Log file created at: Thu Aug  8 22:42:13 2024
ibexto.list last updated: 2018-08-15 14:28:09 -0400
Waypoint labels BC1_S and BC1_N not found in line: BC BC1A BC1_S BC1_N
Waypoint label BC1/7 not found in line: BC BC7B BC1/7 BC7_E
  Route updated 2022-10-24: BC BC7B
Route updated 2023-07-12: NS TCHMai
Route updated 2019-09-22: NS NS101
Route updated 2023-07-12: NS NS104
Route updated 2019-12-15: ON ON407
Route updated 2021-02-21: ON ON409
Route updated 2021-02-21: ON ON417
Waypoint label RUENOTDAME not found in line: QC A-10 RueNotDame 22
  Route updated 2019-08-01: QC A-10
Route updated 2024-07-15: QC TCHMai
Route updated 2022-04-21: CA I-105
Waypoint label I-5(35) not found in line: CA I-805 I-5(35) 14
Route updated 2022-08-30: CA US101
Route updated 2023-06-03: CA CA1
Waypoint label 32NDST not found in line: CA CA15 32ndSt 6B
Waypoint label 29 not found in line: IA I-680 NE/IA 29
  Route updated 2019-12-03: IA I-680
Route updated 2021-07-28: IN I-90
Route updated 2021-05-13: MA I-95
Route updated 2021-03-11: MA I-84
Route updated 2023-10-09: ME US201
Route updated 2024-04-08: MO I-435
Route updated 2021-04-11: MT I-90
Route updated 2019-01-06: MT US191WYe
Waypoint labels 8THST and EASAVE not found in line: NV NV582 8thSt EasAve
  Route updated 2023-10-23: NV NV582
Waypoint labels PARRD and LASVEGBLVD not found in line: NV NV593 ParRd LasVegBlvd
  Route updated 2020-08-14: NV NV593
Route updated 2020-10-04: NY I-84
Route updated 2023-01-24: OH I-71
Waypoint labels I-5(307) and US26 not found in line: OR OR99 I-5(307) US26
  Route updated 2017-09-06: OR OR99
Route updated 2022-02-21: TX I-35
Route updated 2024-01-24: TX US281
Unknown region/highway combo in line: WA I-90BLE11 I-90_E MainSt
Route updated 2023-07-07: WA US12
Route updated 2019-02-04: WA WA99
Route updated 2024-04-12: WY I-80
Route updated 2023-12-18: WY I-90
Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US14
Route updated 2024-04-12: WY US30
Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US287
Route updated 2019-01-06: WY US89
Waypoint label WT/MT not found in line: WY US191 US26/287_E WT/MT
  Route updated 2024-04-12: WY US191
Note: deprecated route name US191NYe -> canonical name US191Yel in line: WY US191NYe MT/WY WY/MT
Route updated 2023-09-18: WY US191Yel
Note: deprecated route name GraLpRd -> canonical name GraLoopRd in line: WY GraLpRd SEndRd WEntRd
Waypoint label SENDRD not found in line: WY GraLpRd SEndRd WEntRd
  Route updated 2022-08-04: WY GraLoopRd
Waypoint label GEATETNP not found in line: WY RocMemPkwy GeaTetNP YelNP
Waypoint label GU1-E not found in line: GU GU14 GU1_W GU1-E
Unknown region/highway combo in line: IND-MH EasFry PDMelRd SewCheRd
Route updated 2023-06-30: MYS E1
Waypoint label J1TUNKUD not found in line: MYS E36 E1 J1TunKud
Processed 232 good lines marking 8193 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 12967.99 of 1237311.35 mi (1.05%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 13329.38 of 1896635.48 mi (0.70%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
AK: 10.41 of 2820.80 mi (0.37%), 10.41 of 2820.80 mi (0.37%)
BC: 1462.99 of 7678.37 mi (19.05%), 1462.99 of 7678.37 mi (19.05%)
CA: 372.00 of 15449.48 mi (2.41%), 375.15 of 16171.72 mi (2.32%)
CHN-BJ: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 26.82 of 505.66 mi (5.30%)
CT: 98.08 of 3384.85 mi (2.90%), 98.08 of 3384.85 mi (2.90%)
ENG: 95.12 of 32809.97 mi (0.29%), 95.12 of 32937.88 mi (0.29%)
GU: 13.81 of 146.52 mi (9.42%), 13.81 of 146.52 mi (9.42%)
HI: 133.03 of 978.19 mi (13.60%), 133.03 of 978.19 mi (13.60%)
IA: 479.11 of 9048.01 mi (5.30%), 479.11 of 9171.72 mi (5.22%)
ID: 352.14 of 4878.53 mi (7.22%), 352.14 of 4878.53 mi (7.22%)
IL: 329.91 of 13699.04 mi (2.41%), 329.91 of 13932.88 mi (2.37%)
IN: 353.74 of 11205.20 mi (3.16%), 353.74 of 11205.20 mi (3.16%)
MA: 59.85 of 4326.19 mi (1.38%), 59.85 of 4329.66 mi (1.38%)
ME: 463.02 of 6363.07 mi (7.28%), 463.02 of 6363.07 mi (7.28%)
MO: 446.30 of 13387.59 mi (3.33%), 446.30 of 13608.41 mi (3.28%)
MT: 637.25 of 11287.35 mi (5.65%), 637.25 of 11287.35 mi (5.65%)
MYS: 203.86 of 3146.08 mi (6.48%), 203.86 of 8252.87 mi (2.47%)
NB: 223.64 of 5292.08 mi (4.23%), 223.64 of 5292.08 mi (4.23%)
NE: 463.92 of 10070.24 mi (4.61%), 463.92 of 10071.55 mi (4.61%)
NH: 16.42 of 3296.72 mi (0.50%), 16.42 of 3296.72 mi (0.50%)
NL: 562.62 of 562.62 mi (100.00%), 894.04 of 4542.15 mi (19.68%)
NS: 372.73 of 4071.02 mi (9.16%), 372.73 of 4071.02 mi (9.16%)
NY: 558.32 of 15918.08 mi (3.51%), 558.32 of 16013.14 mi (3.49%)
OH: 632.33 of 19457.74 mi (3.25%), 632.33 of 19458.44 mi (3.25%)
ON: 506.66 of 7576.52 mi (6.69%), 506.66 of 7576.52 mi (6.69%)
OR: 650.95 of 7484.20 mi (8.70%), 650.95 of 7514.93 mi (8.66%)
PA: 397.87 of 17661.48 mi (2.25%), 397.87 of 17661.48 mi (2.25%)
QC: 301.20 of 13049.21 mi (2.31%), 301.20 of 13049.21 mi (2.31%)
SD: 511.39 of 7882.66 mi (6.49%), 511.39 of 7882.66 mi (6.49%)
TX: 79.80 of 32681.13 mi (0.24%), 79.80 of 32692.95 mi (0.24%)
UT: 149.96 of 6025.38 mi (2.49%), 149.96 of 6025.38 mi (2.49%)
WA: 1033.66 of 7073.39 mi (14.61%), 1033.66 of 7149.03 mi (14.46%)
WY: 995.89 of 6806.53 mi (14.63%), 995.89 of 6806.53 mi (14.63%)
System asiah (active) overall: 202.66 of 59094.49 mi (0.34%)
System asiah by region:
  AFG: 0.00 of 2493.37 mi (0.00%)
  ARM: 0.00 of 543.41 mi (0.00%)
  AZE: 0.00 of 903.30 mi (0.00%)
  BRN: 0.00 of 109.14 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HL: 0.00 of 1326.84 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-JL: 0.00 of 748.39 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-LN: 0.00 of 857.10 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-NM: 0.00 of 1274.70 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-XJ: 0.00 of 2838.81 mi (0.00%)
  GEO: 0.00 of 703.36 mi (0.00%)
  IRN: 0.00 of 7808.45 mi (0.00%)
  JPN: 0.00 of 700.53 mi (0.00%)
  KAZ: 0.00 of 8421.78 mi (0.00%)
  KGZ: 0.00 of 1004.60 mi (0.00%)
  KOR: 0.00 of 591.50 mi (0.00%)
  LKA: 0.00 of 436.64 mi (0.00%)
  MNG: 0.00 of 3006.51 mi (0.00%)
  MYS: 202.66 of 2502.51 mi (8.10%)
  PAK: 0.00 of 3210.59 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 12095.30 mi (0.00%)
  SGP: 0.00 of 23.46 mi (0.00%)
  TJK: 0.00 of 1099.52 mi (0.00%)
  TKM: 0.00 of 1381.15 mi (0.00%)
  TUR: 0.00 of 3185.04 mi (0.00%)
  UZB: 0.00 of 1828.48 mi (0.00%)
System asiah by route (traveled routes only):
AH2 (South East Asia): 198.35 of 487.93 mi (40.65%)
 (MYS AH2 only)
AH141: 4.30 of 169.34 mi (2.54%)
 (MYS AH141 only)
System asiah connected routes traveled: 2 of 72 (2.8%), clinched: 0 of 72 (0.0%).
System cannsf (active) overall: 372.73 of 798.65 mi (46.67%)
System cannsf by route (traveled routes only):
NS101: 57.07 of 193.18 mi (29.54%)
 (NS NS101 only)
NS102: 21.87 of 62.73 mi (34.86%)
 (NS NS102 only)
NS103: 0.76 of 181.86 mi (0.42%)
 (NS NS103 only)
NS104 ((Main)): 171.52 of 171.52 mi (100.00%)
 (NS NS104 only)
NS105: 87.48 of 87.48 mi (100.00%)
 (NS NS105 only)
NS107: 6.13 of 24.47 mi (25.03%)
 (NS NS107 only)
NS118: 10.25 of 10.25 mi (100.00%)
 (NS NS118 only)
NS125: 17.67 of 17.67 mi (100.00%)
 (NS NS125 only)
System cannsf connected routes traveled: 8 of 13 (61.5%), clinched: 4 of 13 (30.8%).
System canonf (active) overall: 506.66 of 1242.83 mi (40.77%)
System canonf by route (traveled routes only):
ON401: 305.39 of 521.29 mi (58.58%)
 (ON ON401 only)
ON407: 22.02 of 94.46 mi (23.32%)
 (ON ON407 only)
ON409: 2.74 of 2.74 mi (100.00%)
 (ON ON409 only)
ON416: 47.21 of 47.21 mi (100.00%)
 (ON ON416 only)
ON417: 82.97 of 120.67 mi (68.76%)
 (ON ON417 only)
ON420: 1.99 of 1.99 mi (100.00%)
 (ON ON420 only)
ONQEW (Queen Elizabeth Way): 44.34 of 87.57 mi (50.63%)
 (ON ONQEW only)
System canonf connected routes traveled: 7 of 17 (41.2%), clinched: 3 of 17 (17.6%).
System canqca (active) overall: 264.89 of 1437.27 mi (18.43%)
System canqca by route (traveled routes only):
A-5: 2.70 of 20.53 mi (13.13%)
 (QC A-5 only)
A-15: 1.83 of 100.30 mi (1.82%)
 (QC A-15 only)
A-20 (Montréal): 140.68 of 343.10 mi (41.00%)
 (QC A-20 only)
A-25: 6.74 of 31.15 mi (21.64%)
 (QC A-25 only)
A-35: 7.01 of 25.17 mi (27.85%)
 (QC A-35 only)
A-40: 50.67 of 217.38 mi (23.31%)
 (QC A-40 only)
A-50: 3.00 of 99.46 mi (3.01%)
 (QC A-50 only)
A-55: 22.38 of 153.31 mi (14.60%)
 (QC A-55 only)
A-73: 54.11 of 77.06 mi (70.22%)
 (QC A-73 only)
System canqca connected routes traveled: 9 of 34 (26.5%), clinched: 0 of 34 (0.0%).
System cantch (active) overall: 1566.99 of 8208.16 mi (19.09%)
System cantch by region:
  AB: 0.00 of 732.51 mi (0.00%)
  BC: 261.67 of 1339.22 mi (19.54%)
  MB: 0.00 of 524.84 mi (0.00%)
  NB: 204.28 of 357.93 mi (57.07%)
  NL: 562.62 of 562.62 mi (100.00%)
  NS: 258.99 of 270.74 mi (95.66%)
  ON: 82.97 of 2701.88 mi (3.07%)
  PE: 0.00 of 78.79 mi (0.00%)
  QC: 196.47 of 787.07 mi (24.96%)
  SK: 0.00 of 852.55 mi (0.00%)
System cantch by route (traveled routes only):
TCH ((Main)): 930.64 of 3880.46 mi (23.98%)
  BC TCHMai: 187.94 of 539.77 mi (34.82%)
  ON TCHOtt: 82.97 of 299.14 mi (27.74%)
  QC TCHMai: 196.47 of 375.80 mi (52.28%)
  NB TCHMai: 204.28 of 321.24 mi (63.59%)
  NS TCHMai: 258.99 of 258.99 mi (100.00%)

TCH (Newfoundland): 562.62 of 562.62 mi (100.00%)
 (NL TCHMai only)
TCH (Vancouver Island): 71.39 of 71.39 mi (100.00%)
 (BC TCHVan only)
TCH (Yellowhead): 2.35 of 1663.75 mi (0.14%)
  BC TCHYel: 2.35 of 664.01 mi (0.35%)

System cantch connected routes traveled: 4 of 19 (21.1%), clinched: 2 of 19 (10.5%).
System cansf (active) overall: 2.89 of 111.23 mi (2.60%)
System cansf by region:
  AB: 0.00 of 26.05 mi (0.00%)
  BC: 2.89 of 6.80 mi (42.56%)
  NS: 0.00 of 2.16 mi (0.00%)
  ON: 0.00 of 62.21 mi (0.00%)
  SK: 0.00 of 14.01 mi (0.00%)
System cansf by route (traveled routes only):
KniSt (Knight Street): 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%)
 (BC KniSt only)
System cansf connected routes traveled: 1 of 18 (5.6%), clinched: 1 of 18 (5.6%).
System canbc (active) overall: 1460.10 of 7557.70 mi (19.32%)
System canbc by region:
  BC: 1460.10 of 7550.08 mi (19.34%)
  YT: 0.00 of 7.63 mi (0.00%)
System canbc by route (traveled routes only):
BC1 (Vancouver Island): 71.39 of 71.39 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC1Van only)
BC1: 187.94 of 539.77 mi (34.82%)
 (BC BC1 only)
BC1A (Langley): 12.57 of 12.57 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC1A only)
BC3: 120.96 of 511.46 mi (23.65%)
 (BC BC3 only)
BC4: 96.64 of 96.64 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC4 only)
BC4A: 5.96 of 5.96 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC4A only)
BC5: 121.71 of 332.34 mi (36.62%)
 (BC BC5 only)
BC5A: 73.08 of 111.06 mi (65.80%)
 (BC BC5A only)
BC7: 43.52 of 92.78 mi (46.91%)
 (BC BC7 only)
BC8: 2.56 of 41.26 mi (6.20%)
 (BC BC8 only)
BC10: 16.39 of 16.39 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC10 only)
BC11: 10.64 of 10.64 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC11 only)
BC13: 7.08 of 7.08 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC13 only)
BC14: 58.08 of 58.08 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC14 only)
BC15: 12.69 of 12.69 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC15 only)
BC16: 2.35 of 664.01 mi (0.35%)
 (BC BC16 only)
BC17: 20.52 of 20.52 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC17 only)
BC17 (Richmond): 27.61 of 27.61 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC17Ric only)
BC17A: 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC17A only)
BC18: 16.65 of 16.65 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC18 only)
BC19: 105.53 of 249.80 mi (42.25%)
 (BC BC19 only)
BC19A (Nanaimo): 6.75 of 6.75 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC19ANan only)
BC19A (Courtenay): 77.18 of 77.18 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC19A only)
BC91: 13.48 of 13.48 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC91 only)
BC91A: 2.27 of 2.27 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC91A only)
BC97: 156.98 of 1350.38 mi (11.62%)
  BC BC97: 156.98 of 1312.34 mi (11.96%)

BC97C: 68.13 of 137.94 mi (49.39%)
 (BC BC97C only)
BC99: 105.64 of 226.40 mi (46.66%)
 (BC BC99 only)
BC101: 48.08 of 48.08 mi (100.00%)
 (BC BC101 only)
BC101 (Powell River): 22.79 of 35.04 mi (65.05%)
 (BC BC101Pow only)
System canbc connected routes traveled: 30 of 76 (39.5%), clinched: 18 of 76 (23.7%).
System cannba (active) overall: 223.64 of 1303.49 mi (17.16%)
System cannba by route (traveled routes only):
NB2: 204.28 of 321.24 mi (63.59%)
 (NB NB2 only)
NB7: 13.01 of 60.32 mi (21.57%)
 (NB NB7 only)
NB8: 4.46 of 162.74 mi (2.74%)
 (NB NB8 only)
NB95: 9.05 of 9.05 mi (100.00%)
 (NB NB95 only)
System cannba connected routes traveled: 4 of 12 (33.3%), clinched: 1 of 12 (8.3%).
System cannst (active) overall: 2.03 of 1377.05 mi (0.15%)
System cannst by route (traveled routes only):
NS1 ((Main)): 2.03 of 128.70 mi (1.58%)
 (NS NS1 only)
System cannst connected routes traveled: 1 of 24 (4.2%), clinched: 0 of 24 (0.0%).
System canqc (active) overall: 45.87 of 11682.35 mi (0.39%)
System canqc by route (traveled routes only):
QC104: 2.15 of 58.06 mi (3.69%)
 (QC QC104 only)
QC116: 3.56 of 170.67 mi (2.08%)
 (QC QC116 only)
QC143: 1.15 of 101.61 mi (1.14%)
 (QC QC143 only)
QC148: 9.60 of 198.03 mi (4.85%)
 (QC QC148 only)
QC173: 29.41 of 87.86 mi (33.48%)
 (QC QC173 only)
QC204: 2.65 of 162.55 mi (1.63%)
 (QC QC204 only)
System canqc connected routes traveled: 6 of 183 (3.3%), clinched: 0 of 183 (0.0%).
System eure (active) overall: 42.10 of 107924.20 mi (0.04%)
System eure by region:
  ALB: 0.00 of 191.19 mi (0.00%)
  ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%)
  AUT: 0.00 of 1441.83 mi (0.00%)
  AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 0.00 of 1147.91 mi (0.00%)
  BGR: 0.00 of 1556.63 mi (0.00%)
  BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%)
  BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 0.00 of 888.72 mi (0.00%)
  CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%)
  CZE: 0.00 of 1624.82 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BB: 0.00 of 525.10 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.36 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.00 of 780.52 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 1410.76 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HB: 0.00 of 28.28 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HE: 0.00 of 482.71 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-HH: 0.00 of 30.31 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-MV: 0.00 of 367.27 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NI: 0.00 of 656.37 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NW: 0.00 of 794.22 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-RP: 0.00 of 467.50 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SH: 0.00 of 216.62 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.97 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SN: 0.00 of 286.49 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-ST: 0.00 of 183.69 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.11 mi (0.00%)
  DNK: 0.00 of 582.31 mi (0.00%)
  ENG: 42.10 of 1577.28 mi (2.67%)
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 0.00 of 384.47 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 224.03 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 179.71 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%)
  EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 0.00 of 2714.96 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1038.62 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 686.78 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 568.38 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1035.45 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 801.36 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 260.83 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.85 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 395.40 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.01 mi (0.00%)
  GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%)
  GRC: 0.00 of 2362.33 mi (0.00%)
  HRV: 0.00 of 1054.72 mi (0.00%)
  HUN: 0.00 of 1532.12 mi (0.00%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 499.49 mi (0.00%)
  ITA: 0.00 of 5394.76 mi (0.00%)
  KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%)
  KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%)
  LTU: 0.00 of 977.21 mi (0.00%)
  LUX: 0.00 of 126.99 mi (0.00%)
  LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%)
  MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%)
  MKD: 0.00 of 317.10 mi (0.00%)
  MNE: 0.00 of 335.01 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 147.66 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 0.00 of 1015.76 mi (0.00%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 3872.19 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 0.00 of 3370.49 mi (0.00%)
  PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%)
  RKS: 0.00 of 156.48 mi (0.00%)
  ROU: 0.00 of 3745.81 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 463.06 mi (0.00%)
  SRB: 0.00 of 1131.58 mi (0.00%)
  SVK: 0.00 of 941.24 mi (0.00%)
  SVN: 0.00 of 365.87 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 0.00 of 4141.24 mi (0.00%)
  TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%)
  TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%)
  TUR: 0.00 of 5716.92 mi (0.00%)
  UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%)
  UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%)
System eure by route (traveled routes only):
E30 (Great Britain): 42.10 of 356.10 mi (11.82%)
  ENG E30: 42.10 of 223.02 mi (18.88%)

System eure connected routes traveled: 1 of 338 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 338 (0.0%).
System gbnm (active) overall: 49.10 of 1936.17 mi (2.54%)
System gbnm by region:
  ENG: 49.10 of 1641.63 mi (2.99%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 213.88 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 80.66 mi (0.00%)
System gbnm by route (traveled routes only):
M4 (London - South Wales Motorway): 43.90 of 189.93 mi (23.12%)
  ENG M4: 43.90 of 116.41 mi (37.71%)

M4 (Heathrow Airport Spur): 1.16 of 1.16 mi (100.00%)
 (ENG M4Hea only)
M602: 4.04 of 4.04 mi (100.00%)
 (ENG M602 only)
System gbnm connected routes traveled: 3 of 55 (5.5%), clinched: 2 of 55 (3.6%).
System gbna (active) overall: 46.02 of 28169.67 mi (0.16%)
System gbna by region:
  ENG: 46.02 of 19432.78 mi (0.24%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 6217.33 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 2519.57 mi (0.00%)
System gbna by route (traveled routes only):
A4 (Reading): 11.08 of 118.59 mi (9.34%)
 (ENG A4 only)
A37: 34.94 of 58.88 mi (59.33%)
 (ENG A37 only)
A39: 1.30 of 194.43 mi (0.67%)
 (ENG A39 only)
A303: 2.17 of 94.50 mi (2.30%)
 (ENG A303 only)
A361 (Frome): 0.65 of 64.38 mi (1.01%)
 (ENG A361 only)
A371: 0.50 of 35.72 mi (1.39%)
 (ENG A371 only)
A4174: 1.35 of 17.34 mi (7.77%)
 (ENG A4174 only)
System gbna connected routes traveled: 7 of 1932 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 1932 (0.0%).
System myse (active) overall: 203.86 of 1316.27 mi (15.49%)
System myse by route (traveled routes only):
E1: 203.86 of 290.28 mi (70.23%)
 (MYS E1 only)
System myse connected routes traveled: 1 of 51 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 51 (0.0%).
System usai (active) overall: 7747.83 of 49270.57 mi (15.73%)
System usai by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 0.00 of 1013.07 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 272.27 of 2485.21 mi (10.96%)
  CO: 0.00 of 958.22 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 98.08 of 346.20 mi (28.33%)
  DC: 0.00 of 11.84 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 39.35 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 1518.86 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 1260.54 mi (0.00%)
  HI: 46.70 of 54.18 mi (86.19%)
  IA: 465.45 of 797.28 mi (58.38%)
  ID: 352.14 of 618.24 mi (56.96%)
  IL: 329.91 of 2200.01 mi (15.00%)
  IN: 353.74 of 1325.22 mi (26.69%)
  KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 951.76 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 951.30 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 59.85 of 564.32 mi (10.61%)
  MD: 0.00 of 500.54 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 359.94 of 371.31 mi (96.94%)
  MI: 0.00 of 1248.46 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 446.30 of 1398.85 mi (31.91%)
  MS: 0.00 of 841.67 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 553.01 of 1197.10 mi (46.20%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1412.30 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 462.14 of 488.57 mi (94.59%)
  NH: 16.42 of 224.25 mi (7.32%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 430.10 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 1013.33 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 558.32 of 1741.84 mi (32.05%)
  OH: 632.33 of 1581.53 mi (39.98%)
  OK: 0.00 of 943.79 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 396.57 of 735.76 mi (53.90%)
  PA: 397.87 of 1871.48 mi (21.26%)
  PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 0.00 of 70.57 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 488.95 of 688.58 mi (71.01%)
  TN: 0.00 of 1206.57 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 72.16 of 3526.85 mi (2.05%)
  UT: 149.96 of 943.60 mi (15.89%)
  VA: 0.00 of 1117.00 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 619.12 of 767.77 mi (80.64%)
  WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 538.76 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 616.59 of 923.35 mi (66.78%)
System usai by route (traveled routes only):
I-H1: 21.79 of 27.13 mi (80.32%)
 (HI I-H1 only)
I-H2: 7.80 of 7.80 mi (100.00%)
 (HI I-H2 only)
I-H3: 13.15 of 15.29 mi (86.00%)
 (HI I-H3 only)
I-H201: 3.96 of 3.96 mi (100.00%)
 (HI I-H201 only)
I-5: 432.99 of 1397.09 mi (30.99%)
  CA I-5: 145.17 of 805.75 mi (18.02%)
  OR I-5: 8.92 of 312.44 mi (2.85%)
  WA I-5: 278.90 of 278.90 mi (100.00%)

I-8: 17.72 of 353.29 mi (5.01%)
  CA I-8: 17.72 of 172.32 mi (10.28%)

I-10: 17.77 of 2495.88 mi (0.71%)
  CA I-10: 1.57 of 245.94 mi (0.64%)
  TX I-10: 16.20 of 893.01 mi (1.81%)

I-15: 48.16 of 1451.15 mi (3.32%)
  UT I-15: 39.91 of 406.81 mi (9.81%)
  MT I-15: 8.25 of 398.46 mi (2.07%)

I-29: 363.04 of 763.22 mi (47.57%)
  MO I-29: 123.01 of 130.07 mi (94.58%)
  IA I-29: 154.49 of 154.49 mi (100.00%)
  SD I-29: 85.54 of 257.71 mi (33.19%)

I-35 (S. Texas): 27.30 of 377.89 mi (7.22%)
 (TX I-35 only)
I-35 (N. Texas - S. Minnesota): 15.62 of 944.38 mi (1.65%)
  MO I-35: 1.07 of 116.36 mi (0.92%)
  IA I-35: 14.54 of 222.48 mi (6.54%)

I-37: 3.13 of 145.68 mi (2.15%)
 (TX I-37 only)
I-55: 19.98 of 960.09 mi (2.08%)
  MO I-55: 0.41 of 212.62 mi (0.19%)
  IL I-55: 19.57 of 298.49 mi (6.56%)

I-57: 6.24 of 385.50 mi (1.62%)
  IL I-57: 6.24 of 363.24 mi (1.72%)

I-64: 43.84 of 973.37 mi (4.50%)
  MO I-64: 41.08 of 41.08 mi (100.00%)
  IL I-64: 2.76 of 131.99 mi (2.09%)

I-65: 2.17 of 898.24 mi (0.24%)
  IN I-65: 2.17 of 265.34 mi (0.82%)

I-70: 668.20 of 2191.98 mi (30.48%)
  MO I-70: 254.04 of 254.04 mi (100.00%)
  IL I-70: 161.63 of 161.63 mi (100.00%)
  IN I-70: 158.23 of 158.23 mi (100.00%)
  OH I-70: 94.30 of 227.81 mi (41.40%)

I-71: 102.96 of 347.55 mi (29.63%)
  OH I-71: 102.96 of 250.74 mi (41.06%)

I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 6.59 of 420.64 mi (1.57%)
  IN I-74: 6.59 of 173.36 mi (3.80%)

I-76 (Ohio - New Jersey): 0.47 of 439.65 mi (0.11%)
  OH I-76: 0.47 of 82.98 mi (0.57%)

I-77: 7.84 of 614.07 mi (1.28%)
  OH I-77: 7.84 of 164.21 mi (4.78%)

I-80: 2028.01 of 2936.67 mi (69.06%)
  UT I-80: 29.57 of 198.87 mi (14.87%)
  WY I-80: 406.35 of 406.35 mi (100.00%)
  NE I-80: 462.14 of 462.14 mi (100.00%)
  IA I-80: 310.96 of 310.96 mi (100.00%)
  IL I-80: 165.52 of 165.52 mi (100.00%)
  IN I-80: 153.33 of 153.33 mi (100.00%)
  OH I-80: 240.03 of 240.03 mi (100.00%)
  PA I-80: 260.11 of 311.90 mi (83.40%)

I-81: 133.08 of 859.13 mi (15.49%)
  PA I-81: 36.54 of 233.87 mi (15.62%)
  NY I-81: 96.54 of 185.04 mi (52.17%)

I-84 (Oregon - Utah): 778.72 of 778.72 mi (100.00%)
  OR I-84: 378.73 of 378.73 mi (100.00%)
  ID I-84: 279.60 of 279.60 mi (100.00%)
  UT I-84: 120.39 of 120.39 mi (100.00%)

I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 231.88 of 231.88 mi (100.00%)
  PA I-84: 54.18 of 54.18 mi (100.00%)
  NY I-84: 71.55 of 71.55 mi (100.00%)
  CT I-84: 98.08 of 98.08 mi (100.00%)
  MA I-84: 8.07 of 8.07 mi (100.00%)

I-87 (New York): 0.88 of 335.42 mi (0.26%)
 (NY I-87 only)
I-90: 2379.31 of 3112.09 mi (76.45%)
  WA I-90: 299.30 of 299.30 mi (100.00%)
  ID I-90: 72.54 of 72.54 mi (100.00%)
  MT I-90: 553.01 of 553.01 mi (100.00%)
  WY I-90: 210.24 of 210.24 mi (100.00%)
  SD I-90: 401.94 of 418.20 mi (96.11%)
  IN I-90: 157.91 of 157.91 mi (100.00%)
  OH I-90: 247.10 of 247.10 mi (100.00%)
  PA I-90: 47.04 of 47.04 mi (100.00%)
  NY I-90: 390.23 of 390.23 mi (100.00%)

I-94: 18.78 of 1625.88 mi (1.16%)
  IL I-94: 3.00 of 78.52 mi (3.82%)
  IN I-94: 15.79 of 46.03 mi (34.29%)

I-95: 375.42 of 1916.45 mi (19.59%)
  MA I-95: 51.78 of 90.55 mi (57.19%)
  NH I-95: 16.42 of 16.42 mi (100.00%)
  ME I-95: 307.22 of 307.22 mi (100.00%)

I-105 (California): 6.83 of 17.71 mi (38.60%)
 (CA I-105 only)
I-190 (South Dakota): 1.47 of 1.47 mi (100.00%)
 (SD I-190 only)
I-205 (Oregon - Washington): 15.69 of 37.06 mi (42.35%)
  OR I-205: 5.07 of 26.43 mi (19.18%)
  WA I-205: 10.63 of 10.63 mi (100.00%)

I-270 (Ohio): 17.43 of 55.43 mi (31.45%)
 (OH I-270 only)
I-271: 40.23 of 40.23 mi (100.00%)
 (OH I-271 only)
I-280 (California): 57.01 of 57.01 mi (100.00%)
 (CA I-280 only)
I-294: 5.26 of 52.75 mi (9.98%)
 (IL I-294 only)
I-295 (Maine): 52.73 of 52.73 mi (100.00%)
 (ME I-295 only)
I-380 (Pennsylvania): 3.87 of 28.04 mi (13.82%)
 (PA I-380 only)
I-405 (California): 45.54 of 73.28 mi (62.14%)
 (CA I-405 only)
I-405 (Oregon): 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%)
 (OR I-405 only)
I-405 (Washington): 30.30 of 30.30 mi (100.00%)
 (WA I-405 only)
I-410: 31.71 of 53.39 mi (59.40%)
 (TX I-410 only)
I-435: 31.61 of 84.17 mi (37.56%)
  MO I-435: 31.61 of 56.02 mi (56.43%)

I-465: 21.34 of 53.20 mi (40.10%)
 (IN I-465 only)
I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 29.62 of 42.48 mi (69.73%)
 (OH I-480 only)
I-480 (Warrensville Heights, OH): 1.34 of 1.34 mi (100.00%)
 (OH I-480War only)
System usai connected routes traveled: 46 of 358 (12.8%), clinched: 11 of 358 (3.1%).
System usaib (active) overall: 8.92 of 1560.50 mi (0.57%)
System usaib by region:
  AZ: 0.00 of 75.35 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 121.60 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 100.35 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 31.42 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 176.21 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 141.64 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 1.02 of 74.22 mi (1.37%)
  NC: 0.00 of 56.89 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 37.87 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 62.36 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 8.54 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 42.06 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 47.63 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 44.73 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 7.90 of 92.40 mi (8.55%)
System usaib by route (traveled routes only):
I-80BL (Rawlins, WY): 3.89 of 3.89 mi (100.00%)
 (WY I-80BLRaw only)
I-80BL (Cheyenne, WY): 3.90 of 7.04 mi (55.49%)
 (WY I-80BLChe only)
I-90BL (Missoula, MT): 1.02 of 4.78 mi (21.25%)
 (MT I-90BLMis only)
I-90BL (Moorcroft, WY): 0.10 of 1.62 mi (6.31%)
 (WY I-90BLMoo only)
System usaib connected routes traveled: 4 of 278 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 278 (0.4%).
System usasf (active) overall: 20.20 of 1689.03 mi (1.20%)
System usasf by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 322.90 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 1.41 of 3.99 mi (35.33%)
  MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 355.08 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 17.55 of 462.07 mi (3.80%)
  OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 57.66 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 1.24 of 4.58 mi (27.09%)
System usasf by route (traveled routes only):
BerCon (New York Thruway Berkshire Connector): 17.55 of 24.20 mi (72.54%)
 (NY BerCon only)
MTAppRd (Maine Turnpike Approach Rd): 1.41 of 2.15 mi (65.51%)
 (ME MTAppRd only)
WSeaBri (West Seattle Bridge): 1.24 of 3.26 mi (38.00%)
 (WA WSeaBri only)
System usasf connected routes traveled: 3 of 89 (3.4%), clinched: 0 of 89 (0.0%).
System usaus (active) overall: 2895.00 of 137856.53 mi (2.10%)
System usaus by region:
  AL: 0.00 of 3485.96 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 3726.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1878.70 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 15.70 of 1729.94 mi (0.91%)
  CO: 0.00 of 4019.86 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 25.75 of 507.97 mi (5.07%)
  DC: 0.00 of 22.09 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 211.19 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 3999.71 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4922.24 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 124.23 of 3710.44 mi (3.35%)
  ID: 144.19 of 2090.85 mi (6.90%)
  IL: 26.39 of 3410.38 mi (0.77%)
  IN: 43.43 of 2903.05 mi (1.50%)
  KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 3314.40 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 2323.34 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 1.71 of 602.37 mi (0.28%)
  MD: 0.00 of 774.49 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 105.87 of 1176.03 mi (9.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 3611.72 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 279.95 of 4007.79 mi (6.99%)
  MS: 0.00 of 2596.46 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 330.17 of 3317.05 mi (9.95%)
  NC: 0.00 of 5099.08 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 10.41 of 3539.33 mi (0.29%)
  NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 805.51 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 3676.63 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 1653.64 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 4.39 of 3918.56 mi (0.11%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 531.51 of 2596.23 mi (20.47%)
  PA: 17.52 of 3424.45 mi (0.51%)
  RI: 0.00 of 108.88 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 3309.45 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 156.26 of 2612.33 mi (5.98%)
  TN: 0.00 of 3646.69 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 30.88 of 12783.70 mi (0.24%)
  UT: 29.57 of 1618.38 mi (1.83%)
  VA: 0.00 of 4090.31 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 333.81 of 1764.00 mi (18.92%)
  WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 1791.97 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 683.25 of 2902.08 mi (23.54%)
System usaus by route (traveled routes only):
US1: 4.20 of 2384.98 mi (0.18%)
  ME US1: 4.20 of 524.86 mi (0.80%)

US2 (Washington - Michigan): 6.05 of 2126.60 mi (0.28%)
  WA US2: 6.05 of 325.04 mi (1.86%)

US2 (New York - Maine): 0.24 of 454.34 mi (0.05%)
  ME US2: 0.24 of 272.08 mi (0.09%)

US3: 1.71 of 272.87 mi (0.63%)
  MA US3: 1.71 of 35.25 mi (4.86%)

US6: 144.56 of 3217.22 mi (4.49%)
  IA US6: 102.01 of 326.41 mi (31.25%)
  IL US6: 1.77 of 179.04 mi (0.99%)
  IN US6: 15.27 of 150.83 mi (10.13%)
  CT US6: 25.50 of 114.03 mi (22.36%)

US7: 4.14 of 304.49 mi (1.36%)
  CT US7: 4.14 of 76.22 mi (5.44%)

US12: 134.28 of 2474.37 mi (5.43%)
  WA US12: 66.39 of 427.31 mi (15.54%)
  MT US12: 67.90 of 597.81 mi (11.36%)

US14: 174.91 of 1393.95 mi (12.55%)
  WY US14: 61.49 of 395.22 mi (15.56%)
  SD US14: 113.41 of 442.86 mi (25.61%)

US16: 45.15 of 479.30 mi (9.42%)
  WY US16: 25.90 of 413.34 mi (6.26%)
  SD US16: 19.26 of 65.96 mi (29.20%)

US18: 3.08 of 1052.07 mi (0.29%)
  SD US18: 3.08 of 450.28 mi (0.68%)

US20 (Oregon - Montana): 44.38 of 864.90 mi (5.13%)
  ID US20: 44.11 of 406.40 mi (10.85%)
  MT US20: 0.28 of 9.63 mi (2.87%)

US24: 11.93 of 1560.48 mi (0.76%)
  MO US24: 11.93 of 221.72 mi (5.38%)

US26: 304.90 of 1503.85 mi (20.27%)
  OR US26: 74.57 of 469.50 mi (15.88%)
  ID US26: 89.87 of 404.83 mi (22.20%)
  WY US26: 140.46 of 476.62 mi (29.47%)

US30: 777.46 of 3105.69 mi (25.03%)
  OR US30: 387.73 of 480.44 mi (80.70%)
  ID US30: 140.77 of 418.69 mi (33.62%)
  WY US30: 248.97 of 458.74 mi (54.27%)

US35: 9.00 of 416.92 mi (2.16%)
  OH US35: 1.78 of 175.41 mi (1.02%)
  IN US35: 7.22 of 206.24 mi (3.50%)

US36: 3.67 of 1415.39 mi (0.26%)
  IN US36: 3.67 of 165.24 mi (2.22%)

US40: 255.93 of 2312.95 mi (11.07%)
  MO US40: 217.47 of 259.06 mi (83.95%)
  IL US40: 24.61 of 162.13 mi (15.18%)
  IN US40: 13.85 of 161.80 mi (8.56%)

US41: 1.52 of 2038.49 mi (0.07%)
  IN US41: 1.52 of 283.05 mi (0.54%)

US44: 0.41 of 232.73 mi (0.18%)
  CT US44: 0.41 of 104.19 mi (0.40%)

US52: 5.94 of 2080.98 mi (0.29%)
  IN US52: 5.94 of 199.75 mi (2.97%)

US59: 5.48 of 1932.34 mi (0.28%)
  MO US59: 5.48 of 108.05 mi (5.08%)

US61: 34.10 of 1415.70 mi (2.41%)
  MO US61: 28.47 of 396.14 mi (7.19%)
  IA US61: 5.63 of 194.41 mi (2.89%)

US65: 3.96 of 969.72 mi (0.41%)
  IA US65: 3.96 of 225.78 mi (1.75%)

US71: 55.43 of 1527.48 mi (3.63%)
  MO US71: 55.43 of 321.83 mi (17.22%)

US77: 8.63 of 1327.08 mi (0.65%)
  NE US77: 8.63 of 198.53 mi (4.35%)

US83: 22.29 of 1909.64 mi (1.17%)
  NE US83: 1.78 of 225.86 mi (0.79%)
  SD US83: 20.51 of 243.84 mi (8.41%)

US85: 7.83 of 1492.80 mi (0.52%)
  SD US85: 7.83 of 152.82 mi (5.12%)

US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 28.50 of 1539.39 mi (1.85%)
  TX US87: 16.20 of 813.22 mi (1.99%)
  WY US87: 12.31 of 321.05 mi (3.83%)

US87 (north Wyoming - Montana): 129.40 of 488.91 mi (26.47%)
  WY US87She: 27.12 of 42.71 mi (63.50%)
  MT US87: 102.28 of 446.20 mi (22.92%)

US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 69.60 of 836.66 mi (8.32%)
  WY US89: 69.60 of 154.77 mi (44.97%)

US89 (Montana): 7.59 of 399.90 mi (1.90%)
 (MT US89 only)
US93: 7.43 of 1356.54 mi (0.55%)
  MT US93: 7.43 of 285.09 mi (2.61%)

US97: 4.78 of 667.09 mi (0.72%)
  WA US97: 4.78 of 319.71 mi (1.50%)

US101: 281.97 of 1506.03 mi (18.72%)
  CA US101: 15.70 of 802.40 mi (1.96%)
  OR US101: 67.10 of 343.94 mi (19.51%)
  WA US101: 199.17 of 359.69 mi (55.37%)

US169: 1.06 of 976.45 mi (0.11%)
  MO US169: 1.06 of 128.16 mi (0.83%)

US189: 61.06 of 312.85 mi (19.52%)
  UT US189: 29.57 of 96.37 mi (30.69%)
  WY US189: 31.49 of 216.48 mi (14.54%)

US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 75.32 of 1210.45 mi (6.22%)
  WY US191: 75.32 of 288.77 mi (26.08%)

US191 (Montana): 139.63 of 441.35 mi (31.64%)
  MT US191WYe: 14.86 of 14.86 mi (100.00%)
  WY US191Yel: 6.00 of 6.00 mi (100.00%)
  MT US191: 118.77 of 420.48 mi (28.24%)

US197: 0.29 of 62.32 mi (0.47%)
  OR US197: 0.29 of 59.52 mi (0.49%)

US201: 101.67 of 156.35 mi (65.03%)
 (ME US201 only)
US202: 3.89 of 621.78 mi (0.63%)
  CT US202: 3.89 of 74.05 mi (5.26%)

US212: 77.50 of 952.83 mi (8.13%)
  MT US212: 77.50 of 314.40 mi (24.65%)

US220: 17.52 of 669.60 mi (2.62%)
  PA US220: 17.52 of 247.78 mi (7.07%)

US275: 12.63 of 269.25 mi (4.69%)
  IA US275: 12.63 of 59.90 mi (21.09%)

US281: 14.68 of 1893.56 mi (0.78%)
  TX US281: 14.68 of 653.56 mi (2.25%)

US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 302.94 of 1621.52 mi (18.68%)
  WY US287: 302.94 of 423.05 mi (71.61%)

US287 (Montana): 8.76 of 282.43 mi (3.10%)
 (MT US287 only)
US395: 82.06 of 1305.99 mi (6.28%)
  OR US395: 21.09 of 380.96 mi (5.54%)
  WA US395: 60.97 of 277.13 mi (22.00%)

US421: 3.85 of 933.19 mi (0.41%)
  IN US421: 3.85 of 257.43 mi (1.49%)

US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 2.61 of 189.38 mi (1.38%)
  OH US422: 2.61 of 75.96 mi (3.44%)

System usaus connected routes traveled: 50 of 226 (22.1%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%).
System usausb (active) overall: 14.96 of 7544.54 mi (0.20%)
System usausb by region:
  AL: 0.00 of 98.33 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.84 of 171.43 mi (0.49%)
  ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 240.87 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 86.41 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%)
  MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 235.13 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 128.27 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 60.83 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 2.75 of 289.53 mi (0.95%)
  RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 313.32 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 7.48 of 92.86 mi (8.06%)
  TN: 0.00 of 378.25 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 901.28 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 16.62 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 103.00 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 3.89 of 147.38 mi (2.64%)
System usausb by route (traveled routes only):
US16Alt (Custer, SD): 3.32 of 30.59 mi (10.87%)
 (SD US16AltCus only)
US16Trk (Rapid City, SD): 4.16 of 12.85 mi (32.36%)
 (SD US16TrkRap only)
US30Bus (Rawlins, WY): 3.89 of 3.89 mi (100.00%)
 (WY US30BusRaw only)
US75Bus (Sioux City, IA): 0.84 of 10.41 mi (8.05%)
 (IA US75BusSio only)
US220Alt (Milesburg, PA): 2.75 of 22.23 mi (12.37%)
 (PA US220AltMil only)
System usausb connected routes traveled: 5 of 1088 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 1088 (0.1%).
System usanp (active) overall: 41.18 of 2889.54 mi (1.43%)
System usanp by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 90.67 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 376.85 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 98.68 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 9.28 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%)
  HI: 0.00 of 32.70 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 35.91 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 27.16 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 313.87 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 67.90 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 236.10 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 25.30 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 14.57 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 46.65 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 5.27 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 34.97 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 176.98 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 116.02 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 341.57 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 77.64 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 41.18 of 269.23 mi (15.30%)
System usanp by route (traveled routes only):
DevTowRd (Devil's Tower Road, Devil's Tower NM): 2.68 of 2.68 mi (100.00%)
 (WY DevTowRd only)
RocMemPkwy (John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway): 6.39 of 6.39 mi (100.00%)
 (WY RocMemPkwy only)
SEntRd (South Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%)
 (WY SEntRd only)
WEntRd (West Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 11.10 of 13.38 mi (83.00%)
  WY WEntRd: 11.10 of 11.10 mi (100.00%)

System usanp connected routes traveled: 4 of 133 (3.0%), clinched: 3 of 133 (2.3%).
System usaak (active) overall: 10.41 of 2628.84 mi (0.40%)
System usaak by route (traveled routes only):
AK7 (Juneau): 8.75 of 40.85 mi (21.43%)
 (AK AK7Jun only)
AK98: 1.65 of 14.35 mi (11.51%)
 (AK AK98 only)
System usaak connected routes traveled: 2 of 16 (12.5%), clinched: 0 of 16 (0.0%).
System usaca (active) overall: 100.59 of 10932.65 mi (0.92%)
System usaca by route (traveled routes only):
CA1: 44.19 of 701.14 mi (6.30%)
 (CA CA1 only)
CA2: 2.73 of 77.17 mi (3.53%)
 (CA CA2 only)
CA22: 14.72 of 17.42 mi (84.53%)
 (CA CA22 only)
CA35: 6.97 of 55.76 mi (12.50%)
 (CA CA35 only)
CA54 (South Bay): 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%)
 (CA CA54 only)
CA55: 10.34 of 17.77 mi (58.15%)
 (CA CA55 only)
CA73: 1.28 of 17.40 mi (7.37%)
 (CA CA73 only)
CA75: 2.47 of 13.12 mi (18.83%)
 (CA CA75 only)
CA125: 1.01 of 21.44 mi (4.71%)
 (CA CA125 only)
CA163: 10.87 of 10.87 mi (100.00%)
 (CA CA163 only)
System usaca connected routes traveled: 10 of 269 (3.7%), clinched: 2 of 269 (0.7%).
System usact (active) overall: 1.08 of 2601.96 mi (0.04%)
System usact by route (traveled routes only):
CT72: 1.08 of 19.73 mi (5.45%)
 (CT CT72 only)
System usact connected routes traveled: 1 of 210 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 210 (0.0%).
System usagu (active) overall: 13.81 of 146.52 mi (9.42%)
System usagu by route (traveled routes only):
GU1: 13.81 of 21.20 mi (65.12%)
 (GU GU1 only)
System usagu connected routes traveled: 1 of 35 (2.9%), clinched: 0 of 35 (0.0%).
System usahi (active) overall: 86.33 of 891.30 mi (9.69%)
System usahi by route (traveled routes only):
HI61: 9.15 of 10.28 mi (89.00%)
 (HI HI61 only)
HI63: 8.09 of 8.09 mi (100.00%)
 (HI HI63 only)
HI72: 17.88 of 17.88 mi (100.00%)
 (HI HI72 only)
HI83: 42.23 of 42.23 mi (100.00%)
 (HI HI83 only)
HI92: 8.97 of 8.97 mi (100.00%)
 (HI HI92 only)
System usahi connected routes traveled: 5 of 66 (7.6%), clinched: 4 of 66 (6.1%).
System usaia (active) overall: 21.49 of 5138.33 mi (0.42%)
System usaia by route (traveled routes only):
IA5: 13.66 of 103.25 mi (13.23%)
 (IA IA5 only)
IA12: 3.64 of 46.98 mi (7.75%)
 (IA IA12 only)
IA38: 4.19 of 99.74 mi (4.20%)
 (IA IA38 only)
System usaia connected routes traveled: 3 of 90 (3.3%), clinched: 0 of 90 (0.0%).
System usaid (active) overall: 19.74 of 2399.54 mi (0.82%)
System usaid by route (traveled routes only):
ID25: 7.15 of 58.45 mi (12.24%)
 (ID ID25 only)
ID55: 12.59 of 145.87 mi (8.63%)
 (ID ID55 only)
System usaid connected routes traveled: 2 of 69 (2.9%), clinched: 0 of 69 (0.0%).
System usail (active) overall: 7.99 of 9011.71 mi (0.09%)
System usail by route (traveled routes only):
IL3: 1.17 of 189.26 mi (0.62%)
 (IL IL3 only)
IL110: 6.82 of 329.44 mi (2.07%)
 (IL IL110 only)
System usail connected routes traveled: 2 of 159 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 159 (0.0%).
System usame (active) overall: 22.55 of 5001.78 mi (0.45%)
System usame by region:
  ME: 22.55 of 4995.43 mi (0.45%)
  NH: 0.00 of 6.35 mi (0.00%)
System usame by route (traveled routes only):
ME6: 16.30 of 205.31 mi (7.94%)
 (ME ME6 only)
ME15: 2.89 of 177.84 mi (1.63%)
 (ME ME15 only)
ME16: 0.62 of 186.80 mi (0.33%)
 (ME ME16 only)
ME23: 2.43 of 68.76 mi (3.53%)
 (ME ME23 only)
ME26: 0.31 of 95.66 mi (0.33%)
 (ME ME26 only)
System usame connected routes traveled: 5 of 189 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 189 (0.0%).
System usama (active) overall: 25.39 of 3315.29 mi (0.77%)
System usama by route (traveled routes only):
MA128: 25.39 of 57.67 mi (44.03%)
 (MA MA128 only)
System usama connected routes traveled: 1 of 151 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 151 (0.0%).
System usamt (active) overall: 20.72 of 2995.08 mi (0.69%)
System usamt by region:
  ID: 0.00 of 0.89 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 20.72 of 2994.19 mi (0.69%)
System usamt by route (traveled routes only):
MT85: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%)
 (MT MT85 only)
MT200: 13.86 of 709.14 mi (1.95%)
 (MT MT200 only)
System usamt connected routes traveled: 2 of 55 (3.6%), clinched: 1 of 55 (1.8%).
System usane (active) overall: 6.33 of 5928.10 mi (0.11%)
System usane by route (traveled routes only):
NE10: 4.32 of 103.52 mi (4.17%)
 (NE NE10 only)
NE71: 2.02 of 171.88 mi (1.17%)
 (NE NE71 only)
System usane connected routes traveled: 2 of 102 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 102 (0.0%).
System usany (active) overall: 7.37 of 12566.09 mi (0.06%)
System usany by region:
  CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 7.37 of 12562.12 mi (0.06%)
  PA: 0.00 of 1.09 mi (0.00%)
System usany by route (traveled routes only):
NY52: 7.37 of 104.71 mi (7.03%)
 (NY NY52 only)
System usany connected routes traveled: 1 of 484 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 484 (0.0%).
System usaoh (active) overall: 44.98 of 14627.39 mi (0.31%)
System usaoh by region:
  OH: 44.98 of 14627.08 mi (0.31%)
  WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%)
System usaoh by route (traveled routes only):
OH2: 28.80 of 229.26 mi (12.56%)
 (OH OH2 only)
OH4: 6.34 of 209.44 mi (3.03%)
 (OH OH4 only)
OH10: 1.73 of 29.02 mi (5.96%)
 (OH OH10 only)
OH11: 4.40 of 100.34 mi (4.39%)
 (OH OH11 only)
OH14: 1.49 of 82.42 mi (1.81%)
 (OH OH14 only)
OH49: 2.22 of 155.92 mi (1.42%)
 (OH OH49 only)
OH283: 3.25 of 29.65 mi (10.98%)
 (OH OH283 only)
System usaoh connected routes traveled: 7 of 555 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 555 (0.0%).
System usaor (active) overall: 60.70 of 4539.29 mi (1.34%)
System usaor by route (traveled routes only):
OR6: 51.02 of 51.02 mi (100.00%)
 (OR OR6 only)
OR7: 0.25 of 52.05 mi (0.48%)
 (OR OR7 only)
OR11: 0.78 of 34.37 mi (2.28%)
 (OR OR11 only)
OR35: 0.36 of 38.82 mi (0.92%)
 (OR OR35 only)
OR37: 0.14 of 30.43 mi (0.47%)
 (OR OR37 only)
OR47: 4.02 of 77.97 mi (5.16%)
 (OR OR47 only)
OR203: 4.13 of 52.45 mi (7.87%)
 (OR OR203 only)
System usaor connected routes traveled: 7 of 137 (5.1%), clinched: 1 of 137 (0.7%).
System usapa (active) overall: 19.68 of 12619.92 mi (0.16%)
System usapa by region:
  NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 19.68 of 12619.73 mi (0.16%)
System usapa by route (traveled routes only):
PA28Trk (Brookville): 2.79 of 3.30 mi (84.55%)
 (PA PA28TrkBro only)
PA66: 4.24 of 136.58 mi (3.10%)
 (PA PA66 only)
PA309: 4.70 of 134.83 mi (3.48%)
 (PA PA309 only)
PA390Trk (Hawley): 3.99 of 10.93 mi (36.55%)
 (PA PA390TrkHaw only)
PA402Trk (Hawley): 3.96 of 27.40 mi (14.44%)
 (PA PA402TrkHaw only)
System usapa connected routes traveled: 5 of 524 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 524 (0.0%).
System usasd (active) overall: 68.25 of 5089.05 mi (1.34%)
System usasd by route (traveled routes only):
SD34: 6.57 of 425.60 mi (1.54%)
 (SD SD34 only)
SD37: 1.77 of 250.19 mi (0.71%)
 (SD SD37 only)
SD44: 0.20 of 380.59 mi (0.05%)
 (SD SD44 only)
SD45: 5.28 of 212.74 mi (2.48%)
 (SD SD45 only)
SD50: 6.93 of 221.05 mi (3.13%)
 (SD SD50 only)
SD63 ((Main)): 7.40 of 233.84 mi (3.16%)
 (SD SD63 only)
SD73: 6.98 of 255.05 mi (2.74%)
 (SD SD73 only)
SD79: 31.80 of 243.16 mi (13.08%)
 (SD SD79 only)
SD244: 1.33 of 9.79 mi (13.57%)
 (SD SD244 only)
System usasd connected routes traveled: 9 of 89 (10.1%), clinched: 0 of 89 (0.0%).
System usatx (active) overall: 19.82 of 15303.13 mi (0.13%)
System usatx by route (traveled routes only):
TX16: 3.43 of 567.00 mi (0.61%)
 (TX TX16 only)
TX130: 19.82 of 140.78 mi (14.08%)
 (TX TX130 only)
System usatx connected routes traveled: 2 of 320 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 320 (0.0%).
System usaut (active) overall: 37.36 of 3719.50 mi (1.00%)
System usaut by route (traveled routes only):
UT30: 37.36 of 215.90 mi (17.30%)
 (UT UT30 only)
System usaut connected routes traveled: 1 of 221 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 221 (0.0%).
System usawa (active) overall: 165.99 of 4660.89 mi (3.56%)
System usawa by route (traveled routes only):
WA9: 18.43 of 96.94 mi (19.01%)
 (WA WA9 only)
WA14: 6.10 of 179.95 mi (3.39%)
 (WA WA14 only)
WA20: 28.37 of 416.09 mi (6.82%)
 (WA WA20 only)
WA99: 32.82 of 32.82 mi (100.00%)
 (WA WA99 only)
WA99 (Federal Way): 17.00 of 17.00 mi (100.00%)
 (WA WA99Fed only)
WA509: 4.20 of 33.99 mi (12.35%)
 (WA WA509 only)
WA539: 15.50 of 15.50 mi (100.00%)
 (WA WA539 only)
WA542: 39.88 of 52.07 mi (76.58%)
 (WA WA542 only)
WA543: 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%)
 (WA WA543 only)
WA547: 10.47 of 10.47 mi (100.00%)
 (WA WA547 only)
WA900: 0.89 of 15.58 mi (5.69%)
 (WA WA900 only)
System usawa connected routes traveled: 11 of 198 (5.6%), clinched: 5 of 198 (2.5%).
System usawy (active) overall: 158.98 of 3568.30 mi (4.46%)
System usawy by region:
  CO: 0.00 of 1.01 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 158.98 of 3567.29 mi (4.46%)
System usawy by route (traveled routes only):
WY24: 5.89 of 44.79 mi (13.15%)
 (WY WY24 only)
WY110: 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%)
 (WY WY110 only)
WY789: 152.55 of 409.14 mi (37.29%)
 (WY WY789 only)
System usawy connected routes traveled: 3 of 172 (1.7%), clinched: 1 of 172 (0.6%).
System cannl (preview) overall: 894.04 of 4542.15 mi (19.68%)
System cannl by route (traveled routes only):
NL1: 562.62 of 562.62 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL1 only)
NL2: 22.12 of 22.12 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL2 only)
NL3: 6.01 of 6.01 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL3 only)
NL3A: 1.45 of 1.45 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL3A only)
NL10: 33.03 of 107.91 mi (30.61%)
 (NL NL10 only)
NL11: 10.10 of 10.10 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL11 only)
NL40: 9.32 of 9.32 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL40 only)
NL41: 3.26 of 3.26 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL41 only)
NL50: 11.97 of 11.97 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL50 only)
NL60: 44.98 of 44.98 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL60 only)
NL61: 4.94 of 4.94 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL61 only)
NL62: 3.11 of 3.11 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL62 only)
NL63: 4.46 of 4.46 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL63 only)
NL70: 25.60 of 66.08 mi (38.75%)
 (NL NL70 only)
NL73: 11.96 of 11.96 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL73 only)
NL75: 23.80 of 23.80 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL75 only)
NL80: 11.19 of 62.96 mi (17.78%)
 (NL NL80 only)
NL90: 13.85 of 54.19 mi (25.56%)
 (NL NL90 only)
NL210: 76.15 of 122.62 mi (62.11%)
 (NL NL210 only)
NL330: 1.62 of 88.01 mi (1.84%)
 (NL NL330 only)
NL403: 12.49 of 12.49 mi (100.00%)
 (NL NL403 only)
System cannl connected routes traveled: 21 of 138 (15.2%), clinched: 15 of 138 (10.9%).
System chng (preview) overall: 26.82 of 55642.95 mi (0.05%)
System chng by region:
  CHN-AH: 0.00 of 1719.16 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-BJ: 26.82 of 458.65 mi (5.85%)
  CHN-CQ: 0.00 of 1304.68 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-FJ: 0.00 of 2066.01 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-GD: 0.00 of 3852.41 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-GS: 0.00 of 2141.85 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-GX: 0.00 of 1950.98 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-GZ: 0.00 of 1639.21 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HA: 0.00 of 1953.79 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HB: 0.00 of 2334.11 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HE: 0.00 of 3102.40 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HI: 0.00 of 383.48 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HL: 0.00 of 2221.23 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-HN: 0.00 of 2219.22 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-JL: 0.00 of 1578.40 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-JS: 0.00 of 1806.58 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-JX: 0.00 of 1930.71 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-LN: 0.00 of 2153.71 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-NM: 0.00 of 3177.06 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-NX: 0.00 of 810.03 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-QH: 0.00 of 834.20 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-SC: 0.00 of 2180.87 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-SD: 0.00 of 2459.19 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-SH: 0.00 of 285.36 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-SN: 0.00 of 2751.50 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-SX: 0.00 of 1515.74 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-TJ: 0.00 of 338.44 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-XJ: 0.00 of 2671.11 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-YN: 0.00 of 2116.18 mi (0.00%)
  CHN-ZJ: 0.00 of 1686.70 mi (0.00%)
System chng by route (traveled routes only):
G45 (Tongliao): 26.82 of 792.14 mi (3.39%)
  CHN-BJ G45Miy: 26.82 of 82.11 mi (32.66%)

System chng connected routes traveled: 1 of 164 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 164 (0.0%).
System usaush (preview) overall: 26.17 of 3463.15 mi (0.76%)
System usaush by region:
  AZ: 0.00 of 398.24 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 3.15 of 938.35 mi (0.34%)
  GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 384.11 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 422.81 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 5.38 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 88.02 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 366.50 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 33.61 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 410.82 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 16.00 of 46.73 mi (34.23%)
  TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 7.02 of 110.78 mi (6.34%)
System usaush by route (traveled routes only):
US30His (Cascade Locks, OR): 1.20 of 7.69 mi (15.64%)
 (OR US30HisCas only)
US30His (Rowena Crest, OR): 14.79 of 14.92 mi (99.17%)
 (OR US30HisRow only)
US66His (Hollywood, CA): 3.15 of 21.21 mi (14.86%)
 (CA US66HisHol only)
US99His (Federal Way, WA): 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%)
 (WA US99HisFed only)
System usaush connected routes traveled: 4 of 123 (3.3%), clinched: 1 of 123 (0.8%).

Traveled 41 of 361 (11.4%), Clinched 0 of 361 (0.0%) active systems
Traveled 3 of 216 (1.4%), Clinched 0 of 216 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-08-18 | (Canada) New Brunswick | NB 2 | nb.nb002 | Moved from Madawaska Ave. to new freeway between QC/NB border and exit 1
2015-08-18 | (Canada) New Brunswick | TCH (Main) | nb.tchmai | Moved from Madawaska Ave. to new freeway between QC/NB border and exit 1
2015-08-18 | (Canada) Quebec | A-5 | qc.a005 | Extended north to Wakefield, absorbing former A-5 (Wakefield)
2015-08-18 | (Canada) Quebec | A-35 | qc.a035 | Extended route south to St-Sebastien, with old waypoint 1 moved to new exit 38
2015-08-19 | (Canada) New Brunswick | NB 8 | nb.nb008 | Removed from Bridge Street, Canada Street and NB 148, and relocated onto a controlled access bypass to the east of Marysville, Nashwaak, Durham Bridge and Taymouth, between Bridge Street and NB 148.
2015-11-29 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 401 | on.on401 | Extended westward from the former ending interchange with ON 3 (Exit 5) along a newly built freeway to an interchange with Ojibway Parkway (Exit 1)
2016-08-31 | (USA) Maine | Maine Turnpike Approach Rd | me.mtapprd | Route added
2016-09-30 | (Canada) Quebec | A-73 | qc.a073 | Route extended south from exit 61 near Beauceville, to QC 204 in St-Georges, absorbing former A-73 (St-Georges) segment
2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | I-90 | sd.i090 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.)
2016-10-16 | (USA) South Dakota | US 14 | sd.us014 | Added closed Exit 66 (Ellsworth Road) and renumbered 66 to 67 (Liberty Blvd.)
2016-11-19 | (Canada) Nova Scotia | NS 103 | ns.ns103 | Removed from closed two-lane highway and the surface road through Port Mouton village (now partially NS3), and relocated onto the northwestern Port Mouton bypass between closed intersections labeled *OldNS103_Sum & *OldNS103_PMo
2017-01-24 | (USA) Washington | WA 99 (Federal Way) | wa.wa099fed | Route added, this reflects the southern section of WA 99 south of the WA 518 junction
2017-04-03 | (USA) Ohio | I-480 (Warrensville Heights) | oh.i480war | Route added
2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 99 | or.or099 | Restored route from I-5 onto Yoncalla-Drain routing.
2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | US 30 | or.us030 | (late entry) Moved route from Huntington alignment onto I-84 in lieu of new business 30 route.
2017-10-30 | (Canada) Quebec | A-25 | qc.a025 | North end extended from sortie (exit) 46 to northern QC 125/QC 158 junction
2018-03-21 | (UK) England | A4 | eng.a0004 | Route truncated at west end from A403 to A4044
2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 191 (West Yellowstone) | mt.us191wye | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance
2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 14 | wy.us014 | Route truncated at west end from US89/191 to Yellowstone National Park Entrance
2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 89 | wy.us089 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance
2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 287 | wy.us287 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance
2019-02-04 | (USA) Washington | WA 99 | wa.wa099 | Route moved off Alaskan Way Viaduct (now permanently closed) and into new SR 99 tunnel betweeen waypoints AlaWay (AtlSt) and AurAve (BroSt)
2019-08-01 | (Canada) Quebec | A-10 | qc.a010 | West end truncated from A-720 to exit 1 (Rue Wellington)
2019-09-22 | (Canada) Nova Scotia | NS 101 | ns.ns101 | Removed from NS 1 and relocated onto a northwestern controlled access bypass of Marshalltown between Exit 26 and Middle Cross Road.
2019-12-03 | (USA) Iowa | I-680 | ia.i680 | Truncated to Exit 3 (south junction I-29)
2019-12-15 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 407 | on.on407 | Extended at eastern end from Exit 135 (ON 418) to the new interchange with ON 35/ON 115.
2020-08-14 | (USA) Nevada | NV 593 | nv.nv593 | In Las Vegas, west end of route truncated from Dean Martin Drive to Maryland Parkway
2020-10-04 | (USA) New York | I-84 | ny.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 4 moved from NY 17 (now Exit 19) to Mountain Road (former Exit 2).
2021-02-21 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 409 | on.on409 | Route truncated on the western end from Airport Road to ON 427.
2021-02-21 | (Canada) Ontario | ON 417 | on.on417 | Route extended on western end from Exit 187 to the west about 4.7km to the end of the 4-lane highway where it transforms into 2-lane ON 17.
2021-03-11 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-84 | ma.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 20 (now Exit 6) to Mashapaug Rd.
2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | I-90 | mt.i090 | Exit 433 moved about 0.5 mi to the west due to completion of the West Laurel Interchange Project
2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-90 | in.i090 | Added waypoint 5A at ramp from US 41 to eastbound I-90
2022-02-21 | (USA) Texas | I-35 | tx.i035 | Extended southward from US 83 / TX 359 to Hidalgo St.
2022-04-21 | (USA) California | I-105 | ca.i105 | Route extended east, from I-605 to Studebaker Rd. in Norwalk
2022-08-04 | (USA) Wyoming | Grand Loop Road | wy.gralooprd | Route renamed to GraLoopRd from GraLpRd
2022-08-30 | (USA) California | US 101 | ca.us101 | South end of route truncated from CA 60 to junction with I-5 (truncated segment is also I-5, between exits 134A and 134B). Old US 101 waypoint I-5/10 => new 1A (I-5/10 label in use preserved). Old 1A => new 1B, and old 1B => new 1C.
2022-10-24 | (Canada) British Columbia | BC 7B | bc.bc007b | West end of route relocated, from ramps connecting Mary Hill Bypass to TCH/BC 1, to United Boulevard between Mary Hill Bypass and Mariner Way north of BC 7.
2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-71 | oh.i071 | Point label 1J (the exit to I-471) renamed 1A to match signage, point label 1A renamed 1A(75)
2023-06-03 | (USA) California | CA 1 | ca.ca001 | North of Bodega Bay, route relocated from eroding coastal bluffs, and onto new viaduct over Scotty Creek floodplain, between Calle del Sol and OldCA1Gle_N
2023-06-30 | Malaysia | E1 | mys.e001 | extended north from 182 to MYS/THA
2023-07-07 | (USA) Washington | US 12 | wa.us012 | Route re-aligned onto newly-opened Touchet bypass between waypoints *OldUS12_W and *OldUS12_E
2023-07-12 | (Canada) Nova Scotia | NS 104 | ns.ns104 | Removed from NS 4 (New Glasgow) and demolished roadway, and relocated southward onto a 4-lane divided highway between Exit 29 and a point labeled *OldNS104_Gle.
2023-07-12 | (Canada) Nova Scotia | TCH (Main) | ns.tchmai | Removed from NS 4 (New Glasgow) and demolished roadway, and relocated southward onto a 4-lane divided highway between NS 104 Exit 29 and a point labeled *OldNS104_Gle.
2023-09-18 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 ((North) Yellowstone National Park) | wy.us191yel | Renamed as US 191 (Yellowstone National Park, WY)
2023-10-09 | (USA) Maine | US 201 | me.us201 | SB alignment removed from ME11 and Main St in Waterville, and relocated onto existing NB alignment on Front St, which now carries two-way-traffic.
2023-10-23 | (USA) Nevada | NV 582 | nv.nv582 | North end of route truncated from 8th Street to NV 159
2023-12-18 | (USA) Wyoming | I-90 | wy.i090 | "Exit 61" removed as there is no real evidence it existed.
2024-01-24 | (USA) Texas | US 281 | tx.us281 | Removed from US 281 Business (Premont) and relocated eastward onto a 4-lane divided bypass.
2024-04-08 | (USA) Missouri | I-435 | mo.i435 | Corrected exit for East 63rd Street from 66A->66B and corrected MO 350 exit from 66B->66A
2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | I-80 | wy.i080 | Exit 101 added.
2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | US 30 | wy.us030 | I-80 Exit 101 added.
2024-04-12 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 | wy.us191 | I-80 Exit 101 added.
2024-07-15 | (Canada) Quebec | TCH (Main) | qc.tchmai | In St-Honore-de-Temiscuota, route relocated from Route Gerard-Roy north to new freeway segment (extended by 2.9 mi.), between *RteGerRoy_C and *RteGerRoy_D