Log file created at: Tue Mar 5 22:26:46 2024 atsiatas.list last updated: 2024-02-24 15:14:20 -0800 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 8): CA I-10 1 AZ I-10 NM I-10 145 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): NJ I-287 I-95 I-287 12 NE/IA: DISCONNECTED_ROUTE error in US6. Please report this error in the Travel Mapping forum. Travels may potentially be shown incorrectly for line: CA US6 CA120 NV US6 NV375 NE/IA: DISCONNECTED_ROUTE error in US6. Please report this error in the Travel Mapping forum. Travels may potentially be shown incorrectly for line: UT US6 I-70(157) CO US6 I-70(11) Waypoint label I-295(2C) not found in line: RI US6 I-295(9C) I-295(2C) Route updated 2020-03-22: RI US6 Waypoint label TRARD not found in line: CO US34 TraRd US34Bus/36 Waypoint DE US40 I-295(S) not found in line: DE US40 I-295(S) NJ US40 NJTpk_N Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): CA US50 1A NV I-580(5) Waypoint label NEWORLAPR not found in line: LA US61 AirAccRd NewOrlApr Waypoint label I240(6) not found in line: NC US70 US19/23_N I240(6) Route updated 2023-10-02: NC US70 Unknown region/highway combo in line: UT US287 TetParkRd_N YelNP Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 8): CA US101 1A OR US101 WA US101 WA100 Unknown region/highway combo in line: AL US90TrkMob I-165_End I-165(2) Waypoint label CA_135_S not found in line: CA US101BusSma CA_135_S US101_N Note: deprecated route name WesPkwy -> canonical name CA58 in line: CA WesPkwy StoHwy TruAve Waypoint label NAMPAITR not found in line: HI CraRimDr NamPaiTr ChaCraRd Route updated 2022-03-11: HI CraRimDr Unknown region/highway combo in line: NC CliDomeRdNew US441 TN/NC Waypoint label NORENTRD_E not found in line: WY GraLoopRd NorCanRd_W NorEntRd_E Route updated 2022-08-04: WY GraLoopRd Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): AZ AZ64 AZ I-40 US89 Waypoint label I-170(340) not found in line: AZ AZ89ASed AZ179 I-170(340) Waypoint label 22B not found in line: AZ AZ101 1 22B Waypoint labels CA124 and C49 not found in line: CA CA16 CA124 C49 Note: deprecated route name CA58Wes -> canonical name CA58 in line: CA CA58Wes I-5(253) CofRd Waypoint label I-5(14) not found in line: CA CA75 I-5(5A) I-5(14) Waypoint labels PALMSPRLIM and CA111BUS_S not found in line: CA CA111 PalmSprLim CA111Bus_S Waypoint labels CA111BUS_N and I-10 not found in line: CA CA111 CA111Bus_N I-10 Unknown region/highway combo in line: CO CO85 38thAve US36 Waypoint labels CO_72E and CO_72W not found in line: CO CO119 CO_72E CO_72W Waypoint label WASSTE not found in line: CT CT66 I-91 WasStE Route updated 2023-10-01: CT CT66 Waypoint label CT84 not found in line: CT CT83 CT2 CT84 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 3): HI HI19 HI11/190 Waypoint label LA541_C not found in line: LA LA45 LA3134_C LA541_C Unknown region/highway combo in line: MA MA127A MtPleSt MA127_N Waypoint label DC/MA not found in line: MD MD185 DC/MA I-495 Waypoint label UV206 not found in line: NV NV207 US50 UV206 Waypoint label NV375 not found in line: NV NV317 US93 NV375 Waypoint label NV20 not found in line: NV NV757 NV20 US395 Unknown region/highway combo in line: OR OR104S OR104 US101 Waypoint label MED1_N not found in line: MEX-BC MEX3 AveGas MED1_N Waypoint labels VINAMAR_E and R68_E not found in line: CHL R60CH VinaMar_E R68_E Waypoint label AVUNONOR not found in line: CHL AutTroSur R60CH AvUnoNor Waypoint label TH33 not found in line: ISL TH425 TH33 TH44 Waypoint labels RV80 and FURAGSFRY not found in line: NOR Fv17 Rv80 FurAgsFry Waypoint labels AGSFURFRY and JEKFRY not found in line: NOR Fv17 AgsFurFry JekFry Waypoint labels KILFRY and NESFRY not found in line: NOR Fv17 KilFry NesFry Waypoint labels LEVFRY and TJOFRY not found in line: NOR Fv17 LevFry TjoFry Unknown region/highway combo in line: NOR Fv706 E6_N Fv6692_W Waypoint label A9 not found in line: SCT A9 B8019 A9 Waypoint labels A9 and A95 not found in line: SCT A932 A9 A95 Waypoint labels LOUTHE and EO3 not found in line: GRC EO1 LouThe EO3 Unknown region/highway combo in line: GRC E06 A2(0) IgoPort Waypoint label QUECHDR not found in line: NZL SH6 QueChDr SH84 Processed 1195 good lines marking 19340 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 28251.06 of 1225683.05 mi (2.30%) Overall in active+preview systems: 28619.47 of 1845784.84 mi (1.55%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AB: 436.93 of 9235.15 mi (4.73%), 436.93 of 18472.87 mi (2.37%) AL: 269.21 of 4466.09 mi (6.03%), 284.39 of 10931.00 mi (2.60%) ARG: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 234.58 of 24552.63 mi (0.96%) AZ: 1336.35 of 6345.38 mi (21.06%), 1336.35 of 6445.60 mi (20.73%) BC: 77.66 of 7678.36 mi (1.01%), 77.66 of 7678.36 mi (1.01%) CA: 7897.60 of 15449.48 mi (51.12%), 7897.60 of 16147.45 mi (48.91%) CHL: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 98.46 of 6968.80 mi (1.41%) CO: 409.13 of 9079.17 mi (4.51%), 409.13 of 9079.17 mi (4.51%) CT: 563.57 of 3384.85 mi (16.65%), 563.57 of 3384.85 mi (16.65%) DC: 9.10 of 47.64 mi (19.11%), 9.10 of 47.64 mi (19.11%) DE: 39.35 of 1088.96 mi (3.61%), 39.35 of 1088.96 mi (3.61%) ENG: 149.27 of 32802.44 mi (0.46%), 149.27 of 32930.34 mi (0.45%) GA: 198.15 of 17817.07 mi (1.11%), 198.15 of 17822.57 mi (1.11%) GRC: 617.56 of 5978.79 mi (10.33%), 617.56 of 5978.79 mi (10.33%) HI: 541.77 of 977.69 mi (55.41%), 541.77 of 977.69 mi (55.41%) IL: 44.82 of 13698.68 mi (0.33%), 44.82 of 13932.43 mi (0.32%) IN: 257.74 of 11204.38 mi (2.30%), 257.74 of 11204.38 mi (2.30%) ISL: 938.57 of 6514.71 mi (14.41%), 938.57 of 6514.71 mi (14.41%) LA: 450.06 of 16332.40 mi (2.76%), 450.06 of 16332.40 mi (2.76%) MA: 655.18 of 4326.78 mi (15.14%), 655.18 of 4330.26 mi (15.13%) MD: 207.06 of 5203.37 mi (3.98%), 207.06 of 5203.37 mi (3.98%) MEX-BC: 57.66 of 168.76 mi (34.17%), 68.21 of 1326.21 mi (5.14%) MO: 22.64 of 13386.25 mi (0.17%), 22.64 of 13607.07 mi (0.17%) MS: 78.17 of 3633.19 mi (2.15%), 78.17 of 11147.92 mi (0.70%) MT: 495.73 of 11284.23 mi (4.39%), 495.73 of 11284.23 mi (4.39%) NC: 147.03 of 15262.30 mi (0.96%), 147.03 of 15262.30 mi (0.96%) NJ: 815.80 of 2814.72 mi (28.98%), 815.80 of 2814.72 mi (28.98%) NM: 843.48 of 11230.49 mi (7.51%), 843.48 of 11333.90 mi (7.44%) NOR: 543.55 of 16547.98 mi (3.28%), 543.55 of 16547.98 mi (3.28%) NV: 807.75 of 5112.90 mi (15.80%), 807.75 of 5112.90 mi (15.80%) NY: 1782.89 of 15918.12 mi (11.20%), 1786.84 of 16013.18 mi (11.16%) NZL: 507.55 of 7208.22 mi (7.04%), 513.23 of 7427.30 mi (6.91%) OH: 453.33 of 19457.84 mi (2.33%), 453.33 of 19458.54 mi (2.33%) ON: 86.51 of 7576.52 mi (1.14%), 86.51 of 7576.52 mi (1.14%) OR: 736.62 of 7485.56 mi (9.84%), 736.62 of 7516.30 mi (9.80%) PA: 450.22 of 17658.40 mi (2.55%), 450.22 of 17658.40 mi (2.55%) RI: 487.27 of 832.98 mi (58.50%), 487.27 of 832.98 mi (58.50%) SCT: 361.36 of 10877.60 mi (3.32%), 361.36 of 11022.34 mi (3.28%) TN: 110.62 of 13912.09 mi (0.80%), 110.62 of 13912.09 mi (0.80%) TX: 1236.63 of 32683.12 mi (3.78%), 1236.63 of 32694.93 mi (3.78%) UT: 1329.39 of 6025.69 mi (22.06%), 1329.39 of 6025.69 mi (22.06%) VA: 708.22 of 10441.47 mi (6.78%), 708.22 of 10441.47 mi (6.78%) WA: 713.78 of 7073.39 mi (10.09%), 713.78 of 7149.03 mi (9.98%) WLS: 12.86 of 4333.97 mi (0.30%), 12.86 of 4365.06 mi (0.29%) WY: 362.91 of 6806.62 mi (5.33%), 362.91 of 6806.62 mi (5.33%) System canonf (active) overall: 77.93 of 1242.83 mi (6.27%) System canonf by route (traveled routes only): ON403: 14.52 of 79.54 mi (18.26%) (ON ON403 only) ON405: 5.93 of 5.93 mi (100.00%) (ON ON405 only) ON420: 1.73 of 1.99 mi (87.30%) (ON ON420 only) ONQEW (Queen Elizabeth Way): 69.06 of 87.57 mi (78.86%) (ON ONQEW only) System canonf connected routes traveled: 4 of 17 (23.5%), clinched: 1 of 17 (5.9%). System cantch (active) overall: 121.93 of 8208.24 mi (1.49%) System cantch by region: AB: 115.16 of 732.51 mi (15.72%) BC: 6.77 of 1339.22 mi (0.51%) MB: 0.00 of 524.84 mi (0.00%) NB: 0.00 of 357.93 mi (0.00%) NL: 0.00 of 562.62 mi (0.00%) NS: 0.00 of 270.77 mi (0.00%) ON: 0.00 of 2701.88 mi (0.00%) PE: 0.00 of 78.79 mi (0.00%) QC: 0.00 of 787.11 mi (0.00%) SK: 0.00 of 852.55 mi (0.00%) System cantch by route (traveled routes only): TCH ((Main)): 121.93 of 3880.60 mi (3.14%) BC TCHMai: 6.77 of 539.77 mi (1.25%) AB TCHMai: 115.16 of 335.34 mi (34.34%) System cantch connected routes traveled: 1 of 19 (5.3%), clinched: 0 of 19 (0.0%). System cansf (active) overall: 8.58 of 102.44 mi (8.38%) System cansf by region: AB: 0.00 of 17.26 mi (0.00%) BC: 0.00 of 6.80 mi (0.00%) NS: 0.00 of 2.16 mi (0.00%) ON: 8.58 of 62.21 mi (13.79%) SK: 0.00 of 14.01 mi (0.00%) System cansf by route (traveled routes only): GarExpy (Gardiner Expressway): 8.58 of 10.93 mi (78.49%) (ON GarExpy only) System cansf connected routes traveled: 1 of 17 (5.9%), clinched: 0 of 17 (0.0%). System canab (active) overall: 436.93 of 9229.63 mi (4.73%) System canab by region: AB: 436.93 of 9224.34 mi (4.74%) SK: 0.00 of 5.28 mi (0.00%) System canab by route (traveled routes only): AB1: 115.16 of 335.34 mi (34.34%) (AB AB1 only) AB2: 163.34 of 801.92 mi (20.37%) (AB AB2 only) AB2A (Calgary): 1.36 of 28.05 mi (4.85%) (AB AB2ACal only) AB3: 3.08 of 202.98 mi (1.52%) (AB AB3 only) AB5: 0.47 of 80.20 mi (0.58%) (AB AB5 only) AB93: 158.65 of 164.77 mi (96.29%) (AB AB93 only) AB93A (Athabasca Falls): 3.02 of 14.01 mi (21.59%) (AB AB93A only) AB201: 14.20 of 62.74 mi (22.63%) (AB AB201 only) System canab connected routes traveled: 8 of 96 (8.3%), clinched: 0 of 96 (0.0%). System canbc (active) overall: 77.66 of 7557.70 mi (1.03%) System canbc by region: BC: 77.66 of 7550.07 mi (1.03%) YT: 0.00 of 7.63 mi (0.00%) System canbc by route (traveled routes only): BC1: 6.77 of 539.77 mi (1.25%) (BC BC1 only) BC99: 77.66 of 226.39 mi (34.31%) (BC BC99 only) System canbc connected routes traveled: 2 of 76 (2.6%), clinched: 0 of 76 (0.0%). System eure (active) overall: 966.85 of 107915.17 mi (0.90%) System eure by region: ALB: 0.00 of 191.18 mi (0.00%) ARM: 0.00 of 475.91 mi (0.00%) AUT: 0.00 of 1442.19 mi (0.00%) AZE: 0.00 of 891.56 mi (0.00%) BEL: 0.00 of 1147.91 mi (0.00%) BGR: 0.00 of 1556.63 mi (0.00%) BIH: 0.00 of 578.59 mi (0.00%) BLR: 0.00 of 1097.26 mi (0.00%) CHE: 0.00 of 888.72 mi (0.00%) CRM: 0.00 of 327.39 mi (0.00%) CZE: 0.00 of 1624.82 mi (0.00%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 524.98 mi (0.00%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 35.36 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 780.67 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 1410.69 mi (0.00%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 28.28 mi (0.00%) DEU-HE: 0.00 of 482.83 mi (0.00%) DEU-HH: 0.00 of 30.31 mi (0.00%) DEU-MV: 0.00 of 367.26 mi (0.00%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 656.21 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 794.22 mi (0.00%) DEU-RP: 0.00 of 467.50 mi (0.00%) DEU-SH: 0.00 of 216.62 mi (0.00%) DEU-SL: 0.00 of 99.97 mi (0.00%) DEU-SN: 0.00 of 286.43 mi (0.00%) DEU-ST: 0.00 of 183.65 mi (0.00%) DEU-TH: 0.00 of 161.07 mi (0.00%) DNK: 0.00 of 582.31 mi (0.00%) ENG: 55.70 of 1577.28 mi (3.53%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 857.94 mi (0.00%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 320.52 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 141.14 mi (0.00%) ESP-CB: 0.00 of 80.86 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 529.31 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 383.98 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 384.47 mi (0.00%) ESP-EX: 0.00 of 329.94 mi (0.00%) ESP-GA: 0.00 of 223.95 mi (0.00%) ESP-MC: 0.00 of 124.55 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 174.46 mi (0.00%) ESP-NC: 0.00 of 33.44 mi (0.00%) ESP-PV: 0.00 of 219.45 mi (0.00%) ESP-RI: 0.00 of 73.23 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 315.45 mi (0.00%) EST: 0.00 of 622.66 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2714.96 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 1038.62 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 686.78 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 435.32 mi (0.00%) FRA-COR: 0.00 of 104.30 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 568.38 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1035.45 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 801.36 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 260.83 mi (0.00%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 1402.50 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 562.51 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 756.85 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 395.40 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 484.01 mi (0.00%) GEO: 0.00 of 738.77 mi (0.00%) GRC: 490.22 of 2362.29 mi (20.75%) HRV: 0.00 of 1054.81 mi (0.00%) HUN: 0.00 of 1532.12 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 499.49 mi (0.00%) ITA: 0.00 of 5392.84 mi (0.00%) KAZ: 0.00 of 8380.58 mi (0.00%) KGZ: 0.00 of 1051.54 mi (0.00%) LTU: 0.00 of 977.21 mi (0.00%) LUX: 0.00 of 126.99 mi (0.00%) LVA: 0.00 of 779.32 mi (0.00%) MDA: 0.00 of 489.05 mi (0.00%) MKD: 0.00 of 317.10 mi (0.00%) MNE: 0.00 of 335.04 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 147.66 mi (0.00%) NLD: 0.00 of 1015.76 mi (0.00%) NOR: 371.24 of 3872.99 mi (9.59%) POL: 0.00 of 3369.10 mi (0.00%) PRT: 0.00 of 1384.48 mi (0.00%) RKS: 0.00 of 156.45 mi (0.00%) ROU: 0.00 of 3745.77 mi (0.00%) RUS: 0.00 of 12090.13 mi (0.00%) SCT: 49.69 of 463.06 mi (10.73%) SRB: 0.00 of 1130.10 mi (0.00%) SVK: 0.00 of 941.24 mi (0.00%) SVN: 0.00 of 365.87 mi (0.00%) SWE: 0.00 of 4141.40 mi (0.00%) TJK: 0.00 of 1400.57 mi (0.00%) TKM: 0.00 of 1545.57 mi (0.00%) TUR: 0.00 of 5716.92 mi (0.00%) UKR: 0.00 of 4814.94 mi (0.00%) UZB: 0.00 of 2393.46 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 212.16 mi (0.00%) System eure by route (traveled routes only): E5 (Great Britain): 42.79 of 455.76 mi (9.39%) ENG E5: 42.79 of 347.78 mi (12.30%) E6 (C. Norway - Sweden): 235.96 of 1192.25 mi (19.79%) NOR E6: 235.96 of 891.66 mi (26.46%) E8: 6.98 of 879.33 mi (0.79%) NOR E8: 6.98 of 100.12 mi (6.98%) E10 ((Main)): 128.11 of 521.81 mi (24.55%) NOR E10: 128.11 of 230.37 mi (55.61%) E10 (Moskenes (branch)): 0.19 of 0.19 mi (100.00%) (NOR E10Mos only) E15 (Great Britain): 49.69 of 637.73 mi (7.79%) SCT E15: 49.69 of 214.24 mi (23.19%) E30 (Great Britain): 12.91 of 356.10 mi (3.63%) ENG E30: 12.91 of 223.02 mi (5.79%) E55 (Greece): 55.60 of 280.44 mi (19.83%) (GRC E55 only) E65 (Poland - Greece): 137.98 of 2202.22 mi (6.27%) GRC E65: 137.98 of 467.47 mi (29.52%) E75 (Poland - Greece): 68.08 of 1602.58 mi (4.25%) GRC E75: 68.08 of 343.53 mi (19.82%) E90 (Greece - Turkey): 69.56 of 1614.65 mi (4.31%) GRC E90: 69.56 of 407.71 mi (17.06%) E92: 108.19 of 183.52 mi (58.95%) (GRC E92 only) E94: 52.25 of 67.56 mi (77.35%) (GRC E94 only) E853: 8.76 of 41.32 mi (21.21%) (GRC E853 only) E951: 92.01 of 101.04 mi (91.06%) (GRC E951 only) E952: 5.58 of 148.79 mi (3.75%) (GRC E952 only) E962: 0.48 of 32.34 mi (1.49%) (GRC E962 only) System eure connected routes traveled: 17 of 338 (5.0%), clinched: 1 of 338 (0.3%). System gbnm (active) overall: 27.00 of 1936.17 mi (1.39%) System gbnm by region: ENG: 26.42 of 1641.63 mi (1.61%) SCT: 0.00 of 213.88 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.58 of 80.66 mi (0.72%) System gbnm by route (traveled routes only): M4 (London - South Wales Motorway): 12.91 of 189.93 mi (6.80%) ENG M4: 12.91 of 116.41 mi (11.09%) M5: 8.80 of 163.31 mi (5.39%) (ENG M5 only) M48: 5.29 of 11.85 mi (44.65%) ENG M48: 4.71 of 4.71 mi (100.00%) WLS M48: 0.58 of 7.14 mi (8.15%) System gbnm connected routes traveled: 3 of 55 (5.5%), clinched: 0 of 55 (0.0%). System gbna (active) overall: 476.96 of 28170.13 mi (1.69%) System gbna by region: ENG: 114.46 of 19433.37 mi (0.59%) SCT: 350.22 of 6217.19 mi (5.63%) WLS: 12.28 of 2519.57 mi (0.49%) System gbna by route (traveled routes only): A4 (Reading): 1.74 of 118.59 mi (1.47%) (ENG A4 only) A9: 49.69 of 266.10 mi (18.67%) (SCT A9 only) A34 (Oxford): 42.79 of 62.78 mi (68.16%) (ENG A34 only) A36: 22.87 of 62.14 mi (36.80%) (ENG A36 only) A38 (Taunton): 3.76 of 56.62 mi (6.65%) (ENG A38Tau only) A46 (Stroud): 7.77 of 40.30 mi (19.29%) (ENG A46Str only) A48: 4.77 of 117.11 mi (4.08%) WLS A48: 4.77 of 92.59 mi (5.15%) A82: 65.75 of 164.82 mi (39.89%) (SCT A82 only) A86: 38.92 of 38.92 mi (100.00%) (SCT A86 only) A87: 80.87 of 96.39 mi (83.90%) (SCT A87 only) A93: 30.98 of 106.56 mi (29.07%) (SCT A93 only) A95: 2.57 of 61.94 mi (4.15%) (SCT A95 only) A303: 24.29 of 94.50 mi (25.70%) (ENG A303 only) A343: 0.78 of 26.96 mi (2.90%) (ENG A343 only) A350: 2.72 of 66.66 mi (4.08%) (ENG A350 only) A360: 3.32 of 23.70 mi (14.01%) (ENG A360 only) A361 (Frome): 0.66 of 64.38 mi (1.03%) (ENG A361 only) A366: 0.10 of 9.36 mi (1.09%) (ENG A366 only) A367: 0.47 of 15.18 mi (3.11%) (ENG A367 only) A369: 4.81 of 7.78 mi (61.84%) (ENG A369 only) A370: 1.20 of 27.46 mi (4.35%) (ENG A370 only) A466: 7.51 of 29.04 mi (25.86%) WLS A466: 7.51 of 10.55 mi (71.19%) A855: 20.14 of 31.82 mi (63.32%) (SCT A855 only) A863: 5.13 of 21.68 mi (23.64%) (SCT A863 only) A889: 7.88 of 7.88 mi (100.00%) (SCT A889 only) A924: 18.78 of 20.15 mi (93.23%) (SCT A924 only) A939: 30.33 of 56.97 mi (53.24%) (SCT A939 only) A3029: 0.58 of 2.94 mi (19.81%) (ENG A3029 only) A4174: 1.08 of 17.34 mi (6.25%) (ENG A4174 only) System gbna connected routes traveled: 29 of 1932 (1.5%), clinched: 2 of 1932 (0.1%). System gbnb (active) overall: 21.92 of 18085.76 mi (0.12%) System gbnb by region: ENG: 9.30 of 11876.31 mi (0.08%) SCT: 12.61 of 4432.02 mi (0.28%) WLS: 0.00 of 1777.43 mi (0.00%) System gbnb by route (traveled routes only): B390: 8.39 of 8.39 mi (100.00%) (ENG B390 only) B851: 1.48 of 18.45 mi (8.00%) (SCT B851 only) B950: 3.63 of 3.63 mi (100.00%) (SCT B950 only) B976: 4.80 of 34.42 mi (13.95%) (SCT B976 only) B3129: 0.47 of 4.99 mi (9.40%) (ENG B3129 only) B3130: 0.44 of 17.66 mi (2.52%) (ENG B3130 only) B8009: 1.94 of 6.02 mi (32.19%) (SCT B8009 only) B9102: 0.76 of 23.57 mi (3.24%) (SCT B9102 only) System gbnb connected routes traveled: 8 of 3374 (0.2%), clinched: 2 of 3374 (0.1%). System sctntr (active) overall: 57.22 of 1293.52 mi (4.42%) System sctntr by region: ENG: 0.00 of 9.06 mi (0.00%) SCT: 57.22 of 1284.46 mi (4.45%) System sctntr by route (traveled routes only): DeeTR (Deeside Tourist Route): 30.98 of 103.82 mi (29.84%) (SCT DeeTR only) HigTR (Highland Tourist Route): 24.63 of 107.81 mi (22.85%) (SCT HigTR only) MorFirTR (Moray Firth Tourist Route): 1.22 of 78.19 mi (1.56%) (SCT MorFirTR only) NC500 (North Coast 500): 0.39 of 479.35 mi (0.08%) (SCT NC500 only) System sctntr connected routes traveled: 4 of 15 (26.7%), clinched: 0 of 15 (0.0%). System grca (active) overall: 447.09 of 1478.26 mi (30.24%) System grca by route (traveled routes only): A1 ((main)): 68.08 of 341.32 mi (19.95%) (GRC A1 only) A2: 69.56 of 406.70 mi (17.10%) (GRC A2 only) A3 (Karditsa): 49.34 of 49.34 mi (100.00%) (GRC A3 only) A5 (Patras): 123.89 of 135.83 mi (91.21%) (GRC A5 only) A6: 15.45 of 30.75 mi (50.24%) (GRC A6 only) A8: 111.46 of 113.10 mi (98.55%) (GRC A8 only) A62: 3.39 of 4.26 mi (79.49%) (GRC A62 only) A64: 5.91 of 8.49 mi (69.70%) (GRC A64 only) System grca connected routes traveled: 8 of 29 (27.6%), clinched: 1 of 29 (3.4%). System grceo (active) overall: 169.11 of 4448.75 mi (3.80%) System grceo by route (traveled routes only): EO1 (Lamia): 1.68 of 48.75 mi (3.44%) (GRC EO1Lam only) EO3: 15.17 of 294.93 mi (5.14%) (GRC EO3 only) EO5: 1.00 of 138.59 mi (0.72%) (GRC EO5 only) EO6: 38.03 of 195.31 mi (19.47%) (GRC EO6 only) EO8: 12.41 of 129.86 mi (9.55%) (GRC EO8 only) EO8A (Elefsina): 1.96 of 1.96 mi (100.00%) (GRC EO8AEle only) EO20: 9.99 of 117.98 mi (8.47%) (GRC EO20 only) EO24: 13.49 of 13.49 mi (100.00%) (GRC EO24 only) EO25: 2.79 of 5.73 mi (48.75%) (GRC EO25 only) EO27: 37.09 of 85.63 mi (43.31%) (GRC EO27 only) EO48: 36.76 of 97.71 mi (37.62%) (GRC EO48 only) EO54: 2.70 of 16.46 mi (16.40%) (GRC EO54 only) System grceo connected routes traveled: 12 of 108 (11.1%), clinched: 2 of 108 (1.9%). System islth (active) overall: 938.57 of 5470.97 mi (17.16%) System islth by route (traveled routes only): TH1: 146.18 of 823.76 mi (17.75%) (ISL TH1 only) TH30: 16.82 of 34.97 mi (48.09%) (ISL TH30 only) TH34: 14.90 of 14.90 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH34 only) TH35: 35.84 of 146.18 mi (24.52%) (ISL TH35 only) TH36: 36.93 of 41.97 mi (87.98%) (ISL TH36 only) TH37: 6.05 of 22.81 mi (26.53%) (ISL TH37 only) TH38: 2.19 of 12.00 mi (18.24%) (ISL TH38 only) TH40: 5.30 of 5.83 mi (90.99%) (ISL TH40 only) TH41: 25.12 of 34.34 mi (73.16%) (ISL TH41 only) TH43: 0.52 of 8.48 mi (6.17%) (ISL TH43 only) TH44: 5.15 of 5.15 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH44 only) TH49: 6.74 of 6.74 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH49 only) TH50: 30.68 of 30.68 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH50 only) TH60: 173.82 of 185.47 mi (93.72%) (ISL TH60 only) TH61: 164.83 of 165.10 mi (99.84%) (ISL TH61 only) TH62: 37.23 of 37.23 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH62 only) TH63: 38.26 of 38.26 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH63 only) TH64: 4.21 of 4.21 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH64 only) TH215: 3.73 of 3.73 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH215 only) TH221: 2.63 of 2.63 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH221 only) TH249: 0.47 of 7.17 mi (6.50%) (ISL TH249 only) TH340: 3.81 of 6.53 mi (58.30%) (ISL TH340 only) TH341: 4.80 of 4.80 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH341 only) TH358: 8.68 of 8.68 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH358 only) TH359: 4.69 of 4.69 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH359 only) TH427: 35.47 of 35.47 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH427 only) TH518: 14.13 of 19.34 mi (73.08%) (ISL TH518 only) TH519: 0.09 of 8.80 mi (1.04%) (ISL TH519 only) TH612: 27.62 of 27.62 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH612 only) TH622: 4.99 of 23.46 mi (21.28%) (ISL TH622 only) TH626: 18.88 of 18.88 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH626 only) TH630: 1.16 of 7.17 mi (16.23%) (ISL TH630 only) TH633: 0.04 of 22.93 mi (0.18%) (ISL TH633 only) TH643: 36.21 of 56.97 mi (63.55%) (ISL TH643 only) TH645: 20.56 of 20.56 mi (100.00%) (ISL TH645 only) System islth connected routes traveled: 35 of 368 (9.5%), clinched: 16 of 368 (4.3%). System mexd (active) overall: 57.66 of 4910.63 mi (1.17%) System mexd by region: MEX-BC: 57.66 of 168.76 mi (34.17%) MEX-BCS: 0.00 of 12.74 mi (0.00%) MEX-CAM: 0.00 of 24.15 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIH: 0.00 of 247.31 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIS: 0.00 of 134.07 mi (0.00%) MEX-COAH: 0.00 of 137.24 mi (0.00%) MEX-COL: 0.00 of 38.88 mi (0.00%) MEX-DF: 0.00 of 27.22 mi (0.00%) MEX-DGO: 0.00 of 316.88 mi (0.00%) MEX-EMEX: 0.00 of 298.74 mi (0.00%) MEX-GRO: 0.00 of 206.33 mi (0.00%) MEX-GTO: 0.00 of 130.48 mi (0.00%) MEX-HGO: 0.00 of 98.56 mi (0.00%) MEX-JAL: 0.00 of 316.27 mi (0.00%) MEX-MICH: 0.00 of 340.70 mi (0.00%) MEX-MOR: 0.00 of 86.48 mi (0.00%) MEX-NAY: 0.00 of 161.29 mi (0.00%) MEX-NL: 0.00 of 211.46 mi (0.00%) MEX-OAX: 0.00 of 147.10 mi (0.00%) MEX-PUE: 0.00 of 310.10 mi (0.00%) MEX-QRO: 0.00 of 60.28 mi (0.00%) MEX-QROO: 0.00 of 54.85 mi (0.00%) MEX-SIN: 0.00 of 269.10 mi (0.00%) MEX-SLP: 0.00 of 71.94 mi (0.00%) MEX-SON: 0.00 of 311.55 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAB: 0.00 of 33.62 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAM: 0.00 of 36.61 mi (0.00%) MEX-TLAX: 0.00 of 69.25 mi (0.00%) MEX-VER: 0.00 of 436.42 mi (0.00%) MEX-YUC: 0.00 of 97.38 mi (0.00%) MEX-ZAC: 0.00 of 54.88 mi (0.00%) System mexd by route (traveled routes only): MEX1D (Baja California): 57.66 of 58.92 mi (97.86%) (MEX-BC MEX1D only) System mexd connected routes traveled: 1 of 84 (1.2%), clinched: 0 of 84 (0.0%). System norrv (active) overall: 29.83 of 2085.64 mi (1.43%) System norrv by route (traveled routes only): Rv80 ((Main)): 11.15 of 32.97 mi (33.80%) (NOR Rv80 only) Rv85 (Sortland): 18.68 of 33.27 mi (56.16%) (NOR Rv85 only) System norrv connected routes traveled: 2 of 60 (3.3%), clinched: 0 of 60 (0.0%). System norfv (active) overall: 143.12 of 10590.82 mi (1.35%) System norfv by route (traveled routes only): Fv74: 0.62 of 59.53 mi (1.05%) (NOR Fv74 only) Fv78 ((Main)): 21.88 of 21.88 mi (100.00%) (NOR Fv78 only) Fv82 ((Main)): 34.03 of 89.73 mi (37.93%) (NOR Fv82 only) Fv86 ((Main)): 11.84 of 63.55 mi (18.64%) (NOR Fv86 only) Fv86 (Gryllefjord): 1.24 of 1.24 mi (100.00%) (NOR Fv86Gry only) Fv764: 0.03 of 13.44 mi (0.22%) (NOR Fv764 only) Fv831: 6.43 of 6.43 mi (100.00%) (NOR Fv831 only) Fv862 (Skaland): 33.42 of 33.42 mi (100.00%) (NOR Fv862Ska only) Fv862 (Eidkjosen): 33.63 of 34.19 mi (98.36%) (NOR Fv862 only) System norfv connected routes traveled: 9 of 663 (1.4%), clinched: 4 of 663 (0.6%). System norntv (active) overall: 160.64 of 1257.49 mi (12.77%) System norntv by route (traveled routes only): AndTv (Andøya Nasjonal Turistvei): 3.15 of 34.91 mi (9.02%) (NOR AndTv only) LofTv (Lofoten Nasjonal Turistvei): 110.99 of 110.99 mi (100.00%) (NOR LofTv only) SenTv (Senja Nasjonal Turistvei): 46.50 of 46.50 mi (100.00%) (NOR SenTv only) System norntv connected routes traveled: 3 of 41 (7.3%), clinched: 2 of 41 (4.9%). System nzlmot (active) overall: 74.27 of 168.38 mi (44.11%) System nzlmot by route (traveled routes only): AucNMot (Auckland Northern Motorway): 26.77 of 36.49 mi (73.34%) (NZL AucNMot only) AucNWMot (Auckland Northwestern Motorway): 2.89 of 12.85 mi (22.52%) (NZL AucNWMot only) AucSMot (Auckland Southern Motorway): 28.13 of 28.13 mi (100.00%) (NZL AucSMot only) AucSWMot (Auckland Southwestern Motorway): 5.28 of 15.05 mi (35.07%) (NZL AucSWMot only) JohPorMot (Johnsonville-Porirau Motorway): 7.46 of 7.46 mi (100.00%) (NZL JohPorMot only) WelUrbMot (Wellington Urban Motorway): 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) (NZL WelUrbMot only) System nzlmot connected routes traveled: 6 of 14 (42.9%), clinched: 3 of 14 (21.4%). System nzlsh (active) overall: 507.44 of 6561.46 mi (7.73%) System nzlsh by route (traveled routes only): SH1 (Te Ika-a-Māui): 312.25 of 644.67 mi (48.44%) (NZL SH1 only) SH2: 2.93 of 568.35 mi (0.52%) (NZL SH2 only) SH3: 18.76 of 289.78 mi (6.47%) (NZL SH3 only) SH5: 66.90 of 152.66 mi (43.82%) (NZL SH5 only) SH6: 7.33 of 692.49 mi (1.06%) (NZL SH6 only) SH6A: 3.86 of 3.86 mi (100.00%) (NZL SH6A only) SH15: 12.37 of 69.63 mi (17.76%) (NZL SH15 only) SH16: 3.12 of 62.73 mi (4.97%) (NZL SH16 only) SH20: 5.28 of 15.05 mi (35.07%) (NZL SH20 only) SH20A: 2.26 of 3.04 mi (74.38%) (NZL SH20A only) SH27: 27.53 of 56.91 mi (48.37%) (NZL SH27 only) SH28: 3.93 of 14.49 mi (27.11%) (NZL SH28 only) SH29: 2.52 of 34.79 mi (7.25%) (NZL SH29 only) SH30: 1.30 of 135.39 mi (0.96%) (NZL SH30 only) SH57: 26.84 of 37.79 mi (71.03%) (NZL SH57 only) SH59: 15.93 of 15.93 mi (100.00%) (NZL SH59 only) SH67: 3.82 of 31.74 mi (12.02%) (NZL SH67 only) SH67A: 6.53 of 6.53 mi (100.00%) (NZL SH67A only) SH84: 1.56 of 1.56 mi (100.00%) (NZL SH84 only) System nzlsh connected routes traveled: 19 of 98 (19.4%), clinched: 4 of 98 (4.1%). System nzltr (active) overall: 232.19 of 2781.63 mi (8.35%) System nzltr by route (traveled routes only): CNZWT (Classic New Zealand Wine Trail): 2.73 of 195.18 mi (1.40%) (NZL CNZWT only) PacCoaHwy (Pacific Coast Highway): 1.64 of 610.90 mi (0.27%) (NZL PacCoaHwy only) SouSR (Southern Scenic Route): 4.29 of 369.40 mi (1.16%) (NZL SouSR only) TCDR (Twin Coast Discovery Route): 60.72 of 471.17 mi (12.89%) (NZL TCDR only) TheExpHwy (Thermal Explorer Highway): 106.09 of 252.28 mi (42.05%) (NZL TheExpHwy only) VolLpHwy (Volcanic Loop Highway): 62.65 of 131.33 mi (47.71%) (NZL VolLpHwy only) System nzltr connected routes traveled: 6 of 17 (35.3%), clinched: 0 of 17 (0.0%). System usai (active) overall: 10071.01 of 49242.51 mi (20.45%) System usai by region: AK: 0.00 of 1079.13 mi (0.00%) AL: 269.21 of 1013.07 mi (26.57%) AR: 0.00 of 771.09 mi (0.00%) AZ: 588.12 of 1181.98 mi (49.76%) CA: 2207.59 of 2485.21 mi (88.83%) CO: 45.64 of 958.22 mi (4.76%) CT: 346.20 of 346.20 mi (100.00%) DC: 3.60 of 11.84 mi (30.36%) DE: 39.35 of 39.35 mi (100.00%) FL: 0.00 of 1518.86 mi (0.00%) GA: 138.26 of 1260.54 mi (10.97%) HI: 0.00 of 54.18 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 797.28 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 618.24 mi (0.00%) IL: 44.38 of 2200.08 mi (2.02%) IN: 257.74 of 1315.29 mi (19.60%) KS: 0.00 of 884.78 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 951.73 mi (0.00%) LA: 325.30 of 951.30 mi (34.19%) MA: 407.18 of 564.32 mi (72.15%) MD: 175.39 of 500.54 mi (35.04%) ME: 0.00 of 371.31 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 1248.48 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 923.04 mi (0.00%) MO: 22.64 of 1398.15 mi (1.62%) MS: 78.17 of 841.67 mi (9.29%) MT: 82.25 of 1197.10 mi (6.87%) NC: 64.63 of 1411.69 mi (4.58%) ND: 0.00 of 578.68 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 488.58 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 224.25 mi (0.00%) NJ: 363.15 of 430.10 mi (84.43%) NM: 308.70 of 1013.33 mi (30.46%) NV: 212.33 of 625.22 mi (33.96%) NY: 1148.81 of 1741.84 mi (65.95%) OH: 450.03 of 1581.53 mi (28.46%) OK: 0.00 of 943.79 mi (0.00%) OR: 376.50 of 735.76 mi (51.17%) PA: 398.47 of 1871.44 mi (21.29%) PR: 0.00 of 264.18 mi (0.00%) RI: 70.57 of 70.57 mi (100.00%) SC: 0.00 of 863.16 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 688.58 mi (0.00%) TN: 72.38 of 1206.57 mi (6.00%) TX: 558.08 of 3526.85 mi (15.82%) UT: 365.50 of 943.60 mi (38.73%) VA: 417.09 of 1117.00 mi (37.34%) VT: 0.00 of 319.55 mi (0.00%) WA: 228.04 of 767.77 mi (29.70%) WI: 0.00 of 883.37 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 538.76 mi (0.00%) WY: 5.72 of 923.35 mi (0.62%) System usai by route (traveled routes only): I-5: 1315.23 of 1397.09 mi (94.14%) CA I-5: 774.74 of 805.75 mi (96.15%) OR I-5: 312.44 of 312.44 mi (100.00%) WA I-5: 228.04 of 278.90 mi (81.77%) I-5Trk (Newhall, CA): 1.36 of 1.36 mi (100.00%) (CA I-5TrkNew only) I-8: 353.29 of 353.29 mi (100.00%) CA I-8: 172.32 of 172.32 mi (100.00%) AZ I-8: 180.97 of 180.97 mi (100.00%) I-10: 747.74 of 2495.88 mi (29.96%) CA I-10: 4.27 of 245.94 mi (1.74%) AZ I-10: 44.64 of 398.88 mi (11.19%) NM I-10: 121.92 of 167.15 mi (72.94%) TX I-10: 189.24 of 893.01 mi (21.19%) LA I-10: 278.87 of 278.87 mi (100.00%) MS I-10: 78.17 of 78.17 mi (100.00%) AL I-10: 30.64 of 67.17 mi (45.61%) I-11: 9.68 of 22.61 mi (42.80%) (NV I-11 only) I-12: 17.39 of 87.02 mi (19.99%) (LA I-12 only) I-15: 608.44 of 1451.15 mi (41.93%) CA I-15: 291.49 of 291.49 mi (100.00%) NV I-15: 125.99 of 125.99 mi (100.00%) AZ I-15: 29.32 of 29.32 mi (100.00%) UT I-15: 133.42 of 406.81 mi (32.80%) MT I-15: 28.22 of 398.46 mi (7.08%) I-17: 92.58 of 145.55 mi (63.61%) (AZ I-17 only) I-19: 64.37 of 64.37 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-19 only) I-25: 67.94 of 1076.45 mi (6.31%) NM I-25: 67.94 of 468.15 mi (14.51%) I-26 (Tennessee - W. North Carolina): 58.55 of 67.01 mi (87.38%) TN I-26: 45.57 of 54.03 mi (84.35%) NC I-26Fau: 12.98 of 12.98 mi (100.00%) I-26 (C. North Carolina - South Carolina): 3.94 of 267.59 mi (1.47%) NC I-26: 3.94 of 43.24 mi (9.12%) I-30: 1.98 of 371.89 mi (0.53%) TX I-30: 1.98 of 226.92 mi (0.87%) I-35 (S. Texas): 82.71 of 377.89 mi (21.89%) (TX I-35 only) I-35 (N. Texas - S. Minnesota): 29.82 of 944.38 mi (3.16%) TX I-35Gai: 29.82 of 37.24 mi (80.08%) I-35E (Texas): 40.69 of 98.47 mi (41.33%) (TX I-35E only) I-37: 0.80 of 145.68 mi (0.55%) (TX I-37 only) I-40: 504.48 of 2577.48 mi (19.57%) CA I-40: 157.03 of 157.03 mi (100.00%) AZ I-40: 176.22 of 362.89 mi (48.56%) NM I-40: 118.84 of 378.04 mi (31.44%) TN I-40: 7.90 of 457.61 mi (1.73%) NC I-40: 44.49 of 420.39 mi (10.58%) I-44: 1.37 of 647.37 mi (0.21%) MO I-44: 1.37 of 297.32 mi (0.46%) I-45: 212.83 of 290.32 mi (73.31%) (TX I-45 only) I-55: 10.64 of 960.09 mi (1.11%) MO I-55: 4.25 of 212.62 mi (2.00%) IL I-55: 6.39 of 298.49 mi (2.14%) I-64: 61.26 of 973.38 mi (6.29%) MO I-64: 9.12 of 41.08 mi (22.20%) IL I-64: 2.76 of 131.99 mi (2.09%) VA I-64: 49.38 of 301.05 mi (16.40%) I-65: 154.81 of 897.96 mi (17.24%) AL I-65: 152.64 of 371.31 mi (41.11%) IN I-65: 2.17 of 265.09 mi (0.82%) I-66: 65.50 of 76.81 mi (85.28%) VA I-66: 65.50 of 75.50 mi (86.75%) I-70: 463.99 of 2191.95 mi (21.17%) UT I-70: 232.08 of 232.08 mi (100.00%) CO I-70: 45.64 of 450.57 mi (10.13%) MO I-70: 2.04 of 254.04 mi (0.80%) IL I-70: 3.63 of 161.63 mi (2.25%) IN I-70: 84.41 of 158.23 mi (53.35%) OH I-70: 96.20 of 227.81 mi (42.23%) I-71: 218.40 of 347.54 mi (62.84%) OH I-71: 218.40 of 250.74 mi (87.10%) I-74 (Iowa - Ohio): 230.63 of 420.62 mi (54.83%) IL I-74: 37.99 of 222.49 mi (17.08%) IN I-74: 173.34 of 173.34 mi (100.00%) OH I-74: 19.30 of 19.30 mi (100.00%) I-75: 12.49 of 1807.44 mi (0.69%) GA I-75: 8.27 of 360.67 mi (2.29%) OH I-75: 4.23 of 213.65 mi (1.98%) I-76 (Ohio - New Jersey): 27.91 of 439.65 mi (6.35%) PA I-76: 25.03 of 353.78 mi (7.07%) NJ I-76: 2.88 of 2.88 mi (100.00%) I-77: 8.69 of 614.07 mi (1.42%) VA I-77: 8.69 of 66.93 mi (12.99%) I-78: 74.90 of 146.92 mi (50.98%) PA I-78: 6.13 of 78.15 mi (7.84%) NJ I-78: 68.00 of 68.00 mi (100.00%) NY I-78: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) I-80: 311.32 of 2936.67 mi (10.60%) CA I-80: 204.11 of 204.11 mi (100.00%) NV I-80: 15.97 of 415.94 mi (3.84%) WY I-80: 5.72 of 406.35 mi (1.41%) PA I-80: 17.99 of 311.90 mi (5.77%) NJ I-80: 67.52 of 67.52 mi (100.00%) I-81: 469.02 of 859.13 mi (54.59%) TN I-81: 18.92 of 76.34 mi (24.78%) VA I-81: 301.76 of 325.84 mi (92.61%) PA I-81: 57.38 of 233.87 mi (24.53%) NY I-81: 90.97 of 185.04 mi (49.16%) I-83: 1.56 of 84.97 mi (1.84%) MD I-83: 1.56 of 34.37 mi (4.55%) I-84 (Oregon - Utah): 62.71 of 778.72 mi (8.05%) OR I-84: 62.71 of 378.73 mi (16.56%) I-84 (Pennsylvania - Massachusetts): 176.79 of 231.88 mi (76.25%) PA I-84: 3.87 of 54.18 mi (7.15%) NY I-84: 66.78 of 71.55 mi (93.33%) CT I-84: 98.08 of 98.08 mi (100.00%) MA I-84: 8.07 of 8.07 mi (100.00%) I-85: 195.25 of 676.81 mi (28.85%) AL I-85: 81.08 of 81.08 mi (100.00%) GA I-85: 114.17 of 181.74 mi (62.82%) I-86 (Pennsylvania - New York): 213.14 of 213.14 mi (100.00%) PA I-86: 7.35 of 7.35 mi (100.00%) NY I-86: 205.55 of 205.55 mi (100.00%) PA I-86SWa: 0.24 of 0.24 mi (100.00%) I-86 (Binghamton, NY): 14.52 of 14.52 mi (100.00%) (NY I-86Bin only) I-87 (New York): 60.87 of 335.42 mi (18.15%) (NY I-87 only) I-88 (New York): 117.49 of 117.49 mi (100.00%) (NY I-88 only) I-90: 605.26 of 3112.06 mi (19.45%) MT I-90: 54.03 of 553.01 mi (9.77%) OH I-90: 56.14 of 247.10 mi (22.72%) PA I-90: 37.11 of 47.04 mi (78.87%) NY I-90: 319.61 of 390.23 mi (81.90%) MA I-90: 138.37 of 138.37 mi (100.00%) I-91: 80.91 of 290.43 mi (27.86%) CT I-91: 58.12 of 58.12 mi (100.00%) MA I-91: 22.78 of 55.00 mi (41.42%) I-93: 29.69 of 189.34 mi (15.68%) MA I-93: 29.69 of 46.22 mi (64.24%) I-95: 498.16 of 1916.45 mi (25.99%) VA I-95: 7.65 of 179.39 mi (4.26%) DC I-95: 0.08 of 0.08 mi (100.00%) MD I-95: 109.05 of 109.05 mi (100.00%) DE I-95: 23.22 of 23.22 mi (100.00%) PA I-95: 44.15 of 44.15 mi (100.00%) NJ I-95: 78.63 of 78.63 mi (100.00%) NY I-95: 23.53 of 23.53 mi (100.00%) CT I-95: 111.75 of 111.75 mi (100.00%) RI I-95: 43.60 of 43.60 mi (100.00%) MA I-95: 56.50 of 90.55 mi (62.39%) I-95 (Secaucus, NJ): 10.24 of 10.24 mi (100.00%) (NJ I-95Sec only) I-105 (California): 17.38 of 17.71 mi (98.15%) (CA I-105 only) I-110 (California): 20.97 of 20.97 mi (100.00%) (CA I-110 only) I-165 (Alabama): 4.85 of 4.85 mi (100.00%) (AL I-165 only) I-170: 7.64 of 10.96 mi (69.74%) (MO I-170 only) I-190 (New York): 28.40 of 28.40 mi (100.00%) (NY I-190 only) I-195 (New Jersey): 34.23 of 34.23 mi (100.00%) (NJ I-195 only) I-195 (Rhode Island - Massachusetts): 44.05 of 44.05 mi (100.00%) RI I-195: 3.85 of 3.85 mi (100.00%) MA I-195: 40.20 of 40.20 mi (100.00%) I-205 (California): 13.41 of 13.41 mi (100.00%) (CA I-205 only) I-210 (California): 44.85 of 44.85 mi (100.00%) (CA I-210 only) I-215 (California): 55.46 of 55.46 mi (100.00%) (CA I-215 only) I-215 (Nevada): 11.34 of 11.34 mi (100.00%) (NV I-215 only) I-238: 2.08 of 2.08 mi (100.00%) (CA I-238 only) I-240 (North Carolina): 7.16 of 9.19 mi (77.96%) (NC I-240 only) I-270 (Ohio): 17.43 of 55.43 mi (31.45%) (OH I-270 only) I-271: 40.23 of 40.23 mi (100.00%) (OH I-271 only) I-275 (Cincinnati, OH): 3.66 of 83.47 mi (4.39%) OH I-275: 3.66 of 55.73 mi (6.58%) I-276: 29.75 of 29.75 mi (100.00%) (PA I-276 only) I-278: 35.88 of 35.88 mi (100.00%) NJ I-278: 2.05 of 2.05 mi (100.00%) NY I-278: 33.84 of 33.84 mi (100.00%) I-280 (California): 56.79 of 57.01 mi (99.62%) (CA I-280 only) I-280 (New Jersey): 17.26 of 17.26 mi (100.00%) (NJ I-280 only) I-287: 19.90 of 97.69 mi (20.37%) NJ I-287: 0.54 of 67.49 mi (0.80%) NY I-287: 19.36 of 30.20 mi (64.12%) I-290 (New York): 9.96 of 9.96 mi (100.00%) (NY I-290 only) I-290 (Massachusetts): 20.20 of 20.20 mi (100.00%) (MA I-290 only) I-291 (Connecticut): 5.88 of 5.88 mi (100.00%) (CT I-291 only) I-291 (Massachusetts): 5.22 of 5.22 mi (100.00%) (MA I-291 only) I-295 (Delaware - New Jersey - Pennsylvania): 92.84 of 92.84 mi (100.00%) DE I-295: 4.92 of 4.92 mi (100.00%) NJ I-295: 77.33 of 77.33 mi (100.00%) PA I-295: 10.59 of 10.59 mi (100.00%) I-295 (New York): 6.28 of 9.29 mi (67.62%) (NY I-295 only) I-295 (Rhode Island - Massachusetts): 27.23 of 27.23 mi (100.00%) RI I-295: 23.12 of 23.12 mi (100.00%) MA I-295: 4.11 of 4.11 mi (100.00%) I-305: 5.28 of 5.28 mi (100.00%) (CA I-305 only) I-310: 11.63 of 11.63 mi (100.00%) (LA I-310 only) I-380 (California): 1.90 of 1.90 mi (100.00%) (CA I-380 only) I-380 (Pennsylvania): 28.04 of 28.04 mi (100.00%) (PA I-380 only) I-384: 7.68 of 7.68 mi (100.00%) (CT I-384 only) I-390: 71.01 of 76.01 mi (93.42%) (NY I-390 only) I-391: 4.67 of 4.67 mi (100.00%) (MA I-391 only) I-395 (Virginia - District of Columbia): 13.25 of 13.25 mi (100.00%) VA I-395: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) DC I-395: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%) I-395 (Connecticut - Massachusetts): 66.92 of 66.92 mi (100.00%) CT I-395: 54.90 of 54.90 mi (100.00%) MA I-395: 12.01 of 12.01 mi (100.00%) I-405 (California): 73.28 of 73.28 mi (100.00%) (CA I-405 only) I-405 (Oregon): 1.35 of 3.85 mi (35.02%) (OR I-405 only) I-410: 3.56 of 53.39 mi (6.66%) (TX I-410 only) I-465: 20.37 of 53.18 mi (38.31%) (IN I-465 only) I-476: 132.08 of 132.08 mi (100.00%) (PA I-476 only) I-480 (Cleveland, OH): 3.57 of 42.48 mi (8.41%) (OH I-480 only) I-481: 9.68 of 15.06 mi (64.33%) (NY I-481 only) I-490 (New York): 33.66 of 37.78 mi (89.09%) (NY I-490 only) I-495 (Washington, DC): 42.01 of 63.47 mi (66.18%) VA I-495: 15.70 of 22.12 mi (71.00%) DC I-495: 0.08 of 0.08 mi (100.00%) MD I-495: 26.23 of 41.27 mi (63.54%) I-495 (Delaware): 11.21 of 11.21 mi (100.00%) (DE I-495 only) I-495 (New York): 12.35 of 71.43 mi (17.29%) (NY I-495 only) I-495 (Massachusetts): 65.35 of 121.08 mi (53.97%) (MA I-495 only) I-505: 33.94 of 33.94 mi (100.00%) (CA I-505 only) I-510: 3.24 of 3.24 mi (100.00%) (LA I-510 only) I-515: 14.49 of 14.49 mi (100.00%) (NV I-515 only) I-580 (California): 80.12 of 80.12 mi (100.00%) (CA I-580 only) I-580 (Nevada): 34.86 of 34.86 mi (100.00%) (NV I-580 only) I-581: 5.79 of 6.47 mi (89.43%) (VA I-581 only) I-590: 4.81 of 4.81 mi (100.00%) (NY I-590 only) I-605: 27.76 of 28.84 mi (96.26%) (CA I-605 only) I-610 (Louisiana): 4.17 of 4.17 mi (100.00%) (LA I-610 only) I-676: 7.10 of 7.10 mi (100.00%) PA I-676: 2.64 of 2.64 mi (100.00%) NJ I-676: 4.47 of 4.47 mi (100.00%) I-680 (California): 71.12 of 71.12 mi (100.00%) (CA I-680 only) I-684: 28.27 of 28.27 mi (100.00%) NY I-684Pur: 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%) CT I-684: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) NY I-684: 22.09 of 22.09 mi (100.00%) I-690: 9.59 of 14.40 mi (66.61%) (NY I-690 only) I-691: 8.38 of 8.38 mi (100.00%) (CT I-691 only) I-695 (Maryland): 51.92 of 51.92 mi (100.00%) (MD I-695 only) I-695 (New York): 1.19 of 1.19 mi (100.00%) (NY I-695 only) I-710: 21.08 of 24.13 mi (87.36%) (CA I-710 only) I-780: 6.52 of 6.78 mi (96.13%) (CA I-780 only) I-787: 6.56 of 10.44 mi (62.87%) (NY I-787 only) I-805: 28.53 of 28.53 mi (100.00%) (CA I-805 only) I-880 (California): 45.90 of 45.90 mi (100.00%) (CA I-880 only) I-895: 14.42 of 14.42 mi (100.00%) (MD I-895 only) I-910: 10.01 of 10.01 mi (100.00%) (LA I-910 only) I-980: 1.85 of 1.85 mi (100.00%) (CA I-980 only) I-985: 24.09 of 24.09 mi (100.00%) (GA I-985 only) System usai connected routes traveled: 120 of 360 (33.3%), clinched: 57 of 360 (15.8%). System usaib (active) overall: 27.52 of 1560.32 mi (1.76%) System usaib by region: AZ: 8.86 of 75.35 mi (11.76%) CA: 14.50 of 121.60 mi (11.93%) CO: 0.00 of 100.35 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 31.42 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 10.40 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 64.11 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 40.89 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 11.28 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 176.21 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 29.30 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 141.64 mi (0.00%) MT: 1.80 of 74.09 mi (2.43%) NC: 0.00 of 56.89 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 37.87 mi (0.00%) NM: 0.00 of 62.36 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 36.29 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 8.54 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 42.06 mi (0.00%) PA: 0.00 of 11.90 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 11.56 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 47.58 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 204.71 mi (0.00%) UT: 2.36 of 44.73 mi (5.28%) WA: 0.00 of 26.81 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 92.40 mi (0.00%) System usaib by route (traveled routes only): I-5BL (Mount Shasta, CA): 1.82 of 3.51 mi (51.99%) (CA I-5BLMou only) I-8BL (Gila Bend, AZ): 3.46 of 5.86 mi (59.03%) (AZ I-8BLGil only) I-10BL (Blythe, CA): 0.24 of 5.61 mi (4.25%) (CA I-10BLBly only) I-10BL (Willcox, AZ): 3.51 of 7.94 mi (44.24%) (AZ I-10BLWil only) I-15BL (Barstow, CA): 3.94 of 3.94 mi (100.00%) (CA I-15BLBar only) I-15BL (Cedar City, UT): 2.36 of 5.77 mi (40.93%) (UT I-15BLCed only) I-19BL (Nogales, AZ): 1.43 of 5.57 mi (25.67%) (AZ I-19BLNog only) I-40BL (Flagstaff, AZ): 0.46 of 9.12 mi (4.99%) (AZ I-40BLFla only) I-80BL (Sacramento, CA): 8.50 of 13.78 mi (61.69%) (CA I-80BLSac only) I-90BL (Bozeman, MT): 1.80 of 3.05 mi (59.04%) (MT I-90BLBoz only) System usaib connected routes traveled: 10 of 278 (3.6%), clinched: 1 of 278 (0.4%). System usaif (active) overall: 211.55 of 659.84 mi (32.06%) System usaif by region: AR: 0.00 of 5.98 mi (0.00%) AZ: 24.26 of 24.26 mi (100.00%) CA: 7.52 of 8.67 mi (86.69%) FL: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) IN: 8.75 of 26.67 mi (32.81%) KY: 0.00 of 25.92 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 66.44 mi (0.00%) NC: 14.17 of 157.88 mi (8.98%) NY: 155.99 of 155.99 mi (100.00%) PA: 0.86 of 82.65 mi (1.03%) SC: 0.00 of 23.60 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 69.79 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 7.31 mi (0.00%) System usaif by route (traveled routes only): I-11Fut (Kingman, AZ): 22.96 of 22.96 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-11FutKin only) I-11Fut (Hoover Dam): 1.30 of 1.30 mi (100.00%) (AZ I-11FutHoo only) I-26Fut (Asheville, NC): 14.17 of 14.17 mi (100.00%) (NC I-26FutAsh only) I-69Fut (Indianapolis, IN): 8.75 of 20.56 mi (42.55%) (IN I-69FutInd only) I-86Fut (Binghamton, NY): 39.77 of 39.77 mi (100.00%) PA I-86FutSWa: 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%) NY I-86FutBin: 38.91 of 38.91 mi (100.00%) I-86Fut (Deposit, NY): 17.86 of 17.86 mi (100.00%) (NY I-86FutDep only) I-86Fut (Monticello, NY): 99.22 of 99.22 mi (100.00%) (NY I-86FutMon only) I-905Fut (Otay Mesa, CA): 7.52 of 8.67 mi (86.69%) (CA I-905FutOta only) System usaif connected routes traveled: 8 of 30 (26.7%), clinched: 6 of 30 (20.0%). System usasf (active) overall: 371.28 of 1685.73 mi (22.02%) System usasf by region: AK: 0.00 of 5.65 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 10.32 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 4.69 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 65.91 mi (0.00%) CT: 1.27 of 7.27 mi (17.45%) DE: 0.00 of 1.98 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 322.90 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 29.07 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 11.00 mi (0.00%) LA: 25.40 of 27.11 mi (93.71%) MA: 0.00 of 6.20 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 1.16 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 3.99 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 1.80 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 13.32 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 39.78 mi (0.00%) NJ: 269.80 of 355.08 mi (75.98%) NV: 2.32 of 38.98 mi (5.96%) NY: 71.24 of 462.06 mi (15.42%) OH: 0.00 of 24.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 57.66 mi (0.00%) PA: 1.24 of 6.51 mi (19.12%) TN: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 175.25 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 4.58 mi (0.00%) System usasf by route (traveled routes only): AtlCityExpy (Atlantic City Expressway): 44.68 of 44.68 mi (100.00%) (NJ AtlCityExpy only) BerCon (New York Thruway Berkshire Connector): 24.20 of 24.20 mi (100.00%) (NY BerCon only) BetRossBri (Betsy Ross Bridge): 1.24 of 1.49 mi (83.32%) (PA BetRossBri only) CR215 (Bruce Woodbury Beltway): 2.32 of 38.98 mi (5.96%) (NV CR215 only) CroCouPkwy (Cross County Parkway): 4.49 of 4.49 mi (100.00%) (NY CroCouPkwy only) GarStaPkwy (Garden State Parkway): 92.75 of 175.93 mi (52.72%) NJ GarStaPkwy: 90.35 of 173.53 mi (52.07%) NY GarStaPkwy: 2.40 of 2.40 mi (100.00%) GraCenPkwy (Grand Central Parkway): 2.58 of 14.51 mi (17.80%) (NY GraCenPkwy only) HenHudPkwy (Henry Hudson Parkway): 11.77 of 11.77 mi (100.00%) (NY HenHudPkwy only) HutRivPkwy (Hutchinson River Parkway): 10.69 of 18.67 mi (57.24%) (NY HutRivPkwy only) LakePonCswy (Lake Pontchartrain Causeway): 25.40 of 27.11 mi (93.71%) (LA LakePonCswy only) MeaStaPkwy (Meadowbrook State Parkway): 3.54 of 13.08 mi (27.05%) (NY MeaStaPkwy only) MilPkwy (Milford Parkway): 1.27 of 1.64 mi (77.55%) (CT MilPkwy only) NJTpk (New Jersey Turnpike): 123.59 of 123.59 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJTpk only) NorStaPkwy (Northern State Parkway): 1.84 of 28.71 mi (6.41%) (NY NorStaPkwy only) PalIntPkwy (Palisades Interstate Parkway): 19.15 of 37.28 mi (51.37%) NJ PalIntPkwy: 11.19 of 11.19 mi (100.00%) NY PalIntPkwy: 7.96 of 26.09 mi (30.52%) SawMillPkwy (Saw Mill River Parkway): 1.77 of 28.95 mi (6.13%) (NY SawMillPkwy only) System usasf connected routes traveled: 16 of 88 (18.2%), clinched: 5 of 88 (5.7%). System usaus (active) overall: 5526.64 of 137748.72 mi (4.01%) System usaus by region: AL: 29.71 of 3485.96 mi (0.85%) AR: 0.00 of 3621.55 mi (0.00%) AZ: 281.97 of 1878.70 mi (15.01%) CA: 529.00 of 1729.94 mi (30.58%) CO: 185.95 of 4018.48 mi (4.63%) CT: 45.96 of 507.97 mi (9.05%) DC: 6.05 of 22.09 mi (27.38%) DE: 9.51 of 211.19 mi (4.50%) FL: 0.00 of 3999.55 mi (0.00%) GA: 80.28 of 4922.24 mi (1.63%) IA: 0.00 of 3710.23 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 2090.85 mi (0.00%) IL: 6.39 of 3410.12 mi (0.19%) IN: 66.25 of 2902.51 mi (2.28%) KS: 0.00 of 5413.97 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 3313.95 mi (0.00%) LA: 35.16 of 2323.34 mi (1.51%) MA: 59.61 of 602.37 mi (9.90%) MD: 0.49 of 774.49 mi (0.06%) ME: 0.00 of 1176.03 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 2324.25 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 3611.70 mi (0.00%) MO: 9.12 of 4007.15 mi (0.23%) MS: 0.00 of 2596.46 mi (0.00%) MT: 411.64 of 3317.05 mi (12.41%) NC: 110.48 of 5099.12 mi (2.17%) ND: 0.00 of 1785.36 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 3539.14 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 542.91 mi (0.00%) NJ: 161.27 of 805.51 mi (20.02%) NM: 707.36 of 3676.63 mi (19.24%) NV: 406.68 of 1851.50 mi (21.96%) NY: 27.48 of 1653.64 mi (1.66%) OH: 24.62 of 3918.32 mi (0.63%) OK: 0.00 of 4765.43 mi (0.00%) OR: 203.80 of 2597.59 mi (7.85%) PA: 23.41 of 3424.03 mi (0.68%) RI: 65.13 of 108.88 mi (59.82%) SC: 0.00 of 3309.36 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 2612.33 mi (0.00%) TN: 78.29 of 3646.59 mi (2.15%) TX: 651.79 of 12783.70 mi (5.10%) UT: 581.77 of 1618.38 mi (35.95%) VA: 181.87 of 4090.23 mi (4.45%) VT: 0.00 of 593.97 mi (0.00%) WA: 256.82 of 1764.00 mi (14.56%) WI: 0.00 of 2895.07 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 1792.84 mi (0.00%) WY: 288.77 of 2902.07 mi (9.95%) System usaus by route (traveled routes only): US1: 150.12 of 2384.97 mi (6.29%) VA US1: 0.71 of 199.25 mi (0.35%) DC US1: 1.53 of 7.20 mi (21.18%) PA US1: 5.46 of 81.97 mi (6.66%) NJ US1: 56.52 of 66.91 mi (84.48%) NY US1: 2.74 of 21.44 mi (12.78%) CT US1: 12.88 of 115.76 mi (11.13%) RI US1: 37.22 of 57.12 mi (65.16%) MA US1: 33.07 of 85.34 mi (38.75%) US2 (Washington - Michigan): 76.61 of 2126.60 mi (3.60%) MT US2: 76.61 of 669.13 mi (11.45%) US3: 1.71 of 272.87 mi (0.63%) MA US3: 1.71 of 35.25 mi (4.86%) US5: 1.45 of 295.79 mi (0.49%) MA US5: 1.45 of 53.31 mi (2.72%) US6: 309.75 of 3217.22 mi (9.63%) CA US6: 6.65 of 41.11 mi (16.17%) NV US6: 125.13 of 307.99 mi (40.63%) UT US6: 74.89 of 376.02 mi (19.92%) CO US6: 26.95 of 471.92 mi (5.71%) PA US6: 6.78 of 400.87 mi (1.69%) NY US6: 12.76 of 75.54 mi (16.90%) CT US6: 32.83 of 114.03 mi (28.79%) RI US6: 6.15 of 26.61 mi (23.11%) MA US6: 17.61 of 117.83 mi (14.94%) US7: 4.14 of 304.49 mi (1.36%) CT US7: 4.14 of 76.22 mi (5.44%) US9 (New Jersey - New York): 29.32 of 488.55 mi (6.00%) NJ US9: 28.49 of 166.93 mi (17.07%) NY US9: 0.83 of 321.61 mi (0.26%) US11 (Virginia - New York): 26.76 of 945.46 mi (2.83%) VA US11: 24.03 of 335.76 mi (7.16%) NY US11: 2.73 of 321.14 mi (0.85%) US12: 93.00 of 2474.26 mi (3.76%) WA US12: 66.39 of 427.31 mi (15.54%) MT US12: 26.61 of 597.81 mi (4.45%) US15: 36.07 of 794.96 mi (4.54%) VA US15: 36.07 of 230.30 mi (15.66%) US17: 12.42 of 1215.92 mi (1.02%) VA US17: 12.42 of 256.38 mi (4.84%) US19 (Florida - North Carolina): 19.50 of 753.81 mi (2.59%) NC US19: 19.50 of 138.37 mi (14.09%) US19W: 23.27 of 60.04 mi (38.75%) TN US19W: 23.27 of 39.87 mi (58.35%) US20 (Wyoming - Massachusetts): 6.26 of 2364.54 mi (0.26%) NY US20: 1.98 of 374.05 mi (0.53%) MA US20: 4.28 of 149.61 mi (2.86%) US22: 28.38 of 650.61 mi (4.36%) NJ US22: 28.38 of 60.55 mi (46.87%) US23: 184.95 of 1410.88 mi (13.11%) GA US23: 80.28 of 394.30 mi (20.36%) NC US23: 59.10 of 104.20 mi (56.71%) TN US23: 45.57 of 56.92 mi (80.05%) US25 (Georgia - Tennessee): 4.33 of 425.28 mi (1.02%) NC US25: 4.33 of 72.25 mi (5.99%) US26: 117.99 of 1503.85 mi (7.85%) OR US26: 74.57 of 469.50 mi (15.88%) WY US26: 43.42 of 476.62 mi (9.11%) US27: 1.80 of 1367.08 mi (0.13%) OH US27: 1.80 of 40.52 mi (4.45%) US29: 98.62 of 1044.58 mi (9.44%) AL US29: 13.35 of 228.15 mi (5.85%) VA US29: 85.27 of 248.95 mi (34.25%) US30: 118.70 of 3105.06 mi (3.82%) OR US30: 108.12 of 480.44 mi (22.50%) WY US30: 5.72 of 458.74 mi (1.25%) PA US30: 3.91 of 331.70 mi (1.18%) NJ US30: 0.95 of 59.01 mi (1.62%) US31 (Kentucky - Michigan): 6.68 of 629.32 mi (1.06%) IN US31: 6.68 of 271.46 mi (2.46%) US35: 9.00 of 416.67 mi (2.16%) OH US35: 1.78 of 175.41 mi (1.02%) IN US35: 7.22 of 206.24 mi (3.50%) US36: 71.72 of 1415.31 mi (5.07%) CO US36: 54.26 of 231.47 mi (23.44%) IN US36: 17.46 of 165.17 mi (10.57%) US40: 74.55 of 2312.77 mi (3.22%) UT US40: 27.30 of 175.11 mi (15.59%) CO US40: 9.83 of 484.91 mi (2.03%) MO US40: 9.12 of 259.06 mi (3.52%) IL US40: 6.39 of 162.13 mi (3.94%) IN US40: 16.31 of 161.75 mi (10.08%) DE US40: 3.78 of 17.53 mi (21.58%) NJ US40: 1.82 of 65.29 mi (2.79%) US44: 23.73 of 232.73 mi (10.19%) CT US44: 0.94 of 104.19 mi (0.91%) RI US44: 22.78 of 26.17 mi (87.06%) US46: 3.31 of 73.91 mi (4.48%) (NJ US46 only) US50: 205.88 of 3006.13 mi (6.85%) CA US50: 8.94 of 105.26 mi (8.49%) NV US50: 4.91 of 408.79 mi (1.20%) UT US50: 175.95 of 337.94 mi (52.06%) CO US50: 11.07 of 459.55 mi (2.41%) DC US50: 4.52 of 7.83 mi (57.79%) MD US50: 0.49 of 141.40 mi (0.35%) US52: 31.59 of 2080.98 mi (1.52%) IN US52: 2.30 of 199.75 mi (1.15%) OH US52: 20.23 of 181.25 mi (11.16%) VA US52: 9.06 of 78.60 mi (11.53%) US54: 7.16 of 1216.43 mi (0.59%) NM US54: 7.16 of 361.87 mi (1.98%) US58: 18.80 of 500.80 mi (3.75%) VA US58: 18.80 of 500.12 mi (3.76%) US60: 94.76 of 2655.94 mi (3.57%) AZ US60: 12.07 of 369.18 mi (3.27%) NM US60: 70.97 of 401.83 mi (17.66%) TX US60: 11.72 of 227.07 mi (5.16%) US62: 152.33 of 2243.78 mi (6.79%) TX US62ElP: 121.96 of 130.49 mi (93.46%) NM US62: 30.37 of 111.47 mi (27.25%) US64: 70.71 of 2325.68 mi (3.04%) AZ US64: 4.20 of 4.20 mi (100.00%) NM US64: 64.38 of 436.62 mi (14.74%) NC US64: 2.13 of 601.88 mi (0.35%) US67: 1.56 of 1556.33 mi (0.10%) TX US67: 1.56 of 762.22 mi (0.20%) US69: 3.37 of 1144.91 mi (0.29%) TX US69: 3.37 of 349.82 mi (0.96%) US70: 211.59 of 2381.67 mi (8.88%) NM US70: 190.19 of 455.60 mi (41.75%) TX US70: 10.70 of 257.85 mi (4.15%) NC US70: 10.69 of 482.45 mi (2.22%) US74: 25.69 of 513.36 mi (5.00%) NC US74: 25.69 of 451.97 mi (5.68%) US76: 0.27 of 533.82 mi (0.05%) GA US76: 0.27 of 146.53 mi (0.19%) US77: 63.34 of 1327.08 mi (4.77%) TX US77: 63.34 of 613.17 mi (10.33%) US80: 10.79 of 1037.27 mi (1.04%) AL US80: 10.79 of 221.28 mi (4.88%) US81: 25.29 of 1241.36 mi (2.04%) TX US81: 25.29 of 82.43 mi (30.69%) US82: 130.53 of 1616.14 mi (8.08%) NM US82: 104.70 of 190.35 mi (55.00%) TX US82: 22.84 of 573.29 mi (3.98%) AL US82: 2.99 of 244.43 mi (1.22%) US84: 95.47 of 1926.66 mi (4.96%) NM US84: 95.47 of 359.98 mi (26.52%) US85: 67.94 of 1492.79 mi (4.55%) NM US85: 67.94 of 488.51 mi (13.91%) US87 (Texas - south Wyoming): 0.58 of 1539.38 mi (0.04%) TX US87: 0.58 of 813.22 mi (0.07%) US89 (Arizona - Wyoming): 292.26 of 836.66 mi (34.93%) AZ US89: 43.29 of 139.20 mi (31.10%) UT US89: 179.37 of 499.23 mi (35.93%) WY US89: 69.60 of 154.77 mi (44.97%) US89 (Montana): 162.31 of 399.90 mi (40.59%) (MT US89 only) US90: 125.23 of 1643.42 mi (7.62%) TX US90: 91.74 of 772.09 mi (11.88%) LA US90: 30.91 of 299.79 mi (10.31%) AL US90: 2.58 of 79.04 mi (3.27%) US93: 197.05 of 1356.54 mi (14.53%) AZ US93: 93.81 of 201.70 mi (46.51%) NV US93: 103.24 of 532.06 mi (19.40%) US95: 304.90 of 1575.74 mi (19.35%) AZ US95: 17.74 of 125.34 mi (14.15%) CA US95: 131.24 of 131.24 mi (100.00%) NV US95: 155.91 of 676.52 mi (23.05%) US96: 3.37 of 167.04 mi (2.02%) (TX US96 only) US97: 21.11 of 667.09 mi (3.16%) OR US97: 21.11 of 292.84 mi (7.21%) US101: 326.44 of 1506.03 mi (21.68%) CA US101: 136.01 of 802.40 mi (16.95%) WA US101: 190.43 of 359.69 mi (52.94%) US129: 2.47 of 574.07 mi (0.43%) GA US129: 2.47 of 376.68 mi (0.66%) US130: 10.68 of 84.53 mi (12.64%) (NJ US130 only) US160: 87.80 of 1469.39 mi (5.97%) AZ US160: 37.88 of 161.39 mi (23.47%) NM US160: 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%) CO US160: 49.06 of 494.37 mi (9.92%) US163: 64.22 of 64.22 mi (100.00%) AZ US163: 23.50 of 23.50 mi (100.00%) UT US163: 40.72 of 40.72 mi (100.00%) US167: 3.24 of 508.71 mi (0.64%) LA US167: 3.24 of 244.50 mi (1.33%) US180: 243.66 of 1117.14 mi (21.81%) AZ US180: 28.30 of 284.82 mi (9.94%) NM US180: 63.02 of 242.15 mi (26.03%) TX US180ElP: 121.96 of 149.45 mi (81.61%) NM US180Car: 30.37 of 111.47 mi (27.25%) US183: 9.04 of 1263.43 mi (0.72%) TX US183: 9.04 of 496.56 mi (1.82%) US189: 65.57 of 312.85 mi (20.96%) WY US189: 65.57 of 216.48 mi (30.29%) US190: 26.92 of 876.87 mi (3.07%) TX US190: 25.91 of 592.83 mi (4.37%) LA US190: 1.01 of 284.04 mi (0.36%) US191 (Arizona - Wyoming): 476.05 of 1210.45 mi (39.33%) AZ US191: 21.18 of 518.72 mi (4.08%) UT US191: 166.10 of 402.96 mi (41.22%) WY US191: 288.77 of 288.77 mi (100.00%) US191 (Montana): 25.82 of 441.35 mi (5.85%) MT US191: 25.82 of 420.48 mi (6.14%) US199: 2.71 of 76.29 mi (3.55%) CA US199: 2.71 of 33.42 mi (8.11%) US202: 18.28 of 621.78 mi (2.94%) DE US202: 5.73 of 12.57 mi (45.58%) NJ US202: 7.16 of 79.74 mi (8.98%) CT US202: 3.89 of 74.05 mi (5.26%) MA US202: 1.49 of 78.06 mi (1.91%) US206: 61.18 of 130.11 mi (47.02%) NJ US206: 61.18 of 129.70 mi (47.17%) US209: 6.27 of 209.38 mi (3.00%) PA US209: 6.27 of 149.24 mi (4.20%) US211: 5.72 of 55.21 mi (10.37%) (VA US211 only) US219: 6.99 of 502.83 mi (1.39%) NY US219: 6.99 of 67.11 mi (10.41%) US220: 12.26 of 669.60 mi (1.83%) VA US220: 12.26 of 181.03 mi (6.77%) US250: 2.12 of 494.04 mi (0.43%) VA US250: 2.12 of 158.55 mi (1.34%) US277: 5.35 of 636.99 mi (0.84%) TX US277: 5.35 of 512.84 mi (1.04%) US280: 3.50 of 391.91 mi (0.89%) AL US280: 3.50 of 143.13 mi (2.44%) US281: 2.11 of 1893.56 mi (0.11%) TX US281: 2.11 of 653.56 mi (0.32%) US285: 3.96 of 847.59 mi (0.47%) NM US285: 3.96 of 412.60 mi (0.96%) US287 (Texas - Wyoming): 246.10 of 1621.52 mi (15.18%) TX US287: 213.16 of 764.49 mi (27.88%) CO US287: 6.76 of 392.55 mi (1.72%) WY US287: 26.18 of 423.05 mi (6.19%) US287 (Montana): 150.78 of 282.43 mi (53.39%) (MT US287 only) US290: 116.04 of 276.37 mi (41.99%) (TX US290 only) US321: 19.11 of 509.84 mi (3.75%) TN US321: 19.11 of 188.60 mi (10.13%) US322: 0.98 of 487.79 mi (0.20%) PA US322: 0.98 of 361.51 mi (0.27%) US340: 23.40 of 154.69 mi (15.13%) VA US340: 23.40 of 121.07 mi (19.33%) US380: 1.55 of 680.84 mi (0.23%) TX US380: 1.55 of 437.11 mi (0.35%) US395: 329.38 of 1305.99 mi (25.22%) CA US395: 235.68 of 356.62 mi (66.09%) NV US395: 85.93 of 85.93 mi (100.00%) CA US395Sus: 7.77 of 205.35 mi (3.79%) US421: 39.27 of 933.16 mi (4.21%) IN US421: 39.27 of 257.43 mi (15.26%) US422 (Ohio - W. Pennsylvania): 2.61 of 189.38 mi (1.38%) OH US422: 2.61 of 75.96 mi (3.44%) US441: 114.52 of 936.54 mi (12.23%) GA US441: 39.41 of 354.98 mi (11.10%) NC US441: 61.50 of 61.50 mi (100.00%) TN US441: 13.62 of 78.85 mi (17.27%) US460: 1.00 of 629.00 mi (0.16%) VA US460: 1.00 of 325.99 mi (0.31%) US491: 81.65 of 196.28 mi (41.60%) NM US491: 0.86 of 109.03 mi (0.78%) CO US491: 63.39 of 69.85 mi (90.76%) UT US491: 17.41 of 17.41 mi (100.00%) US522: 10.63 of 306.43 mi (3.47%) VA US522: 10.63 of 157.66 mi (6.74%) US550: 152.41 of 298.43 mi (51.07%) NM US550: 152.41 of 175.54 mi (86.83%) System usaus connected routes traveled: 92 of 226 (40.7%), clinched: 1 of 226 (0.4%). System usausb (active) overall: 144.65 of 7541.11 mi (1.92%) System usausb by region: AL: 2.58 of 98.33 mi (2.63%) AR: 0.00 of 257.75 mi (0.00%) AZ: 32.96 of 88.25 mi (37.35%) CA: 22.09 of 88.55 mi (24.94%) CO: 0.38 of 51.25 mi (0.74%) CT: 1.11 of 1.97 mi (56.42%) DC: 2.79 of 4.04 mi (69.07%) DE: 0.00 of 30.05 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 223.76 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 408.49 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 171.43 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 27.81 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 61.60 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 100.15 mi (0.00%) KS: 0.00 of 65.36 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 240.89 mi (0.00%) LA: 13.75 of 86.41 mi (15.91%) MD: 0.00 of 118.27 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 208.88 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 141.94 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 20.50 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 235.13 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 64.38 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 23.09 mi (0.00%) NC: 46.59 of 1000.64 mi (4.66%) ND: 0.00 of 67.28 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 18.73 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 10.61 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.50 of 9.92 mi (5.09%) NM: 0.15 of 28.91 mi (0.53%) NV: 12.56 of 296.40 mi (4.24%) NY: 0.00 of 116.37 mi (0.00%) OH: 0.00 of 128.27 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 151.65 mi (0.00%) OR: 2.55 of 60.83 mi (4.19%) PA: 0.00 of 292.65 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 4.50 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 313.37 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 92.83 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 378.25 mi (0.00%) TX: 2.34 of 893.30 mi (0.26%) UT: 2.99 of 6.72 mi (44.54%) VA: 1.30 of 518.26 mi (0.25%) VT: 0.00 of 16.62 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 55.43 mi (0.00%) WI: 0.00 of 103.00 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 10.92 mi (0.00%) WY: 0.00 of 147.38 mi (0.00%) System usausb by route (traveled routes only): US1Alt (Washington, DC): 2.79 of 6.13 mi (45.55%) DC US1AltWas: 2.79 of 4.04 mi (69.07%) US1Trk (Jersey City, NJ): 0.50 of 4.42 mi (11.40%) (NJ US1TrkJer only) US1Alt (Stonington, CT): 1.11 of 1.97 mi (56.42%) (CT US1AltSto only) US9Trk (Jersey City, NJ): 0.50 of 4.42 mi (11.40%) (NJ US9TrkJer only) US19Bus (Asheville, NC): 0.81 of 2.22 mi (36.55%) (NC US19BusAsh only) US19Trk (Waynesville, NC): 7.13 of 38.03 mi (18.75%) (NC US19TrkWay only) US23Bus (Asheville, NC): 0.81 of 2.22 mi (36.55%) (NC US23BusAsh only) US29Bus (Madison, VA): 1.30 of 2.07 mi (62.62%) (VA US29BusMad only) US34Bus (Estes Park, CO): 0.38 of 1.64 mi (23.15%) (CO US34BusEst only) US54Bus (Alamogordo, NM): 0.15 of 5.50 mi (2.77%) (NM US54BusAla only) US64Trk (Henderson, NC): 35.37 of 78.80 mi (44.89%) (NC US64TrkHen only) US74Alt (Asheville, NC): 3.27 of 53.89 mi (6.07%) (NC US74AltAsh only) US89Alt (Fredonia, AZ): 35.95 of 90.07 mi (39.92%) AZ US89AltFre: 32.96 of 87.08 mi (37.85%) UT US89AltKan: 2.99 of 2.99 mi (100.00%) US90Alt (Hallettsville, TX): 0.46 of 181.44 mi (0.25%) (TX US90AltHal only) US90Bus (New Orleans, LA): 13.75 of 13.75 mi (100.00%) (LA US90BusNew only) US93Bus (Boulder City, NV): 9.04 of 9.04 mi (100.00%) (NV US93BusBou only) US97Bus (Klamath Falls, OR): 2.55 of 3.06 mi (83.19%) (OR US97BusKla only) US98Trk (Mobile, AL): 2.58 of 8.88 mi (29.08%) (AL US98TrkMob only) US101Bus (Santa Maria, CA): 4.86 of 6.72 mi (72.28%) (CA US101BusSMa only) US101Bus (Arroyo Grande, CA): 0.17 of 0.81 mi (20.31%) (CA US101BusArr only) US101Bus (Pismo Beach, CA): 0.67 of 1.41 mi (47.84%) (CA US101BusPis only) US101Bus (Paso Robles, CA): 1.97 of 2.98 mi (65.90%) (CA US101BusPas only) US101Bus (King City, CA): 1.11 of 2.18 mi (51.01%) (CA US101BusKin only) US101Bus (Soledad, CA): 1.20 of 1.20 mi (100.00%) (CA US101BusSol only) US101Bus (Salinas, CA): 1.15 of 9.06 mi (12.71%) (CA US101BusSal only) US101Bus (Rio Dell, CA): 1.38 of 1.38 mi (100.00%) (CA US101BusRio only) US287Bus (Ennis, TX): 1.88 of 6.60 mi (28.46%) (TX US287BusEnn only) US395Bus (Ridgecrest, CA): 9.57 of 15.68 mi (61.03%) (CA US395BusRid only) US395Bus (Carson City, NV): 3.53 of 5.98 mi (58.97%) (NV US395BusCar only) System usausb connected routes traveled: 29 of 1089 (2.7%), clinched: 4 of 1089 (0.4%). System usanp (active) overall: 797.41 of 2889.54 mi (27.60%) System usanp by region: AK: 0.00 of 186.30 mi (0.00%) AL: 0.00 of 33.39 mi (0.00%) AZ: 36.91 of 90.67 mi (40.71%) CA: 295.10 of 376.85 mi (78.31%) CO: 25.78 of 98.68 mi (26.13%) DC: 0.00 of 9.28 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 39.39 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 4.76 mi (0.00%) HI: 27.43 of 32.70 mi (83.87%) KY: 0.00 of 48.24 mi (0.00%) MD: 18.77 of 35.91 mi (52.28%) ME: 0.00 of 27.16 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 313.87 mi (0.00%) MT: 35.53 of 67.80 mi (52.39%) NC: 5.54 of 236.10 mi (2.35%) ND: 0.00 of 37.06 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 6.44 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 24.90 mi (0.00%) NM: 6.06 of 25.30 mi (23.95%) NV: 3.88 of 14.57 mi (26.62%) OK: 0.00 of 4.98 mi (0.00%) OR: 46.65 of 46.65 mi (100.00%) PA: 0.00 of 10.12 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 5.27 mi (0.00%) SD: 0.00 of 34.97 mi (0.00%) TN: 5.52 of 176.98 mi (3.12%) TX: 0.00 of 96.64 mi (0.00%) UT: 87.29 of 116.02 mi (75.24%) VA: 92.28 of 341.57 mi (27.02%) WA: 34.11 of 77.64 mi (43.93%) WY: 76.56 of 269.32 mi (28.43%) System usanp by route (traveled routes only): OldGarRd (Old Gardiner Road, Yellowstone NP): 3.36 of 3.36 mi (100.00%) MT OldGarRd: 2.34 of 2.34 mi (100.00%) WY OldGarRd: 1.02 of 1.02 mi (100.00%) DelArchRd (Delicate Arch Rd, Arches NP): 2.16 of 2.16 mi (100.00%) (UT DelArchRd only) MainParkRd (Main Park Rd, Arches NP): 16.65 of 16.65 mi (100.00%) (UT MainParkRd only) BalWasPkwy (Baltimore-Washington Parkway): 18.77 of 18.77 mi (100.00%) (MD BalWasPkwy only) BryCynSceDr (Bryce Canyon NP Scenic Drive): 15.78 of 15.78 mi (100.00%) (UT BryCynSceDr only) IslSkySceDr (Island In The Sky Scenic Drive, Canyonlands NP): 18.24 of 18.24 mi (100.00%) (UT IslSkySceDr only) NeeSceDr (The Needles Scenic Drive, Canyonlands NP): 20.95 of 20.95 mi (100.00%) (UT NeeSceDr only) CapReefSceDr (Capitol Reef Scenic Drive, Capital Reef NP): 7.34 of 7.34 mi (100.00%) (UT CapReefSceDr only) CraCrkRd (Crater Creek Road, Crater Lake NP): 3.78 of 3.78 mi (100.00%) (OR CraCrkRd only) CraLakeHwy (Crater Lake Highway, Crater Lake NP): 9.18 of 9.18 mi (100.00%) (OR CraLakeHwy only) PinRd (Pinnacles Road, Crater Lake NP): 5.62 of 5.62 mi (100.00%) (OR PinRd only) CraLakeRimDr (Rim Drive, Crater Lake NP): 28.07 of 28.07 mi (100.00%) (OR CraLakeRimDr only) BadRd (Badwater Road, Death Valley NP): 54.10 of 54.10 mi (100.00%) (CA BadRd only) DayPassRd (Daylight Pass Road, Death Valley NP): 16.62 of 16.62 mi (100.00%) CA DayPassRd: 12.74 of 12.74 mi (100.00%) NV DayPassRd: 3.88 of 3.88 mi (100.00%) ScoCasRd (Scotty's Castle Road, Death Valley NP): 40.08 of 40.08 mi (100.00%) (CA ScoCasRd only) CubCreRd (Cub Creek Road, Dinosaur NM): 1.71 of 9.42 mi (18.20%) (UT CubCreRd only) GoiSunRd (Going-to-the-Sun Rd, Glacier NP): 25.60 of 48.08 mi (53.24%) (MT GoiSunRd only) TwoMedRd (Two Medicine Road, Glacier NP): 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%) (MT TwoMedRd only) TetParkRd (Teton Park Road, Grand Teton NP): 20.33 of 20.33 mi (100.00%) (WY TetParkRd only) CliDomeRd (Clingmans Dome Access Road, Great Smoky Mtns NP): 6.13 of 6.26 mi (97.87%) NC CliDomeRdLuf: 2.12 of 2.12 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRd: 0.34 of 0.34 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRd: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%) TN CliDomeRdCol: 0.25 of 0.25 mi (100.00%) NC CliDomeRdCli: 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) FooPkwy (Foothills Parkway, Great Smoky Mtns NP (Cosby)): 4.93 of 4.93 mi (100.00%) (TN FooPkwyCos only) CraRd (Crater Road, Haleakalā NP): 9.55 of 9.55 mi (100.00%) (HI CraRd only) ChaCraRd (Chain of Craters Road, Hawai'i Volcanoes NP): 17.88 of 17.88 mi (100.00%) (HI ChaCraRd only) RocMemPkwy (John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway): 6.39 of 6.39 mi (100.00%) (WY RocMemPkwy only) ParkBlvd (Park Boulevard, Joshua Tree NP): 32.79 of 32.79 mi (100.00%) (CA ParkBlvd only) PinBasRd (Pinto Basin Road, Joshua Tree NP): 35.70 of 35.70 mi (100.00%) (CA PinBasRd only) LasPeakHwy (Lassen Peak Highway, Lassen Volcanic NP): 25.50 of 25.50 mi (100.00%) (CA LasPeakHwy only) MesaVerRd (Mesa Verde Road, Mesa Verde NP): 17.30 of 17.30 mi (100.00%) (CO MesaVerRd only) HurRidRd (Hurricane Ridge Road, Olympic NP): 16.61 of 16.61 mi (100.00%) (WA HurRidRd only) UppHohRd (Upper Hoh Road, Olympic NP): 17.50 of 17.50 mi (100.00%) (WA UppHohRd only) BearLakeRd (Bear Lake Road, Rocky Mountain NP): 8.48 of 8.48 mi (100.00%) (CO BearLakeRd only) SkyDr (Skyline Drive, Shenandoah NP): 92.28 of 92.28 mi (100.00%) (VA SkyDr only) LoopRd (Loop Road, Sunset Crater & Wupatki NMs): 33.92 of 33.92 mi (100.00%) (AZ LoopRd only) WalCanRd (Walnut Canyon Road, Walnut Canyon NM): 3.00 of 3.00 mi (100.00%) (AZ WalCanRd only) DunDr (Dunes Drive, White Sands NM): 6.06 of 6.06 mi (100.00%) (NM DunDr only) GraLoopRd (Grand Loop Road, Yellowstone NP): 1.93 of 131.88 mi (1.47%) (WY GraLoopRd only) NorCanRd (Norris Canyon Road, Yellowstone NP): 11.38 of 11.38 mi (100.00%) (WY NorCanRd only) NEntRd (North Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP (WY)): 0.20 of 0.96 mi (21.06%) (WY NEntRd only) NEntRd (North Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP (MT)): 0.56 of 0.56 mi (100.00%) (MT NEntRd only) NEEntRd (Northeast Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 14.30 of 28.07 mi (50.93%) WY NEEntRd: 14.30 of 25.80 mi (55.41%) SEntRd (South Entrance Road, Yellowstone NP): 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%) (WY SEntRd only) BigOakRd (Big Oak Flat Road, Yosemite NP): 15.91 of 15.91 mi (100.00%) (CA BigOakRd only) ElPorRd (El Portal Road, Yosemite NP): 13.05 of 19.36 mi (67.39%) (CA ElPorRd only) TioPassRd (Tioga Pass Road, Yosemite NP): 43.00 of 43.00 mi (100.00%) (CA TioPassRd only) WawRd (Wawona Road, Yosemite NP): 22.23 of 22.94 mi (96.89%) (CA WawRd only) KolCynRd (Kolob Canyons Road, Zion NP): 4.46 of 4.46 mi (100.00%) (UT KolCynRd only) System usanp connected routes traveled: 46 of 133 (34.6%), clinched: 38 of 133 (28.6%). System usaaz (active) overall: 494.48 of 3369.00 mi (14.68%) System usaaz by route (traveled routes only): AZ51: 15.63 of 15.63 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ51 only) AZ64: 24.05 of 108.06 mi (22.26%) (AZ AZ64 only) AZ67: 41.30 of 41.30 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ67 only) AZ82: 30.31 of 65.74 mi (46.10%) (AZ AZ82 only) AZ83: 25.31 of 51.84 mi (48.83%) (AZ AZ83 only) AZ85: 113.14 of 118.45 mi (95.52%) (AZ AZ85 only) AZ86: 119.59 of 119.59 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ86 only) AZ89A (Sedona): 2.63 of 80.65 mi (3.26%) (AZ AZ89ASed only) AZ98: 67.02 of 67.02 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ98 only) AZ101: 1.33 of 60.60 mi (2.19%) (AZ AZ101 only) AZ179: 13.65 of 13.65 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ179 only) AZ202: 7.40 of 77.99 mi (9.49%) (AZ AZ202 only) AZ389: 33.13 of 33.13 mi (100.00%) (AZ AZ389 only) System usaaz connected routes traveled: 13 of 73 (17.8%), clinched: 6 of 73 (8.2%). System usaca (active) overall: 5093.84 of 10932.65 mi (46.59%) System usaca by route (traveled routes only): CA1: 571.64 of 701.14 mi (81.53%) (CA CA1 only) CA2: 28.92 of 77.17 mi (37.48%) (CA CA2 only) CA3: 55.84 of 141.86 mi (39.37%) (CA CA3 only) CA4: 67.24 of 182.58 mi (36.83%) (CA CA4 only) CA9: 32.26 of 32.26 mi (100.00%) (CA CA9 only) CA12: 92.06 of 139.70 mi (65.90%) (CA CA12 only) CA13: 9.68 of 9.68 mi (100.00%) (CA CA13 only) CA14: 53.84 of 118.74 mi (45.34%) (CA CA14 only) CA15: 6.15 of 6.32 mi (97.36%) (CA CA15 only) CA17: 25.12 of 25.12 mi (100.00%) (CA CA17 only) CA18: 3.01 of 108.29 mi (2.78%) (CA CA18 only) CA20: 14.93 of 217.35 mi (6.87%) (CA CA20 only) CA22: 2.50 of 17.42 mi (14.37%) (CA CA22 only) CA23: 4.89 of 31.51 mi (15.53%) (CA CA23 only) CA24: 13.20 of 13.20 mi (100.00%) (CA CA24 only) CA25: 73.04 of 73.04 mi (100.00%) (CA CA25 only) CA28: 10.36 of 10.36 mi (100.00%) (CA CA28 only) CA29: 94.08 of 102.48 mi (91.81%) (CA CA29 only) CA33: 158.69 of 321.85 mi (49.30%) (CA CA33 only) CA35: 55.76 of 55.76 mi (100.00%) (CA CA35 only) CA36: 68.95 of 232.89 mi (29.61%) (CA CA36 only) CA37: 21.33 of 21.33 mi (100.00%) (CA CA37 only) CA41: 104.59 of 190.42 mi (54.93%) (CA CA41 only) CA43: 1.35 of 99.37 mi (1.36%) (CA CA43 only) CA44: 25.92 of 105.48 mi (24.58%) (CA CA44 only) CA46: 93.89 of 115.47 mi (81.32%) (CA CA46 only) CA47: 3.23 of 4.38 mi (73.79%) (CA CA47 only) CA49: 72.05 of 291.40 mi (24.73%) (CA CA49 only) CA52: 16.95 of 16.95 mi (100.00%) (CA CA52 only) CA54 (South Bay): 7.02 of 7.02 mi (100.00%) (CA CA54 only) CA55: 4.52 of 17.77 mi (25.42%) (CA CA55 only) CA56: 9.62 of 9.62 mi (100.00%) (CA CA56 only) CA57: 21.90 of 25.62 mi (85.48%) (CA CA57 only) CA58: 149.78 of 235.17 mi (63.69%) (CA CA58 only) CA58Bus (Mojave): 8.68 of 8.68 mi (100.00%) (CA CA58BusMoj only) CA59: 1.12 of 34.69 mi (3.22%) (CA CA59 only) CA60: 76.13 of 76.13 mi (100.00%) (CA CA60 only) CA61 (Oakland Airport): 6.01 of 8.86 mi (67.85%) (CA CA61 only) CA61 (Posey/Webster Tubes): 1.37 of 1.37 mi (100.00%) (CA CA61Pos only) CA62: 43.51 of 153.45 mi (28.35%) (CA CA62 only) CA65 (Roseville): 1.07 of 30.40 mi (3.52%) (CA CA65Ros only) CA67: 23.29 of 23.29 mi (100.00%) (CA CA67 only) CA68: 24.23 of 24.23 mi (100.00%) (CA CA68 only) CA70: 39.58 of 175.25 mi (22.59%) (CA CA70 only) CA71: 16.71 of 16.71 mi (100.00%) (CA CA71 only) CA73: 17.40 of 17.40 mi (100.00%) (CA CA73 only) CA74: 59.74 of 102.09 mi (58.51%) (CA CA74 only) CA76: 48.60 of 48.60 mi (100.00%) (CA CA76 only) CA78: 213.39 of 213.39 mi (100.00%) (CA CA78 only) CA79 (Julian): 82.12 of 106.57 mi (77.05%) (CA CA79 only) CA82: 30.35 of 42.32 mi (71.71%) (CA CA82 only) CA84 (Fremont): 45.32 of 56.42 mi (80.33%) (CA CA84 only) CA85: 24.46 of 24.46 mi (100.00%) (CA CA85 only) CA86: 33.68 of 92.79 mi (36.30%) (CA CA86 only) CA87: 9.31 of 9.31 mi (100.00%) (CA CA87 only) CA88: 119.37 of 119.37 mi (100.00%) (CA CA88 only) CA89 (Lake Tahoe): 221.19 of 221.19 mi (100.00%) (CA CA89 only) CA89 (Mt. Shasta): 91.46 of 91.46 mi (100.00%) (CA CA89MtS only) CA91: 13.09 of 59.54 mi (21.99%) (CA CA91 only) CA92: 25.35 of 27.02 mi (93.82%) (CA CA92 only) CA94: 59.34 of 59.34 mi (100.00%) (CA CA94 only) CA96: 27.54 of 135.82 mi (20.28%) (CA CA96 only) CA99: 282.82 of 432.03 mi (65.46%) (CA CA99 only) CA104: 5.36 of 32.72 mi (16.37%) (CA CA104 only) CA108: 105.41 of 121.37 mi (86.85%) (CA CA108 only) CA110: 10.20 of 10.20 mi (100.00%) (CA CA110 only) CA111 (Calexico): 54.79 of 85.78 mi (63.88%) (CA CA111 only) CA111Bus (Palm Springs): 6.05 of 6.05 mi (100.00%) (CA CA111BusPal only) CA113: 7.42 of 66.22 mi (11.21%) (CA CA113 only) CA115: 2.41 of 36.98 mi (6.53%) (CA CA115 only) CA116: 52.89 of 52.89 mi (100.00%) (CA CA116 only) CA118: 46.52 of 46.52 mi (100.00%) (CA CA118 only) CA120 (Manteca): 92.17 of 92.17 mi (100.00%) (CA CA120 only) CA120 (Lee Vining): 60.90 of 60.90 mi (100.00%) (CA CA120Lee only) CA121: 21.97 of 33.35 mi (65.89%) (CA CA121 only) CA123: 1.24 of 7.62 mi (16.23%) (CA CA123 only) CA124: 10.55 of 10.55 mi (100.00%) (CA CA124 only) CA125: 21.19 of 21.44 mi (98.83%) (CA CA125 only) CA126: 5.16 of 40.26 mi (12.82%) (CA CA126 only) CA127: 39.73 of 90.82 mi (43.74%) (CA CA127 only) CA128: 25.29 of 135.17 mi (18.71%) (CA CA128 only) CA129: 13.86 of 13.86 mi (100.00%) (CA CA129 only) CA130: 13.36 of 13.36 mi (100.00%) (CA CA130 only) CA135: 24.92 of 24.92 mi (100.00%) (CA CA135 only) CA136: 17.84 of 17.84 mi (100.00%) (CA CA136 only) CA138: 8.48 of 117.22 mi (7.24%) (CA CA138 only) CA139: 52.74 of 143.26 mi (36.82%) (CA CA139 only) CA140: 1.95 of 101.71 mi (1.92%) (CA CA140 only) CA146 (Soledad): 9.61 of 9.61 mi (100.00%) (CA CA146 only) CA146 (Pinnacles NP): 2.36 of 2.36 mi (100.00%) (CA CA146Pin only) CA152: 85.06 of 103.62 mi (82.08%) (CA CA152 only) CA154: 30.66 of 30.66 mi (100.00%) (CA CA154 only) CA155: 57.13 of 57.13 mi (100.00%) (CA CA155 only) CA156: 26.31 of 32.75 mi (80.36%) (CA CA156 only) CA160 (Rio Vista): 26.83 of 47.60 mi (56.37%) (CA CA160Rio only) CA163: 10.87 of 10.87 mi (100.00%) (CA CA163 only) CA166: 37.36 of 110.85 mi (33.71%) (CA CA166 only) CA168 (Fresno): 6.70 of 63.20 mi (10.60%) (CA CA168 only) CA168 (Bishop): 27.02 of 68.15 mi (39.65%) (CA CA168Bis only) CA170: 6.15 of 6.15 mi (100.00%) (CA CA170 only) CA175: 9.05 of 40.85 mi (22.16%) (CA CA175 only) CA178 (Lake Isabella): 118.06 of 118.06 mi (100.00%) (CA CA178 only) CA178 (Shoshone): 16.46 of 35.87 mi (45.88%) (CA CA178Sho only) CA180 (Fresno): 39.10 of 85.32 mi (45.83%) (CA CA180 only) CA183: 10.00 of 10.00 mi (100.00%) (CA CA183 only) CA190 (Death Valley): 128.36 of 128.36 mi (100.00%) (CA CA190Dea only) CA197: 6.52 of 6.52 mi (100.00%) (CA CA197 only) CA198: 46.45 of 147.45 mi (31.50%) (CA CA198 only) CA203: 7.06 of 8.27 mi (85.36%) (CA CA203 only) CA210: 41.47 of 41.47 mi (100.00%) (CA CA210 only) CA217: 2.34 of 2.34 mi (100.00%) (CA CA217 only) CA218: 2.82 of 2.82 mi (100.00%) (CA CA218 only) CA221: 2.78 of 2.78 mi (100.00%) (CA CA221 only) CA227: 13.42 of 13.42 mi (100.00%) (CA CA227 only) CA236: 13.97 of 13.97 mi (100.00%) (CA CA236 only) CA237: 9.50 of 11.23 mi (84.59%) (CA CA237 only) CA242: 3.50 of 3.50 mi (100.00%) (CA CA242 only) CA243: 23.07 of 23.07 mi (100.00%) (CA CA243 only) CA254: 30.62 of 30.62 mi (100.00%) (CA CA254 only) CA262: 1.14 of 1.14 mi (100.00%) (CA CA262 only) CA267: 11.44 of 11.44 mi (100.00%) (CA CA267 only) CA273: 0.14 of 16.61 mi (0.83%) (CA CA273 only) CA281: 2.95 of 2.95 mi (100.00%) (CA CA281 only) CA282: 0.59 of 0.59 mi (100.00%) (CA CA282 only) CA299: 150.24 of 298.63 mi (50.31%) (CA CA299 only) CA371: 20.05 of 20.05 mi (100.00%) (CA CA371 only) CA905: 7.52 of 8.67 mi (86.69%) (CA CA905 only) System usaca connected routes traveled: 127 of 269 (47.2%), clinched: 61 of 269 (22.7%). System usaco (active) overall: 171.05 of 4587.33 mi (3.73%) System usaco by route (traveled routes only): CO5: 10.91 of 10.91 mi (100.00%) (CO CO5 only) CO41: 9.73 of 9.73 mi (100.00%) (CO CO41 only) CO58: 4.67 of 5.36 mi (87.04%) (CO CO58 only) CO64: 19.34 of 72.28 mi (26.76%) (CO CO64 only) CO72: 19.06 of 48.30 mi (39.46%) (CO CO72 only) CO74: 7.35 of 15.53 mi (47.32%) (CO CO74 only) CO88: 1.06 of 21.69 mi (4.88%) (CO CO88 only) CO93: 7.18 of 19.44 mi (36.94%) (CO CO93 only) CO103: 18.77 of 18.77 mi (100.00%) (CO CO103 only) CO119: 4.58 of 56.64 mi (8.09%) (CO CO119 only) CO139: 69.55 of 69.55 mi (100.00%) (CO CO139 only) CO470: 0.95 of 27.27 mi (3.47%) (CO CO470 only) System usaco connected routes traveled: 12 of 144 (8.3%), clinched: 4 of 144 (2.8%). System usact (active) overall: 203.28 of 2601.96 mi (7.81%) System usact by route (traveled routes only): CT2: 56.80 of 57.45 mi (98.87%) (CT CT2 only) CT2A: 5.88 of 9.64 mi (60.93%) (CT CT2A only) CT9: 28.88 of 39.81 mi (72.55%) (CT CT9 only) CT12: 0.30 of 53.36 mi (0.56%) (CT CT12 only) CT15: 37.71 of 83.46 mi (45.18%) (CT CT15 only) CT17: 0.92 of 36.03 mi (2.55%) (CT CT17 only) CT20: 3.54 of 30.42 mi (11.63%) (CT CT20 only) CT27: 1.76 of 3.16 mi (55.87%) (CT CT27 only) CT32: 8.28 of 53.77 mi (15.41%) (CT CT32 only) CT49: 13.22 of 21.43 mi (61.69%) (CT CT49 only) CT72: 3.58 of 19.73 mi (18.14%) (CT CT72 only) CT78: 0.23 of 0.23 mi (100.00%) (CT CT78 only) CT87: 16.18 of 16.18 mi (100.00%) (CT CT87 only) CT117: 3.22 of 11.09 mi (28.99%) (CT CT117 only) CT138: 10.27 of 17.35 mi (59.20%) (CT CT138 only) CT165: 3.90 of 15.93 mi (24.46%) (CT CT165 only) CT173: 4.03 of 6.02 mi (67.01%) (CT CT173 only) CT174: 2.72 of 3.16 mi (85.95%) (CT CT174 only) CT201: 9.44 of 19.10 mi (49.41%) (CT CT201 only) CT216: 0.26 of 2.78 mi (9.46%) (CT CT216 only) System usact connected routes traveled: 20 of 210 (9.5%), clinched: 2 of 210 (1.0%). System usaga (active) overall: 59.89 of 16592.46 mi (0.36%) System usaga by route (traveled routes only): GA2: 0.27 of 159.97 mi (0.17%) (GA GA2 only) GA15: 39.41 of 347.09 mi (11.35%) (GA GA15 only) GA365: 29.02 of 45.57 mi (63.68%) (GA GA365 only) System usaga connected routes traveled: 3 of 504 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 504 (0.0%). System usahi (active) overall: 514.34 of 890.80 mi (57.74%) System usahi by route (traveled routes only): HI11: 122.24 of 122.24 mi (100.00%) (HI HI11 only) HI30: 32.73 of 37.70 mi (86.83%) (HI HI30 only) HI31: 7.22 of 7.22 mi (100.00%) (HI HI31 only) HI32: 0.64 of 2.89 mi (22.04%) (HI HI32 only) HI36: 15.42 of 15.42 mi (100.00%) (HI HI36 only) HI36A: 0.57 of 0.57 mi (100.00%) (HI HI36A only) HI37: 21.26 of 21.26 mi (100.00%) (HI HI37 only) HI50: 31.84 of 32.18 mi (98.96%) (HI HI50 only) HI51: 3.31 of 3.31 mi (100.00%) (HI HI51 only) HI56: 27.14 of 27.14 mi (100.00%) (HI HI56 only) HI99: 1.67 of 23.44 mi (7.13%) (HI HI99 only) HI160: 3.38 of 3.71 mi (91.05%) (HI HI160 only) HI190: 38.48 of 38.48 mi (100.00%) (HI HI190 only) HI200: 44.86 of 44.86 mi (100.00%) (HI HI200 only) HI220: 3.66 of 3.66 mi (100.00%) (HI HI220 only) HI240: 9.57 of 9.57 mi (100.00%) (HI HI240 only) HI250: 18.79 of 18.79 mi (100.00%) (HI HI250 only) HI270: 26.71 of 26.71 mi (100.00%) (HI HI270 only) HI310: 3.59 of 3.59 mi (100.00%) (HI HI310 only) HI311: 6.56 of 6.56 mi (100.00%) (HI HI311 only) HI340: 3.42 of 3.42 mi (100.00%) (HI HI340 only) HI360: 25.99 of 26.38 mi (98.52%) (HI HI360 only) HI377: 5.39 of 8.48 mi (63.57%) (HI HI377 only) HI378: 8.68 of 8.68 mi (100.00%) (HI HI378 only) HI380: 6.25 of 6.25 mi (100.00%) (HI HI380 only) HI540: 3.80 of 3.80 mi (100.00%) (HI HI540 only) HI541: 0.38 of 0.38 mi (100.00%) (HI HI541 only) HI550: 12.20 of 12.20 mi (100.00%) (HI HI550 only) HI560: 8.72 of 8.72 mi (100.00%) (HI HI560 only) HI570: 1.12 of 1.12 mi (100.00%) (HI HI570 only) HI580: 2.59 of 5.78 mi (44.74%) (HI HI580 only) HI583: 3.59 of 3.59 mi (100.00%) (HI HI583 only) HI2000: 4.35 of 6.90 mi (63.10%) (HI HI2000 only) HI3000: 4.91 of 4.91 mi (100.00%) (HI HI3000 only) HI3400: 2.59 of 2.59 mi (100.00%) (HI HI3400 only) HI3500: 1.15 of 1.15 mi (100.00%) (HI HI3500 only) HI3800: 0.26 of 1.75 mi (14.56%) (HI HI3800 only) System usahi connected routes traveled: 37 of 66 (56.1%), clinched: 27 of 66 (40.9%). System usail (active) overall: 1.61 of 9011.60 mi (0.02%) System usail by route (traveled routes only): IL3: 1.17 of 189.26 mi (0.62%) (IL IL3 only) IL111: 0.44 of 82.88 mi (0.53%) (IL IL111 only) System usail connected routes traveled: 2 of 159 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 159 (0.0%). System usain (active) overall: 15.78 of 7497.72 mi (0.21%) System usain by route (traveled routes only): IN9: 2.77 of 194.64 mi (1.42%) (IN IN9 only) IN37 (Bloomington): 8.75 of 215.23 mi (4.07%) (IN IN37 only) IN67: 13.01 of 219.53 mi (5.92%) (IN IN67 only) System usain connected routes traveled: 3 of 224 (1.3%), clinched: 0 of 224 (0.0%). System usala (active) overall: 80.42 of 13315.99 mi (0.60%) System usala by route (traveled routes only): LA18: 44.54 of 77.86 mi (57.21%) (LA LA18 only) LA39: 6.72 of 53.93 mi (12.47%) (LA LA39 only) LA46: 1.92 of 29.43 mi (6.51%) (LA LA46 only) LA47: 8.50 of 16.01 mi (53.08%) (LA LA47 only) LA182: 1.38 of 173.45 mi (0.80%) (LA LA182 only) LA541: 3.34 of 9.51 mi (35.10%) (LA LA541 only) LA560-2: 0.17 of 0.17 mi (100.00%) (LA LA560-2 only) LA611-1: 1.39 of 2.46 mi (56.34%) (LA LA611-1 only) LA641: 3.74 of 6.70 mi (55.82%) (LA LA641 only) LA3127: 1.58 of 42.60 mi (3.70%) (LA LA3127 only) LA3134: 5.48 of 7.26 mi (75.49%) (LA LA3134 only) LA3213: 2.14 of 6.56 mi (32.66%) (LA LA3213 only) System usala connected routes traveled: 12 of 1221 (1.0%), clinched: 1 of 1221 (0.1%). System usamd (active) overall: 12.40 of 3924.11 mi (0.32%) System usamd by route (traveled routes only): MD201: 0.63 of 9.20 mi (6.81%) (MD MD201 only) MD295: 11.77 of 13.70 mi (85.92%) (MD MD295 only) System usamd connected routes traveled: 2 of 471 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 471 (0.0%). System usama (active) overall: 259.80 of 3315.45 mi (7.84%) System usama by route (traveled routes only): MA1A (Salem): 4.52 of 45.81 mi (9.88%) (MA MA1ASal only) MA2: 47.34 of 139.03 mi (34.05%) (MA MA2 only) MA2A (Cambridge): 7.67 of 79.64 mi (9.64%) (MA MA2ACam only) MA3: 11.29 of 55.83 mi (20.22%) (MA MA3 only) MA9: 16.05 of 132.72 mi (12.09%) (MA MA9 only) MA12: 11.25 of 63.57 mi (17.70%) (MA MA12 only) MA16: 0.13 of 58.58 mi (0.22%) (MA MA16 only) MA24: 41.32 of 41.32 mi (100.00%) (MA MA24 only) MA25: 9.60 of 9.60 mi (100.00%) (MA MA25 only) MA31: 3.00 of 57.17 mi (5.25%) (MA MA31 only) MA60: 3.50 of 13.85 mi (25.26%) (MA MA60 only) MA68: 0.67 of 35.27 mi (1.89%) (MA MA68 only) MA79: 7.38 of 18.36 mi (40.20%) (MA MA79 only) MA101: 6.29 of 21.81 mi (28.84%) (MA MA101 only) MA111: 2.48 of 27.14 mi (9.14%) (MA MA111 only) MA116: 13.30 of 67.42 mi (19.73%) (MA MA116 only) MA122A (Worcester): 2.60 of 26.10 mi (9.98%) (MA MA122AWor only) MA127: 11.14 of 25.30 mi (44.01%) (MA MA127 only) MA128: 49.84 of 57.67 mi (86.42%) (MA MA128 only) MA129: 1.92 of 33.20 mi (5.79%) (MA MA129 only) MA132: 3.03 of 3.74 mi (81.06%) (MA MA132 only) MA136: 1.36 of 1.74 mi (78.08%) (MA MA136 only) MA138: 1.67 of 44.00 mi (3.80%) (MA MA138 only) MA140: 3.86 of 105.21 mi (3.66%) (MA MA140 only) MA146: 20.54 of 20.54 mi (100.00%) (MA MA146 only) System usama connected routes traveled: 25 of 151 (16.6%), clinched: 3 of 151 (2.0%). System usamt (active) overall: 10.11 of 2995.82 mi (0.34%) System usamt by region: ID: 0.00 of 0.89 mi (0.00%) MT: 10.11 of 2994.93 mi (0.34%) System usamt by route (traveled routes only): MT49: 10.11 of 10.11 mi (100.00%) (MT MT49 only) System usamt connected routes traveled: 1 of 55 (1.8%), clinched: 1 of 55 (1.8%). System usamts (active) overall: 7.64 of 4290.71 mi (0.18%) System usamts by route (traveled routes only): SR412: 2.55 of 3.03 mi (84.08%) (MT SR412 only) SR453: 5.09 of 5.09 mi (100.00%) (MT SR453 only) System usamts connected routes traveled: 2 of 205 (1.0%), clinched: 1 of 205 (0.5%). System usanv (active) overall: 250.77 of 2567.29 mi (9.77%) System usanv by route (traveled routes only): NV28: 15.70 of 15.70 mi (100.00%) (NV NV28 only) NV88: 8.04 of 8.04 mi (100.00%) (NV NV88 only) NV146: 6.51 of 6.67 mi (97.47%) (NV NV146 only) NV159 (Red Rock): 7.40 of 15.76 mi (46.96%) (NV NV159 only) NV172: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (NV NV172 only) NV173: 1.16 of 1.16 mi (100.00%) (NV NV173 only) NV206: 15.30 of 15.30 mi (100.00%) (NV NV206 only) NV267: 21.81 of 21.81 mi (100.00%) (NV NV267 only) NV319: 21.01 of 21.01 mi (100.00%) (NV NV319 only) NV374: 9.04 of 9.04 mi (100.00%) (NV NV374 only) NV375: 99.69 of 99.69 mi (100.00%) (NV NV375 only) NV431: 21.85 of 22.62 mi (96.58%) (NV NV431 only) NV593: 3.15 of 4.91 mi (64.14%) (NV NV593 only) NV604: 9.43 of 12.11 mi (77.84%) (NV NV604 only) NV613: 5.94 of 5.94 mi (100.00%) (NV NV613 only) NV756: 3.73 of 3.73 mi (100.00%) (NV NV756 only) System usanv connected routes traveled: 16 of 158 (10.1%), clinched: 11 of 158 (7.0%). System usanj (active) overall: 128.14 of 1323.33 mi (9.68%) System usanj by route (traveled routes only): NJ3: 4.48 of 10.98 mi (40.83%) (NJ NJ3 only) NJ7: 1.50 of 9.57 mi (15.63%) (NJ NJ7 only) NJ17: 23.45 of 27.47 mi (85.35%) (NJ NJ17 only) NJ18: 0.57 of 42.38 mi (1.35%) (NJ NJ18 only) NJ24: 9.71 of 9.71 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ24 only) NJ27: 4.64 of 38.83 mi (11.95%) (NJ NJ27 only) NJ29: 18.87 of 34.56 mi (54.60%) (NJ NJ29 only) NJ33: 26.83 of 42.48 mi (63.17%) (NJ NJ33 only) NJ34: 1.02 of 27.17 mi (3.77%) (NJ NJ34 only) NJ35: 7.68 of 58.72 mi (13.07%) (NJ NJ35 only) NJ37: 3.81 of 13.49 mi (28.22%) (NJ NJ37 only) NJ42: 7.92 of 14.47 mi (54.72%) (NJ NJ42 only) NJ66: 1.22 of 3.76 mi (32.49%) (NJ NJ66 only) NJ70: 1.58 of 60.22 mi (2.62%) (NJ NJ70 only) NJ71: 0.33 of 16.94 mi (1.93%) (NJ NJ71 only) NJ73: 3.81 of 34.97 mi (10.89%) (NJ NJ73 only) NJ81: 1.29 of 1.29 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ81 only) NJ90: 3.23 of 3.23 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ90 only) NJ139: 2.60 of 2.60 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ139 only) NJ173: 1.11 of 13.87 mi (8.02%) (NJ NJ173 only) NJ179: 0.38 of 7.37 mi (5.14%) (NJ NJ179 only) NJ495: 3.52 of 3.52 mi (100.00%) (NJ NJ495 only) System usanj connected routes traveled: 22 of 99 (22.2%), clinched: 5 of 99 (5.1%). System usanm (active) overall: 31.89 of 7134.52 mi (0.45%) System usanm by region: NM: 31.89 of 7134.26 mi (0.45%) TX: 0.00 of 0.25 mi (0.00%) System usanm by route (traveled routes only): NM7: 6.18 of 6.18 mi (100.00%) (NM NM7 only) NM313: 8.33 of 17.10 mi (48.75%) (NM NM313 only) NM475: 13.79 of 13.79 mi (100.00%) (NM NM475 only) NM528: 3.13 of 13.29 mi (23.57%) (NM NM528 only) NM597: 0.45 of 0.45 mi (100.00%) (NM NM597 only) System usanm connected routes traveled: 5 of 396 (1.3%), clinched: 3 of 396 (0.8%). System usany (active) overall: 839.34 of 12566.13 mi (6.68%) System usany by region: CT: 0.00 of 2.88 mi (0.00%) NY: 838.25 of 12562.16 mi (6.67%) PA: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) System usany by route (traveled routes only): NY5: 13.06 of 372.76 mi (3.50%) (NY NY5 only) NY7: 12.86 of 178.45 mi (7.21%) (NY NY7 only) NY9A: 14.25 of 46.41 mi (30.71%) (NY NY9A only) NY10: 9.32 of 148.84 mi (6.26%) (NY NY10 only) NY13: 52.44 of 151.65 mi (34.58%) (NY NY13 only) NY13A: 2.06 of 2.06 mi (100.00%) (NY NY13A only) NY14: 6.18 of 95.43 mi (6.48%) (NY NY14 only) NY17: 388.28 of 395.27 mi (98.23%) NY NY17: 205.55 of 205.55 mi (100.00%) PA NY17SWa: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) NY NY17Bin: 181.64 of 188.64 mi (96.29%) NY17A: 23.80 of 23.80 mi (100.00%) (NY NY17A only) NY17C: 0.11 of 40.04 mi (0.28%) (NY NY17C only) NY17M: 0.41 of 25.28 mi (1.64%) (NY NY17M only) NY18F: 7.39 of 9.67 mi (76.40%) (NY NY18F only) NY26: 0.79 of 203.13 mi (0.39%) (NY NY26 only) NY28: 29.49 of 275.83 mi (10.69%) (NY NY28 only) NY30: 2.82 of 291.07 mi (0.97%) (NY NY30 only) NY31: 4.80 of 207.89 mi (2.31%) (NY NY31 only) NY34: 5.71 of 100.05 mi (5.71%) (NY NY34 only) NY38: 0.53 of 95.59 mi (0.56%) (NY NY38 only) NY41: 9.82 of 94.63 mi (10.37%) (NY NY41 only) NY52: 7.37 of 104.71 mi (7.03%) (NY NY52 only) NY79: 52.62 of 92.28 mi (57.02%) (NY NY79 only) NY89: 41.34 of 61.73 mi (66.97%) (NY NY89 only) NY94: 6.46 of 32.12 mi (20.12%) (NY NY94 only) NY96: 65.29 of 126.05 mi (51.79%) (NY NY96 only) NY96A: 17.41 of 27.24 mi (63.90%) (NY NY96A only) NY96B: 19.72 of 19.72 mi (100.00%) (NY NY96B only) NY104: 6.55 of 183.16 mi (3.58%) (NY NY104 only) NY206: 41.26 of 73.53 mi (56.12%) (NY NY206 only) NY228: 0.11 of 12.56 mi (0.87%) (NY NY228 only) NY281: 3.92 of 16.82 mi (23.29%) (NY NY281 only) NY318: 4.18 of 10.99 mi (38.06%) (NY NY318 only) NY324: 4.13 of 21.91 mi (18.82%) (NY NY324 only) NY366: 5.86 of 9.30 mi (62.96%) (NY NY366 only) NY384: 0.98 of 21.96 mi (4.46%) (NY NY384 only) NY414: 4.93 of 84.05 mi (5.86%) (NY NY414 only) NY434: 6.10 of 21.00 mi (29.04%) (NY NY434 only) NY440: 1.33 of 12.52 mi (10.63%) (NY NY440 only) NY495: 1.09 of 1.09 mi (100.00%) (NY NY495 only) System usany connected routes traveled: 38 of 484 (7.9%), clinched: 4 of 484 (0.8%). System usaoh (active) overall: 13.34 of 14627.71 mi (0.09%) System usaoh by region: OH: 13.34 of 14627.41 mi (0.09%) WV: 0.00 of 0.30 mi (0.00%) System usaoh by route (traveled routes only): OH4: 6.34 of 209.44 mi (3.03%) (OH OH4 only) OH14: 1.49 of 82.42 mi (1.81%) (OH OH14 only) OH49: 2.22 of 155.92 mi (1.42%) (OH OH49 only) OH562: 3.29 of 3.29 mi (100.00%) (OH OH562 only) System usaoh connected routes traveled: 4 of 555 (0.7%), clinched: 1 of 555 (0.2%). System usaor (active) overall: 285.69 of 4539.29 mi (6.29%) System usaor by route (traveled routes only): OR35: 0.66 of 38.82 mi (1.69%) (OR OR35 only) OR39: 23.47 of 26.19 mi (89.59%) (OR OR39 only) OR39 (Klamath Falls): 2.78 of 3.30 mi (84.39%) (OR OR39Kla only) OR47: 4.02 of 77.97 mi (5.16%) (OR OR47 only) OR62: 100.27 of 100.70 mi (99.57%) (OR OR62 only) OR62Bus (Medford): 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) (OR OR62BusMed only) OR99: 75.00 of 211.64 mi (35.44%) (OR OR99 only) OR99E: 24.85 of 110.55 mi (22.48%) (OR OR99E only) OR104: 5.84 of 5.84 mi (100.00%) (OR OR104 only) OR138: 15.49 of 135.91 mi (11.40%) (OR OR138 only) OR140: 1.82 of 243.70 mi (0.75%) (OR OR140 only) OR230: 23.56 of 23.56 mi (100.00%) (OR OR230 only) OR250: 5.35 of 5.35 mi (100.00%) (OR OR250 only) System usaor connected routes traveled: 13 of 137 (9.5%), clinched: 4 of 137 (2.9%). System usapa (active) overall: 60.30 of 12617.31 mi (0.48%) System usapa by region: NY: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) PA: 60.30 of 12617.12 mi (0.48%) System usapa by route (traveled routes only): PA32: 4.71 of 40.33 mi (11.68%) (PA PA32 only) PA33: 27.63 of 27.78 mi (99.43%) (PA PA33 only) PA179: 0.15 of 1.26 mi (12.14%) (PA PA179 only) PA291: 4.03 of 14.08 mi (28.62%) (PA PA291 only) PA291AltTrk (Philadelphia): 4.70 of 5.00 mi (94.07%) (PA PA291AltTrkPhi only) PA315: 0.51 of 8.17 mi (6.24%) (PA PA315 only) PA420AltTrk (Prospect Park): 1.19 of 4.28 mi (27.90%) (PA PA420AltTrkPro only) PA423Trk (Pocono Pines): 5.19 of 9.20 mi (56.38%) (PA PA423TrkPoc only) PA452: 5.61 of 7.04 mi (79.64%) (PA PA452 only) PA532AltTrk (Washington Crossing): 2.16 of 4.69 mi (46.20%) (PA PA532AltTrkWas only) PA715Trk ((North) Tannersville): 0.44 of 1.90 mi (23.28%) (PA PA715TrkNTa only) PA715Trk ((South) Tannersville): 3.97 of 8.05 mi (49.36%) (PA PA715TrkSTa only) System usapa connected routes traveled: 12 of 523 (2.3%), clinched: 0 of 523 (0.0%). System usari (active) overall: 364.34 of 662.22 mi (55.02%) System usari by route (traveled routes only): RI1A (Westerly): 8.38 of 8.38 mi (100.00%) (RI RI1AWes only) RI1A (Charlestown): 7.01 of 7.01 mi (100.00%) (RI RI1ACha only) RI1A (Narragansett): 14.97 of 14.97 mi (100.00%) (RI RI1A only) RI1A (Providence): 4.15 of 14.59 mi (28.47%) (RI RI1APro only) RI2: 29.71 of 33.43 mi (88.87%) (RI RI2 only) RI3: 11.46 of 30.60 mi (37.46%) (RI RI3 only) RI4: 9.63 of 9.63 mi (100.00%) (RI RI4 only) RI5: 1.97 of 25.33 mi (7.80%) (RI RI5 only) RI10: 4.81 of 4.81 mi (100.00%) (RI RI10 only) RI12: 0.78 of 16.57 mi (4.71%) (RI RI12 only) RI14: 5.01 of 22.39 mi (22.36%) (RI RI14 only) RI24: 7.52 of 7.52 mi (100.00%) (RI RI24 only) RI33: 0.70 of 6.47 mi (10.83%) (RI RI33 only) RI37: 3.17 of 3.17 mi (100.00%) (RI RI37 only) RI77: 13.75 of 13.75 mi (100.00%) (RI RI77 only) RI78: 4.20 of 4.20 mi (100.00%) (RI RI78 only) RI91: 11.77 of 11.77 mi (100.00%) (RI RI91 only) RI94: 12.49 of 12.49 mi (100.00%) (RI RI94 only) RI99: 2.71 of 2.71 mi (100.00%) (RI RI99 only) RI101: 7.85 of 9.77 mi (80.33%) (RI RI101 only) RI102: 44.27 of 44.27 mi (100.00%) (RI RI102 only) RI103: 3.86 of 11.68 mi (33.01%) (RI RI103 only) RI104: 2.50 of 12.53 mi (19.97%) (RI RI104 only) RI108: 8.24 of 8.24 mi (100.00%) (RI RI108 only) RI110: 6.07 of 6.07 mi (100.00%) (RI RI110 only) RI112: 8.28 of 8.28 mi (100.00%) (RI RI112 only) RI113: 0.61 of 3.47 mi (17.51%) (RI RI113 only) RI114: 23.35 of 45.81 mi (50.97%) (RI RI114 only) RI116: 21.08 of 24.62 mi (85.62%) (RI RI116 only) RI117: 1.35 of 27.47 mi (4.92%) (RI RI117 only) RI122: 2.34 of 14.12 mi (16.58%) (RI RI122 only) RI126: 0.80 of 14.22 mi (5.63%) (RI RI126 only) RI136: 7.58 of 7.58 mi (100.00%) (RI RI136 only) RI138: 45.07 of 47.56 mi (94.75%) (RI RI138 only) RI138A: 5.24 of 5.24 mi (100.00%) (RI RI138A only) RI146: 16.29 of 16.29 mi (100.00%) (RI RI146 only) RI146A: 1.29 of 5.79 mi (22.21%) (RI RI146A only) RI165: 7.20 of 7.20 mi (100.00%) (RI RI165 only) RI214: 2.19 of 2.19 mi (100.00%) (RI RI214 only) RI216: 8.02 of 8.02 mi (100.00%) (RI RI216 only) RI238: 1.16 of 1.16 mi (100.00%) (RI RI238 only) RI401: 2.52 of 2.52 mi (100.00%) (RI RI401 only) RI402: 1.39 of 1.39 mi (100.00%) (RI RI402 only) RI403: 2.82 of 3.86 mi (72.95%) (RI RI403 only) System usari connected routes traveled: 44 of 66 (66.7%), clinched: 25 of 66 (37.9%). System usatn (active) overall: 1.68 of 9148.26 mi (0.02%) System usatn by region: GA: 0.00 of 0.01 mi (0.00%) TN: 1.68 of 9148.25 mi (0.02%) System usatn by route (traveled routes only): TN32: 1.68 of 22.27 mi (7.53%) (TN TN32 only) System usatn connected routes traveled: 1 of 432 (0.2%), clinched: 0 of 432 (0.0%). System usatx (active) overall: 248.93 of 15303.09 mi (1.63%) System usatx by route (traveled routes only): TX6: 1.75 of 557.75 mi (0.31%) (TX TX6 only) TX21: 6.65 of 313.53 mi (2.12%) (TX TX21 only) TX36: 2.45 of 398.00 mi (0.62%) (TX TX36 only) TX70: 0.80 of 333.56 mi (0.24%) (TX TX70 only) TX71: 88.98 of 274.70 mi (32.39%) (TX TX71 only) TX79: 1.85 of 101.45 mi (1.82%) (TX TX79 only) TX86: 151.97 of 151.97 mi (100.00%) (TX TX86 only) TX95: 12.15 of 135.84 mi (8.94%) (TX TX95 only) TX207: 4.13 of 256.29 mi (1.61%) (TX TX207 only) System usatx connected routes traveled: 9 of 320 (2.8%), clinched: 1 of 320 (0.3%). System usaut (active) overall: 501.45 of 3719.81 mi (13.48%) System usaut by route (traveled routes only): UT9: 55.70 of 55.70 mi (100.00%) (UT UT9 only) UT12: 123.39 of 123.39 mi (100.00%) (UT UT12 only) UT14: 39.92 of 39.92 mi (100.00%) (UT UT14 only) UT17: 5.55 of 5.55 mi (100.00%) (UT UT17 only) UT20: 19.62 of 19.62 mi (100.00%) (UT UT20 only) UT24: 84.96 of 162.41 mi (52.32%) (UT UT24 only) UT56: 62.40 of 62.40 mi (100.00%) (UT UT56 only) UT59: 22.38 of 22.38 mi (100.00%) (UT UT59 only) UT63: 2.68 of 2.68 mi (100.00%) (UT UT63 only) UT130: 2.36 of 42.35 mi (5.58%) (UT UT130 only) UT143: 6.20 of 48.00 mi (12.93%) (UT UT143 only) UT148: 7.50 of 7.50 mi (100.00%) (UT UT148 only) UT149: 4.25 of 4.25 mi (100.00%) (UT UT149 only) UT162: 31.58 of 31.58 mi (100.00%) (UT UT162 only) UT211: 18.72 of 18.72 mi (100.00%) (UT UT211 only) UT313: 14.22 of 21.92 mi (64.87%) (UT UT313 only) System usaut connected routes traveled: 16 of 221 (7.2%), clinched: 12 of 221 (5.4%). System usava (active) overall: 102.05 of 4883.30 mi (2.09%) System usava by route (traveled routes only): VA7: 33.54 of 72.89 mi (46.01%) (VA VA7 only) VA7Bus (Berryville): 1.36 of 3.07 mi (44.20%) (VA VA7BusBer only) VA28: 15.12 of 45.07 mi (33.54%) (VA VA28 only) VA55: 6.13 of 64.00 mi (9.59%) (VA VA55 only) VA100: 8.61 of 51.35 mi (16.77%) (VA VA100 only) VA230: 11.22 of 20.41 mi (54.98%) (VA VA230 only) VA231: 23.20 of 49.25 mi (47.11%) (VA VA231 only) VA234: 2.88 of 34.70 mi (8.29%) (VA VA234 only) System usava connected routes traveled: 8 of 376 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 376 (0.0%). System usawa (active) overall: 214.67 of 4660.89 mi (4.61%) System usawa by route (traveled routes only): WA3: 25.26 of 59.58 mi (42.40%) (WA WA3 only) WA14: 1.55 of 179.95 mi (0.86%) (WA WA14 only) WA16: 27.12 of 27.12 mi (100.00%) (WA WA16 only) WA19: 14.06 of 14.06 mi (100.00%) (WA WA19 only) WA20 (Port Townsend): 12.31 of 12.31 mi (100.00%) (WA WA20Por only) WA20: 41.77 of 416.09 mi (10.04%) (WA WA20 only) WA100: 4.05 of 4.05 mi (100.00%) (WA WA100 only) WA100Spr (Fort Canby): 0.44 of 0.44 mi (100.00%) (WA WA100SprFor only) WA104: 15.44 of 24.44 mi (63.16%) (WA WA104 only) WA109: 1.86 of 39.42 mi (4.71%) (WA WA109 only) WA109Spr (Hoquiam): 1.81 of 1.81 mi (100.00%) (WA WA109SprHoq only) WA141: 8.02 of 28.81 mi (27.84%) (WA WA141 only) WA141Alt (Underwood): 2.03 of 2.03 mi (100.00%) (WA WA141AltUnd only) WA432: 4.25 of 10.32 mi (41.16%) (WA WA432 only) WA433: 1.01 of 1.01 mi (100.00%) (WA WA433 only) WA504: 48.49 of 48.49 mi (100.00%) (WA WA504 only) WA504Spr (Kid Valley): 0.76 of 0.76 mi (100.00%) (WA WA504SprKid only) WA518: 1.49 of 3.35 mi (44.52%) (WA WA518 only) WA529: 2.96 of 7.86 mi (37.66%) (WA WA529 only) System usawa connected routes traveled: 19 of 198 (9.6%), clinched: 10 of 198 (5.1%). System usawy (active) overall: 3.96 of 3568.30 mi (0.11%) System usawy by region: CO: 0.00 of 1.01 mi (0.00%) WY: 3.96 of 3567.29 mi (0.11%) System usawy by route (traveled routes only): WY22: 3.96 of 16.45 mi (24.10%) (WY WY22 only) System usawy connected routes traveled: 1 of 172 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 172 (0.0%). System argrn (preview) overall: 234.58 of 24301.96 mi (0.97%) System argrn by route (traveled routes only): RN40 (San Juan): 234.58 of 2871.51 mi (8.17%) (ARG RN40 only) System argrn connected routes traveled: 1 of 122 (0.8%), clinched: 0 of 122 (0.0%). System canabs (preview) overall: 2.99 of 9358.71 mi (0.03%) System canabs by route (traveled routes only): AB505: 2.12 of 44.71 mi (4.74%) (AB AB505 only) AB533: 0.87 of 36.20 mi (2.40%) (AB AB533 only) System canabs connected routes traveled: 2 of 322 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 322 (0.0%). System chlrn (preview) overall: 86.32 of 6868.20 mi (1.26%) System chlrn by route (traveled routes only): R9: 15.41 of 280.72 mi (5.49%) (CHL R9 only) R60CH (Valparaíso): 0.94 of 52.08 mi (1.80%) (CHL R60CHVal only) R68: 62.36 of 68.40 mi (91.18%) (CHL R68 only) R250CH: 8.54 of 8.54 mi (100.00%) (CHL R250CH only) System chlrn connected routes traveled: 4 of 81 (4.9%), clinched: 1 of 81 (1.2%). System chlsf (preview) overall: 12.14 of 100.60 mi (12.07%) System chlsf by route (traveled routes only): AccVialAMB (Acceso Vial AMB): 0.55 of 1.24 mi (44.45%) (CHL AccVialAMB only) CosNor (Costanera Norte): 11.59 of 21.79 mi (53.19%) (CHL CosNor only) System chlsf connected routes traveled: 2 of 11 (18.2%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%). System eurtr (preview) overall: 64.33 of 5769.58 mi (1.12%) System eurtr by region: AUT: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%) DEU-BW: 0.00 of 215.11 mi (0.00%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 486.09 mi (0.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 322.48 mi (0.00%) FIN: 0.00 of 2446.10 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 207.88 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 94.04 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 318.34 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 37.08 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 880.65 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 15.60 mi (0.00%) NOR: 4.38 of 97.51 mi (4.49%) POL: 0.00 of 108.72 mi (0.00%) SCT: 59.96 of 203.70 mi (29.43%) SWE: 0.00 of 226.37 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 108.95 mi (0.00%) System eurtr by route (traveled routes only): NLR (Northern Lights Route (Main)): 4.38 of 397.58 mi (1.10%) NOR NLR: 4.38 of 97.51 mi (4.49%) SnowRoaSR (Snow Roads Scenic Route): 59.96 of 79.94 mi (75.01%) (SCT SnowRoaSR only) System eurtr connected routes traveled: 2 of 94 (2.1%), clinched: 0 of 94 (0.0%). System gbrtrl (preview) overall: 45.24 of 1324.14 mi (3.42%) System gbrtrl by region: ENG: 0.00 of 115.29 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 85.94 mi (0.00%) SCT: 45.24 of 1122.92 mi (4.03%) System gbrtrl by route (traveled routes only): CasTrl (Castle Trail): 2.39 of 121.90 mi (1.96%) (SCT CasTrl only) LochNessTrl (Loch Ness Trail): 32.84 of 64.49 mi (50.91%) (SCT LochNessTrl only) MaltWhiTrl (Malt Whisky Trail): 1.73 of 105.93 mi (1.63%) (SCT MaltWhiTrl only) PicTrl (Pictish Trail): 0.22 of 98.99 mi (0.22%) (SCT PicTrl only) VicHT (Victorian Heritage Trail): 8.29 of 88.28 mi (9.39%) (SCT VicHT only) System gbrtrl connected routes traveled: 5 of 48 (10.4%), clinched: 0 of 48 (0.0%). System gbrrr (preview) overall: 0.69 of 482.57 mi (0.14%) System gbrrr by region: ENG: 0.69 of 448.58 mi (0.15%) JEY: 0.00 of 2.89 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 25.75 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 5.36 mi (0.00%) System gbrrr by route (traveled routes only): OxfRR (Oxford Ring Road): 0.69 of 15.40 mi (4.46%) (ENG OxfRR only) System gbrrr connected routes traveled: 1 of 59 (1.7%), clinched: 0 of 59 (0.0%). System mexf (preview) overall: 10.55 of 26639.72 mi (0.04%) System mexf by region: MEX-AGS: 0.00 of 245.45 mi (0.00%) MEX-BC: 10.55 of 1109.96 mi (0.95%) MEX-BCS: 0.00 of 732.57 mi (0.00%) MEX-CAM: 0.00 of 793.08 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIH: 0.00 of 1555.19 mi (0.00%) MEX-CHIS: 0.00 of 1292.40 mi (0.00%) MEX-COAH: 0.00 of 1051.51 mi (0.00%) MEX-COL: 0.00 of 211.33 mi (0.00%) MEX-DF: 0.00 of 37.73 mi (0.00%) MEX-DGO: 0.00 of 1249.73 mi (0.00%) MEX-EMEX: 0.00 of 543.24 mi (0.00%) MEX-GRO: 0.00 of 1084.59 mi (0.00%) MEX-GTO: 0.00 of 722.90 mi (0.00%) MEX-HGO: 0.00 of 487.50 mi (0.00%) MEX-JAL: 0.00 of 1264.26 mi (0.00%) MEX-MICH: 0.00 of 1309.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-MOR: 0.00 of 191.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-NAY: 0.00 of 464.10 mi (0.00%) MEX-NL: 0.00 of 839.97 mi (0.00%) MEX-OAX: 0.00 of 1600.23 mi (0.00%) MEX-PUE: 0.00 of 657.87 mi (0.00%) MEX-QRO: 0.00 of 317.71 mi (0.00%) MEX-QROO: 0.00 of 538.36 mi (0.00%) MEX-SIN: 0.00 of 533.55 mi (0.00%) MEX-SLP: 0.00 of 1013.92 mi (0.00%) MEX-SON: 0.00 of 1346.41 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAB: 0.00 of 401.19 mi (0.00%) MEX-TAM: 0.00 of 1458.37 mi (0.00%) MEX-TLAX: 0.00 of 306.89 mi (0.00%) MEX-VER: 0.00 of 1559.01 mi (0.00%) MEX-YUC: 0.00 of 828.59 mi (0.00%) MEX-ZAC: 0.00 of 891.28 mi (0.00%) System mexf by route (traveled routes only): MEX1: 10.55 of 1026.80 mi (1.03%) MEX-BC MEX1: 10.55 of 427.84 mi (2.47%) MEX3: 5.73 of 185.74 mi (3.08%) (MEX-BC MEX3 only) System mexf connected routes traveled: 2 of 441 (0.5%), clinched: 0 of 441 (0.0%). System mexsf (preview) overall: 0.50 of 498.54 mi (0.10%) System mexsf by region: MEX-BC: 0.50 of 56.73 mi (0.87%) MEX-CHIH: 0.00 of 39.71 mi (0.00%) MEX-COAH: 0.00 of 14.87 mi (0.00%) MEX-COL: 0.00 of 3.09 mi (0.00%) MEX-DF: 0.00 of 133.53 mi (0.00%) MEX-EMEX: 0.00 of 105.36 mi (0.00%) MEX-GRO: 0.00 of 2.69 mi (0.00%) MEX-GTO: 0.00 of 4.38 mi (0.00%) MEX-HGO: 0.00 of 3.08 mi (0.00%) MEX-JAL: 0.00 of 59.91 mi (0.00%) MEX-NAY: 0.00 of 19.22 mi (0.00%) MEX-PUE: 0.00 of 24.81 mi (0.00%) MEX-YUC: 0.00 of 31.16 mi (0.00%) System mexsf by route (traveled routes only): CarrEsc (Carretera Escénica): 0.50 of 2.83 mi (17.55%) (MEX-BC CarrEsc only) System mexsf connected routes traveled: 1 of 66 (1.5%), clinched: 0 of 66 (0.0%). System nzlrr (preview) overall: 5.68 of 445.07 mi (1.28%) System nzlrr by route (traveled routes only): RR4 (Auckland): 3.48 of 3.86 mi (90.10%) (NZL RR4Auc only) RR9 (Auckland): 2.20 of 8.19 mi (26.87%) (NZL RR9Auc only) System nzlrr connected routes traveled: 2 of 41 (4.9%), clinched: 0 of 41 (0.0%). System usaal (preview) overall: 15.18 of 6972.01 mi (0.22%) System usaal by route (traveled routes only): AL185: 15.18 of 22.79 mi (66.59%) (AL AL185 only) System usaal connected routes traveled: 1 of 225 (0.4%), clinched: 0 of 225 (0.0%). System usanyp (preview) overall: 3.96 of 96.18 mi (4.11%) System usanyp by route (traveled routes only): MosPkwy (Mosholu Parkway): 0.82 of 2.45 mi (33.38%) (NY MosPkwy only) NiaScePkwy (Niagara Scenic Parkway (Niagara Falls)): 3.14 of 3.62 mi (86.67%) (NY NiaScePkwyNia only) System usanyp connected routes traveled: 2 of 21 (9.5%), clinched: 0 of 21 (0.0%). System usaush (preview) overall: 86.67 of 3344.57 mi (2.59%) System usaush by region: AZ: 0.00 of 398.24 mi (0.00%) CA: 77.69 of 914.08 mi (8.50%) GA: 0.00 of 20.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 143.72 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 384.02 mi (0.00%) KS: 0.00 of 12.90 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 7.20 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 422.81 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 21.25 mi (0.00%) NM: 8.98 of 366.50 mi (2.45%) OH: 0.00 of 33.61 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 410.00 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 46.73 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 52.03 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 110.78 mi (0.00%) System usaush by route (traveled routes only): US66His (Hollywood, CA): 6.63 of 21.21 mi (31.28%) (CA US66HisHol only) US66His (Barstow, CA): 12.22 of 190.97 mi (6.40%) (CA US66HisBar only) US66His (Needles, CA): 4.06 of 10.96 mi (37.10%) (CA US66HisNee only) US66His ((PRE-1937) Albuquerque, NM): 8.98 of 73.81 mi (12.16%) (NM US66HisAbq only) US80His (Jacumba, CA): 3.16 of 40.83 mi (7.73%) (CA US80HisJac only) US99His (Indio, CA): 39.73 of 133.17 mi (29.83%) (CA US99HisInd only) US101His (Paso Robles, CA): 1.97 of 2.98 mi (65.90%) (CA US101HisPas only) US395His (Temecula, CA): 9.92 of 61.77 mi (16.06%) (CA US395HisTem only) System usaush connected routes traveled: 8 of 118 (6.8%), clinched: 0 of 118 (0.0%). Traveled 54 of 359 (15.0%), Clinched 0 of 359 (0.0%) active systems Traveled 13 of 185 (7.0%), Clinched 0 of 185 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2015-07-25 | (UK) England | E5 | eng.e5 | Route extended at south end from junction with A35 west to the Isle of Wight Ferry 2015-08-03 | (USA) Arizona | I-11 Future (Hoover Dam) | az.i011futhoo | New Route 2015-08-03 | (USA) Arizona | I-11 Future (Kingman) | az.i011futkin | New Route 2015-08-03 | (USA) Indiana | Future I-69 Indianapolis | in.i069futind | Route added 2015-08-03 | (USA) Indiana | US 35 | in.us035 | Relocated from Monticello Road and onto Hoosier Heartland Highway between MonRd_W and MonRd_E 2015-08-20 | Greece | A62 | grc.a062 | Route extended at north end from Aerolimenas Eleftherios Venizelos to Exhibition Centre 2015-08-20 | Greece | A64 | grc.a064 | Route extended at east end from exit Y8 to exit Y9 2015-08-20 | Greece | E94 | grc.e94 | Route truncated at west end from A8 exit 16 to A8 exit 15 2015-08-20 | (USA) Indiana | US 52 | in.us052 | Removed from Sagamore Parkway, Lafayette and relocated onto US231, Old US231 and Teal Road between western junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly southern junction with US231) and eastern junction with Sagamore Pkwy (formerly junction with IN25) 2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | I-30 | tx.i030 | Removed from a demolished freeway and relocated onto a new parallel freeway to the immediate southeast in Fort Worth, between points labeled *OldI-30_W and *OldI-30_E. 2015-09-08 | (USA) Texas | US 190 | tx.us190 | Removed from US 190 Business and relocated onto the new southern bypass of Copperas Cove, between the western and eastern US 190 Business junctions. 2015-10-24 | (USA) New York | New York Thruway Berkshire Connector | ny.bercon | New Route 2015-11-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 79 | ma.ma079 | Waypoint US6 moved from Brightman Street to the Veterans Memorial Bridge 2015-11-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 138 | ma.ma138 | Removed from the Brightman Street Bridge and MA 103, and relocated onto the Veterans Memorial Bridge between MA 79 and MA 103 2015-11-17 | (USA) Hawaii | HI 380 | hi.hi380 | Route relocated from closed Dairy Rd. segment between waypoints AirAccRd and PakSt_N, onto parts of Airport Access Rd. and Pakaula St. 2015-11-19 | (USA) New York | US 9 | ny.us009 | Truncated at north end from a cul-de-sac/turnaround about 1/3 mile north of the I-87 Exit 43 interchange, to the I-87 Exit 43 interchange 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 64 | nm.us064 | In Farmington, route moved from Main St. and Broadway St. (now US 64 Business), south to Murray Dr. 2015-11-20 | (USA) New Mexico | US 70 | nm.us070 | In Lordsburg, route moved from I-10 between exits 22 and 24, and Main St. (NM 494), north to Motel Dr. (I-10BL) 2015-12-10 | (USA) New York | Cross County Parkway | ny.crocoupkwy | Route added 2015-12-16 | (USA) Connecticut | I-395 | ct.i395 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based, all numbers changed 2015-12-21 | (USA) California | I-80 | ca.i080 | Route slightly relocated, between *OldBayBri_W and *OldBayBri_E, from closed old San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge eastern span to new eastern span 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | Henry Hudson Parkway | ny.henhudpkwy | Extended at north end from Exit 24 to Bronx/Westchester county line. 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | I-278 | ny.i278 | Extended at east end from Exit 54 at the west end of the Bruckner Interchange, to I-95, I-295 and I-678 at the east end of the Bruckner Interchange. Relabeled waypoints 38 to 41, 39 to 42, 40 to 43, 41 to 44, 42 to 45, 43 to 46, 44 to 47, 45 to 48, 46 to 50, 47 to 51, and 48 to 52. 2015-12-22 | (USA) New York | Saw Mill River Parkway | ny.sawmillpkwy | Route truncated at south end from Henry Hudson Parkway Exit 24 to Bronx/Westchester county line: segment transferred to Henry Hudson Parkway. 2016-01-12 | (USA) Ohio | I-275 | oh.i275 | New waypoint 31 for Ronald Reagan Hwy, relabeled waypoint 31 to 31A 2016-02-12 | (USA) Connecticut | Milford Parkway | ct.milpkwy | Route added 2016-03-09 | (UK) Scotland | A82 | sct.a0082 | Route removed from Glenfalloch Road and relocated onto Crianlarich bypass between Glenfalloch Road and eastern junction with A85 2016-05-15 | (USA) Virginia | I-95 | va.i095 | previous Exit 74B is actually 74C in the field and a new point for actual 74B was added 2016-07-30 | (USA) Alabama | US 82 | al.us082 | Removed from AL 25 and AL 382 and relocated onto the northeastern Centreville bypass between AL 25 North and CR 20 2016-10-01 | (USA) Virginia | US 11 | va.us011 | Swapped the VA117_N and VA117_S waypoint labels 2016-11-16 | (USA) New Jersey | NJ 18 | nj.nj018 | Extended north from Buckingham Drive to I-287 2016-11-17 | (USA) Texas | US 67 | tx.us067 | Removed from US 67 Business through Dublin and relocated onto the western Dublin bypass 2016-12-21 | (USA) Illinois | IL 111 | il.il111 | Relocated intersection with US 67 eastward to Alton Square Mall Drive, removing US67 label, new intersection ToUS67 2017-01-03 | (USA) Washington | WA 100 Spur (Fort Canby) | wa.wa100sprfor | Route added 2017-01-27 | (UK) England | A3029 | eng.a3029 | Route extended at south end from A38 to A4174 2017-01-27 | (UK) England | A4174 | eng.a4174 | Route truncated at south end from A38 to A3029 and extended at south end along South Bristol Link from A3029 to A370 2017-03-05 | (UK) England | A38 (Taunton) | eng.a0038tau | New Route 2017-04-06 | Greece | A1 | grc.a001 | Route extended at southern end from exit 20 to exit 87 2017-04-06 | Greece | E75 | grc.e75 | Route removed from EO1 and relocated onto A1 between exit 20 and exit 23 2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 117 | ri.ri117 | Eastbound direction removed from Centerville Road and Post Road and relocated onto Veterans Memorial Drive and Post Road between RI 115 and Post Road. Westbound direction removed from Greenwich Avenue (US 1) and Centerville Road and relocated onto Veterans Memorial Drive between US 1 / RI 5 and RI 115. 2017-04-24 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 1 | ri.us001 | Northbound direction removed from Post Road and relocated onto Greenwich Avenue and Veterans Memorial Drive between Centerville Road and US1 Business / RI 117 (Post Road). 2017-05-17 | (USA) Arizona | US 180 | az.us180 | Route truncated at north end from East Rim Drive to the boundary of Grand Canyon National Park 2017-06-07 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 2A | ct.ct002a | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based, all numbered exits changed 2017-08-05 | Greece | A5 (Patras) | grc.a005 | Route extended at northern end from exit 17 to exit 19 (for the A2) 2017-08-05 | Greece | E951 | grc.e951 | Route truncated at northern end from A2 to A5 exit 17 and extended at northern end from A5 exit 17 to A5 exit 19 2017-08-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 114 | ri.ri114 | Removed from Mill St and High St in Cumberland, and relocated onto Broad Street and Dexter St (RI 123) between Mill St and High St (waypoint RI123_E). 2017-08-30 | (UK) Scotland | E15 | sct.e15 | Route removed from A9000 Forth Road Bridge and relocated onto M90 Queensferry Crossing between M90 exit 1A and A9000 2017-09-04 | (USA) Nevada | US 395 | nv.us395buscar | extended at south end from Fairview Lane to I-580 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 99 | or.or099 | Restored route from I-5 onto Yoncalla-Drain routing. 2017-09-06 | (USA) Oregon | US 30 | or.us030 | (late entry) Moved route from Huntington alignment onto I-84 in lieu of new business 30 route. 2017-10-08 | (USA) Nevada | I-515 | nv.i515 | Truncated route to Exit 61 per I-11 designation 2017-11-11 | (USA) Hawaii | HI 200 | hi.hi200 | East end of route removed from old alignment and extended, between OldSadRd_E (OldHI200) and HI 2000 2017-11-22 | (USA) California | I-580 | ca.i580 | Waypoint 19B moved from I-980/CA 24 interchange in downtown Oakland west to added exit for CA 123, with old 19B renumbered 19C 2017-12-11 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-295 | ri.i295 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. In-use labels that have moved include 7, moved from US 44 (now labeled 12) to Scituate Ave, and 6, moved from the US 6 freeway (now labeled 9A) to RI 14. 2018-03-21 | (UK) England | A4 | eng.a0004 | Route truncated at west end from A403 to A4044 2018-04-09 | (USA) New Jersey | I-295 | nj.i295 | Extended at north end from exit 67 to Pennsylvania state line. 2018-05-27 | (USA) Hawaii | HI 30 | hi.hi030 | Short segment south of Lahaina, between *OldHI30_W and *OldHI30_E, realigned onto part of HI 3000 and new connecting roadway 2018-06-01 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 2 | ct.ct002 | Removed from Main St and relocated onto Chelsea Harbor Dr, Water St and CT 12 between CT 32/82 and Main St. 2018-06-25 | (USA) New York | Grand Central Parkway | ny.gracenpkwy | West end extended from Exit 4 to Exit 45 of I-278. 2018-07-25 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 116 | ma.ma116 | Waypoint MA141_E moved from Grattan St (now labeled GraSt) to Meadow St 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | I-11 | nv.i011 | Extended route south to Arizona border 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 93 | nv.us093 | Relocated from Boulder City Parkway to new I-11 freeway, between exits 2 and 15B 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 93 Business (Boulder City) | nv.us093busbou | New route 2018-08-09 | (USA) Nevada | US 95 | nv.us095 | Relocated from Old US 95 and part of Boulder City Parkway, to I-11 freeway between exits 14 and 15B 2018-08-23 | (USA) Nevada | NV 172 | nv.nv172 | Truncated west end from I-11 exit 14 to I-11 exit 2 2018-09-24 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-276 | pa.i276 | Truncated at its east end to I-95(Exit 40) at newly opened interchange. 2018-09-24 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-295 | pa.i295 | Extended into PA onto the former routing of I-95 north of I-276 (PA Turnpike). 2018-10-11 | (USA) New York | NY 31 | ny.ny031 | Removed from Brockport-Spencerport Road between its closed intersection and Washington Street, and relocated onto a WNW-ESE roadway (formerly the one-way segment of NY 531) and Washington Street. 2018-10-19 | (USA) Hawaii | HI 3000 | hi.hi3000 | Route extended about 0.5 mile south, from northern junction with HI 30, to closed intersection with old HI 30 alignment 2018-11-21 | Greece | A3 | grc.a003 | Route extended at south end from exit 4 to exit 3 2018-11-21 | Greece | E65 | grc.e65 | Route removed from EO3 and relocated onto A27 between Niki and EO2 2018-11-23 | (USA) Oregon | OR 39 (Klamath Falls) | or.or039kla | Added route (former OR 39 Business) 2018-12-03 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-95 | pa.i095 | Removed in-use alternate labels 46, 48, 51, and 999 due to potential mapping errors. 2018-12-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 35 | or.or035 | Extended route north onto Hood River Bridge 2018-12-06 | (USA) Oregon | OR 140 | or.or140 | Extended west from OR 62 in White City to I-5/OR 99 at exit 35 and relabeled OR 39 points from OR39_W to OR39_S and OR39_E to OR39_W 2019-01-06 | (USA) Maryland | MD 295 | md.md295 | Truncated at south end from US50/MD201 to MD175 2019-01-06 | (USA) Montana | US 287 | mt.us287 | Route truncated at south end from Wyoming border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 212 (Yellowstone National Park) | wy.neentrd | Route deleted (replaced with Northeast Entrance Road) 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 89 | wy.us089 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-06 | (USA) Wyoming | US 191 | wy.us191 | Route truncated at north end from Montana border to Yellowstone National Park Entrance 2019-01-09 | Greece | A8 | grc.a008 | Route truncated at east end from EO8 to exit 1 2019-03-07 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 78 | ri.ri078 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2019-03-11 | (USA) Pennsylvania | I-476 | pa.i476 | Extended to US 6 WB/US 11 to match mile-marker signage. 2019-03-11 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 4 | ri.ri004 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 5 moved from Ten Rod Road (RI 2/102, now Exit 3) to South County Trail (RI 2, former Exit 6). 2019-04-28 | Norway | Rv80 | nor.rv080 | Route relocated onto new alignment through Bodøtunnelen from Olav V gate to east of Bodøtunnelen 2019-05-28 | (USA) New Jersey | US 1 Truck (Jersey City) | nj.us001trkjer | North end removed from a demolished roadway parallel to and immediately north of Pulaski Skyway connecting NJ 7 directly to US 1&9 at Tonnelle Circle, and relocated onto a parallel elevated highway bypassing Tonnelle Circle to the north, between NJ 7 and Tonnelle Avenue (US 1&9). 2019-05-28 | (USA) New Jersey | US 9 Truck (Jersey City) | nj.us009trkjer | North end removed from a demolished roadway parallel to and immediately north of Pulaski Skyway connecting NJ 7 directly to US 1&9 at Tonnelle Circle, and relocated onto a parallel elevated highway bypassing Tonnelle Circle to the north, between NJ 7 and Tonnelle Avenue (US 1&9). 2019-06-11 | Greece | A2 | grc.a002 | Route truncated at east end from Turkish border to EO2 at Kipoi 2019-06-22 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 6 | ma.us006 | Waypoint MA105 moved from Spring St to Front St. 2019-10-11 | (USA) California | I-5 Truck (Newhall) | ca.i005trknew | Route added 2019-11-09 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 532 Alternate Truck (Washington Crossing) | pa.pa532alttrkwas | Route added. 2019-12-17 | (UK) Scotland | A924 | sct.a0924 | Route truncated at west end from A9 junction north of Pitlochry to Atholl Road/W Moulin Road junction (previously labelled 'AthRd_N', now 'AthRd_S') and extended from there to A9 junction south of Pitlochry 2019-12-28 | (USA) Georgia | US 129 | ga.us129 | Removed from Cleveland St and Blue Ridge St and relocated to Glen Gooch Bypass around Blairsville. 2020-01-14 | (USA) California | US 395 | ca.us395 | In Kramer Junction, waypoint CA58 relocated about 0.3 mile north, from OldHwy58 to new CA 58 junction 2020-02-16 | (USA) Illinois | IL 3 | il.il003 | Removed from State Street/IL 150 between Stacy Street and Holmes Street and relocated onto Stacy Street and Stanwick Street 2020-02-27 | (USA) Texas | US 82 | tx.us082 | Removed from US 277 Business (Dundee) and relocated onto a parallel southeastern four-lane divided bypass 2020-02-27 | (USA) Texas | US 277 | tx.us277 | Removed from US 277 Business (Dundee) and relocated onto a parallel southeastern four-lane divided bypass 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-195 | ri.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 2 moved from South Main St (US 44 West, now Exit 1C) to Broadway (former Exit 6). 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 1A (Providence) | ri.ri001apro | Due to I-195 exit renumbering, waypoint I-195(2) moved from I-195 Exit 1C to Broadway. 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 37 | ri.ri037 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2020-03-22 | (USA) Rhode Island | US 6 | ri.us006 | Due to I-195 exit renumbering, waypoint I-195(2) moved from I-195 Exit 1C to Broadway. Alternate label I-195(1B) moved from I-195 Exit 1 to Taunton Ave (US 44). 2020-04-05 | Norway | E10 (Moskenes (branch)) | nor.e10mos | New Route 2020-04-05 | Norway | E8 | nor.e8 | Route extended at north end from Fv862 to Tromsø lufthavn, Langnes (former Rv862) 2020-05-20 | (USA) New York | I-87 | ny.i087 | Removed from the 1955 Tappan Zee Bridge and relocated onto the 2017 Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge between New York State Thruway Exit 9 and a point southeast of Thruway Exit 10. 2020-05-23 | (USA) North Carolina | US 74 | nc.us074 | NC7_W label was at wrong point 2020-06-04 | (USA) Utah | UT 149 | ut.ut149 | Route truncated at north end from Cub Creek Road to boundary of Dinosaur National Monument 2020-07-26 | (USA) Nevada | NV 173 | nv.nv173 | Added route (part of former US 95 in Boulder City) 2020-07-26 | (USA) Nevada | NV 604 | nv.nv604 | Truncated south end of route, from Tonopah Avenue to Carey Avenue 2020-08-14 | (USA) Nevada | NV 159 | nv.nv159 | In Las Vegas, east end of route truncated from NV 612 to CR 215, with parts of removed segment transferred to new NV 159 (Downtown) and NV 159 (Sunrise Manor) 2020-08-14 | (USA) Nevada | NV 593 | nv.nv593 | In Las Vegas, west end of route truncated from Dean Martin Drive to Maryland Parkway 2020-08-25 | (USA) Oregon | OR 62 | or.or062 | Rerouted route onto new roadway between Poplar Dr and Agate Rd 2020-08-25 | (USA) Oregon | OR 62 Business (Medford) | or.or062busmed | Added route 2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 87 | tx.us087 | Removed from I-20 and US 87 Business (Big Spring) and relocated onto William B. Crooker Memorial Highway between I-20 and the north end of US 87 Business (Big Spring). 2020-09-18 | (USA) Texas | US 90 | tx.us090 | Removed from College, Pearl, Park, and Willow Streets, and relocated onto I-10 between exits 851 and 855. 2020-09-20 | (USA) Texas | TX 207 | tx.tx207 | Removed from demolished roadway and relocated eastward between points south and north of FM 146 2020-10-04 | (USA) New York | I-84 | ny.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 4 moved from NY 17 (now Exit 19) to Mountain Road (former Exit 2). 2020-10-04 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 24 | ri.ri024 | Removed from the 1956 Sakonnet River Bridge and relocated onto the 2012 Sakonnet River Bridge between exits 3 and 5. 2020-10-04 | (USA) Rhode Island | RI 138 | ri.ri138 | Removed from the 1956 Sakonnet River Bridge and relocated onto the 2012 Sakonnet River Bridge between RI 24 exits 3 and 5. 2020-10-11 | (USA) Arizona | AZ 202 | az.az202 | Route extended from 40th Street on the south side of Phoenix across new South Mountain Freeway to I-10 on the west side of Phoenix. 2020-10-19 | (USA) California | I-710 | ca.i710 | South end (old waypoint 1A) truncated about 0.2 mi. from Ocean Blvd. to new waypoint 1A, then extended southwest about 2 mi. from new 1A to CA 47 over replacement for now-closed Gerald Desmond Bridge. Waypoint 1B relocated from Ocean Blvd. to interchange with Shoreline Dr. 2020-10-27 | Iceland | TH622 | isl.th622 | Extended east along former section of TH60 bypassed by Dýrafjarðargöng (Dyra Fjords Tunnel) 2020-10-27 | Iceland | TH626 | isl.th626 | New Route replacing former section of TH60 bypassed by Dýrafjarðargöng (Dyra Fjords Tunnel) 2020-10-28 | (USA) New York | NY 17M | ny.ny017m | West end truncated from the NY 17 overpass on Sands Rd to the intersection of Sands Rd and Bloomingburg Rd. 2020-10-31 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 140 | ma.ma140 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 12 moved from MA 24 (now Exit 20) to County Rd (former Exit 9). 2020-11-18 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-195 | ma.i195 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers changed except for Exit 1. 2020-11-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 25 | ma.ma025 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 6 / MA 28 (now Exit 10) to Maple Springs Rd (former Exit 2). 2020-12-19 | (USA) North Carolina | US 64 | nc.us064 | Rerouted onto new Asheboro bypass - new route is between points 339-352 2020-12-24 | (USA) Indiana | US 31 | in.us031 | Waypoint 225 moved from US 6 (now 233) to correct location at US 30 2020-12-27 | (USA) Montana | US 2 | mt.us002 | Waypoint SR237 moved from Clinton Street to a new north-south road located 2.7 mi east. 2021-01-12 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-90 | ma.i090 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based east of (not including) I-95. 2021-01-19 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 24 | ma.ma024 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All numbers above 7 changed. 2021-01-25 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-295 | ma.i295 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 2 moved from I-95 (now Exit 4) to US 1. 2021-02-07 | (USA) California | I-305 | ca.i305 | Truncated from exit 7C to exit 6 (eastern US 50/CA 99 junction) 2021-02-09 | (USA) Colorado | US 6 | co.us006 | Route relocated in Sterling from 3rd St./4th St. one-way couplet to S. Division Ave. and Sterling S Curve 2021-03-11 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-84 | ma.i084 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from US 20 (now Exit 6) to Mashapaug Rd. 2021-03-15 | (UK) Scotland | A93 | sct.a0093 | Route truncated at north end from A956 to Holburn Street (former A9013) 2021-03-25 | (USA) Louisiana | Lake Pontchartrain Causeway | la.lakeponcswy | Truncated at south end to EspAve and at north end to US190/22 2021-04-09 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 146 | ma.ma146 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. Exit 3 moved from MA 16 (now Exit 6) to Chocolog Rd. Exit 13 moved from I-290 (now Exit 21) to Central Turnpike. 2021-04-11 | (USA) Montana | I-90 | mt.i090 | Exit 433 moved about 0.5 mi to the west due to completion of the West Laurel Interchange Project 2021-05-02 | Iceland | TH44 | isl.th044 | Realigned at north end onto new alignment tying into roundabout with TH41 2021-05-02 | (USA) North Carolina | US 19 TRUCK (Waynesville) | nc.us019trkway | rerouted off US 441 via more US 74 to posted endpoint at US 19/74 junction - old route to Cherokee remains US 441 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-95 | ma.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-13 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 128 | ma.ma128 | Relabeled exits on I-95 overlap from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-05-20 | (USA) Illinois | US 40 | il.us040 | IL140 point (now GalSt_W) relocated to former location of IL140_W. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-93 | ma.i093 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-06-02 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 3 | ma.ma003 | Waypoint 18(93) moved from Massachusetts Ave Connector (now labeled 15(93)) to the northern I-93 split. 2021-06-04 | (USA) Nevada | I-580 | nv.i580 | Exits renumbered on entire route, with all labels in use preserved 2021-06-04 | (USA) Nevada | US 395 | nv.us395 | Exits renumbered on part of route concurrent with I-580 (exits north of I-80 unaffected), with all labels in use preserved 2021-06-22 | (USA) Colorado | CO 103 | co.co103 | Route truncated from decommissioned I-70 BL south to I-70 2021-06-28 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-495 | ma.i495 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-07-15 | (USA) New Mexico | US54 | nm.us054 | In Logan, slightly relocated to new bridge across the Canadian River, between waypoints *OldUS54_W and *OldUS54_E 2021-07-28 | (USA) Indiana | I-65 | in.i065 | Added waypoint 262A at ramps to/from US12/20 2021-08-28 | Iceland | TH643 | isl.th643 | Extended north from TH649 to Krossnes 2021-08-28 | Iceland | TH645 | isl.th645 | Rerouted onto new alignment at east end and truncated at west end due to TH643 realignments. A short section near east end is part of former TH643 alignment. 2021-09-03 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-395 | ma.i395 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-91 | ma.i091 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | MA 2 | ma.ma002 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2021-09-10 | (USA) Massachusetts | US 5 | ma.us005 | Waypoint I-91(23) moved from State Rd in Whately, now labeled I-91(32), to Mount Tom Rd in Northampton. I-91(21) relabeled to I-91(27). 2021-09-15 | (USA) Massachusetts | I-290 | ma.i290 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. All .list entries broken. 2021-09-18 | (USA) Arizona | US 60 | az.us060 | Relocated onto new 2021 Pinto Creek Bridge west of Globe, slightly north of previous 1949 bridge now removed. 2021-09-18 | (USA) Utah | Cub Creek Road, Dinosaur NM | ut.cubcrerd | Route extended to meet end of UT 149 at boundary of Dinosaur National Monument 2021-09-18 | (USA) Utah | Delicate Arch Road, Arches NP | ut.delarchrd | New Route 2021-10-20 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 322 | pa.us322 | Slightly realigned between RicSt and relocated intersection with PA28_N in Brookville. 2021-11-21 | (USA) New Jersey | NJ 7 | nj.nj007 | Extended at north end from NJ 21 via a signed connection via CR 506, and via the former Nutley segment to NJ 3. 2021-11-22 | (USA) Illinois | I-74 | il.i074 | Moved from old Mississippi River bridge slightly east to new Mississippi River Bridge between 7th Avenue and Illinois state line. Separated I-74 exit 1 into 1A (River Drive) and 1B (IL 92). I-74 exit 2 (WB only, 7th Avenue) doubles as separation point from old route. 2021-12-10 | Norway | E6 | nor.e6 | Route relocated from through Kvål and onto new bypass from Hofstadkrysset to Fv6612 south of Kvål 2022-01-03 | (USA) New York | Hutchinson River Parkway | ny.hutrivpkwy | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2022-01-16 | (USA) Indiana | US 421 | in.us421 | IN56_E point relocated from Main St/Baltimore St intersection to new intersection at 2nd St & Harrison St 2022-02-21 | (USA) Texas | I-35 | tx.i035 | Extended southward from US 83 / TX 359 to Hidalgo St. 2022-03-11 | (USA) Hawaii | Crater Rim Dr. | hi.crarimdr | In Hawaii Volcanoes NP, extended west from park entrance to former Jaggar Museum site, over part of original Crater Rim Dr. alignment 2022-03-27 | (USA) Tennessee | US 321 | tn.us321 | Moved to new bridge over the Tennessee River (constructed between 2016-2018) between US11 & TN444 2022-03-30 | New Zealand | SH59 | nzl.sh059 | Route added 2022-04-02 | (USA) Louisiana | LA 3127 | la.la3127 | Extended at south end along concurrency with I-310 2022-04-04 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 17 | ct.ct017 | Corrected to follow Saint John's Square instead of Washington Street between CT 9 and CT 66. 2022-04-17 | (USA) New York | I-86 (Binghamton) | ny.i086bin | Extended westward from exit 75 concurrent with I-81 to exit 72A. 2022-04-21 | (USA) California | I-105 | ca.i105 | Route extended east, from I-605 to Studebaker Rd. in Norwalk 2022-04-21 | (USA) California | I-780 | ca.i780 | Route extended west, from I-80 to Lemon St. in Vallejo 2022-05-10 | (USA) New York | US 6 | ny.us006 | Removed from a demolished railroad overpass and relocated southward between Putnam Ave and Michael Neuner Drive. 2022-05-15 | (USA) Arizona | US 191 | az.us191 | Route truncated at south end from Mexican border to AZ 80 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | I-26 (Faust) | nc.i026fau | extended route to Exit 13 replacing some of I-26 Future 2022-06-12 | (USA) North Carolina | I-26 Future (Asheville) | nc.i026futash | truncated route to Exit 13 replaced by I-26 Faust 2022-06-30 | (USA) Texas | US 69 | tx.us069 | Relocated eastward onto limited-access highway between TX63 and a point north of Zavalla labeled *OldUS69. 2022-07-23 | Greece | E55 | grc.e55 | Route removed from EO18 and relocated onto A52 and EO42 between A52 / EO18 junction and EO18 / EO42 junction 2022-07-23 | Greece | E952 | grc.e952 | Route removed from EO18 and relocated onto A52 and EO42 between A52 / EO18 junction and EO18 / EO42 junction 2022-08-04 | (USA) Wyoming | Grand Loop Road | wy.gralooprd | Route renamed to GraLoopRd from GraLpRd 2022-08-04 | (USA) Wyoming | Norris Canyon Road | wy.norcanrd | Route renamed to NorCanRd from NorCynRd 2022-08-28 | (USA) Pennsylvania | Betsy Ross Bridge | pa.betrossbri | Extended west from I-95 to Adams Ave/Aramingo Ave along the Aramingo Ave Connector. 2022-09-24 | (USA) California | CA 178 (Lake Isabella) | ca.ca178 | In Bakersfield, waypoint 6 for Fairfax Rd. exit (corrected to point 7) moved about one mile west to Oswell St. exit (old point 5). 2022-09-26 | (USA) California | CA 79 (Julian) | ca.ca079 | Truncated north end, from I-10 to Menlo Ave. south of downtown San Jacinto 2022-10-04 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 30 | pa.us030 | Realigned east of WV/PA and west of PA 168 between *OldUS30_A and *OldUS30_B. 2022-10-05 | (USA) California | CA 123 | ca.ca123 | In Oakland and Emeryville, south end changed from San Pablo Ave. between I-580 exit 19B and Adeline St., to MacArthur Blvd. service roads and Adeline St. between I-580 exit 19A and San Pablo Ave. Caltrans logs indicate the route has followed the latter alignment since at least 2002. 2022-11-09 | (USA) Rhode Island | I-95 | ri.i095 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2023-01-17 | (USA) Ohio | OH 4 | oh.oh004 | Removed from Germantown St in Dayton between GetAve_S and GerSt and relocated onto Gettysburg Ave and US 35, which resulted in the US35_W label moving from what is now GerSt to US 35's Gettysburg Ave exit 2023-01-19 | Iceland | TH41 | isl.th041 | Truncated at north end from Ægisgata to Faxagata 2023-01-24 | (USA) Ohio | I-71 | oh.i071 | Point label 1J (the exit to I-471) renamed 1A to match signage, point label 1A renamed 1A(75) 2023-02-05 | (USA) Wyoming | I-80 | wy.i080 | Exits 154, 166, and 168 marked as closed 2023-02-05 | (USA) Wyoming | US 30 | wy.us030 | Exits 154, 166, and 168 on I-80 marked as closed 2023-02-08 | (Canada) Ontario | Gardiner Expressway | on.garexpy | Moved from Ontario Provincial Freeways to Canada Select Named Freeways 2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | I-35E | tx.i035e | Waypoint label 428C moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled 428B) to Commerce St. 2023-03-11 | (USA) Texas | US 77 | tx.us077 | Waypoint label I-35E(428C) moved from the I-30 west split (now labeled I-35E(428B)) to Commerce St. 2023-03-12 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 9 | ct.ct009 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2023-05-08 | (USA) California | CA 180 (Fresno) | ca.ca180 | Route relocated east of Fresno, between waypoints AcaAve and *OldCA180_E, north to new divided highway 2023-06-03 | (USA) California | CA 1 | ca.ca001 | North of Bodega Bay, route relocated from eroding coastal bluffs, and onto new viaduct over Scotty Creek floodplain, between Calle del Sol and OldCA1Gle_N 2023-06-14 | Iceland | TH1 | isl.th001 | Relocated onto new Alignment west of Selfoss between points *OldTH1Sel_W and OlfVeg 2023-06-14 | Iceland | TH35 | isl.th035 | Truncated at south end from old TH1 alignment to new TH1 alignment 2023-06-19 | New Zealand | Auckland Northern Motorway | nzl.aucnmot | Route extended at north end from exit 386 to SH1's continuation northwards at Warkworth 2023-06-19 | New Zealand | SH1 | nzl.sh001 | Route removed from Old State Highway 1 and relocated onto Auckland Northern Motorway between exit 386 and junction with Old State Highway 1 at Warkworth 2023-07-07 | (USA) Washington | US 12 | wa.us012 | Route re-aligned onto newly-opened Touchet bypass between waypoints *OldUS12_W and *OldUS12_E 2023-07-19 | Iceland | TH630 | isl.th630 | Extended east from Stigahlíð to TH61 2023-08-12 | (USA) Pennsylvania | PA 291 Alternate Truck (Philadelphia) | pa.pa291alttrkphi | Route added. 2023-08-29 | (USA) Montana | Old Gardiner Road | mt.oldgarrd | New Route. 2023-08-29 | (USA) Wyoming | North Entrance Road | wy.nentrd | Route truncated to south closure point (just north of Mammoth Campground) due to 2022 floods. 2023-08-29 | (USA) Wyoming | Old Gardiner Road | wy.oldgarrd | New Route. 2023-09-07 | (USA) Montana | North Entrance Road | mt.nentrd | Route extended to 2nd and Park in Gardiner (MDT 0 milepost for US 89) along new bypass of Roosevelt Arch. 2023-09-07 | (USA) Montana | US 89 | mt.us089 | Route truncated to 2nd and Park in Gardiner (MDT 0 milepost for US 89). 2023-10-01 | (USA) Connecticut | CT 66 | ct.ct066 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2023-10-01 | (USA) Connecticut | I-691 | ct.i691 | Relabeled exits from sequential to mileage-based. 2023-10-02 | (USA) North Carolina | US 70 | nc.us070 | rerouted between High Point and Greensboro - new routing is between US 29 and US29/220 points 2023-10-21 | (USA) New York | NY 79 | ny.ny079 | Removed from "Old Route 79" including a truss bridge over the Chenango River and relocated onto NY 12 and a new Chenango River bridge about 0.6 mi northeast of the existing one, between waypoints OldNY79_W and OldNY79_E. 2023-10-23 | (USA) Nevada | NV 613 | nv.nv613 | Route reversed to reflect mileposting, exit numbers added to west end 2023-11-14 | (USA) California | CA 146 (Pinnacles NP) | ca.ca146pin | Restored newly-signed segment in Pinnacles NP, previously deleted as unsigned 2023-12-05 | Iceland | TH60 | isl.th060 | Relocated onto new causeway across Þorskafjörður between points OldTH60_Tho and TH608 2023-12-05 | Iceland | TH63 | isl.th063 | Relocated onto new alignment at east end east of point *OldTH63 2024-01-01 | (Canada) Alberta | AB 201 (Southwest Calgary) | ab.ab201 | Merged into main AB 201 route. 2024-01-02 | (USA) Pennsylvania | US 6 | pa.us006 | Relocated PA660_E label due to realignment of PA 660. The former PA660_E label is now ChaRd. 2024-01-12 | (USA) New York | I-86 Future (Binghamton) | ny.i086futbin | Waypoint labels 72 & 72B swapped. 2024-01-12 | (USA) New York | NY 17 (Binghamton) | ny.ny017bin | Waypoint labels 72 & 72B swapped. 2024-01-24 | (USA) Texas | US 281 | tx.us281 | Removed from US 281 Business (Premont) and relocated eastward onto a 4-lane divided bypass. 2024-02-20 | (USA) California | CA 58 | ca.ca058 | In Bakersfield area, moved route from Hageman Rd, CA 43, Rosedale Hwy, and CA 99 between exits 24 and 26, to I-5 between exits 253 and 257, Stockdale Hwy, Westside Pkwy, and new Centennial Corridor link to CA 99/CA 58 interchange