Log file created at: Thu Aug  8 22:42:13 2024
thestral1676.list last updated: 2022-07-28 00:13:50 -0400
Route updated 2024-07-27: IN I-65
Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 7): MD I-895 I-95 15MD I-495 27 34
Unknown region/highway combo I-90 123B in line: MA I-90 MA I-90 123B MA1A
Route updated 2024-06-23: MA MA79
Route updated 2024-07-07: NY HutRivPkwy
Route updated 2024-01-12: NY I-86FutBin
Route updated 2024-01-12: NY NY17Bin
Route updated 2023-09-21: NY NY63
Route updated 2023-10-21: NY NY79
Route updated 2023-01-24: OH I-71
Route updated 2024-07-27: OH US23
Route updated 2023-01-17: OH OH4
Route updated 2023-02-13: OH OH7
Route updated 2024-01-02: PA US6
Route updated 2022-11-09: RI I-95
Waypoint label 253 not found in line: ON ON401 5 253
  Route updated 2015-11-29: ON ON401
Processed 370 good lines marking 3159 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 4689.89 of 1237311.35 mi (0.38%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 4708.13 of 1896635.48 mi (0.25%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
AL: 31.40 of 4466.09 mi (0.70%), 49.64 of 10931.00 mi (0.45%)
CT: 131.58 of 3384.85 mi (3.89%), 131.58 of 3384.85 mi (3.89%)
DC: 4.80 of 47.64 mi (10.08%), 4.80 of 47.64 mi (10.08%)
DE: 16.72 of 1088.26 mi (1.54%), 16.72 of 1088.26 mi (1.54%)
HI: 66.57 of 978.19 mi (6.81%), 66.57 of 978.19 mi (6.81%)
IN: 11.87 of 11205.20 mi (0.11%), 11.87 of 11205.20 mi (0.11%)
KY: 230.33 of 26314.29 mi (0.88%), 230.33 of 26314.29 mi (0.88%)
MA: 409.41 of 4326.19 mi (9.46%), 409.41 of 4329.66 mi (9.46%)
MD: 180.43 of 5204.74 mi (3.47%), 180.43 of 5204.74 mi (3.47%)
MI: 48.58 of 9544.90 mi (0.51%), 48.58 of 9544.90 mi (0.51%)
NH: 318.97 of 3296.72 mi (9.68%), 318.97 of 3296.72 mi (9.68%)
NJ: 128.77 of 2814.72 mi (4.57%), 128.77 of 2814.72 mi (4.57%)
NY: 1166.94 of 15918.08 mi (7.33%), 1166.94 of 16013.14 mi (7.29%)
OH: 436.22 of 19457.74 mi (2.24%), 436.22 of 19458.44 mi (2.24%)
ON: 98.49 of 7576.52 mi (1.30%), 98.49 of 7576.52 mi (1.30%)
PA: 184.16 of 17661.48 mi (1.04%), 184.16 of 17661.48 mi (1.04%)
QC: 57.41 of 13049.21 mi (0.44%), 57.41 of 13049.21 mi (0.44%)
RI: 54.82 of 832.99 mi (6.58%), 54.82 of 832.99 mi (6.58%)
TN: 512.23 of 13912.19 mi (3.68%), 512.23 of 13912.19 mi (3.68%)
VA: 341.52 of 10441.80 mi (3.27%), 341.52 of 10441.80 mi (3.27%)
VT: 242.65 of 2866.07 mi (8.47%), 242.65 of 2866.07 mi (8.47%)
WV: 16.03 of 5715.13 mi (0.28%), 16.03 of 5715.13 mi (0.28%)
System canonf (active) overall: 80.91 of 1242.83 mi (6.51%)
System canonf by route (traveled routes only):
ON401: 1.72 of 521.29 mi (0.33%)
 (ON ON401 only)
ON403: 40.69 of 79.54 mi (51.15%)
 (ON ON403 only)
ON405: 5.93 of 5.93 mi (100.00%)
 (ON ON405 only)
ONQEW (Queen Elizabeth Way): 32.58 of 87.57 mi (37.20%)
 (ON ONQEW only)
System canonf connected routes traveled: 4 of 17 (23.5%), clinched: 1 of 17 (5.9%).
System cansf (active) overall: 11.15 of 111.23 mi (10.03%)
System cansf by region:
  AB: 0.00 of 26.05 mi (0.00%)
  BC: 0.00 of 6.80 mi (0.00%)
  NS: 0.00 of 2.16 mi (0.00%)
  ON: 11.15 of 62.21 mi (17.93%)
  SK: 0.00 of 14.01 mi (0.00%)
System cansf by route (traveled routes only):
LinAlePkwy (Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway): 5.50 of 6.59 mi (83.51%)
 (ON LinAlePkwy only)
RedHillPkwy (Red Hill Valley Parkway): 5.65 of 5.65 mi (100.00%)
 (ON RedHillPkwy only)
System cansf connected routes traveled: 2 of 18 (11.1%), clinched: 1 of 18 (5.6%).
System canon (active) overall: 15.35 of 6292.99 mi (0.24%)
System canon by route (traveled routes only):
ON3 (Windsor): 6.43 of 31.41 mi (20.47%)
 (ON ON3Win only)
ON4: 1.72 of 63.57 mi (2.70%)
 (ON ON4 only)
ON6 ((Main)): 1.88 of 225.35 mi (0.84%)
 (ON ON6 only)
ON24: 5.32 of 40.38 mi (13.17%)
 (ON ON24 only)
System canon connected routes traveled: 4 of 82 (4.9%), clinched: 0 of 82 (0.0%).
System canqc (active) overall: 57.41 of 11682.35 mi (0.49%)
System canqc by route (traveled routes only):
QC104: 1.63 of 58.06 mi (2.82%)
 (QC QC104 only)
QC133: 0.44 of 82.87 mi (0.54%)
 (QC QC133 only)
QC139: 16.14 of 76.31 mi (21.15%)
 (QC QC139 only)
QC202: 35.78 of 87.72 mi (40.79%)
 (QC QC202 only)
QC223: 4.43 of 80.42 mi (5.51%)
 (QC QC223 only)
QC235: 0.09 of 81.00 mi (0.11%)
 (QC QC235 only)
QC241: 1.06 of 33.76 mi (3.13%)
 (QC QC241 only)
System canqc connected routes traveled: 7 of 183 (3.8%), clinched: 0 of 183 (0.0%).
System usai (active) overall: 2801.50 of 49270.57 mi (5.69%)
System usai by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 4.71 of 1013.07 mi (0.46%)
  AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 2485.21 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 958.22 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 55.31 of 346.20 mi (15.98%)
  DC: 1.17 of 11.84 mi (9.88%)
  DE: 16.72 of 39.35 mi (42.49%)
  FL: 0.00 of 1518.86 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 1260.54 mi (0.00%)
  HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 2200.01 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 5.77 of 1325.22 mi (0.44%)
  KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 226.09 of 951.76 mi (23.75%)
  LA: 0.00 of 951.30 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 252.83 of 564.32 mi (44.80%)
  MD: 123.20 of 500.54 mi (24.61%)
  ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 48.58 of 1248.46 mi (3.89%)
  MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 1398.85 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 841.67 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1412.30 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 163.38 of 224.25 mi (72.85%)
  NJ: 73.82 of 430.10 mi (17.16%)
  NM: 0.00 of 1013.33 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 588.10 of 1741.84 mi (33.76%)
  OH: 325.39 of 1581.53 mi (20.57%)
  OK: 0.00 of 943.79 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 47.28 of 1871.48 mi (2.53%)
  PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 6.76 of 70.57 mi (9.58%)
  SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 416.96 of 1206.57 mi (34.56%)
  TX: 0.00 of 3526.85 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 943.60 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 317.56 of 1117.00 mi (28.43%)
  VT: 127.88 of 319.55 mi (40.02%)
  WA: 0.00 of 767.77 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 538.76 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%)
System usai by route (traveled routes only):
I-24: 4.47 of 320.32 mi (1.39%)
  TN I-24: 4.47 of 168.65 mi (2.65%)

I-40: 206.56 of 2578.09 mi (8.01%)
  TN I-40: 206.56 of 457.61 mi (45.14%)

I-64: 30.78 of 973.37 mi (3.16%)
  VA I-64: 30.78 of 301.05 mi (10.22%)

I-65: 267.36 of 898.24 mi (29.77%)
  TN I-65: 123.03 of 123.03 mi (100.00%)
  KY I-65: 138.56 of 138.56 mi (100.00%)
  IN I-65: 5.77 of 265.34 mi (2.17%)

I-66: 0.67 of 76.81 mi (0.87%)
  VA I-66: 0.04 of 75.50 mi (0.06%)
  DC I-66: 0.63 of 1.31 mi (47.87%)

I-70: 0.86 of 2191.98 mi (0.04%)
  MD I-70: 0.86 of 93.79 mi (0.92%)

I-71: 87.89 of 347.55 mi (25.29%)
  KY I-71: 87.52 of 96.80 mi (90.41%)
  OH I-71: 0.37 of 250.74 mi (0.15%)

I-75: 302.61 of 1807.41 mi (16.74%)
  TN I-75: 21.08 of 160.14 mi (13.16%)
  KY I-75: 19.30 of 194.10 mi (9.94%)
  OH I-75: 213.65 of 213.65 mi (100.00%)
  MI I-75: 48.58 of 399.43 mi (12.16%)

I-77: 15.73 of 614.07 mi (2.56%)
  VA I-77: 8.69 of 66.93 mi (12.99%)
  OH I-77: 7.03 of 164.21 mi (4.28%)

I-81: 398.41 of 859.13 mi (46.37%)
  TN I-81: 76.34 of 76.34 mi (100.00%)
  VA I-81: 317.04 of 325.84 mi (97.30%)
  NY I-81: 5.02 of 185.04 mi (2.71%)

I-83: 2.38 of 84.97 mi (2.80%)
  MD I-83: 2.38 of 34.37 mi (6.92%)

I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 43.65 of 231.88 mi (18.82%)
  CT I-84: 35.58 of 98.08 mi (36.28%)
  MA I-84: 8.07 of 8.07 mi (100.00%)

I-86 (Pennsylvania - New York): 138.03 of 213.14 mi (64.76%)
  NY I-86: 137.79 of 205.55 mi (67.04%)
  PA I-86SWa: 0.24 of 0.24 mi (100.00%)

I-86 (Binghamton, NY): 14.52 of 14.52 mi (100.00%)
 (NY I-86Bin only)
I-87 (New York): 38.62 of 335.42 mi (11.51%)
 (NY I-87 only)
I-89: 157.61 of 190.23 mi (82.85%)
  NH I-89: 60.59 of 60.59 mi (100.00%)
  VT I-89: 97.02 of 129.64 mi (74.84%)

I-90: 567.69 of 3112.09 mi (18.24%)
  OH I-90: 60.07 of 247.10 mi (24.31%)
  PA I-90: 47.04 of 47.04 mi (100.00%)
  NY I-90: 370.17 of 390.23 mi (94.86%)
  MA I-90: 90.40 of 138.37 mi (65.33%)

I-91: 58.00 of 290.43 mi (19.97%)
  CT I-91: 19.73 of 58.12 mi (33.94%)
  MA I-91: 7.41 of 55.00 mi (13.47%)
  VT I-91: 30.86 of 177.30 mi (17.41%)

I-93: 120.21 of 189.34 mi (63.49%)
  MA I-93: 24.97 of 46.22 mi (54.02%)
  NH I-93: 95.25 of 131.94 mi (72.19%)

I-95: 223.09 of 1916.45 mi (11.64%)
  MD I-95: 74.78 of 109.05 mi (68.58%)
  DE I-95: 11.80 of 23.22 mi (50.80%)
  NJ I-95: 72.85 of 78.63 mi (92.65%)
  NY I-95: 1.46 of 23.53 mi (6.20%)
  RI I-95: 6.76 of 43.60 mi (15.51%)
  MA I-95: 55.44 of 90.55 mi (61.22%)

I-190 (New York): 14.97 of 28.40 mi (52.70%)
 (NY I-190 only)
I-195 (Maryland): 3.65 of 4.05 mi (90.14%)
 (MD I-195 only)
I-195 (Rhode Island - Massachusetts): 1.82 of 44.05 mi (4.13%)
  MA I-195: 1.82 of 40.20 mi (4.52%)

I-270 (Maryland): 32.91 of 32.91 mi (100.00%)
 (MD I-270 only)
I-270Spr (Ashleigh, MD): 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%)
 (MD I-270SprAsh only)
I-271: 36.88 of 40.23 mi (91.67%)
 (OH I-271 only)
I-290 (New York): 9.96 of 9.96 mi (100.00%)
 (NY I-290 only)
I-290 (Massachusetts): 20.20 of 20.20 mi (100.00%)
 (MA I-290 only)
I-293: 7.55 of 10.84 mi (69.61%)
 (NH I-293 only)
I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 5.89 of 92.84 mi (6.35%)
  DE I-295: 4.92 of 4.92 mi (100.00%)
  NJ I-295: 0.97 of 77.33 mi (1.25%)

I-370: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%)
 (MD I-370 only)
I-395 (Virginia - District of Columbia): 0.64 of 13.25 mi (4.81%)
  VA I-395: 0.09 of 9.73 mi (0.96%)
  DC I-395: 0.54 of 3.52 mi (15.45%)

I-395 (Baltimore, MD): 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%)
 (MD I-395 only)
I-440 (Tennessee): 2.70 of 7.53 mi (35.83%)
 (TN I-440 only)
I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 9.99 of 42.48 mi (23.51%)
 (OH I-480 only)
I-480 (Warrensville Heights, OH): 1.34 of 1.34 mi (100.00%)
 (OH I-480War only)
I-490 (New York): 0.41 of 37.78 mi (1.09%)
 (NY I-490 only)
I-495 (Washington, DC): 4.12 of 63.47 mi (6.48%)
  VA I-495: 0.38 of 22.12 mi (1.70%)
  MD I-495: 3.74 of 41.27 mi (9.06%)

I-495 (Massachusetts): 44.53 of 121.08 mi (36.78%)
 (MA I-495 only)
I-565: 4.71 of 21.85 mi (21.54%)
 (AL I-565 only)
I-640: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%)
 (TN I-640 only)
I-790: 1.07 of 2.28 mi (46.98%)
 (NY I-790 only)
System usai connected routes traveled: 42 of 358 (11.7%), clinched: 9 of 358 (2.5%).
System usaif (active) overall: 111.15 of 639.27 mi (17.39%)
System usaif by region:
  AR: 0.00 of 5.98 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 24.26 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 8.67 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 6.10 of 6.10 mi (100.00%)
  KY: 4.24 of 25.92 mi (16.35%)
  LA: 0.00 of 66.44 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 157.88 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 99.95 of 155.99 mi (64.07%)
  PA: 0.86 of 82.65 mi (1.03%)
  SC: 0.00 of 23.60 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 69.79 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 7.31 mi (0.00%)
System usaif by route (traveled routes only):
I-86Fut (Binghamton, NY): 39.77 of 39.77 mi (100.00%)
  PA I-86FutSWa: 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%)
  NY I-86FutBin: 38.91 of 38.91 mi (100.00%)

I-86Fut (Deposit, NY): 17.86 of 17.86 mi (100.00%)
 (NY I-86FutDep only)
I-86Fut (Monticello, NY): 43.17 of 99.22 mi (43.52%)
 (NY I-86FutMon only)
I-265Fut (Louisville, KY): 10.34 of 10.34 mi (100.00%)
  KY I-265FutLou: 4.24 of 4.24 mi (100.00%)
  IN I-265FutLou: 6.10 of 6.10 mi (100.00%)

System usaif connected routes traveled: 4 of 29 (13.8%), clinched: 3 of 29 (10.3%).
System usansf (active) overall: 6.07 of 48.32 mi (12.56%)
System usansf by region:
  AL: 6.07 of 27.16 mi (22.35%)
  MS: 0.00 of 21.16 mi (0.00%)
System usansf by route (traveled routes only):
AL255: 6.07 of 10.14 mi (59.83%)
 (AL AL255 only)
System usansf connected routes traveled: 1 of 5 (20.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%).
System usasf (active) overall: 201.49 of 1689.03 mi (11.93%)
System usasf by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 322.90 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 39.78 of 39.78 mi (100.00%)
  NJ: 123.59 of 355.08 mi (34.80%)
  NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 38.13 of 462.07 mi (8.25%)
  OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 57.66 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%)
System usasf by route (traveled routes only):
BerCon (New York Thruway Berkshire Connector): 24.20 of 24.20 mi (100.00%)
 (NY BerCon only)
CirHwy (Circumferential Highway): 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%)
 (NH CirHwy only)
CroCouPkwy (Cross County Parkway): 3.24 of 4.49 mi (72.21%)
 (NY CroCouPkwy only)
EveTpk (Everett Turnpike): 38.39 of 38.39 mi (100.00%)
 (NH EveTpk only)
HutRivPkwy (Hutchinson River Parkway): 10.69 of 18.68 mi (57.23%)
 (NY HutRivPkwy only)
NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 123.59 of 123.59 mi (100.00%)
 (NJ NJTpk only)
System usasf connected routes traveled: 6 of 89 (6.7%), clinched: 4 of 89 (4.5%).
System usaus (active) overall: 497.61 of 137856.53 mi (0.36%)
System usaus by region:
  AL: 20.62 of 3485.96 mi (0.59%)
  AR: 0.00 of 3726.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1878.70 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 1729.94 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 4019.86 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 17.80 of 507.97 mi (3.50%)
  DC: 3.31 of 22.09 mi (14.96%)
  DE: 4.47 of 211.19 mi (2.12%)
  FL: 0.00 of 3999.71 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4922.24 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 3710.44 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 3410.38 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 2903.05 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 3314.40 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 2323.34 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 63.91 of 602.37 mi (10.61%)
  MD: 16.39 of 774.49 mi (2.12%)
  ME: 0.00 of 1176.03 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 3611.72 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 4007.79 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 2596.46 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 5099.08 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 3539.33 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 51.49 of 542.91 mi (9.48%)
  NJ: 6.04 of 805.51 mi (0.75%)
  NM: 0.00 of 3676.63 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 39.54 of 1653.64 mi (2.39%)
  OH: 33.48 of 3918.56 mi (0.85%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 2596.23 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 57.80 of 3424.45 mi (1.69%)
  RI: 18.08 of 108.88 mi (16.61%)
  SC: 0.00 of 3309.45 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 24.64 of 3646.69 mi (0.68%)
  TX: 0.00 of 12783.70 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 1618.38 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 58.05 of 4090.31 mi (1.42%)
  VT: 65.94 of 593.97 mi (11.10%)
  WA: 0.00 of 1764.00 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 16.03 of 1791.97 mi (0.89%)
  WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%)
System usaus by route (traveled routes only):
US1: 40.93 of 2384.98 mi (1.72%)
  VA US1: 0.09 of 199.25 mi (0.05%)
  DC US1: 1.53 of 7.20 mi (21.18%)
  NJ US1: 3.31 of 66.91 mi (4.95%)
  NY US1: 1.46 of 21.44 mi (6.80%)
  RI US1: 17.13 of 57.12 mi (29.99%)
  MA US1: 17.41 of 85.34 mi (20.40%)

US2 (New York - Maine): 68.11 of 454.34 mi (14.99%)
  NY US2: 0.88 of 0.88 mi (100.00%)
  VT US2: 65.45 of 145.94 mi (44.84%)
  NH US2: 1.78 of 35.44 mi (5.02%)

US3: 54.81 of 272.87 mi (20.09%)
  MA US3: 22.93 of 35.25 mi (65.04%)
  NH US3: 31.89 of 237.62 mi (13.42%)

US4: 5.71 of 249.40 mi (2.29%)
  NH US4: 5.71 of 106.38 mi (5.37%)

US5: 0.62 of 295.79 mi (0.21%)
  VT US5: 0.62 of 187.43 mi (0.33%)

US6: 47.38 of 3217.22 mi (1.47%)
  OH US6: 17.27 of 250.47 mi (6.90%)
  PA US6: 22.92 of 400.87 mi (5.72%)
  CT US6: 5.52 of 114.03 mi (4.84%)
  RI US6: 0.95 of 26.61 mi (3.59%)
  MA US6: 0.71 of 117.83 mi (0.60%)

US7: 20.14 of 304.49 mi (6.61%)
  CT US7: 1.48 of 76.22 mi (1.95%)
  MA US7: 18.66 of 53.33 mi (34.98%)

US9 (New Jersey - New York): 4.14 of 488.55 mi (0.85%)
  NJ US9: 3.31 of 166.93 mi (1.99%)
  NY US9: 0.83 of 321.61 mi (0.26%)

US9W: 4.54 of 139.89 mi (3.25%)
  NY US9W: 4.54 of 128.91 mi (3.52%)

US11 (Virginia - New York): 27.24 of 945.55 mi (2.88%)
  VA US11: 24.03 of 335.76 mi (7.16%)
  NY US11: 3.21 of 321.14 mi (1.00%)

US15: 4.29 of 795.08 mi (0.54%)
  MD US15: 4.29 of 38.01 mi (11.28%)

US19 (Tennessee - Pennsylvania): 2.92 of 533.57 mi (0.55%)
  PA US19: 2.92 of 192.77 mi (1.52%)

US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 13.29 of 2364.58 mi (0.56%)
  OH US20: 6.32 of 263.05 mi (2.40%)
  NY US20: 2.77 of 374.05 mi (0.74%)
  MA US20: 4.20 of 149.61 mi (2.81%)

US23: 1.60 of 1410.94 mi (0.11%)
  OH US23: 1.60 of 237.52 mi (0.68%)

US25W: 8.27 of 142.35 mi (5.81%)
  TN US25W: 8.27 of 108.34 mi (7.64%)

US27: 0.93 of 1367.08 mi (0.07%)
  OH US27: 0.93 of 40.52 mi (2.29%)

US31 (Alabama - Tennessee): 1.81 of 482.40 mi (0.37%)
  TN US31: 1.81 of 94.67 mi (1.91%)

US40: 5.61 of 2312.95 mi (0.24%)
  DE US40: 3.78 of 17.53 mi (21.58%)
  NJ US40: 1.82 of 65.29 mi (2.79%)

US44: 23.39 of 232.73 mi (10.05%)
  NY US44: 12.18 of 63.94 mi (19.05%)
  CT US44: 11.21 of 104.19 mi (10.76%)

US46: 4.22 of 73.91 mi (5.71%)
 (NJ US46 only)
US50: 1.78 of 3006.31 mi (0.06%)
  DC US50: 1.78 of 7.83 mi (22.74%)

US52: 9.99 of 2080.98 mi (0.48%)
  OH US52: 0.93 of 181.25 mi (0.51%)
  VA US52: 9.06 of 78.60 mi (11.53%)

US58: 18.80 of 500.80 mi (3.75%)
  VA US58: 18.80 of 500.12 mi (3.76%)

US62: 20.59 of 2243.79 mi (0.92%)
  PA US62: 20.59 of 117.83 mi (17.48%)

US64: 3.13 of 2325.68 mi (0.13%)
  TN US64: 3.13 of 398.97 mi (0.78%)

US72: 1.70 of 321.42 mi (0.53%)
  AL US72: 1.70 of 169.40 mi (1.00%)

US202: 10.72 of 621.78 mi (1.72%)
  DE US202: 0.69 of 12.57 mi (5.50%)
  NH US202: 10.03 of 93.99 mi (10.67%)

US209: 7.85 of 209.38 mi (3.75%)
  NY US209: 7.85 of 60.13 mi (13.05%)

US219: 13.41 of 502.83 mi (2.67%)
  PA US219: 7.04 of 198.62 mi (3.55%)
  NY US219: 6.37 of 67.11 mi (9.49%)

US220: 6.47 of 669.60 mi (0.97%)
  VA US220: 6.47 of 181.03 mi (3.57%)

US231: 33.68 of 924.82 mi (3.64%)
  AL US231: 20.62 of 334.51 mi (6.16%)
  TN US231: 13.06 of 122.52 mi (10.66%)

US302: 2.91 of 165.64 mi (1.76%)
  NH US302: 2.91 of 77.05 mi (3.78%)

US322: 20.67 of 487.79 mi (4.24%)
  PA US322: 20.67 of 361.51 mi (5.72%)

US340: 37.08 of 154.69 mi (23.97%)
  VA US340: 4.10 of 121.07 mi (3.39%)
  WV US340: 16.03 of 16.03 mi (100.00%)
  VA US340Lou: 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%)
  MD US340: 16.39 of 17.02 mi (96.27%)

US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 13.68 of 189.38 mi (7.22%)
  OH US422: 13.68 of 75.96 mi (18.00%)

US431: 30.36 of 560.46 mi (5.42%)
  AL US431: 19.56 of 343.69 mi (5.69%)
  TN US431: 10.80 of 131.75 mi (8.19%)

US460: 1.00 of 629.00 mi (0.16%)
  VA US460: 1.00 of 325.99 mi (0.31%)

System usaus connected routes traveled: 37 of 226 (16.4%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%).
System usausb (active) overall: 87.15 of 7544.54 mi (1.16%)
System usausb by region:
  AL: 4.71 of 98.33 mi (4.79%)
  AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 3.08 of 240.87 mi (1.28%)
  LA: 0.00 of 86.41 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 235.13 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 49.26 of 116.37 mi (42.34%)
  OH: 1.60 of 128.27 mi (1.25%)
  OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 60.83 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 289.53 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 313.32 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 92.86 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 28.36 of 378.25 mi (7.50%)
  TX: 0.00 of 901.28 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.14 of 16.62 mi (0.82%)
  WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 103.00 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%)
System usausb by route (traveled routes only):
US5Alt (St. Johnsbury, VT): 0.14 of 1.33 mi (10.24%)
 (VT US5AltStJ only)
US20Trk (Perrysburg, OH): 1.60 of 4.13 mi (38.79%)
 (OH US20TrkPer only)
US20Alt (Geneseo, NY): 49.26 of 83.50 mi (59.00%)
 (NY US20AltGen only)
US31Alt (Nashville, TN): 2.46 of 77.76 mi (3.17%)
 (TN US31AltNas only)
US41Alt (Nashville, TN): 28.36 of 175.05 mi (16.20%)
  TN US41AltNas: 28.36 of 158.80 mi (17.86%)

US62Trk (Elizabethtown, KY): 3.08 of 4.60 mi (66.96%)
 (KY US62TrkEli only)
US72Alt (Decatur, AL): 4.71 of 68.98 mi (6.82%)
 (AL US72AltDec only)
System usausb connected routes traveled: 7 of 1088 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 1088 (0.0%).
System usanp (active) overall: 12.87 of 2889.54 mi (0.45%)
System usanp by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 90.67 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 376.85 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 98.68 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 1.41 of 9.28 mi (15.19%)
  FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%)
  HI: 0.00 of 32.70 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 2.21 of 35.91 mi (6.17%)
  ME: 0.00 of 27.16 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 313.87 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 67.90 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 236.10 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 25.30 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 14.57 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 46.65 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 5.27 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 34.97 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 176.98 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 116.02 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 9.25 of 341.57 mi (2.71%)
  WA: 0.00 of 77.64 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 269.23 mi (0.00%)
System usanp by route (traveled routes only):
BalWasPkwy (Baltimore-Washington Parkway): 2.21 of 18.77 mi (11.79%)
 (MD BalWasPkwy only)
GWMemPkwy (George Washington Memorial Parkway (Rosslyn)): 10.66 of 14.96 mi (71.24%)
  VA GWMemPkwyCry: 0.20 of 4.50 mi (4.41%)
  DC GWMemPkwy: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%)
  VA GWMemPkwy: 9.05 of 9.05 mi (100.00%)

System usanp connected routes traveled: 2 of 133 (1.5%), clinched: 0 of 133 (0.0%).
System usact (active) overall: 65.66 of 2601.96 mi (2.52%)
System usact by route (traveled routes only):
CT15: 63.99 of 83.46 mi (76.68%)
 (CT CT15 only)
CT41: 1.67 of 17.31 mi (9.65%)
 (CT CT41 only)
System usact connected routes traveled: 2 of 210 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 210 (0.0%).
System usahi (active) overall: 66.57 of 891.30 mi (7.47%)
System usahi by route (traveled routes only):
HI50: 22.44 of 32.18 mi (69.73%)
 (HI HI50 only)
HI51: 1.51 of 3.31 mi (45.60%)
 (HI HI51 only)
HI56: 27.14 of 27.14 mi (100.00%)
 (HI HI56 only)
HI550: 12.20 of 12.20 mi (100.00%)
 (HI HI550 only)
HI560: 3.28 of 8.72 mi (37.64%)
 (HI HI560 only)
System usahi connected routes traveled: 5 of 66 (7.6%), clinched: 2 of 66 (3.0%).
System usain (active) overall: 6.10 of 7497.71 mi (0.08%)
System usain by route (traveled routes only):
IN62: 2.65 of 219.30 mi (1.21%)
 (IN IN62 only)
IN265: 6.10 of 6.10 mi (100.00%)
 (IN IN265 only)
System usain connected routes traveled: 2 of 224 (0.9%), clinched: 1 of 224 (0.4%).
System usaky (active) overall: 4.54 of 21947.46 mi (0.02%)
System usaky by region:
  KY: 4.54 of 21947.45 mi (0.02%)
  TN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi (0.00%)
System usaky by route (traveled routes only):
KY61: 0.30 of 144.74 mi (0.21%)
 (KY KY61 only)
KY841: 4.24 of 39.36 mi (10.77%)
 (KY KY841 only)
System usaky connected routes traveled: 2 of 2877 (0.1%), clinched: 0 of 2877 (0.0%).
System usamd (active) overall: 38.62 of 3925.14 mi (0.98%)
System usamd by route (traveled routes only):
MD32: 4.53 of 50.63 mi (8.96%)
 (MD MD32 only)
MD85: 1.13 of 10.73 mi (10.57%)
 (MD MD85 only)
MD117: 0.49 of 12.58 mi (3.93%)
 (MD MD117 only)
MD118: 2.22 of 6.96 mi (31.83%)
 (MD MD118 only)
MD119: 4.39 of 7.17 mi (61.20%)
 (MD MD119 only)
MD200: 15.83 of 17.29 mi (91.53%)
 (MD MD200 only)
MD295: 5.46 of 13.70 mi (39.87%)
 (MD MD295 only)
MD355: 4.57 of 36.93 mi (12.36%)
 (MD MD355 only)
System usamd connected routes traveled: 8 of 472 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 472 (0.0%).
System usama (active) overall: 158.68 of 3315.29 mi (4.79%)
System usama by route (traveled routes only):
MA1A (Salem): 1.69 of 45.81 mi (3.70%)
 (MA MA1ASal only)
MA2: 26.43 of 139.03 mi (19.01%)
 (MA MA2 only)
MA2A (Cambridge): 1.22 of 79.64 mi (1.53%)
 (MA MA2ACam only)
MA3: 10.92 of 55.83 mi (19.56%)
 (MA MA3 only)
MA8A (Charlemont): 25.35 of 33.91 mi (74.76%)
 (MA MA8ACha only)
MA9: 8.28 of 132.72 mi (6.24%)
 (MA MA9 only)
MA10: 7.63 of 60.06 mi (12.71%)
 (MA MA10 only)
MA12: 0.46 of 63.57 mi (0.73%)
 (MA MA12 only)
MA16: 0.38 of 58.58 mi (0.64%)
 (MA MA16 only)
MA23: 1.42 of 37.02 mi (3.83%)
 (MA MA23 only)
MA24: 35.88 of 41.32 mi (86.84%)
 (MA MA24 only)
MA41: 4.43 of 30.68 mi (14.45%)
 (MA MA41 only)
MA63: 2.47 of 23.96 mi (10.33%)
 (MA MA63 only)
MA79: 7.38 of 18.36 mi (40.20%)
 (MA MA79 only)
MA102: 4.61 of 12.16 mi (37.91%)
 (MA MA102 only)
MA112: 0.68 of 51.08 mi (1.34%)
 (MA MA112 only)
MA116: 5.66 of 67.42 mi (8.39%)
 (MA MA116 only)
MA125: 1.57 of 18.78 mi (8.37%)
 (MA MA125 only)
MA128: 28.80 of 57.67 mi (49.94%)
 (MA MA128 only)
MA138: 1.67 of 44.00 mi (3.80%)
 (MA MA138 only)
MA183: 1.38 of 30.85 mi (4.46%)
 (MA MA183 only)
MA295: 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%)
 (MA MA295 only)
System usama connected routes traveled: 22 of 151 (14.6%), clinched: 1 of 151 (0.7%).
System usanh (active) overall: 124.84 of 2702.63 mi (4.62%)
System usanh by region:
  ME: 0.00 of 3.04 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 124.84 of 2699.59 mi (4.62%)
System usanh by route (traveled routes only):
NH3A (Manchester): 3.70 of 38.99 mi (9.49%)
 (NH NH3AMan only)
NH10: 19.98 of 140.29 mi (14.24%)
 (NH NH10 only)
NH11: 3.71 of 106.24 mi (3.50%)
 (NH NH11 only)
NH18: 0.12 of 19.84 mi (0.62%)
 (NH NH18 only)
NH28: 0.49 of 84.79 mi (0.57%)
 (NH NH28 only)
NH31: 1.78 of 54.37 mi (3.28%)
 (NH NH31 only)
NH101: 23.05 of 94.19 mi (24.47%)
 (NH NH101 only)
NH101A: 9.08 of 13.87 mi (65.47%)
 (NH NH101A only)
NH111: 18.74 of 49.70 mi (37.71%)
 (NH NH111 only)
NH111A (Nashua): 4.95 of 4.95 mi (100.00%)
 (NH NH111ANas only)
NH111A (Pelham): 9.06 of 9.06 mi (100.00%)
 (NH NH111APel only)
NH116: 3.83 of 47.45 mi (8.07%)
 (NH NH116 only)
NH119: 20.01 of 39.04 mi (51.26%)
 (NH NH119 only)
NH123: 0.80 of 61.48 mi (1.31%)
 (NH NH123 only)
NH124: 0.08 of 27.94 mi (0.28%)
 (NH NH124 only)
NH128: 0.19 of 16.17 mi (1.16%)
 (NH NH128 only)
NH130: 3.76 of 12.32 mi (30.53%)
 (NH NH130 only)
NH142: 8.44 of 19.20 mi (43.98%)
 (NH NH142 only)
System usanh connected routes traveled: 18 of 127 (14.2%), clinched: 2 of 127 (1.6%).
System usany (active) overall: 653.96 of 12566.09 mi (5.20%)
System usany by region:
  CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 652.87 of 12562.12 mi (5.20%)
  PA: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%)
System usany by route (traveled routes only):
NY5: 1.66 of 372.76 mi (0.44%)
 (NY NY5 only)
NY7: 3.41 of 178.45 mi (1.91%)
 (NY NY7 only)
NY8: 0.24 of 203.21 mi (0.12%)
 (NY NY8 only)
NY9G: 6.46 of 42.71 mi (15.12%)
 (NY NY9G only)
NY10: 6.88 of 148.84 mi (4.62%)
 (NY NY10 only)
NY13: 5.92 of 151.65 mi (3.91%)
 (NY NY13 only)
NY14: 41.53 of 95.43 mi (43.51%)
 (NY NY14 only)
NY16: 1.10 of 78.30 mi (1.40%)
 (NY NY16 only)
NY17: 255.75 of 395.27 mi (64.70%)
  NY NY17: 137.79 of 205.55 mi (67.04%)
  PA NY17SWa: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%)
  NY NY17Bin: 116.86 of 188.64 mi (61.95%)

NY19: 3.25 of 108.15 mi (3.01%)
 (NY NY19 only)
NY21: 0.10 of 99.45 mi (0.10%)
 (NY NY21 only)
NY22: 4.19 of 332.42 mi (1.26%)
 (NY NY22 only)
NY26: 18.17 of 203.09 mi (8.95%)
 (NY NY26 only)
NY28: 6.18 of 275.83 mi (2.24%)
 (NY NY28 only)
NY30: 0.12 of 291.07 mi (0.04%)
 (NY NY30 only)
NY32: 0.50 of 173.16 mi (0.29%)
 (NY NY32 only)
NY33: 0.28 of 69.96 mi (0.41%)
 (NY NY33 only)
NY34: 4.11 of 100.05 mi (4.11%)
 (NY NY34 only)
NY36: 4.13 of 95.22 mi (4.34%)
 (NY NY36 only)
NY38: 0.53 of 95.59 mi (0.56%)
 (NY NY38 only)
NY39: 2.32 of 99.25 mi (2.34%)
 (NY NY39 only)
NY41: 16.64 of 94.63 mi (17.58%)
 (NY NY41 only)
NY51: 1.10 of 54.38 mi (2.03%)
 (NY NY51 only)
NY52: 0.38 of 104.71 mi (0.36%)
 (NY NY52 only)
NY55: 40.02 of 117.22 mi (34.15%)
 (NY NY55 only)
NY63: 20.13 of 82.69 mi (24.34%)
 (NY NY63 only)
NY75: 0.57 of 21.40 mi (2.68%)
 (NY NY75 only)
NY78: 4.14 of 74.18 mi (5.58%)
 (NY NY78 only)
NY79: 18.79 of 92.28 mi (20.37%)
 (NY NY79 only)
NY80: 37.25 of 124.99 mi (29.80%)
 (NY NY80 only)
NY81: 21.88 of 21.88 mi (100.00%)
 (NY NY81 only)
NY82: 1.41 of 59.33 mi (2.38%)
 (NY NY82 only)
NY88: 6.27 of 20.87 mi (30.04%)
 (NY NY88 only)
NY96: 8.81 of 126.05 mi (6.99%)
 (NY NY96 only)
NY96B: 0.70 of 19.72 mi (3.55%)
 (NY NY96B only)
NY98: 15.71 of 98.34 mi (15.97%)
 (NY NY98 only)
NY144: 8.52 of 14.61 mi (58.31%)
 (NY NY144 only)
NY145: 26.93 of 46.78 mi (57.57%)
 (NY NY145 only)
NY165: 11.89 of 11.89 mi (100.00%)
 (NY NY165 only)
NY166: 7.00 of 20.95 mi (33.42%)
 (NY NY166 only)
NY199: 22.82 of 30.28 mi (75.38%)
 (NY NY199 only)
NY205: 1.93 of 23.23 mi (8.30%)
 (NY NY205 only)
NY228: 0.11 of 12.56 mi (0.87%)
 (NY NY228 only)
NY237: 8.05 of 28.70 mi (28.04%)
 (NY NY237 only)
NY262: 6.41 of 17.29 mi (37.05%)
 (NY NY262 only)
NY295: 0.89 of 12.91 mi (6.93%)
 (NY NY295 only)
NY299: 12.42 of 12.42 mi (100.00%)
 (NY NY299 only)
NY308: 4.37 of 6.22 mi (70.19%)
 (NY NY308 only)
NY324: 3.63 of 21.91 mi (16.55%)
 (NY NY324 only)
NY366: 1.28 of 9.30 mi (13.73%)
 (NY NY366 only)
NY414: 1.59 of 84.05 mi (1.89%)
 (NY NY414 only)
System usany connected routes traveled: 51 of 484 (10.5%), clinched: 3 of 484 (0.6%).
System usaoh (active) overall: 98.56 of 14627.39 mi (0.67%)
System usaoh by region:
  OH: 98.56 of 14627.08 mi (0.67%)
  WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%)
System usaoh by route (traveled routes only):
OH2: 9.43 of 229.26 mi (4.11%)
 (OH OH2 only)
OH3: 2.62 of 257.04 mi (1.02%)
 (OH OH3 only)
OH4: 2.17 of 209.44 mi (1.04%)
 (OH OH4 only)
OH5: 3.37 of 50.89 mi (6.63%)
 (OH OH5 only)
OH7: 0.37 of 337.10 mi (0.11%)
 (OH OH7 only)
OH10: 0.86 of 29.02 mi (2.97%)
 (OH OH10 only)
OH12Trk (Findlay): 3.33 of 7.15 mi (46.54%)
 (OH OH12TrkFin only)
OH14: 1.49 of 82.42 mi (1.81%)
 (OH OH14 only)
OH15: 2.31 of 102.94 mi (2.25%)
 (OH OH15 only)
OH43: 6.75 of 121.61 mi (5.55%)
 (OH OH43 only)
OH44: 6.32 of 81.61 mi (7.74%)
 (OH OH44 only)
OH57: 3.79 of 62.02 mi (6.11%)
 (OH OH57 only)
OH82: 5.58 of 89.00 mi (6.27%)
 (OH OH82 only)
OH83: 14.16 of 155.84 mi (9.09%)
 (OH OH83 only)
OH87: 32.88 of 60.99 mi (53.92%)
 (OH OH87 only)
OH91: 0.69 of 44.89 mi (1.54%)
 (OH OH91 only)
OH94: 0.65 of 54.97 mi (1.19%)
 (OH OH94 only)
OH306: 3.35 of 27.88 mi (12.00%)
 (OH OH306 only)
System usaoh connected routes traveled: 18 of 555 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 555 (0.0%).
System usapa (active) overall: 89.85 of 12619.92 mi (0.71%)
System usapa by region:
  NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 89.85 of 12619.73 mi (0.71%)
System usapa by route (traveled routes only):
PA8: 0.39 of 148.88 mi (0.26%)
 (PA PA8 only)
PA18: 6.31 of 201.02 mi (3.14%)
 (PA PA18 only)
PA27: 35.63 of 65.77 mi (54.17%)
 (PA PA27 only)
PA58: 4.76 of 70.83 mi (6.72%)
 (PA PA58 only)
PA59: 20.84 of 38.88 mi (53.61%)
 (PA PA59 only)
PA127: 5.14 of 9.67 mi (53.12%)
 (PA PA127 only)
PA227: 9.30 of 20.90 mi (44.51%)
 (PA PA227 only)
PA285: 0.08 of 27.36 mi (0.29%)
 (PA PA285 only)
PA321: 2.05 of 43.67 mi (4.70%)
 (PA PA321 only)
PA346: 1.62 of 33.52 mi (4.85%)
 (PA PA346 only)
PA428: 0.10 of 19.25 mi (0.54%)
 (PA PA428 only)
PA770: 7.15 of 12.06 mi (59.26%)
 (PA PA770 only)
System usapa connected routes traveled: 12 of 524 (2.3%), clinched: 0 of 524 (0.0%).
System usari (active) overall: 31.88 of 662.23 mi (4.81%)
System usari by route (traveled routes only):
RI1A (Providence): 5.70 of 14.59 mi (39.03%)
 (RI RI1APro only)
RI24: 5.39 of 7.52 mi (71.66%)
 (RI RI24 only)
RI114: 10.77 of 45.81 mi (23.51%)
 (RI RI114 only)
RI117: 1.51 of 27.47 mi (5.50%)
 (RI RI117 only)
RI138: 12.90 of 47.56 mi (27.11%)
 (RI RI138 only)
System usari connected routes traveled: 5 of 66 (7.6%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%).
System usatn (active) overall: 65.44 of 9120.18 mi (0.72%)
System usatn by region:
  GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 65.44 of 9120.17 mi (0.72%)
System usatn by route (traveled routes only):
TN7 (Ardmore): 2.43 of 2.43 mi (100.00%)
 (TN TN7Ard only)
TN50 (Winchester): 11.42 of 64.89 mi (17.59%)
 (TN TN50Win only)
TN55: 3.97 of 49.81 mi (7.98%)
 (TN TN55 only)
TN56 (McMinnville): 6.72 of 131.66 mi (5.10%)
 (TN TN56 only)
TN58 (Kingston): 3.76 of 81.52 mi (4.62%)
 (TN TN58 only)
TN64: 0.39 of 50.31 mi (0.77%)
 (TN TN64 only)
TN82: 13.39 of 31.75 mi (42.16%)
 (TN TN82 only)
TN96: 7.33 of 124.13 mi (5.90%)
 (TN TN96 only)
TN99 (Chapel Hill): 1.01 of 40.24 mi (2.51%)
 (TN TN99 only)
TN130: 0.39 of 51.35 mi (0.76%)
 (TN TN130 only)
TN155: 10.50 of 30.83 mi (34.07%)
 (TN TN155 only)
TN252: 0.33 of 13.39 mi (2.48%)
 (TN TN252 only)
TN254: 2.49 of 17.10 mi (14.55%)
 (TN TN254 only)
TN299: 1.90 of 17.17 mi (11.10%)
 (TN TN299 only)
System usatn connected routes traveled: 14 of 434 (3.2%), clinched: 1 of 434 (0.2%).
System usava (active) overall: 17.66 of 4883.55 mi (0.36%)
System usava by route (traveled routes only):
VA7: 9.05 of 72.89 mi (12.41%)
 (VA VA7 only)
VA100: 8.61 of 51.35 mi (16.77%)
 (VA VA100 only)
System usava connected routes traveled: 2 of 377 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 377 (0.0%).
System usavt (active) overall: 49.32 of 1987.72 mi (2.48%)
System usavt by region:
  NH: 0.00 of 0.15 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 49.32 of 1987.57 mi (2.48%)
System usavt by route (traveled routes only):
VT14: 1.19 of 107.10 mi (1.11%)
 (VT VT14 only)
VT58: 12.95 of 29.31 mi (44.19%)
 (VT VT58 only)
VT100: 8.92 of 208.18 mi (4.28%)
 (VT VT100 only)
VT105: 4.52 of 95.23 mi (4.75%)
  VT VT105: 4.52 of 95.08 mi (4.76%)

VT118: 21.13 of 27.95 mi (75.58%)
 (VT VT118 only)
VT139: 1.80 of 1.80 mi (100.00%)
 (VT VT139 only)
System usavt connected routes traveled: 6 of 115 (5.2%), clinched: 1 of 115 (0.9%).
System usawv (active) overall: 1.06 of 3819.07 mi (0.03%)
System usawv by region:
  MD: 0.00 of 0.04 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 0.08 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 1.06 of 3818.95 mi (0.03%)
System usawv by route (traveled routes only):
WV9: 1.06 of 69.08 mi (1.53%)
 (WV WV9 only)
System usawv connected routes traveled: 1 of 135 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 135 (0.0%).
System usaal (preview) overall: 18.24 of 6972.01 mi (0.26%)
System usaal by route (traveled routes only):
AL53 (Huntsville): 18.24 of 28.81 mi (63.33%)
 (AL AL53 only)
System usaal connected routes traveled: 1 of 225 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 225 (0.0%).

Traveled 26 of 361 (7.2%), Clinched 0 of 361 (0.0%) active systems
Traveled 1 of 216 (0.5%), Clinched 0 of 216 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-08-11 | (USA) New York | NY 205 | ny.ny205 | NY23_W and NY23_E labels were backwards, fixed
2015-08-17 | (USA) Maryland | MD 200 | md.md200 | Extended east end of route from I-95 to US1
2015-10-24 | (USA) New York | New York Thruway Berkshire Connector | ny.bercon | New Route
2015-10-30 | (Canada) Ontario | ON3 (Windsor) | on.on003win | Route truncated between the old western end at the intersection Riverside Drive/Huron Church Road to the Ambassador Bridge
2015-11-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 138 | ma.ma138 | Removed from the Brightman Street Bridge and MA 103, and relocated onto the Veterans Memorial Bridge between MA 79 and MA 103
2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | I-790 | ny.i790 | Truncated at east end from Leland Ave to Genesee St
2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | US 9 | ny.us009 | Truncated at north end from a cul-de-sac/turnaround about 1/3 mile north of the I-87 Exit 43 interchange, to the I-87 Exit 43 interchange
2015-11-29 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 401 | on.on401 | Extended westward from the former ending interchange with ON 3 (Exit 5) along a newly built freeway to an interchange with Ojibway Parkway (Exit 1)
2015-12-10 | (USA) New York | Cross County Parkway | ny.crocoupkwy | Route added
2016-01-07 | (USA) Ohio | OH 83 | oh.oh083 | Removed from Center Road and Main Street and Avon, and relocated onto Chester Road and Avon Belden Road.
2016-03-01 | (USA) Tennessee | US 64 | tn.us064 | Removed from old two-lane to the west of Lawrenceburg (now Old Waynesboro Highway), and moved onto a new 4-lane alignment between the intersections with TN Secondary 240 and Old Waynesboro Highway (OldWayHwy_W)
2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | I-93 | nh.i093 | Northbound roadway relocated approximately 0.2 mi westward immediately parallel to southbound roadway, between a point south of Exit 3 (labeled *OldI-93) and Exit 3. Southbound roadway unaffected
2016-03-17 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 111 | nh.nh111 | Removed from Enterprise Drive and relocated onto Indian Rock Road between Enterprise Drive and I-93
2016-04-17 | (USA) Alabama | US 431 | al.us431 | Relocated onto the Anniston Eastern Bypass and a 3-mile leg of I-20
2016-05-03 | (USA) New York | NY 22 | ny.ny022 | Truncated at north end from Canadian border to US 11
2016-06-30 | (USA) New Hampshire | Circumferential Highway | nh.cirhwy | Route added
2016-10-01 | (USA) Virginia | US 11 | va.us011 | Swapped the VA117_N and VA117_S waypoint labels
2016-11-02 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 111A (Pelham) | nh.nh111apel | Removed from Range Road between a point near the demolished overpass for the former northbound I-93 alignment and NH 111, and relocated onto a new roadway to the west utilizing the former I-93 north and Exit 3 right-of-way.
2016-12-15 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 155 | tn.tn155 | Route extended to US70S on west end and to US31 on east end
2016-12-18 | (USA) Indiana | I-265 Fut (Louisville, KY) | in.i265futlou | Extended to Kentucky border at new Ohio River bridge
2016-12-18 | (USA) Indiana | IN 265 | in.in265 | Extended to Kentucky border at new Ohio River bridge
2016-12-18 | (USA) Kentucky | I-265 Fut (Louisville, KY) | ky.i265futlou | Extended to Indiana border at new Ohio River bridge
2016-12-18 | (USA) Kentucky | KY 841 | ky.ky0841 | Extended to Indiana border at new Ohio River bridge
2017-04-03 | (USA) Ohio | I-480 (Warrensville Heights) | oh.i480war | Route added
2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 117 | ri.ri117 | Eastbound direction removed from Centerville Road and Post Road and relocated onto Veterans Memorial Drive and Post Road between RI 115 and Post Road. Westbound direction removed from Greenwich Avenue (US 1) and Centerville Road and relocated onto Veterans Memorial Drive between US 1 / RI 5 and RI 115.
2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 1 | ri.us001 | Northbound direction removed from Post Road and relocated onto Greenwich Avenue and Veterans Memorial Drive between Centerville Road and US1 Business / RI 117 (Post Road).
2017-08-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 114 | ri.ri114 | Removed from Mill St and High St in Cumberland, and relocated onto Broad Street and Dexter St (RI 123) between Mill St and High St (waypoint RI123_E).
2017-12-20 | (USA) Tennessee | US 25W | tn.us025w | Moved waypoint for US411 to new location slightly north of old intersection (now called OldUS411), renamed EdwWay waypoint US411
2018-01-16 | (USA) New Hampshire | NH 10 | nh.nh010 | Extended north from the western US 302 split to NH 18.
2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line.
2018-07-25 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 116 | ma.ma116 | Waypoint MA141_E moved from Grattan St (now labeled GraSt) to Meadow St
2018-08-26 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 27 | pa.pa027 | Extended west of Park Ave to US 6/US 19 in Meadville via North St, Market St, Terrace St, and Reynolds Ave.
2018-09-09 | (USA) Ohio | US 20 | oh.us020 | OH269 point moved from Northwest St/Southwest St to Sandusky St
2018-10-11 | (USA) New York | NY 36 | ny.ny036 | North end truncated from Brockport-Spencerport Road to NY 31/531. Truncated segment is now part of relocated NY 31.
2018-10-13 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 8 | pa.pa008 | Fixed PA380_W and PA380_E labels as they were backwards.
2018-11-25 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 219 | pa.us219 | Rerouted onto new freeway between Meyersdale (at north end of US 219 Business(Meyersdale)) and Somerset (at Berlin Plank Rd).
2019-01-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 295 | md.md295 | Truncated at south end from US50/MD201 to MD175
2019-01-06 | (USA) Virginia | George Washington Parkway | va.gwmempkwy | Route deleted (replaced by usanp version)
2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 6 | ma.us006 | Waypoint MA105 moved from Spring St to Front St.
2020-02-14 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 62 | pa.us062 | Realigned at Allegheny River Bridge and Hunter Station Rd (HunStaRd) between *OldUS62_A and *OldUS62_B.
2020-02-29 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 4 | on.on004 | Extended at southern end from intersection with Sunningdale Road (SunRd_E) to the south along Sunningdale Road & Wonderland Road to ON 401 and absorbing the 'St. Thomas' segment down to end at ON 3.
2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 1A (Providence) | ri.ri001apro | Due to I-195 exit renumbering, waypoint I-195(2) moved from I-195 Exit 1C to Broadway.
2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-87 | ny.i087 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10.
2020-10-04 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 24 | ri.ri024 | Removed from the 1956 Sakonnet River Bridge and relocated onto the 2012 Sakonnet River Bridge between exits 3 and 5.
2020-10-04 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 138 | ri.ri138 | Removed from the 1956 Sakonnet River Bridge and relocated onto the 2012 Sakonnet River Bridge between RI 24 exits 3 and 5.
2020-11-18 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-195 | ma.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers changed except for Exit 1.
2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95.
2021-01-19 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 24 | ma.ma024 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers above 7 changed.
2021-03-11 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-84 | ma.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 20 (now Exit 6) to Mashapaug Rd.
2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 128 | ma.ma128 | Relabeled exits on I-95 overlap from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 3 | ma.ma003 | Waypoint 18(93) moved from Massachusetts Ave Connector (now labeled 15(93)) to the northern I-93 split.
2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-91 | ma.i091 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-09-15 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-290 | ma.i290 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All .list entries broken.
2021-10-20 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 322 | pa.us322 | Slightly realigned between RicSt and relocated intersection with PA28_N in Brookville.
2022-03-27 | (USA) Tennessee | TN 50 (Winchester) | tn.tn050win | Removed from TN 130 and Lynchburg Rd and relocated onto George Fraley Pkwy and US 64 Business between LynRd_E and TN130
2022-04-17 | (USA) New York | I-86 (Binghamton) | ny.i086bin | Extended westward from exit 75 concurrent with I-81 to exit 72A.
2022-11-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-95 | ri.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2023-01-17 | (USA) Ohio | OH 4 | oh.oh004 | Removed from Germantown St in Dayton between GetAve_S and GerSt and relocated onto Gettysburg Ave and US 35, which resulted in the US35_W label moving from what is now GerSt to US 35's Gettysburg Ave exit
2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-71 | oh.i071 | Point label 1J (the exit to I-471) renamed 1A to match signage, point label 1A renamed 1A(75)
2023-02-13 | (USA) Ohio | OH 7 | oh.oh007 | OH26 point moved 0.1 mi south to reflect relocation that occurred in 2011, and old point location relabeled WesResRd
2023-09-21 | (USA) New York | NY 63 | ny.ny063 | Relocated northward between waypoints *OldNY63_S & *OldNY63_N to reflect a circa 2008 realignment.
2023-10-21 | (USA) New York | NY 79 | ny.ny079 | Removed from "Old Route 79" including a truss bridge over the Chenango River and relocated onto NY 12 and a new Chenango River bridge about 0.6 mi northeast of the existing one, between waypoints OldNY79_W and OldNY79_E.
2024-01-02 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 6 | pa.us006 | Relocated PA660_E label due to realignment of PA 660.  The former PA660_E label is now ChaRd.
2024-01-12 | (USA) New York | I-86 Future (Binghamton) | ny.i086futbin | Waypoint labels 72 & 72B swapped.
2024-01-12 | (USA) New York | NY 17 (Binghamton) | ny.ny017bin | Waypoint labels 72 & 72B swapped.
2024-06-23 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 79 | ma.ma079 | Removed from a demolished section of the Western Fall River Expressway in the median of MA 138 and relocated onto MA 138 between a waypoint labeled *OldMA79 and the US6 Veterans Memorial Bridge.
2024-07-07 | (USA) New York | Hutchinson River Parkway | ny.hutrivpkwy | Waypoint 2 moved from I-95 (now labeled 2A) to Bartow Ave.
2024-07-27 | (USA) Indiana | I-65 | in.i065 | North end moved from I-90 (262) to US12/20, and point 262 moved to location of 262A
2024-07-27 | (USA) Ohio | US 23 | oh.us023 | Removed from Livingston Ave between High St and 3rd St/4thSt and onto Fulton St/Mound St pair, which involved moving US33_S point from Livingston intersection with 3rd/4th to Fulton/Mound intersection with 3rd/4th and moving HighSt_S point from Livingston intersection with High to Fulton/Mound intersection with High (old routing between Fulton/Mound and Livingston is still part of US 33)