Log file created at: Thu Jan 16 22:32:36 2025 nationalscenicbyways.list last updated: 2021-11-02 17:24:24 +0000 Route updated 2024-04-12: WY US191 Route updated 2022-08-10: WI US10 Route updated 2022-06-06: MN MN16 Route updated 2022-05-24: AR US70 Waypoint labels SBLVD and LA327 not found in line: LA LA30 SBlvd LA327 Route updated 2022-06-26: LA LA30 Route updated 2023-01-24: OH US40 Route updated 2023-06-03: CA CA1 Route updated 2024-07-14: CO US160 Route updated 2024-07-14: CO US550 Unknown region/highway combo in line: AL AL135 AL182 AL180 Waypoint label MISAVE not found in line: AL AL180 FolBeaExp MisAve Route updated 2023-11-18: LA LA182 Route updated 2024-12-28: OK OK10 Route updated 2024-09-14: WV US19 Route updated 2022-05-15: AZ US191 Route updated 2022-12-23: KY US23 Waypoint label FUNCRKRD not found in line: CA CA190Dea SalValRd FunCrkRd Route updated 2025-01-01: CA CA190Dea Route updated 2023-02-19: DE DE30 Route updated 2023-02-28: DE DE1 Route updated 2022-08-10: WI WI42 Route updated 2025-01-13: CO CO165 Route updated 2022-08-30: NM NM195Ele Route updated 2024-12-28: NY NY12E Route updated 2023-10-21: NY NY12 Note: deprecated route name US66HisEri -> canonical name US66HisSay in line: OK US66HisEri GraAve I-40_E Waypoint label I-40_E not found in line: OK US66HisEri GraAve I-40_E Note: deprecated route name US66HisWea -> canonical name US66HisOkl in line: OK US66HisWea OK54_S US281 Route updated 2023-10-16: OK US270 Note: deprecated route name US66HisElR -> canonical name US66HisOkl in line: OK US66HisElR US270 OK66 Waypoint label OK66 not found in line: OK US66HisElR US270 OK66 Route updated 2024-01-29: OK OK66 Note: deprecated route name US66HisLkO -> canonical name US66HisOkl in line: OK US66HisLkO OK66_W OK66_E Note: deprecated route name US66HisTul -> canonical name US66HisOkl in line: OK US66HisTul 51stSt OK66 Waypoint label OK66 not found in line: OK US66HisTul 51stSt OK66 Unknown region/highway combo in line: OK US66HisCla OK66_W OK66_E Unknown region/highway combo in line: OK US66HisChe OK66_W OK66_E Waypoint label OK/KS not found in line: OK US66HisMia US59/69 OK/KS Route updated 2022-03-07: IL IL29 Route updated 2021-11-22: IL US6 Route updated 2024-05-11: OH OH65 Route updated 2023-02-27: OH OH53 Route updated 2023-02-13: OH OH7 Route updated 2021-11-22: IA US6 Route updated 2022-03-07: IA IA136 Route updated 2023-11-10: NE US30 Waypoint label US30BUS_W not found in line: NE US30 Rd12 US30Bus_W Route updated 2023-11-10: NE US30 Route updated 2022-03-07: MO MO79 Route updated 2021-12-16: IL US67 Route updated 2023-02-11: MN MN67 Route updated 2024-02-24: OH OH93 Route updated 2023-02-13: OH OH17 Route updated 2024-07-09: IL US45 Note: deprecated route name I-69Whe -> canonical name I-69 in line: IN I-69Whe KenAve 5 Route updated 2024-08-08: IN I-69 Route updated 2022-01-16: IN IN56 Route updated 2024-07-27: OH US33 Route updated 2023-10-09: ME US201 Route updated 2023-10-02: NC US70 Route updated 2022-06-12: NC NC12 Route updated 2024-07-04: ME ME4 Route updated 2024-04-10: KY KY11 Route updated 2022-10-15: MD US301 Route updated 2024-01-30: FL US17 Route updated 2024-03-19: CO I-25 Route updated 2024-07-21: WV US33 Route updated 2024-06-23: NH NH16 Route updated 2023-07-07: WA US12 Waypoint label ZIONEENT not found in line: UT UT9 UT17 ZionEEnt Processed 1015 good lines marking 13051 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 22619.76 of 1265226.56 mi (1.79%) Overall in active+preview systems: 23485.74 of 1944669.97 mi (1.21%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AK: 394.23 of 2820.80 mi (13.98%), 394.23 of 2820.80 mi (13.98%) AL: 182.90 of 10944.54 mi (1.67%), 182.90 of 10944.54 mi (1.67%) AR: 481.03 of 15853.31 mi (3.03%), 481.03 of 15853.31 mi (3.03%) AZ: 263.33 of 6346.59 mi (4.15%), 356.20 of 6446.81 mi (5.53%) CA: 554.97 of 15453.77 mi (3.59%), 696.00 of 16176.01 mi (4.30%) CO: 1132.98 of 9080.36 mi (12.48%), 1132.98 of 9080.36 mi (12.48%) CT: 69.32 of 3385.17 mi (2.05%), 69.32 of 3385.17 mi (2.05%) DC: 1.41 of 47.64 mi (2.96%), 1.41 of 47.64 mi (2.96%) DE: 106.80 of 1088.24 mi (9.81%), 106.80 of 1088.24 mi (9.81%) FL: 648.13 of 12219.81 mi (5.30%), 648.13 of 12219.81 mi (5.30%) GA: 37.03 of 17817.22 mi (0.21%), 37.03 of 17822.73 mi (0.21%) IA: 414.99 of 9048.01 mi (4.59%), 415.93 of 9171.72 mi (4.53%) ID: 537.08 of 4878.53 mi (11.01%), 537.08 of 4878.53 mi (11.01%) IL: 1147.95 of 13698.72 mi (8.38%), 1381.79 of 13932.57 mi (9.92%) IN: 671.66 of 11205.20 mi (5.99%), 671.66 of 11205.20 mi (5.99%) KS: 57.68 of 10677.69 mi (0.54%), 57.68 of 10683.78 mi (0.54%) KY: 477.86 of 26303.51 mi (1.82%), 477.86 of 26303.51 mi (1.82%) LA: 1143.81 of 16324.99 mi (7.01%), 1143.81 of 16324.99 mi (7.01%) MA: 114.60 of 4326.44 mi (2.65%), 114.60 of 4329.91 mi (2.65%) MD: 487.42 of 5205.21 mi (9.36%), 487.42 of 5205.21 mi (9.36%) ME: 489.62 of 6362.92 mi (7.69%), 489.62 of 6362.92 mi (7.69%) MI: 74.15 of 9544.76 mi (0.78%), 74.15 of 9544.76 mi (0.78%) MN: 636.75 of 11798.60 mi (5.40%), 636.75 of 11798.60 mi (5.40%) MO: 231.58 of 13387.59 mi (1.73%), 454.06 of 13611.18 mi (3.34%) MS: 451.55 of 3633.19 mi (12.43%), 451.55 of 11152.15 mi (4.05%) MT: 31.92 of 11286.70 mi (0.28%), 31.92 of 11286.70 mi (0.28%) NC: 367.97 of 15278.26 mi (2.41%), 367.97 of 15278.26 mi (2.41%) ND: 27.78 of 7494.06 mi (0.37%), 27.78 of 7577.65 mi (0.37%) NE: 698.32 of 10070.24 mi (6.93%), 698.32 of 10071.55 mi (6.93%) NH: 347.24 of 3296.57 mi (10.53%), 347.24 of 3296.57 mi (10.53%) NJ: 115.91 of 2814.66 mi (4.12%), 115.91 of 2814.66 mi (4.12%) NM: 1835.58 of 11230.49 mi (16.34%), 1938.99 of 11333.90 mi (17.11%) NV: 77.53 of 5113.56 mi (1.52%), 77.53 of 5113.56 mi (1.52%) NY: 623.54 of 16012.57 mi (3.89%), 623.54 of 16012.57 mi (3.89%) OH: 1034.99 of 19457.73 mi (5.32%), 1034.99 of 19458.43 mi (5.32%) OK: 441.67 of 12927.71 mi (3.42%), 488.94 of 13067.88 mi (3.74%) OR: 1172.07 of 7483.10 mi (15.66%), 1196.19 of 7513.83 mi (15.92%) PA: 136.16 of 17661.67 mi (0.77%), 136.16 of 17661.67 mi (0.77%) RI: 7.19 of 832.99 mi (0.86%), 7.19 of 832.99 mi (0.86%) SC: 251.34 of 10283.45 mi (2.44%), 251.34 of 10283.45 mi (2.44%) SD: 290.43 of 7882.66 mi (3.68%), 290.43 of 7882.66 mi (3.68%) TN: 691.60 of 13913.47 mi (4.97%), 691.60 of 13913.47 mi (4.97%) TX: 0.25 of 32680.04 mi (0.00%), 0.25 of 32691.86 mi (0.00%) UT: 874.59 of 6029.13 mi (14.51%), 874.59 of 6029.13 mi (14.51%) VA: 487.79 of 10442.92 mi (4.67%), 487.79 of 10442.92 mi (4.67%) VT: 213.63 of 2866.64 mi (7.45%), 213.63 of 2866.64 mi (7.45%) WA: 992.50 of 7073.43 mi (14.03%), 992.50 of 7149.06 mi (13.88%) WI: 356.41 of 11736.55 mi (3.04%), 356.41 of 11736.55 mi (3.04%) WV: 611.02 of 5717.24 mi (10.69%), 611.02 of 5717.24 mi (10.69%) WY: 123.48 of 6806.53 mi (1.81%), 123.48 of 6806.53 mi (1.81%) System usai (active) overall: 961.21 of 49437.58 mi (1.94%) System usai by region: AK: 315.31 of 1079.13 mi (29.22%) AL: 0.00 of 1013.04 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%) CA: 9.22 of 2485.21 mi (0.37%) CO: 30.14 of 958.31 mi (3.15%) CT: 0.00 of 346.20 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 39.35 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 1518.93 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 1260.54 mi (0.00%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 10.93 of 797.28 mi (1.37%) ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%) IL: 25.02 of 2200.01 mi (1.14%) IN: 10.11 of 1325.22 mi (0.76%) KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 1007.79 mi (0.00%) LA: 7.22 of 951.30 mi (0.76%) MA: 0.00 of 564.32 mi (0.00%) MD: 10.28 of 500.55 mi (2.05%) ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 1248.46 mi (0.00%) MN: 7.46 of 923.04 mi (0.81%) MO: 19.85 of 1398.85 mi (1.42%) MS: 0.00 of 841.67 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 1440.99 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%) NH: 8.16 of 224.25 mi (3.64%) NJ: 0.00 of 430.10 mi (0.00%) NM: 342.05 of 1013.33 mi (33.75%) NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 1772.90 mi (0.00%) OH: 2.06 of 1581.53 mi (0.13%) OK: 2.66 of 993.31 mi (0.27%) OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 1872.36 mi (0.00%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 70.57 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%) TN: 6.40 of 1206.66 mi (0.53%) TX: 0.00 of 3526.85 mi (0.00%) UT: 42.14 of 944.15 mi (4.46%) VA: 0.00 of 1117.00 mi (0.00%) VT: 11.83 of 319.55 mi (3.70%) WA: 99.45 of 767.80 mi (12.95%) WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.92 of 538.79 mi (0.17%) WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-A3: 89.90 of 146.77 mi (61.26%) (AK I-A3 only) I-A4: 225.41 of 323.24 mi (69.74%) (AK I-A4 only) I-5: 8.18 of 1397.09 mi (0.59%) CA I-5: 6.89 of 805.75 mi (0.86%) WA I-5: 1.29 of 278.90 mi (0.46%) I-25: 160.61 of 1076.46 mi (14.92%) NM I-25: 149.79 of 468.15 mi (32.00%) CO I-25: 10.82 of 302.67 mi (3.58%) I-29: 10.20 of 763.22 mi (1.34%) IA I-29: 10.20 of 154.49 mi (6.60%) I-35E (Minnesota): 0.78 of 39.68 mi (1.97%) (MN I-35E only) I-40: 194.59 of 2578.10 mi (7.55%) CA I-40: 2.33 of 157.03 mi (1.48%) NM I-40: 192.26 of 378.04 mi (50.86%) I-44: 21.95 of 647.37 mi (3.39%) OK I-44: 2.66 of 334.68 mi (0.80%) MO I-44: 19.29 of 297.32 mi (6.49%) I-55: 18.03 of 960.09 mi (1.88%) IL I-55: 18.03 of 298.49 mi (6.04%) I-64: 6.39 of 973.37 mi (0.66%) IL I-64: 1.17 of 131.99 mi (0.89%) IN I-64: 4.30 of 124.19 mi (3.46%) WV I-64: 0.92 of 182.08 mi (0.51%) I-68: 4.13 of 110.87 mi (3.72%) MD I-68: 4.13 of 79.49 mi (5.19%) I-69 (Indiana - Michigan): 5.81 of 549.69 mi (1.06%) IN I-69: 5.81 of 345.49 mi (1.68%) I-70: 69.67 of 2192.00 mi (3.18%) UT I-70: 42.14 of 232.08 mi (18.16%) CO I-70: 19.32 of 450.57 mi (4.29%) OH I-70: 2.06 of 227.81 mi (0.90%) MD I-70: 6.15 of 93.79 mi (6.56%) I-75: 6.40 of 1807.41 mi (0.35%) TN I-75: 6.40 of 160.14 mi (3.99%) I-77: 0.92 of 614.09 mi (0.15%) WV I-77: 0.92 of 184.02 mi (0.50%) I-90: 102.97 of 3112.09 mi (3.31%) WA I-90: 98.16 of 299.30 mi (32.80%) MN I-90: 4.81 of 278.83 mi (1.72%) I-91: 0.64 of 290.43 mi (0.22%) VT I-91: 0.64 of 177.30 mi (0.36%) I-93: 19.34 of 189.34 mi (10.22%) NH I-93: 8.16 of 131.94 mi (6.18%) VT I-93: 11.18 of 11.18 mi (100.00%) I-110 (Louisiana): 7.22 of 8.62 mi (83.77%) (LA I-110 only) I-255: 4.33 of 31.06 mi (13.93%) IL I-255: 4.33 of 27.27 mi (15.87%) I-270 (Missouri - Illinois): 3.22 of 50.65 mi (6.36%) MO I-270: 0.56 of 35.95 mi (1.56%) IL I-270: 2.66 of 14.69 mi (18.11%) I-480 (Nebraska - Iowa): 0.73 of 4.99 mi (14.59%) IA I-480: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%) I-494: 1.52 of 43.44 mi (3.50%) (MN I-494 only) I-694: 0.35 of 30.87 mi (1.14%) (MN I-694 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 24 of 363 (6.6%), clinched: 0 of 363 (0.0%). System usaib (active) overall: 147.82 of 1553.32 mi (9.52%) System usaib by region: AZ: 25.57 of 75.35 mi (33.93%) CA: 3.90 of 121.60 mi (3.21%) CO: 1.41 of 100.35 mi (1.41%) GA: 0.00 of 24.23 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.53 of 10.40 mi (5.09%) ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%) IL: 19.64 of 40.89 mi (48.04%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 2.91 of 176.21 mi (1.65%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 30.85 of 141.64 mi (21.78%) MT: 0.00 of 74.22 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 56.89 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.51 of 37.87 mi (1.33%) NM: 35.28 of 62.36 mi (56.58%) NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 8.54 mi (0.00%) OK: 23.57 of 42.06 mi (56.04%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 47.63 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%) UT: 2.55 of 44.73 mi (5.69%) WA: 1.10 of 26.81 mi (4.12%) WY: 0.00 of 92.40 mi (0.00%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-5BL (Mount Shasta, CA): 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%) (CA I-5BLMou only) I-5BL (Weed, CA): 0.39 of 0.94 mi (41.76%) (CA I-5BLWee only) I-15BL (Parowan, UT): 2.55 of 3.70 mi (68.74%) (UT I-15BLPar only) I-25BL (Truth or Consequences, NM): 4.43 of 5.11 mi (86.69%) (NM I-25BLTru only) I-25BL (Socorro, NM): 2.22 of 2.60 mi (85.23%) (NM I-25BLSoc only) I-25BL (Las Vegas, NM): 1.69 of 4.05 mi (41.75%) (NM I-25BLLas only) I-25BL (Springer, NM): 0.90 of 2.75 mi (32.64%) (NM I-25BLSpr only) I-25BL (Raton, NM): 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%) (NM I-25BLRat only) I-25BL (Walsenburg, CO): 0.15 of 3.83 mi (3.82%) (CO I-25BLWal only) I-35BL (Ames, IA): 0.53 of 7.29 mi (7.27%) (IA I-35BLAme only) I-40BL (Seligman, AZ): 1.15 of 3.81 mi (30.32%) (AZ I-40BLSel only) I-40BL (Ash Fork, AZ): 1.45 of 1.45 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-40BLAsh only) I-40BL (Flagstaff, AZ): 8.43 of 9.12 mi (92.34%) (AZ I-40BLFla only) I-40BL (Winslow, AZ): 3.29 of 3.59 mi (91.69%) (AZ I-40BLWin only) I-40BL (Joseph City, AZ): 2.53 of 2.53 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-40BLJos only) I-40BL (Holbrook, AZ): 4.89 of 4.89 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-40BLHol only) I-40BL (Williams, AZ): 3.83 of 3.83 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-40BLWil only) I-40BL (Gallup, NM): 6.44 of 9.42 mi (68.40%) (NM I-40BLGal only) I-40BL (Grants, NM): 2.48 of 6.63 mi (37.33%) (NM I-40BLGra only) I-40BL (Moriarity, NM): 2.74 of 2.97 mi (92.18%) (NM I-40BLMor only) I-40BL (Santa Rosa, NM): 4.03 of 4.03 mi (100.00%) (NM I-40BLSan only) I-40BL (Tucumcari, NM): 6.50 of 6.50 mi (100.00%) (NM I-40BLTuc only) I-40BL (Erick, OK): 7.07 of 7.86 mi (89.98%) (OK I-40BLEri only) I-40BL (Sayre, OK): 4.49 of 4.86 mi (92.32%) (OK I-40BLSay only) I-40BL (Elk City, OK): 8.90 of 9.23 mi (96.40%) (OK I-40BLElk only) I-40BL (Clinton, OK): 3.11 of 4.84 mi (64.24%) (OK I-40BLCli only) I-44BL (Joplin, MO): 2.02 of 11.67 mi (17.33%) (MO I-44BLJop only) I-44BL (Springfield, MO): 8.74 of 9.48 mi (92.22%) (MO I-44BLSpr only) I-44BL (Waynesville, MO): 5.01 of 5.76 mi (86.91%) (MO I-44BLWay only) I-44BL (Rolla, MO): 2.17 of 2.25 mi (96.58%) (MO I-44BLRol only) I-44BL (Pacific, MO): 8.88 of 8.88 mi (100.00%) (MO I-44BLPac only) I-49BL (Joplin, MO): 4.02 of 22.68 mi (17.73%) (MO I-49BLJop only) I-55BL (Springfield, IL): 10.54 of 13.57 mi (77.64%) (IL I-55BLSpr only) I-55BL (Lincoln, IL): 7.68 of 8.26 mi (93.03%) (IL I-55BLLin only) I-55BL (Bloomington, IL): 1.42 of 9.35 mi (15.21%) (IL I-55BLBlo only) I-70BL (Denver, CO): 1.27 of 27.46 mi (4.61%) (CO I-70BLDen only) I-75BL (Pontiac, MI): 2.91 of 10.02 mi (29.05%) (MI I-75BLPon only) I-90BL (Moses Lake, WA): 1.10 of 5.85 mi (18.90%) (WA I-90BLMos only) I-94BL (Valley City, ND): 0.51 of 3.81 mi (13.24%) (ND I-94BLVal only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 39 of 277 (14.1%), clinched: 9 of 277 (3.2%). System usasf (active) overall: 42.06 of 1234.41 mi (3.41%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 322.91 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%) IN: 2.39 of 11.00 mi (21.74%) LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 13.58 of 355.08 mi (3.82%) NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%) NY: 26.09 of 56.95 mi (45.81%) OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 8.13 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 2.39 of 175.93 mi (1.36%) NJ GarStaPkwy: 2.39 of 173.53 mi (1.38%) PalIntPkwy (Palisades Interstate Parkway): 37.28 of 37.28 mi (100.00%) NJ PalIntPkwy: 11.19 of 11.19 mi (100.00%) NY PalIntPkwy: 26.09 of 26.09 mi (100.00%) VetMemPkwy (Veterans Memorial Parkway): 2.39 of 2.39 mi (100.00%) (IN VetMemPkwy only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 3 of 66 (4.5%), clinched: 2 of 66 (3.0%). System usaus (active) overall: 7838.81 of 137859.42 mi (5.69%) System usaus by region: AL: 62.85 of 3485.97 mi (1.80%) AR: 207.46 of 3726.95 mi (5.57%) AZ: 121.19 of 1878.70 mi (6.45%) CA: 60.97 of 1730.27 mi (3.52%) CO: 504.44 of 4019.95 mi (12.55%) CT: 2.16 of 508.42 mi (0.43%) DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%) DE: 6.40 of 211.17 mi (3.03%) FL: 296.00 of 3999.71 mi (7.40%) GA: 0.00 of 4922.21 mi (0.00%) IA: 261.34 of 3710.44 mi (7.04%) ID: 254.82 of 2090.85 mi (12.19%) IL: 287.29 of 3410.39 mi (8.42%) IN: 387.28 of 2903.05 mi (13.34%) KS: 4.56 of 5413.85 mi (0.08%) KY: 302.12 of 3314.41 mi (9.12%) LA: 166.13 of 2323.34 mi (7.15%) MA: 0.63 of 602.37 mi (0.10%) MD: 76.21 of 774.49 mi (9.84%) ME: 193.25 of 1176.03 mi (16.43%) MI: 49.33 of 2324.25 mi (2.12%) MN: 165.89 of 3612.02 mi (4.59%) MO: 42.18 of 4007.77 mi (1.05%) MS: 139.75 of 2596.46 mi (5.38%) MT: 31.92 of 3317.05 mi (0.96%) NC: 48.03 of 5099.45 mi (0.94%) ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%) NE: 423.48 of 3539.33 mi (11.97%) NH: 135.64 of 542.91 mi (24.98%) NJ: 20.03 of 805.51 mi (2.49%) NM: 565.41 of 3676.63 mi (15.38%) NV: 11.90 of 1851.50 mi (0.64%) NY: 102.43 of 1653.66 mi (6.19%) OH: 532.65 of 3918.56 mi (13.59%) OK: 83.73 of 4765.43 mi (1.76%) OR: 456.35 of 2596.23 mi (17.58%) PA: 72.21 of 3424.65 mi (2.11%) RI: 0.00 of 108.88 mi (0.00%) SC: 24.16 of 3309.45 mi (0.73%) SD: 92.86 of 2612.33 mi (3.55%) TN: 269.67 of 3646.69 mi (7.39%) TX: 0.00 of 12783.70 mi (0.00%) UT: 450.06 of 1618.38 mi (27.81%) VA: 85.05 of 4090.30 mi (2.08%) VT: 151.31 of 593.97 mi (25.47%) WA: 246.34 of 1764.00 mi (13.96%) WI: 30.30 of 2895.07 mi (1.05%) WV: 333.05 of 1793.12 mi (18.57%) WY: 79.99 of 2902.08 mi (2.76%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 295.95 of 2385.46 mi (12.41%) FL US1: 179.91 of 553.55 mi (32.50%) ME US1: 116.04 of 524.86 mi (22.11%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 187.10 of 2126.60 mi (8.80%) WA US2: 117.09 of 325.04 mi (36.02%) ID US2: 63.94 of 79.13 mi (80.80%) MN US2: 6.06 of 267.06 mi (2.27%) US2 (New York - Maine): 28.75 of 454.34 mi (6.33%) NY US2: 0.88 of 0.88 mi (100.00%) VT US2: 26.16 of 145.94 mi (17.93%) NH US2: 1.71 of 35.44 mi (4.82%) US3: 94.76 of 272.87 mi (34.73%) MA US3: 0.63 of 35.25 mi (1.78%) NH US3: 94.13 of 237.62 mi (39.61%) US4: 65.80 of 249.40 mi (26.38%) NY US4: 64.94 of 79.28 mi (81.92%) VT US4: 0.51 of 63.74 mi (0.80%) NH US4: 0.34 of 106.38 mi (0.32%) US5: 125.26 of 295.79 mi (42.35%) VT US5: 125.26 of 187.43 mi (66.83%) US6: 208.16 of 3217.30 mi (6.47%) UT US6: 112.78 of 376.02 mi (29.99%) CO US6: 13.36 of 472.01 mi (2.83%) IA US6: 0.73 of 326.41 mi (0.22%) IL US6: 13.84 of 179.04 mi (7.73%) OH US6: 64.68 of 250.47 mi (25.82%) NY US6: 2.78 of 75.54 mi (3.68%) US9 (Delaware): 6.40 of 30.11 mi (21.26%) (DE US9 only) US9 (New Jersey - New York): 48.35 of 488.55 mi (9.90%) NJ US9: 19.41 of 166.93 mi (11.63%) NY US9: 28.94 of 321.61 mi (9.00%) US10 (North Dakota - Wisconsin): 7.89 of 579.50 mi (1.36%) MN US10: 7.79 of 277.83 mi (2.80%) WI US10: 0.10 of 293.45 mi (0.03%) US11 (Virginia - New York): 3.50 of 945.55 mi (0.37%) WV US11: 1.50 of 26.34 mi (5.68%) NY US11: 2.00 of 321.14 mi (0.62%) US11E: 0.26 of 121.24 mi (0.22%) TN US11E: 0.26 of 120.67 mi (0.22%) US11W: 2.78 of 111.25 mi (2.50%) TN US11W: 2.78 of 110.07 mi (2.52%) US12: 283.39 of 2474.68 mi (11.45%) WA US12: 116.09 of 427.31 mi (27.17%) ID US12: 162.89 of 162.89 mi (100.00%) SD US12: 4.29 of 319.95 mi (1.34%) MN US12: 0.12 of 195.68 mi (0.06%) US14: 70.75 of 1393.95 mi (5.08%) SD US14: 38.22 of 442.86 mi (8.63%) MN US14: 27.66 of 287.69 mi (9.61%) WI US14: 4.87 of 199.39 mi (2.44%) US15: 118.79 of 795.08 mi (14.94%) VA US15: 83.57 of 230.30 mi (36.29%) MD US15: 35.22 of 38.01 mi (92.68%) US16: 0.21 of 479.30 mi (0.04%) SD US16: 0.21 of 65.96 mi (0.31%) US17: 43.79 of 1215.92 mi (3.60%) FL US17: 38.95 of 323.27 mi (12.05%) VA US17: 4.84 of 256.38 mi (1.89%) US18: 5.24 of 1052.07 mi (0.50%) WI US18: 5.24 of 187.16 mi (2.80%) US19 (Tennessee - Pennsylvania): 13.96 of 534.43 mi (2.61%) WV US19: 11.80 of 242.23 mi (4.87%) PA US19: 2.17 of 192.77 mi (1.12%) US20 (Oregon - Montana): 3.73 of 864.90 mi (0.43%) OR US20: 3.73 of 448.87 mi (0.83%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 58.27 of 2364.58 mi (2.46%) IA US20: 0.49 of 304.99 mi (0.16%) IL US20: 25.88 of 199.19 mi (12.99%) OH US20: 27.52 of 263.05 mi (10.46%) PA US20: 1.49 of 45.86 mi (3.25%) NY US20: 2.88 of 374.05 mi (0.77%) US22: 25.05 of 650.66 mi (3.85%) OH US22: 25.05 of 243.51 mi (10.29%) US23: 134.49 of 1410.94 mi (9.53%) KY US23: 134.49 of 153.56 mi (87.58%) US24: 86.75 of 1560.48 mi (5.56%) CO US24: 44.29 of 322.80 mi (13.72%) IL US24: 42.46 of 245.38 mi (17.30%) US25 (Georgia - Tennessee): 19.30 of 425.28 mi (4.54%) TN US25: 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%) US25 (Kentucky): 41.18 of 175.13 mi (23.51%) (KY US25 only) US25E: 94.78 of 108.55 mi (87.32%) TN US25E: 62.04 of 62.04 mi (100.00%) KY US25E: 32.74 of 46.50 mi (70.40%) US25W: 8.26 of 142.35 mi (5.80%) TN US25W: 8.26 of 108.34 mi (7.62%) US26: 43.49 of 1503.85 mi (2.89%) OR US26: 41.46 of 469.50 mi (8.83%) NE US26: 2.03 of 152.90 mi (1.33%) US27: 8.92 of 1367.08 mi (0.65%) TN US27: 7.46 of 143.66 mi (5.20%) OH US27: 1.45 of 40.52 mi (3.58%) US29: 23.69 of 1044.59 mi (2.27%) VA US29: 23.69 of 248.95 mi (9.52%) US30: 616.69 of 3105.69 mi (19.86%) OR US30: 15.45 of 480.44 mi (3.22%) ID US30: 7.17 of 418.69 mi (1.71%) NE US30: 421.44 of 457.62 mi (92.09%) IA US30: 120.73 of 335.63 mi (35.97%) IL US30: 50.33 of 154.26 mi (32.63%) OH US30: 1.58 of 248.17 mi (0.63%) US31 (Alabama - Tennessee): 1.24 of 482.40 mi (0.26%) AL US31: 1.24 of 387.73 mi (0.32%) US31E: 27.22 of 189.41 mi (14.37%) KY US31E: 27.22 of 139.03 mi (19.58%) US33: 44.75 of 682.71 mi (6.55%) VA US33: 0.23 of 132.60 mi (0.17%) WV US33: 33.51 of 206.24 mi (16.25%) OH US33: 11.01 of 236.00 mi (4.67%) US34: 52.88 of 1130.00 mi (4.68%) CO US34: 41.35 of 253.25 mi (16.33%) IA US34: 4.37 of 271.56 mi (1.61%) IL US34: 7.15 of 211.61 mi (3.38%) US36: 6.06 of 1415.39 mi (0.43%) CO US36: 6.06 of 231.47 mi (2.62%) US40: 696.15 of 2312.95 mi (30.10%) UT US40: 89.05 of 175.11 mi (50.85%) CO US40: 33.42 of 484.91 mi (6.89%) IL US40: 117.66 of 162.13 mi (72.57%) IN US40: 122.08 of 161.80 mi (75.46%) OH US40: 212.67 of 228.97 mi (92.88%) WV US40: 14.97 of 15.46 mi (96.85%) PA US40: 70.50 of 82.11 mi (85.86%) MD US40: 35.19 of 221.48 mi (15.89%) NJ US40: 0.62 of 65.29 mi (0.95%) US41: 50.53 of 2038.51 mi (2.48%) IN US41: 1.20 of 283.05 mi (0.42%) MI US41: 49.33 of 280.99 mi (17.56%) US42: 4.99 of 349.57 mi (1.43%) OH US42: 4.99 of 246.21 mi (2.03%) US44: 2.16 of 232.73 mi (0.93%) CT US44: 2.16 of 104.19 mi (2.08%) US45 (N. Tennessee - Michigan): 13.60 of 841.45 mi (1.62%) IL US45: 13.60 of 429.67 mi (3.17%) US48: 13.74 of 153.31 mi (8.96%) WV US48: 13.74 of 139.30 mi (9.86%) US49 (N. Mississippi - Arkansas): 4.30 of 225.24 mi (1.91%) MS US49Cla: 3.94 of 41.81 mi (9.43%) AR US49: 0.36 of 183.42 mi (0.19%) US50: 384.02 of 3006.31 mi (12.77%) NV US50: 11.90 of 408.79 mi (2.91%) UT US50: 42.14 of 337.94 mi (12.47%) CO US50: 110.04 of 459.68 mi (23.94%) MO US50: 15.57 of 262.56 mi (5.93%) IL US50: 4.33 of 163.09 mi (2.65%) IN US50: 172.33 of 172.33 mi (100.00%) OH US50: 25.43 of 203.10 mi (12.52%) MD US50: 2.27 of 141.40 mi (1.61%) US51: 41.30 of 1287.67 mi (3.21%) TN US51: 24.35 of 136.91 mi (17.79%) KY US51: 10.05 of 42.44 mi (23.68%) IL US51: 6.90 of 416.20 mi (1.66%) US52: 346.09 of 2080.99 mi (16.63%) MN US52: 7.11 of 378.24 mi (1.88%) IA US52: 45.20 of 173.50 mi (26.05%) IL US52: 3.94 of 217.70 mi (1.81%) IN US52: 24.06 of 199.75 mi (12.04%) OH US52: 155.27 of 181.25 mi (85.67%) WV US52Ken: 15.75 of 71.24 mi (22.11%) KY US52Tug: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) WV US52Goo: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) KY US52: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%) WV US52: 92.99 of 100.46 mi (92.56%) US53: 4.12 of 407.25 mi (1.01%) WI US53: 4.12 of 240.27 mi (1.72%) US54: 54.76 of 1216.43 mi (4.50%) NM US54: 54.51 of 361.87 mi (15.06%) MO US54: 0.25 of 274.24 mi (0.09%) US56: 58.23 of 649.79 mi (8.96%) NM US56: 58.23 of 95.53 mi (60.95%) US59: 27.58 of 1932.34 mi (1.43%) OK US59: 20.43 of 216.63 mi (9.43%) IA US59: 0.54 of 219.43 mi (0.25%) MN US59: 6.61 of 432.84 mi (1.53%) US60: 157.63 of 2656.47 mi (5.93%) AZ US60: 0.92 of 369.18 mi (0.25%) NM US60: 15.96 of 401.83 mi (3.97%) OK US60: 23.20 of 356.52 mi (6.51%) IL US60: 0.31 of 1.02 mi (30.03%) KY US60: 10.98 of 487.44 mi (2.25%) WV US60: 106.27 of 171.21 mi (62.07%) US61: 395.22 of 1415.70 mi (27.92%) LA US61: 40.67 of 123.41 mi (32.96%) MS US61: 134.94 of 327.00 mi (41.26%) TN US61: 10.80 of 12.15 mi (88.90%) AR US61: 52.70 of 76.89 mi (68.53%) MO US61: 5.65 of 396.14 mi (1.43%) IA US61: 20.26 of 194.41 mi (10.42%) WI US61: 20.84 of 120.10 mi (17.35%) MN US61: 109.37 of 165.61 mi (66.04%) US62: 94.44 of 2243.92 mi (4.21%) OK US62: 4.05 of 405.56 mi (1.00%) AR US62: 20.56 of 326.41 mi (6.30%) MO US62: 4.97 of 87.68 mi (5.66%) IL US62: 0.31 of 1.02 mi (30.03%) KY US62: 17.83 of 386.59 mi (4.61%) OH US62: 46.72 of 294.31 mi (15.88%) US63: 23.86 of 1237.37 mi (1.93%) MO US63: 2.07 of 339.03 mi (0.61%) MN US63: 21.79 of 96.80 mi (22.51%) US64: 75.66 of 2325.68 mi (3.25%) NM US64: 70.75 of 436.62 mi (16.20%) OK US64: 2.57 of 596.74 mi (0.43%) AR US64: 0.65 of 287.26 mi (0.23%) TN US64: 1.68 of 398.97 mi (0.42%) US65: 168.48 of 969.72 mi (17.37%) LA US65: 102.32 of 102.32 mi (100.00%) AR US65: 66.17 of 309.22 mi (21.40%) US67: 73.10 of 1556.33 mi (4.70%) MO US67: 17.53 of 198.32 mi (8.84%) IL US67: 0.80 of 211.95 mi (0.38%) IA US67: 54.77 of 55.14 mi (99.33%) US68: 5.92 of 548.36 mi (1.08%) KY US68: 0.11 of 369.22 mi (0.03%) OH US68: 5.80 of 179.14 mi (3.24%) US69: 29.31 of 1144.97 mi (2.56%) OK US69: 28.78 of 263.97 mi (10.90%) IA US69: 0.53 of 231.18 mi (0.23%) US70: 70.54 of 2382.04 mi (2.96%) NM US70: 23.15 of 455.60 mi (5.08%) AR US70: 6.24 of 287.91 mi (2.17%) TN US70: 20.98 of 479.61 mi (4.38%) NC US70: 20.17 of 482.82 mi (4.18%) US70S: 4.48 of 112.28 mi (3.99%) (TN US70S only) US71: 5.52 of 1527.48 mi (0.36%) LA US71: 4.93 of 232.96 mi (2.12%) MN US71: 0.59 of 430.79 mi (0.14%) US75: 8.01 of 1252.81 mi (0.64%) NE US75: 0.52 of 189.73 mi (0.27%) MN US75: 7.49 of 419.54 mi (1.79%) US77: 6.58 of 1327.08 mi (0.50%) OK US77: 6.58 of 270.94 mi (2.43%) US79: 24.44 of 877.29 mi (2.79%) LA US79: 1.43 of 87.76 mi (1.63%) AR US79: 21.33 of 274.32 mi (7.78%) TN US79: 1.68 of 211.75 mi (0.79%) US80: 41.52 of 1037.29 mi (4.00%) AL US80: 41.52 of 221.30 mi (18.76%) US81: 2.05 of 1241.36 mi (0.16%) NE US81: 2.05 of 219.89 mi (0.93%) US82: 12.02 of 1616.14 mi (0.74%) AR US82: 12.02 of 191.97 mi (6.26%) US83: 4.39 of 1909.64 mi (0.23%) NE US83: 1.55 of 225.86 mi (0.68%) SD US83: 2.85 of 243.84 mi (1.17%) US84: 137.29 of 1926.60 mi (7.13%) NM US84: 121.07 of 359.98 mi (33.63%) LA US84: 9.24 of 182.24 mi (5.07%) MS US84: 6.97 of 192.72 mi (3.62%) US85: 160.76 of 1492.80 mi (10.77%) NM US85: 149.79 of 488.51 mi (30.66%) CO US85: 10.97 of 314.11 mi (3.49%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 44.00 of 1539.39 mi (2.86%) NM US87: 33.03 of 100.96 mi (32.72%) CO US87: 10.97 of 304.16 mi (3.61%) US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 34.03 of 836.66 mi (4.07%) UT US89: 34.03 of 499.23 mi (6.82%) US90: 1.79 of 1643.42 mi (0.11%) LA US90: 1.39 of 299.79 mi (0.47%) AL US90: 0.40 of 79.04 mi (0.50%) US91: 9.46 of 172.35 mi (5.49%) ID US91: 9.46 of 126.62 mi (7.47%) US92: 16.08 of 185.96 mi (8.64%) (FL US92 only) US95: 59.96 of 1575.74 mi (3.80%) CA US95: 6.43 of 131.24 mi (4.90%) ID US95: 53.52 of 519.78 mi (10.30%) US97: 97.10 of 667.09 mi (14.56%) CA US97: 54.54 of 54.54 mi (100.00%) OR US97: 14.43 of 292.84 mi (4.93%) WA US97: 28.13 of 319.71 mi (8.80%) US98: 88.19 of 941.83 mi (9.36%) AL US98: 19.91 of 81.45 mi (24.45%) FL US98: 68.28 of 680.77 mi (10.03%) US101: 343.94 of 1506.03 mi (22.84%) OR US101: 343.94 of 343.94 mi (100.00%) US119: 77.96 of 525.95 mi (14.82%) KY US119: 40.70 of 130.42 mi (31.21%) WV US119WWi: 0.89 of 0.97 mi (91.92%) KY US119Goo: 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%) WV US119Goo: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) KY US119Tug: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%) WV US119: 34.59 of 262.33 mi (13.19%) US127: 99.15 of 751.59 mi (13.19%) TN US127: 98.41 of 133.78 mi (73.56%) KY US127: 0.51 of 204.53 mi (0.25%) OH US127: 0.23 of 196.30 mi (0.12%) US136: 5.93 of 808.57 mi (0.73%) IA US136: 3.27 of 3.85 mi (84.90%) IL US136: 2.66 of 227.53 mi (1.17%) US150: 145.66 of 563.73 mi (25.84%) IL US150: 0.22 of 266.60 mi (0.08%) IN US150: 106.90 of 175.79 mi (60.81%) KY US150: 38.54 of 121.33 mi (31.76%) US151: 13.95 of 326.08 mi (4.28%) IA US151: 5.58 of 108.54 mi (5.14%) WI US151: 8.37 of 217.53 mi (3.85%) US160: 102.55 of 1469.80 mi (6.98%) CO US160: 100.47 of 494.78 mi (20.31%) MO US160: 2.07 of 316.05 mi (0.66%) US163: 40.72 of 64.22 mi (63.41%) UT US163: 40.72 of 40.72 mi (100.00%) US165: 57.02 of 405.78 mi (14.05%) AR US165: 57.02 of 175.31 mi (32.53%) US169: 10.07 of 976.45 mi (1.03%) IA US169: 3.08 of 238.42 mi (1.29%) MN US169: 6.99 of 360.78 mi (1.94%) US180: 39.51 of 1117.14 mi (3.54%) AZ US180: 32.09 of 284.82 mi (11.27%) NM US180: 7.43 of 242.15 mi (3.07%) US183: 0.50 of 1263.43 mi (0.04%) NE US183: 0.50 of 229.92 mi (0.22%) US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 492.89 of 1210.45 mi (40.72%) AZ US191: 115.51 of 518.72 mi (22.27%) UT US191: 326.98 of 402.96 mi (81.14%) WY US191: 50.39 of 288.77 mi (17.45%) US192: 2.43 of 75.92 mi (3.21%) (FL US192 only) US201: 77.21 of 156.35 mi (49.38%) (ME US201 only) US212: 122.16 of 952.83 mi (12.82%) MT US212Coo: 8.20 of 8.20 mi (100.00%) WY US212: 29.60 of 29.60 mi (100.00%) MT US212: 23.72 of 314.40 mi (7.55%) SD US212: 47.30 of 416.83 mi (11.35%) MN US212: 13.34 of 163.35 mi (8.17%) US218: 12.98 of 324.23 mi (4.00%) IA US218: 12.98 of 276.68 mi (4.69%) US219: 18.64 of 502.83 mi (3.71%) WV US219: 18.64 of 188.06 mi (9.91%) US220: 2.20 of 669.60 mi (0.33%) MD US220: 2.20 of 26.71 mi (8.24%) US221: 18.74 of 723.59 mi (2.59%) SC US221: 18.74 of 124.90 mi (15.01%) US231: 0.47 of 924.82 mi (0.05%) IN US231: 0.47 of 285.86 mi (0.17%) US250: 51.19 of 494.15 mi (10.36%) OH US250: 0.10 of 159.94 mi (0.06%) WV US250: 50.82 of 175.65 mi (28.93%) VA US250: 0.27 of 158.55 mi (0.17%) US270: 16.32 of 646.42 mi (2.52%) OK US270: 16.32 of 482.40 mi (3.38%) US275: 18.61 of 269.25 mi (6.91%) IA US275: 18.61 of 59.90 mi (31.08%) US276: 17.62 of 97.51 mi (18.07%) SC US276: 5.41 of 40.95 mi (13.22%) NC US276: 12.21 of 56.56 mi (21.59%) US278: 32.83 of 1080.17 mi (3.04%) AR US278: 32.83 of 257.26 mi (12.76%) US281: 12.96 of 1893.56 mi (0.68%) OK US281: 8.40 of 257.94 mi (3.26%) KS US281: 4.56 of 249.19 mi (1.83%) US283: 2.98 of 734.35 mi (0.41%) OK US283: 2.98 of 204.36 mi (1.46%) US285: 24.66 of 847.59 mi (2.91%) NM US285: 24.66 of 412.60 mi (5.98%) US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 7.72 of 1621.52 mi (0.48%) CO US287: 7.72 of 392.55 mi (1.97%) US301: 4.21 of 1110.17 mi (0.38%) MD US301: 4.21 of 123.63 mi (3.40%) US302: 40.35 of 165.64 mi (24.36%) VT US302: 0.13 of 34.35 mi (0.39%) NH US302: 40.21 of 77.05 mi (52.19%) US319: 40.03 of 317.00 mi (12.63%) FL US319: 40.03 of 97.76 mi (40.94%) US321: 0.30 of 509.84 mi (0.06%) TN US321: 0.30 of 188.60 mi (0.16%) US322: 0.56 of 487.79 mi (0.12%) OH US322: 0.56 of 62.91 mi (0.89%) US340: 13.84 of 154.69 mi (8.95%) WV US340: 8.92 of 16.03 mi (55.64%) MD US340: 4.92 of 17.02 mi (28.91%) US350: 73.79 of 73.79 mi (100.00%) (CO US350 only) US380: 22.32 of 680.84 mi (3.28%) NM US380: 22.32 of 243.73 mi (9.16%) US385: 43.97 of 1214.14 mi (3.62%) CO US385: 17.57 of 324.44 mi (5.42%) NE US385: 26.19 of 183.27 mi (14.29%) SD US385: 0.21 of 117.72 mi (0.18%) US395: 37.33 of 1306.33 mi (2.86%) OR US395: 37.33 of 380.96 mi (9.80%) US400: 14.94 of 487.45 mi (3.07%) CO US400: 14.94 of 14.94 mi (100.00%) US412: 66.82 of 1127.01 mi (5.93%) NM US412: 58.23 of 95.53 mi (60.95%) OK US412: 8.59 of 509.80 mi (1.68%) US421: 5.14 of 933.19 mi (0.55%) IN US421: 5.14 of 257.43 mi (2.00%) US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 0.98 of 189.37 mi (0.52%) OH US422: 0.98 of 75.96 mi (1.30%) US425: 16.26 of 216.01 mi (7.53%) MS US425: 0.87 of 2.83 mi (30.82%) LA US425: 15.38 of 121.59 mi (12.65%) US441: 48.52 of 936.53 mi (5.18%) NC US441: 15.64 of 61.50 mi (25.43%) TN US441: 32.87 of 78.85 mi (41.69%) US460: 40.98 of 629.00 mi (6.51%) KY US460: 40.98 of 202.55 mi (20.23%) US491: 85.18 of 196.28 mi (43.40%) NM US491: 59.23 of 109.03 mi (54.33%) CO US491: 25.95 of 69.85 mi (37.15%) US522: 1.42 of 306.43 mi (0.46%) VA US522: 0.99 of 157.66 mi (0.63%) WV US522: 0.43 of 19.25 mi (2.22%) US550: 117.18 of 299.85 mi (39.08%) NM US550: 41.35 of 175.54 mi (23.56%) CO US550: 75.82 of 124.31 mi (61.00%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 131 of 226 (58.0%), clinched: 1 of 226 (0.4%). System usausb (active) overall: 269.65 of 7545.09 mi (3.57%) System usausb by region: AL: 3.03 of 98.33 mi (3.08%) AR: 4.34 of 263.95 mi (1.65%) AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.38 of 49.90 mi (0.76%) CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%) FL: 1.32 of 223.76 mi (0.59%) GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%) IA: 29.03 of 171.43 mi (16.94%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 3.87 of 61.60 mi (6.28%) IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%) KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%) KY: 4.73 of 240.87 mi (1.96%) LA: 1.35 of 86.41 mi (1.56%) MD: 71.98 of 118.62 mi (60.68%) ME: 15.66 of 208.88 mi (7.50%) MI: 2.91 of 135.04 mi (2.16%) MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.40 of 235.08 mi (0.17%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%) NE: 4.84 of 18.73 mi (25.86%) NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%) NM: 2.48 of 28.91 mi (8.60%) NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%) NY: 1.21 of 116.37 mi (1.04%) OH: 8.58 of 128.27 mi (6.69%) OK: 4.18 of 151.65 mi (2.76%) OR: 0.00 of 60.73 mi (0.00%) PA: 20.55 of 289.53 mi (7.10%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 2.34 of 313.32 mi (0.75%) SD: 25.23 of 92.86 mi (27.18%) TN: 0.00 of 378.25 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 901.28 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%) VA: 15.99 of 518.31 mi (3.08%) VT: 5.44 of 17.20 mi (31.62%) WA: 39.80 of 55.43 mi (71.80%) WI: 0.00 of 103.11 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US1Bus (St. Augustine, FL): 1.32 of 3.20 mi (41.23%) (FL US1BusStA only) US1Alt (Fort Fairfield, ME): 15.66 of 50.07 mi (31.28%) (ME US1AltFor only) US2Trk (St. Johnsbury, VT): 0.52 of 0.95 mi (54.87%) (VT US2TrkStJ only) US2Trk ((South) St. Johnsbury, VT): 4.92 of 6.66 mi (73.83%) (VT US2TrkSSJ only) US15Bus (Culpeper, VA): 5.84 of 5.84 mi (100.00%) (VA US15BusCul only) US15Bus (Remington, VA): 2.69 of 2.69 mi (100.00%) (VA US15BusRem only) US15Bus (Warrenton, VA): 3.73 of 3.73 mi (100.00%) (VA US15BusWar only) US15Bus (Leesburg, VA): 2.83 of 2.83 mi (100.00%) (VA US15BusLee only) US15Bus (Emmitsburg, MD): 2.35 of 2.35 mi (100.00%) (MD US15BusEmm only) US15Bus (Gettysburg, PA): 14.29 of 14.29 mi (100.00%) (PA US15BusGet only) US16Alt (Custer, SD): 25.23 of 30.59 mi (82.49%) (SD US16AltCus only) US17Bus (Warrenton, VA): 0.81 of 4.16 mi (19.48%) (VA US17BusWar only) US18Bus (McGregor, IA): 1.96 of 4.19 mi (46.73%) (IA US18BusMcG only) US20Alt (Maumee, OH): 1.31 of 53.24 mi (2.46%) (OH US20AltMau only) US20Trk (Silver Creek, NY): 1.21 of 1.26 mi (96.02%) (NY US20TrkSil only) US23Trk (Portsmouth, OH): 1.45 of 3.49 mi (41.51%) OH US23TrkPor: 1.45 of 2.06 mi (70.20%) US24Bus (Pontiac, MI): 2.91 of 7.13 mi (40.85%) (MI US24BusPon only) US29Bus (Culpeper, VA): 4.33 of 5.85 mi (74.03%) (VA US29BusCul only) US29Bus (Remington, VA): 2.69 of 2.69 mi (100.00%) (VA US29BusRem only) US29Bus (Warrenton, VA): 1.43 of 4.59 mi (31.06%) (VA US29BusWar only) US30Bus (Fremont, NE): 4.84 of 4.84 mi (100.00%) (NE US30BusFre only) US30Bus (Toledo, IA): 0.72 of 4.52 mi (15.83%) (IA US30BusTol only) US31ETrk (Bardstown, KY): 0.26 of 7.63 mi (3.42%) (KY US31ETrkBar only) US34Bus (Estes Park, CO): 0.38 of 1.64 mi (23.15%) (CO US34BusEst only) US40Bus (Brownsville, PA): 2.64 of 2.64 mi (100.00%) (PA US40BusBro only) US40Bus (Uniontown, PA): 3.62 of 3.62 mi (100.00%) (PA US40BusUni only) US40Alt (Cumberland, MD): 31.18 of 31.18 mi (100.00%) (MD US40AltCum only) US40Alt (Hagerstown, MD): 22.83 of 22.83 mi (100.00%) (MD US40AltHag only) US40Sce (Piney Grove, MD): 15.62 of 15.77 mi (99.05%) (MD US40ScePin only) US49Bus (Helena-West Helena, AR): 1.95 of 6.59 mi (29.58%) (AR US49BusHel only) US50Trk (Cincinnati, OH): 5.82 of 8.46 mi (68.79%) (OH US50TrkCin only) US51Bus (Bloomington, IL): 3.87 of 8.89 mi (43.53%) (IL US51BusBlo only) US54Bus (Tucumcari, NM): 2.48 of 4.87 mi (51.00%) (NM US54BusTuc only) US54Bus (Louisiana, MO): 0.40 of 3.43 mi (11.79%) (MO US54BusLou only) US61Bus (Keokuk, IA): 2.48 of 6.01 mi (41.33%) (IA US61BusKeo only) US61Bus (Fort Madison, IA): 9.10 of 9.10 mi (100.00%) (IA US61BusFtM only) US61Bus (Muscatine, IA): 2.64 of 5.71 mi (46.23%) (IA US61BusMus only) US61Bus (Davenport, IA): 4.04 of 11.06 mi (36.58%) (IA US61BusDav only) US64Bus (Wynne, AR): 2.40 of 4.22 mi (56.72%) (AR US64BusWyn only) US75Bus (Sioux City, IA): 0.84 of 10.41 mi (8.05%) (IA US75BusSio only) US79Trk (Homer, LA): 1.35 of 5.20 mi (25.88%) (LA US79TrkHom only) US80Bus (Selma, AL): 3.03 of 4.57 mi (66.40%) (AL US80BusSel only) US97Alt (Entiat, WA): 39.80 of 39.80 mi (100.00%) (WA US97AltEnt only) US150Bus (Springfield, KY): 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) (KY US150BusSpr only) US151Bus (Cedar Rapids, IA): 7.25 of 12.85 mi (56.39%) (IA US151BusCed only) US211Bus (Warrenton, VA): 1.07 of 1.80 mi (59.42%) (VA US211BusWar only) US221Alt (Forest City, NC): 2.34 of 25.38 mi (9.22%) SC US221AltFor: 2.34 of 5.37 mi (43.53%) US250Bus (Charlottesville, VA): 0.90 of 4.25 mi (21.16%) (VA US250BusChr only) US412Alt (Locust Grove, OK): 4.18 of 33.18 mi (12.60%) (OK US412AltLoc only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 49 of 1089 (4.5%), clinched: 15 of 1089 (1.4%). System usanp (active) overall: 1185.82 of 2889.68 mi (41.04%) System usanp by region: AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%) AL: 33.39 of 33.39 mi (100.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 90.67 mi (0.00%) CA: 75.69 of 376.85 mi (20.08%) CO: 0.00 of 98.72 mi (0.00%) DC: 1.41 of 9.28 mi (15.19%) FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%) HI: 0.00 of 32.70 mi (0.00%) KY: 27.81 of 48.24 mi (57.65%) MD: 0.00 of 35.91 mi (0.00%) ME: 24.34 of 27.16 mi (89.62%) MS: 311.80 of 313.87 mi (99.34%) MT: 0.00 of 67.90 mi (0.00%) NC: 222.20 of 236.10 mi (94.11%) ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%) NM: 4.13 of 25.30 mi (16.32%) NV: 0.00 of 14.57 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%) OR: 41.02 of 46.65 mi (87.95%) PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 5.27 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 34.97 mi (0.00%) TN: 110.38 of 176.98 mi (62.37%) TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.72 of 116.02 mi (0.62%) VA: 332.93 of 341.66 mi (97.44%) WA: 0.00 of 77.64 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 269.23 mi (0.00%) System usanp by route (traveled routes only): ParHillRd (Paradise Hill Road, Acadia NP): 2.65 of 2.65 mi (100.00%) (ME ParHillRd only) ParkLpRd (Park Loop Road, Acadia NP): 16.18 of 16.18 mi (100.00%) (ME ParkLpRd only) SchLpRd (Schoodic Loop Road, Acadia NP): 5.51 of 5.51 mi (100.00%) (ME SchLpRd only) BlueRidPkwy (Blue Ridge Parkway): 419.20 of 419.20 mi (100.00%) NC BlueRidPkwy: 222.20 of 222.20 mi (100.00%) VA BlueRidPkwy: 197.00 of 197.00 mi (100.00%) ChaCanRd (Chaco Canyon Road, Chaco Culture NHP): 0.87 of 0.87 mi (100.00%) (NM ChaCanRd only) ChaLoopRd (Chaco Loop Road, Chaco Culture NHP): 3.26 of 6.88 mi (47.39%) (NM ChaLoopRd only) ColPkwy (Colonial Parkway, Colonial NHP): 22.05 of 22.05 mi (100.00%) (VA ColPkwy only) CraCrkRd (Crater Creek Road, Crater Lake NP): 3.78 of 3.78 mi (100.00%) (OR CraCrkRd only) CraLakeHwy (Crater Lake Highway, Crater Lake NP): 9.18 of 9.18 mi (100.00%) (OR CraLakeHwy only) CraLakeRimDr (Rim Drive, Crater Lake NP): 28.07 of 28.07 mi (100.00%) (OR CraLakeRimDr only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Mount Vernon)): 8.05 of 8.05 mi (100.00%) (VA GWMemPkwyMtV only) GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Rosslyn)): 14.96 of 14.96 mi (100.00%) VA GWMemPkwyCry: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%) DC GWMemPkwy: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) VA GWMemPkwy: 9.05 of 9.05 mi (100.00%) WooTra (Woodlands Trace, Land between the Lakes NRA): 41.00 of 41.00 mi (100.00%) TN WooTra: 13.18 of 13.18 mi (100.00%) KY WooTra: 27.81 of 27.81 mi (100.00%) LasPeakHwy (Lassen Peak Highway, Lassen Volcanic NP): 25.50 of 25.50 mi (100.00%) (CA LasPeakHwy only) NatTraPkwy (Natchez Trace Parkway): 442.38 of 442.38 mi (100.00%) MS NatTraPkwy: 311.80 of 311.80 mi (100.00%) AL NatTraPkwy: 33.39 of 33.39 mi (100.00%) TN NatTraPkwy: 97.19 of 97.19 mi (100.00%) BriViewDr (Bridge View Drive, Natural Bridges NM): 0.72 of 8.03 mi (8.95%) (UT BriViewDr only) SkyDr (Skyline Drive, Shenandoah NP): 92.28 of 92.28 mi (100.00%) (VA SkyDr only) BigOakRd (Big Oak Flat Road, Yosemite NP): 7.18 of 15.91 mi (45.16%) (CA BigOakRd only) TioPassRd (Tioga Pass Road, Yosemite NP): 43.00 of 43.00 mi (100.00%) (CA TioPassRd only) System usanp connected routes traveled: 19 of 133 (14.3%), clinched: 16 of 133 (12.0%). System usaal (active) overall: 95.33 of 7002.84 mi (1.36%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL21: 11.52 of 283.11 mi (4.07%) (AL AL21 only) AL161: 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%) (AL AL161 only) AL180: 20.66 of 28.35 mi (72.88%) (AL AL180 only) AL182: 9.26 of 17.33 mi (53.45%) (AL AL182 only) AL188: 19.66 of 19.66 mi (100.00%) (AL AL188 only) AL193: 7.42 of 26.15 mi (28.37%) (AL AL193 only) AL281: 25.16 of 25.16 mi (100.00%) (AL AL281 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 7 of 231 (3.0%), clinched: 3 of 231 (1.3%). System usaak (active) overall: 394.23 of 2628.84 mi (15.00%) System usaak by route (traveled routes only): AK1: 89.90 of 544.89 mi (16.50%) (AK AK1 only) AK3: 225.41 of 323.24 mi (69.74%) (AK AK3 only) AK7 (Haines): 42.70 of 42.70 mi (100.00%) (AK AK7 only) AK9: 36.22 of 36.22 mi (100.00%) (AK AK9 only) System usaak connected routes traveled: 4 of 16 (25.0%), clinched: 2 of 16 (12.5%). System usaaz (active) overall: 126.32 of 3370.21 mi (3.75%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ66: 67.08 of 67.08 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ66 only) AZ67: 41.30 of 41.30 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ67 only) AZ77: 0.78 of 252.59 mi (0.31%) (AZ AZ77 only) AZ87: 3.58 of 286.67 mi (1.25%) (AZ AZ87 only) AZ99: 1.95 of 44.71 mi (4.36%) (AZ AZ99 only) AZ179: 11.64 of 13.65 mi (85.24%) (AZ AZ179 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 6 of 74 (8.1%), clinched: 2 of 74 (2.7%). System usaar (active) overall: 284.14 of 11915.80 mi (2.38%) System usaar by region: AR: 284.14 of 11910.28 mi (2.39%) OK: 0.00 of 5.48 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) System usaar by route (traveled routes only): AR1 (Jonesboro): 40.62 of 194.78 mi (20.85%) (AR AR1 only) AR1B (Marianna): 0.84 of 1.50 mi (56.02%) (AR AR1BMar only) AR1B (Forrest City): 4.87 of 7.92 mi (61.57%) (AR AR1BFor only) AR1B (Jonesboro): 3.92 of 3.92 mi (100.00%) (AR AR1BJon only) AR8: 0.89 of 258.06 mi (0.35%) (AR AR8 only) AR14: 0.44 of 243.65 mi (0.18%) (AR AR14 only) AR17 (Brinkley): 6.89 of 116.10 mi (5.93%) (AR AR17 only) AR18: 0.16 of 108.53 mi (0.15%) (AR AR18 only) AR20: 6.27 of 31.52 mi (19.88%) (AR AR20 only) AR38 (Hughes): 7.80 of 25.65 mi (30.43%) (AR AR38Hug only) AR44 (Helena): 22.97 of 47.04 mi (48.84%) (AR AR44 only) AR44 (Marianna): 7.15 of 7.15 mi (100.00%) (AR AR44Mar only) AR77: 18.20 of 72.36 mi (25.15%) (AR AR77 only) AR88 (Mena): 16.93 of 60.43 mi (28.02%) (AR AR88 only) AR90: 3.39 of 89.00 mi (3.81%) (AR AR90 only) AR119 (Marie): 1.17 of 10.82 mi (10.81%) (AR AR119Mar only) AR135 (Paragould): 0.02 of 24.45 mi (0.07%) (AR AR135Par only) AR139 (Piggott): 7.59 of 44.10 mi (17.22%) (AR AR139 only) AR141 ((North) Jonesboro): 53.54 of 53.54 mi (100.00%) (AR AR141 only) AR144 (Lake Village): 4.19 of 24.68 mi (16.99%) (AR AR144 only) AR147: 18.34 of 25.79 mi (71.14%) (AR AR147 only) AR150: 0.10 of 14.27 mi (0.67%) (AR AR150 only) AR153: 4.13 of 30.03 mi (13.74%) (AR AR153 only) AR159 (Lake Village): 0.06 of 5.54 mi (1.04%) (AR AR159Lak only) AR163: 39.73 of 41.91 mi (94.80%) (AR AR163 only) AR168: 4.36 of 12.73 mi (34.21%) (AR AR168 only) AR212 (Gould): 0.25 of 12.82 mi (1.92%) (AR AR212Gou only) AR284: 16.41 of 35.29 mi (46.49%) (AR AR284 only) AR316: 3.51 of 23.07 mi (15.24%) (AR AR316 only) AR318 (Watkins Corner): 10.89 of 15.46 mi (70.44%) (AR AR318 only) System usaar connected routes traveled: 30 of 796 (3.8%), clinched: 3 of 796 (0.4%). System usaca (active) overall: 405.59 of 10936.59 mi (3.71%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA1: 123.47 of 701.14 mi (17.61%) (CA CA1 only) CA4: 49.74 of 182.58 mi (27.24%) (CA CA4 only) CA36: 52.84 of 232.89 mi (22.69%) (CA CA36 only) CA44: 59.15 of 105.48 mi (56.08%) (CA CA44 only) CA89 (Lake Tahoe): 30.39 of 221.19 mi (13.74%) (CA CA89 only) CA89 (Mt. Shasta): 91.19 of 91.46 mi (99.71%) (CA CA89MtS only) CA110: 10.20 of 10.20 mi (100.00%) (CA CA110 only) CA139: 4.09 of 143.26 mi (2.85%) (CA CA139 only) CA161: 19.64 of 19.64 mi (100.00%) (CA CA161 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 9 of 269 (3.3%), clinched: 2 of 269 (0.7%). System usaco (active) overall: 622.58 of 4588.35 mi (13.57%) System usaco by route (traveled routes only): CO9: 10.45 of 134.64 mi (7.76%) (CO CO9 only) CO12: 67.32 of 67.32 mi (100.00%) (CO CO12 only) CO41: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) (CO CO41 only) CO62: 22.58 of 22.58 mi (100.00%) (CO CO62 only) CO64: 19.34 of 72.28 mi (26.76%) (CO CO64 only) CO65: 44.50 of 55.32 mi (80.44%) (CO CO65 only) CO67 (Florence): 3.35 of 14.58 mi (22.97%) (CO CO67Flo only) CO67 (Victor): 4.01 of 49.80 mi (8.05%) (CO CO67 only) CO74: 15.80 of 15.80 mi (100.00%) (CO CO74 only) CO82: 41.52 of 81.71 mi (50.82%) (CO CO82 only) CO91: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%) (CO CO91 only) CO96: 53.97 of 207.05 mi (26.06%) (CO CO96 only) CO115: 8.07 of 46.19 mi (17.48%) (CO CO115 only) CO139: 68.24 of 69.55 mi (98.12%) (CO CO139 only) CO145: 81.52 of 112.94 mi (72.18%) (CO CO145 only) CO149: 108.80 of 108.80 mi (100.00%) (CO CO149 only) CO165: 33.69 of 33.75 mi (99.82%) (CO CO165 only) CO184: 8.87 of 25.93 mi (34.22%) (CO CO184 only) System usaco connected routes traveled: 18 of 144 (12.5%), clinched: 6 of 144 (4.2%). System usact (active) overall: 69.32 of 2601.83 mi (2.66%) System usact by route (traveled routes only): CT15: 37.71 of 83.46 mi (45.18%) (CT CT15 only) CT169: 31.61 of 37.88 mi (83.45%) (CT CT169 only) CT171: 0.37 of 19.78 mi (1.89%) (CT CT171 only) System usact connected routes traveled: 3 of 210 (1.4%), clinched: 0 of 210 (0.0%). System usade (active) overall: 106.80 of 860.10 mi (12.42%) System usade by route (traveled routes only): DE1: 4.34 of 104.41 mi (4.16%) (DE DE1 only) DE1Bus (Milford): 1.98 of 3.68 mi (53.97%) (DE DE1BusMil only) DE5: 5.25 of 19.62 mi (26.74%) (DE DE5 only) DE5Alt (Milton): 1.38 of 3.84 mi (36.03%) (DE DE5AltMil only) DE9: 48.99 of 57.40 mi (85.36%) (DE DE9 only) DE12: 0.47 of 16.32 mi (2.86%) (DE DE12 only) DE14: 1.19 of 18.97 mi (6.28%) (DE DE14 only) DE16: 8.11 of 30.43 mi (26.65%) (DE DE16 only) DE30: 8.72 of 22.56 mi (38.65%) (DE DE30 only) DE36: 6.34 of 23.24 mi (27.27%) (DE DE36 only) DE52: 7.84 of 7.84 mi (100.00%) (DE DE52 only) DE100: 4.73 of 8.87 mi (53.29%) (DE DE100 only) DE299: 2.45 of 9.15 mi (26.80%) (DE DE299 only) DE404: 6.40 of 35.46 mi (18.05%) (DE DE404 only) System usade connected routes traveled: 14 of 62 (22.6%), clinched: 1 of 62 (1.6%). System usafl (active) overall: 352.13 of 6407.38 mi (5.50%) System usafl by route (traveled routes only): FLA1A (Vero Beach): 56.56 of 105.91 mi (53.41%) (FL FLA1AVer only) FLA1A (Jacksonville): 74.63 of 98.82 mi (75.52%) (FL FLA1A only) FL3: 6.42 of 9.84 mi (65.17%) (FL FL3 only) FL11: 20.29 of 29.96 mi (67.72%) (FL FL11 only) FL19: 33.37 of 89.84 mi (37.14%) (FL FL19 only) FL20 (Blountstown): 18.20 of 138.47 mi (13.14%) (FL FL20 only) FL40: 62.46 of 92.55 mi (67.49%) (FL FL40 only) FL44 (DeLand): 10.21 of 52.47 mi (19.46%) (FL FL44DeL only) FL65: 25.69 of 71.94 mi (35.70%) (FL FL65 only) FL263: 4.54 of 13.78 mi (32.96%) (FL FL263 only) FL267 (Hilliardville): 14.99 of 31.18 mi (48.07%) (FL FL267 only) FL300: 5.64 of 5.64 mi (100.00%) (FL FL300 only) FL405: 0.53 of 10.22 mi (5.17%) (FL FL405 only) FL415: 5.03 of 18.84 mi (26.72%) (FL FL415 only) FL510: 2.66 of 2.66 mi (100.00%) (FL FL510 only) FL518: 3.18 of 8.06 mi (39.45%) (FL FL518 only) FL520: 7.74 of 34.81 mi (22.23%) (FL FL520 only) FL528: 8.37 of 55.15 mi (15.18%) (FL FL528 only) System usafl connected routes traveled: 18 of 430 (4.2%), clinched: 2 of 430 (0.5%). System usaga (active) overall: 37.03 of 16594.74 mi (0.22%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA17: 9.55 of 298.49 mi (3.20%) (GA GA17 only) GA75: 9.55 of 31.92 mi (29.92%) (GA GA75 only) GA75Alt (Cleveland): 2.01 of 10.42 mi (19.32%) (GA GA75AltCle only) GA180: 11.09 of 23.35 mi (47.49%) (GA GA180 only) GA180Spr (Brasstown Bald): 2.23 of 2.23 mi (100.00%) (GA GA180SprBra only) GA348: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%) (GA GA348 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 6 of 505 (1.2%), clinched: 2 of 505 (0.4%). System usaia (active) overall: 128.67 of 5138.33 mi (2.50%) System usaia by route (traveled routes only): IA3: 7.05 of 326.67 mi (2.16%) (IA IA3 only) IA9: 0.18 of 299.29 mi (0.06%) (IA IA9 only) IA12: 30.21 of 46.98 mi (64.31%) (IA IA12 only) IA13: 0.53 of 84.82 mi (0.62%) (IA IA13 only) IA14: 0.78 of 191.05 mi (0.41%) (IA IA14 only) IA21: 1.18 of 98.63 mi (1.19%) (IA IA21 only) IA22: 23.08 of 98.56 mi (23.42%) (IA IA22 only) IA25: 0.85 of 105.05 mi (0.81%) (IA IA25 only) IA26: 11.28 of 11.28 mi (100.00%) (IA IA26 only) IA37: 1.83 of 39.97 mi (4.58%) (IA IA37 only) IA38: 1.70 of 99.74 mi (1.70%) (IA IA38 only) IA64: 0.48 of 63.55 mi (0.75%) (IA IA64 only) IA76: 8.49 of 48.08 mi (17.66%) (IA IA76 only) IA92: 2.25 of 282.95 mi (0.79%) (IA IA92 only) IA100: 0.81 of 15.66 mi (5.19%) (IA IA100 only) IA127: 11.55 of 15.74 mi (73.40%) (IA IA127 only) IA136: 1.15 of 87.46 mi (1.32%) (IA IA136 only) IA141: 5.98 of 156.22 mi (3.83%) (IA IA141 only) IA144: 0.65 of 34.72 mi (1.88%) (IA IA144 only) IA146: 2.39 of 44.02 mi (5.44%) (IA IA146 only) IA175: 4.61 of 223.66 mi (2.06%) (IA IA175 only) IA183: 16.83 of 28.71 mi (58.60%) (IA IA183 only) IA330: 0.27 of 48.60 mi (0.56%) (IA IA330 only) System usaia connected routes traveled: 23 of 90 (25.6%), clinched: 1 of 90 (1.1%). System usaid (active) overall: 290.88 of 2399.54 mi (12.12%) System usaid by route (traveled routes only): ID1: 11.96 of 11.96 mi (100.00%) (ID ID1 only) ID7: 0.42 of 15.11 mi (2.80%) (ID ID7 only) ID13: 24.29 of 24.29 mi (100.00%) (ID ID13 only) ID34: 104.12 of 104.12 mi (100.00%) (ID ID34 only) ID36: 6.48 of 72.03 mi (8.99%) (ID ID36 only) ID55: 107.97 of 145.87 mi (74.02%) (ID ID55 only) ID69: 8.10 of 8.10 mi (100.00%) (ID ID69 only) ID200: 32.99 of 32.99 mi (100.00%) (ID ID200 only) System usaid connected routes traveled: 8 of 69 (11.6%), clinched: 5 of 69 (7.2%). System usail (active) overall: 886.43 of 9011.71 mi (9.84%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL1: 15.77 of 328.72 mi (4.80%) (IL IL1 only) IL2: 12.70 of 71.06 mi (17.87%) (IL IL2 only) IL3: 156.16 of 189.26 mi (82.51%) (IL IL3 only) IL4: 50.30 of 171.94 mi (29.26%) (IL IL4 only) IL7: 3.00 of 28.50 mi (10.53%) (IL IL7 only) IL8: 0.49 of 44.09 mi (1.10%) (IL IL8 only) IL9: 31.50 of 221.26 mi (14.24%) (IL IL9 only) IL10: 0.21 of 92.71 mi (0.23%) (IL IL10 only) IL13: 13.29 of 150.18 mi (8.85%) (IL IL13 only) IL16: 0.50 of 175.42 mi (0.29%) (IL IL16 only) IL17: 2.85 of 212.21 mi (1.34%) (IL IL17 only) IL18: 0.59 of 38.46 mi (1.55%) (IL IL18 only) IL23: 0.41 of 124.72 mi (0.33%) (IL IL23 only) IL26: 53.73 of 140.22 mi (38.32%) (IL IL26 only) IL29: 68.14 of 174.46 mi (39.06%) (IL IL29 only) IL31: 9.33 of 57.88 mi (16.13%) (IL IL31 only) IL33: 1.02 of 97.50 mi (1.05%) (IL IL33 only) IL34: 3.56 of 62.47 mi (5.69%) (IL IL34 only) IL37: 19.24 of 156.50 mi (12.29%) (IL IL37 only) IL38: 67.17 of 89.78 mi (74.81%) (IL IL38 only) IL43: 0.44 of 61.05 mi (0.72%) (IL IL43 only) IL47: 0.56 of 172.17 mi (0.32%) (IL IL47 only) IL53: 40.44 of 81.18 mi (49.81%) (IL IL53 only) IL56: 0.89 of 32.81 mi (2.70%) (IL IL56 only) IL57: 12.06 of 12.55 mi (96.12%) (IL IL57 only) IL59: 1.25 of 72.06 mi (1.73%) (IL IL59 only) IL64: 2.03 of 140.18 mi (1.45%) (IL IL64 only) IL71: 30.17 of 68.22 mi (44.23%) (IL IL71 only) IL78: 23.72 of 217.04 mi (10.93%) (IL IL78 only) IL84: 83.20 of 93.91 mi (88.59%) (IL IL84 only) IL89: 1.10 of 56.06 mi (1.97%) (IL IL89 only) IL92: 29.99 of 102.17 mi (29.35%) (IL IL92 only) IL96: 63.89 of 142.76 mi (44.75%) (IL IL96 only) IL97: 8.44 of 100.68 mi (8.39%) (IL IL97 only) IL100: 26.76 of 156.67 mi (17.08%) (IL IL100 only) IL104: 0.30 of 127.32 mi (0.23%) (IL IL104 only) IL108: 0.64 of 54.35 mi (1.18%) (IL IL108 only) IL116: 2.38 of 177.52 mi (1.34%) (IL IL116 only) IL121: 0.21 of 110.43 mi (0.19%) (IL IL121 only) IL123: 0.30 of 34.26 mi (0.89%) (IL IL123 only) IL127: 0.57 of 168.40 mi (0.34%) (IL IL127 only) IL128: 3.41 of 56.79 mi (6.00%) (IL IL128 only) IL136: 3.27 of 3.27 mi (100.00%) (IL IL136 only) IL138: 0.06 of 15.23 mi (0.39%) (IL IL138 only) IL140: 9.09 of 52.44 mi (17.33%) (IL IL140 only) IL141: 7.12 of 18.40 mi (38.71%) (IL IL141 only) IL143: 7.26 of 48.21 mi (15.06%) (IL IL143 only) IL146: 27.43 of 93.36 mi (29.38%) (IL IL146 only) IL150: 0.20 of 24.67 mi (0.82%) (IL IL150 only) IL157: 13.46 of 35.47 mi (37.94%) (IL IL157 only) IL159: 2.69 of 65.29 mi (4.12%) (IL IL159 only) IL160: 2.10 of 46.58 mi (4.52%) (IL IL160 only) IL162: 2.52 of 16.54 mi (15.22%) (IL IL162 only) IL164: 6.97 of 36.30 mi (19.20%) (IL IL164 only) IL185: 6.80 of 50.30 mi (13.51%) (IL IL185 only) IL251: 0.80 of 136.83 mi (0.58%) (IL IL251 only) IL351: 3.50 of 8.66 mi (40.48%) (IL IL351 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 57 of 159 (35.8%), clinched: 1 of 159 (0.6%). System usain (active) overall: 309.72 of 7497.71 mi (4.13%) System usain by route (traveled routes only): IN1: 18.32 of 205.08 mi (8.93%) (IN IN1 only) IN3 (Muncie): 1.59 of 180.91 mi (0.88%) (IN IN3 only) IN11 (Seymour): 0.31 of 26.20 mi (1.19%) (IN IN11Sey only) IN37 (Bloomington): 4.27 of 215.94 mi (1.98%) (IN IN37 only) IN38 (Noblesville): 1.03 of 95.68 mi (1.07%) (IN IN38 only) IN56: 54.76 of 195.53 mi (28.00%) (IN IN56 only) IN62: 106.00 of 219.30 mi (48.34%) (IN IN62 only) IN66: 87.20 of 148.93 mi (58.55%) (IN IN66 only) IN69: 5.33 of 34.47 mi (15.46%) (IN IN69 only) IN121 (Connersville): 14.35 of 14.35 mi (100.00%) (IN IN121 only) IN129: 3.77 of 46.56 mi (8.10%) (IN IN129 only) IN135: 3.09 of 140.32 mi (2.20%) (IN IN135 only) IN156: 26.82 of 26.82 mi (100.00%) (IN IN156 only) IN161: 3.33 of 49.68 mi (6.70%) (IN IN161 only) IN337 (Corydon): 0.13 of 11.94 mi (1.06%) (IN IN337 only) IN340: 5.61 of 5.61 mi (100.00%) (IN IN340 only) IN662: 1.42 of 1.42 mi (100.00%) (IN IN662 only) System usain connected routes traveled: 17 of 224 (7.6%), clinched: 4 of 224 (1.8%). System usaks (active) overall: 57.68 of 5414.46 mi (1.07%) System usaks by route (traveled routes only): KS4: 10.84 of 372.67 mi (2.91%) (KS KS4 only) KS177: 46.84 of 103.91 mi (45.08%) (KS KS177 only) System usaks connected routes traveled: 2 of 183 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 183 (0.0%). System usaky (active) overall: 196.06 of 21936.88 mi (0.89%) System usaky by region: KY: 196.06 of 21936.87 mi (0.89%) TN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi (0.00%) System usaky by route (traveled routes only): KY11: 18.82 of 175.04 mi (10.75%) (KY KY11 only) KY15 (Winchester): 16.25 of 123.05 mi (13.21%) (KY KY15 only) KY34: 0.82 of 21.33 mi (3.84%) (KY KY34 only) KY46: 2.20 of 12.91 mi (17.04%) (KY KY46 only) KY52: 10.29 of 159.93 mi (6.43%) (KY KY52 only) KY55: 0.09 of 147.71 mi (0.06%) (KY KY55 only) KY58: 0.17 of 56.26 mi (0.30%) (KY KY58 only) KY61: 1.57 of 144.74 mi (1.09%) (KY KY61 only) KY74Trk (Middlesboro): 1.07 of 4.85 mi (22.07%) (KY KY74TrkMid only) KY77: 4.69 of 12.00 mi (39.08%) (KY KY77 only) KY80: 28.43 of 475.59 mi (5.98%) (KY KY80 only) KY84: 4.84 of 68.79 mi (7.04%) (KY KY84 only) KY94: 21.94 of 80.23 mi (27.35%) (KY KY94 only) KY123: 18.63 of 32.37 mi (57.55%) (KY KY123 only) KY152: 2.16 of 48.23 mi (4.48%) (KY KY152 only) KY210: 0.05 of 39.89 mi (0.13%) (KY KY210 only) KY229: 20.22 of 20.22 mi (100.00%) (KY KY229 only) KY239: 6.74 of 10.46 mi (64.48%) (KY KY239 only) KY453: 4.68 of 15.88 mi (29.46%) (KY KY453 only) KY470: 0.33 of 14.54 mi (2.25%) (KY KY470 only) KY605: 0.87 of 12.03 mi (7.26%) (KY KY605 only) KY715: 10.60 of 16.85 mi (62.93%) (KY KY715 only) KY830: 0.39 of 19.96 mi (1.94%) (KY KY830 only) KY1100 (Prestonsburg): 0.38 of 5.31 mi (7.16%) (KY KY1100 only) KY1203: 6.18 of 6.18 mi (100.00%) (KY KY1203 only) KY1426: 0.76 of 32.49 mi (2.34%) (KY KY1426 only) KY1681: 16.71 of 21.41 mi (78.04%) (KY KY1681 only) KY1685: 0.59 of 14.16 mi (4.15%) (KY KY1685 only) KY1822: 0.55 of 11.47 mi (4.79%) (KY KY1822 only) KY1967: 4.40 of 8.84 mi (49.84%) (KY KY1967 only) KY1969: 4.29 of 4.29 mi (100.00%) (KY KY1969 only) KY3085: 1.29 of 5.42 mi (23.79%) (KY KY3085 only) System usaky connected routes traveled: 32 of 2874 (1.1%), clinched: 3 of 2874 (0.1%). System usala (active) overall: 986.75 of 13308.58 mi (7.41%) System usala by route (traveled routes only): LA1: 57.56 of 434.21 mi (13.26%) (LA LA1 only) LA1Bus (New Roads): 4.88 of 4.88 mi (100.00%) (LA LA1BusNew only) LA2: 81.87 of 190.02 mi (43.09%) (LA LA2 only) LA9: 0.13 of 99.29 mi (0.13%) (LA LA9 only) LA9Trk (Homer): 3.06 of 6.92 mi (44.26%) (LA LA9TrkHom only) LA10 (Bogalusa): 13.45 of 142.19 mi (9.46%) (LA LA10 only) LA10Bus (New Roads): 1.54 of 3.28 mi (46.96%) (LA LA10BusNew only) LA14: 4.39 of 100.72 mi (4.36%) (LA LA14 only) LA15: 56.55 of 193.56 mi (29.22%) (LA LA15 only) LA18: 70.26 of 77.86 mi (90.24%) (LA LA18 only) LA23: 71.99 of 73.68 mi (97.70%) (LA LA23 only) LA27 (Sulphur): 46.73 of 94.13 mi (49.64%) (LA LA27 only) LA27 (Cameron): 33.61 of 37.74 mi (89.06%) (LA LA27Cam only) LA31: 36.99 of 53.99 mi (68.52%) (LA LA31 only) LA39: 35.21 of 53.93 mi (65.29%) (LA LA39 only) LA44: 34.05 of 49.62 mi (68.63%) (LA LA44 only) LA46: 11.79 of 29.43 mi (40.06%) (LA LA46 only) LA48: 19.41 of 20.72 mi (93.68%) (LA LA48 only) LA69: 3.08 of 14.62 mi (21.07%) (LA LA69 only) LA75 (St Gabriel): 23.02 of 23.12 mi (99.56%) (LA LA75 only) LA75 (Plaquemine): 0.11 of 22.63 mi (0.48%) (LA LA75Pla only) LA82 (Abbeville): 41.05 of 107.24 mi (38.28%) (LA LA82 only) LA82 (Holly Beach): 35.30 of 35.30 mi (100.00%) (LA LA82Hol only) LA86: 15.99 of 15.99 mi (100.00%) (LA LA86 only) LA87: 21.10 of 41.59 mi (50.74%) (LA LA87 only) LA96: 11.63 of 18.64 mi (62.38%) (LA LA96 only) LA108: 4.21 of 24.87 mi (16.94%) (LA LA108 only) LA128: 0.24 of 41.81 mi (0.57%) (LA LA128 only) LA131: 6.76 of 6.76 mi (100.00%) (LA LA131 only) LA146: 10.32 of 55.57 mi (18.58%) (LA LA146 only) LA157 (Haughton): 0.97 of 77.46 mi (1.26%) (LA LA157 only) LA159: 5.85 of 31.43 mi (18.61%) (LA LA159 only) LA170: 0.26 of 13.96 mi (1.83%) (LA LA170 only) LA173: 5.30 of 19.01 mi (27.88%) (LA LA173 only) LA182: 52.57 of 173.45 mi (30.31%) (LA LA182 only) LA324: 0.21 of 0.21 mi (100.00%) (LA LA324 only) LA326: 3.59 of 3.78 mi (95.05%) (LA LA326 only) LA327: 13.62 of 15.29 mi (89.08%) (LA LA327 only) LA328: 7.76 of 7.76 mi (100.00%) (LA LA328 only) LA336-1: 0.33 of 0.33 mi (100.00%) (LA LA336-1 only) LA347: 15.04 of 40.50 mi (37.13%) (LA LA347 only) LA352: 12.55 of 25.11 mi (49.97%) (LA LA352 only) LA355: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) (LA LA355 only) LA384: 8.58 of 33.80 mi (25.40%) (LA LA384 only) LA385: 15.20 of 15.20 mi (100.00%) (LA LA385 only) LA397: 17.62 of 19.84 mi (88.79%) (LA LA397 only) LA405: 28.92 of 28.92 mi (100.00%) (LA LA405 only) LA413: 0.21 of 23.74 mi (0.86%) (LA LA413 only) LA415: 15.10 of 24.97 mi (60.48%) (LA LA415 only) LA416: 7.21 of 7.21 mi (100.00%) (LA LA416 only) LA518: 8.66 of 29.02 mi (29.85%) (LA LA518 only) LA541: 9.51 of 9.51 mi (100.00%) (LA LA541 only) LA568: 2.59 of 32.45 mi (7.98%) (LA LA568 only) LA611-1: 2.46 of 2.46 mi (100.00%) (LA LA611-1 only) LA628: 7.65 of 7.76 mi (98.55%) (LA LA628 only) LA636-3: 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%) (LA LA636-3 only) LA670: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) (LA LA670 only) LA671: 0.43 of 1.77 mi (24.35%) (LA LA671 only) LA942: 5.02 of 5.02 mi (100.00%) (LA LA942 only) LA964: 0.66 of 19.03 mi (3.48%) (LA LA964 only) LA965: 0.16 of 9.33 mi (1.68%) (LA LA965 only) LA970: 2.44 of 9.34 mi (26.11%) (LA LA970 only) LA983: 0.64 of 9.17 mi (6.99%) (LA LA983 only) LA986: 6.62 of 9.28 mi (71.34%) (LA LA986 only) LA987-4: 0.16 of 0.46 mi (34.56%) (LA LA987-4 only) LA987-5: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%) (LA LA987-5 only) LA988: 10.83 of 10.83 mi (100.00%) (LA LA988 only) LA991: 5.70 of 5.70 mi (100.00%) (LA LA991 only) LA3049: 10.30 of 22.91 mi (44.97%) (LA LA3049 only) LA3137: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%) (LA LA3137 only) LA3186: 2.08 of 2.08 mi (100.00%) (LA LA3186 only) System usala connected routes traveled: 71 of 1222 (5.8%), clinched: 21 of 1222 (1.7%). System usame (active) overall: 274.31 of 5001.65 mi (5.48%) System usame by region: ME: 274.31 of 4995.31 mi (5.49%) NH: 0.00 of 6.35 mi (0.00%) System usame by route (traveled routes only): ME3: 20.18 of 119.29 mi (16.92%) (ME ME3 only) ME4: 15.15 of 166.12 mi (9.12%) (ME ME4 only) ME6: 16.30 of 205.31 mi (7.94%) (ME ME6 only) ME11: 81.38 of 397.27 mi (20.48%) (ME ME11 only) ME16: 6.92 of 186.80 mi (3.71%) (ME ME16 only) ME17: 14.70 of 127.97 mi (11.49%) (ME ME17 only) ME157: 10.46 of 22.32 mi (46.86%) (ME ME157 only) ME159: 10.36 of 20.41 mi (50.73%) (ME ME159 only) ME161: 28.04 of 86.04 mi (32.59%) (ME ME161 only) ME162: 12.83 of 16.88 mi (76.02%) (ME ME162 only) ME186: 8.88 of 15.66 mi (56.69%) (ME ME186 only) ME187: 21.92 of 21.92 mi (100.00%) (ME ME187 only) ME189: 11.12 of 11.12 mi (100.00%) (ME ME189 only) ME190: 6.82 of 6.82 mi (100.00%) (ME ME190 only) ME191: 26.46 of 60.14 mi (43.99%) (ME ME191 only) ME195: 0.14 of 8.13 mi (1.77%) (ME ME195 only) System usame connected routes traveled: 16 of 189 (8.5%), clinched: 3 of 189 (1.6%). System usamd (active) overall: 344.48 of 3925.60 mi (8.78%) System usamd by route (traveled routes only): MD5: 29.00 of 74.70 mi (38.82%) (MD MD5 only) MD6: 12.01 of 46.44 mi (25.86%) (MD MD6 only) MD16: 39.08 of 50.85 mi (76.84%) (MD MD16 only) MD18: 16.61 of 20.21 mi (82.22%) (MD MD18 only) MD20: 12.29 of 13.66 mi (89.92%) (MD MD20 only) MD27: 0.41 of 39.25 mi (1.06%) (MD MD27 only) MD36: 1.06 of 28.31 mi (3.76%) (MD MD36 only) MD139: 7.55 of 7.55 mi (100.00%) (MD MD139 only) MD144 (Flintstone): 16.15 of 17.27 mi (93.52%) (MD MD144Fli only) MD144 (Hancock): 5.41 of 5.47 mi (98.89%) (MD MD144Han only) MD144 (Frederick): 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144Fre only) MD144 (Cooksville): 17.34 of 17.34 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144 only) MD144 (Baltimore): 8.55 of 8.55 mi (100.00%) (MD MD144Bal only) MD213: 45.74 of 67.23 mi (68.04%) (MD MD213 only) MD224: 23.43 of 26.70 mi (87.76%) (MD MD224 only) MD225: 5.63 of 10.36 mi (54.37%) (MD MD225 only) MD234: 18.69 of 18.69 mi (100.00%) (MD MD234 only) MD238: 7.18 of 10.80 mi (66.55%) (MD MD238 only) MD242: 5.32 of 12.74 mi (41.77%) (MD MD242 only) MD243: 4.29 of 4.29 mi (100.00%) (MD MD243 only) MD249: 9.82 of 9.82 mi (100.00%) (MD MD249 only) MD254: 1.15 of 1.15 mi (100.00%) (MD MD254 only) MD257: 9.34 of 9.34 mi (100.00%) (MD MD257 only) MD287: 2.88 of 2.88 mi (100.00%) (MD MD287 only) MD291: 0.61 of 18.56 mi (3.31%) (MD MD291 only) MD311: 0.27 of 6.04 mi (4.50%) (MD MD311 only) MD313: 13.71 of 75.03 mi (18.27%) (MD MD313 only) MD331: 4.65 of 28.72 mi (16.18%) (MD MD331 only) MD335: 4.09 of 15.98 mi (25.58%) (MD MD335 only) MD341: 1.27 of 1.27 mi (100.00%) (MD MD341 only) MD404: 9.09 of 24.65 mi (36.87%) (MD MD404 only) MD404Alt (Hillsboro): 2.10 of 2.66 mi (78.91%) (MD MD404AltHil only) MD404Bus (Denton): 2.25 of 2.25 mi (100.00%) (MD MD404BusDen only) MD425: 3.36 of 11.49 mi (29.20%) (MD MD425 only) MD445: 5.90 of 11.71 mi (50.42%) (MD MD445 only) MD619: 0.82 of 1.09 mi (75.63%) (MD MD619 only) System usamd connected routes traveled: 36 of 473 (7.6%), clinched: 12 of 473 (2.5%). System usama (active) overall: 114.60 of 3315.53 mi (3.46%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA2: 39.73 of 139.03 mi (28.58%) (MA MA2 only) MA2A (Cambridge): 3.60 of 79.64 mi (4.52%) (MA MA2ACam only) MA4: 1.90 of 18.19 mi (10.44%) (MA MA4 only) MA6A (Yarmouth): 32.40 of 34.22 mi (94.68%) (MA MA6AYar only) MA8: 0.83 of 64.24 mi (1.29%) (MA MA8 only) MA8A (Charlemont): 0.64 of 33.91 mi (1.89%) (MA MA8ACha only) MA10: 2.47 of 60.06 mi (4.12%) (MA MA10 only) MA47: 21.52 of 21.52 mi (100.00%) (MA MA47 only) MA63: 15.58 of 23.96 mi (65.01%) (MA MA63 only) MA112: 0.68 of 51.08 mi (1.34%) (MA MA112 only) MA225: 1.90 of 30.33 mi (6.26%) (MA MA225 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 11 of 151 (7.3%), clinched: 1 of 151 (0.7%). System usami (active) overall: 36.14 of 6076.53 mi (0.59%) System usami by route (traveled routes only): MI1: 21.91 of 21.91 mi (100.00%) (MI MI1 only) MI26: 14.22 of 95.59 mi (14.88%) (MI MI26 only) System usami connected routes traveled: 2 of 146 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 146 (0.7%). System usamn (active) overall: 501.27 of 7899.49 mi (6.35%) System usamn by region: MN: 501.27 of 7899.01 mi (6.35%) WI: 0.00 of 0.49 mi (0.00%) System usamn by route (traveled routes only): MN6: 10.50 of 148.46 mi (7.07%) (MN MN6 only) MN7: 41.08 of 196.20 mi (20.94%) (MN MN7 only) MN13: 2.41 of 112.21 mi (2.15%) (MN MN13 only) MN16: 86.03 of 87.66 mi (98.14%) (MN MN16 only) MN19: 3.36 of 209.32 mi (1.60%) (MN MN19 only) MN22: 7.95 of 168.69 mi (4.71%) (MN MN22 only) MN23: 2.31 of 342.77 mi (0.67%) MN MN23: 2.31 of 333.08 mi (0.69%) MN26: 20.89 of 20.89 mi (100.00%) (MN MN26 only) MN28: 9.23 of 140.99 mi (6.55%) (MN MN28 only) MN29: 0.17 of 128.18 mi (0.13%) (MN MN29 only) MN38: 46.24 of 46.24 mi (100.00%) (MN MN38 only) MN40: 4.18 of 74.04 mi (5.65%) (MN MN40 only) MN43: 0.55 of 44.64 mi (1.24%) (MN MN43 only) MN55: 16.88 of 223.17 mi (7.57%) (MN MN55 only) MN60: 3.38 of 221.29 mi (1.53%) (MN MN60 only) MN61: 149.49 of 149.49 mi (100.00%) (MN MN61 only) MN62 (Minneapolis): 2.29 of 19.19 mi (11.91%) (MN MN62 only) MN67: 17.82 of 86.30 mi (20.65%) (MN MN67 only) MN68: 21.14 of 142.40 mi (14.85%) (MN MN68 only) MN76: 0.89 of 36.39 mi (2.45%) (MN MN76 only) MN93: 5.73 of 5.73 mi (100.00%) (MN MN93 only) MN99: 2.07 of 40.70 mi (5.07%) (MN MN99 only) MN101 (Elk River): 1.29 of 6.91 mi (18.66%) (MN MN101 only) MN119: 5.09 of 25.59 mi (19.88%) (MN MN119 only) MN210: 16.36 of 228.84 mi (7.15%) (MN MN210 only) MN252: 1.76 of 4.02 mi (43.86%) (MN MN252 only) MN316: 9.90 of 9.90 mi (100.00%) (MN MN316 only) MN371: 17.66 of 107.73 mi (16.39%) (MN MN371 only) MN371Bus (Brainerd): 6.47 of 8.43 mi (76.75%) (MN MN371BusBra only) System usamn connected routes traveled: 29 of 153 (19.0%), clinched: 5 of 153 (3.3%). System usamo (active) overall: 159.61 of 8785.50 mi (1.82%) System usamo by route (traveled routes only): MO8: 0.41 of 71.45 mi (0.58%) (MO MO8 only) MO17: 8.80 of 180.95 mi (4.86%) (MO MO17 only) MO30: 3.41 of 52.98 mi (6.43%) (MO MO30 only) MO32: 0.26 of 277.42 mi (0.10%) (MO MO32 only) MO37: 0.99 of 79.39 mi (1.24%) (MO MO37 only) MO38: 0.17 of 79.86 mi (0.22%) (MO MO38 only) MO43: 4.17 of 99.15 mi (4.20%) (MO MO43 only) MO47: 1.03 of 117.94 mi (0.87%) (MO MO47 only) MO66: 7.36 of 14.35 mi (51.30%) (MO MO66 only) MO68: 0.57 of 39.16 mi (1.47%) (MO MO68 only) MO72: 0.16 of 163.26 mi (0.10%) (MO MO72 only) MO79: 27.56 of 86.88 mi (31.73%) (MO MO79 only) MO96: 33.95 of 52.88 mi (64.20%) (MO MO96 only) MO100: 30.19 of 118.35 mi (25.51%) (MO MO100 only) MO125: 4.34 of 79.88 mi (5.44%) (MO MO125 only) MO171: 1.36 of 26.14 mi (5.20%) (MO MO171 only) MO185: 0.44 of 64.06 mi (0.68%) (MO MO185 only) MO266: 16.36 of 16.41 mi (99.71%) (MO MO266 only) MO366: 9.93 of 11.54 mi (86.08%) (MO MO366 only) MO571: 0.16 of 4.39 mi (3.60%) (MO MO571 only) MO744: 9.39 of 11.37 mi (82.55%) (MO MO744 only) System usamo connected routes traveled: 21 of 221 (9.5%), clinched: 0 of 221 (0.0%). System usane (active) overall: 290.08 of 5928.10 mi (4.89%) System usane by route (traveled routes only): NE2 ((Main)): 272.05 of 373.57 mi (72.82%) (NE NE2 only) NE2Bus (Grand Island): 0.27 of 6.28 mi (4.23%) (NE NE2BusGra only) NE21: 13.71 of 74.32 mi (18.44%) (NE NE21 only) NE27 (Oshkosh): 2.04 of 27.43 mi (7.42%) (NE NE27Osh only) NE61: 3.76 of 235.09 mi (1.60%) (NE NE61 only) NE92: 26.17 of 494.37 mi (5.29%) (NE NE92 only) System usane connected routes traveled: 6 of 102 (5.9%), clinched: 0 of 102 (0.0%). System usanv (active) overall: 65.63 of 2567.93 mi (2.56%) System usanv by route (traveled routes only): NV28: 15.70 of 15.70 mi (100.00%) (NV NV28 only) NV445: 8.61 of 41.65 mi (20.67%) (NV NV445 only) NV446: 13.21 of 13.21 mi (100.00%) (NV NV446 only) NV447: 28.11 of 75.82 mi (37.08%) (NV NV447 only) System usanv connected routes traveled: 4 of 158 (2.5%), clinched: 2 of 158 (1.3%). System usanh (active) overall: 222.46 of 2702.48 mi (8.23%) System usanh by region: ME: 0.00 of 3.04 mi (0.00%) NH: 222.46 of 2699.44 mi (8.24%) System usanh by route (traveled routes only): NH10: 44.81 of 140.29 mi (31.94%) (NH NH10 only) NH11: 9.77 of 106.24 mi (9.20%) (NH NH11 only) NH11Trk ((West) Claremont): 0.94 of 2.98 mi (31.50%) (NH NH11TrkWCl only) NH12: 31.75 of 62.10 mi (51.13%) (NH NH12 only) NH12A (Claremont): 19.06 of 26.50 mi (71.91%) (NH NH12ACla only) NH16: 10.70 of 152.67 mi (7.01%) (NH NH16 only) NH18: 5.99 of 19.84 mi (30.20%) (NH NH18 only) NH25: 7.13 of 94.87 mi (7.51%) (NH NH25 only) NH25A: 0.35 of 14.58 mi (2.43%) (NH NH25A only) NH26: 0.76 of 30.40 mi (2.48%) (NH NH26 only) NH63: 21.17 of 21.17 mi (100.00%) (NH NH63 only) NH103: 4.11 of 47.31 mi (8.69%) (NH NH103 only) NH112: 33.22 of 53.17 mi (62.48%) (NH NH112 only) NH119: 0.29 of 38.93 mi (0.75%) (NH NH119 only) NH123: 2.83 of 61.48 mi (4.61%) (NH NH123 only) NH135: 46.00 of 46.00 mi (100.00%) (NH NH135 only) NH145: 12.78 of 12.78 mi (100.00%) (NH NH145 only) System usanh connected routes traveled: 17 of 127 (13.4%), clinched: 3 of 127 (2.4%). System usanj (active) overall: 85.30 of 1323.27 mi (6.45%) System usanj by route (traveled routes only): NJ29: 32.25 of 34.56 mi (93.32%) (NJ NJ29 only) NJ45: 2.10 of 28.96 mi (7.26%) (NJ NJ45 only) NJ47: 26.74 of 75.55 mi (35.39%) (NJ NJ47 only) NJ49: 4.79 of 54.48 mi (8.79%) (NJ NJ49 only) NJ50: 12.09 of 25.75 mi (46.94%) (NJ NJ50 only) NJ94: 7.33 of 44.92 mi (16.33%) (NJ NJ94 only) NJ179: 0.05 of 7.37 mi (0.69%) (NJ NJ179 only) System usanj connected routes traveled: 7 of 99 (7.1%), clinched: 0 of 99 (0.0%). System usanm (active) overall: 1122.15 of 7134.52 mi (15.73%) System usanm by region: NM: 1121.90 of 7134.26 mi (15.73%) TX: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) System usanm by route (traveled routes only): NM1: 61.59 of 61.59 mi (100.00%) (NM NM1 only) NM4: 46.29 of 63.47 mi (72.92%) (NM NM4 only) NM6: 32.26 of 36.25 mi (89.01%) (NM NM6 only) NM14: 53.02 of 53.02 mi (100.00%) (NM NM14 only) NM15: 38.86 of 38.86 mi (100.00%) (NM NM15 only) NM16: 8.27 of 10.42 mi (79.37%) (NM NM16 only) NM21: 34.21 of 34.21 mi (100.00%) (NM NM21 only) NM22: 5.32 of 13.81 mi (38.50%) (NM NM22 only) NM26: 0.41 of 48.65 mi (0.84%) (NM NM26 only) NM28: 29.58 of 30.40 mi (97.31%) NM NM28Can: 0.34 of 0.75 mi (45.88%) TX NM28: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) NM NM28: 28.98 of 29.40 mi (98.59%) NM35: 25.77 of 25.77 mi (100.00%) (NM NM35 only) NM47: 18.58 of 47.78 mi (38.87%) (NM NM47 only) NM48: 21.19 of 21.19 mi (100.00%) (NM NM48 only) NM50: 5.77 of 5.77 mi (100.00%) (NM NM50 only) NM51: 4.56 of 15.66 mi (29.12%) (NM NM51 only) NM52: 37.21 of 87.22 mi (42.66%) (NM NM52 only) NM53: 73.85 of 86.00 mi (85.88%) (NM NM53 only) NM57 (Chaco Culture NHP): 0.94 of 0.94 mi (100.00%) (NM NM57Cha only) NM59: 28.59 of 28.59 mi (100.00%) (NM NM59 only) NM63: 5.87 of 23.02 mi (25.49%) (NM NM63 only) NM68: 4.70 of 45.09 mi (10.42%) (NM NM68 only) NM90: 0.50 of 42.94 mi (1.16%) (NM NM90 only) NM93: 0.09 of 15.65 mi (0.56%) (NM NM93 only) NM117: 5.33 of 62.47 mi (8.53%) (NM NM117 only) NM118: 37.11 of 37.11 mi (100.00%) (NM NM118 only) NM122: 37.89 of 39.02 mi (97.10%) (NM NM122 only) NM124: 24.87 of 24.87 mi (100.00%) (NM NM124 only) NM126: 35.03 of 35.03 mi (100.00%) (NM NM126 only) NM147: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%) (NM NM147 only) NM152: 60.64 of 60.64 mi (100.00%) (NM NM152 only) NM161: 30.45 of 30.45 mi (100.00%) (NM NM161 only) NM177: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%) (NM NM177 only) NM179: 1.98 of 1.98 mi (100.00%) (NM NM179 only) NM181: 11.99 of 11.99 mi (100.00%) (NM NM181 only) NM185: 34.62 of 34.62 mi (100.00%) (NM NM185 only) NM187: 36.12 of 36.12 mi (100.00%) (NM NM187 only) NM188: 1.53 of 2.88 mi (53.16%) (NM NM188 only) NM195: 1.97 of 1.97 mi (100.00%) (NM NM195 only) NM195 (Elephant Butte Lake): 0.67 of 0.91 mi (74.51%) (NM NM195Ele only) NM220: 15.18 of 15.18 mi (100.00%) (NM NM220 only) NM273: 13.60 of 13.60 mi (100.00%) (NM NM273 only) NM300: 6.48 of 6.72 mi (96.38%) (NM NM300 only) NM304: 16.64 of 23.01 mi (72.30%) (NM NM304 only) NM313: 17.10 of 17.10 mi (100.00%) (NM NM313 only) NM314: 10.46 of 18.71 mi (55.91%) (NM NM314 only) NM333: 27.95 of 27.95 mi (100.00%) (NM NM333 only) NM371: 47.64 of 106.17 mi (44.87%) (NM NM371 only) NM406: 21.89 of 35.64 mi (61.42%) (NM NM406 only) NM410: 1.96 of 1.96 mi (100.00%) (NM NM410 only) NM412: 0.26 of 6.05 mi (4.36%) (NM NM412 only) NM453: 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%) (NM NM453 only) NM466: 1.23 of 3.70 mi (33.17%) (NM NM466 only) NM500: 0.17 of 11.90 mi (1.40%) (NM NM500 only) NM518: 21.22 of 69.76 mi (30.42%) (NM NM518 only) NM536: 10.95 of 10.95 mi (100.00%) (NM NM536 only) NM556: 0.45 of 15.56 mi (2.91%) (NM NM556 only) NM602: 24.34 of 31.09 mi (78.30%) (NM NM602 only) NM608: 1.94 of 1.94 mi (100.00%) (NM NM608 only) NM609: 0.49 of 2.32 mi (20.91%) (NM NM609 only) NM610: 2.04 of 2.04 mi (100.00%) (NM NM610 only) System usanm connected routes traveled: 60 of 396 (15.2%), clinched: 30 of 396 (7.6%). System usany (active) overall: 495.35 of 12565.50 mi (3.94%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 495.35 of 12561.54 mi (3.94%) PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY3: 36.90 of 244.64 mi (15.08%) (NY NY3 only) NY5: 69.79 of 372.76 mi (18.72%) (NY NY5 only) NY9B: 4.24 of 5.97 mi (71.00%) (NY NY9B only) NY9N: 25.00 of 139.89 mi (17.87%) (NY NY9N only) NY12: 35.36 of 221.81 mi (15.94%) (NY NY12 only) NY12E: 31.90 of 35.50 mi (89.87%) (NY NY12E only) NY14: 4.77 of 95.43 mi (5.00%) (NY NY14 only) NY18: 48.43 of 87.34 mi (55.45%) (NY NY18 only) NY22: 87.71 of 332.42 mi (26.39%) (NY NY22 only) NY29: 0.29 of 94.36 mi (0.31%) (NY NY29 only) NY32: 18.05 of 173.16 mi (10.42%) (NY NY32 only) NY37: 45.77 of 127.48 mi (35.90%) (NY NY37 only) NY67: 0.12 of 84.96 mi (0.14%) (NY NY67 only) NY74: 2.97 of 19.94 mi (14.88%) (NY NY74 only) NY104: 34.07 of 183.16 mi (18.60%) (NY NY104 only) NY104A: 17.03 of 17.03 mi (100.00%) (NY NY104A only) NY104B: 6.15 of 6.15 mi (100.00%) (NY NY104B only) NY131: 12.29 of 12.29 mi (100.00%) (NY NY131 only) NY149: 1.94 of 31.35 mi (6.18%) (NY NY149 only) NY180: 5.15 of 24.56 mi (20.96%) (NY NY180 only) NY185: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%) (NY NY185 only) NY197: 0.38 of 10.69 mi (3.58%) (NY NY197 only) NY265: 12.68 of 19.82 mi (63.97%) (NY NY265 only) NY266: 2.82 of 11.26 mi (25.05%) (NY NY266 only) NY373: 3.17 of 3.17 mi (100.00%) (NY NY373 only) NY384: 11.53 of 21.96 mi (52.49%) (NY NY384 only) NY404: 2.69 of 10.06 mi (26.71%) (NY NY404 only) NY590: 2.51 of 5.06 mi (49.62%) (NY NY590 only) NY812: 2.62 of 80.45 mi (3.25%) (NY NY812 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 29 of 484 (6.0%), clinched: 5 of 484 (1.0%). System usanyp (active) overall: 35.91 of 501.29 mi (7.16%) System usanyp by route (traveled routes only): LakeOntPkwy (Lake Ontario State Parkway): 35.08 of 35.08 mi (100.00%) (NY LakeOntPkwy only) LakeOntPkwySpr (Lake Ontario State Parkway Spur (Carlton)): 0.21 of 0.52 mi (41.20%) (NY LakeOntPkwySprCar only) SevLakDr (Seven Lakes Drive): 0.62 of 16.52 mi (3.74%) (NY SevLakDr only) System usanyp connected routes traveled: 3 of 42 (7.1%), clinched: 1 of 42 (2.4%). System usanc (active) overall: 97.75 of 8773.11 mi (1.11%) System usanc by route (traveled routes only): NC12 (Cedar Island): 9.99 of 12.11 mi (82.49%) (NC NC12Ced only) NC12 (Ocracoke): 14.08 of 14.08 mi (100.00%) (NC NC12Ocr only) NC12: 59.87 of 96.29 mi (62.18%) (NC NC12 only) NC143: 13.80 of 32.35 mi (42.66%) (NC NC143 only) System usanc connected routes traveled: 4 of 272 (1.5%), clinched: 1 of 272 (0.4%). System usand (active) overall: 27.28 of 5600.11 mi (0.49%) System usand by route (traveled routes only): ND24: 23.05 of 45.13 mi (51.07%) (ND ND24 only) ND1806 (Cannon Ball): 4.23 of 52.81 mi (8.01%) (ND ND1806 only) System usand connected routes traveled: 2 of 80 (2.5%), clinched: 0 of 80 (0.0%). System usaoh (active) overall: 562.22 of 14627.38 mi (3.84%) System usaoh by region: OH: 562.22 of 14627.07 mi (3.84%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH2: 34.91 of 229.26 mi (15.23%) (OH OH2 only) OH3: 4.81 of 257.04 mi (1.87%) (OH OH3 only) OH4: 3.81 of 209.44 mi (1.82%) (OH OH4 only) OH7: 212.62 of 337.10 mi (63.07%) (OH OH7 only) OH8: 0.98 of 38.50 mi (2.56%) (OH OH8 only) OH10: 0.41 of 29.02 mi (1.41%) (OH OH10 only) OH11: 1.58 of 100.34 mi (1.57%) (OH OH11 only) OH14: 5.57 of 82.42 mi (6.76%) (OH OH14 only) OH16: 3.65 of 71.04 mi (5.13%) (OH OH16 only) OH17: 1.48 of 21.23 mi (6.95%) (OH OH17 only) OH17Trk (Garfield Heights): 1.48 of 6.87 mi (21.53%) (OH OH17TrkGar only) OH32: 5.89 of 183.07 mi (3.22%) (OH OH32 only) OH39: 43.18 of 152.40 mi (28.33%) (OH OH39 only) OH41: 2.21 of 154.49 mi (1.43%) (OH OH41 only) OH43: 6.40 of 121.61 mi (5.26%) (OH OH43 only) OH48: 1.04 of 83.81 mi (1.24%) (OH OH48 only) OH51: 0.48 of 31.26 mi (1.53%) (OH OH51 only) OH53: 4.98 of 93.44 mi (5.33%) (OH OH53 only) OH56: 3.68 of 107.22 mi (3.43%) (OH OH56 only) OH60: 20.52 of 189.53 mi (10.83%) (OH OH60 only) OH64: 6.13 of 36.42 mi (16.84%) (OH OH64 only) OH65: 2.60 of 116.63 mi (2.23%) (OH OH65 only) OH82: 0.79 of 89.00 mi (0.89%) (OH OH82 only) OH83: 2.91 of 155.84 mi (1.87%) (OH OH83 only) OH87: 0.98 of 60.99 mi (1.61%) (OH OH87 only) OH93: 5.29 of 230.40 mi (2.29%) (OH OH93 only) OH101: 2.28 of 37.39 mi (6.10%) (OH OH101 only) OH120: 17.17 of 38.45 mi (44.65%) (OH OH120 only) OH124: 45.24 of 164.16 mi (27.56%) (OH OH124 only) OH142: 1.10 of 13.69 mi (8.02%) (OH OH142 only) OH146: 0.10 of 63.59 mi (0.15%) (OH OH146 only) OH149: 0.06 of 34.43 mi (0.17%) (OH OH149 only) OH163: 16.38 of 46.71 mi (35.06%) (OH OH163 only) OH172: 0.54 of 46.70 mi (1.16%) (OH OH172 only) OH180: 4.37 of 29.10 mi (15.02%) (OH OH180 only) OH209: 0.28 of 15.75 mi (1.78%) (OH OH209 only) OH212: 8.50 of 31.72 mi (26.79%) (OH OH212 only) OH236: 2.90 of 8.12 mi (35.75%) (OH OH236 only) OH259: 1.43 of 4.46 mi (32.03%) (OH OH259 only) OH261: 0.89 of 25.97 mi (3.42%) (OH OH261 only) OH264: 1.89 of 16.07 mi (11.75%) (OH OH264 only) OH269: 4.55 of 28.49 mi (15.98%) (OH OH269 only) OH283: 25.27 of 29.65 mi (85.23%) (OH OH283 only) OH295: 11.83 of 24.41 mi (48.46%) (OH OH295 only) OH374: 24.04 of 24.04 mi (100.00%) (OH OH374 only) OH416: 4.25 of 14.68 mi (28.95%) (OH OH416 only) OH515: 5.47 of 5.47 mi (100.00%) (OH OH515 only) OH527: 0.47 of 0.67 mi (70.81%) (OH OH527 only) OH531: 23.37 of 23.37 mi (100.00%) (OH OH531 only) OH534: 3.95 of 69.88 mi (5.66%) (OH OH534 only) OH535: 4.85 of 4.85 mi (100.00%) (OH OH535 only) OH536: 0.53 of 11.81 mi (4.50%) (OH OH536 only) OH618: 6.74 of 6.74 mi (100.00%) (OH OH618 only) OH619: 1.82 of 29.26 mi (6.21%) (OH OH619 only) OH664: 5.16 of 36.84 mi (14.00%) (OH OH664 only) OH743: 0.38 of 6.85 mi (5.60%) (OH OH743 only) OH775: 0.94 of 34.10 mi (2.75%) (OH OH775 only) OH800: 10.43 of 108.03 mi (9.65%) (OH OH800 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 58 of 555 (10.5%), clinched: 5 of 555 (0.9%). System usaok (active) overall: 358.30 of 8481.89 mi (4.22%) System usaok by route (traveled routes only): OK1: 33.82 of 205.60 mi (16.45%) (OK OK1 only) OK4 (Yukon): 0.23 of 40.26 mi (0.56%) (OK OK4 only) OK6: 3.87 of 114.83 mi (3.37%) (OK OK6 only) OK8: 8.40 of 180.29 mi (4.66%) (OK OK8 only) OK9: 7.36 of 349.50 mi (2.11%) (OK OK9 only) OK10: 32.43 of 230.74 mi (14.05%) (OK OK10 only) OK16: 0.70 of 100.18 mi (0.69%) (OK OK16 only) OK18: 0.94 of 134.96 mi (0.70%) (OK OK18 only) OK19: 15.70 of 174.26 mi (9.01%) (OK OK19 only) OK20: 0.07 of 141.38 mi (0.05%) (OK OK20 only) OK28: 0.65 of 68.81 mi (0.95%) (OK OK28 only) OK30: 2.06 of 85.84 mi (2.39%) (OK OK30 only) OK33: 2.89 of 240.03 mi (1.20%) (OK OK33 only) OK48: 3.71 of 160.27 mi (2.32%) (OK OK48 only) OK49 (Fort Sill): 7.21 of 7.21 mi (100.00%) (OK OK49For only) OK51: 1.79 of 335.39 mi (0.53%) (OK OK51 only) OK54 (Weatherford): 0.63 of 86.77 mi (0.73%) (OK OK54 only) OK58 (Medicine Park): 30.82 of 73.58 mi (41.89%) (OK OK58Med only) OK66: 156.09 of 194.93 mi (80.07%) (OK OK66 only) OK82 (Tahlequah): 24.62 of 96.75 mi (25.44%) (OK OK82 only) OK88: 0.14 of 25.87 mi (0.54%) (OK OK88 only) OK100: 24.89 of 53.39 mi (46.62%) (OK OK100 only) OK115 (Mountain View): 30.91 of 46.68 mi (66.22%) (OK OK115 only) OK117: 2.46 of 7.43 mi (33.08%) (OK OK117 only) OK117A: 0.75 of 0.75 mi (100.00%) (OK OK117A only) System usaok connected routes traveled: 25 of 230 (10.9%), clinched: 2 of 230 (0.9%). System usaor (active) overall: 683.53 of 4539.29 mi (15.06%) System usaor by route (traveled routes only): OR22: 31.12 of 138.22 mi (22.51%) (OR OR22 only) OR31: 122.00 of 122.00 mi (100.00%) (OR OR31 only) OR35: 38.16 of 38.82 mi (98.31%) (OR OR35 only) OR62: 57.13 of 100.70 mi (56.73%) (OR OR62 only) OR82: 69.15 of 70.07 mi (98.69%) (OR OR82 only) OR86: 64.71 of 66.77 mi (96.92%) (OR OR86 only) OR99: 0.99 of 211.64 mi (0.47%) (OR OR99 only) OR126: 58.16 of 203.72 mi (28.55%) (OR OR126 only) OR138: 96.75 of 135.91 mi (71.19%) (OR OR138 only) OR140: 30.29 of 243.70 mi (12.43%) (OR OR140 only) OR173: 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%) (OR OR173 only) OR224: 24.00 of 46.80 mi (51.29%) (OR OR224 only) OR230: 23.56 of 23.56 mi (100.00%) (OR OR230 only) OR234: 15.17 of 17.98 mi (84.40%) (OR OR234 only) OR242: 32.66 of 32.66 mi (100.00%) (OR OR242 only) OR350: 8.20 of 28.72 mi (28.57%) (OR OR350 only) OR351: 6.97 of 6.97 mi (100.00%) (OR OR351 only) System usaor connected routes traveled: 17 of 137 (12.4%), clinched: 5 of 137 (3.6%). System usapa (active) overall: 44.51 of 12619.89 mi (0.35%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 44.51 of 12619.70 mi (0.35%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA5: 35.56 of 45.28 mi (78.54%) (PA PA5 only) PA5Alt (Erie): 6.97 of 9.53 mi (73.14%) (PA PA5AltEri only) PA116: 0.08 of 39.72 mi (0.21%) (PA PA116 only) PA231: 0.30 of 25.46 mi (1.18%) (PA PA231 only) PA281: 0.24 of 45.19 mi (0.53%) (PA PA281 only) PA394: 0.48 of 13.26 mi (3.65%) (PA PA394 only) PA832: 0.87 of 11.01 mi (7.89%) (PA PA832 only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 7 of 524 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 524 (0.0%). System usari (active) overall: 7.19 of 662.23 mi (1.09%) System usari by route (traveled routes only): RI114: 7.19 of 45.81 mi (15.69%) (RI RI114 only) System usari connected routes traveled: 1 of 66 (1.5%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%). System usasc (active) overall: 251.34 of 6160.62 mi (4.08%) System usasc by route (traveled routes only): SC8: 0.61 of 43.38 mi (1.41%) (SC SC8 only) SC11: 118.13 of 118.22 mi (99.93%) (SC SC11 only) SC18: 0.10 of 38.63 mi (0.26%) (SC SC18 only) SC24: 17.93 of 29.80 mi (60.17%) (SC SC24 only) SC28: 32.47 of 127.23 mi (25.52%) (SC SC28 only) SC59: 0.31 of 15.50 mi (2.01%) (SC SC59 only) SC61: 13.27 of 67.20 mi (19.74%) (SC SC61 only) SC81: 40.38 of 80.28 mi (50.30%) (SC SC81 only) SC174: 14.37 of 25.22 mi (56.97%) (SC SC174 only) SC184: 0.40 of 33.93 mi (1.19%) (SC SC184 only) SC187: 12.25 of 29.37 mi (41.71%) (SC SC187 only) SC412: 5.33 of 6.74 mi (79.10%) (SC SC412 only) System usasc connected routes traveled: 12 of 301 (4.0%), clinched: 0 of 301 (0.0%). System usasd (active) overall: 225.00 of 5089.05 mi (4.42%) System usasd by route (traveled routes only): SD20 ((Main)): 11.29 of 402.29 mi (2.81%) (SD SD20 only) SD34: 38.73 of 425.60 mi (9.10%) (SD SD34 only) SD47: 5.64 of 248.00 mi (2.28%) (SD SD47 only) SD50: 14.83 of 221.05 mi (6.71%) (SD SD50 only) SD63 ((Main)): 55.22 of 233.84 mi (23.61%) (SD SD63 only) SD87: 15.79 of 30.00 mi (52.62%) (SD SD87 only) SD89: 5.63 of 33.22 mi (16.94%) (SD SD89 only) SD244: 9.79 of 9.79 mi (100.00%) (SD SD244 only) SD1806 (Fort Pierre): 48.08 of 78.21 mi (61.47%) (SD SD1806FtP only) SD1806 (Wakpala): 22.57 of 26.05 mi (86.63%) (SD SD1806 only) System usasd connected routes traveled: 10 of 89 (11.2%), clinched: 1 of 89 (1.1%). System usatn (active) overall: 343.41 of 9124.27 mi (3.76%) System usatn by region: GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%) TN: 343.41 of 9124.26 mi (3.76%) System usatn by route (traveled routes only): TN8 (McMinnville): 12.45 of 32.15 mi (38.74%) (TN TN8 only) TN19: 18.75 of 47.41 mi (39.54%) (TN TN19 only) TN22: 0.47 of 172.56 mi (0.27%) (TN TN22 only) TN30: 1.72 of 115.18 mi (1.50%) (TN TN30 only) TN33: 5.73 of 102.29 mi (5.60%) (TN TN33 only) TN52: 36.34 of 141.69 mi (25.65%) (TN TN52 only) TN59: 18.63 of 51.19 mi (36.40%) (TN TN59 only) TN61: 0.20 of 67.79 mi (0.30%) (TN TN61 only) TN63: 65.15 of 98.99 mi (65.82%) (TN TN63 only) TN78: 21.05 of 36.48 mi (57.71%) (TN TN78 only) TN79: 3.74 of 10.53 mi (35.55%) (TN TN79 only) TN85: 0.33 of 79.92 mi (0.42%) (TN TN85 only) TN87: 15.42 of 39.50 mi (39.03%) (TN TN87 only) TN88: 11.17 of 44.69 mi (25.00%) (TN TN88 only) TN107 (Del Rio): 3.18 of 22.00 mi (14.44%) (TN TN107Del only) TN111: 77.54 of 118.02 mi (65.70%) (TN TN111 only) TN113: 4.36 of 31.97 mi (13.64%) (TN TN113 only) TN131: 0.18 of 68.66 mi (0.27%) (TN TN131 only) TN136: 3.36 of 54.50 mi (6.17%) (TN TN136 only) TN165: 21.65 of 21.65 mi (100.00%) (TN TN165 only) TN170: 2.71 of 36.83 mi (7.36%) (TN TN170 only) TN175: 0.79 of 26.89 mi (2.93%) (TN TN175 only) TN181: 25.16 of 25.16 mi (100.00%) (TN TN181 only) TN285: 1.93 of 26.58 mi (7.26%) (TN TN285 only) TN293: 0.09 of 11.01 mi (0.83%) (TN TN293 only) TN297: 15.74 of 61.25 mi (25.69%) (TN TN297 only) TN388: 7.01 of 7.01 mi (100.00%) (TN TN388 only) TN461: 2.93 of 2.93 mi (100.00%) (TN TN461 only) System usatn connected routes traveled: 28 of 435 (6.4%), clinched: 4 of 435 (0.9%). System usaut (active) overall: 457.84 of 3722.71 mi (12.30%) System usaut by route (traveled routes only): UT12: 123.39 of 123.39 mi (100.00%) (UT UT12 only) UT30: 34.03 of 215.90 mi (15.76%) (UT UT30 only) UT31: 45.35 of 45.35 mi (100.00%) (UT UT31 only) UT44: 26.15 of 26.15 mi (100.00%) (UT UT44 only) UT95: 30.34 of 122.07 mi (24.85%) (UT UT95 only) UT96: 19.50 of 22.32 mi (87.37%) (UT UT96 only) UT115: 0.78 of 8.39 mi (9.27%) (UT UT115 only) UT128: 40.21 of 43.11 mi (93.27%) (UT UT128 only) UT143: 48.00 of 48.00 mi (100.00%) (UT UT143 only) UT162: 31.58 of 31.58 mi (100.00%) (UT UT162 only) UT198: 0.48 of 15.69 mi (3.03%) (UT UT198 only) UT261: 32.26 of 32.26 mi (100.00%) (UT UT261 only) UT262: 8.40 of 22.25 mi (37.77%) (UT UT262 only) UT264: 13.10 of 13.10 mi (100.00%) (UT UT264 only) UT275: 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%) (UT UT275 only) System usaut connected routes traveled: 15 of 222 (6.8%), clinched: 8 of 222 (3.6%). System usava (active) overall: 56.51 of 4884.58 mi (1.16%) System usava by route (traveled routes only): VA3: 0.12 of 149.27 mi (0.08%) (VA VA3 only) VA20: 29.71 of 88.77 mi (33.46%) (VA VA20 only) VA20Bus (Orange): 0.15 of 0.72 mi (20.37%) (VA VA20BusOra only) VA22: 5.35 of 29.76 mi (17.99%) (VA VA22 only) VA53: 9.86 of 17.42 mi (56.60%) (VA VA53 only) VA231: 9.51 of 49.25 mi (19.32%) (VA VA231 only) VA400: 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%) (VA VA400 only) System usava connected routes traveled: 7 of 377 (1.9%), clinched: 1 of 377 (0.3%). System usavt (active) overall: 63.33 of 1987.72 mi (3.19%) System usavt by region: NH: 0.00 of 0.15 mi (0.00%) VT: 63.33 of 1987.57 mi (3.19%) System usavt by route (traveled routes only): VT9: 2.26 of 44.53 mi (5.08%) (VT VT9 only) VT11: 0.80 of 40.21 mi (1.99%) (VT VT11 only) VT12: 9.72 of 97.51 mi (9.97%) (VT VT12 only) VT18: 7.56 of 7.56 mi (100.00%) (VT VT18 only) VT25: 0.47 of 16.84 mi (2.79%) (VT VT25 only) VT26: 0.03 of 0.03 mi (100.00%) (VT VT26 only) VT102: 41.89 of 41.89 mi (100.00%) (VT VT102 only) VT113: 0.05 of 21.95 mi (0.24%) (VT VT113 only) VT114: 0.18 of 52.05 mi (0.35%) (VT VT114 only) VT119: 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%) (VT VT119 only) VT123: 0.27 of 0.27 mi (100.00%) (VT VT123 only) System usavt connected routes traveled: 11 of 115 (9.6%), clinched: 5 of 115 (4.3%). System usawa (active) overall: 607.72 of 4660.89 mi (13.04%) System usawa by route (traveled routes only): WA9: 1.29 of 96.94 mi (1.33%) (WA WA9 only) WA17: 69.07 of 137.81 mi (50.12%) (WA WA17 only) WA20: 231.20 of 416.09 mi (55.56%) (WA WA20 only) WA20Spr (Anacortes): 4.08 of 7.86 mi (51.90%) (WA WA20SprAna only) WA31: 25.59 of 25.59 mi (100.00%) (WA WA31 only) WA112: 56.62 of 56.62 mi (100.00%) (WA WA112 only) WA150: 0.80 of 10.71 mi (7.51%) (WA WA150 only) WA153: 29.91 of 29.91 mi (100.00%) (WA WA153 only) WA155: 79.05 of 79.05 mi (100.00%) (WA WA155 only) WA164: 0.61 of 14.81 mi (4.09%) (WA WA164 only) WA410: 88.14 of 104.10 mi (84.67%) (WA WA410 only) WA525 (Freeland): 22.02 of 22.02 mi (100.00%) (WA WA525Fre only) WA525 (Mukilteo): 0.62 of 9.11 mi (6.81%) (WA WA525 only) System usawa connected routes traveled: 13 of 198 (6.6%), clinched: 5 of 198 (2.5%). System usawv (active) overall: 361.88 of 3820.10 mi (9.47%) System usawv by region: MD: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 0.08 mi (0.00%) WV: 361.88 of 3819.98 mi (9.47%) System usawv by route (traveled routes only): WV2: 0.83 of 229.14 mi (0.36%) (WV WV2 only) WV9: 52.44 of 69.16 mi (75.82%) (WV WV9 only) WV10: 9.91 of 137.69 mi (7.19%) (WV WV10 only) WV16: 88.23 of 227.22 mi (38.83%) (WV WV16 only) WV20: 4.20 of 253.65 mi (1.66%) (WV WV20 only) WV28: 2.29 of 147.25 mi (1.56%) (WV WV28 only) WV39: 24.40 of 98.41 mi (24.79%) (WV WV39 only) WV41: 2.39 of 61.25 mi (3.91%) (WV WV41 only) WV45: 1.91 of 25.51 mi (7.47%) (WV WV45 only) WV47: 56.74 of 56.74 mi (100.00%) (WV WV47 only) WV51: 17.36 of 17.82 mi (97.43%) (WV WV51 only) WV55: 41.99 of 215.60 mi (19.47%) (WV WV55 only) WV61: 6.28 of 61.34 mi (10.24%) (WV WV61 only) WV65: 3.42 of 22.16 mi (15.45%) (WV WV65 only) WV80: 15.37 of 36.90 mi (41.66%) (WV WV80 only) WV88: 8.05 of 30.51 mi (26.40%) (WV WV88 only) WV92: 45.36 of 156.77 mi (28.93%) (WV WV92 only) WV97: 3.76 of 48.41 mi (7.78%) (WV WV97 only) WV115: 4.96 of 18.96 mi (26.18%) (WV WV115 only) WV150: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%) (WV WV150 only) WV230: 8.99 of 8.99 mi (100.00%) (WV WV230 only) WV480: 5.28 of 5.72 mi (92.16%) (WV WV480 only) System usawv connected routes traveled: 22 of 135 (16.3%), clinched: 3 of 135 (2.2%). System usawi (active) overall: 349.82 of 8704.80 mi (4.02%) System usawi by route (traveled routes only): WI13: 69.91 of 341.23 mi (20.49%) (WI WI13 only) WI25: 1.28 of 87.36 mi (1.46%) (WI WI25 only) WI27: 0.16 of 293.76 mi (0.06%) (WI WI27 only) WI35: 190.21 of 413.00 mi (46.05%) (WI WI35 only) WI35Bus (Holmen): 4.15 of 4.15 mi (100.00%) (WI WI35BusHol only) WI42: 39.96 of 135.60 mi (29.47%) (WI WI42 only) WI54: 9.18 of 242.42 mi (3.79%) (WI WI54 only) WI57: 26.34 of 192.59 mi (13.68%) (WI WI57 only) WI60: 3.95 of 182.53 mi (2.16%) (WI WI60 only) WI82: 2.40 of 113.58 mi (2.12%) (WI WI82 only) WI133: 19.25 of 90.23 mi (21.34%) (WI WI133 only) System usawi connected routes traveled: 11 of 174 (6.3%), clinched: 1 of 174 (0.6%). System usawy (active) overall: 43.49 of 3568.30 mi (1.22%) System usawy by region: CO: 0.00 of 1.01 mi (0.00%) WY: 43.49 of 3567.29 mi (1.22%) System usawy by route (traveled routes only): WY530: 43.49 of 43.49 mi (100.00%) (WY WY530 only) System usawy connected routes traveled: 1 of 172 (0.6%), clinched: 1 of 172 (0.6%). System usams (preview) overall: 0.98 of 7829.93 mi (0.01%) System usams by route (traveled routes only): MS552: 0.98 of 24.94 mi (3.91%) (MS MS552 only) System usams connected routes traveled: 1 of 350 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 350 (0.0%). System usaush (preview) overall: 1833.81 of 3462.97 mi (52.95%) System usaush by region: AZ: 187.76 of 398.24 mi (47.15%) CA: 150.19 of 938.33 mi (16.01%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.94 of 143.72 mi (0.65%) IL: 384.11 of 384.11 mi (100.00%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 421.53 of 422.63 mi (99.74%) MS: 0.00 of 5.38 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 88.02 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 364.41 of 366.50 mi (99.43%) OH: 4.26 of 33.61 mi (12.67%) OK: 280.60 of 410.84 mi (68.30%) OR: 38.91 of 46.73 mi (83.27%) TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%) WA: 1.10 of 110.78 mi (1.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US6His (Council Bluffs, IA): 0.94 of 0.94 mi (100.00%) (IA US6HisCou only) US10His (Moses Lake, WA): 1.10 of 5.85 mi (18.90%) (WA US10HisMos only) US20His (Painesville, OH): 4.26 of 24.85 mi (17.13%) (OH US20HisPai only) US30His (Columbia River, OR): 24.12 of 24.12 mi (100.00%) (OR US30HisCol only) US30His (Rowena Crest, OR): 14.79 of 14.92 mi (99.17%) (OR US30HisRow only) US66His (Barstow, CA): 149.80 of 190.97 mi (78.44%) (CA US66HisBar only) US66His (Kingman, AZ): 156.08 of 156.08 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisKin only) US66His (Ash Fork, AZ): 1.45 of 1.45 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisAsh only) US66His (Williams, AZ): 3.83 of 3.83 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisWil only) US66His (Flagstaff, AZ): 12.97 of 12.97 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisFla only) US66His (Winslow, AZ): 5.53 of 5.53 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisWin only) US66His (Joseph City, AZ): 2.53 of 2.53 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisJos only) US66His (Holbrook, AZ): 4.89 of 4.89 mi (100.00%) (AZ US66HisHol only) US66His (Gallup, NM): 37.59 of 37.59 mi (100.00%) AZ US66HisLup: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%) NM US66HisGal: 37.11 of 37.11 mi (100.00%) US66His (Grants, NM): 72.28 of 72.28 mi (100.00%) (NM US66HisGra only) US66His (Alburquerque, NM): 48.32 of 48.32 mi (100.00%) (NM US66HisAlb only) US66His (Santa Rosa, NM): 4.03 of 4.03 mi (100.00%) (NM US66HisSan only) US66His (Tucumcari, NM): 45.71 of 46.32 mi (98.69%) NM US66HisTuc: 45.71 of 45.71 mi (100.00%) US66His (Sayre, OK): 11.56 of 26.29 mi (43.97%) (OK US66HisSay only) US66His (Elk City, OK): 8.90 of 9.23 mi (96.40%) (OK US66HisElk only) US66His (Foss, OK): 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisFos only) US66His (Clinton, OK): 9.63 of 9.63 mi (100.00%) (OK US66HisCli only) US66His (St Louis, MO): 835.64 of 921.79 mi (90.65%) OK US66HisOkl: 225.58 of 298.83 mi (75.49%) MO US66HisStL: 321.36 of 321.36 mi (100.00%) IL US66HisChi: 288.70 of 288.70 mi (100.00%) US66His ((PRE-1937) Albuquerque, NM): 71.90 of 73.81 mi (97.42%) (NM US66HisAbq only) US66His ((PRE-1937) Santa Fe, NM): 11.80 of 11.99 mi (98.40%) (NM US66HisSFe only) US66His ((PRE-1937) Pecos, NM): 11.63 of 11.63 mi (100.00%) (NM US66HisPec only) US66His ((PRE-1937) Apache Springs, NM): 61.61 of 61.61 mi (100.00%) (NM US66HisApa only) US66His (Geary, OK): 24.72 of 25.79 mi (95.86%) (OK US66HisGea only) US66His ((1940-1975) Joplin): 4.05 of 4.05 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisEJo only) US66His ((1930-1955) Joplin): 5.86 of 5.86 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisNJo only) US66His ((1954-1975) Carthage): 1.89 of 1.89 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisCar only) US66His ((1936-1970) Springfield): 6.96 of 6.96 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisNSp only) US66His ((1926-1928) Springfield): 10.10 of 10.10 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisESp only) US66His (Laquey): 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisLaq only) US66His ((1926-1933) Manchester): 41.09 of 41.09 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisMan only) US66His ((1936-1965) Florissant): 28.14 of 28.14 mi (100.00%) (MO US66HisFlo only) US66His ((Spur) Chain of Rocks, IL): 2.86 of 2.86 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisCha only) US66His ((1940-1977) Livingston, IL): 8.80 of 8.80 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisLiv only) US66His ((1926-1930) Carlinville, IL): 71.59 of 71.59 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisCar only) US66His ((1930-1940) Mount Olive, IL): 4.33 of 4.33 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisMou only) US66His ((1930-1940) Litchfield, IL): 3.08 of 3.08 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisLit only) US66His ((Spur) Willamsville, IL): 1.28 of 1.28 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisWil only) US66His ((1930-1940) Lincoln, IL): 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%) (IL US66HisLin only) US99His (Weed, CA): 0.39 of 0.94 mi (41.76%) (CA US99HisWee only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 44 of 123 (35.8%), clinched: 32 of 123 (26.0%). Traveled 53 of 373 (14.2%), Clinched 0 of 373 (0.0%) active systems Traveled 2 of 205 (1.0%), Clinched 0 of 205 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-08-17 | (USA) Iowa | US 69 | ia.us069 | Renamed point IA152->CRR35 2015-08-20 | (USA) Indiana | US 52 | in.us052 | Removed from Sagamore Parkway, Lafayette and relocated onto US231, Old US231 and Teal Road between western junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly southern junction with US231) and eastern junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly junction with IN25) 2015-08-20 | (USA) Indiana | Veterans Memorial Parkway | in.vetmempkwy | Route added 2015-09-03 | (USA) Arkansas | US 62 | ar.us062 | Removed from US 62 Business and relocated onto the southeastern Prairie Grove bypass. 2015-09-06 | (USA) Illinois | IL 31 | il.il031 | Relocated in Algonquin from Main Street between Huntington Drive and Elmwood Court, west onto new bypass 2015-11-02 | (USA) New Mexico | US 380 | nm.us380 | Swapped locations of labels US285Trk and US70/285 2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | US 9 | ny.us009 | Truncated at north end from a cul-de-sac/turnaround about 1/3 mile north of the I-87 Exit 43 interchange, to the I-87 Exit 43 interchange 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 64 | nm.us064 | In Farmington, route moved from Main St. and Broadway St. (now US 64 Business), south to Murray Dr. 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 70 | nm.us070 | In Lordsburg, route moved from I-10 between exits 22 and 24, and Main St. (NM 494), north to Motel Dr. (I-10BL) 2016-01-08 | (USA) Tennessee | US 127 | tn.us127 | Extended at north end from the former state line with Kentucky (labeled OldUS127_Sta) westward along a new alignment paralleling the Kentucky state line for about 0.2 miles to the Kentucky new border crossing. 2016-02-01 | (USA) Tennessee | US 27 | tn.us027 | Removed from old two-lane through Evensville (now Medlin Pike), and moved onto a new 4-lane alignment to the east between the intersections with Medlin Pike (MedPike_S & MedPike_N) 2016-02-08 | (USA) North Dakota | ND 1806 (Mandan) | nd.nd1806 | Removed from Collins Ave and relocated onto Old Red Trail and Mandan Ave between Collins Ave and I-94 BL 2016-02-14 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 77 | ky.ky0077 | Moved end at US460 to new location shared with KY1242 2016-03-01 | (USA) Tennessee | US 64 | tn.us064 | Removed from old two-lane to the west of Lawrenceburg (now Old Waynesboro Highway), and moved onto a new 4-lane alignment between the intersections with TN Secondary 240 and Old Waynesboro Highway (OldWayHwy_W) 2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | I-93 | nh.i093 | Northbound roadway relocated approximately 0.2 mi westward immediately parallel to southbound roadway, between a point south of Exit 3 (labeled *OldI-93) and Exit 3. Southbound roadway unaffected 2016-05-03 | (USA) New York | NY 22 | ny.ny022 | Truncated at north end from Canadian border to US 11 2016-05-16 | (USA) Maine | ME 161 | me.me161 | Extended at south end from US 1 Alternate over Main Street and Boundary Line Road (formerly ME 167) to the New Brunswick border 2016-05-19 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 15 | ky.ky0015 | Removed from old 2-lane alignment (now KY 30 and KY 205) between KY30_W and KY205_A, and relocated onto new 4-lane alignment 2016-06-29 | (USA) Illinois | US 34 | il.us034 | Removed from County Road 1500N and IL 94 between 1400E and 1850E and relocated onto new four-lane south of Biggsville 2016-09-18 | (USA) Michigan | US 41 | mi.us041 | Extended north from FortWilSP to ManRd_N 2016-12-15 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 111 | tn.tn111 | Route renamed and extended to US127 near Kentucky border 2017-01-31 | (USA) Arkansas | US 64 Business (Wynne) | ar.us064buswyn | West end truncated from US 64 at North Falls Boulevard (AR 1) to AR 1. 2017-04-02 | (USA) Idaho | US 95 | id.us095 | Moved east onto new alignment in Athol, between waypoints RemRd and *OldUS95_N 2017-05-22 | (USA) Colorado | CO 12 | co.co012 | Route relocated from Main Street and Animas Street and relocated onto Nevada Avenue between MainSt_E and AniSt 2017-06-22 | (USA) Minnesota | MN 60 | mn.mn060 | Route realigned near Worthington 2017-06-22 | (USA) Minnesota | MN 99 | mn.mn099 | Route truncated to MN 111 2017-06-22 | (USA) Minnesota | US 59 | mn.us059 | Route realigned near Worthington 2017-08-05 | (USA) Florida | US 1 | fl.us001 | Removed from Brickell Avenue in Miami, and relocated onto FL 970 and southern 2 miles of I-95 between the intersection of FL 970/Brickell Avenue (BriAve) and the interchange of I-95/Brickell Ave. 2017-08-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 114 | ri.ri114 | Removed from Mill St and High St in Cumberland, and relocated onto Broad Street and Dexter St (RI 123) between Mill St and High St (waypoint RI123_E). 2017-09-04 | (USA) Nevada | US 50 | nv.us050 | rerouted onto I-580 from Stewart St and Fairview Lane between exit 38 and south end of interstate 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 99 | or.or099 | Restored route from I-5 onto Yoncalla-Drain routing. 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 126 | or.or126 | Moved route from Bus 97 to US 97 in Redmond. 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | US 30 | or.us030 | (late entry) Moved route from Huntington alignment onto I-84 in lieu of new business 30 route. 2017-09-29 | (USA) Colorado | CO 9 | co.co009 | Route realigned south of Frisco between points *OldCO9_N and *OldCO9_S 2017-11-27 | (USA) Arkansas | US 165 | ar.us165 | Waypoint AR212_W moved from Old US 165 (now labeled OldUS165_Pen) to the correct location of AR 212, approximately 0.83 mi northeast. 2017-12-02 | (USA) Arkansas | US 79 | ar.us079 | Waypoint AR57_S moved from Ruby St to a relocated railroad overpass approximately 0.09 mi northeast. 2017-12-08 | (USA) Iowa | IA 92 | ia.ia092 | Relocated onto parallel four-lane alignment from Louisa/Muscatine county line to south junction US 61 2017-12-19 | (USA) Delaware | DE 299 | de.de299 | Removed from a demolished east-west section (approx. 0.1 mi) of Warwick Rd and US 301, and relocated onto a northerly extension of Warwick Rd, parallel to and west of the under-construction US 301 divided freeway, and Levels Rd between a waypoint labelled *OldDE299 and US 301. 2018-01-07 | (USA) Delaware | DE 16 | de.de016 | East end extended from DE 1, along Broadkill Rd., to Broadkill Beach. 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 31E | ky.us031e | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N 2018-01-12 | (USA) Kentucky | US 150 | ky.us150 | Removed from Old Louisville Rd, Salt River Rd, and Kimbly Creek Rd south of Mount Washington and relocated onto new parallel alignment between OldLouRd & KY523_N 2018-01-16 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 10 | nh.nh010 | Extended north from the western US 302 split to NH 18. 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Lake Ontario State Parkway | ny.lakeontpkwy | West end truncated from NY 18 to Lake Ontario State Parkway Spur: segment transferred to Lake Ontario State Parkway Spur. 2018-07-29 | (USA) New Mexico | NM 300 | nm.nm300 | Route added 2018-08-03 | (USA) Minnesota | MN 119 | mn.mn119 | Route extended south to US 212 2018-08-29 | (USA) Minnesota | MN 62 | mn.mn062 | Route extended east to I-494 along the former MN 110 2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | OH 269 | oh.oh269 | Removed from Castalia St, Northwest St, and Southwest St and relocated onto Sandusky St between Southwest St and Robert Ave 2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | US 20 | oh.us020 | OH269 point moved from Northwest St/Southwest St to Sandusky St 2018-12-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 35 | or.or035 | Extended route north onto Hood River Bridge 2018-12-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 140 | or.or140 | Extended west from OR 62 in White City to I-5/OR 99 at exit 35 and relabeled OR 39 points from OR39_W to OR39_S and OR39_E to OR39_W 2018-12-13 | (USA) Iowa | Iowa 100 | ia.ia100 | Extended south from Covington Road to US 30/218 2018-12-16 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 1681 | ky.ky1681 | Truncated at east end to KY 922 2018-12-30 | (USA) Maine | Park Loop Road, Acadia NP | me.parklprd | Truncated: beginning of route removed from Sieur de Monts Road between ME 3 and Park Loop Road. 2019-01-01 | (USA) Indiana | US 50 | in.us050 | Relocated in North Vernon from Walnut St & Buckeye St onto the former routing of IN 750 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 212 (Cooke City) | mt.us212coo | Route truncated at west end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Virginia | George Washington Parkway | va.gwmempkwy | Route deleted (replaced by usanp version) 2019-03-18 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 115 | wv.wv115 | Route extended at the Southern end at the interchange with US 340 to WV 9 near the WV-MD border. 2019-07-07 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 9 | ok.ok009 | Waypoint US270_E moved from OK 3E West to Harvey Rd. 2019-09-02 | (USA) South Dakota | SD 63 | sd.sd063 | Extended south from SD 44 to Norris, and merged with SD 63 (Parmalee) 2019-10-01 | (USA) West Virginia | WV 51 | wv.wv051 | Removed from multiplex with US 11 & partially from Middleway Pike in Inwood, and relocated to the northeast onto a new 2-lane highway between the new roundabouts at Middleway Pike/Surveyor Drive (MidPike_W) & US 11. 2019-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | IL 57 | il.il057 | Extended south from I-172 to signed end at CR79 2019-11-30 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 52 | tn.tn052 | Removed from Lake Ave and Main St in Celina and relocated onto Dow Ave & Brown St, following former routing of TN 52 Truck 2020-01-28 | (USA) Illinois | IL 9 | il.il009 | Removed from Court St between IL 29 and Veterans Drive in Pekin and relocated onto Veterans Drive and IL 29, Relocated point IL29_S from 2nd/3rd Street to intersection of IL 29 and Veterans Drive 2020-01-28 | (USA) Illinois | IL 159 | il.il159 | Removed from Troy Road and South Buchanan Street in Edwardsville from the intersection of Illini Drive to Vandalia Street and relocated onto Illini Drive, Plum Street, and South Main Street 2020-02-16 | (USA) Illinois | IL 3 | il.il003 | Removed from State Street/IL 150 between Stacy Street and Holmes Street and relocated onto Stacy Street and Stanwick Street 2020-02-16 | (USA) Illinois | IL 150 | il.il150 | Renamed StaSt->IL3_N and IL3_N->HolSt 2020-03-02 | (USA) Illinois | IL 162 | il.il162 | Split tiny duplex with IL 157 into IL157_N and _S 2020-05-23 | (USA) Florida | US 98 | fl.us098 | Relocated 'US319_MedN' point to the northeast by 0.2 miles due to a reroute of US 319. Old location of the US 319 intersection is now 'OldCraHwy_S'. 2020-05-23 | (USA) Florida | US 319 | fl.us319 | Removed from Old Crawfordville Highway in Tully, and relocated to the northeast by 0.2 miles to a new alignment, between the 2 intersections with Old Crawfordville Highway (OldCraHwy_S & OldCraHwy_N). This also required the 'US98_MedE' point to shift to a new location as well due to US 319 following US 98 to the new alignment. 2020-06-16 | (USA) Maryland | US 40 Alt (Hagerstown) | md.us040althag | Truncated at west end from US 40 to Potomac Street 2020-06-25 | (USA) Illinois | US 52 | il.us052 | Relocated IA/IL and IL84_N for new bridge 2020-08-19 | (USA) Iowa | IA 3 | ia.ia003 | Route removed from (mostly) Central Avenue in Dubuque northwest of US 61/151 and truncated to the now-decommissioned IA 32 2020-08-19 | (USA) Iowa | US 52 | ia.us052 | Route removed from IA 3, Central Avenue in Dubuque, and part of US 61 between Luxemburg and south US 61/151 junction and rerouted onto IA 136, US 20, and new Southwest Arterial 2020-08-25 | (USA) Iowa | US 20 | ia.us020 | Relocated point CRX49 to align with recent interchange in Dyersville 2020-08-25 | (USA) Oregon | OR 62 | or.or062 | Rerouted route onto new roadway between Poplar Dr and Agate Rd 2020-09-14 | (USA) Colorado | CO 67 (Woodland Park) | co.co067 | Route merged with CO 67 (Victor) 2020-09-25 | (USA) Iowa | IA 12 | ia.ia012 | Removed from Gordon Drive between I-29 and Virginia Street and relocated onto I-29 2020-11-29 | (USA) Kentucky | US 119 | ky.us119 | Removed from former route (now KY 3619) and relocated onto parallel bypass between KY3619_S and KY3619_N (relocation occurred in late 2017) 2020-12-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 124 | oh.oh124 | OH220 point moved from old location (now GerRd) to new location approximately 1.5 miles to the west 2021-01-07 | (USA) Washington | WA 525 | wa.wa525 | Northern terminus relocated to location of newly-opened Mukilteo ferry terminal between relocated CliMukFry waypoint and new MukSpe waypoint 2021-01-28 | (USA) Maine | Paradise Hill Road, Acadia NP | me.parhillrd | North end truncated from ME 3 to Visitor Center Rd. 2021-02-09 | (USA) Colorado | US 6 | co.us006 | Route relocated in Sterling from 3rd St./4th St. one-way couplet to S. Division Ave. and Sterling S Curve 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | US 212 | mt.us212 | Route moved south of Laurel from old alignment between points ClaRivRd_W and ClaRivRd_E to new alignment located to the west 2021-05-20 | (USA) Illinois | US 40 | il.us040 | IL140 point (now GalSt_W) relocated to former location of IL140_W. 2021-05-20 | (USA) South Dakota | SD 50 | sd.sd050 | Rerouted from diagonal west of Wagner between Walnut Avenue and 392nd Avenue onto SD 46 and 392nd Avenue. Old point renamed WalAve. Added and closed *OldSD50. 2021-06-03 | (USA) New Mexico | NM 68 | nm.nm068 | Waypoint label NM74 moved from intersection with Po Pay Ave. (new label PoPayAve) north to intersection with Day School St. 2021-07-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 30 | ia.us030 | Relocated onto all-new four-lane slightly north of previous road between Tama and IA 21 2021-07-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 61 | ia.us061 | Relocated between Memorial Park Road and 180th Street onto alignment slightly west of previous route, with new points MemParkRd and 180thSt on either end 2021-08-17 | (USA) New Mexico | NM 181 | nm.nm181 | South end truncated, from I-25(79) to I-25BL. North end extended, from I-25(89) to frontage road barricade north of Alamosa Creek 2021-09-06 | (USA) Illinois | IL 116 | il.il116 | Renamed MacHwy->WasSt, Renamed old WasSt->WasSt_EP. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-29 | (USA) Colorado | CO 82 | co.co082 | Route rerouted from 6th St to new Grand Ave bridge in Glenwood Springs 2021-11-22 | (USA) Iowa | US 6 | ia.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between Kimberly Road and Illinois state line. Route separates at *OldI-74. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | US 6 | il.us006 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2021-12-16 | (USA) Illinois | US 67 | il.us067 | Removed from old alignment in the Delhi/New Delhi area and relocated onto four-lane alignment between approximately Hilltop Lane and Stagecoach Road 2022-01-16 | (USA) Indiana | IN 56 | in.in056 | Rerouted around Madison along IN 62 and US 421 between Clifty Hollow Rd and new intersection at 2nd St & Harrison St 2022-03-07 | (USA) Iowa | IA 136 | ia.ia136 | Truncated from IA 3 to US 20. 2022-03-07 | (USA) Illinois | IL 29 | il.il029 | Removed from Springfield Road through Edinburg and relocated onto four-lane bypass on east side of Edinburg (between points OldIL29_S and OldIL29_N). 2022-03-07 | (USA) Missouri | MO 79 | mo.mo079 | Relocated US54_W (in-use) from Frank Ford Road to 7th Street in Louisiana. 2022-05-15 | (USA) Arizona | US 191 | az.us191 | Route truncated at south end from Mexican border to AZ 80 2022-05-24 | (USA) Arkansas | US 70 | ar.us070 | Removed from I-30 between exits 129 & 141B and relocated onto I-430, former AR 5 on Stagecoach Rd & Colonel Glenn Rd, and former US 70 Business on Asher Ave, Roosevelt Rd, Broadway St, W Broadway St & E Broadway St. 2022-06-06 | (USA) Minnesota | MN 16 | mn.mn016 | Route extended to the WI Line concurrent with US 14 and US 61 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | NC 12 | nc.nc012 | rerouted onto new bridge, new routing is between OldNC12_S and OldNC12_N 2022-06-26 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 30 | la.la0030 | Truncated at north end to Burbank Rd (former LA 42) 2022-08-10 | (USA) Wisconsin | US 10 | wi.us010 | Removed from 8th/10th Street pair, Madison Street, and Lakeview Drive in Manitowoc, and relocated onto Waldo Boulevard, Maritime Drive, 8th Street, and Quay Street in Manitowoc. Former point WI42_N relabeled 10thSt. Point WI42_N moved to intersection of Waldo Boulevard and Maritime Drive 2022-08-10 | (USA) Wisconsin | WI 42 | wi.wi042 | Removed from I-43 and US 10, and relocated onto Maritime Drive and former US 151, in Manitowoc 2022-08-30 | (USA) New Mexico | NM 195 (Elephant Butte Lake) | nm.nm195ele | East end of route truncated, from NM 177 to barricade at Dirt Dam day use area 2022-10-15 | (USA) Maryland | US 301 | md.us301 | Removed from the original 1940 Gov. Harry W. Nice Bridge and relocated onto the replacement 2022 bridge across the Potomac River. 2022-12-23 | (USA) Kentucky | US 23 | ky.us023 | KY244 waypoint moved to new location at location of former KY750_S point, with old KY244 point now named ToOH93 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | US 40 | oh.us040 | CR214 point moved from Banfield Rd (I-70 point 218A, I-470 point 1) to High Ridge Rd (I-70 point 220), Banfield Rd point renamed CR28B 2023-02-11 | (USA) Minnesota | MN 67 | mn.mn067 | Route relocated onto the former MN 274 and CR 2 2023-02-13 | (USA) Ohio | OH 7 | oh.oh007 | OH26 point moved 0.1 mi south to reflect relocation that occurred in 2011, and old point location relabeled WesResRd 2023-02-13 | (USA) Ohio | OH 17 | oh.oh017 | GraRd point moved to Grayton Rd, and old point location relabeled NASAPkwy 2023-02-19 | (USA) Delaware | DE 30 | de.de030 | South end truncated from Bi State Blvd (BiStaBlvd) to DE 24 (formerly DE24_E) north of Millsboro. 2023-02-27 | (USA) Ohio | OH 53 | oh.oh053 | Truncated at north end from ferry terminal to Water St 2023-02-28 | (USA) Delaware | DE 1 | de.de001 | Extended north from 166 (DE 58) along DE 7 to DE 4 (southern intersection of DE 4/DE 7 concurrency). 2023-06-03 | (USA) California | CA 1 | ca.ca001 | North of Bodega Bay, route relocated from eroding coastal bluffs, and onto new viaduct over Scotty Creek floodplain, between Calle del Sol and OldCA1Gle_N 2023-07-07 | (USA) Washington | US 12 | wa.us012 | Route re-aligned onto newly-opened Touchet bypass between waypoints *OldUS12_W and *OldUS12_E 2023-10-02 | (USA) North Carolina | US 70 | nc.us070 | rerouted between High Point and Greensboro - new routing is between US 29 and US29/220 points 2023-10-09 | (USA) Maine | US 201 | me.us201 | SB alignment removed from ME11 and Main St in Waterville, and relocated onto existing NB alignment on Front St, which now carries two-way-traffic. 2023-10-16 | (USA) Oklahoma | US 270 | ok.us270 | Removed from Chickasaw Ave in Wister and relocated onto a 2-lane southwestern bypass and bridge crossing Caston Creek about 0.3 mi to the south. 2023-10-21 | (USA) New York | NY 12 | ny.ny012 | Waypoint NY79_E moved about 0.9 mi northeast from the OldNY79 waypoint to a new Chenango River bridge approach. 2023-11-10 | (USA) Nebraska | US 30 | ne.us030 | Removed from the Lincoln Highway and relocated onto a divided 4-lane expressway 1.5-2 miles north between waypoints *OldUS30_Nor and *OldUS30_Fre. 2023-11-18 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 182 | la.la0182 | Removed from LA 89-1, Pinhook Rd, and University Ave between LA89-1 and I-10(101), and relocated onto US 90, Evangeline Thwy, and I-10 2024-01-29 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 66 | ok.ok066 | Removed from Dewey Ave and relocated onto OK 117 & OK 117A (Mission St) between waypoints DewAve_W & DewAve_E. 2024-01-30 | (USA) Florida | US 17 | fl.us017 | Label 'FL105' has shifted to the north 0.2 miles due to recent reroute of FL 105. Old location is now called 'ZooPkwy'. 2024-02-24 | (USA) Ohio | OH 93 | oh.oh093 | Extended at south end from US 52 to Kentucky state line 2024-03-19 | (USA) Colorado | I-25 | co.i025 | Exit 14A marked as closed. Exit 104 split into "104A" and "104" to properly reflect the on-the-ground configuration. 2024-04-10 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 11 | ky.ky0011 | Removed from Old Maysville Rd and relocated to the east between OldMayRd_S and OldMayRd_N 2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 | wy.us191 | I-80 Exit 101 added. 2024-05-11 | (USA) Ohio | OH 65 | oh.oh065 | Removed from Central Ave (southbound only), North St (OH 81), and Elizabeth St in Lima, and relocated onto the Union St/Central Ave pair and Wayne St between CenAve_S and WaySt_W 2024-06-23 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 16 | nh.nh016 | Relocated away from the Androscoggin River between waypoint *OldNH16_Dum and Dummer Pond Rd. 2024-07-04 | (USA) Maine | ME 4 | me.me004 | Waypoint ME26_N moved from Shaker Rd to Maine Wildlife Parkway. 2024-07-09 | (USA) Illinois | US 45 | il.us045 | Removed from Lee Street between Elk Boulevard and Rand Road and relocated onto Elk Boulevard and South Des Plaines River Road in Des Plaines 2024-07-14 | (USA) Colorado | US 160 | co.us160 | Junction with US 550 relocated to new Farmington Hill bypass south of Durango. Original junction with US 550 marked as "*OldUS550_S". 2024-07-14 | (USA) Colorado | US 550 | co.us550 | Relocated to new Farmington Hill bypass south of Durango. Original junction with US 160 marked as "*OldUS160_E", and split with old Farmington Hill marked "*OldUS550". 2024-07-21 | (USA) West Virginia | US 33 | wv.us033 | Removed from old 2-lane road (now only Ripley Road) between the old road alignment (*OldUS33_Spe) & MidForkRd to the west of Spencer, and relocated onto a brand new 2-lane bypass just to the north that now bypasses several curvy segments. 2024-07-27 | (USA) Ohio | US 33 | oh.us033 | US23_S point moved from intersection of Livingston Ave and 3rd St/4th St pair (now labeled LivAve_W) to intersection of new US 23 routing on Fulton St/Mound St at 3rd/4th 2024-08-08 | (USA) Indiana | I-69 | in.i069 | Extended at south end from I-465 in northern Indianapolis to Evansville, following the former routes of I-69 Future (Indianapolis) and I-69 (Wheatonville) and new construction between *OldIN37 and I-465 Exit 4. Alternate labels "0" at waypoint 200 and "156" at waypoint 356 deleted due to duplication in former I-69 (Wheatonville) file. 2024-09-14 | (USA) West Virginia | US 19 | wv.us019 | Shifted the point 'WV41_BecN' 0.1 miles to the north to a new intersection, due to a reroute of WV 41 onto a new bridge in Beckley. Old location is now called 'OldWV41_N'. 2024-12-28 | (USA) New York | NY 12E | ny.ny012e | Removed from Main St and Bridge St and relocated onto the 2024 Black River bridge between Main St and NY 12F. 2024-12-28 | (USA) Oklahoma | OK 10 | ok.ok010 | Sometime 2017-2019, removed from demolished roadway and relocated onto an easterly extension of Three Forks Rd, Georgetown Rd and US 62 between waypoints *OldOK10_S & *OldOK10_N. 2025-01-01 | (USA) California | CA 190 (Death Valley) | ca.ca190dea | Route extended from OldUS395_N (old US395 waypoint) in Olancha, southwest to new US 395 alignment 2025-01-13 | (USA) Colorado | CO 165 | co.co165 | Southern terminus extended to Abbey Road on the east side of I-25.