Log file created at: Thu Aug  8 22:42:13 2024
cougar1989.list last updated: 2024-06-30 22:22:16 -0400
Unknown region/highway combo in line: DEU-BY St2053Ism B471 St2088
Route updated 2024-07-31: POL S3
Note: deprecated route name D7Pan -> canonical name D7Lou in line: CZE D7Pan I7_Pan I7_Bre
Waypoint label D11 not found in line: CZE II611 D11 II324_S
  Route updated 2023-12-09: CZE II611
Processed 1254 good lines marking 11369 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 18563.77 of 1237311.35 mi (1.50%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 18703.90 of 1896635.48 mi (0.99%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
AUT: 1464.24 of 9005.87 mi (16.26%), 1474.12 of 16857.91 mi (8.74%)
BEL: 585.54 of 8827.03 mi (6.63%), 585.54 of 8827.03 mi (6.63%)
CHE: 961.97 of 4043.25 mi (23.79%), 961.97 of 4043.25 mi (23.79%)
CZE: 1174.41 of 12925.19 mi (9.09%), 1174.41 of 12925.19 mi (9.09%)
DEU-BB: 557.99 of 5585.83 mi (9.99%), 557.99 of 5585.83 mi (9.99%)
DEU-BE: 64.68 of 146.07 mi (44.28%), 64.68 of 146.07 mi (44.28%)
DEU-BW: 751.22 of 8973.65 mi (8.37%), 751.22 of 9022.10 mi (8.33%)
DEU-BY: 1965.60 of 13885.69 mi (14.16%), 1965.60 of 13964.71 mi (14.08%)
DEU-HB: 22.49 of 65.63 mi (34.27%), 22.49 of 65.63 mi (34.27%)
DEU-HE: 504.43 of 6601.13 mi (7.64%), 504.43 of 6601.13 mi (7.64%)
DEU-HH: 13.17 of 143.96 mi (9.15%), 13.17 of 143.96 mi (9.15%)
DEU-MV: 82.23 of 3613.67 mi (2.28%), 82.23 of 3613.67 mi (2.28%)
DEU-NI: 462.71 of 8767.07 mi (5.28%), 462.71 of 8767.07 mi (5.28%)
DEU-NW: 671.60 of 11822.55 mi (5.68%), 671.60 of 11822.55 mi (5.68%)
DEU-RP: 590.73 of 6357.29 mi (9.29%), 590.73 of 6357.29 mi (9.29%)
DEU-SH: 90.86 of 3505.40 mi (2.59%), 90.86 of 3505.40 mi (2.59%)
DEU-SL: 117.40 of 845.30 mi (13.89%), 117.40 of 845.30 mi (13.89%)
DEU-SN: 1287.02 of 4546.91 mi (28.31%), 1287.02 of 4546.91 mi (28.31%)
DEU-ST: 306.15 of 4002.05 mi (7.65%), 306.15 of 4002.05 mi (7.65%)
DEU-TH: 882.75 of 3608.79 mi (24.46%), 882.75 of 3608.79 mi (24.46%)
DNK: 274.22 of 8055.01 mi (3.40%), 274.22 of 8055.01 mi (3.40%)
ENG: 159.32 of 32809.97 mi (0.49%), 159.32 of 32937.88 mi (0.48%)
ESP-CT: 25.52 of 2552.02 mi (1.00%), 25.52 of 2552.02 mi (1.00%)
FRA-ARA: 435.65 of 1725.12 mi (25.25%), 440.69 of 28583.95 mi (1.54%)
FRA-BFC: 69.21 of 1357.51 mi (5.10%), 69.75 of 19237.13 mi (0.36%)
FRA-CVL: 53.17 of 844.90 mi (6.29%), 53.17 of 17483.64 mi (0.30%)
FRA-GES: 759.58 of 5076.76 mi (14.96%), 817.93 of 22674.92 mi (3.61%)
FRA-HDF: 324.06 of 10504.99 mi (3.08%), 331.39 of 16126.52 mi (2.05%)
FRA-IDF: 117.96 of 6298.87 mi (1.87%), 117.96 of 6302.83 mi (1.87%)
FRA-OCC: 289.90 of 1715.06 mi (16.90%), 289.90 of 28963.56 mi (1.00%)
FRA-PAC: 177.17 of 1921.34 mi (9.22%), 177.17 of 8670.38 mi (2.04%)
FRA-PDL: 35.47 of 750.34 mi (4.73%), 45.97 of 13770.56 mi (0.33%)
HRV: 136.54 of 5071.63 mi (2.69%), 143.75 of 10379.35 mi (1.38%)
HUN: 280.43 of 5612.28 mi (5.00%), 280.43 of 5612.28 mi (5.00%)
ITA: 1413.87 of 6390.28 mi (22.13%), 1455.15 of 18968.56 mi (7.67%)
LIE: 8.23 of 13.78 mi (59.74%), 8.23 of 13.78 mi (59.74%)
LUX: 111.30 of 601.65 mi (18.50%), 111.30 of 601.65 mi (18.50%)
NLD: 226.28 of 6698.69 mi (3.38%), 226.28 of 6698.69 mi (3.38%)
POL: 448.87 of 29826.84 mi (1.50%), 448.87 of 29826.84 mi (1.50%)
SVK: 52.93 of 4715.07 mi (1.12%), 52.93 of 4715.07 mi (1.12%)
SVN: 415.78 of 3680.95 mi (11.30%), 415.78 of 3681.29 mi (11.29%)
SWE: 191.12 of 16322.13 mi (1.17%), 191.12 of 16322.13 mi (1.17%)
System auta (active) overall: 1054.80 of 1083.23 mi (97.38%)
System auta by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (West Autobahn): 182.02 of 182.02 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A1 only)
A2 (Süd Autobahn): 225.82 of 228.23 mi (98.94%)
 (AUT A2 only)
A2 (Süd Autobahn Zubringer Graz): 2.02 of 2.02 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A2Gra only)
A2 (Süd Autobahn Zubringer Klagenfurt): 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A2Kla only)
A3 (Südost Autobahn): 18.56 of 20.86 mi (88.98%)
 (AUT A3 only)
A4 (Ost Autobahn): 41.50 of 41.50 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A4 only)
A5 (Nord Autobahn (Main)): 29.37 of 29.37 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A5 only)
A6 (Nordost Autobahn): 13.72 of 13.72 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A6 only)
A7 (Mühlkreis Autobahn): 16.67 of 16.67 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A7 only)
A8 (Innkreis Autobahn): 47.31 of 47.31 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A8 only)
A9 (Pyhrn Autobahn): 143.18 of 143.18 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A9 only)
A10 (Tauern Autobahn): 112.93 of 112.93 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A10 only)
A11 (Karawanken Autobahn): 12.99 of 12.99 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A11 only)
A12 (Inntal Autobahn): 90.26 of 90.26 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A12 only)
A12 (Inntal Autobahn Zubringer Reschenpass): 4.59 of 4.59 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A12Lan only)
A13 (Brenner Autobahn): 21.04 of 21.04 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A13 only)
A13 (Brenner Autobahn Westspange Innsbruck): 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A13Inn only)
A14 (Rheintal/Walgau Autobahn): 38.36 of 38.36 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A14 only)
A14 (Rheintal/Walgau Autobahn Zubringer Bregenz): 1.17 of 1.17 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A14Bre only)
A21 (Wiener Außenring Autobahn): 23.39 of 23.39 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A21 only)
A22 (Donauufer Autobahn): 14.31 of 19.17 mi (74.62%)
 (AUT A22 only)
A22 (Donauufer Autobahn Zubringer Nordbrücke): 0.64 of 2.04 mi (31.44%)
 (AUT A22Wie only)
A23 (Autobahn Südosttangente Wien): 1.13 of 10.34 mi (10.93%)
 (AUT A23 only)
A25 (Welser Autobahn): 12.02 of 12.02 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT A25 only)
System auta connected routes traveled: 24 of 28 (85.7%), clinched: 19 of 28 (67.9%).
System auts (active) overall: 146.61 of 323.97 mi (45.25%)
System auts by route (traveled routes only):
S1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße Süd): 9.96 of 9.96 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S1 only)
S1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße Nord): 8.73 of 13.92 mi (62.66%)
 (AUT S1Wie only)
S5 (Stockerauer Schnellstraße): 22.27 of 27.99 mi (79.57%)
 (AUT S5 only)
S6 (Semmering Schnellstraße): 12.87 of 64.22 mi (20.04%)
 (AUT S6 only)
S10 (Mühlviertler Schnellstraße): 13.49 of 13.49 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S10 only)
S16 (Arlberg Schnellstraße): 38.70 of 38.70 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S16 only)
S31 (Burgenland Schnellstraße): 1.93 of 31.57 mi (6.12%)
 (AUT S31 only)
S33 (Kremser Schnellstraße): 16.96 of 16.96 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S33 only)
S35 (Brucker Schnellstraße): 21.71 of 21.71 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT S35 only)
System auts connected routes traveled: 9 of 16 (56.2%), clinched: 5 of 16 (31.2%).
System autb (active) overall: 254.69 of 5841.30 mi (4.36%)
System autb by route (traveled routes only):
B1 (Wiener Straße): 7.22 of 194.85 mi (3.71%)
 (AUT B1 only)
B3 (Donau Straße Linz): 16.13 of 77.09 mi (20.92%)
 (AUT B3 only)
B3a (Melker Straße): 2.29 of 2.29 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B3a only)
B7 (Brünner Straße): 5.87 of 41.43 mi (14.17%)
 (AUT B7 only)
B8 (Angerner Straße): 1.16 of 24.55 mi (4.72%)
 (AUT B8 only)
B14 (Klosterneuburger Straße (Main)): 5.87 of 30.85 mi (19.01%)
 (AUT B14 only)
B14a (Brigittenauer Brücke): 0.56 of 0.76 mi (74.13%)
 (AUT B14a only)
B16 (Ödenburger Straße): 1.23 of 33.22 mi (3.70%)
 (AUT B16 only)
B20 (Mariazeller Straße): 1.71 of 73.60 mi (2.32%)
 (AUT B20 only)
B33 (Aggsteiner Straße): 21.87 of 21.87 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B33 only)
B37a (Kremser Straße): 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B37a only)
B50 (Burgenland Straße): 13.31 of 100.86 mi (13.20%)
 (AUT B50 only)
B52 (Ruster Straße): 4.61 of 11.51 mi (40.08%)
 (AUT B52 only)
B67 (Grazer Straße): 3.92 of 40.84 mi (9.60%)
 (AUT B67 only)
B67a (Grazer Ring Straße): 0.60 of 11.06 mi (5.40%)
 (AUT B67a only)
B67b (Kalvariengürtel Straße): 0.93 of 0.93 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B67b only)
B67c (Waltendorfer Straße Gries): 0.90 of 0.90 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B67c only)
B70c (Packer Straße Abzweigung Klagenfurt): 2.00 of 3.00 mi (66.73%)
 (AUT B70c only)
B70d (Harbacher Straße): 1.88 of 5.84 mi (32.17%)
 (AUT B70d only)
B83 (Kärtner Straße): 3.33 of 39.72 mi (8.39%)
 (AUT B83 only)
B84 (Faakersee Straße): 0.61 of 7.62 mi (7.97%)
 (AUT B84 only)
B85 (Rosental Straße): 1.49 of 41.41 mi (3.60%)
 (AUT B85 only)
B86 (Villacher Straße): 3.53 of 3.53 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B86 only)
B91 (Loiblpass Straße): 15.11 of 15.30 mi (98.76%)
 (AUT B91 only)
B100 (Drautal Straße): 1.88 of 85.44 mi (2.20%)
 (AUT B100 only)
B116 (Leobener Straße): 3.97 of 22.84 mi (17.40%)
 (AUT B116 only)
B123 (Mautausener Straße): 2.27 of 12.64 mi (17.95%)
 (AUT B123 only)
B123a (St. Valentiner Straße): 0.27 of 4.07 mi (6.67%)
 (AUT B123a only)
B126 (Leonfeldener Straße): 1.89 of 19.47 mi (9.71%)
 (AUT B126 only)
B137 (Innviertler Straße): 0.39 of 39.20 mi (1.00%)
 (AUT B137 only)
B141 (Rieder Straße (Main)): 6.73 of 28.87 mi (23.31%)
 (AUT B141 only)
B149 (Subener Straße): 4.08 of 4.56 mi (89.48%)
 (AUT B149 only)
B150 (Salzburger Straße): 2.03 of 8.10 mi (25.05%)
 (AUT B150 only)
B158 (Wolfgangsee Straße): 1.90 of 30.29 mi (6.28%)
 (AUT B158 only)
B159 (Salzachtal Straße): 0.67 of 27.67 mi (2.43%)
 (AUT B159 only)
B160 (Berchtesgadener Straße): 1.92 of 1.92 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B160 only)
B171 (Tiroler Straße): 3.86 of 101.71 mi (3.79%)
 (AUT B171 only)
B173 (Eibergstraße): 0.39 of 6.10 mi (6.42%)
 (AUT B173 only)
B173AST (Eibergstraße AST Kufstein): 0.09 of 0.09 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B173AST only)
B175 (Wildbichler Straße): 3.65 of 8.70 mi (41.93%)
 (AUT B175 only)
B179 (Fernpassstraße): 29.10 of 29.10 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B179 only)
B180 (Reschenstraße): 15.13 of 22.73 mi (66.55%)
 (AUT B180 only)
B184 (Engadiner Straße): 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B184 only)
B187 (Ehrwalder Straße): 6.98 of 6.98 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B187 only)
B189 (Mieminger Straße): 7.14 of 20.23 mi (35.32%)
 (AUT B189 only)
L190 (Vorarlberger Straße): 5.35 of 39.15 mi (13.67%)
 (AUT L190 only)
L191a (Liechtensteiner Straße): 1.99 of 1.99 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L191a only)
B197 (Arlbergstraße): 6.44 of 6.44 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B197 only)
L197 (Arlbergstraße): 4.78 of 4.78 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L197 only)
L200 (Bregenzerwaldstraße): 0.56 of 35.83 mi (1.56%)
 (AUT L200 only)
L202 (Schweizer Straße): 0.48 of 6.23 mi (7.69%)
 (AUT L202 only)
L203 (Rheinstraße): 0.99 of 10.23 mi (9.68%)
 (AUT L203 only)
L204 (Lustenauer Straße): 5.25 of 5.25 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L204 only)
B212 (Bad Vöslauer Straße): 1.64 of 15.34 mi (10.66%)
 (AUT B212 only)
B227 (Donaukanal Straße): 2.81 of 5.26 mi (53.33%)
 (AUT B227 only)
B310 (Mühlviertler Straße): 9.08 of 9.08 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT B310 only)
System autb connected routes traveled: 56 of 286 (19.6%), clinched: 16 of 286 (5.6%).
System autl4 (active) overall: 2.35 of 689.48 mi (0.34%)
System autl4 by route (traveled routes only):
L569-4 (Pleschinger Straße): 2.35 of 9.91 mi (23.70%)
 (AUT L569-4 only)
System autl4 connected routes traveled: 1 of 87 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 87 (0.0%).
System autl5 (active) overall: 6.28 of 381.38 mi (1.65%)
System autl5 by route (traveled routes only):
L105-5 (Halleiner Landesstraße): 0.17 of 8.64 mi (2.01%)
 (AUT L105-5 only)
L107-5 (Wiestal Landesstraße): 0.32 of 11.44 mi (2.83%)
 (AUT L107-5 only)
L108-5 (Gaisberg Landesstraße): 4.88 of 4.88 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L108-5 only)
L256-5 (Dürrnberg Landesstraße): 0.90 of 3.04 mi (29.64%)
 (AUT L256-5 only)
System autl5 connected routes traveled: 4 of 94 (4.3%), clinched: 1 of 94 (1.1%).
System autl7 (active) overall: 4.73 of 692.51 mi (0.68%)
System autl7 by route (traveled routes only):
L348-7 (Spisser Straße): 4.73 of 4.73 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L348-7 only)
System autl7 connected routes traveled: 1 of 192 (0.5%), clinched: 1 of 192 (0.5%).
System bela (active) overall: 525.94 of 1027.92 mi (51.17%)
System bela by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 17.64 of 49.83 mi (35.40%)
 (BEL A1 only)
A3: 31.75 of 84.58 mi (37.54%)
 (BEL A3 only)
A4: 87.08 of 117.88 mi (73.87%)
 (BEL A4 only)
A7: 23.67 of 38.18 mi (62.01%)
 (BEL A7 only)
A8: 6.87 of 47.83 mi (14.36%)
 (BEL A8 only)
A12: 2.55 of 39.63 mi (6.44%)
 (BEL A12 only)
A13: 67.09 of 70.30 mi (95.43%)
 (BEL A13 only)
A14: 63.25 of 63.25 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A14 only)
A15: 64.48 of 64.48 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A15 only)
A16: 21.35 of 21.35 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A16 only)
A21: 30.01 of 30.01 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A21 only)
A25: 5.71 of 9.70 mi (58.81%)
 (BEL A25 only)
A26: 62.11 of 62.11 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A26 only)
A27: 37.32 of 37.83 mi (98.66%)
 (BEL A27 only)
A602: 7.60 of 7.60 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL A602 only)
System bela connected routes traveled: 15 of 28 (53.6%), clinched: 6 of 28 (21.4%).
System belb (active) overall: 0.59 of 9.23 mi (6.35%)
System belb by route (traveled routes only):
B501: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%)
 (BEL B501 only)
System belb connected routes traveled: 1 of 9 (11.1%), clinched: 1 of 9 (11.1%).
System belr (active) overall: 6.69 of 307.23 mi (2.18%)
System belr by route (traveled routes only):
R1: 5.84 of 10.45 mi (55.86%)
 (BEL R1 only)
R11: 0.85 of 8.11 mi (10.47%)
 (BEL R11 only)
System belr connected routes traveled: 2 of 48 (4.2%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%).
System beln (active) overall: 54.87 of 7507.69 mi (0.73%)
System beln by route (traveled routes only):
N12: 0.65 of 38.81 mi (1.68%)
 (BEL N12 only)
N40 (Libramont-Chevigny): 3.39 of 57.17 mi (5.93%)
 (BEL N40 only)
N62: 19.60 of 47.04 mi (41.67%)
 (BEL N62 only)
N68: 4.69 of 49.38 mi (9.50%)
 (BEL N68 only)
N81: 1.73 of 7.30 mi (23.69%)
 (BEL N81 only)
N87: 1.77 of 21.03 mi (8.43%)
 (BEL N87 only)
N89: 18.45 of 61.05 mi (30.22%)
 (BEL N89 only)
N115: 4.91 of 17.64 mi (27.85%)
 (BEL N115 only)
N117: 0.57 of 13.42 mi (4.26%)
 (BEL N117 only)
N120: 0.75 of 3.75 mi (20.02%)
 (BEL N120 only)
System beln connected routes traveled: 10 of 1043 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 1043 (0.0%).
System chea (active) overall: 868.66 of 1135.17 mi (76.52%)
System chea by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 242.64 of 242.64 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A1 only)
A1r: 3.73 of 4.12 mi (90.52%)
 (CHE A1r only)
A2: 177.56 of 177.56 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A2 only)
A3: 112.03 of 112.03 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A3 only)
A4 (Zürich): 46.47 of 78.52 mi (59.18%)
 (CHE A4 only)
A5 (Neuchâtel): 25.80 of 34.72 mi (74.31%)
 (CHE A5 only)
A5 (Solothurn): 15.84 of 18.78 mi (84.36%)
 (CHE A5Sol only)
A6: 4.07 of 45.51 mi (8.95%)
 (CHE A6 only)
A9 (Lausanne): 84.43 of 93.26 mi (90.54%)
 (CHE A9 only)
A9 (Turtmann): 4.27 of 4.27 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A9Tur only)
A9 (Brig): 4.72 of 9.39 mi (50.27%)
 (CHE A9Bri only)
A12: 47.86 of 47.86 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A12 only)
A13 ((Main)): 113.53 of 113.53 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A13 only)
A16: 51.82 of 51.82 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE A16 only)
A20 (Neuchâtel): 2.47 of 20.36 mi (12.13%)
 (CHE A20 only)
System chea connected routes traveled: 15 of 40 (37.5%), clinched: 7 of 40 (17.5%).
System cheh (active) overall: 95.76 of 2465.69 mi (3.88%)
System cheh by region:
  CHE: 90.14 of 2460.07 mi (3.66%)
  LIE: 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%)
System cheh by route (traveled routes only):
H1: 0.39 of 202.11 mi (0.19%)
 (CHE H1 only)
H3: 2.39 of 183.79 mi (1.30%)
 (CHE H3 only)
H4 (Zürich): 0.15 of 81.08 mi (0.19%)
 (CHE H4 only)
H5: 8.86 of 127.28 mi (6.96%)
 (CHE H5 only)
H6: 1.65 of 140.51 mi (1.17%)
 (CHE H6 only)
H9: 38.58 of 140.05 mi (27.55%)
 (CHE H9 only)
H10: 3.76 of 105.63 mi (3.56%)
 (CHE H10 only)
H13: 0.51 of 203.48 mi (0.25%)
 (CHE H13 only)
H15: 0.67 of 51.38 mi (1.31%)
 (CHE H15 only)
H16: 5.73 of 60.97 mi (9.41%)
  CHE H16: 0.11 of 55.35 mi (0.20%)
  LIE H16: 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%)

H21 ((Main)): 24.08 of 51.60 mi (46.67%)
 (CHE H21 only)
H21 (Martigny): 1.40 of 1.40 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE H21Mar only)
H24: 8.94 of 25.70 mi (34.76%)
 (CHE H24 only)
H27: 3.69 of 52.13 mi (7.08%)
 (CHE H27 only)
H28: 0.51 of 64.57 mi (0.79%)
 (CHE H28 only)
System cheh connected routes traveled: 15 of 37 (40.5%), clinched: 1 of 37 (2.7%).
System chegts (active) overall: 72.73 of 1094.09 mi (6.65%)
System chegts by region:
  CHE: 69.15 of 1082.23 mi (6.39%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 2.72 mi (0.00%)
  LIE: 3.59 of 9.13 mi (39.28%)
System chegts by route (traveled routes only):
GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Main)): 69.08 of 881.45 mi (7.84%)
  CHE GTSZur: 30.29 of 200.17 mi (15.13%)
  LIE GTS: 3.59 of 9.13 mi (39.28%)
  CHE GTS: 35.21 of 672.15 mi (5.24%)

GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Basel)): 0.65 of 84.34 mi (0.77%)
  CHE GTSBas: 0.65 of 21.28 mi (3.05%)

GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (St. Johann)): 1.82 of 1.82 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE GTSJoh only)
GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Genève)): 1.09 of 31.33 mi (3.47%)
 (CHE GTSGen only)
GTS (Grand Tour of Switzerland (Lugano)): 0.10 of 61.28 mi (0.16%)
 (CHE GTSLug only)
System chegts connected routes traveled: 5 of 7 (71.4%), clinched: 1 of 7 (14.3%).
System czed (active) overall: 657.36 of 860.59 mi (76.39%)
System czed by route (traveled routes only):
D0 ((South) Praha): 21.62 of 21.62 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D0 only)
D0 ((East) Praha): 1.42 of 2.70 mi (52.73%)
 (CZE D0EPr only)
D1 ((Main)): 139.43 of 166.18 mi (83.90%)
 (CZE D1 only)
D1 (Ostrava): 49.75 of 58.70 mi (84.75%)
 (CZE D1Ost only)
D2: 38.18 of 38.18 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D2 only)
D3: 42.79 of 42.79 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D3 only)
D5: 94.31 of 94.31 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D5 only)
D6 (Karlovy Vary): 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D6Kar only)
D7 (Slaný): 10.30 of 10.30 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D7 only)
D7 (Louny): 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D7Lou only)
D7 (Chomutov): 13.86 of 13.86 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D7Cho only)
D8: 57.82 of 57.82 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D8 only)
D10: 43.92 of 43.92 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D10 only)
D11: 56.84 of 70.96 mi (80.11%)
 (CZE D11 only)
D35 (Olomouc): 18.82 of 21.89 mi (85.96%)
 (CZE D35 only)
D46: 23.78 of 23.78 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D46 only)
D52: 10.54 of 10.54 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE D52 only)
System czed connected routes traveled: 17 of 27 (63.0%), clinched: 12 of 27 (44.4%).
System czei (active) overall: 390.81 of 3334.59 mi (11.72%)
System czei by route (traveled routes only):
I3 (Benešov): 27.16 of 27.16 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I3Ben only)
I3 (České Budějovice): 26.55 of 29.29 mi (90.64%)
 (CZE I3 only)
I6 (Bochov): 7.09 of 23.49 mi (30.17%)
 (CZE I6Boc only)
I6 (Cheb): 5.41 of 5.41 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I6Che only)
I7 (Přední Kopanina): 1.59 of 1.59 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7Pre only)
I7 (Slaný): 10.55 of 10.55 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7 only)
I7 (Postoloprty): 3.19 of 3.19 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7Pos only)
I7 (Chomutov): 12.45 of 12.45 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I7Cho only)
I8 (Teplice): 3.10 of 21.05 mi (14.75%)
 (CZE I8 only)
I8 (Březiněves): 2.59 of 2.59 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I8Bre only)
I9: 3.23 of 64.00 mi (5.05%)
 (CZE I9 only)
I13: 98.52 of 140.00 mi (70.37%)
 (CZE I13 only)
I15: 0.46 of 44.57 mi (1.02%)
 (CZE I15 only)
I16: 2.76 of 120.39 mi (2.29%)
 (CZE I16 only)
I19: 2.01 of 163.19 mi (1.23%)
 (CZE I19 only)
I20 ((Main)): 50.65 of 132.19 mi (38.32%)
 (CZE I20 only)
I20 (Plzeň): 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I20Plz only)
I21: 41.22 of 41.22 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I21 only)
I23: 4.93 of 92.61 mi (5.32%)
 (CZE I23 only)
I25: 0.20 of 7.65 mi (2.65%)
 (CZE I25 only)
I26: 9.10 of 47.70 mi (19.08%)
 (CZE I26 only)
I27: 25.46 of 132.17 mi (19.26%)
 (CZE I27 only)
I30: 1.46 of 19.83 mi (7.37%)
 (CZE I30 only)
I34: 2.26 of 130.92 mi (1.72%)
 (CZE I34 only)
I35 (Hradec Králové): 25.76 of 139.79 mi (18.42%)
 (CZE I35 only)
I38 ((Main)): 3.93 of 164.23 mi (2.39%)
 (CZE I38 only)
I50 ((Main)): 4.34 of 66.38 mi (6.53%)
 (CZE I50 only)
I52 (Brno): 4.35 of 6.07 mi (71.64%)
 (CZE I52Brn only)
I52 (Mikulov): 14.50 of 14.50 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I52 only)
I63: 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I63 only)
I64: 10.12 of 10.12 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE I64 only)
System czei connected routes traveled: 31 of 92 (33.7%), clinched: 12 of 92 (13.0%).
System czeii (active) overall: 142.04 of 8860.90 mi (1.60%)
System czeii by route (traveled routes only):
II143: 0.62 of 26.76 mi (2.32%)
 (CZE II143 only)
II156 (České Budějovice): 0.90 of 0.90 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II156Ces only)
II157: 0.13 of 33.72 mi (0.38%)
 (CZE II157 only)
II180: 2.78 of 46.76 mi (5.94%)
 (CZE II180 only)
II193: 0.35 of 56.07 mi (0.63%)
 (CZE II193 only)
II201: 3.06 of 95.45 mi (3.21%)
 (CZE II201 only)
II208: 3.79 of 16.73 mi (22.65%)
 (CZE II208 only)
II209: 7.71 of 14.92 mi (51.69%)
 (CZE II209 only)
II210: 27.69 of 50.47 mi (54.85%)
 (CZE II210 only)
II212: 2.68 of 27.65 mi (9.68%)
 (CZE II212 only)
II213: 2.23 of 12.83 mi (17.35%)
 (CZE II213 only)
II214: 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II214 only)
II215: 3.68 of 3.68 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II215 only)
II217: 10.18 of 10.18 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II217 only)
II218: 7.55 of 7.55 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II218 only)
II219: 1.27 of 17.25 mi (7.36%)
 (CZE II219 only)
II223: 7.25 of 17.00 mi (42.68%)
 (CZE II223 only)
II224: 7.12 of 35.83 mi (19.88%)
 (CZE II224 only)
II230: 6.52 of 72.68 mi (8.97%)
 (CZE II230 only)
II231: 1.43 of 17.19 mi (8.34%)
 (CZE II231 only)
II233: 0.70 of 33.34 mi (2.11%)
 (CZE II233 only)
II237: 1.16 of 39.17 mi (2.96%)
 (CZE II237 only)
II240: 3.25 of 49.11 mi (6.61%)
 (CZE II240 only)
II256: 1.90 of 6.98 mi (27.25%)
 (CZE II256 only)
II261: 8.15 of 47.19 mi (17.26%)
 (CZE II261 only)
II262: 2.73 of 22.42 mi (12.19%)
 (CZE II262 only)
II263: 3.07 of 33.19 mi (9.25%)
 (CZE II263 only)
II271: 7.43 of 7.43 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II271 only)
II324: 0.52 of 49.70 mi (1.05%)
 (CZE II324 only)
II605 (Beroun): 0.12 of 43.18 mi (0.29%)
 (CZE II605 only)
II605 (Stříbro): 3.89 of 41.15 mi (9.44%)
 (CZE II605Str only)
II606 (Cheb): 7.52 of 7.52 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II606Che only)
II611: 0.37 of 70.15 mi (0.52%)
 (CZE II611 only)
II613: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE II613 only)
System czeii connected routes traveled: 34 of 460 (7.4%), clinched: 8 of 460 (1.7%).
System deua (active) overall: 5353.09 of 8253.97 mi (64.85%)
System deua by region:
  DEU-BB: 412.19 of 506.73 mi (81.34%)
  DEU-BE: 26.87 of 45.16 mi (59.49%)
  DEU-BW: 622.41 of 663.07 mi (93.87%)
  DEU-BY: 1348.43 of 1590.25 mi (84.79%)
  DEU-HB: 14.38 of 41.53 mi (34.62%)
  DEU-HE: 378.55 of 629.14 mi (60.17%)
  DEU-HH: 10.43 of 46.62 mi (22.37%)
  DEU-MV: 81.03 of 361.61 mi (22.41%)
  DEU-NI: 399.95 of 911.98 mi (43.85%)
  DEU-NW: 579.32 of 1408.82 mi (41.12%)
  DEU-RP: 444.65 of 544.33 mi (81.69%)
  DEU-SH: 90.86 of 342.75 mi (26.51%)
  DEU-SL: 113.07 of 147.06 mi (76.89%)
  DEU-SN: 327.32 of 363.57 mi (90.03%)
  DEU-ST: 215.36 of 327.02 mi (65.85%)
  DEU-TH: 288.26 of 324.32 mi (88.88%)
System deua by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Bremen): 218.93 of 380.79 mi (57.49%)
  DEU-HH A1: 4.62 of 11.73 mi (39.37%)
  DEU-NI A1Buc: 59.10 of 59.10 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A1: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1Dre: 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A1Ars: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1: 69.16 of 69.16 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A1Wer: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A1Osn: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A1: 77.24 of 158.36 mi (48.77%)

A1 (Trier): 56.27 of 85.68 mi (65.67%)
  DEU-RP A1: 48.23 of 55.30 mi (87.22%)
  DEU-SL A1: 8.03 of 30.38 mi (26.44%)

A2: 144.71 of 296.98 mi (48.73%)
  DEU-NW A2: 25.54 of 118.61 mi (21.54%)
  DEU-NI A2: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A2: 21.66 of 53.23 mi (40.69%)

A3: 353.68 of 478.69 mi (73.89%)
  DEU-NW A3: 38.60 of 113.93 mi (33.88%)
  DEU-RP A3: 35.26 of 35.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A3: 66.21 of 66.21 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A3Asc: 33.28 of 33.28 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A3: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A3: 176.20 of 225.88 mi (78.01%)

A4 (Köln): 90.85 of 95.05 mi (95.58%)
 (DEU-NW A4 only)
A4 (Dresden): 268.85 of 268.85 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A4: 23.07 of 23.07 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A4Ger: 4.38 of 4.38 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A4Her: 5.05 of 5.05 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A4: 104.85 of 104.85 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A4: 131.50 of 131.50 mi (100.00%)

A5: 228.04 of 275.89 mi (82.66%)
  DEU-HE A5: 78.93 of 111.13 mi (71.03%)
  DEU-BW A5: 149.11 of 164.76 mi (90.50%)

A5AST (Neuenburg): 0.29 of 0.29 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW A5AST only)
A6: 301.52 of 301.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL A6: 23.84 of 23.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A6: 51.65 of 51.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A6Man: 4.60 of 4.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A6: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A6: 91.67 of 91.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A6: 125.35 of 125.35 mi (100.00%)

A7: 440.50 of 600.55 mi (73.35%)
  DEU-SH A7: 90.86 of 90.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH A7: 4.24 of 18.08 mi (23.48%)
  DEU-NI A7: 38.45 of 164.11 mi (23.43%)
  DEU-HE A7Wit: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A7Han: 11.41 of 11.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A7: 60.50 of 79.61 mi (75.99%)
  DEU-BY A7: 104.71 of 104.71 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7: 48.86 of 48.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Neu: 25.33 of 25.33 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7Det: 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Fel: 0.68 of 0.68 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7Unt: 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Hei: 0.71 of 0.71 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A7Ege: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A7Kem: 46.46 of 46.46 mi (100.00%)

A8 (Saarbrücken): 50.92 of 68.40 mi (74.43%)
  DEU-SL A8: 50.92 of 56.48 mi (90.15%)

A8 (Stuttgart): 162.77 of 166.86 mi (97.55%)
  DEU-BW A8: 92.14 of 92.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A8Neu: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A8Lan: 2.42 of 2.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A8Aug: 63.92 of 68.00 mi (94.00%)

A8 (Rosenheim): 78.78 of 78.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A8 only)
A9: 331.02 of 331.02 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A9: 28.06 of 28.06 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9: 37.99 of 37.99 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Dob: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Loh: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9: 7.48 of 7.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Rub: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Weh: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Mas: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Kle: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Gun: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A9Alt: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A9Wei: 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A9: 47.58 of 47.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A9: 178.38 of 178.38 mi (100.00%)

A10: 105.42 of 122.76 mi (85.87%)
  DEU-BB A10: 105.42 of 119.43 mi (88.26%)

A11: 69.49 of 69.49 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-MV A11: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A11: 57.34 of 57.34 mi (100.00%)

A12: 36.60 of 36.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB A12 only)
A13: 94.64 of 94.64 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A13: 78.11 of 78.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A13: 16.53 of 16.53 mi (100.00%)

A14 (Leipzig): 91.66 of 130.22 mi (70.39%)
  DEU-ST A14: 65.56 of 67.86 mi (96.60%)
  DEU-SN A14Rab: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A14Gro: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A14: 24.87 of 61.12 mi (40.69%)

A15: 40.27 of 40.27 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB A15 only)
A17: 27.73 of 27.73 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN A17 only)
A19: 77.11 of 77.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-MV A19: 68.87 of 68.87 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A19: 8.23 of 8.23 mi (100.00%)

A24: 40.20 of 149.09 mi (26.96%)
  DEU-BB A24: 40.20 of 63.15 mi (63.65%)

A27: 45.12 of 101.86 mi (44.29%)
  DEU-HB A27: 7.85 of 14.31 mi (54.87%)
  DEU-NI A27Oyt: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB A27Mah: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A27: 35.66 of 35.66 mi (100.00%)

A28: 2.22 of 60.30 mi (3.68%)
 (DEU-NI A28 only)
A30: 84.37 of 84.37 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A30: 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A30: 23.46 of 23.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A30Oey: 19.46 of 19.46 mi (100.00%)

A33: 28.81 of 64.34 mi (44.78%)
  DEU-NW A33: 28.81 of 47.82 mi (60.25%)

A36: 22.45 of 75.40 mi (29.77%)
  DEU-NI A36: 22.45 of 23.74 mi (94.57%)

A37 (Hannover): 3.15 of 5.67 mi (55.54%)
 (DEU-NI A37 only)
A38: 136.46 of 136.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A38: 2.93 of 2.93 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A38: 0.80 of 0.80 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI A38Fri: 4.35 of 4.35 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH A38: 46.76 of 46.76 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST A38: 63.24 of 63.24 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A38: 18.39 of 18.39 mi (100.00%)

A39 (Braunschweig): 0.85 of 42.32 mi (2.01%)
 (DEU-NI A39 only)
A40: 25.77 of 57.73 mi (44.64%)
 (DEU-NW A40 only)
A42: 35.81 of 35.97 mi (99.57%)
 (DEU-NW A42 only)
A43: 26.22 of 56.76 mi (46.19%)
 (DEU-NW A43 only)
A44 (Aachen): 6.93 of 35.10 mi (19.75%)
 (DEU-NW A44Aac only)
A44 (Kassel): 94.17 of 94.17 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A44: 61.45 of 61.45 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A44Die: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A44War: 3.02 of 3.02 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A44: 23.90 of 23.90 mi (100.00%)

A44 (Hessisch Lichtenau): 13.98 of 13.98 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE A44Hes only)
A45: 48.23 of 158.72 mi (30.39%)
  DEU-NW A45: 24.07 of 75.82 mi (31.74%)
  DEU-HE A45: 24.16 of 73.61 mi (32.83%)

A48: 36.06 of 48.19 mi (74.84%)
 (DEU-RP A48 only)
A49: 3.79 of 34.72 mi (10.92%)
 (DEU-HE A49 only)
A52 (Marl): 11.66 of 11.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NW A52Mar only)
A57: 4.22 of 72.91 mi (5.78%)
 (DEU-NW A57 only)
A59 (Duisburg): 2.73 of 14.44 mi (18.94%)
 (DEU-NW A59 only)
A60 (Wittlich): 41.53 of 41.53 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP A60 only)
A60 (Mainz): 28.03 of 28.03 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A60Mai: 21.20 of 21.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE A60: 6.83 of 6.83 mi (100.00%)

A61 (Mönchengladbach): 23.32 of 23.32 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NW A61Mon only)
A61 (Koblenz): 175.42 of 175.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW A61: 42.41 of 42.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A61: 128.84 of 128.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A61: 4.17 of 4.17 mi (100.00%)

A62: 31.71 of 49.12 mi (64.55%)
  DEU-SL A62: 7.51 of 7.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A62Ell: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL A62Noh: 0.70 of 0.70 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A62Wei: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL A62Fre: 3.06 of 3.06 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP A62: 15.30 of 32.71 mi (46.77%)

A63: 43.87 of 43.87 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP A63 only)
A64: 11.42 of 11.42 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP A64 only)
A65: 3.65 of 36.50 mi (10.01%)
 (DEU-RP A65 only)
A66 (Wiesbaden): 2.99 of 24.62 mi (12.16%)
 (DEU-HE A66Wie only)
A66 (Hanau): 35.53 of 55.58 mi (63.92%)
 (DEU-HE A66 only)
A67: 3.91 of 36.37 mi (10.76%)
 (DEU-HE A67 only)
A70: 74.50 of 74.50 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A70 only)
A71: 88.44 of 136.50 mi (64.79%)
  DEU-TH A71: 63.62 of 99.68 mi (63.83%)
  DEU-BY A71: 24.81 of 34.19 mi (72.58%)

A72: 104.73 of 104.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A72: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN A72: 94.96 of 94.96 mi (100.00%)

A73 (Bamberg): 71.41 of 96.22 mi (74.21%)
  DEU-TH A73: 21.08 of 21.08 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A73: 50.33 of 75.14 mi (66.98%)

A73 (Nürnberg): 7.99 of 7.99 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A73Nur only)
A81: 176.10 of 176.10 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A81: 2.65 of 2.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A81: 173.44 of 173.44 mi (100.00%)

A92: 10.43 of 84.28 mi (12.37%)
 (DEU-BY A92 only)
A93 (Regensburg): 150.77 of 150.77 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A93 only)
A93 (Oberaudorf): 15.78 of 15.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A93Obe only)
A94 (Mühldorf): 0.61 of 60.62 mi (1.01%)
 (DEU-BY A94 only)
A95: 42.75 of 42.75 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A95 only)
A96: 107.14 of 107.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A96Lin: 4.81 of 4.81 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW A96: 30.15 of 30.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY A96: 72.18 of 72.18 mi (100.00%)

A98 (Lörrach): 10.00 of 11.40 mi (87.78%)
 (DEU-BW A98 only)
A99 (München): 33.66 of 33.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A99 only)
A99 (Eschenried): 2.41 of 2.41 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A99Esc only)
A100: 12.56 of 12.74 mi (98.54%)
 (DEU-BE A100 only)
A113: 11.91 of 11.91 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE A113: 5.73 of 5.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A113: 6.18 of 6.18 mi (100.00%)

A115: 17.32 of 17.32 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE A115: 7.40 of 7.40 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A115: 9.92 of 9.92 mi (100.00%)

A117: 3.04 of 3.04 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE A117: 1.18 of 1.18 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB A117: 1.85 of 1.85 mi (100.00%)

A255: 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HH A255 only)
A369: 2.62 of 2.62 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NI A369 only)
A391: 6.53 of 7.69 mi (84.89%)
 (DEU-NI A391 only)
A480 (Aßlar): 1.55 of 2.57 mi (60.12%)
 (DEU-HE A480Ass only)
A480 (Gießen): 8.95 of 8.95 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE A480 only)
A485: 6.73 of 11.51 mi (58.42%)
 (DEU-HE A485 only)
A544: 0.56 of 3.37 mi (16.53%)
 (DEU-NW A544 only)
A562: 1.61 of 2.26 mi (71.29%)
 (DEU-NW A562 only)
A565: 10.34 of 15.82 mi (65.40%)
  DEU-NW A565: 10.34 of 15.77 mi (65.61%)

A602: 2.51 of 6.07 mi (41.36%)
 (DEU-RP A602 only)
A620: 19.01 of 19.01 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SL A620 only)
A656: 5.81 of 7.39 mi (78.57%)
 (DEU-BW A656 only)
A831: 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW A831 only)
A861: 2.70 of 2.70 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW A861 only)
A995: 6.87 of 6.87 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY A995 only)
System deua connected routes traveled: 88 of 152 (57.9%), clinched: 42 of 152 (27.6%).
System deub (active) overall: 1979.19 of 22924.36 mi (8.63%)
System deub by region:
  AUT: 0.00 of 0.88 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 0.00 of 0.46 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BB: 92.61 of 1682.23 mi (5.50%)
  DEU-BE: 37.81 of 99.18 mi (38.12%)
  DEU-BW: 106.22 of 2518.27 mi (4.22%)
  DEU-BY: 409.31 of 3645.50 mi (11.23%)
  DEU-HB: 7.28 of 20.47 mi (35.58%)
  DEU-HE: 104.95 of 1795.62 mi (5.84%)
  DEU-HH: 5.17 of 75.40 mi (6.86%)
  DEU-MV: 6.45 of 1197.93 mi (0.54%)
  DEU-NI: 51.77 of 2853.60 mi (1.81%)
  DEU-NW: 82.43 of 2692.95 mi (3.06%)
  DEU-RP: 137.93 of 1699.53 mi (8.12%)
  DEU-SH: 0.00 of 946.77 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-SL: 3.90 of 187.32 mi (2.08%)
  DEU-SN: 529.16 of 1369.25 mi (38.65%)
  DEU-ST: 76.34 of 1238.31 mi (6.17%)
  DEU-TH: 327.87 of 898.96 mi (36.47%)
System deub by route (traveled routes only):
B1 (Dortmund): 6.68 of 7.55 mi (88.52%)
 (DEU-NW B1Dor only)
B1 (Hameln): 2.00 of 118.67 mi (1.68%)
  DEU-NW B1: 2.00 of 52.63 mi (3.79%)

B1 (Magdeburg): 1.88 of 134.76 mi (1.39%)
  DEU-BB B1Pot: 0.99 of 39.78 mi (2.48%)
  DEU-BE B1Zeh: 0.89 of 10.44 mi (8.55%)

B1 (Berlin): 15.38 of 60.26 mi (25.52%)
  DEU-BE B1: 10.03 of 14.21 mi (70.59%)
  DEU-BB B1: 5.35 of 46.05 mi (11.62%)

B2 (Leipzig): 61.15 of 161.25 mi (37.92%)
  DEU-BE B2: 8.91 of 21.18 mi (42.08%)
  DEU-SN B2: 29.58 of 43.98 mi (67.25%)
  DEU-ST B2Zei: 15.84 of 15.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B2: 6.81 of 6.81 mi (100.00%)

B2 (Porstendorf): 3.55 of 3.55 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B2Por only)
B2 (Schleiz): 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B2Sch only)
B2 (Hof): 10.09 of 10.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B2Gef: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY B2Hof: 6.87 of 6.87 mi (100.00%)

B2 (Bayreuth): 4.15 of 49.69 mi (8.35%)
 (DEU-BY B2Bay only)
B2 (Augsburg): 6.34 of 128.44 mi (4.94%)
 (DEU-BY B2 only)
B2 (Weilheim): 8.06 of 60.84 mi (13.25%)
 (DEU-BY B2Wei only)
B2R: 17.44 of 17.44 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B2R only)
B3 (Göttingen): 15.90 of 108.40 mi (14.67%)
  DEU-NI B3: 15.90 of 94.83 mi (16.77%)

B3 (Karlsruhe): 10.78 of 201.77 mi (5.34%)
  DEU-BW B3: 10.78 of 175.37 mi (6.15%)

B4 (Hamburg): 3.70 of 31.40 mi (11.78%)
  DEU-HH B4: 3.70 of 11.82 mi (31.30%)

B4 (Nordhausen): 43.98 of 76.16 mi (57.74%)
  DEU-NI B4Har: 23.57 of 23.57 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B4: 20.41 of 52.59 mi (38.80%)

B4 (Coburg): 1.06 of 35.35 mi (2.99%)
  DEU-BY B4: 1.06 of 33.61 mi (3.14%)

B4 (Erlangen): 1.39 of 9.50 mi (14.64%)
 (DEU-BY B4Erl only)
B5 (Hamburg): 2.44 of 19.89 mi (12.25%)
 (DEU-HH B5 only)
B5 (Berlin): 29.82 of 149.66 mi (19.93%)
  DEU-BB B5: 6.54 of 82.23 mi (7.96%)
  DEU-BE B5: 17.93 of 22.51 mi (79.64%)
  DEU-BB B5Mun: 5.35 of 44.92 mi (11.91%)

B6 (Hannover): 7.12 of 131.59 mi (5.41%)
  DEU-HB B6: 3.82 of 7.36 mi (51.86%)
  DEU-NI B6: 3.30 of 124.23 mi (2.66%)

B6 (Leipzig): 15.66 of 110.75 mi (14.14%)
  DEU-ST B6Hal: 1.43 of 11.98 mi (11.92%)
  DEU-SN B6: 14.23 of 98.77 mi (14.41%)

B6 (Löbau): 10.90 of 28.42 mi (38.35%)
 (DEU-SN B6Lob only)
B7 (Kassel): 6.90 of 67.25 mi (10.26%)
  DEU-HE B7: 6.90 of 27.90 mi (24.72%)

B7 (Creuzburg): 4.51 of 20.99 mi (21.46%)
  DEU-HE B7Rin: 4.51 of 12.95 mi (34.78%)

B7 (Gotha): 10.04 of 10.04 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B7Got only)
B7 (Weimar): 22.70 of 45.06 mi (50.37%)
 (DEU-TH B7 only)
B7 (Altenburg): 17.12 of 33.59 mi (50.96%)
  DEU-TH B7Alt: 17.12 of 19.55 mi (87.56%)

B8 (Würzburg): 10.44 of 64.74 mi (16.13%)
 (DEU-BY B8Wur only)
B8 (Neumarkt): 9.17 of 12.53 mi (73.17%)
 (DEU-BY B8Neu only)
B9 (Ludwigshafen): 36.40 of 84.57 mi (43.04%)
 (DEU-RP B9 only)
B10 (Stuttgart): 17.98 of 115.44 mi (15.57%)
  DEU-RP B10Wor: 1.38 of 1.38 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW B10: 15.85 of 107.92 mi (14.69%)
  DEU-BY B10: 0.74 of 6.14 mi (12.08%)

B13 (Ingolstadt): 1.10 of 150.69 mi (0.73%)
 (DEU-BY B13 only)
B13 (München-Giesing): 0.75 of 0.75 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B13Gie only)
B14 (Backnang): 8.36 of 53.33 mi (15.68%)
 (DEU-BW B14 only)
B14 (Lauf an der Pegnitz): 3.18 of 52.02 mi (6.12%)
 (DEU-BY B14 only)
B15 (Hof): 12.26 of 12.26 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B15Hof only)
B15 (Tirschenreuth): 7.04 of 20.93 mi (33.64%)
 (DEU-BY B15Tir only)
B16 (Nittenau): 1.96 of 24.72 mi (7.94%)
 (DEU-BY B16Nit only)
B17: 21.98 of 68.73 mi (31.98%)
 (DEU-BY B17 only)
B19 (Eisenach): 4.90 of 41.05 mi (11.94%)
 (DEU-TH B19 only)
B19 (Würzburg): 7.86 of 33.47 mi (23.47%)
 (DEU-BY B19Wur only)
B21 ((Main)): 0.19 of 13.31 mi (1.40%)
 (DEU-BY B21 only)
B21 (Schwarzbach): 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B21Sch only)
B22 (Weiden): 14.22 of 110.75 mi (12.84%)
 (DEU-BY B22 only)
B23: 12.98 of 35.28 mi (36.79%)
 (DEU-BY B23 only)
B27 (Braunlage): 4.41 of 59.38 mi (7.43%)
  DEU-NI B27: 4.41 of 40.62 mi (10.87%)

B27 (Bebra): 10.94 of 77.24 mi (14.17%)
 (DEU-HE B27 only)
B27 (Würzburg): 9.76 of 35.72 mi (27.32%)
 (DEU-BY B27 only)
B27 (Stuttgart): 10.22 of 180.18 mi (5.67%)
 (DEU-BW B27 only)
B28 ((Main)): 15.34 of 131.21 mi (11.69%)
  DEU-BW B28: 8.21 of 124.08 mi (6.62%)
  DEU-BY B28: 7.13 of 7.13 mi (100.00%)

B31 (Freiburg): 7.02 of 59.47 mi (11.80%)
 (DEU-BW B31 only)
B31a: 3.46 of 7.34 mi (47.16%)
 (DEU-BW B31a only)
B32 (Bad Saulgau): 12.24 of 88.40 mi (13.85%)
  DEU-BW B32: 12.24 of 79.31 mi (15.44%)

B34 (Singen): 1.21 of 21.32 mi (5.68%)
 (DEU-BW B34 only)
B35: 0.33 of 36.96 mi (0.89%)
  DEU-BW B35: 0.33 of 35.45 mi (0.93%)

B37 (Kaiserslautern): 1.38 of 25.96 mi (5.31%)
 (DEU-RP B37 only)
B37 (Heidelberg): 2.39 of 34.82 mi (6.86%)
  DEU-BW B37Hei: 2.39 of 9.65 mi (24.75%)

B39 (Speyer): 1.92 of 34.78 mi (5.53%)
  DEU-RP B39: 0.38 of 26.88 mi (1.41%)
  DEU-BW B39Hoc: 1.55 of 7.90 mi (19.56%)

B39 (Heilbronn): 10.69 of 49.65 mi (21.53%)
 (DEU-BW B39 only)
B42 (Koblenz): 3.56 of 90.12 mi (3.96%)
  DEU-NW B42: 3.56 of 7.46 mi (47.75%)

B45: 9.14 of 89.81 mi (10.17%)
  DEU-BW B45: 9.14 of 12.32 mi (74.16%)

B47 (Monsheim): 8.23 of 26.02 mi (31.62%)
 (DEU-RP B47 only)
B47 (Dreisen): 0.50 of 0.50 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B47Dre only)
B49 (Gießen): 36.97 of 68.25 mi (54.16%)
 (DEU-HE B49 only)
B50 (Hahn (Hunsrück)): 45.25 of 45.25 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B50 only)
B50n: 11.73 of 11.73 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B50n only)
B53: 4.52 of 64.67 mi (6.99%)
 (DEU-RP B53 only)
B54 (Münster): 33.82 of 112.30 mi (30.12%)
 (DEU-NW B54 only)
B54 (Limburg): 3.02 of 92.75 mi (3.26%)
  DEU-HE B54Lim: 3.02 of 13.81 mi (21.88%)

B54 (Dortmund): 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NW B54Dor only)
B57 (Erkelenz): 1.52 of 48.44 mi (3.15%)
 (DEU-NW B57 only)
B62 (Kirchhain): 4.70 of 147.27 mi (3.19%)
  DEU-HE B62: 4.70 of 81.20 mi (5.79%)

B62 (Friedewald): 1.07 of 1.07 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE B62Fri only)
B64: 2.94 of 125.25 mi (2.35%)
  DEU-NW B64: 2.94 of 89.48 mi (3.28%)

B65 ((Main)): 3.30 of 100.43 mi (3.29%)
  DEU-NI B65: 3.30 of 66.66 mi (4.96%)

B75 (Bremen): 5.48 of 5.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI B75Del: 2.01 of 2.01 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB B75: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%)

B75 (Hamburg): 1.18 of 12.69 mi (9.31%)
 (DEU-HH B75 only)
B80 (Hannoversch Münden): 0.20 of 47.36 mi (0.41%)
  DEU-NI B80: 0.20 of 10.11 mi (1.93%)

B80 (Halle (Saale)): 3.36 of 18.65 mi (18.02%)
 (DEU-ST B80 only)
B82 ((Main)): 1.65 of 47.68 mi (3.47%)
 (DEU-NI B82 only)
B84: 13.15 of 72.04 mi (18.26%)
  DEU-HE B84: 7.74 of 10.37 mi (74.67%)
  DEU-TH B84: 5.41 of 61.67 mi (8.77%)

B85: 30.60 of 300.72 mi (10.18%)
  DEU-TH B85: 7.77 of 86.26 mi (9.01%)
  DEU-BY B85: 22.83 of 210.70 mi (10.84%)

B87 (Weißenfels): 6.12 of 39.75 mi (15.41%)
  DEU-TH B87: 3.20 of 14.97 mi (21.37%)
  DEU-ST B87: 2.93 of 24.78 mi (11.81%)

B87 (Torgau): 2.01 of 142.67 mi (1.41%)
  DEU-SN B87: 2.01 of 51.38 mi (3.92%)

B88: 31.12 of 106.36 mi (29.26%)
  DEU-TH B88: 24.40 of 99.64 mi (24.49%)
  DEU-ST B88: 6.72 of 6.72 mi (100.00%)

B90 (Bad Lobenstein): 10.36 of 26.84 mi (38.62%)
 (DEU-TH B90 only)
B91: 0.42 of 30.70 mi (1.37%)
 (DEU-ST B91 only)
B92 (Gera): 62.62 of 62.62 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B92: 24.65 of 24.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B92Els: 2.28 of 2.28 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B92Hoh: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B92Cun: 1.58 of 1.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B92Sch: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B92: 33.22 of 33.22 mi (100.00%)

B93 (Borna): 5.67 of 5.67 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B93Bor only)
B93 (Zwickau): 40.11 of 40.11 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B93: 17.97 of 17.97 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B93: 22.14 of 22.14 mi (100.00%)

B94: 33.42 of 33.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B94: 23.00 of 23.00 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B94: 10.42 of 10.42 mi (100.00%)

B95: 37.97 of 37.97 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B95 only)
B96 (Neustrelitz): 1.31 of 66.50 mi (1.97%)
  DEU-BB B96Ora: 1.31 of 40.72 mi (3.22%)

B96 (Berlin): 14.88 of 176.20 mi (8.44%)
  DEU-BE B96: 4.82 of 19.43 mi (24.80%)
  DEU-BB B96: 9.64 of 87.20 mi (11.05%)
  DEU-SN B96: 0.42 of 64.14 mi (0.66%)

B96a (Berlin): 9.61 of 32.75 mi (29.34%)
  DEU-BE B96a: 9.61 of 21.45 mi (44.81%)

B100: 8.19 of 43.84 mi (18.68%)
 (DEU-ST B100 only)
B101 ((Main)): 60.28 of 182.28 mi (33.07%)
  DEU-BE B101: 0.83 of 3.14 mi (26.46%)
  DEU-BB B101: 7.73 of 44.52 mi (17.37%)
  DEU-BB B101Lie: 8.37 of 39.70 mi (21.07%)
  DEU-SN B101: 43.35 of 93.97 mi (46.13%)

B105 (Rostock): 3.74 of 100.76 mi (3.71%)
 (DEU-MV B105 only)
B107 (Eilenburg): 18.11 of 88.10 mi (20.56%)
  DEU-ST B107Gra: 9.62 of 22.12 mi (43.52%)
  DEU-SN B107: 8.49 of 65.98 mi (12.86%)

B112: 4.93 of 74.42 mi (6.63%)
 (DEU-BB B112 only)
B156: 27.41 of 68.12 mi (40.25%)
  DEU-SN B156: 27.41 of 37.80 mi (72.52%)

B169 (Schneeberg): 31.32 of 39.48 mi (79.33%)
 (DEU-SN B169Sch only)
B169 (Döbeln): 76.97 of 112.98 mi (68.12%)
  DEU-SN B169: 41.57 of 58.48 mi (71.09%)
  DEU-BB B169: 35.39 of 54.50 mi (64.94%)

B171: 8.70 of 39.00 mi (22.29%)
 (DEU-SN B171 only)
B172a: 2.78 of 2.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B172a only)
B173 (Kronach): 38.36 of 52.48 mi (73.10%)
 (DEU-BY B173 only)
B173 (Plauen): 8.72 of 8.72 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B173Pla only)
B173 (Chemnitz): 48.97 of 79.26 mi (61.79%)
 (DEU-SN B173 only)
B174: 27.65 of 27.65 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B174 only)
B175 (Zwickau): 41.12 of 51.49 mi (79.86%)
  DEU-TH B175: 19.35 of 19.35 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B175Zwi: 21.77 of 32.14 mi (67.73%)

B176 (Sömmerda): 11.22 of 70.14 mi (15.99%)
  DEU-TH B176: 11.22 of 40.56 mi (27.66%)

B176 (Borna): 6.90 of 36.76 mi (18.77%)
 (DEU-SN B176 only)
B178 (Löbau): 15.99 of 15.99 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B178 only)
B178 (Zittau): 6.64 of 6.64 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN B178Zit only)
B180: 53.08 of 162.71 mi (32.62%)
  DEU-ST B180: 24.02 of 92.87 mi (25.86%)
  DEU-TH B180: 13.08 of 19.63 mi (66.65%)
  DEU-SN B180: 15.98 of 49.62 mi (32.22%)

B181: 5.13 of 14.31 mi (35.84%)
  DEU-ST B181: 0.17 of 9.35 mi (1.85%)
  DEU-SN B181: 4.95 of 4.95 mi (100.00%)

B182: 6.64 of 48.22 mi (13.78%)
  DEU-BB B182: 0.99 of 1.00 mi (98.32%)
  DEU-SN B182Rie: 5.66 of 10.05 mi (56.29%)

B183: 13.01 of 73.77 mi (17.64%)
  DEU-ST B183: 11.15 of 30.82 mi (36.19%)
  DEU-BB B183: 1.86 of 11.65 mi (15.97%)

B184: 1.12 of 68.86 mi (1.62%)
  DEU-ST B184: 1.12 of 55.08 mi (2.03%)

B186: 12.75 of 17.54 mi (72.68%)
 (DEU-SN B186 only)
B192: 2.71 of 91.45 mi (2.97%)
 (DEU-MV B192 only)
B221: 1.35 of 35.31 mi (3.83%)
 (DEU-NW B221 only)
B224 (Essen): 2.68 of 19.29 mi (13.91%)
 (DEU-NW B224 only)
B236: 1.31 of 113.48 mi (1.15%)
  DEU-NW B236: 1.31 of 102.14 mi (1.28%)

B242: 7.33 of 70.56 mi (10.39%)
  DEU-NI B242: 7.33 of 30.41 mi (24.10%)

B247 (Mühlhausen): 53.01 of 75.81 mi (69.93%)
  DEU-TH B247: 53.01 of 58.64 mi (90.41%)

B249: 23.47 of 42.71 mi (54.95%)
  DEU-HE B249: 11.50 of 11.50 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B249: 11.97 of 31.21 mi (38.35%)

B252 (Brakel): 25.96 of 36.51 mi (71.09%)
 (DEU-NW B252 only)
B257 (Adenau): 6.22 of 30.78 mi (20.22%)
 (DEU-RP B257Ade only)
B258 (Monschau): 2.83 of 75.12 mi (3.77%)
  DEU-RP B258: 2.83 of 24.79 mi (11.41%)

B262 (Mayen): 7.56 of 7.56 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B262 only)
B268: 3.90 of 46.10 mi (8.46%)
  DEU-SL B268: 3.90 of 31.52 mi (12.37%)

B269 (Birkenfeld): 7.94 of 27.86 mi (28.52%)
 (DEU-RP B269 only)
B273 (Oranienburg): 13.96 of 15.76 mi (88.61%)
 (DEU-BB B273 only)
B277 ((Main)): 0.95 of 24.30 mi (3.91%)
 (DEU-HE B277 only)
B278: 2.61 of 26.88 mi (9.71%)
  DEU-TH B278: 2.61 of 6.20 mi (42.14%)

B279: 18.20 of 73.80 mi (24.67%)
  DEU-BY B279: 18.20 of 58.80 mi (30.96%)

B281 ((Main)): 25.44 of 59.06 mi (43.07%)
 (DEU-TH B281 only)
B281 (Eisfeld): 0.62 of 0.62 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH B281Eis only)
B282: 14.62 of 14.62 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH B282: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN B282: 10.32 of 10.32 mi (100.00%)

B283: 24.95 of 35.19 mi (70.90%)
 (DEU-SN B283 only)
B286 (Bad Kissingen): 1.47 of 25.25 mi (5.81%)
 (DEU-BY B286Kis only)
B289 (Kulmbach): 14.58 of 45.05 mi (32.36%)
 (DEU-BY B289 only)
B291: 0.31 of 8.45 mi (3.73%)
 (DEU-BW B291 only)
B292 (Mosbach): 5.18 of 47.85 mi (10.83%)
 (DEU-BW B292 only)
B297: 1.36 of 37.27 mi (3.66%)
 (DEU-BW B297 only)
B299: 15.85 of 208.16 mi (7.61%)
 (DEU-BY B299 only)
B300: 31.42 of 103.80 mi (30.27%)
 (DEU-BY B300 only)
B303 (Kronach): 62.18 of 111.30 mi (55.87%)
 (DEU-BY B303 only)
B303 (Schneckenlohe): 5.34 of 5.34 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B303Slo only)
B304 (Karlsfeld): 4.24 of 6.96 mi (60.99%)
 (DEU-BY B304Kar only)
B305: 6.66 of 58.69 mi (11.35%)
 (DEU-BY B305 only)
B319: 4.76 of 4.76 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B319 only)
B378: 0.21 of 3.23 mi (6.61%)
 (DEU-BW B378 only)
B388 (Vilsbiburg): 1.79 of 86.93 mi (2.06%)
 (DEU-BY B388 only)
B400: 10.81 of 10.81 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE B400 only)
B410: 2.67 of 56.23 mi (4.74%)
 (DEU-RP B410 only)
B412 (Kempenich): 13.78 of 13.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP B412 only)
B429: 2.81 of 2.81 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE B429 only)
B451: 0.26 of 13.11 mi (1.95%)
 (DEU-HE B451 only)
B457: 6.84 of 39.53 mi (17.31%)
 (DEU-HE B457 only)
B458: 0.91 of 17.04 mi (5.37%)
 (DEU-HE B458 only)
B468: 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B468 only)
B471 ((Main)): 9.21 of 48.73 mi (18.89%)
 (DEU-BY B471 only)
B480: 1.46 of 55.23 mi (2.65%)
 (DEU-NW B480 only)
B496: 4.74 of 4.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-NI B496 only)
B500 (Baden-Baden): 9.64 of 34.30 mi (28.10%)
 (DEU-BW B500Bad only)
B505: 13.99 of 13.99 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY B505 only)
B512: 0.72 of 3.80 mi (18.90%)
 (DEU-BY B512 only)
B533: 11.69 of 30.76 mi (38.00%)
 (DEU-BY B533 only)
System deub connected routes traveled: 171 of 733 (23.3%), clinched: 35 of 733 (4.8%).
System deubbl (active) overall: 54.90 of 3446.49 mi (1.59%)
System deubbl by route (traveled routes only):
L21: 0.16 of 25.36 mi (0.64%)
 (DEU-BB L21 only)
L40: 9.72 of 39.55 mi (24.59%)
 (DEU-BB L40 only)
L49 (Cottbus): 9.58 of 47.73 mi (20.06%)
 (DEU-BB L49 only)
L50: 3.54 of 37.52 mi (9.43%)
 (DEU-BB L50 only)
L52: 4.38 of 36.18 mi (12.11%)
 (DEU-BB L52 only)
L54: 5.96 of 10.83 mi (54.99%)
 (DEU-BB L54 only)
L64: 5.55 of 6.33 mi (87.69%)
 (DEU-BB L64 only)
L66 (Mühlberg/Elbe): 0.17 of 0.17 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB L66Muh only)
L66 ((Main)): 1.76 of 9.66 mi (18.22%)
 (DEU-BB L66 only)
L67 ((Main)): 7.17 of 11.55 mi (62.05%)
 (DEU-BB L67 only)
L77: 1.61 of 14.48 mi (11.14%)
 (DEU-BB L77 only)
L339 (Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten): 0.24 of 3.19 mi (7.46%)
 (DEU-BB L339Dah only)
L531: 0.62 of 6.56 mi (9.50%)
 (DEU-BB L531 only)
L591: 0.39 of 5.53 mi (7.05%)
 (DEU-BB L591 only)
L631: 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB L631 only)
L651: 2.41 of 2.41 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BB L651 only)
L653: 0.79 of 9.37 mi (8.39%)
 (DEU-BB L653 only)
L661: 0.03 of 6.73 mi (0.44%)
 (DEU-BB L661 only)
System deubbl connected routes traveled: 18 of 328 (5.5%), clinched: 3 of 328 (0.9%).
System deubwl (active) overall: 25.35 of 5857.45 mi (0.43%)
System deubwl by region:
  DEU-BW: 25.35 of 5856.76 mi (0.43%)
  DEU-BY: 0.00 of 0.70 mi (0.00%)
System deubwl by route (traveled routes only):
L86: 7.60 of 7.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW L86 only)
L86a: 0.13 of 12.25 mi (1.04%)
 (DEU-BW L86a only)
L87: 1.78 of 19.41 mi (9.17%)
 (DEU-BW L87 only)
L87a: 0.86 of 6.69 mi (12.81%)
 (DEU-BW L87a only)
L120: 2.96 of 2.96 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BW L120 only)
L134: 4.38 of 34.39 mi (12.73%)
 (DEU-BW L134 only)
L137: 0.18 of 3.87 mi (4.58%)
 (DEU-BW L137 only)
L722: 2.36 of 4.27 mi (55.16%)
 (DEU-BW L722 only)
L723: 3.74 of 8.25 mi (45.25%)
 (DEU-BW L723 only)
L1014: 0.17 of 2.37 mi (7.36%)
 (DEU-BW L1014 only)
L1100 (Marbach): 1.05 of 35.02 mi (2.99%)
 (DEU-BW L1100 only)
L2310: 0.28 of 22.57 mi (1.23%)
 (DEU-BW L2310 only)
System deubwl connected routes traveled: 12 of 667 (1.8%), clinched: 2 of 667 (0.3%).
System deubyst (active) overall: 237.58 of 8866.28 mi (2.68%)
System deubyst by route (traveled routes only):
St2027 (Zusmarshausen): 1.21 of 68.23 mi (1.77%)
 (DEU-BY St2027 only)
St2036 (Augsburg): 0.28 of 2.18 mi (12.80%)
 (DEU-BY St2036Aug only)
St2063: 0.47 of 48.07 mi (0.99%)
 (DEU-BY St2063 only)
St2068: 4.19 of 22.21 mi (18.86%)
 (DEU-BY St2068 only)
St2069: 1.49 of 21.49 mi (6.92%)
 (DEU-BY St2069 only)
St2088: 2.47 of 3.55 mi (69.60%)
 (DEU-BY St2088 only)
St2110: 6.37 of 40.96 mi (15.56%)
 (DEU-BY St2110 only)
St2125: 1.03 of 81.65 mi (1.26%)
 (DEU-BY St2125 only)
St2134: 2.43 of 23.65 mi (10.29%)
 (DEU-BY St2134 only)
St2154 ((Main)): 12.34 of 78.80 mi (15.66%)
 (DEU-BY St2154 only)
St2154 (Waidhaus): 1.72 of 1.72 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2154Wai only)
St2158: 0.15 of 14.02 mi (1.10%)
 (DEU-BY St2158 only)
St2163 (Goldkronach): 5.63 of 5.63 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2163Gol only)
St2167: 0.24 of 17.98 mi (1.33%)
 (DEU-BY St2167 only)
St2172: 1.41 of 20.56 mi (6.85%)
 (DEU-BY St2172 only)
St2175: 0.24 of 17.56 mi (1.37%)
 (DEU-BY St2175 only)
St2176: 18.86 of 27.19 mi (69.38%)
 (DEU-BY St2176 only)
St2177: 12.65 of 48.79 mi (25.92%)
 (DEU-BY St2177 only)
St2178: 2.15 of 15.85 mi (13.57%)
 (DEU-BY St2178 only)
St2179: 10.32 of 10.32 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2179 only)
St2180: 19.01 of 23.19 mi (81.97%)
 (DEU-BY St2180 only)
St2181 ((Main)): 0.95 of 57.29 mi (1.66%)
 (DEU-BY St2181 only)
St2192 (Hof): 10.88 of 17.93 mi (60.69%)
 (DEU-BY St2192 only)
St2194: 5.39 of 17.63 mi (30.56%)
 (DEU-BY St2194 only)
St2195: 27.15 of 28.46 mi (95.40%)
 (DEU-BY St2195 only)
St2196: 0.02 of 4.10 mi (0.46%)
 (DEU-BY St2196 only)
St2198: 7.45 of 28.02 mi (26.58%)
 (DEU-BY St2198 only)
St2200 (Wilhelmsthal): 2.65 of 12.92 mi (20.54%)
 (DEU-BY St2200 only)
St2200 (Küps): 3.16 of 3.16 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2200Kup only)
St2204: 1.26 of 24.98 mi (5.04%)
 (DEU-BY St2204 only)
St2207: 8.74 of 9.71 mi (90.05%)
 (DEU-BY St2207 only)
St2239: 1.63 of 24.92 mi (6.56%)
 (DEU-BY St2239 only)
St2240: 1.42 of 70.75 mi (2.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2240 only)
St2241: 2.14 of 21.36 mi (10.04%)
 (DEU-BY St2241 only)
St2245: 1.50 of 39.83 mi (3.76%)
 (DEU-BY St2245 only)
St2288: 4.59 of 23.54 mi (19.50%)
 (DEU-BY St2288 only)
St2289 (Bad Brückenau): 9.02 of 19.10 mi (47.23%)
 (DEU-BY St2289 only)
St2298: 1.33 of 5.17 mi (25.67%)
 (DEU-BY St2298 only)
St2300: 0.25 of 14.86 mi (1.71%)
 (DEU-BY St2300 only)
St2312 (Waldbüttelbrunn): 4.22 of 4.22 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2312Wal only)
St2344: 3.00 of 5.84 mi (51.31%)
 (DEU-BY St2344 only)
St2395: 7.96 of 16.16 mi (49.25%)
 (DEU-BY St2395 only)
St2399: 6.49 of 15.74 mi (41.25%)
 (DEU-BY St2399 only)
St2436: 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2436 only)
St2445: 0.58 of 27.32 mi (2.12%)
 (DEU-BY St2445 only)
St2452: 0.93 of 3.43 mi (26.99%)
 (DEU-BY St2452 only)
St2453: 2.57 of 2.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2453 only)
St2454: 1.39 of 6.00 mi (23.24%)
 (DEU-BY St2454 only)
St2461: 9.98 of 10.73 mi (93.01%)
 (DEU-BY St2461 only)
St2618: 0.46 of 3.95 mi (11.71%)
 (DEU-BY St2618 only)
St2665: 7.91 of 25.87 mi (30.57%)
 (DEU-BY St2665 only)
St2692: 0.60 of 3.11 mi (19.33%)
 (DEU-BY St2692 only)
St2693: 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2693 only)
St2960: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY St2960 only)
System deubyst connected routes traveled: 54 of 607 (8.9%), clinched: 9 of 607 (1.5%).
System deuhel (active) overall: 31.57 of 4263.99 mi (0.74%)
System deuhel by route (traveled routes only):
L3004: 0.21 of 18.13 mi (1.16%)
 (DEU-HE L3004 only)
L3020: 3.79 of 38.14 mi (9.93%)
 (DEU-HE L3020 only)
L3170: 1.32 of 12.44 mi (10.61%)
 (DEU-HE L3170 only)
L3171: 1.00 of 16.44 mi (6.10%)
 (DEU-HE L3171 only)
L3172: 3.26 of 11.74 mi (27.75%)
 (DEU-HE L3172 only)
L3173: 2.99 of 9.24 mi (32.33%)
 (DEU-HE L3173 only)
L3174: 0.10 of 18.21 mi (0.57%)
 (DEU-HE L3174 only)
L3193: 0.23 of 26.13 mi (0.88%)
 (DEU-HE L3193 only)
L3221: 2.53 of 7.16 mi (35.36%)
 (DEU-HE L3221 only)
L3225 (Großalmerode): 1.33 of 6.83 mi (19.52%)
 (DEU-HE L3225Gro only)
L3241: 9.76 of 9.76 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE L3241 only)
L3271: 0.83 of 14.11 mi (5.85%)
 (DEU-HE L3271 only)
L3299: 0.15 of 3.03 mi (5.10%)
 (DEU-HE L3299 only)
L3316: 0.54 of 3.46 mi (15.68%)
 (DEU-HE L3316 only)
L3333: 0.24 of 9.12 mi (2.66%)
 (DEU-HE L3333 only)
L3400: 3.83 of 3.83 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-HE L3400 only)
System deuhel connected routes traveled: 16 of 556 (2.9%), clinched: 2 of 556 (0.4%).
System deuhhr (active) overall: 2.17 of 32.34 mi (6.71%)
System deuhhr by region:
  DEU-HH: 2.17 of 32.19 mi (6.74%)
  DEU-SH: 0.00 of 0.15 mi (0.00%)
System deuhhr by route (traveled routes only):
Ring3: 2.17 of 15.82 mi (13.73%)
  DEU-HH Ring3: 2.17 of 10.49 mi (20.69%)

System deuhhr connected routes traveled: 1 of 3 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%).
System deunil (active) overall: 12.81 of 5037.99 mi (0.25%)
System deunil by route (traveled routes only):
L290: 8.62 of 33.97 mi (25.36%)
 (DEU-NI L290 only)
L559: 3.01 of 13.02 mi (23.15%)
 (DEU-NI L559 only)
L564 (Dramfeld): 1.02 of 12.20 mi (8.33%)
 (DEU-NI L564 only)
L602: 0.16 of 5.30 mi (3.11%)
 (DEU-NI L602 only)
System deunil connected routes traveled: 4 of 497 (0.8%), clinched: 0 of 497 (0.0%).
System deunwl (active) overall: 13.22 of 7861.14 mi (0.17%)
System deunwl by route (traveled routes only):
L83: 0.41 of 11.12 mi (3.71%)
 (DEU-NW L83 only)
L331: 3.77 of 11.47 mi (32.82%)
 (DEU-NW L331 only)
L712n: 5.19 of 6.34 mi (81.88%)
 (DEU-NW L712n only)
L751: 0.19 of 41.13 mi (0.45%)
 (DEU-NW L751 only)
L755 ((Main)): 0.88 of 39.53 mi (2.21%)
 (DEU-NW L755 only)
L756: 3.11 of 40.46 mi (7.69%)
 (DEU-NW L756 only)
L953: 0.09 of 14.64 mi (0.64%)
 (DEU-NW L953 only)
System deunwl connected routes traveled: 7 of 954 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 954 (0.0%).
System deurpl (active) overall: 18.81 of 4177.13 mi (0.45%)
System deurpl by route (traveled routes only):
L10: 0.87 of 65.88 mi (1.32%)
 (DEU-RP L10 only)
L53: 0.50 of 8.68 mi (5.71%)
 (DEU-RP L53 only)
L82 (Mayen): 2.22 of 25.90 mi (8.57%)
 (DEU-RP L82 only)
L93: 0.52 of 3.97 mi (13.09%)
 (DEU-RP L93 only)
L94: 1.36 of 3.20 mi (42.37%)
 (DEU-RP L94 only)
L113: 0.20 of 20.76 mi (0.96%)
 (DEU-RP L113 only)
L394: 1.50 of 12.38 mi (12.08%)
 (DEU-RP L394 only)
L395: 7.84 of 49.96 mi (15.70%)
 (DEU-RP L395 only)
L397: 3.45 of 3.45 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-RP L397 only)
L540: 0.36 of 27.93 mi (1.29%)
 (DEU-RP L540 only)
System deurpl connected routes traveled: 10 of 554 (1.8%), clinched: 1 of 554 (0.2%).
System deusll (active) overall: 0.85 of 514.83 mi (0.16%)
System deusll by route (traveled routes only):
L136: 0.07 of 10.24 mi (0.65%)
 (DEU-SL L136 only)
L139: 0.43 of 10.46 mi (4.12%)
 (DEU-SL L139 only)
L141 ((Main)): 0.35 of 21.08 mi (1.66%)
 (DEU-SL L141 only)
System deusll connected routes traveled: 3 of 80 (3.8%), clinched: 0 of 80 (0.0%).
System deusns (active) overall: 446.02 of 2859.57 mi (15.60%)
System deusns by route (traveled routes only):
S12: 1.63 of 6.71 mi (24.31%)
 (DEU-SN S12 only)
S21: 0.12 of 0.12 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S21 only)
S28: 0.42 of 7.65 mi (5.43%)
 (DEU-SN S28 only)
S30: 3.77 of 20.13 mi (18.73%)
 (DEU-SN S30 only)
S31: 6.84 of 19.79 mi (34.54%)
 (DEU-SN S31 only)
S32 (Waldheim): 0.75 of 13.86 mi (5.41%)
 (DEU-SN S32Wal only)
S38: 1.35 of 36.07 mi (3.75%)
 (DEU-SN S38 only)
S45: 2.89 of 9.18 mi (31.50%)
 (DEU-SN S45 only)
S55: 7.11 of 7.11 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S55 only)
S71: 4.57 of 4.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S71 only)
S73: 0.18 of 3.16 mi (5.78%)
 (DEU-SN S73 only)
S85 ((Main)): 10.70 of 10.70 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S85 only)
S88: 1.28 of 22.98 mi (5.58%)
 (DEU-SN S88 only)
S89: 3.63 of 3.63 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S89 only)
S95: 7.70 of 35.09 mi (21.96%)
 (DEU-SN S95 only)
S109: 9.62 of 15.32 mi (62.84%)
 (DEU-SN S109 only)
S110: 0.03 of 14.77 mi (0.20%)
 (DEU-SN S110 only)
S111: 2.46 of 40.12 mi (6.13%)
 (DEU-SN S111 only)
S112: 3.61 of 8.04 mi (44.93%)
 (DEU-SN S112 only)
S126: 4.06 of 13.68 mi (29.67%)
 (DEU-SN S126 only)
S127: 1.19 of 32.24 mi (3.68%)
 (DEU-SN S127 only)
S128: 2.20 of 19.09 mi (11.51%)
 (DEU-SN S128 only)
S157: 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S157 only)
S167: 6.86 of 9.49 mi (72.34%)
 (DEU-SN S167 only)
S177 ((Main)): 6.78 of 46.90 mi (14.45%)
 (DEU-SN S177 only)
S200: 7.38 of 15.22 mi (48.46%)
 (DEU-SN S200 only)
S201: 0.41 of 17.49 mi (2.37%)
 (DEU-SN S201 only)
S207: 13.53 of 23.30 mi (58.06%)
 (DEU-SN S207 only)
S211: 0.09 of 11.10 mi (0.79%)
 (DEU-SN S211 only)
S215: 0.34 of 6.58 mi (5.13%)
 (DEU-SN S215 only)
S218: 3.33 of 11.34 mi (29.42%)
 (DEU-SN S218 only)
S221: 0.72 of 5.17 mi (13.94%)
 (DEU-SN S221 only)
S222: 8.09 of 17.18 mi (47.09%)
 (DEU-SN S222 only)
S228: 2.40 of 9.81 mi (24.44%)
 (DEU-SN S228 only)
S235: 0.73 of 16.69 mi (4.38%)
 (DEU-SN S235 only)
S241: 0.19 of 14.34 mi (1.33%)
 (DEU-SN S241 only)
S242: 16.42 of 43.63 mi (37.64%)
 (DEU-SN S242 only)
S243: 4.78 of 4.78 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S243 only)
S244: 4.58 of 6.79 mi (67.40%)
 (DEU-SN S244 only)
S245 ((Main)): 0.82 of 11.52 mi (7.15%)
 (DEU-SN S245 only)
S246: 4.28 of 12.87 mi (33.24%)
 (DEU-SN S246 only)
S249 ((Main)): 0.22 of 6.88 mi (3.14%)
 (DEU-SN S249 only)
S252: 0.11 of 10.45 mi (1.05%)
 (DEU-SN S252 only)
S255: 8.90 of 20.66 mi (43.07%)
 (DEU-SN S255 only)
S256: 0.42 of 8.08 mi (5.19%)
 (DEU-SN S256 only)
S257: 0.16 of 4.85 mi (3.24%)
 (DEU-SN S257 only)
S258: 24.21 of 24.21 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S258 only)
S260: 8.19 of 8.19 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S260 only)
S261: 0.23 of 5.09 mi (4.48%)
 (DEU-SN S261 only)
S262: 0.12 of 9.41 mi (1.23%)
 (DEU-SN S262 only)
S265: 0.95 of 10.09 mi (9.39%)
 (DEU-SN S265 only)
S266: 0.27 of 9.51 mi (2.82%)
 (DEU-SN S266 only)
S267: 0.27 of 8.04 mi (3.32%)
 (DEU-SN S267 only)
S270: 1.26 of 6.76 mi (18.63%)
 (DEU-SN S270 only)
S271 ((Main)): 12.90 of 12.90 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S271 only)
S271 (Fichtelberg): 1.42 of 1.42 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S271Fic only)
S272: 9.06 of 15.01 mi (60.39%)
 (DEU-SN S272 only)
S274: 0.32 of 13.66 mi (2.37%)
 (DEU-SN S274 only)
S276: 6.77 of 6.77 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S276 only)
S277 ((Main)): 4.58 of 17.95 mi (25.50%)
 (DEU-SN S277 only)
S278: 2.28 of 8.92 mi (25.59%)
 (DEU-SN S278 only)
S282 (Kirchberg): 14.57 of 14.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S282 only)
S282a: 2.87 of 2.87 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S282a only)
S283: 14.76 of 16.89 mi (87.37%)
 (DEU-SN S283 only)
S286: 8.54 of 8.54 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S286 only)
S288: 2.16 of 6.40 mi (33.82%)
 (DEU-SN S288 only)
S289: 20.77 of 22.68 mi (91.59%)
 (DEU-SN S289 only)
S290: 4.03 of 10.18 mi (39.56%)
 (DEU-SN S290 only)
S291: 5.40 of 5.40 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S291 only)
S293: 15.61 of 15.61 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S293 only)
S293a: 0.46 of 0.46 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S293a only)
S295: 8.72 of 8.72 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S295 only)
S296: 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S296 only)
S297: 11.47 of 19.75 mi (58.08%)
 (DEU-SN S297 only)
S298: 14.53 of 14.53 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S298 only)
S299: 12.18 of 12.18 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S299 only)
S300: 5.23 of 5.23 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S300 only)
S301: 12.25 of 12.25 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S301 only)
S302: 0.59 of 15.17 mi (3.92%)
 (DEU-SN S302 only)
S303: 1.18 of 11.57 mi (10.24%)
 (DEU-SN S303 only)
S304: 6.04 of 10.76 mi (56.16%)
 (DEU-SN S304 only)
S304a: 0.05 of 0.05 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S304a only)
S305: 3.47 of 3.47 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S305 only)
S307: 7.50 of 7.50 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S307 only)
S308: 4.29 of 4.29 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S308 only)
S309: 8.00 of 8.00 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S309 only)
S310: 3.26 of 5.82 mi (56.00%)
 (DEU-SN S310 only)
S311: 4.63 of 9.72 mi (47.64%)
 (DEU-SN S311 only)
S314: 0.10 of 4.86 mi (2.01%)
 (DEU-SN S314 only)
S316: 5.75 of 5.75 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S316 only)
S317: 3.37 of 3.37 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S317 only)
S318: 0.04 of 5.22 mi (0.86%)
 (DEU-SN S318 only)
S319: 7.45 of 7.45 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-SN S319 only)
System deusns connected routes traveled: 93 of 314 (29.6%), clinched: 32 of 314 (10.2%).
System deustl (active) overall: 14.44 of 2479.08 mi (0.58%)
System deustl by route (traveled routes only):
L139: 1.95 of 1.95 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-ST L139 only)
L163: 5.31 of 20.80 mi (25.54%)
 (DEU-ST L163 only)
L198: 1.35 of 4.61 mi (29.26%)
 (DEU-ST L198 only)
L202: 0.21 of 0.21 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-ST L202 only)
L219: 0.46 of 15.16 mi (3.01%)
 (DEU-ST L219 only)
L222: 1.76 of 4.55 mi (38.81%)
 (DEU-ST L222 only)
L223: 3.41 of 13.57 mi (25.09%)
 (DEU-ST L223 only)
System deustl connected routes traveled: 7 of 242 (2.9%), clinched: 2 of 242 (0.8%).
System deuthl (active) overall: 289.53 of 2421.34 mi (11.96%)
System deuthl by route (traveled routes only):
L1005: 12.68 of 16.41 mi (77.24%)
 (DEU-TH L1005 only)
L1016: 27.80 of 36.54 mi (76.09%)
 (DEU-TH L1016 only)
L1021 (Hötzelsroda): 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1021Hot only)
L1024: 5.87 of 13.25 mi (44.27%)
 (DEU-TH L1024 only)
L1025: 0.30 of 6.88 mi (4.40%)
 (DEU-TH L1025 only)
L1026: 1.61 of 53.18 mi (3.02%)
 (DEU-TH L1026 only)
L1027: 13.98 of 57.42 mi (24.35%)
 (DEU-TH L1027 only)
L1031: 1.07 of 8.25 mi (13.02%)
 (DEU-TH L1031 only)
L1032: 0.32 of 22.33 mi (1.43%)
 (DEU-TH L1032 only)
L1042: 5.18 of 10.79 mi (47.99%)
 (DEU-TH L1042 only)
L1048: 7.35 of 7.35 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1048 only)
L1050: 4.02 of 7.66 mi (52.48%)
 (DEU-TH L1050 only)
L1051 (Sömmerda): 1.26 of 7.35 mi (17.19%)
 (DEU-TH L1051 only)
L1052 (Klettbach): 1.63 of 10.50 mi (15.55%)
 (DEU-TH L1052 only)
L1053: 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1053 only)
L1054: 5.42 of 19.81 mi (27.34%)
 (DEU-TH L1054 only)
L1056: 1.38 of 3.61 mi (38.28%)
 (DEU-TH L1056 only)
L1070 (Hermsdorf): 1.67 of 15.03 mi (11.08%)
 (DEU-TH L1070 only)
L1070 (Gera): 1.78 of 7.20 mi (24.80%)
 (DEU-TH L1070Ger only)
L1073: 12.10 of 18.52 mi (65.34%)
 (DEU-TH L1073 only)
L1075: 0.88 of 19.97 mi (4.41%)
 (DEU-TH L1075 only)
L1076 ((Main)): 6.18 of 14.62 mi (42.25%)
 (DEU-TH L1076 only)
L1076 (Quirla): 0.18 of 0.18 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1076Qui only)
L1077: 5.36 of 24.64 mi (21.74%)
 (DEU-TH L1077 only)
L1078: 1.45 of 4.67 mi (31.13%)
 (DEU-TH L1078 only)
L1079: 3.50 of 3.50 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1079 only)
L1081 ((Main)): 2.67 of 9.05 mi (29.53%)
 (DEU-TH L1081 only)
L1081 (Ronneburg): 2.17 of 2.17 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1081Ron only)
L1081 (Rückersdorf): 7.57 of 7.57 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1081Ruc only)
L1083: 8.00 of 8.00 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1083 only)
L1084: 2.56 of 2.56 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1084 only)
L1085: 7.55 of 8.79 mi (85.93%)
 (DEU-TH L1085 only)
L1086: 4.63 of 4.63 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1086 only)
L1087: 7.81 of 11.54 mi (67.70%)
 (DEU-TH L1087 only)
L1095: 7.94 of 20.40 mi (38.91%)
 (DEU-TH L1095 only)
L1112: 0.05 of 33.29 mi (0.16%)
 (DEU-TH L1112 only)
L1124: 0.85 of 22.04 mi (3.84%)
 (DEU-TH L1124 only)
L1140 (Suhl): 2.89 of 21.38 mi (13.51%)
 (DEU-TH L1140 only)
L1142: 1.64 of 4.09 mi (40.05%)
 (DEU-TH L1142 only)
L1295: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1295 only)
L1296: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1296 only)
L1361: 6.49 of 21.04 mi (30.83%)
 (DEU-TH L1361 only)
L1362 (Ronneburg): 2.20 of 3.25 mi (67.71%)
 (DEU-TH L1362Ron only)
L1362 (Altenburg): 10.62 of 10.62 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L1362 only)
L2103: 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2103 only)
L2104: 2.00 of 10.29 mi (19.44%)
 (DEU-TH L2104 only)
L2308: 6.16 of 7.61 mi (80.93%)
 (DEU-TH L2308 only)
L2309 (Bucha): 0.95 of 4.13 mi (23.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2309Buc only)
L2326: 0.20 of 0.20 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2326 only)
L2332: 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2332 only)
L2337 (Seelingstädt): 1.66 of 1.66 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2337 only)
L2337 (Teichwolframsdorf): 0.96 of 0.96 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2337Tei only)
L2342: 5.07 of 7.53 mi (67.34%)
 (DEU-TH L2342 only)
L2344: 3.74 of 3.74 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2344 only)
L2356: 5.30 of 5.30 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-TH L2356 only)
L2372: 4.24 of 6.76 mi (62.69%)
 (DEU-TH L2372 only)
L3002: 22.74 of 35.81 mi (63.50%)
 (DEU-TH L3002 only)
L3004: 9.03 of 47.56 mi (18.99%)
 (DEU-TH L3004 only)
L3007 (Eisenberg): 4.05 of 11.53 mi (35.12%)
 (DEU-TH L3007Eis only)
L3080 (Nordhausen): 3.06 of 41.19 mi (7.43%)
 (DEU-TH L3080 only)
L3087: 13.46 of 23.35 mi (57.63%)
 (DEU-TH L3087 only)
L3247: 0.65 of 26.10 mi (2.48%)
 (DEU-TH L3247 only)
System deuthl connected routes traveled: 62 of 349 (17.8%), clinched: 20 of 349 (5.7%).
System dnkmot (active) overall: 252.44 of 803.18 mi (31.43%)
System dnkmot by route (traveled routes only):
AmaMot (Amagermotorvejen): 5.36 of 6.37 mi (84.19%)
 (DNK AmaMot only)
FynMot (Fynske Motorvej): 62.58 of 62.58 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK FynMot only)
KogBugMot (Køge Bugt Motorvejen): 16.94 of 16.94 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK KogBugMot only)
OreMot (Øresundsmotorvejen): 11.85 of 11.85 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK OreMot only)
OstMot (Østjyske Motorvej): 2.28 of 60.24 mi (3.78%)
 (DNK OstMot only)
SonJysMot (Sønderjyske Motorvej): 56.51 of 61.11 mi (92.47%)
 (DNK SonJysMot only)
SydMot (Sydmotorvejen): 48.34 of 75.28 mi (64.21%)
 (DNK SydMot only)
TauMot (Taulovmotorvejen): 5.22 of 5.22 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK TauMot only)
VestMot (Vestmotorvejen): 43.37 of 43.37 mi (100.00%)
 (DNK VestMot only)
System dnkmot connected routes traveled: 9 of 31 (29.0%), clinched: 5 of 31 (16.1%).
System dnkpr (active) overall: 0.55 of 2004.64 mi (0.03%)
System dnkpr by route (traveled routes only):
PR8 (Sonderborg): 0.55 of 48.59 mi (1.13%)
 (DNK PR8 only)
System dnkpr connected routes traveled: 1 of 47 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 47 (0.0%).
System eure (active) overall: 12987.83 of 107924.20 mi (12.03%)
System eure by region:
  ALB: 0.00 of 191.19 mi (0.00%)
  ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%)
  AUT: 1108.84 of 1441.83 mi (76.90%)
  AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%)
  BEL: 558.05 of 1147.91 mi (48.61%)
  BGR: 0.00 of 1556.63 mi (0.00%)
  BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%)
  BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 804.67 of 888.72 mi (90.54%)
  CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%)
  CZE: 837.31 of 1624.82 mi (51.53%)
  DEU-BB: 411.65 of 525.10 mi (78.39%)
  DEU-BE: 24.12 of 35.36 mi (68.22%)
  DEU-BW: 622.37 of 780.52 mi (79.74%)
  DEU-BY: 1143.71 of 1410.76 mi (81.07%)
  DEU-HB: 14.38 of 28.28 mi (50.84%)
  DEU-HE: 347.72 of 482.71 mi (72.03%)
  DEU-HH: 8.86 of 30.31 mi (29.24%)
  DEU-MV: 82.23 of 367.27 mi (22.39%)
  DEU-NI: 357.08 of 656.37 mi (54.40%)
  DEU-NW: 413.84 of 794.22 mi (52.11%)
  DEU-RP: 422.13 of 467.50 mi (90.30%)
  DEU-SH: 90.86 of 216.62 mi (41.95%)
  DEU-SL: 73.70 of 99.97 mi (73.72%)
  DEU-SN: 286.49 of 286.49 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST: 152.12 of 183.69 mi (82.81%)
  DEU-TH: 161.11 of 161.11 mi (100.00%)
  DNK: 274.22 of 582.31 mi (47.09%)
  ENG: 48.52 of 1577.28 mi (3.08%)
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 18.01 of 384.47 mi (4.69%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 224.03 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 179.71 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%)
  EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 0.00 of 2714.96 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 415.64 of 1038.62 mi (40.02%)
  FRA-BFC: 61.68 of 686.78 mi (8.98%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 53.17 of 568.38 mi (9.35%)
  FRA-GES: 570.35 of 1035.45 mi (55.08%)
  FRA-HDF: 315.21 of 801.36 mi (39.33%)
  FRA-IDF: 63.43 of 260.83 mi (24.32%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 289.90 of 756.85 mi (38.30%)
  FRA-PAC: 177.17 of 395.40 mi (44.81%)
  FRA-PDL: 35.47 of 484.01 mi (7.33%)
  GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%)
  GRC: 0.00 of 2362.33 mi (0.00%)
  HRV: 109.84 of 1054.72 mi (10.41%)
  HUN: 257.30 of 1532.12 mi (16.79%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 499.49 mi (0.00%)
  ITA: 1251.66 of 5394.76 mi (23.20%)
  KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%)
  KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%)
  LTU: 0.00 of 977.21 mi (0.00%)
  LUX: 97.51 of 126.99 mi (76.78%)
  LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%)
  MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%)
  MKD: 0.00 of 317.10 mi (0.00%)
  MNE: 0.00 of 335.01 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 147.66 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 187.78 of 1015.76 mi (18.49%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 3872.19 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 274.11 of 3370.49 mi (8.13%)
  PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%)
  RKS: 0.00 of 156.48 mi (0.00%)
  ROU: 0.00 of 3745.81 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 463.06 mi (0.00%)
  SRB: 0.00 of 1131.58 mi (0.00%)
  SVK: 52.93 of 941.24 mi (5.62%)
  SVN: 333.36 of 365.87 mi (91.11%)
  SWE: 179.32 of 4141.24 mi (4.33%)
  TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%)
  TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%)
  TUR: 0.00 of 5716.92 mi (0.00%)
  UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%)
  UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%)
System eure by route (traveled routes only):
E4: 4.84 of 990.70 mi (0.49%)
  SWE E4: 4.84 of 990.08 mi (0.49%)

E5 (Great Britain): 5.63 of 455.76 mi (1.23%)
  ENG E5: 5.63 of 347.78 mi (1.62%)

E5 (France - Spain): 15.18 of 1380.56 mi (1.10%)
  FRA-IDF E5: 15.18 of 86.79 mi (17.49%)

E6 (C. Norway - Sweden): 170.18 of 1191.72 mi (14.28%)
  SWE E6: 170.18 of 300.59 mi (56.62%)

E11: 208.55 of 337.89 mi (61.72%)
  FRA-ARA E11: 72.21 of 141.30 mi (51.11%)
  FRA-OCC E11: 136.33 of 136.33 mi (100.00%)

E15 (Great Britain): 37.75 of 637.73 mi (5.92%)
  ENG E15: 37.75 of 423.50 mi (8.91%)

E15 (France - Spain): 273.67 of 1596.37 mi (17.14%)
  FRA-HDF E15: 93.02 of 159.20 mi (58.43%)
  FRA-IDF E15LCS: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E15Pla: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E15: 10.44 of 82.65 mi (12.64%)
  FRA-ARA E15: 10.21 of 150.05 mi (6.81%)
  FRA-OCC E15: 141.08 of 170.55 mi (82.72%)
  ESP-CT E15: 18.01 of 213.79 mi (8.43%)

E17: 116.95 of 410.88 mi (28.46%)
  BEL E17: 63.25 of 63.25 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E17: 31.95 of 125.36 mi (25.49%)
  FRA-GES E17: 21.75 of 170.71 mi (12.74%)

E19: 170.43 of 327.64 mi (52.02%)
  NLD E19: 2.88 of 79.04 mi (3.65%)
  BEL E19: 41.31 of 113.36 mi (36.44%)
  FRA-HDF E19: 114.89 of 114.89 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E19LCS: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E19Pla: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E19: 10.44 of 19.44 mi (53.71%)

E20 (Denmark - Sweden): 330.59 of 680.19 mi (48.60%)
  DNK E20: 152.14 of 196.53 mi (77.41%)
  SWE E20: 178.45 of 483.66 mi (36.90%)

E21: 88.86 of 331.27 mi (26.82%)
  FRA-GES E21: 40.09 of 142.35 mi (28.16%)
  FRA-ARA E21: 48.77 of 85.29 mi (57.18%)

E22 (Netherlands - Germany): 76.76 of 506.09 mi (15.17%)
  DEU-NI E22: 7.29 of 80.70 mi (9.03%)
  DEU-HB E22Ars: 2.09 of 2.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E22Dre: 0.14 of 0.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB E22: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E22Buc: 59.10 of 59.10 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH E22: 4.62 of 11.73 mi (39.37%)

E22 (Sweden): 9.52 of 347.90 mi (2.74%)
 (SWE E22 only)
E23: 133.36 of 247.60 mi (53.86%)
  FRA-GES E23: 108.06 of 108.06 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-BFC E23: 11.78 of 113.78 mi (10.36%)
  CHE E23: 13.52 of 25.76 mi (52.48%)

E25 (Netherlands - Italy): 729.91 of 899.79 mi (81.12%)
  NLD E25: 15.13 of 161.94 mi (9.34%)
  BEL E25: 110.58 of 110.58 mi (100.00%)
  LUX E25: 20.27 of 20.27 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E25: 207.07 of 207.07 mi (100.00%)
  CHE E25: 163.44 of 163.44 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-ARA E25: 60.19 of 60.19 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E25: 153.24 of 176.31 mi (86.92%)

E26: 50.71 of 169.28 mi (29.96%)
  DEU-BB E26: 48.25 of 77.19 mi (62.52%)
  DEU-BE E26: 2.46 of 10.37 mi (23.72%)

E27: 194.79 of 214.77 mi (90.70%)
  FRA-BFC E27: 12.00 of 12.41 mi (96.66%)
  CHE E27: 161.96 of 181.52 mi (89.22%)
  ITA E27: 20.84 of 20.84 mi (100.00%)

E28 (Germany - Poland): 82.90 of 307.88 mi (26.93%)
  DEU-BB E28: 57.34 of 57.34 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-MV E28: 12.15 of 12.15 mi (100.00%)
  POL E28: 13.40 of 238.38 mi (5.62%)

E29: 79.53 of 179.12 mi (44.40%)
  DEU-RP E29: 11.95 of 45.20 mi (26.45%)
  LUX E29: 25.75 of 43.33 mi (59.43%)
  DEU-SL E29: 41.83 of 43.49 mi (96.17%)

E30 (Great Britain): 5.14 of 356.10 mi (1.44%)
  ENG E30: 5.14 of 223.02 mi (2.31%)

E30 (Netherlands - Russia): 405.24 of 3360.50 mi (12.06%)
  NLD E30: 92.29 of 140.24 mi (65.81%)
  DEU-NI E30Sch: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E30Rhe: 23.61 of 23.61 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E30Osn: 23.46 of 23.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E30: 28.03 of 28.03 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E30: 97.51 of 97.51 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E30: 21.66 of 53.23 mi (40.69%)
  DEU-BB E30: 78.73 of 106.36 mi (74.02%)
  POL E30: 22.11 of 418.38 mi (5.28%)

E31 (Netherlands - Germany): 162.57 of 317.91 mi (51.14%)
  DEU-NW E31: 29.56 of 104.18 mi (28.38%)
  DEU-RP E31: 128.84 of 128.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E31: 4.17 of 4.17 mi (100.00%)

E34: 124.23 of 288.26 mi (43.10%)
  BEL E34: 42.03 of 96.38 mi (43.60%)
  NLD E34: 35.59 of 47.37 mi (75.15%)
  DEU-NW E34: 46.61 of 144.52 mi (32.25%)

E35: 547.35 of 1049.08 mi (52.17%)
  NLD E35: 0.98 of 82.72 mi (1.18%)
  DEU-NW E35: 38.60 of 113.93 mi (33.88%)
  DEU-RP E35: 35.26 of 35.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E35: 43.92 of 72.82 mi (60.32%)
  DEU-BW E35: 149.11 of 164.76 mi (90.50%)
  CHE E35: 177.56 of 177.56 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E35: 101.92 of 402.04 mi (25.35%)

E36: 123.45 of 147.35 mi (83.78%)
  DEU-BE E36: 14.26 of 14.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB E36: 85.69 of 85.69 mi (100.00%)
  POL E36: 23.49 of 47.39 mi (49.57%)

E37: 134.79 of 183.37 mi (73.51%)
  DEU-NI E37: 64.09 of 64.09 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E37Wer: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E37Osn: 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E37: 67.64 of 116.22 mi (58.20%)

E40: 702.88 of 5405.90 mi (13.00%)
  FRA-HDF E40: 24.35 of 35.68 mi (68.24%)
  BEL E40: 31.75 of 177.19 mi (17.92%)
  DEU-NW E40: 111.67 of 111.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E40: 103.26 of 106.64 mi (96.84%)
  DEU-TH E40Ger: 4.38 of 4.38 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E40Her: 5.05 of 5.05 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH E40: 104.85 of 104.85 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E40: 131.50 of 131.50 mi (100.00%)
  POL E40: 186.07 of 419.43 mi (44.36%)

E41: 318.71 of 468.95 mi (67.96%)
  DEU-NW E41: 24.07 of 75.82 mi (31.74%)
  DEU-HE E41: 24.16 of 73.61 mi (32.83%)
  DEU-HE E41Sel: 0.06 of 1.84 mi (3.38%)
  DEU-BY E41: 33.28 of 33.28 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E41Wer: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E41Wur: 11.20 of 11.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E41: 174.65 of 174.65 mi (100.00%)
  CHE E41: 47.14 of 86.91 mi (54.25%)

E42: 380.51 of 380.51 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E42: 55.28 of 55.28 mi (100.00%)
  BEL E42: 166.59 of 166.59 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP E42: 121.76 of 121.76 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E42: 36.88 of 36.88 mi (100.00%)

E43: 311.53 of 318.02 mi (97.96%)
  DEU-BY E43: 67.50 of 67.50 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43: 48.86 of 48.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Neu: 25.33 of 25.33 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Det: 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Fel: 0.68 of 0.68 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Unt: 2.73 of 2.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Hei: 0.71 of 0.71 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Ege: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Mem: 6.37 of 6.37 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E43Leu: 30.15 of 30.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E43Lin: 4.81 of 4.81 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E43: 6.77 of 12.52 mi (54.06%)
  CHE E43: 113.53 of 114.27 mi (99.35%)

E44: 172.41 of 485.40 mi (35.52%)
  FRA-GES E44: 15.00 of 94.69 mi (15.84%)
  LUX E44: 26.01 of 37.91 mi (68.60%)
  DEU-RP E44: 92.02 of 104.14 mi (88.36%)
  DEU-HE E44: 39.39 of 39.39 mi (100.00%)

E45 (Denmark - Italy): 821.76 of 1821.38 mi (45.12%)
  DNK E45: 56.51 of 221.00 mi (25.57%)
  DEU-SH E45: 90.86 of 90.86 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HH E45: 4.24 of 18.08 mi (23.48%)
  DEU-NI E45: 38.45 of 164.11 mi (23.43%)
  DEU-HE E45Wit: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E45Han: 11.41 of 11.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E45: 60.50 of 79.61 mi (75.99%)
  DEU-BY E45: 273.18 of 273.18 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E45: 67.63 of 67.63 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E45: 217.51 of 892.59 mi (24.37%)

E46 ((Main)): 156.14 of 471.73 mi (33.10%)
  FRA-HDF E46: 41.88 of 99.76 mi (41.98%)
  FRA-GES E46: 95.82 of 96.92 mi (98.86%)
  BEL E46: 18.45 of 79.15 mi (23.31%)

E47 (Denmark): 65.28 of 126.18 mi (51.73%)
 (DNK E47 only)
E48: 149.88 of 217.23 mi (69.00%)
  DEU-BY E48: 111.78 of 111.78 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E48: 38.10 of 105.45 mi (36.13%)

E49: 278.52 of 464.37 mi (59.98%)
  DEU-ST E49: 65.56 of 65.56 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Rab: 0.60 of 0.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Gro: 0.63 of 0.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Sch: 3.42 of 3.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Rub: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Weh: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Mas: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Kle: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Gun: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49Alt: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E49Wei: 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH E49: 41.97 of 41.97 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E49: 40.49 of 40.49 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E49: 82.86 of 195.48 mi (42.39%)
  AUT E49: 14.31 of 87.54 mi (16.34%)

E50: 872.97 of 3110.70 mi (28.06%)
  FRA-PDL E50: 31.71 of 92.55 mi (34.26%)
  FRA-CVL E50: 53.17 of 53.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E50: 51.93 of 80.88 mi (64.20%)
  FRA-HDF E50Mon: 0.47 of 0.47 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF E50Dhu: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E50: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E50Pas: 4.19 of 4.19 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF E50VAA: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E50: 167.24 of 167.24 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL E50: 23.84 of 23.84 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-RP E50: 51.65 of 51.65 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E50Man: 4.60 of 4.60 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E50: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E50: 91.67 of 91.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E50: 125.35 of 125.35 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E50: 237.36 of 296.23 mi (80.13%)

E51: 257.26 of 257.26 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BE E51: 7.40 of 7.40 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB E51: 45.45 of 45.45 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51: 37.99 of 37.99 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Dob: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Loh: 0.73 of 0.73 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51: 7.48 of 7.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Rub: 0.22 of 0.22 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Weh: 0.67 of 0.67 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Mas: 0.31 of 0.31 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Kle: 0.83 of 0.83 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Gun: 2.55 of 2.55 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E51Alt: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-ST E51Wei: 22.48 of 22.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-TH E51: 47.58 of 47.58 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E51: 79.83 of 79.83 mi (100.00%)

E52: 317.17 of 317.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES E52: 3.44 of 3.44 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E52: 139.20 of 139.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E52Neu: 4.30 of 4.30 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E52Lan: 2.42 of 2.42 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E52: 166.13 of 166.13 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E52: 1.69 of 1.69 mi (100.00%)

E53: 13.60 of 171.23 mi (7.94%)
  CZE E53: 3.17 of 49.84 mi (6.37%)
  DEU-BY E53: 10.43 of 121.39 mi (8.59%)

E54: 214.90 of 528.47 mi (40.66%)
  FRA-BFC E54: 33.74 of 77.13 mi (43.75%)
  FRA-GES E54Mul: 25.41 of 25.41 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BW E54: 24.20 of 63.32 mi (38.21%)
  CHE E54: 6.22 of 16.10 mi (38.64%)
  DEU-BW E54Sin: 8.57 of 54.56 mi (15.71%)
  DEU-BY E54Lin: 2.54 of 7.11 mi (35.78%)
  DEU-BW E54Leu: 30.15 of 30.15 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E54: 84.06 of 84.06 mi (100.00%)

E55 (Denmark): 87.06 of 120.36 mi (72.33%)
 (DNK E55 only)
E55 (Germany - Italy): 876.96 of 1429.03 mi (61.37%)
  DEU-MV E55: 70.08 of 70.08 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BB E55: 189.96 of 189.96 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E55: 53.23 of 53.23 mi (100.00%)
  CZE E55: 178.92 of 189.10 mi (94.61%)
  AUT E55: 248.63 of 248.63 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E55: 136.14 of 678.03 mi (20.08%)

E55 (Berlin (loop), DEU): 41.99 of 59.34 mi (70.77%)
  DEU-BB E55Ora: 8.06 of 19.74 mi (40.82%)
  DEU-BB E55Neu: 33.94 of 36.27 mi (93.56%)

E56: 137.34 of 187.02 mi (73.44%)
  DEU-BY E56: 90.03 of 139.71 mi (64.44%)
  AUT E56: 47.31 of 47.31 mi (100.00%)

E57: 231.61 of 231.61 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E57: 143.18 of 143.18 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E57: 88.43 of 88.43 mi (100.00%)

E58: 44.42 of 1491.29 mi (2.98%)
  AUT E58: 37.94 of 37.94 mi (100.00%)
  SVK E58: 6.48 of 312.51 mi (2.07%)

E59: 228.67 of 328.40 mi (69.63%)
  AUT E59: 153.82 of 194.80 mi (78.96%)
  SVN E59: 37.12 of 37.12 mi (100.00%)
  HRV E59: 37.73 of 37.73 mi (100.00%)

E60 (France - Hungary): 731.25 of 1584.89 mi (46.14%)
  FRA-BFC E60: 18.08 of 245.03 mi (7.38%)
  FRA-GES E60: 35.81 of 35.81 mi (100.00%)
  CHE E60: 118.84 of 119.58 mi (99.38%)
  AUT E60Inn: 162.90 of 168.65 mi (96.59%)
  DEU-BY E60: 58.71 of 58.71 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E60: 238.44 of 238.44 mi (100.00%)
  HUN E60: 98.47 of 262.82 mi (37.47%)

E61: 109.79 of 153.32 mi (71.61%)
  AUT E61: 12.99 of 12.99 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E61: 92.79 of 92.79 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E61: 4.00 of 9.59 mi (41.71%)

E62: 296.72 of 786.06 mi (37.75%)
  FRA-ARA E62Bou: 48.77 of 85.66 mi (56.94%)
  CHE E62: 157.93 of 159.81 mi (98.83%)
  ITA E62: 90.02 of 170.21 mi (52.89%)

E64: 141.94 of 148.97 mi (95.29%)
 (ITA E64 only)
E65 (Sweden): 0.88 of 35.44 mi (2.47%)
 (SWE E65 only)
E65 (Poland - Greece): 381.28 of 2202.16 mi (17.31%)
  POL E65: 35.57 of 314.38 mi (11.31%)
  CZE E65: 207.35 of 241.79 mi (85.76%)
  SVK E65: 50.60 of 50.60 mi (100.00%)
  HUN E65: 27.99 of 158.31 mi (17.68%)
  HRV E65: 59.77 of 457.09 mi (13.08%)

E66: 158.46 of 495.20 mi (32.00%)
  AUT E66: 155.56 of 235.08 mi (66.17%)
  HUN E66: 2.90 of 220.12 mi (1.32%)

E67: 56.84 of 1018.94 mi (5.58%)
  CZE E67: 56.84 of 85.35 mi (66.60%)

E70 (Spain - Bulgaria): 668.40 of 2431.07 mi (27.49%)
  FRA-ARA E70: 177.81 of 297.27 mi (59.82%)
  ITA E70: 360.49 of 417.88 mi (86.27%)
  SVN E70: 117.75 of 117.75 mi (100.00%)
  HRV E70: 12.34 of 193.00 mi (6.39%)

E71: 196.63 of 637.31 mi (30.85%)
  HUN E71: 136.86 of 308.73 mi (44.33%)
  HRV E71: 59.77 of 316.62 mi (18.88%)

E74: 17.93 of 133.78 mi (13.40%)
  FRA-PAC E74Nic: 14.11 of 14.11 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E74Ven: 3.82 of 12.32 mi (31.01%)

E75 (Poland - Greece): 114.08 of 1602.63 mi (7.12%)
  SVK E75: 10.82 of 155.82 mi (6.95%)
  HUN E75: 103.26 of 218.76 mi (47.20%)

E80 (Portugal - Italy): 365.06 of 1725.90 mi (21.15%)
  FRA-OCC E80: 99.40 of 287.53 mi (34.57%)
  FRA-PAC E80: 177.17 of 177.17 mi (100.00%)
  ITA E80: 88.49 of 537.64 mi (16.46%)

E234: 45.12 of 101.86 mi (44.29%)
  DEU-HB E234: 7.85 of 14.31 mi (54.87%)
  DEU-NI E234Oyt: 0.69 of 0.69 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HB E234Mah: 0.92 of 0.92 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NI E234: 35.66 of 35.66 mi (100.00%)

E251: 1.31 of 168.59 mi (0.78%)
  DEU-BB E251: 1.31 of 46.83 mi (2.80%)

E311: 34.65 of 40.57 mi (85.42%)
 (NLD E311 only)
E312: 4.21 of 94.25 mi (4.46%)
 (NLD E312 only)
E313: 67.09 of 70.15 mi (95.64%)
 (BEL E313 only)
E314: 12.01 of 78.40 mi (15.31%)
  NLD E314: 5.15 of 16.92 mi (30.43%)
  DEU-NW E314: 6.86 of 6.86 mi (100.00%)

E331: 92.20 of 92.20 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E331: 59.48 of 59.48 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E331Die: 5.80 of 5.80 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-NW E331War: 3.02 of 3.02 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-HE E331: 23.90 of 23.90 mi (100.00%)

E411: 88.94 of 158.75 mi (56.02%)
  BEL E411: 82.80 of 121.03 mi (68.41%)
  FRA-GES E411: 6.13 of 37.71 mi (16.26%)

E420 ((Main)): 50.27 of 121.22 mi (41.47%)
  FRA-GES E420: 50.27 of 72.34 mi (69.49%)

E421: 65.34 of 87.75 mi (74.46%)
  BEL E421: 23.85 of 46.26 mi (51.55%)
  LUX E421: 41.50 of 41.50 mi (100.00%)

E422: 25.26 of 49.87 mi (50.66%)
  DEU-RP E422: 17.23 of 17.23 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SL E422: 8.03 of 32.64 mi (24.61%)

E429: 6.87 of 47.83 mi (14.36%)
 (BEL E429 only)
E441: 66.05 of 66.05 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-BY E441: 9.77 of 9.77 mi (100.00%)
  DEU-SN E441: 56.27 of 56.27 mi (100.00%)

E442: 123.35 of 369.27 mi (33.40%)
  CZE E442: 123.35 of 342.38 mi (36.03%)

E451: 42.31 of 78.07 mi (54.20%)
 (DEU-HE E451 only)
E461: 64.44 of 126.55 mi (50.92%)
  CZE E461: 32.01 of 78.91 mi (40.56%)
  AUT E461: 32.44 of 47.64 mi (68.09%)

E462: 73.99 of 206.47 mi (35.84%)
  CZE E462: 73.99 of 120.49 mi (61.41%)

E502: 3.76 of 53.68 mi (7.01%)
  FRA-PDL E502: 3.76 of 34.06 mi (11.05%)

E532: 43.67 of 43.67 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY E532 only)
E533: 56.62 of 86.49 mi (65.46%)
  DEU-BY E533: 49.72 of 67.53 mi (73.63%)
  AUT E533: 6.90 of 18.96 mi (36.39%)

E552: 43.55 of 129.27 mi (33.69%)
  AUT E552: 43.55 of 65.87 mi (66.11%)

E611: 25.08 of 33.13 mi (75.69%)
 (FRA-ARA E611 only)
E641: 2.38 of 55.93 mi (4.25%)
  DEU-BY E641: 0.19 of 13.31 mi (1.40%)
  AUT E641Sal: 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%)

E652: 28.74 of 28.74 mi (100.00%)
  AUT E652: 18.35 of 18.35 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E652: 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%)

E653: 61.90 of 61.90 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E653: 48.84 of 48.84 mi (100.00%)
  HUN E653: 13.06 of 13.06 mi (100.00%)

E712: 50.80 of 260.29 mi (19.52%)
  FRA-ARA E712: 50.80 of 140.36 mi (36.20%)

E714: 7.81 of 72.22 mi (10.81%)
 (FRA-PAC E714 only)
E751 ((Main)): 11.85 of 96.95 mi (12.22%)
  ITA E751: 9.52 of 9.52 mi (100.00%)
  SVN E751: 2.33 of 16.57 mi (14.06%)

System eure connected routes traveled: 89 of 338 (26.3%), clinched: 9 of 338 (2.7%).
System eursf (active) overall: 73.12 of 2253.58 mi (3.24%)
System eursf by region:
  ALB: 0.00 of 10.68 mi (0.00%)
  BIH: 0.00 of 66.64 mi (0.00%)
  BLR: 0.00 of 428.03 mi (0.00%)
  CHE: 8.37 of 40.10 mi (20.87%)
  CZE: 19.62 of 45.64 mi (42.98%)
  DEU-BE: 0.00 of 1.73 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 7.85 of 8.32 mi (94.28%)
  DEU-BY: 6.35 of 27.15 mi (23.37%)
  DEU-HB: 0.83 of 3.64 mi (22.87%)
  DEU-NI: 0.00 of 8.23 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-NW: 2.54 of 14.44 mi (17.57%)
  DEU-TH: 1.75 of 3.75 mi (46.68%)
  ENG: 0.00 of 3.34 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 116.17 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 1.46 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 126.05 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 29.75 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-BFC: 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 38.18 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 14.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 4.75 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 3.75 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 28.81 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 2.08 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 7.95 mi (0.00%)
  GRC: 0.00 of 10.62 mi (0.00%)
  ITA: 8.95 of 102.22 mi (8.75%)
  NLD: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%)
  PRT: 0.00 of 26.22 mi (0.00%)
  RUS: 0.00 of 1030.95 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 9.35 of 27.60 mi (33.87%)
System eursf by route (traveled routes only):
AutZubHem (Autobahnzubringer Bremen-Hemelingen): 0.83 of 2.06 mi (40.46%)
 (DEU-HB AutZubHem only)
BrnSka (Brněnská, Praha): 4.28 of 4.28 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE BrnSka only)
K35 (Hannoversche Straße Erfurt): 1.75 of 3.75 mi (46.68%)
 (DEU-TH K35 only)
HisLed (Hisingsleden, Göteborg): 2.06 of 5.49 mi (37.54%)
 (SWE HisLed only)
KbelSka (Kbelská, Praha): 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE KbelSka only)
MalStr (Mallinckrodtstraße Dortmund): 2.54 of 3.10 mi (81.91%)
 (DEU-NW MalStrDor only)
MaxPlaStr (Max-Planck-Straße Regensburg): 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (DEU-BY MaxPlaStr only)
OdeRing (Odessa-Ring Regensburg): 1.63 of 2.25 mi (72.43%)
 (DEU-BY OdeRing only)
OscLed (Oscarsleden, Göteborg): 0.31 of 1.70 mi (18.26%)
 (SWE OscLed only)
ProRad (Prosecká radiála, Praha): 6.25 of 6.25 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE ProRad only)
RadRad (Radlická radiála, Praha): 2.98 of 2.98 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE RadRad only)
D64 (Route de Luxeuil, Lure): 7.53 of 7.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-BFC D64 only)
SodLedGot (Söderleden, Göteborg): 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE SodLedGot only)
SpoSka (Spořilovská, Praha): 1.00 of 1.00 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE SpoSka only)
SudTan (Südwesttangente Fürth - Nürnberg): 3.83 of 8.48 mi (45.18%)
 (DEU-BY SudTanFur only)
SudTan (Südtangente Karlsruhe): 7.85 of 8.32 mi (94.28%)
 (DEU-BW SudTanKar only)
TanMod (Tangenziale di Modena): 8.95 of 12.30 mi (72.75%)
 (ITA TanMod only)
VasLedGot (Västerleden, Göteborg): 3.46 of 3.46 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE VasLedGot only)
VysRad (Vysočanská radiála, Praha): 2.89 of 2.89 mi (100.00%)
 (CZE VysRad only)
ZubHar (Zubringer Hardturm, Zurich): 3.38 of 3.38 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubHar only)
ZubLet (Zubringer Letten, Zurich): 2.71 of 2.71 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubLet only)
ZubRhe (Zubringer Rheinfelden): 0.54 of 0.54 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubRhe only)
ZubWie (Zubringer Wiedikon, Zurich): 1.74 of 1.74 mi (100.00%)
 (CHE ZubWie only)
System eursf connected routes traveled: 23 of 162 (14.2%), clinched: 14 of 162 (8.6%).
System espa (active) overall: 18.01 of 8290.70 mi (0.22%)
System espa by region:
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 1156.57 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 521.07 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 269.99 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 152.74 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 1505.46 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 988.28 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 18.01 of 569.79 mi (3.16%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 437.49 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 728.72 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 277.20 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 430.54 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 250.09 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 246.06 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 109.30 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 647.41 mi (0.00%)
System espa by route (traveled routes only):
AP7 (Barcelona): 18.01 of 297.47 mi (6.06%)
  ESP-CT AP7: 18.01 of 213.79 mi (8.43%)

System espa connected routes traveled: 1 of 237 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 237 (0.0%).
System espn (active) overall: 7.28 of 9841.96 mi (0.07%)
System espn by region:
  ESP-AN: 0.00 of 1067.69 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AR: 0.00 of 1044.17 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-AS: 0.00 of 271.91 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CB: 0.00 of 227.25 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CE: 0.00 of 12.16 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CL: 0.00 of 2221.67 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CM: 0.00 of 1375.48 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-CT: 7.28 of 730.51 mi (1.00%)
  ESP-EX: 0.00 of 684.60 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-GA: 0.00 of 880.16 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MC: 0.00 of 166.60 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-MD: 0.00 of 65.46 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-ML: 0.00 of 7.93 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-NC: 0.00 of 163.75 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-PV: 0.00 of 191.43 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-RI: 0.00 of 162.68 mi (0.00%)
  ESP-VC: 0.00 of 568.52 mi (0.00%)
System espn by route (traveled routes only):
NII (Figueres): 7.28 of 43.31 mi (16.82%)
 (ESP-CT NIIFig only)
System espn connected routes traveled: 1 of 342 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 342 (0.0%).
System espct (active) overall: 0.22 of 1288.98 mi (0.02%)
System espct by route (traveled routes only):
C26 (Figueres): 0.22 of 4.47 mi (4.99%)
 (ESP-CT C26Fig only)
System espct connected routes traveled: 1 of 50 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 50 (0.0%).
System fraa (active) overall: 1816.73 of 7281.48 mi (24.95%)
System fraa by region:
  FRA-ARA: 407.79 of 1088.80 mi (37.45%)
  FRA-BFC: 18.08 of 560.94 mi (3.22%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 30.78 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 53.17 of 614.95 mi (8.65%)
  FRA-GES: 501.65 of 805.15 mi (62.31%)
  FRA-HDF: 268.53 of 733.80 mi (36.59%)
  FRA-IDF: 80.35 of 377.12 mi (21.31%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 909.80 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 454.53 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 289.90 of 771.54 mi (37.57%)
  FRA-PAC: 161.78 of 466.92 mi (34.65%)
  FRA-PDL: 35.47 of 467.15 mi (7.59%)
System fraa by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 124.11 of 133.11 mi (93.24%)
  FRA-IDF A1: 10.44 of 19.44 mi (53.71%)
  FRA-HDF A1Pla: 0.41 of 0.41 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF A1LCS: 0.49 of 0.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF A1: 112.76 of 112.76 mi (100.00%)

A2: 48.30 of 48.30 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A2 only)
A4: 284.61 of 295.97 mi (96.16%)
  FRA-IDF A4: 30.26 of 41.62 mi (72.71%)
  FRA-HDF A4Mon: 0.47 of 0.47 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-IDF A4Dhu: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF A4: 21.68 of 21.68 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES A4Pas: 4.19 of 4.19 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-HDF A4VAA: 3.14 of 3.14 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-GES A4: 224.30 of 224.30 mi (100.00%)

A6: 4.25 of 273.22 mi (1.56%)
  FRA-ARA A6: 4.25 of 25.90 mi (16.41%)

A7: 7.81 of 190.71 mi (4.09%)
  FRA-PAC A7: 7.81 of 87.47 mi (8.92%)

A8: 136.93 of 136.93 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC A8 only)
A9: 141.08 of 174.95 mi (80.64%)
  FRA-OCC A9: 141.08 of 170.55 mi (82.72%)

A10: 15.18 of 350.29 mi (4.33%)
  FRA-IDF A10: 15.18 of 31.86 mi (47.64%)

A11: 91.36 of 202.12 mi (45.20%)
  FRA-IDF A11: 6.48 of 6.48 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-CVL A11: 53.17 of 53.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-PDL A11: 31.71 of 142.47 mi (22.26%)

A16 (Amiens): 24.35 of 194.39 mi (12.52%)
  FRA-HDF A16: 24.35 of 184.59 mi (13.19%)

A22 (Villenueve-d'Ascq): 1.15 of 1.15 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A22Vil only)
A22 (Tourcoing): 7.53 of 9.79 mi (76.86%)
 (FRA-HDF A22 only)
A23: 2.83 of 25.91 mi (10.91%)
 (FRA-HDF A23 only)
A25: 39.38 of 39.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A25 only)
A26: 21.75 of 247.55 mi (8.79%)
  FRA-GES A26: 21.75 of 93.67 mi (23.22%)

A27: 6.53 of 6.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF A27 only)
A28 (Le Mans): 9.30 of 168.14 mi (5.53%)
  FRA-PDL A28: 9.30 of 68.89 mi (13.49%)

A31: 62.52 of 216.35 mi (28.90%)
  FRA-GES A31: 62.52 of 164.78 mi (37.94%)

A33: 16.37 of 16.37 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A33 only)
A34 (Sedan): 32.12 of 32.12 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A34 only)
A34 (Reims): 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A34Rei only)
A34 (Cormontreuil): 1.53 of 1.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A34Cor only)
A35 (Strasburg): 32.11 of 32.11 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A35 only)
A35 (Sélestat): 26.00 of 26.00 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A35Sel only)
A35 (Colmar): 41.38 of 41.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A35Col only)
A36: 43.49 of 147.36 mi (29.51%)
  FRA-BFC A36: 18.08 of 121.96 mi (14.83%)
  FRA-GES A36: 25.41 of 25.41 mi (100.00%)

A40: 89.64 of 127.73 mi (70.18%)
  FRA-ARA A40: 89.64 of 126.17 mi (71.05%)

A41 (Annecy): 44.53 of 44.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A41 only)
A42: 25.08 of 33.13 mi (75.69%)
 (FRA-ARA A42 only)
A43 (Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne): 60.26 of 60.26 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A43 only)
A46 (Rillieux-la-Pape): 10.21 of 15.60 mi (65.48%)
 (FRA-ARA A46 only)
A54 (Nimes): 14.37 of 14.37 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-OCC A54: 12.49 of 12.49 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-PAC A54Arl: 1.89 of 1.89 mi (100.00%)

A54 (Salon-de-Provence): 15.16 of 15.16 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC A54 only)
A71: 2.26 of 181.46 mi (1.24%)
  FRA-ARA A71: 2.26 of 71.34 mi (3.16%)

A75: 206.29 of 206.29 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-ARA A75: 69.96 of 69.96 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-OCC A75: 136.33 of 136.33 mi (100.00%)

A89: 84.37 of 314.54 mi (26.82%)
  FRA-ARA A89: 84.37 of 143.93 mi (58.62%)

A104: 19.12 of 19.12 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-IDF A104 only)
A314: 0.84 of 1.66 mi (50.47%)
 (FRA-GES A314 only)
A315: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A315 only)
A320: 8.49 of 8.49 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A320 only)
A330: 3.46 of 6.44 mi (53.76%)
 (FRA-GES A330 only)
A344: 5.12 of 6.23 mi (82.19%)
 (FRA-GES A344 only)
A355: 14.85 of 14.85 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES A355 only)
A432: 6.64 of 20.42 mi (32.51%)
 (FRA-ARA A432 only)
A466: 2.38 of 2.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A466 only)
A710: 0.95 of 0.95 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A710 only)
A711: 7.27 of 7.27 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA A711 only)
System fraa connected routes traveled: 47 of 146 (32.2%), clinched: 24 of 146 (16.4%).
System fran (active) overall: 342.85 of 5350.99 mi (6.41%)
System fran by region:
  FRA-ARA: 27.85 of 582.63 mi (4.78%)
  FRA-BFC: 43.59 of 477.98 mi (9.12%)
  FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 627.34 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 214.05 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 163.48 of 559.15 mi (29.24%)
  FRA-HDF: 52.61 of 352.50 mi (14.92%)
  FRA-IDF: 39.93 of 237.60 mi (16.80%)
  FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 787.19 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 347.34 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 664.61 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 15.39 of 234.15 mi (6.57%)
  FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 266.46 mi (0.00%)
System fran by route (traveled routes only):
N2: 5.45 of 135.24 mi (4.03%)
  FRA-IDF N2: 2.83 of 13.57 mi (20.84%)
  FRA-HDF N2: 2.62 of 121.67 mi (2.15%)

N19 (Vesoul): 31.81 of 99.52 mi (31.96%)
  FRA-BFC N19: 31.81 of 74.78 mi (42.54%)

N31: 57.85 of 147.45 mi (39.24%)
  FRA-HDF N31: 41.88 of 99.76 mi (41.98%)
  FRA-GES N31: 15.98 of 15.98 mi (100.00%)

N43 (Sedan): 4.03 of 4.73 mi (85.29%)
 (FRA-GES N43Sed only)
N51 (Rethel): 22.93 of 22.93 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N51 only)
N57: 69.96 of 168.97 mi (41.40%)
  FRA-GES N57: 58.17 of 58.17 mi (100.00%)
  FRA-BFC N57: 11.78 of 110.80 mi (10.64%)

N58: 6.88 of 6.88 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N58 only)
N59: 34.74 of 34.74 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N59 only)
N104 (Evry): 37.10 of 38.29 mi (96.89%)
 (FRA-IDF N104 only)
N113 (Arles): 12.58 of 12.58 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC N113 only)
N159: 9.33 of 9.33 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES N159 only)
N201: 5.36 of 5.36 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA N201 only)
N205: 17.11 of 17.11 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA N205 only)
N225: 6.59 of 6.59 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF N225 only)
N244: 0.94 of 1.18 mi (79.12%)
 (FRA-GES N244 only)
N333: 7.64 of 12.20 mi (62.67%)
 (FRA-GES N333 only)
N356: 4.14 of 4.14 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF N356 only)
N431: 2.17 of 8.95 mi (24.22%)
 (FRA-GES N431 only)
N543: 5.38 of 5.38 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-ARA N543 only)
N572: 2.81 of 2.81 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-PAC N572 only)
NVS (Voie Sacrée): 0.67 of 29.16 mi (2.29%)
 (FRA-GES NVS only)
System fran connected routes traveled: 21 of 203 (10.3%), clinched: 11 of 203 (5.4%).
System frabfcd90 (active) overall: 0.59 of 306.58 mi (0.19%)
System frabfcd90 by region:
  FRA-BFC: 0.59 of 306.38 mi (0.19%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 0.20 mi (0.00%)
System frabfcd90 by route (traveled routes only):
D19-90 (Grandvillars): 0.59 of 12.82 mi (4.63%)
 (FRA-BFC D19-90 only)
System frabfcd90 connected routes traveled: 1 of 75 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 75 (0.0%).
System fragesd6ae (active) overall: 73.20 of 3475.91 mi (2.11%)
System fragesd6ae by region:
  CHE: 0.00 of 0.94 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 73.20 of 3474.97 mi (2.11%)
System fragesd6ae by route (traveled routes only):
D5-6AE: 1.08 of 15.68 mi (6.89%)
 (FRA-GES D5-6AE only)
D6-6AE: 0.40 of 13.13 mi (3.06%)
 (FRA-GES D6-6AE only)
D62-6AE: 0.29 of 3.61 mi (7.92%)
 (FRA-GES D62-6AE only)
D83-6AE: 7.33 of 63.63 mi (11.53%)
 (FRA-GES D83-6AE only)
D130-6AE: 9.27 of 9.27 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D130-6AE only)
D214-6AE: 0.48 of 17.85 mi (2.72%)
 (FRA-GES D214-6AE only)
D424-6AE: 5.84 of 32.79 mi (17.82%)
 (FRA-GES D424-6AE only)
D426-6AE: 2.73 of 29.22 mi (9.35%)
 (FRA-GES D426-6AE only)
D468-6AE (Drusenheim): 2.94 of 21.34 mi (13.79%)
 (FRA-GES D468-6AEDru only)
D481-6AE: 0.17 of 8.10 mi (2.08%)
 (FRA-GES D481-6AE only)
D504-6AE: 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D504-6AE only)
D854-6AE: 5.53 of 5.53 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D854-6AE only)
D1004-6AE: 16.54 of 21.50 mi (76.96%)
 (FRA-GES D1004-6AE only)
D1059-6AE: 10.41 of 12.05 mi (86.42%)
 (FRA-GES D1059-6AE only)
D1063-6AE: 1.01 of 15.78 mi (6.40%)
 (FRA-GES D1063-6AE only)
D1363-6AE: 0.29 of 0.29 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D1363-6AE only)
D1404-6AE: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D1404-6AE only)
D1420-6AE: 4.83 of 26.49 mi (18.24%)
 (FRA-GES D1420-6AE only)
D1422-6AE: 0.32 of 13.72 mi (2.31%)
 (FRA-GES D1422-6AE only)
System fragesd6ae connected routes traveled: 19 of 779 (2.4%), clinched: 5 of 779 (0.6%).
System fragesm6ae (active) overall: 17.82 of 158.64 mi (11.23%)
System fragesm6ae by route (traveled routes only):
M35-6AE: 13.32 of 13.32 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES M35-6AE only)
M351-6AE: 4.50 of 4.50 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES M351-6AE only)
System fragesm6ae connected routes traveled: 2 of 52 (3.8%), clinched: 2 of 52 (3.8%).
System frahdfd59 (active) overall: 0.15 of 2571.23 mi (0.01%)
System frahdfd59 by route (traveled routes only):
D70-59: 0.15 of 10.04 mi (1.45%)
 (FRA-HDF D70-59 only)
System frahdfd59 connected routes traveled: 1 of 476 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 476 (0.0%).
System frahdfm59 (active) overall: 1.56 of 462.80 mi (0.34%)
System frahdfm59 by route (traveled routes only):
M652-59: 1.56 of 9.16 mi (17.04%)
 (FRA-HDF M652-59 only)
System frahdfm59 connected routes traveled: 1 of 139 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 139 (0.0%).
System frahdfd62 (active) overall: 0.17 of 3601.91 mi (0.00%)
System frahdfd62 by route (traveled routes only):
D304-62: 0.17 of 6.53 mi (2.65%)
 (FRA-HDF D304-62 only)
System frahdfd62 connected routes traveled: 1 of 686 (0.1%), clinched: 0 of 686 (0.0%).
System fraidfd77 (active) overall: 0.88 of 2712.77 mi (0.03%)
System fraidfd77 by region:
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 1.02 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.72 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.88 of 2709.16 mi (0.03%)
System fraidfd77 by route (traveled routes only):
D934-77: 0.88 of 42.71 mi (2.07%)
  FRA-IDF D934-77: 0.88 of 42.16 mi (2.09%)

System fraidfd77 connected routes traveled: 1 of 468 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 468 (0.0%).
System fraidfd93 (active) overall: 0.51 of 213.06 mi (0.24%)
System fraidfd93 by route (traveled routes only):
D40-93 (Villepinte): 0.51 of 7.70 mi (6.66%)
 (FRA-IDF D40-93Vil only)
System fraidfd93 connected routes traveled: 1 of 96 (1.0%), clinched: 0 of 96 (0.0%).
System gbnm (active) overall: 141.53 of 1936.17 mi (7.31%)
System gbnm by region:
  ENG: 141.53 of 1641.63 mi (8.62%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 213.88 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 80.66 mi (0.00%)
System gbnm by route (traveled routes only):
M20: 37.75 of 50.54 mi (74.69%)
 (ENG M20 only)
M25 (London Orbital): 47.96 of 113.03 mi (42.43%)
 (ENG M25 only)
M26: 9.67 of 9.67 mi (100.00%)
 (ENG M26 only)
M40: 46.16 of 87.93 mi (52.49%)
 (ENG M40 only)
System gbnm connected routes traveled: 4 of 55 (7.3%), clinched: 1 of 55 (1.8%).
System gbna (active) overall: 20.30 of 28169.67 mi (0.07%)
System gbna by region:
  ENG: 20.30 of 19432.78 mi (0.10%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 6217.33 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 2519.57 mi (0.00%)
System gbna by route (traveled routes only):
A20: 3.52 of 72.79 mi (4.83%)
 (ENG A20 only)
A28: 1.70 of 57.01 mi (2.98%)
 (ENG A28 only)
A43: 13.10 of 65.99 mi (19.85%)
 (ENG A43 only)
A251: 0.43 of 11.79 mi (3.65%)
 (ENG A251 only)
A422: 0.75 of 80.82 mi (0.92%)
 (ENG A422 only)
A2042: 0.50 of 4.46 mi (11.10%)
 (ENG A2042 only)
A2070: 1.98 of 12.86 mi (15.41%)
 (ENG A2070 only)
System gbna connected routes traveled: 7 of 1932 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 1932 (0.0%).
System hrva (active) overall: 109.84 of 826.36 mi (13.29%)
System hrva by route (traveled routes only):
A2: 37.73 of 37.73 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV A2 only)
A3: 12.34 of 193.00 mi (6.39%)
 (HRV A3 only)
A4: 59.77 of 59.77 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV A4 only)
System hrva connected routes traveled: 3 of 11 (27.3%), clinched: 2 of 11 (18.2%).
System hrvd (active) overall: 38.62 of 4267.89 mi (0.90%)
System hrvd by route (traveled routes only):
D1: 8.55 of 259.11 mi (3.30%)
 (HRV D1 only)
D2: 4.94 of 216.59 mi (2.28%)
 (HRV D2 only)
D3: 4.01 of 179.50 mi (2.23%)
 (HRV D3 only)
D35: 15.73 of 27.16 mi (57.92%)
 (HRV D35 only)
D74: 3.82 of 12.14 mi (31.47%)
 (HRV D74 only)
D528: 1.89 of 1.89 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV D528 only)
System hrvd connected routes traveled: 6 of 203 (3.0%), clinched: 1 of 203 (0.5%).
System hunm (active) overall: 266.06 of 1180.30 mi (22.54%)
System hunm by route (traveled routes only):
M1: 105.36 of 105.36 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M1 only)
M7: 143.51 of 143.51 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M7 only)
M15: 8.92 of 8.92 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M15 only)
M70: 13.06 of 13.06 mi (100.00%)
 (HUN M70 only)
System hunm connected routes traveled: 4 of 26 (15.4%), clinched: 4 of 26 (15.4%).
System hunf (active) overall: 14.37 of 4431.99 mi (0.32%)
System hunf by route (traveled routes only):
F1: 5.67 of 110.08 mi (5.15%)
 (HUN F1 only)
F7: 7.25 of 149.65 mi (4.84%)
 (HUN F7 only)
F61: 0.59 of 122.41 mi (0.48%)
 (HUN F61 only)
F86: 0.87 of 118.69 mi (0.73%)
 (HUN F86 only)
System hunf connected routes traveled: 4 of 139 (2.9%), clinched: 0 of 139 (0.0%).
System itaa (active) overall: 1352.58 of 4626.45 mi (29.24%)
System itaa by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Autostrada del Sole): 74.84 of 476.64 mi (15.70%)
 (ITA A1 only)
A4 (Autostrada Serenissima): 329.52 of 329.52 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A4 only)
A4A5 (Diramazione Ivrea-Santhià): 14.82 of 14.82 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A4A5 only)
A4A26 (Diramazione Stroppiana-Santhià): 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A4A26 only)
A5 (Autostrada della Valle d'Aosta): 65.22 of 87.39 mi (74.63%)
 (ITA A5 only)
A7 (Autostrada dei Giovi): 5.37 of 81.27 mi (6.60%)
 (ITA A7 only)
A7A26 (Diramazione Predosa-Bettole): 10.72 of 10.72 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A7A26 only)
A8 (Autostrada dei Laghi): 21.07 of 27.98 mi (75.31%)
 (ITA A8 only)
A8A26 (Diramazione Gallarate-Gattico): 13.98 of 13.98 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A8A26 only)
A9 (Autostrada dei Laghi): 19.61 of 19.61 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A9 only)
A10 (Autostrada dei Fiori): 88.49 of 96.02 mi (92.16%)
 (ITA A10 only)
A13 (Autostrada Bologna-Padova): 73.81 of 73.81 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A13 only)
A14 (Autostrada Adriatica): 9.02 of 464.13 mi (1.94%)
 (ITA A14 only)
A21 (Autostrada dei Vini): 108.59 of 149.62 mi (72.58%)
 (ITA A21 only)
A22 (Autostrada del Brennero): 195.76 of 195.76 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A22 only)
A23 (Autostrada Alpe-Adria): 73.85 of 73.85 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A23 only)
A26 (Autostrada dei Trafori): 108.58 of 121.97 mi (89.03%)
 (ITA A26 only)
A32 (Autostrada del Frejus): 44.44 of 44.44 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A32 only)
A34 (Autostrada Villesse - Goriza): 10.99 of 10.99 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A34 only)
A50 (Tangenziale Ovest di Milano): 4.21 of 19.54 mi (21.53%)
 (ITA A50 only)
A52 (Tangenziale Nord di Milano): 1.22 of 15.37 mi (7.96%)
 (ITA A52 only)
A55 (Tangenziale di Torino): 3.22 of 26.50 mi (12.14%)
 (ITA A55 only)
A55 (Tangenziale di Torino (Rivoli)): 2.25 of 2.25 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A55Riv only)
A57 (Tangenziale di Mestre): 16.18 of 16.18 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA A57 only)
AutSisRab (Autostrada Sistiana-Rabuiese): 2.13 of 2.13 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA AutSisRab only)
RA1 (Tangenziale di Bologna): 4.79 of 11.77 mi (40.67%)
 (ITA RA1 only)
RA1 (Tangenziale di Bologna (Borgo Panigale)): 2.33 of 2.33 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA RA1Bol only)
RA13 (Raccordo Autostradale Trieste): 12.52 of 12.52 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA RA13 only)
RA14 (Diramazione per Fernetti): 1.44 of 1.44 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA RA14 only)
T1 (Traforo del Monte Bianco): 3.10 of 3.10 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA T1 only)
T2 (Traforo du Gran San Bernardo): 6.92 of 6.92 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA T2 only)
T4 (Traforo del Frejus): 4.32 of 4.32 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA T4 only)
System itaa connected routes traveled: 32 of 106 (30.2%), clinched: 20 of 106 (18.9%).
System luxa (active) overall: 83.38 of 93.07 mi (89.58%)
System luxa by route (traveled routes only):
A1 (Tréierer Autobunn): 22.82 of 22.82 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX A1 only)
A3 (Diddelenger Autobunn): 7.56 of 8.30 mi (91.08%)
 (LUX A3 only)
A4 (Escher Autobunn): 6.35 of 9.91 mi (64.10%)
 (LUX A4 only)
A6 (Areler Autobunn): 12.71 of 12.71 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX A6 only)
A7 (Nordstrooss): 15.24 of 15.24 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX A7 only)
A13 (Saar-Autobunn): 18.69 of 25.53 mi (73.21%)
 (LUX A13 only)
System luxa connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 3 of 6 (50.0%).
System luxb (active) overall: 4.61 of 7.28 mi (63.33%)
System luxb by route (traveled routes only):
B7: 4.61 of 4.61 mi (100.00%)
 (LUX B7 only)
System luxb connected routes traveled: 1 of 4 (25.0%), clinched: 1 of 4 (25.0%).
System luxn (active) overall: 23.31 of 500.65 mi (4.66%)
System luxn by route (traveled routes only):
N7: 21.12 of 46.91 mi (45.03%)
 (LUX N7 only)
N10: 0.79 of 66.00 mi (1.20%)
 (LUX N10 only)
N12: 0.02 of 51.18 mi (0.04%)
 (LUX N12 only)
N27A: 0.51 of 1.93 mi (26.22%)
 (LUX N27A only)
N51: 0.87 of 3.90 mi (22.36%)
 (LUX N51 only)
System luxn connected routes traveled: 5 of 87 (5.7%), clinched: 0 of 87 (0.0%).
System nlda (active) overall: 202.53 of 1550.91 mi (13.06%)
System nlda by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 74.59 of 99.69 mi (74.82%)
 (NLD A1 only)
A2: 15.13 of 136.10 mi (11.11%)
 (NLD A2 only)
A12: 0.98 of 87.01 mi (1.12%)
 (NLD A12 only)
A16: 2.88 of 35.43 mi (8.14%)
 (NLD A16 only)
A27: 41.52 of 71.35 mi (58.19%)
 (NLD A27 only)
A28: 14.06 of 117.37 mi (11.98%)
 (NLD A28 only)
A35: 2.68 of 18.33 mi (14.64%)
 (NLD A35 only)
A58: 4.21 of 94.25 mi (4.46%)
 (NLD A58 only)
A67: 35.59 of 47.37 mi (75.15%)
 (NLD A67 only)
A73: 1.31 of 64.65 mi (2.03%)
 (NLD A73 only)
A74: 0.89 of 0.89 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD A74 only)
A76: 5.15 of 16.92 mi (30.43%)
 (NLD A76 only)
A79: 10.37 of 10.77 mi (96.21%)
 (NLD A79 only)
A270: 2.17 of 2.17 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD A270 only)
System nlda connected routes traveled: 14 of 49 (28.6%), clinched: 2 of 49 (4.1%).
System nldr (active) overall: 1.59 of 480.91 mi (0.33%)
System nldr by route (traveled routes only):
N35 (Enschede): 1.59 of 3.21 mi (49.64%)
 (NLD N35Ens only)
System nldr connected routes traveled: 1 of 31 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%).
System nldp (active) overall: 23.41 of 4341.49 mi (0.54%)
System nldp by region:
  BEL: 0.00 of 0.52 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 23.41 of 4340.97 mi (0.54%)
System nldp by route (traveled routes only):
N270 (Eindhoven): 1.85 of 1.85 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N270Ein only)
N270 (Helmond): 2.44 of 24.92 mi (9.80%)
 (NLD N270 only)
N271: 4.22 of 37.34 mi (11.30%)
 (NLD N271 only)
N278: 1.72 of 18.51 mi (9.30%)
 (NLD N278 only)
N348: 1.25 of 45.30 mi (2.76%)
 (NLD N348 only)
N408: 1.91 of 1.91 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N408 only)
N556: 1.96 of 9.74 mi (20.14%)
 (NLD N556 only)
N612: 3.51 of 3.51 mi (100.00%)
 (NLD N612 only)
N733: 4.54 of 4.83 mi (94.13%)
 (NLD N733 only)
System nldp connected routes traveled: 9 of 533 (1.7%), clinched: 3 of 533 (0.6%).
System nldrw (active) overall: 3.64 of 298.43 mi (1.22%)
System nldrw by region:
  CUW: 0.00 of 9.44 mi (0.00%)
  NLD: 3.64 of 288.99 mi (1.26%)
System nldrw by route (traveled routes only):
RingUtr (Ring Utrecht): 3.64 of 18.40 mi (19.79%)
 (NLD RingUtr only)
System nldrw connected routes traveled: 1 of 31 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%).
System pola (active) overall: 277.41 of 1166.69 mi (23.78%)
System pola by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 34.17 of 355.04 mi (9.62%)
 (POL A1 only)
A2 (Łódź): 20.28 of 285.43 mi (7.11%)
 (POL A2 only)
A4: 186.07 of 419.14 mi (44.39%)
 (POL A4 only)
A6: 13.40 of 18.26 mi (73.39%)
 (POL A6 only)
A18: 23.49 of 47.39 mi (49.57%)
 (POL A18 only)
System pola connected routes traveled: 5 of 8 (62.5%), clinched: 0 of 8 (0.0%).
System pols (active) overall: 35.57 of 2099.23 mi (1.69%)
System pols by route (traveled routes only):
S3: 35.57 of 272.55 mi (13.05%)
 (POL S3 only)
System pols connected routes traveled: 1 of 49 (2.0%), clinched: 0 of 49 (0.0%).
System poldw (active) overall: 92.94 of 17973.60 mi (0.52%)
System poldw by route (traveled routes only):
DW287: 13.29 of 28.87 mi (46.02%)
 (POL DW287 only)
DW289: 16.99 of 28.88 mi (58.83%)
 (POL DW289 only)
DW296: 31.06 of 53.06 mi (58.55%)
 (POL DW296 only)
DW297: 2.73 of 66.77 mi (4.08%)
 (POL DW297 only)
DW320: 5.18 of 18.99 mi (27.28%)
 (POL DW320 only)
DW332: 2.31 of 2.31 mi (100.00%)
 (POL DW332 only)
DW333: 2.93 of 56.39 mi (5.20%)
 (POL DW333 only)
DW350: 0.15 of 44.41 mi (0.34%)
 (POL DW350 only)
DW355: 3.67 of 4.82 mi (76.13%)
 (POL DW355 only)
DW357: 5.06 of 30.23 mi (16.75%)
 (POL DW357 only)
DW382: 9.71 of 104.97 mi (9.25%)
 (POL DW382 only)
System poldw connected routes traveled: 11 of 857 (1.3%), clinched: 1 of 857 (0.1%).
System poldk (active) overall: 84.68 of 8985.64 mi (0.94%)
System poldk by route (traveled routes only):
DK2 (Swiecko): 1.83 of 1.83 mi (100.00%)
 (POL DK2Swi only)
DK5: 17.42 of 73.18 mi (23.81%)
 (POL DK5 only)
DK10 (Szczecin): 0.94 of 18.29 mi (5.15%)
 (POL DK10Szc only)
DK12 (Radom): 23.95 of 370.61 mi (6.46%)
 (POL DK12 only)
DK27: 1.55 of 39.31 mi (3.95%)
 (POL DK27 only)
DK29: 3.06 of 36.18 mi (8.47%)
 (POL DK29 only)
DK30: 8.40 of 40.27 mi (20.86%)
 (POL DK30 only)
DK78: 2.30 of 145.35 mi (1.58%)
 (POL DK78 only)
DK88: 20.17 of 31.71 mi (63.60%)
 (POL DK88 only)
DK94 (Katowice): 8.91 of 259.16 mi (3.44%)
 (POL DK94 only)
System poldk connected routes traveled: 10 of 135 (7.4%), clinched: 1 of 135 (0.7%).
System svkd (active) overall: 52.93 of 337.20 mi (15.70%)
System svkd by route (traveled routes only):
D1 (Bratislava): 0.96 of 124.41 mi (0.77%)
 (SVK D1 only)
D2: 50.60 of 50.60 mi (100.00%)
 (SVK D2 only)
D4 (Bratislava): 1.37 of 18.02 mi (7.59%)
 (SVK D4 only)
System svkd connected routes traveled: 3 of 8 (37.5%), clinched: 1 of 8 (12.5%).
System svki (active) overall: 2.87 of 2062.83 mi (0.14%)
System svki by route (traveled routes only):
I2: 2.87 of 64.75 mi (4.43%)
 (SVK I2 only)
System svki connected routes traveled: 1 of 56 (1.8%), clinched: 0 of 56 (0.0%).
System svna (active) overall: 338.18 of 338.18 mi (100.00%)
System svna by route (traveled routes only):
A1: 152.15 of 152.15 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A1 only)
A2: 114.09 of 114.09 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A2 only)
A3: 7.58 of 7.58 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A3 only)
A4: 21.06 of 21.06 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A4 only)
A5: 48.84 of 48.84 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN A5 only)
System svna connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 5 of 5 (100.0%).
System svnh (active) overall: 34.65 of 41.86 mi (82.77%)
System svnh by route (traveled routes only):
H3: 6.37 of 6.37 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN H3 only)
H4: 25.95 of 25.95 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN H4 only)
H5: 2.33 of 4.81 mi (48.42%)
 (SVN H5 only)
System svnh connected routes traveled: 3 of 5 (60.0%), clinched: 2 of 5 (40.0%).
System svng (active) overall: 25.26 of 472.95 mi (5.34%)
System svng by route (traveled routes only):
G1: 2.31 of 42.53 mi (5.43%)
 (SVN G1 only)
G2: 2.81 of 36.39 mi (7.72%)
 (SVN G2 only)
G5: 1.81 of 42.38 mi (4.27%)
 (SVN G5 only)
G101: 10.39 of 10.39 mi (100.00%)
 (SVN G101 only)
G102: 2.04 of 56.01 mi (3.63%)
 (SVN G102 only)
G103: 1.60 of 23.56 mi (6.79%)
 (SVN G103 only)
G104: 4.31 of 18.49 mi (23.33%)
 (SVN G104 only)
System svng connected routes traveled: 7 of 22 (31.8%), clinched: 1 of 22 (4.5%).
System svnr (active) overall: 20.49 of 2835.75 mi (0.72%)
System svnr by route (traveled routes only):
R409: 0.54 of 61.80 mi (0.87%)
 (SVN R409 only)
R413: 0.33 of 10.36 mi (3.16%)
 (SVN R413 only)
R430 ((Main)): 7.94 of 38.93 mi (20.40%)
 (SVN R430 only)
R450: 0.93 of 2.98 mi (31.16%)
 (SVN R450 only)
R639: 4.94 of 11.56 mi (42.69%)
 (SVN R639 only)
R929: 5.82 of 18.61 mi (31.28%)
 (SVN R929 only)
System svnr connected routes traveled: 6 of 291 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 291 (0.0%).
System swemot (active) overall: 179.32 of 1361.23 mi (13.17%)
System swemot by route (traveled routes only):
KunBacLed (Kunsbackaleden, Göteborg): 11.52 of 16.43 mi (70.10%)
 (SWE KunBacLed only)
VastKustVag (Västkustvägen): 148.29 of 150.10 mi (98.79%)
 (SWE VastKustVag only)
YRingVag (Malmö Yttre Ringvägen): 18.64 of 18.64 mi (100.00%)
 (SWE YRingVag only)
YstVag (Ystadvägen, Malmö): 0.88 of 8.99 mi (9.74%)
 (SWE YstVag only)
System swemot connected routes traveled: 4 of 63 (6.3%), clinched: 1 of 63 (1.6%).
System swel (active) overall: 2.45 of 6755.96 mi (0.04%)
System swel by route (traveled routes only):
L155 (Torslanda): 2.45 of 7.14 mi (34.37%)
 (SWE L155 only)
System swel connected routes traveled: 1 of 212 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 212 (0.0%).
System autl3 (preview) overall: 1.45 of 2002.02 mi (0.07%)
System autl3 by route (traveled routes only):
L114-3: 1.45 of 9.83 mi (14.72%)
 (AUT L114-3 only)
System autl3 connected routes traveled: 1 of 203 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 203 (0.0%).
System autl6 (preview) overall: 9.88 of 1872.70 mi (0.53%)
System autl6 by route (traveled routes only):
L329-6 (Rinneggerstraße): 8.13 of 8.13 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L329-6 only)
L330-6 (Neustifterstraße): 1.75 of 1.75 mi (100.00%)
 (AUT L330-6 only)
System autl6 connected routes traveled: 2 of 412 (0.5%), clinched: 2 of 412 (0.5%).
System eurtr (preview) overall: 8.30 of 5769.80 mi (0.14%)
System eurtr by region:
  AUT: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%)
  DEU-BW: 0.59 of 215.11 mi (0.27%)
  DEU-BY: 7.71 of 486.32 mi (1.59%)
  ENG: 0.00 of 322.48 mi (0.00%)
  FIN: 0.00 of 2446.10 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.04 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.34 mi (0.00%)
  IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%)
  IRL: 0.00 of 880.65 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 15.60 mi (0.00%)
  NOR: 0.00 of 97.51 mi (0.00%)
  POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 203.70 mi (0.00%)
  SWE: 0.00 of 226.37 mi (0.00%)
  WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%)
System eurtr by route (traveled routes only):
BBMR (Bertha Benz Momorial Route): 0.31 of 117.41 mi (0.26%)
 (DEU-BW BBMR only)
DtAlpStr (Deutsche Alpenstraße (Füssen)): 3.06 of 289.09 mi (1.06%)
  DEU-BY DtAlpStr: 3.06 of 160.44 mi (1.90%)

RomStr (Romantische Straße): 4.94 of 265.81 mi (1.86%)
  DEU-BY RomStrWur: 2.75 of 14.44 mi (19.07%)
  DEU-BW RomStr: 0.28 of 45.61 mi (0.61%)
  DEU-BY RomStr: 1.90 of 194.13 mi (0.98%)

System eurtr connected routes traveled: 3 of 94 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 94 (0.0%).
System fraaram63 (preview) overall: 5.04 of 112.38 mi (4.48%)
System fraaram63 by route (traveled routes only):
M69-63: 3.52 of 4.38 mi (80.40%)
 (FRA-ARA M69-63 only)
M2009-63: 1.52 of 7.64 mi (19.92%)
 (FRA-ARA M2009-63 only)
System fraaram63 connected routes traveled: 2 of 49 (4.1%), clinched: 0 of 49 (0.0%).
System fraarad73 (preview) overall: 2.21 of 1542.25 mi (0.14%)
System fraarad73 by route (traveled routes only):
D1006-73: 2.21 of 112.29 mi (1.96%)
 (FRA-ARA D1006-73 only)
System fraarad73 connected routes traveled: 1 of 367 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 367 (0.0%).
System frabfcd25 (preview) overall: 0.54 of 2079.33 mi (0.03%)
System frabfcd25 by route (traveled routes only):
D437-25: 0.54 of 85.69 mi (0.63%)
 (FRA-BFC D437-25 only)
System frabfcd25 connected routes traveled: 1 of 483 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 483 (0.0%).
System frabfcd70 (preview) overall: 9.10 of 1941.80 mi (0.47%)
System frabfcd70 by region:
  FRA-BFC: 9.10 of 1940.15 mi (0.47%)
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.65 mi (0.00%)
System frabfcd70 by route (traveled routes only):
D64-70 (Lure): 7.53 of 13.56 mi (55.54%)
 (FRA-BFC D64-70 only)
D486-70: 1.57 of 32.15 mi (4.87%)
 (FRA-BFC D486-70 only)
System frabfcd70 connected routes traveled: 2 of 401 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 401 (0.0%).
System fragesd08 (preview) overall: 1.29 of 1921.89 mi (0.07%)
System fragesd08 by region:
  FRA-GES: 1.29 of 1921.45 mi (0.07%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.45 mi (0.00%)
System fragesd08 by route (traveled routes only):
D951-08: 1.29 of 23.96 mi (5.37%)
 (FRA-GES D951-08 only)
System fragesd08 connected routes traveled: 1 of 278 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 278 (0.0%).
System fragesd51 (preview) overall: 0.34 of 2509.50 mi (0.01%)
System fragesd51 by region:
  FRA-GES: 0.34 of 2508.51 mi (0.01%)
  FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.45 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 0.54 mi (0.00%)
System fragesd51 by route (traveled routes only):
D967-51: 0.34 of 3.41 mi (9.96%)
 (FRA-GES D967-51 only)
System fragesd51 connected routes traveled: 1 of 401 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 401 (0.0%).
System fragesd54 (preview) overall: 2.81 of 1886.50 mi (0.15%)
System fragesd54 by route (traveled routes only):
D590-54: 2.81 of 20.10 mi (13.97%)
 (FRA-GES D590-54 only)
System fragesd54 connected routes traveled: 1 of 450 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 450 (0.0%).
System fragesd55 (preview) overall: 23.33 of 2065.57 mi (1.13%)
System fragesd55 by route (traveled routes only):
D24-55: 4.33 of 12.19 mi (35.54%)
 (FRA-GES D24-55 only)
D24A-55: 2.69 of 2.69 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D24A-55 only)
D34A-55: 0.43 of 0.43 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-GES D34A-55 only)
D112-55: 2.62 of 11.09 mi (23.61%)
 (FRA-GES D112-55 only)
D163-55: 1.40 of 14.76 mi (9.48%)
 (FRA-GES D163-55 only)
D330-55: 0.64 of 2.79 mi (22.81%)
 (FRA-GES D330-55 only)
D603-55: 3.49 of 41.62 mi (8.38%)
 (FRA-GES D603-55 only)
D630-55: 0.68 of 0.89 mi (76.99%)
 (FRA-GES D630-55 only)
D903-55: 3.45 of 20.68 mi (16.69%)
 (FRA-GES D903-55 only)
D908-55: 1.51 of 36.07 mi (4.20%)
 (FRA-GES D908-55 only)
D913-55: 2.13 of 6.72 mi (31.70%)
 (FRA-GES D913-55 only)
System fragesd55 connected routes traveled: 11 of 352 (3.1%), clinched: 2 of 352 (0.6%).
System fragesd57 (preview) overall: 22.18 of 2457.67 mi (0.90%)
System fragesd57 by route (traveled routes only):
D1-57: 1.92 of 30.85 mi (6.22%)
 (FRA-GES D1-57 only)
D2-57: 10.02 of 22.41 mi (44.74%)
 (FRA-GES D2-57 only)
D8-57: 0.02 of 12.31 mi (0.20%)
 (FRA-GES D8-57 only)
D14-57: 1.20 of 9.33 mi (12.88%)
 (FRA-GES D14-57 only)
D52-57: 0.84 of 18.07 mi (4.63%)
 (FRA-GES D52-57 only)
D55-57: 0.96 of 28.97 mi (3.31%)
 (FRA-GES D55-57 only)
D56-57: 3.23 of 20.88 mi (15.45%)
 (FRA-GES D56-57 only)
D60-57: 0.28 of 19.71 mi (1.41%)
 (FRA-GES D60-57 only)
D654-57: 1.41 of 14.56 mi (9.66%)
 (FRA-GES D654-57 only)
D657-57: 0.36 of 9.57 mi (3.71%)
 (FRA-GES D657-57 only)
D918-57: 3.41 of 23.10 mi (14.78%)
 (FRA-GES D918-57 only)
D955-57: 0.24 of 57.62 mi (0.41%)
 (FRA-GES D955-57 only)
D999-57: 0.39 of 41.52 mi (0.94%)
 (FRA-GES D999-57 only)
System fragesd57 connected routes traveled: 13 of 585 (2.2%), clinched: 0 of 585 (0.0%).
System fragesd88 (preview) overall: 14.89 of 1863.24 mi (0.80%)
System fragesd88 by region:
  FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 8.97 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-GES: 14.89 of 1854.27 mi (0.80%)
System fragesd88 by route (traveled routes only):
D32-88: 1.09 of 42.49 mi (2.57%)
 (FRA-GES D32-88 only)
D49-88: 5.54 of 16.34 mi (33.94%)
 (FRA-GES D49-88 only)
D157-88: 0.95 of 44.14 mi (2.16%)
 (FRA-GES D157-88 only)
D424-88: 8.45 of 16.17 mi (52.24%)
 (FRA-GES D424-88 only)
System fragesd88 connected routes traveled: 4 of 356 (1.1%), clinched: 0 of 356 (0.0%).
System frahdfd02 (preview) overall: 2.15 of 3250.74 mi (0.07%)
System frahdfd02 by region:
  FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.74 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-HDF: 2.15 of 3248.84 mi (0.07%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 0.17 mi (0.00%)
System frahdfd02 by route (traveled routes only):
D1-02: 2.15 of 77.06 mi (2.79%)
 (FRA-HDF D1-02 only)
System frahdfd02 connected routes traveled: 1 of 640 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 640 (0.0%).
System frahdfd60 (preview) overall: 7.43 of 2436.29 mi (0.30%)
System frahdfd60 by region:
  FRA-HDF: 7.43 of 2434.96 mi (0.30%)
  FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 1.33 mi (0.00%)
System frahdfd60 by route (traveled routes only):
D81-60: 4.96 of 11.79 mi (42.07%)
 (FRA-HDF D81-60 only)
D130-60: 0.09 of 27.92 mi (0.33%)
 (FRA-HDF D130-60 only)
D335-60: 0.79 of 22.99 mi (3.43%)
 (FRA-HDF D335-60 only)
D546-60: 1.63 of 1.63 mi (100.00%)
 (FRA-HDF D546-60 only)
D547-60: 0.04 of 10.72 mi (0.39%)
 (FRA-HDF D547-60 only)
System frahdfd60 connected routes traveled: 5 of 356 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 356 (0.3%).
System fraoccd34 (preview) overall: 3.08 of 2509.87 mi (0.12%)
System fraoccd34 by route (traveled routes only):
D609-34 (Paulhan): 3.08 of 26.27 mi (11.72%)
 (FRA-OCC D609-34 only)
System fraoccd34 connected routes traveled: 1 of 816 (0.1%), clinched: 0 of 816 (0.0%).
System frapdld72 (preview) overall: 10.50 of 2542.68 mi (0.41%)
System frapdld72 by region:
  FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 1.71 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 0.33 mi (0.00%)
  FRA-PDL: 10.50 of 2540.64 mi (0.41%)
System frapdld72 by route (traveled routes only):
D139-72: 0.15 of 5.80 mi (2.65%)
 (FRA-PDL D139-72 only)
D323-72: 7.42 of 62.84 mi (11.81%)
 (FRA-PDL D323-72 only)
D338-72 (Beaumont-sur-Sarthe): 2.93 of 29.81 mi (9.82%)
 (FRA-PDL D338-72 only)
System frapdld72 connected routes traveled: 3 of 414 (0.7%), clinched: 0 of 414 (0.0%).
System gbrrr (preview) overall: 47.96 of 482.57 mi (9.94%)
System gbrrr by region:
  ENG: 47.96 of 448.58 mi (10.69%)
  JEY: 0.00 of 2.89 mi (0.00%)
  NIR: 0.00 of 25.75 mi (0.00%)
  SCT: 0.00 of 5.36 mi (0.00%)
System gbrrr by route (traveled routes only):
LonRR (London Orbital): 47.96 of 118.40 mi (40.51%)
 (ENG LonOrb only)
System gbrrr connected routes traveled: 1 of 59 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 59 (0.0%).
System hrvz (preview) overall: 7.20 of 5312.74 mi (0.14%)
System hrvz by region:
  HRV: 7.20 of 5312.39 mi (0.14%)
  SVN: 0.00 of 0.35 mi (0.00%)
System hrvz by route (traveled routes only):
Z2258: 7.20 of 7.20 mi (100.00%)
 (HRV Z2258 only)
System hrvz connected routes traveled: 1 of 1078 (0.1%), clinched: 1 of 1078 (0.1%).
System itass (preview) overall: 94.14 of 14198.54 mi (0.66%)
System itass by route (traveled routes only):
SS9 (Castelfranco Emilia): 17.32 of 17.32 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS9Cas only)
SS12 (Modena): 4.30 of 97.61 mi (4.40%)
 (ITA SS12Mod only)
SS12 (Trento): 12.34 of 126.62 mi (9.74%)
 (ITA SS12 only)
SS27 (Saint Bernard): 6.71 of 12.25 mi (54.72%)
 (ITA SS27 only)
SS27 (Variney): 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS27Var only)
SS27Var (Gignod): 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS27VarGig only)
SS33: 30.47 of 82.67 mi (36.86%)
 (ITA SS33 only)
SS36: 4.26 of 80.80 mi (5.27%)
 (ITA SS36 only)
SS43: 0.44 of 17.22 mi (2.58%)
 (ITA SS43 only)
SS58: 0.12 of 0.12 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS58 only)
SS202: 4.11 of 8.52 mi (48.21%)
 (ITA SS202 only)
SS724: 11.57 of 11.57 mi (100.00%)
 (ITA SS724 only)
System itass connected routes traveled: 12 of 620 (1.9%), clinched: 5 of 620 (0.8%).

Traveled 73 of 361 (20.2%), Clinched 1 of 361 (0.3%) active systems
Traveled 20 of 216 (9.3%), Clinched 0 of 216 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-07-24 | Slovenia | H5 | svn.h005 | Route truncated at south end from Piranska Ulica to G11
2015-07-28 | Croatia | A2 | hrv.a002 | Route extended at north end from exit 1 to Slovenian border
2015-08-25 | Italy | A55 | ita.a055 | Route truncated at west end from junction with SS25 to junction with Rivoli spur of the A55
2015-08-25 | Italy | A55 (Rivoli) | ita.a055riv | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | Autostrade Sistiana-Rabuiese | ita.autsisrab | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | E751 | ita.e751 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 | ita.ra001 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 (Borgo Panigale) | ita.ra001bor | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 | ita.ra013 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | RA1 | ita.ra014 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | T1 | ita.t001 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | T2 | ita.t002 | New Route
2015-08-25 | Italy | T4 | ita.t004 | New Route
2015-09-09 | Switzerland | Zubringer Hardturm, Zurich | che.zubhar | New Route
2015-09-09 | Switzerland | Zubringer Letten, Zurich | che.zublet | New Route
2015-09-09 | Switzerland | Zubringer Wiedikon, Zurich | che.zubwie | New Route
2015-09-10 | (Germany) Hesse | A480 (Aßlar) | deuhe.a480ass | Route extended at east end from exit 2 to L3053
2015-09-10 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A562 | deunw.a562 | Route re-entered
2015-09-15 | Switzerland | Zubringer Rheinfelden | che.zubrhe | New Route
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | A5AST | deubw.a005ast | New Route
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Hesse | A66 | deuhe.a066 | Route extended at eastern end from exit 51 to exit 55, including Eichenzell section
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A4 | deunw.a004 | Route relocated from old route (now demolished) to new route via between exits 7 and 9
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A30 | deunw.a030 | Route extended at east end from exit 31 to exit 32
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A43 | deunw.a043 | Route truncated at north end from B51 to exit 2
2015-09-15 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A44 (Soest) | deunw.a044 | Route extended at west end from exit 52 to exit 51
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Thuringia | A4 | deuth.a004 | Route relocated from old route (now demolished) to new route via Jagdbergtunnel between exits 51 and 53
2015-09-15 | (Germany) Thuringia | A71 | deuth.a071 | Route extended at north end from exit 5 to exit 1, including Heldrungen section
2015-09-16 | Austria | A12 (Landecker Tunnel) | aut.a012lan | New Route
2015-09-16 | Austria | A13 (Innsbruck) | aut.a013inn | New Route
2015-09-16 | Austria | A14 (Bregenz) | aut.a014bre | New Route
2015-09-16 | Austria | S35 | aut.s035 | Route extended at north end from exit 0 to B116
2015-09-24 | Luxembourg | A7 | lux.a007 | Route extended at south end from exit 2 to A1
2015-09-24 | Luxembourg | E421 | lux.e421 | Route removed from N7 and N11 and onto A7 between A7 exits 1 and 2
2015-12-21 | Austria | S10 | aut.s010 | Route extended at south end from B310 south of Friestadt to the A7
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R1 ((South) Praha | cze.d000 | Route renamed D0 ((South) Praha)
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R1 ((East) Praha | cze.d000epr | Route renamed D0 ((East) Praha)
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R10 | cze.d010 | Route truncated east end from I10/I35 junction to exit 71 and renamed D10
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R35 (Olomouc) | cze.d035 | Route renamed D35 (Olomouc)
2016-01-01 | Czechia | R46 | cze.d046 | Route renamed D46
2016-01-12 | Belgium | A13 | bel.a013 | Route extended at west end from exit 17 to R10
2016-07-21 | Poland | A4 | pol.a004 | Route extended at east end from exit 581 to DK94
2016-08-08 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | Südtangente Karlsruhe | deubw.sudtankar | New Route
2016-08-08 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | Mallinckrodtstraße Dortmund | deunw.malstrdor | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Kbelská, Praha | cze.kbelska | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Prosecká radiála, Praha | cze.prorad | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Radlická radiála, Praha | cze.radrad | New Route
2016-09-02 | Czechia | Vysočanská radiála, Praha | cze.vysrad | New Route
2016-09-03 | Czechia | Spořilovská, Praha | cze.sposka | New Route
2016-09-04 | (Germany) Bremen | Autobahnzubringer Bremen-Hemelingen | deuhb.autzubhem | New Route
2016-09-21 | (Germany) Thuringia | Hannoversche Straße Erfurt | deuth.k035 | New Route
2016-11-07 | Switzerland | A13 | che.a013 | Route relocated onto Roveredo bypass, between exits 37 and 39
2016-11-26 | Switzerland | A9 (Turtmann) | che.a009tur | New route
2016-12-21 | Czechia | D8 | cze.d008 | Route extended at north end from exit 52
2016-12-21 | Sweden | Oscarsleden, Göteborg | swe.oscled | New Route
2016-12-21 | Sweden | Söderleden, Göteborg | swe.sodledgot | New Route
2016-12-21 | Sweden | Västerleden, Göteborg | swe.vasledgot | New Route
2017-01-28 | Netherlands | A2 | nld.a002 | North end moved from President Kennedylaan to Joan Muyskenweg, truncated segment is 'S110Ams' now
2017-04-03 | Switzerland | A16 | che.a016 | Route extended at the southern end from exit 15 to exit 16
2017-07-26 | Austria | A2 (Klagenfurt) | aut.a002kla | Truncated at east end from B91 to B70c, segment is dedicated B70c now
2017-10-29 | Switzerland | A5 (Solothurn) | che.a005sol | Route extended at west end from exit 27 to exit 25
2017-12-16 | Austria | A5 | aut.a005 | Route extended at north end from exit 23 to exit 47
2018-02-10 | (Germany) Bavaria | Max-Planck-Straße Regensburg | deuby.maxplastr | New Route
2018-02-10 | (Germany) Bavaria | Odessa-Ring Regensburg | deuby.odering | New Route
2018-06-30 | Belgium | A8 | bel.a008 | Route extended at east end from exit 22 to R0
2018-06-30 | Switzerland | H27 | che.h027 | Route begins at H3 junction north of Silvaplana now
2018-06-30 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A44 (Aachen) | deunw.a044aac | Route extended at north end from exit 10 to exit 13
2018-08-14 | Italy | E25 | ita.e25 | Route removed from A10 Polcevera Viaduct and relocated onto surface roads from Genoa Aeroporto to Genoa Port
2018-09-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A61 (Koblenz) | deunw.a061 | Route decommissioned from exit 15a to exit 16
2018-09-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A61 (Mönchengladbach) | deunw.a061mon | New Route
2018-10-20 | (Germany) Brandenburg | B96 | deubb.b096 | Route removed from through Finsterwalde and onto bypass between L60 Kirchhainer Straße and K6227 Turmstraße
2018-11-01 | Slovenia | A4 | svn.a004 | Route extended at south end from exit 7 to Croatian border
2018-12-09 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A30 (Löhne) | deunw.a030oey | Truncated at east end from exit 32 to 31 and merged into A30 (Bad Oeynhausen)
2018-12-09 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | E30 | deunw.e30 | Relocated from B61 through Bad Oeynhausen and onto new A30 bypass
2018-12-16 | (Germany) Brandenburg | B101 | deubb.b101 | Route removed from through Thyrow and onto bypass between interchange north of Thyrow and L70 interchange Trebbin-North
2018-12-21 | (Germany) Saxony | B96 | deusn.b096 | Route relocated from through Zeißig (Bautzener Straße, Südstraße) and onto eastern bypass of Hoyerswerda
2018-12-31 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | A36 | deuni.a036 | New Route (former A395/B6)
2018-12-31 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | A369 | deuni.a369 | New Route (former B6)
2019-03-16 | (Germany) Saxony | S38 | deusn.s038 | Route relocated from through Liebertwolkwitz and onto bypass (former S242/S43)
2019-04-06 | (Germany) Hesse | B27 | deuhe.b027 | Route removed from through Marzhausen (now L3238) and onto road to A38 exit Friedland
2019-04-06 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | L564 | deuni.l564 | Route extended at north end from L568 (former B27) to L569
2019-04-06 | (Germany) Saxony-Anhalt | B180 | deust.b180 | Route truncated at north end from B246 Wanzleben to B81 Egeln
2019-06-24 | Czechia | D3 | cze.d003 | Route extended at south end from Bošilec to České Budějovice (exit 130)
2019-06-24 | Czechia | I3 (České Budějovice) | cze.i003 | Route truncated at north end from Bošilec to D3 exit 130 (now D3 or II603)
2019-07-10 | (Germany) Thuringia | B19 (Eisenach) | deuth.b019 | Route relocated from through Witzelroda and onto new bypass
2019-08-14 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Bayreuth) | deuby.b002bay | Route extended at north end from A9 exit 41 to roundabout with St2181 and St2460
2019-08-14 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2181 (Main) | deuby.st2181 | Route extended at west end from St2163 to B2
2019-08-24 | (Germany) Saxony-Anhalt | B100 | deust.b100 | Route relocated from through Eutzsch and onto new bypass west of junction with B2
2019-09-05 | France | A6 | fraara.a006 | Route truncated at south end from A7 to exit 33
2019-10-17 | Croatia | D2 | hrv.d002 | Route relocated from through Virovitica and onto western and southern (urban) bypass from D5 (North) to Ulica Stjepana Radica/Vinkovacka junction
2019-10-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | B279 | deuby.b279 | Route relocated from through Wegfurt and onto bypass
2019-10-18 | (Germany) Hamburg | B75 | deuhh.b075 | Route removed from through Wilhelmsburg and onto bypass from exit 6 to exit Kornweide
2019-11-18 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | A33 | deunw.a033 | Route extended at north end from exit 16 to border with Lower Saxony
2019-12-25 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | B47 (Monsheim) | deurp.b047 | Route extended at east end from K17 to L395/L456 at Worms
2019-12-29 | (France) Grand-Est | Voie Sacrée | frages.nvs | Route extended at south end from N135 to D935
2020-01-03 | (Germany) Saxony-Anhalt | B91 | deust.b091 | Route removed from through Theißen and onto new bypass from north of Theißen to B2
2020-01-03 | Slovenia | H2 | svn.r430 | Route deleted (R430 now)
2020-03-03 | (Germany) Bavaria | B300 (Thannhausen) | deuby.b300 | Merged into main route
2020-03-29 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B3 | deubw.b003 | Route removed from Stefan-Meier-Straße and onto Habsburger Straße and Friedringring in Freiburg
2020-04-20 | Poland | DK12 | pol.dk012 | Route truncated at east end from DW738 to DW874
2020-05-01 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Augsburg) | deuby.b002 | Route relocated from through Wernsbach and onto new bypass from north of RH7 to south of RH7
2020-06-06 | (Germany) Thuringia | B7 (Gotha) | deuth.b007got | Route relocated from through Tüttleben and onto new bypass from west of Tüttleben to east of Tüttleben
2020-06-10 | Poland | A6 | pol.a006 | Route extended at east end from exit 24 to DW142
2020-06-25 | Czechia | I21 | cze.i021 | Route relocated from through Bezděkov and onto bypass from III2002 north of Bezděkov to south of  Bezděkov
2020-08-06 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | B50n | deurp.b050n | New Route
2020-08-07 | Italy | A10 | ita.a010 | Route extended at east end from Genova Aeroporto to A7
2020-09-12 | (Germany) Saxony | S319 | deusn.s319 | Route extended at north end from S310 to A72
2020-11-21 | (Germany) Bavaria | B299 | deuby.b299 | Route truncated at south end from Wasserburger Straße to roundabout north of Altenmarkt
2020-11-21 | (Germany) Lower Saxony | B3 (Göttingen) | deuni.b003 | Route relocated from through Hemmingen and onto new bypass from B3A north of Westerfeld to B3A south of Arnum
2020-11-29 | Poland | DK10 (Szczecin) | pol.dk010szc | Route truncated at east end from Ulica Szczecinska (S10 exit 5) to the new end of the S10 near Plonia-Smierdnica-Jerzierzyce
2021-01-10 | (France) Grand-Est | N4 (Wolfisheim) | frages.d10046ae | Route deleted (D1004-6AE now)
2021-01-10 | (France) Grand-Est | N59 (Selestat) | frages.d10596ae | Route deleted (D1059-6AE now)
2021-01-10 | (France) Grand-Est | N363 | frages.d13636ae | Route deleted (D1363-6AE now)
2021-01-11 | (France) Grand-Est | N83 | frages.d00836ae | Route deleted (D83-6AE now)
2021-01-29 | Slovakia | D1 (Bratislava) | svk.d001 | Route extended at east end from exit 187 to exit 199
2021-01-30 | (Germany) Thuringia | B87 (Kranichfeld | deuth.l3087 | Route deleted (L3087 now)
2021-04-03 | Switzerland | A4 (Zürich) | che.a004 | Route truncated at north end from the German border at Bargen to exit 3 at Schaffhausen (Autostrasse Bargen - Schweizerbild now) and reextended to exit 1 at Thayngen (former A4 Thayngen)
2021-04-05 | (Germany) Hesse | B7 (Ringgau) | deuhe.b007rin | Route truncated at west end from A44 exit 78 to exit 79 (partially L3238, L3249 and L3334 now)
2021-04-16 | Poland | DW320 | pol.dw320 | Route added (formerly DW323)
2021-04-16 | Poland | DW382 | pol.dw382 | Route extended at west end from DW374 to DW297 (new route formerly DW374 and DW363)
2021-04-18 | Switzerland | A1r | che.a001r | New Route
2021-05-23 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | A64 | deurp.a064 | Route extended at east end from exit 4 to A602 (former B52)
2021-07-03 | Czechia | E49 | cze.e49 | Route relocated in Plzeň-Severní Předměstí from Gerská and Karlovarská, and onto Studentská and Lidická
2021-07-03 | Czechia | I20 (Main) | cze.i020 | Route relocated in Plzeň-Severní Předměstí from Gerská and Karlovarská, and onto Studentská and Lidická
2021-07-03 | Czechia | I20 (Plzeň) | cze.i020plz | New route
2021-08-22 | (Germany) Bavaria | B289 (Kulmbach) | deuby.b289 | Route relocated from through Münchberg and onto bypass from Kulmbacher Straße to Eiben
2021-09-02 | Czechia | E48 | cze.e48 | Route relocated from through Lubenec and onto new motorway bypass from west of Lubenec to east of Lubenec
2021-09-18 | Switzerland | Grand Tour of Switzerland (Main) | che.gts | Route removed in Interlaken from Marktgasse, Spielmatte, Untere Gasse and Hauptstrasse, and onto Bahnhofstrasse between Bahnhof (station) and Hauptstrasse
2021-09-26 | (Germany) Saxony | S288 | deusn.s288 | Route relocated from through Waldsachsen and Meerane, and onto southern bypass
2021-10-26 | (France) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | N19 | frabfc.n019 | Route relocated from through Port-sur-Saône and onto new bypass from west of D56 to D434 at Charmoille
2021-10-30 | (Germany) Saxony | B94 | deusn.b094 | Route truncated at east end from B169 Rodewisch-Lindenstraße to B169 bypass just north of Rodewisch
2021-10-30 | (Germany) Saxony | B169 (Auerbach) | deusn.b169sch | Route merged into main route
2021-10-30 | (Germany) Saxony | S304 | deusn.s304 | Route extended at north end in Falkenstein from Oelsnitzer Straße (S303) to Plauensche Straße
2021-11-10 | Poland | A2 | pol.a002 | Route truncated at west end from German border to exit 1
2021-11-10 | Poland | DK2 (Swiecko) | pol.dk002swi | Route added
2021-11-10 | Poland | DK3 (Polkowice) | pol.dw333 | Route removed (now DW333)
2021-11-13 | Slovakia | D4 (Bratislava) | svk.d004 | Route extended at east end from exit 25 to exit 30
2021-11-20 | (Germany) Bavaria | B303 (Kronach) | deuby.b303 | Route relocated from through Stadtsteinach and onto bypass from Kronacher Straße to Ziegelhütte
2021-11-21 | (Germany) Saxony | B93 (Borna) | deusn.b093bor | Route truncated at north end from Kesselshain to A72 Borna-North (B176 now)
2021-11-21 | (Germany) Saxony | S242 | deusn.s242 | Route extended at north end from B176 Flößberg to S38 Güldengossa
2021-12-16 | Czechia | I7 (Louny) | cze.i007 | New Route, segment of former I7 (Slaný) from D7 west of Postoloprty to new D7 section west of Toužetín
2021-12-17 | Czechia | D11 | cze.d011 | Route extended at east end from exit 90 (I11) to exit 113 north of Jaroměř
2021-12-20 | Czechia | II324 | cze.ii324 | Route extended at south end from I17 in Chrudim to I37 south of Slatiňany (partially former I37)
2021-12-20 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | A98 (Lörrach) | deubw.a098 | Route extended at east end from exit 7 to 8
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A4 (Metz) | frages.a004 | Route truncated at east end from exit 51 to exit 48 (M35-6ae now)
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A35 (Strasbourg) | frages.a035 | Route truncated at south end from exit 18 to exit 48 (M35-6ae and A35 (Sélestat) now)
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A35 (Sélestat) | frages.a035sel | New route (former part of A35 (Strasbourg))
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A355 | frages.a355 | New route
2021-12-21 | (France) Grand-Est | A351 | frages.m03516ae | Route deleted (M351-6AE now)
2022-01-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | B480 | deunw.b480 | Route relocated from through Bad Wünnenberg and onto new bypass from L549 to L956
2022-01-02 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | L751 | deunw.l751 | Route truncated at south end from Bad Wünnenberg (B480) to Haaren (L636)
2022-02-06 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2176 (Pechofen) | deuby.st2176 | Merged into main route
2022-02-15 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2240 | deuby.st2240 | Route relocated in Erlangen from Münchener Straße and Henkestraße, and onto A73 and Werner-von-Siemens-Straße from A73 exit 31 to junction Henkestraße/Werner-von-Siemens-Straße
2022-04-01 | (Germany) Baden-Württemberg | B10 | deubw.b028 | Route reloacted in Stuttgart from Pragstraße and Neckartalstraße and through Rosenstein tunnel between Löwentorstraße and B14
2022-07-01 | Italy | A52 Tangenziale Nord di Milano | ita.a052 | Route extended at west end from SP35 to A50
2022-07-03 | (Germany) Hesse | A49 | deuhe.a049 | Route extended at south end from exit 17 to 18
2022-07-12 | (Germany) North Rhine-Westphalia | B54 (Steinfurt) | deunw.b054 | Route merged into main route
2022-07-24 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1081 (Pölzig) | deuth.l1081 | Route truncated at south end from Chursdorf (B175) to L1362 north of Ronneburg, and reextended to A4 exit 59
2022-07-24 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1081 (Ronneburg) | deuth.l1081ron | Route extended at west end from Neuholland to L1362 in Ronneburg (formerly part of main route)
2022-07-24 | (Germany) Thuringia | L1081 (Rückersdorf) | deuth.l1081ruc | New route (formerly part of main route)
2022-08-24 | Austria | B123 | aut.b123 | Route relocated from through Pyburg and Windpassing and onto new bypass
2022-08-24 | Austria | B123a | aut.b123a | Route extended at north end from Mauthausnerstraße (former B123) to junction with new B123 north of Pyburg
2022-10-15 | Switzerland | A9 (Brig) | che.a009bri | Route extended at west end from exit 33a to Pomona (western half of Visp bypass, westbound only)
2022-10-15 | Czechia | I3 (Benešov) | cze.i003ben | Route relocated from through Olbramovice and onto new bypass from north of Olbramovice to south of Olbramovice
2022-10-15 | (Germany) Hesse | A44 (Hessisch Lichtenau) | deuhe.a044hes | Route extended at west end from exit 76 to exit 75
2022-10-29 | (Germany) Hesse | B7 (Kassel) | deuhe.b007 | Route truncated at east end from A44's exit 76 to exit 75
2022-10-29 | (Germany) Hesse | L3225 (Großalmerode) | deuhe.l3225gro | Route extended at south end from A44's exit 76 to L3228 in Fürstenhagen
2022-11-06 | (Germany) Thuringia | B88 | deuth.b088 | Route relocated from through Zeutsch and onto new bypass between K12 and L2391
2022-11-14 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2172 | deuby.st2172 | Route relocated from through Plößberg and onto new bypass from St2172 to TIR2
2022-11-24 | Poland | A1 | pol.a001 | Route extended at south end from exit 27 to Czechia border
2022-12-08 | (Germany) Thuringia | B247 | deuth.b247 | Route relocated from through Kallmerode and onto new bypass from L1032 to south of Kallmerode
2023-01-02 | Czechia | Brněnská, Praha | cze.brnska | New Route (former D1)
2023-01-02 | Czechia | D1 | cze.d001 | Route truncated at west end from exit 1 (Spořilovem) to exit 6 (Průhonicemi)
2023-02-05 | Croatia | D3 | hrv.d003 | Route removed from A4 and relocated onto parallel road from exit 1 to exit 2
2023-02-08 | Poland | DW357 | pol.dw357 | Route truncated at west end from German border to DW355
2023-03-02 | Czechia | II215 | cze.ii215 | New route (former II605)
2023-03-10 | (Germany) Rhineland-Palatinate | B50 (Hahn (Hunsrück)) | deurp.b050 | Route relocated in Bernkastel-Kues from Schanzstraße and Burgbergtunnel, and onto Römerstraße and Burgstraße
2023-03-14 | Luxembourg | N12 | lux.n012 | Route relocated from Grand Rue and Avenue du 31 août 1942, and onto Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte and Rue Michel Thilges in Wiltz
2023-03-26 | Netherlands | N270 | nld.n270 | Route relocated from through Wanssum and onto northern bypass
2023-04-14 | Austria | B14 | aut.b014 | Route relocated from Zinnergasse (B14b now) and Alberner Hafenzufahrtsstraße, and onto Margetinstraße, Jedletzstraße (former B228) and 11. Haidequerstraße in Vienna-Simmering
2023-04-14 | Austria | B14a | aut.b014a | Route extended at east end from A22 to Donauturmstraße
2023-04-16 | Austria | B50 | aut.b050 | Route extended at north end from A6 exit Kittsee to Berg (former B50a)
2023-04-16 | Austria | B67 | aut.b067 | Route relocated from through Feldkirchen, Lebern, Abtissendorf and Wagnitz, and onto western bypass from Triester Straße north of Feldkirchen to L312 north of Kalsdorf
2023-04-23 | Austria | B197 | aut.b197 | Route truncated at west end from S16 to Vorarlberg/Tyrol border (L197 now)
2023-04-23 | Austria | L197 | aut.l197 | New Route (former B197)
2023-05-21 | (Germany) Saxony | S246 | deusn.s246 | Route relocated from through Oelsnitz and onto bypass between S255 and S256
2023-05-30 | Luxembourg | A4 | lux.a004 | Route truncated at west end from N31 to west of Jonction Lankelz, and reextended to B40
2023-07-02 | Sweden | E20 | swe.e20 | Route relocated north of Vårgårda onto new alignment between Trafikplats Fagrabo (exit 95.3) to Heden
2023-07-23 | (Germany) Saxony | A72 | deusn.a072 | Route extended at north end from former junction with B95 north of Rötha to A38 (exit 30), alignment of former B95
2023-09-13 | (Germany) Bavaria | B2 (Weilheim) | deuby.b002wei | Route relocated from through (now closed) Olympiastraße tunnel section, and onto Michael-Fischer-Straße and A95 at Eschenlohe
2023-10-14 | Poland | A18 | pol.a018 | Route extended from exit 6 to the German border
2023-10-29 | Slovenia | G104 | svn.g104 | Route relocated from through Mengeš and onto bypass from Slovenska cesta to Gorenjska cesta
2023-11-04 | Slovenia | R413 | svn.r413 | Route relocated from through Vodice and onto southern bypass from A2 to east of Vodice
2023-11-04 | Slovenia | R639 | svn.r639 | Route truncated at north end from Grad to Ulica Franca Barleta
2023-11-23 | Czechia | D6 (Karlovy Vary) | cze.d006kar | Route truncated at east end from I13 to exit 131 (I6 now)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | D7 (Slaný) | cze.d007 | Route truncated at east end from D0 to exit 2 (I7 now)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | D7 (Chomutov) | cze.d007cho | Route truncated at west end from exit 82 to exit 78 (I7 now)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | I6 (Bochov) | cze.i006boc | Route extended at west end from I13 to exit 131 (former D6)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | I7 (Chomutov) | cze.i007cho | Route extended at east end from exit 82 to exit 78 (former D7)
2023-11-23 | Czechia | I7 (Přední Kopanina) | cze.i007pre | New Route (former D7)
2023-11-27 | Czechia | D52 | cze.d052 | Route truncated at south end from II381 to exit 26 (I52 now)
2023-11-27 | Czechia | I52 (Brno) | cze.i052brn | Route extended at south end from 7 to exit 10 (former D52)
2023-11-30 | Czechia | I27 | cze.i027 | Route relocated onto new expressway from north of III18040 junction to south of III18030 junction
2023-12-03 | Czechia | E442 | cze.e442 | Route relocated in Děčín from Ústecká, and onto Práce between Ústecká-Práce junction and III25852
2023-12-03 | Czechia | I15 | cze.i015 | Route relocated from through Kravaře and onto bypass from II263 to Sezímky
2023-12-03 | Czechia | II263 | cze.ii263 | Route extended at south end from Kravaře to I15
2023-12-07 | Czechia | II613 | cze.ii613 | Route relocated in Ústí nad Labem from direct ramp north of Most Dr. E. Beneše, and onto Předmostí and concurrency with I30
2023-12-07 | Poland | DK94 | pol.dk094 | Route removed from Ulica Sredzka and Ulica Kosmonautow in Lesnica and relocated onto Ulica 11 Listopada and Aleja Prezydenta Ryszarda Kaczorowskiego between 'UliSre_E' and 'UliKos_W'
2023-12-09 | Czechia | II611 | cze.ii611 | Route extended at east end from I32 east of Poděbrady to I37 north of Jaroměř
2023-12-13 | (Germany) Hamburg | B4 | deuhh.b004 | Route extended at south end from B75 to A255
2023-12-13 | (Germany) Hamburg | B5 | deuhh.b005 | Route truncated at east end from A25 to Rothenhauschausee, and reextended onto Rothenhauschausee up to the state border with Schleswig-Holstein
2023-12-17 | Czechia | D7 (Louny) | cze.d007lou | Route extended at east end from exit 45 to east of Panenský Týnec
2023-12-17 | Czechia | I7 (Postoloprty) | cze.i007pos | Route truncated at east end from temporary end of D7 west of Toužetín to temporary end of D7 east of Březno (D7 or II607 now)
2023-12-24 | (Germany) Bavaria | B173 | deuby.b173 | Route truncated at east end from the Saxonian border to A93 (St2452 now)
2023-12-24 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2452 | deuby.st2452 | Route extended at north end from A93 to the Saxonian border (former B173)
2023-12-24 | (Germany) Saxony | S95 | deusn.s095 | Route relocated from through Leppersdorf (S95a now), and onto western bypass (former S177n)
2023-12-24 | Sweden | Hisingsleden, Göteborg | swe.hisled | Route extended at north end from L155 to O565
2023-12-26 | Belgium | A26 | bel.a026 | Route truncated at north end from exit 38 to exit 39
2023-12-26 | Belgium | A602 | bel.a602 | Route extended at south end from exit 38 to exit 39
2023-12-31 | Switzerland | H16 | che.h016 | Route relocated from through Bazenheid and onto bypass between Rickenbach (H430.1) and Brägg
2024-01-01 | Switzerland | H1 | che.h001 | Route relocated from Bünzstraße and Kirchenrain, and onto Zentralstraße in Wohlen
2024-01-01 | Switzerland | H3 | che.h003 | Route relocated from Rheinstraße and onto Rauricastrasse in Pratteln from east of Salinenstraße to Rheinstraße in Rhygarten
2024-01-01 | Switzerland | H4 | che.h004 | Route relocated in Horw from Kontonsstraße and onto Ringstraße and Hergiswilerstrasse
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | A73 (Bamberg) | deuby.a073 | Route truncated at south end from B4R to exit 39 (Frankenschnellweg now)
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | A73 (Nürnberg) | deuby.a073nur | Route truncated at north end from Frankenschnellweg to exit 43 (Südwesttangente Fürth - Nürnberg now)
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | A94 (Mühldorf) | deuby.a094 | Route truncated at west end from Vogelweideplatz to exit 1 (B12 now)
2024-02-18 | (Germany) Bavaria | Südwesttangente Fürth - Nürnberg | deuby.sudtanfur | Route extended at east end from Frankenschnellweg to A73's exit 43 (former A73)
2024-03-02 | (Germany) Bavaria | B85 | deuby.b085 | Route extended at south end from St2125 to Schanzlbrücke in Passau (former B12)
2024-03-02 | (Germany) Bavaria | St2125 | deuby.st2125 | Route extended at east end from Franz-Josef-Strauß-Brücke in Passau to the Austrian border
2024-04-20 | Sweden | E65 | swe.e65 | East end relocated from Rønne to Świnoujście ferry terminal
2024-05-26 | (Germany) Hesse | B457 | deuhe.b457 | Route extended at north end from A485 to transition to city street
2024-07-31 | Poland | S3 | pol.s003 | Route extended at south end from exit 54 to exit 57