HighwayData @ 6680251ffaad16a53b32160d0f2a94ceb3e2d7e6 UserData @ d020ff36c44dd962c018782a138b2699a2f862d9 DataProcessing @ 03a36cab6f56c4f060bc41ce4739707a03969a15 Start: Thu Feb 29 21:48:21 2024 [0.0] Making list of travelers. [0.0] Reading region, country, and continent descriptions. [0.0] Reading systems list in /fast/home/terescoj/travelmapping/HighwayData/systems.csv..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [0.4] Finding all .wpt files. 106990 files found. [0.8] Reading waypoints for all routes. alba albsh andcs andcg armm asiah ausm aussf ausa ausn ausab ausnb ausr ausntb ausqld ausqldmr aussab austasb auswa ausnt ausntc auta auts autb autl4 autl5 autl7 azem bela belb belr beln biha bihm bgra bgri blrm blzar blzd brbh bwaa cannsf canonf canqca cantch cansf canab canbc canmb canmbw cannba cannbc cannbl cannst cannsc cannt canon canpe canqc cansk canyt chea cheh chegts cism cisa comrn cypa cypb cypd czed czei czeii deua deub deubbl deubwl deubyst deuhel deuhhr deumvl deunil deunwl deurpl deushl deusll deusns deustl deuthl dnkmot dnkpr frolv dnksr dnkmr eure eursf espa espn espan espar espas espcb espcl espcm espcn espct espex espga espib espmc espmd espnc esppv espri espvc estp estt finmt finvt alavt finkt alakt finst fraa mtqa ncle fran fracort gufn pyft glpn mtqn mtqd mytn nclt reun spmn wlft frabfcd90 fracord fragesd6ae fragesm6ae frahdfd59 frahdfm59 frahdfd62 frahdfd80 fraidfd77 fraidfd78 fraidfd91 fraidfd92 fraidfd93 fraidfd94 fraidfd95 fraoccm31 frapacd06 frapacm06 glpd mytd reud gbnm nirm gbnam niram gbna nira gbnb nirb nirtr sctntr gaba gabn geos gnbn grca grceo hkgrt hrva hrvd hunm hunf idnt imna imnb irlm irln irlr irlorb irlwaw irnf islth islf isrr isrf isrh itaa jamt jama jeya jeyb jpne jpntk kaza korex kgzem lkae lsoa ltuaut ltua ltuk luxa luxb luxn lvaa lvap mara marn mdam mdar mexd mexed mltt mkdap mkda mnea mnem mner musm musa musb myse nama namb nlda abwrt nldr nldp nldrw nlds normot norrv norfv norntv nzlmot nzlsh nzltr pakm phle pola pols poldw poldk prta prtip prtve prtic rksr rksn rksrr roua roudex roudn roudj rusm rwanr sena sgpex srba srbb stpen svkd svkr svki svkii svna svnh svng svnr swemot swer swel tjkrb turo turd tuna twnf ugam ukra ukrm uryrn usai usaib usaif usansf usasf usaus usausb usanp usaak usaaz usaar usaca usaco usact usadc usade usafl usaga usagu usahi usaia usaid usail usain usaks usaky usakyp usala usame usamd usama usami usamn usamo usamt usamts usane usanes usanv usanh usanj usanm usany usanc usand usamp usaoh usaok usaor usapa usapr usari usasc usasd usatn usatx usatxl usatxs usatxre usaut usava usavt usavi usawa usawv usawi usawy zafn zwer zwep afrea afrrtr argrn argsf asim ausnswb ausvicb austasc ausvicc ausvicmr ausstr ausnswtd ausqldtd aussatd ausvictd auswatd autl42 autl6 bdirn bgdah biha2 bihm2 bolf brabr brasf brasp braspa braspi btnah canabs canmbp cannl chlrn chlsf chng chnah cogn colrn colsf crirp crirs ecue ecusf eurtr fraarad01 fraarad03 fraarad07 fraarad15 fraarad26 fraarad38 fraarad42 fraaram42 fraarad43 fraarad63 fraaram63 fraarad69 fraarad73 fraarad74 frabfcd21 frabfcm21 frabfcd25 frabfcd39 frabfcd58 frabfcd70 frabfcd71 frabfcd89 frabred22 frabred29 frabred35 frabred56 fracvld18 fracvld28 fracvld36 fracvld37 fracvld41 fracvld45 fragesd08 fragesd10 fragesd51 fragesd52 fragesd54 fragesm54 fragesd55 fragesd57 fragesd88 frahdfd02 frahdfd60 franord14 franord27 franord50 franord61 franord76 franaqd16 franaqd17 franaqd19 franaqd23 franaqd24 franaqd33 franaqd40 franaqd47 franaqd64 franaqd79 franaqd86 franaqd87 fraoccd09 fraoccd11 fraoccd12 fraoccd30 fraoccd31 fraoccd32 fraoccd34 fraoccm34 fraoccd46 fraoccd48 fraoccd65 fraoccd66 fraoccd81 fraoccd82 frapdld44 frapdlm44 frapdld49 frapdld53 frapdld72 frapdld85 frapacd04 frapacd05 frapacd13 frapacd83 frapacd84 gufd gbnmkgr gbrtrl gbrrr hrvz idnah index indaho itass khmah jeyc jpnh lkaa laoah kena kenb kwtr mexf mexsf mexdfeje mexemex mexnlm mexqro mkdr mmrah mozn mwim nplah nplh nzlrr perpe persf prkah prypy rusa senn swzmr thaah ttoh ttomr tunrn tursf tzat usaal usaas usams usanyp usaush vena vent vnmct vnmah zafr zmbt zmbm afrtah asiaho asimo cannss canons codn crirt indne indah indnh inddl indka indup indwb naca ngae prtn rusr [3.0] Sorting waypoints in Quadtree. [3.2] Finding unprocessed wpt files. 5906 .wpt files in /fast/home/terescoj/travelmapping/HighwayData/data not processed, see unprocessedwpts.log. [3.2] Searching for near-miss points. [3.3] Near-miss point log and tm-master.nmp file. [3.8] Concurrent segment detection..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [4.0] Creating label hashes and checking route integrity. [4.1] Reading updates file. [4.2] Reading systemupdates file. [4.2] Processing traveler list files: 1 1995hoo 43054dude 10ACDawg 25or6to4 5708skiguy 420Traveler 6lane 6lanetest 7_8 9voltbattery Aseluit AviaSmxle Based8 Beerman Bitmapped CL415 California_Chris ChrisZwolle DJCane Echostatic Ib3kii JamesMD JeeperQ97 KingRidgeback76 M3200 Mapamagician Mapcar MatthewR Mihai NWI_Irish96 NocoRoads OrangeTheYoshi Qiviuq RMA58 Redheadtraveler Smeeg101 SK220 Snarf Stevashe TBKS1 ThelwallViaduct TravelGuy Ugnaught2 a3 aaroads adeilnkrm afarina ajgrigg91 alaxsxaq alex allamericanroads along analogwavelength andrepoiy andrepoiy_total angelsfreeek appalachiandhs arobison203 artraveler2213 aterrypenak atsiatas aznate backroadnomad bamboobobby123 barefoot_driver bartpetat baugh17 bejacob ben114 benjamingrove47 bfergy1970 bhemphill bigbrother bickendan bluewonder310 bm7 bmacs001 bobcobb bogdymol boilerup25 bojette boris brendan brio99 bubaclex budleno bulldog1979 buzzman capecodder capn cdmnky cebarb98 cenlaroads chaddean charliezeb chart33 chesspi cinx cl94 clark1mt clong cockroachking codyg1985 colport compdude787 computerfan0 computerman0 coreysamson cougar1989 cpatraveler crosboro7 cvoight cwogle cyhighways dantheman dave1693 dcm55343 dcharlie dctransit deathtopumpkins dfilpus dgolub-old dgolub dharwood dlsterner dnthrox dognm16 doorknob60 dough4872 dougtone drebbin37 drfrankenstein dsaneus dsb15 dscarroll dsm4cy duke87 dy670 dylucktrocket eidderf electronym emmaf epzik8 ericbell35 ericnear es92 eucitizen eth extremebandman feliweigi fhmiii finnedude flan flroads foresthills93 formulanone froggie futureinterstates fwydriver405 garyp geomachu georgiaroadgeek gimmicks gjamporter gman2337 gpw griffith groswick gspeterson gtmkm98 gwshaw03 hanzi13 happy5214 harvey highplainstrvlr highway63 hoss6884 hsford hoopitypoop htm_duke hugbear51 huntie97 hurricanehink ibexto imgoph inagaddadavida ibwarner651 intelati49 intheam iowahighways jackflaps jackgaynor jaehak jayhawkco jbum86 jellethewhale jerseyman4 jimvette jjbers jmd41280 jnwinkler joepcool14 johninkingwood jonfmorse jonsamuels jordancarrpeterson jpinyan jstalica jt2020 jt2021 jt2022 jt2023 jt2024 jtstill julmac junglmonty justjake jweeks jwood keithcavey keithvh2014 kevinmc kf4lhp kj kjslaughter klundgren komputerkid konza520 kramer ks0stm kubbage kurzov lakewy17 lamsalfl lkefct lowenbrau mahon881 mapcat mapmikey mariethefoxy markkos1992 marnen martin0102 martindelaware mattmoves93 mc49399 mcmagi mefailenglish meoberto mepaulrye mhera michih michihpanda80 michihsi404 mikeandkristie mirage45331 missbatz mjcordone moabdave modtransmike mojavenc morriswa moshitea mpg mr_matt_k mvak36 mwasleski myselfalso nagamasa nationalscenicbyways navigator nbucic neilbert neroute2 new_friends_gr nezinscot ngrier niels nikicakica njhighways njroadhorse noelbotevera norheim nrm1221 nsExpeditions ntallyn okiewxchaser ohroadscholar okroads oldduck opspe oscar osu97gp osu_lsu ozarkman417 paddy pahighways panda80 paulthemapguy pbryan pderocco peeparider peperodriguez2710 philimon pianocello130 philman pnrrth polabare presidentman psiegel18 radison ran4sh rebelgtp regoarrarr rgentry redbirddan9 rickmastfan67 riiga riehlj rmatley rlee roadgeek99 roadgeek_adam roadguy2 roadwarrior294 roadwaywiz roukan robringstad route56 rschen7754 sammi sbb618 sbeaver44 scott5114 scott_stieglitz scstrawn scheidler sdp1967 sfisher sercamaro shiggins si404 skatcher skoutr1 sipes23 slorydn1 snowc snowedin sneezy snowmatt8 sounderbruce spinoza squatchis ssgtcrusty ssoworld stnyroads stoneyrds superblu2007 synkdorbit tag42481 tarheel61581 tbwillie tckma techknow terescoj terminal_moraine the_spui_ninja the_spui_ninja_mini thefxexpert thehighwayman3561 therealcu2010 therocket thestral1676 thing342 tikester tjj25 tomhart trobster tspread twinsfan87 ua747sp untitledanything usaidhello valedc03ls vcap36 vdeane verruckte_dan verumsolum vespertine vinoman64 voyager105 vrooomed vsaharan1897 wadsteckel w9tam walkabout44 wclarke webny99 whopperman wphiii wxtraveller98 xcvxcvxcv yakra yipcoyote yqt1001 [4.9] Processed 406 traveler list files. [4.9] Clearing route & label hash tables. [5.0] Writing route and label logs. [5.1] Augmenting travelers for detected concurrent segments.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [5.3] Writing to concurrencies.log. [5.5] Computing stats..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [5.8] Writing routedatastats.log. [5.9] Creating per-traveler stats logs and augmenting data structure.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [8.9] Writing stats csv files. [8.9] Writing allbyregionactiveonly.csv. [9.7] Writing allbyregionactivepreview.csv. [10.8] Writing per-system stats csv files. [11.6] Reading datacheckfps.csv. [11.6] Start writing database file TravelMapping-2024-02-29@21:48:16.sql. [11.6] Setting up for graphs of highway data. [11.9] Creating unique names and vertices........................................................................................! [13.8] Creating edges...........................................................................................! [14.6] Compressing collapsed edges........................................................................................! [14.8] Writing graph waypoint simplification log. [14.9] Writing master TM graph files. Simple graph has 878183 vertices, 1021581 edges. Collapsed graph has 640725 vertices, 784123 edges. Traveled graph has 640761 vertices, 784159 edges. [14.9] Setting up subgraphs. [14.9] Writing continent graphs. AFR (23970,24766) (11614,12410) (11614,12410) OCE (26162,28540) (15580,17958) (15580,17958) SA (58456,59464) (28844,29852) (28844,29852) ASI (71194,74227) (38468,41501) (38468,41501) [15.0] Writing multisystem graphs. USA-national (86167,91373) (73148,78354) (73164,78370) NA (288952,328222) (221352,260622) (221386,260656) EUR (409473,506362) (324891,421780) (324893,421782) EUR-freeways (26097,26346) (17947,18196) (17947,18196) [17.9] Writing system graphs. usai (23015,23426) (18333,18744) (18344,18755) usaus (63002,64615) (54364,55977) (54370,55983) cantch (3470,3478) (2290,2298) (2290,2298) eure (46859,47344) (30342,30827) (30342,30827) [22.2] Writing country graphs. AUS (21336,23422) (12213,14299) (12213,14299) BRA (20955,21281) (11785,12111) (11785,12111) CAN (34117,36969) (22635,25487) (22638,25490) CHN (16087,16392) (6676,6981) (6676,6981) DEU (47914,58860) (38218,49164) (38218,49164) DNK (5261,6021) (4625,5385) (4625,5385) ESP (15756,17153) (12776,14173) (12776,14173) FIN (8814,9413) (5504,6103) (5504,6103) FRA (158933,217359) (139096,197522) (139096,197522) IND (2132,2128) (1277,1273) (1277,1273) GBR (31423,41268) (26194,36039) (26196,36041) MEX (16907,17601) (11169,11863) (11169,11863) NLD (4205,4838) (3860,4493) (3860,4493) UKR (1927,1947) (1397,1417) (1397,1417) USA (231845,267216) (185510,220881) (185541,220912) [29.2] Writing multiregion graphs. british-isles (32022,42100) (26760,36838) (26762,36840) CAN-maritimes (7791,8645) (5804,6658) (5804,6658) GBN (29552,38922) (24693,34063) (24695,34065) FRA-metropolitan (156965,215070) (137419,195524) (137419,195524) ireland-island (7945,9789) (5732,7576) (5732,7576) USA-newengland (12213,14403) (10788,12978) (10796,12986) west-indies (6477,7808) (4709,6040) (4709,6040) USA-lower48 (224190,258359) (180595,214764) (180625,214794) [33.6] Writing fullcustom graphs. USA-lower48-natl (85362,90567) (72635,77840) (72651,77856) [39.6] Writing region graphs. AB (4795,5380) (3777,4362) (3777,4362) ABW (29,39) (29,39) (29,39) AFG (648,648) (162,162) (162,162) AGO (1005,1004) (275,274) (275,274) AK (1493,1489) (603,599) (604,600) AL (4619,5170) (3484,4035) (3484,4035) ALA (59,59) (57,57) (57,57) ALB (1110,1158) (688,736) (688,736) AND (225,232) (137,144) (137,144) AR (5972,7140) (4765,5933) (4766,5934) ARE (155,154) (132,131) (132,131) ARG (7380,7477) (3734,3831) (3734,3831) ARM (485,492) (276,283) (276,283) AS (114,123) (73,82) (73,82) AUS-ACT (67,67) (64,64) (64,64) AUS-NSW (3731,3895) (2198,2362) (2198,2362) AUS-NT (1318,1328) (293,303) (293,303) AUS-QLD (4504,4825) (2402,2723) (2402,2723) AUS-SA (1750,1878) (1143,1271) (1143,1271) AUS-TAS (2386,2703) (1366,1683) (1366,1683) AUS-VIC (5107,6059) (3450,4402) (3450,4402) AUS-WA (2515,2667) (1339,1491) (1339,1491) AUT (8558,10013) (7181,8636) (7181,8636) AZ (2557,2663) (1665,1771) (1665,1771) AZE (423,421) (261,259) (261,259) BC (3880,3913) (1909,1942) (1909,1942) BDI (380,393) (247,260) (247,260) BGD (324,323) (184,183) (184,183) BEL (5905,7583) (5507,7185) (5507,7185) BGR (1961,2056) (1231,1326) (1231,1326) BHR (12,11) (10,9) (10,9) BIH (1319,1361) (804,846) (804,846) BLM (17,17) (17,17) (17,17) BLR (676,684) (502,510) (502,510) BLZ (132,131) (99,98) (99,98) BOL (3654,3682) (1005,1033) (1005,1033) BRA-AC (164,163) (47,46) (47,46) BRA-AL (180,181) (105,106) (105,106) BRA-AM (269,257) (61,49) (61,49) BRA-AP (158,157) (27,26) (27,26) BRA-BA (1102,1101) (575,574) (575,574) BRA-CE (422,421) (253,252) (253,252) BRA-DF (152,149) (139,136) (139,136) BRA-ES (287,281) (149,143) (149,143) BRA-GO (687,682) (386,381) (386,381) BRA-MA (538,540) (208,210) (208,210) BRA-MG (2598,2614) (1202,1218) (1202,1218) BRA-MS (730,731) (398,399) (398,399) BRA-MT (811,811) (401,401) (401,401) BRA-PA (655,652) (233,230) (233,230) BRA-PB (295,293) (187,185) (187,185) BRA-PE (471,470) (294,293) (294,293) BRA-PI (529,527) (251,249) (251,249) BRA-PR (1059,1058) (628,627) (628,627) BRA-RJ (604,611) (406,413) (406,413) BRA-RN (325,326) (214,215) (214,215) BRA-RO (291,288) (120,117) (120,117) BRA-RR (219,219) (57,57) (57,57) BRA-RS (1366,1372) (728,734) (728,734) BRA-SC (776,774) (438,436) (438,436) BRA-SE (84,83) (55,54) (55,54) BRA-SP (5981,6209) (4202,4430) (4202,4430) BRA-TO (315,311) (134,130) (134,130) BRB (90,109) (88,107) (88,107) BRN (45,43) (36,34) (36,34) BTN (71,70) (21,20) (21,20) BWA (487,490) (251,254) (251,254) CA (8551,9161) (6919,7529) (6922,7532) CHE (2854,3139) (2410,2695) (2410,2695) CHL (3179,3201) (2105,2127) (2105,2127) CHN-AH (388,391) (159,162) (159,162) CHN-BJ (240,244) (202,206) (202,206) CHN-CQ (396,403) (189,196) (189,196) CHN-FJ (641,651) (246,256) (246,256) CHN-GD (795,813) (474,492) (474,492) CHN-GS (571,566) (180,175) (180,175) CHN-GX (435,441) (150,156) (150,156) CHN-GZ (500,502) (148,150) (148,150) CHN-HA (454,459) (222,227) (222,227) CHN-HB (566,573) (219,226) (219,226) CHN-HE (847,849) (416,418) (416,418) CHN-HI (100,100) (64,64) (64,64) CHN-HL (668,666) (179,177) (179,177) CHN-HN (543,546) (204,207) (204,207) CHN-JL (434,439) (127,132) (127,132) CHN-JS (432,440) (315,323) (315,323) CHN-JX (469,472) (184,187) (184,187) CHN-LN (602,613) (286,297) (286,297) CHN-NM (956,950) (261,255) (261,255) CHN-NX (216,217) (93,94) (93,94) CHN-QH (399,398) (62,61) (62,61) CHN-SC (662,667) (236,241) (236,241) CHN-SD (536,548) (299,311) (299,311) CHN-SH (111,111) (99,99) (99,99) CHN-SN (843,856) (322,335) (322,335) CHN-SX (439,443) (187,191) (187,191) CHN-TJ (120,119) (90,89) (90,89) CHN-XJ (822,822) (274,274) (274,274) CHN-XZ (324,323) (70,69) (70,69) CHN-YN (813,809) (248,244) (248,244) CHN-ZJ (489,498) (270,279) (270,279) CO (3524,3795) (2776,3047) (2776,3047) COD (2121,2109) (678,666) (678,666) COG (314,312) (122,120) (122,120) COL (5686,5829) (2935,3078) (2935,3078) COM (52,55) (46,49) (46,49) CRI (5707,5855) (1613,1761) (1613,1761) CRM (163,163) (115,115) (115,115) CT (1895,2416) (1792,2313) (1792,2313) CUW (11,11) (11,11) (11,11) CYP (524,543) (472,491) (472,491) CZE (6940,8102) (6090,7252) (6090,7252) DC (98,95) (97,94) (97,94) DE (776,918) (731,873) (731,873) DEU-BB (2472,2997) (1656,2181) (1656,2181) DEU-BE (201,199) (198,196) (198,196) DEU-BW (6041,7152) (4943,6054) (4943,6054) DEU-BY (7562,9017) (6541,7996) (6541,7996) DEU-HB (92,85) (90,83) (90,83) DEU-HE (4651,5689) (4055,5093) (4055,5093) DEU-HH (194,198) (185,189) (185,189) DEU-MV (1614,1865) (1053,1304) (1053,1304) DEU-NI (4456,5277) (3321,4142) (3321,4142) DEU-NW (7756,10006) (6498,8748) (6498,8748) DEU-RP (4338,5272) (3468,4402) (3468,4402) DEU-SH (1952,2321) (1504,1873) (1504,1873) DEU-SL (762,878) (664,780) (664,780) DEU-SN (2630,3176) (2020,2566) (2020,2566) DEU-ST (2014,2393) (1462,1841) (1462,1841) DEU-TH (1977,2335) (1358,1716) (1358,1716) DNK (4925,5683) (4431,5189) (4431,5189) ECU (2927,2985) (1333,1391) (1333,1391) EGY (250,250) (116,116) (116,116) ESH (269,269) (57,57) (57,57) ENG (20381,27627) (18336,25582) (18338,25584) ESP-AN (1568,1662) (1299,1393) (1299,1393) ESP-AR (1149,1226) (836,913) (836,913) ESP-AS (548,578) (396,426) (396,426) ESP-CB (411,453) (352,394) (352,394) ESP-CE (15,15) (14,14) (14,14) ESP-CL (2098,2297) (1715,1914) (1715,1914) ESP-CM (1538,1652) (1177,1291) (1177,1291) ESP-CN (724,747) (606,629) (606,629) ESP-CT (1644,1799) (1351,1506) (1351,1506) ESP-EX (751,812) (544,605) (544,605) ESP-GA (1667,1792) (1365,1490) (1365,1490) ESP-IB (221,231) (214,224) (214,224) ESP-MC (480,509) (425,454) (425,454) ESP-MD (680,767) (633,720) (633,720) ESP-ML (16,15) (13,12) (13,12) ESP-NC (564,594) (452,482) (452,482) ESP-PV (566,588) (472,494) (472,494) ESP-RI (267,282) (215,230) (215,230) ESP-VC (1045,1134) (893,982) (893,982) EST (1438,1522) (1136,1220) (1136,1220) FIN (8755,9354) (5447,6046) (5447,6046) FL (5665,6687) (4907,5929) (4907,5929) FRA-ARA (21450,28125) (17484,24159) (17484,24159) FRA-BFC (12816,17099) (11173,15456) (11173,15456) FRA-BRE (7046,9369) (6377,8700) (6377,8700) FRA-COR (1805,2119) (1090,1404) (1090,1404) FRA-CVL (10864,15426) (9995,14557) (9995,14557) FRA-GES (15227,20720) (13377,18870) (13377,18870) FRA-HDF (11306,15831) (10508,15033) (10508,15033) FRA-IDF (4973,6991) (4675,6693) (4675,6693) FRA-NAQ (21238,29469) (18645,26876) (18645,26876) FRA-NOR (14047,20640) (13168,19761) (13168,19761) FRA-OCC (22629,29728) (19524,26623) (19524,26623) FRA-PAC (6785,8388) (5461,7064) (5461,7064) FRA-PDL (8195,11165) (7358,10328) (7358,10328) FRO (336,338) (194,196) (194,196) GA (7211,8624) (5400,6813) (5400,6813) GAB (485,486) (117,118) (117,118) GEO (384,388) (266,270) (266,270) GLP (373,458) (363,448) (363,448) GNB (142,141) (62,61) (62,61) GRC (3006,3149) (2074,2217) (2074,2217) GU (124,148) (114,138) (114,138) GUF (191,206) (122,137) (122,137) HI (582,612) (461,491) (461,491) HKG (185,196) (178,189) (178,189) HRV (6235,7017) (4921,5703) (4921,5703) HUN (2209,2419) (1753,1963) (1753,1963) IA (3567,3912) (3027,3372) (3027,3372) ID (1997,2097) (1445,1545) (1445,1545) IDN (1053,1052) (636,635) (636,635) IL (4729,5646) (3517,4434) (3517,4434) IMN (318,437) (289,408) (289,408) IN (3292,4003) (3113,3824) (3113,3824) IND-AP (192,190) (110,108) (110,108) IND-AS (49,48) (14,13) (14,13) IND-BR (97,95) (53,51) (53,51) IND-CT (49,48) (23,22) (23,22) IND-DL (43,39) (41,37) (41,37) IND-HR (34,33) (32,31) (32,31) IND-JH (38,36) (23,21) (23,21) IND-KA (161,158) (135,132) (135,132) IND-MH (335,334) (240,239) (240,239) IND-ML (37,36) (10,9) (10,9) IND-MN (45,44) (13,12) (13,12) IND-MP (195,192) (91,88) (91,88) IND-NL (31,30) (7,6) (7,6) IND-OR (149,147) (68,66) (68,66) IND-PB (48,47) (43,42) (43,42) IND-RJ (5,4) (4,3) (4,3) IND-TG (93,92) (51,50) (51,50) IND-TN (159,158) (108,107) (108,107) IND-UP (264,258) (147,141) (147,141) IND-UT (15,14) (8,7) (8,7) IND-WB (127,125) (90,88) (90,88) IRL (6107,7443) (4264,5600) (4264,5600) IRN (2206,2212) (943,949) (943,949) ISL (6792,7016) (1857,2081) (1857,2081) ISR (1289,1488) (1009,1208) (1009,1208) ITA (11079,11477) (8217,8615) (8217,8615) JAM (245,251) (170,176) (170,176) JEY (281,395) (277,391) (277,391) JOR (183,183) (99,99) (99,99) KAZ (2895,2933) (1454,1492) (1454,1492) JPN (21890,23758) (13358,15226) (13358,15226) KEN (931,942) (473,484) (473,484) KGZ (746,751) (378,383) (378,383) KHM (321,321) (171,171) (171,171) KOR (1249,1299) (750,800) (750,800) KS (3598,3927) (3333,3662) (3333,3662) KWT (240,284) (218,262) (218,262) KY (14384,18198) (11914,15728) (11914,15728) LA (6248,7912) (5167,6831) (5168,6832) LAO (471,470) (190,189) (190,189) LIE (14,13) (13,12) (13,12) LKA (802,843) (572,613) (572,613) LSO (427,434) (205,212) (205,212) LTU (2171,2325) (1834,1988) (1834,1988) LUX (779,865) (690,776) (690,776) LVA (2193,2359) (1493,1659) (1493,1659) MA (2303,2826) (2083,2606) (2090,2613) MAF (21,20) (21,20) (21,20) MAR (2490,2552) (1134,1196) (1134,1196) MB (3101,3620) (2313,2832) (2313,2832) MD (3047,3705) (2687,3345) (2687,3345) MDA (868,903) (642,677) (642,677) ME (3894,4303) (3285,3694) (3285,3694) MEX-AGS (191,199) (171,179) (171,179) MEX-BC (504,508) (291,295) (291,295) MEX-BCS (198,198) (114,114) (114,114) MEX-CAM (258,259) (164,165) (164,165) MEX-CHIH (706,704) (459,457) (459,457) MEX-CHIS (748,750) (384,386) (384,386) MEX-COAH (404,412) (315,323) (315,323) MEX-COL (180,181) (112,113) (112,113) MEX-DF (595,767) (550,722) (550,722) MEX-DGO (535,543) (310,318) (310,318) MEX-EMEX (1424,1448) (885,909) (885,909) MEX-GRO (722,724) (327,329) (327,329) MEX-GTO (502,499) (417,414) (417,414) MEX-HGO (421,415) (293,287) (293,287) MEX-JAL (873,875) (587,589) (587,589) MEX-MICH (856,861) (519,524) (519,524) MEX-MOR (204,201) (138,135) (138,135) MEX-NAY (350,347) (228,225) (228,225) MEX-NL (955,1145) (849,1039) (849,1039) MEX-OAX (1034,1037) (493,496) (493,496) MEX-PUE (543,535) (356,348) (356,348) MEX-QRO (650,666) (447,463) (447,463) MEX-QROO (160,158) (125,123) (125,123) MEX-SIN (283,286) (179,182) (179,182) MEX-SLP (604,605) (427,428) (427,428) MEX-SON (460,460) (267,267) (267,267) MEX-TAB (210,206) (139,135) (139,135) MEX-TAM (506,520) (358,372) (358,372) MEX-TLAX (312,320) (249,257) (249,257) MEX-VER (899,902) (562,565) (562,565) MEX-YUC (406,424) (327,345) (327,345) MEX-ZAC (452,446) (365,359) (365,359) MI (3869,4269) (2813,3213) (2816,3216) MKD (1294,1397) (883,986) (883,986) MLT (173,197) (158,182) (158,182) MMR (613,612) (229,228) (229,228) MNE (623,641) (253,271) (253,271) MN (4864,5294) (4489,4919) (4489,4919) MNG (747,746) (164,163) (164,163) MOZ (1015,1016) (411,412) (411,412) MO (6683,7409) (4720,5446) (4721,5447) MP (190,237) (155,202) (155,202) MS (4011,4595) (3279,3863) (3279,3863) MT (4069,4279) (2924,3134) (2924,3134) MTQ (376,495) (348,467) (348,467) MUS (559,765) (518,724) (518,724) MWI (578,591) (326,339) (326,339) MYS (1127,1148) (679,700) (679,700) MYT (104,115) (91,102) (91,102) NAM (618,624) (353,359) (353,359) NB (2831,3071) (2256,2496) (2256,2496) NC (6531,7757) (5332,6558) (5333,6559) NCL (157,156) (105,104) (105,104) ND (1978,2159) (1829,2010) (1829,2010) NE (3422,3767) (3086,3431) (3087,3432) NH (2357,2636) (2054,2333) (2055,2334) NIR (1871,2346) (1501,1976) (1501,1976) NJ (2181,2430) (2121,2370) (2122,2371) NL (2101,2152) (1055,1106) (1055,1106) NLD (4165,4788) (3820,4443) (3820,4443) NM (3536,3851) (2664,2979) (2664,2979) NPL (1054,1061) (404,411) (404,411) NOR (12288,12787) (6631,7130) (6631,7130) NS (1744,1900) (1437,1593) (1437,1593) NT (623,618) (124,119) (125,120) NV (1817,1929) (1232,1344) (1233,1345) NY (7990,9293) (6765,8068) (6766,8069) NZL (3380,3552) (2271,2443) (2271,2443) OH (10434,12392) (7502,9460) (7502,9460) OK (4033,4643) (3661,4271) (3661,4271) ON (4028,4106) (2474,2552) (2474,2552) OR (5307,5509) (2956,3158) (2957,3159) PA (12373,13856) (10524,12007) (10524,12007) PAK (949,954) (423,428) (423,428) PE (1117,1522) (1058,1463) (1058,1463) PHL (121,120) (94,93) (94,93) PER (8302,8401) (3302,3401) (3302,3401) POL (12701,14174) (9944,11417) (9944,11417) PR (4472,5481) (3183,4192) (3183,4192) PRK (329,328) (171,170) (171,170) PRT (1568,1615) (1117,1164) (1117,1164) PRY (1854,1878) (577,601) (577,601) PSE (349,356) (256,263) (256,263) PYF (237,242) (150,155) (150,155) QAT (23,22) (20,19) (20,19) QC (5323,5840) (3662,4179) (3663,4180) REU (438,522) (410,494) (410,494) RI (546,697) (526,677) (526,677) RKS (576,622) (427,473) (427,473) ROU (13184,15179) (8450,10445) (8450,10445) RUS (9000,9063) (4552,4615) (4552,4615) RWA (665,685) (392,412) (392,412) SC (3974,4953) (3596,4575) (3597,4576) SCT (6638,8048) (4555,5965) (4555,5965) SD (2135,2338) (1760,1963) (1760,1963) SEN (494,500) (326,332) (326,332) SGP (117,124) (116,123) (116,123) SK (3468,3671) (2419,2622) (2419,2622) SPM (12,10) (12,10) (12,10) SRB (1359,1389) (801,831) (801,831) STP (40,39) (32,31) (32,31) SVK (2218,2487) (1560,1829) (1560,1829) SVN (2286,2570) (1611,1895) (1611,1895) SWE (8427,8830) (5906,6309) (5906,6309) SWZ (292,308) (131,147) (131,147) THA (1008,1013) (668,673) (668,673) TJK (734,733) (282,281) (282,281) TKM (420,420) (183,183) (183,183) TN (6990,8103) (4602,5715) (4603,5716) TTO (163,160) (153,150) (153,150) TUN (886,911) (500,525) (500,525) TUR (7713,7986) (4574,4847) (4574,4847) TWN (263,267) (195,199) (195,199) TX (13720,15547) (13058,14885) (13058,14885) TZA (1736,1761) (824,849) (824,849) UGA (402,405) (272,275) (272,275) UKR (1766,1784) (1284,1302) (1284,1302) URY (1549,1672) (788,911) (788,911) UT (2990,3263) (1797,2070) (1798,2071) UZB (695,703) (393,401) (393,401) VA (5280,6183) (4444,5347) (4444,5347) VEN (2823,2852) (1202,1231) (1202,1231) VI (680,767) (326,413) (326,413) VNM (697,694) (398,395) (398,395) VT (1345,1525) (1175,1355) (1175,1355) WA (3434,3647) (2444,2657) (2446,2659) WI (5233,5885) (4237,4889) (4239,4891) WLF (42,48) (38,44) (38,44) WLS (2603,3247) (1872,2516) (1872,2516) WV (3869,4130) (2512,2773) (2512,2773) WY (2681,2822) (1775,1916) (1775,1916) YT (1180,1176) (225,221) (226,222) ZAF (4520,4703) (2085,2268) (2085,2268) ZMB (846,851) (303,308) (303,308) ZWE (748,756) (303,311) (303,311) [54.0] Writing area graphs. siena(2) (8,6) (8,6) (8,6) siena(2.5) (16,17) (16,17) (16,17) siena(3) (28,29) (28,29) (28,29) siena(4) (58,65) (58,65) (58,65) siena(5) (91,107) (89,105) (89,105) siena(10) (212,256) (195,239) (195,239) siena(25) (579,670) (510,602) (510,602) siena(50) (1468,1688) (1244,1464) (1246,1466) nyc(20) (990,1082) (958,1050) (958,1050) siena(100) (5566,6499) (4738,5671) (4744,5677) boston(20) (525,643) (508,626) (510,628) dc(20) (771,965) (730,924) (730,924) naples(25) (39,37) (33,31) (33,31) albuquerque(50) (357,409) (298,350) (298,350) wolfcreek(50) (165,165) (128,128) (128,128) seattle(25) (461,503) (402,444) (402,444) montreal(25) (565,645) (505,585) (505,585) innsbruck(25) (538,583) (459,504) (459,504) london(25) (2371,3527) (2269,3425) (2269,3425) copenhagen(25) (585,670) (538,623) (538,623) ubuffalo(50) (967,1143) (836,1012) (836,1012) kc(20) (485,544) (473,532) (473,532) grandisland(50) (454,495) (436,477) (436,477) omaha(30) (379,410) (357,388) (357,388) stlouis(25) (633,741) (557,666) (557,666) chicago(25) (530,662) (493,625) (493,625) sfbay(50) (919,982) (868,931) (868,931) muhlenberg(25) (621,668) (554,601) (554,601) austin(25) (286,308) (276,298) (276,298) baltimore(25) (812,1011) (731,930) (731,930) la(125) (2937,3165) (2622,2851) (2623,2852) mhc(25) (451,520) (379,449) (382,452) umtc(25) (713,793) (694,774) (694,774) rmu(25) (985,1066) (871,954) (871,954) dfw(50) (1572,1782) (1529,1739) (1529,1739) houston(35) (764,838) (752,826) (752,826) sanantonio(20) (358,397) (357,396) (357,396) syracuse(25) (427,494) (360,427) (360,427) rpi(2) (20,18) (20,18) (20,18) rpi(5) (76,90) (73,87) (73,87) union(2) (13,10) (13,10) (13,10) union(5) (48,52) (47,51) (47,51) amsterdam(2) (5,4) (5,4) (5,4) amsterdam(5) (25,23) (24,22) (24,22) amsterdam(10) (78,82) (70,75) (70,75) desales(25) (651,715) (601,665) (601,665) westfield(5) (18,15) (15,13) (15,13) westfield(10) (90,96) (73,79) (73,79) westfield(25) (510,608) (444,542) (447,545) worcester(2) (7,6) (7,6) (7,6) worcester(10) (120,143) (114,137) (114,137) worcester(25) (541,657) (477,593) (478,594) ccu(25) (176,201) (157,183) (157,183) whitman(5) (19,18) (16,15) (16,15) whitman(10) (48,46) (40,38) (40,38) whitman(25) (114,114) (86,86) (86,86) [58.9] Pause writing database file TravelMapping-2024-02-29@21:48:16.sql. ! [61.9] Clearing HighwayGraph contents from memory. [62.8] Marking datacheck false positives......................! [63.5] Found 21385 datacheck errors and matched 8970 FP entries. [63.5] Writing log of unmatched datacheck FP entries. [63.5] Writing datacheck.log [63.5] Resume writing database file TravelMapping-2024-02-29@21:48:16.sql. [63.5] Processed 561 highway systems. Processed 101084 routes with a total of 1324142 points and 1223058 segments. [63.5] WaypointQuadtree contains 57985 total nodes. [63.5] Computing waypoint colocation stats. Waypoint colocation counts: 536762 are each occupied by 1 waypoints. 286125 are each occupied by 2 waypoints. 52219 are each occupied by 3 waypoints. 10371 are each occupied by 4 waypoints. 2349 are each occupied by 5 waypoints. 639 are each occupied by 6 waypoints. 128 are each occupied by 7 waypoints. 37 are each occupied by 8 waypoints. 13 are each occupied by 9 waypoints. 9 are each occupied by 10 waypoints. 1 are each occupied by 11 waypoints. Unique locations: 888653 Finish: Thu Feb 29 21:49:25 2024 Total run time: [63.7]