Log file created at: Thu Aug  8 22:42:13 2024
bigbrother.list last updated: 2022-12-09 22:21:24 -0500
Route updated 2023-02-28: DE DE1
Route updated 2024-07-07: NY HutRivPkwy
Route updated 2024-07-04: ME ME26
Route updated 2023-08-11: FL FL528
Route updated 2024-05-17: NC I-40
Processed 141 good lines marking 1913 segments traveled.
Clinched Highway Statistics
Overall in active systems: 2989.41 of 1237311.35 mi (0.24%)
Overall in active+preview systems: 2989.41 of 1896635.48 mi (0.16%)
Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview)
CT: 319.44 of 3384.85 mi (9.44%), 319.44 of 3384.85 mi (9.44%)
DC: 7.98 of 47.64 mi (16.76%), 7.98 of 47.64 mi (16.76%)
DE: 52.03 of 1088.26 mi (4.78%), 52.03 of 1088.26 mi (4.78%)
FL: 507.79 of 12219.72 mi (4.16%), 507.79 of 12219.72 mi (4.16%)
GA: 114.19 of 17817.07 mi (0.64%), 114.19 of 17822.57 mi (0.64%)
MA: 289.90 of 4326.19 mi (6.70%), 289.90 of 4329.66 mi (6.70%)
MD: 217.73 of 5204.74 mi (4.18%), 217.73 of 5204.74 mi (4.18%)
ME: 328.29 of 6363.07 mi (5.16%), 328.29 of 6363.07 mi (5.16%)
NC: 278.08 of 15256.81 mi (1.82%), 278.08 of 15256.81 mi (1.82%)
NH: 16.42 of 3296.72 mi (0.50%), 16.42 of 3296.72 mi (0.50%)
NJ: 173.31 of 2814.72 mi (6.16%), 173.31 of 2814.72 mi (6.16%)
NY: 45.10 of 15918.08 mi (0.28%), 45.10 of 16013.14 mi (0.28%)
PA: 44.15 of 17661.48 mi (0.25%), 44.15 of 17661.48 mi (0.25%)
RI: 43.60 of 832.99 mi (5.23%), 43.60 of 832.99 mi (5.23%)
SC: 255.37 of 10283.45 mi (2.48%), 255.37 of 10283.45 mi (2.48%)
VA: 296.01 of 10441.80 mi (2.83%), 296.01 of 10441.80 mi (2.83%)
System usai (active) overall: 2067.84 of 49270.57 mi (4.20%)
System usai by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 0.00 of 1013.07 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1181.98 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 2485.21 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 958.22 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 218.58 of 346.20 mi (63.14%)
  DC: 3.72 of 11.84 mi (31.45%)
  DE: 29.40 of 39.35 mi (74.72%)
  FL: 426.08 of 1518.86 mi (28.05%)
  GA: 114.19 of 1260.54 mi (9.06%)
  HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 2200.01 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 1325.22 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 951.76 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 951.30 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 222.10 of 564.32 mi (39.36%)
  MD: 89.91 of 500.54 mi (17.96%)
  ME: 73.17 of 371.31 mi (19.71%)
  MI: 0.00 of 1248.46 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 1398.85 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 841.67 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 1197.10 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 229.94 of 1412.30 mi (16.28%)
  ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 488.57 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 16.42 of 224.25 mi (7.32%)
  NJ: 75.44 of 430.10 mi (17.54%)
  NM: 0.00 of 1013.33 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 642.06 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 28.77 of 1741.84 mi (1.65%)
  OH: 0.00 of 1581.53 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 943.79 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 735.76 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 44.15 of 1871.48 mi (2.36%)
  PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 43.60 of 70.57 mi (61.78%)
  SC: 201.90 of 863.16 mi (23.39%)
  SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 1206.57 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 3526.85 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 943.60 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 250.46 of 1117.00 mi (22.42%)
  VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 767.77 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 538.76 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 923.35 mi (0.00%)
System usai by route (traveled routes only):
I-4: 134.31 of 134.31 mi (100.00%)
 (FL I-4 only)
I-40: 29.94 of 2578.09 mi (1.16%)
  NC I-40: 29.94 of 421.00 mi (7.11%)

I-64: 3.47 of 973.37 mi (0.36%)
  VA I-64: 3.47 of 301.05 mi (1.15%)

I-66: 0.41 of 76.81 mi (0.54%)
  VA I-66: 0.41 of 75.50 mi (0.55%)

I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 41.78 of 231.88 mi (18.02%)
  CT I-84: 33.71 of 98.08 mi (34.37%)
  MA I-84: 8.07 of 8.07 mi (100.00%)

I-85: 85.24 of 676.81 mi (12.59%)
  NC I-85: 15.90 of 236.78 mi (6.71%)
  VA I-85: 69.34 of 69.34 mi (100.00%)

I-87 (New York): 19.67 of 335.42 mi (5.87%)
 (NY I-87 only)
I-90: 59.82 of 3112.09 mi (1.92%)
  MA I-90: 59.82 of 138.37 mi (43.23%)

I-91: 18.22 of 290.43 mi (6.27%)
  CT I-91: 18.22 of 58.12 mi (31.35%)

I-93: 40.40 of 189.34 mi (21.34%)
  MA I-93: 40.40 of 46.22 mi (87.42%)

I-95: 1425.17 of 1916.45 mi (74.37%)
  FL I-95: 251.36 of 388.66 mi (64.67%)
  GA I-95: 114.19 of 114.19 mi (100.00%)
  SC I-95: 201.90 of 201.90 mi (100.00%)
  NC I-95: 184.11 of 184.11 mi (100.00%)
  VA I-95: 171.74 of 179.39 mi (95.74%)
  MD I-95: 60.06 of 109.05 mi (55.07%)
  DE I-95: 14.92 of 23.22 mi (64.27%)
  PA I-95: 44.15 of 44.15 mi (100.00%)
  NJ I-95: 74.47 of 78.63 mi (94.72%)
  NY I-95: 1.46 of 23.53 mi (6.20%)
  CT I-95: 111.75 of 111.75 mi (100.00%)
  RI I-95: 43.60 of 43.60 mi (100.00%)
  MA I-95: 90.55 of 90.55 mi (100.00%)
  NH I-95: 16.42 of 16.42 mi (100.00%)
  ME I-95: 44.48 of 307.22 mi (14.48%)

I-275 (Florida): 16.80 of 60.10 mi (27.95%)
 (FL I-275 only)
I-287: 19.94 of 97.69 mi (20.41%)
  NY I-287: 19.94 of 30.20 mi (66.04%)

I-295 (Florida): 23.60 of 61.55 mi (38.35%)
 (FL I-295 only)
I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 5.89 of 92.84 mi (6.35%)
  DE I-295: 4.92 of 4.92 mi (100.00%)
  NJ I-295: 0.97 of 77.33 mi (1.25%)

I-295 (Maine): 28.69 of 52.73 mi (54.42%)
 (ME I-295 only)
I-395 (Virginia - District of Columbia): 10.87 of 13.25 mi (82.03%)
  VA I-395: 8.96 of 9.73 mi (92.08%)
  DC I-395: 1.91 of 3.52 mi (54.22%)

I-395 (Connecticut - Massachusetts): 54.90 of 66.92 mi (82.05%)
  CT I-395: 54.90 of 54.90 mi (100.00%)

I-495 (Washington, DC): 11.36 of 63.47 mi (17.90%)
  MD I-495: 11.36 of 41.27 mi (27.52%)

I-495 (Delaware): 9.56 of 11.21 mi (85.27%)
 (DE I-495 only)
I-495 (Massachusetts): 23.25 of 121.08 mi (19.20%)
 (MA I-495 only)
I-595 (Maryland): 19.65 of 19.65 mi (100.00%)
 (MD I-595 only)
I-695 (District of Columbia): 1.82 of 1.82 mi (100.00%)
 (DC I-695 only)
I-895: 10.21 of 14.42 mi (70.81%)
 (MD I-895 only)
System usai connected routes traveled: 24 of 358 (6.7%), clinched: 3 of 358 (0.8%).
System usasf (active) overall: 182.07 of 1689.03 mi (10.78%)
System usasf by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 7.27 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 322.90 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 27.11 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 3.39 of 6.20 mi (54.65%)
  MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 3.30 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 162.35 of 355.08 mi (45.72%)
  NV: 0.00 of 38.98 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 16.33 of 462.07 mi (3.53%)
  OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 57.66 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 6.51 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%)
System usasf by route (traveled routes only):
CroCouPkwy (Cross County Parkway): 3.24 of 4.49 mi (72.21%)
 (NY CroCouPkwy only)
GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 45.32 of 175.93 mi (25.76%)
  NJ GarStaPkwy: 42.92 of 173.53 mi (24.73%)
  NY GarStaPkwy: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%)

HutRivPkwy (Hutchinson River Parkway): 10.69 of 18.68 mi (57.23%)
 (NY HutRivPkwy only)
NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 119.43 of 123.59 mi (96.64%)
 (NJ NJTpk only)
SolFieRd (Soldiers Field Road): 1.38 of 1.38 mi (100.00%)
 (MA SolFieRd only)
StoDr (Storrow Drive): 2.00 of 2.00 mi (100.00%)
 (MA StoDr only)
System usasf connected routes traveled: 6 of 89 (6.7%), clinched: 2 of 89 (2.2%).
System usaus (active) overall: 548.05 of 137856.53 mi (0.40%)
System usaus by region:
  AL: 0.00 of 3485.96 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 3726.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 1878.70 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 1729.94 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 4019.86 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 17.97 of 507.97 mi (3.54%)
  DC: 0.54 of 22.09 mi (2.46%)
  DE: 21.45 of 211.19 mi (10.16%)
  FL: 20.39 of 3999.71 mi (0.51%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4922.24 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 3710.44 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 3410.38 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 2903.05 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 5413.85 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 3314.40 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 2323.34 mi (0.00%)
  MA: 52.18 of 602.37 mi (8.66%)
  MD: 109.96 of 774.49 mi (14.20%)
  ME: 133.22 of 1176.03 mi (11.33%)
  MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 3611.72 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 4007.79 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 2596.46 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 3317.05 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 66.71 of 5099.08 mi (1.31%)
  ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 3539.33 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 6.04 of 805.51 mi (0.75%)
  NM: 0.00 of 3676.63 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 1851.50 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 1.46 of 1653.64 mi (0.09%)
  OH: 0.00 of 3918.56 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 2596.23 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.98 of 3424.45 mi (0.03%)
  RI: 1.90 of 108.88 mi (1.75%)
  SC: 67.05 of 3309.45 mi (2.03%)
  SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 3646.69 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 12783.70 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 1618.38 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 48.18 of 4090.31 mi (1.18%)
  VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 1764.00 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 1791.97 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 2902.08 mi (0.00%)
System usaus by route (traveled routes only):
US1: 224.70 of 2384.98 mi (9.42%)
  FL US1: 6.79 of 553.55 mi (1.23%)
  NC US1: 42.52 of 175.40 mi (24.24%)
  VA US1: 0.71 of 199.25 mi (0.35%)
  DC US1: 0.54 of 7.20 mi (7.55%)
  NJ US1: 3.31 of 66.91 mi (4.95%)
  NY US1: 1.46 of 21.44 mi (6.80%)
  CT US1: 13.45 of 115.76 mi (11.62%)
  RI US1: 0.95 of 57.12 mi (1.66%)
  MA US1: 22.44 of 85.34 mi (26.29%)
  ME US1: 132.52 of 524.86 mi (25.25%)

US3: 29.74 of 272.87 mi (10.90%)
  MA US3: 29.74 of 35.25 mi (84.37%)

US5: 0.86 of 295.79 mi (0.29%)
  CT US5: 0.86 of 55.04 mi (1.56%)

US6: 4.60 of 3217.22 mi (0.14%)
  CT US6: 3.65 of 114.03 mi (3.20%)
  RI US6: 0.95 of 26.61 mi (3.59%)

US9 (New Jersey - New York): 3.86 of 488.55 mi (0.79%)
  NJ US9: 3.31 of 166.93 mi (1.99%)
  NY US9: 0.54 of 321.61 mi (0.17%)

US13: 2.83 of 530.28 mi (0.53%)
  DE US13: 2.83 of 105.18 mi (2.70%)

US15: 5.43 of 795.08 mi (0.68%)
  SC US15: 5.43 of 159.17 mi (3.41%)

US17: 19.67 of 1215.92 mi (1.62%)
  FL US17: 1.35 of 323.27 mi (0.42%)
  SC US17: 10.82 of 224.05 mi (4.83%)
  VA US17: 7.50 of 256.38 mi (2.92%)

US29: 0.64 of 1044.58 mi (0.06%)
  VA US29: 0.64 of 248.95 mi (0.26%)

US40: 5.61 of 2312.95 mi (0.24%)
  DE US40: 3.78 of 17.53 mi (21.58%)
  NJ US40: 1.82 of 65.29 mi (2.79%)

US46: 4.22 of 73.91 mi (5.71%)
 (NJ US46 only)
US50: 41.22 of 3006.31 mi (1.37%)
  MD US50: 41.22 of 141.40 mi (29.15%)

US64: 3.12 of 2325.68 mi (0.13%)
  NC US64: 3.12 of 601.88 mi (0.52%)

US70: 7.21 of 2381.67 mi (0.30%)
  NC US70: 7.21 of 482.45 mi (1.50%)

US90: 0.76 of 1643.42 mi (0.05%)
  FL US90: 0.76 of 411.69 mi (0.18%)

US192: 12.25 of 75.92 mi (16.13%)
 (FL US192 only)
US201: 0.70 of 156.35 mi (0.45%)
 (ME US201 only)
US202: 4.20 of 621.78 mi (0.67%)
  DE US202: 3.50 of 12.57 mi (27.82%)
  ME US202: 0.70 of 170.39 mi (0.41%)

US278: 26.26 of 1080.17 mi (2.43%)
  SC US278: 26.26 of 146.99 mi (17.86%)

US301: 160.44 of 1110.17 mi (14.45%)
  SC US301: 5.43 of 189.68 mi (2.86%)
  NC US301: 11.28 of 194.78 mi (5.79%)
  VA US301: 30.28 of 144.18 mi (21.00%)
  MD US301: 102.11 of 123.63 mi (82.59%)
  DE US301: 11.34 of 11.34 mi (100.00%)

US322: 0.98 of 487.79 mi (0.20%)
  PA US322: 0.98 of 361.51 mi (0.27%)

US378: 12.16 of 233.19 mi (5.21%)
  SC US378: 12.16 of 209.90 mi (5.79%)

US401: 7.93 of 252.51 mi (3.14%)
  NC US401: 7.93 of 174.31 mi (4.55%)

US460: 9.06 of 629.00 mi (1.44%)
  VA US460: 9.06 of 325.99 mi (2.78%)

US521: 12.39 of 177.37 mi (6.99%)
  SC US521: 12.39 of 173.81 mi (7.13%)

System usaus connected routes traveled: 25 of 226 (11.1%), clinched: 0 of 226 (0.0%).
System usausb (active) overall: 5.70 of 7544.54 mi (0.08%)
System usausb by region:
  AL: 0.00 of 98.33 mi (0.00%)
  AR: 0.00 of 263.95 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 88.25 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 88.55 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 49.90 mi (0.00%)
  CT: 0.00 of 1.97 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 4.04 mi (0.00%)
  DE: 0.00 of 28.75 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%)
  IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%)
  ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%)
  IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%)
  IN: 0.00 of 100.19 mi (0.00%)
  KS: 0.00 of 70.61 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 240.87 mi (0.00%)
  LA: 0.00 of 86.41 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 0.00 of 118.62 mi (0.00%)
  ME: 5.16 of 208.88 mi (2.47%)
  MI: 0.00 of 135.04 mi (0.00%)
  MN: 0.00 of 16.53 mi (0.00%)
  MO: 0.00 of 235.13 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 1000.88 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%)
  NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 9.92 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 28.91 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 296.40 mi (0.00%)
  NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%)
  OH: 0.00 of 128.27 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 60.83 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 289.53 mi (0.00%)
  RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.54 of 313.32 mi (0.17%)
  SD: 0.00 of 92.86 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 378.25 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 901.28 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 6.72 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 518.31 mi (0.00%)
  VT: 0.00 of 16.62 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%)
  WI: 0.00 of 103.00 mi (0.00%)
  WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%)
System usausb by route (traveled routes only):
US1Alt (Portland, ME): 3.61 of 3.61 mi (100.00%)
 (ME US1AltPor only)
US1Alt (Rockland, ME): 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%)
 (ME US1AltRoc only)
US76Bus (Sumter, SC): 0.54 of 5.99 mi (9.03%)
 (SC US76BusSum only)
System usausb connected routes traveled: 3 of 1088 (0.3%), clinched: 2 of 1088 (0.2%).
System usanp (active) overall: 18.77 of 2889.54 mi (0.65%)
System usanp by region:
  AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%)
  AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%)
  AZ: 0.00 of 90.67 mi (0.00%)
  CA: 0.00 of 376.85 mi (0.00%)
  CO: 0.00 of 98.68 mi (0.00%)
  DC: 0.00 of 9.28 mi (0.00%)
  FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%)
  GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%)
  HI: 0.00 of 32.70 mi (0.00%)
  KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%)
  MD: 18.77 of 35.91 mi (52.28%)
  ME: 0.00 of 27.16 mi (0.00%)
  MS: 0.00 of 313.87 mi (0.00%)
  MT: 0.00 of 67.90 mi (0.00%)
  NC: 0.00 of 236.10 mi (0.00%)
  ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%)
  NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%)
  NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%)
  NM: 0.00 of 25.30 mi (0.00%)
  NV: 0.00 of 14.57 mi (0.00%)
  OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%)
  OR: 0.00 of 46.65 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%)
  SC: 0.00 of 5.27 mi (0.00%)
  SD: 0.00 of 34.97 mi (0.00%)
  TN: 0.00 of 176.98 mi (0.00%)
  TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%)
  UT: 0.00 of 116.02 mi (0.00%)
  VA: 0.00 of 341.57 mi (0.00%)
  WA: 0.00 of 77.64 mi (0.00%)
  WY: 0.00 of 269.23 mi (0.00%)
System usanp by route (traveled routes only):
BalWasPkwy (Baltimore-Washington Parkway): 18.77 of 18.77 mi (100.00%)
 (MD BalWasPkwy only)
System usanp connected routes traveled: 1 of 133 (0.8%), clinched: 1 of 133 (0.8%).
System usact (active) overall: 94.83 of 2601.96 mi (3.64%)
System usact by route (traveled routes only):
CT2A: 6.87 of 9.64 mi (71.25%)
 (CT CT2A only)
CT12: 8.91 of 53.36 mi (16.69%)
 (CT CT12 only)
CT15: 65.60 of 83.46 mi (78.60%)
 (CT CT15 only)
CT27: 1.76 of 3.16 mi (55.87%)
 (CT CT27 only)
CT32: 11.69 of 53.77 mi (21.75%)
 (CT CT32 only)
CT82: 0.16 of 27.61 mi (0.56%)
 (CT CT82 only)
System usact connected routes traveled: 6 of 210 (2.9%), clinched: 0 of 210 (0.0%).
System usadc (active) overall: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%)
System usadc by route (traveled routes only):
DC295: 4.26 of 4.26 mi (100.00%)
 (DC DC295 only)
System usadc connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%).
System usade (active) overall: 11.29 of 860.11 mi (1.31%)
System usade by route (traveled routes only):
DE1: 11.29 of 104.42 mi (10.81%)
 (DE DE1 only)
DE7: 0.73 of 16.77 mi (4.34%)
 (DE DE7 only)
System usade connected routes traveled: 2 of 62 (3.2%), clinched: 0 of 62 (0.0%).
System usafl (active) overall: 68.22 of 6407.38 mi (1.06%)
System usafl by route (traveled routes only):
FLA1A (Fort Lauderdale): 3.12 of 75.92 mi (4.11%)
 (FL FLA1AFor only)
FLA1A (Vero Beach): 7.52 of 105.91 mi (7.10%)
 (FL FLA1AVer only)
FL228 (Jacksonville): 1.35 of 25.88 mi (5.23%)
 (FL FL228 only)
FL417: 23.76 of 56.07 mi (42.37%)
 (FL FL417 only)
FL528: 38.53 of 55.15 mi (69.86%)
 (FL FL528 only)
FL536: 1.46 of 1.46 mi (100.00%)
 (FL FL536 only)
System usafl connected routes traveled: 6 of 430 (1.4%), clinched: 1 of 430 (0.2%).
System usame (active) overall: 166.99 of 5001.78 mi (3.34%)
System usame by region:
  ME: 166.99 of 4995.43 mi (3.34%)
  NH: 0.00 of 6.35 mi (0.00%)
System usame by route (traveled routes only):
ME3: 57.62 of 119.29 mi (48.30%)
 (ME ME3 only)
ME9: 0.48 of 286.68 mi (0.17%)
 (ME ME9 only)
ME9A (Kennebunk): 3.57 of 11.09 mi (32.17%)
 (ME ME9AKen only)
ME15: 4.41 of 177.84 mi (2.48%)
 (ME ME15 only)
ME17: 41.51 of 127.97 mi (32.44%)
 (ME ME17 only)
ME24: 2.00 of 43.97 mi (4.55%)
 (ME ME24 only)
ME26: 1.11 of 95.66 mi (1.16%)
 (ME ME26 only)
ME27: 13.03 of 151.25 mi (8.61%)
 (ME ME27 only)
ME32: 11.20 of 57.24 mi (19.57%)
 (ME ME32 only)
ME35: 5.24 of 90.07 mi (5.82%)
 (ME ME35 only)
ME73: 10.56 of 10.56 mi (100.00%)
 (ME ME73 only)
ME77: 1.74 of 12.31 mi (14.10%)
 (ME ME77 only)
ME90: 10.73 of 10.73 mi (100.00%)
 (ME ME90 only)
ME100: 0.70 of 139.89 mi (0.50%)
 (ME ME100 only)
ME127: 0.29 of 24.97 mi (1.15%)
 (ME ME127 only)
ME131: 16.67 of 57.96 mi (28.76%)
 (ME ME131 only)
ME235: 2.71 of 23.15 mi (11.72%)
 (ME ME235 only)
System usame connected routes traveled: 17 of 189 (9.0%), clinched: 2 of 189 (1.1%).
System usamd (active) overall: 24.63 of 3925.14 mi (0.63%)
System usamd by route (traveled routes only):
MD2: 3.18 of 79.66 mi (4.00%)
 (MD MD2 only)
MD5: 12.09 of 74.70 mi (16.18%)
 (MD MD5 only)
MD201: 0.48 of 9.20 mi (5.17%)
 (MD MD201 only)
MD295: 8.89 of 13.70 mi (64.88%)
 (MD MD295 only)
System usamd connected routes traveled: 4 of 472 (0.8%), clinched: 0 of 472 (0.0%).
System usama (active) overall: 89.26 of 3315.29 mi (2.69%)
System usama by route (traveled routes only):
MA1A (Salem): 4.39 of 45.81 mi (9.59%)
 (MA MA1ASal only)
MA2: 14.26 of 139.03 mi (10.26%)
 (MA MA2 only)
MA2A (Cambridge): 1.72 of 79.64 mi (2.16%)
 (MA MA2ACam only)
MA3: 12.88 of 55.83 mi (23.07%)
 (MA MA3 only)
MA16: 9.56 of 58.58 mi (16.31%)
 (MA MA16 only)
MA28: 5.99 of 149.80 mi (4.00%)
 (MA MA28 only)
MA38: 2.57 of 26.14 mi (9.83%)
 (MA MA38 only)
MA60: 0.12 of 13.85 mi (0.90%)
 (MA MA60 only)
MA99: 2.57 of 6.68 mi (38.49%)
 (MA MA99 only)
MA128: 37.53 of 57.67 mi (65.07%)
 (MA MA128 only)
System usama connected routes traveled: 10 of 151 (6.6%), clinched: 0 of 151 (0.0%).
System usanc (active) overall: 3.05 of 8751.57 mi (0.03%)
System usanc by route (traveled routes only):
NC50: 3.05 of 164.73 mi (1.85%)
 (NC NC50 only)
System usanc connected routes traveled: 1 of 272 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 272 (0.0%).
System usapa (active) overall: 5.90 of 12619.92 mi (0.05%)
System usapa by region:
  NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%)
  PA: 5.90 of 12619.73 mi (0.05%)
System usapa by route (traveled routes only):
PA291AltTrk (Philadelphia): 4.70 of 5.00 mi (94.07%)
 (PA PA291AltTrkPhi only)
PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%)
 (PA PA420AltTrkPro only)
System usapa connected routes traveled: 2 of 524 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 524 (0.0%).
System usasc (active) overall: 2.66 of 6160.62 mi (0.04%)
System usasc by route (traveled routes only):
SC763: 2.66 of 13.73 mi (19.36%)
 (SC SC763 only)
System usasc connected routes traveled: 1 of 301 (0.3%), clinched: 0 of 301 (0.0%).
System usava (active) overall: 14.63 of 4883.55 mi (0.30%)
System usava by route (traveled routes only):
VA27: 1.08 of 2.36 mi (45.88%)
 (VA VA27 only)
VA110: 2.21 of 2.21 mi (100.00%)
 (VA VA110 only)
VA207: 11.34 of 11.97 mi (94.73%)
 (VA VA207 only)
System usava connected routes traveled: 3 of 377 (0.8%), clinched: 1 of 377 (0.3%).

Traveled 16 of 361 (4.4%), Clinched 1 of 361 (0.3%) active systems
Traveled 0 of 216 (0.0%), Clinched 0 of 216 (0.0%) preview systems

Most recent updates for listed routes:
2015-09-29 | (USA) South Carolina | US 521 | sc.us521 | Removed from Broad Street (US 76 Business), Calhoun Street (US 401), Lafayette Drive (US 15), & Manning Road in Sumter SC, and relocated to the southwest onto Bultman Drive, Guignard Drive, & Guignard Parkway, between the intersections of Broad Street/Bultman Drive & Manning Road/Guignard Parkway.
2015-12-10 | (USA) New York | Cross County Parkway | ny.crocoupkwy | Route added
2015-12-16 | (USA) Connecticut | I-395 | ct.i395 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based, all numbers changed
2016-05-15 | (USA) Virginia | I-95 | va.i095 | previous Exit 74B is actually 74C in the field and a new point for actual 74B was added
2016-08-06 | (USA) North Carolina | US 401 | nc.us401 | Route moved to new bypass of Rolesville
2017-06-07 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 2A | ct.ct002a | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based, all numbered exits changed
2017-08-05 | (USA) Florida | US 1 | fl.us001 | Removed from Brickell Avenue in Miami, and relocated onto FL 970 and southern 2 miles of I-95 between the intersection of FL 970/Brickell Avenue (BriAve) and the interchange of I-95/Brickell Ave.
2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line.
2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors.
2019-01-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 295 | md.md295 | Truncated at south end from US50/MD201 to MD175
2019-01-12 | (USA) Delaware | US 301 | de.us301 | Route completely realigned onto tolled freeway from MD/DE line to DE 1.  It was removed from Middletown-Warwick Rd and concurrencies with DE 15, DE 299, DE 71, and DE 896 to its former northern terminus at US 40.
2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | Soldiers Field Rd | ma.solfierd | Added route.
2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | Storrow Drive | ma.stodr | Added route.
2019-06-23 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 38 | ma.ma038 | Removed from Main St and relocated onto Washington St and Skilling Rd, between Mount Pleasant St and Lake St in Winchester.
2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-87 | ny.i087 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10.
2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-287 | ny.i287 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10.
2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95.
2021-03-11 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-84 | ma.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 20 (now Exit 6) to Mashapaug Rd.
2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 3 | ma.ma003 | Waypoint 18(93) moved from Massachusetts Ave Connector (now labeled 15(93)) to the northern I-93 split.
2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2021-11-21 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 28 | ma.ma028 | Extended at south end from MA 6A concurrent with MA 6A to US 6.
2022-07-04 | (USA) North Carolina | I-85 | nc.i085 | Exits 174A and 174 labels needed to be swapped - alt labels not possible
2022-10-15 | (USA) Maryland | US 301 | md.us301 | Removed from the original 1940 Gov. Harry W. Nice Bridge and relocated onto the replacement 2022 bridge across the Potomac River.
2022-10-15 | (USA) Virginia | US 301 | va.us301 | Removed from the original 1940 Gov. Harry W. Nice Bridge and relocated onto the replacement 2022 bridge across the Potomac River.
2022-11-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-95 | ri.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based.
2023-02-28 | (USA) Delaware | DE 1 | de.de001 | Extended north from 166 (DE 58) along DE 7 to DE 4 (southern intersection of DE 4/DE 7 concurrency).
2023-08-11 | (USA) Florida | FL 528 | fl.fl528 | Extended eastward to George King Blvd (Exit 54B) along FL A1A.
2024-05-17 | (USA) North Carolina | I-40 | nc.i040 | east end extended by one waypoint to reflect actual end of the interstate
2024-07-04 | (USA) Maine | ME 26 | me.me026 | Removed from Main St & Shaker Rd and relocated onto West Gray Rd & Maine Wildlife Parkway from the junction of routes 202, 4, 100 & 115 to Shaker Rd. Waypoint I-95 is now an alternate label for I-95(63) rather than the existing location at I-95(53).
2024-07-07 | (USA) New York | Hutchinson River Parkway | ny.hutrivpkwy | Waypoint 2 moved from I-95 (now labeled 2A) to Bartow Ave.