.86%)

US6: 2.38 of 3217.30 mi (0.07%)
  RI US6: 2.38 of 26.61 mi (8.94%)

US44: 0.93 of 232.73 mi (0.40%)
  RI US44: 0.93 of 26.17 mi (3.56%)

US101: 38.32 of 1506.03 mi (2.54%)
  CA US101: 38.32 of 802.40 mi (4.78%)

System usaus connected routes traveled: 5 of 226 (2.2%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%).
System usaca (active) overall: 25.43 of 10936.59 mi (0.23%)
System usaca by route (traveled routes only):
CA1: 10.69 of 701.14 mi (1.52%)
 (CA CA1 only)
CA82: 1.41 of 42.32 mi (3.33%)
 (CA CA82 only)
CA84 (Fremont): 13.33 of 56.42 mi (23.63%)
 (CA CA84 only)
System usaca connected routes traveled: 3 of 269 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 269 (0.0%).
System usact (active) overall: 5.61 of 2601.83 mi (0.22%)
System usact by route (traveled routes only):
CT12: 0.11 of 53.36 mi (0.21%)
 (CT CT12 only)
CT27: 2.70 of 3.16 mi (85.39%)
 (CT CT27 only)
CT215: 2.42 of 4.51 mi (53.70%)
 (CT CT215 only)
CT349: 0.38 of 3.94 mi (9.65%)
 (CT CT349 only)
System usact connected routes traveled: 4 of 210 (1.9%), clinched: 0 of 210 (0.0%).
System usama (active) overall: 98.25 of 3315.53 mi (2.96%)
System usama by route (traveled routes only):
MA1A (Salem): 9.00 of 45.81 mi (19.65%)
 (MA MA1ASal only)
MA3: 10.92 of 55.83 mi (19.56%)
 (MA MA3 only)
MA16: 0.13 of 58.58 mi (0.22%)
 (MA MA16 only)
MA22: 0.12 of 9.31 mi (1.30%)
 (MA MA22 only)
MA107: 1.14 of 11.63 mi (9.83%)
 (MA MA107 only)
MA114: 3.40 of 22.52 mi (15.11%)
 (MA MA114 only)
MA127: 14.17 of 25.30 mi (55.99%)
 (MA MA127 only)
MA128: 53.42 of 57.67 mi (92.63%)
 (MA MA128 only)
MA129: 3.97 of 33.20 mi (11.95%)
 (MA MA129 only)
MA133: 2.91 of 40.14 mi (7.26%)
 (MA MA133 only)
System usama connected routes traveled: 10 of 151 (6.6%), clinched: 0 of 151 (0.0%).
System usapr (active) overall: 39.32 of 4181.18 mi (0.94%)
System usapr by route (traveled routes only):
PR3: 16.54 of 96.90 mi (17.07%)
 (PR PR3 only)
PR26: 4.80 of 9.64 mi (49.83%)
 (PR PR26 only)
PR66: 11.68 of 11.68 mi (100.00%)
 (PR PR66 only)
PR191 (Rio Grande): 5.84 of 6.29 mi (92.74%)
 (PR PR191 only)
PR193: 0.23 of 2.73 mi (8.55%)
 (PR PR193 only)
PR940: 0.15 of 2.04 mi (7.25%)
 (PR PR940 only)
PR955: 0.39 of 3.82 mi (10.13%)
 (PR PR955 only)
System usapr connected routes traveled: 7 of 1130 (0.6%), clinched: 1 of 1130 (0.1%).
System usari (active) overall: 0.93 of 662.23 mi (0.14%)
System usari by route (traveled routes only):
RI1A (Providence): 0.93 of 14.59 mi (6.38%)
 (RI RI1APro only)
System usari connected routes traveled: 1 of 66 (1.5%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%).
System eurtr (preview) overall: 25.10 of 5769.89 mi (0.44%)
System eurtr by region:
  AUT: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.00 of 215.17 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 486.32 mi (0.00%)
  ENG: 0.00 of 322.48 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 25.10 of 2446.10 mi (1.03%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.04 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.37 mi (0.00%)
  IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 880.65 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 15.60 mi (0.00%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 97.51 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 203.70 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 0.00 of 226.37 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%)
System eurtr by route (traveled routes only):
HamHarTie (Hameen Harkatie): 25.10 of 100.35 mi (25.02%)
 (FIN HamHarTie only)
System eurtr connected routes traveled: 1 of 94 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 94 (0.0%).
System itass (preview) overall: 127.80 of 14354.84 mi (0.89%)
System itass by route (traveled routes only):
SS1 (Civitavecchia): 0.52 of 42.92 mi (1.21%)
 (ITA SS1Civ only)
SS1 (Livorno): 118.77 of 191.20 mi (62.12%)
 (ITA SS1 only)
SS125 (Olbia): 3.96 of 125.55 mi (3.16%)
 (ITA SS125 only)
SS698: 4.67 of 4.67 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS698 only)
SS729: 0.40 of 50.15 mi (0.79%)
 (ITA SS729 only)
System itass connected routes traveled: 5 of 628 (0.8%), clinched: 1 of 628 (0.2%).

Traveled 33 of 374 (8.8%), Clinched 0 of 374 (0.0%) active systems
Traveled 2 of 204 (1.0%), Clinched 0 of 204 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-08-20 | Greece | A62 | grc.a062 | Route extended at north end from Aerolimenas Eleftherios Venizelos to Exhibition Centre
2015-08-20 | Greece | A64 | grc.a064 | Route extended at east end from exit Y8 to exit Y9
2015-10-17 | Denmark | Amagermotorvejen | dnk.amamot | New Route
2015-10-17 | Denmark | Midtjyske Motorvej | dnk.midmot | New Route
2015-10-17 | Denmark | Østjyske Motorvej | dnk.ostmot | New Route
2015-10-31 | Netherlands | A15 | nld.a015 | Route extended at west end from exit 14 to exit 8
2015-11-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 107 | ma.ma107 | Removed from Bridge Street between Sergeant James Ayube Memorial Drive and MA 1A, and relocated onto Sergeant James Ayube Memorial Drive between Bridge Street and MA 1A
2015-12-18 | Netherlands | A4 | nld.a004 | Route extended from exit 14 to A15
2016-05-01 | Sweden | Ängelholmsleden, Helsingborg | swe.angled | New Route
2016-05-01 | Sweden | Trelleborgvägen, Malmo | swe.trevag | New Route
2016-09-11 | Denmark | Herningmotorvejen | dnk.hermot | Route extended at east end from exit 33 to Edwin Rahrs Vej
2016-09-11 | Denmark | PR15 | dnk.pr015 | Route relocated off of SR195 and onto Herningmotorvejen between exits 26 and 33
2016-10-31 | Denmark | PR54 | dnk.pr054 | Route removed from Køgevej between Ringstedgade and O2, and relocated onto Ring Nord between O2_E and PR22
2017-06-23 | Sweden | E18 | swe.e18 | Route relocated onto new motorway alignment west of Karlstad, between S548 and SkuVag
2017-11-22 | (USA) California | I-580 | ca.i580 | Waypoint 19B moved from I-980/CA 24 interchange in downtown Oakland west to added exit for CA 123, with old 19B renumbered 19C
2017-12-07 | Sweden | E45 | swe.e45 | Route extended at north end from R99 to Finnish border
2017-12-09 | (Germany) Schleswig-Holstein | A21 | deush.a021 | Route extended at north end from temporary south of Nettelsee end to exit 6
2018-09-30 | Denmark | PR18 | dnk.pr018 | Route truncated at north end from PR11/16 to exit 20 then extended at north end from exit 20 to PR11 along Holstebromotorvejen
2019-01-01 | Denmark | O2 (København) | dnk.o2kob | Route removed from through Hellerup (Tuborgvej, Strandvejen and Strandpromenaden), onto Helsingørmotorvejen and Nordhavnsvej
2019-01-01 | Denmark | SR225 | dnk.sr225 | Route removed from through Vig and onto northern bypass from Ravensbjergvej to Holækvej
2019-01-06 | Denmark | O2 (Næstved) | dnk.o2nas | Route extended to a full ring around Næstved
2019-01-06 | Denmark | O2 (Roskilde) | dnk.o2ros | Route extended onto Østre Ringvej
2019-01-06 | Denmark | SR265 | dnk.sr265 | Route removed from through Næstved (Østre Ringvej and Ny Præstøvej) and onto Ring Syd and Vordingborgvej
2019-01-12 | Denmark | SR569 | dnk.sr569 | Route relocated from through Fjerritslev and onto bypass from junction with Margueritruten to PR11
2019-09-20 | Denmark | PR23 | dnk.pr023 | Route relocated from through Nørre Jernløse and onto new motorway bypass from Sønder Jernløse to Knabstrup
2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-195 | ri.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 2 moved from South Main St (US 44 West, now Exit 1C) to Broadway (former Exit 6).
2020-03-24 | Finland | Vt25 | fin.vt025 | Route removed from Virkkalantie and relocated onto Hankoniementie between St112 and Yt1074
2020-04-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 133 | ma.ma133 | Removed from MA 114 and MA 125 and relocated onto Peters St between MA 114 and MA 125.
2020-07-30 | Denmark | PR53 | dnk.pr053 | Route truncated at south end from SR155 to PR21
2020-08-07 | Italy | E80 | ita.e80 | Route removed from SS1 and A7 and relocated onto A10 between Genova Aeroporto and A7/A10 junction
2020-08-08 | Sweden | Söderhamn - Hudiksvall motorvägen | swe.e4 | Route deleted (not signed as motorway, concurrent with E4)
2020-08-21 | Denmark | SR181 | dnk.sr181 | Route truncated at north end from old ferry terminal in Thyborøn (Harboørevej) to entrance of new ferry terminal and reextended to new ferry terminal (Sydhavnsvej)
2020-11-25 | Finland | Keha III, Helsinki | fin.kt050 | Route removed (use Kt50 and St103 instead)
2020-12-11 | Sweden | E20 | swe.e22 | Route relocated from through Tollarp and onto new motorway from east of Linderöd (exit 34) to west of Kristianstad (exit 36)
2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95.
2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 128 | ma.ma128 | Relabeled exits on I-95 overlap from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2022-08-30 | (USA) California | US 101 | ca.us101 | South end of route truncated from CA 60 to junction with I-5 (truncated segment is also I-5, between exits 134A and 134B). Old US 101 waypoint I-5/10 => new 1A (I-5/10 label in use preserved). Old 1A => new 1B, and old 1B => new 1C.
2022-11-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-95 | ri.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2023-02-26 | Sweden | R44 | swe.r044 | Route relocated from through Filsbäck and onto new bypass from Rörstrandsgatan in Lidköping to east of Filsbäck
2023-03-19 | Netherlands | E25 | nld.e25 | Route truncated at west end from ferry terminal gate Stationsweg to ferry terminal gate Haakweg in Hoek van Holland
2023-03-19 | Netherlands | E30 | nld.e30 | Route truncated at west end from ferry terminal gate Stationsweg to ferry terminal gate Haakweg in Hoek van Holland
2023-04-01 | Netherlands | S101 (Rotterdam) | nld.s101rot | Route extended at west end from Vondelingenweg to S102 in Hoogvliet
2023-04-01 | Netherlands | S102 (Rotterdam) | nld.s102rot | Route extended at west end from A15 Rotterdam-Heijplaat to Ring Spijkenisse
2023-04-02 | Netherlands | S115 (Amsterdam) | nld.s115ams | Route relocated from Ijdoornlaan (S117 now) and onto Purmerweg and Volendammerweg between S116 and Nieuwendam
2023-04-28 | Denmark | PR9 | dnk.pr009 | Route truncated at north end from O2 to O3 in Odense (SR301 now)
2023-04-28 | Denmark | SR301 | dnk.sr301 | Route extended at west end from O3 to O2 in Odense (former PR9)
2023-05-02 | Denmark | PR14 | dnk.pr014 | Route truncated at north end from O2 to PR21 in Roskilde
2023-05-02 | Denmark | SR487 | dnk.sr487 | Route extended at west end from Tistrup (PR12) to Varde (PR11)
2023-05-03 | Denmark | SR429 | dnk.sr429 | Route truncated at west end from PR25 to Løgumkloster
2023-05-06 | Denmark | SR303 | dnk.sr303 | Route truncated at east end from O1 to O2 in Odense
2023-05-07 | Denmark | SR176 | dnk.sr176 | Route extended at south end from SR170 to E20/E45
2023-05-07 | Denmark | SR211 | dnk.sr211 | Route truncated at east end from O2 to PR16 in Copenhagen
2023-05-07 | Denmark | SR463 | dnk.sr463 | Route truncated at east end from SR191 to E20
2023-05-09 | Denmark | SR233 | dnk.sr233 | Route truncated at south end from PR17 to SR211 in Smørumnedre
2023-05-14 | Denmark | PR30 | dnk.pr030 | Route extended at east end from E45 to PR52 in Horsens (former SR451)
2023-05-14 | Denmark | SR311 | dnk.sr311 | Route truncated at north end from SR162 to junction with Adelgade and Østre Engvej in Bogense
2023-05-14 | Denmark | SR405 | dnk.sr405 | Route truncated at north end from Oksbølvej to Storegade in Nordborg
2023-06-03 | (USA) California | CA 1 | ca.ca001 | North of Bodega Bay, route relocated from eroding coastal bluffs, and onto new viaduct over Scotty Creek floodplain, between Calle del Sol and OldCA1Gle_N
2023-07-02 | Sweden | E20 | swe.e20 | Route relocated north of Vårgårda onto new alignment between Trafikplats Fagrabo (exit 95.3) to Heden
2024-06-23 | Italy | A12 | ita.a012 | Route truncated at south end from SS68 to SS1 at San Pietro In Palazzi